While it's uncleari whether La Serenissima be country, state or what, it's quite certain that even the lowliest country, state or what has its own language, with its own words which then require thesauri, vocabulari & dictionari be published, edited and periodically revised by dedicated cultured societies and proper authorities etcetera etcetera.
Consequently, I give you the first attempt at a republican such and so forth foregoingii. If you run into elusive strings during your perusal of our extensive archives make sure to check here. More importantly, if you don't find the requisite elucidation below, make sure to complain, I'll likely fix it.
- Amateur (2019), one who expects to use his quaint misunderstandingiii of human sexual behaviouriv as a blueprint for interaction with the world in general. As the mounting costs of limiting reality to that very narrow viewport very rapidly exceed the budget available (howsoever fraudulently expanded), the purview of the amateur's efforts is very drastically limited.
- Aspie (also aspirational class, aspirational 14%, White Asocial aSsexual asPie etcv) a subclass of the NEET, traditionally taken to about 14% of the population (as per a Ballas guess). The aspie is the dreamer of that wunderbar series ; the zek directed by the insane imperial misrepresentations of the future ; the sort of thoroughly psychotic misfortunate who actually believes there's some kind of hierarchy in the hands of the empire, in which to be rewarded for his oniric services. The jew (ie, "private sector" aspie) and the nigger (ie, the "public service" aspie) are the main subspecies commonly seen in the zone, though rather indistinct and readily substituting for one another. The difference between aspie and libertard is of the same kind as the difference between engineer and scientist : one's the attempt to apply the other in some kind of practice.
- B,TMSR~, aka TMSR, The Republic, La Serenissima (2015ish) is a supernational organisation that claims sovereignity over all other groups, organisations or entities no matter how defined or organised. May be terrorist in nature. Meanwhile defunct.
- careerwoman (2019), not particularly intelligent (and remarkably tunaware) female, belabouring under the misapprehension that her USG-provided "employment" is genuine activity, as opposed to sheer makework of no point or consequence. Most slavegirls are born the day a careerwoman suffers what acoholics refer to as "a moment of clarity".
- Clucker what you probably refer to as a "smartphone", as per pantsuit tradition of calling everything its exact opposite. There's nothing smart about them, yo! They just dumb you down.
- Cuck, current contraction of older cuckold, is a male that deems what women have to say intrinsically importantvi. The term for a male that wants the women he owns fucked by others is pimp, and yes it's a kinkvii, entirely unrelated to economic exchangeviii.
- dependopotamus (1970six). Idle, unintelligent female maintained by a powerless male. Polar opposite of the slavegirl (active female maintained by a powerful male), the dependopotamus is typically overweight and unaware of it.
- ESL. English as a Single Language. Derrogatory term denoting the mentally simple inhabitants of the United States as well as feebleminded derps everywhere. ESL is an absolute bar to citizenship or civil rights.
- femstate (cca 2017). Scar tissue where the state used to be. The cultural counterpart to the Great Inca.
- -fu. Always as a suffix, calc from kung-fu. Pie-fu is then ambiguously either pie making or pie eating of a competency superlative to the degree of elevating the whole thing to at the very least the level of a spectator sport, if not outright art.
- Great Inca (cca 2016). A reference to the perfect socialism archeologic record seems to suggest prevailed in the medieval Inca empire, the Great Inca is a derrisive reference to totemized contemporary socialism. The civilisational counterpart to the femstate.
- Jew. Anyone involved in the mediatization of socialism, from Ben Stiller down. They happen to also mostly be jews in the obsolete meaning of the term, more or less coincidentally.
- jwz (2015). Named for the actual characterx, a jwz is the noxious piece of biofurniture that "just wants to"xi, and therefore the source of all evil -- past, present, hopefully no future.
- manalone (2018) the situation of those bright zeks who are bright enough to perceive the zone, but not bright enough to work with others. Generally this disease parasitizes the natural circuitry of dominance laying dormant in the zek, resulting in a socially isolated male often sporting an unkempt beard, doing things in the vein of Spinoza's lens polishing. While common enough and occasionally productive, the situation is not healthy.
- Mayogendered (2015). The Republic had long observed that the neutral gender (which is to say neither male nor female), seen in numerous grammars as well as most beasts of burden, truly applies to a significant fraction of the population of the soi-dissant "civilised" world. Bingoboingo had the genius to make the connection with obesity. It is a fact that the harmonious, healthy development of the human being into sexuate maturity is hindered by burden, be it the burden of lard, or of stupidity, or of a toxic environment or whatever else. The beasts of burden are castrated by their burden, just like the unfortunate non-men non-women of the "progressive" cause are castrated by their stupidty, or the landed manatees by their blubber. To mark the fact that this refusexii can not structurally participate in human society, they get their own gender.
- Misogyny, onomatopoetic pantsuit birdcall, upgraded and rebranded variation of the pre-existing "antisemitism" canard. These cvasi-linquistic marks of mental failure function in subhumans exactly like mating calls function in lower order vertebrates : they permit the construction of the in- and out-groups cheaply enough for the pantsuited mind to manage. Contrary to naive interpretation, there's absolutely no semantic content to the oddly word-like noise, much like a parrot doesn't mean anything in particular any time it croaks "hello".
- Mula (2011) denotes the average female with average preoccupations and medium beliefs animated by median notions of decency -- in brief, the herding ewe. The one that dresses "like the girls", thinks "consensus" thoughts, drives to be married because that's what Mommy wants and expects on one hand to be happy by virtue of inertia and on the other that everyone should behave in exactly like manner because that is GOOD.
- NEET. Traditionally an euphemistic mark of worthlessness, "not in education, employment or training" ; but these days simply denoting everyone born after the world went to shit, however you time that event.
- Niggerxiii (2013). Anyone who aspires to feed themselves out of "stone soup"xiv to which he's contributed the stone. Anyone working for, through, or by the government of any fiat state. A bureaucrat, of any ilk. Introduced in Fried Chicken.
- Orc (2013 usage, though 2014 as a deliberate alf coinage). The intension is "subhuman"xv but the extension varies by context -- it could be said of one without a WoT presence ; of one inclined to take a very visual/superficial tack to technical (hence "orc tech", ie nigger-rigged items) or representational problems, of one brawny enough to be suspectedly the result of r-selectionxvi etcetera.
- Pantsuit. A pantsuit is the politically active jwz Generally lazy people are lazy enough to not be bothered to try and structure their laziness in any particular manner. Some get active enough to do so on occasion, and when that occurs it's invariably a litany of the same exact nonsense : it starts with "the golden rule"xvii and "why can't we just get along" and proceeds from there all the way to scientist religion and "just the facts" agitprop praxology. So named to commemorate the Pantsuited Hilarity's butchering at the hands of the Republicxviii. RIP PH 2016.
- Pivopollo, sometimes also pivapollo, in all cases /pɪvopõʎɔ/ (26 apr 2018). Canonically defined as "pivo and pollo mexican russian fusion food odessa, tx" by phf, though it should be self-explanatory if you know what you're doing.
- PRB (2014). Short for Public Relations Bitcoin. The spurious efforts of various idiots / scammers / fiat government moles intended to distract from TRB development. Unsuccessful to date.
- precious cuntlet (2017). Stage in the lifecycle of the pantsuited female, following puberty and ending with the emergence of the fully-fledged dependopotamus through marriage, or of the careerwoman through USG "employment". Drastically dissociated, inhabits a well described self-secreted imaginary world chiefly dependent on not hearing any "no".
- Prostitextuate. Aspiring jew, but with significant personal issuesxix preventing it from going on cam. Will attempt to "do the same" through writing, because it heard at some point in the past white people not only could read, but actually cared to. As the name implies, a prostitextuate might well have found the butt of the pathetic tun.
- Simp, a great guy with a great sense of humour.
- Slave empire (2015ish), also spelled USG. See the discussion of n-societies.
- SOPS, abbreviation of Statally Organised Pseudojustice System. Consider Hettinga, or the misadventure of Mr. Perry, or say The Crime of Being American, or that timexx they stole that money etcetera.xxi
- SUTO, abbreviation of Superficial UsTardian Onanism, that is to say the ersatz NEETs substitute for a thought process (much in the manner fatties use fatlogic, or stunted girlies use "feelings").
- V (2015). TMSR's official versioning system, making everything that happened before in computing look almost as dumb as it is.
- WoT (2014). The Web of Trust.
- Zek (also rendered зек ; 2014). Ancient designation of "inmate" in the original-socialist (soviet) Gulag. Used to designate contemporary biofilm in the general, or individual biosacs dependent on the socialist state for motility and fundamental life support. A jwz presenting no obvious personal failure (which readily reduces to, unintelligent).
- Zone, the ~ (also commonly "NATO" and "NATO reich"). The manifestation of Burroughs' prediction, the areal of the contemporary police state (no, contrary to its self-absorbed if laughable pretenses and aspirations, it is not "the entire world").
Congratulations on making it to the end of the list! As a bonificationxxii for your hard work and sagacity, here's an extra section dedicated to stripping away mistaken ideas about words you think you already know (but really don't) :
- You know what altruism is, right ? Because it's such a common term, with a lengthy history and just as much a word as all the other words, having been known to humanity since forever on the basis of its centrality in your idiocy.
In fact, altruism is an obscure, recent Italian coinage. It's derived off the Italian word for "not minding one's own business" (altrui) with the universal suffix for "stupidity" (-ism).
- You also know what charisma is, right ? Because it's such a common term, with a lengthy history and just as much a word as all the other words, having been known to humanity since forever on the basis of its centrality in your idiocy.
In fact, charisma is an obscure ancient term, used principally by Paul to discuss with the early xtians the specific characteristic that marked one as chosen by God for leadership. Max Weber picked it up last century to illustrate some bullshit reductionist theory he was cooking up at the time. It caught on, because you're lazy idiots and the only thing that ever catches on is reductionist bullshit. Exactly opposite to how it goes for actual minds, your only driver of interest is "thought savings" : you'll read that which promises to "save you" from "having to" read longer or more complex pieces and nothing else!
- You also know what empathy is, right ? Because it's such a common term, with a lengthy history and just as much a word as all the other words, having been known to humanity since forever on the basis of its centrality in your idiocy.
In fact, empathy is a new age coinage, which is to say merely a few decades old, and a fine example of UStardian barbarism as ever could be had : mixing together Greek and German because "whatever, the nation of Africa". Laugh if you will -- but this is still how they "think".
Its role is transparently to "steal the having been stolen from" with regards to human interaction : as the starfish pattern the Inca depends upon takes hold of human society, individual people become incapable of mutual understanding or communication -- but that's ok, inside the insanity, because Inca will provide them with "empathy", which won't work except in one singular sense -- to make them think they're not missing the thing Inca stole from them, or in other words, to allow the great Inca to steal even the having been stolen from. Retch if you will, that's still how they "think".
- You also know what racism is, right ? Because it's such a common term, with a lengthy history and just as much a word as all the other words, having been known to humanity since forever on the basis of its centrality in your idiocy.
In fact, racism is an entirely meaningless symbol used as a sort of flag by the losing side in all political struggles : the idiots.
- You also know what rape is, right ? Because it's such a common term, with a lengthy history and just as much a word as all the other words, having been known to humanity since forever on the basis of its centrality in your idiocy.
Indeed you are correct : rape means harvest. Conceptually the difference between land as an environment factor and woman as an environment factor was never clear to the agrarian mind, a confusion that powered most of classical art and all of ancient as well as modern society. Remember now : sooner or later they come for you. Better have something to show for it when they do!
And with that, dear reader... a bon entendeur, salut!
———- Meanwhile things clarified. [↩]
- A glossary is a sorted list of items related to a particular item. Like said item's L1, see ?
A thesaurus is a list of synonymy rings.
In the dark ages before the explicit emergence of the Republic, the "scholars" suibus generis active in those times naturally stumbled on a primitive concept of the WoT, but failing to understand its tree nature instead conceptualized it as a succession of equivalence rings. Language to these early thinkers was then not the structured Republic of words that it in fact is ; but rather appeared to them like an Empire formed of equalitarian gangs distinguished from each other.
If this view reeks of naive socialism, do not suspect the troglodytes living in past ages of anything but stupidity. The two are both entirely the same one thing after all. Moreover, consider : on occasion they'd warn doctly that "no perfect synonymy exists" ; but then would proceed to act as if it existed nevertheless. Does that bring to mind the "computer experts" of today ? Guess what, someone's someday going to write this same footnote about them, too. Stupid never changes, after all.
PS. That the "Oxford English dictionary" deems it so "long established" a "word" in English that it needn't be italicized in ordinary use is funny, considering sui is the singular dative of sus, and the plural (ie, "their" kind), which could be either subus or suibus, (and without getting into a lengthy discussion let's just say I prefer writing it with an i to distinguish it from the ablative plural) is not found anywhere on the English speaking internets. There's no suibus generis, there's no subus generis, there's just piles upon piles of useless fucktards who imagine they "know some Latin" on the grounds of parroting the "sui generis" they heard, with nary a clue there even was such a thing as Latin which even had such a thing as declension.
I bother to point this out because we find here Americana entire, truthfully reflected in this tiny raindrop. This is exactly and completely what "the premiere country in the world" is all about : some bits and pieces of stolen hardware randomly placed here and there ; otherwise mucus, sputum and unidentifiable biomass qs.
PPS. Apparently doctly (in the ways and manners of being doct) is entirely incomprehensible to native speakers ; and further apparently there's no such thing as doct (displaying the characteristics of common belief or popular understanding) in English either, because fuck it all, half the classical roots are "of course everyone knows, o yeah, totally" whereas the other half is complete dumbfounded incomprehension and wtf is this doxa, dokein thing. [↩]
- Generally built out of some selection of 1800s romanticism detritus, more or less in the vein of "the passive participant gets to control the proceedings" and such nonsense as thereby may be derived.
Needless to say, human sexuality does not work at all in that manner (a circumstance which would be reasonably expected to appear obvious to most any functioning intellect, howsoever marginal that functioning), for which reason amateurs are readily suspected of wilful stupidity, rather than simple naivity. [↩]
- Specifically the part where few if any can ever be bothered to rape some random wallflower being weird by herself in a corner. [↩]
- Actually, let's to a lexicon : the average Aspie, the petrified aspie cocksuckers, the aspirational class, aspirational young men, an aspirational drink, youtful aspirational slit, Aspirational 14%, white asocial asexual aspie boys, same aspirational 14%, the aspies & other sufferers of assorted conditions, wrong, tendentious, aspirational, libertard, aspirational 14%, aspirational, aspirational 14%ers, predicated on pretension and aspiration, the aspirational 14%, Romanian aspirational class, US-aspirational 14%, aspirational-normative leaflet, third world aspirational's own vanity, the aspirational class, aspirational expectations, aspirational class, aspirational kinds, aspirational advertising, aspirational class.
Two dozen references, which just about covers Trilema, 2014-2018. As far as #trilema goes, you're on your own. [↩]
- The older version deemed what just one woman had to say intrinsically important (hence ye olde cheating wife argument, "are you going to believe your own eyes or what I tell you?!"). With the "general alienation of postmodernism" (aka Inca flattening pressure), however, the term migrated to more closely reflect the vague, impersonal sort of relations now common. [↩]
- While the term for a male that owns no women is absolutely boy, exactly and for very good cause identical with the term for sexually immature male (even though in some contexts boi is useful in marking the distinction). [↩]
- Whether the pimp charges you upfront or not, you still owe him, exactly in the same manner and exactly for the same reasons you owe after you ate in all those eateries where you don't pay before eating ; and even if the restaurant owner gifts you the meal
you still owe him. So no, money don't enter into it -- a pimp's not the guy you pay for sex but the guy who makes his women fuck you, as opposed to the more common arrangement where old women make their daughters fuck you. [↩] - The roots of the term are lost in military lore. [↩]
- Through an actual event : a fellow by that initialism (Joel Spolsky) actually told me that he "doesn't give a flying fuck about the political bone I have to pick ; he just wants email to work". The specific idiocy here involved, composed of equal parts magic thinking, one half of which along the lines of "whether I am interested in war matters more than whether war is interested in me" and the other half along the lines of "if I really want something it has to happen" ended up summarized under the "i just want to" header in Republican conversation, or jwz for short.
For the record, the position is not merely infantile and untenable, but actually quite reductive. This is to say that notwithstanding such a thing could never exist, if it were to exist the world would be poorer and sadder for its existence, not richer nor happier. There obviously exist those who equate "civilisation" with this sort of castration ; but they are a very sad lot indeed. [↩]
- As alf correctly observes, "the whole point of engineering is to cut apart the happenstance-linked crud from what you actually want". Nevertheless, this is the point of engineering, a narrow activity dealing with like things. It is not a universally applicable process, and any attempt to apply Alexander's solution to Hamlet's quandry necessarily produces monsters. You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you ; you may not wish the political implication of your acts and activities, but there they are wished for or not ; you may not want violence as part of your life, but violence is part of life and you - aren't. On it goes. [↩]
- There can be obviously no discussion of human rights for the mayogendered : they're not human. [↩]
- It's alright - I'm taking it back! [↩]
- You know that ancient story on "cooperation" whereby in a post-war village a soldier comes and proposes to make stone soup, and gets everyone to contribute a little something from their own stores to the great communal pot, resulting in delicious soup (he gets to divvy up) ?
It usually crops up when the socialist encounters a "hostile" environment (which is to say one that's not entirely made up of idiots) as a low level, first contact propaganda effort. [↩]
- Id est deceptively similar but nevertheless fundamentally distinct item in danger of being confused (often, deliberately) with a human being. [↩]
- Yes, penis size correlates with selective strategy in the population. Duh. [↩]
- This is the proposition that "one shouldn't act ; but if one absolutely must act, then that one should act in such a way as to avoid his action having any possible meaning".
It's never stated like that by the idiots, but usually in some version of "act so as to not disturb anyone's illusion of being the single player in the MMORPG of existence", such as for instance "all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them".
Then they sit around and wonder why education can't possibly occur in a world of strictly bijective interactions, and stare incomprehendingly even as the gates fall. How could a gate fall when the falling wouldn't gate ?! [↩]
- Ah, what a trek we've trekked since 2014. [↩]
- The usual stuff blocking maturation in little girls, as discussed in Spies in Berlin, Femeia nesuferita and so forth. Here it is visually :
- "That time", right. Those times are legion. [↩]
- Or, for that matter
asciilifeform meanwhile, in greatagains, http://caselaw.findlaw.com/mi-court-of-appeals/1878675.html
asciilifeform 'The Restatement (Second) of Torts § 559 lists “membership in the Ku Klux Klan” as the quintessential illustration of a defamatory statement. In an opinion piece in The Detroit News, columnist Bankole Thompson asserted that radio show host James Edwards is a “leader” of the Ku Klux Klan. There is no record evidence to suggest that Edwards holds a formal leadership position in the Ku Klux Klan, nor is there any record evidence
asciilifeform this lack of formal relationship, Edwards has espoused views consistent with those associated with the Klan and, equally as important, he has repeatedly and publicly embraced several individuals who are strongly associated with the Klan. Mindful of Aesop's lesson, “A man is known by the company he keeps,” 1 we hold that Edwards cannot make claims of defamation or invasion of privacy and affirm summary disposition in favor of defe
asciilifeform '
mircea_popescu that's some pretty great legal reasoning right there. "the factual accuracy of statements can now be derived from the company one keeps -- for instance, a man can not be sued for practicing medicine without a license for as long as he does it within sight of actual doctors" where the fuck do they find these mental molluscs ? i wonder what laws of magic will be invoked to pretend that tort "ruling" is not precedent for de-licensing medicine.asciilifeform the reality of present-day usg is that precedent is precedent when they feel like it, and unprecedent when they unfeellikeit. the 1 law, where 'precedent is whatever we say it is'. sorta like 'in this germany, a jew is he who i say is a jew' in the earlier reich.
Do you know that joke with the little girl ? [↩]
- Yes, it's the active form of "bonus". You never heard it before, I wager ? [↩]
Saturday, 3 August 2019
Added entries for careerwoman, dependopotamus and precious cuntlet, thus taking the total to 28 entries.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Added entries for Great Inca & the femstate, Can you believe these didn't exist, even ?!
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
I've merged the previously separated republican & imperial thesauri into this single item. This includes the comments, as well.