Word by fucking word, you understand me ?

Sunday, 24 February, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

One of the most shocking burdens life in the harem imposes upon the girls... actually, let's do a checkpoint here, see if we're on the same page.

So... what would you say is the most shocking burden life in the harem imposes upon the girls ?

MP says

In the traditional family, the female bids the male she's ensnared to her presence, and announces : here's some biogoop that I squirted out of my cunt ; from now on it will live with us ; and you will learn to love it -- nobody's asking you whether you think you want to or not.

MP then says

I ain't got no time for any of that dumb shit. In my harem, I'll bid you to my presence and announce : here's some biogoop I found on the floor / passed out at the bar / whatever ; from now on it will live with us ; and you will learn to love it -- nobody's asking you whether you think you want to or not.

That's really the whole story there, but feel free to mirror all the wishful thinking & assorted "culture" built around the matter on your own dime and in your own time. You can say men "naturally love" whatever comes out of their mistresses' cunts just as much as you can say women "naturally love" whatever Master scraped off the back alley. It's "natural" in the sense this term is always used : "you will have to understand"i. It's a learned behaviour, what.

So that's it, then, right ? Free ranged females encountering such rapture, daddy's girls and mommy's babys running into a situation so completely different from the expectations they've been slowly stewed into for "their entire lives", poor naked bosomy Hamlets confronting the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune would perforce perceive this one slight the bruisiest of all. What do you mean, "I hold the genitive priviledge strictly and exclusively here in mine own arm, it is mine and not yours, to use as I please " ??? But that's what they had been blaring, off fifty foot tall breakfast cereal advertisements and during early morning chooo chooo TV programs, in school and at home and everywhere in between : "you are better than men, because you can squeeze babies out the cunt and they can't". Right ?


What actual experience unerringly indicates as truly the most shocking burden harem life imposes upon the girls is exactly the title. It's not that they have to "pay attention" to what Master says, like say in geometry class. It's that every single fucking word, including their order, is important. It's that the meaning's fine and most times obscure, arcana incomprehensible to the poor barefoot acolyte. It's that eliding one single word, or even merely switching them about a little, results in that most burning, horrible, painful situation of all. Whether I say "you stupid cunt!" or "i don't take kindly to moronic replacements of what i do or say -- either be capable of actually stating what i do or say or else shut up about it" is merely the crowning on the cake of horrid principally baked out of the choking sponge of having missed out in the thick icing of a plain example of her brain having betrayed her in the most needling, painful way of all. It fucking stings, what.

That's what's playing at the Roxy.

~ * ~

In this general context of harmony and heartstrings or whatever they were swelling in broad chorus when again touched, as surely they must be, by the better angles of our nature, let's then look at a quote lobbesii conveniently isolated for us -- word by fucking word.

there's nothing BEYOND the world.

This isn't open to some kind of discussion, or any random schmuck's hallucinatory far-seeing "abilities". The world is simply the top node, by definition. All other nodes are subnodes of this one node much like all words in a book are found in that book. Written down on its pages, that's where the words of a book are to be found.

The attempt to "phylosophycally" find words outside of the pages of the book ain't "reading". Yes, I'm aware it's what cowhands and longshoremen do when forced against habit and inclination to sit with a book and read : they look all about and around and anywhere else salvation might be coming from, except the damned page 6 open for the past hour-and-a-half in front of their nose. Nevertheless -- salvation ain't gonna come, and reading consists of reading the words already found on the page, not in inventing "other places" where "words might be". Cuz there aren't any.

the things claimed to be so are always and without exception ~inferior~ not superior in the tree of things.

You know, exactly like they making the claim. The errors of our colonies in North America aren't coincidental. It's not by mistake that they attempt to reconstruct a dysfunctional "new humor" ; it's not happenstance they always and everywhere direct themselves against the good. Stupidity organised by its invidious nature will behave exactly like stupidity organised by its invidious nature, what. There's a reason they lie, and it's exactly what you'd expect : cheaper to pretend than to do. Don't you find ?

one's fantasies of self-realisation, be they wet dreams about little miss rottencrotch two chairs down in chem class or "the rapture", are just so much teenage wank.

You realise this, don't you ? The xtian narrative is precisely fantastic self-realisation on the cheap. There's exactly no difference between sitting in bed jacking off and sitting in church humming off. You even raise your eyes to the ceiling in both cases! You're thinking of things that aren't there in both cases, of beautiful things that don't existiii in both cases... It's the same thing, what!

And yes, that's why they have such a problem with the other masturbation -- they know as well as anyone that one thing and one thing only poses a threat to cheap non-solutions : even cheaper non-solutions. It's a hard sale to make, "buy this car that doesn't work, you won't find cheaper!" if there's cheaper right between the pants. The raise of the retail trade in dildo and lube exactly mirrors the fall in belltower raisings, and for the exact reason!

god is ~just another trope~.

Paper's great, because you can write anything you want on it. Paper also kinda sucks, because while it'll carry anything you care to write on it, nevertheless what you wrote stays where you wrote it. "But what if someone blew on the paper and the words took to life ?" "Did you read this somewhere ?" "Yes." "Well..."

A trope, you see, is an old word for repeated patterns of sufficient complexity encountered in writing.iv Men tend to make the same mistakes, you see, and writing's not special. Tropes are what you bring to the table. Obviously enough white paper can take any form you want ; but what you will want is rather aforeknown. Because you're boring, and besides -- if you weren't any particular way there'd be no way to read what you wrote. But if you are a certain particular way, well...

like "the voyage", like "the teenage witch", like "vampires" or "magic horses" or "the island of buyan", god is just another trope.

There's such a thing as the qualityv of tropes populating one's mind just like there's such a thing as the quality of foodstuffs populating one's pantry. Tropes is what one's brain cooks with, so you absolutely want a good set.

tropes are common places of fiction.

This is how trees work. Everything's a something to a something else, except for the world, that may be everything to everyone. But everything else, always and forever and without exception, everything besides the world is a something to something else.

You may maintain masks, which is to say that various subsets of things are one kind of thing to one kind of something else in some contexts and another kind of thing to another something else in a different context, but this is dangerous, because the manner in which most adult intellects manage to end up in the sad pit of mental retardation where they do not in fact have a fully built world tree nor do they perceive its painful absence is exactly through such an uncontrolled spawning of masks as to make everything mush. So, for your own safety's sake, before everything's something to something else don't start making things be different things to different other things. Aite ?

Besides, it's a fun exercise (of which highschool should almost entirely consist of, incidentally) :

What's an apotropaion ?
A kind of amulet.

Why not call it amulet, then ?
Well technically, a tropaion is a statue or icon of some kind (usually a wooden stake with weapons and armor) symbolic of an enemy's defeat, placed on the battlefield at the exact spot they broke to running away. At the time this was a bigger deal, in that rural communities tended to have their battlefields nearby, within walking distance. Sorta like cemeteries today (yes, the two aren't so different -- nor is the current concept of a "scarecrow" anything but ye olde tropaion). So the apotropaion connotes these two things : a) warding against evil b) through the mechanics of symbolizing in terms said evil might understand its previous defeat. It's not exactly a magical object in the usual sense, but rather closer to what we'd call technology, or at the very least culture. Diplomacy.

So those books in metal covers medieval monks carried about...
Right. Holy scripture, "you lose, devil -- says so right here".


What better use of your time, anyway ?

fiction is a product of imagination.

You see how it chains ? This sentence is necessary, not arbitrary. That's what fiction is ; if prompted for "what is fiction ?" you're going to come up with... "a product of imagination". Because what else is there ?

Contrary to what they might've told you about "freedom", there's no greater blessing than being relieved of imaginary optionality. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that the principal font of unhappiness in your life is this misperception, whereby you imagine you should come up with arbitrary stuff from inside in places that admit no such contribution.

It's quite like taking (some particularly naive) teenagers over to a brick wall and telling them "this, see, here's the place to use your dick -- if you have good erections it'll feel right ; and if it doesn't feel right there's probably something wrong with you". Clearer path to neurosis and sexual dysfunction could not be devised, and so be forever suspicious of the man who proposes to tell you where your cock goes. It's always a better plan to save your contribution for the time and place they're not merely welcome but actually fucking needed, than going about trying to stuff your cock into brick walls and "explain things in your own words". There's no such thing as your own words, aite ?

imagination is mildly-restrained psychogenic noise, which is a class of noise, like wetware thought or like fg output.

This is the deep reason the brain's not a thought organ : it sits atop a very large collection of noisemakers and filters them out, that's all it does. It's an inexplicably functioning device working on biased and correlated noise.

which are phenomena, which is one half of the world (the other half being objects).

Things and actions, you understand me ? I don't even perceive the need to mention agency, let alone your precious snowflake of a soul.

The fundamental problem of identity is that while "6160 E1CA C8A3 C529 66FD 7699 8A73 6F0E 2FB7 B452" exists, and signifies, "I" doesn't.

  1. Theory. Sample usage -- and note how patternfully it repeats.

    Now note that I'm buttressing this discussion on articles that are seven years old. Кто ты по жизни? []

  2. blog.lobbesblog, what, problem ?

    Postfix vs prefix, a bigger issue than you probably realised. []

  3. Take Ballas' excellent discussion of masturbation/religious activity :

    This is something the movie does depict very accurately: after Brandon has some sex, he then immediately has some other kind of sex. This isn't an overactive sex drive, it is trying to get the sex right. That's the dialectic. After he has a quickie with a hottie, he goes home and masturbates. He climaxed with her, he was done, but it didn't take. It is easier to get it right with masturbation, not because the hand knows better than the vagina/mouth/butt/breast but because there are always micro-corrections to the fantasy happening in real time-- so the movie you're shooting in your head has a woman fellating a guy, but then she gives a certain look, and then you make her repeat a half-second of that scene using a different look, then you reverse time by two seconds and make her phone her husband; then that disappears and they're outside on the deck, and it's not her but another woman, now it's a whole other scenario with a different cast, and an instant later back to her again; and impossibly seeing the scene from all possible sides, distances, perspectives-- nudging it this way and that to suit that instant's arousal. In effect, you are not watching a movie but improvising from a melody, or, in more psychoanalytic terms, playing with yourself.

    That's precisely it -- and equally so in both cases, which is to say that religious belief can "make you better" in exactly the ways and for exactly the reasons masturbation might. []

  4. A procedure, especially the sort you'd find in a linked library, to use alternative terminology. []
  5. Flavour, also, but quality as well. Whether a good banana's a preferable fruit to a good plum may stay an open question, but frozen pizza's never seeing the day it sits on my table. Contrary to whatever pretense the poor might (interestedly) try to put forth, not all quality's a matter of flavour. []
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5 Responses

  1. [...] "Why the Republic" blogging trend. Now the bulk of English language Trilema consists of material to this end, but it is pointedly not enough for the words to be published once. Everyone has to engage them. As [...]

  2. [...] at the top-level, of objects and phenomena. This phenomena can perhaps be more aptly defined as actions, or the interaction between objects. Over time, this sustained interaction can then be interpreted [...]

  3. [...] and why would they ? Hm ? [↩]Not merely not at all funny ; but using "funny" as code for an "accept this nonsense as true" imperative within the structure of typically pantsuit power-of-suspension-of-disbelief attempted [...]

  4. [...] the respective whateveritis. Suffice then to say, that my words are well an' specifically chosen, everywhere, and move on. [↩]There are such massive an' self-obvious similarities between the practice of [...]

  5. [...] it, that's simply it : do I expect everything to change to accomodate me exactly, or do I understand, like he does, like they all do, that... Like so many others he's never seen such wonder before. [...]

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