Must suck to be one of you "average guy with a great sense of humor" losers, seriously now.
First off, remember that schmuck ? The 24 yo "Male" "Dominant" from Hendersonville, North Carolina ? (US). No ?! Really ?
Yeah, that's right, with the cut up picture, the glasses, the faggot beard, the works.
He's you, you know that, right ? "Intellectual" and all ? Who are you kidding, forget about it. He's exactly you, the average guy with a great sense of humor. Like this other schmuck, remember him ?
What, seriously ? Not this one either ?! Here!
The other person asked me a question, which I answered, and apparently she did not approve of the answer. Her reply was a lengthy diatribe consisting entirely of insults and some very specific threats. Naturally, I reported that conversation for abusive behaviour and I took a break from the site for a few days because frankly I was not expecting that and was a bit shaken from the experience.
No ? Still nothing ? And to think justusranvier thinks himself an expert of some fame and etcetera.
But anyway -- this saga is not at all ended, dear average guy with a great sense of humor. It continues, today and likely forever.
For instance, today : you certainly remember how I said
mircea_popescu: in other lulz of the ongoing fetlife saga, they've MASSIVELY rate limited profile views. check out ~100 people in an hour or so, get timed out. so big deal, right, i have more c blocks than baku had girlfriends. except, wait for it... new accounts require SMS verification! everything must be facebook! sooo... big deal, 1 sent girl to buy a bagful of phone numbers. they cost, no joke, $2.5 here. EXCEPT, of course, they want your "cedula", you know, "por activacion". which is not a big deal at all, considering most any shop will sell you preactivated ones nqa anyway. this entire exercise in idiocy has, practically speaking, resulted in me paying various hard working ticos a grand or so, to the people fucking in the ass the "security" paradigm of pantsuit.fetlife. IN LIEU of having paid that much, and rather more, to the fetlife itself. but this paradigm where "we will cater to the peniless but opinionated female herd, instead of the rich and actually powerful white male" fucked them over.
Well... today I finally got around to pouring all that data into bash -- team girlies with boxen finished account creation days ago, which is to say the day after team girlies with cars completed the "buy a pile of SIMMs" task. But there's only one of me for so very many of them, and in Stefa's own words... perdo colpi. Or whatever, it wasn't much of a priority anyway, more of a lulz item.
But in either case, the process involves a login so as to steal cookies for later reusage. And that login yields... well... it yields the average guy with a great sense of humor. But in spades! Have you ever wondered what average guys with a great sense of humor say to chicks they imagine exist ? You're in luck, check this out :
Yeah, that's right. Random dork from Costa Ricai is going to help my AI girl navigate the perhaps confusing, at times overwhelming world of the web. Isn't he fucking endearing ?
But the prize for low effort nonsense probably goes to
He's managed to spam that crap to every.single.fucking.account, as fucking if.
Oh, and least you completely forget about them, Argentina also represent! (Though very sporadically, about 8% or so hit rate.)
Another insistently "helpful" moron, he's got about 90% of the gals. Well... "got". You know, like the average guy with a great sense of humour gets things and items. He'd better have a fucking great sense of humour about it.
Oh, and speaking of voluntary castration :
that Jimenaii dood hit about half the girls, to let them know he's a MtF tranny and ...
Then there's the "follow" dance, and oh yeah, and that dood that asked to be friends. With just about 80% of them. I had no fucking idea teh friendzone was quite that popular with the swimtrunk crowd!
But just in case you were wondering, they're not all Latam/Centroamerica. Europe figures in the dragnet as well!
Not to mention Israel. Living up to their reputation, the jews have an urgent business proposal for my script!
As you perhaps intuit I've abridged this sad porridge drastically. The only thought that comes to my overwhelmed mind -- naturally overwhelmed, mind you, by the pressure of the byproducts of vaginal fermentation (and muchly in spite of the structured, efficient and far reaching efforts of artificial intelligence working hard to protect me from the tiresome) -- is that... holy shit it sucks to be you. Seriously now.
Why do you keep on, anyway ? It's not worth it, literally, absolutely, Elliot was a smarter businessman than the whole lot of ye average guys, with or without your stolid senses of humour. His choice was the right choice, what the everloving are you waiting around here for ? What, you'll meet a girl that'll like you ? Forget about it, they like me specifically because I'm nothing like you. Go, your father in heaven has a whole world of riches awaiting and there's literally nothing for you down here.
In closing, I leave you with Arno, the world traveler.
———- Wikipedia pompously lists "Grupo de Usuarios de Linux de Costa Rica", an entity very much in the vein of Bitpay and other ploughing flies. On the oh-so-relevant page we are maternally warned that, NOTE : Naturally, the language used is Spanish as in their mailing lists.
Meanwhile I ran a (complete) survey of all irc networks earlier this month (in continuation of), and guess what ? #guclr consisted of me and chanserv. Yep, right, that's it. What nao, words ? [↩]
- Isn't that a great name for the voluntarily castrated beta bois ? Seriously now, think about it, to miss not only the girly parts actual girls still have, but also the girly parts actual girls already shed! What fucking hymen, lawds mewcy!
Seriously, I'ma start calling trannies Jimena. It's... apt. [↩]
Sunday, 6 May 2018
Is that Justin Timberlake!?
Sunday, 6 May 2018
Just about.
Sunday, 6 May 2018
After this experience, he cut her out of the picture.
Sunday, 6 May 2018
Pfoai, mai exista aia ?! Ce tara, nimic nu moare acolo ; sau si daca moare, nu se-ngroapa, frate. Shamblaie totu-ndesine pe drum pe-acolo, probabil si cu ceasca poti bea o bere daca-ti propui. Ce daca-i 2018. Tat un fel de 1968 ie si 2018 asta.
Sunday, 6 May 2018
Nah, aia-i una dintre ultimele lor piese fix inainte sa expire ca trupa. Dar e atat de actuala! De altfel ma surprinde ca aveam noi cuck-culture in 2005.
Sunday, 6 May 2018
Bwey tu intelegi ca aia vorbesc de doua fete?
Monday, 7 May 2018
Monday, 7 May 2018
Shh, deci tu imagineaza-ti cum vreau eu. Si dupa cand asculti "tipule suntem la tine acasa" este ca suna perfect? :D
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Nu pot ca sa nu remarc ca tipii astia nu-s cu mult diferiti de grinderii generici, la fel de predictibili, la fel de copy-paste. Iar ala cu "bine ai venit pe-aici" pare un soi de Lord Lentil, cu diferenta ca dac-ar juca mmorpg'uri poate i-ar gasi cineva utile productiile, si s-ar simti astfel mai implinit.
Da' auzi mey, Romania nu-i inapoiata, e pur si simplu avangardista fara s-o stie, limba romana s-a inventat pentru trolaj.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
I can see it.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
nuca nu-i inapoiata, ca ala nu-i un lucru pozitiv, dar, in orice caz, Romana asta, limbi stie, da' de futut se fute si ea sau?
Saturday, 16 March 2019
He was a lord, maybe he thinks himself an expert of some fame because you said so.
Saturday, 16 March 2019
I guess I'm a whore like no other ; but right you are, long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, when the bar was so incredibly low, even some average guys with a great sense of humour made it in.
Talk about missed opportunities, eh.
Sunday, 30 May 2021
Verify that
Sunday, 30 May 2021
You know, you Arab guys are rapidly building a reputation for idiocy on Trilema.
How about getting the whole village together if need be and actually producing something distinguishable from chicken scribblings ?