die neue SS

Friday, 13 May, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
This article is in Eurolanguages because it discusses
serious problems as well as history,
neither of which is possible in the English.

My heartfelt condoleances go out
to the ESL readership and other porch monkeys.

Historically, the Schutzstaffel - aka SS - was a group that, to quote, "hanno fatto la parte di quelli cattivi cattivi che urlano"i. And if you got scared, you lost.

Very little has changed. Today, the Schutzstaffel - aka SS - is exactly the same thing : a group of baddies that hurl. And if you get scared... you lose.

There's two parts to the SS : the subhumans, and the socialists.

The socialists are deceitful shitbags who like to go around pretending that concrete problems may have group solutions. There is absolutely no rational, scientific, practical, historical, or any other kind of support for this notion. Nevertheless, there are a number of very rational, practical, egotistical reasons to engage in the behaviour : if accepted, the proposition that problems may be resolved "by the group" necessarily and immediately creates the job of the nigger, and buckets upon buckets of that sweet yummy delicious fried chicken for the nigger to stuff his gullet full of.

Take the most commonly deconstructedii nigger job out there : the "priest". In normal time, if a man loves a woman, he puts his thing into her thing. In nigger time, if a man loves a woman he first raises a chicken, then fries it, then seeks out a nigger to give him some fried chicken so that maybe he gets the blessing to put his thing in her thing. Because why, niggers own women now ? Opium for the masses indeed.

Admire the beauty of it : the problem of fucking, which is always and forever a local problem of individual men and individual women, acquires a centralized, group "solution" that solves exactly nothing, but feeds the nigger his sweet, sweet, yummy, delicious fried chicken. What exactly do you expect the nigger to say ? That he just likes eating your work for free, and he'd much prefer it be in the shape of fried chicken rather than whatever it is you'd do normally ? How about instead he just pretends like there's very good moral/scientific/rational/intergalactic/postimpersionistic/afafaclackian reasons for the whole charade ? Whatever happens to be fashionable at the time, he'll call it that. Like a fat salesman with a stutter trying to pretend his widget's "cool" in 1960, "far out" in 1970, "wicked" in 1980, information-superhighway-y and "green" in 1990, "sensitive" and "aware" in 2000 and so on and so forth. Whatever it is you wish to hear - he'll say it. Twice. Ten billion trillion times, no breathsies and no stopsies. Whatever'll get you to get up in the wee hours and instead of tending to your hard-on the natural way, going out looking for chickens is good enough for him. Good enough for you ? That's not really much of a consideration, is it now! You do, after all, want to be a good afafaclackian, don't you ? Careful, lest he calls you a sociopath! Antropofage! Evil bad person! Because words have power, rightiii, and calling things matters. Or at least so ever hoped any thief yielling out "Thief!" throughout the lengthy history of that oh-so-respectable professioniv.

The subhumans are exactly what the name implies : inferior life forms, having more in common with a momentarily bipedal cat, cow or other barn animal than with the actual intelligent human. They're monkeys, if you prefer the term, and yes monkeys and niggers share a deep, heartfelt connection.v

They come in a dizzying array of flavours and convenient packagings, from the viciously harmless jwz to the retarded "Egyptian" that discovered how maps work when I showed him ; from the nameless, endless pointless & witless to the dedicatedly self-mutilating maniacs. They are a thing, a substance, of no further interest than clay or plastics. Yes, it is possible that an ant is caught in the goop we call amber, yes all sorts of things may be found within clay, including fine red wine, yes plastics will contain your penis now and again. This does nothing for the clay, the plastic, the goop generally - the matter of quality within its matrix differentiates or doesn't, and that's that. If it differentiates it is no longer the matrix ; and if it doesn't differentiate it never was anything at all.

But back to the topic : die neue SS. Genau wie das alte.

  1. La vitta e bella, 1997, by Vincenzo Cerami, with Roberto Benigni. []
  2. Ironically, most of the time deconstructed by the various self-help and general derpage authors generally well respected by aspiring niggers everywhere : Marx, Engels et al. Talk about invidious dialectics, huh! []
  3. Ever wonder why the entire "offensive words" bullshit is so strongly pushed by the SS ? Could it be that they, unlike you, understand how desperately they need words to be magical, and what a valuable tool in their arsenal is for you to give a shit whether some nigger calls you "racist" or not ? []
  4. Hey, if being a nigger can be a profession, why not thievery ? If being a nigger can be respectable, why not thievery ? []
  5. Which, of course, is how AIDS came about, but that's a different story for another time. []
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10 Responses

  1. Satoshi Nakawaka`s avatar
    Satoshi Nakawaka 
    Saturday, 6 May 2017

    Fuckwit, I admired you till I read this crap. If you had watched south park you would have known that we redefined faggot not nigger. You are such a faggot carrying you're bundle of fags and scaring decent folk revving your engine. Goshdarn do I hate when subhumans cuss wrongly or use fake briticism. I really wish I knew latin instead of klingon, cause latin isn't spoken, but klingon is written. Only one app in the whole store, but that is cause language weenie.

    Year 8, crap I responded to an old post. It must be year 9 almost.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 6 May 2017

    Wait, you think Southpark is some kind of cultural arbiter for you and I'm supposed to be the fuckwit ?

  3. Satoshi Nakawaka`s avatar
    Satoshi Nakawaka 
    Sunday, 7 May 2017

    I did not call you the fuckwit, though thou has both fuck and wit. I called the principal actor an f-wit. You can go so far to the right side of the bell that you fall off. By you, I of course, meant me, not you. Words mean only what they are intended to mean. South park is only relevant to Cartman, and I am not cart man.

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 7 May 2017

    Have you ever considered writing a sequel to Planescape : Torment ?

  5. Satoshi Nakawaka`s avatar
    Satoshi Nakawaka 
    Sunday, 7 May 2017

    I would consider it if I had worked on Planescape and the products I did work on in mobile space are crappy pseudo-gambling games (lol Mobile Strike). I am more thinking about a "better" minecraft. Smoother blocks layouts, an linked FSM based language underneath, maybe For or Fun language. The AI idea was interesting, using "crafting" to drive AI. Everyone needs air, food, water, shelter, etc. Each crit has their crafting table that drives their behaviour. Seemed like a cool idea. I hear Notch landed 2B selling to MS. The BC guy only seems to have 1M shares at 1'500, so still not quite the notch zone.

    Do you have a PM system? If I mailed James, would that work? What a monolema. Once I get my monad(s)/monoid(s) down, then Fun will get made.

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 7 May 2017

    Your prose bears a striking resemblance nevertheless. Absent somewhat of the lyrical inclination which absence I ascribe to the resistance of the medium.

  7. SamWise Gamer`s avatar
    SamWise Gamer 
    Sunday, 7 May 2017

    My prose is never prosaic enough, I lack all the basic knowledge of language to write good. The only thing that saved me was my two parental units, one a chem prof, the other an english prof. The chem guy also did doctoring, policing, and had an actual full working memory. The english lady demanded proper diction, and maid me aware of syntaxical issues. I still think Noam Chomsky is a moron, but I love Jim Backus from Gilligans island, and the Noir guy that start noirbnb.com. BNF is work, NC just figured out how to graph a sentence, which, duh, I learnt in 4th ish grade too. Walking a tree, come on. I would use LLVM, but I might wanna generate something other than cod fish.

    My apologies also, I no no romanian, and the googley bot does a horrific job, it looks like someone uses too many analogies to make it clear. I am always the stupidest guy in the room. My trees hang right side up, my roots go the other way. How smart can someone be when they get up and down confus

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