Ioai pisa-v-as in freza de tolomaci supranumerari...

Wednesday, 17 March, Year 13 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Straight from the MG boardroom :

diana_coman salut
mircea_popescu salve!
diana_coman m-am uitat o tura mai adanc in CS a propos de cum dracu' se chiar calculeaza inaltimea ca nr
mircea_popescu asa
diana_coman si uhm, ceva am gasit da' inca imi pare dubios o tura
diana_coman pt ca in fapt calculeaza nu doar pe baza heightmap
diana_coman ci si pe baza a doi parametri suplimentari de-i dai cand incarci terenul
mircea_popescu tu zici inaltimea terenului la un punct, sau inaltimea unde e pc sau in general ?
diana_coman ceea ce imi pare dubios asa
diana_coman inaltimea terenului la un punct
diana_coman pt ca mie aia imi trebuie, nu?
diana_coman ca sa pot sa verific si/sau mut pc/npc
mircea_popescu a. tu, chestia e ca ei au pornit de la niste idei foarte restrinse, dar FOARTE restrinse, si apoi au incercat de pe acea baza punctiforma sa "faca in general", practic sa revina la o perspectiva larga construita dintr-un nimic.
mircea_popescu ca ei tot asa mereu fac, ca idioti ce sunt.
mircea_popescu deci cu ideea ca "este un singur heightmap" fixa in cap, "cum sa facem sa fie optiuni"
mircea_popescu si atunci... noa.
mircea_popescu da' noi nefiind asa de idioti ca ei, nu avem "nevoile" inchipuite de ei in idiotenia lor.
mircea_popescu deci tu poti scoate linistita tata parametrarizarea si mataraia aia. ca io nu doresc sa "poata fi si". ca mai mult incurca.
diana_coman mda; si bonus "totul se face grafic" ca de aia pana acu' nici nu gasisem nimic util pt ca altminteri la miscare si cand face acolo "daca-cade" , el ce face e collision detection cu *mesh* in ma-sa pe gheata
mircea_popescu io chiar n-as pierde timpul.
diana_coman deci nu are treaba cu heightmap ci se uita ca daca loveste in meshul de teren gen, sa moara veta
mircea_popescu pai nu ? ca la prosti.
diana_coman apai faza cu "scoate aia" e dureroasa in sensul ca inseamna ca intorc pe dos in CS ca asta e adanca in CS. Ce e mai logic de facut, zic eu e dimpotriva ca mi se rupe mie ce face clientu' lu' ghita, ci fixez ca ba asa se calculeaza si tu incarca acolo cu ce parametru vrea muschiul tau da' numa' sa se potriveasca
mircea_popescu hm
diana_coman practic e un size care e ok adica dimensiunea lumii deci la noi 1024 pe 1024
diana_coman dar e si un gridsize
diana_coman care are a face cu "cate cell si cat e un cell" din cum face cs terenul
diana_coman ceea ce e treaba lu' cs doar
diana_coman curent acum asta e setat la 257 din ceva motiv, nici nu mi-e chiar clar de ce exact
mircea_popescu lmao 257
mircea_popescu bai frate, astrologie
diana_coman pai il vrea 2^n + 1
mircea_popescu a ? de ce ?
diana_coman da' de ce fix aia tot nu stiu
diana_coman exact nu zice de ce si din bucata aia anume nu reiese da' probabil pt usurinta (gen si ds tot asa lucreaza frumos ca sa aiba apoi 2^n intre
mircea_popescu tu, asta oarecum suna a paramentru pentru procedura de triangulation. cum ai scris tu cu cuburili.
diana_coman ah, ai dreptate tu si da
diana_coman pt ca asa face apoi meshul, corect
mircea_popescu ei, fac ei ceva mesh find ?
mircea_popescu mnoa.
diana_coman tu, trebuie sa faca poligonizare sa creeze meshul de teren, da
diana_coman ma rog, triangularizare, dracu'
mircea_popescu da' tu nu-i dai mesh direct la teren ?
diana_coman pai are gura sa primeasca?
mircea_popescu noa pula/
diana_coman nu, si-l face din heightmap si alea
diana_coman practic ala e "terrain plugin"
diana_coman ma rog, pot sa fac orice mesh vrea muschiul meu si sa-l pun acolo
mircea_popescu ma rog, asta oarecum ar fi o idee, dat fiind ca-i static ce tot plm recalculeaza el. idioti sa mor, sa tot recalculeze clientu' acelasi lucru, asa or facut designu'.
diana_coman da' atunci practic bypass tot terenul lui
mircea_popescu pai nu e mai bine ?
diana_coman si mi-e ca pica altele
mircea_popescu tu, io zic ca merita incercat
mircea_popescu nu are nici un sens altfel.
diana_coman pai teoretic ar fi bine da' practic daca si merge ca mi-e ca vor pieri altele
mircea_popescu da' uita-te.
diana_coman de calculat meshul ala si-l calculeaza o singura data per load adica nu e ca la fiecare pas ori ceva
mircea_popescu ppai el e fix FOREVER
diana_coman cand incarci sectorul, creeaza meshul si na, aia e
mircea_popescu ce plm, il calculeaza serveru' o data per viata.
diana_coman drept si aia, da' e din categoria hai sa facem "procedural" da' nu chiar procedural ci doar sa fie asa un pic cat nu musca
diana_coman ori ceva, n-am cum descrie mai bine
mircea_popescu pai nu ?
diana_coman mda
mircea_popescu complet idioti.
mircea_popescu deci sta clientu' sa faca ghicitori dupa dictare de la server
mircea_popescu mereu aceeasi.i
diana_coman am lamurit si de ce crash clientul acum si da, intr-adevar, pt ca el tampit cum e NU CONCEPE ca poti dracu' schimba "actorul"
diana_coman nu dom'le, nu se poate
mircea_popescu heh
diana_coman si na, eu acolo pusesem asa radical ca sa nici nu ma uit daca e ca "unul nou ori primul ori al zecelea" ci "daca e diferit atunci beleste tot si incarca"
diana_coman ceea ce mergea perfect da' diversi idioti de pe margine ramaneau cu pointeri inca la memoria aia si na
diana_coman ugh
mircea_popescu procedura imbecilitatii universale contemporane : 1. hai sa facem o chestie. 2. hai sa facem TOATE asumptiile posibile, cit mai amanuntitii, si sa zicem "asta e o chestie in general". 3. hai sa observam ca cheista noastra "in general" e de risu' curcilor in particularitatile ei nesfirsite, asa ca sa reparam din bucatele.
diana_coman asa ca ma uit si la aia stramb da' cu creionu' in mana ca na
mircea_popescu "tu cel care esti deja o tomata de 3 kile cu 2 pete si o frunza, cum ai face sa pari o para ???"
diana_coman da, 2 ala e "sa fie perfect"iii
diana_coman fix asa
mircea_popescu ei is complet in plus, desenatii pulii mele.
diana_coman in sfarsit, la nr 3 pe lista de ardente aici, ceva-ceva am dumirit si reperat macar la pc/npc adica intr-adevar, marea nefericire era din cauza acelui "os spurios" pus pt cal3d
diana_coman ca fiind pus acum din start, el punea un mesh si pe ala
mircea_popescu a da ?
diana_coman si na, arata bleah
mircea_popescu aaah. just
diana_coman dar....
diana_coman in acest timp de exersat chestiunea, am descoperit alta faza
mircea_popescu pai iti scrii exceptie in procedura ta corecta, sa match bugul din procesul lor imbecil
mircea_popescu ce poti face.
diana_coman si anume, reusesc sa creez si niste meshuri care apoi faulteaza cal3d/clientul
mircea_popescu ca nu-s inchise ?
diana_coman si n-am idee de ce iar idiotul nu zice nimic util ci pur si simplu moare
diana_coman nu ori nu doar
mircea_popescu hm
diana_coman pt ca intai ca el in principiu n-are treaba si daca nu-s inchise
diana_coman da, se jeleste
diana_coman da' in mod normal totusi le mananca
mircea_popescu pai in principiu nu are treaba, da' alea situatii is mereu cu cintec.
diana_coman si al doilea ca una e sa zica-ca nu poate da' alta e sa crash asa cum face acum ca realmente si asta face segfault (da' in cal3d de fapt)
mircea_popescu naspa

This is exactly who you are, you understand me ?

Nor does it limit itself to code-writing by the post-September generation.

No, it's everything you do, throughout, everywhere, all the time.

You want a girlfriend ? First, you decide blonde (and everything else). Then, you explain away how come the hole you ended up servicing's not-blonde (or anything else). And you ask each other, too, "hey other-cucks, do you figure I handled this in acceptable cuckframe ???"

You want a job, first you decide what it's gonna be. Not who you are, or what you do, none of that. You gotta keep "yourself" in reserve. Save it "for later". You gotta stay the perpetual jolly joker of nobody-could-know and nobody-could-acuse, a mystery wrapped in an enigma of your own fancy. Then you proceed to figure out how what you're actually doing maps could be mapped on what that detailed preconception supposedly consisted of (but evidently doesn't, not after all the torturous bending). You want a cup of coffee, or a vacation, or anything in between ? First you "do your research", then you get exactly what's on tap in the socialist world, then you do your research again, this time as to "what do other people who did my assumptive research say about how to explain away the differences". Gotta know what to say, right ? In case someone eventually asks, ain't that so ?

That's your life : "living", allegedly, after a fashion, in an imaginary world, and from inside there talking of "lumea crypto" as if the idiot with his head up his ass can talk of "the world outside". As if that purely personal outside can possibly have any sort of meaning outside, as if your own asshole you've (for no reason!) shoved your own head up through is somehow in fact, not merely potentially but outright some kinda universal limit, universally accessible, universally meaningful. As if it divides the world, not just your own contorted body.

As if the collection of you little shits, your own shit between your eyes blinding you, constitutes basis for the foregoing.

O look, my own asshole's clearly a universal! Universally meaningful and a basis for distinction because every other idiot just like me that I know of (through the simple procedure of carefully avoiding knowing anything else) has their ass up their own asshole, and we really can't distinguish our assholes from one another anymore than you can, so there! The socialist-xtian paradise realised on Earth!

What the fuck is wrong with you! None of that shit works. None of it will ever work! It's just not how anything ever works!!!

Time to get over childhood trauma already. That 1-2-3 procedure... it's stupid. It doesn't do anything. It doesn't matter how convincing it sounds! It only sounds convincing to you, because it's cultivated you into the mentality of a three year old. It only seems inescapable to you. From outside it's outright indicative, there's no mistaking a three year old for anyone who's not.

Take that head out of that ass already, and get over yourselves! Fuck.

  1. Considering the heightmap itself is a 1kp x 1kp bitmap, coming to megabytes' worth of data transfer however you turn it, very much can't be the case any kinda trade-off is involved in this utterly baseless design decision. The finished product is of comparable size to the basis it's produced upon anyways. []
  2. Hey little shit we call Johnny, what do you think this unknown word 'could mean', 'in context' [on the basis of your completely absent experience, both with the use of language and with living in general] ???

    That's the fucking source, of all the endpoint idiocy, as well as the meta-source, of all the broken processes that reliably recreate it : that fundamentally anti-educational "shortcut" unqualified Moms took to "hack" "growth" or whatever the fuck, cognitive antidevelopment. []

  3. And this is what she means by that "perfect" in quotes. If you don't believe me, go right ahead and ask her, then meditate at the interesting circumstance whereby I didn't need to ask her, I "just knew". How the fuck did that wonder come to pass ?

    Brainwashing, rite ?

    Whose ? []

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2 Responses

  1. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 30 March 2021
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  1. [...] size for graphics files, the legacy formats of Crystal Space (CS) and Cal3d bring with them the very dubious design decision of using XML everywhere - basically adding even more (since everything needs an XML tag and then [...]

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