From the boardroom to the livingroom
diana_coman ahaha, neata! am mai mesterit aici la torenti si in fine, i-a luat ~3 minute sa primeasca toate fisierele curente (sunt 6, undeva pe la 8-9M in total). macar m-am linistit cu asta adica cel putin deocamdata atata e. cam cred ca o sa mai fie diverse acolo dar nu acum
mircea_popescu noa, pai nu e rau. adica pe de o parte poti zice "phoai, da' ma popescule, cind te-ai uitat la versiunea curenta de diablo (adica poe ala) acum recent dupa ce acolo sezuse 6 luni, avea 27 de gb de extra de downloadat cica. adica el crescuse de la 15 la 42 gb, plm. deci daca ar fi sa dai 42gb atunci ar dura 500 de ore ?!?!?!" da' pe de cealalta parte plm, a) cine vrea 50gb si pentru ce anume respectiv b) aia sa fie si problema, ca are eulora 50gb de assets, vai vai ; respectiv ce mare problema, doara nu le vrea simultan. 6 luni is de fo' 10 ori 500 de ore. asa ca oricum o intorci eu zic ca e in grafic.diana_coman da' nimeni nu opreste onor-comuuuunitatea sa le puna apoi undeva si sa le downloadeze rapid, de-un ex.
mircea_popescu si asa mai departe. chiar nu is brobleme aici. nici nu am eu nici o incredere in eficienta lor. din urmatorul motiv : jocul X, face ceva cacat in 2020. pe urma din 2020 toamna nu il mai foloseste. garantat il gasesti in bundles downloadate si in 2025. jocul eulora, face ce pofteste, inclusiv pune manifestu' lui' mao. bun, si in 3 zile nu mai e cam prin nici un cache. si gata. adica noi avem si excretie, built in, si functionala. ceea ce e o noutate absoluta in orice software, nu ca la jocuri.diana_coman cam totul e noutate absoluta, ca oricum atata-s restul de re-hashuri obosite de nu se poate.
mircea_popescu amin.diana_coman in tot cazul, ce ziceam mai sus ca imi pare ca va mai fi de aranjat la el e mai mult asa: 1. probabil prioritati dupa tipul de chestii ca una e sa astepte dupa alea pt un sector si alta e sa astepte dupa cum arata tichia acu' 2. inca n-am pus absolut nimic re defaults adica daca n-are sa trimita gui sa foloseasca primul de-l stie de tipul ala. dar cum ziceam, nu acum.
mircea_popescu 1. nu stiu ca una e. plm, sa-si faca prioritati care si cum pofteste. io nu prea ma vad stind sa analizez adevarul acestui amanunt insumi. adica, io cre' ca tu ai vazut foate clar filosofia cit si ideologia activitatii, nu aici ci in general. daca nu-s motive sa suspectez ca poci oferi o solutie mult mai buna (unde prin mult se intelege practic CIT SI structural) nu ma apuc sa-mi pierd vremea. iara daca is motive, ma apuc nu dupa "citi ierbivori, ca simplu numar, '''ajuta'''", ca nu conteaza aia, ci cit e de interesant, adica departe de experienta comuna.diana_coman drept. oricum clientul nu prea e in sine treaba smg de slefuit acu', oricum.
mircea_popescu ceea ce e si ea o etica absolut revolutionara, ca nu s-o mai vazut asa ceva in organizarea activitatii, in tata filosofia sistematica nu intilnesti. numa' situationisti si alti clovni respectiv plicticosi si alti philasteri. da' moving on : 2. nu prea pricep conceptul de defaults aici. ce am de gind sa fac eu este ca daca nu are obiectul x.y.z.k.r sa foloseasca un x.y.z.k.*, de ex ultimul pe care l-a primit, sau cel mai putin folosit, sau ales aleator.diana_coman hm, daca retii am discutat mai demult ca fiecare client isi poate bine merci stabili drept "default" prima chestie de-a primit-o. pai aia, lol
mircea_popescu noa, deci nici asta nu e de fapt o problema, din cit ma duce mintea.diana_coman da' nu-s probleme ci doar ca inca n-am implementat nimic la ele, atat.
mircea_popescu nici nu vei, ele sa fie sanatoase.diana_coman a, lol. bine, nu e nici un pericol sa raman fara chestii de implementat altminteri, clar
mircea_popescu ba da tu, exista acest pericol.diana_coman da? si zici ca ma paste asa? lol
mircea_popescu tot citeam ieri despre stele, main sequence theory si alea, si ase m-o apucat o tristete nesfirsita.diana_coman da' de ce?
mircea_popescu nush cum sa-ti zic, tu-ti dai seama ca alea amaritele de stele, acolo stau ele ? deci pur si simplu, mor incet asa, fara sperante. fara activitati. stau si mor. tie nu ti-i mila ? adica, pricep ridicolul situatiei, s-o gasit asta sa-i fie mila de stele. bun, ok. da' hai sa trecem peste : daca tu traiesti 100 de ani si ciinele 20 aia-i tot TOATA VIATA voastra. a ta de 100 de bucati si a lui de 20, da' la fel de toata. cu ce-l incalzeste pe ala biet ca toata viata lui e "lunga" ? tat moare ca orice ou lasat in soare.diana_coman pai nu, ca nu mi-e clar ca le deranjeaza cu ceva cum ar veni
mircea_popescu pai si aia conteaza, sentimentul propriu al deranjului ? pe tat prostu' cu ce-l deranjeaza ? si de el ti-i mila.diana_coman da' nu mi-e , lol
mircea_popescu mie cam mi-e mila de prosti. ca daca nu mi-ar fi as face RAF nu Kommune 1 pe-aici.diana_coman am citit ca daca erau prin anii '90 cand am vizitat eu, acu' au luat-o inapoi spre '80
mircea_popescu cine ?diana_coman tico ai tai ca ziceai ca nema electricitate.
mircea_popescu a, bine, intre timp si-o revenit, citva. dar cam da. e foarte trist asa, ei se radicalizeaza bietii, da' nu din vina lor. adica, si-or ales ca fraierii guvern de copchii. tati ministrii is cacanari de-astia de 30, generatia de picati la bac, picati la tmsr, picati la tat. si fix ca si aia, is si astia : ei nici nu-si iubesc, nici propriu spus nu-si inteleg, defapt nici nu-si prea concep tara lor.diana_coman pai nu mi-e clar ca ai ce altceva "alege". care nu-i din ala nici nu cred ca vrea neam sa fie "ales" in asa chestie.
mircea_popescu ce concep ei aitita ii, ca sa le zica "mami" adica o baba proasta ce tine multe pisici ca "or facut bine". gen prezidentu' republicii cu muista aia de karen-usg.. auzi draga legenda, s-o dus ea in 89 in state "sa-si creasca copiii" si o reaparut in '94 mare agenta de influenta. "nu se stie" cum si nu se mentioneaza a cui, e asa ea pizdi independenta. ca s-o si vazut asa ceva la tocilare de-astea.diana_coman ahahaha
mircea_popescu bun, si-acum din cauza magarilor astora, care literalmente aplica planu', 1. isi fut tara si 2. o vind ieftin.diana_coman ceea ce au facut de altfel cozile de topor dintotdeauna, in fond
mircea_popescu i-am si explicat la omu' de imi face intendenta pe mosie pe-aici : bai, deci daca io vin la tine acasa si-ti interzic sa iti mai folosesti patu'. adica patu' tau, in care stai cu femeia, bun ? ca asa am citit io prin ce biblii/almanahe citesc eu ; dupa care 2. vin sa ti-l cumpar, da ieftin, 'ca tu oricum nu-l folosesti, nu ?' tu pe urma ce zici ? mi-l dai ? ase s-o blocat. ca noa, el e ciine de paza ca spirit asa, era cam nervat pe astia sarmanii manifestantii. da' acu' sper ca i-o trecut. revenind : se radicalizeaza astia amaritii, din cauza gunoaielor in chestie. si e cel mai trist lucru, pentru ca inca 4-5 milioane de imbecili sudafricani/americani is complet ne-necesari, intre rhodesia si argentina is deja miliardu' de prostalai de-aia, "aspri in saracie". in timp ce ticii bietii is asa, un gen de oameni care -- fa-ti numa' idee!!! -- intr-o prima faza l-or batut pe-un politist de l-or mototolit saracu', ca pe sac or dat pin-o cerut ala apa rece. dupa care li s-o facut mila de el, l-or suit in MASINA LOR PERSONALA TU si l-or dus la spital. ca ala saracu noa, era acolo pe jos "au au au".diana_coman imi inchipui adica da, ii vad in stare. mai degraba am probleme sa vad partea cand l-au chiar batut
mircea_popescu asta is, si nu stiu daca se schimba costa rica in puerto rico/san salvador/guatemala/etcetera "salvate" de karen-usg, da' mi se pare ca se aduna 5 milioane la un miliard, si se scad cinci milioane din maximum fo' 10 total. deci practic, pierde biodiversitatea, sau ma rog, socio-diversitatea imens de mult de-aici. ca si cum ai lua 500 de tigri si ai face din ei 450 de furnici. pai de aia era nevoie pe lume, inca 450 de furnici ?!diana_coman ma rog, teoria era ca ori erau din start tigri ori furnici,nu-i ca poate ceva/cineva face din una alta nici-nici.
mircea_popescu e o laie.diana_coman da' in fine, practica ...
mircea_popescu pe asta mic al tau, el e asa, din nastere al tau ? daca-l bag in republica centafricana, sa stea cu aia "soldatii" de 9 ani toata ziua, tat asa, face matematica ? daca il cresc lupii tot engleza vorbeste ?diana_coman pai nici nu, da' nici chiar lup nu devine daca o creste cu lupii; cel mult un cvasi-lup
mircea_popescu pai cvasi-lup, da. e destul, mai mult nici nu tre'. dar da, eu pe-aici am trait din fragmente 10 ani, si-am vazut oameni batindu-se de doua ori. a doua oara, un grup facind arsice un politai, care ma rog, cuvintul enerveaza lumea ca aia din us tre' inpuscati asa, toti, la pluton direct. da' astia de-aici, is ceva... n-ai vazut politie mai ideala ca pe-aici decit in povesti.diana_coman din ce-am priceput "politai" in US e cu totul alta decat oriunde
mircea_popescu cam asa. ma rog, si in europa is destul de orbaznici. adica nu is overt ostili, da' is cum sa zic, patrunsi asa de importanta lor. da-ti numa' seama ce discutam : asta aici daca ma vede ca vin lansat mi se trage din drum, ca noa. stiu io ce fac.diana_coman ahaha, din categoria "daca-i hotarat, apai o sti ce face" ? lolz
mircea_popescu is ceva tu, nush cum sa zic, io inca nu am intilnit motiv de nemultumire. ma rog, limitind discutia la astia din drum, ca investigatii si asa is vai de ei, da acuma undeva tre' sa limitezi. da-ti seama, io sa n-am obiectii, ma si mir singur. da' asa e. aici ar trebui facute cente de re-educare pentru anarhisti. sa vaz io asa de curios cit rezista mental unu' de-asta hotarit fata cu politia locala. cre' ca face cu nervii INVERS.diana_coman ahaha
mircea_popescu tu rizi, da io vorbesc serios. ma ia risu la recitire si pe mine, da' tot serios am zis.diana_coman mie imi pare ca obiectii nu prea au cum sa fie in sensul ca nu prea exista nimic, deci nici nimic la care sa poti avea obiectii, cum sa zic.
mircea_popescu e si aia. noa, in fine, mie de romania anilor 80 nu m-o parut rau. da' de costa rica anilor 90 imi pare inca, si la cum merge imi va parea rau si de costa rica anilor 2000-2010.diana_coman ei sunt asa, parte din peisaj mai mult, cum are acolo jungla copaci si apa crabi sau in fine ce mai are, are si cr bipezi blanzi si doritori de pura vida.
mircea_popescu bun tu, da' negi ca astia asa "nimic" cum is ei is totusi MAI MULT decit deceniile de impliniri marete ? adica ro 1980, "obsedantul deceniu" plm.diana_coman da' nu neg nimic, eu nu-i ca mi-e mila ori dor de ro 1980, pfuai.
mircea_popescu cu ce criteriu vrei. fac mai multi bani, fut mai bine, au ce vrei tu, ma rog, n-au mecanica fina nici la nivelul cugir 1950, da' enfin. nu prea stiu scrie chiar bine, nu ieste teatru nici cit era in 1940 in bombardament, etc etc, da' ... noa plm, ce sa zic. grea viata. tat n-as schimba. ca nu-s chiar asa de curios de aferatiile lu' romancierii de mare valoare, "sa fiti atenti cind va plimbati sa nu calcati in ce creati".diana_coman numa' imi pare ca acolo o fi de mers mai in urma si eventual asa mai punctual diverse comunitati din astea linistite, sa gasesti sa-ti para rau de ceva in ro.
mircea_popescu o fost daca o cauti, macar puteai umple o camera cu pizdute de-or citit sartre asa, direct, cu navodu' la navodari. da' ma rog.
And now again, this time in your idiotm :
diana_coman Hahaha g'mornin'. I've been tinkering here s'more, and in the end it's about 3 minutes to receive the whole data pile (6 files, about 8-9 MB total). At least I've put this concern to rest, meaning at least for now it's what it is. I expect further trouble in the line but not now.
mircea_popescu Not bad. I mean on one side you could say "damn, Mr, when you checked out the current Diablo version (which is to say PoEii) recently after it had sat undisturbed for half a year, it wanted a further 27GB downloaded. So it's apparently grown from 15 to 42 GB, fucking hell. But therefore, if your data pile were 42 GB then it'd take 500 hours ?! But on the other side, fuck it, a) who wants 50 GB worth of data and what the fuck for and b) let that be the problem, that Eulora has 50 GB in assets, poor us ; and moreover what's the big deal, not like anyone wants that simultaneously. Six months are 10 times 500 hours, so whichever way you turn it I'd say it's within tolerance.diana_coman Nobody is getting in the way of the right-honorable comoonity, let them seed and torrent, as a forinstance.
mircea_popescu And so following. There's really no problems here ; nor have I any faith in their efficiency, for the following reason : game X does whatever bullshit in 2020. Then by 2020 autumn it stops using it. As a matter of certainty you'll still find it in game install bundles by 2025. Eulora, does whatever the fuck it pleases, up to and including including mao's manifest. Ok, and in 3 days it's not left in any caches, and that's it. I mean, we actually have excretion, built-in and functional, which incidentally is an absolute noveltyiii in the field -- of software altogether I mean, not merely video games.diana_coman Pretty much every aspect's absolute novelty, seeing how the rest consists so thoroughly of tired re-hashes it's mindboggling.
mircea_popescu Amen.diana_coman Be that as it may, what I meant above by expected problems is rather in this vein : 1. probably prioritiation by type, as it's one thing to await basic sector data and another to await the mesh of someone's hat ; 2. there's no provision for defaults yet made, such that if the item's absent the client just uses the first it knows of. But as we were saying, not right now.
mircea_popescu I don't know that 1. is a thing. Let them all prioritize as they please, I don't really see myself poring over the matter myself. I mean, I think you've clearly seen both philosophy an' ideology of activity, not just here but in general. If there's no reasons to suspect I can offer a much better solution (where by "much" is meant both practically as well as structurally) I'm not liable to waste my time. And if there are reasons, I invest myself not by the criterion of "how many browsersiv, as a simple number, '''it touches'''v", for that doesn't matter ; but how interesting it is, which is to say distant from common Which in itself is absolutely revolutionary ethics, for no such thing's been seen actually organizing activity, nor is it mentioned in the whole corpus of systematic philosophy -- all that's there are situationists and other clowns vz boringists and other Philastersviidiana_coman True. Anyways game client optimization is not really S.MG's task.viii
mircea_popescu But moving on, re 2 I don't readily grasp the concept of defaults in context. What I intend to do is that if object x.y.z.k.r is missing, any x.y.z.k.* should be used, such as forinstance the last received, or the least used, or randomly chosen.diana_coman If you recall we discussed a while back, that each client can set as "default" the first item of the kind it receives. That, yes.
mircea_popescu Alright, so there's no probelm here either that I can see.diana_coman Not problems really, just, holes, I've implemented nothing there.
mircea_popescu Nor will you, let them be happy.ixdiana_coman A lol. Okay, not like there's any danger for me to be left without anything to implement, sure enough.
mircea_popescu Wrong, you. There exists such a danger.diana_coman O, yeah ? And you're saying it's impending ? Lol.x
mircea_popescu Ixi kept reading about stars yesterday, Main Sequence theoryxii, and I was gripped by such unbound sadness...diana_coman But why ?
mircea_popescu I don't know how to tell you this, but do you realize those misfortunatexiii stars, there they sit ? Just like that, pure and simple, they die slowly, without hope. Without activities. They sit, dieing. You don't feel pity ? I mean, sure, I can see the ridiculousness of ths situation, look who's found himself to pity the very stars. Okay, fine. But let's move over it : if you live a century and a dog lives two decades, that's still your whole life, for each of you. Yours of hundred parts and its of twenty parts, but just as whole. What's the poor sod's consolation that his life is "long" ? Still it dies like any egg left broken on the pavement.xivdiana_coman Well no, but it's not clear to me it bothers them any, as it were.
mircea_popescu And that's what matters, the subjective feeling of botherhood ? Idiots aren't bothered either, and you pity them.diana_coman No I don't, lol
mircea_popescu I rather pity idiots. If I didn't I'd be making RAFxv rather than Kommune 1 hereabouts after all.diana_coman I read that if they were struggling with the challenges of the 90s when I visited, now they're falling back into the 80s.
mircea_popescu Who ?diana_coman Your ticos, you were saying nema electricity.
mircea_popescu Oh, yeah. Meanwhile it recomposed itself, somewhat. But rather yes. It's very sad, really, they're radicalising, the poor darlings, but it ain't their fault. I mean, they've elected like suckers a government of children, all the ministers are cocksuckers in their 30s, the generation of Bacalaureat rejectsxvi TMSR rejects, everything-rejects. And just like those, also these : neither do they love, nor properly speaking understand their country. I truly don't think they even conceive it.diana_coman It's not clear to me there's something else to "choose". Whoever's not that ilk never wants to "be elected" in such latrine.xvii
mircea_popescu What they concieve of only goes as far, as "mommy", which is to say some dumbass old cunt raising a lot of stray cats, telling them that "they're good". Such as the relation transparently uniting the republic's predident and that Karen mula. Check out the mythology, cocksucker went to the US in '89 to "raise her children" and re-emerged in '94 in the shape of a big deal influence agent. "Nobody knows" how and there's no mention of whose, she's just like that, floating about on her own farts, Cunti McIndependent. Because that's something ever seen in these scumbags.xviiidiana_coman Ahahaha.
mircea_popescu Okay, and now on account of these assholes, who literally just apply the plan, 1. fuck up their own country ; 2. sell it cheaply.xixdiana_coman Which is what axe handles always do, after all...
mircea_popescu I've explained to the guy doing intendency here on this feudal domain of mine : guy, so if I come over to your place and forbid you from using your bed anymore. That is to say your bed, in which you lay, with your woman, okay ? Because that's what I've read in some bibles/almanachs I read ; and then come by later to buy it, but cheaply, because 'you're not using it anyways, right ?' what do you say ? Let me have it ? He stuck on that for a bit, because well, he's very guard-dog like, in his spirit, and therefore rather pissed with the manifesters. But now I hope he's over it. Back to the point : they radicalise, the poor dears, because of the garbage "leading" them. And it's the saddest thing, because another 4-5 million imbeciles of the south african/american style are entirely spurious, between rhodesia and argentina there's already a billion idiots of that kind, "principled but poor" or whatever. Whereas the poor ticos are a kind of people that -- just to give you an idea!!! -- firstly brat the shit out of a misfortunate policeman, kicked him like a sack ; but then took pity on him, stuffed in their own car and drove him to the hospital. Because that poor dude was, you know, on the ground gowing "owie" and what can you do.diana_coman I can readily see it, I mean yea, I totally see them do it. I rather have trouble imagining the beating part.
mircea_popescu It's what they are, and honestly I dunno, but it seems to me turning Costa Rica into another Puerto Rico / San Salvador / Guatemala / etcetera shitholes as "saved" by Karen-USG is rather like adding five million to a billion, and substracting five million from at the very most ten. A loss of biodiversity, practically speaking, or whatever, socio-diversity, and an immense loss at that. As if you took 500 tigers and made out of them 450 ants. What the fuck, is that what the world truly needs, another 450 ants ?!diana_coman What can I say, as per the theory they either were tigers or ants to begin with, nobody can make them anything either way.
mircea_popescu Like hell.diana_coman But what can I say, in practice...
mircea_popescu Your kid, is he "yours" like that, by birth ? If I take him to the Centrafrican republic, so he spends his time with those nine-year old "soldiers", is he gonna keep at math ? If wolves raised him he'd still speak Enligsh ?diana_coman Not at all, but nor does he become wolf proper ; at most a sorta-wolf.
mircea_popescu Sorta-wolf is good enough, no more is needed. Indeed I've lived around here a decade of parts, and I've seen people fighting twice. The second time, a group making mashed policeman, which... I mean, the word irritates in this language because the US variant should absolutely be lined up and shot, wholesale. But the police here, they're something... you've not seen police more idealised even in fairy tales.diana_coman By my lights "police" in the US is different from anywhere else.
mircea_popescu Rather. Though in Europe they're cheeky as well. Not overtly hostile, but... how shall I put it, permeated of their own notion of their own importance. Picture what we're here discussing, these guys if they see me coming deliberately get the fuck out of the way ; because, well... I must know what I'm doing.diana_coman Ahaha, under the heading "if he seems decided he probably knows what he's doing ?" lol
mircea_popescu They're something... I don't know how to put it, I've yet to find cause for complaint. Whatever, limiting the discussion to the streetwalkers, because investigation-wise they're hopeless, but a limit has to be drawn somewhere. Imagine if you will, me without complaint, I'm amazed myself. But it is true ; what they should make here are anarchist re-education camps. I wish to see, for my own curiosity, how long does one of them manage to mentally resist here, confronted with local police. I suspect there'd be a lot of reverse mental breakdowns.diana_coman Ahaha
mircea_popescu You laugh, but I'm serious. It's making me laugh too, on re-read, but nevertheless, I still mean it.diana_coman It seems to me objections aren't possible given there's nothing there, and so nothing much to object to, how shall I put it.
mircea_popescu That's true too. Whatevers, I didn't miss 80s Romania ; but 90s Costa Rica I do miss, and at the rate it's going I'll be missing 2000-2010 Costa Rica soon enough.diana_coman They're rather, part of the scenery, as the jungle has its trees and the water its crabs or whatever it has, so Costa Rica has tamexx bipedals, desirious of pura vida
mircea_popescu Fine, youxxi ; but can you deny that as "nothing" as they are yet they're more than the decades of grandiose accomplishments ?diana_coman I deny no such thing. It's not like I either miss or regret the Romanian 80s, pshaw.
mircea_popescu On your chosen criterion. They make more money, they fuck better, they've what you want... well, they've no fine mechanics not even on the level of Cugir in 1950, but whatever. They can't really write all that well, there's no theatre not even as much as there was in the 1940s under enemy bombardment, etcetera etcetera, but... What the fuck, what can I say, life's hard. I'd still not trade. Because I'm just not that interested in the aferations of "great value" novlesits of ye "mind when you walk not to step in what you create".diana_coman It seems that there it'd be required to go further back in time, and deeper in the social fabric, to find punctually various small, quiet communities where you might find something to miss about Romania.
mircea_popescu There was such, if you're willing to go spelunking. At the very least you could fill a room with chicks that had read Sartre easily, fished out of a small seaside village.xxii. What can I say.
C'era 'na'vorta tutto quer che c'era
Povera Roma nuostra furastieeee-era...
- Apud Jena. [↩]
- Path of Exile -- apparently still not a flash in the pan. [↩]
- Not even fucking kidding. [↩]
- Ierbivori in the original text literally denotes browsing herbivores. [↩]
- In the metaphorical sense, as seen in "touched his soul". [↩]
- How about that, the world's first example (at least since the glory days of 1700s Fugger, say) of an actually ethical corporation, which is to say a corporation whose activity is informed by an actual ethical stance. This is what it is, and this is what it looks like ; and I'm proud of it like you've no grounds to be proud of anything else. [↩]
- Apud Jena, 1800s. [↩]
- Long standing policy oft discussed, I won't bother to rehash the truly ample documentary material. [↩]
- Romanian transcribes "I couldn't give less of a shit" with "Let it be healthy", because Romanian is a lot less scatological than the omnipigdin. [↩]
- The sarcasm here involved works immensely better in the original ; in fact by contrasting counterdistinction it seems to be working so poorly in English I feel the need to mention explicity that's what's goy vey. [↩]
- The word "tot" (all, whole) is ambiguous in context, to the point of uninterpretability.
Because it is an ("unrecognized", but widely used) verbal auxiliary, it could therefore mean "I kept at doing whatever the verb following discusses", making the action continuous imperfective (the word is here derived not from the term "perfective" as used in the context of verbal aspect, but from the perfect/imperfect pair inherited from the aspect-tense ammalgamation) -- this being a device that's ubiquitous yet studiously ignored. In English, where plain imperfect's translated by a continuous form ("ea citea" becomes "she was reading"), as there's no properly speaking English imperfect, the concept is generally rendered through a layered (or double-continuous) form, such as seen in "she kept making dinner" -- also "unrecognized", also widely used, perfectly distinct (and in practice readily distinguished by the common speaker) from either "she is making", "she was making", or "she has/had been making". In encouraging signs re the obsolescence of organized idiocy pretty much all online translators manage the pair correctly, even though no grammars I've seen mention either the continuous imperfective tense nor the double-continuous English make-do.
Because it is an (similarily snubbed) conjunctive auxiliary, eminently visible in "ca tot..." constructions ("since ... anyway" in English) it could then also mean that the sentence connects contextually (an elided "ca") with the foregoing (the elided "since" is frequently seen in English also, especially in well written, ie terse, text).
A translator other than the author simply can not resolve this ambiguity, no matter how approached, except on "probabilistic" (properly speaking, authorial-substitutive) grounds ; fortunately for us I am the very same author, and therefore I know what I meant to say. [↩]
- Yes, I'm aware it doesn't call itself a mere theory. Hurr. [↩]
- "Amarit" in Romanian, literally "embittered", denotes the worst degree of misfortune, not in it being great but in it being hopeless beyond possible respite, and then generally small enough to bar tragedy besides. Because not even the satisfaction of grandiosity is allowed the poor sod attainted by "amarit", no prisoner on death row is ever amarit, the word's reserved for Fefeleaga and other such socially isolated, aging parents of handicapped children. [↩]
- There's even a "fried egg" dieing star, to make this just as elaborate as it can possibly get. [↩]
- Fraktion, okay ? Not "faction", 'tu-va-n creieri de neam de grebla. [↩]
- Major topic in Romania, because whichever way you look at it the only true thing "joining NATO and the EU" brought the country was (and sadly still is, triple-continuous form) the complete collapse of education standards and education products, jointly.
In 1980s academic terms, which still do and still for a while will represent lived history for Romanian speakers, the current crop of highschool graduates aren't worth hanging, let alone going on to college ; in fact it's altogether dubious if fifty kids each year have what it takes to make it on the supplementary places occasionally available in communist-era universities -- a standard everyone in everyone's milieu readily, basically satisfied, because who the fuck was going to hang out with proles back in the day. It's a shock, what can I say. [↩]
- She definitely has a point. [↩]
- The original word used is the derrogatory term for low-value rule followers in strong academic settings, the sort that can't satisfy the exams but occasionally pass on attendance record and gross flattery. [↩]
- The plan. [↩]
- The original word is the same as in Hadrianus Augustus' "animula vagula blandula", and for good cause -- fancy that wonder, an ancient emperor's dream come true in the jungle across the seas. [↩]
- The vocative pronoun usage in Romanian is too colorfully complex to be detailed here. [↩]
- Lotta thems went there, deliberately and by convention ; it made everything easier for everyone. [↩]