Forum logs for 21 Mar 2019
hanbot: | BingoBoingo thanks for posting. could i also pester you for your wp-includes/kses.php ? | [02:33] |
hanbot: | that being the only (very faint) lead i've got after looking through every damned file where strip_tags appears, looking at comment_form idem, i stuck a function in my theme's comments specifically to allow desired tags, no dice...i dunno where else to look, frankly. | [02:41] |
danielpbarron: | the culprit function is in wp-includes/comment.php: $commentdata['comment_content'] = apply_filters('pre_comment_content', $commentdata['comment_content']) | [03:08] |
danielpbarron: | comment out this line, and you can have html tags, but this is probably not the ideal way to enable them. | [03:09] |
mircea_popescu: | if that fixes it, the problem are bad filters set somewhere, i expect ? | [03:51] |
diana_coman: | so hm, the hook for pre_comment_content is not set properly then? might be worth chasing that lead | [04:06] |
danielpbarron: | << I think this fixes it. Seems like PHP changed how "anonymous" functions work, now requires a "use" clause | [05:17] |
diana_coman: | danielpbarron confirmed, it works indeed, thank you. So it's a matter of php version then? | [05:33] |
danielpbarron: | I think so | [05:34] |
diana_coman: | my rockchip is running PHP 5.6.35-pl1-gentoo (cli) | [05:35] |
mircea_popescu: | o jaysus. | [05:37] |
danielpbarron: | PHP Version 5.6.34-pl0-gentoo << reported from pizarro shared host | [05:37] |
mircea_popescu: | that sounds exactly right, incidentally. nice work danielpbarron | [05:38] |
diana_coman: | danielpbarron do you know which PHP version is the last to work without the use? | [05:38] |
danielpbarron: | no i do not | [05:39] |
diana_coman: | mircea_popescu are you running trilema on older php that doesn't need this tweak ? | [05:39] |
mircea_popescu: | 4.x likely. | [05:39] |
mircea_popescu: | diana_coman yup. | [05:39] |
mircea_popescu: | i never went for 5.x tree | [05:39] |
diana_coman: | as usual, upgrading "software" benefits and whatnots | [05:40] |
diana_coman: | that actually explains nicely also why hanbot did not spot it earlier perhaps and why when I looked on her blog it seemed to work - possibly it silently broke only when she moved her hosting and in the process upgraded php version too | [05:42] |
mircea_popescu: | myeah. | [05:42] |
mircea_popescu: | i expect it's exactly what happened i also had it in my notes as "works" | [05:42] |
mircea_popescu: | only to (most frustratingly!!!!) discover later that it got verschlimmbessert'd. | [05:43] |
diana_coman: | extremely frustrating. | [05:44] |
diana_coman: | I suppose one now should also comb the thing for any other anonymous functions that might need the use clause or otherwise work with empty vars | [05:47] |
mircea_popescu: | yes. | [05:51] |
diana_coman: | hanbot in tiny but useful changes: wp-comments-post.php still contains a trilema-specific query that can easily be changed to generic i.e. tril_comments should be $wpdb->comments (line 64) | [05:55] |
diana_coman: | (what that does is to reject directly comments from already-known spammers) | [05:57] |
mircea_popescu: | a yes, definitely want that. | [06:02] |
asciilifeform: | trinque: deedbot down ? | [10:28] |
BingoBoingo: | <hanbot> BingoBoingo thanks for posting. could i also pester you for your wp-includes/kses.php ? << | [11:21] |
BingoBoingo: | hanbot: wp-includes/comment.php | [11:23] |
mircea_popescu: | phf | [12:17] |
asciilifeform: | !!up pehbot | [12:31] |
asciilifeform: | err no deedbot huh. | [12:31] |
* asciilifeform | in no particular hurry. was to be yet-another ch18ism demo. | [12:32] |
mircea_popescu: | if emergency i can up it, but if not meh, lazy! | [12:32] |
asciilifeform: | not emerg. | [12:32] |
asciilifeform: | but ty mircea_popescu . | [12:33] |
mircea_popescu: | hola! | [12:33] |
asciilifeform: | guten tag mircea_popescu | [12:33] |
* asciilifeform | pictures mircea_popescu on castle balcony , toucan on shoulder , stroking ocelot | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu: | lol. why all the animals ? i got hupets. | [12:35] |
asciilifeform: | point | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu: | ocelots make shit coffee anyway. | [12:35] |
asciilifeform: | this also point. | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu: | geddit ? it's a poon! | [12:35] |
asciilifeform: | mircea_popescu: upstack -- ch18 has several potentially-controversial new restrictions, hence the previews / reqs for comments. | [12:47] |
mircea_popescu: | aha | [12:51] |
asciilifeform: | !!up pehbot | [13:10] |
deedbot: | pehbot voiced for 30 minutes. | [13:10] |
trinque: | going to have to give this thing a look soon the mystery state of connected-yet-gone is getting more frequent. | [13:10] |
asciilifeform: | !A @foo@ @bar! @bar@ @foo! @foo! QY | [13:10] |
pehbot: | asciilifeform: EGGOG: FATAL: Tick: 40 IP: 11 Symbol: '!' : Cannot invoke Subroutine 'bar' before the position where it is defined! | [13:10] |
asciilifeform: | trinque: i expect it'll be cured when we get on a sane relay net | [13:11] |
mircea_popescu: | it's certainly a huge difference between (deedbot is connected to republican network, from which moron world managed to temporarily netsplit itself) and (deedbot is connected to moron world, apparently alone in corner by itself) | [13:13] |
asciilifeform: | !A @foo@ @foo! @foo! QY | [13:14] |
pehbot: | asciilifeform: EGGOG: FATAL: Tick: 25 IP: 11 Symbol: '!' : Recursive invocation in Subroutine 'foo' is prohibited! | [13:14] |
BingoBoingo: | "Al ser consultado sobre si entendía que la mayor preocupación de los uruguayos era la seguridad, el precandidato nacionalista dijo que el eje de su campaña sería el empleo y la generación de trabajo." << Fucking retard land | [13:19] |
mircea_popescu: | keks. wtf is this even, "generacion de trabajo" | [13:21] |
BingoBoingo: | It's the paper ripping on the guy who wants to cut taxes because "la mayor preoccupacíon" is insecurity | [13:23] |
mircea_popescu: | 100% manufactured idle old woman bullshit. "insecurity" my foot. | [13:27] |
mircea_popescu: | go fucking die, it's good for you. | [13:27] |
mircea_popescu: | by a good measure better than hanging out with the poodle lady. | [13:27] |
BingoBoingo: | These people will not believe that no, US cities like Baltimore, St Louis, and Chicongo have actual insecurity. | [13:45] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: even there, the folx who ~never~ set foot , have muchly exaggerated picture, 'like minefield' . whereas e.g. asciilifeform spent good bit of time in e.g. bmore , and not even insulted, much less eaten | [13:46] |
BingoBoingo: | Well, you've been in the US a while. You aren't going to go up to a pack of Urban youths and ask to take a picture with them. | [13:47] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: there's this notion among folx who won't even go, on a bet, to the reservation, 'cannibals will eat immediately' | [13:47] |
mircea_popescu: | it's entirely not about "folks" or "people". i am pretty sure by now it's entirely old woman code, in the vein of | [13:48] |
mircea_popescu: | it's what ~they~ say, to recognize each other. like how cuckoos cuckoo | [13:48] |
asciilifeform: | ( in point of fact, the 'cannibals' spend 99% of their time in same vegetative state as other ameri-victims ) | [13:49] |
mircea_popescu: | quite so. | [13:49] |
BingoBoingo: | There's Y-chromosone bipeds who swear they keep getting robbed by motochorros. It's the same folks all the time, because they won't stop going around like fucking scared rabbits. | [13:49] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: asciilifeform is 'disappointed' erry time goes to orcistans, nobody even tries to steal anyffin | [13:51] |
asciilifeform: | rly, where exactly ~is~ the mythical army of expert pickpocket | [13:51] |
mircea_popescu: | moreover, they ~should~ be fucked over by the young boys. | [13:51] |
BingoBoingo: | You don't walk around orcistan asking for it. | [13:51] |
asciilifeform: | what means 'asking' | [13:52] |
mircea_popescu: | only fucking social function of old women -- either train the young sluts, or eat the boi dick. | [13:52] |
BingoBoingo: | Walking around like a god damned prey animal | [13:52] |
mircea_popescu: | teh motochorros are the normally functioning social tissue. the diseased part is the "inseguridad" lobby. | [13:52] |
BingoBoingo: | Right | [13:52] |
asciilifeform: | who even ~is~ 'motochorro' | [13:52] |
mircea_popescu: | truly they should oppressed, the sort of politically active old woman should get govt-issued ration card. | [13:52] |
mircea_popescu: | fails to get it stamped monthly by motochorro, goes to jail. | [13:52] |
BingoBoingo: | asciilifeform: Chorros are a local demographic that considers themselves professional theives, mostly dumpster divers and picker uppers of unsecured items of dubious value | [13:53] |
mircea_popescu: | and stop wasting public funds on "government advertising" inept nonsense. instead of "uruguay por todos" or whatever poodlethemes, "hey old woman, have you done your duty today ?" | [13:53] |
BingoBoingo: | Moto chorros are chorros on two wheels | [13:53] |
mircea_popescu: | BingoBoingo i thought it's an extension on hotdog. | [13:53] |
mircea_popescu: | (chorro literally is puppy) | [13:54] |
BingoBoingo: | Well, this is a rural retard land with a rich lundfargo | [13:55] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: recall how we rolled 100kg of opteron , wat, 6, 7 km , in full view of errybody ? and how no one stole | [13:55] |
BingoBoingo: | 2 km, and no, no one was inclined to steal because the opteron was in mystery boxes attended by actual people | [13:56] |
asciilifeform: | do orcs even know how to steal properly ? ( recall, sunday market, had among other things a carpet fulla... tv remotes. in ro i saw same, manned by gypsies. who the fuck steals these , and why ? who buys ? ) | [13:56] |
BingoBoingo: | The feria spreads are a split between stolen and dumpster recollected | [13:57] |
asciilifeform: | in both also saw carpet with '90s-early-2000s pnojes, sans chargers and similar | [13:57] |
mircea_popescu: | remotes usually garbage-found | [13:58] |
asciilifeform: | ( old-style 'cordless' landline handsets, also. picture, gypsy picks up and runs, but not picks up base ! ) | [13:58] |
asciilifeform: | garbage around here tends to contain both $device and $charger , for some reason | [13:58] |
asciilifeform: | ( possibly in orcistans not ? ) | [13:58] |
BingoBoingo: | If the handset and base are separated in the dumpster by something really gross... | [13:58] |
asciilifeform: | i cant speak for other folx who dug in garbage, but when i did, this never was obstacle | [13:59] |
mircea_popescu: | that'd be at least part of why you're not still doing it. | [14:00] |
mircea_popescu: | some folk -- do for limited time. other folk -- do for life. | [14:00] |
* asciilifeform | still picks up comps on occasion, or items with usable parts | [14:00] |
BingoBoingo: | Anyways, here's item that started the thread | [14:03] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: i cannot resist to bite : how many of these do you read erryday ? i read 1 or 2 and my dosimeter's black, i can feel brain cells shriveling up | [14:05] |
BingoBoingo: | asciilifeform: Usually 2 politics pieces every other day. I try to at least eat the headlines. I like having a picture of where old country is headed. | [14:07] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: i budget 10min/d for this, meself. usually consists of list of cmachine opensores liquishit where overflow most recently burn^H^H^H^found etc | [14:09] |
BingoBoingo: | It's ~30 minutes when bundled with the other local meteorology | [14:10] |
asciilifeform: | mircea_popescu: upstack to garbage warz -- not all garbage is created equal. e.g. asciilifeform found errything from pristine knuth aop , to far-infrared thermoelectrically cooled camera , zeiss lenses , etc. all in garbage. the key is to go to the correct garbage. | [14:15] |
diana_coman: | -> expert pickpocket is first of all expert in choosing victim that being said, in Bucharest it was the 601 bus (always overflowing) and/or buses/trams from the North Station (bc. people with luggage in a hurry to get on the bus) this doesn't mean that it's not obvious and avoidable but assuming you want to bait them for the xp, those are easy spots. | [14:24] |
a111: | Logged on 2019-03-21 17:51 asciilifeform: rly, where exactly ~is~ the mythical army of expert pickpocket | [14:24] |
feedbot: | << Qntra -- New Zealand Arresting File Sharers Banning Semi-Automatic Firearms In Government Power Grab | [17:03] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: prolly oughta put a comma in that title | [17:35] |
asciilifeform: | after 'sharers' | [17:35] |
BingoBoingo: | ty, added | [17:43] |
asciilifeform: | diana_coman: as i understand, trad pickpocket is pretty much extinct as a class in usa ( on acct of very little public transport , + very little in pockets worth taking ) | [17:45] |
asciilifeform: | i.e. the great inca does ~100% of the 'picking' | [17:45] |
BingoBoingo: | I try explaining to the Latinos and Latinas that US houses in the burbs don't have bars on the windows because there isn't shit inside worth taking, given the risk of getting shot invading a stranger's home. | [17:58] |
feedbot: | << Qntra -- Afro...cist Terrorist Employed As Schoolbus Driver Tries And Fails To Kill 51 Students Charged To His Care In Bus Inferno | [18:00] |
asciilifeform: | lol BingoBoingo , dafuq would be the point of window bars when massive glass doors and cardboard walls | [18:02] |
BingoBoingo: | It's a cultural thing. | [18:02] |
asciilifeform: | bars make sense when concrete wall | [18:02] |
asciilifeform: | and steel door | [18:03] |
BingoBoingo: | Massive glass doors exist here too, but they get bars. As do the small wooden doors. | [18:03] |
BingoBoingo: | And no one here gets that houses in the USA are made out of stick and fluff sheathed in plastic | [18:03] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: what do folx do with burglars in BingoBoingostan, anyway ? 12ga ? or offer tea ? | [18:04] |
BingoBoingo: | Burglars aren't much of a thing. Gun laws used to be very loose, though they are tighter now. There's not much in the houses to steal that isn't in their mochillas when the folks go out. | [18:05] |
asciilifeform: | rright but there are some batshit jurisdictions (e.g. ru) where you ~can~ buy the 12ga, but if shoot burglar you get longer sentence than he would've if instead him caught | [18:07] |
BingoBoingo: | Ah, here you have to shoot them in the front. | [18:07] |
asciilifeform: | ianal but in usa typically also | [18:08] |
BingoBoingo: | But the ones getting shot are sticking up retail businesses or hitting armored trucks when they park in front on banks in the old city | [18:10] |
asciilifeform: | ( in usa also added detail that you can generally expect to go bankrupt if you shoot, esp. if shot 'protected species' ) | [18:10] |
asciilifeform: | ( this applies mainly in city in 'flyover', 'shoot, shovel, shuddup' as i understand remains in force ) | [18:11] |
BingoBoingo: | Well, civil law country. If your self defense claim works in the courts, it works in the courts. | [18:12] |
asciilifeform: | repeated examples of 'worked in criminal court but not civil' in recent usa. | [18:13] |
asciilifeform: | not only for shoot, either, witness the infamous circular saw case | [18:13] |
BingoBoingo: | Well, that's common law bullshit | [18:13] |
BingoBoingo: | Torts here are very different from torts in USSA | [18:14] |
asciilifeform: | ( for incredulous readers outside the idjit reservation -- in usa, if burglar breaks in and eats sumthing you left in kitchen, and gets case of indigestion, he can sue and win ) | [18:15] |
BingoBoingo: | And no, I have no recieved my Cuntoo test subject yet. Seller promised a tracking number tomorrow morning, El Código de Comercio was a good purchase. | [18:16] |
danielpbarron: | << i did a lazy greping of *.php files for "function(" and haven't yet found similar cases. There are two other anonymous funcitons without a "use" but they also don't have any outside variables to use, so no harm. The rest of the hits are on "create_function" which is similar to an anonymous function but is not victim to the same upgrading problem (still | [18:42] |
a111: | Logged on 2019-03-21 09:47 diana_coman: I suppose one now should also comb the thing for any other anonymous functions that might need the use clause or otherwise work with empty vars | [18:42] |
danielpbarron: | works up to PHP 7.2) | [18:42] |
hanbot: | danielpbarron excellent find. i suppose the apache upgrade's breakage of shared pizarro customers' .htaccess files ought to have been a giveaway here. anyway, impressive ty. d'you wanna make a patch for this + the db name change in wp-comments-post.php diana_coman pointed out? otherwise i'll do eeit. | [21:01] |
danielpbarron: | i don't know how to make patches, but i'd sign yours | [21:02] |
asciilifeform: | !!up pehbot | [21:25] |
deedbot: | pehbot voiced for 30 minutes. | [21:25] |
asciilifeform: | !A @foo@.0{}_ @foo! QY | [21:25] |
pehbot: | asciilifeform: EGGOG: FATAL: Tick: 21 IP: 9 Symbol: '' : Branching out of a Subroutine is Prohibited! | [21:25] |
asciilifeform: | ^ in other noose. asciilifeform had to think for coupla hrs about how to impose this fascism compactly. ended up just 3 ln. | [21:26] |
feedbot: | << Bimbo.Club -- Philosophical Transactions. For the months of April, May and June, 1716. - Part III. | [22:32] |
hanbot: | billymg: these are the totality of your mp-wp patches, yes? i don't recall anyone else having patches, please chime in if you do. meanwhile phf please add <--- to mp-wp tree, and i'ma solder these to the genesis after which danielpbarron i'd be happy to show you how to make a vpatch for your fix. | [23:49] |
Category: Logs