Forum logs for 30 Apr 2014

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Enky has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [00:00]
ThickAsThieves Roman G: I understand your frustration and would like to keep monitoring your website performance for another 2-3 days and in case of any issues do not hesitate to contact us back at once [00:00]
Thelamarvelous1 Now I'll be reading all night. But thanks guys. See ya soon. [00:00]
ThickAsThieves lol all i said was is there something we can do to stop the problems [00:00]
mike_c magical beans didn't work for me. [00:00]
mircea_popescu Thelamarvelous1 other than teenagers, reading is the best way to spend a night. [00:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.00097722 = 5.8633 BTC [-] {2} [00:01]
ThickAsThieves mike_c i gotta step out but i imagine itll sort out shortly :/ [00:01]
* punkman1 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:01]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:02]
jurov heh namcheap..heard already that godaddy discontinued email support? [00:03]
* Skirmant has quit (Quit: (。-ω-) zzz..) [00:04]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26600 @ 0.00098416 = 26.1787 BTC [+] [00:05]
* Enky (~enky@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:05]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:06]
pankkake what kind of support is left? [00:07]
asciilifeform fluffypony: setup mining operations in the US... rent it to someone outside << lol, you think 'rule of law' is a thing in the usa [00:08]
fluffypony asciilifeform: true that [00:09]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:10]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:10]
asciilifeform fluffypony: the only remaining actual law is - 'Не верь, не бойся, не проси' ("Don't Believe, Don't Fear and Don't Ask." russian prison maxim, at least a century old) [00:10]
Thelamarvelous1 This all seems like a lot to swallow for me in 1 nigbt. [00:11]
* assbot removes voice from Thelamarvelous1 [00:11]
fluffypony I want to go to Russia fucking badly [00:11]
asciilifeform fluffypony: why? [00:11]
pankkake russian girls? [00:12]
fluffypony asciilifeform: I find the culture fascinating - I wouldn't want to live there (hate snow), but I find the culture so different to everything else that it intrigues me [00:12]
fluffypony and I think the architecture in places is incredible [00:12]
fluffypony although I'd probably end up quoting "Fiddler on the Roof" the whole time if I went there [00:13]
* jMyles has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:13]
* Thelamarvelous1 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03414675 = 0.239 BTC [+] {2} [00:15]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.0395 = 0.4345 BTC [+] {3} [00:16]
asciilifeform speaking of russia - they import derp by the boatload. [00:16]
asciilifeform [00:16]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:17]
pankkake long url is long [00:17]
asciilifeform tldr - russian pediwikia bans the mega-library - on account of warez. [00:17]
mike_c a share of S.MG on havelock is worth 30% less than a share of smg on mpex. that is quite a discount. [00:17]
mircea_popescu fluffypony it's so fascinating because it's so unexpectedly absent :D [00:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.52 = 1.04 BTC [+] [00:18]
fluffypony mircea_popescu: I disagree - people have been living there for more than a few hundred years, which means they've developed not only a language, but art and architecture and even ways of thinking that differ from my own...which I think is the essence of "culture" [00:19]
asciilifeform the thing that makes this a mega-lol is that sold out to copyrasts years ago - charges for access to a number of things, incl. books by folks who never asked for this [00:19]
asciilifeform the 'real library' has been at, for ages. [00:19]
asciilifeform (someone mirrored the good stuff, 'took ball and went home.') [00:20]
fluffypony mircea_popescu: don't get me wrong - I'm a huge opera buff, and I could get lost in the architecture of the ancient Greeks, but I love being in places that are so fundamentally different to my own frame of reference [00:20]
asciilifeform (strike that. was merely censored. it's some of the mirrors that charge) [00:21]
jurov pankkake online chat ..with 1hr waiting times reported [00:21]
fluffypony probably why I've enjoyed (some) Indian cinema so much [00:21]
pankkake jurov: I really need to move the domains I have left there :/ [00:21]
asciilifeform fluffypony: if you're expecting to find the village from 'fiddler' in russia, i must disappoint you. [00:22]
mike_c << that was fast. [00:22]
ozbot BitBet - LA Clippers' Donald Sterling to take a hike [00:22]
asciilifeform they all went to gasenwagen in the war. [00:22]
* BigBitz has quit (Changing host) [00:23]
* BigBitz (~BigBitz@unaffiliated/bigbitz) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:23]
mike_c "Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling has been banned for life by the NBA in response to racist comments the league says he made in a recorded conversation." [00:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.06967251 = 0.209 BTC [+] [00:24]
* bawse is now known as HaserRahamim [00:25]
* jborkl (~jborkl@2602:30a:2c51:e730:9d19:44c0:55ba:36bb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:26]
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* jborkl (~jborkl@unaffiliated/jborkl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:26]
fluffypony asciilifeform: I jest about Fiddler on the Roof:) I think things like the Golden Gate and all those cathedrals with the semi-spherical towers (Saint Basil's being the obvious go-to for every movie set in Russia ever) are a sight to see. also Manshikof (sp?) tower and the Chelyabinsk opera house are on the list. [00:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8450 @ 0.00097565 = 8.2442 BTC [-] {2} [00:27]
fluffypony Menshikov, apologies [00:27]
* jborkl_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 100 @ 0.0075 = 0.75 BTC [+] [00:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.0341 = 0.4092 BTC [-] {2} [00:33]
* HaserRahamim is now known as bawse [00:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 28 @ 0.0335002 = 0.938 BTC [-] {4} [00:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.033255 = 0.3326 BTC [-] {2} [00:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.033 = 0.33 BTC [-] {3} [00:38]
* mike_c has quit () [00:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.033 = 0.264 BTC [-] [00:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 29 @ 0.06961856 = 2.0189 BTC [-] {2} [00:42]
* Neil ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:46]
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* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.0395 = 0.3555 BTC [+] {2} [00:48]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:52]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.06979788 = 1.396 BTC [+] {3} [00:53]
* Dimsler has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:56]
mircea_popescu fluffypony i was just trying to troll stan [00:56]
mircea_popescu aparently he's immune [00:56]
fluffypony lol [00:56]
mircea_popescu mike_c wow, they can ban AN OWNER ?! [01:00]
mircea_popescu how the fuck does that work. he... owns it. [01:00]
asciilifeform the way i understand it, the team won't be permitted in matches so long as he is owner. [01:01]
ThickAsThieves ... [01:01]
ThickAsThieves i'm skeptical of that function [01:01]
ThickAsThieves does he have some kind of code on conduct in some kind of contract with the NBA that allows any of this? [01:02]
ThickAsThieves and is it in conflict with freedom of speech? [01:02]
ThickAsThieves seems like a mess could blow up in NBA's face [01:02]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves it's in the us, so im sure it does. [01:02]
mircea_popescu i own a girl who recounted the story of how the school administration made all the girls lift up their skirts to prove they actually were wearing panties or not be allowed inside the hs end party [01:03]
mircea_popescu which party included no booze and was supposed to end by 20:00 [01:03]
ThickAsThieves wow [01:03]
mircea_popescu this, of course, so that no unbecoming conduct etc. imagine. [01:03]
ThickAsThieves leave the flaw so we may fix them [01:03]
cazalla mircea_popescu: "the average declared weight is 180.94 kgs" and i thought i was a chubby chaser [01:03]
asciilifeform 180kg? elephants? [01:04]
ThickAsThieves lbs, it turns out [01:04]
asciilifeform lol [01:04]
jurov they construe it as "hate speech does not fall under freedom of speech" and/or "fredom of speech concerns only your relationship with govt, since we're not govt, we're free to punish you as we see fit" [01:04]
ThickAsThieves cuz nba has no relationship with gov? [01:04]
mircea_popescu jurov funny thing is... that's how unfreedom of speech always works lol. [01:05]
mircea_popescu if you asked them, the romanian communists were all for freedom of speech [01:05]
mircea_popescu provided, of course, it wasn't hate speech. [01:05]
fluffypony [01:05]
fluffypony lol [01:05]
ThickAsThieves i dont get why this is necessary [01:05]
asciilifeform mr. mold once described the 'diversity quota' crap as 'there must be a Party member on every elevator ride.' [01:05]
ThickAsThieves if they dont like him, leave [01:05]
* time12345 (475e914f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:06]
mircea_popescu !up time12345 [01:06]
assbot Voicing time12345 for 30 minutes. [01:06]
* assbot gives voice to time12345 [01:06]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves it's not that they "don't like him". it's that they just got a cock and would like me to be impressed. [01:06]
mircea_popescu i am not and all the rest of youse have to suffer. [01:06]
ThickAsThieves some rapper was saying how all black people are cowards [01:06]
mircea_popescu "The fine will be donated to organizations dedicated to anti-discrimination and tolerance efforts that will be jointly selected by the NBA and the Players Association, Silver said." [01:06]
ThickAsThieves cuz all they did was flip their jerseys inside out in protest [01:06]
mircea_popescu anyway, what sport is this ? basketball ? [01:07]
ThickAsThieves yes [01:07]
mircea_popescu << lol logic. [01:07]
ozbot BitBet - BTC to top $4000 before passing below $400 [01:07]
asciilifeform is there a single white man playing? [01:07]
ThickAsThieves yes [01:07]
ThickAsThieves like 3 or some shit [01:07]
mircea_popescu well good, i hadn't been following it for ~20 years, and now i have a good answer if anyone asks me [01:07]
mircea_popescu "o no, i won't be involved with basketball, they're nigger loving faggots" [01:07]
jurov tolerance enforcement dept. [01:07]
mircea_popescu ayup. the harder they push, the rougher it gets. [01:08]
* time12345 (475e914f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-assets [01:08]
ThickAsThieves ha i'm at and they have another great ad [01:09]
ThickAsThieves "Life is short. have an affair." [01:09]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:09]
mircea_popescu of all the conceivable reasons to have an affair... [01:12]
dexX7 < lol what? [01:12]
ozbot BitBet - BTC to top $4000 before passing below $400 [01:12]
mircea_popescu what the hell happened to "you like the girl" [01:12]
ThickAsThieves i cheated on a girl. once. [01:12]
dexX7 outcome yes, if price rises above 4000 and THEN goes sub 400? [01:13]
mircea_popescu mno [01:13]
ThickAsThieves lol [01:13]
ThickAsThieves fukn bitbet scammorz [01:13]
dexX7 stupid language ambiguousness <.<" [01:14]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the solution to the megaphone madman (mentioned in your 'twitter' page) isn't laser - it's ultrasonic 'voice in head' trick. [01:14]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: two beams, ~40kHz, audible payload in beat frequency. [01:14]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: victim's head (or microphone) becomes heterodyne. [01:14]
ThickAsThieves interesting, never heard of this til now [01:16]
ThickAsThieves maybe i'm reading too much into it [01:17]
ThickAsThieves is this just dissonance? [01:17]
ThickAsThieves they use example for Beat in tuning [01:17]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves it's wave composition basically [01:18]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform did she ever contact you ? [01:18]
ThickAsThieves "If the proposal before us now turns out to be insufficient or if we observe anyone taking advantage of the rule, I won't hesitate to use Title II," writes Wheeler, referring to an option that would let the FCC regulate ISPs much like landline phones. [01:20]
mircea_popescu derp [01:20]
mircea_popescu [01:21]
mircea_popescu check out the wit of the scotus. [01:21]
mircea_popescu having two cellphones, now a criminal indicia. [01:21]
mircea_popescu i suppose the times of blackberry and iphone have been quickly forgotten have htey. [01:22]
mircea_popescu i suppose not having a phone at all is the mark of the terrorist, isnt it. [01:22]
ThickAsThieves then i'm in trouble [01:22]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28700 @ 0.00097475 = 27.9753 BTC [-] {2} [01:24]
* assbot gives voice to mike_c [01:24]
mircea_popescu Matt Warner @mattstate .@libertydotfees Hey jerk, Stef authored several books, produced 1000's of hrs, and is stopping child abuse. What have you done for liberty? [01:24]
mircea_popescu Mircea Popescu @Mircea_Popescu @mattstate @libertydotfees I wrote a guide on how to beat women. In Romanian. How about you ? [01:24]
mircea_popescu that should go over well. [01:24]
fluffypony HEY JERK [01:26]
fluffypony the call of the Lesser Spotted Internet White Knight [01:26]
ThickAsThieves why do you beat them anyway? [01:27]
mircea_popescu builds character. [01:27]
ThickAsThieves :/ [01:28]
mircea_popescu im not kidding. it does. [01:29]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [01:29]
* Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:30]
ThickAsThieves i dont get how this all comes to be though [01:30]
* bitcoinpete (~bitcoinpe@unaffiliated/bitcoinpete) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:30]
mircea_popescu so ask a q. [01:30]
ThickAsThieves like you meet a girl, fuck her, she sticks around and you just start beating her one morning? [01:30]
ThickAsThieves it's honestly the only thing i cant rationalize about you [01:30]
ThickAsThieves the slaving beating stuff [01:30]
mircea_popescu no dude. [01:31]
ThickAsThieves well sort me out! [01:31]
mircea_popescu jesus lol that's a weird idea. [01:31]
mircea_popescu how do you meet girls ? [01:31]
mircea_popescu a you're married. well, suppose we're playing second life, and you're not you. so [01:32]
ThickAsThieves i dont, anymore [01:32]
mircea_popescu how do you meet girls ? [01:32]
ThickAsThieves probably at the bar or via business dealings [01:32]
mircea_popescu so there's this girl you like. what do you do ? [01:32]
ThickAsThieves we chat and if it's at the bar we likely go get it on to some degree hf bases [01:32]
ThickAsThieves if work, we meet up and maybe not mess around right away [01:33]
ThickAsThieves honestly i wouldnt plan any of it [01:33]
mircea_popescu so there's no connection whatsoever other than...well... she's got a cunt and you got a plug that fits ? [01:33]
ThickAsThieves i'd do whatever made sense at the time i felt i needed to do something [01:33]
ThickAsThieves no [01:33]
ThickAsThieves i'd need to learn about her [01:33]
mircea_popescu and her about you ? [01:33]
ThickAsThieves i assume [01:34]
mircea_popescu so then why'd it be a surprise, just one day... honey, whack! [01:34]
ThickAsThieves i was being extreme lol [01:34]
ThickAsThieves i'm just saying i dont get it [01:34]
* davout_ (~davout@unaffiliated/davout) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:34]
mircea_popescu suppose you couldn't come. i mean you got all the parts, and fucking is fun, just, you don't splooge. [01:35]
ThickAsThieves ok [01:35]
mircea_popescu you figure you'd have a pow wow with the girl about this ? [01:35]
ThickAsThieves maybe [01:35]
mircea_popescu or just let her figure it out on her own [01:35]
mircea_popescu after 8 and a half hours trying to make you cum on her face. [01:36]
ThickAsThieves in my own experience if i cant it's been with women i probly shouldnt have been fucking [01:36]
* nick1234abcd_ (sid26299@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:36]
ThickAsThieves oh you mean if she's bad at it in general [01:36]
ThickAsThieves sure you help [01:36]
mircea_popescu well whatever it is, you got three balls, you ejaculate tabsco sauce, it doesn't matter. [01:36]
ThickAsThieves lol [01:36]
* nick1234abcd has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [01:37]
* davout has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:37]
* fluffypony has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [01:37]
* nick1234abcd_ is now known as nick1234abcd [01:37]
mircea_popescu point being, at least among sane people, it wouldn't come as a surprise [01:37]
mircea_popescu if you'll pardon the pun. [01:37]
* joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:37]
ThickAsThieves hmm maybe we made a silebnt leap i missed [01:37]
ThickAsThieves is the beating only sexual? [01:37]
benkay some people get off on pain, ThickAsThieves [01:37]
benkay some people get off on delivering it [01:38]
ThickAsThieves i know this [01:38]
* assbot gives voice to bitcoinpete [01:38]
ThickAsThieves but i was isolating the beating [01:38]
ThickAsThieves not realizing this might be strictly sexual [01:38]
mircea_popescu what do you mean by "strictly sexual" ? [01:38]
ThickAsThieves like when you say "i wrote about how to beat women" it doesnt necessarily mean about sex-related events [01:38]
* fluffypony ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:39]
mircea_popescu oh. [01:39]
ThickAsThieves i knew i shouldnt have said strictly [01:39]
mircea_popescu no, it's sexual. [01:39]
* fluffypony is now known as Guest43792 [01:39]
ThickAsThieves ok [01:39]
ThickAsThieves so i get it a lil better then [01:39]
mircea_popescu just sexual probably means more than you readily represent. [01:39]
mircea_popescu making her shine your shoes and kneel while doing it is perhaps not your idea of sexual, for instance. [01:39]
* Sahtor has quit (Quit: Sahtor) [01:39]
ThickAsThieves not as a habit, but i could see it being sexual [01:40]
mircea_popescu right [01:40]
ThickAsThieves is this the same context i should apply to your slaving? [01:40]
ThickAsThieves or is that more nuanced? [01:40]
mircea_popescu so she's been bad, she gets spanked, it closes off the experience and she doesn't have to continue beating herself up for it, for instance. [01:41]
mircea_popescu there are many edges to it, it's not strictly the sensuous pleasure of getting caned. [01:41]
mircea_popescu and yes when i say slavery i mean a very intimate and absolutey sexual thing. [01:41]
ThickAsThieves are your slaves also your maids n shit, or do they live their own lives with careers and such? [01:42]
mircea_popescu well they start as idiotic webizens, exactly where you'd expect the average twennysomething to find herself. [01:43]
mircea_popescu and a decade later they can command their own regiment. [01:43]
mircea_popescu not all want to, tho. [01:43]
ThickAsThieves i see [01:44]
mircea_popescu there's something very satisfying about serving, too. especially people you deeply respect and otherwise adore. [01:44]
ThickAsThieves hax [01:45]
* dR3 has quit (Quit: Gotta go feed the yak & reinforce the igloo.) [01:45]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:45]
mircea_popescu !up CheckDavid [01:45]
assbot Voicing CheckDavid for 30 minutes. [01:46]
* assbot gives voice to CheckDavid [01:46]
CheckDavid Yes indeed ThickAsThieves. [01:46]
ThickAsThieves i'm surprised no one else asked about all this before [01:46]
CheckDavid Thanks mircea_popescu [01:46]
ThickAsThieves maybe i'm just dumb [01:46]
CheckDavid How many slaves do you own mircea? [01:46]
mircea_popescu it varies. [01:46]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves i imagine it's a doozy. [01:46]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: she ever contact you << nein. [01:46]
CheckDavid Mircea. Do you have a slave auto trader? [01:46]
mircea_popescu CheckDavid i just acquired a coupla, you seen the f.mpif ? [01:47]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:47]
mircea_popescu !jd mpif [01:47]
assbot Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 50.28893898 BTC [01:47]
CheckDavid No. What's that? [01:47]
mircea_popescu thar she blows. [01:47]
ThickAsThieves such profit [01:47]
CheckDavid That's your gambling money? [01:47]
mircea_popescu good autotrader [01:47]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: how many days is that? [01:47]
thestringpuller 3-4? [01:47]
mircea_popescu like that yea [01:48]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: having two cellphones, now a criminal << quite a few people i know have 2+. 'human' and 'work' phone. [01:48]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform supreme court doesn't agree with you. sorry. [01:48]
ThickAsThieves i'd like ascii on the supreme court [01:48]
mircea_popescu thestringpuller it was a sudden hit at one point that made 90% of it tho [01:48]
ThickAsThieves he'd be a celeb for sure [01:48]
mike_c mircea_popescu: nba owner is banned from attending games (even his own), and can't participate in league business. they are trying to get him to "relinquish" his ownership, whatever that means. [01:50]
* Guest43792 is now known as fluffypony [01:50]
mircea_popescu mike_c i hope he fights the shit out of them. [01:50]
asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: supreme court << eh, i'd rather sit on a 'troika' [01:51]
mircea_popescu like... you want a war ? you got a war. sue each and every single person involved at any level with the nba, independently. [01:51]
asciilifeform but that's just me [01:51]
mircea_popescu let's see who runs out of money first sorta deal. [01:51]
* assbot gives voice to fluffypony [01:51]
CheckDavid "The manual labor your slaves are capable of with the sweat and tears they excrete is the only true measure of wealth" -- Mircea Popescu - 1998 [01:51]
* princessnell (60ff9527@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:51]
mircea_popescu guy's got what, 100mn to blow ? rhather than leave it to charity... [01:51]
mircea_popescu CheckDavid wait what ? [01:51]
* jborkl has quit (Quit: jborkl) [01:52]
CheckDavid Loool [01:52]
mircea_popescu !up princessnell [01:52]
CheckDavid I'm kidding [01:52]
* davout_ is now known as davout [01:52]
CheckDavid mircea_popescu: what's the place of crypto currencies in the world? [01:53]
CheckDavid And how many do we need? [01:53]
mircea_popescu what am i, the eight ball ? [01:53]
asciilifeform 3. [01:53]
benkay !up princessnell [01:53]
assbot Voicing princessnell for 30 minutes. [01:53]
* assbot gives voice to princessnell [01:53]
benkay afternoon, princess [01:53]
benkay afternoon, princessnell [01:53]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform one for each testicle ? [01:53]
CheckDavid No idea [01:53]
CheckDavid Felt like asking you that [01:54]
asciilifeform dijkstra once read a lecture, and exclaimed 'how many bugs shall we tolerate?!' one wag stands up - '3!' [01:54]
CheckDavid I don't expect future forecasts [01:54]
asciilifeform nm, it was '7' [01:54]
asciilifeform [01:55]
asciilifeform 'Dijkstra said angrily. (He’d been visibly shaking his head through out the talk even before this outburst.) “How many bugs are we going to tolerate?” he demanded. “Seven,” Teitelman shot back.' [01:55]
* julles has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [01:55]
assbot Voice for princessnell extended to 30 minutes. [01:56]
* assbot gives voice to princessnell [01:56]
ozbot Lisp50 Notes part V: Interlisp, PARC, and the Common Lisp Consolidation Wars | Learning Lisp [01:56]
* julles (uid28222@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:56]
* aegis has quit (Excess Flood) [01:56]
mircea_popescu "But Teitelman came off as being at once knowledgeable and approachable. He didn’t exude any of the “dysfunctional Lisp-programmer” type attitudes at all. (Not that anyone else did….)" [01:56]
mircea_popescu people need to learn how to write ;/ [01:56]
mike_c mircea_popescu: he might only have 50mn, his wife is making a grab too :) [01:56]
mircea_popescu mike_c that's the idea, spend it all on litigation first. [01:57]
mircea_popescu die poor, but fucking happy. [01:57]
mircea_popescu only hire black lawyer chicks over 180 that'll give you nookie, too. [01:57]
asciilifeform mike_c - he might discover that the 100m belong to the crown, which now owns his arse, and not to himself [01:57]
* princessnell has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:57]
asciilifeform sport magnate 'can also have problems' [01:57]
* aegis (~aegis@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:58]
mike_c he's likely got enough money to buy some friends in gov'ment. it will be interesting. guys like that don't traditionally go quietly. [01:58]
mircea_popescu if only these schmucks learned to stop sliding quietly into the night. [01:58]
* tych0 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:58]
asciilifeform tell... khodorkovsky. [01:58]
mike_c hm, actually i don't know if he inherited or is self-made. self-made rich guys don't usually go quietly. [01:59]
* princess-nell (60ff9527@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:59]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform dude, you imagine the usg would have the guts ? what's this, the future ? [01:59]
mircea_popescu !up princess-nell [01:59]
assbot Voicing princess-nell for 30 minutes. [01:59]
* assbot gives voice to princess-nell [01:59]
princess-nell hey [01:59]
mircea_popescu missy stop jumping nicks [01:59]
princess-nell sry [01:59]
asciilifeform it's a fight of the crowned gutless vs. the moneyed gutless [01:59]
mircea_popescu so what do you know what pando daily is ? [01:59]
princess-nell it's a silicon valley gossip blog thing [02:00]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform exactly. it's a fucking boxing match among cowards, blergh. i demand better show. [02:00]
mircea_popescu princess-nell what do you want to do with your future ? [02:00]
princess-nell that's a good question [02:00]
princess-nell probably to get the hell out of the us for the first thing [02:00]
mircea_popescu ok. what pando daily claims and proposes it wants to be is this true news venue. [02:00]
mircea_popescu it did manage to get out some decent reporting. it seems it's sinking tho. [02:00]
mircea_popescu actually doing it sound like your thing at all ? [02:01]
princess-nell sure [02:01]
mircea_popescu lol that was quick. [02:01]
mircea_popescu it's an endless pushing uphill for very little money, journalism. why'd you want it ?! [02:02]
princess-nell i enjoy writing [02:02]
fluffypony princess-nell: come to Africa! [02:02]
fluffypony that's my new siren call [02:02]
fluffypony I'm inviting everyone [02:02]
mircea_popescu a stupid reason as any other. well, anyway : who do you know that can rack muck ? can you get a team together ? [02:02]
princess-nell hmm. probably not. everyone who isn't a coward has more important things to do. [02:03]
mircea_popescu that's an apt observation. [02:04]
ThickAsThieves i'm still willing to go to bitcoin2014 under any charge [02:04]
ThickAsThieves (the amsterdam conf) [02:04]
princess-nell where are you in africa? [02:04]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves weren't you going to ask i forgot who i forgot what ? [02:04]
fluffypony princess-nell: South Africa [02:04]
asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: why [02:05]
princess-nell and you want more people to move there? [02:05]
mircea_popescu he's on irc all day long and his wife's getting bored. [02:05]
fluffypony princess-nell: it's beautiful here [02:05]
ThickAsThieves cuz i like amsterdam, wouldnt mind some offtime to write uo a bizplan, and i like putting people on the spor [02:05]
ThickAsThieves spot* [02:05]
ThickAsThieves i'll ask any of them whatever as long as it doesnt get me jailed and is an honest question [02:06]
asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: so go to amsterdam. why visit the wankatronics experts? [02:06]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform ever picked at a scab ? [02:07]
ThickAsThieves i'm a somewhat superstitious guy with some things [02:07]
asciilifeform aye. [02:07]
asciilifeform so that'd be it. [02:07]
ThickAsThieves i like it when things comke together [02:07]
ThickAsThieves somewhat coincidentally [02:07]
ThickAsThieves it's the coelho in me [02:08]
ThickAsThieves ;) [02:08]
asciilifeform fluffypony: we u.s. folks don't need to go to africa. it'll come to us soon enough. [02:08]
mircea_popescu eloel [02:09]
fluffypony lawlz [02:09]
ThickAsThieves who is princess-nell anyway? [02:10]
ThickAsThieves got link? [02:10]
mircea_popescu @anjiecast. this chick. [02:11]
ThickAsThieves thx [02:11]
asciilifeform [02:14]
asciilifeform ^ same woman, on the 'google bus war' [02:14]
ThickAsThieves we have "economic development councils" in the local counties, which seem to mostly serve sending employees on trips and making studies that show how other people's work is their own somehow [02:14]
* assbot removes voice from CheckDavid [02:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 13 @ 0.07538979 = 0.9801 BTC [-] {5} [02:19]
asciilifeform for those who missed 'bus war' - [02:22]
asciilifeform [02:22]
ozbot BREAKING: Protesters attack Google bus in West Oakland, smashing window | PandoDaily [02:22]
ThickAsThieves ah yes, she mentions the Chamber of Commerce too [02:23]
ThickAsThieves such a joke [02:23]
asciilifeform [02:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.0742218 = 0.2227 BTC [-] [02:25]
ThickAsThieves sorry but the mission, the tenderloin, those place could use cleaning up [02:25]
ThickAsThieves places [02:25]
* ChanServ removes voice from princess-nell [02:26]
ThickAsThieves !up princess-nell [02:26]
assbot Voice for princess-nell extended to 30 minutes. [02:26]
* assbot gives voice to princess-nell [02:26]
asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: the anti-google thing was because of 'they're bidding up our prices' [02:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.07478886 = 0.2244 BTC [-] [02:27]
ThickAsThieves why do they stop at google? [02:27]
ThickAsThieves just blame all things down the path [02:27]
asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: google is the local megacorp there [02:27]
ThickAsThieves inflation, landlords, the city, the state gov [02:27]
princess-nell they don't like "silicon valley" generally [02:28]
ThickAsThieves well they arent actually local right [02:28]
ThickAsThieves people that work there live there [02:28]
ThickAsThieves cuz it (was) cheaper) [02:28]
asciilifeform also looks like that city has a law permitting landlords to revoke leases in order to sell the land [02:29]
ThickAsThieves i bet princess-nell loved this commenter "Thanks. Very impressive and insightful, especially coming from a woman. Libertarian chicks are always the hottest." [02:30]
ThickAsThieves lol [02:30]
fluffypony ok bed time, night all [02:31]
princess-nell ya, i got a kick out of it [02:31]
* Anon29486307 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:32]
BingoBoingo [02:34]
ozbot Whistleblower Claims Google Stole Money From Publishers Using Adsense [02:34]
* joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:36]
bitcoinpete mircea_popescu: concepts… definitely concepts [02:37]
bitcoinpete ;;later tell dexX7 kinda just random blah blah, but y'know, wallet inspectors [02:38]
gribble The operation succeeded. [02:38]
dexX7 ah kk [02:39]
bitcoinpete having a fun dm convo with my little bro about the clippers dude. [02:39]
bitcoinpete he's all "there's no place for racism" [02:39]
bitcoinpete i'm all "common people don't decide what's good and bad, shit all we can do about dude's personal affairs, racism isn't a thing, etc." [02:40]
bitcoinpete gotta crack some eggs on the kid [02:41]
mircea_popescu %y [02:41]
mircea_popescu %t [02:41]
atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 220 Last Price: 190 24h-Vol: 32k High: 190 Low: 190 VWAP: 190 [02:41]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves: google is the local megacorp there << recall the original michael moore piece ? [02:42]
bitcoinpete i know, i should invite him here... [02:42]
* JorgePasada has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:42]
mircea_popescu some derpage about how people living off gm in a city that exists because of gm are allowed to hate gm ? [02:42]
princess-nell i for one welcome the purges [02:42]
* JorgePasada ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:43]
mircea_popescu lol @ "especially coming from a woman" part. yeah, teh neckbeards are such a well spoken, brilliant lot. [02:43]
bitcoinpete mircea_popescu: commenter had to be trollin', just had to [02:44]
bitcoinpete "Men who live in unhealthy countries find the faces of masculine women more attractive" [02:45]
mircea_popescu there;s nothing in that graph [02:46]
* bitstein (~bitstein@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:46]
mircea_popescu !up bitstein [02:47]
assbot Voicing bitstein for 30 minutes. [02:47]
* assbot gives voice to bitstein [02:47]
bitstein Thanks. Howdy. [02:47]
mircea_popescu heya. and who might you be ? [02:47]
mircea_popescu %book [02:47]
atcbot 6k@230 60k@225 10k@220 | 128k@195 2k@170 5k@156 [02:47]
mircea_popescu %block [02:48]
bitstein Michael Goldstein - Founder and President of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute - [02:48]
mircea_popescu %last_block [02:48]
atcbot [ATC Last Block] Height: 30370 Time: 2014-04-29T23:39:10Z Vout Sum: 512 Number TXs: 1 Difficulty: 455357.12903751 Hash: 0000000000001dde1c79d88b2c06a761fe14ecbed4f43d10ee1a7676790f46fa Fee: 0.00000000 Size: 552 Days Destroyed: 0 Confirmations: 1 [02:48]
bitcoinpete heya bitstein! [02:48]
mircea_popescu bitstein aha. get in the wot. [02:48]
benkay hey BingoBoingo what was the computer you smoked trying to get a 4096 bit key on? [02:49]
benkay ooh and what happened to the nominal doxxing of satoshi nakamoto? [02:49]
BingoBoingo benkay: Mac SE/30 [02:49]
asciilifeform [02:49]
ozbot Anarchist Protestors Blocked Uber Cars in the Streets of Seattle [02:49]
benkay and why'd it get smoked? too hot? [02:49]
* assbot gives voice to cgcardona_ [02:49]
cgcardona_ hi everyone [02:49]
*bitstein* PRIVMSG mircea_popescu :Hi Mircea. I am very new to IRC. How do I join the wot? [02:49]
benkay afternoon cgcardona_ [02:50]
cgcardona_ o/ [02:50]
nickserv bitstein INFO [02:50]
-NickServ- Invalid command. Use /msg NickServ help for a command listing. [02:50]
nickserv info bitstein [02:50]
-NickServ- bitstein is not registered. [02:50]
cgcardona_ probably been hashed over a thousand times but thoughts on the MIT $100 worth of btc per student news? [02:50]
mircea_popescu bitstein register your nick with nickserv first. [02:50]
mircea_popescu ;;google freenode register nick [02:50]
gribble FAQ - Freenode: ; freenode: using the network: ; How to Register a User Name on Freenode: 7 Steps (with Pictures): [02:50]
mircea_popescu then get gpg going on a secure system and get registered with gribble. [02:51]
bitcoinpete bitstein: [02:51]
cgcardona_ ^^ [02:51]
BingoBoingo benkay: Maybe? Looks like a couple capacitors popped. [02:51]
cgcardona_ get thee into the wot [02:51]
kakobrekla cgcardona_ too late, sr already closed. [02:51]
mircea_popescu that stuff [02:51]
ozbot GPG authentication - bitcoin-otc wiki [02:51]
cgcardona_ kakobrekla: ? whatcha mean? [02:51]
bitcoinpete i gotta show a place to a person… laterz! [02:52]
kakobrekla re 100bux mit [02:52]
* bitcoinpete has quit (Quit: bitcoinpete) [02:52]
cgcardona_ no i mean 'sr already closed' whatcha mean sr? [02:52]
kakobrekla silkroad [02:52]
cgcardona_ probably obvious in which case excuse me in adcance [02:52]
mircea_popescu it's really not so bad an idea. certainly the best thing mit is currently doing for its students' future. [02:52]
cgcardona_ ahhh [02:52]
cgcardona_ haha [02:52]
BingoBoingo Better than 1 battery 1 bulb and 1 wire [02:52]
kakobrekla you can do something with a million. you cant do shit with 100$. [02:53]
kakobrekla so they are doing something into nothing. [02:53]
kakobrekla i can do that even better prolly. [02:53]
asciilifeform on the secret 'black bitbet,' 'for BadBets Only,' let's bet that the coin will walk away before being parcelled out. [02:53]
mircea_popescu i can't believe this guy's name actually is goldstein. [02:53]
mircea_popescu a better name one could not have for bitcoin involvement. [02:53]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla by the time the kids retire, a 0.2 btc stash will buy them some bjs. [02:53]
cgcardona_ shit it can buy them that today [02:54]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform doubt it tbh [02:54]
cgcardona_ i figure it'll inspire a whole new group of startups for better or worse [02:54]
mircea_popescu s/better/worse [02:55]
cgcardona_ *ominous ycombinator black helicoptor flies over* [02:55]
kakobrekla well fuck me if it does then [02:55]
mircea_popescu between your tits ? [02:55]
mircea_popescu !b 2 [02:55]
assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( [02:55]
cgcardona_ between his bits [02:55]
mircea_popescu ninja! [02:55]
asciilifeform ;;google chinese backyard steel [02:56]
gribble Backyard furnace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Great Leap Forward - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; The Great Leap Forward Period in China, 1958-1960: [02:56]
asciilifeform let's saw this bridge into little bits of scrap and all make plows. so what if they're... softer than the ground [02:56]
* assbot removes voice from princess-nell [02:56]
asciilifeform !up princess-nell [02:57]
assbot Voicing princess-nell for 30 minutes. [02:57]
* assbot gives voice to princess-nell [02:57]
* Guest54659 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:57]
* Guest54659 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:59]
benkay asciilifeform: what was the name of the black bitbet? [03:02]
asciilifeform benkay: damned if i know [03:02]
asciilifeform benkay: just sorta assuming it exists, somewhere in the aether. [03:02]
* PCATLMarketing ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:02]
BingoBoingo If it didn't seem incredibly impending I might write a Magic Johnson to be part of new Clippers ownership group BitBet [03:03]
jurov just make a bet "new owner will be nigger" [03:04]
jurov ofc upon seeing that bet they'll put some unidentifiable race in charge [03:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43119 @ 0.00098126 = 42.3109 BTC [+] [03:07]
* princess-nell has quit (Quit: Page closed) [03:07]
* bitstein (~bitstein@ has left #bitcoin-assets [03:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00098126 = 12.2658 BTC [+] [03:11]
ThickAsThieves ah bitstein is part of the [03:12]
ThickAsThieves the site writing about how altcoins must die [03:12]
ThickAsThieves i say that writing about how altcoins must die must die [03:12]
benkay altcoins are great [03:15]
* princessnell (60ff9527@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:16]
cgcardona_ altcoins are altsome!!! [03:16]
ThickAsThieves altmazing company! [03:17]
cgcardona_ I've given/taken alt that I can . [03:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.0339999 = 0.102 BTC [+] [03:20]
benkay no seriously the kids need to play with something [03:20]
BingoBoingo jurov: I've submitted a slightly different take [03:20]
benkay anything that gets people aware of the risks and difficulty of using cryptocurrencies without risking their actual btc is great. [03:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0339999 = 0.306 BTC [+] {3} [03:21]
* JorgePasada has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: [03:21]
jurov ohohohohooo BingoBoingo [03:21]
* JorgePasada ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:22]
ThickAsThieves how does bet prove they have HIV? [03:22]
ThickAsThieves how does Magic prove he has it? [03:22]
BingoBoingo ThickAsThieves: His is well know to have it. [03:23]
mircea_popescu !up PCATLMarketing [03:24]
assbot Voicing PCATLMarketing for 30 minutes. [03:24]
* assbot gives voice to PCATLMarketing [03:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.0339999 = 0.102 BTC [+] {3} [03:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13550 @ 0.00098103 = 13.293 BTC [-] [03:28]
* soulblade738_ (~soulblade@gateway/tor-sasl/soulblade738) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:29]
* belcher has quit (Quit: Leaving) [03:32]
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* Evolyn|2 is now known as Evolyn [03:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.0742218 = 0.1484 BTC [-] [03:35]
* ericmuyser ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:37]
* assbot gives voice to JorgePasada [03:38]
JorgePasada Comcast needs to stop talking [03:38]
JorgePasada er, failing [03:38]
JorgePasada at talking [03:38]
JorgePasada to my modem [03:38]
* Lee- (~Lee@unaffiliated/lee-) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:42]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00098126 = 11.5789 BTC [+] [03:48]
* punkman1 (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:49]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.50285026 = 1.0057 BTC [-] {2} [03:53]
* sunshyne (sunshyne@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:54]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5250 @ 0.00098199 = 5.1554 BTC [+] {2} [03:54]
* julles (uid28222@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:55]
* assbot removes voice from PCATLMarketing [03:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.50291091 = 1.0058 BTC [+] {2} [03:55]
* punkman1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:56]
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* nick1234abcd_ (sid26299@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:56]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.50290036 BTC [-] [03:58]
* mariorz (sid490@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14350 @ 0.00098103 = 14.0778 BTC [-] [04:05]
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* punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [04:10]
* punkman (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:11]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3750 @ 0.00098099 = 3.6787 BTC [-] {2} [04:13]
thestringpuller !jd MPIF [04:22]
assbot Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 50.29370635 BTC [04:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22100 @ 0.00098309 = 21.7263 BTC [+] {2} [04:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.501 BTC [-] [04:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.50290036 BTC [+] [04:29]
Duffer1 ;;info dexX7 [04:33]
gribble Error: The command "info" is available in the Factoids, GPG, MessageParser, and RSS plugins. Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "info". [04:33]
Duffer1 ;;gpg info dexX7 [04:33]
benkay ;;gpg info dexX7 [04:33]
gribble User 'dexX7', with keyid 7675E31CF5719832, fingerprint F43718054C3E7C5CFB33E8257675E31CF5719832, and bitcoin address None, registered on Wed Sep 11 16:04:17 2013, last authed on Tue Apr 29 21:31:28 2014. . Currently authenticated from hostmask dexX7!~dexX7@unaffiliated/dexx7 . [04:33]
gribble User 'dexX7', with keyid 7675E31CF5719832, fingerprint F43718054C3E7C5CFB33E8257675E31CF5719832, and bitcoin address None, registered on Wed Sep 11 16:04:17 2013, last authed on Tue Apr 29 21:31:28 2014. . Currently authenticated from hostmask dexX7!~dexX7@unaffiliated/dexx7 . [04:33]
benkay ;;gpg info benkay [04:33]
gribble User 'benkay', with keyid 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA, fingerprint 4F7907942CA8B89B01E25A762AFA1A9FD2D031DA, and bitcoin address None, registered on Sun Mar 10 04:18:03 2013, last authed on Mon Apr 28 15:15:00 2014. . Currently authenticated from hostmask benkay!~user@2600:4402:c002:3::854:fb5e . [04:33]
benkay [04:35]
Duffer1 ;;gpg rate 5 shrewd, discreet, trustworthy steward of Ciphermine-PT [04:35]
gribble Error: The "GPG" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "rate" in it. Try "list GPG" to see the commands in the "GPG" plugin. [04:35]
Duffer1 ;;gpg rate dexX7 5 discreet, trustworthy steward of Ciphermine-PT [04:36]
gribble Error: The "GPG" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "rate" in it. Try "list GPG" to see the commands in the "GPG" plugin. [04:36]
Duffer1 hmm [04:36]
pankkake just ;;rate [04:37]
dexX7 thanks <3 [04:37]
Duffer1 thanks pankkake, it's been a while since i've rated anyone [04:37]
Duffer1 ;;rate dexX7 5 discreet, trustworthy steward of Ciphermine-PT [04:37]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 5 for user dexX7 has been recorded. [04:37]
Duffer1 there we go [04:37]
pankkake gribble commands are confusing, some have short aliases some do not [04:38]
pankkake and the online documentation is wrong in some places [04:38]
dexX7 well, then you should go ahead and correct it maybe? [04:39]
* veeminer has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [04:40]
asciilifeform << great piece. this is why two common career goals of programmers are 1) quit programming 2) find work where you program alone [04:40]
ozbot Programming Sucks [04:40]
*hanbot* nn lovely [04:43]
mircea_popescu yielded a 404. [04:43]
mircea_popescu which was lulzy [04:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 54 @ 0.00463946 = 0.2505 BTC [-] {2} [04:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.04239724 = 0.3392 BTC [+] {4} [04:43]
benkay "ERROR: Attempted to parse HTML with regular expression; system returned Cthulhu. [04:44]
benkay " [04:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.04300001 = 0.43 BTC [+] [04:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19128 @ 0.00097632 = 18.675 BTC [-] {2} [04:44]
benkay who was it that said programming is the art of telling people what to make the computer do? [04:44]
mircea_popescu stalin ? [04:45]
benkay "So no, I'm not required to be able to lift objects weighing up to fifty pounds. I traded that for the opportunity to trim Satan's pubic hair while he dines out of my open skull so a few bits of the internet will continue to work for a few more days." [04:50]
benkay jesus its my life [04:50]
benkay i traded piss tests and the risk of digit loss for pressed shitboard [04:50]
mircea_popescu lol pressed shitboard lives! [04:50]
benkay it's a good one [04:50]
mircea_popescu " The only reason coders' computers work better than non-coders' computers is coders know computers are schizophrenic little children with auto-immune diseases and we don't beat them when they're bad." [04:53]
mircea_popescu ridiculous. i beat the shit out of my systems. i broke a leg off the table to hammer at a monitor once. [04:53]
mircea_popescu hm. but i guess this actually works, cause im not really a coder. a well. [04:54]
asciilifeform [04:54]
ozbot Me and the NSA [04:54]
* jordandotdev has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [04:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23661 @ 0.00097479 = 23.0645 BTC [-] {2} [04:54]
mircea_popescu << and yet he looks like a schmuck. [04:55]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: broke a leg off the table to hammer at a monitor << soviet school of display repair! werks for me! [04:55]
mircea_popescu nah, the entire assemblage collapsed [04:57]
mircea_popescu i just pounded it into bits and had another system made. [04:57]
asciilifeform lol [04:57]
mircea_popescu "I can't even weigh in on what passes for political discourse in this country because I would actually do what the crazies are accusing Obama of doing. Seriously: I would take away everyone's guns, force public healthcare on everyone, put all the bankers in jail, engage in a strategic, federally-funded campaign to eradicate religion, turn us into a socialist state, and give every annoying country in the world forty-eig [04:58]
mircea_popescu ht hours to stand down their armies before I nuked them back to the Cambrian. I probably wouldn't euthanize old people, but I might force abortions on the stupid." [04:58]
benkay well if you had the bits, why not just recompile? [04:59]
mircea_popescu "Any positive or negative response on a request-by-request basis would allow our adversaries to accumulate information and draw conclusions about NSA's technical capabilities, sources, and methods." [05:00]
mircea_popescu heh. the adversaries have it all mapped out, but thanks. [05:00]
asciilifeform fellow's a crackpot, but the entertaining kind. [05:00]
* lippoper1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:00]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:00]
mircea_popescu basically a less-annoying-than-usual applciation of [05:03]
mircea_popescu (hyperbola and word salad is the recipe) [05:03]
asciilifeform so far, reading these has taught me that 'hipster' is something approaching an ethnic group [05:06]
asciilifeform literally. [05:07]
asciilifeform as in, how you can tell that a fellow's a russian even if he lives in new york, never once mentions russia, writes in 'the king's english', etc. [05:08]
mircea_popescu well ima go count some sheep. [05:08]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [12:40]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [12:40]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [12:40]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. [12:40]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [12:41]
* Namworld has quit () [12:47]
mircea_popescu decimation: mirceau_popescu: the treatment of individuals << dude you srsly typed that out ?! [12:59]
mircea_popescu decimation: a parent who so acts today would probably be reported to the FBI << i had a chemistry lab. complete with strong acids and everything, i had like a pint of vitriol oil. [13:00]
mircea_popescu holy shit there's 1mn pdf to html/etc converters online, NONE of them will take an url as input [13:04]
mircea_popescu why is the web made by imbeciles! srsly, how hard is to think this one through guys! [13:05]
mircea_popescu cazalla mind quoting the brief mention ? [13:05]
mircea_popescu "My understanding of insider trading law is that in order for it to be insider trading, there must be some violation of trust. In other words, if someone walked up to you and said “Im the CEO of this public company and I’m about to make the biggest cash sale in the history of the company and we will blow away all wall street numbers and you should buy the stock”. That is without question material, non-public info [13:06]
mircea_popescu rmation. But if you trade on the information, is it insider trading ? The answer as best I understand the law is NO. It is not insider trading. Why ? Because the CEO did not ask you to keep the information confidential. Nor did he ask you not to trade on the information. You have no responsibility to him. You can trade and tell the world about his deal if you would like." [13:06]
cazalla mircea_popescu: 32 As an aside, there are options contracts for delivery of bitcoins and bitcoin - denomina ted commodity futures being sold at the MPEx Exchange . Recent news reports suggest that the Commodity and Futures Tr ading Commission in the US is evaluating its role in derivatives contracts that are denominated in bitcoins. [13:06]
mircea_popescu the cuban quote is quite inaccurate, if very self serving [13:06]
mircea_popescu cazalla ah ty. [13:06]
fluffypony mircea_popescu: ghostscript can do pdf to html via via, here's a python3 snippet for it: [13:08]
mircea_popescu ty but im not running it. [13:08]
mircea_popescu someone should make a website that works just like google translate, [13:09]
mircea_popescu except it takes in pdf and spits out actual text. [13:09]
fluffypony if you want I'll setup a little service to do it for you, we're running ghostscript on the one server for PDF invoices [13:09]
mircea_popescu call it the deadobinator. [13:09]
mircea_popescu fluffypony set it for the world, it's a good utility. [13:09]
mircea_popescu "you don't need to interact with pdfs anymore, just prefix all pdf download links with" [13:10]
fluffypony lol [13:11]
fluffypony lemme play with this little python snippet and see what I can do [13:11]
mircea_popescu no rush. [13:12]
fluffypony oh wikipedia, u so meta: [13:13]
mircea_popescu nowai. [13:13]
* punkman1 is now known as punkman [13:14]
* assbot gives voice to punkman [13:15]
punkman mircea_popescu: there's scribd, but it kinda sucks [13:15]
mircea_popescu yeah not rly an improvement [13:15]
punkman I'll try their API, had it on some todo list a while ago [13:23]
punkman meanwhile, namecheap answers: "Unfortunately, technical department informed us that you should use only static IPs wih API. Once the IP is changed automatically the API will fail." [13:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26978 @ 0.00098323 = 26.5256 BTC [+] {3} [13:24]
mircea_popescu kik [13:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20405 @ 0.00098188 = 20.0353 BTC [-] [13:34]
* twizt has quit (Quit: Page closed) [13:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.07079999 = 0.6372 BTC [-] [13:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25550 @ 0.00097997 = 25.0382 BTC [-] {4} [14:02]
* Skirmant ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:08]
mircea_popescu ;;later tell mike_c :) [14:09]
gribble The operation succeeded. [14:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25875 @ 0.00098479 = 25.4814 BTC [+] {2} [14:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 290 @ 0.0013 = 0.377 BTC [+] [14:25]
* fanquake (~anonymous@unaffiliated/fanquake) has left #bitcoin-assets [14:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11450 @ 0.00097778 = 11.1956 BTC [-] {2} [14:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 8 @ 0.14 = 1.12 BTC [14:49]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11137 @ 0.00098012 = 10.9156 BTC [+] [14:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14700 @ 0.00098255 = 14.4435 BTC [+] {2} [14:55]
* numerisTrade has quit () [14:59]
* soulblade738_ is now known as soulblade738 [15:05]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:12]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26654 @ 0.00097495 = 25.9863 BTC [-] {2} [15:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 5 @ 0.0711 = 0.3555 BTC [-] {2} [15:26]
* HeySteve has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [15:32]
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* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:38]
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* HeySteve (~DinoSaw@unaffiliated/heysteve) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:43]
* HeySteve has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:46]
* LorenzoMoney has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium [15:50]
* LorenzoMoney (~LorenzoMo@unaffiliated/lorenzomoney) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:50]
* LorenzoMoney has quit (Client Quit) [15:51]
* LorenzoMoney (~LorenzoMo@unaffiliated/lorenzomoney) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:52]
fluffypony ;;later tell asciilifeform thought you'd enjoy your views on Lisp being confirmed by the South African netsec community: [15:54]
gribble The operation succeeded. [15:54]
Apocalyptic fluffypony, you know Stalker ? [15:55]
Apocalyptic I mean THE Stalker ? [15:55]
fluffypony Apocalyptic: no clue if that's his nick here, I'd assume so [15:56]
Apocalyptic where did this convo take place ? [15:56]
fluffypony #zacon on Atrum [15:56]
* saulimus has quit (Quit: saulimus) [15:58]
Apocalyptic can you ask him if he's the HZV Stalker ? [15:58]
fluffypony k [15:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00098149 = 11.6797 BTC [+] [15:59]
* Rulother has quit (Quit: Leaving) [16:00]
fluffypony Apocalyptic: not him [16:03]
Naphex the syntax in lisp is just brilliant [16:06]
Naphex so easy to understand, and see what's going on ;] [16:06]
Naphex makes coding look like abstract art [16:06]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36900 @ 0.00097423 = 35.9491 BTC [-] {2} [16:08]
Apocalyptic fluffypony, ok, thanks [16:08]
Naphex [16:09]
* KRS1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:11]
fluffypony [16:13]
ozbot Activist Post: Silk Road Prosecutor Says IRS is Wrong, Bitcoin is Money [16:13]
fluffypony so basically: "Bitcoin is money. Or property. Or a medium of exchange. Or a store of value. Or gold. Dependent on whether we want to prosecute or tax you or both." [16:14]
* LorenzoMoney has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium [16:16]
* LorenzoMoney (~LorenzoMo@unaffiliated/lorenzomoney) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:16]
ThickAsThieves seems they are trying to solve the wrong problem [16:21]
Apocalyptic ^ [16:21]
ThickAsThieves why try to put a square in a round hole [16:21]
ThickAsThieves just give it its own category [16:21]
ThickAsThieves hell they dont even have to do that, maybe just go ahead and let it be multiple things in law [16:23]
ThickAsThieves is bitcoin money? yes [16:24]
ThickAsThieves is it property? yes [16:24]
ThickAsThieves etc [16:24]
* LeMarkz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:30]
* CheckDavid has quit () [16:30]
ThickAsThieves !up random_cat_ [16:46]
assbot Voicing random_cat_ for 30 minutes. [16:46]
* assbot gives voice to random_cat_ [16:46]
random_cat_ ty; sometime soon semi-auto authenticate will re-occur [16:49]
random_cat_ the query was: isn't money [just] a special form of property? [16:49]
thestringpuller ThickAsThieves: why try to put a square in a round hole << i've said this for years. but now i'm starting to understand people are so stupid they don't realize they are stupid [16:49]
ThickAsThieves "A unique category of property is money, which in some legal systems is treated as tangible property and in others as intangible property." [16:50]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:51]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:51]
* numerisTrade (~numerisTr@unaffiliated/numeris) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:51]
ThickAsThieves ;;later tell mircea_popescu in regards to having a "bitcoin" how might that differ from and the like simply accepting bitcoin? to ONLY accept bitcoin? [16:52]
gribble The operation succeeded. [16:52]
ThickAsThieves ;;later [16:52]
gribble Error: "later" is not a valid command. [16:52]
thestringpuller ~_~ [16:53]
* Anon29486307 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:55]
ThickAsThieves ;;halfreward [16:55]
gribble Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Sun Aug 21 14:55:32 2016 UTC | Time remaining: 2 years, 16 weeks, 2 days, 1 hour, and 0 seconds. [16:55]
ThickAsThieves ;;interval [16:56]
gribble 526.829268292683 [16:56]
fluffypony [16:56]
fluffypony lawl [16:56]
ozbot [XCP] Adeally IPO Monday April 28 [16:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 32 @ 0.07225812 = 2.3123 BTC [+] {5} [16:56]
random_cat_ too bad halfreward does not mention the block number [16:56]
ThickAsThieves ;;totalbtc [16:56]
gribble Error: "totalbtc" is not a valid command. [16:56]
fluffypony SEC filing was incorrect [16:56]
ThickAsThieves ;;totalbc [16:56]
gribble 12711475.0 [16:56]
fluffypony "Just be happy that nobody has mentioned the Whistleblower program, which provides a 10-30% bounty on SEC enforcement actions that result from tips on possible SEC violations. With all of the faucet mongers on this forum, I imagine at least one or two of them would spend a few minutes on the SEC website for a payday down the road." [16:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30543 @ 0.00097653 = 29.8262 BTC [+] {2} [16:57]
ThickAsThieves interesting that they filed at all [16:59]
ThickAsThieves (i assume someone verified they did?) [17:00]
ThickAsThieves ;;obip 1000 [17:00]
gribble Bitstamp | The weighted average price of BTC, 1000.0 coins up and down from the spread, is 446.28772 USD. | Data vintage: 0.1078 seconds [17:00]
ThickAsThieves interesting [17:00]
ThickAsThieves thats like excactly the price [17:00]
ThickAsThieves ;;baratio [17:01]
gribble Bitstamp | Total bids: 9884457 USD. Total asks: 23180 BTC. Ratio: 426.41103 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 58.1081 seconds [17:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5546 @ 0.00097551 = 5.4102 BTC [-] [17:05]
fluffypony ThickAsThieves: they provided a snurl'd link to the SEC filing in the OP [17:06]
ThickAsThieves word [17:07]
ThickAsThieves this is interesting [17:07]
ozbot With all that cash, why is Apple borrowing to raise its dividend and buybacks? | PandoDaily [17:07]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:07]
bounce because the cash isn't really cash and stuck across borders and more of that bs? [17:08]
ThickAsThieves sorta [17:08]
ThickAsThieves in order to keep the money overseas to avoid tax [17:08]
ThickAsThieves they borrow money here [17:09]
ThickAsThieves through the bond offering [17:09]
* assbot gives voice to mike_c [17:09]
ThickAsThieves they buyback their own stock [17:10]
ThickAsThieves it's fucked up and elegant [17:10]
ThickAsThieves KnCMiner Joins Bitcoin Foundation at Platinum Level [17:14]
random_cat_ CoB < E[RoE] ? [17:15]
* assbot removes voice from random_cat_ [17:16]
* princessnell_ (d0b9aa4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:17]
ThickAsThieves !up princessnell_ [17:18]
assbot Voicing princessnell_ for 30 minutes. [17:18]
* assbot gives voice to princessnell_ [17:18]
princessnell_ thanks [17:18]
ThickAsThieves np [17:18]
ThickAsThieves if you need help getting auth'd and all that jazz, people in here can help [17:19]
ThickAsThieves same for you random_cat_ [17:19]
* MrWDunne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:22]
ThickAsThieves ;;later tell fluffypony see look, you do have (software) competition! [17:23]
gribble The operation succeeded. [17:23]
fluffypony ThickAsThieves: yep I know, but hey - competition is good for the soul;) [17:25]
ThickAsThieves well it at least means the vertical might actually exist [17:27]
ThickAsThieves ;) [17:27]
fluffypony it definitely does [17:28]
fluffypony and there's a lot more to mining than cgminer [17:30]
thestringpuller [17:39]
thestringpuller ;;google [17:40]
gribble NEXT: 16-10-2013 - #bitcoin-assets log: [17:40]
thestringpuller ;;google "" [17:40]
gribble NEXT: 16-10-2013 - #bitcoin-assets log: [17:40]
thestringpuller ~_~ [17:40]
* zoinky (~Adium@unaffiliated/zoinky) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:41]
* bloctoc has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [17:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0340011 = 0.34 BTC [-] [17:42]
mike_c mircea_popescu: i thought you'd like that article. i am a fan of cuban, he's good people. [17:43]
mike_c good writeup. a bit harsh on mark, but he can take it. [17:43]
* princessnell_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [17:43]
thestringpuller mike_c: is this in trilema? [17:45]
mike_c yes [17:45]
thestringpuller new article? [17:46]
mike_c yes, would you like me to read it to you out loud? :) [17:46]
ThickAsThieves lol [17:47]
thestringpuller yes please. will you read it to me tonight before I go to bed [17:47]
* mike_c needs more coffee [17:47]
thestringpuller like a bed time story?!?!? [17:47]
thestringpuller why was I here again... [17:48]
thestringpuller oh yea [17:48]
mike_c absolutely. just send me 1 trilema credit. [17:48]
thestringpuller !jd MPIF [17:48]
assbot Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 50.36083449 BTC [17:48]
thestringpuller WHOA [17:48]
thestringpuller HOL UP HOL UP [17:48]
thestringpuller ;;google ( .36 / 50 ) [17:48]
gribble Source Four® EDLT 19˚, 26˚, 36˚, & 50˚ ETC®: ; Source Four® jr 36° ETC®: ; Control Escon Page: [17:48]
thestringpuller ;;calc ( 0.36 / 50 ) [17:48]
gribble 0.0072 [17:48]
thestringpuller ;;calc 0.0072 * 6 [17:49]
gribble 0.0432 [17:49]
thestringpuller ;;calc 0.0072 * 5 [17:50]
gribble 0.036 [17:50]
mike_c if you're curious, here's historical monthly JD ROI: [17:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0404999 = 0.405 BTC [+] [17:52]
thestringpuller nice [17:53]
thestringpuller thx [17:53]
mike_c this month was 4.4% [17:54]
* Dimsler_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:00]
kakobrekla are you gonna do cumulative charts too ? [18:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0405 = 0.405 BTC [+] [18:01]
* Dimsler has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:02]
mike_c there's a widget for calculating cum ROI across any timespan on there [18:03]
kakobrekla yea i just figured that out [18:03]
mike_c cumulative ROI from inception, it can be hard to tease out useful info. idk. [18:04]
mike_c aw, sheesh. fricking widget is busted. who coded this crap? [18:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.0009764 = 8.2018 BTC [+] [18:06]
thestringpuller ThickAsThieves: what do you think about Curren$y? [18:09]
mike_c ok, widget is fixed. [18:09]
mike_c so, last night i was on bitbet and was thinking that it would be cool to have a dynamic banner ad that promoted bitbets. aspiring affiliates could use it to make big moolah. [18:11]
mike_c proof of concept: (reload a few times for dynamicism) [18:11]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13500 @ 0.00097574 = 13.1725 BTC [-] {2} [18:11]
benkay neat, mike [18:11]
kakobrekla this is neat [18:11]
kakobrekla first!! [18:12]
* kakobrekla checks the log [18:12]
kakobrekla fuck. [18:12]
mike_c proof of concept is slow & unstable (pings BB in background), but wouldn't be hard to make it solid. [18:14]
kakobrekla you could do like ?id=1,2,3 to feed it the pool from which to select the displayed text ? [18:19]
kakobrekla let it ping bb who cares [18:19]
kakobrekla its not like im gonna run out bandwidth like ukyo does [18:20]
mike_c yeah, that would work. the default should be to grab from open bets (which it doesn't check right now). [18:20]
mike_c well, i'm thinking BB might get mad at my server and rate limit it. [18:20]
bounce *iwilcox* [...] these guys should be in #bitcoin-otc-uk this evening: [...] -- post from the 24th, claiming "We have developed a NASDAQ style exchange platform" and bitcoin/GBP for starters; logs then show a post 110 higer claiming to be "the only true UK bitcoin exchange". [18:20]
kakobrekla prolly not mike_c [18:20]
mike_c but i have like, crazy traffic! BB might get swamped :D [18:21]
kakobrekla hehe [18:21]
kakobrekla on a side point , the site is quite lightweight [18:22]
mike_c but i'm thinking i'll whip up an includable .js that writes out the image and a supplied affiliate id. then affiliates can use it in their advertising. [18:22]
kakobrekla so it should handle some beating. [18:22]
mike_c static pages are nice that way. [18:22]
bounce re apple borrowing to pay dividents, they've been doing that for a while. though, thinking about it... are those off-shore profits still tax deductible when gifted to charities? [18:23]
kakobrekla fyi, when you scroll in /browse/, theres a delay added intentionally on loading new data, because without it, it was too fast and didnt look good. [18:23]
mike_c heh. nice. [18:24]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:25]
ThickAsThieves bounce, my guess is that they may not necessarily be donating that offshore money, but that they have less need to spend it there in the short term than they have need to spend money in the US. Sorta like theyve diverted more assets overseas than they need, but no so badly that theyre willing to eat the tax hit to bring it back. [18:25]
* Sahtor ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:25]
ThickAsThieves even more likely, they are biding their time for a tax holiday or special workaround yet to exist [18:25]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:26]
bounce I'm not asking whether they would be donating anything. I'm asking whether, in case some company would like to donate and deduct, they can do it with off-shore money [18:27]
* Kushed has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:29]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:30]
kakobrekla i just checked, 50ms delay, but you notice it. [18:30]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:30]
ThickAsThieves <+bounce> I'm not asking whether they would be donating anything. I'm asking whether, in case some company would like to donate and deduct, they can do it with off-shore money --- well, they can't bring it back without paying their due. i suppose they could donate within the host country though. I really don't know the facts. [18:32]
fluffypony bounce: wow, there are so many "One True UK Bitcoin Exchanges" right now [18:34]
fluffypony we should start one [18:34]
fluffypony EVERYONE should start one and claim there's is the only TRUE one [18:34]
bounce oh yes, why not. entirely run by non-residents. there's a novel idea. [18:34]
fluffypony come now [18:35]
bounce there's? [18:35]
fluffypony Christian Papathanasiou is "widely considered a UK thought leader" [18:35]
fluffypony need we say anything more? [18:35]
bounce whosat? [18:35]
fluffypony he leads thoughts. [18:35]
fluffypony Global Coin FX [18:35]
fluffypony the Seedcoin II funded *true* UK exchange [18:36]
fluffypony bounce: <- another *true* UK exchange [18:38]
bounce searching for that guy's name brings up this: [18:38]
bounce yeah that's the +110 [18:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0405 = 0.162 BTC [+] [18:39]
fluffypony this UK exchange thing is becoming a living, breathing No True Scotsman fallacy [18:39]
fluffypony "Christian works as a Senior Application Security Architect for a large Investment Bank based in London" [18:39]
fluffypony I see [18:40]
fluffypony so that's how you become a thought leader [18:40]
* fluffypony makes a note [18:40]
* bitcoinpete (~bitcoinpe@unaffiliated/bitcoinpete) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:40]
bounce my experiences with uk recruiters is... not good. "not enough unix" when there's six flavours on the old cv, that sort of stuff. [18:41]
* MiningBuddy- (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0700013 = 0.14 BTC [-] [18:43]
* assbot gives voice to bitcoinpete [18:45]
* MiningBuddy has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:45]
* MiningBuddy (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:48]
* MiningBuddy has quit (Changing host) [18:48]
* MiningBuddy (~msn@unaffiliated/miningbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:48]
fluffypony bounce: they sound special [18:49]
* MiningBuddy- has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [18:52]
fluffypony !up the20year [18:52]
assbot Voicing the20year for 30 minutes. [18:52]
* assbot gives voice to the20year [18:52]
fluffypony !up mrstickball [18:52]
assbot Voicing mrstickball for 30 minutes. [18:52]
* assbot gives voice to mrstickball [18:52]
the20year yay [18:54]
the20year I would have thought mrstickball would have had a high enough rating for auto voice [18:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 3 @ 0.14 = 0.42 BTC [18:55]
benkay it's not quantity but quality [18:57]
benkay ;;gettrust assbot mrstickball [18:57]
gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask mrstickball!uid14687@gateway/web/ Trust relationship from user assbot to user mrstickball: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Fri Jul 5 18:09:54 2013 [18:57]
fluffypony the20year: it's not about a "high" rating [18:57]
fluffypony the20year: you have to be in assbot's l1 or l2 to up yourself [18:57]
benkay uh but it seems mrstickball could up himself. [18:57]
benkay ;;gettrust assbot the20year [18:57]
gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask the20year!~the20year@ Trust relationship from user assbot to user the20year: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Tue Apr 29 11:21:55 2014 [18:57]
ThickAsThieves !down the the20year [18:58]
ThickAsThieves !down the20year [18:58]
* assbot removes voice from the20year [18:58]
ThickAsThieves do it right plz! [18:58]
benkay the man can't self-up, ThickAsThieves. [18:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0381001 = 0.381 BTC [-] [18:59]
ThickAsThieves well tell me this [18:59]
* Kushed ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:59]
ThickAsThieves what's the point of +m if someone just gets voiced every day by someone else? [18:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] [PAID] 5.00000000 BTC to 50`000 shares, 10000 satoshi per share [19:00]
benkay the point is that those who can voice do so if they feel moved by the spirit [19:00]
ThickAsThieves well feel free to re-up i guess i made my point [19:00]
* ericmuyser has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00097897 = 10.3771 BTC [+] [19:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.38507092 BTC to 7`589 shares, 31428 satoshi per share [19:01]
BingoBoingo !up the20year [19:01]
assbot Voicing the20year for 30 minutes. [19:01]
* assbot gives voice to the20year [19:01]
BingoBoingo the20year: for srs has no one trust in you? [19:02]
the20year Not here at least it seems [19:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6600 @ 0.00097815 = 6.4558 BTC [-] [19:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] [PAID] 42.37371273 BTC to 7`589 shares, 558357 satoshi per share [19:02]
the20year You'd think i'd be able to drum up more people considering i've been given along the lines of 1k btc [19:02]
* GSpotAssassin has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [19:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 24 @ 0.03800456 = 0.9121 BTC [-] {3} [19:03]
the20year Correct [19:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.03964468 = 0.7929 BTC [+] {3} [19:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07364998 = 0.1473 BTC [+] [19:04]
BingoBoingo the20year: Well I'm averse to trusting you because of that thing where you consider Ohio viable enough to make it a core part of your schtick [19:04]
the20year So I've been working on ratings for 2 days, granted mrstickball i don't think still have enough trust after a year to voice himself [19:04]
the20year You live in Ohio? [19:04]
* GSpotAssassin___ (sid4086@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:05]
fluffypony the20year: you can get enough trust to voice yourself the day you join [19:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 99 @ 0.03302152 = 3.2691 BTC [-] {6} [19:05]
fluffypony it's not about historical ratings [19:05]
benkay I'm averse to trusting the20year due to that whole 'suspend trading and sell stock at a fixed price' thing, BingoBoingo . [19:05]
fluffypony or cumulative ratings [19:05]
* dR3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:05]
BingoBoingo benkay: Maybe that is a part of it? Maybe it isn't. [19:06]
the20year fluffypony: how? [19:06]
BingoBoingo the20year: I thought I made my position on Ohio well known in the past. [19:06]
fluffypony the20year: [19:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 24 @ 0.036 = 0.864 BTC [-] [19:06]
the20year And your source of data boingo? [19:06]
fluffypony the20year: just go and trade OTC with any of those people [19:06]
fluffypony once rated you'll be in assbot's L2 [19:07]
ThickAsThieves <+mrstickball> benkay: correct me if I'm wrong, but that is what Havelock does <<< only of the20year allows it [19:07]
the20year with suspending shares for 2nd phase? I'm not aware of any option they have outside of it [19:07]
benkay yeah, this "havelock's the problem here!" whine carries absolutely no water. [19:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 27 @ 0.036 = 0.972 BTC [-] {2} [19:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 43 @ 0.07385419 = 3.1757 BTC [+] {7} [19:07]
mike_c <+fluffypony> the20year: just go and trade OTC with any of those people << if they give ratings for trading peanuts OTC [19:07]
ThickAsThieves why are you calling it second phase? [19:07]
ThickAsThieves isnt this your 3rd or 4th offering? [19:07]
benkay sell at the market price. that's the honest thing to do. [19:07]
the20year Isn't that what it is? [19:07]
the20year Our stock is based on USD, and that was the price of USD:BTC at the time of re-issuing [19:08]
benkay stop. [19:08]
fluffypony mike_c: sure, doesn't have to be peanuts tho - 1 BTC isn't a bad trade OTC [19:08]
BingoBoingo the20year: That part where that river lit on fire in your state. The General shittiness of THE Ohio State University needing to emphasize the "THE", there are others [19:08]
benkay it doesn't matter. you don't get to set a price for your freely traded paper. [19:08]
the20year BingoBoingo: and those are economic factors because? [19:09]
the20year If there's no demand for said paper, then there's no demand [19:09]
ThickAsThieves !t h rent [19:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 19 @ 0.0072648 = 0.138 BTC [-] [19:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00726480 / 0.00747862 / 0.00750000 (209 shares, 1.56303120 BTC), 7D: 0.00726480 / 0.00749755 / 0.00750000 (1822 shares, 13.66053120 BTC), 30D: 0.00726480 / 0.00749981 / 0.00750000 (23119 shares, 173.38803120 BTC) [19:09]
BingoBoingo the20year: Because maybe Ohio might decide to make the rivers flamable again? Maybe the whole state collapses into Earth's mantle after a football loss. [19:09]
benkay yeah, you found some suckers. doesn't make what they're doing investing, doesn't make what you're doing not insane. [19:10]
BingoBoingo mrstickball: No. I am judging their land tied rental business based on its location. [19:10]
the20year And our fund isn't an investment because? [19:10]
the20year Based on pollution problems from the 1960s and a college in the state [19:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 40 @ 0.06474168 = 2.5897 BTC [-] [19:10]
the20year Makes total sense [19:10]
BingoBoingo Also, Brandon Phillips [19:11]
benkay the20year: it's a reference to the difference between what happens on havelock and what investing actually is. reading comprehension ftw. [19:11]
BingoBoingo And the movie Major League didn't exactly paint a flattering portrait of the state [19:11]
the20year A movie? [19:11]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:14]
BingoBoingo There are lots of reasons to doubt Ohio is going to last the next decade, much less the next century before it collapses into a North American Somalia. [19:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53593 @ 0.00098025 = 52.5345 BTC [+] {3} [19:18]
bitcoinpete gotta jet but ima leave this here: [19:19]
bitcoinpete [19:19]
ozbot A Billion Doesn’t Buy Respect | When Bitcoin Met Pete [19:19]
bitcoinpete as per nba clippers dude [19:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] [19:20]
the20year is there a way to get a multi-day log from bitcoin-assets? [19:21]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:21]
BingoBoingo mrstickball: When you have a venture tied to physical land, generally the idiots surrounding it affect the desirability of that land. [19:21]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:21]
* assbot removes voice from mrstickball [19:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.03399999 = 0.102 BTC [+] {2} [19:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23057 @ 0.00098335 = 22.6731 BTC [+] [19:24]
BingoBoingo !up mrstickball [19:24]
assbot Voicing mrstickball for 30 minutes. [19:24]
* assbot gives voice to mrstickball [19:24]
BingoBoingo a fundamental right of persons is to dislike things, whether the things are chocolate, puppies, or locations [19:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 20 @ 0.06474168 = 1.2948 BTC [-] [19:25]
BingoBoingo Or other persons [19:25]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 20 @ 0.03282499 = 0.6565 BTC [-] {5} [19:26]
the20year It's like that lady I was talking to on facebook last night who said gasonline prices are lower on average under Obama than the past administrations [19:26]
ThickAsThieves sounds like a horrible conversation [19:27]
the20year I'm pretty sure i lost IQ [19:27]
the20year I even dug up the EIA weekly gasoline price report going back to 1990 [19:27]
BingoBoingo mrstickball: It's a judgment. Time reveals correctness. I judge Ohio to dangerous to have anything tied to its land. [19:27]
* jordandotdev (uid7502@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0311 = 0.1244 BTC [-] [19:28]
* bitcoinpete has quit (Quit: bitcoinpete) [19:28]
the20year oooh, let's get a bitbet going [19:28]
benkay the20year: wouldja share that EIA data? [19:28]
the20year I'll put up 2btc [19:28]
benkay bitbet only goes out 12 mos. [19:28]
the20year [19:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03 = 0.18 BTC [-] {2} [19:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 100 @ 0.0062041 = 0.6204 BTC [-] {4} [19:29]
benkay of course it's not really 'gasoline' any more. 'corn oil', and subsidized at that. [19:29]
the20year Corn oil sells locally for $3.25/gal [19:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 100 @ 0.14 = 14 BTC [19:31]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:31]
* assbot removes voice from the20year [19:32]
BingoBoingo benkay: Worse than that. Corn Alcohol rendered undrinkable. That and it doesn't lubricate engine parts. [19:32]
benkay right. corn alcohol, not oil. [19:33]
kakobrekla [19:33]
ozbot Dark Wallet Alpha - YouTube [19:33]
kakobrekla lmao. [19:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.02820001 = 0.2538 BTC [-] {2} [19:34]
BingoBoingo [19:34]
ozbot Bloomberg's Trading Terminals Now Providing Bitcoin Pricing - Slashdot [19:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02820001 = 0.141 BTC [-] [19:35]
punkman "Amir Taaki is listed by Forbes as one of the top 30 entrepreneurs under 30 in 2014" [19:35]
Apocalyptic kako, gotta love the Amir [19:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.02820001 = 0.282 BTC [-] [19:36]
kakobrekla video from [19:36]
ThickAsThieves gawd... [19:37]
Apocalyptic punkman, not sure if serious or... [19:38]
kakobrekla punkman you got that from here? [19:39]
punkman kakobrekla: [19:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SF2] 3000 @ 0.001 = 3 BTC [19:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.03077777 = 0.277 BTC [+] {3} [19:42]
thestringpuller Dark Wallet was conceived last summer by Wilson and Amir Taaki. << immediately stopped reading when I saw Taaki's name [19:43]
thestringpuller for fucks sake [19:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.03180768 = 0.4135 BTC [+] {6} [19:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.031 = 0.217 BTC [-] {4} [19:44]
jurov for conception's sake [19:47]
punkman Amit Avner, The veteran of Israeli Defense Force's elite intelligence and programming unit is a coding prodigy who started a search engine at age 14. does advertising to put brands in real-time social conversations for major brands like American Express, Paramount Studios, Pepsi and Samsung. [19:48]
punkman this Forbes list has a lot of derp [19:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] [19:49]
* Kushed is now known as Kushed|AFK [19:50]
* Dimsler_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:51]
* Dimsler ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:51]
* mjr_ (~Thunderbi@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:52]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 53 @ 0.06474168 = 3.4313 BTC [-] [19:53]
* mius has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [19:54]
* assbot removes voice from mrstickball [19:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1700 @ 0.00097815 = 1.6629 BTC [-] [19:54]
* Kushed|AFK is now known as Kushed [19:54]
* mius (~mius@gateway/tor-sasl/mius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:54]
jurov !up mjr_ [19:57]
assbot Voicing mjr_ for 30 minutes. [19:57]
* assbot gives voice to mjr_ [19:57]
jurov !up mius [19:57]
assbot Voicing mius for 30 minutes. [19:57]
* assbot gives voice to mius [19:57]
jurov !up Dimsler [19:57]
assbot Voicing Dimsler for 30 minutes. [19:57]
* assbot gives voice to Dimsler [19:57]
* LeMarkz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:58]
Dimsler yeah i left my btc wallet back home [19:58]
Dimsler no gribble auth for me [19:58]
* mius has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:00]
* mius (~mius@gateway/tor-sasl/mius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:00]
* the20year has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [20:15]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [20:16]
Naphex evening [20:17]
* go1111111 (~go1111111@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:17]
asciilifeform from the circus: [20:18]
asciilifeform [20:18]
ozbot Using Facebook Notes to DDoS any website | A Programmer's Blog [20:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SF2] 162 @ 0.001 = 0.162 BTC [20:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 7 @ 0.14 = 0.98 BTC [20:21]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.50454994 = 1.0091 BTC [-] {2} [20:25]
* akstunt600 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:26]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:27]
* assbot removes voice from mjr_ [20:28]
* assbot removes voice from Dimsler [20:28]
* Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14900 @ 0.00097757 = 14.5658 BTC [-] [20:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 36 @ 0.00459 = 0.1652 BTC [-] [20:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 17 @ 0.006017 = 0.1023 BTC [-] {2} [20:32]
ThickAsThieves [20:32]
ozbot Amsterdam, Bitcoin Conferences, Quantum Mining and the Future [20:32]
mike_c ^ open market seems to disagree with 3po price [20:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.50499989 = 1.01 BTC [+] [20:33]
mike_c 9 paragraphs, 11 footnotes :) you guys. [20:34]
ThickAsThieves just waiting for your footnote article! [20:34]
* bitstein_ (adae7c39@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:35]
* bitstein_ has quit (Client Quit) [20:35]
* bitstein (adae7c39@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:36]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00097705 = 8.6957 BTC [-] [20:37]
mike_c tat you should live-ish blog, that would be interesting. and then you can capture some of those interesting conversations before they grow fuzzy in recollection. [20:37]
fluffypony [20:37]
ozbot PHP Manual Masterpieces [20:37]
ThickAsThieves i just might [20:42]
BingoBoingo ;;later tell mircea_popescu Statements should be in your mailbox [20:44]
gribble The operation succeeded. [20:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 6906 @ 0.00012322 = 0.851 BTC [+] {11} [20:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 831 @ 0.00012729 = 0.1058 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32400 @ 0.00097705 = 31.6564 BTC [-] [20:49]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 41 @ 0.02883412 = 1.1822 BTC [-] {15} [20:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.07477643 = 1.1964 BTC [+] {5} [20:52]
bounce where was that piece about quantum-proofing bitcoin? it's apparently doable though requires something of a revamp, so probably yet another altcoin [20:53]
* PCATLMarketing has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:54]
* akstunt600 has quit (Read error: No route to host) [20:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 644 @ 0.00451278 = 2.9062 BTC [-] {11} [20:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 99 @ 0.0043548 = 0.4311 BTC [-] {5} [20:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.0741 = 1.0374 BTC [-] [20:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0335 = 0.1675 BTC [+] [21:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0336 = 0.1344 BTC [+] [21:03]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:04]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:04]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0334999 = 0.134 BTC [-] [21:05]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Client Quit) [21:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.07386034 = 0.8863 BTC [-] {2} [21:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31065 @ 0.00097676 = 30.343 BTC [-] {2} [21:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35635 @ 0.00097328 = 34.6828 BTC [-] {5} [21:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07499989 = 0.75 BTC [+] [21:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07499989 = 0.225 BTC [+] [21:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07101492 = 0.142 BTC [-] [21:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [21:15]
benkay for teh lols, it takes > a minute to generate 4096 bit keypair on a cutting edge iOS device [21:16]
* joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:17]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:18]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10710 @ 0.00097931 = 10.4884 BTC [+] {2} [21:19]
* akstunt600 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:20]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:20]
* cgcardona_ (~cgcardona@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:20]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.0300001 = 0.18 BTC [-] [21:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 28 @ 0.00739958 = 0.2072 BTC [+] [21:23]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:24]
Apocalyptic I wouldn't generate any kind of key on such device [21:25]
Apocalyptic unless it's "for teh lols" [21:25]
* assbot gives voice to cgcardona_ [21:28]
cgcardona_ top of tha mornin #bitcoin-assets o/ [21:28]
fluffypony benkay: presumably due to lack of entropy not due to it being tough to crunch? [21:28]
benkay fluffypony: i'd assume. [21:28]
fluffypony "move the mouse to generate entropy" [21:28]
fluffypony :-P [21:28]
fluffypony oh Bob Hoskins died :( [21:29]
benkay Apocalyptic: it's an adequate solution. [21:29]
ThickAsThieves [21:30]
ozbot Yelp now lists businesses that accept Bitcoin - CNET [21:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00097943 = 8.7169 BTC [+] [21:32]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.0309999 = 0.186 BTC [+] {6} [21:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0741 = 0.5187 BTC [+] [21:38]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 86 @ 0.07011241 = 6.0297 BTC [-] {5} [21:43]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.50969968 = 1.0194 BTC [+] [21:48]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.50969986 = 1.5291 BTC [+] {2} [21:49]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.5097 BTC [+] [21:50]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21400 @ 0.00097943 = 20.9598 BTC [+] [22:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] [PAID] 3.20000000 BTC to 40`000 shares, 8000 satoshi per share [22:03]
* FabianB_ is now known as FabianB [22:05]
* assbot gives voice to FabianB [22:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.00098139 = 16.7818 BTC [+] {3} [22:08]
* toastee (toastee@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-jbxdbyyxukosymsv) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:09]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.48320571 = 4.8321 BTC [-] {7} [22:13]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07406305 = 0.1481 BTC [+] [22:14]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.48264098 = 4.8264 BTC [-] {8} [22:23]
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BingoBoingo [22:25]
ozbot FSU Athlete Explains Why Jameis Winston Allegedly Stole Food [22:25]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 6 @ 0.08 = 0.48 BTC [+] [22:28]
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ThickAsThieves "The jury is deliberating in the lawsuit between Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Samsung, but their decision is modified and perhaps complicated by the fact that any damages awarded to Apple will be paid not by the Korean copycat, but by Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG). Google, the creator of the Android platform, agreed to absorb a portion, or the entirety, Samsung’s losses (if any) and court [22:31]
ThickAsThieves costs because the infringed patents relate to the Mountain View firm’s software, and not Samsung’s hardware. " [22:31]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:33]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.08 = 0.16 BTC [+] [22:34]
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BingoBoingo !up Mats_cd03 [22:40]
assbot Voicing Mats_cd03 for 30 minutes. [22:40]
* assbot gives voice to Mats_cd03 [22:40]
BingoBoingo !up daybyter [22:41]
assbot Voicing daybyter for 30 minutes. [22:41]
* assbot gives voice to daybyter [22:41]
BingoBoingo !up jorash [22:41]
assbot Voicing jorash for 30 minutes. [22:41]
* assbot gives voice to jorash [22:41]
daybyter hi! [22:41]
BingoBoingo !up ericmuyser [22:41]
assbot Voicing ericmuyser for 30 minutes. [22:41]
* assbot gives voice to ericmuyser [22:41]
BingoBoingo Hello [22:41]
BingoBoingo !up akstunt600 [22:41]
assbot Voicing akstunt600 for 30 minutes. [22:41]
* assbot gives voice to akstunt600 [22:41]
akstunt600 Thanks [22:42]
BingoBoingo You are welcome [22:42]
akstunt600 hey looking for a good c developer [22:42]
akstunt600 i have a new coin with a very cool new concept i would like to implement [22:42]
daybyter C....not java...everybody hates java... :-( [22:43]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00097943 = 5.093 BTC [-] [22:43]
* mat__ (180406d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:43]
akstunt600 yeah lol, java scares me anymore. Such a shame ecause i supported Java devs for years as a systems admin [22:43]
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akstunt600 and ASE [22:43]
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akstunt600 i think javav clients and wallets scare many miners/investors [22:44]
BingoBoingo Yeah. [22:44]
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daybyter I write all my trading code in java... [22:45]
BingoBoingo Local java can be workable for some uses, but... Even then usually there are better options. [22:45]
Naphex java is a good tool [22:45]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:45]
Naphex great if you know how to use it, when and where [22:45]
thestringpuller java is a terrible tool [22:45]
* daybyter hugs Naphex [22:46]
thestringpuller Lemme run VMs in a vm so you can vm [22:46]
BingoBoingo The whole having a Giant API layer to run some "portable" code is a turn off. [22:46]
thestringpuller Additionally why must java take so much memory? [22:46]
Naphex you can have that api layer as clean as you want [22:46]
Naphex its just a jar [22:46]
BingoBoingo Sure, but the runtime... [22:46]
thestringpuller You'd think the garbage collection would be more efficient than someone manually allocating memory. [22:46]
daybyter I run my code on my 256MB smartphone... [22:46]
Naphex thestringpuller: not that many problems with gc if you don't trash like an asshole [22:47]
daybyter and a bot on a 512MB vps. [22:47]
Naphex you're suposed to do quality code [22:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12680 @ 0.00097943 = 12.4192 BTC [-] [22:47]
Naphex don't trash, and you won't have gc problems [22:47]
daybyter the same code. [22:47]
thestringpuller Naphex: such an idealist... [22:47]
punkman can't even browse interesting Java code without a damn IDE, all those damn subdirectories [22:47]
thestringpuller because when we set a pointer to null it'll be gc'ed in the next cycle [22:48]
thestringpuller ~_~ [22:48]
thestringpuller jesus [22:48]
Naphex oh man [22:48]
Naphex you guys should see enterprise software [22:48]
Naphex it's huge. [22:48]
punkman rly? [22:49]
Naphex like public transportation dispatches [22:49]
Naphex at that point having IDE's with autocomplete, context lookup and refactoring [22:49]
Naphex is a blessing [22:49]
daybyter good trading software is also big... [22:49]
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thestringpuller Naphex: i used to work for a payment processor who wrote the entire webapp in java [22:49]
thestringpuller some like 2000 useless files [22:50]
Naphex i wouldn't do webapp dev in java tough [22:50]
* blackwhite (~blackwhit@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:50]
Naphex and servlets and ee sucks ass [22:50]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:50]
thestringpuller oracle database with tables with 300+ columns [22:50]
Naphex standalone java, ftw, and backends and such [22:50]
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Naphex i'd rather do scalable server backends, with nio in java then anything other [22:50]
midnightmagic thestringpuller: hah sounds like qpass [22:50]
ThickAsThieves ;;gettrust jorash [22:51]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user ThickAsThieves to user jorash: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never [22:51]
Naphex boost c++ / python(or the realtime variants) / whatever [22:51]
daybyter you want to work on java code? [22:51]
daybyter server included? [22:51]
Naphex you have static code, very good nio stack, and nice threading [22:51]
Naphex nah - i'm full [22:51]
daybyter oh... :-( [22:51]
ThickAsThieves ;;rate jorash 1 Not afraid of criticism. Thank you. [22:51]
gribble Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. [22:51]
ThickAsThieves ah [22:51]
BingoBoingo lol [22:52]
ThickAsThieves well at least you all see it [22:52]
Naphex i wouldn't do GUI/servlets/ or webdev in java [22:52]
Naphex so yeah [22:52]
* Enky (~enky@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:52]
daybyter the bot can create a web UI for server mode. [22:52]
daybyter it's an exchange then. [22:52]
daybyter but still needs a lot of work... [22:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3310 @ 0.00097943 = 3.2419 BTC [-] [22:53]
thestringpuller lol boost c++ [22:53]
thestringpuller game devs love that one [22:53]
Naphex so do bitcoin devs [22:53]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:54]
akstunt600 lol @ garbage collection issues, iits atrocious still [22:54]
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akstunt600 i like boost c++ i can even contribute in it. i mean i have already made the base for this new coin [22:54]
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akstunt600 I have never actually done more than the basic tuts in eclipse for c++ [22:55]
Mats_cd03 heyooooo [22:55]
Naphex boost c++ == java runtime for C++ :) [22:55]
akstunt600 Thanks [22:55]
Mats_cd03 just had a dericious popover [22:55]
akstunt600 i feel dumb now [22:55]
akstunt600 mmmm popovers [22:55]
akstunt600 yeah i saw alot of semblance between the two [22:56]
Naphex plus i'd also wager that java profiling/analyzing/debugging tools are some of the best around [22:56]
daybyter I just use some simple SYstem.out.println... [22:57]
daybyter I hate eclipse... [22:57]
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Naphex daybyter: try intelij maybe, or not an ide :] [23:00]
daybyter I'm happy with emacs... [23:00]
daybyter and my ant build files. [23:00]
Apocalyptic should use vim [23:00]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10390 @ 0.00097598 = 10.1404 BTC [-] [23:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0300001 = 0.15 BTC [-] [23:02]
* blackwhite (~blackwhit@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] 31 @ 0.00710059 = 0.2201 BTC [-] {3} [23:03]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0305 = 0.122 BTC [+] [23:03]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:04]
akstunt600 I love VIM i used eclipse ages ago [23:04]
akstunt600 Vim is much more my style [23:04]
akstunt600 :-) [23:04]
akstunt600 just nice syntax highlisting and able to search and replace quickly [23:05]
akstunt600 I used diff and cime to make this new base coin [23:05]
akstunt600 Not sure i want it to be pow/pos after readin up more on it and gettin a bit more intamate [23:06]
akstunt600 However POSv is intriguin the velocity of money is a great idea [23:06]
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ThickAsThieves my recent blog post has been softened a bit to be a little less bitcoinpete-y about the quantum mining guys [23:08]
* ThickAsThieves has a heart. [23:08]
fluffypony bravery level = so [23:09]
fluffypony or [23:09]
fluffypony altruism level = so [23:09]
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* HeySteve (~DinoSaw@unaffiliated/heysteve) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:10]
ThickAsThieves well if i'm gonna be writing blog posts about people i better make sure i put myself in their shoes, since i'm more likely to be wearing them at some point [23:11]
mike_c outrageous viewpoints are more engaging! (see trilema) [23:11]
ThickAsThieves well even mircea has a code [23:11]
* assbot removes voice from Mats_cd03 [23:11]
* assbot removes voice from daybyter [23:11]
* assbot removes voice from jorash [23:11]
* assbot removes voice from ericmuyser [23:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0739 = 0.2217 BTC [-] [23:11]
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* Sahtor has quit (Quit: Sahtor) [23:13]
BingoBoingo !up Mats_cd03 [23:13]
assbot Voicing Mats_cd03 for 30 minutes. [23:13]
* assbot gives voice to Mats_cd03 [23:13]
FabianB ;;ticker --all [23:15]
gribble (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market |all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitstamp. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure the (1 more message) [23:15]
* mjr_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:15]
BingoBoingo ;;ticker --marker all [23:15]
gribble (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market |all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitstamp. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure (1 more message) [23:15]
BingoBoingo ;;more [23:15]
FabianB ;;ticker --market all [23:15]
gribble the code is a valid currency on your target market. Default currency is USD. [23:15]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 448.56, vol: 10740.77264368 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 440.974, vol: 7166.42317 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 446.95000001, vol: 7354.70049941 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 442.71, vol: 65.20138464 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 445.630074, vol: 4064.44780000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 451.84808, vol: 5.76850587 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 454.83009, vol: 90.26075823 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message) [23:15]
BingoBoingo ;;more [23:15]
gribble Error: That's all, there is no more. [23:15]
FabianB ;;more [23:16]
gribble average: 445.917849754 [23:16]
FabianB hmm [23:16]
ThickAsThieves ;;less [23:16]
gribble Error: "less" is not a valid command. [23:16]
fluffypony ;;plenty [23:17]
gribble Error: "plenty" is not a valid command. [23:17]
fluffypony well fine [23:17]
FabianB ;;ticker --market all --currency eur [23:18]
gribble Bitstamp BTCEUR last: 323.41176, vol: 10740.78072368 | BTC-E BTCEUR last: 321.05028, vol: 122.88625 | CampBX BTCEUR last: 319.19391, vol: 65.20138464 | BTCChina BTCEUR last: 321.456384, vol: 4063.02780000 | Kraken BTCEUR last: 323.9393, vol: 761.77418746 | Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR last: 327.9, vol: 90.26075823 | Volume-weighted last average: 322.925581931 [23:18]
mike_c so who is fucking with ATC? mined like crazy until diff change, then they all shut off. stupid pool hoppers. [23:18]
fluffypony bastards [23:19]
fluffypony heartless, ruthless bastards [23:19]
fluffypony messing with our dreams [23:19]
FabianB is it on any of the switchpools? [23:19]
BingoBoingo mike_c: That happened a way back [23:19]
mike_c it just happened. [23:19]
ThickAsThieves there has always been a bit of a pattern like that with atc [23:19]
BingoBoingo Really? [23:20]
mike_c last diff change was like 200%, next diff change projected at -67% [23:20]
ThickAsThieves yeah, ive seen several times where it starts -% prediction then ends up + [23:20]
BingoBoingo mike_c: Last diff change was quite a while ago wasn't it? [23:20]
ThickAsThieves like people mining only at the tail end of the period or some shit [23:20]
mike_c no, few days ago [23:20]
fluffypony "I agree, confidentiality agreements are not the funnest situations" [23:21]
ThickAsThieves it's funny considering the price has gone up [23:21]
fluffypony funnest [23:21]
fluffypony he said funnest [23:21]
mike_c BingoBoingo: april 27 i believe. [23:21]
fluffypony ;;later tell mircea_popescu looks like everyone's trolling on the forum worked - "We have decided to re-structure Seedcoin Fund 2 to make it more attractive to potential investors and to re-launch the offering in the near future. All current SF2 investors will be refunded and invited to join the future offering." [23:23]
gribble The operation succeeded. [23:23]
mike_c atc diff from blockr. note recent huge spike. [23:24]
ThickAsThieves or was it "we have realized aint no one gonna buy this, back to the drawing board!" [23:24]
mike_c almost all that hash power seems to be gone now. [23:24]
ThickAsThieves someone is trying to kill Altcoin! [23:24]
ThickAsThieves bring back teh whalez [23:24]
mike_c indeed. I wonder what it would cost to rent some miner's hashpower to smooth out the bumps. [23:25]
thestringpuller %hash [23:25]
thestringpuller ugh whats teh command mod6 [23:25]
mike_c %diff [23:25]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 149792.42 in 1834 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -67.10 [23:25]
ThickAsThieves like i mentioned in romania, i was considering sponsoring some miners [23:25]
mike_c did you make any inquiries? [23:26]
ThickAsThieves but mircea was right, as usual, the best way to support them is by buying ATCs [23:26]
ThickAsThieves so i did and will continue to [23:26]
thestringpuller i imagine ATC will become extremely useful in lieu of the testnet [23:26]
mike_c well, price support is nice. but it seems that can lead to what just happened. that is, it gets profitable and so a huge flood of hash hits the network, profit is taken, and hash leaves. [23:28]
mike_c now the only way to attract would be to make it profitable at the new difficulty level, which is way too high [23:28]
mike_c and could result in the same problem happenning again [23:29]
mike_c so having some TH/s in your back pocket to smooth out these kind of bumps still seems like a good idea. [23:29]
* Lethe has quit (Quit: leaving) [23:30]
mod6 thestringpuller: and remember there is always %help [23:31]
atcbot %t | %ticker | %book | %diff | %tx | %bal | %atc_mined | %block | %last_block | %cm_rate | %ptp_rate [23:31]
mike_c hands-off management might not be the answer here :) [23:31]
mod6 on the next restart, some of those commands will be smaller: %last_block becomes %lb, etc. [23:31]
atcbot [ATC Last Block] Height: 30422 Time: 2014-04-30T19:37:51Z Vout Sum: 512 Number TXs: 1 Difficulty: 455357.12903751 Hash: 0000000000002498569861e6b76cafa903d6e235cf337d8da3d4d7a8d224eceb Fee: 0.00000000 Size: 518 Days Destroyed: 0 Confirmations: 1 [23:31]
mod6 oop, lol [23:31]
* ericmuyser has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:32]
mike_c mod6: and it will only check for commands at start of line? [23:32]
mod6 yeah, i can add that too. [23:33]
BingoBoingo %atc_mined [23:33]
atcbot [ATC Mined] ATC Mined (to date): 15575552 Total ATC (to be mined): 268435456 % Mined of Total: 5.80 [23:33]
ThickAsThieves mike_c well i'm down to help [23:33]
ThickAsThieves if we can think of a sound way to do it [23:34]
ThickAsThieves i wish to maintain my promise to never mine any [23:34]
ThickAsThieves but that doesnt mean i wont donate to someone else providing hash security for the network [23:34]
BingoBoingo With only just under 6% mined, I dunno if advancing difficulty supposed price is the right approach. [23:34]
mike_c well, mining is a PITA. I would be interested to know what it would cost to get an option from some miners where they would agree to put some hashes on ATC when we want in the amounts we want. [23:35]
mike_c i'd also like to hear more from mircea_popescu if he thinks this is a bad idea. [23:36]
ThickAsThieves maybe we start the Altcoin Foundation [23:36]
mike_c lol [23:36]
ThickAsThieves except we actually do stuff for the health of the coin n stuff [23:36]
mike_c yes. can i be an amber member? platinum is so 2013. [23:37]
ThickAsThieves i think stan might be good at designing membership levels [23:38]
ThickAsThieves Patron of the Motherland [23:39]
ThickAsThieves or somesuch [23:39]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [23:40]
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fluffypony is there a firm love for sha256 as an algo? [23:43]
BingoBoingo fluffypony: Yes [23:43]
fluffypony ok [23:43]
fluffypony in terms of multi-pools [23:43]
fluffypony why not look at something like KGW or DigiShield? [23:43]
fluffypony they're both half a dozen of one, six of another [23:43]
fluffypony but they prevent multipools from taking advantage much [23:44]
* assbot removes voice from Mats_cd03 [23:44]
mike_c one of the nice things about altcoin is that is bitcoin in disguise. [23:48]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:48]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:49]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 20 @ 0.03350004 = 0.67 BTC [+] {5} [23:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 62 @ 0.03295674 = 2.0433 BTC [-] {14} [23:52]
fluffypony mike_c: which is fine when you have 57ph/s network wide, but when you have a significantly small distribution it's easy to manipulat [23:52]
fluffypony *manipulate [23:52]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 22 @ 0.03095223 = 0.6809 BTC [+] {8} [23:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9650 @ 0.00097356 = 9.3949 BTC [-] {2} [23:53]
fluffypony so whilst doing the whole "Bitcoin in disguise" thing is humorous, if the aim is to prevent multipools or someone with a wack of hashing power abusing it (and thus making it even more useless/pointless) then there are solutions to that [23:53]
BingoBoingo [23:54]
ozbot OpenSSH No Longer Has To Depend On OpenSSL - Slashdot [23:54]
mike_c yes, well, i'd rather pay a miner 0.2 btc to let us down gently from this difficulty bump instead of completely change the coin. [23:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03200199 = 0.16 BTC [-] {3} [23:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03208333 = 0.1925 BTC [+] {6} [23:55]
fluffypony how is adding a more rapid difficulty adjustment "completely" changing the coin? [23:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0325 = 0.26 BTC [+] {8} [23:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.032375 = 0.1295 BTC [+] {2} [23:56]
fluffypony I'd argue that Satoshi was optimistic in his difficulty adjustment timeframe [23:56]
mod6 ok quick atcbot restart here. [23:56]
* atcbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:57]
ThickAsThieves well we aint gonna change the diff adjustment time now [23:57]
ThickAsThieves it was chosen arbitrarily intentionally dammit! [23:57]
fluffypony lol [23:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.033125 = 0.1325 BTC [+] {4} [23:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.0339615 = 0.4415 BTC [+] {11} [23:59]
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