Forum logs for 17 Mar 2016
Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
asciilifeform | unrelatedly, | [00:05] |
asciilifeform | continuing levison thread >>> | [00:05] |
assbot | Ladar Levison - As many of you already know, the government cited... ... ( ) | [00:05] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00042133 = 8.4266 BTC [+] {2} | [00:06] |
asciilifeform | back to the microdot, | [00:08] |
asciilifeform | b&w photography is ULTRA EASY | [00:09] |
asciilifeform | even in JUNGLE CONDITIONS | [00:09] |
phf | i periodically revisit his page for inspiration, but i suspect that's he's probably some form of northern european anarcho leftist, which now's been fashionable long enough to perhaps swing back to fascism again. in other words he will probably find b-a rhetoric toxic. but i'm guessing from spending much time with other members of that crowd | [00:09] |
asciilifeform | it is the caustics, heavy metals, cleanroom, etc. that suck donkey cock | [00:09] |
phf | for all i know he wear leather boots and listens to martial industrial.. | [00:09] |
asciilifeform | but these possibly can be commoditized into a thing that contains no logic as such | [00:09] |
asciilifeform | but simply takes a piece of film. | [00:09] |
asciilifeform | phf: actually i see him as something more like a lacan who dropped out of physics, or the like | [00:10] |
mod6 | hanbot: hi, cool. probably would have to go back to at least the beginning of this whole hard/soft fork discussion i'd think. | [00:11] |
punkman | "We didn’t see any of this happening,” Ramos said. “They’re saying Michael wanted to kill himself. We just don’t know.” She said that Michael Ford’s mother suffered a heart attack after police in Prince George’s burst into her house to search it following the shooting and that she is now at the same hospital as her son." << we just don't know, lol | [00:12] |
asciilifeform | that makes ... 2? 3? usg-authored corpses in the case now ? | [00:13] |
asciilifeform | 4 ? | [00:13] |
punkman | oh wait I misread heart attack before station shooting | [00:13] |
mod6 | anyway, think it over for a bit. i'll get some coins into the foundation in a few days and then will try to write something up that can be signed. | [00:13] |
phf | "if i cut the tape, he realized, my world will disappear. reality will continue for others, but not for me. because my reality, my universe, is coming to me from this minuscule unit. fed into the scanner and then into my central nervous system as it snailishly unwinds." | [00:13] |
asciilifeform | aha! | [00:15] |
punkman | speakinf of film, I've thought of doing backups on microfilm reels. Small reel holds 5k A4 pages or something. | [00:19] |
asciilifeform | punkman: not sure if i ever viewed a microfilm reel without blots | [00:21] |
asciilifeform | i suppose you could 'turbo code' it (m of n) | [00:21] |
asciilifeform | sorta like folks used to do with cassettes. | [00:21] |
punkman | yeah, some redundancy in the data, plus compression, then OCR | [00:22] |
punkman | which should also work on paper | [00:22] |
punkman | (I mean printed A4 pages) | [00:22] |
punkman | "At 42X Reduction, a 215 ft. Roll of Archive Microfilm will hold approximately 12,300 images" | [00:24] |
BingoBoingo | | [00:40] |
assbot | JL: More Hoodrats, Mom, Please! ... ( ) | [00:40] |
danielpbarron | << how does this relate to more or less "relay work" ? | [00:44] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 00:03:15; mircea_popescu: and yet another twistable knob exists : the nonce may be shifted before taking the nonceth element. | [00:44] |
* | liquidbasic (addb7662@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:59] |
BingoBoingo | !up liquidbasic | [01:06] |
* | assbot gives voice to liquidbasic | [01:06] |
liquidbasic | I know nothing | [01:07] |
funkenstein_ | a wise man knows he is a fool | [01:14] |
* | DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) | [01:23] |
* | assbot removes voice from liquidbasic | [01:37] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9771 @ 0.00042134 = 4.1169 BTC [+] | [01:59] |
* | joesmoe has quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) | [02:10] |
* | CrazyTruthYakDDS has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | [02:29] |
BingoBoingo | | [02:34] |
assbot | VIDEO: Harvard students debate whether whites should kill themselves due to ‘privilege’ | ... ( ) | [02:34] |
* | funkenstein_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [02:43] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00041975 = 2.4765 BTC [-] {2} | [02:50] |
* | massiro (d2eb356c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:01] |
* | CrazyTruthYakDDS (uid67551@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:05] |
* | joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | [03:48] |
* | trixisowned ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:48] |
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* | dbclk (~dbclk@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:06] |
* | gernika has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [04:20] |
* | bungleburn (c34d3601@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:24] |
* | dbclk has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:32] |
* | gernika (~awt@unaffiliated/gernika) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:33] |
* | Alopex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [04:38] |
* | bungleburn has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [04:39] |
* | Alopex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:44] |
* | CrazyTruthYakDDS has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | [05:09] |
* | adlai (~adlai@unaffiliated/adlai) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:19] |
jurov | hanbot: it's hard to determine what is obsolete and what isn't in past logs, i'd do only new stuff from now on and go back only following explicit references | [05:24] |
* | CrazyTruthYakDDS (uid67551@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:26] |
* | gernika has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [05:42] |
* | gernika (~awt@unaffiliated/gernika) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:43] |
davout | mircea_popescu kakobrekla would either of you guys veto my application for the job of bitbet receiver? | [06:18] |
jurov | lol such careful approach | [06:41] |
* | jurov pictures davout approaching the snakepit with stick | [06:42] |
davout | jurov: well yes, this looks like an interesting job though! | [06:52] |
jurov | yes, and glad to hear you're interested | [06:52] |
davout | now whether both the involved parties think i'm qualified or not is obviously the first thing to clear up | [06:52] |
jurov | i can't think of any possible serious objections | [06:57] |
jurov | would surprise me if you'd be rejected outright | [06:58] |
davout | that's up to the involved parties, wait and see | [06:58] |
jurov | just the monkey on my back driving my fingers again, i guess. | [07:00] |
davout | obligatory | [07:01] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [07:01] |
* | joesmoe (~joesmoe@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [07:03] |
* | joesmoe has quit (Client Quit) | [07:03] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32574 @ 0.00042099 = 13.7133 BTC [+] {2} | [07:15] |
* | CrazyTruthYakDDS has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | [07:29] |
* | jidan has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [07:29] |
* | liead has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [08:16] |
* | AaronvanW has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [08:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32100 @ 0.00042091 = 13.5112 BTC [-] | [08:43] |
punkman | !t m s.mpoe | [08:51] |
assbot | [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00041975 / 0.00042038 / 0.00042134 (279487 shares, 117.49 BTC), 7D: 0.00041975 / 0.0004784 / 0.00053073 (12107697 shares, 5,792.34 BTC), 30D: 0.00041975 / 0.00055005 / 0.00059897 (70614688 shares, 38,841.89 BTC) | [08:51] |
* | jidan ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [08:59] |
* | punkman has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [09:08] |
* | punkman (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [09:10] |
* | punkman1 (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [09:21] |
* | punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [09:22] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24250 @ 0.00041975 = 10.1789 BTC [-] {3} | [09:23] |
* | TheAdversary has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [09:36] |
* | TheAdversary (~adversary@unaffiliated/hasimir/bot/theadversary) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [09:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24300 @ 0.00041982 = 10.2016 BTC [+] {3} | [09:57] |
* | rdymac has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | [10:24] |
mircea_popescu | davout i wouldn't, in principle. | [10:38] |
mircea_popescu | i saw you with glasses on once, total accountant look. good enough for me. | [10:39] |
shinohai | | [10:40] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [10:40] |
* | panoddl (2edac112@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:42] |
mircea_popescu | !up panoddl | [10:43] |
-assbot- | You voiced panoddl for 30 minutes. | [10:43] |
* | assbot gives voice to panoddl | [10:43] |
* | panoddl has quit (Client Quit) | [10:44] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform to round up yest's discussion of intelligence : if your putative beast that eats its brain does so in an actual maximum point, then the behaviour of eating the brain is intelligent ; if however it does so in a local maximum point that is later within its lifetime invalidated by events, then the same exact behaviour was unintelligent. | [10:44] |
mircea_popescu | this underscores the principal point about intelligence, which is to say that it is an ex post facto construction outside the object, and consequently it can not either be objective, or objectively measured. | [10:45] |
mircea_popescu | considered in general, "naturally" which is to say over an universal domain, "intelligence" is meaningless. | [10:45] |
mircea_popescu | will may give restrictions of domain upon which an intelligence function may be constructed so it's coherent, but this then doesn't provide a method to justify the will upon which the whole construction is based. | [10:46] |
mircea_popescu | this is the fundamental problem of ethics, that you can't have an intelligent justification of will, merely a willful justification of intelligence. | [10:46] |
mircea_popescu | and this is why neither ethics nor iqs are a thing. | [10:47] |
davout | <<< :D | [10:47] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 13:40:36; mircea_popescu: i saw you with glasses on once, total accountant look. good enough for me. | [10:47] |
mircea_popescu | now answer the q asked of solrodar if you will. | [10:47] |
davout | refresh my memory? | [10:48] |
mircea_popescu | and following. | [10:49] |
assbot | Logged on 15-03-2016 00:50:59; mircea_popescu: i'm sure somebody somewhere has, why not. anyway : what do you plan to do to maximize shareholder revenue from bitbet assets ? | [10:49] |
shinohai | !s | [10:53] |
assbot | These 42 Bitcoin projects were shutdown by an ongoing DDoS attack : Bitcoin ... ( ) | [10:53] |
assbot | 0 results for '' : | [10:54] |
* | massiro has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [10:55] |
davout | that would be three-fold: not charge more than a few percent for the whole liquidation, evaluate all claims against bitbet in light of its actual contract (and more specifically, the 3.2 (d) clause), try to get as much as possible from the non-cash assets, and (quite importantly) not disappear with the cash | [10:56] |
davout | (and yes, that's more than three points) | [10:56] |
mircea_popescu | doesn't tell me much. | [10:57] |
* | SuchWow has quit (Quit: Stop looking at my quit message) | [10:57] |
mircea_popescu | << - >> | [10:57] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 02:54:43; asciilifeform: why isn't he here, again?!1111 | [10:57] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 02:54:20; asciilifeform: i have not, it turns out, been keeping up with the fella. | [10:57] |
mircea_popescu | i take it's because you were too jwz to have invited him already ? | [10:58] |
davout | mircea_popescu: ask something a bit more specific maybe? | [10:59] |
mircea_popescu | dear god. | [10:59] |
assbot | Logged on 15-03-2016 00:52:46; mircea_popescu: do you have any sort of particular assets that'd likely help ? prior experience in doing this sort of thing (selling online properties) ? connections or otherwise some power putting you above others in some way ? | [10:59] |
mircea_popescu | | [11:00] |
assbot | Logged on 15-03-2016 00:55:05; mircea_popescu: i don't think you take my meaning. have you for instance ever auctioned a domain name successfully ? are you well known in those circles ? anything ? | [11:00] |
mircea_popescu | what did you think & following means ? | [11:00] |
mircea_popescu | there's a list there. don't have to go through it as is, read it, think it through also works. | [11:00] |
davout | well i did get that and read it, but i don't have any particular assets or connections other than my wot and history that put me in a particularly better position than others to do the job | [11:01] |
mircea_popescu | << it is a sin, i will point out, to act today on the basis of an evaluation of tomorrow. please, causes. forget effects. THEY are toxic. | [11:01] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 03:10:26; phf: i periodically revisit his page for inspiration, but i suspect that's he's probably some form of northern european anarcho leftist, which now's been fashionable long enough to perhaps swing back to fascism again. in other words he will probably find b-a rhetoric toxic. but i'm guessing from spending much time with other members of that crowd | [11:01] |
mircea_popescu | davout i see! | [11:02] |
davout | so yeah, no particular mention of those non-extant things | [11:02] |
mircea_popescu | much better stated like this than stated like you know, in the fiat wooden tongue. at least for my needs. | [11:02] |
davout | pardon my french | [11:02] |
mircea_popescu | :p | [11:03] |
mircea_popescu | (to explain my thought process to the curious bystander - i would have seriously considered the application of a fiat-based receiver with provable practice but innocent of the wot over solrodar's ; i won't consider such over davout's. this means that in the past coupla days a window for some people to actually make their corpses useful to the world opened and closed - notwithstanding their or anyone else's pretense to | [11:04] |
mircea_popescu | the contrary.) | [11:04] |
* | solrodar (02788345@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [11:06] |
davout | bbl | [11:06] |
mircea_popescu | << hence all the soviet youth's photo labs. | [11:09] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 03:10:22; asciilifeform: even in JUNGLE CONDITIONS | [11:09] |
mircea_popescu | phf for my curiosity, what's your classification of "b-a rhetorics" ? anarcho-neoliberal ? deco-existentialist ? | [11:10] |
mircea_popescu | ;;google liber-schimbist | [11:11] |
gribble | Party of Free Change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: |
[11:11] |
mircea_popescu | << pretty lulzy. | [11:21] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 03:14:29; asciilifeform: that makes ... 2? 3? usg-authored corpses in the case now ? | [11:21] |
mircea_popescu | << you mean he didn't move to argentina ?! | [11:21] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 03:15:03; phf: "if i cut the tape, he realized, my world will disappear. reality will continue for others, but not for me. because my reality, my universe, is coming to me from this minuscule unit. fed into the scanner and then into my central nervous system as it snailishly unwinds." | [11:21] |
mircea_popescu | i'm shocked. SHOCKED! i say! | [11:21] |
mircea_popescu | << you';re better off with digital storage than analogic. even for the narrow cases where analogic usually wins (film archival) it's on the grounds of "preserving the original item, which was analogic rather than transform it in some manner the lossy-ness of which we can't evaluate", nothing more. | [11:23] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 03:25:18; punkman: "At 42X Reduction, a 215 ft. Roll of Archive Microfilm will hold approximately 12,300 images" | [11:23] |
jurov | punkman: you can use | [11:24] |
assbot | Twibright Optar ... ( ) | [11:24] |
mircea_popescu | << if the nonce is not shifted at all, each digest is good for exactly one nonce. if the nonce is shifted one bit, each digest is good for 2 nonces. if it is shifted 10 bits, 1024 nonces. etc. | [11:25] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 03:45:31; danielpbarron: << how does this relate to more or less "relay work" ? | [11:25] |
mircea_popescu | danielpbarron an important point to consider is the data & i/o meaning of "1 petahash". if each single hash requires 256 bits of data to proceed, you are looking at 32 petabytes of data that has to move. in a second ? ouch. | [11:26] |
mircea_popescu | i mean i know gavin-moore law will "fix this in the future", of course, but this isn't how engineering works. | [11:31] |
mircea_popescu | in fact, that's eactly how engineering ISN'T done. | [11:31] |
mircea_popescu | << ahahaha. | [11:31] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 04:08:30; liquidbasic: I know nothing | [11:31] |
mircea_popescu | ;;google know-nothings | [11:31] |
gribble | Know Nothing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: |
[11:31] |
mircea_popescu | << they should at least wear those cute see through frilly socks! if they can't go all the way to | [11:39] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 05:35:22; assbot: VIDEO: Harvard students debate whether whites should kill themselves due to ‘privilege’ | ... ( ) | [11:39] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [11:39] |
mircea_popescu | "The suburbs are doomed. Go rural or stay urban, where you at least have structurally defensible enclaves, as opposed to getting caught in the suburban net that was designed to put you at the mercy of teenage criminals when you are in your eighties." << to the uncharitable eye it'd seem south africa was actually an experiment rather than happenstance. | [11:49] |
mircea_popescu | << he has a good point. | [11:52] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 08:25:22; jurov: hanbot: it's hard to determine what is obsolete and what isn't in past logs, i'd do only new stuff from now on and go back only following explicit references | [11:52] |
asciilifeform | << this puts you in the lulzy position of saying the same for, e.g., voltage. | [11:52] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 13:46:44; mircea_popescu: this underscores the principal point about intelligence, which is to say that it is an ex post facto construction outside the object, and consequently it can not either be objective, or objectively measured. | [11:52] |
asciilifeform | or even mass. | [11:52] |
mircea_popescu | how does it do that ? | [11:52] |
mircea_popescu | yes, mass. see qm. | [11:52] |
asciilifeform | well, 'ex post facto measurement.' | [11:52] |
asciilifeform | aha | [11:52] |
asciilifeform | nevertheless these are essential engineering abstractions. | [11:52] |
mircea_popescu | IF you can stay carefully out in a domain where the newtonian approximation is close enough, THEN you'll be ok with that idea of intelligence. | [11:53] |
mircea_popescu | however, it appears pretty narrow. | [11:53] |
asciilifeform | sure. | [11:53] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform just because one whore was easy doesn't mean all whores are going to be as easy. | [11:53] |
mircea_popescu | and this one particular whore seems hell bent on making life miserable. | [11:54] |
asciilifeform | hm? | [11:54] |
mircea_popescu | yes, mass you can presume you'll fuck for a cracker. | [11:54] |
mircea_popescu | intelligence ? dear god. | [11:54] |
asciilifeform | we have a pretty good handle on stupidity though. | [11:55] |
asciilifeform | largely i work with ~it~ | [11:56] |
asciilifeform | not intelligence. | [11:56] |
mircea_popescu | maybe. | [11:56] |
asciilifeform | << he walked out of my cache. now back in. i am considering writing to him, but probably i am no good at this, none of the folks thus far to whom i wrote, showed up. | [11:57] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 13:59:23; mircea_popescu: i take it's because you were too jwz to have invited him already ? | [11:57] |
asciilifeform | << i have right here ! | [11:58] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 14:10:22; mircea_popescu: << hence all the soviet youth's photo labs. | [11:58] |
asciilifeform | doesn't everyone!??!1111 | [11:58] |
asciilifeform | << original thread was about AUDITABLE devices | [11:59] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 14:24:58; mircea_popescu: << you';re better off with digital storage than analogic. even for the narrow cases where analogic usually wins (film archival) it's on the grounds of "preserving the original item, which was analogic rather than transform it in some manner the lossy-ness of which we can't evaluate", nothing more. | [11:59] |
asciilifeform | as in, photo has ~no state. | [12:00] |
asciilifeform | no hidden 'will flip if xyz' functionality possible. | [12:00] |
mircea_popescu | oh hey check it out, wikipedia manages a 5k word article on "allied invasion of sicily" without the words "cosa nostra", "mafia" or "vizzini". way to go, history by the retards, for the retards, a complete pie! | [12:03] |
mircea_popescu | anyways asciilifeform : ever heard of one calogero vizzini ? | [12:03] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform check it out, your idea of "auditable" maps exactly on my idea of "clearsign" yet you had trouble digesting that ?!?!?!?! | [12:03] |
asciilifeform | i dun see ? | [12:05] |
asciilifeform | clearsign involves magic words that break the flow of events | [12:06] |
asciilifeform | which imho is retarded. | [12:06] |
mircea_popescu | i can print it and have my slaves verify it by hand. | [12:06] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu wrote about how s&m with 'safeword' is retarded | [12:06] |
asciilifeform | he oughta understand? | [12:06] |
mircea_popescu | notwithstanding that magic words are retarded. | [12:07] |
asciilifeform | you can have as easily the slaves print out nonclearsigned (magic header, vs magic inband) and verify. | [12:07] |
asciilifeform | in hex if you like. | [12:07] |
asciilifeform | and in fact this is POINTEDLY easier. | [12:07] |
asciilifeform | because they do not need to transform the payload. | [12:08] |
* | DianaComan (~diana_com@unaffiliated/diana-coman/x-8319396) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [12:08] |
asciilifeform | only hash it. | [12:10] |
mircea_popescu | and YOU can just as well have a trusted computer to print out the digital store. | [12:11] |
asciilifeform | << city is 'defensible' if the city is stalingrad, and 'defend' can include 'destroy', and red army is flying in supplies. | [12:11] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 14:51:01; mircea_popescu: "The suburbs are doomed. Go rural or stay urban, where you at least have structurally defensible enclaves, as opposed to getting caught in the suburban net that was designed to put you at the mercy of teenage criminals when you are in your eighties." << to the uncharitable eye it'd seem south africa was actually an experiment rather than happenstance. | [12:11] |
* | diana_coman has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [12:11] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform he means something very specific by "structurally defensive enclaves". | [12:11] |
asciilifeform | are these folks really imagining they will defend in a siege from a row house ? | [12:12] |
mircea_popescu | it's a concept more correctly derived from crystallography, of which he's unaware : | [12:12] |
mircea_popescu | amorphous pockets the energy of resolution for which exceeds the destruction energy for the crystal. | [12:12] |
asciilifeform | warsaw ghetto ? | [12:12] |
mircea_popescu | yes, it's delusional. but it's what he means. | [12:12] |
mircea_popescu | and in the domain he knows how to contemplate, he is correct. | [12:13] |
mircea_popescu | "correct like the jews". should be a trope. | [12:13] |
asciilifeform | it works - for a spell - against waffen ss, but not king hunger. | [12:13] |
mircea_popescu | "what could POSSIBLY happen if we badmouth and boycott german goods ?" | [12:13] |
mircea_popescu | "i dunno, maybe most of you die in a large pit fire ?" | [12:13] |
mircea_popescu | "WHAT!111!" | [12:13] |
mircea_popescu | but the most interesting of all these threads - ever heard of one calogero vizzini ? | [12:14] |
asciilifeform | btw the crystal concept has applications even in orcdom | [12:16] |
asciilifeform | small arms 'demilitarized' for museums sometimes have lead poured into the barrel | [12:16] |
asciilifeform | idea being that if you heat it to melt the lead out, you destroy the temper. | [12:16] |
mircea_popescu | so it does. it's one of those bits of reality that keeps repeating. | [12:16] |
asciilifeform | aha | [12:17] |
asciilifeform | 'we had to destroy the village in order to save it' (tm) (r) | [12:17] |
mircea_popescu | amputations still occur. | [12:17] |
asciilifeform | aha. | [12:18] |
* | adlai has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [12:18] |
asciilifeform | an i am, approx., a pro amputator. | [12:18] |
asciilifeform | little else. | [12:18] |
asciilifeform | << moar lulz | [12:21] |
assbot | Isis executes six ‘spies’ in Iraq accused of leaking militants’ details | Middle East | News | The Independent ... ( ) | [12:21] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: how come nobody seems to get impaled in the arab lands ? assyrians, iirc, are thought to have ~invented~ the fucking stake!111 why no impale ?!11 | [12:22] |
mircea_popescu | how would i know! | [12:24] |
asciilifeform | who if not mircea_popescu would know!11 | [12:24] |
mircea_popescu | these two can coexist. | [12:24] |
asciilifeform | apparently. | [12:24] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, impalement is what i'd do. established absolute ruler of great power and etc. isis isn't that, just a swarming mob. of course they prefer beheadings, manlier. | [12:24] |
* | Aleph0 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [12:25] |
mircea_popescu | once they get an actual suleyman, impalements have a better chance. | [12:25] |
asciilifeform | hm yeah, crowd gotta hold still long enough to enjoy an impalement | [12:25] |
asciilifeform | no such thing in the orc lands. | [12:25] |
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danielpbarron | << still having a hard time with this. Wouldn't shifting the nonce just leave you with another nonce? I don't understand how it would line up with multiple nonces.. | [12:30] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 14:26:26; mircea_popescu: << if the nonce is not shifted at all, each digest is good for exactly one nonce. if the nonce is shifted one bit, each digest is good for 2 nonces. if it is shifted 10 bits, 1024 nonces. etc. | [12:30] |
asciilifeform | << holy fuck, srsly?! mircea_popescu would let somebody liquidate the 750 coin, and try to pay the bettors in fiat, with kyc crapolade, etc. ?!!!11 | [12:31] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 14:05:47; mircea_popescu: (to explain my thought process to the curious bystander - i would have seriously considered the application of a fiat-based receiver with provable practice but innocent of the wot over solrodar's ; i won't consider such over davout's. this means that in the past coupla days a window for some people to actually make their corpses useful to the world opened and closed - notwithstanding | [12:31] |
asciilifeform | or is there some ~other~ wotless 'proven practice' i don't know about. | [12:31] |
* | Apocalyptic (~Apocalypt@unaffiliated/apocalyptic) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [12:34] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform ah, no. they'd have to get in wot and follow teh rules, of course. | [12:44] |
mircea_popescu | and if i hire an immigrant irishman as a carpenter, that STILL means he's gonna carpent in fucking new york, not that i'm paying his passage back to dublin to make me some doors and window frames there. wtf. | [12:44] |
mircea_popescu | danielpbarron let's work an example. say the nonce is 7. this means hash1=f(header+7) and hash2 = g(digest(7)+7) | [12:46] |
mircea_popescu | if in fact a shift by 2 was in effect, it'd be the case that hash1=f(header+7) and hash2 = g(digest(1)+1) | [12:47] |
mircea_popescu | hash2 would have been the same for all nonces over 3, ie, 4, 5, 6 and 7. it'd have also been the same for all nonces under 4, ie, 0, 1, 2 and 3. | [12:47] |
mircea_popescu | this means you get to do 4 old style hashings for each new style digest you calculate. | [12:47] |
mircea_popescu | this because 2 bits = 2^2 = 4. had the shift been 17 bits, then you'd get to do 2^17 = 131072 old style hashings for each new style digest you calculate. | [12:49] |
danielpbarron | how do you get to 1 from a shift of 2 away from 7? | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | 7 is 111 in binary. | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | 0111 shifted 2 is 0001 | [12:49] |
danielpbarron | aha | [12:49] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00042133 = 6.657 BTC [+] {2} | [13:14] |
deedbot- | [Daniel P. Barron] The New Bitcoin - | [13:17] |
mircea_popescu | mod6 ^ ? | [13:19] |
mircea_popescu | danielpbarron you know i think comments are somehow broken ? i push teh button, nothing happens. | [13:26] |
davout | ;;isup | [13:26] |
gribble | is down | [13:26] |
davout | danielpbarron: ^ | [13:26] |
danielpbarron | dang | [13:28] |
* | joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [13:28] |
danielpbarron | pogo really shouldn't be used for this purpose :< | [13:28] |
asciilifeform | danielpbarron: what os on the pogo? | [13:40] |
asciilifeform | what httptron? | [13:40] |
mircea_popescu | well, since alf doesn't want to engage the failure modes of "we know what stupidity is", let's just leave reference to perhaps the best folkloric work of all time, | [13:41] |
assbot | Full text of "Opere complete di Giuseppe Pitrè.." ... ( ) | [13:41] |
mircea_popescu | and call it good. | [13:41] |
danielpbarron | asciilifeform, arch linux, apache2 | [13:43] |
mircea_popescu | nah, nginx. | [13:43] |
danielpbarron | << in case it goes down again | [13:43] |
assbot | The New Bitcoin – Daniel P. Barron ... ( ) | [13:43] |
mircea_popescu | apache really dun work for this purpose. | [13:43] |
danielpbarron | your comment is approved although i did that after the archive | [13:43] |
mircea_popescu | ah it made it through ? cool. | [13:43] |
asciilifeform | danielpbarron: ick systemd | [13:44] |
danielpbarron | i know it sucks | [13:44] |
asciilifeform | and i had it, it was a turd | [13:44] |
asciilifeform | forget about it | [13:44] |
asciilifeform | build my portatron | [13:45] |
danielpbarron | if i'm gonna move off a pogo i'll use gentoo on whatever the replacement is | [13:45] |
asciilifeform | it - worx | [13:45] |
asciilifeform | pogo is spiffy | [13:45] |
danielpbarron | just so happens i had arch on pogo already set up, so it was the easiest to get blog going on | [13:45] |
asciilifeform | no need to move. | [13:45] |
danielpbarron | is it possible to do gentoo on pogo? | [13:46] |
asciilifeform | 'don't eat from dumpsters' (tm) (r) (mp) | [13:46] |
asciilifeform | sure. | [13:46] |
danielpbarron | i think if i enable caching the pogo might survive all those hits at once better | [13:47] |
asciilifeform | when i tried the arch, systemd would hose the box ~weekly | [13:47] |
asciilifeform | or if you actually put load on it | [13:47] |
mircea_popescu | seems to be how it goes lol. | [13:48] |
davout | danielpbarron: i reddit'd your piece for increased pogotron ddos lulz | [14:01] |
davout | danielpbarron: i may have an old ipnohe lying around if you ever feel like upgrading your blawg's hosting | [14:02] |
mircea_popescu | danielpbarron you know, it occurs to me your idea to run a webserver on pogo may actually be very valuable. | [14:03] |
mircea_popescu | see if you manage to apply alf's thing and if it runs well. if it does, a next step you can take is : | [14:04] |
mircea_popescu | see if your isp is willing to give you a c block / upgrade your connection. buy a coupla bridges of 32 or 64, make a high voltage rectifier thingee, and power a bunch of boxes | [14:04] |
mircea_popescu | people would prolly be willing to pay a few dollars /mo to rent an ACTUAL physical box, which means you can take a few hundred in exchange for a not-unreasonable upfront expenditure. | [14:05] |
mircea_popescu | and since you have the wot at your disposal most of the costs involved in low end hosting (ie, keeping the scum out) you're insulated from. | [14:06] |
mircea_popescu | if it can run an obscure wp blog, it certainly can run a bnc or whatever other such thing. much better security model than "i pay 20 dollars to dc hosted" | [14:07] |
danielpbarron | yeah i got another pogo doing my irc client; it was also doing my old non-wp website | [14:11] |
mircea_popescu | (by a high voltage rectifier thingee i mean that iirc pogos draw 4.5 V dc. a > kv rectifier diode is twenty bucks or something, you can make yourself an item you plug into the wall and it feeds 100 pogos arranged in series out of maybe a hundy.) | [14:11] |
danielpbarron | actually the irc one is the lesser non-sata pogo | [14:11] |
danielpbarron | using an sd card for the userland, and in two cases both had the filesystem corrupted, which is why I had to try it on my sata-style pogo | [14:12] |
mircea_popescu | 320V DC out of wall socket is a electronics 101 project ever since the times of hte b&w photo clubs. | [14:14] |
asciilifeform | series?!11111 | [14:20] |
mircea_popescu | yes ? | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | how do you call it, add voltage, same current ? | [14:21] |
asciilifeform | so whole lot can die cascade death when one shorts ?!! | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | eh, so you fuse it, big whoop. | [14:21] |
asciilifeform | fuse dun work this way. | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | if one in 100 shorts you get a 1% increase, which they don't care anyway. | [14:21] |
asciilifeform | fuse is for overcurrent. | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | yes ? | [14:21] |
asciilifeform | not overvoltage. | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | there's overvoltage fuse also! | [14:22] |
asciilifeform | and if one opencircuits ? | [14:22] |
asciilifeform | sorry, this is nutso. | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | if one opencircuits what ? | [14:22] |
asciilifeform | even in analogue world, this is no longer a thing. | [14:22] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: then whole thing stops | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | so ? | [14:22] |
asciilifeform | so this is retarded. | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | you throw it ouyt and big deal. | [14:22] |
asciilifeform | and it isn't as if these don't come with a civilized 12v regulated brick. | [14:23] |
phf | mircea_popescu: i take rhetoric as separate from message. b-a rhetoric is firmly in asshole tradition, i.e. strong statements and the listener has an option to find the subtle point. | [14:24] |
asciilifeform | so wtf | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform would you stop getting in the way of people doing things omigerd. | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | i'm going to power 100x 12 v transformers because wut, "i can't make things - gotta use chinese made!!1" | [14:24] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: why the FUCK to do this?!111 good way to nuke a dozen or two nonrenewable resource pogotrons | [14:24] |
asciilifeform | thing eats REGULATED 12v | [14:24] |
asciilifeform | srsly | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | so he sees if he likes fucking with hardware. | [14:24] |
asciilifeform | why not ~usefully~ fuck | [14:25] |
asciilifeform | e.g., reattache the missing sata plugs to the cheapo pogo version | [14:25] |
asciilifeform | *reattach | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | because you gotta start with easy. | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | this is an eery repeat of the chicken story, somehow. | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | who the FUCK cares about fucking chickens already! | [14:25] |
asciilifeform | what's easier than soldering a plug into a pre-prepped landing pad ? | [14:26] |
mircea_popescu | this brave new libertard world that "holds people as the greatest value", i am so sick of it! | [14:26] |
asciilifeform | wawat | [14:26] |
mircea_popescu | phf methinks you may be alone in that interpretation. i for instance don't do the whole "accept as fairitale" thing. | [14:26] |
danielpbarron | recall i already did the soldering thing to make adulterated pogo | [14:26] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform let the man burn pogos. i will not change man to protect pogos. wtf. | [14:27] |
asciilifeform | if yer gonna burn pogos, why not usefully, see how much overclock the thing can take, or see if you can upgrade the ram | [14:28] |
asciilifeform | (quite nontrivial) | [14:28] |
mircea_popescu | your idea of usefully is centered on the thing. | [14:28] |
mircea_popescu | it is a sickening display. | [14:28] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: when you invite folks for target practice, which piece do you let them fire ? the luger, penny a round, or the rare borschardt 1890 where each round has to be bought from museum ? | [14:29] |
phf | mircea_popescu: which interpretation? i'm saying that the way arguments are presented here is essentially "this is how it is, and you're an idiot for not grokking" as opposed to some other, perhaps subtler, forms of rhetoric | [14:29] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform i will remind you i am the one who plans to buy the ancient collection of chinese miniature emperors on rice beads | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | and make it pilaf. | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | phf ah, like that. | [14:30] |
phf | european leftists have been inexplicably at war with trolling (which is a 180 change from how it was in the 90s and prior), somehow went from CRASS to respecting each others feelings, so takes some conscious effort to court some from that circle | [14:30] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: exciting | [14:30] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: but i think isis stole your idea | [14:31] |
mircea_popescu | a well. | [14:31] |
mircea_popescu | anyway. powering a bunch of pogos in the discussed way is neither terribly difficult nor terribly risky. it does require some reading, of course. and it does deviate from "how things are done", which is a major asset. | [14:31] |
asciilifeform | street lights used to be powered this way. | [14:32] |
asciilifeform | in 1890s | [14:33] |
mircea_popescu | aha. | [14:33] |
asciilifeform | it sucked. | [14:33] |
mircea_popescu | shut up, if we end up back in 1890 you'll be thankful for dpb. | [14:33] |
asciilifeform | who do i call if i end up in 1790 ? | [14:33] |
mircea_popescu | give me some time. | [14:33] |
mircea_popescu | phf that change, incidentally, makes me completely discount the euro "left" movement. | [14:35] |
phf | yes | [14:36] |
mircea_popescu | they stand for exactly nothing ; one generation switch can change any major tenet. | [14:36] |
mircea_popescu | might as well care what the "fashion world" thinks. | [14:36] |
mircea_popescu | which, incidentally, is EXACTLY what they are. the fashion world of ugly chicks and insecure betas. | [14:36] |
asciilifeform | i thought this was obvious ? | [14:37] |
asciilifeform | and, these folks have been adrift since the kgb financing dried up. | [14:37] |
mircea_popescu | well obvious or not now it's also stated. | [14:37] |
* | huseby (~huseby@unaffiliated/huseby) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:38] |
phf | i thought there was some cool shit, RAF for example had a very practical nazi beurocrat cleaning program | [14:38] |
mircea_popescu | are you talking 50s ?! | [14:39] |
phf | problem with being autodidact, 50s look as close as yesterday | [14:39] |
asciilifeform | ^^^ | [14:40] |
* | mircea_popescu jew-york handwaves | [14:40] |
asciilifeform | i have whole shelf of 1950s b00kz in 'computing' section of my library. they are spiffy & useful. | [14:41] |
asciilifeform | and contain actual technical material, not only maths, not found elsewhere | [14:41] |
asciilifeform | (e.g., description of how magnetic recording actually happens, the material aspects of the media, etc0 | [14:42] |
asciilifeform | ) | [14:42] |
* | DonateMe (a9397bd4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:42] |
* | DonateMe (a9397bd4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has left #bitcoin-assets | [14:42] |
asciilifeform | items like, e.g., delay line storage, crt memory, etc. also. | [14:43] |
asciilifeform | things we may well come back to, If This Goes On | [14:43] |
asciilifeform | incidentally, physical quality of books in the english world peaked some time in 50s. | [14:44] |
asciilifeform | in other lulz, | [14:45] |
asciilifeform | | [14:45] |
assbot | Botched Java patch leaves millions vulnerable to 30-month-old attack | Ars Technica ... ( ) | [14:45] |
asciilifeform | moar lulz from same rag, | [14:47] |
assbot | NSA refused Clinton a secure BlackBerry like Obama, so she used her own | Ars Technica ... ( ) | [14:47] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform> what's easier than soldering a plug into a pre-prepped landing pad ? << ANYTHING that doesn't involve "pre-prepped". what's easier than marrying this girl your mommy splayed out on the bed for you ??? | [14:49] |
mircea_popescu | jesus. | [14:49] |
mircea_popescu | phf thinking about it, i think the switch has a lot to do with their delusional notion that they're somehow now in power. | [14:51] |
asciilifeform | so when $random-ba-visitor proposes doing something idiotic with financitronics, mircea_popescu says 'this is moronic' and this is a-ok, because financitronics is a mircea_popescu-competence. when i say 'this is moronic' and subj is electronics, then i am on crack? | [14:52] |
asciilifeform | this makes sense to anyone ? | [14:52] |
asciilifeform | sorry, series power supply for digital apparatus is dumb. | [14:53] |
mircea_popescu | a) i've on many occasions said, "this is stupid but will be instructive, proceed" ; b) you think this is about production, which it isn't, it's educational. | [14:53] |
asciilifeform | well i suppose from some angle ~anything~ is educational. | [14:53] |
asciilifeform | let folks learn by pissing on electric fence, wahtever. | [14:53] |
mircea_popescu | and from that same angle, the value of tmsr engineer is g(value of burned pogos) | [14:53] |
asciilifeform | sure. | [14:53] |
asciilifeform | burn, burn. | [14:54] |
mircea_popescu | and the same EXACT arguments you use could be used to persuade me (or at least a dumber version) to use java instead of tinyscheme. | [14:54] |
mircea_popescu | but the EXACT same. | [14:54] |
mircea_popescu | "hey, it's not done like that since the 50s! the 50s sucked!" | [14:54] |
mircea_popescu | etc. | [14:54] |
phf | exactly same arguments i'd use to convince someone to use tinyscheme i can use to convince ~myself~ to use java.. | [14:55] |
mircea_popescu | lol show this ? | [14:57] |
asciilifeform | and with same hammer, pound in nail, or skull, aha | [14:58] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform if you're either bored or butthurt | [14:58] |
mircea_popescu | enough about this matter : | [14:58] |
mircea_popescu | get a customizable power bridge, link pogo, see how much it'll take before it falls over. | [14:59] |
mircea_popescu | by now the bricks are so shitty, and tolerance so easy, it's surprising what "digital apparatus" takes in terms of abuse. | [14:59] |
mircea_popescu | much more than analog apparatus of a century ago, that's for damn sure. | [14:59] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: one of the other things about 'take rectifier and power 10 - or 20 in eu - in series' is that you get one of the problems of the chinese bricks, but in spades: ripple | [15:00] |
asciilifeform | good dc brick has rectifier + large filter cap | [15:00] |
asciilifeform | chinese - only the former | [15:00] |
mircea_popescu | nothing prevents you from spending the 35 bucks for a roll of 100 caps. | [15:00] |
asciilifeform | 1 big. | [15:00] |
mircea_popescu | eh, he CAN make a better series arrangement than what the brick does. for srs. | [15:01] |
mircea_popescu | such is the power of artizanship in this day of industrial decay. | [15:02] |
jurov | lmao mp publicly plots to kill danielpbaron by suggesting him to work with 300V directly from tap? | [15:02] |
mircea_popescu | eh get out ; if he has a tv set he has 2kv or some shit in the house already. | [15:03] |
asciilifeform | and say he wants to switch one off ? | [15:03] |
mircea_popescu | who died ? | [15:03] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform why would he want that ? | [15:03] |
mircea_popescu | (think about it - do you recall your ONLY complaint to date re dcs ? do you ? hm ?) | [15:03] |
jurov | yay 2kv, why not? moar pogos at once!!! | [15:04] |
mircea_popescu | jurov careful with the mw unit also. some of those - 10kv! | [15:04] |
asciilifeform | jurov: 100kV !111 | [15:05] |
asciilifeform | connect directly to street transformer!11 | [15:05] |
jurov | yes, why not steal from outdoor 60kV line diretly? | [15:05] |
asciilifeform | aha | [15:05] |
asciilifeform | l0l | [15:05] |
* | mircea_popescu jew-york waves AGAIN | [15:05] |
mircea_popescu | eeeeeeh! | [15:06] |
* | asciilifeform pictures jacob's ladder in series with pogo rack | [15:06] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9803 @ 0.00042123 = 4.1293 BTC [-] | [15:36] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5697 @ 0.00041994 = 2.3924 BTC [-] {2} | [15:37] |
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BingoBoingo | [16:25] | |
trinque | deedbot-: | [16:27] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [16:27] |
* | solrodar has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [16:29] |
* | assbot gives voice to deedbot- | [16:29] |
trinque | deedbot-: | [16:30] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [16:30] |
deedbot- | accepted: 1 | [16:30] |
trinque | good bot | [16:30] |
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trinque | alrighty! trb wallet deedbug fixed. | [16:40] |
trinque | the problem was txn malleation, which confuses the wallet | [16:40] |
trinque | thx to mod6 for the highs lows patch, using lows is helping deedbot- keep track of his dust | [16:40] |
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mircea_popescu | trinque> thx to mod6 for the highs lows patch, using lows is helping deedbot- keep track of his dust << win. | [17:22] |
* | Agentzeromobile (8ffedef7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:48] |
danielpbarron | !up Agentzeromobile | [17:52] |
* | assbot gives voice to Agentzeromobile | [17:52] |
Agentzeromobile | Hey thx ! | [17:52] |
danielpbarron | yw, who are you? | [17:54] |
Agentzeromobile | Ag3nt_zer0 | [17:55] |
trinque | ;;seen ag3nt_zer0 | [17:55] |
gribble | ag3nt_zer0 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 8 weeks, 6 days, 4 hours, 10 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: |
[17:55] |
trinque | howdy, guy who claims to be ag3nt_zer0 | [17:56] |
Agentzeromobile | Just saw a funny article wanted to post but not sure if I change tabs to copy if I will be disconnected... I'll try here goes... Maybe if I disappear you could revoice me when I come back? | [17:56] |
Agentzeromobile | Hey trinque haha it's me | [17:56] |
Agentzeromobile | | [17:57] |
assbot | Two Years In Prison For Politician Who Bribed Voters With 60-Tonnes Of Fried Chicken ... ( ) | [17:57] |
* | Agentzeromobile has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [17:58] |
* | Agentzeromobilea (8ffedef7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:59] |
mircea_popescu | not exactly news this. | [17:59] |
mircea_popescu | i think i even said soemthing at some point about it. | [18:00] |
mircea_popescu | !up Agentzeromobilea | [18:01] |
-assbot- | You voiced Agentzeromobilea for 30 minutes. | [18:01] |
* | assbot gives voice to Agentzeromobilea | [18:01] |
Agentzeromobilea | Got kicked I think... | [18:01] |
deedbot- | [Qntra] EPA Goes To War Over Pond In Land Grab - | [18:01] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo : "EPA Land Grab : War Over Pond!" | [18:02] |
Agentzeromobilea | Oh ok... Searched logs for fried chicken haha... Nothing | [18:02] |
BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: ty | [18:02] |
mircea_popescu | wasn't this incident specifically. just, buying off rural/urban poor votes with refined sunflower oil / sugar / bla bla has been going on for decade plus. | [18:02] |
mircea_popescu | not just romania, either. | [18:03] |
* | adlai (~adlai@unaffiliated/adlai) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:03] |
Agentzeromobilea | Mr. Popescu was not an MP then, but was seeking re-election on a local council, reports the Telegraph. Despite it not being a seat in the national parliament Mr. Popescu saw fit to give away 60,992 kg of “grilled chicken”, ordering it in bulk from a local business and sending campaign volunteers to collect and distribute the meat. The prosecutor told the court every package of chicken was “distributed for el | [18:03] |
Agentzeromobilea | Hehe | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | | [18:05] |
assbot | Logged on 04-03-2016 02:31:01; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, romanians have been trading votes for years now. go in there with your smartphone, take pic of vote and id card, get 30 lei or w/e | [18:05] |
mircea_popescu | most recent | [18:05] |
asciilifeform | Mr. Popescu was not an MP then, << l0l | [18:06] |
asciilifeform | ^ i can't help but wonder how this reads to peanut gallery ! | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, this derp must be new, i have never heard of him. | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | his career must i guess have started after 2010 | [18:07] |
Agentzeromobilea | Haha | [18:07] |
mircea_popescu | anyway. by and large, the "cleanning out corruption" narrative is what happens to a colonized place, ie, after the top leadership was defeated. | [18:08] |
mircea_popescu | it's how the shit played out in the us ; and the scheme is systematically repeated in every colony of the reich hence. | [18:08] |
mircea_popescu | purging of the middle level. next in line comes the "sensitivity" bs. | [18:09] |
mircea_popescu | if it weren't for the pesky armed insurection, iraq would be "cleanning up corruption" as we speak. | [18:09] |
mircea_popescu | in better looking news, | [18:10] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [18:10] |
Agentzeromobilea | Anyone heard of or looked at this book America Betrayed by Dianne something? | [18:11] |
Agentzeromobilea | It's interesting, unless you are already familiar with this history... Likely in this room... | [18:16] |
Agentzeromobilea | Well good to say hello - thanks for the voicings!... Blessings upon your good works... See you later | [18:17] |
* | Agentzeromobilea has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [18:18] |
BingoBoingo | ;;bc,stats | [18:22] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 403124 | Current Difficulty: 1.584272037673917E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 403199 | Next Difficulty In: 75 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 13 hours, 14 minutes, and 7 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None | [18:22] |
BingoBoingo | ;;ticker --market all | [18:22] |
gribble | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 417.76, vol: 3763.05047867 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 417.0, vol: 5896.82233 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 418.0, vol: 8521.177924850001 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 422.195992, vol: 27240.44380000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 419.58, vol: 2039.12775141 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 422.603935, vol: 35.56503068 | Volume-weighted last average: 420.334635621 | [18:22] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32201 @ 0.00041993 = 13.5222 BTC [-] {2} | [18:40] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23849 @ 0.00041975 = 10.0106 BTC [-] | [18:41] |
mircea_popescu | << re this, i suppose i must point out that whatever i wrote must've been horribly mangled and deeply misunderstood (and i'd love to see exactly what quote ended up reprocessed into this). | [18:50] |
mircea_popescu | the problem with safewords isn't that they're in-band to any degree. the problem with safewords is that they pretend to recast s/M relationships into a circus approximation. the submissive partner may not pretend to option as to when, or as to how the dominant partner extracts his pleasure out of his hide ; nor may (ipso facto inept) third parties purport to misrepresent any sexual relationship in terms other than stuf | [18:50] |
mircea_popescu | f occurring between a submissive and a dominant partner. | [18:50] |
mircea_popescu | "sex with safewords" is sex exactly in the sense the guy playing king richard in a theatrical production is king richard, the historical personage. "sex with safewords" is at best a brat's wet dream, and in general prostitution, in the vein of the pedicurist or hospital nurse's job - but in no case has anything to do with sex, nor can it occur among sane adults. | [18:50] |
mircea_popescu | it's what children do when they want to play house but are affraid of getting caught. | [18:50] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 15:08:02; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu wrote about how s&m with 'safeword' is retarded | [18:50] |
mircea_popescu | and oddly related, | [18:51] |
assbot | Logged on 07-11-2015 02:21:19; mircea_popescu: "In the world where the media postulates social media as an absolute requirement of the modern era-- the era where everything is fetishized-- no one is permitted to make the distinction between a value and the picture of a value, they are made equivalent, so daring to criticize Randi's baby pictures is made to sound like misogyny or misobaby. It's not. I love food but if you ask me t | [18:51] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: the in-band thing is not as separable from your point as you think. | [19:03] |
* | shinohai ( has left #bitcoin-assets ("WeeChat 1.4") | [19:03] |
mircea_popescu | this argument is still open. i certainly see what you mean. | [19:03] |
mircea_popescu | but in the end, there's only one band. | [19:04] |
mircea_popescu | the concept of identifiably separate bands is as much a presumption about the "adversary" (properly said, of the context) as anything else. | [19:06] |
* | joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [19:07] |
mircea_popescu | notably, the derpy gnupg manual indicates "telephone" as a out-of-band mechanism to verify key fingerprints. is this so ? since when until when ? did it work back when phones were still analog ? does it work now ? why / why not ? etc. | [19:07] |
asciilifeform | header says 'next 1,001 bytes is payload' and NOBODY ASKS PAYLOAD ANYTHING - is like proper sex. | [19:07] |
asciilifeform | magic character escape idiocies, a la clearsign, is 'safeword sex.' | [19:07] |
mircea_popescu | this i can get behind. | [19:08] |
asciilifeform | payload is a passive thing. | [19:08] |
asciilifeform | which is what i've been arguing for all along. | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | but it is also subtly different from the general band discussion. | [19:08] |
asciilifeform | constraining the contents of the payload is evil. | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | so no crc for you ? | [19:08] |
asciilifeform | and so is making the unwrapper stateful. | [19:09] |
asciilifeform | crc is a header thing. | [19:09] |
mircea_popescu | mno, crc is part of the payload ? | [19:09] |
asciilifeform | nope./ | [19:09] |
asciilifeform | it is a function ~of~ the payload. | [19:09] |
mircea_popescu | i suppose it necessarily can be put in the header huh. | [19:09] |
asciilifeform | the latter can be arbitrary. | [19:09] |
mircea_popescu | myeah, ok. | [19:09] |
asciilifeform | the -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- crud is ~exactly~ a safeword. | [19:10] |
asciilifeform | and especially so are the - ----- idiocies. | [19:10] |
asciilifeform | and the winblowzated newlines. | [19:10] |
mircea_popescu | hey, i'm not defending any of that. | [19:11] |
asciilifeform | that's what clearsign is ! | [19:11] |
asciilifeform | you necessarily cannot have it without such things. | [19:11] |
mircea_popescu | why not ? put a proper fucking header in there! | [19:11] |
mircea_popescu | this is where we left this discussion last time! | [19:11] |
asciilifeform | does fat lot of good given that just about all software mutilates line endings. | [19:12] |
mircea_popescu | here. first line, the line index where signature begins. second line, the line index where payload begins. third line, the line count of the whole shebang. | [19:12] |
mircea_popescu | done. | [19:12] |
mircea_popescu | this is no excuse. fuck bad software. | [19:12] |
mircea_popescu | i will NOT take bad implementations of ANYTHING into consideration when designing anything. | [19:12] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: i distinctly recall suggesting a scheme quite like this. | [19:13] |
mircea_popescu | otherwise it's two steps to "but mp, some people are stupid, what should they do!" | [19:13] |
asciilifeform | it pointedly does NOT cover the case of signing non-printables. | [19:13] |
mircea_popescu | "fuck them, cook them and serve them to the pigs. fuck i care." | [19:13] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform there may not exist "nonprintables". as per your own theory! | [19:13] |
asciilifeform | i wanna sign a tarball. or gif. now what. | [19:13] |
asciilifeform | non-7bitclean. | [19:13] |
asciilifeform | where there are no 'lines'. | [19:14] |
mircea_popescu | hash it and sign that. | [19:14] |
asciilifeform | no good. | [19:14] |
asciilifeform | we end up signing a hash of a human-readable hash | [19:15] |
mircea_popescu | huh ? | [19:15] |
asciilifeform | think. | [19:17] |
asciilifeform | you are narrowing your set. | [19:17] |
asciilifeform | which, in the case of a wonderful thing like keccak, is entirely no good. | [19:17] |
asciilifeform | and even in the case of sha2 is a waste. | [19:18] |
asciilifeform | it is entirely like whitening. | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | i'm not about to give out the only workable way to make contracts since the fucking hansa | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | so some shitboxes can do things with "code". | [19:18] |
asciilifeform | who said 'give out' | [19:18] |
asciilifeform | just has to be planted in a sane framework | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | how are you going to preserve my clearsign ? | [19:18] |
asciilifeform | rather than the mutilatory lunacy. | [19:18] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: same way we preserve anything, you gotta figure out what aspects are actually essential to the thing, and which - are really accidents | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | i can tell you. the text and the seal in the same place. | [19:19] |
asciilifeform | what means 'same place'. | [19:19] |
mircea_popescu | so no conveyance of one is possible without the other. | [19:19] |
asciilifeform | this is not actually true of gpg clearsign | [19:19] |
asciilifeform | i.e. any idiot can cut off the sig and convey payload without it | [19:19] |
asciilifeform | and ditto the opposite | [19:20] |
mircea_popescu | sure. any idiot can also cut off his head. so ? | [19:20] |
asciilifeform | but what specifically do you mean here | [19:20] |
asciilifeform | how is this a possible thing at all ? | [19:20] |
mircea_popescu | this "separate signature" thing is an abomination. | [19:20] |
asciilifeform | the signature is always physically separate | [19:20] |
asciilifeform | though hm | [19:21] |
mircea_popescu | in the sense your ballsac is physically separtate from your penis. | [19:21] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, i'm going to speak at a whore's convention. will bbl. | [19:21] |
mircea_popescu | hopefully. | [19:21] |
asciilifeform | actually! | [19:21] |
asciilifeform | distribute the exponentiated payload !111111 | [19:21] |
asciilifeform | ding. | [19:21] |
asciilifeform | solved. | [19:21] |
asciilifeform | tell it to the whores!1111 | [19:21] |
asciilifeform | however you cannot cat this to a line printer. | [19:25] |
asciilifeform | this is intrinsic. | [19:25] |
asciilifeform | and pretending otherwise is lunacy. | [19:25] |
asciilifeform | a non-signed item is trivially derived from any signed item. | [19:26] |
asciilifeform | pretending otherwise is what the idiot watermark folks do. | [19:26] |
asciilifeform | !s what color are your bits | [19:26] |
assbot | 2 results for 'what color are your bits' : | [19:26] |
asciilifeform | ^ and copyrasts, etc. | [19:26] |
asciilifeform | bits - have no colour. signature is necessarily a removable wrapper around a payload. | [19:27] |
* | gabrielradio (~user@unaffiliated/gabrielradio) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:31] |
asciilifeform | !up gabrielradio | [19:32] |
* | assbot gives voice to gabrielradio | [19:32] |
* | unkie (48e3b06c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:39] |
jurov | can't we have the signature just slapped to the end of payload? | [19:40] |
jurov | "the goal is to have whole piece" implies it is seekable, thus feasible to scan the file for signatures from the end | [19:42] |
jurov | without any payload mutilations | [19:43] |
* | CrazyTruthYakDDS (uid67551@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:56] |
asciilifeform | jurov: how do you know where the end is ?? | [19:58] |
jurov | is a file with some size | [19:58] |
jurov | or we're getting rid of files, too? | [19:59] |
asciilifeform | jurov: this solves nothing, it merely flips the problem on its head | [19:59] |
asciilifeform | how does the pgptron know how big the signature is ? | [19:59] |
asciilifeform | let's say it is at the end. | [19:59] |
asciilifeform | this is just as problematic as agreeing that it is in the beginning of the file! | [20:00] |
asciilifeform | i get it, you can 'dwim' in your head, 'my eyes know how big it is' - but how does THE MACHINE know. | [20:00] |
jurov | this is unsolved problem? | [20:01] |
asciilifeform | this is not a trivial problem, and it has popped up in the past in various guises | [20:01] |
asciilifeform | e.g., the old mac os had dual-forked file system | [20:01] |
asciilifeform | where there was a separate body for 'metadata' and another for what we think of as the file | [20:02] |
asciilifeform | this was, iirc, abolished (though it reappeared in a perverted form in winblowz ntfs) | [20:02] |
asciilifeform | in unix file has name, but also, as everyone knows, epochal date and access perms | [20:02] |
* | assbot removes voice from gabrielradio | [20:03] |
asciilifeform | these are 'special' in the sense that fs stores them in designated places | [20:03] |
asciilifeform | it is not any more or less retarded than the old mac os forks. | [20:03] |
asciilifeform | but notice, at no point (since the dark ibm mainframe days anyway) did anyone suggest storing the access time, or perms, IN THE FILE proper | [20:03] |
asciilifeform | because this is RETARDED | [20:03] |
* | rdymac has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | [20:04] |
asciilifeform | you can't magic away the 'metadata' thing just by closing your eyes to it. | [20:04] |
asciilifeform | it is an actual thing. | [20:04] |
jurov | m$ office and their ilk does | [20:04] |
asciilifeform | the clinically sad are no concern of mine. | [20:04] |
asciilifeform | 'feed'em to pigz' as mircea_popescu said. | [20:04] |
jurov | so your only "solution" is to force whole world to switch from bags of bytes to structured data? | [20:06] |
asciilifeform | what switch. | [20:06] |
asciilifeform | we already have structure. | [20:06] |
asciilifeform | i propose - SANE STRUCTURE | [20:06] |
asciilifeform | picture fs with a way to attach seals, say | [20:06] |
asciilifeform | instead of idiocies like access time | [20:06] |
asciilifeform | (it isn't useless, but a whole chunk of fs for them?!1) | [20:07] |
jurov | xattrs do exist | [20:07] |
jurov | but we're taling about exchanging stuff over internet | [20:07] |
jurov | *talking | [20:07] |
asciilifeform | aha and for that we do binary formats | [20:07] |
asciilifeform | but mircea_popescu wants his fried ice | [20:07] |
asciilifeform | i.e. something he can cat to a line printer | [20:07] |
asciilifeform | ( ... and then somehow type back in, and have the sig pass ??????) | [20:08] |
asciilifeform | incidentally anybody who actually tries the latter with pgp, is stuck with mutilated line endings | [20:08] |
asciilifeform | because - guess what - a CR/LF, LF, or CR - LOOK THE SAME on the page. | [20:09] |
asciilifeform | and every time i try to explain to him that his notion of 'text' is ill-defined and the actual mechanics, as implemented in unix world and elsewhere, are malignantly retarded | [20:10] |
jurov | i guess he wants to sign semantics, not syntax. | [20:10] |
asciilifeform | then he ought sign s-expressions. | [20:11] |
asciilifeform | where the thing actually gets parsed out before the bignums are exponentiated | [20:11] |
asciilifeform | so, e.g., spaces, are not represented as merely a byte but a #Space | [20:12] |
asciilifeform | this is the ultimate in 'in-band'. mega-ugly. | [20:12] |
jurov | no, he wants everything converted to plain english. maybe even 5-bit code without support for newline characters. | [20:13] |
jurov | and then sign that | [20:13] |
asciilifeform | any way you cut it, trying to use a naked unix terminal for this is lunacy | [20:14] |
asciilifeform | it only APPEARS to work for gpg | [20:14] |
asciilifeform | at the cost of gpg being utterly retarded in 101 ways | [20:14] |
asciilifeform | i.e. | [20:15] |
assbot | Logged on 17-03-2016 22:12:05; asciilifeform: the -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- crud is ~exactly~ a safeword. | [20:15] |
asciilifeform | we need a word for this kind of thing | [20:15] |
asciilifeform | the act of carrying on in a belied that a CONCEPTUALY BUGGY system is a working item | [20:16] |
asciilifeform | merely because you have not explored the edge cases that break it | [20:16] |
asciilifeform | (or, shamefully, explored, or had your face rubbed in them, and then forgot) | [20:16] |
asciilifeform | *belief | [20:16] |
* | asciilifeform bbl. | [20:17] |
BingoBoingo | [20:18] | |
* | gabrielradio has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [20:23] |
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* | shinohai ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:28] |
* | assbot gives voice to shinohai | [20:29] |
mod6 | got my treeware SICP and ADA ref manual today. | [20:30] |
* | Guest73422 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:30] |
mod6 | danielpbarron: thanks for writing that up on your blog. the job is yours if you want it. i'll write up something formal and we can go from there. | [20:31] |
mod6 | be a few days or something. will let you know. cheers! | [20:31] |
* | joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:19] |
phf | hfs+ still has forks, except now they have some ~monster~ xattr resourcefork hybrid | [21:41] |
phf | befs was tight in that respect, where they blend xattr and file contents, and then build all tools with metadata support upfront, so you could have a folder full of mp3s and they would come up as song-name, song-title, date, etc. | [21:42] |
asciilifeform | << obligatory oldie | [21:42] |
assbot | Loper OS » No Formats, no Format Wars. ... ( ) | [21:42] |
phf | or email for that matter | [21:42] |
phf | beos email client was a thing to download mail and the thing to view/compose. everything else was handled by file manager | [21:43] |
asciilifeform | this was a step towards the Right Thing. | [21:44] |
* | AaronvanW (~ewout@unaffiliated/aaronvanw) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:49] |
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TomServo | !up AaronvanW | [22:05] |
* | assbot gives voice to AaronvanW | [22:05] |
jurov | BingoBoingo: not 100% fresh but should be still qntrable | [22:07] |
assbot | dpaste: 3CYDMQH: qntra ... ( ) | [22:07] |
danielpbarron | mod6, sure thing! | [22:13] |
* | dbclk has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [22:31] |
* | assbot removes voice from AaronvanW | [22:36] |
* | CrazyTruthYakDDS (uid67551@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:48] |
* | deedbot- has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [23:04] |
* | deedbot- (~deedbot-@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:04] |
* | assbot gives voice to deedbot- | [23:04] |
* | punkman1 is now known as punkman | [23:05] |
BingoBoingo | ty jurov | [23:06] |
BingoBoingo | should hit the deedbutt shortly | [23:06] |
* | assbot gives voice to punkman | [23:06] |
deedbot- | [Qntra] EU Marching Towards "Helicopter Money" As Other Manipulations Are Exhausted - | [23:07] |
punkman | | [23:07] |
assbot | The Robots Sent Into Fukushima Have 'Died' ... ( ) | [23:07] |
BingoBoingo | In REAL AMERICA news, just for alf | [23:13] |
punkman | jurov: I dun get it | [23:13] |
BingoBoingo | punkman: Don't get what? | [23:14] |
punkman | the article | [23:14] |
BingoBoingo | punkman: European central bank is likely going to do money direct to consumers | [23:15] |
BingoBoingo | OH I stripped out the links | [23:15] |
asciilifeform | lavalulz: | [23:15] |
assbot | [Cryptography] Lavabit's and Snowden's Solos ... ( ) | [23:15] |
punkman | BingoBoingo: yeah that might help | [23:15] |
BingoBoingo | k punkman try nao | [23:16] |
asciilifeform | 'I did fight things out in court. It just occurred in secret, and while a proper description would require the use of vulgarity, I'll summarize by saying I was railroaded. The length of time between when I received the PRTT order, and when I was found in contempt (ex parte) was about 5 weeks. For comparison the /median /time between filing and disposition of a civil contempt charge in federal court during 2013 was 6 /months/.' | [23:17] |
BingoBoingo | "The health department said the fate of the bull would be left to the family." << Note, being a Bull means you get out of USG law racket sometimes | [23:17] |
asciilifeform | 'we are entitled to everyone's plain text data, and if Congress won't give it to us, we'll use our 27.1 billion dollar budget, and army of 100K lawyers to take it in court. Your tax dollars at work.' | [23:19] |
punkman | asciilifeform: plain text? they already had that | [23:20] |
asciilifeform | see link. | [23:20] |
asciilifeform | << designing arbitrarily rad-hard waldo is not so hard - use hydraulic actuators for everything. and what's more, it would ~happen~ if, instead of dead robot leading to a lucrative extension of contract, the designer were marched to clean the reactor ~personally~. | [23:26] |
assbot | Logged on 18-03-2016 02:08:53; assbot: The Robots Sent Into Fukushima Have 'Died' ... ( ) | [23:26] |
asciilifeform | << i kinda wonder re: casualties of bull vs tractor | [23:29] |
assbot | Logged on 18-03-2016 02:15:18; BingoBoingo: In REAL AMERICA news, just for alf | [23:29] |
BingoBoingo | That depends on the will of the bull versus the skill of the tractor | [23:29] |
BingoBoingo | I imagine | [23:29] |
asciilifeform | what do american farmers typically die of on he job? | [23:29] |
asciilifeform | *the | [23:29] |
BingoBoingo | Often they suffocate in silos full of grain and silo gasses | [23:30] |
asciilifeform | boredom? | [23:30] |
BingoBoingo | Or get ripped up by power take offs | [23:30] |
BingoBoingo | ;;google grain silo suffocation | [23:31] |
gribble | Hazard Alert: Dangers of Engulfment and Suffocation in Grain Bins: |
[23:31] |
asciilifeform | i can't speak for the farmers, but i would take the bull over boredom. | [23:31] |
asciilifeform | and in fact, their work over mine. | [23:31] |
BingoBoingo | ;;google pto hazards | [23:31] |
gribble | Hazards of the PTO on Farm Tractors - Alabama Cooperative ...: |
[23:31] |
BingoBoingo | ;;google us farm deaths | [23:32] |
gribble | CDC - Agricultural Safety - NIOSH Workplace Safety and Health Topic: |
[23:32] |
asciilifeform | << recall the very picturesque lathe accident photos in the logz? | [23:33] |
BingoBoingo | << "His jeans caught on a piece of manure-pumping equipment and, in the blink of an eye, his leg was connected to his torso by a mere inch of flesh. " | [23:33] |
assbot | Logged on 18-03-2016 02:33:01; BingoBoingo: ;;google pto hazards | [23:33] |
assbot | Death on the Farm - Modern Farmer ... ( ) | [23:33] |
asciilifeform | same idea. | [23:33] |
BingoBoingo | asciilifeform: Well, a tractor's PTO generally provides more power for the mangling | [23:34] |
asciilifeform | there is a mega-classic one of a whole man wrapped up on the lathe, like a rope. | [23:34] |
asciilifeform | just when you thought you've seen every possible mangled corpse - surprise!!1111 | [23:35] |
BingoBoingo | !s lathe accident | [23:35] |
assbot | 0 results for 'lathe accident' : | [23:35] |
asciilifeform | hm. | [23:36] |
asciilifeform | googleimages it. | [23:36] |
asciilifeform | (or not.) | [23:36] |
BingoBoingo | I'll get around to it | [23:38] |
* | dbclk (~dbclk@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:57] |
deedbot- | [Qntra] Woe: Getting Business Internet A Challenge In Heart Of Silicon Valley - | [23:57] |
Category: Logs