Forum logs for 14 Dec 2013

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [05:51]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading || - all days worth reading [05:51]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Nov 27 22:34:53 2013 [05:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3957 @ 0.00089665 = 3.548 BTC [+] [05:59]
* Ogedei_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:02]
* Ogedei (~quassel@unaffiliated/ogedei) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:03]
* [7] has quit (Disconnected by services) [06:04]
* TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:04]
* lewicki has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [06:06]
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mircea_popescu egypt apparently just ipo'd snow. [06:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4846 @ 0.00090249 = 4.3735 BTC [+] [06:11]
Apocalyptic heh [06:11]
Apocalyptic by the way mircea, i just read one of the worst article about "why is bitcoin gonna fail" from french dudes who are otherwise sensible [06:12]
Apocalyptic their main point is "when central banks decide playground is over, they'll shutdown exchanges, so value will plumet, so lulz" [06:12]
* Jezzz has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:14]
Apocalyptic i guess you have 1 more name to add to your infamous list [06:14]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:14]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 220 @ 0.00197381 = 0.4342 BTC [-] {5} [06:14]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:17]
* Jezzz (Jezzz@2001:4b10:100:a436:dcad:beff:feef:2) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:19]
* arij (~arij@2610:1c0:0:6::3) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:19]
* Jezzz is now known as Guest52328 [06:19]
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Apocalyptic what's even more interesting is that the guy claims to have 9 years of financial experience [06:22]
Apocalyptic so he obviously knows his shit [06:22]
mircea_popescu Apocalyptic you can tell them that when i decide playground is over, i'll just shut down these4 alleged "central banks" [06:23]
mircea_popescu and he can use his 9 years of financial experience to get a job flipping burgers. [06:23]
Apocalyptic [06:24]
Apocalyptic if you feel like translating [06:24]
Apocalyptic it's really short and dissapointing [06:24]
Apocalyptic pankkake, ^^ [06:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20100 @ 0.00090291 = 18.1485 BTC [+] {2} [06:25]
Namworld I don't need to, I can just read that... [06:29]
* Pucilowski_ is now known as Pucilowski [06:31]
* stimu (~Cameraman@ has left #bitcoin-assets [06:31]
mircea_popescu i can read french just fine [06:32]
Namworld Ignorance, topped with ignorance sauce [06:34]
Apocalyptic nice, it's kinda similar to romanian in some way [06:34]
Apocalyptic Namworld, pretty much, have you read the comments also ? [06:34]
Namworld Nope [06:34]
Apocalyptic guy's acting like he has it all figured out [06:34]
Apocalyptic and wtf do these noobs want [06:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 80 @ 0.00282 = 0.2256 BTC [+] [06:36]
* lnostdal has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 42 @ 0.00280309 = 0.1177 BTC [-] {2} [06:45]
* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:56]
* Guest40935 has quit (Changing host) [06:59]
* Guest40935 (~arij@unaffiliated/arij) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:59]
* Guest40935 is now known as arij [06:59]
* KableKiB_ has quit (Quit: Bye) [07:00]
* Kleeck has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56300 @ 0.00090292 = 50.8344 BTC [+] {2} [07:05]
* knotwork has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:09]
mircea_popescu Apocalyptic one bitcoin buys me at least 100 clueless noobs who have it all figured out. [07:10]
mircea_popescu the other way however... not so much. clueless noobs with delusions of self importance are pretty much a buyer's market. [07:11]
Apocalyptic I just don't understand where that arrogance come from given they're utterly clueless [07:11]
Apocalyptic and they don't even realize it [07:11]
mircea_popescu that's where. [07:11]
mircea_popescu there's two types of arrogant people in the world, those who know they're much better than you and those that don't know you're any better than them. [07:12]
mircea_popescu the latter are the very vast majority. [07:12]
mircea_popescu anyway, if you're bored you can send them to [07:13]
mircea_popescu not like it's a new argument or anything. [07:13]
Apocalyptic meh, they don't deserve that priv reading trilema is [07:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 7 @ 0.024 = 0.168 BTC [-] [07:17]
mircea_popescu Oct 28 17:17:15 but in all srsness i think i may fork over money for an mpex account [07:17]
mircea_popescu this, of course, was oct 28 2012 :D [07:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1499 @ 0.000519 = 0.778 BTC [-] [07:18]
Namworld I don't use my MPEx account much, if at all, recently. No options at a premium I like. [07:22]
Apocalyptic Namworld, you're still running btc-bond right ? [07:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42790 @ 0.00089936 = 38.4836 BTC [-] {2} [07:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 49 @ 0.00275 = 0.1348 BTC [-] [07:26]
Namworld Yes [07:31]
mircea_popescu Namworld you could write your own and list them of course [07:33]
mircea_popescu (ironically, people paying for options last month made ~3k btc in aggregate) [07:34]
mike_c late night thought: the market maker writes almost all the options. it would be good for mpex if more people wrote options. so, the fee (not collateral) for writing options should be low low low (maybe even free??) [07:36]
Namworld I suppose I could eventually. [07:37]
mircea_popescu mike_c what fee is that ? [07:41]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:42]
mike_c All MKOPT and MKFUT orders are assesed a 2% fee (SPLIT orders are free). [07:42]
* abillionhorses ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:44]
* virtuals has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [07:51]
* LorenzoMoney has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium [07:55]
* bloctoc ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:57]
mircea_popescu mike_c you can make split for free. [07:59]
mike_c yeah, for double the collateral. idk.. probably a dumb late night thought. ignore me. [08:00]
* LorenzoMoney1 is now known as LorenzoMoneyHome [08:01]
* KRS- is now known as KRS|Gotyawallet [08:05]
mircea_popescu well the idea is that if you're marketmaking then you're marketmaking. selling puts and calls. [08:09]
mircea_popescu if you are going directional then you are speculating not marketmaking. [08:09]
mircea_popescu this obviously is a distinction btc people would gladly blur, but i think it'd be pretty dangerous/irresponsible to allow it just yet. [08:10]
* dimitriyremerov has quit (Quit: dimitriyremerov) [08:11]
mike_c yeah, i agree that is the correct long-term thinking. which is the way you operate. I just wish for moar liquidity at times. [08:17]
mircea_popescu there's a ton of liquidity, you kidding? [08:18]
mircea_popescu i guess we all wish for more liquidity at better prices, but this is probably true universally. [08:19]
mircea_popescu i wish there were more airplanes for 10k a pop on the market, for instance [08:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.00296938 = 0.2969 BTC [+] {4} [08:19]
mike_c not universally. there are tight spreads on some things, like s.mpoe. tight spreads on options would require hedgin though [08:26]
mircea_popescu you realise the notion of tight is relative. [08:27]
mircea_popescu mpoe moves relatively very little, i was just looking through early feb/march logs and it was trading 65-70 [08:27]
mircea_popescu btc in march was also trading 6.5 [08:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00089753 = 14.181 BTC [-] [08:29]
mike_c spread on mpoe is 0.00000036 right now. spread over last 30 days was 1000x that. [08:30]
mike_c spread of the s.mpoe share price [08:30]
mike_c that seems relatively bigger than the option spreads [08:30]
mike_c er, smaller. [08:30]
mike_c that is obviously for less volume, but you can still move a decent amount of mpoe shares for smaller price differences. [08:31]
mircea_popescu but let alone spread girth for a moment and think in avg prices. [08:32]
mircea_popescu s.mpoe moved 20%ish over 9 months. btc moved 10000% over the same interval. [08:32]
mike_c ok. you are saying mpoe spread over last 30 is 20% and btc is 50% (or more) [08:32]
mircea_popescu obviously the spot spreads on the first will be way narrower than even the spot spreads on the 2nd [08:32]
mircea_popescu let alone the OPTION spreads on the 2nd, which by their nature have to be wider than spot [08:33]
mike_c yes. and obviously the option spreads are not insane since the bot gets beat up sometimes. [08:34]
mircea_popescu such as last month ;/ [08:34]
mircea_popescu on the other hand i can understand the disbelief, people with any experience looking at options are aghast to see mpex spreads. [08:35]
mircea_popescu nevertheless, bitcoin is bitcoin. what can one do. [08:35]
mike_c plus, everytime i undercut the bot's margin I get beat up :) [08:36]
mircea_popescu lol [08:36]
* knotwork (~markm@unaffiliated/knotwork) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:36]
mircea_popescu i think you may be not the first to make that experience [08:37]
mircea_popescu which is why there's not so much stuff in the midmarket, in spite of mpex being unbitcoinly friendlty to free entreprise. [08:37]
kanzure so it turns out that the cryptocyprus neobee-dumper should be flipped around the other way [08:37]
kanzure dump when he posts on bitcointalk, buy when he posts on reddit [08:37]
mircea_popescu any good drama ? [08:38]
kanzure just boring drama [08:39]
kanzure not worth reporting [08:39]
mircea_popescu aok [08:40]
assbot [MPEX] [S.BBET] 1000 @ 0.0005555 = 0.5555 BTC [-] [08:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.0008971 = 6.818 BTC [-] [08:48]
* toffoo has quit () [08:50]
* lewicki (~lewicki@unaffiliated/lewicki) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:59]
* Kushedout has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:00]
* Kushedout ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:00]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28050 @ 0.00089583 = 25.128 BTC [-] {2} [09:06]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13450 @ 0.0008973 = 12.0687 BTC [+] {4} [09:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.1 = 0.4 BTC [+] [09:37]
* Duffer1 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 25.0.1/20131112160018]) [09:40]
* Namworld has quit () [09:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.26667 BTC [-] [09:58]
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* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:02]
* dimitriyremerov (~dimitriyr@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:05]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17371 @ 0.00089902 = 15.6169 BTC [+] {2} [10:15]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 300 @ 0.05 = 15 BTC [10:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.25900302 BTC [-] [10:25]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.25900301 BTC [-] [10:26]
KRS|Gotyawallet dat blockchain [10:29]
KRS|Gotyawallet to handle the number of transactions that visa handles in 3 months the bitcoin system will require 14 Terabytes of storage space. That's 14 terabytes of hard drive space you would have to add every 85 days! [10:29]
mircea_popescu notrly a new point by any means. that's why the more sensible people have been saying all along that bitcoin isn't nor does it aim to be a visa competitor. [10:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.26667 BTC [+] [10:47]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [16:33]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading || - all days worth reading [16:33]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Nov 27 22:34:54 2013 [16:33]
* saulimus has quit (Quit: saulimus) [16:36]
* xz (47aebe8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:38]
mikaeldice b0n1, there's a torrent out there somewhere with all of the Gox history up to a certain date. After that it's a matter of querying the API, which will lie sometimes, to get to the current date, and then monitoring the API for future updates [16:39]
mikaeldice Also, there might be a BigTable database somewhere, if you search on that [16:40]
* bloctoc ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:42]
* dimitriyremerov (~dimitriyr@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:43]
b0n1 mikaeldice, thanks for the advice! Do you also know of such a torrent file for stamp and btcchina? [16:43]
* jborkl (~jborkl@unaffiliated/jborkl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 5785 @ 0.00047609 = 2.7542 BTC [-] {15} [16:44]
mikaeldice On that I have no idea [16:45]
* jborkl has quit (Client Quit) [16:46]
mircea_popescu b0n1 but since you're talking about this, let me point out to you that this is a business model. [16:47]
mircea_popescu thompson financial is doing decent money simply by having collected and assembled all this data. [16:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 46 @ 0.0025 = 0.115 BTC [-] [16:48]
mircea_popescu " 7:00 am The first-rate method to gratify your girlfriend" << dude, metal trade ? poor girlfriends. [16:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 450 @ 0.00045203 = 0.2034 BTC [-] {2} [16:49]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00090395 = 11.1186 BTC [+] {2} [16:49]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: For the past several decades now, Thompson/Reuters have made a lot of money on this model of information that is at least in principle readily available, but intimidating to encounter in its free form. [16:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.2511 BTC [-] [16:52]
mircea_popescu indeed. [16:53]
* CheckDavid has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [16:54]
BingoBoingo In my perhaps ill advised venture into library science as a vocation, most of my classmates and professors embraced taking the offered APIs and broken datastreams as a gift to embrace. [16:54]
BingoBoingo Fuck that though. [16:55]
KRS|Gotyawallet word [16:56]
KRS|Gotyawallet ;;seen thestringpuller [16:57]
gribble thestringpuller was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 12 hours, 46 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: ;;ticker [16:57]
BingoBoingo Mind you these are the same people who view backwards compatibility with the MARC standards as dogma while wanting to recreate in modern data retrieval the same limitations imposed by magnetic tape. [16:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23000 @ 0.00090401 = 20.7922 BTC [+] {2} [16:58]
* daybyter ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:00]
BingoBoingo Available for the taking by any rando university that wants to incorporate a Stanford, Harvard, or Berkley-ness to their name by embeding themselves in an area inextricably will be the task of killing Z39.50 [17:00]
* cads has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [17:02]
mircea_popescu i doubt anything useful, interesting or valuable is coming out of universities anymore. [17:03]
* dimitriyremerov has quit (Quit: dimitriyremerov) [17:03]
mircea_popescu kinda dead in the water, at least the anglo-saxon model. [17:03]
BingoBoingo At the time Z39.50 was standardized SQL implementations were a thing. [17:03]
BingoBoingo I imagine universities still come up with unique and useful things, though anyone who cares would be loath to find their release instead of simply reinventing them. [17:04]
* xz has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [17:05]
mircea_popescu i doubt they do. they may inadvertently acquire "rights" to unrelated people's great ideas through the latter's negligence/cluelessness [17:06]
mircea_popescu but that's as far as it goes. [17:06]
BingoBoingo At least as far as organizing information goes it is Dublin Core versus google search all over again [17:06]
mircea_popescu universities' capacity to create went out with the admittance of the special interest groups. [17:06]
mircea_popescu you can either have teachers fucking students and people being called fucktards left and right a la mit 1950s [17:06]
mircea_popescu or else you can have sensitivity training and one huge diaper party for mentally stunted "adults" in name only. [17:07]
BingoBoingo Well, they don't do paradigmatic change as well as they used to. Many campuses in the Middle West are making great strides in turning corn into ethanol in ways that would make Jack Daniels himself turn white in shock. Try to suppose through these institutions though that there might be a better fuel than ethanol and you are stuck. [17:09]
mircea_popescu matybe, i'ven ot really been following the entire "green technologies" stuff. [17:10]
mircea_popescu seems bunky to me, but w/e. [17:10]
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BingoBoingo Well, turning corn into ethanol isn't really green in any other sense than letting Coca Cola know there might be more money in turning corn into fuel instead of soft drinks and letting the poor get Poorabetes [17:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19738 @ 0.00090404 = 17.8439 BTC [+] [17:17]
BingoBoingo Granted much of my information on this subject may be an accident of geography living in a place where news consists of advances turning corn into flamable glorious, often undrinkable booze or corrupt tax auctions [17:17]
mircea_popescu a [17:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 196 @ 0.25898691 = 50.7614 BTC [+] {5} [17:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.05 = 0.4 BTC [17:28]
BingoBoingo It is like your chemistry versus food rant. Some places the emphasis is so engrained that minute advances in the chemistry become deafening and people forget that maize is a weed. [17:29]
mircea_popescu it's a relatively successful one, but not very. nothing like cannabis. [17:31]
mircea_popescu i have had the occasion to see this in nature, as romania had for over a decade a lot of ignored agricultural land. [17:31]
mircea_popescu both linen and corn had been long used here, and so they exist as wild species. [17:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.27023687 = 5.4047 BTC [+] {7} [17:31]
mircea_popescu the corn did manage to ocasionally pick up a spot, but usualyl driven out within a couple of years [17:32]
mircea_popescu the weed is NEVER driven out. [17:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.26989977 BTC [-] [17:32]
* NormDePloome (43f9593d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:33]
KRS|Gotyawallet did somebody say weed, man [17:35]
BingoBoingo Soil and latitude and probably other things make a difference. It would not have been a long walk this fall to fields where corn tainted soybean fields. I'll grant it though that the soil in the fields and around them may not be soild for any natural definition of the term, but may merely be a nitrogen soaked fascimile [17:36]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15822 @ 0.00090355 = 14.296 BTC [-] [17:38]
* dimitriyremerov (~dimitriyr@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:41]
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mircea_popescu soybean is arguably even weaker than corn, sure. [17:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22550 @ 0.00090219 = 20.3444 BTC [-] [17:54]
mircea_popescu have you seen many wild oat fields invaded by corn ? [17:54]
mircea_popescu or for that matter, Cirsium arvense ? [17:54]
BingoBoingo I've seen corn in oat and wheat fields, but not invading land covered by thistles. [17:59]
BingoBoingo Around here though thistles are more of a lawn pest than an agricultural pest. [18:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18450 @ 0.00090219 = 16.6454 BTC [-] [18:01]
* Enky has quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - [18:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 283 @ 0.002748 = 0.7777 BTC [-] {12} [18:02]
* gribble has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:06]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00090195 = 13.7096 BTC [-] [18:08]
* ThickAsThieves ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 96 @ 0.0025 = 0.24 BTC [-] {3} [18:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 2109 @ 0.001 = 2.109 BTC {2} [18:11]
* dimitriyremerov (~dimitriyr@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:12]
* Kleeck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:13]
mircea_popescu then it definuitely is a matter of soil/clime [18:17]
* Apocalyptic is now known as Apocalyptic_ [18:19]
* Apocalyptic_ is now known as Apocalyptic [18:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29500 @ 0.00090219 = 26.6146 BTC [+] [18:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33250 @ 0.00090356 = 30.0434 BTC [+] {4} [18:27]
* gribble (~gribble@unaffiliated/nanotube/bot/gribble) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:30]
* Apocalyptic is now known as Apocalyptic_ [18:33]
* Apocalyptic_ is now known as Apocalyptic [18:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18850 @ 0.00090769 = 17.11 BTC [+] {2} [18:43]
* dimitriyremerov has quit (Quit: dimitriyremerov) [18:48]
* Kushedout ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:50]
pankkake ;;estimate [18:59]
gribble Next difficulty estimate | 1083525546.32 based on data since last change | 1112665357.34 based on data for last three days [18:59]
pankkake no one really talking about the sc2 match on bitcointalk. not sure where I could promote the bet… [18:59]
pankkake (and not act like a vile spammer) [18:59]
Apocalyptic which bet pankkake ? [19:00]
pankkake [19:01]
ozbot BitBet - "Scarlett" to win StarCraft 2 showmatch against Naniwa [19:01]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:01]
mircea_popescu maybe on some venue where sf2 is big [19:05]
pankkake oh, there are many, but I don't have an account on those places [19:05]
* LorenzoMoney (~LorenzoMo@unaffiliated/lorenzomoney) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:05]
pankkake teamliquid is THE place [19:05]
pankkake or the starcraft subreddit [19:05]
pankkake hehe! [19:07]
ozbot TL Store: Now accepting Bitcoin [19:07]
* Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:10]
pankkake and I realize I probably bet on the wrong horse :( [19:13]
pankkake plus scarlett has many fans so it would be probably more lucrative to bet on the other one [19:14]
Namworld whut? [19:21]
Namworld What the heck are you talking about, pankkake? [19:22]
pankkake [19:22]
ozbot #bitcoin-assets log [19:22]
pankkake just spammed teamliquid [19:23]
Namworld I see [19:26]
* guruvan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 181 @ 0.00278629 = 0.5043 BTC [+] {2} [19:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11200 @ 0.0009078 = 10.1674 BTC [+] {2} [19:27]
mircea_popescu im surprised sc2 tournaments are still a big thing [19:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 170 @ 0.00265893 = 0.452 BTC [-] {5} [19:28]
pankkake league of legends (aka LoL. lol) is a bigger thing apparently [19:29]
pankkake still I enjoy watching sc2, even if I don't really play it [19:29]
pankkake mostly this guy: because of the live play and all the rage and bad manner [19:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.25500123 = 0.51 BTC [-] [19:34]
pankkake [19:35]
ozbot Oleg Andreev - Bitcoin Value Proposition [19:35]
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thestringpuller mircea_popescu: has never been to korea [19:41]
asciilifeform hell, wc2 (!) is still played in russia. [19:41]
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pankkake [19:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.05 = 0.75 BTC [19:52]
thestringpuller asciilifeform: lol wc2 [19:55]
thestringpuller how old are you? [19:55]
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asciilifeform thestringpuller: ~30 [19:57]
asciilifeform but i was young once [19:57]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25500 @ 0.00090666 = 23.1198 BTC [-] [20:06]
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* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading || - all days worth reading [20:14]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Nov 27 22:34:53 2013 [20:14]
mircea_popescu [20:14]
ozbot You’re gonna have to learn that variety speak pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. [20:14]
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Namworld lol, that coinion article. [20:29]
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ThickAsThieves nice article mp, would be interesting if you turn out proven correct [21:06]
mircea_popescu get your hollywood friends to read it anyway. [21:07]
mircea_popescu spiel says hollyowood's dogfood, and he has a point. they gotta do something. [21:07]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 94 @ 0.024 = 2.256 BTC [-] {2} [21:18]
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dexX7 "Trade 93 Altcoins to join rich elite !!!" lol [21:24]
ozbot Ad info [21:24]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 27 @ 0.05 = 1.35 BTC [21:28]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 150 @ 0.001 = 0.15 BTC [21:29]
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mircea_popescu anyone remember Elite ? the game publiosher [21:31]
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pankkake "join the rich elite" was the mcxnow motto or something [21:37]
pankkake that one is a cryptsy reflink, lel [21:37]
FabianB ;;bc,stats [21:38]
gribble Current Blocks: 274910 | Current Difficulty: 9.08350862437022E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 276191 | Next Difficulty In: 1281 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 11 hours, 16 minutes, and 21 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 1098769491.01 | Estimated Percent Change: 20.96311 [21:38]
dexX7 and also "Goat says ch00o0o00 ch0000o000o00o0!!!1!!" linking to an article about bitcoin and what greenspan said. funny rotation [21:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.261 BTC [+] [21:46]
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mircea_popescu ;;later tell oleganza what's the point of a blog w/o a comment section ? [21:52]
gribble The operation succeeded. [21:52]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5851 @ 0.00090332 = 5.2853 BTC [-] [22:05]
mikaeldice damn, yet another dice site launched.. mine is going to be just a coin in the wishing well by the time it's done [22:06]
pankkake try to find something unique [22:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 122 @ 0.0024761 = 0.3021 BTC [-] {2} [22:07]
mikaeldice I'm not too worried about this one.. "How Does Dicelead Proof Us Each Roll Is Legitimate? dicelead is provably fair which mean you can verfiy each roll is absolutely fair ,so we are only run for fair purpose and no way to change any result of it" ah, well, okay then [22:09]
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BingoBoingo Well, I mean the problem with new dice sites is that the barrier of entry is high. Just-Dice got to eat Satoshi-Dice's lunch because it offered something very different and in many ways better. SatoshiDice's new tribute game is going no where because... In spite of their establish name the new game just sucks. [22:11]
asciilifeform i still think the phootoore of btc games is battles of wits, not luck [22:12]
asciilifeform if one wishes to gamble, there's always daytrade [22:12]
mikaeldice I have addressed a couple of small problems that other games haven't, but I'm not at all convinced that it'll stand up to the signal:noise ratio with so many sites out there now. Time will tell eventually [22:13]
kanzure strike a deal with a physical casino [22:14]
mikaeldice This new site, for example, has some clear flaws. 1% house edge with no commission, but they give away bitcoins every hour and promise 50% commission to all referrals. The math doesn't add up. [22:15]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.05 = 0.5 BTC [22:19]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9301 @ 0.00090195 = 8.389 BTC [-] [22:41]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.25500221 BTC [-] [22:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00090226 = 9.4737 BTC [+] [22:58]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 39 @ 0.24960049 = 9.7344 BTC [-] {13} [23:05]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16104 @ 0.00090102 = 14.51 BTC [-] {2} [23:18]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16946 @ 0.0009007 = 15.2633 BTC [-] [23:19]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.25891833 = 0.5178 BTC [+] [23:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 23 @ 0.02310034 = 0.5313 BTC [-] {5} [23:32]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.24510221 BTC [-] [23:33]
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mircea_popescu [23:44]
ozbot Two years of forum ads: get cheap forum ads for a limited time [23:44]
mircea_popescu check that out, forum ads are dead. [23:44]
mircea_popescu apparently you can't mismanage a property into the shit for 2+ years and then have it survive. who knew! [23:45]
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mircea_popescu mikaeldice it's a coin in the well already, and has been since summer 2012. [23:46]
mircea_popescu as the othersd say, gotta be great, and more importantly gotta be someone first. [23:46]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo it first and foremost got a chance because dooglus. it'd have died an ignominable death if almost anyone else'd have tried an exact copy. [23:46]
pankkake why does the forum need ads, they have so many btc already [23:46]
mircea_popescu pankkake had, perhaps. [23:47]
pankkake right, this is bitcoin [23:47]
mircea_popescu anyway, he's got [23:48]
mircea_popescu aka spare change. [23:48]
mircea_popescu worst insult of all, nobody in the actual biz paid him even the equivalent of a bit into cheeseburger. [23:48]
mircea_popescu it's a case study in how to fuck up, this. [23:48]
pankkake lol, I could have bought one [23:49]
pankkake I'd pay 0.05 BTC just to say "butts" [23:49]
mircea_popescu you could have, but apparently you don't gas. [23:49]
mircea_popescu anyone know Bitgo btw ? [23:49]
Duffer1 looks like a way too complicated localbitcoins [23:51]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26500 @ 0.0009007 = 23.8686 BTC [-] [23:54]
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mircea_popescu yeah i don;'t quite grok what it's supposed to be. thought maybe the owner is here. [23:58]
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FabianB looks like a webwallet to me [23:59]
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