Forum logs for 14 Aug 2015

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* alpalp (6836eb1c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-assets [00:01]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:02]
* ColinT2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:05]
asciilifeform ;;google brekekekex koax koax [00:06]
gribble Aristophanes, Frogs, line 225: ; Word of the day – Brekekekex (Βρεκεκέξ) | Omniglot blog: ; koax koax brekekekex (finaly) - YouTube: [00:06]
* ColinT has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:08]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3400 @ 0.00063649 = 2.1641 BTC [+] [00:15]
* ag3nt_zer0 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:19]
* ColinT2 has quit (Quit: Leaving...) [00:27]
* sueastside has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:31]
* sueastside ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:32]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:33]
* shesek (~shesek@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:35]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00063331 = 7.9797 BTC [-] {3} [00:40]
* ColinT ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:43]
* ColinT has quit (Client Quit) [00:43]
* MiningBuddy has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00062753 = 6.5891 BTC [-] [00:57]
* NewLiberty has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:58]
* Chicago (~cjc@unaffiliated/chicago) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:06]
* yamaka (~yamaka@unaffiliated/yamaka) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:25]
* yamaka has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [01:30]
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* yamaka (~yamaka@unaffiliated/yamaka) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:31]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:33]
* yamaka (~yamaka@unaffiliated/yamaka) has left #bitcoin-assets [01:33]
* Lycerion (~Lycerion@unaffiliated/lycerion) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:40]
scoopbot_revived Fefeleaga. [01:40]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4200 @ 0.00063649 = 2.6733 BTC [+] [02:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1900 @ 0.00063649 = 1.2093 BTC [+] [02:09]
* btcdrak has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [02:11]
trinque a deeply moving story. thanks for translating. [02:35]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:37]
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [02:38]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17700 @ 0.00062424 = 11.049 BTC [-] {5} [02:40]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:40]
* Chicago has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [02:44]
* thestringpuller has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:45]
* thestringpuller ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:47]
* thestringpuller is now known as Guest80478 [02:47]
BingoBoingo Oh the reddardation [02:55]
assbot The blocksize debate is due to limited upload bandwidth. A hardfork could fix this: by allowing 10 minutes for *all* nodes to upload their blocks into a "blockpool" (so nodes with slow internet have a chance too), and then *randomly* select one block as the "winner" to append to the blockchain. : Bi ... ( ) [02:55]
mircea_popescu omfg [03:01]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [03:01]
BingoBoingo I don't even think the asciilifeform phillipino theory can explain this one. USG must be farming out spam to Montessori schools nao. [03:02]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:10]
mircea_popescu << or you could just have a multiview editor/calculator [03:17]
assbot Logged on 13-08-2015 20:43:18; mats: wish i had that skill. would be useful for conversions between base16, base10, base8, base2 conversions when doing low level computering [03:17]
mircea_popescu << is this how you say oral sex ? [03:19]
assbot Logged on 14-08-2015 02:13:00; trinque: watch her end up lapping me [03:19]
trinque haha, but of course [03:20]
trinque I feel I've done a great service aiming her at the parentheses early [03:20]
mircea_popescu had you aimed at her paratnthesis and made her late instead... [03:22]
BingoBoingo [03:28]
assbot Au Naturel ... ( ) [03:28]
BingoBoingo ^ tldr; tan your sack [03:30]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [03:31]
* NewLiberty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:32]
* SuchWow has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [03:36]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:37]
ben_vulpes sorry pete_dusheshenski, no tech support available this week [03:44]
* ben_vulpes is working 18 hour weeks to keep a miserably mismanaged cms project from auguring into the ground at mach 2 [03:44]
ben_vulpes days [03:44]
ben_vulpes hyu [03:44]
mircea_popescu still cms is what people do with people's time ? in 2015 ? [03:44]
trinque ben_vulpes: read that story about the old woman and miserable horse; it'll make ya feel better [03:45]
ben_vulpes coracle at 290915 tho [03:45]
ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: future is here [03:45]
ben_vulpes [03:45]
assbot right-now ... ( ) [03:46]
trinque publishing... still JIT-htmlpiled in 2015 [03:46]
ben_vulpes jit html [03:46]
ben_vulpes windows 10 [03:46]
ben_vulpes os x 10 [03:46]
mircea_popescu trinque o you did ? [03:46]
* NewLiberty has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16271 @ 0.00062507 = 10.1705 BTC [+] {3} [03:47]
ben_vulpes watch her end up lapping me << scheme is what i threw the new girl at the shop [03:47]
trinque nice [03:47]
ben_vulpes oh hey you should meet the new folks [03:48]
trinque mircea_popescu: yes, felt that story presents a nice bottom-bound on the misery-ometer [03:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21150 @ 0.00063753 = 13.4838 BTC [+] {3} [03:48]
trinque ben_vulpes: yeah can come say hi whenever [03:48]
mircea_popescu i think so too [03:48]
ben_vulpes << gaze ye and weep [03:51]
assbot javascript - contenteditable single-line input - Stack Overflow ... ( ) [03:51]
* diana_coman (~diana_com@unaffiliated/diana-coman/x-8319396) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:52]
trinque ben_vulpes: how does a guy know about editable divs and not disallowing wrap? [03:53]
ben_vulpes i didn't know about editable divs today [03:54]
ben_vulpes until today [03:54]
ben_vulpes i still wish that i didn't [03:54]
ben_vulpes trinque: didja get to the part where he talks about implementing a single-line rich-text-editor ? [03:54]
trinque there's also a secret property-knocking handshake you can do to turn any div into a game of pacman [03:55]
trinque there isn't, but why not [03:55]
ben_vulpes pahaha [03:55]
trinque no I bailed [03:55]
ben_vulpes "the correct answer is to get your project manager to change the requirements" [03:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20392 @ 0.00063801 = 13.0103 BTC [+] [03:55]
trinque why not float the dumb emojis over the input [03:55]
ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: solidly over six? [03:55]
ben_vulpes ;;ticker [03:56]
gribble Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 265.2, Best ask: 265.21, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 265.22, 24 hour volume: 12201.37226015, 24 hour low: 262.13, 24 hour high: 267.06, 24 hour vwap: None [03:56]
ben_vulpes hogwash [03:56]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [03:59]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11550 @ 0.00063801 = 7.369 BTC [+] [04:17]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:19]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7529 @ 0.00063605 = 4.7888 BTC [-] [04:26]
ben_vulpes senator hurrdurr (who really seems an exact mirror image of ron paul in left colorings) is certainly out of the question, but omfg don't tell me trump takes over and does a postmodern rendition of reagan << it is going to be glorious [04:34]
ben_vulpes i don't vote and i will vote for him [04:34]
ben_vulpes for teh lulz [04:34]
* btcdrak (uid52049@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9650 @ 0.00060969 = 5.8835 BTC [-] {2} [04:35]
cazalla <<< i don't shave and i buzz my ever balding scalp.. i guess that makes me fearful of t3h gh3y then [04:39]
assbot Logged on 13-08-2015 19:20:56; mircea_popescu: << how's this different from being affraid of being gay ? [04:39]
cazalla it is a little more like being forced to wear a puffy shirt than fear of being gay [04:41]
BingoBoingo [04:51]
assbot #ThInnerBeauty: Unleash the hidden beauty! ... ( ) [04:51]
cazalla BingoBoingo, i dunno, the one on the left looks better imo she is just about right for me minus about 10kg [04:58]
assbot ... ( ) [04:58]
cazalla just needs to lose a little off the belly [04:58]
BingoBoingo Yet you will never get her to lose any of it without shame [04:59]
trinque big asses ftw. there's a middle ground here. [04:59]
cazalla yeah i think so too trinque [04:59]
punkman the only good photoshop in there [05:00]
assbot ... ( ) [05:00]
cazalla i dont mind fat ass and the chubby look, just no stomach over hang [05:00]
BingoBoingo trinque: The path to a big ass is the squat rack [05:00]
trinque it's true [05:00]
shinohai I'd still hit it. [05:00]
cazalla the one on the left? ah i'd pass [05:01]
cazalla (which means i'd root her but not tell anyone here) [05:01]
cazalla needs a few beers.. which i have being friday and all [05:01]
shinohai I dunno cazalla if u squint your eyes and pretend she is the girl on the right ... [05:01]
* wywialm (~mw@unaffiliated/wywialm) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:01]
trinque how does one pretend with his dick, may I ask [05:02]
cazalla why is a woman dressed like that in a shopping centre anyway? [05:02]
shinohai Pretty good shop, though the reflections don't change xD [05:02]
cazalla her legs look skinny in the reflection eh, maybe it is a skinny to fat photo edited with adobe photoshop [05:03]
BingoBoingo [05:04]
assbot Chicago, New Orleans, and rebirth - Chicago Tribune ... ( ) [05:04]
trinque << nothing at all wrong with the left [05:04]
assbot ... ( ) [05:04]
shinohai looks like my ex wife [05:04]
shinohai the cunt [05:04]
cazalla of course there looks to be nothing wrong when it is a b&w photo which is dimly lit to boot [05:05]
cazalla <<< what are the differences between coreboot and libreboot? [05:07]
assbot Logged on 14-08-2015 00:32:27; mircea_popescu: << im starting to suspect a "alf's guide to coreboot" full doc would be more valuable than anything on cryptome currently and really a great addition to loper-os. provided it actually is complete. [05:07]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [05:07]
punkman cazalla: coreboot supports some binary blobs n things iirc [05:08]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:09]
cazalla i thought that was a bit of a no no? [05:10]
punkman well it's up to you to choose what is used or not [05:10]
punkman libreboot might also derp about licenses [05:10]
cazalla BingoBoingo, all this fatty hate and your fondness of black chicks is making me wonder if some there is some similarity to be found here with ardent gay haters who can't get enough of the cock behind closed doors [05:14]
BingoBoingo Black chicks that aren't fat are too damn rare. Shame and fat hate are a way to correct that with time honored social engineering. [05:15]
cazalla i'm not so sure shame works anymore, these people are without shame [05:16]
punkman BingoBoingo: you could go look for the hungrier ones in africa [05:17]
BingoBoingo punkman: But AIDS [05:17]
punkman you can get em tested [05:18]
punkman but yeah [05:18]
shinohai *with time honoured social engineering <<< applauds BingoBoingo [05:19]
BingoBoingo Fat People hate is basically a suckless movement for wetware [05:22]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [05:23]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20967 @ 0.00060969 = 12.7834 BTC [-] [05:26]
cazalla happy chinese new year! [05:27]
assbot - Massive Explosion In Tianjin,China.(New angle) ... ( ) [05:27]
shinohai [05:33]
assbot "If you're not running a node, you're not really using Bitcoin." u/luke-jr : Bitcoin ... ( ) [05:33]
* Belxjander has quit (Quit: AmigaOSv4.1.6+//PowerPC native) [05:38]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14800 @ 0.00062246 = 9.2124 BTC [+] {3} [05:40]
* wywialm has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:47]
wilbns cazella: wow [05:51]
wilbns cazalla* [05:51]
cazalla wilbns, vexual? [05:52]
wilbns no, coderwill [05:52]
wilbns wondering how many kilotons that explosion was [05:53]
BingoBoingo Apparently it was only in the tens of tons, no kilotons [05:53]
wilbns [05:55]
assbot How strong was the Tianjin explosion? : askscience ... ( ) [05:55]
wilbns BingoBoingo: wow, can't imagine what a nuke would be like, then [05:55]
BingoBoingo Bigger [05:55]
wilbns a while back some people were conjecturing a mini nuke was used in yemen; video of that explosion: [05:58]
assbot Yemen War 2015 - Giant Explosion After Saudi Arabian Airstrike On Houthi Weapons Depot In Yemen - YouTube ... ( ) [05:58]
wilbns something about the glowing particulate and the presence of two explosions, the first of which possibly being to trigger a criticality event [06:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68900 @ 0.00063117 = 43.4876 BTC [+] {7} [06:03]
cazalla sounds like some alex jones type shit [06:06]
BingoBoingo [06:19]
assbot JL: Operating a Hoodrat Trading Post ... ( ) [06:19]
* rdymac (uid31665@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:28]
punkman "To give you an idea of how desperate a retailer has to be to close overnight, the tiny supermarket where I work, which is about half the size of a Wal-Mart’s food section, lost 1 million dollars per year when it closed down overnight in 2009. " [06:28]
punkman I dunno how a "tiny" supermarket has overnight sales of 1 million [06:29]
BingoBoingo Well over the course of a whole year [06:35]
BingoBoingo Even niche retail can move stunning amounts of money in the gross. Just hard to do anywhere near that much net. [06:36]
scoopbot_revived Released Clinton Email Shows Clinton Requested Book on Deleting Email [06:36]
punkman clearly, it wasn't a very good book [06:38]
BingoBoingo Of course [06:39]
BingoBoingo Probably didn't cover the part where the recipient's inbox matters too. [06:40]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:44]
* Belxjander is now known as Belxjande [06:45]
cazalla <<< u no like montessori schools? [06:48]
assbot Logged on 14-08-2015 06:02:18; BingoBoingo: I don't even think the asciilifeform phillipino theory can explain this one. USG must be farming out spam to Montessori schools nao. [06:48]
BingoBoingo I'm just going off the stereotype of that being where people who've ever been punched emerged from like in that SNL skit [06:48]
cazalla lol was just discussing enrolling kid in a montessori pre-school from 2 1/2 years onwards no less than 30m ago [06:50]
BingoBoingo They may not be bad, but who knows [06:51]
BingoBoingo [06:51]
assbot overweight employee keeps breaking office chairs, my boss won't give me a budget, and more — Ask a Manager ... ( ) [06:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2850 @ 0.0006377 = 1.8174 BTC [+] [06:52]
cazalla i just don't think i could toss him to the wolves in the public school system [06:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00060969 = 5.975 BTC [-] [06:53]
cazalla BingoBoingo, sounds easier to sack the fat cow [06:54]
* Belxjande has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [06:57]
BingoBoingo I though you had to send them to the wolve for a couple years to toughen them up a bit, but maybe save that for later [06:58]
cazalla bit young for that, although didn't stop my own father [07:00]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:01]
BingoBoingo I mean at some point you'll have to throw hm to the wolves for a bit lest the wolves find him anyways [07:11]
punkman [07:16]
assbot Landless Workers' Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( ) [07:16]
punkman cazalla: BingoBoingo, sounds easier to sack the fat cow << what and get sued for 100x the cost of chairs? [07:18]
cazalla i thought you could sack at will in america? [07:18]
* Belxjander has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [07:19]
punkman [07:21]
assbot hiring someone who will need two airplane seats when she travels — Ask a Manager ... ( ) [07:21]
punkman "Obviously it would be better for you both if you could discuss this openly: she would rather not waste time if she won’t get hired, and you would rather not reject your top candidate. Unfortunately, I don’t think you should assume that you can safely discuss this. If you decline to hire someone after finding out that they have a covered disability, you may expose yourself to a lawsuit." [07:24]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:26]
* Belxjander is now known as Belxjande [07:26]
* Lycerion has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:31]
* Belxjande has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [07:31]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:37]
* Belxjander has quit (Quit: AmigaOSv4.1.6+//PowerPC native) [07:43]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:44]
* ColinT ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:53]
* Belxjander has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) [07:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12968 @ 0.0006233 = 8.083 BTC [+] [07:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22300 @ 0.00061875 = 13.7981 BTC [-] [08:05]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:05]
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* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:11]
* Belxjander is now known as Belxjande [08:12]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14250 @ 0.00061477 = 8.7605 BTC [-] {3} [08:30]
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* Belxjander has quit (Quit: AmigaOSv4.1.6+//PowerPC native) [08:43]
* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:45]
* King_Rex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:47]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00060969 = 6.7066 BTC [-] [08:56]
punkman I lol'd [09:01]
assbot Inside Egypt's Unrecognised ADHD Problem - YouTube ... ( ) [09:01]
cazalla punkman, 30 minutes? sheeit, keep it to 3 minutes or less thxkgo [09:05]
assbot The Angels - Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again, Live In Melbourne 1979 - YouTube ... ( ) [09:05]
punkman cazalla: what you think I'm gonna watch that thing, title is enough [09:06]
* Hasimir has quit (Quit: Vidi, vici, veni) [09:06]
* TheAdversary has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [09:06]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12633 @ 0.00061281 = 7.7416 BTC [+] [09:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3150 @ 0.00061799 = 1.9467 BTC [+] {4} [09:10]
punkman apparently the tourists aren't enjoying the boatloads of arabs arriving next to their resorts [09:12]
assbot Kos Becoming Main Migrant Entry Point To Europe - YouTube ... ( ) [09:12]
* Hasimir (~hfenring@unaffiliated/hasimir) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:18]
cazalla BingoBoingo, found the answer to the chair problem [09:24]
assbot ... ( ) [09:24]
punkman "FDA registered as a durable medical devise" [09:25]
* King_Rex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7700 @ 0.00063395 = 4.8814 BTC [+] [09:28]
* TheAdversary (~adversary@unaffiliated/hasimir/bot/theadversary) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:43]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18400 @ 0.00062232 = 11.4507 BTC [-] [09:47]
* rdymac has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [09:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00063517 = 9.6546 BTC [+] {2} [09:55]
* TheAdversary has quit (Disconnected by services) [10:11]
* TheAdversary (~adversary@unaffiliated/hasimir/bot/theadversary) has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:11]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51600 @ 0.00063794 = 32.9177 BTC [+] {4} [10:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21113 @ 0.00063991 = 13.5104 BTC [+] {2} [10:44]
* ColinT has quit (Quit: Leaving...) [10:57]
* Guest80478 is now known as thestringpuller [11:04]
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* thestringpuller (~leflor@unaffiliated/thestringpuller) has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:05]
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* Belxjander (~Belxjande@sourcemage/Mage/Abh-Elementalist) has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:14]
* DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:14]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00063992 = 4.7994 BTC [+] [11:14]
* user (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:15]
* user is now known as Guest73746 [11:15]
* Guest73746 is now known as funkenstein_ [11:15]
asciilifeform << get an 'hp16c'. handily beats computer for this purpose. [11:18]
assbot Logged on 14-08-2015 06:16:49; assbot: Logged on 13-08-2015 20:43:18; mats: wish i had that skill. would be useful for conversions between base16, base10, base8, base2 conversions when doing low level computering [11:18]
* assbot gives voice to funkenstein_ [11:18]
asciilifeform (little rpn calculator that does 64-bit arithmetic - standard, conversions (bin, hex, dec, octal), shifts/rotates, masks, etc. circa 1982 iirc.) [11:20]
asciilifeform << libreboot supports ~10 boards, all but one of them - ancient laptops [11:21]
assbot Logged on 14-08-2015 08:06:45; cazalla: <<< what are the differences between coreboot and libreboot? [11:21]
asciilifeform << no blobs if you have a civilized (amd!) board. and the intel boards won't work, typically, even with blobs [11:21]
assbot Logged on 14-08-2015 08:07:28; punkman: cazalla: coreboot supports some binary blobs n things iirc [11:21]
asciilifeform my current understanding is that libreboot exists as a kind of sad 'hurd' to coreboot's 'linux' [11:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1900 @ 0.00063954 = 1.2151 BTC [-] [11:30]
* King_Rex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [11:30]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00063954 = 6.907 BTC [-] [11:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00063308 = 5.5395 BTC [-] {3} [11:54]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:08]
* assbot gives voice to mike_c [12:09]
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* King_Rex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [12:19]
* King_Rex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:31]
gernika mod6: bastard blocks for roughly 10 hours now. Perhaps I corrupted my db? [12:32]
mike_c goddamn mircea, that was depressing [12:32]
mike_c hopefully you've got an old romanian love poem or something to follow that up with [12:32]
mike_c trilema traffic is going to drop by half as your readers start jumping off a cliff. [12:33]
* williamdunne (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/williamdunne) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:55]
* SuchWow (~SuchWow@unaffiliated/suchwow) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5691 @ 0.00063051 = 3.5882 BTC [-] [13:21]
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [13:25]
* King_Rex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:27]
* ascii_field ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:29]
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* Belxjander is now known as Belxjande [13:47]
* chetty (~chet@unaffiliated/chetty) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:54]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [13:55]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [13:55]
ascii_field << lulzy re: 'tide dollar' [13:55]
assbot People in rough neighborhoods trade HIV meds instead of taking them | Ars Technica ... ( ) [13:55]
* Belxjande has quit (Quit: AmigaOSv4.1.6+//PowerPC native) [13:56]
* assbot gives voice to chetty [13:56]
chetty mike_c: goddamn mircea, that was depressing// I thought it was heroic [13:57]
mike_c It was something. I kinda assumed she's killing herself at the end. [13:58]
mike_c Can't carry rocks with no horse. [13:58]
* King_Rex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:58]
ascii_field chetty, mircea_popescu: story reminiscent of turgenev's Муму [13:59]
ascii_field (where a serf drowns his dog, the only thing he ever loved) [13:59]
chetty well perhaps she dos something other thna carry rocks now [14:00]
ascii_field kinda assumed starvation [14:00]
ascii_field sop, as mircea_popescu pointed out once, in east europe [14:01]
ascii_field no worky, no eaty. [14:01]
mircea_popescu my great-grandfather, aged 85 or so, died by taking to bed and refusing to eat anymore. [14:01]
mircea_popescu ~2 weeks. [14:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2600 @ 0.00063178 = 1.6426 BTC [+] [14:02]
ascii_field i call it the gödel diet. [14:03]
mircea_popescu chetty incidentally, i agree it was heroic. [14:05]
mircea_popescu the reason it's sad is because wasted hero. [14:05]
mircea_popescu not from the hero's pov, obviously, that can't be. but from my (the other's) pov. [14:06]
* TheRealJohnGalt has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [14:07]
chetty heros come in lots of flavors [14:07]
mircea_popescu << yours is better. [14:07]
assbot ... ( ) [14:08]
assbot File:Agarbiceanu Cluj.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( ) [14:08]
ascii_field i bet mircea_popescu would love 'grave of the fireflies' [14:11]
mircea_popescu heck, i recently discovered the "northern system's" principal children's writer (hc andersen) is not know to teh northern ppls. [14:12]
mircea_popescu matchgirl died in vain. [14:12]
ascii_field he had a well-deserved reputation as a hack and bootlick [14:12]
ascii_field when alive [14:12]
mircea_popescu nevertheless. [14:13]
ascii_field as a boy, hca gave me howling nightmares [14:13]
mircea_popescu see ? [14:14]
ascii_field (i had the complete worx) [14:14]
mircea_popescu romania has (actually - had. i published a post asking for his death and he died three days later) one too, adrian paunescu. [14:14]
mircea_popescu most objectionable character on record, doubtlessly a fine poet. [14:14]
ascii_field lemme guess [14:15]
ascii_field he was your country's mayakovsky. [14:15]
mircea_popescu ascii_field i dun have the patience for animated full length features. but i did like the ... shit, what was it called. the one where the guy breaks in and murders a buncha women. one of them confronts him, in perhaps the best scene of japanese cinema [14:16]
ascii_field at least show 'fireflies' to the gurlz [14:17]
mircea_popescu mayakovsky was not fat. [14:17]
ascii_field they will like. [14:17]
ascii_field mayakovsky had the sense to eat his nagant as a young man [14:17]
ascii_field so no, not fat. [14:17]
chetty // this was my childhood nightmare [14:17]
mircea_popescu so no, not romania's m. romania's adonis-13, except aware. [14:18]
mircea_popescu haha, no balm in gilead, chetty ? [14:19]
chetty I actually dont even recall the story, just the name, and that after I read it I wouldnt read hca again for years [14:22]
mircea_popescu most of the kids in teh class got all angry and actively-intensive about the fefeleaga story, but the teacher had the presence of mind to point out that obviously activity of any kind will be ineffectual, and if one's inclination's obviously going to be ineffectual one's necessarily misunderstood something. [14:24]
ascii_field wai wat?! [14:24]
ascii_field angry? [14:24]
mircea_popescu bless her soul, for without that it'd have ended up as yet another class of world-saving idiots. [14:24]
ascii_field i'd imagine it was in the curriculum because 'see how they lived in pre-soviet era' [14:24]
mircea_popescu nope. not at all. [14:25]
mircea_popescu it had ben in the curricula in that part of the country before ferdinand. which was before charles. [14:25]
ascii_field spiffy [14:25]
mircea_popescu which is, as far as romanians are concerned, how hitler was invented, and the soviets are, again, just some easterners trying to be german in their retarded way. [14:25]
ascii_field what did the idiot kids want to 'activity' ? search for starving old blind mine horses to rescue ? [14:25]
mircea_popescu for instance. [14:25]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [14:26]
mircea_popescu !up ascii_field [14:26]
-assbot- You voiced ascii_field for 30 minutes. [14:26]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [14:26]
ascii_field lulzy [14:26]
trinque the desolation in the story is imo a healthy thing to consider. [14:30]
ascii_field over in the land of the proper orcs, tales like this were taught with the 'constructive' aim of 'see kids, THEY want to put us back in this. yes, THEY.' [14:30]
trinque yes, life comes to this, and no, you can't do anything about it. [14:30]
trinque if yours doesn't, be glad, but you still end up gnarled and old, and perhaps with a few more horses [14:30]
mircea_popescu ascii_field transylvania has the not-to-be-neglected advantage of two millenia of continual habitation. stuff like soviets barely register if at all. [14:30]
ascii_field mircea_popescu makes it sound almost chinese [14:31]
mircea_popescu this is the most successful sort of special pleading for the entire "resistance through culture" thing. which is why the argument can't be properly carried in english, etc. [14:31]
mircea_popescu it is the closest thing to china outside of say greece. [14:31]
mircea_popescu but the difference is deeply, fundamnetally palpable. i did recently "curs de langue et de civilisation europeene", by screening le gendarme et les gendarmettes (funes) and la liceale - al mare con amica de papa. [14:32]
mircea_popescu the differences between a 1500 yo people and a 2500 yo people are marked. [14:32]
mircea_popescu trinque gets a whole lot of it. [14:33]
jurov only two millenia? [14:33]
mircea_popescu yeah. [14:33]
jurov more like, 12k (all the way from last ice age) [14:33]
mircea_popescu eh bs. [14:33]
* mircea_popescu has seen people wearing to work the legionnaire tunics, and knows for a fact that they were wearing the same item by the unerring sign, that they used the same points of them. [14:34]
mircea_popescu much like you know someone's using a hammer for it being a hammer through the sign that the flat part goes to put the nail in and the fork to pull the nail back out. [14:35]
mircea_popescu if your leg bends to match the tunic it's quite clear you're in fact wearing a tunic, not merely a similar looking apron. [14:35]
ascii_field points ? [14:35]
ascii_field ah [14:35]
mircea_popescu yes. import resitance_of_medium.h [14:36]
mircea_popescu things are not what they may be perceived to be, but what is left after washed in the acid of movement and phenomena. [14:36]
* assbot gives voice to davout [14:38]
mircea_popescu (ftr, very old peoples do survive in france as well - same places they do in the east. like the normans, say, or the gascons. much hay was made by the plains populatrons about this also, at the time they were still trying to understand themselves seriously - say 3 centuries ago) [14:38]
ascii_field 'the art of not being governed' covers same, in indochina [14:39]
mircea_popescu the main difference between the paris horde and the bucharest horde being, of course, that the former were productive. or one should say, sufficiently productive. [14:39]
mircea_popescu ascii_field speaking of which - weirdness like "colectivisation" etc didn't touch most of high transylvania. simply because teh people didn't do it. because wut. even some horses survived. [14:40]
ascii_field ditto selected inaccessible parts of indochina [14:41]
ascii_field (srsly, mega-book, worth at least a warez reading) [14:41]
mircea_popescu aha. [14:41]
phf old horses, dying children, gratuitous cruelty, it's like i'm back in my highschool lit class [14:42]
mircea_popescu cruelty can't be gratuitous. [14:42]
mircea_popescu it's back to the "what purpose does the sun serve for us, children ?" [14:42]
phf that's not the right word [14:42]
mircea_popescu "it fucks your mother." [14:42]
phf small cruelty done because it can be done [14:43]
mircea_popescu you mean, mean. [14:43]
mircea_popescu im so distraught that word lost its principal meaning. which was - people being "people", in the reddit sense of the term. [14:43]
mircea_popescu lowly, small, petty. mean. of mean extraction, ie, borne by mcmansion folk. [14:44]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: it is interesting, and related, to inquire into the etymology of english word 'churl' [14:44]
mircea_popescu into which you ran, like i have, by trying to translate a certain russian word ? [14:44]
phf huh, it's right there in the dictionary too [14:44]
mircea_popescu phf if your dictionary was made before social media, yes. [14:45]
mircea_popescu (d'artagnan's origin is not coincidental, and the fact superman's not from the ozarks does not reflect too well on either the profundity or the perspectives of that culture) [14:47]
mircea_popescu (and no, it can't be fixed by simply moving one's hands and MAKING him that. it has to come from the public, as an unavoidable necessity. and no, the public can't be "educated" etc) [14:48]
jurov [14:53]
assbot 'CVS: src' - MARC ... ( ) [14:53]
jurov "Disable support for loading LC_CTYPE locales other than UTF-8." [14:53]
phf shalamov makes a convincing argument in a story about natalia klimova, one of the ladies that tried to assassinate stolypin, that the way for soviet regime was paved by people who read stories like fefeleaga and decided that something needs to be done. it was already 20 years of terrorism by mostly educated aristocracy children, "from vegetarianism and love thy neighbor to throwing bombs" [14:53]
ascii_field ^^^ [14:53]
mircea_popescu obviously. [14:54]
* NewLiberty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:54]
mircea_popescu i don't think this is at all controversial. the degenerate children of a lost aristocracy are the primary fuel of the imbecillity of revolution. [14:54]
mircea_popescu and it is why i pointed out orlov's failure in the elephant story. [14:55]
ascii_field orwell? [14:55]
mircea_popescu god damned it. [14:55]
mircea_popescu yes. [14:55]
mircea_popescu people like to lie and claim their failures are some sort of virtues. but they aren't. and the fact that those kids felt unequal to the responsibility of who they were supposed to be in this world... well... [14:56]
mircea_popescu obviously it'll have to change then. [14:56]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [14:56]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [14:56]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [14:56]
mircea_popescu go ahead, "make things better" for fefeleaga by what ? giving her a breadmaking machine ? a pegassus ? what are you going to GIVE her ? a job at the local airport ? a newly built apartment ? [14:58]
mircea_popescu give asciilifeform a proper windows license while at it, so he stops having to toil with the obscure bullshit he is now. [14:58]
mircea_popescu why not, make things better, fix the world. [14:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13250 @ 0.00063371 = 8.3967 BTC [+] {3} [14:58]
mircea_popescu would you like some double pump mocha, ascii_field ? [14:58]
* diana_coman has quit (Quit: Leaving) [14:59]
ascii_field l0l!! [14:59]
mircea_popescu what. [14:59]
ascii_field this was kinda the idea though. 'now ~everyone~ can be a degenerate aristocrat!' [14:59]
mircea_popescu you laugh at your saviours to be ? [14:59]
mircea_popescu who could have FUCKING PREDICTED. [14:59]
mod6 <+gernika> mod6: bastard blocks for roughly 10 hours now. Perhaps I corrupted my db? << hmm. not sure? are you getting errors as opposed to just bastard blocks? maybe post last 250 lines of your debug.log and we can have a look. [15:00]
mircea_popescu [15:00]
assbot Agency and other notes on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [15:00]
mircea_popescu "Should you suddenly find yourself with enough success to, say, help significantly decrease poverty and famine in some 3rd world country, would you be prepared and ready with a game-plan" [15:00]
mircea_popescu a GAME plan. [15:01]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: americanism. it is customary to describe anything political in terms used in the american football, e.g., 'playbook', 'gameplan', 'huddle' [15:01]
mircea_popescu not only customary, but proper. [15:02]
ascii_field 'punt' [15:02]
ascii_field a few others i can't recall now. [15:02]
mircea_popescu it is a good idea to describe anything overgrown, neotenic idiots do as "a game". because yes, they're playing. [15:02]
ascii_field but not just any game. always that one, for some reason. [15:02]
ascii_field (never, oddly enough, baseball. which i grew up thinking of as ~the~ american sport) [15:03]
mircea_popescu "impostor syndrome" is how sanity is known among the playful bunch, busy play-pretending a life and daydreaming an existence. the silkworms awake./ [15:03]
ascii_field << lulzy [15:04]
assbot Grant fraud, should I bust my PhD advisor? - Academia Stack Exchange ... ( ) [15:04]
mircea_popescu heh. [15:05]
mircea_popescu imagine the panic this raises through the 65% of phd advisors reading there [15:05]
ascii_field 'Naturally all the documentation is keep secret, but a quick Google search would reveal that one can't simultaneously work at place x, and give lectures at place y, while x and y are hours of travel away. But again the people who control the grant money only check the paperwork they are provided. Is there a bogus employment contract in my name? I don't know but I have reasons to believe so.' [15:05]
ascii_field my current understanding is that this is sop [15:05]
ascii_field and that virtually every major american uni has dozens of faculty, heavily overlapping with the set of most serious money-bringers, who are criminally impeachable [15:06]
* punkman1 is now known as punkman [15:08]
gernika mod6 didn't realize 0.5.3 didn't have -reindex, so attempted a reindex with old .dat files (backed up blkindex.dat and last blk*.dat) - so I think I'm just syncing from scratch at this point. Not sure how useful my log would be at this point. [15:08]
ascii_field gernika: eatblock! [15:08]
ascii_field is our 'reindex' [15:09]
* assbot gives voice to punkman [15:09]
mircea_popescu ascii_field your current understanding is strictly correct. [15:09]
mircea_popescu all that keeps the whole body from prison is no one looking. [15:10]
ascii_field also, srsly, wat, usg will purge 100% of academia ? [15:10]
ascii_field no, they only purge the folks who won't play ball [15:10]
gernika ascii_field so do something like bitcoind dumpblock i | bitcoind -datadir=somewhereelse eatblock i? [15:10]
ascii_field gernika: blkcut for the former. but otherwise, yes. [15:11]
Adlai ascii_field: baseball isn't the american sport, it's the american story. or something [15:13]
trinque I don't think baseball has been the american "thing" for a generator or more [15:13]
trinque football or "pro-wrestling" [15:14]
trinque depending on who you ask [15:14]
ascii_field trinque: i grew up in a kind of time warp [15:14]
mats football and basketball, yo. [15:14]
ascii_field expected america to look like 1940s nyc [15:14]
mats nobody else plays these games [15:15]
trinque yeah basketball is big [15:15]
Adlai "world" series [15:15]
trinque but doesn't really serve the american narrative in teh same way baseball seems to have [15:15]
trinque ascii_field: got people of walmart instead! [15:15]
trinque what a twist [15:15]
Adlai trinque: please elaborate about this narrative [15:15]
trinque Adlai: watch the sandlot [15:15]
* Adlai glances at it, still there, full of sand [15:16]
trinque any underdog can have his day of glory, you see [15:17]
phf thinking about "degenerate children", the disconnect seems to be between what is advertised as a virtue in order to strengthen rule and what is genuinely required in order to remain in power. somehow eton managed to produce generations of british elite, while petergoth lyceum first class of twenty ended in the decembrist revolt (and that was 100 years before soviet revolution) [15:17]
* hanbot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:18]
phf (tsarskoye selo lyceum rather) [15:19]
trinque seems the aristocracy can't allow their children to develop foolish ideas such as being able to change reality arbitrarily, which any kid left to his own thoughts growing up in wealth will come to believe [15:20]
ascii_field if england (and europe) had a meta-europe somewhere more west, that 'we too can become like!!111!!! if we kill our king' - then they too would have decembrist revolts [15:20]
mircea_popescu expected america to look like 1940s nyc << the people who worshipped nicky mantle or w/e are long dead you know. [15:20]
mircea_popescu micky was it ? [15:21]
trinque micky yep [15:21]
mircea_popescu phf there's a reason "hypocrisy" appears again and again in criticism of imperial achievement. [15:21]
mircea_popescu and the brits had the impossible to undervalue advantage of women. they're fucking ugly, so they have to work hard. and they did - the empire only survived with them. [15:22]
phf haha, nice [15:22]
mircea_popescu russian women had all the subterfugial value of pelicans. at least - until the soviets invented natasha. [15:23]
mircea_popescu natasha the spy, natasha the heavy drinker, natasha the young corpse. [15:23]
mircea_popescu (speaking of which - there's a recent, very very bad french movie which nevertheless offers perhaps the best image of that girl. [15:24]
phf well, first sexual revolution and "equality for womens" happened because need more workers [15:24]
mircea_popescu da fuck was the thing called... [15:25]
mircea_popescu choses secrètes [15:26]
mircea_popescu the film itself is mst3k level bad, but coralie revel does natasha to perfection. [15:26]
mircea_popescu oddly enough, she never broke through. good actress. [15:26]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [15:27]
phf there's also that whole tension, in christian nations, between "what christ taught" and what church needed in order to gain resources and prop up the power vertical. how should an aristocracy straddle that line between "kill yourself and your children for us and you'll go to haven" and "sell all you have, give alms to the poor". it seems like a lot of the aristocratic kids in the 19th century were sold the second version (with the full support a [15:28]
phf nd encouragement of ru lit) [15:28]
mircea_popescu eh get out. they all went to the military, they all had horses, and servants. [15:29]
mircea_popescu if you don't learn to be a man with a horse and a servant, you're beyond help. [15:30]
mircea_popescu and the proposition that russia was at any point "christian" anyway... yes, they use the word. it doth not mean anything akin to its english false friend. at all. [15:30]
phf horses and servants are habitual behaviors, and i've seen it exist entirely in disconnect with the life outlook ("hypocrisy" often came to mind) [15:33]
mats [15:33]
assbot Exclusive: Russian antivirus firm faked malware to harm rivals - Ex-employees [15:33]
mircea_popescu in any case i would point out that "remaining in power" is not only the terminology of "the enemy" (which, here, means "of the idiots"), but actually meaningless. remain in power ? do we toil towards a bitcoind that can be used to what, "Remain in power" ? do i object to the amorphousness of words when i point out what definitions really are and why definitions must exist, do i object to the amorphousness of pseud-thou [15:33]
mircea_popescu ght when i derride wikipedia to "Stay in power" ? [15:33]
mircea_popescu what fucking power. [15:33]
mircea_popescu the quest is to keep meaning. [15:33]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [15:33]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [15:33]
mircea_popescu for all i care they, whosoever "they" is , can fix everything tomorrow and i'll be fine with it. [15:34]
ascii_field mats: gotta love the sniveling usg lie in the headline even [15:34]
mircea_popescu as i observed to a friend recently - if everything worked i wouldn't even care to have a name. [15:34]
ascii_field 'harm rivals' my shiny metal arse [15:34]
ascii_field to reveal plagiarists. [15:34]
mats lol [15:34]
* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:35]
* assbot gives voice to hanbot [15:36]
mircea_popescu phf the "habitual behaviour" is a good point. [15:36]
mircea_popescu as the observation goes, "for every incredibly sexy woman out there, there's one guy sick and tired of looking at her asshole." [15:36]
mircea_popescu ascii_field recall the "fake islands" medieval maps included for the purpose ? [15:38]
ascii_field forget medievals! modern mapmakers [15:38]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00063467 = 3.5542 BTC [+] [15:38]
ascii_field and fake roads [15:38]
mircea_popescu well why'd it change. [15:38]
mircea_popescu anyway, did any usg "private firm" get caught or what. [15:38]
ascii_field but oh noez, 'to harm rivals!!!111' [15:38]
phf mircea_popescu: i don't have a defendable position, i'm not sure i fully understand your "degenerate kids" comment, because it seems like a huge write off. [15:39]
mircea_popescu on the plus side, i'm here, you can try various sticks. [15:39]
* jordandotdev (uid7502@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:43]
* diana_coman (~diana_com@unaffiliated/diana-coman/x-8319396) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:45]
trinque seems a matter of whether something beats the mind into accepting that the state of reality is entirely outside the control of a person, aside from a margin of error [15:58]
trinque perhaps the degenerate kids scream and get whatever they want, then come of age, and are incapable of wanting anything sensible [15:58]
trinque so it seems poverty does this; on that route, life itself chaps the back of the horse [15:59]
mircea_popescu im not even sure its that entirely outside [15:59]
mircea_popescu the genie will fullfill your wishes alrighty [15:59]
mircea_popescu the problem is that the shit you think you wish for can't be. it's the problem of the shit, not of the genie. [16:00]
mircea_popescu in other news, [16:01]
assbot ... ( ) [16:01]
trinque right, your "causes vs purposes" is a helpful tool to sort the shit, it seems to me [16:01]
phf i don't think an aristocratic kid has to scream to get what they want, a baseline of ability is always present and taken for granted, in that sense a reddit sjw is not much different from the wealthy version of the same [16:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25517 @ 0.0006292 = 16.0553 BTC [-] {3} [16:03]
trinque I dunno if that's an aristocratic kid if that's the full picture [16:04]
trinque how long does that last [16:04]
mircea_popescu for the record, we have ample documentation as to hyow the children of the aristocracy were kept back while that stayed vigurous. [16:04]
phf there's difference when it comes to execution though, both since no trained helplessness and actual resources [16:04]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [16:04]
mircea_popescu naked and shivering, hungry among the bare walls. [16:04]
mircea_popescu dressed up for a few hours like manequins, [16:05]
mircea_popescu then back to the hole. [16:05]
trinque it seems rather healthy to have someone create problems for you which are out of your control [16:05]
trinque training wheels for life, almost [16:05]
mircea_popescu talleyrand took a lot of money from the various german princes, yes. bribes ? maybe. to do what with them ? not like he had to buy any woman in paris anyway. [16:06]
mircea_popescu but he definbitely excised a lot of revenge over the people that pointedly reminded him of his opwn parents. [16:06]
mircea_popescu i very much doubt the man was motivated by greed, or at all comprehensible in the terms of the bourgeoisie. [16:07]
phf mircea_popescu: so what changed in the 19th century is that the beatings stopped? [16:08]
mircea_popescu it was changing by 1700, in france. [16:08]
mircea_popescu not that the beatings stopped, but that luis hated his father, and decided he'll rule with a bureaucracy rather than have more of that shit around. [16:08]
mircea_popescu so the aristocrats were taken to versailles and circumcised. [16:08]
phf hmm [16:09]
mircea_popescu the guillotine... minor point, and a necessity after thatanyway. [16:09]
mircea_popescu it was worth a shot, unequivocally. [16:09]
mircea_popescu but the problem comes back again and again to what i told pete d that day we were discussing "systems" : you can not afford to insult the powerful. [16:09]
mircea_popescu but the notion that the mob in the street invented anything or in any way created something... gimme a break. romanians for a while thought ceausescu was incredibly inventive in his stupidity. these being the folk too uncultured to know carol 2. in fact, the bootmaker was merely immitating, as best he could. [16:12]
mircea_popescu following, as it were, with the knife the lines drawn aforehand. [16:12]
mircea_popescu so yes, the french revolution is a "historical necessity". because a king at some point said so. [16:12]
phf oh i see [16:13]
mircea_popescu he didn't know at the time what he was saying. obviously. and perhaps didn't even care to find if what he said was or was not said before. [16:15]
mircea_popescu but the people whio did care thought - and i think today - it was worth a shot. [16:15]
mircea_popescu if we like or don't like the results - at least we know. [16:15]
mircea_popescu general indication seems to be that he didn't care for the result either. that "apres moi le deluge" is very similar to socrates' "i have nothing to offer nor do i wish to offer anything in fine." [16:16]
mircea_popescu tried, failed, bury me over there. [16:17]
mircea_popescu which incidentally terribly weakens the middle class case against hitler. "oh, he lost the war". sure. guess what, the war that was won hasn't been invented yet. [16:18]
mircea_popescu churchill "won it" and watch the uk have to beg bundesbank for rescue loans within the decade. [16:19]
* King_Rex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:19]
mircea_popescu "oh hitler was mean, because the british empire was ending anyway, and he should have jsut waited it out ; whereas oh lincoln was great, because southern slavery was ending anyway but he had the martial presence to not wait it out". [16:20]
mircea_popescu herp derp and really tell me more what the middle class thinks, it's so impossible for me to predict it. [16:20]
phf so the point is that aristocracy was already lost starting with 1743 reforms. presumably was brought to russia by peter's newly established bureaucrats [16:22]
mircea_popescu peter is before stalin the leader of the soviets. [16:23]
phf first sjw, employed a black feller [16:23]
mircea_popescu you know, the entyire skin color thing was never a major point in yurp. [16:24]
phf oh, i know, i didn't realize there was even such a thing until i came to the states [16:24]
mircea_popescu (there's a black girl in the french film i mentioned above - nobody cared. "wow seriously ?!" yes seriously, the french had chocolat before the usians had chocolate. [16:24]
phf although there's a 1940s (?) soviet movie, where an american girl flees to soviet union, because she had a black baby, pursued by a capitalist who's trying to expose her. of course the predictable ending is everyone joins in a song "soviet russia, where all are accepted" [16:25]
mircea_popescu except, of course, transhumant tribes of the caucasus [16:26]
mircea_popescu and short people with bent eyes of the far east [16:26]
mircea_popescu but EVERYONE ELSE (tm) [16:26]
phf hmm, that would make sense about tsarskoye selo lyceum, taught by peter's aging bureaucrat corps [16:27]
phf 1811 [16:28]
mircea_popescu rs [16:29]
* TheAdversary has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:30]
phf hmm, ok i see your point, far the fuck out as it is [16:31]
* Hasimir has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [16:31]
phf also explains soviet education sleight of hand around the subject, hmm [16:33]
* Hasimir (~hfenring@unaffiliated/hasimir) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:36]
shinohai [16:48]
assbot ... ( ) [16:48]
trinque approve. [16:49]
trinque poor girl's almost out of wine [16:50]
punkman waxing of teh asshole is not optional [16:51]
* TheRealJohnGalt (uid29986@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:54]
shinohai :D [16:58]
* moneycat_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:01]
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* TheAdversary (~adversary@unaffiliated/hasimir/bot/theadversary) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:06]
kakobrekla GSMem: Data Exfiltration from Air-Gapped [17:09]
kakobrekla Computers over GSM Frequencies - This team used patterns of memory access instructions to modulate a memory bus to generate GSM-band signals that can be read from a hacked baseband. [17:09]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [17:09]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [17:09]
ascii_field kakobrekla: why is this notable ? [17:09]
ascii_field kakobrekla: i mean, the gsm freq part [17:10]
ascii_field can use whatever band [17:10]
kakobrekla guess so [17:10]
ascii_field kakobrekla: see also, [17:11]
assbot Logged on 12-06-2015 21:45:26; ascii_field: << the classic one [17:11]
kakobrekla aha [17:12]
kakobrekla would be interesting if you could use some surrounding infrastructure to get that signal further out. [17:16]
ascii_field now if you could tx/rx valid 802.11, that'd be something. [17:17]
* akkked (~RH311ish@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:21]
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shinohai Nifty. [17:29]
assbot Logged on 14-08-2015 20:10:36; assbot: Logged on 12-06-2015 21:45:26; ascii_field: << the classic one [17:29]
* Adlai has quit (Quit: Insufficient entropy for original quit message) [17:30]
* akkked has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [17:32]
ascii_field in fact, actually ~receiving~ radio-anything using a stock pc's bus, or whatnot, would be very clever [17:33]
ascii_field afaik never demonstrated under realistic field conditions [17:33]
* RH311ish (~RH311ish@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:34]
ascii_field (using various built-in radios in a typical modern garbage pc DOES NOT COUNT) [17:34]
* King_Rex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [17:35]
* NewLiberty has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [17:39]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [17:40]
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* TheAdversary (~adversary@unaffiliated/hasimir/bot/theadversary) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:47]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15300 @ 0.00063535 = 9.7209 BTC [+] {3} [18:01]
trinque << what backwards mind desires *less* agency, I ask [18:02]
jurov heh RF would be doable only if radio compatibility was totally neglected.. but as transistors are sensitive to light, laser would certainly do [18:02]
assbot Documents confirm Apple is building self-driving car | Technology | The Guardian ... ( ) [18:02]
trinque and why don't they just own up to it honestly [18:02]
trinque fucks sake, I love driving [18:02]
* tripleslash (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:03]
mircea_popescu << building code testing. [18:03]
assbot ... ( ) [18:03]
jurov she should try to unscrew and wiggle it too [18:04]
mircea_popescu !up akkked [18:04]
-assbot- You voiced akkked for 30 minutes. [18:04]
* assbot gives voice to akkked [18:04]
mircea_popescu trinque that's a guy no ? [18:04]
trinque I suppose yes, that'd be a male thing [18:05]
trinque hopefully this regime doesn't last long enough to mandate this self-driving nonsense [18:06]
mircea_popescu the red blouse clad human in the picture. with the tits. is male. [18:06]
trinque oh lol [18:06]
* trinque revisits [18:06]
trinque hmmmmmm [18:06]
trinque could be? that shoulder's kinda big [18:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22400 @ 0.00063921 = 14.3183 BTC [+] {3} [18:07]
mats hard to tell, but the hands may suggest its a man, yes [18:08]
trinque I ain't mad [18:08]
BingoBoingo (d'artagnan's origin is not coincidental, and the fact superman's not from the ozarks does not reflect too well on either the profundity or the perspectives of that culture) << Of Course. He is from Little Egypt, his statue is in Metropolis, Illinois. [18:12]
mircea_popescu lol [18:12]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:14]
BingoBoingo (never, oddly enough, baseball. which i grew up thinking of as ~the~ american sport) << Baseball fell out of favor with the public around the same time as Boxing and Handegg was in a lucky position to replace both. "Civilized" alternative to boxing "Exciting" alternative to baseball "Opportunity" for the oppressed youths. [18:17]
BingoBoingo ascii_field: baseball isn't the american sport, it's the american story. or something << Pastime [18:18]
BingoBoingo I don't think baseball has been the american "thing" for a generator or more << Well "Latin American" thing still [18:18]
* moneycat ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:18]
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BingoBoingo (speaking of which - there's a recent, very very bad french movie which nevertheless offers perhaps the best image of that girl. << NIkita [18:20]
mircea_popescu nonono. [18:20]
mircea_popescu choses secretes. check it out. [18:20]
* moneycat_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [18:21]
BingoBoingo Ah, will do. [18:27]
BingoBoingo I've been to Superman's hometown though. They got a Casino a few years ago. Other than that like Cairo (pronounced Kay-roh) Das racis and the drop in steamboat traffic chased relevance away. [18:29]
* Adlai (~Adlai@unaffiliated/adlai) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:31]
* assbot removes voice from akkked [18:35]
* twixisowned (~whatwaht@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:36]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00063207 = 10.2395 BTC [-] [18:51]
mircea_popescu btw, eulora desperately needs noob miners atm. [18:53]
assbot #Eulora log for Friday, 2015-08-14 ... ( ) [18:53]
jurov lol... as if noobs are going to provide you with 100k cft you need, and in reasonable time [18:55]
mircea_popescu if there's 10k of them... [18:55]
* jurov keels over [18:55]
mircea_popescu i was promised plowing with chickens [18:56]
mircea_popescu what sort of future is this [18:56]
mircea_popescu incidentally jurov, you bidding sunday ? [18:56]
jurov what auction? i was elsewhere and missed all eulora stuff [18:58]
mircea_popescu ah. was announced in chat at some point, but penning a trilema article now [18:58]
* zfx (~zfx@unaffiliated/zfx) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:00]
mircea_popescu !up zfx [19:00]
-assbot- You voiced zfx for 30 minutes. [19:00]
* assbot gives voice to zfx [19:00]
zfx curious lurker here [19:01]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [19:01]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [19:01]
ascii_field (via diametric) [19:01]
assbot Where Are They Now: Terrible Kickstarters | Hackaday ... ( ) [19:01]
shinohai [19:03]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [19:03]
assbot Why the Cervix Is More Amazing Than You Realized ... ( ) [19:03]
cazalla [19:04]
assbot [2015-08-13] IP Blocks : ChillingEffects ... ( ) [19:04]
cazalla how does one preserve reddit in such countries if you remove access to the content people from those countries wish to access? [19:06]
mircea_popescu how do you feed people if what you sell them has no food in it ? [19:07]
mircea_popescu progress. [19:07]
mircea_popescu reddit continues to grow s/globally/imaginarily/, but anyway. [19:08]
* King_Rex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:08]
cazalla maybe it is the german and russian government which think that given all the content in /r/watchpeopledie is jacked from ogrishforum, bestgore, liveleak etc [19:11]
ascii_field 'My favourite is Retrievor – small GPS tracker. First version promised solar charging. They first stole photos from completely other products (mobile phone app was from real Chinese GPS tracker, while the schematic was from a completely different product). Then they skipped to Indiegogo, and had two additional campaigns, with slightly changed description. Almost 2 years later, no real product.' [19:11]
ascii_field (many examples in comments) [19:11]
ascii_field plenty of 'go-getters' on kickstarter ! [19:11]
mircea_popescu and yet kickstarter does not have its doors torn down by police. [19:14]
mircea_popescu somehow, fraud on a massive scale is fine and dandy. [19:14]
ascii_field when annointed usg buttbuddy - then yes. [19:25]
* assbot removes voice from zfx [19:31]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [19:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17600 @ 0.00064107 = 11.2828 BTC [+] {3} [19:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22650 @ 0.00064348 = 14.5748 BTC [+] {7} [19:39]
* ascii_field has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:44]
* diana_coman has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:44]
* King_Rex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27756 @ 0.00065194 = 18.0952 BTC [+] {2} [19:48]
mircea_popescu in other news, femsupremacy. [19:54]
assbot ... ( ) [19:54]
cazalla [20:25]
mircea_popescu one wonders wtf they're studying. [20:29]
* user ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:29]
mircea_popescu poetry & clowning. [20:29]
* user is now known as Guest19468 [20:30]
* Guest19468 is now known as funkenstein_ [20:31]
* assbot gives voice to funkenstein_ [20:33]
trinque what a stupid logo, too [20:38]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00065394 = 3.989 BTC [+] {2} [20:45]
trinque and while this e-mail "scandal" is going on, she says not one word about privacy [20:53]
trinque speaks volumes [20:54]
trinque she must've misbehaved [20:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13050 @ 0.00065395 = 8.534 BTC [+] [20:54]
gernika I bet she'll forgive your student loan debt ... in exchange for your passport. [21:00]
funkenstein_ <-- for those of you who stayed away from proof of stake because not broken enough yet [21:02]
assbot Negativity5/main.cpp at master · iGotSpots/Negativity5 · GitHub ... ( ) [21:02]
asciilifeform ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: [21:08]
assbot [BTC-dev] The Full Orchestra. ... ( ) [21:08]
asciilifeform achtung, panzerz! [21:08]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu especially, because he, iirc, wanted this very much. [21:08]
asciilifeform and now it is here. [21:09]
mircea_popescu o hey! [21:09]
mircea_popescu bless you asciilifeform [21:10]
asciilifeform pleeez test! [21:11]
asciilifeform before blessing or creaming pants or other expressions of joy. [21:11]
asciilifeform i in particular will feel more cheerful once some patient fella actually reproduces the exact thing i did here, using [21:12]
mircea_popescu can't has joy ? [21:12]
asciilifeform it isn't hard. [21:12]
asciilifeform has. [21:12]
asciilifeform and i will repeat that the output of this, is not at this exact moment very useful. the antecedent hashes are eaten by 'v' [21:13]
asciilifeform a versioning system that is merely a few kb of script [21:13]
asciilifeform will be released also soon. [21:13]
asciilifeform (having spiffy commands like 'who-signed') [21:13]
asciilifeform i also did not preserve the dates in the original patches [21:14]
asciilifeform if someone wishes to do this, he can write a bit of awk/sed [21:15]
asciilifeform to edit rel1.patch and rel2-pre.patch. [21:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24400 @ 0.00064631 = 15.77 BTC [-] {4} [21:16]
asciilifeform also note that items like 'rotor', which are not mods of bitcoin proper, are not mentioned in the orchestra. [21:17]
* asciilifeform off to pet pet [21:22]
mod6 <+asciilifeform> ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: << cool! i'll take a closer look at this tonight. [21:22]
assbot [BTC-dev] The Full Orchestra. ... ( ) [21:22]
trinque damn cool; I'll take a crack at it too. [21:34]
trinque jurov: I still can't change my settings on the ML. when I save them, it kicks me back to the password screen, then back to config from there, where it has the previous values [21:39]
trinque cookie issue? [21:39]
* trinque wants each e-mail, not digests [21:40]
* kakobrekla has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [21:45]
* kakobrekla (~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:47]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [21:50]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:52]
* assbot gives voice to pete_dushenski [21:53]
pete_dushenski since scoopbot_revived seems to have been asleep at the wheel earlier today : [21:55]
assbot Of trumpets and trombones. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( ) [21:55]
assbot The user and the rotor. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( ) [21:55]
pete_dushenski and yes, as expected, 'metro news edmonton' has failed to respond to my advertisement inquiry [21:55]
pete_dushenski because they're just not into that non-gay singles thing were straight men seek straigh womenz to take care of [21:56]
pete_dushenski because it's only twinks that wanna be taken care of now in this ever so progressive corner of the americas [21:56]
pete_dushenski having a masters in femtonism means that you're automagically skilled and whatnot, so being 'taken care of' is the ultimate insult to your intelligence and self-worth [21:57]
pete_dushenski i wanna say 'whatever. enjoy being 35 and barren. y'all get what y'all deserve.' but perhaps that's unfair [21:58]
pete_dushenski seeing through the muck and the mire is hard. but not impossible ! [21:59]
pete_dushenski << i enjoyed this. a quick googling of 'coin4x' yields a highly active localbitcoins trader, though the '650' area code would indicate california, not quebec, so perhaps a different fella [22:03]
assbot Montreal Expo Postponed For Lack of Sponsors | Qntra ... ( ) [22:03]
pete_dushenski <--> glhf mongotron [22:04]
assbot A Guide To Buying 5000 Ether/Bitcoin, 2.5x More Than Ethereum’s Genesis Sale Offers | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( ) [22:04]
* King_Rex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:04]
wilbns the process of writing a post comparing Ethereum to The Manhattan Project. [22:07]
pete_dushenski wilbns are you high ? [22:08]
wilbns pete_dushenski: no [22:09]
pete_dushenski that's first and foremost [22:09]
pete_dushenski also, wilbns do you have a blog ? [22:09]
* Apocalyptic has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:10]
wilbns [22:11]
assbot will binns — Medium ... ( ) [22:11]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski how's women and some local newspaper related ? [22:11]
* Crypton has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:11]
wilbns ethereum vs manhattan project in a nutshell [22:11]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu just an avenue [22:11]
mircea_popescu ya but i mean... not like they voted for it. [22:12]
pete_dushenski what's voting have to do with it ? [22:12]
* NewLiberty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:12]
mircea_popescu well i mean, teh women didn't elect metro something as the avenue for de-barren-isation did they [22:13]
pete_dushenski it has a sufficiently broad cross-section of readership that it doesn't need electing so much [22:14]
asciilifeform << best filipino [22:14]
assbot Edward Snowden on Bitcoin : Bitcoin ... ( ) [22:14]
pete_dushenski young, old, poor, rich [22:14]
pete_dushenski they read 'metro' [22:14]
pete_dushenski "nobody really likes to talk about Bitcoin anymore" [22:15]
asciilifeform best comment: 'I respect him, but he sounds like a mumbling moron.' [22:15]
pete_dushenski classic. [22:15]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski well they read it, but they don't edit it rite. [22:15]
mircea_popescu "Obviously, Bitcoin by itself is flawed. " [22:15]
mircea_popescu obviously. [22:16]
mircea_popescu i heard this said emptily by a large number of derps, so it must be so. [22:16]
pete_dushenski clear as the giant forehead on your face [22:16]
mircea_popescu there's a lot of things of which i can't really name anything but hey, a lot of vague vulnerabilities are better than one specifically. [22:16]
* TheRealJohnGalt has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [22:17]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu certainly so that 'teh womenz' don't edit the rag. makes it a two-stage deployment. [22:17]
mircea_popescu well don't blame stage 2 for the movements of stagr 1 [22:17]
mircea_popescu especially seeing how stage 1 is precisely there to prevent stage 2. [22:17]
pete_dushenski aha. [22:17]
pete_dushenski how cruel, those stage 1ers [22:18]
pete_dushenski "if i suck and can't have love and children and a successful husband, than neither can you !" [22:18]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00065395 = 1.3079 BTC [+] [22:18]
mircea_popescu and how i wish for a successful husband. [22:19]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47789 @ 0.00063557 = 30.3733 BTC [-] {3} [22:19]
pete_dushenski come and get us, because the window in which we pursued you closed when you turned 20. [22:21]
pete_dushenski at least anectodally [22:21]
pete_dushenski anecdotally* [22:22]
mircea_popescu wait, i thought it was the beard. [22:22]
pete_dushenski you're the one with the beard, man. [22:22]
pete_dushenski and the colonel sanders suit [22:22]
asciilifeform in other nyooz, 56 connections each on dulap and zulag. [22:23]
pete_dushenski blame americana advertising for ruining 'good things' [22:23]
asciilifeform much user. [22:23]
* Apocalyptic (~Apocalypt@unaffiliated/apocalyptic) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:23]
asciilifeform incitatus also runs, but is permanently ~50 blocks behind [22:23]
pete_dushenski in b-a, user select you. [22:23]
mircea_popescu was incitatus on home box ? [22:24]
asciilifeform oddly, no [22:24]
asciilifeform it is on a commercial farm. [22:24]
asciilifeform the home box, thus far, beats the shit out of all the others [22:24]
asciilifeform despite being a fanless little thing the size of a stack of 5 inch floppies. [22:24]
pete_dushenski << mp needs moar cane. [22:25]
assbot ... ( ) [22:25]
mircea_popescu ... [22:25]
asciilifeform on the other hand, the pipe here is not cheap. [22:25]
trinque ethereum and the fucking... you know what, nevermind. [22:25]
mircea_popescu but i mean he got hair i don't, i got beard he doesn't ? [22:25]
mircea_popescu lol trinque [22:26]
trinque manhattan project my second ass [22:26]
mircea_popescu bitcoin OBVIOUSLY has flaws, unlike ethereum. [22:26]
pete_dushenski lel [22:26]
trinque thank god that vaguely russian kid is here to nuke the status quo, or whatever it is [22:26]
mircea_popescu because the things that are get the flaw talk, and the things that aren't.... you wouldnt wanna fud some kids' imaginarium nao wouldja./ [22:26]
trinque burn it to the ground and make 'em watch [22:27]
trinque imagine that [22:27]
trinque :D [22:27]
* asciilifeform does not know precisely where buterin grew up, but does know that pretty much every kid from that generation dreamed of running a successful scam or racket [22:27]
pete_dushenski -great success- [22:27]
asciilifeform hey mr b is loaded [22:28]
pete_dushenski orly ? [22:28]
asciilifeform compared to yours truly [22:28]
asciilifeform for one thing, i'm not aware of him working for a living [22:28]
pete_dushenski hard to demonstrate [22:28]
asciilifeform pretty easy. which one drags ass to an office every day [22:28]
pete_dushenski i dun see vb buying stacks of pogos [22:28]
asciilifeform and which one doesn't [22:28]
asciilifeform QED. [22:28]
asciilifeform i bet his cock ring is worth more than a container of pogo. [22:29]
pete_dushenski see, now you're just letting your imagination run away from you [22:29]
pete_dushenski butering has cockrings like he has nipplerings [22:30]
asciilifeform to me, a fella who doesn't work and will never have to, is ipso facto rich [22:30]
trinque and he'll do what with it [22:30]
pete_dushenski 'never have to' is a long ass time [22:30]
pete_dushenski kid's, what, 21 ? [22:30]
trinque yeah, he's got plenty of time for more bad decisions [22:30]
asciilifeform at least he has the option of not making them [22:31]
pete_dushenski alas, an evening of spicy food beckons. i'm outtie. laters ! [22:31]
* pete_dushenski has quit () [22:31]
asciilifeform i'm not even convinced that mr b knows he's a shill [22:31]
asciilifeform prolly just thinks 'i crapped this out and the grownups are so dumb! they love it' [22:31]
asciilifeform the kind of pauper2prince described in chuck palahniuk's 'survivor' [22:32]
trinque either way, if you anticipate ethereum going the way of other altcoins (or worse, look at the complexity of the thing), he'll have to live with that on his name forever. [22:32]
asciilifeform he'll be living with the golden toilet and the palaces forever. [22:33]
trinque if he does, that's somebody else's failing, for sure [22:33]
asciilifeform (or, more accurately, until the war) [22:33]
trinque yeah [22:33]
asciilifeform but i don't expect to see the other end of the war in person, either. [22:33]
cazalla i am hoping ethereum over takes litecoin in fake market cap just as its first halving occurs for extra lulz and butthurts [22:35]
mircea_popescu nah [22:35]
mircea_popescu it's been done before. [22:35]
mircea_popescu it'll take doge over in market cap [22:35]
mircea_popescu or whatever the scamcoin was before that. [22:35]
* mircea_popescu wonders if asciilifeform has pre-made file with the woe me stuff, or generates them on the fly. [22:36]
cazalla it already has over taken doge, only paycoin and that icelandic? coin has done so in the past [22:36]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: generates [22:37]
trinque ^ has a woe-coprocessor [22:37]
asciilifeform nah just a nonmaskable woe interrupt [22:38]
trinque haha [22:38]
asciilifeform triggered by mention of folks who sleep ad libitum [22:38]
trinque speaking of woe, ben_vulpes, imma probably go drink at bonfire [22:39]
trinque stop by if ya want [22:39]
* Crypton (~Crypton@unaffiliated/apocalyptic/bot/crypton) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:39]
asciilifeform btw, i will have mircea_popescu know that prisoners, at least in usa, do ~not~ get to sleep ad libitum. [22:39]
trinque nope, gotta pretend to work at least part of the day [22:39]
asciilifeform they get wakeup. just like i do. [22:39]
trinque gets them ready to rejoin the pretend workforce [22:39]
mircea_popescu cazalla ie all teh scamcopins ? lol [22:42]
mircea_popescu anyway, im vaguely contemplating hiring an indiancandy to counter woe-shannonizer with the -1 * equivalent [22:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00063352 = 15.9647 BTC [-] {2} [22:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6006 @ 0.00063681 = 3.8247 BTC [+] [22:59]
asciilifeform l0l! [23:02]
* funkenstein_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [23:03]
mod6 well... heh. I thought i'd get the chance to dive into your new email asciilifeform. But, guess it'll have to be tomorrow. [23:06]
cazalla included in the photobook my missus and other folks bought from local play centre.. because that is what i always wanted, a photo of a photo of my son.. actually surprised they included a dvd minus watermarks all over the images [23:08]
assbot ... ( ) [23:08]
asciilifeform mod6: it is very very simple, really [23:15]
asciilifeform mod6: just a replay of patch history, but this time with 'vdiff' in place of conventional diff [23:15]
* King_Rex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:27]
* King_Rex (~King_Rex@2600:1005:b11f:449d:a512:dded:aa45:5ab9) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:27]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:30]
* King_Rex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:31]
asciilifeform ;;later tell jurov [23:48]
gribble The operation succeeded. [23:48]
assbot Fefeleaga. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [23:48]
trinque ^ I greatly enjoy encountering this... actual culture [23:50]
trinque any I stumbled upon in youth was entirely by accident [23:51]
asciilifeform << related [23:51]
assbot MARYČKA MAGDÓNOVA @ Jaromír Nohavica # 82 - YouTube ... ( ) [23:51]
* asciilifeform interestingly, understands the spoken cz much quicker than written [23:52]
asciilifeform ^ mega-song [23:55]
trinque will check it out upon leaving bar [23:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19429 @ 0.00063886 = 12.4124 BTC [+] {3} [23:57]
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  1. [...] years after. Men. [↩]Perhaps more properly speaking, that Transylvania's adherence to and maintaining of early Roman mores and mental spaces will not ultimately provide enough adherence to a rather [...]

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