Forum logs for 08 Mar 2015

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
mircea_popescu also no cc debt, not caring about college, no idea what a quarterpounder with cheese is, completely dissinterested in police sirens in traffic etc. [00:01]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: robespierre also did not have cc debt, care about college, nor ate 'quarterpounder', nor ever heard a police siren ... [00:01]
mircea_popescu and also was isis. [00:02]
asciilifeform nor did any street urchin watching the chop show [00:02]
mircea_popescu also. [00:02]
asciilifeform but these folks definitely are not the 'clean backup' for unamericanized civ [00:02]
asciilifeform the way north kr at least partly still is [00:03]
mircea_popescu lmao no wai. [00:03]
asciilifeform they've all seen jpeg porn; probably half tasted the burger [00:03]
mircea_popescu wait, i think i lost the convo. [00:03]
asciilifeform they aren't uninfected [00:03]
asciilifeform is what i was getting at [00:03]
mircea_popescu who ? [00:04]
asciilifeform 'isis' [00:04]
asciilifeform or whatever the physically-existing pieces thereof are [00:04]
mircea_popescu isis the symbol, not isis the real item it purports to stand for. [00:04]
asciilifeform (vs the usg fiction) [00:04]
asciilifeform aha [00:04]
mircea_popescu there's zero relation there. [00:04]
* asciilifeform gets it [00:04]
asciilifeform limonov's 'escapees from the sanitary asylum' yes. [00:04]
asciilifeform as an abstract entity [00:04]
mircea_popescu average usian has never traveled, never read a book in a foreign language, never fucked a woman he didn't know etc. his ideas of "isis" are necessarily a reflection of his own pen, nothing else. [00:05]
* vhost- has quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.0) [00:05]
asciilifeform (his gadaffi essay, among other items quoted here in the past, were in 'the disciplinary sanitarium' - great piece on more-or-less this ^) [00:05]
mircea_popescu heck, even something as banal as jurisdiction limits or alternative currencies are "confusing" and uncomfortable. [00:06]
asciilifeform jurisdiction limits don't confuse americans at all in application to -other- (vassal or non-usg jurisdiction) places [00:07]
mircea_popescu half the usian literature (which is 2/3s cinematographic) revolves around the shock and horror of... BORDERS!111 [00:07]
mircea_popescu that's the main epic device : he crossed the state line!111 [00:07]
asciilifeform no one in usa thinks that french law applies to him [00:07]
mircea_popescu i doubt they generally comprehend there is such a thing. [00:07]
mircea_popescu [00:08]
assbot Can she be THAT stupid? - YouTube ... ( ) [00:08]
thestringpuller !t m s.qntr [00:15]
assbot [MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0.00028609 / 0.00028609 / 0.00028609 (10000 shares, 2.86 BTC), 7D: 0.00027068 / 0.00027668 / 0.00028609 (25682 shares, 7.11 BTC), 30D: 0.00021897 / 0.00026524 / 0.000301 (72444 shares, 19.22 BTC) [00:15]
mircea_popescu that's some crazy volume [00:18]
mircea_popescu pretty much the whole float o.O [00:18]
thestringpuller mike_c must be doin something... [00:18]
thestringpuller mr. bear [00:18]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [00:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15900 @ 0.0003393 = 5.3949 BTC [-] {2} [00:23]
* assbot removes voice from deedbot- [00:24]
* mapop has quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [00:37]
cazalla lulz, so my parents called to tell me qantas landed a 747 in the town i grew up in, looked like the entire fkn town was there to watch it too (tbh, wish i could've been there ha),psLiFgA,aywdo0B [00:45]
assbot Imgur ... ( ) [00:45]
cazalla everyone will be talking about for weeks, months, probably even years to come [00:46]
Pierre_Rochard ^ prime minister visiting? emergency landing? [00:48]
* cjc has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:48]
Pierre_Rochard got it: [00:53]
assbot Historic Qantas 747-400 makes precision touchdown on its final journey ... ( ) [00:53]
cazalla Pierre_Rochard, i think they're going to put it on display at the airport museum or something [00:53]
cazalla when we use to wag school to go to the beach, we'd cut across the tarmac at that airport to get to the train station quicker (they put up fencing after 9/11, you could basically wander across it prior to that) [00:57]
* nubbins` (~leel@unaffiliated/nubbins) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:20]
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* pete_dushenski has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:11]
* Bagels7 has quit () [02:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15300 @ 0.00033182 = 5.0768 BTC [-] [02:21]
* whaack (126f3918@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:31]
cazalla !up whaack [02:32]
* assbot gives voice to whaack [02:32]
whaack ty [02:32]
whaack does the MIT btc conference fall in the category of shit you guys give interest to? [02:33]
* toffoo (~tof@unaffiliated/toffoo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:35]
* adlai guesses that the burden of relevance proving is on the messenger [02:35]
adlai you have a voice, use it! [02:35]
cazalla not really whaack, same speakers, same sponsors, same shit [02:37]
adlai from what i've heard, they want to form a Third Foundation. this is getting even thicker than asimov [02:39]
whaack Joi was saying that yeah he wanted an organization that worked on hardware wallets [02:39]
whaack devoid of interests in profit or political affairs, but merely the ideals of bitcoin [02:40]
adlai whaack: [02:41]
assbot Loper OS » Don’t Blame the Mice. ... ( ) [02:41]
danielpbarron i feel like this relates to the conversation not too long ago about buying hardware for specific purposes, and how it tells your enemy exactly how he can screw you [02:44]
whaack adlai: ah yes I've read this, I like it a lot. I'm currently taking the task of building my own hardware and writing my own transaction signing tool. It's difficult though and pushing the limits of my feeble brain [02:44]
adlai what hardware are you building? [02:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 200 @ 0.0125 = 2.5 BTC [+] [02:47]
whaack adlai: Haha I guess I should say I've mentally told myself I'm going to do the task - no work has been put in yet. But I just want to build my own bitcoin tool. I probably won't wind up using it but I want to prove to myself that I'm able to do it. [02:47]
adlai if you have those abilities, why not put them to use building something useful? [02:48]
* whaack has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:51]
* FabianB (~fabian@unaffiliated/fabianb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:55]
* FabianB_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [02:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00033322 = 1.7327 BTC [+] {2} [03:02]
* chiral has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [03:11]
* chiral ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:12]
cazalla !up chiral [03:15]
* assbot gives voice to chiral [03:15]
* Bagels7 (bagelle7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:21]
* Bagels7 has quit (Client Quit) [03:21]
adlai “These defendants stand accused of conspiring to carry out the violent overthrow of a foreign government, in violation of U.S. law,” said Attorney General Eric Holder. [03:30]
assbot Two Defendants Charged for their Role in an Attempted Coup in The Gambia | OPA | Department of Justice ... ( ) [03:30]
* Cory has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [03:37]
* kushed_afk is now known as kushed [03:39]
* assbot removes voice from chiral [03:46]
* Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:49]
mircea_popescu adlai from what i've heard, they want to form a Third Foundation. this is getting even thicker than asimov << lolz. the part where they carefully avoid the why of it, and how exactly the old one died is also the part that ensures they stay irrelevant. [04:03]
mircea_popescu ;;later tell whaack Joi can get in the wot. [04:03]
gribble The operation succeeded. [04:03]
mircea_popescu adlai this is different from nuland how ? [04:04]
adlai armed insurrection, like suicide, is only punishable when failed [04:05]
mircea_popescu but nuland's ukraine coup failed so spectacularly it's contending with the iran contra affair. [04:06]
* chiral has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:06]
adlai well the us plays the role of global policeman, and suicide-by-cop is not punishable (except for maybe retiring the individual cop early, since he won't make a good public face for the department) [04:07]
mircea_popescu i'd totally prosecute her. [04:08]
* HostFat has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [04:09]
* hktud0 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:10]
mircea_popescu anyway, those fucking idiots. just how hard is it to mine a coupla guard towers. [04:10]
mircea_popescu in "the gambia" [04:11]
* hktud0 (wq@unaffiliated/fluffybunny) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:11]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:13]
* yhwh_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:14]
* chiral ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:19]
mircea_popescu !up chiral [04:20]
-assbot- You voiced chiral for 30 minutes. [04:20]
* assbot gives voice to chiral [04:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7200 @ 0.00033805 = 2.434 BTC [+] [04:24]
mircea_popescu weirdest shit of all time : [04:28]
mircea_popescu - - [08/Mar/2015:01:59:53 -0500] "GET /five-bucks-for-great-justice/ HTTP/1.1" 302 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +" [04:29]
mircea_popescu - - [08/Mar/2015:03:00:00 -0400] "GET /steampunk-tower-defense HTTP/1.1" 302 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +" [04:29]
mircea_popescu took me like five minutes to figure out wtf happened with that one hour gap. [04:29]
* GoMaD has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [04:35]
* GoMaD (~GoMaD@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:36]
adlai eastern standard siesta [04:42]
[]bot Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "BTC to top $413 before Songkran" Odds: 25(Y):75(N) by coin, 24(Y):76(N) by weight. Total bet: 12.93804235 BTC. Current weight: 69,955. [04:43]
mircea_popescu lol [04:44]
* assbot removes voice from chiral [04:50]
mircea_popescu "The most important of these has been the tolerance of C compilers to errors in type. As should be clear from the history above, C evolved from typeless languages. It did not suddenly appear to its earliest users and developers as an entirely new language with its own rules; instead we continually had to adapt existing programs as the language developed, and make allowance for an existing body of code. (Later, the ANSI [05:18]
mircea_popescu X3J11 committee standardizing C would face the same problem.)" [05:18]
mircea_popescu the birth of the problem, i guess. [05:18]
mircea_popescu "Nevertheless, C's approach to strings works well." :D [05:22]
[]bot Bet placed: 2 BTC for No on "BTC to top $413 before Songkran" Odds: 22(Y):78(N) by coin, 21(Y):79(N) by weight. Total bet: 14.93804235 BTC. Current weight: 69,887. [05:26]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12562 @ 0.00033062 = 4.1532 BTC [-] {2} [05:42]
* GoMaD has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [05:44]
* GoMaD (~GoMaD@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:44]
adlai lol! OP is clearly ignorant of S.BBET's ownership... [06:08]
assbot BitBet - BTC to top $413 before Songkran :: 3.23 B (22%) on Yes, 11.71 B (78%) on No | closing in 1 month 14 hours | weight: 69`820 (100`000 to 1) ... ( ) [06:08]
ben_vulpes your nightly wtf: [06:26]
assbot dpaste: 2Y11CPJ ... ( ) [06:26]
ben_vulpes golang json parser barfs on quoted empty arrays. [06:26]
ben_vulpes apparently. [06:26]
* badon has quit (Disconnected by services) [06:32]
* badon_ (~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:32]
* badon_ is now known as badon [06:32]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:40]
* CoraCrisT (uid60530@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11832 @ 0.00034574 = 4.0908 BTC [+] {2} [07:04]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4394 @ 0.00034981 = 1.5371 BTC [+] [07:05]
* toffoo has quit () [07:10]
ben_vulpes (although who knows - maybe i'm a moron for trying to pass it quoted empty arrays) [07:13]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [16:46]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [16:46]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 16:58:12 2014 [16:46]
ben_vulpes this also entails delegating projects of various scope in different domains to them and then carefully reviewing delivered code and user-facing features. [16:46]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), send me "!up" in a private message to get an OTP. You must have a sufficient WoT rating. If you do not have a WoT account or sufficient rating, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary voice. [16:46]
ben_vulpes but really it comes back to the wot. [16:46]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [16:46]
ben_vulpes buenos dias [16:46]
mircea_popescu hola zorro [16:47]
mircea_popescu the daily wtf comes to us from eliza i. [16:49]
assbot The woman's job. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [16:49]
mircea_popescu "You beast! You will pay hand over fist, you and the [Romanian political party]'s newspaper The Power that allows you to shit your dirty shit! This time you're fucked! See you in court garbage!" [16:50]
mircea_popescu fancy that. [16:50]
mircea_popescu ironically, those people like me about as much as us democrats like ron paul. [16:50]
* pete_dushenski ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:52]
* pete_dushenski has quit (Changing host) [16:53]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:53]
scoopbot New post on by cazalla: [16:54]
mircea_popescu that was the receiving end. the providing end however, [16:56]
assbot dpaste: 1CPDMJY ... ( ) [16:56]
decimation < "Guest: And that--I do want to keep defending Buchanan. What Buchanan's worried about is a monolithic Leviathan. Because he thought, once you have a state, it will just eat all of the other choices. It will pull all of them inside, like a sort of great vortex. All of the choices will become public because that's the way that states work. That's the logic, is to expand. [16:56]
decimation Which is why he wanted private groups." [16:56]
assbot " + soundfiledesc + " ... ( ) [16:56]
mircea_popescu who the fuck is jonathan buckwheat. [16:57]
mircea_popescu heh if only. in fact, the state doesn't pull all choice into becoming public. that's an insanely optimistic view of the process. the state pulls public choice into meaninglessness, and then ruins all alternative. [16:58]
cazalla pete_dushenski, not sure my comment went through but fyi, the bitcoin center ny is getting into incubating startups if you didn't know already :) [16:58]
* pete_dushenski has quit () [16:59]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:59]
* assbot gives voice to pete_dushenski [17:00]
pete_dushenski cazalla not only did i not realise that, but your comment was definitely caught up on the spamhole so thx for the heads up ! [17:00]
cazalla prolly because i included a link [17:01]
pete_dushenski ;;later tell Pierre_Rochard mais merci ! [17:01]
gribble The operation succeeded. [17:01]
cazalla your spambot clearly works if it labels pivoting to incubating startups as spam [17:01]
pete_dushenski cazalla no doubt :) [17:01]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [17:02]
gribble Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 275.02, Best ask: 275.1, Bid-ask spread: 0.08000, Last trade: 275.05, 24 hour volume: 17501.41698256, 24 hour low: 271.61, 24 hour high: 279.39, 24 hour vwap: None [17:02]
mircea_popescu none ?! what teh shit. [17:02]
pete_dushenski mebbe vwap measuring sv bitcoin start-ups [17:02]
pete_dushenski measures* [17:02]
mircea_popescu lol [17:03]
pete_dushenski scoop-a-loop: [17:04]
assbot Bitcoin is unfair. That’s the point and so it shall remain. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( ) [17:04]
mircea_popescu i like that he's doing at least one a day. [17:04]
mircea_popescu and to top it all off : [17:07]
assbot ... ( ) [17:07]
mircea_popescu this has been your morning installment of daily wtf. [17:07]
BingoBoingo << lol [17:07]
assbot Logged on 07-03-2015 15:47:58; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why not ethyl ? [17:07]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu i'm guessing that's 'daddy' and not 'daniel' ;) [17:08]
mircea_popescu such a perfect mirror for the peak of l'aile ou la cuisse [17:09]
pete_dushenski when was this peak ? [17:10]
pete_dushenski this is the movie you're referring to ? [17:10]
mircea_popescu ;;google "l'aile ou la cuisse" [17:10]
gribble L'aile ou la cuisse (1976) - IMDb: ; The Wing or the Thigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; A.O.C. L'aile ou la Cuisse | Home: [17:10]
mircea_popescu ^ [17:10]
pete_dushenski << check out that merc 600 ! [17:11]
assbot l 'aile ou la cuisse - YouTube ... ( ) [17:11]
mircea_popescu mhm [17:11]
mircea_popescu funes knew shit. [17:11]
pete_dushenski as driven by idi amin, etc. [17:11]
pete_dushenski looks like ! [17:12]
mircea_popescu ima review it now. apparently i haven't. [17:12]
pete_dushenski nice. [17:13]
pete_dushenski i have cold hand luke on the schedule for today. [17:13]
pete_dushenski looking forward to finding a story worth exploring therein [17:13]
decimation pete_dushenski: did you see the top gear where they review the 'dictator class' mercs? [17:21]
* mapop has quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [17:22]
pete_dushenski ooo i want to say yes but can't recall exactly! [17:22]
* mapop ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:22]
pete_dushenski newer mercs ? older ones ? [17:22]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [17:23]
pete_dushenski << this ? [17:23]
assbot Episode 5 | Season 11 | Episode Guide | Top Gear | BBC America ... ( ) [17:23]
decimation heh there were a few I guess [17:24]
decimation it was an older one, clarkson claimed he owned it [17:25]
decimation < clips of the Mercedes grosser [17:25]
assbot Grosser vs. Corniche: Old Car Challenge Part 1 - Top Gear - BBC - YouTube ... ( ) [17:25]
* OneNomos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:26]
pete_dushenski ya, jeremy has/had one, often whined that new window switches were $5k or something [17:27]
pete_dushenski pretty sure gaddafi had one as well. pol pot too [17:28]
decimation hehe yeah, well it's pretty much a museum piece [17:28]
pete_dushenski driveable art ! [17:29]
decimation there's a somewhat similar market for 'restored' wwii aircraft [17:29]
asciilifeform pete_dushenski: my understanding is that folks who own machines like this, either become amateur machinists or cultivate a relationship with an actual machine shop [17:29]
asciilifeform pete_dushenski: it's a surprisingly common 'old man hobby' where i live [17:30]
pete_dushenski or... have one in-house [17:30]
pete_dushenski well, old men have little else to occupy themselves with so they're always in search of projects [17:30]
asciilifeform folks with 2,3,4+ classic cars under leather skins in their yard, in various states of repair [17:30]
asciilifeform and a mazerati's worth of cnc gear in the cellar [17:30]
pete_dushenski it's definitely ambitious in its own way [17:31]
decimation asciilifeform: the thing that gets me, is that what percentage of the 'car' was actually original? [17:31]
decimation at some point, are you just driving a replica? [17:31]
asciilifeform decimation: usually all of the visible parts and as much of the engine as can be helped [17:32]
asciilifeform (these folks are generally preoccupied with the authenticity of the engine, unlike, e.g., the famous cuban mechanics, because that's actually the part they imprinted on as children) [17:32]
pete_dushenski original or hand-made, either or a combination of the two are desirable. [17:32]
pete_dushenski and cubans could desire authenticity all they want and it still won't happen [17:33]
pete_dushenski like french croissants or beluga caviar [17:33]
pete_dushenski for usians, authentic parts are available, if expensive or just plain hard to find [17:34]
decimation I recently toured a 'restoration' shop where they rebuild wrecks from wwii [17:35]
decimation old men pay top dollar for these things, some of which were found as a wreck in the jungle. the end result has maybe 30% 'original' parts [17:35]
pete_dushenski there are barn-find ferrari *shells* that go for millions [17:36]
pete_dushenski [17:39]
assbot Classic cars found in French farmhouse expected to fetch millions | World news | The Guardian ... ( ) [17:39]
decimation interestingly, for the aircraft they pound out the frame using hammer press machines [17:40]
decimation I asked 'why don't you just use a cnc mill to shape the parts'. the answer: 1.) they apparently don't 'do' computers and 2.) the aircraft were all half-ass made to the blueprints anyway, often with 'by hand' adjustments [17:41]
* OneNomos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [17:41]
pete_dushenski and today boeing outsources its parts to asia and... gets fucked. [17:43]
pete_dushenski there's much to be said for controlling your supply chain and having it in your backyard/garage/basement [17:43]
fluffypony my supply chain is in my fridge [17:44]
decimation pete_dushenski: it's hard for the 'capitalists' to refuse china's offer to 100% subsidize their manufacturing business [17:44]
ben_vulpes I asked 'why don't you just use a cnc mill to shape the parts'. the answer: 1.) they apparently don't 'do' computers and 2.) the aircraft were all half-ass made to the blueprints anyway, often with 'by hand' adjustments << uh yeah that's how hand machining worked [17:45]
pete_dushenski fluffypony lol which is stocked by your better half, i imagine ? [17:45]
fluffypony exactly! [17:45]
pete_dushenski that's a lot of trust there. [17:46]
decimation ben_vulpes: yes, and granted many of these parts had complex curve shapes [17:46]
pete_dushenski decimation except boeing is tbtf [17:46]
pete_dushenski they're not capitalist in any sense of the term [17:46]
pete_dushenski they're usg through and through [17:46]
pete_dushenski so why not 'create jobs' ? [17:46]
decimation pete_dushenski: yeah that's why I put the scare quotes :) [17:47]
decimation boeing is in the business of being various state's bitch [17:47]
pete_dushenski unless of course this is a case of, like mp's observation on the decline of the british empire, there being no good men left to do what has to be done [17:47]
pete_dushenski no men of morals left in the states, work gets shipped abroad [17:47]
decimation I think there might be some of that, but I also doubt that britian's 'good men' could get much done trapped in the crazy monkey house of a modern us bureaucracy [17:48]
* ecstaticpessimst has quit (Quit: leaving) [17:49]
pete_dushenski sure, i'm not saying it's entirely the fault of the men in the context of their work, but it is their fault in the context of the systems of governance they support [17:49]
pete_dushenski so americans support welfare and free shit, so no one bothers to get up for work. [17:50]
decimation yes. for instance, the fact that the bond market in the us freaked out because a semi-good jobs report might imply that the fed might begin 'targeting' higher rates [17:50]
pete_dushenski to the extent that they don't have to, that no one is holding a gun to their head and they aren't starving, why bother ? [17:50]
pete_dushenski decimation there's no cause and effect there. [17:51]
pete_dushenski jobs reports have fuck all to do with anything. [17:51]
pete_dushenski heh the montly mpex reports matter more. [17:51]
decimation of course not, but direct government interventions do [17:51]
mircea_popescu scoopbot [17:51]
decimation the amusing bit is that folks think they are trading in a 'free market', but then actually act like they are scared government lackeys [17:52]
pete_dushenski scared of government lackeys how ? [17:53]
decimation well, when you are trading on the wholly-owned 'usd-coin' platform, it's easy to be scared when usg decides to tinker with various model parameters mid-flight [17:54]
pete_dushenski it seems to me that, at this point certainly, there's more general fear when there *isn't* tinkering [17:55]
pete_dushenski daily, if possible. [17:55]
decimation well, the other part of this issue is that the fed isn't tinkering alone, you also have the euros doing what they do [17:57]
decimation the idea that anyone could 'consider the implications' of whatever decision they make in the matter of bank interest rates, money supply, etc is pretty lulzy [17:58]
pete_dushenski "because history never happened and things are different now" [17:58]
pete_dushenski right. [17:58]
decimation pretty much yeah [17:58]
* badon has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:59]
* OneNomos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:59]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski [17:59]
assbot L'aile ou la cuisse pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [17:59]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu jesus christ on a cross you're fast. like seriously. [18:00]
mircea_popescu actually i took a break. [18:00]
pete_dushenski you would ;) [18:00]
mircea_popescu lol [18:02]
pete_dushenski so -assettes, anyone have any restaurant recommendations for jamaica ? [18:03]
pete_dushenski i enjoyed the ones you gents sent for oz :D [18:03]
pete_dushenski feel free to pgp-gram or ;;later tell if you've been to the home of usain bolt and.... other fast runners. [18:05]
decimation pete_dushenski: I presume you aren't going to one of those 'all-inclusive' resorts populated by the usian middle class? [18:06]
pete_dushenski not until one of them makes food that isn't better used on livestock [18:07]
decimation heh [18:07]
pete_dushenski if i'm going to do that to myself, i'll hop on a cruise ship [18:07]
pete_dushenski at least see a few different ports :) [18:07]
decimation yeah I did that once, the scant few hours at port makes it difficult to see anything other than the usual tourist garbage [18:08]
decimation and the food was mediocre in quality, but great in quantity [18:09]
mircea_popescu what cow eats that stuff! [18:09]
pete_dushenski mostly, yes, but it depends both on the size of the ship and where the ports are. [18:09]
pete_dushenski usg'ers ! [18:09]
mircea_popescu or cultivate a relationship with an actual machine shop << this is how itworked in the 80s too lol. a guy had to have relatiuons with mechanics. [18:10]
mircea_popescu just like a woman had to have relations with beauticians. [18:10]
decimation mircea_popescu: " When she first recorded a deer eating nestlings, she wondered if they would eat eggs, too. She incorporated the help of a captive deer at the research center to find out. "We presented it [captive deer] with a few quail eggs -- just to see what it would do -- and it munched them right up." [18:10]
assbot 'Herbivores' busted preying on bird nests [18:10]
decimation apparently 'herbivores' are more than happy to eat little packages marked 'free protein' [18:11]
pete_dushenski decimation sounds like a normal cruise experience ! some islands are built up exclusively for tourists, but in real cities, whether shanghai or split, you can at least walk for a few hours in one direction and still have room to explore [18:11]
decimation pete_dushenski: yeah but 'real places' generally cost $$$, which is why cruises avoid them [18:12]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu sorta the best way to not get anally gaped by mech/beautician. [18:12]
decimation for instance, my cruise ship also had a port of call on "Hispaniola" [18:12]
scoopbot New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: [18:12]
pete_dushenski no relationship (dealership): $225/hr, relationship (small shop): $110/hr. [18:13]
mircea_popescu the end result has maybe 30% 'original' parts << old men don't want the original parts of their wife, they just want a construct that looks like the wife did, in 72. [18:13]
pete_dushenski decimation depends on your budget really. [18:13]
pete_dushenski and timing. [18:14]
decimation turns out, this is a private peninsula of hati, wholly owned by royal caribbean. since it would be far too dangerous for the locals to serve up the vittles, the entire crew disembarked to operate the various bars and amusements on the 'beach' [18:14]
pete_dushenski i went on a cruise of se asia in 2002 when the post-9/11 deals made it... affordable. [18:14]
decimation meanwhile the surrounding seas were littered with shipwrecks [18:14]
pete_dushenski lol that's actually pretty funny. [18:15]
pete_dushenski sounds like disneyland or somethign. [18:15]
pete_dushenski something* [18:15]
decimation < the glossy sheets still sell it as 'hispaniola' [18:16]
assbot ... ( ) [18:16]
* Xuthus has quit (Quit: Xuthus) [18:16]
decimation mircea_popescu: re: old parts < yeah, especially since this particular shop specialized in making 'flyable' aircraft [18:16]
mircea_popescu my supply chain is in my fridge << you eat molds ? [18:16]
decimation "The cruise line has been criticized for erecting a barb-wire fence around the resort to keep the Haitians out (photo right)," [18:18]
assbot : labadee : Cruise Law News ... ( ) [18:18]
mircea_popescu I think there might be some of that, but I also doubt that britian's 'good men' could get much done trapped in the crazy monkey house of a modern us bureaucracy << no, but they wouldn't be, see ? that's the very definition. "good men" is, obama comes and derps, they point and laugh, obama calls the national guard, they shoot it dead. [18:18]
mircea_popescu the amusing bit is that folks think they are trading in a 'free market', but then actually act like they are scared government lackeys << quite! [18:20]
mircea_popescu dude pete_dushenski's cruizin' all over the world, buyin' cars and shit, but not conference ?! [18:21]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [18:21]
gribble Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 275.47, Best ask: 275.48, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 275.6, 24 hour volume: 15922.63362314, 24 hour low: 271.61, 24 hour high: 278.73, 24 hour vwap: None [18:21]
pete_dushenski I SAID I HAVE A WEDDING THAT WEEKEND ! [18:21]
pete_dushenski not mine, mind. [18:21]
mircea_popescu NO!1 [18:21]
mircea_popescu whose then, your wife's ?! [18:21]
pete_dushenski YES! [18:21]
mircea_popescu i guess mike gets it at 275, there being no average o.O [18:22]
pete_dushenski lol that was supposed to be for the NO... [18:22]
mircea_popescu !b 7 [18:22]
assbot Last 7 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) [18:22]
mircea_popescu ;;calc 1950/275 [18:22]
gribble 7.09090909091 [18:22]
pete_dushenski it's some good friends that're getting married. [18:22]
pete_dushenski they'd have to be, amirite ?! [18:23]
mircea_popescu ya lol [18:23]
pete_dushenski the 4th is already mentally marked in the calendar [18:24]
* badon (~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:24]
pete_dushenski so barring births, deaths, or more weddings... [18:24]
mircea_popescu lol you're at the wrong age tho. prolly get 12-20 ppl marry a year. [18:25]
pete_dushenski well, not much i can do about that, is there. [18:26]
pete_dushenski other than totally hermitise myself. [18:26]
pete_dushenski although jeez, after ditching facebook and a smartphone, i seem to be moving in that direction. [18:27]
mircea_popescu and the food was mediocre in quality, but great in quantity << in the 90s it was the best thing for avg romanian chick, work the cruise ships. [18:27]
* Uglux has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:28]
pete_dushenski i've met one or two romanian dudes working on cruises, ex-gynmast or w/e cum 'fitness trainers' [18:28]
mircea_popescu yup [18:29]
pete_dushenski they slayed hard. [18:29]
decimation mircea_popescu: the one I was on was crewed mostly by filipinos. I think the different cruise lines 'specialize' in different 'third world' recruitment [18:30]
mircea_popescu i think so yea [18:30]
mircea_popescu ;;ud slay hard [18:30]
gribble | slay. to mercilessly fuck, bone and or screw a shady/skanky girl. 1) I would definately slay that chick! 2) I slayed the fuck out of that hoocker last night! 3) Slay that ... [18:30]
mircea_popescu hm. [18:30]
decimation at any rate, a shapely young lady could probably make decent money working the bar on a cruise ship [18:31]
mircea_popescu or anything else. [18:31]
* mapop has quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [18:31]
decimation heh true [18:31]
mircea_popescu from what i hear, buncha old derps. [18:31]
mircea_popescu with money. [18:31]
pete_dushenski i sweat the young attractive men do better on those ships [18:31]
pete_dushenski swear* [18:31]
mircea_popescu outright prostitution is contentious, but then again this was pre viagra. couldn't get it up anyway. [18:31]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski of course. women 3x, and they CAN get it up. [18:32]
pete_dushenski older husbands have long since lost interest, spend the day at port on the golf course. [18:32]
pete_dushenski young romanian fitness trainer or whatever is the perfect match. [18:33]
decimation pretty much the same model as the 'luxor centre for internet businessmen' [18:33]
mircea_popescu well no. romanians don't wanna marry, arabs don't wanna fuck. [18:34]
mircea_popescu "I’d honestly thought that such derpage was dead and buried" [18:36]
mircea_popescu ahahaha WHAT! [18:36]
pete_dushenski what, i live a sheltered existence. [18:37]
pete_dushenski no reddit, little twitter. [18:37]
mircea_popescu dude... it'll be 2050, wot long in firm control, random nobody at the fringe of the world will STILL be starting webwallets / writing bitcoin hate pieces. [18:37]
pete_dushenski no one i talk to irl would dare be so derpy to my face. [18:37]
pete_dushenski so... [18:37]
mircea_popescu and it will still all be stolfi level. and they will STILL not know how fucking old the stolfi bs is. [18:37]
pete_dushenski eh, let me add my quarterly nail to the coffin wouldja ? [18:38]
mircea_popescu anyway, the fact that it's changing from "o bitcoin will never succeed" to "o we missed the boat so unfair" is quite pleasant. [18:38]
pete_dushenski myea i'm enjoying the same. [18:39]
pete_dushenski this piece marked that transition to my eye. [18:39]
mircea_popescu is Nick Spanos the figurehead for the kenna scammer or am i confused ? [18:41]
pete_dushenski i wanna say they're unrelated [18:41]
pete_dushenski spanos is, afaik, an isolated entity. [18:41]
pete_dushenski he's known merely as "mr. i know everything there is to know about bitcoin" henceforth and forever more. [18:42]
mircea_popescu no, my bad. [18:42]
assbot Children and their delusions. Today, Jared Kenna and Ryan Singer pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [18:42]
mircea_popescu it's ryan singer. [18:42]
pete_dushenski huh never heard of singer. [18:42]
mircea_popescu derps ran off with the tradehill customer funds, bought some office space. [18:42]
mircea_popescu “I feel like a martyr—a Bitcoin martyr,” he told me. “We’re bleeding out.” [18:43]
mircea_popescu lolk. [18:43]
pete_dushenski ah the "btc fell on the ground" guys, right ? [18:43]
pete_dushenski at least that's what i associate with tradehill [18:43]
mircea_popescu where's that neobee schmuck [18:43]
mircea_popescu not the danny guy, the other one, the greek who was behind it all. [18:44]
pete_dushenski the one you killed ! [18:44]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski they claimed circle defrauded them, threatened to sue. never sued, disappeared. [18:44]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski no no. there was this pic at some conference. the fall guy (denny idiot), the sucker (some local professor) and the actual scammer [18:44]
mircea_popescu a phtisic looking jailbird. [18:45]
pete_dushenski hm dunno [18:46]
pete_dushenski "Ex-marine Jered Kenna has to be one of the most perseverant entrepreneurs in bitcoin. After his exchange TradeHill fell apart not once but twice, he also lost – the flagship domain for the digital currency." << perseverant and retarded. [18:46]
pete_dushenski like the seagull that keeps flying into the window of the skyscraper [18:47]
mircea_popescu it was never his. [18:47]
pete_dushenski wasn't it that argentinian guy's and he sold the domain to gox ? [18:48]
pete_dushenski or was that [18:48]
mircea_popescu dude impressive, that guy managed to get the pic supressed ? [18:48]
ben_vulpes hey does anyone have a link to a multisignature transaction in the main chain? [18:49]
mircea_popescu ahh sweet two years ago. [18:50]
assbot Logged on 05-12-2013 03:49:11; snackman: LOOOOL [18:50]
* bitstein has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: [18:51]
* decimation has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:55]
pete_dushenski just found the business card for the guy, rodolfo andragnes. he claimed to have sold the domain to mt gox in 2011 for $100k, half cash, half btc. [18:55]
pete_dushenski now, he's "founding member of fundacion bitcoin argentina" [18:55]
pete_dushenski he might've given away a few too many coins... [18:56]
mircea_popescu lol looking for it i stumbled on [19:01]
assbot Like a baws pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [19:01]
mircea_popescu anyway, i have the pic archived. [19:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.00033737 = 2.3279 BTC [-] [19:03]
assbot Why Bitcoin Regulation Lags Where it's Needed Most ... ( ) [19:04]
pete_dushenski equal outcomes for all ! [19:05]
pete_dushenski because reasons. [19:05]
pete_dushenski << tho these doods look epically stoked. [19:05]
assbot ... ( ) [19:05]
mircea_popescu jurov they're not racist, they just don't like that kinda people. [19:09]
mircea_popescu when niggers do it, it's suddenly obvious how unsufferable it is. [19:09]
mircea_popescu << there we go. [19:13]
assbot ... ( ) [19:13]
* adrrr (5143d69c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:13]
mircea_popescu grigorios papageorgios. [19:13]
mircea_popescu << and the fall guy operation lol. [19:15]
assbot Neo & Bee: Andreas Antonopoulos and Tuur Demeester share their views - CryptoCoinsNews ... ( ) [19:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53950 @ 0.00032612 = 17.5942 BTC [-] {2} [19:16]
* hanbot has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:18]
* adrrr has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [19:22]
pete_dushenski ;;bc,stats [19:28]
gribble Current Blocks: 346774 | Current Difficulty: 4.74275549506483E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 348767 | Next Difficulty In: 1993 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 5 hours, 26 minutes, and 52 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 52773794424.4 | Estimated Percent Change: 11.27243 [19:29]
pete_dushenski ;;nethash [19:31]
gribble 343957129.799 [19:31]
Pierre_Rochard [19:32]
assbot Logged on 08-03-2015 21:08:57; scoopbot: New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: [19:32]
* gabrielradio_ (050e8467@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:32]
Pierre_Rochard On the subject of french movies, mircea_popescu & pete_dushenski have you seen jean reno’s les visisteurs? [19:32]
pete_dushenski have not.. [19:33]
mircea_popescu me either. [19:34]
mircea_popescu !up gabrielradio_ [19:34]
-assbot- You voiced gabrielradio_ for 30 minutes. [19:34]
* assbot gives voice to gabrielradio_ [19:34]
pete_dushenski so... #bitcoinwomensday is a thing. [19:35]
pete_dushenski because if we want things that don't make sense, they'll happen. [19:36]
mircea_popescu how is it "a thing" [19:37]
pete_dushenski to the extent that twitter trends are "a thing" [19:37]
pete_dushenski ya, not a thing as much as a ripple in the ocean, as it were [19:38]
Pierre_Rochard I highly recommend it, I don’t doubt you’ll find the bourgeoisie vs aristocracy commentary amusing, and christian clavier is hysterical [19:38]
mircea_popescu added. [19:39]
pete_dushenski same here ! [19:39]
* pete_dushenski has quit () [19:53]
* assbot removes voice from gabrielradio_ [20:05]
* OneNomos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:14]
[]bot Bet placed: 5 BTC for No on "BTC to top $413 before Songkran" Odds: 16(Y):84(N) by coin, 17(Y):83(N) by weight. Total bet: 19.93804235 BTC. Current weight: 68,475. [20:17]
[]bot Bet placed: 2 BTC for No on "BTC to top $500 before 1st May" Odds: 18(Y):82(N) by coin, 18(Y):82(N) by weight. Total bet: 91.8305122 BTC. Current weight: 66,736. [20:24]
* Pierre_Rochard has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:49]
[]bot Bet placed: 1.38456474 BTC for No on "BTC to top $450 before 31st Mar" Odds: 15(Y):85(N) by coin, 14(Y):86(N) by weight. Total bet: 19.52156676 BTC. Current weight: 23,703. [20:52]
* PeterL (~peterl@unaffiliated/peterl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:02]
asciilifeform other than totally hermitise myself << ahahaha, works for me [21:03]
* assbot gives voice to PeterL [21:03]
asciilifeform a guy had to have relatiuons with mechanics << i do (and my whole family). fella's from argentina, incidentally. [21:03]
* STRML has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:03]
asciilifeform cruise ships << i am still at an utter loss what the appeal of cruise ship is [21:04]
PeterL mircea_popescu:pete_dushenski they claimed circle defrauded them, threatened to sue. never sued, disappeared. << was Dwolla, I don't think Circle was a thing yet then, but same idea [21:05]
asciilifeform changing from "o bitcoin will never succeed" to "o we missed the boat so unfair" << there was plenty of the latter even a year or two ago [21:05]
* OneNomos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:05]
PeterL there was some "it was so unfair for the first adopters" when bitcoin hit 32 back in '11 [21:06]
* Pierre_Rochard (~Pierre@unaffiliated/pierre-rochard/x-3593157) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:13]
* assbot gives voice to Pierre_Rochard [21:13]
asciilifeform << for archaeologists/aficionados. BingoBoingo? [21:23]
assbot Grid 1550 and 1530 ... ( ) [21:23]
asciilifeform ^ much interesting historical curio on the site [21:27]
punkman wtf is bubble memory [21:31]
asciilifeform punkman: obsolete but - long ago - extremely hyped solid-state storage device [21:31]
asciilifeform worth reading about, interesting from engineering perspective [21:31]
punkman fun "a thin film of a magnetic material to hold small magnetized areas, known as bubbles or domains, each storing one bit of data." [21:32]
* mapop ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:33]
* OneNomos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:35]
* tris has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [21:35]
* MiningBuddy has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [21:37]
asciilifeform they pound out the frame using hammer press machines... I asked 'why don't you just use a cnc mill to shape the parts' << try to picture what the cost of -milling- a smooth object the size of a wing might be. [21:38]
* MiningBuddy (~MiningBud@unaffiliated/miningbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:42]
asciilifeform (summary for n00bs: milling, in general, is ruinously expensive, and anything with considerable quantities of milled parts - even small ones - reflects this. e.g., high-quality small arms, racing engines, etc.) [21:42]
* PeterL has quit (Quit: PeterL) [21:45]
* decimation (~decibot@unaffiliated/decimation) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:45]
* assbot gives voice to decimation [21:46]
decimation asciilifeform: yeah that was kinda the answer I was expecting to get [21:46]
decimation but the 'docent' guy wasn't terribly familiar with the issues I gather [21:46]
decimation a skilled machinist's time isn't cheap either though [21:47]
* yhwh_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:54]
decimation asciilifeform: re: cruise ship < well, there's a reason they say it's for the 'newlywed and nearly dead' [22:06]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51350 @ 0.00032904 = 16.8962 BTC [-] {2} [22:09]
* mapop has quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [22:15]
ben_vulpes what is the correct data representation for the amount of bitcoin in a transactino? [22:15]
ben_vulpes transaction* [22:15]
ben_vulpes double? [22:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18950 @ 0.00032964 = 6.2467 BTC [+] {2} [22:23]
mod6 int64 [22:29]
mircea_popescu ;;later tell peterl right you are. [22:29]
gribble The operation succeeded. [22:29]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform was plenty of the latter even a year or two ago << yeah, but "preponderence of derpitude" standard. [22:29]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:30]
* assbot gives voice to mike_c [22:31]
mircea_popescu ben_vulpes INTEGER noob [22:31]
mircea_popescu in other news, romanian classroom : [22:32]
assbot ... ( ) [22:32]
* OneNomos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:32]
thestringpuller << this is good [22:35]
mircea_popescu lol [22:35]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: I wish I had gone to school in Romania. [22:38]
mircea_popescu wish instead that your wiminz weren't retarded. [22:38]
mircea_popescu i guess voice vs exit works here too huh. [22:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33000 @ 0.00032537 = 10.7372 BTC [-] {2} [22:40]
* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:42]
* assbot gives voice to hanbot [22:42]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: Quit) [22:43]
danielpbarron << [22:45]
assbot Logged on 08-03-2015 20:27:50; decimation: at some point, are you just driving a replica? [22:45]
assbot ... ( ) [22:45]
[]bot Bet created: "BTC to top $700 before 1st July" [22:45]
* nubbins` (~leel@unaffiliated/nubbins) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:45]
* OneNomos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:48]
cazalla lulz [22:54]
assbot Feels like something is missing from this picture... [22:54]
[]bot Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "BTC to top $700 before 1st July" Odds: 94(Y):6(N) by coin, 94(Y):6(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,992. [22:56]
decimation danielpbarron: aye, one cannot step into the same waters twice, even if one pays dearly to try [23:01]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: Quit) [23:06]
[]bot Bet placed: 7 BTC for No on "BTC to top $700 before 1st July" Odds: 13(Y):87(N) by coin, 13(Y):87(N) by weight. Total bet: 8.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,976. [23:17]
decimation lulz > < "The emails uncovered by the Justice Department included a cartoon portraying President Obama as a chimpanzee and a joke about giving a black woman a crime-prevention award for having an abortion.They were circulated widely, Justice Department officials said, and no discipline has been announced for those who [23:20]
decimation received the emails and said nothing." [23:20]
assbot Log In - The New York Times ... ( ) [23:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.00032979 = 1.8798 BTC [+] [23:22]
punkman s [23:23]
thestringpuller that paywall [23:23]
* gabrielradio_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [23:35]
decimation thestringpuller: sorry, apparently I haven't used up my allotment yet :( [23:36]
mircea_popescu Feels like something is missing from this picture <<< someone giving a shit ? [23:37]
mircea_popescu museum of abandoned booths [23:37]
mircea_popescu "no discipline has been announced for those who received the emails and said nothing." <<< lol wait, wut ? da usg stoolie programme ? [23:38]
decimation mircea_popescu: hehe yeah [23:39]
decimation maybe one day you too will receive a random ass email and 'say nothing' [23:39]
mircea_popescu used to be a time when that'd have been the absolute last thing one'd consider doing. [23:39]
mircea_popescu that also happened to be during the brief interval when the us was worth more than something stuck on someone's boot. [23:40]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [23:42]
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* nubbins` (~leel@unaffiliated/nubbins) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:48]
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