The квас-BDSM Party

Sunday, 21 August, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

As is proper, the cvasi part of the title is rendered in typeface about 4/5 as tall as the BDSM part of the title. This happenstance translates reality, especially while the participants are still young.

To understand each other, let's then proceed with some quoting :

phf: Russians have a concept for it, "квасить", to drink socially in a controlled manner. Failure at квас is seen as a character flaw. A grownup is supposed to go be able to go at it for like 5-6 hours without the embarrassing "passing out face first into the salad" eventual outcome. When you're in your 30s, you should be able to do it for 5-6 hours, then be able to freshen up and do work, etc.
BingoBoingo: At some point I had that ability and lost it later to multi day binges. That may or may not have contained 5-12 hour bouts of "civilized" drinking.ii

phf: You do proper квас-ing by pacing yourself, but also eating appetizers and small meals (traditional shit like pickles or black bread or salted herring). Also there are some rules, like "always go from lower abv to higher". But yeah self control is important, and I think a lot of people who do it through their lives turn into alcoholics

Now then. The квас-BDSM party is this arrangement where men assisted by their women gather at a proper location with the vespersiii. The men cvas, the womeniv servev. With the midnight, more or less, the women are beaten and sexually molested in some proportion. Then everyone goes to

Doing the drinking correctly is hard enough ; doing the beating correctly is even hardervii, even if sober, but after having been drinking for hours it becomes an absurd extremity. Which is the point and the whole raison d'etre of the whole thing : your friends, with which you can trust to do this, are your friends with which you can trust to do anything.viii

You may imagine this is some sort of novel concept. It is not. Both Salo half a century ago as well as de Sade three and a half centuries ago describe the same thing, as much as their weak powers allow. Elvira's Extraordinary Act of AEstival Submission is a story of nature innocently trying to find the course of perversity ; whereas Vegetanpizda recounts the utter failure of an attempt, infantile and therefore endearing.

The examples may continue, but why should we spend the time recounting the past when we could just as well go shaping the future ?

  1. The word also denotes a very mild rye beer, a sort of Russian counterpart to the Turkish boza. Without a doubt the figurative sense used here is a case of Russian implementation of sprezzatura (ancient Italian for "I'm not even trying"), the point being that "look at me how I drink vodka like it were cvas".

    For bonus lols at no extra cost to you regarding the Italian concept as seen today on the streets of that forgotten shithole, we refer to the Modern Gentleman Magazine (yes, title's in English, what) :


    The harlequin costume is almost hidden under other things, so should be alright. []

  2. In the meanwhile BB has reclaimed his own life through the AA process, which is something we're all proud of him for. []
  3. More or less at nightfall. []
  4. Yeah yeah, "women can be dominant too", cork it. Of fucking course women can be dominant too, and while they're all sisters, there's complex and delightful hierarchy in any harem. The point isn't that women can't be dominant, it's that they'll be dominant over other women. The point is that men who will submit to women aren't worthy to exist, period, and that the task of women cursed with that endless, destructive, tiresome extension of moterhood where they're stuck dominating as adults the same idiots they didn't manage to give wings to as children resembles earthly damnation closer to anything else I know of. Just ask one.

    And yes the sort of abortive male who belongs in skirts anyway may be permitted, as someone's slavegirl, especially if castrated already or otherwise properly fixed. There's no accounting for other's tastes in women. []

  5. Per tradition, at any meeting of lords, their valets, assisted by as many knaves as necessary, each served their respective lord at the table. This is why precedence lists are important : not so much because the lords don't know in which order to go through a gate, or even if they didn't know somehow lacked the social intelligence to resolve the matter. It is because men who didn't know each other and rarely meet - namely, their butlers - have to efficiently sort out who is in charge, for a task where it didn't matter so much who was in charge as it mattered that somebody were, and quickly, because there's table serving and lordship waiting to be done.

    Evidently, every pleb's unwarranted desire to be a lord resulted in public houses hiring generic waiters, so that men who couldn't afford (nor scarcely needed for any purpose) a butler could nevertheless pretend to the luxury of dining in a manner not visibly distinct from their betters. The current waiter is, if you wish, the equivalent of the thousands-worn jacket restaurants will lend you should you show up disguised in one of the flipflops-and-tshirts sorta outfits specific for the underclass. []

  6. Which can readily mean "the kennels" for the women, ie these 1 x 1 x 1 or thereabouts meter boxes, arranged in two or three layers ; or else "the dungeon", ie these heavy stonewalled cells with thick iron bars and a lot of chain clinking ; or other things. Including good things, of course, of course. []
  7. Beating women correctly is not merely a technical matter ; but also spiritual. It is a harder task than anything else available, which is to say even harder than owning horses properly.

    To understand each other : in this world there are things to do. Some are natural (such as breathing, or fucking), some are perverse. The difference between natural and perverse is that with the natural, whether you're any good or not you neither know, nor does it matter. The perverse is that whether you're any good or not you might know, but maybe not, and in any case it will matter. Then among the perverse there are simple tasks, such as mathematics, programming computers, going to war ; and hard tasks, such as reading a text, accepting an homage (included here - the submission of women, ie what plebs call "relationships" ; also riding horses properly), or building an empire. The difference between simple and hard is whether you know if you're any good or not. The simple tasks always allow this matter to be objectively established, and so after an exploratory excursion they generously permit you to better use your time somewhere else, if you're not any good ; the hard tasks however do not allow you this courtesy, and the graveyards are filled of idiots who squandered their entire life being bad at hard perversity without ever knowing it. []

  8. Testing, you see, is always to occur in circumstances more extensive than the thing which is being tested for. Which is why the bridge that's to stand 10 tons is tested under 20 (and designed for 35). []
Category: Lifespiel
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10 Responses

  1. Ahahahahaa mosuletii chiar se egzista. Muartea durerii.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 21 August 2016

    O da. Lino Ieluzzi, "persona di stile" & Renato Plutino. Principe Renato Plutino.

  3. Renato Plutino, inizia la sua carriera nel lontano 1973 come agente di commercio nel settore della Moda. Dopo innumerevoli sacrifici e anni di duro lavoro, crea una piccola struttura di 80 metri quadri, espandendo la sua attività nel corso degli anni in ambienti sempre più grandi e prestigiosi, fino a giungere nel cuore di Milano, in Corso Venezia, all’interno di un palazzo storico dei primi del Novecento, in un ambiente di classe, elegante ed in linea con lo stile che lo Showroom Plutino propone alla sua clientela.

    Ala e, principele Plutinocci. Nu stiu cum ii gasesti.

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 21 August 2016

    E, doar nu-i gasesc eu, fetele, ele, pajurile ce pazeste ?

    Da' pe de cealalta parte e trist, mei, citeste si cealalta jumatate :

    Alla base del successo di questa attività vi è senza dubbio una motivazione innata, una filosofia di vita strettamente legata alla professionalità ed al successo, al rispetto per la clientela e per le prestigiose aziende rappresentate.

    Il riconoscimento negli anni è frutto anche dell’impegno dei collaboratori dei quali si è saputo circondare, professionisti del settore ai quali, dal 2004 si è aggiunta la figlia Gaja che, ricevendo una filosofia di base, potrà renderla più moderna per il futuro, svolgendo con dedizione e passione un lavoro che le ha permesso di diventare parte integrante, in qualità di socio, dello Showroom Plutino.

    Ei ? Deci mosuletul spera ca cine stie, s-o fi trasmis ceva, "filosofie", de-alea, si poate fata va face sa fie ceea ce fost, doar ca mnoa, mai modern. Cum gindeste ea. Si, luindu-si ramas bun de la lumea-ntreaga ca de la cel codru verde...

    Lucru mai trist decit batrinii nu se poate concepe.

  5. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 8 January 2019

    Intre timp am gasit lucru mai trist decit batranii : tineretu' asta de gostat e foarte infinit de mult mai trist.

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  2. [...] As they say, "it's not a belief, it's a maneuver". Nevertheless, there's no equivalence between the natural and the perverse. The man walking through the desert (of his life or not necessarily) may want for "an endless [...]

  3. [...] Cvas, you see, it comes in a bottle. Or it can, at any rate. [...]

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