The Obese Argentine Manatee and other tales of bloody vaginal discharge.

Florida: 400-Pound Woman Survives Sexual Assault by Herd of Manatees February 16th, 2016 | by Bob Flanagan

A bloody vaginal discharge. The sexual assault of the herd of manatees on a human being could be explained by the menstrual cycle of the vacationer, believes Jane Keller, professor of biology at the University of South Florida. “When a female manatee goes into estrus, she is soon detected and pursued by numerous male manatees throughout the cycle. During that time, the female can mate with a dozen or more males in what is known as an estrus or mating herd. It is possible that the animals mistook the bloody vaginal discharge of the victim’s period as a female manatee in estrus,” she explains. “I would definitely suggest that women not go swimming during their menstrual cycle in areas where manatee mating occurs,” she warns.
Admire the finesse of perspective, the ethereal, we might say, substance of that perspective-defying drawer, the subtlety of the draping while the margin follows rigidly the wooden edge, giving the viewer the appearance of cosubstantiality between wood pulp and cotton fiber. Bask in the glory of the elongated watermelon citrics, take in the pear-shaped orange, sigh with the sigh of illumination at the improbable slice of a different fruit, and at the peel that seems made by nesting wasps, and glued there in place to mock traditional, patriarchic notions of materiality. Oh, the coup de grace that is the fine, ethereal whisp of improbable water vapor, oh the thickness of the guitar that no strings could ever vibrate, ah the delicate je ne se quoi pizda ma-tii of a French newspaper.
We can only join in saying with the poet - wondertas wontertatum alles wondertatutis! Such are the great gains in the artistic field of the Argentinian Manatee and her bloody vaginal discharge. We can only rejoice at the Progre's progress from Dumbas to Cowfish, and augur her many more great successes in the field as well as the sea.
Thursday, 25 February 2016
My favorite part is this enfamousing of these works.