The perfect pitch
So some guy I never heard ofi randomly starts talking to me.
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Sep 8 04:04:40 2014
[StefanCristian has address ~blacknoxi@unaffiliated/blacknoxis]StefanCristian desi e relativ tarziu si imediat pic pe tastatura, te invit pe #rogentos-dezvoltare (un fork puscat de sabayon/gentoo linux) daca esti tentat de initiativa.
Although it is rather late and I'm about to collapse on the keyboard, let me invite you to #rogentos-dezvoltare (a blownii sabayon/gentoo linux fork) if you're tempted by the initiative.iii
StefanCristian ideea e ca merge, si merge bine
The idea being that it works, and well.
StefanCristian but we lack feedbackiv
StefanCristian here you are**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Sep 8 04:11:57 2014
I've gone on the record multiple times to say I don't entertain private discussions with people I don't know, on the very good logic that you can't have a private anything unless on the basis of a private relationship. If that doesn't exist, no other privacy can exist, and so just say in public whatever it is you have to say and if it's not fit for that it probably isn't fit for saying.v For this reason, I wasn't going to respond, but then again the guy intelligently didn't ask me for a response, merely gave me a pointervi.
So I went and checked it out. What's one to do ?
* Now talking on #rogentos-dezvoltare
* Topic for #rogentos-dezvoltare is: Bun venit pe canalul rogentos-dezvoltare | | Gentoo 0 Debian ways
* Topic for #rogentos-dezvoltare set by BlackNoxis at Mon Jul 14 19:33:31 2014mircea_popescu StefanCristian pai bun si ?
Mkay, so ?
StefanCristian mircea_popescu interesant. chiar ai venit
Interesting, you actually came.
StefanCristian salutations
mircea_popescu salut
StefanCristian mircea_popescu iti explic cum sta treaba cu OSu nost?
Should I explain what's the deal with our OS ?
mircea_popescu pai sa zici ceva.
Well you should explain something.
StefanCristian well, am pornit toata treaba asta amus vreo 2 ani ca sa-l introducem pe unde putem
We started the whole deal about two years ago to introduce it wherever we can
StefanCristian instits/private busi, etc.
Instit[utions]/Private busi[nesses] etc.viii
StefanCristian thing is, we lack feedback
mircea_popescu pai de ce ?
Now why would that be ?
StefanCristian in principiu din cauza ca abia suntem la inceput
In principle because we're just beginningix
StefanCristian nu e nimeni sa ne dea un cover up de media
There's nobody to give us a media cover-upx
StefanCristian adica nu's pareri
I mean there's no opinions
StefanCristian de nicairi
From any quarter.xi
StefanCristian acuma lucram (defapt amu am inceput sa re-prelucram) kogaion desktop si argent servers cloud
Now we're working (in fact now we've started re-preworkingxii kogaion desktop and argent servers cloud.
mircea_popescu pai pareri despre ce mai om. deci ma uit pe site, "facem un os care sa se numeasca asa". pai bravo... da' ? aia e cheia, cum s-o numi ? daca ii zice altfel e vre-o diferenta ?
Opionions as to what, you human being you.xiii So on the site : "we're making an OS to be named thus". Well good for you, but ? That's the thing, how you call it ? If you were to call it something else there'd be a difference ?
mircea_popescu tre' sa zici acolo pentru ce-i bun, care-i idea, de ce plm s-ar obosi cineva cu el.
You gotta say there, what's it good for, what the idea is, why the fuckxiv would someone bother with it at all.
StefanCristian yeah, targetu' kogaion e pentru institutii publice
Yeah, the target for kogaion are public institutions
StefanCristian si targetul argent e pentru servere
And the argent target is for servers
StefanCristian pentru corporate / company businesses
For corporate/company business.xv
mircea_popescu da fix pix asta. deci daca vreau un debian probab il ca-mi iau o copie mai veche de sarge. de ce-as lua ceva dubiosenie facuta de niste tipi pe care nu-i cunosc ? sau eu, sau oricine altcineva. care ie logica ?
This is exactly jack. So if I want a Debian I probably'd take an older copy of Sarge, why the fuck would I want some dubiousness made by some guys I don't know ?xvi Either me or anyone else. What's the reasoning ?
mircea_popescu ce avantaje aduce ?
What's the advantage ?
StefanCristian aici e punctul cheie, ca avantajele is strict tehnice, si mi-i greu sa le explic chiar la oricine
This is the key point, the advantages are strictly technical, and it's difficult to explain them to just anybody.xvii
mircea_popescu adica de ce ?
Now why would that be ?
StefanCristian tie probabil, clar, un fleac sa-ti zic ce-i source binary
For you probably it's no big deal, I can mention things like source or binary.xviii
StefanCristian pe langa faptul ca avem reliability de mass package production
Other than the fact that we have reliability of mass package productionxix
mircea_popescu nu te ingrijora tu de interlocutor, tu preocupa-te sa zici ce ai de zis, pe urma cine pricepe pricepe.
Do not worry for the other party, worry about saying what you have to say, after which whoever gets it gets it.xx
StefanCristian ca sa nu mai zic de surse ca ni's toate publice
Not to mention that all our sources are public.xxi
StefanCristian in mare, inovatia e pe baza package managerului si infrastructurii de programe si creare de programe
By and large, the innovation is based on the package manager and the software infrastructure and software creation.
mircea_popescu concret.
StefanCristian practic, un om poate pulsa sa zicem vreo 1500 pachete *SINGUR* intr-un repositoriu
Practically, a guy coudl pulse say 1`500 packages by himself in a repo.
StefanCristian defapt nu omul pulseaza, omul face doar script-urile
Well really not the guy, the scripts, he just writes them.
StefanCristian chestiunea e ca lasa loc de uber-development pe baza a ceea ce facem
Which matter leaves room for uber-development on the basis of what we're doing.
StefanCristian automatizarea fiecarei bucati de aplicatie prin filtrul OSului full support pentru sursa *si* binar
Automatizing every part of an application through the OS filter and full support for the source and binaries
StefanCristian mircea_popescu: ii un bulgare de zapada. sa zicem asa
It's a snowball, so to speak.
mircea_popescu mei deci ce zici tu nu e logic. partea 1 ca nu vad ce institutie are asa nevoie de 1500 de pachete ; partea 2 ca si la ora actuala poti face ce zici tu, si pe toate linuxurile si pe bsd-uri.
What you're saying makes no sense. On one hand I don't see what institution would have such a need as to 1500 packages, and on the other that currently you can do what you say already, on all the linux flavours as well as the bsd's.
StefanCristian erm, nu chiar
Erm, not quite.
StefanCristian pe bsduri e mai greu un pic
A little harder on the bsd
mircea_popescu fiecare in felu' ei, da' mnoa, cu un wizard acolo se poate.
Each its own way, but more or less, with a wizard present you can.
StefanCristian ni-i mai usor noua sa schimbam sursa sa creem de 50 de ori mai multe pachete, *clar* mai stabile, ca noh. gentoo-based
It's easier for us to change the source and create 50 times more packages, clearly more stable, because well, gentoo-based.
StefanCristian si sa descentralizam mult mai eficient
And to more efficiently decentralise
StefanCristian problema ii de lack of python people, pe moment
The problem is lack of Python people, for now.
mircea_popescu sa decentralizezi ce adica ?
To decentralise what, you mean ?
mircea_popescu pai ce lac, ie plina marea nu lacu' de python people. angajeaza unu'.
What lakexxii, the sea is full of Python people. Hire one.
StefanCristian adica ai un program gen conky sau gnome-session
So you have a program like conky or gnome-session
StefanCristian erm, non-profit, n-am cum sa-i platesc pe niciunu
Eh, NGO, I can't pay anyone.
StefanCristian ii voluntariat pur pe moment, igh.
Purely volunteer for the moment igh.
StefanCristian deci descentralizarea
So decentralisation
mircea_popescu pai da, ca n-ai pornit cu o idee de utilitate clara si atunci n-ai resurse.
Well yes, because you didn't start from utility, and so you have no resources.
mircea_popescu il stii pe naggum ?
Do you know Naggum ?
StefanCristian nope
mircea_popescu e un cacanar infect care-o scris multe chestii pe meta-teme de it, si in multe locuri are mare dreptate. gen, in cazul asta : Naggum on utility.
He's an obnoxious asshole who wrote a lot on it meta-topics, and in many places is very much correct. For instance in this case.
mircea_popescu discutia cu utilitatea e fundamentala.
The discussion of utility is fundamental.
StefanCristian alright, acum partea de backend a rogentos-ului
Ok, as far as backend for rogentos goes
StefanCristian suntem placuti bine de /
We are much liked by
StefanCristian ei sunt cei mai interesati de proiectul nostru, pana acum
They're the most interested by our project so far.
StefanCristian ca sa ne ajute cu ceva, ne-au oferit free hosting pe gentoo-urile lor. ei au nevoie de exact ideea
To help us, they gave us free hosting on their gentoo servers, they need exactly the idea
StefanCristian exact ideea pe care se bazeaza proiectul in idee
Exactly the idea on which the project is based in idea.
StefanCristian in schimb, bluepink si xhost au cazut in relativ colaps financiar
However, they fell into a relative financial collapse.xxiv
mircea_popescu apai ei probabil vor asa un acquihire mai ieftin sau ceva.
They probably wanted some sort of cheap acquihire or something.xxv
StefanCristian myeah
StefanCristian si acum partea cea mai dureroasa
And now the most painful part
StefanCristian >infrastructura
StefanCristian de dezvoltare
for development
StefanCristian deci, de-as fi avut pana acum ceva medii de dezvoltare cu big CPUs
So, if I could have had until now some sort of development environment with big CPUsxxvi
StefanCristian cred ca am fi fost deja prin scoli, licee si universitati
I think we'd have been already in schools, highschools and universities.
StefanCristian la cum pushuiesc cod cand ma'nervez, pula mea
[Judging by] how I push when I get angry, my cock.xxvii
StefanCristian apropo
mircea_popescu eu cred ca nu. rezolvi problema gresita : atita timp cit n-ai o utilitate clara, nu rezolvi o problema concreta, e o activitate hobbistica & educativa. ceea ce e perfect ok, da'... mnoa, ca atare.
I think not. You are solving the wrong problem : for as long as you don't have a clear utility, are not resolving a concrete problem, it's a hobby & learning activity. Which is perfectly fine, but... well, as such.
StefanCristian ye, stiu ce zici
Ye, I know what you mean.
mircea_popescu odata ce ai clar definit pe cine ajuti, de la aia iti iei resurse si nu mai ai problema asta.
Once you have a clear definition of whom you're helping, you get your resources from them and no longer have this problem.
Anuska ba cam mult vorbiti
Dudes you talk a lot.
StefanCristian mircea_popescu: aia-i clar
That's clear.
mircea_popescu Anuska nu toata lumea are job.
Not everyone has a job.
StefanCristian zeh lital' troll Anuska :D
The little troll Anuska.
* StefanCristian pets Anuska
Anuska wtfAnuska ba culcare
Dude off to bed.
StefanCristian mintin'
mircea_popescu StefanCristian tu un' lucrezi ?
Where do you work ?
StefanCristian nicht yetzt
Not yet.xxviii
StefanCristian am lucrat in ceva companie de cloud-oriented linuxes
I worked with some cloud-oriented something
Anuska care le are cu php?
Who knows php ?
mircea_popescu am vazut. pai bine, da' citi ani ai ?
I saw. Ok, but how old are you ?
StefanCristian m-am ocupat de vreo cateva sute de databases si servere
I was handling some hundred of dbs and servers.
StefanCristian 23
mircea_popescu noa, bun, si afara ia lucrat sau numa-n ro ?
Mkay, and did you ever work abroad or only in Romania ?
StefanCristian numa'n ro
Only in Romania.
StefanCristian mai exact, cluj
To be precise, in Cluj.
StefanCristian e mai okay pe'aici cu firmele
It's easier for companies here.xxix
StefanCristian si cu PFA, taxe mai lejere
And as an authorised professional, easier
mircea_popescu noa, ala e pasu' logic. ia-ti un bilet de tren pina la londra gen, cauta-ti slubja si gagica acolo, stai un an sau asa. pe urma ai loc de chestii de-astea cu entreprenoreli.
So, that's the logical step. Get a train ticket to London, get a job and a girl there, spend a year or so. Then there's room for this entire entreprenority thing.
StefanCristian :)))
StefanCristian well, ce-i drept
That's a point.
mircea_popescu meri la asta manowaru' sa te ajute gen.
Go to that manowar guy, he'll help you.
mircea_popescu zi-i ca te-am trimis io :D
Tell him I sent you.xxxi
StefanCristian lol
StefanCristian stai prin preajma, de mai distrezi
Ok, but please stay, have some fun.
StefanCristian meanwhile, le'me test somth
* NoxBot1 ( has joined #rogentos-dezvoltareStefanCristian !surse
RoentgenBOT` StefanCristian: Error: "surse" is not a valid command.
StefanCristian deja m-am saturat de RoentgenBOT`
RoentgenBOT` StefanCristian: Error: "deja" is not a valid command.
* StefanCristian facepalm
* NoxBot1 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)StefanCristian ah, ioi. let me tell ya somth nice :D mircea_popescu
Oh let me tell you something nice
StefanCristian here's somth for ya
=)) StefanCristian tocmai ce mi-am adus aminte ca's dintre piratii politici
I just recalled I'm from among the political pirates.
StefanCristian unkn-error: ce-i ma :)) ce te'apuca
unkn-error facepalmulStefanCristian chaos computers club cluj, zis si chaos club. club de computeristi din cluj, un spatiu de cowork
Chaos Computers Club Cluj, aka Chaos Club. A club for computer people in Cluj, a cowork space.xxxii
StefanCristian mircea_popescu, treci pe la noi cand ai ocazia
Come by when you have the time.
StefanCristian unkn-error apoi noh :))
mircea_popescu uh. mei da' tu realizezi ca io-s in buenos aires ?
Do you realise I'm in Buenos Aires ?
StefanCristian erm.. nu
Eh... no.
StefanCristian nu stiu nimic despre tine decat ca esti openbsd-oriented
All I know about you is that you're openbsd-oriented.xxxiii
mircea_popescu lolk.
mircea_popescu da' logo e smecher.
That logo is pretty cool.
mircea_popescu ie ciordit de pe v'undeva sau facut de voi ?
Did you steal it or make it ?
StefanCristian facut de noi, mai exact de n1ghtwatch
We made it, specifically n1ghtwatch
StefanCristian prelucrat de n1ghtwatch si inca 2 membri
Him and 2 more guys.
StefanCristian era ideea initiala cu flacara tricolora' si mi-o concretizat-o un vecin intr-un png foarte naiz
The initial idea was the tricolor flame, and a neighbour made it nicely in a png.xxxiv
StefanCristian de'acolo prelucrarile ulterioare
Then worked from there.
mircea_popescu mnoa, si aveti relatii cu de-astia similari ?
Mkay, and do you have relations with similarly minded kids ?
mircea_popescu ca o idee ar fi sa va apucati sa va faceti turnee de couch surfing, din coworking space in coworking space prin europa, ca teatrele in vremurile bune
An idea would be to start couch surfing tours, from coworking space to coworking space through Europe, like theatrical companies in the good old days.xxxv
StefanCristian now that's a nice shit
StefanCristian chiar ar fi o chestie
It'd be something.
mircea_popescu engleza stii ?
Do you know English ?
StefanCristian destula
mircea_popescu noa, vb si tu cu jurov si cu wao, ei aveau ceva foarte similar, poate colaborati.
So speak with jurov and wao, they had something similar, maybe you work together.
StefanCristian hmm
StefanCristian multam de pont :D
Thanks for the tip.
StefanCristian desi nush cum sa-i abordez
Tho I dunno how to approach them.
mircea_popescu pai pizdele cum le abordezi ? "helau eu sunt eu si ma ocup cu asta"
How do you approach chicksxxxvi ? "Hello I'm me and I do this".
StefanCristian :)))
StefanCristian ar trebui sa fie mai usor la astia decat la pizde, da' cared ca mi-i mai usor la pizde, sincerely :))
It should be easier with something like this than with chicks, but it seems the other way, honestly.
StefanCristian da' cred*
StefanCristian mircea_popescu: una tare, din vremurile de glorie a unui bug din
Here's a cool one, from the glory days of a github bug.
StefanCristian tipul nu are acces la repositoriile noastre
Guy had no access to our repo
StefanCristian asa ca i-am pus identitatea lui si am dat un push, uite ce-o iesit cand s-o trezit :)))
So we used his identity for a push and that's him waking up.xxxvii
mircea_popescu ;;ident
mircea_popescu bah
StefanCristian huh?
StefanCristian ah, protocolu' ?
* RagnarDanneskjol ( has joined #rogentos-dezvoltaremircea_popescu n-am nimerit fereastra.
Wrong window.
Meanwhile in the chan - the one, the only chan :
mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol you wanna talk to a bunch of kinda derpy RO kids with some Linux sysadmin experience ?
RagnarDanneskjol Oh yea. I can deal with mild derpidity. Shoot em my way. Or should I reach out to them?
mircea_popescu Join #rogentos-dezvoltare. I'll intro.
RagnarDanneskjol Ok many thanks.
And back :
* RagnarDanneskjol ( has joined #rogentos-dezvoltare
mircea_popescu Ok so : RagnarDanneskjol is a friend of mine, he runs a headhunting business. He's recently got a decent job for a talented dev I know, so you never know.
StefanCristian Whoa
StefanCristian Heya RagnarDanneskjol
mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol this StefanCristian kid just started talking at me out of nowhere. This chan is their work in progress gentoo repackaging for no good reason, but otherwise, maybe some talent here, I dunno. Your job.
StefanCristian rofl
StefanCristian nice description
RagnarDanneskjol Hello. Nice to meet everyone.
mircea_popescu And with that I'll wish you all a good time.
The moral of these five thousand words should be that a good pitch is not what you think it is. The point isn't to impress, nor is it to flatter. The point isn't to create an impression, any impression. Not to give an air of similarity, not to leave a feeling of community, not any other bullshit. The point of a good pitch is to communicate, and if you've managed to create an accurate enough idea in the other's mind as to who you are and what you're doing, they will probably help you.
It doesn't matter if you succeed deliberately or, as the case is here, accidentally.xxxviii It does not matter if the help they give is the help you wanted to get. It does not even matter if you're happy with the experience or not. Statistically speaking, over a no matter how large universe of individuals and attempts, the best results will come to the plainest set. Forget ye all the slag your mothers (both physically equipped for the task as well as the numerous castrated and substitute mothers you may have met during your early life) tried to pour over your eyes, mouth and ears over the years and just come as you are. You'll be fine.
And so dear progressives, educators, officious interlopers and other bored-at-home knowitalls : Stop trying to help. Let the kids come to the forum in the nude, they will have more fun and a better time of it than no matter what other alternative garb you might devise.
Honesty is still the best policy.
———- The canonical form of this would be "some guy I don't know", because in the WoT world that's really all that matters. This'd be the superlative of that : some guy that I don't know in any form, either from the WoT world or from the fiat world. Because yes, sometimes guys I don't know that I've nevertheless heard of randomly start talking to me. This would be roughly the equivalent of, you go to some party, and Britney Spears is there. You don't know her, as in, you've never met nor talked before, but you've seen her tits jiggle on TV. So she comes up to you and says "Hey MP, let's ditch this joint. Take me away." Because she's famous to peons and you're famous to famous people or somesort of cool shit like that.
You know that scene where Lefty explains to Donnie what the difference'd be between a friend of mine and a friend of ours ? That just happened right here. [↩]
- The translation of puscat in this context is incredibly difficult. The root, pusca means gun as a noun or to shoot as a verb. However, as a generational regionalism (it's from Transylvania, not in general use in Romania, and it's from millenials' usage - my sister uses it, kids my age do not [but not to worry, this is like saying it's a recent Californianism - of course it will take over the shithole rest of Romania, everyone there aspires to be from Transylvania anyway, to the point this is like the prime minister's chief recommendation {for the second time in a decade!}]) it is used to denote something with which the speaker is frustrated but also impressed. Like, say you've got a clunker of a car that barely sticks together, but that also managed to keep going in a sandstorm long after much more expensive and well praised machines failed. For the duration of that story, it's "o rabla puscata", ie, a blown clunker. [↩]
- This is standard Romanianism, "if you're tempted by x", it doesn't convey any meaning whatsoever, just there to downstep any sort of possible imperative the listener may hear out of his own head. It works roughly like the English "no pressure".
A similar automatism is "he couldn't abstain any further", nu s-a mai putut abtine, which implies that whatever feelings for decorum the subject may have entertained were overcome sort-of against his will. This is ubiquitous in amateur pornography, reflecting the very quaint remnants of medieval Christian education. Supposedly people are tempted into fucking you see, some sort of something has to first be overcome, as if everyone's perpetually a virgin or something. [↩]
- Randomly going to English or whatever other language the speaker suspects the audience should be familiar with is extremely common in Romanian, and in older generations (using Latin, in some places Greek - which is called Elina by them) quite the point of pride.
The reason this works at all is because - contrary to the idiotic efforts of culturally marginal first generation urban dwellers, the sort of pie-in-the-sky nuts that insist on random special markings because otherwise the world might end o noes - the Romanian language (in good Latin tradition, whose only surviving heir it certainly is) views itself as the superset of all possible languages.
Not just the ones that are : all of them. Consequently, any string, composed through any methods whatsoever, is Romanian as far as Romanian itself is concerned. It may be badly written, it may be not using all the functions of the API (and Romanian has a rather powerful API), it may be nonsensical, but no matter. Just like the C compiler will treat any string as an attempt at a C program and not "recognize it" as say Lisp and turn somehow into a Lisp interpreter, just so Romanian will take any utterance as Romanian and go from there. For instance I have with my sister developed an extensive pidgin which uses the English lexic and the Romanian derivation rules to create an extremely powerful, remarkably hilarious pigdin that's completely opaque to anyone not billingual - which practically means anyone outside of our friends at the time - or rather, a good selection thereof. You know how parents (the smarter, more cultivated, intellectual ones, I mean) sometimes invent languages to keep their thoughts from their young children ? Well, some other times the parents aren't really smart enough, or cultivated enough, or close enough for that. And yet some other times, they get beaten to it by the kids. How about that!
As you might imagine this opens insanely wide swaths of expression, and really puts to work the advantage of multilinguism, which is why this correct approach happened to be borne in a country where most everyone speaks a multitude of languages (and I mean Transylvania, not Romania generaly), and has a lengthy (lengthy as in, millennia) history of urban cohabitation (again not discussing the south-eastern orcish reservation). As you may further imagine, such flood of light really hurts the eyes of a good majority of plain dwellers, who having lived in a flat environment unconducive to a development of intelligence nor necessitating any great use of communication lack either the ability to use or the facility to appreciate such beauty. But fuck them, who gives a shit. [↩]
- This view, if not consciously understood and so not spoken is what makes boys circulate the nude selfies of some chick they're more or less involved with. She may well imagine they have a private relationship, for instance on the basis of sexual congress, or more commonly on the basis of courtship, but this is by and large an unwarranted assumption : males can fuck publicly just as well as they can fuck privately, and the better ones commonly do. [↩]
- And really, lmgtfy ? Cheeky, isn't he. [↩]
- A thousand and change years ago, a letter was sent, bearing the header (ies, the Romans had headers) "Consulem Romanorum Regii Phyrrhy salutem!" more or less, which was standard form by then, contracted from X wishes upon Y good health, which is what salute and ¡salud! all come from. It's still in common use in Romanian as a neutral greeting, "salut" just means... hi. [↩]
- It's a common trait of the young to shorten the expression of their dearest dreams they fear may be unattainable. Less exposure to the world, less chances of being destroyed, the logic of it goes. You know ? [↩]
- Two years later ? Nobody works two whole years on any one project anymore. He would know this, unless of course he's never been involved in actual work. [↩]
- What he means is "to cover us", he's innocent of the cover-up implication. Nevertheless, look what you've done, ye unrepenting rapists of the young generation : he actually believes that the solution to his problem, inasmuch as that problem is not understood, because it's not understood, would be fucking advertising. I hope you drop dead, I hope your children live to feed off of their children's carcasses like the ghouls that you fucking are. There is not enough ash in mount Pinatubo to repent with. [↩]
- This is quite untrue, there's a list discussion back in 2012 where a number of people make very good points, such as :
> Respectele mele, dar (?i eu) sunt curios care sunt diferen?ele dintre
> gentoo ?i distribu?ia la care lucra?i.Un set nou de backdooruri si buguri exploatabile remote. Ca doar
la ce altceva e bun un rebuild la un distro free deja existent? O noua
poza pe background? O setare default diferita la xmms?ie, "What could the differences be ? A new set of backdoors and remote exploitable bugs ? What the hell is a rebuild of an existing free distro good for ? A new background pic ? A different xmms default ?
or, for that matter,
lol, la ce nivel a ajuns masochismul in ziua de azi..
ie, "Lol what peaks masochism has reached these days". Because yes, who the fuck on wheels would maintain a package or a distro who didn't absolutely have to ? These are the sorts of things actual engineers run from like you run from folding your girlfriend's underwear. Seriously, fold laundry ?
But to the fifteen year old virgin, folding some hawt coed's panties is the peak of the day. And so here : he would like to do something useful, and in the perfect vein of healthy youth he naturaly aims to do - and do well, hopefully - the humble, the humiliating, the bottom of human activity. You know how they say that seduction isn't the difficult task it may appear, because really the girl wants to be seduced just as much as you want to seduce her, if not more ? Well, same thing with work. Making the younguns do the tedious, humble, desultory, humiliatory parts is a lot easier and a lot more natural than it seems. That's exactly what they aim to do if they're healthy in the fucking head.
The Eastern tradition has, among many others, one major advantage over the contemporary Western tradition : it employs children of all ages in the workplace. This used to be the case in the West too, and for that matter an insistence on it and a harshness with it built the prosperity of that West, pre-Industrial Revolution. Sending kids as old as ten away from the home to live with others, so they may be pushed harder and worked into shape outside of the stupidity of their mother is how you got everything you admire in the Brits you admire.
But the curse is of course the blessing : with the introduction of machinery it became quite trivial for children to hurt themselves in the workplace just at the time their labour became a lot less useful - and so the stupidity of womanhood prevailed, that dumb, earthen, muddy stupidity which favors "safety" over life itself. This trend won't likely be reversed, and the aggitation around "child porn" is more relevant as a desperate bar of the last possible avenue children would have to be integrated into adult life than anything else. Women just want their kids to stay dumb and worthless, it's their nature. Absent any men, that ain't changing, and men aren't born out of a different set of cunts - so for all practical purposes the West has managed to extinguish itself under a deluge of fuel. [↩]
- Nfi. [↩]
- I told you Romanian was powerful. It widely employs the vocative case (which in English survives by grace of black culture, in things like "yo!" and so on) to position the speaker, the agent and the subject around. For instance this "you human being!" is one step short of an appeal to the Gods for mercy as to the mess you've made. If you're fluent in Yiddish you have ready equivalents handy - Eastern European Jew Language works pretty much like Romanian. Guess why. [↩]
- Plm is the contraction of pula mea, which literally says my cock. It's an appeal, like you'd say "by Jove" except Romanians don't do minced oaths and similar English bullshit - the contraction is purely clerical, it is made useful and used by ubiquity. In fact, Romanian is I'm sure the only linguistic space where you have a decent chance growing up to find yourself invited by either parent to visit your mother's cunt, and for that matter your wife may wish you a trip towards her (absent) cock. Because yes, "mai du-te-n pula mea" is a perfectly legitimate way to end a domestic argument. You know, just like in Russian, also the only linguistic space etc. Just like Ukrainian. And so on. [↩]
- Isn't he delicious with his word salad ? [↩]
- This is no small matter. [↩]
- o.O [↩]
- An astute observation. No but seriously, isn't he cute ? I mean okay, he likes me, I may be admitted into the boyish sanctum of blue feathers, binary and source.
And for the record : I don't think there's anything wrong with any of this! Naturalia non sunt turpia! What's quite turpitudinous is the consumptive, hollow artfulness English boys employ to hide their "shameful", bare boyish buttocks. That's grotesque. Not only is it just as dysfunctional but more importantly, it tastes like margerine. [↩]
- I have nfi. [↩]
- Better advice could never be proferred. First and foremost, say what you have to say. [↩]
- Check it out, 1980 came by again this morning and I never knew. [↩]
- It's a pun - lack sounds like lac which is lake in Romanian, and this melds nicely into an expression in common use about how there's an abundance of fish / frogs in the lake. See for instance Broaste... destule by I. L. Caragiale, or Intro balta patru ochi clipeste ce sa fie oare este doua peste by yours truly. [↩]
- Some wanna-be local hosters. Somehow I have webfactor and mxhost but not these guys, so I guess they're prolly #3 greatest first biggest ? Anyway. [↩]
- You have no idea. You have not the inkling of an idea. Let me give you an idea : the local local equivalent of CBS has not paid any of its employees for months, after its owner (one Dan Voiculescu) was sent to jail for a bunch of charges that roughly sum up to "he stole a bunch of money from the state but then failed to support the party in elections because he didn't have any money because he sucks as a businessman". And before that, some other similar network did the same.
So, to understand each other : financial collapse is when one stops paying their bills, what civilised people call bankrupt, but third world shitholes like the United States or Romania don't, because whatever, "too big do fail". And so confronted with the insanity of insolvent entities being still "in business", every merchant is forced to patent insanity such as "relatively dead" as in, "we still have some hope it may somehow reanimate" vs "plainly dead" as in... well...
Usually the difference is about two years. You know, like on the fucktard forum. Which is what the thirld world is, anyway. [↩]
- No, no they did not. I am flattering him, and the language. What they wanted was free work. [↩]
- The thing with the thousand chickens is that you can do with one chicken anything you can do with a thousand, it just takes longer. He strangely seems to think there's a qualitative difference between fast and slow cpus, like if they were grams of fat tissue on the chest. While it's true that a collection of one thousand fucks with one thousand ugly boys does not amount to one fuck with one double D'd wonder, nevertheless Bitcoin could be computed by hand just fine. The difficulty would drop, of course. [↩]
- This "getting angry" is a rough equivalent of the afore-discussed fashion of speech. You'll see a lot of "he got angry and" in Romanian amateur translations of Superman comics. [↩]
- Yes, German too, that's supposed to be jetzt. [↩]
- That it is, Cluj is a sort of NY-SF meld of Romania. [↩]
- Yes, unlike their counterparts in the US, Romanian IT engineers can claim that extemption. [↩]
- This is a hysterical insider joke for the maybe fifty Romanian people who know what I mean. [↩]
- They had this when I was a kid. I condescended to go once at my mother's insistence ("please go hang out with the retarded kids once, it won't kill you!"). They weren't retarded, they just didn't have a computer at home in '88 nor were they over 140 IQ. Same difference, right ? Anyway, I beat Prince of Persia (the original) which was their favourite game, and set as the name the initials of the derpiest kid among them. Gawd was he happy. Gawd were the rest pissed off.
They had a point, and I learned a lot from the experience. Specifically, I learned that the happiness of people is no good cause to act and no good justification of action, and that a vastly superior power fucking with the hierarchy of a group is no progress.
I learned a lot more than thousands of idiotic middle aged women "helping Africa" ever did. [↩]
- I didn't say that, did I ? [↩]
I'm not so sure he got what I mean, but in any case, it was this :
Pretty nifty huh ? [↩]- This was a thing. [↩]
- Pizda means cunt, quite plainly. It is however a common form of address to females and a much more common form of reference of females, in the age range. A minority hold it offensive. So, believe it or not, it's exactly "chick". Romanians use "cunt" as "chick". How about that! [↩]
- Basically they inserted a porny comment in some other guy's code as a prank. [↩]
- Do not mistake what happened for "MP helping some guy from his own ethnocultural background". This may well be a politically tempting interpretation, but it happens to also be false. It's true that familiarity makes comprehension easy, but that's an accident and not particularly germane. Comprehension is the key, and comprehension is muchly aided along by honesty and a plain approach to life.
If you want to help poor kids get better access to resources, what you need to teach them is how to express themselves, plainly and clearly. In no case could it be productive to teach them how to resent the fact that other people are different from themselves. There's little to be gained from getting ghetto kids to hate "prep boys" (speaking of which, seen Coppola's The Outsiders ?). There's little to be gained from getting ghetto kids to wear suits like this or like that. Just have them speak plainly and honestly, it'll do a whole lot more for them than anything else you could possibly impart. [↩]
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Encrypted to you,
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Is this that video again ?
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
The very same.
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
You know you disappeared rather abruptly during conversation last time.
Thursday, 5 January 2017
I cannot presently maintain a connection to IRC. Tried hanging around in #funtoo for ~15 min prior to be sure of connection stability, but it died anyways. Hence, posting here.
What I had intended to say at the time,
"Indeed. And why not bundle w/eurola? You've wanted an 'emacs' interface for a while. CLIM is the
logical conclusion of the emacs modality married to (¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> [ GrApHiCs ]
Thursday, 5 January 2017
For fucks sake.
Thursday, 5 January 2017
Re, "Machines for FUCKGOATS",
Thursday, 5 January 2017
Luxor center for businessmen
Thursday, 5 January 2017
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
@nobody I dunno what he's talking about either.
Thursday, 5 January 2017
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Thursday, 5 January 2017
Wow hot stuff!