The Roaring Twenties

Tuesday, 20 March, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

The Roaring Twentiesi e un film din 1939 despre (asa cum v-ati putea astepta) Roaring Twenties. Adica perioada aia aurita de la introducerea prohibitiei pina la criza cea mare, anii aia 20 vestiti. Are distinctia de a-i contine pe Cagney si Bogart jucind impreuna, da' cu un Bogart din pozitia de "si altii", ca starurile-s Cagney si Lane. Va vine sa credeti ?

Priscilla Lane joaca exact rolul de papusa dulce, optimista, de incredere scl care-i iese ei si pentru care-a ramas in istorie. Mi se pare ca asta-i filmul in care-i iese cel mai bine. De Gladys George probabil ca n-ati auzit, dat fiind c-a avut o cariera destul de scurta. E o femeie educata si-o actrita rasata. In general joaca asa un fel de Edith Piaf de peste ocean, femeie complicata, chestii.

Cagney e baiatul bun. Ca de obicei vede o fata pe scena, patronul localului care i-i dator ii propune sa i-o "impacheteze", el raspunde ca si-o impacheteaza singur. Ca de obicei fata isi gaseste un pampalau "educat" de care sa-i placa, ca baiatu' bun din popor, tractorist sau ce e el nu-i interesant pentru ea. Ca de obicei ceva personaj secundar zice ceva (ca-i prost, ca-i fraier, ca-i nebun, de-astea) care se soldeaza cu "Sa nu-mi mai zici asa ceva niciodata, auzi ? Niciodata!". E remarcabil cit de formulaica e arta asta cinematografica americaneasca, zici ca-i produsa la Stefan Gheorghiu. Cine-ar fi ghicit ? (Sau mai degraba, cine pe cine copiaza ?)

Bogart e baiatul rau, si e rau asa, demonic. Cind are o treaba de facut gaseste pe altu' s-o faca, cind vede un copchil de 15 ani cu pusca-n mina-i zboara creierii numa' asa, din principiu (o idee buna de altfel, prea multi putoi cu impresii umblind liberi si uite unde se ajunge). E unul dintre rolurile lui cele mai bune, pacat ca n-are foarte multe replici.

Filmul asta contine niste chestii care nu se mai gasesc astazi. O femeie care iubeste un barbat care iubeste o alta femeie. Mai tinara, mai frumoasa, mai desteapta, mai talentata. Si stiti ce face ? Isi vede de treaba. Fara drame, fara 'arfe, fara figuri, fara impresii. Un barbat care ajunge din sef slujitor, si angajatu' lui pampalau si de nimic care i-o si suflat gagica visurilor e acum sef in locul lui. Doar ca... doar ca oamenii rai is pe punctu' sa-i puna cruce, si iata ca gagica-i ajunsa iarasi la mina lui. Si stiti ce face ? O ajuta. Fara meltenisme si fara jegosisme atit de tipice electorului contemporan mediu. O ajuta, si-atit. Un local care-i speakeasy, adica clandestin, facut sa se vinda alcool. In care un client cere lapte, si barmanu' ii aduce lapte. Nu ca-n "magazinele" de trei cacaturi romanesti, de sobe care "nu tinem" burlane si de rochii-n care "nu tinem" rochii si-asa mai departe.

Pai sa nu te pisi pe lumea asta noua si sa-i dai foc ? Nu stiu, intreb si eu. Sa nu te caci pe el "progres" si sa tragi apa ?

Voi ce parere aveti ?

Un film nerecomandat prostanilor care chiar vor sa creada ca traiesc in cea mai buna dintre lumile posibile. Pina la urma ce mare chestie, adevaru-i ca oaiomul n-o trait niciodata-n istorie in staule mai performante decit cele de azi. Si sa nu neglijam importanta ipodului, ce ipula mea.

  1. 1939, de Raoul Walsh cu James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart, Priscilla Lane, Gladys George []
Category: Trilematograf
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8 Responses

  1. [...] ca toata lumea-si dorea sa fie Hemingway in epoca, da' de la o vreme devine obositoare, cam ca si risul de malaxor al lui Cagney. Dincolo de aceasta problema superficiala, se gaseste notata pentru posteritate-n acest film o [...]

  2. [...] of any kind between Ferdinand Marian character's here and say James Cagney's character in The Roaring Twenties : both men with nothing but their wits, who saw a chance, and took it, and eventually died of [...]

  3. [...] decades after the war both means and was driven by ; as to how New York malesiv briefly experienced a Chicago infatuation leading to some type two resurgence between the wars ; as to why exactly Texas (and its Mississippi [...]

  4. [...] it ; they however are dumb, and kill the girl "out of principle", which is to say exactly what Cagney should have done : Say, you don't want to open up for might because fixated on the "smart" douchebag ? Cool. You [...]

  5. [...] only) or Byrne -- in Miller's Crossing. The truly strong alternatives, Paul Newman, E. G. Robinson, James Cagney and... well, that's it. That's it! They're strong alright, but... what can I tell you, not strong [...]

  6. [...] The misfortunate Walter Winchellii, whose real world persona this idiotic production quaintly if quite unintentionally assassinates, was orders of magnitude more personable, to say nothing of funny, socially adjusted, connected, intelligent, cultivated and for that matter washed -- the decerebrates ricocheting off the walls and talking into each other's air in the film don't seem capable of putting soap to much use on their own power, or for that matter all that likely to ever end up in close contact with running water. How the fuck anyone in the 50s managed to produce such a bland, lame and thoroughly collapsible rendition of the wisecrack era... I mean these dorks don't ever say anything funny, not ever, they don't play, they don't... it's like they're from the fifties, all dour and pucker-fuckfaced. There's even McCarthy-ism retrofitted in there, but not the slightest whiff of golden era.iii [...]

  7. [...] The misfortunate Walter Winchellii, whose real world persona this idiotic production quaintly if quite unintentionally assassinates, was orders of magnitude more personable, to say nothing of funny, socially adjusted, connected, intelligent, cultivated and for that matter washed -- the decerebrates ricocheting off the walls and talking into each others' air in the film don't seem capable of putting soap to much use on their own power, or for that matter all that likely to ever end up in close contact with running water. How the fuck anyone in the 50s managed to produce such a bland, lame and thoroughly collapsible rendition of the wisecrack era... I mean these dorks don't ever say anything funny, not ever, they don't play, they don't... it's like they're from the fifties, all dour and pucker-fuckfaced. There's even McCarthy-ism retrofitted in there, but not the slightest whiff of golden era.iii [...]

  8. [...] trope and its subversion whereby the wrong guy became the Socialist-Tractorist (which is to say truly and utterly, world-destructuringly wrongv) rightabouts the Last Socialist War, back when the wrong guy was just some rando schmuck thinking [...]

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