Forum logs for 24 Sep 2014

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [18:18]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [18:18]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [18:18]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. [18:18]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [18:18]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [18:24]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 430.2, Best ask: 432.09, Bid-ask spread: 1.89000, Last trade: 432.09, 24 hour volume: 32648.91886848, 24 hour low: 394.0, 24 hour high: 452.67, 24 hour vwap: 430.767789311 [18:24]
mircea_popescu bah what sort of scam 330 is this [18:24]
ben_vulpes [18:26]
assbot rich homie [18:26]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: [18:26]
kakobrekla pasted per request; [18:28]
mircea_popescu so was bitbet actually down ? [18:29]
kakobrekla well bitbet was sort of down and assbot suffered the most [18:29]
Apocalyptic kakobrekla, hard to tell if guy was serious or trolling [18:30]
mircea_popescu poor assbot. [18:30]
kakobrekla i dont know, i saw 'low orbit ion cannons cannons' and got scared. [18:30]
ben_vulpes << amazing design [18:30]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [18:30]
assbot MSHR [18:30]
mircea_popescu Apocalyptic that's the new generation. sorta half-ass doing things and being "ironic" about them at the same time as a sort of multi-hedged insurance agaisnt the scary world. [18:31]
kakobrekla imagine cannons shooting out whole cannons [18:31]
* kakobrekla runs in the basement to hide. [18:31]
Apocalyptic mircea_popescu, ahah [18:31]
mircea_popescu can't say he's not tried. can't say he's really tried, either. can't say he's a faggot, not really, can' [18:31]
mircea_popescu t say anything. aderpynymous! [18:31]
* OX3 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [18:31]
artifexd Anybody else going to the bitcoin conference at Disney? With so many b-a'ers in FL, maybe a b-a get together is not out of line. [18:32]
* mircea_popescu dusts off his technicality club insignia, proceeds to explain to kako difference between running in the basement to hide and running to hide in the basement. the first is like pouring vodka to drink, the latter like getting glass to pour vodka [18:33]
mircea_popescu artifexd might be an idea. who all is in fl tho ?! [18:33]
* darlidada has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:33]
* devthedev has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:33]
artifexd I don't remember. I remember it being a thing about there being several who are. [18:33]
kakobrekla but i en up hidden and in the basement in both instances? [18:34]
ben_vulpes << oh god oh god my bleeding eyes [18:35]
assbot imgur: the simple image sharer [18:35]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla perhaps! [18:35]
mircea_popescu who's Peter Schiff again ? [18:35]
kakobrekla im confused by this vodka example. are we getting drunk here or what? [18:37]
mircea_popescu yeah we're getting drunk [18:37]
kakobrekla got it! [18:38]
TomServo mircea_popescu: American investment broker, author and financial commentator. Schiff is CEO and chief global strategist[4] of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut.[5] -According to pediwikia [18:38]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla you know your secret agent reddit/4chan guy tried to "ddos" trilema earlier too [18:38]
mircea_popescu he... failed. [18:38]
TomServo Also a radio show [18:38]
mircea_popescu TomServo aok. [18:38]
mircea_popescu wondering if he's trolling bitbet or just being impersonated. [18:38]
TomServo in which instance? [18:39]
kakobrekla dunno, but i wouldnt mind to leave britney alone. [18:39]
mircea_popescu Number of simultaneously running php and cgi scripts, as well as cron jobs and shell sessions: 65724 (max). [18:40]
mircea_popescu that's not SO BAD is it ? [18:40]
* Enky has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [18:40]
* punkman1 is now known as punkman [18:40]
mircea_popescu TomServo [18:40]
assbot BitBet - BTC worth over $5000 before 2015 :: 5.56 B (8%) on Yes, 63.92 B (92%) on No | closing in 2 months 1 week| weight: 22`415 (100`000 to 1) [18:40]
* nubbins` ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:41]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:41]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla seriously, as assbot becomes more of a central piece of bitcoin infrastructure, more of this is to be expected. [18:41]
mircea_popescu in other words : britney's getting her tits now and she's never EVER going to be left alone ever again. [18:42]
kakobrekla britney needs a new bra. [18:42]
asciilifeform or a death ray. [18:42]
mircea_popescu and a new sex tape [18:42]
* assbot gives voice to Duffer1 [18:43]
mircea_popescu (lol of all time, in bar, people put their shit on table - phones keys etc - this hardcore highschooler chick that somewhat reminds me of miss julia t puts a huge bubblegum tape thing [18:43]
mircea_popescu "what [18:43]
mircea_popescu the hell is that ?!" "oh this ? it's my sex tape" [18:44]
* assbot gives voice to nubbins` [18:45]
nubbins` so i just upgraded my laptop for the first time since i bought it in 2008 [18:45]
mircea_popescu you finally got someone to take that canadian bitcent? :D [18:45]
nubbins` heh! [18:45]
nubbins` in fact, i bought the RAM from newegg, altho i didn't use btc [18:45]
nubbins` [18:45]
assbot imgur: the simple image sharer [18:45]
mircea_popescu (seinfeld line) [18:45]
nubbins` ;/ [18:46]
* OX3_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:46]
mircea_popescu nubbins` is that good ? [18:46]
nubbins` came with 2gb ram, the 8gb is noticeably better so far [18:46]
nubbins` it loaded the SHIT out of this irc client [18:47]
nubbins` processor is, well, a 6yo processor [18:47]
mircea_popescu cool [18:47]
nubbins` but for the work i do, it's irrelevant. all about the ram [18:47]
nubbins` finally i can open 40k-node SVG files without weeping [18:47]
mircea_popescu how many boobs is that ? [18:48]
nubbins` over 9k [18:48]
mircea_popescu 3.x nodes/boob ?! [18:49]
nubbins` the nipple is just a point w/ heavy stroke [18:49]
mircea_popescu are you a robot ? [18:49]
* nubbins` oils penis [18:49]
nubbins` does not compute [18:49]
mircea_popescu !b 2 [18:49]
assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) [18:49]
nubbins` heh. [18:49]
nubbins` 2015: "Best of Bash" hardcover silkscreened book released to critical acclaim [18:50]
asciilifeform svg << anyone familiar with the atrocity will understand why everyone involved with 'xml' should be roasting in hell, with devils stoking the furnace with copies of the standards literature. [18:50]
nubbins` asciilifeform it was actually XSLT which rekindled the flames of my misanthropy [18:51]
asciilifeform yes, let's have massive 'plain text' representation for multi-MB turds that no human will ever read. [18:51]
nubbins` but hey, it's the only open-source vector graphics standard we have [18:51]
nubbins` we don't love it because it's pretty, we love it because it's the only one [18:51]
asciilifeform nubbins`: let's eat shit, it's the only food we all have. [18:52]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i like plaintext, it's why i -a all my gpg [18:52]
nubbins` alf OTHERWISE WE'LL STARVE ;( [18:52]
nubbins` wait, is eps an open standard? [18:52]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: deliberate use of non-optimally-compact representation was justified with 'humans will read and write it without having to, horrors, use a program.' [18:53]
asciilifeform (text editor, apparently, does not count as 'program') [18:53]
mircea_popescu im not defending xml and its devil spawn [18:53]
mircea_popescu but there is some merit in using ascii for data. [18:53]
asciilifeform and so you get to use multiple GB of memory, to represent a few MB worth of picture. [18:53]
asciilifeform isomorphic ascii representation of whatever-the-fuck-we-want can always be generated on demand. [18:54]
mircea_popescu yeah [18:54]
nubbins` i'm waiting for the part where stan explains what format i should be saving my graphics in [18:54]
mircea_popescu i wouldn't use it to hold pics in memory [18:54]
* bitstein has quit (Quit: bitstein) [18:54]
mircea_popescu nubbins` it doesn't exist yet. [18:55]
nubbins` oh oh. [18:55]
nubbins` well fuck [18:55]
mircea_popescu ikr ? tell the customers to wait. [18:55]
asciilifeform nubbins`: even 1980s-vintage 'postscript' - works. [18:55]
* asciilifeform is actually fond of hand-cranked 'postscript' [18:55]
* nubbins` ponders this [18:55]
asciilifeform tastes great with 'latex' [18:56]
mircea_popescu make all graphics latex files! [18:56]
nubbins` hahah [18:56]
mircea_popescu edit with emacs [18:56]
nubbins` LaTeX: WYSINECTWYG [18:56]
mircea_popescu WYSI^H^H^H^H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [18:56]
asciilifeform lol [18:56]
* nubbins` used latex to produce every paper he ever wrote in uni [18:56]
* asciilifeform also [18:57]
mircea_popescu i used lates to make sex toys. [18:57]
mircea_popescu latex* [18:57]
nubbins` anyway, this is all a bit of a wank. at the end of the day, i have to convert all my graphics to adobe illustrator format [18:57]
nubbins` so [18:57]
mircea_popescu as to the papers, im pretty sure they were 99% vi [18:57]
nubbins` call me when svg/eps supports CMYK color spaces [18:57]
mircea_popescu nubbins` there was a hacked toghether non-adobe cymk format thing [18:58]
nubbins` ew [18:58]
mircea_popescu not sure if anyone other than correction typography used it [18:58]
* OX3_ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [18:58]
nubbins` i use proprietary 3rd-party drivers for my film printer, my hands are pretty tied on this [18:58]
nubbins` inkscape: unfit for output [18:59]
nubbins` for the curious: [19:01]
assbot Accurip [19:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 3.70296136 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 322 satoshi per share [19:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24400 @ 0.00074811 = 18.2539 BTC [+] {3} [19:02]
nubbins` !t h peta [19:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK:PETA] 1D: 0.00051500 / 0.00055845 / 0.00061000 (15921 shares, 8.89104610 BTC), 7D: 0.00051500 / 0.00066337 / 0.00075000 (59174 shares, 39.25406987 BTC), 30D: 0.00051041 / 0.0006593 / 0.00096000 (294788 shares, 194.35236153 BTC) [19:02]
* wolverine has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [19:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.27252613 BTC to 15`097 shares, 8429 satoshi per share [19:05]
* OX3_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:06]
mats_cd03 [19:07]
* bitstein ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:08]
* Uglux has quit (Quit: Verlassend) [19:08]
mats_cd03 RCE through bash CVE-2014-6271 [19:09]
* OX3_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:10]
* Dimsler ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:11]
* OX3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:12]
nubbins` huh. [19:12]
nubbins` that's a big one [19:12]
* Enky (~enky@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:18]
* Lycerion has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:18]
* frb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:20]
* samO has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [19:21]
* trixisowned ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21900 @ 0.00074913 = 16.4059 BTC [+] {2} [19:25]
* frb (~frb@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:28]
* OX3 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:31]
asciilifeform bashbleed... [19:33]
mircea_popescu o.O [19:35]
mats_cd03 dont give anybody ideas asciilifeform [19:35]
asciilifeform mats_cd03: complain to the fellow who inserted the 'bug' [19:36]
mats_cd03 p soon there will be a website n a nice graphic [19:36]
asciilifeform his 'idea' not mine. [19:36]
mats_cd03 not everything is malicious, you know [19:36]
* asciilifeform favours, e.g., 'headbash' vs 'bashbleed' [19:36]
asciilifeform not everything is malicious << see the ancient thread (mp's?) re: whether it is useful to distinguish between sufficiently incompetent 'rangers' and actual scammers [19:37]
mats_cd03 seen't it. [19:37]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform link ? :) [19:38]
asciilifeform mats_cd03 linked above [19:38]
mircea_popescu so basically all cgi calls have been forever vulnerable. thanks the world for php ? [19:38]
asciilifeform [19:38]
assbot oss-sec: CVE-2014-6271: remote code execution through bash [19:38]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform no your most recent reference. [19:38]
asciilifeform ah the other thing [19:38]
asciilifeform !s incompetence [19:39]
assbot 156 results for 'incompetence' : [19:39]
asciilifeform ^ somewhere in there... [19:39]
mircea_popescu Note that on Linux systems where /bin/sh is symlinked to /bin/bash, [19:40]
mircea_popescu any popen() / system() calls from within languages such as PHP would [19:40]
mircea_popescu be of concern due to the ability to control HTTP_* in the env. [19:40]
nubbins` i hate the phrase "so there you have it" [19:41]
nubbins` (was just watching a video of some asshole bending his new iphone) [19:42]
nubbins` so there you have it, folks: you can bend a thin aluminum phone with your hands [19:43]
nubbins` no fucking shit :/ [19:43]
kakobrekla i just tried mine. does not bend. does blend though. [19:44]
* lnostdal has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:45]
kakobrekla (is not appleturdware - i really feel i need to express this.) [19:46]
asciilifeform kakobrekla: what wasn't ? [19:46]
kakobrekla what wasn't what ? [19:46]
* wywialm (~wywialm@unaffiliated/wywialm) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:47]
asciilifeform 'is not apple turdware' [19:47]
kakobrekla well anything not apple is not apple turdware, just turdware. [19:48]
kakobrekla but its a (now kinda old) android with unibody so i can hammer nails with it. [19:48]
asciilifeform [19:48]
assbot Bash specially-crafted environment variables code injection attack | Red Hat Security [19:48]
mircea_popescu !up wywialm [19:50]
-assbot- You voiced wywialm for 30 minutes. [19:50]
* assbot gives voice to wywialm [19:50]
* mircea_popescu can't help thinking these people are idiots. [19:50]
mircea_popescu i mean take a plumber. a plumber i can respect. [19:51]
mircea_popescu but the cream of the crop of computer monkeys ? how. why. [19:51]
kakobrekla a plumber destroyed my friends house last month. [19:52]
mircea_popescu DHCP clients invoke shell scripts to configure the system, with values taken from a potentially malicious server. This would allow arbitrary commands to be run, typically as root, on the DHCP client machine. [19:52]
nubbins` it's like showing up at richard branson's house and the hot&cold taps are reversed [19:52]
kakobrekla liek 30k of damage and insurance is fighting to pay cause 'these things happen'. [19:53]
nubbins` hmm, canada post claims force majeure in not delivering my package on time [19:53]
mircea_popescu env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test" << tester. [19:53]
nubbins` those bastards [19:53]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla hm. [19:53]
mircea_popescu that's the best line i ever heard [19:53]
mircea_popescu "we're not paying out insurance when things happen because things happen" [19:54]
kakobrekla yep [19:54]
kakobrekla its insane. [19:54]
bounce sue, sue [19:54]
nubbins` hm [19:54]
nubbins` maybe the shitty plumber was also force majeure [19:54]
nubbins` insurance company: "WE couldn't stop it from happening" [19:54]
kakobrekla the problem is she has a little kido and needs to solve this before the winter [19:54]
kakobrekla its gonna sue alright. [19:54]
kakobrekla !up CheckDavid [19:55]
* assbot gives voice to CheckDavid [19:55]
CheckDavid Thanks kakobrekla [19:55]
CheckDavid Insurance firms are now in the business of insuring things that don't happen? Amazing business model [19:57]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [19:57]
CheckDavid Lolol [19:57]
* darlidada ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:58]
CheckDavid Clause N° 742 - if something happens, it is not covered by this plan [19:58]
penguirker New blog post: [19:58]
Duffer1 oh kakobrekla how did that bitsurant / bitbet turn out? [19:59]
mircea_popescu bash: warning: x: ignoring function definition attempt bash: error importing function definition for `x' <<< patched bash sez [20:00]
kakobrekla havent heard from any of them [20:00]
kakobrekla maybe MP did [20:00]
nubbins` mp's gender-related posts are so cringey [20:00]
Duffer1 aww :( that was highly entertaining [20:00]
* jemendja (~jemendja@unaffiliated/jemendja) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:00]
* lnostdal ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:00]
kakobrekla iirc they said they will publish it somewhere sometime [20:00]
kakobrekla as their first case or smth [20:01]
mircea_popescu Duffer1 i have nfi what is this again ? [20:01]
Duffer1 lol awesome [20:01]
kakobrekla i figured it out though [20:01]
Duffer1 some tool bet 1btc on bitbet after the outcome was known, then tried to use the blockchain to say he bet in time, got refunded .99btc, then had some bitsurant derp try to claim winnings [20:02]
kakobrekla now cex and bitfinex has losing only assets and icbit wanted to have that too [20:02]
kakobrekla so thats why they will now sell insurance on icbit [20:02]
kakobrekla and sell it on bitsurant [20:02]
kakobrekla to other party [20:03]
mircea_popescu im confused. [20:03]
mircea_popescu we're not seriously discussing a bitcent are we ? [20:03]
kakobrekla should say issue insurance on bitsurant [20:03]
Duffer1 yep [20:03]
kakobrekla mircea_popescu pirate started with satoshi [20:03]
mircea_popescu so if you insure a bitcent how much is the policy cost ? fiddy satoshi ? [20:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 732 @ 0.00074975 = 0.5488 BTC [+] [20:03]
kakobrekla btcjam started with satoshi [20:04]
kakobrekla still full operational chumpatron [20:04]
kakobrekla fully* [20:04]
mircea_popescu so is teh usg. [20:04]
kakobrekla sure [20:05]
* jemendja has quit (Quit: leaving) [20:05]
kakobrekla no wait, INsure! [20:05]
mircea_popescu lol [20:05]
* samO (b2df5d97@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:06]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i bet you not more than three people have read the bash code since 1999. [20:06]
* samO has quit (Changing host) [20:06]
* samO (b2df5d97@unaffiliated/samo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:06]
* samO has quit (Changing host) [20:06]
* samO (b2df5d97@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:06]
mircea_popescu i tell you, if my signaturss thing existed people would at least KNOW what a fucking fraud this foss bs is [20:06]
mircea_popescu "o, many eyes". WHAT many eyes. [20:06]
mircea_popescu no fucking eyes, and even less brains. [20:06]
* kleinessteak ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:07]
asciilifeform 'many eyes, many eyes!' he said, pointing at meat, with flies. [20:09]
kakobrekla !b 5 [20:10]
assbot Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) [20:10]
kakobrekla such poetry [20:10]
asciilifeform loletry. [20:10]
bounce eh, meat. who wants to meet meat? [20:10]
mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: consider though, the coin whose owner controls its network. <<< pedigree of owner is of import in a situation of absent information. [20:11]
asciilifeform << came up last night... [20:12]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2014 05:39:28; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: importance of pedigree is proportional to information poverty. [20:12]
mircea_popescu << lol pretty good. [20:12]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i was pretty much directly quoting fro mlog :) [20:12]
asciilifeform aha [20:13]
ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: precisely the point. owner's pedigree is the only thing backing a premined coin whose mining network is controlled entirely by the owner. [20:15]
ben_vulpes %t [20:16]
atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 198 Ask: 266 Last Price: 266 24h-Vol: 0k High: 266 Low: 266 VWAP: 266 [20:16]
thestringpuller anyone from bitpay in WoT? [20:16]
thestringpuller or are they just anti-wot cause they want to make their own via facebook... [20:17]
thestringpuller !seach get bits [20:17]
thestringpuller !search get bits [20:17]
assbot 149 results for 'get bits' : [20:17]
mircea_popescu thestringpuller josh rossi works or used to work there [20:18]
kakobrekla he is liek everywhere [20:18]
thestringpuller what's his wot handle? [20:18]
mircea_popescu ;;ident mjr_ [20:18]
gribble Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead. [20:18]
mircea_popescu ;;gpg info mjr_ [20:18]
gribble No such user registered. [20:18]
kakobrekla cept on irc [20:18]
mircea_popescu uh [20:19]
mircea_popescu wtf was it [20:19]
Apocalyptic thestringpuller, maybe jgarzik is [20:19]
thestringpuller ;;gettrust jgarzik [20:19]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user jgarzik: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Mon Nov 8 13:35:30 2010 [20:19]
thestringpuller yea he is a lead dev there [20:19]
kakobrekla ;;gpg info mjr [20:19]
gribble No such user registered. [20:19]
mircea_popescu !s mjr_ [20:20]
assbot 5826 results for 'mjr_' : [20:20]
thestringpuller !s from:mjr [20:20]
assbot 5301 results for 'from:mjr' : [20:20]
* kermit has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [20:21]
* assbot removes voice from wywialm [20:21]
mircea_popescu thestringpuller [20:21]
assbot Logged on 16-04-2014 16:43:33; mjr_: ;;ident [20:21]
* assbot gives voice to guruvan [20:21]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:21]
thestringpuller elusive like smickles I see [20:22]
kakobrekla ;;rate josh_rossi 1 met IRL back in the day [20:23]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user josh_rossi has been recorded. [20:23]
* assbot removes voice from CheckDavid [20:25]
* wolverine ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:27]
* DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:28]
* yhwh- (~yhwh@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22803 @ 0.00075196 = 17.1469 BTC [+] {2} [20:30]
* extraaa ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:30]
* extraaa has quit (Client Quit) [20:31]
* yhwh__ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [20:34]
kakobrekla [20:37]
kakobrekla and they didnt even go as far as mars (in the movie). [20:37]
* kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:44]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [20:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4567 @ 0.0007542 = 3.4444 BTC [+] [20:50]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: 'the best eulogy is suicide on the grave' << 47 ronin! [20:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7850 @ 0.00075026 = 5.8895 BTC [-] {2} [20:54]
* kleinessteak has quit () [20:57]
asciilifeform << not the glorious turd tower that is 'headbash', but still great. [20:57]
assbot consolecowboys: Arris Cable Modem Backdoor - I'm a technician, trust me. [20:57]
* chetty (~chet@unaffiliated/chetty) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:00]
* wolverine has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [21:01]
* User__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:01]
asciilifeform << aha this is where it was. (story of naggum and his death by tax.) [21:01]
assbot Erik Naggum in memoriam | Pernille Nylehns blog [21:01]
asciilifeform 'Erik of course, argued. For years and years. And he wouldn’t pay ANY tax because they were so unreasonable. And then of course he did become guilty of tax evasion, and their tax claim just grew and grew. As a refsult, he couldn’t own anything because it would be confiscated, couldn’t earn money because they would take most of it … and so on. After some years, everything in his life was influenced, and p [21:01]
asciilifeform oisoned, by this. I won’t say he was paranoid, but he became very wary and suspicious, and had real trouble trusting people. And his medical condition just got worse and worse...' [21:01]
* assbot gives voice to chetty [21:05]
* random_cat_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:07]
thestringpuller So Naggum would have lived if he had paid taxes? [21:08]
asciilifeform thestringpuller: [21:09]
assbot Re: Dead software (was: A draft business plan for free software LISP vendors) - Naggum cll archive [21:09]
asciilifeform (about 1/3 in) [21:09]
* User__ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:10]
asciilifeform thestringpuller: naggum figured out that he could work ~3 months per year and earn the same money, on account of the strange tax laws of his country [21:12]
asciilifeform and so he did. but didn't realize what would happen next. [21:12]
asciilifeform the local bureaucrats did not believe that he used the remaining year to relax in his library, carry on as polymathic scholar unencumered by day job (a la taleb) [21:13]
asciilifeform they assumed that he's whoring under the table. [21:13]
asciilifeform and demanded their cut. [21:13]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00075348 = 8.7404 BTC [+] [21:21]
mircea_popescu thestringpuller perhaps not, but the norwegian government would have survived had it not assasinated naggum. [21:22]
* stormlight has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:25]
* stormlight ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:25]
* devthedev (~devthedev@unaffiliated/devthedev) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:27]
* chalbersma (9f8cfe6d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:27]
* stormlig_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:30]
* stormlight has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:31]
* bitstein has quit (Quit: bitstein) [21:37]
* bitstein ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:44]
* stormlig_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:44]
* stormlight ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:45]
* stormlight has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [21:49]
* Lycerion (~Lycerion@unaffiliated/lycerion) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:54]
* kermit has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [21:54]
jurov [21:55]
assbot Handwrytten Robot in Action! - YouTube [21:55]
The20YearIRCloud . [21:55]
The20YearIRCloud how's that tax work asciilifeform ? [21:56]
asciilifeform The20YearIRCloud: ~100% after certain threshold. -- if you really give a damn, ask a norwegian. [21:56]
asciilifeform jurov: similar machines - but entirely mechanical, no computer - existed since early 20th c., and are still used by american politicians to 'sign' documents. [21:58]
* jaycutler6969 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:58]
asciilifeform << vendor. [21:58]
assbot Signature Machines - The Autopen Company [21:58]
asciilifeform ^ now digital, sure. lusers. [21:58]
* assbot gives voice to jaycutler6969 [22:00]
* wolverine ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:02]
* jaycutler6969 has quit () [22:07]
ben_vulpes ;;ident jaycutler6969 [22:12]
gribble Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead. [22:12]
ben_vulpes ;;gpg info jaycutler6969 [22:12]
gribble No such user registered. [22:12]
asciilifeform ! [22:13]
The20YearIRCloud oh my [22:14]
asciilifeform is there... a fungus among us ? [22:15]
kakobrekla jaycutler6969 level1: 0, level2: 3 [22:15]
mats_cd03 a meow [22:15]
asciilifeform ;;gpg info jaycutler6969 [22:15]
gribble No such user registered. [22:15]
kakobrekla irc nick != wot nick [22:16]
kakobrekla ;;gpg info [ident kakobrekla] [22:16]
gribble User 'kakobrekla', with keyid 27AF75321F2489E8, fingerprint 27C3CE9A20851312F086268C27AF75321F2489E8, and bitcoin address None, registered on Fri May 13 18:04:32 2011, last authed on Wed Sep 24 13:20:49 2014. . Currently authenticated from hostmask kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla . [22:16]
kakobrekla but he is gone now. [22:16]
kakobrekla so cant ident [22:16]
* assbot gives voice to wywialm [22:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.0007542 = 6.5993 BTC [+] [22:18]
lobbes [22:18]
assbot Syria Becomes the 7th Predominantly Muslim Country Bombed by 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate - The Intercept [22:18]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [22:19]
wywialm asciilifeform, I was waiting for the opportunity to thank you for introducing me to the writings of Erik Naggum through your blog posts. So - thank you. [22:19]
asciilifeform wywialm: you're welcome. [22:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11170 @ 0.00075198 = 8.3996 BTC [-] {2} [22:21]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:26]
* kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:27]
* assbot gives voice to diametric [22:27]
diametric wat. [22:27]
diametric its always fun talking in a channel and not realizing I don't have voice because my IRC client is dumb and outputs the error to another window that I routinely ignore. [22:29]
kakobrekla lol [22:33]
* devthedev has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:33]
kakobrekla now you know why nobody likes you! [22:33]
* devthedev (~devthedev@unaffiliated/devthedev) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:34]
mircea_popescu diametric so what did you say ? [22:37]
diametric i don't remember, just comments to things here and there over the last few days. [22:37]
diametric nothing important. [22:37]
* samO has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [22:37]
* asciilifeform habitually checks - on account of frequent netsplits [22:38]
* wolverine has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [22:38]
asciilifeform diametric: ^ good pill against this situation [22:38]
diametric yeah, I'm bad at reading the logs. [22:38]
kakobrekla if you see assbot then you wont see anything new in the log [22:39]
* Guest32459 has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [22:39]
kakobrekla this is re split [22:40]
asciilifeform well yes. [22:40]
kakobrekla you get parted from assbot often? me - no. [22:41]
asciilifeform often enough to remember that it is possible. [22:41]
kakobrekla :) [22:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 750 @ 0.0007542 = 0.5657 BTC [+] [22:42]
mircea_popescu britni will never part with you kako [22:42]
kakobrekla cept when ddosed :( [22:43]
kakobrekla time to get more boxes me thinks. [22:43]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [22:43]
mircea_popescu more boxers for britni! [22:44]
* nubbins` ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:49]
jurov ;;seen britni [22:49]
gribble I have not seen britni. [22:49]
asciilifeform ;;seen the elephant [22:50]
gribble (seen [] ) -- Returns the last time was seen and what was last seen saying. is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. may contain * as a wildcard. [22:50]
jurov ;;seen * [22:50]
gribble * could be asciilifeform (35 seconds ago), (35 seconds ago), jurov (1 minute and 5 seconds ago), mircea_popescu (6 minutes and 12 seconds ago), kakobrekla (7 minutes and 3 seconds ago), assbot (8 minutes and 29 seconds ago), diametric (12 minutes and 8 seconds ago), wywialm (31 minutes and 9 seconds ago), lobbes (32 minutes and 22 seconds ago), mats_cd03 (35 minutes and 5 seconds ago), (50 more messages) [22:50]
jurov ohmy [22:51]
jurov and who is ? [22:51]
kakobrekla who is (50 more messages) is better question! [22:52]
kakobrekla last is obv last [22:52]
kakobrekla same timestamp! [22:52]
jurov ;;more [22:52]
gribble The20YearIRCloud (36 minutes and 18 seconds ago), ben_vulpes (38 minutes and 3 seconds ago), thestringpuller (1 hour, 42 minutes, and 4 seconds ago), Apocalyptic (2 hours, 31 minutes, and 39 seconds ago), atcbot (2 hours, 34 minutes, and 11 seconds ago), bounce (2 hours, 40 minutes, and 15 seconds ago), Duffer1 (2 hours, 47 minutes, and 29 seconds ago), nubbins` (2 hours, 50 minutes, and 39 (49 more messages) [22:52]
kakobrekla just 49 to go. [22:52]
jurov ;;more [22:52]
gribble seconds ago), penguirker (2 hours, 52 minutes, and 21 seconds ago), CheckDavid (2 hours, 52 minutes, and 27 seconds ago), TomServo (4 hours, 11 minutes, and 41 seconds ago), artifexd (4 hours, 17 minutes, and 2 seconds ago), xmj (5 hours, 56 minutes, and 6 seconds ago), davout (8 hours, 36 minutes, and 5 seconds ago), Naphex (12 hours, 42 minutes, and 13 seconds ago), []bot (13 hours, 4 (48 more messages) [22:52]
jurov only for you kako [22:52]
kakobrekla awww <3 [22:53]
jurov ohhh, poor []bot [22:53]
The20YearIRCloud Hmm? [22:53]
jurov just general mischief [22:53]
kakobrekla ;;seen [last] [22:53]
gribble I have not seen just general mischief. [22:53]
kakobrekla hm ok [22:53]
* assbot gives voice to nubbins` [22:54]
nubbins` nanotube :D [22:54]
mircea_popescu lmao [22:55]
mircea_popescu ;;seen [ticker-last] [22:55]
gribble Error: "ticker-last" is not a valid command. [22:55]
mircea_popescu uh lol [22:55]
kakobrekla ;;seen [ticker --last] [22:55]
gribble I have not seen 427.72. [22:55]
mircea_popescu ;;seen drop table;-- ? [22:55]
gribble (seen [] ) -- Returns the last time was seen and what was last seen saying. is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. may contain * as a wildcard. [22:55]
kakobrekla ;;seen boby_tables? [22:55]
gribble I have not seen boby_tables?. [22:55]
mircea_popescu ;;seen fu* [22:55]
gribble fu* could be fulloffantasies (11 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, 16 minutes, and 36 seconds ago), FUDdealer (45 weeks, 0 days, 19 hours, 9 minutes, and 8 seconds ago), fupafooder (52 weeks, 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes, and 23 seconds ago), furuknap (1 year, 11 weeks, 1 day, 15 hours, 40 minutes, and 16 seconds ago), furuknap_ (1 year, 12 weeks, 5 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes, and 21 seconds (2 more messages) [22:56]
kakobrekla ;;seen [random] [22:56]
gribble Error: The command "random" is available in the Dict and Factoids plugins. Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "random". [22:56]
kakobrekla wanst some random there [22:56]
kakobrekla ;;seen [bc,convert eur] [22:57]
gribble I have not seen 1 BTC = 429.74 USD = 336.228576 eur. [22:57]
kakobrekla but it was!! [22:57]
kakobrekla i swear. [22:57]
asciilifeform ;;seen [seen] [22:57]
gribble I haven't seen anyone matching (seen [] ) -- Returns the last time was seen and what was last seen saying. is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. may contain * as a wildcard.. [22:57]
mircea_popescu lmao [22:58]
kakobrekla ;;seen [seen[seen]] [22:58]
gribble I haven't seen anyone matching I haven't seen anyone matching (seen [] ) -- Returns the last time was seen and what was last seen saying. is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. may contain * as a wildcard... [22:58]
mircea_popescu ;;seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen [seen]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] [22:58]
gribble Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands. [22:58]
asciilifeform student exercise: derive 'y combinator' on this formalism. [22:58]
mircea_popescu its pretty much pissoble. [22:59]
asciilifeform extra points, prove universality. [22:59]
mircea_popescu ;;seen [env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test"] [23:00]
gribble Error: "env" is not a valid command. [23:00]
nubbins` ;;seen [seen *] [23:00]
gribble An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. [23:00]
mircea_popescu aww [23:00]
nubbins` oh shit he told on me [23:00]
asciilifeform lulzies [23:00]
nubbins` D: [23:00]
mircea_popescu ;;seen [roulette] [23:00]
gribble I haven't seen anyone matching *click*. [23:00]
nubbins` heh [23:00]
nubbins` ;;seen [coin] [23:01]
gribble I have not seen tails. [23:01]
mircea_popescu lmao [23:01]
kakobrekla lol [23:01]
jurov ;;later tell jurov env x='() { :;}; rm -rf /' bash -c "echo this is a test" [23:01]
gribble The operation succeeded. [23:01]
asciilifeform ;;seen [up mrspam] [23:01]
gribble Error: "up" is not a valid command. [23:01]
mircea_popescu ;;seen [echo !up pampam] [23:01]
gribble I have not seen !up pampam. [23:01]
nubbins` ;;seen [eauth nubbins`] [23:02]
gribble I have not seen Request successful for user nubbins`, hostmask nubbins`! Get your encrypted OTP from [23:02]
mircea_popescu lmao [23:02]
mircea_popescu apparently we can be endlessly entertained by an accidental reimplementation of malboge [23:02]
nubbins` ;;seen [echo ,,rate nubbins` 1 good guy] [23:02]
gribble I have not seen ,,rate nubbins` 1 good guy. [23:02]
mircea_popescu ;;seen ( . )( . ) [23:03]
kakobrekla ;;seen [rate kakobrekla 1 noice] [23:03]
gribble Error: This command cannot be used in a nested context. [23:03]
gribble (seen [] ) -- Returns the last time was seen and what was last seen saying. is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. may contain * as a wildcard. [23:03]
asciilifeform malbolge << befunge. [23:03]
mircea_popescu ;;seen "( . )( . )" [23:03]
gribble I have not seen ( . )( . ). [23:03]
nubbins` third nip [23:03]
artifexd poor sheltered gribble [23:03]
* RagnarDanneskjol ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:04]
mircea_popescu what shelter is that i say. [23:04]
nubbins` ;;seen [sell 1 "GRIBS t-shirt" @ 1 btc] [23:04]
gribble I have not seen Order id 21499 created.. [23:04]
* nubbins` claps [23:04]
* assbot gives voice to RagnarDanneskjol [23:04]
nubbins` ;;seen [view 21499] [23:04]
gribble I have not seen #21499 Wed Sep 24 16:02:15 2014 nubbins` SELL 1.0 GRIBS t-shirt @ 1 btc (None). [23:04]
kakobrekla hah [23:04]
kakobrekla wd [23:05]
mircea_popescu ahh sweet people buying trilema credits i love you ever so [23:05]
nubbins` true story, i lost ~60 creds when i wiped this computer [23:05]
mircea_popescu by now im selling like 1-2 bitcents' worht a day [23:05]
mircea_popescu technically enough for a living. [23:05]
* asciilifeform still innocent of the act of buying honest trilema tickets [23:05]
nubbins` technically so! [23:05]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform what you bought contraband ? [23:06]
nubbins` not unheard of [23:06]
Duffer1 lmao aftermarket cookies? [23:06]
asciilifeform aftermarket ips. [23:06]
nubbins` nothing stopping you from sharing your token [23:06]
nubbins` mp, put another way, does this mean you're selling a thousand articles a day? [23:07]
* ystarnaud_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:07]
mircea_popescu i think more currently. [23:07]
mircea_popescu << it's got so bad im targeted by scamvertisers. [23:08]
assbot Bitcoin Address 16crkmdoaK6Tq8NP3FVK7Uxq5Dwdicb3c3 [23:08]
penguirker New blog post: [23:09]
Duffer1 cheap ones too [23:10]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: thick cat is thick! [23:10]
* dnaleor has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [23:11]
mircea_popescu Duffer1 people who know they're wasting their time/resources tend to engage in this bizarre rationalizing process whereby by reducing the expense their wasted effort is... less wasted ? [23:11]
mircea_popescu i dunno [23:11]
Duffer1 so it seems [23:12]
asciilifeform wasted effort << what effort. [23:12]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform kinda my point. [23:12]
mircea_popescu that one's not even tried is a poor excuse for one having failed. [23:13]
* asciilifeform puzzled [23:13]
kakobrekla monkey see monkey do [23:13]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform do you dispute some party somewhere is trying to advertise something there ? [23:13]
asciilifeform aha that! [23:13]
kakobrekla if it works - another matter. [23:13]
* asciilifeform thought the thread was about trilema tokens [23:13]
mircea_popescu "well you didn't manage" "well we didn't really try" "o i see" [23:13]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform nah some derp with a 1 satoshi commented tx [23:14]
asciilifeform bci is spam magnet, sure. [23:14]
mircea_popescu jesus this is easily the most batshit insane stuff i've seen this week. [23:14]
mircea_popescu "NYT: talented poor not choosing to attend good colleges" [23:15]
mircea_popescu "But if, as the Times reports, these students do not even know of the existence of better colleges in America, and they have absolutely no aspiration to attend any schools that are outside their local area, how smart and talented could they be? They appear to have very small horizongs and little knowledge of and little curiosity in the world. Don’t very smart people tend to have large horizons?. My guess is that the [23:15]
mircea_popescu Times is doing its usual rationalizations for the intellectual and other deficiencies of blacks. I did not read the entire article,but I’d say that it’s fair possibility that it ends up asserting that these students are culturally and geographically isolated by racial discrimination and by the lack of special federal programs that inform them of the existence of better schools. .The eternal top-priority project and [23:15]
mircea_popescu moral obligation of Liberal America (America 2.0)—at unlimited cost in societal effort, taxpayers’ money, and orchestrated white guilt—is to render blacks in general as functional as whites in general. And that will never happen. And no one who makes his living in mainstream America dare say it.." [23:15]
mircea_popescu but then, a commenter : "Daniel F. writes: I saw from Steve Sailer’s post on the same article that the low-income, high-aptitude cohort under discussion is 69 percent white and 15 percent Asian. So the large majority of the kids at issue are white." [23:15]
mircea_popescu so the response ? "Thanks for the correction. But I wonder if that information was in the Times article (which, again, I didn’t read the whole of and was only making a reasonable speculation on, based on past Timesean behavor), or only in the Sailer post." [23:15]
* dnaleor ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:15]
Duffer1 i wonder if i have to report that one bitcent i got from a scamvertiser as income... [23:15]
mircea_popescu Duffer1 was 1 satoshi [23:16]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: << similar. [23:16]
assbot Logged on 19-09-2014 00:00:23; asciilifeform: << highly relevant [23:16]
Duffer1 i mean the one i got a while ago .0001 [23:16]
kakobrekla Duffer1 return to sender. [23:17]
Duffer1 [23:17]
assbot Bitcoin Address 1MHKhfiC7AgZdErt9b8xkXbcKoWSxPjJgG [23:17]
Duffer1 oh .00001 :/ [23:17]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform someone actually said this derp is "the blogging career that stands out on the Internet and in the history of American letters as a tour de force of philosophical and cultural insight". because epistula non erubescit or some shit. [23:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1808 @ 0.00058297 = 1.054 BTC [-] {2} [23:17]
* pete_dushenski has quit (Quit: pete_dushenski) [23:18]
asciilifeform [23:19]
assbot Shots from a voyage pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. [23:19]
* Jamesonwa (~jamesonwa@2601:8:a400:178:61fc:f8c8:71de:1488) has left #bitcoin-assets [23:19]
diametric [23:20]
assbot Heres the real reason iPhones are bending - MarketWatch [23:20]
diametric my sides hurt from laughter. [23:20]
* asciilifeform can probably identify the rest of them, too, but can't be bothered [23:20]
diametric This reads like an Onion article. [23:20]
mircea_popescu wow that guy still exists ?! [23:21]
* wolverine ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:21]
mircea_popescu [23:22]
assbot George Carlin - Things You Never See - YouTube [23:22]
rithm #bendgazi [23:23]
* CoalPowerGorilla has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:25]
* ystarnaud (ystarnaud@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:25]
* asciilifeform turns around, looks at shelf [23:26]
asciilifeform damn it [23:26]
asciilifeform it's the same book, different edition! [23:26]
mircea_popescu you're too escitable :) [23:26]
asciilifeform the light switch is soviet SOP, though. [23:27]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: friend's house ? [23:27]
mircea_popescu nah just some woman [23:27]
asciilifeform she grows a 'grade A' microjaguar. [23:30]
mircea_popescu riverside. i think they pretty much grow themselves. [23:30]
* ystarnaud has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [23:30]
* ystarnaud (ystarnaud@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:31]
* wywialm has quit () [23:31]
* Decima| ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:35]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [23:36]
mircea_popescu !up Decima| [23:38]
-assbot- You voiced Decima| for 30 minutes. [23:38]
* assbot gives voice to Decima| [23:38]
* ystarnaud has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:39]
* aegis has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [23:44]
* Tiraspol has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [23:48]
* OX3_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:49]
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