Forum logs for 24 May 2017

Monday, 16 March, Year 12 d.Tr. | Author:
BingoBoingo: !~later tell shinohai ty, published [00:51]
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. [00:51]
deedbot: << Qntra - Still No Consensus Supporting Bitcoin Hardfork – Barry Silbert Pretends Otherwise To His Peril [00:53]
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 4 -- loose [00:53]
BingoBoingo: ty fxd [00:54]
mircea_popescu: that silbert schmuck is on his what, 5th "oh, i will change the world" hear him roar only to be used as a cum rag ? [01:06]
mircea_popescu: i suppose if you're going to be an ustardian empire spearhead, it helps to have no shame and no memory. [01:07]
BingoBoingo: And to not be spearhead, but Petrus branded spear sheath [01:11]
mircea_popescu: myeah [01:11]
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all [03:23]
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2320.26, vol: 15251.95166263 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2287.001, vol: 10267.24658 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2310.7, vol: 24441.24751909 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2319.857349, vol: 19171.30910000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2290.001, vol: 8037.75254521 | Volume-weighted last average: 2309.55537833 [03:24]
deedbot: << Qntra - Bitcoin Network Difficulty Up ~6.42 Percent For Another All Time High [03:27]
asciilifeform: in other lulz, [09:09]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-22 14:57 mircea_popescu: nah, uk leads the shitshow. [09:09]
deedbot: << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1721...4413 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <> ' ( ID JK) [09:55]
deedbot: << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1447...1599 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <> ' ( ID JK) [09:55]
phf: << lovely [11:28]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-24 03:36 asciilifeform: << believe or not [11:28]
Framedragger: /r/mtgoxinsolvency is full of "this is sufficient for end of insolvency" and (quoting) "Karpeles is working on a solution!" [12:19]
mircea_popescu: idiots. [12:19]
Framedragger: because of the bull run, yknow [12:19]
mircea_popescu: the internet really made it obvious i actually don't like people. [12:20]
mircea_popescu: what fucking part of "usg stole all bitcoin you gave to mtgox long ago" isn't quite plain. [12:20]
trinque: yeah, when somebody steals my wife, whores her out, then keeps money, returns wife, that's whole. [12:20]
mircea_popescu: trinque someone's gotta pay for the hospital bills eh. [12:21]
asciilifeform: returns not wife, but the shit of the pig that her corpse was fed to [12:21]
Framedragger: dude karpeles just took a large loan on that frappuccino [12:21]
Framedragger: he's gonna pay yuge interest and settle this [12:21]
Framedragger: he's an honestman.jpg [12:21]
* mircea_popescu is working on a solution to end world stupid. [12:21]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: asteroid ? [12:22]
mircea_popescu: basically, what's going on here is, the STORY of life wouldn't make sense, ~as a story~, ie it wouldn't be put on tv, if there wasn't a twist here. [12:22]
Framedragger: lul magicaltux is actually responding on reddit (for gasmask folks, [12:22]
mircea_popescu: and as far as these idiots are concerned, 100% of "life" experience comes from tv and such stories, and therefore it logically follows that yes, pretty good ods heel to face turn etc. [12:23]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nothing specific. just likew "Karpeles is working on a solution!". what, i can run for miss dumbland just as well as a fat fuck. [12:23]
asciilifeform: and i had nfi that there were reddit terminals in jp jail [12:24]
mircea_popescu: eh, jail. here's a secret : nobody wants to keep anyone ion jail, it's expensive. [12:24]
mircea_popescu: "jail" is this theoretical construct for online dorks. [12:25]
Framedragger: released on bail [12:25]
trinque: the lawyers keep you perpetually in court [12:25]
trinque: maximal extraction [12:25]
Framedragger: [12:25]
Framedragger: amazing headline [12:25]
mircea_popescu: the lengthy pile opf chairs that is "our democracy" falls apart the moment you kick any prior out. [12:25]
asciilifeform: i still dun get why the usd exchange rate of btc would matter to the mtgox proceedings [12:28]
asciilifeform: even in theory [12:28]
mircea_popescu: fictive living. [12:28]
trinque: the idiots propose they be paid USD at prior value for their imaginary once btc holdings [12:28]
mircea_popescu: this is how they argue with their insignificant others : "oh, i was miss ohio state when i married oyu! i want a couch!" [12:28]
asciilifeform: also what would one have to smoke, to believe that there's any btc, usd, zimbabwe dollars, dubloons, etc. left in the smoking ruin. [12:31]
mircea_popescu: no, no, they don't care about the physical reality. the mental articulation is "1. i have claim 2. mommy makes good". [12:31]
trinque: you don't understand. there should be, so there is. [12:31]
mircea_popescu: see, they never lived this experience where they go on horseback, run into vienna, rape some girls. [12:32]
mircea_popescu: they had this experience where their computer game crashed and mommy bought them another one, because it was their xmas gift or w/e, ie they had THE CLAIM. and then made whole. [12:32]
mircea_popescu: that's the mechanism, very fundamentally imago-logic. this for that, this stands for that, etc. [12:33]
mircea_popescu: the physical realisation of the socialist/idiot's dreamed world is NO CONCERN OF HIS. [12:33]
mircea_popescu: all the has "to show" (that's how they talk, too) is the claim ticket. [12:33]
mircea_popescu: and this follows very strioctly ands quite necessarily from the workings of moderity / ourdemocracy. what do you need to get into the train ? not the physical ability, the PRIOR CLAIM. restaurant ? anything. and this on top of very extensive "parenting" in the form of mothering. [12:35]
mircea_popescu: 18 years is excessive, yet they regard it as nearly criminally short. 25 more the norm. [12:35]
mircea_popescu: the mtgox idiots frankly don't see why their situation should be any different from the situation of those fyre festival idiots. why are THOSE getting refunds and free tickets "next time" ? [12:36]
trinque: and when the handful of accidental males start bouncing off the walls at 15, pills [12:36]
trinque: tbh most of my friends from that age ended up drugged [12:37]
mircea_popescu: well yes, because... cheaper than jail, lol. which is cheaper than, you've guessed it, trying to actually live in physical world. [12:37]
mircea_popescu: gotta be teh dreamers, that's the only way the batshit insane expectations of 8 bn heros in their own stories can be "satisfied" after a fashion. [12:37]
mircea_popescu: << mandatory reading at this juncture. [12:37]
asciilifeform: physical world 'ain't made of rubber' [12:38]
mircea_popescu: and rubber ain't nearly good enough. [12:38]
asciilifeform: only so-much room. and long time no worldwar. [12:38]
* mircea_popescu will now fishj out conversation with lulzy chick in this vein. a second. [12:39]
mircea_popescu: << this chick seriously imagines ima... actually let's take it by parts. this chick imagines that the fact she's not held an actual conversation ~is someone else's fault!~. she imagines someone's going to cut his beard for her dumb ass, not even as a hope but as an expectation, and she imagines she'll get free tickets. [12:41]
mircea_popescu: why the everloving fuck ? because yet another pancakeface "working in" bullshit she absolutely does not understand / has no business fucking with ? [12:42]
mircea_popescu: yes. in so many words, exactly, and i also bet you that not only she didn't read the link, but she imagines that if she had read it she'd be doing me a favour, and more properly speaking she should be paid to read it. [12:42]
mircea_popescu: i don't mean, "read and comprehend and allign mental space to it", no way. just the comprehend would be extra, in the sense of i dunno, a fucking ferrari. no, just you know, clicking on it and then forgetting about the tab. something like that. [12:43]
mircea_popescu: then idiots make business plans including advertising budgets. to reach these psychos. why ? how's it supposed to even work ? [12:43]
mircea_popescu: (and yes, it's literally psychosis, complete and utter derealisation + delusions of insertion) [12:44]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: where do you find these ?? [12:44]
mircea_popescu: i have a specialized service. [12:44]
asciilifeform: i suppose you can have weekly-fresh-cunts XOR only-ever-talking-to-people-who-are-people [12:45]
mircea_popescu: i'm not that into fresh tbh. [12:45]
asciilifeform: then why in satan's name interface with 2legged cockroaches [12:45]
mircea_popescu: but, the reason i'm not nearly as "entomology"-inclined as moist folks here is because i have a very heavy undercurrent of "hey mr p! you gotta talk to his one." [12:45]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform same reason you so eagerly read the $crud. [12:46]
mircea_popescu: what, am i going to become them ? take a more expensive, more exquisite path to the same derealization ? noty. [12:46]
trinque: << makes me think about one's own mind. if no large, esteemed node among the graph of meaning, psychosis. [12:52]
trinque: fascinates me then, what a king creates in his own mind. [12:53]
mircea_popescu: anyway. so now imagine ~half of all the chicks her age are also blessed with her mentality and it should be plain obvious there's NO POSSIBILITY of satisfying them in any other way than through netflix. because, even if you bougth them all ferraris, through buying half a billion of the thing they wouldn't be veblen goods anymore and so no longer serve the purpose. because they don't want all this shit for itself they just w [12:54]
mircea_popescu: ant it to try and use it to somehow plumb the endless depths of the chasm yawning inside, the horrid void of inexistence. [12:54]
mircea_popescu: trinque it's what games are FOR. unlike trying to "gameify" reality for chrissakes, this is actually what games are for. [12:54]
mircea_popescu: trinque that footnote relates directly to the earlier discussion re possiblity of meaning ( ) specifically in the sense that war is unavoidable because... the agents can't... understand each other anymore. [12:58]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-15 15:38 mircea_popescu: there is no possiblity of meaning outside of a structure of authority, and the authority can not be predicated on the meaning. [12:58]
mircea_popescu: "when trade stops war starts" is just an heuristic in this same vein. obviously if you can't negotiate prices you no longer have a meaningful basis. [12:59]
trinque: clearly so. and behold, phf and I can't seem to parse messages, probably both wondering what the fuck the other intends by the character [12:59]
trinque: the whole thing was instructive [12:59]
mircea_popescu: this happened historically on trilema like on its first year of existence, even wrote about it. [12:59]
mircea_popescu: two respectable gents called each other idiots etc. [12:59]
mircea_popescu: ha! found it. [13:00]
* trinque might be a dumb guy, but can't remember the last time I lied. [13:02]
trinque: whole matter came down to that, most recently. whole republican structure is a machine out of which flows truth, meaning, what have you [13:02]
mircea_popescu: anyway, the whole tjhing with the "bretton woods agreement" / "our democracy peace and un" is an attempt to predicate the meaning on an authority predicated on the meaning, through the avenue of "we hate war". nice and good but can't work, and so it surprisingly does not work. [13:02]
trinque: arranged symbols [13:02]
mircea_popescu: quite. [13:02]
deedbot: << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1574...7043 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <> ' ( DE) [13:03]
deedbot: << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1596...5923 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <> ' ( DE) [13:03]
trinque: phf: ftr, if ya stop the "now I think you're lying" when I'm an idiot, could shake your hand. [13:03]
mircea_popescu: but the big deal is that it's not just bitcoin which, even in its sad prototype form, is a much better alternative to "currency" as understood currently it's that tmsr is actually a much better replacement for the united nations. [13:03]
trinque: macrocosm of a sane mind [13:03]
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the world of sad prototypes : asciilifeform discovered ( and why did it have to be ' asciilifeform discovered ...' when other folx were nominally also testing...) that trb node with 'wires' still happily falls behind by 100s of blox, and never catches up, [13:06]
asciilifeform: because why would it. iirc we had this thread, node ONLY CHECKS IF BEHIND when BOOTING !! [13:06]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform check out the dividends of intelligence. discussion with random brat was not worth having, until i had it, and then recounted it, and now it's worth it -- plenty of people who want to be writers or bloggers or whatever but the head doesn't help them would gladly pay moneyz for such "Content" as idle chatter hath produced. [13:06]
asciilifeform: at all other times, blox are a 'push' mechanism. and naturally ~100% of all incoming pushing is prb idiocy [13:07]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why do you think you discovered something we thoroughly discussed in chan lol. [13:07]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: link? [13:07]
mircea_popescu: the thing, with the falling behind! [13:07]
asciilifeform: no, speaking here of 'wires' patch [13:07]
mircea_popescu: wires patch is not different still same trb. [13:08]
asciilifeform: turns out, the random 'push new blocks to peers' thing does not in fact work, aha, because they don't 'stay new' for very long [13:08]
asciilifeform: so perma-connects by themselves make 0 measurable diff. [13:08]
mircea_popescu: right. [13:08]
mircea_popescu: though honestly this was the conclusion about a week in, also. [13:08]
asciilifeform: hypothesis != conclusion [13:09]
mircea_popescu: no. the "wires patch does little more than spam the log" conclusion was had about a week into the wires experiment. [13:09]
asciilifeform: lol where ? on mircea_popescu's box, where he had nonstandard sshd and couldn't connect at all ?! [13:10]
mircea_popescu: pretty sure you said so yourself, but kinda loath to dig through logs rightnao. [13:10]
asciilifeform: sometimes i gotta wonder why i even bother to do experiments, when we could just write down mircea_popescu's hypothesis as result. [13:10]
mircea_popescu: dood, no need to butthurt, i'm not proposing something liek wires should not exist. [13:11]
asciilifeform: back to subj: a proper incarnation of 'wires' would , on both ends, ask 'what's yer height?' and in case of discrepancy, trade blox [13:11]
asciilifeform: until this exists, asciilifeform does not recommend the use of 'wires' branch in battlefield. [13:12]
asciilifeform: or further experiment with same. [13:12]
asciilifeform: mod6 et al ^ [13:12]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you dun recall you said ~same (ie, "dun use") coupla months ago or such ? [13:13]
mircea_popescu: anyway the whole thing with block management hasta be redone, there's no way to separate strands. which is why work is ongoing from the other end, trying to figure out the proper foundation for storing blocks, and creating a storage engine model etc, ben_vulpes 's stuff. [13:14]
mircea_popescu: once that is in place, a proper p2p mechanism can be built and trb will work way the fuck better than prb ever could. [13:15]
mircea_popescu: starting this from the networking angle with a pastiche of ssh-perl is a bad idewa [13:15]
asciilifeform: this was how i ended up entirely setting bozo bit on shitoshi's cpp turd. [13:17]
asciilifeform: and incidentally i have the storage thing . [13:17]
mircea_popescu: the parallels with diana_coman eating away at the ps atrocity for minigame are striking, by the way. [13:18]
mircea_popescu: it's almost as if the same people made both. which... they have. [13:18]
asciilifeform: meanwhile, from the dept. of can-also-have-problems : [14:26]
mircea_popescu: who is this again ? [14:27]
BingoBoingo: Seth Rich is the alleged wikileaks source that the DNC killed [14:29]
mircea_popescu: o ? how\'d they kill himn ? [14:30]
BingoBoingo: Got a black man to shoot him [14:30]
mircea_popescu: lemme guess, pantsuit clown hitmen ? (in subsidiary, how can something be "discredited" "Conspiracy theories" before i even got to hear about it ? there's no minimum interval for discreditation ?) [14:31]
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo an' lemme guess, some kulak elements, at putin's behest, are intermeddling in the legal attempts to bury the whole thing ? tsk tsk. [14:31]
BingoBoingo: Oh my, how did you ever guess? [14:32]
mircea_popescu: it was in a fortune cookie in my besta pizza. [14:33]
mircea_popescu: it's a sad day indeed for ourdemocracy when the panstuit clown can't even get away with her extrajudicial murders anymore [14:33]
mircea_popescu: SHE WAS IN THE SITUATION ROOM!!11 [14:33]
asciilifeform: # of arkencides prosecuted: still 0 [14:34]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how are you going to prosecute "black man" ? collective personage. [14:34]
BingoBoingo: To be fair what's the # of arkensexwithpigs prosecuted [14:35]
asciilifeform: could likewise suggest prosecuting the bullet [14:35]
asciilifeform: or the hole [14:35]
mircea_popescu: by now the usgtronic bestiary is getting pretty well fleshed out. "black man" assassin and "latino hotel maid" lying-under-oath and so on. [14:35]
mircea_popescu: various types o' witnesses, on it goes. [14:35]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform trump was an idiot for not putting her in jail day one. [14:35]
mircea_popescu: fox could have run the whole story as martha stewart 2 and that's it. [14:36]
mircea_popescu: there are some jobs for which old men are never fit, turns out. [14:36]
asciilifeform: he's occupied with keeping own arse out of jail, lol [14:36]
mircea_popescu: yes, this is how losers lose. [14:36]
asciilifeform: # of successful appeals agains hawaiian judges overturning executive orders : 0 [14:37]
asciilifeform: # of nsa operatives publicly hung on meathook : 0 [14:37]
asciilifeform: etc. [14:37]
mircea_popescu: could just have him shot. what, black men work for pay. [14:37]
asciilifeform: only for dnc pay [14:37]
mircea_popescu: orly. [14:37]
asciilifeform: apparently! [14:37]
mircea_popescu: aaanyway, let dorks figure out their own shit, what am i, free consultancy inc ? [14:37]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu> the parallels with diana_coman eating away at the ps atrocity for minigame are striking, by the way. <- ha, catching up with the logs and I wanted to say precisely that! [14:39]
mircea_popescu: lel. myeah.\ [14:39]
mircea_popescu: anyway, re the hawaii "judge" lulz, /me is already preparing the popcorn for when the shoe will be on the other foot and libertards will be frothing at the mouth as to how THIS IS NOT ALLOWABLE!!! only democratic when does it for democratic party!!!1 [14:49]
* mircea_popescu still recalls the 3 months of "oh, electoral college, bulwark of democracy" pre november, to be followed by endless stream of "oh, antiquated institution, holds back ourdemocracy paradise" hence. [14:50]
asciilifeform: patient only got 1 foot [14:51]
mircea_popescu: anyway, the ratchet's been going one way only. the whole pretend-republic is ever less sustainable. the rest... [14:53]
ben_vulpes: just overheard from veen: "consumer does not have access to self. my favorite error message." [15:28]
asciilifeform: where'd he go, anyway [15:28]
asciilifeform: !~seen veen [15:28]
jhvh1: asciilifeform: I have not seen veen. [15:28]
asciilifeform: !#seen veen [15:29]
a111: 2017-03-16 <veen> the man-handling happened at the helm of the challenger, much much smaller airframe [15:29]
deedbot: << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - A few alternatives to “nice.” [15:29]
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: mostly up in the atmosphere [15:30]
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i dun normally even say anything re rubbish posts, but this one is worthy of reddit. [15:43]
asciilifeform: ftr. [15:43]
asciilifeform: i want my 3 minutes back. [15:43]
pete_dushenski: wat. gotta teach the kids how to talk. not everyone went to asciilifeform's kindergarten in the clouds. [15:52]
pete_dushenski: if you heard 'nice' 60k times a day in conversation you'd make a cheatsheet too. my teeth can't take much more grinding. [15:53]
pete_dushenski: this is asciilifeform's problem with his understanding of blogs. 'i don't talk about traveling on my blog because that's not the theme' isn't how contravex works. i talk about whatever the fuck i'm interested in or thinking about or want to remember for later, regardless of whether or not the same 10 ppl are glued to their monitors adoring every word. [15:56]
ben_vulpes: pete dushenski really oughta offer remedial middle school writing classes [15:59]
ben_vulpes: cover cliches, overuse of a limited vocabulary [15:59]
ben_vulpes: the worx [15:59]
ben_vulpes: "how to spot a thesaurus abuser" [16:00]
pete_dushenski: sounds like a decent retirement plan. offer sex ed classes on the side. the way education is SUPPOSED TO WORK! [16:00]
pete_dushenski: then again, what retirement ? what plan ? [16:03]
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all [16:47]
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2440.01, vol: 20384.37982678 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2434.052, vol: 10823.33567 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2420.8, vol: 27332.24503955 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2510.376551, vol: 22318.73000000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2424.999, vol: 8878.10955333 | Volume-weighted last average: 2449.4563463 [16:47]
BingoBoingo: OMG crashed all the way from $CURRENTYEAR to $STARTREKYEAR, Looking forward to $YUCCAMOUNTAINREPOSITORYPLANNEDFAILUREYEAR [16:48]
pete_dushenski: probably won't hit $JOOYEAR on this run but there's always next one (5777 currently) [16:54]
asciilifeform: asciilifeform doesn't win ~anything from 'to the moon', but is happy for pete_dushenski et al [17:04]
asciilifeform: ( ftr asciilifeform has never sold a bitcoin for reichmoney. but had lost some on bbet, and never had much to begin with. ) [17:05]
ben_vulpes: goodness i tell you it is downright impossible to buy bitcoin stateside [17:06]
ben_vulpes: nobody i know owns a single satoshi either, asciilifeform [17:06]
asciilifeform: did the usg exchanges finally give up the ghost ? [17:06]
trinque: eh, you can transfer them out of the state run things. [17:06]
asciilifeform: been ages since i tried to use one [17:06]
ben_vulpes: trinque: no it is impossibry [17:06]
trinque: o o rite, yes impossibru [17:07]
ben_vulpes: yes yes impossibru [17:07]
asciilifeform: say, 'coinbase', 2y or so ago i bought some coin there ( to then lose on bbet... ) and it came out [17:07]
ben_vulpes: the great inca has won, bitcoin is impossible to buy or own in the states [17:07]
asciilifeform: so at one time it worked [17:07]
ben_vulpes: grand tragedy [17:07]
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: what means 'impossible to own' ? [17:07]
asciilifeform: the bits magically evaporate from your hdd ? [17:07]
trinque: ben_vulpes: you didn't wink enough. [17:07]
ben_vulpes: yes the nsa gets them! [17:07]
trinque: also lack of nudging. [17:08]
ben_vulpes: trinque: ey so does your lady you know you know [17:08]
trinque: does she.. go? [17:08]
ben_vulpes: does she ey ey? [17:08]
danielpbarron: coinbase still works last i checked earlier this year [17:09]
ben_vulpes: i thought asciilifeform was the one winking and nudging trinque [17:09]
danielpbarron: maybe it doesn't work for any substantial amount of money. but a few k here and there.. [17:10]
asciilifeform: yeah if you give'em a megabux's worth, they'll probably simply swallow it [17:11]
asciilifeform: ( because... why not ) [17:11]
ben_vulpes: so be thou a mosquito [17:11]
ben_vulpes: if you actually have megabuxx to wire, your wot can provide [17:11]
ben_vulpes: assuming you have one! [17:12]
danielpbarron: i always wait till the actual bitcoin is in a real block in my address before i initiate another buy [17:12]
* ben_vulpes sadly does not, either wot or megabuxx [17:12]
ben_vulpes: ergo will die destitute, stateside [17:12]
asciilifeform: speaking of which, last i recall mircea_popescu was still trading secularbux for coinz, if you're willing to get on a plane [17:12]
trinque: ben_vulpes: naw just predatory oligarch, come on! [17:12]
asciilifeform: ( he can correct if this is no longer so ) [17:12]
ben_vulpes: trinque: ah yes, i will have a million children and drain them all [17:13]
asciilifeform: lol if ben_vulpes is destitute, what am i [17:13]
trinque: monk! scholar! [17:13]
asciilifeform: vow of poverty!111 lol [17:13]
pete_dushenski: at least not chastitty [17:13]
danielpbarron: don't feel too bad it's very difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God anyway [17:14]
jurov: best to structure some instrument to make one poor at moment of death [17:26]
pete_dushenski: if only asciilifeform had bet on eth (against mp) instead of lee sedol, he could probably afford parachute. 2.5btc was it ? [17:26]
asciilifeform: by same logic 'if only bought btc at 2cents' lol [17:27]
pete_dushenski: !~calc 0.078/0.0002*2.5 [17:27]
jhvh1: pete_dushenski: 0.078/0.0002*2.5 = 975 [17:27]
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: nah, because you were in the right place at the right time for one and not the other [17:27]
asciilifeform: lee sedol was quite educational tho [17:28]
asciilifeform: taught asciilifeform perma-lesson [17:28]
asciilifeform: never bet on any even you haven't rigged yourself. [17:28]
asciilifeform: *event [17:28]
pete_dushenski: no one offered you (or me) coins at $0.10. i caught wind at $0.90 but was too young and naive to grok. thought btc was paypal alternative. [17:28]
asciilifeform: dafuq means 'no one offered' [17:29]
pete_dushenski: means you're in a irc channel and someone says 'i'll give anyone here 10k btc for pizza or 5000eth/btc' and you raise your hand or don't. [17:29]
pete_dushenski: 'no one offered' is pretty much everything else. [17:30]
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i dun have this excuse, i was aware of the thing almost from beginning [17:32]
asciilifeform: and was not esp. interested in forking over reichsbux for any, because thought it was a terribly designed , by idiots, item, and used, by avaricious idiots [17:32]
asciilifeform: and still it is largely so even today. [17:32]
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: you're a man ahead of your time, even if your idealism keeps you from seizing golden opportunities. [17:33]
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: it also kept me from losing my last pennies in 'investments' [17:34]
asciilifeform: which is what happened , as i understand, to most of the 'believer' folx. [17:34]
pete_dushenski: there is that. [17:34]
jurov: ben_vulpes: i do sell coins to muricans, via transferwise [17:34]
mircea_popescu: << it's not really crashing! fiat is solid, only other things can crash! vote pantsuit 2440! [17:35]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-24 20:48 BingoBoingo: OMG crashed all the way from $CURRENTYEAR to $STARTREKYEAR, Looking forward to $YUCCAMOUNTAINREPOSITORYPLANNEDFAILUREYEAR [17:35]
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: anyways, i get the distinct impression that you don't want to be particularly rich and see no obvious merit or advantage to wealth. so what else is there to say. [17:35]
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i gotta ask how you arrived at this impression [17:36]
asciilifeform: 4 destroyed keyboard's worth of asciilifeform griping about working for money, apparently flew right by pete_dushenski . [17:37]
mircea_popescu: << nsa appreciates along with everything else. [17:37]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-24 21:04 asciilifeform: asciilifeform doesn't win ~anything from 'to the moon', but is happy for pete_dushenski et al [17:37]
asciilifeform: sure. [17:37]
mircea_popescu: the ~8k in coffers went from ~10mn to ~20mn yes. [17:37]
mircea_popescu: ie, minigame is the most profitable game publisher ever, in relative terms and so on. [17:38]
ben_vulpes: hah someone getting a salary cut soon? [17:38]
mircea_popescu: possibly. [17:38]
asciilifeform: it had salary?! [17:38]
mircea_popescu: minigame ? sure. [17:38]
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: does not read reports!? [17:38]
* asciilifeform goes, reads [17:38]
mircea_popescu: anyway, i'm not terribly happy about the "congrats on completion of death march, here's the salary cuts figures." [17:38]
asciilifeform: sure enough ! ben_vulpes . [17:39]
asciilifeform: lol [17:39]
mircea_popescu: it's how it fucking works though. bitcoin is backshit-fuckwards. [17:39]
ben_vulpes: wow great coinage [17:39]
mircea_popescu: ha. not bad huh. [17:39]
ben_vulpes: nah, just joking in re salary cuts to the last time this happened "only economy in which salaries go down!" [17:40]
mircea_popescu: truth. [17:40]
mircea_popescu: anyway. the delta means we could buy a coupla reddits or slashdots or w/e. [17:41]
mircea_popescu: (not gonna, no panic.) [17:41]
mircea_popescu: << must need get out more. thouigh from what i hear they charge peons 10% by now. [17:42]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-24 21:06 ben_vulpes: goodness i tell you it is downright impossible to buy bitcoin stateside [17:42]
mircea_popescu: << not particularily. was just moving dollars into argentina under the hallucinatory delusion that it's the government rather than the country that's broken. [17:44]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-24 21:12 asciilifeform: speaking of which, last i recall mircea_popescu was still trading secularbux for coinz, if you're willing to get on a plane [17:44]
mircea_popescu: meanwhile hung the whore, shit still broken. [17:44]
asciilifeform: i'd still like to buy a ticket to nonbroken country somewhere [17:44]
mircea_popescu: i'm happy with cr so far. [17:44]
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: would probably like unbroken programming lang too [17:45]
mircea_popescu: very good work ethic, these people. they wanna work. [17:45]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it looks pretty broken in the pics [17:45]
ben_vulpes: sounds happiest with ada, which is p. funny [17:45]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform specifically ? [17:45]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: e.g. [17:45]
mircea_popescu: is it that you don't wanrt to live in a country where mcd exists at all or where ruined old houses exist at all ? [17:46]
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: the job of programming system is not to make operator squeal with orgasmic joy, but to behave ~predictably~ [17:47]
asciilifeform: exactly like, e.g., bulldozer [17:47]
asciilifeform: so far i've found that ada -- does [17:47]
* mircea_popescu should take you for a walk in barrio mexico. somehow everywhere the "barrio mexico" is this batshit insane / utterly pictoresque agglomeration of hovels. totally bohemian, all inclines and strange angles and shit. [17:47]
mircea_popescu: rolled today past this "entrance" at a 30 degree angle from the wall, two feet wide. whole place looks like hobbits built iut. [17:47]
mircea_popescu: << two dollars. A WHOLE SUMMER. [17:48]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-24 21:27 asciilifeform: by same logic 'if only bought btc at 2cents' lol [17:48]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i have 0 against ruins, or whatever abomination 'exists somewhere', but so far no buenosaires-like pics from mircea_popescu-in-cr [17:49]
phf: i take it for asciilifeform unbroken means exactly cr or certain parts of mexico or southern india even, but with existing infrastructure to support his electron microscope. having to build that infra himself is mp'ism and is unacceptable [17:49]
mircea_popescu: << lol starting to sound like confirmed mobster lmao [17:49]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-24 21:28 asciilifeform: never bet on any even you haven't rigged yourself. [17:49]
asciilifeform: phf: funnily enough i dun have the infrastructure ~here~ either [17:49]
asciilifeform: so that can't be it [17:49]
mircea_popescu: phf definitely can get an electron microscope here. [17:49]
mircea_popescu: and in the same vein, just came from accountant, who moved offices because whatever, fambly dispute over property etc. his new place, downtown san jose, is something like 2k sqft for 900 a month. [17:50]
asciilifeform: asciilifeform is from vaguely-european-looking, architecturally, city, and simply likes the aesthetic, and considers everywhere where it ain't to be found, a monkeystan, is all. [17:50]
asciilifeform: (incl. most of usa) [17:50]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the difference is that you could buy such a thing here. [17:51]
mircea_popescu: but yes, costa rica mostly "colonial" style. which i like, myself, but i can see the "if it ain't small streets and vienese palaces everywhere it ain't the old country". guess not. [17:51]
asciilifeform: i dunno that i personally could buy so much as doghouse. outside of perhaps namibia. [17:51]
mircea_popescu: coupla millions, what. newlywed couples routinely indulge in frisco. [17:52]
asciilifeform: i dun think i own a couplea million of anything, even shoestrings. [17:52]
ben_vulpes: s.nsa stock mebbe? [17:53]
mircea_popescu: well, be poor for a few more years, sell a coupla s.nsa shares, then you'll have. [17:53]
mircea_popescu: lol. [17:53]
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes lol [17:53]
pete_dushenski: speaking of s.nsa, why does mpex not list website for it ? or for for that matter ? s.qntr lists. [17:55]
asciilifeform: so far it's pretty hilarious, i build a box that actually solves $problem, and not even close to 'megabestseller', all the meanwhile 'people' paying, supposedly, multi-$k for usg rng. [17:55]
mircea_popescu: not sure, possibly nobody gave a shit. [17:56]
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: your device will be multi-$k before you know it! [17:56]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform we shoulda hotglued a chinese singing thing inside a shoebox. [17:56]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: clearly!111 [17:56]
mircea_popescu: gotta serve teh markkit!!1 [17:56]
mircea_popescu: o shit, will prolly have to reprice those things huh. what is it by now, benjie per ? more ? [17:57]
asciilifeform: i'd be barfing harder if i hadn't 'seen this exact movie before', with ye olde robot [17:57]
asciilifeform: ( the last time, long ago, when asciilifeform solved-problem-and-nobody-bought ) [17:58]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 0.0495 [17:58]
phf: asciilifeform: your thing is existentially terrifying, it demands a lot from the "user" (not sure it even accepts the notion of user) when they look at it, they see a glimpse of own mortality [17:58]
asciilifeform: incidentally ( and this is not a seekrit, is clearly readable from the broadcast ) it was barely +ev after postage. [17:59]
asciilifeform: phf: wat, folx buy bare boardz all the time [17:59]
mircea_popescu: no, he's on to something. [17:59]
mircea_popescu: the item smells like the end of them. which it is. so... scary as all shit, yes. [17:59]
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: mine were over $100 cad each fwiw. and that was 3 weeks ago. [18:00]
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: now that you mention it, did these arrive intact ? [18:01]
pete_dushenski: yessir. thanks for checking. [18:01]
* asciilifeform doesn't ask FG buyers anything, by default, unless they ask 1st [18:01]
mircea_popescu: sound policy. [18:01]
asciilifeform: phf: i can see what you mean, but i dunno that the problem (if you can call it one) is addressable. thing ain't 'friendly' any moar than a claymore mine is friendly. [18:08]
mircea_popescu: which is why no attempt to "address" it is made. [18:08]
asciilifeform: aha [18:08]
mircea_popescu: but captain breezay ain't happy. [18:10]
asciilifeform: the only improvement currently in the worx is the scintillator thing, which should give 1000x entropy debit ( and consequently 1000x faster testing, which is significant to asciilifeform who assembles and tests EACH UNIT BY MOTHERFUCKING HAND ) but that's really it. [18:10]
asciilifeform: (mechanical) assembly, fasteners, packaging, etc. [18:11]
mircea_popescu: total collector's item [18:12]
asciilifeform: incidentally, if there were such a thing as an honest ic fab, the scintillator-cum-photodiode-cum-debiaser could easily be an ic [18:14]
asciilifeform: optically inspectable, too. [18:14]
asciilifeform: single-crystal MB/s rng. [18:14]
asciilifeform: previously i thought that you could not have an auditable single-crystal rng, but possibly this is not so : if you make it so that only co-incident (on 2 detectors) gamma is picked up, you can 'yoke'-audit 2 units by placing back to back around test source. [18:16]
asciilifeform: anyway iirc i described the basic scheme of this previously. [18:16]
asciilifeform: for extra rage, >> << described the multi-$k usg rngs, and the 'unsolved problem' etc etc [18:19]
asciilifeform: ( afaik it is the broadest and most complete survey of subj, fwiw, when was written ) [18:19]
mircea_popescu: so drop guy a line. [18:19]
asciilifeform: [18:20]
asciilifeform: hey folx who aren't asciilifeform ! why not try ? maybe score a success ??? [18:20]
mircea_popescu: ... [18:20]
asciilifeform: not. one. of the folx i wrote to, answered usefully, to date. [18:21]
mircea_popescu: so ? [18:21]
mircea_popescu: what, you wanna die a virgin ? [18:21]
asciilifeform: so, maybe i'm doing-it-wrong [18:21]
mircea_popescu: well, maybe doing it wrong is no excuse from having to do it. [18:21]
Framedragger: asciilifeform: do basically want to invite him to audit FUCKGOATS? [18:21]
asciilifeform: aha? [18:21]
* Framedragger can write tomorrow, for kicks [18:21]
Framedragger: you* [18:22]
Framedragger: ok then will, can't hurt. but expect same success rate (0)... [18:22]
mircea_popescu: the success is in the writing! [18:22]
mircea_popescu: as per teh "whisperers" discussion : after you write, it's his problem. before you do, however, murkier. [18:23]
Framedragger: there is that. moves the demarcation line [18:23]
mircea_popescu: quite so. /me is not terribly currious what mario $rando says or does or whatever anyway. [18:24]
asciilifeform: fwiw d00d actually works (as academic) on optical rng [18:25]
asciilifeform: has various ( imho quality ) articles on subj. [18:26]
asciilifeform: doesn't advocate whitening, or any other obvious liquishit, which is a jawdropping rarity. [18:26]
mircea_popescu: this is kinda why you're stuck doing the writing -- you're the only one who can tell him from adam. i dun care. Framedragger is polite and everything, but that goes so far. [18:26]
mircea_popescu: can't ask other boys to talk to the girls that interest you, it's just not how this whole talking business works. [18:27]
asciilifeform: aite, i'ma write.. [18:28]
* Framedragger is content with politness-instrumental-role in this context, but not certain if even that helps (being more confrontational (if that's the word) from the get-go ain't a bad thing, etc...) [18:28]
Framedragger: asciilifeform: this'll sound stupid, but have you checked whether mail from your mail server does not get marked as spam by various heathen systems (gmail e.g.)? [18:29]
* Framedragger happened to me [18:29]
asciilifeform: Framedragger: i typically send these ~from~ a gmail [18:29]
asciilifeform: kept for the purpose [18:29]
Framedragger: ah, yeah makes sense [18:30]
asciilifeform: mail from my actual mail server no longer gets through ~anywhere [18:30]
asciilifeform: and i've mostly abandoned it [18:30]
asciilifeform: usg owns email. [18:30]
mircea_popescu: mine did, all the way to when i dropped the shit altoghether. [18:30]
asciilifeform: i do not unfortunately have this luxury. [18:30]
Framedragger: now picturing sending a physical letter with an invite to irc. possibly gpg fingerprint, too [18:31]
mircea_popescu: did take wringing some necks of the "antispam" mafia, but they wring surprisinglky easily. [18:31]
asciilifeform: ok sent [18:32]
Framedragger: cool [18:32]
mircea_popescu: (the threat of being sued in romania and then getting in trouble when going to french conbference or w/e is remarkably powerful.) [18:33]
Framedragger: nice... [18:34]
mircea_popescu: ~only benefit of the whole eu thing. [18:35]
mircea_popescu: romanian law has this wonderful device, successor of the ancient writ of mandamus, "obligatia de a face". you can sue for the court to force specific performance out of people. [18:36]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what's this look like in typical practice ? [18:37]
mircea_popescu: most of the time, it's a method of review of administrative activity that's not well served by equity redress (special court for that). i got say the ro immigrations obliged by court to issuye work permits etc. [18:38]
mircea_popescu: but it can also be used in private practice, such as the obligation of guy who owns the gate to give you a key because you have a right of egress, or w/e such. [18:38]
asciilifeform: lol hey we have this in usa, court obligated immigration ministry to let in allahsnackbar that mr.t wanted to keep out... [18:38]
mircea_popescu: i'm sure. [18:39]
asciilifeform: what are courts even about, if not ordering folx to do x, cease y [18:39]
mircea_popescu: us is really very "liquidated damages"-y. rather than mandate performances. [18:39]
asciilifeform: tru [18:42]
asciilifeform: they're big on fungibility-of-everything. [18:42]
mircea_popescu: yeah. [18:44]
mircea_popescu: except bitcoin, of course. [18:44]
asciilifeform: aaha [18:45]
asciilifeform: to revisit upstack : i'd still like to find this shangri-la, between britney-rubbish and FG, where actual money is to be made. [18:52]
mircea_popescu: nobody ever encountered this problem in the history of life on earth. [18:53]
mircea_popescu: there's not even poems about it or anything. [18:53]
asciilifeform: lol [18:53]
asciilifeform: and hey, nowhere is it written that it even has an answer, maybe folx simply dun need gadgets. [18:53]
mircea_popescu: yeah, only need tablets. [18:54]
asciilifeform: and mcd [18:54]
asciilifeform: in other crackpotteries, >> orlol's boat thing, 'To be sure, some people found the project fascinating and, based on the blog stats, went and read all about it. And some of them wished me and the project the very best luck. But the most vocal people were also the most negative. In all, it appears that most of the people who responded did so because QUIDNON rubbed t [19:12]
asciilifeform: hem the wrong way in any one of several ways: it doesn’t fit the glamorous image of yachting, it is useless for either sport or ostentation, and it shows people the way to live and enjoy themselves on the water for very little money. Anathema!' [19:12]
mircea_popescu: um [19:20]
mircea_popescu: how about it's just a stupid idea by a clueless moron who pointedly refuses to acknowledge his ignorance because he figures if he fixes it he just becomes the normal unremarkable dork his mommy made him, whereas in militant idiocy he feels unique ? [19:21]
mircea_popescu: or is that just more of "he robbed me of the glamour of yachting as seen by a cat inside a cardboard box" ? [19:22]
mircea_popescu: oh, in other lulz : laura codruta kovesi, ro axe handle and for ~decade very insistently presented by usg media as a sort of hero of the fight against "corruption" (aka, non-usg capital) is now sought by police because "somehow" disappeared just as various legal proceedings started. [19:58]
mircea_popescu: something tells me no hotel maid in new york is gonna complain she tried to rape her, yes ? [19:58]
asciilifeform: i disagree that the ugly boat is intrinsically bad idea [20:04]
asciilifeform: it's poor-misanthrope tech and i'm for it, to the hilt. [20:04]
asciilifeform: fuck payingrent. [20:04]
asciilifeform: but iirc we already had this thread. [20:05]
asciilifeform: iirc also mircea_popescu's technical objections were, imho, intellectually lazy ('pipe fittings will cost their weight in gold, because boat and they can' -- by same token rng MUST cost 10k $, because raytheon's does 'must drag it to shore to paint bottom' -- also fixable, make the bottom from inconel or hastelloy etc ) [20:14]
asciilifeform: technical problems admit technical solutions. but i suppose political problem ( mircea_popescu simply loathes the idea , Answer Lies In The Sewers - style, ohnoez folx with modest means living rent-free ) does not ..? [20:15]
mircea_popescu: eh, my recollection of the discussion is, "there's houseboat and there's yacht. there's no batshit-nonsense for the ~same reason there's no golf club cum baseball bat cum tennis racket." [20:18]
mircea_popescu: and no, it isn't some sort of brilliant idea to "you know, like swiss army knife, for sports handhelds!" [20:18]
mircea_popescu: just more of the same tedious, lazy, loathsome "reasoning" by simile. [20:18]
mircea_popescu: but otherwise -- no further than last year i sat and drank on a "QUIDNON". it was large and well furnished, built specifically for being casino. sat, logically, ON RIVER, beause no waves. and so forth. [20:21]
mircea_popescu: i need some roto'n culo to "invent" the houseboat for me like i need some indigent farmer to invent a new religion on the basis of "reading" tablets fallen from the sky. [20:22]
mircea_popescu: (in passing let it be said that the universal and fundamental quality of snake oil is just this swiss army knife appearance, it's supposed to be everything for everyone but nothing in particular to no particular anyone.) [20:23]
mircea_popescu: oh, yeah, and the whole "rent free" nonsense bit a huge girder once i pointed out to you what the proper solution for this boating bs is then it turned out the whole thing was more of an exercise in inverting naggum's matrices "to see if it could be done" than anything specific. [20:27]
phf: intuitively any rent free arrangement must necessarily cost more, because it's not subsidized by the master [20:30]
mircea_popescu: if you factor into this "rent free" what tomahawks copst anbd what they do for that money, you're sunk. [20:31]
mircea_popescu: the reason merchant class even appeared in medieval europe was because it's cheaper to rent a house in castle than it is to produce it. sucker's play, and that's how aristocracy bled to death. [20:32]
mircea_popescu: not like it wasn't fucking obvious, hence the whole "student" vagabond class, already well entranched by the time of villon. [20:32]
phf: we're so far away from that division, that it's hard to reason about it, but on reflection it makes sense [20:43]
asciilifeform: << has approx same to do with modern rent racket, as with mars [20:53]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-25 00:32 mircea_popescu: not like it wasn't fucking obvious, hence the whole "student" vagabond class, already well entranched by the time of villon. [20:53]
mircea_popescu: inexplicable, you know (never said maximillian) how i owe money to merchants for armies to defend/acquire the very fucking towns in which these merchants live. how is it that max owes fugger rather than fugger owing max ?! [20:54]
asciilifeform: those aristos died of stupidity-- thinking that they were exempt from having to learn about money, similarly to modern brahmins 'exemption' from crypto [20:56]
mircea_popescu: i suppose. [20:56]
phf: asciilifeform: the specifics of rent racket are different, but same principles apply to escaping modern rent racket in any kind of real sense, beyond "don't you hate paying rent??? what if i told you you don't have to pay rent ever again!1" snake oil [20:57]
asciilifeform: << d00d never claimed to invent anything -- just publishes design, like FG is published, wat [20:57]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-25 00:22 mircea_popescu: i need some roto'n culo to "invent" the houseboat for me like i need some indigent farmer to invent a new religion on the basis of "reading" tablets fallen from the sky. [20:57]
mircea_popescu: yes, yes. [20:58]
mircea_popescu: where do i buy it ? [20:58]
mircea_popescu: it's not like fg is published it's like escher is published. [20:58]
asciilifeform: afaik it was not released as of yet [20:58]
mircea_popescu: yaya [20:58]
asciilifeform: << old iron-bottomed ( built to be disposable ) diesels are no solution to anything but scrap business . [21:00]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-25 00:27 mircea_popescu: oh, yeah, and the whole "rent free" nonsense bit a huge girder once i pointed out to you what the proper solution for this boating bs is then it turned out the whole thing was more of an exercise in inverting naggum's matrices "to see if it could be done" than anything specific. [21:00]
mircea_popescu: you will have to decide what your problem is. do you want cheap ? do you want made in kitchen ? do you want "looks like my wife's cunt" ? what, specifically, do you want ? [21:01]
asciilifeform: cheap + as close to 0 recurring cost as possible. [21:01]
mircea_popescu: you will never EVER be able to beat for price the discounted products of an industrial process through artisanal craftsmanship. [21:01]
asciilifeform: FG exists. so -- plainly false. [21:02]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah, you know what, giving your skill in formulating problems, i suspect orlov may have a solution justr for you. [21:02]
asciilifeform: when industry has 0 interest in your problem domain -- it's artisanal, or nuffin' [21:02]
mircea_popescu: the problem domain of "item that sails" is wel lcatered to. the problem domain of "doods feel like they're not personally interesting enough", never will. [21:03]
asciilifeform: item that sails ~for kalash budget~ is not well catered to. afaik. [21:04]
mircea_popescu: hey, i got a pair of two dollar shoes to sell you also. [21:04]
asciilifeform: these are products of mass industry, mircea_popescu [21:04]
asciilifeform: artisan, on otherhand, can make 2 $ shoes that will outlast mircea_popescu's 2$k [21:05]
asciilifeform: if he puts in the time. [21:05]
mircea_popescu: well, no, seeing how $ also product of mass industry. but yes, slavegirls make me all soreta things for free [21:05]
mircea_popescu: and they also don't pay rent. [21:05]
mircea_popescu: so maybe something more in that vein would satisfy. [21:05]
asciilifeform: same idea. orlol's, or gentoo, or almost all of asciilifeform's equipment, is of this type [21:06]
asciilifeform: 'be own slavegirl' [21:06]
mircea_popescu: the problem is that fg can be bought, and escher's drawings can not be bought. orlol is of the latter type. [21:06]
asciilifeform: this could very well be true, but imho oughta be approached as ~technical~ question [21:07]
mircea_popescu: it was, then you just raise it six months later as if it hasn't. [21:07]
phf: item that sails for kalash money exists, miss rockaway armada likes to build those [21:07]
mircea_popescu: mebbe just re-read discussion, offer specific objections ? [21:07]
asciilifeform: phf: sails+livable ? [21:08]
phf: asciilifeform: actually, yes, on both accounts, but you should perhaps image search miss rockaway armada [21:08]
* asciilifeform puts on conveyor [21:08]
mircea_popescu: "livable" you know. the colonization of polynesia is living proof that man can live on a plank. [21:09]
asciilifeform: umm phf these dun look like oceanic vessels [21:09]
asciilifeform: disingenuous to compare [21:09]
phf: kalash money though [21:09]
asciilifeform: monkey living. [21:10]
* mircea_popescu vaguely regrets he's not harun al rashid, sends sipahi over orlol's place, give him a year to make the damned thing and force him to sail in it. [21:10]
asciilifeform: i fully expect that he'll sail in it [21:10]
phf: reading orlol i thought he already had a sailable device? why aren't there plans&details for what he already allegedly has [21:11]
mircea_popescu: and i fully expect that as he drowns you'll find some other equivalent nonsense to fully expect will work. [21:11]
asciilifeform: phf: he had, then, like idiot, got a wife [21:11]
mircea_popescu: she beleeted the internets ?! [21:11]
phf: last time orlol's sail boat came up i linked some detailed plans by digital nomads for living houseboats. those were decidedly not built on kalash budget (mostly funded by alphabet companies, because choke full of electronics) [21:12]
asciilifeform: phf: the old boat, he sold, it was an off-the-shelf item [21:12]
mircea_popescu: wait. he had an oceangoing vessel on "kalash budget" he bought off the shelf ? [21:12]
mircea_popescu: wtf is this! [21:12]
asciilifeform: phf: if not open-ocean capable, it's rubbish, because fails at the elementary task of putting distance b/w operator and otherpeople [21:13]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in fact. iirc it cost him 10k usd or so, originally, in 2007ish [21:13]
mircea_popescu: what other people ? the other people who will grow your fucking food and do your laundry ? [21:13]
asciilifeform: yes, them [21:13]
mircea_popescu: this makes as much sense as any hobbyst discussion. ima check out. [21:14]
asciilifeform: also i dunno re mircea_popescu , but machine does my laundry [21:14]
asciilifeform: and would generate my food, if it could. [21:14]
mircea_popescu: if you have the laundry. [21:15]
asciilifeform: 100% physically closed cycle, motherfuckers, on mars, if i could!1111 [21:15]
phf: ^ [21:15]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform isn't death a cheaper altenrative ? [21:15]
asciilifeform: it's free!11 [21:15]
mircea_popescu: "i don't want to die, i just want to go into a bottle." [21:16]
asciilifeform: but not nearly as fun [21:16]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu doesn't even consider introversion as anything other than insanity, does he. [21:16]
mircea_popescu: why not you know, get used to talking to mario $rando instead ? way the fuck easier than growing linen on the open ocean. [21:16]
mircea_popescu: actually, introversion per se is one thing. much like jumping on one foot is one thing. when you actually miss a leg it's a different story, and should regrow it! [21:17]
asciilifeform: at one point folx were used to typhus and everything, incl. houses of great lords ( see last night's plumbing b00k link ) stinking of shit. then came the tech to stop. [21:18]
mircea_popescu: anyway. i fully confess i am simply too lazy to grow cash crops on mars, prefer to just you know, [21:18]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-24 16:45 asciilifeform: i suppose you can have weekly-fresh-cunts XOR only-ever-talking-to-people-who-are-people [21:18]
asciilifeform: and it wasn't, somehow, any longer a thing to which 'you simply gotta get used to '. [21:18]
mircea_popescu: you want to technologize talking to people out of the equation of living ? [21:18]
asciilifeform: make optional. the way having children is. [21:19]
mircea_popescu: how is it not optional now. [21:19]
asciilifeform: it is optional now but veeey expensive. [21:19]
mircea_popescu: mmm. i dunno. i mean in the sense condoms are three bux or w/e, break the "Student"'s budget [21:20]
asciilifeform: if i were to pay 10x less rent, would have more than 10x the unwanted hyoomancontact. [21:20]
mircea_popescu: from experience or from extrapolation ? [21:20]
asciilifeform: experience. [21:20]
mircea_popescu: aite then. [21:21]
asciilifeform: fwiw i'd like to solve what i see as the solvable problem, of minimizing living expense without having to live among scum [21:25]
mircea_popescu: why not increase income ? it's the traditional approach. [21:26]
asciilifeform: ( and in fact i considered lafondlandia, even, and did go there, and haggle with realtors, chitchat with the criminally insane locals, etc. and concluded that it was just short of +ev ) [21:26]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: why not jump very high, and go to mars, aha [21:27]
mircea_popescu: there's a reason ~everyone applies that method. the reason being 10 overbids 9 whereas 8 does not. [21:27]
mircea_popescu: it's better to have more money than to pay less rent. [21:28]
asciilifeform: mega-insight [21:28]
asciilifeform: fact is that it is the most effective way to 'get moar money' [21:28]
mircea_popescu: with you i don't always know what'sa obvious. [21:28]
asciilifeform: to give less of it to rentseekers. [21:28]
mircea_popescu: this is actually not true. [21:28]
mircea_popescu: just make sure they deliver more than what they take. [21:28]
mircea_popescu: obligatory link to [21:29]
a111: Logged on 2015-02-21 01:19 mircea_popescu: "she's been going through 6-7k each month since autumn, but i get to go visit p diddy whenever i feel like it. it's a wash" [21:29]
asciilifeform: i'd happily move to a planet with no pdiddy. [21:29]
mircea_popescu: nevermind that. consider this : my living arrangements, were they to be separated as an independent profit center, were in the green pretty much every year for the past 20. [21:30]
mircea_popescu: the correct approach to "live rent free" is to work it as a business. the rest is poppycock. [21:30]
asciilifeform: this is possible when you're mircea_popescu and have leverage. [21:30]
asciilifeform: ( and jurisdiction-shopping ) [21:31]
mircea_popescu: mp was born in a country where 20 dollars was a monthly salary. leverage is not so simple as all that. [21:31]
asciilifeform: and asciilifeform born where ~nobody knew what dollar looked like, lol , what of it [21:32]
mircea_popescu: i'm just saying, leverage isn't this magical thing from the sky. [21:32]
asciilifeform: it's not magical, no, but comes with having capital, vs subsistence living [21:32]
mircea_popescu: subsistence living has a peculiar meaning in romania of the 80s. [21:33]
mircea_popescu: lemme dig out a pic. [21:33]
mircea_popescu: << 1st image there. ro "hip hop" band (ro terminology), ie gangsta rap. they ACTUALLY have the creds tho, comiong from the actual hood. [21:34]
mircea_popescu: which is what soviet style econom,ies were, cca 1990. [21:34]
asciilifeform: i dun see anything peculiar in the pics.. [21:34]
mircea_popescu: hm. maybe it's one of those things where it doesn't denote, it connotes. anyway, first one is a fine indication of subsistence living in question. [21:35]
asciilifeform: i'll point out that su built massive economic base , on the plunder of which the 'civilized' west ~ to this day ~ runs [21:37]
mircea_popescu: that may be but there exists no ghetto in all of the us today that can compare to eg ghencea, or whatever other "urban development". [21:38]
mircea_popescu: lafond is hallucinating, those people live in luxury.\ [21:38]
asciilifeform: visit bmore, mircea_popescu [21:38]
mircea_popescu: for one thing -- can actually buy meat. CAN. could. [21:39]
asciilifeform: incognito, if you must [21:39]
asciilifeform: orly [21:39]
mircea_popescu: sure. heck, there's even supermarkets they can borrow it from. [21:39]
asciilifeform: recall asciilifeform's 'food depo' photos ? [21:39]
mircea_popescu: yea ? [21:39]
asciilifeform: that meat ain't meat, it's whatever they scrape from the floor at meat plant, + corn starch [21:40]
mircea_popescu: get back to me when you find a household making it on 30 dollars a month. [21:40]
mircea_popescu: with the women making clothes by hand out of stolen scraps, and all the complexities of soups etc. [21:40]
asciilifeform: they're in afgan, where rent is 20 [21:40]
mircea_popescu: india, ghetto. the us ? heh. [21:40]
asciilifeform: they also have living capital, in india etc : people who, e.g., still know how to make cloth, and can live N to a room without killing self or each other [21:41]
mircea_popescu: for that matter, get back to me when any of them actually work a field, by hand, to make 100 dollars in 6 months of oxen labour. [21:41]
asciilifeform: what field, lol [21:42]
asciilifeform: and whence the ox. [21:42]
mircea_popescu: THAT is what qualifies, not the butthurt bullshit of wanna-be princeses upset some other dorks they cant' distinguish themselves from got a cooler car. [21:42]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no ox. let them pull the plow. [21:42]
asciilifeform: and while suffering aids and ebola!111 [21:42]
mircea_popescu: was ~no aids in romania. but i have personally seen woman pulling man pushing plow. [21:43]
asciilifeform: sounds inefficient [21:43]
mircea_popescu: very. [21:43]
mircea_popescu: which is the fundamental point of poverty. [21:43]
asciilifeform: why not both pull [21:43]
mircea_popescu: cuz then the blade just goes out ? [21:43]
asciilifeform: hm, point [21:44]
mircea_popescu: plowing tractors have special hydraulics to keep it in. lot of force, more than the pull. [21:44]
asciilifeform: i thought mass was enough.. [21:45]
mircea_popescu: i suppose you could just put a huge rock on it, but then the horse'll die. [21:45]
* asciilifeform not expert on subj [21:45]
asciilifeform: !!up gabriel_laddel_p [21:47]
deedbot: gabriel_laddel_p voiced for 30 minutes. [21:47]
gabriel_laddel_p: < have you tried selling FG to data science / machine learning types? IE the only group of young people with disposable income. [21:48]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-24 22:52 asciilifeform: to revisit upstack : i'd still like to find this shangri-la, between britney-rubbish and FG, where actual money is to be made. [21:48]
gabriel_laddel_p: On the basis that FG won't rest on some portion of the state space when you train your model [21:49]
mircea_popescu: eh, we're not trying to requalify him into a salesman over here. [21:49]
gabriel_laddel_p: and will give a better prediction / faster convergence than PRNGs [21:49]
mircea_popescu: let the man do his ada rsa [21:49]
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: we even had a thread about this [21:49]
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: what, the geiger counter NN training, or another one? [21:49]
asciilifeform: fwiw worx great . but they'd rather use intel's. [21:49]
asciilifeform: because , for instance, they already have one. [21:50]
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: and you say this with what basis? [21:50]
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: you specifically talked to who? [21:50]
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: do you have numbers for convergence with FG vs intel PRNG? [21:50]
gabriel_laddel_p: for MNIST or the like? [21:50]
gabriel_laddel_p: I was planning on selling FG using this, but have a lot on my plate [21:50]
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: interested in selling on commission perchance [21:51]
asciilifeform: ? [21:51]
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: not in my present state, and certainly not without numbers [21:51]
gabriel_laddel_p: I'm happy to compute myself, but am having a hard time convincing ppl to buy me FG [21:52]
gabriel_laddel_p: have tried, and tried and tried [21:52]
gabriel_laddel_p: no no, they'd rather buy several months worth of soylent [21:52]
gabriel_laddel_p: fucking retards [21:52]
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: want couplea GB of output [21:52]
gabriel_laddel_p: jesus fuck [21:52]
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel_p can just use eg mod6 's dataset ? should be ~6gb i expect [21:52]
asciilifeform: theoretically you dun need a physical unit, for such a test [21:52]
asciilifeform: aha !! [21:52]
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: capital idea! [21:53]
asciilifeform: paging mod6 [21:53]
mircea_popescu: now to see if he deleted it lol. [21:54]
asciilifeform: i or he or even mircea_popescu can make moar.. [21:54]
asciilifeform: and whole buncha folx here [21:55]
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: diva send the x61? I have someone waiting on me to deliver a masamune atop it [21:55]
gabriel_laddel_p: and have already taken 300 of his dollars [21:55]
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: it's crated but not out yet [21:55]
asciilifeform: busy week. [21:56]
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: FG does, ftr, ~7kB/s. [21:58]
asciilifeform: ( slightly more, or slightly less, depending on room temp ) [21:58]
asciilifeform: there is also some variation in the analogue components. [21:59]
gabriel_laddel_p: < the end of this thread was MP noting that if you wanted a boat, buy it when the Korean shipping firm imploded, else stuff. [22:01]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-25 00:18 mircea_popescu: eh, my recollection of the discussion is, "there's houseboat and there's yacht. there's no batshit-nonsense for the ~same reason there's no golf club cum baseball bat cum tennis racket." [22:01]
gabriel_laddel_p: *stfu [22:01]
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: i dun need an iron thing built to last for 10y and eating $1000 diesel to move 10km, for anything [22:03]
asciilifeform: why not suggest an old boeing, while at it. [22:05]
phf: can presumably spec out the thing by noting all the instances of "omg, i definitely not don't need X that does Y what are you stupid" and building a constraint rules out of them [22:05]
asciilifeform: phf: i specced 'sub-50kusd machine in which one can live and NOT near scum', i dun care if boat, could be an orbital capsule if such existed. [22:06]
asciilifeform: or teleporter, ditto [22:06]
asciilifeform: and live like man, not monkey [22:07]
asciilifeform: which means, yes, 'q' size bed, at minimal, and desk, and hermetic seal, etc [22:08]
asciilifeform: this may or may not be feasible with current tech. but is imho a legit technical problem. [22:09]
asciilifeform: rather than a 'stfu, idiot, you asked for philosopher's stone' [22:09]
gabriel_laddel_p: [22:10]
a111: Logged on 2016-07-19 22:30 mircea_popescu: if the sheep found a way to graze on rafts, the wolves would ride around in speedboats. [22:10]
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: ocean is pretty big. [22:10]
asciilifeform: don't be a sheep, don't flock. [22:10]
asciilifeform: mean free wolf path will be long. [22:11]
asciilifeform: fact remains, pirate density is higher on land, than at sea. [22:13]
asciilifeform: afaik everywhere. [22:13]
phf: i don't have enough experience with open ocean sailing, but the ocean is not as big as you think, as far as pirate avoidance is concerned, because of the currents. you have stable streams, that are essentially mandatory for long distance travel. piracy has been traditionally carried out at various locations where these currents terminate or switch. if you're primarily relying on wind (and there's only so much gas your little boat will carry), you will [22:34]
phf: be at huge disadvantage if you're attempting to avoid slipstreams. [22:34]
phf: so you basically have a choice between traveling along known paths (that will connect land to land, or near land) [22:35]
phf: or sitting without wind and current in the middle of nowhere, praying that you have enough gas to take you to a closest stream [22:36]
phf: (all of this is pretty obvious, if you ask yourself, how did you have so many skirmishes during the age of exploration, given how big the ocean is and how few vessels compared to now were on the surface) [22:37]
asciilifeform: phf: there is also [22:38]
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 03:32 mircea_popescu: famous russian gun commentator guy explains this cannonicaly, imo. "thief - wants to get loot. not to die with you there." [22:38]
asciilifeform: afaik modern pirates deal in tankers, which are valuable ( and insured + unarmed ) and not car-sized yachts, likewise [22:39]
asciilifeform: incidentally this here is another possible minus of 'old tanker as houseboat' idea. picture the pirates. they might shoot you out of sheer frustration... [22:40]
asciilifeform: 'wtf, this thing is empty' [22:41]
phf: considering that the thing is designed for fambly, shooting will be a mercy [22:41]
asciilifeform: btw orlol never mentions kingstons, and imho they are the most important control on any serious boat!111 [22:42]
asciilifeform: incidentally if you're gonna diesel, it ought to be in a sub ( or at least 'narco sub', no moar than half metre above water ) [22:44]
asciilifeform: i know of 0 subs overtaken by pirates of any description... [22:44]
phf: yes, but what about the kraken [22:46]
asciilifeform: the kraken is sadly inescapable. [22:47]
mircea_popescu: phf the "constraint" resultant strictly determines the item as a psychological rather than physical constructy. [22:51]
mircea_popescu: he wants to pay ~what pvc costs per the weight for an ocean-going item. it's not unlike me speccing "i want computer made out of seminole grain. they can make pasta out of it, why not computer." [22:53]
mircea_popescu: not tom ention the part where it's "Car-sized" on the outside and "q-bed sized" on the inside. [22:55]
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> not sure, possibly nobody gave a shit. << iirc no websites for either existed at the time of listing. [22:58]
mod6: <+asciilifeform> paging mod6 << +gabriel_laddel_p, I've got 'em. [23:06]
mod6: !~later tell gabriel_laddel_p Let me know how much entropy you'd like, I'll run ent test & dieharder against it, let you decide if you want it. I'll ask 0.1 BTC per Gb. What is your bid? [23:08]
jhvh1: mod6: The operation succeeded. [23:08]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the yacht i visited recently had 2 ~q - beds and was externally not larger than three BingoBoingo-trucks stacked vertically [23:11]
asciilifeform: 'car-sized' is flexible thing. car-footprint. [23:11]
asciilifeform: and yes, i'd expect to pay ~materials by weight~ cost, considering that thread was about a hypothetical boat that ~one builds with own hands~ [23:14]
asciilifeform: ( because it is intrinsically 'antisheep' item and will NEVER exist as industrial output ) [23:15]
asciilifeform: exactly like how mircea_popescu gets food finer than the finest, costliest cook could reliably make for him for money [23:16]
asciilifeform: there is ~nothing~ that can remotely hold a candle to craftsmanship-with-your-own-hands-for-your-own-fucking-self [23:17]
mod6: asciilifeform: also, re 'wires', indeed, just experiment at this point, not for battlefield use. [23:18]
asciilifeform: even, for instance, the keyboard asciilifeform is using at this moment, took a man-month of asciilifeform [23:18]
asciilifeform: and cannot be had for any price at all [23:18]
asciilifeform: anywhere [23:18]
asciilifeform: and i'm quite satisfied with it, and wouldn't trade it for any industrially-produced supposedly-equivalent item. [23:19]
asciilifeform: ditto gentoo. [23:19]
asciilifeform: there is no substitute, i will probably die still using my current gentoo. [23:19]
asciilifeform: and certainly no 'one size fits all' jobsworth-made substitute [23:19]
asciilifeform: is even in principle possible, or worth contemplating [23:19]
* mod6 recently gotn kinesis advantage 2 [23:20]
mod6: it's got the cherry mx reds. been using it for a month. im getting used to it. [23:20]
* asciilifeform can't stand cherry switches [23:21]
mod6: which ones does alf like? [23:21]
asciilifeform: ibm 'F' [23:21]
asciilifeform: or, at the very worst, 'white alps' [23:21]
asciilifeform: (veeery distant 2nd) [23:22]
mod6: is there any specific model you use/prefer? [23:22]
mod6: i.e. 3179, 3270, ... etc. [23:23]
asciilifeform: F. [23:23]
asciilifeform: << subj [23:24]
asciilifeform: not to be confused with a certain visually-identical model-m [23:24]
asciilifeform: this one has 0 rubber in it. [23:24]
asciilifeform: and 0 rivets. [23:24]
mod6: ah [23:25]
asciilifeform: if you ever manage to get hold of one, it'll need 1) paint strip 2) paint job, on 6 pieces 3) entirely new electronics 4) ultrasonic cleaning 5) calibration [23:25]
asciilifeform: mine also got rf-shield paint on all internals, for good measure (wai not) [23:26]
asciilifeform: oh and i oughta mention, getting the thing together requires woodworker's clamps and just-so nudge'shove, takes 5-6 tries, during each of which all 122 keys fall out and separate into spring, anvil... [23:26]
asciilifeform: not for faint-of-heart.. [23:27]
phf: mod6: i used that one for a long time with arensito layout ( still the most pleasant typing experience i've had, but was also entirely antisocial, i.e. couldn't use any other keyboards at all [23:28]
asciilifeform: the up-side : 1) incomparable ( at least i cannot describe it in words ) feel of 'click' 2) theoretically eternal board. there are NO electrical contacts exposed, it works on electric fields. [23:28]
asciilifeform: you can bathe it.. [23:28]
asciilifeform: phf: that resembles naggum's layout [23:29]
asciilifeform: interesting. [23:29]
asciilifeform: ( he had 'special' chars in middle column ) [23:29]
mod6: phf: aha. even with qwerty on the kinesis, it still messes me up a bit now on regular staggard row layouts. i never tried alt layouts such as dvorak since a friend went through the same thing. always found himself having to switch everyone elses keyboard to dvorak just to "use" their keyboard for a minute. [23:30]
phf: yeah, there's actually some "modern" qwerty modification that puts special chars on middle column [23:30]
phf: but the big insight of arensito is to move all the special chars into an additional mode. so parenthesis are for example on altgr-k altgr-l etc. [23:31]
asciilifeform: this sounds like agony [23:31]
phf: not on kinesis [23:31]
asciilifeform: modes == agony [23:31]
* asciilifeform doesn't vi, either [23:32]
phf: your modifiers are under your thumb, and you chord [23:32]
asciilifeform: why not have 10-key chorder then. [23:32]
asciilifeform: if yer gonna chord. [23:32]
asciilifeform: as it is, sounds like worst of both worlds. [23:32]
phf: ~sounds~ is the keyword here [23:32]
asciilifeform: i had a keyboard where you had to press 'fn' to turn numbers into Fs [23:33]
asciilifeform: it was a misery [23:33]
asciilifeform: and never, ever stopped. [23:33]
phf: yes, but it's nothing like the item in question [23:33]
asciilifeform: how does this chord differ ? [23:33]
mod6: i vi/m, and i have to say that with the kinesis, the tiny ESC key bugs me. so i remap ESC to the right thumb ctrl key, and the 'OS' key to ctrl. [23:33]
asciilifeform: the only legit justification for chords is not-having-to-move-fingers-laterally [23:33]
asciilifeform: hence 10key kbd [23:34]
phf: you already chord to get to any of the special symbols, when you press shift [23:34]
phf: unless you have unchorded specials, and you use number keypad for numbers, but then you have hell of lateral travel [23:34]
asciilifeform: i remap '[' ']' to '(' ')' when lisp [23:34]
asciilifeform: phf didn't ?! [23:34]
phf: sure, but the rest [23:34]
asciilifeform: other specials not so useful in lisp [23:35]
phf: but you chord. [23:35]
asciilifeform: i also chord to get greek, sure [23:35]
asciilifeform: but i would stop if i could! [23:36]
phf: well, it's a trade off between that, and travel distance [23:36]
asciilifeform: would happily have 3 'stories' of kbd, like organ. [23:36]
asciilifeform: for a while i had pedals. threw'em out because mechanically infuriatingly poor quality [23:36]
asciilifeform: ( and -- perhaps like oceanic boat -- this is a MUCH trickier object to hand-craft than you might think ) [23:37]
asciilifeform: key modes, imho, are like the topmost shelf in bookcase in a house with proper (19th c euro) ceiling height -- a place for rarely-used things [23:38]
phf: you're either chording or traveling. there's only enough space for alphabet there. naggum's hack is that he puts opening parts of { [ ( pairs on the middle row, but he still has to chord for closing. (he presumably uses electric mode) [23:38]
asciilifeform: iirc he had ( and ) both in there. but could be wrong. [23:39]
asciilifeform: ( if he didn't, i have nfi why not ! ) [23:39]
phf: not enough space! [23:39]
asciilifeform: throw out some rubbish [23:40]
phf: like? [23:40]
asciilifeform: $ . [23:40]
asciilifeform: or @ . [23:40]
asciilifeform: or . [23:40]
phf: those are chorded AND you have to travel [23:40]
asciilifeform: what did he have in there ? phf do you have the original article handy ? [23:41]
phf: no, and i think it was in emacs group, so no xach archive [23:42]
asciilifeform: to revisit upstack : imho naggum's mega-insight was that the hands have 0 business being so close together as they typically are, and that the space ~between~ them oughta contain specials [23:42]
asciilifeform: phf: afaik xach has all usenet posts from naggum in all public groups [23:42]
asciilifeform: and certainly the keyboard [23:42]
phf: definitely not "all public groups" but maybe the keyboard is there [23:43]
phf: he basically just took the naggum posts from ron garret's complete(-ish) archive of comp.lang.lisp [23:44]
asciilifeform: >> << [23:45]
phf: Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp [23:45]
phf: “ and then you tell your keyboard driver og X or whatever that you have placed the parens {} [] () and <> (unshifted and shifted) in what used to be the 6YHN colum” [23:46]
asciilifeform: funnily enough, my 'f' gives me 24 'extra' keyz, of which i've only to date used a few ! ( to make the missing f11, f12, esc, printscr, scrollock ) [23:46]
asciilifeform: the rest, yet unused, because in a shithole, rather than where i want'em [23:46]
mod6: speaking of special keys in the middle, i suppose one could remap all of the maltron keys into the middle. [23:46]
asciilifeform: this even with not having to use x configs for anything, as i have custom micro in there with custom fw [23:46]
asciilifeform: not being able to physically relocate the keys, is frustrating. [23:48]
mod6: i considered getting one of these, but i wanted to try the concave thing first on something ~half the cost. [23:48]
asciilifeform: ( i would , for instance, put a whole column of -- yes, modal!111 -- bitsetter 'metas' b/w the left-F block and `/tab/ctrl/shift/ctrl [23:49]
asciilifeform: ) [23:49]
asciilifeform: e.g. 'greek', 'graph', 'rus/lat' [23:50]
asciilifeform: while we're on 'ideals', it'd be also spiffy to have a kbd with ~0~ plastic anywhere. [23:52]
mod6: like all alum or steel? [23:52]
asciilifeform: stainless. [23:53]
asciilifeform: or better yet, inconel. [23:53]
mod6: if anyone could make one, it'd be you. [23:53]
asciilifeform: well not me, but a similar d00d who lives longer. [23:54]
asciilifeform: and with money. [23:54]
asciilifeform: funny how folx will spend quadrillions on idiot veblenisms and 0 on actual quality. [23:55]
asciilifeform: and then pete_dushenski et al are mega-surprised when they buy porche and it's plastic. [23:55]
mod6: looks like they make stainless keyboards for industrial use [23:56]
asciilifeform: rubber domes inside, mod6 [23:56]
asciilifeform: i have one in storage. [23:56]
asciilifeform: they are used in 'internet kiosks' etc. [23:57]
mod6: ah [23:57]
asciilifeform: idea being 'vandal-proofing' rather than finest-kbd-money-can-buy [23:57]
mod6: gotcha [23:57]
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