Forum logs for 03 Jun 2017

Monday, 16 March, Year 12 d.Tr. | Author:
herbijudlestoids: I am trying to remember how we played last, it was some kind of texty thing, do you remember the interface for that? [00:00]
BingoBoingo: I don't remembe [00:00]
herbijudlestoids: what do you fuckin remember then :P [00:00]
BingoBoingo: Well a lot has happened since then... there's a nearly two and a half year old media empire, etc [00:01]
herbijudlestoids: yeah I went on trilema today and I was like wtf [00:02]
herbijudlestoids: BingoBoingo: is QNTRA thing your media empire? [00:02]
BingoBoingo: Well, not exclusively mine. For details see [00:03]
herbijudlestoids: I saw something on trilema saying you can write articles for it and entitles you to shares in it? [00:03]
BingoBoingo: Yeah [00:04]
BingoBoingo: Anyways I'll let you get back to catching up [00:04]
herbijudlestoids: doesn't really seem like anyone is around except for you [00:05]
herbijudlestoids: nice to see things are still going on tho [00:05]
herbijudlestoids: enjoy [00:05]
BingoBoingo: Well, there's quite a few people around but it's Friday night. [00:06]
BingoBoingo: Hence the sober one is around [00:06]
herbijudlestoids: for some reason I thought you were from .au but I must be mixing you up with someone else [00:07]
herbijudlestoids: (it's Sat here) [00:07]
phf: !!up erlehmann [00:07]
deedbot: erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes. [00:07]
erlehmann: BingoBoingo does there exist a gatekeeping mechanism so that qntra does not drown in horsecock as kuro5hin did? [00:07]
BingoBoingo: erlehmann: Yes, the gatekeeping mechanism is called editor [00:08]
BingoBoingo: <herbijudlestoids> for some reason I thought you were from .au but I must be mixing you up with someone else << That's cazalla [00:08]
erlehmann: BingoBoingo all articles on the front page are from you. editor, edit thyself? [00:08]
BingoBoingo: erlehmann: Well... write moar [00:08]
erlehmann: submission where? [00:09]
erlehmann: i think i can do one short hateful article about cryptoscamming before i sleep [00:10]
phf: in unrelated lulz erlehmann tried registering with deedbot with his key, every time he submits this url it returns the fingerprint 58FD21A3F5C47E7AB50496176468DB63F020E509, and he can do it multiple times. the result though is that the system appears it be in some weird partial state. i could rate him, as seen here, but clicki [00:10]
phf: ng on his nick results in 404. likewise when he does !!up or !!rate deedbot claims that he's not registered. this doesn't look like an operator issue [00:10]
BingoBoingo: submission to editor, as encrypted and signed text [00:10]
BingoBoingo: <erlehmann> i think i can do one short hateful article about cryptoscamming before i sleep << Must be news. [00:10]
phf: trinque: ^ [00:10]
erlehmann: BingoBoingo ok, it is already on reddit, so not news [00:10]
trinque: thanks phf I'll look at it. [00:11]
BingoBoingo: Is it a specific thing or "cryptpscamming" in general [00:11]
erlehmann: BingoBoingo [00:11]
erlehmann: > The Web3 SHA3 implementation requires the Hex value to be prefixed with 0x - optional until Geth 1.5.6. [00:11]
erlehmann: > Our code didn't prefix the Hex string with 0x and when we upgraded Geth from 1.5.3 to 1.5.9 on the 24th of May, the SHA3 function call failed and our sweeper process then called the contract with an invalid data payload resulting in the ETH becoming trapped. [00:12]
erlehmann: result is >60k ETH in limbo [00:12]
erlehmann: translating to a lot of canadian dollares [00:12]
BingoBoingo: erlehmann: Go for it. I thought you meant some broad "pls to not be scammed" piece. [00:12]
erlehmann: BingoBoingo ok, where do i submit? or do i publish in my feed and it gets synced? [00:13]
phf: !!key erlehmann [00:13]
deedbot: [00:13]
phf: heh [00:13]
erlehmann: in b4 deedbot's weird [00:13]
BingoBoingo: You submit an ascii armoured block of encrypted and signed text. Most people use and do a !~later tell url://///// [00:14]
trinque: s'ok we've got our best people on it [00:14]
trinque: hold my beer. [00:14]
erlehmann: lol [00:14]
erlehmann: trinque do you do full recognition before processing? [00:15]
erlehmann: BingoBoingo encrypted to whom? [00:15]
BingoBoingo: erlehmann: To my public key [00:15]
phf: !!key BingoBoingo [00:15]
erlehmann: !!key BingoBoingo [00:15]
deedbot: [00:15]
deedbot: [00:15]
erlehmann: classic 2 idiots 1 thought [00:16]
trinque: erlehmann: there are 4 key fingerprints in here which did you want? [00:16]
phf: aight, that's my queue [00:16]
erlehmann: trinque i see, that was the error apparently! [00:16]
mircea_popescu: phf cue. [00:16]
trinque: erlehmann: known derp should barf if it gets moar than one [00:16]
BingoBoingo: A queue of cues! [00:16]
phf: exactly [00:16]
* trinque hasn't a clue [00:17]
erlehmann: trinque may i suggest [00:17]
trinque: thing broke when you used it incorrectly what's the security problem [00:18]
trinque: what fp did you want [00:18]
erlehmann: “just don't hold it that way” [00:18]
erlehmann: but i disgress [00:19]
trinque: mk, I'm at some point going to go back to what I was doing. [00:19]
erlehmann: trinque so i just create an ascii armored pubkey export and try again? [00:20]
BingoBoingo: <erlehmann> “just don't hold it that way” << Generally this is how tools work. Do not hold chainsaw by chain. [00:20]
erlehmann: chinsaw :> [00:20]
mircea_popescu: did you offer her to ? [00:20]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-02 23:56 erlehmann: dear diary, yesterday a person on IRC asked me if i am jealous after i referred to ethereum as a scam again. jealous, i asked. yes, she answered, jealous of people who invest in cryptocurrencies! [00:20]
erlehmann: BingoBoingo sorry no article for you today. am sleepy enough. [00:20]
erlehmann: mircea_popescu indeed i did. [00:20]
mircea_popescu: !!up herbijudlestoids [00:21]
deedbot: herbijudlestoids voiced for 30 minutes. [00:21]
herbijudlestoids: hiya mircea_popescu :) [00:21]
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i even linked the sharpie in pooper incident to convince her of your generosity. [00:21]
mircea_popescu: what's new herbi [00:21]
mircea_popescu: erlehmann that dude... recently came up, iirc he got like 10 btc or some crazy old timer shit like that. [00:21]
herbijudlestoids: good question... been spending a lot of time recently studying SPARK/Ada [00:21]
herbijudlestoids: free time anyway [00:21]
mircea_popescu: ha. [00:22]
herbijudlestoids: I was thinking of applications and had this idea of writing an implementation of bitcoind in SPARK [00:22]
mircea_popescu: it's becoming quite the thing in tmsr it seems. [00:22]
herbijudlestoids: tmsr? [00:22]
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: That's another thing you missed [00:23]
mircea_popescu: yeah. teh most serene republic. [00:23]
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i think she thinks herself to be too modest. on the other hand, she has repeatedly told me she will not fuck me without me stating sexual interest, which in my experience people only do if they actually do think about fucking. [00:23]
mircea_popescu: erlehmann tits are only incidental to fucking anyway. [00:23]
erlehmann: i like exhibitionists [00:23]
mircea_popescu: herbijudlestoids i take it you missed alf's ada numeric lib too ? [00:23]
herbijudlestoids: I missed every fucking thing it seems [00:23]
herbijudlestoids: link me [00:23]
herbijudlestoids: so are others already discussing SPARK implementations of stuff here? [00:24]
herbijudlestoids: I also looked into this stuff [00:24]
herbijudlestoids: seems pretty fucking cool [00:24]
asciilifeform: lol did he also miss the block reader [00:24]
mircea_popescu: herbijudlestoids we pretty much settled on ada as the proper environment for critical code, more or less. [00:24]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i suppose he missed everything [00:25]
mircea_popescu: !!key herbijudlestoids [00:25]
deedbot: [00:25]
mircea_popescu: !!rated herbijudlestoids [00:25]
deedbot: mircea_popescu has not rated herbijudlestoids. [00:25]
mircea_popescu: !!rate herbijudlestoids 1 missed on all the things. [00:25]
deedbot: Get your OTP: [00:25]
herbijudlestoids: I got a sexysosexy rating from BingoBoingo [00:25]
mircea_popescu: herbijudlestoids so then you can self-voice. [00:25]
BingoBoingo: No rating flowed other way [00:25]
BingoBoingo: [00:25]
a111: Logged on 2014-02-14 00:43 BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: i tried to wipe out your bids with one limit order down to 111 satoshis and it skipped your bids and sold cheap [00:25]
trinque: erlehmann: I was asking you which fp you wanted to use, as several made it in here. I gather you registered more than one key? [00:25]
asciilifeform: herbijudlestoids: life is too short to read microshit's material [00:25]
erlehmann: trinque what is fp? [00:25]
asciilifeform: ( for phree, at any rate ) [00:25]
mircea_popescu: !!v A6A6C69E8F0E1285AE4F4FC53F593B07F6AEA2A73DCEE695CC25C022513FBB28 [00:25]
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated herbijudlestoids 1 << missed on all the things. [00:25]
trinque: erlehmann: teh fingerprint of your key [00:26]
herbijudlestoids: asciilifeform: I didn't look too deeply, but take a look, it has TLA+ style formal verification properties [00:26]
erlehmann: trinque 0x6468DB63F020E509 i guess [00:26]
* trinque will need another beer for this [00:26]
herbijudlestoids: I am kind of happy to hear that all this time I was gone, and thinking of this shit, you guys were also thinking of this shit [00:26]
asciilifeform: herbijudlestoids: i'm not particularly interested in aiding & abetting microshit's attempts to embrace&extinguish ada [00:27]
mircea_popescu: herbijudlestoids oh, do you at least know of v ? [00:27]
herbijudlestoids: v ? [00:27]
asciilifeform: ( or in their take on haskellism ) [00:27]
mircea_popescu: heh. so 100% missed out on everything [00:27]
phf: he probably also missed the RATO and the gp, and he wasn't here for the Larasian either [00:28]
BingoBoingo: Well, everything since valentine's day 2014 it seems [00:28]
mircea_popescu: now you're just being mean [00:28]
herbijudlestoids: seems I'm not even using the same fucking gpg key [00:28]
herbijudlestoids: will need to root through my backups [00:28]
mircea_popescu: tsk [00:28]
herbijudlestoids: it's around somewhere [00:29]
herbijudlestoids: so is anyone going to link me this ada numeric lib by "alf" or not! [00:29]
mircea_popescu: yeah lessee [00:30]
herbijudlestoids: asciilifeform: fair enough I guess [00:30]
herbijudlestoids: so is the consensus on Ada or full SPARK mode [00:31]
herbijudlestoids: [00:31]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform where is the current version or wut ? [00:31]
herbijudlestoids: I had a lot of fun reading the log today of asciilifeform talking about NIC drivers [00:34]
erlehmann: trinque i do not understand [00:34]
erlehmann: trinque i tried again and used --export-options export-minimal [00:34]
asciilifeform: is most recent one i posted iirc [00:34]
erlehmann: but it did not help? [00:34]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ^ [00:35]
mircea_popescu: a ok. [00:35]
erlehmann: trinque consider the following [00:35]
* herbijudlestoids looks [00:36]
asciilifeform: 'Muen uses Intel’s hardware-assisted virtualization technology VT-x as core mechanism to separate components. The kernel executes in VMX root mode..' << lulzy liquishit [00:36]
BingoBoingo: More on the busted Preetling [00:37]
erlehmann: asciilifeform source of liquishit? [00:37]
erlehmann: you seem to like this word [00:37]
erlehmann: at least use it often [00:37]
mircea_popescu: wintel is ~source of liquid shit [00:37]
BingoBoingo: <erlehmann> asciilifeform source of liquishit? << usually clostridium and diary [00:37]
herbijudlestoids: asciilifeform: yeah I noticed it is managing this small codebase because it's relying on VT-x and other virt techs also [00:39]
asciilifeform: intel-proprietary crudware faux process-separation ( quite impossible on x86 arch ) megatonne of crud typical academitard snorefest [00:40]
asciilifeform: also 'small' does not mean what you think it means, herbijudlestoids [00:41]
herbijudlestoids: I just mean small like 8000 LOC or whatever they said, but obviously they are offloading stuff to VT-x [00:41]
asciilifeform: 'small' is, say, 2000 ~short, portable~ lines. [00:41]
herbijudlestoids: right, fair definitions [00:42]
asciilifeform: i.e. 0 asm ( unless whole thing in asm ) [00:42]
herbijudlestoids: so I guess then it's not just a question of Ada, but also you want a good arch [00:42]
herbijudlestoids: what is an asciilifeform acceptable arch? [00:42]
herbijudlestoids: ARM64? [00:42]
herbijudlestoids: RISC-V? [00:42]
mircea_popescu: not yet designed. [00:43]
asciilifeform: there are ugly archs, and less-ugly, thread was about hard separation of processes, which can only happen on separated machines. [00:43]
herbijudlestoids: yeah, those kind of definitions are appreciated again [00:43]
herbijudlestoids: mircea_popescu: I believe something has been designed around this ... [00:44]
herbijudlestoids: CHERI processor, SAFE processor [00:44]
herbijudlestoids: [00:44]
asciilifeform: re 'small', my ffa example ( linked earlier ) is illustrative. basic bignum arithm stack, works on any machine bitness or endianness [00:44]
mircea_popescu: maybe. doesn't seem terribly convincing. [00:45]
asciilifeform: ~700ln [00:45]
asciilifeform: herbijudlestoids: 'metadata rule engine' lol again academitardism [00:45]
phf: !#seenbefore herbijudlestoids [00:46]
a111: 2015-12-07 <herbijudlestoids> hows life, assets! [00:46]
asciilifeform: a sane machine arch fits in a few pgs of, e.g., verilog. definitionally. [00:46]
phf: there you go [00:46]
mircea_popescu: it's probably the case a correct cpu is closer to how they make gpus -- paste a bunch of same cores all over the chip surface and that's that. [00:46]
asciilifeform: herbijudlestoids: and must be UTTERLY predictable in operation. [00:46]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: chuck moore's, say. [00:47]
mircea_popescu: something [00:47]
mircea_popescu: certainly none of that bullshit multi-layered cache pipeline and "prediction" and "management engines" and etc. destructured rahter than multistructured. [00:48]
asciilifeform: anyway sane arch was developed in '80s and called... fpga [00:48]
asciilifeform: now if only someone made honest fpga. [00:48]
asciilifeform: doesn't get moar destructured than fpga... [00:48]
herbijudlestoids: asciilifeform: do you hate this one too [00:49]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform basuically this crash-safe thing looks like a mostly theoretical xilinx blob [00:49]
herbijudlestoids: it's academic so I am guessing yes [00:50]
herbijudlestoids: altho I gotta say I am a fan of capability style systems [00:50]
asciilifeform: it's the umpteenth 'let's bolt safety to c machine by compartmentalizing processes REALLY!!11 well with proprietary iron' attempt, mircea_popescu [00:50]
asciilifeform: total snore. [00:51]
mircea_popescu: myeah [00:51]
asciilifeform: !!up erlehmann [00:51]
deedbot: erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes. [00:51]
erlehmann: asciilifeform why don't you make FPGAs? or processors for that matter? starting with home computers? [00:52]
asciilifeform: erlehmann: expensive [00:52]
asciilifeform: erlehmann: coupla $mil for 1980s-sized ic. try it some time, get quotes. [00:53]
asciilifeform: ( and recall that it usually takes ~several~ shots.. ) [00:53]
phf: capability systems demand capability ontology, which in practice is both expensive to develop and impractical to upkeep [00:53]
mircea_popescu: moreover, too soon. [00:53]
mircea_popescu: << this, yes. [00:54]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 01:18 asciilifeform: extracting the Stone of Folly ? [00:54]
asciilifeform: erlehmann: unless you're rockefeller, it is the kind of thing you do solely if you believe that you can sell'em and make profit. [00:55]
mircea_popescu: am personally acquainted with subjects who'd immensely benefit [00:55]
asciilifeform: lolyes [00:55]
asciilifeform: ( erlehmann : recently there are also chip fabs that charge 'only' six-figure usd: but they make pretenses to own your design! in the small print !! ) [00:57]
erlehmann: lel [00:57]
mircea_popescu: << the concept of "jets" reminds me of the miserable sort of "vp of busines development" that's basically scarlet o'hara, and a good whipping'd have benefitted immensely. [00:59]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 01:50 phf: his concept of jets sort of reminds me of lisp VOPs, with similar failure modes. vops originally were supposed to abstract a lisp machine cpu on traditional hardware, so that, say, addition vop adds all the assembler overhead of typechecking etc. in reality it turned into an everything and kitchen sink way of adding arbitrary assembler to the system [00:59]
mircea_popescu: usually known in bitcoin as "idea people" [00:59]
mircea_popescu: !!up herbijudlestoids [00:59]
deedbot: herbijudlestoids voiced for 30 minutes. [00:59]
erlehmann: in the beginning i thought jets would work like a recognizer + cache [01:00]
erlehmann: but alas, it was just hints [01:00]
erlehmann: so for example the markdown support? just joking, all of this is done by some C lib [01:00]
erlehmann: trololo [01:00]
herbijudlestoids: in front of all tmsr I admit that I lost my old gpg keypair it seems, thought I had it in my backups but they all seem to have the current one I'm using [01:01]
mircea_popescu: i dunno what one'd have to have been eating in college to imagine jets as "a-wizard-did-it" handwave solution could possibly work in any practically useful sense. [01:01]
asciilifeform: erlehmann: in practice it's a nightmare of 'chinese scholarship' -- you're forced to stick to particular forms so as to goad the recognizer into maybe-working [01:01]
herbijudlestoids: how does a fool change their pubkey association, phf or anyone? or am I just stuck now [01:01]
mircea_popescu: herbijudlestoids make a new name ? [01:01]
herbijudlestoids: but I will lose my sexysosexy rating from BingoBoingo! [01:02]
mircea_popescu: aha. [01:02]
erlehmann: asciilifeform but there is no recognizer. just a rune to tell the hoon interpreter to get fucked [01:02]
herbijudlestoids: fine, I guess I can abandon this old nick anyway [01:02]
asciilifeform: erlehmann: he promised recognizer!1111 [01:02]
asciilifeform: 'we tried for the best, but got like-always' [01:03]
mircea_popescu: sina try you know, your name, like adults / sane people. [01:03]
erlehmann: asciilifeform maybe moldbug imagined himself steve jobs, who also sometimes lied brazenly. [01:03]
phf: !#seenbefore sina [01:03]
a111: I haven't seen sina before [01:03]
mircea_popescu: !!up sina [01:03]
deedbot: sina voiced for 30 minutes. [01:03]
mircea_popescu: !#seenbefore sluts [01:04]
a111: I haven't seen sluts before [01:04]
erlehmann: oh i thought this might be a channel with sluts [01:05]
mircea_popescu: apparently not. [01:05]
erlehmann: bummer [01:05]
asciilifeform: ada is slut enuff!11 [01:05]
mircea_popescu: yeah i'm kinda also disappoint [01:05]
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i once was in a channel where the rule was that new members would only be full members if they are in the local hookup graph [01:06]
erlehmann: worked like a charm [01:06]
phf: a111 is a scribe, toils at keeping the logs, what do you expect [01:06]
mircea_popescu: erlehmann the problem with this approach is that females don't actually have much interesting to say as a general rule and the ones that do are too busy to be worth much on the hookup front. [01:07]
erlehmann: mircea_popescu sounds depressingly heterosexual [01:07]
mircea_popescu: ~only way out is to keep slavegirls, but then a) you won't particularly want to share and b) it'll take a lot of actual work. [01:07]
mircea_popescu: !!key sina [01:08]
deedbot: [01:08]
erlehmann: well, i know that approach works. slowly, but it works. after a while you have a knot of people who hook up with each other. [01:08]
mircea_popescu: sina you gonna actually take care of that one ? [01:08]
sina: mircea_popescu: yeah I use it and it has proper backups [01:09]
mircea_popescu: !!rate sina 1 missed on all the things! [01:09]
deedbot: Get your OTP: [01:09]
erlehmann: mircea_popescu also i prefer the ones that have interesting stuff to say. [01:09]
mircea_popescu: !!v 5381E06E7065BB3D549679641D24927613EC3AACF4AECE526CC0DC65AD71360A [01:09]
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated sina 1 << missed on all the things! [01:09]
mircea_popescu: erlehmann this does not happen naturally. [01:09]
erlehmann: the preference or the saying? [01:10]
erlehmann: since i learned that sex is cheap i try to only fug with ppl who i would spent a similar amount of time with even if sex was not in the picture. turns out this is a good heuristic to avoid assholes. [01:10]
erlehmann: cheap as in == easy to acquire [01:11]
mircea_popescu: the saying. [01:11]
erlehmann: problem is, i err too often for my taste [01:12]
erlehmann: e.g. had a 20 year old tell me recently that she would not meet me that often if she would expect that fucks would not be given [01:13]
erlehmann: thought a bit about it, have not met her since [01:13]
erlehmann: regarding urbit and hints: [01:14]
erlehmann: asciilifeform as i understand it, “~/ %add” says “use the C implementation here”. fun exercise: remove ~/ digraphs until implementation breaks. [01:15]
erlehmann: when it breaks, you have proof that hoon cannot compile itself [01:15]
mircea_popescu: << actually, the evaluation of the urbit thing that resulted in that decision happened mostly in this very log. [01:25]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 02:12 erlehmann: on the other hand, i successfully used “see, this guy sold his dukedom in 2013” as argument to convince someone that urbit is of no use [01:25]
mircea_popescu: << in general, the funding of cocksuckers is not exactly a cogent consideration in this sense. more of a case of, "whatever, she can have $bits, see what comes of it" [01:26]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 02:15 asciilifeform: my least nonsensical hypothesis is that thiel funded urbit (yes) to make a half-hearted play at 'embrace&extinguish'ing bitcoin [01:26]
sina: ok, I have clearly no fucking clue what is going on [01:26]
sina: gpg -K lists my secret key [01:27]
sina: when I run gpg --decrypt input from the OTP, it says gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available [01:27]
mircea_popescu: << which reminds me, genius boy hasn't found his ballsac to confront to this very day. i have nfi what they're thinking, either, what, someone walks up to you, pisses ion your drink, you'll go all buffett "we couldn't find anyone pissing in mr w's drinks" and that'll wash ? [01:27]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 02:18 asciilifeform: was from the (public) beginning 'we're like bitcoin, but with censorship, so When They Shoot The Bitcoinists, we'll live' [01:27]
sina: I can export the key it is clearly there wtf is going on [01:27]
mircea_popescu: sina maybe you need to feed it a pw. [01:27]
sina: I do, but why isn't it asking me for a pw? [01:28]
sina: what the fucking fuck is going on [01:29]
sina: it asks for a pw if I run `gpg --sign` [01:32]
mircea_popescu: buncha cryptonoobs! [01:34]
mod6: !!up sina [01:34]
deedbot: sina voiced for 30 minutes. [01:34]
BingoBoingo: <herbijudlestoids> but I will lose my sexysosexy rating from BingoBoingo! << NO, you rated ME that [01:34]
sina: whaaat [01:35]
sina: what the fuck have I done wrong here. "gpg --export --armor" ==> ...registered with that. got an OTP URL from above. put it into a file called 'input', run 'gpg --decrypt input' get that error above [01:36]
sina: BingoBoingo: that rating from you was the literal core of my being and now it is crumbling away [01:37]
sina: I am a mote, floating in a sea of meaningless futility [01:37]
BingoBoingo: sina I did not rate you that. Read the direction on the rating page. You rated me! [01:38]
sina: but in my mind, all this time, as I navigated through my day to day life, I have been thinking that you rated me as sexy [01:38]
sina: so sexy [01:38]
sina: and now it turns out wrong [01:38]
sina: brb going to kill myself [01:38]
BingoBoingo: Note diagram [01:38]
BingoBoingo: [01:39]
BingoBoingo: Oh, fuck off. Now I'm starting to wonder who the drunk was in 2014 [01:40]
sina: it was you asshole :D [01:40]
sina: I don't drink [01:40]
mircea_popescu: new south wales does not drink. TROLLING DETECTED [01:41]
sina: anyway I am also coming to terms with the apparent fact that I can't fucking GPG to save my life [01:41]
sina: how the fuck can I sign arbitrary files but not decrypt them [01:42]
mircea_popescu: probably by not signing with the pubkey you're supposed to decrypt with, but a different one. [01:42]
sina: I can even export the secret key with 'pg --export-secret-keys --armor 7A6DC051' [01:42]
mircea_popescu: !!key sina [01:42]
deedbot: [01:43]
mircea_popescu: hm. [01:43]
sina: right? [01:43]
mircea_popescu: that part seems right yeah. [01:43]
mod6: what os / version of gpg? [01:43]
sina: and this is why I thought I didn't have the herbi key backed up because I was getting the same error [01:43]
sina: fedora 24 gpg 1.4.21 [01:43]
BingoBoingo: [01:44]
sina: mod6: the key was generated on, I think ubuntu 12 or 14.04 with a version of gpg I can't remember [01:44]
sina: fuck is this some kind of gpg2 vs gpg1 shit [01:44]
mircea_popescu: not likely [01:45]
BingoBoingo: Admit you are powerless over GPG and that your life has become unmanageable [01:45]
sina: BingoBoingo: yeah I am 100% there [01:46]
BingoBoingo: 2. Come to believe that a power GPG'er than yourself can restore you to sanity [01:46]
sina: I can run 'gpg --local-user 7A6DC051 --sign input', it asks me for a password, I copy/paste the pw from my keepassx, it signs the fucking document [01:47]
BingoBoingo: 3. Surrender your will and life to TMSR as you understand it [01:47]
mircea_popescu: sina have you verified the signature ? [01:47]
sina: I run 'gpg --local-user 7A6DC051 --decrypt input' and I get error saying no secret key [01:47]
sina: mircea_popescu: I can do a detached signature and verify the sig, yes [01:51]
mircea_popescu: pretty weird. [01:51]
sina: mircea_popescu: I know I am pestering, sorry. any chance you can encrypt a doc against my key [01:52]
sina: and paste it somewhere for me to test [01:52]
mircea_popescu: sure. [01:52]
phf: i think you generated a sign only key [01:52]
sina: BingoBoingo: "save for later" LOL [01:53]
sina: phf: I used to use this key to identify with assbot all the time :( [01:53]
phf: doing pgpdump on your pubkey says it's a "Pub alg - DSA Digital Signature Algorithm(pub 17)" [01:53]
sina: at least, I thought I did and now I think I'm just a piece of crazy shit [01:53]
mircea_popescu: << [01:54]
mircea_popescu: check out the totally lulzy string it spit out [01:54]
phf: where's it supposed to say something more like "Pub alg - RSA Encrypt or Sign(pub 1)" [01:54]
BingoBoingo: lol [01:54]
sina: I can decrypt that [01:54]
mircea_popescu: theeeen you shouldn't have a problem. [01:54]
sina: Hurr durr [01:54]
mircea_popescu: what's it say ? [01:54]
mircea_popescu: aha! [01:54]
mircea_popescu: wtf is the issue then [01:55]
sina: ok, so facts are, my fucking backup system did in fact fucking work, and the herbi key was in my keyring uncorrupted this whole time [01:55]
mircea_popescu: but... [01:55]
sina: and I registered "sina" against the same key thinking it was a different key [01:56]
mircea_popescu: so they i don't get it, why cant' you !!v ? [01:56]
BingoBoingo: So, at 6.5 days since last nicotine, most profound side effect so far is having to learn to drive again because "WTF does left hand do nao?" [01:57]
sina: I dunno man, I also tried "curl | gpg --local-user 7A6DC051 --decrypt [01:57]
sina: gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available [01:57]
BingoBoingo: So far answer to that question is hand signals to other drivers [01:57]
sina: BingoBoingo: also nut scratching [01:57]
sina: congrats on 6.5d [01:57]
mod6: sina: well, if you're using this above command exactly, you may need to do: `curl -sL "" | gpg --local-user 7A6DC051 --decrypt" instead [01:58]
mircea_popescu: << or in other words, that you don't actually have linux. [01:58]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 02:35 asciilifeform: ( and prohibits static linking ) [01:58]
sina: mod6: same error [01:58]
mircea_popescu: !!up test_1 [01:59]
deedbot: test_1 voiced for 30 minutes. [01:59]
sina: how the fuck is it possible mircea_popescu can encrypt a msg against that key and I can successfully Hurr durr, but the OTP won't? [01:59]
mircea_popescu: sina i have nfi, it's pretty wtf. [01:59]
sina: maybe phf is right and my key is fucked for real operations? [01:59]
phf: no i'm wrong [02:00]
mircea_popescu: i can't see how me encrypting something isn't real ops. [02:00]
mircea_popescu: trinque can you think of anything weird deedbot might be doing ? total impasse over here. [02:00]
sina: I am glad it isn't just me [02:00]
mircea_popescu: sina do the !!v thing in public so i can see wtf it's sending you ? [02:01]
sina: !!v 7BFEED118C1BD7FA160C7780CA8F764D7A6DC051 [02:02]
sina: no? [02:02]
mircea_popescu: no the other part. !!rate someone or whatrever so it makes you an otp [02:02]
sina: !!rate mircea_popescu gentleman and scholar [02:02]
mircea_popescu: needs a number after name [02:02]
sina: !!rate mircea_popescu 1 gentleman and scholar [02:02]
deedbot: Get your OTP: [02:02]
sina: that worked! [02:03]
sina: !!v A219F31FDD833D1408844473A0436E8608707B6CC91445D2FF2B1A4FA1356753 [02:03]
deedbot: sina rated mircea_popescu 1 << gentleman and scholar [02:03]
mircea_popescu: see, it's encrypted to 1c68710e [02:03]
mircea_popescu: a 3kb elg-e key. [02:03]
sina: 2014 was a strange time, why did I make a 3072 bit DSA elg-e key? [02:03]
mircea_popescu: and also apparently works ? so wtf is the problem ? [02:03]
mircea_popescu: im not even sure why the fuck deedbot would accept such a thing. [02:04]
asciilifeform: doesn't it run on gpg..? [02:04]
asciilifeform: ergo eats what gpg eats. [02:05]
test_1: i tried an dsa/elgamal key, and it seems to be working no problem [02:05]
test_1: err [02:05]
phf: ^ [02:05]
sina: it works now? [02:05]
sina: I could just up myself [02:05]
sina: brb going to kill myself [02:05]
mircea_popescu: cool. [02:05]
phf: yall need jesus. [02:06]
mircea_popescu: lol [02:06]
sina: BingoBoingo: got anymore of those funnies [02:06]
BingoBoingo: sina: Sure, plenty once you catch up on these past 3 years of log [02:06]
BingoBoingo: Until you demonstrate mastery in content of missed logs, you are forbade from self killing [02:08]
sina: phf: yall write this deedbot in lisp? [02:08]
sina: BingoBoingo: noted [02:08]
phf: sina: that's trinque's, and yes [02:09]
mircea_popescu: there's a candy whore in lisp deedbot is iirc written in rdbms. [02:09]
sina: is clojure a dirty word to you? [02:09]
BingoBoingo: Big bonus of catching up on log is knowing who to blame for which bot [02:09]
sina: wait you crazy fuckers wrote a bot in sql stored procedures? [02:09]
sina: I like it [02:09]
mircea_popescu: it all makes sense once you implement macros. [02:09]
sina: mircea_popescu: do you knnow why I am here today? because earlier this week I was telling a friend about this time a crazy Romanian saved OpenBSD with a bitcoin donation [02:10]
sina: good times [02:10]
mircea_popescu: oh ? what'd they say ? [02:10]
sina: mircea_popescu: something dumb like "what's openbsd" [02:11]
BingoBoingo: !!up shinohai [02:11]
deedbot: shinohai voiced for 30 minutes. [02:11]
mircea_popescu: lol [02:11]
shinohai: >.> [02:11]
BingoBoingo: shinohai: The erlehmann and sina camhos may need coaching on how to submit to qntra [02:12]
sina: pls [02:12]
BingoBoingo: !!up simonpenner [02:12]
deedbot: simonpenner voiced for 30 minutes. [02:12]
BingoBoingo: simonpenner: Long time no see. [02:12]
sina: BingoBoingo: how do you get ownership of shares if you don't have an MPex seat tho [02:12]
BingoBoingo: Not 3 years long, but still long in internet time [02:12]
mod6: <+phf> yall need jesus. << haha [02:13]
BingoBoingo: sina: Well there's brokerage or simple butt storage [02:13]
sina: I keep most things in my butt [02:13]
phf: !!seenbefore simonpenner [02:13]
phf: !#seenbefore simonpenner [02:13]
a111: 2017-01-29 <simonpenner> oic [02:13]
shinohai: Coaching requires something to make it worth my while [02:13]
mircea_popescu: << i have nothing to hide!!! [02:13]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 02:41 phf: kek "don't write undefined behavior" [02:13]
shinohai: Like btc or epic lulz [02:14]
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Well, camhos. Propose consideration you would accept. [02:14]
BingoBoingo: Like pooper sharpeis [02:15]
sina: shinohai: propose transfer you my payment for first submission to qntra [02:15]
* shinohai recalls the time (I think it was BingoBoingo and TradeFortress) made Candi's husband put sharpie in pooper .... [02:15]
shinohai: sina what exactly do you need assistance with ? [02:16]
sina: I dunno, lets say I wrote an article "#breaking, #headline, BingoBoingo sucks 200 dicks ..." [02:17]
sina: how I submit [02:17]
mircea_popescu: encrypt it to his key put it in wotpaste and link it to him [02:18]
sina: altho I feel like I remember BingoBoingo saying you just .asc that sucker and ! tell [02:18]
mircea_popescu: yeah. [02:18]
shinohai: You write said submission, `aspell -c submission`, then clearsign the result with your gpg key. [02:18]
BingoBoingo: Not as .asc, as paste [02:18]
shinohai: Then, encrypt to BingoBoingo 's public key [02:18]
shinohai: easy peasy [02:18]
BingoBoingo: <shinohai> You write said submission, `aspell -c submission`, then clearsign the result with your gpg key. << You forgot "Proofread for its vs. it's, because aspell doesn't know" [02:19]
shinohai: nb [02:20]
mircea_popescu: kek [02:20]
shinohai: Spell check is actually kind of worthless as exists now if you speak more than a single language .... [02:21]
mircea_popescu: << cocojambo! pretty fun game, indicative of how we fuck girls that are really way too young. [02:21]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 03:07 phf: like masterboy or mr. president or snap! [02:21]
sina: alright [02:22]
sina: its sat afternoon here so I am gonna go do some weekend stuff [02:22]
sina: me love you long time [02:22]
sina: rly good to see your chars streaming across my term once again [02:23]
mircea_popescu: have fun [02:24]
BingoBoingo: Keep coming back. It works when you work it! [02:24]
shinohai: ^ [02:24]
mircea_popescu: << bwahaha [02:25]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 03:59 herbijudlestoids: you sobered up? [02:25]
shinohai: Where did we get camhos from BingoBoingo .... I'm on mobile so missing the log [02:26]
* shinohai always has eye for fresh talent. [02:26]
BingoBoingo: I'm just guessing they are camhos [02:26]
mircea_popescu: reddit/imaho ? [02:26]
BingoBoingo: lol [02:26]
mircea_popescu: in other wolisome, 6am log is like 1k lines god help us. [02:38]
BingoBoingo: Is this new testament god or still newer testament god? [02:42]
BingoBoingo: [02:43]
* shinohai kicked girl out of house when she said "Why do you read that boring log every day, can't you just facebook like the rest of us" [02:44]
shinohai: Current companion is a bit more housebroken. [02:45]
BingoBoingo: Newspaper trained? [02:45]
shinohai: Yup. She can piss on the AJC on cue. [02:46]
BingoBoingo: Nice [02:47]
mircea_popescu: atlanta jeorjia news ? [02:51]
shinohai: Yeah, not worth the paper printed on. [02:51]
mircea_popescu: amusingly, it occurs to me 0.02 btc actually comes to a whopping ~50 bucks again! [02:54]
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all [02:54]
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2477.43, vol: 12685.98640740 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2391.605, vol: 5057.38829 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2377.7, vol: 12804.97505964 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2542.046932, vol: 20766.02830000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2483.955, vol: 6675.9205161 | Volume-weighted last average: 2471.81366243 [02:55]
BingoBoingo: Oh, lawdy the moar things change! [02:55]
mircea_popescu: you know ? [02:55]
shinohai: Must be why indiancandy texted me today and asked if I was a btcillionare yet. [02:55]
mircea_popescu: lel. should prolly do a new run of wherever whores cuntgregate. [02:56]
shinohai: I'm trying to come up with new ideas. twitter is simply full of fat chicks, etc that pay me to tweet their bullshit until they realize no one fucking cares anyway. [02:58]
shinohai: I forgot I did meet another semi-hot Colombian chick a fortnight ago that I wanted to !~tits [03:00]
mircea_popescu: heh [03:00]
shinohai: I may be wrong, but I think the future of this whole camho thing is making some sort of business model that is like, say Qntra, where the ladies get shares based on content. [03:07]
mircea_popescu: eh, there's ~no future to it. agricultural work. [03:09]
shinohai: Well I was inspired by .... but it seems minds have been poisoned by traditional "social media", etc to the point no one sees the value in this. [03:13]
mircea_popescu: i expect huh. [03:15]
mircea_popescu: basically the fundamental problem is that precious cuntlets want their precious cuntlet to be worth money through it not being used whereas the only way it could ever be worth anything would be through intensive usage. [03:17]
mircea_popescu: traditional porn / society beats this stupid out of whores physically, but there's no substitute for online. [03:18]
shinohai: Precisely. [03:19]
mircea_popescu: "you know that pamela andersen, that's been like on every single mag cover and took everyone up the ass ? well, i'm just like her, except i live in a closet and never did anything like that!" "yeah, i can totally see the resemblance". [03:20]
shinohai: Sounds like indiancandy. "I totally do cam work but GOD FORBID I stick ANYTHING in my vagina." [03:21]
shinohai: !~blocks [03:29]
jhvh1: shinohai: 469505 [03:29]
mircea_popescu: !!up erlehmann [10:06]
deedbot: erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes. [10:06]
mircea_popescu: why are you still messaging me. [10:06]
erlehmann: either extreme lag or me misunderstanding how deedbot works [10:07]
mircea_popescu: let's see ? [10:07]
erlehmann: !!up [10:07]
deedbot: You may not $up yourself. [10:07]
erlehmann: that is correct behaviour, i presume? [10:07]
mircea_popescu: !!key erlehmann [10:07]
deedbot: [10:07]
erlehmann: still 404 [10:07]
erlehmann: weird [10:07]
mircea_popescu: !!gettrust deedbot erlehmann [10:07]
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. [10:07]
erlehmann: that is incorrect behaviour, i presume? [10:08]
mircea_popescu: myeah. what exactly happened here ? [10:08]
erlehmann: i have no idea. before i went to sleep it was telling me i need to register, when i was doing !!up – even though i had already. [10:08]
mircea_popescu: << seems to be it. [10:09]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 04:19 trinque: mk, I'm at some point going to go back to what I was doing. [10:09]
mircea_popescu: basically you registered multiple keys, confirmed none, timedout the dood trying to help you. [10:10]
mircea_popescu: what's with the add approach ? [10:10]
erlehmann: i thought this was an ok answer [10:11]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 04:26 erlehmann: trinque 0x6468DB63F020E509 i guess [10:11]
erlehmann: seems i need to learn more about deedbot and then try again instead of wasting others time [10:12]
mircea_popescu: erlehmann do a final !!register <url> with the actual pubkey of the key you want to use, no backsies, in here so it gets recorded and hopefully gets done today. [10:12]
erlehmann: ok [10:13]
erlehmann: !!register [10:16]
deedbot: 58FD21A3F5C47E7AB50496176468DB63F020E509 [10:16]
erlehmann: that looks exactly like the fingerprint of the key i wish to use [10:16]
mircea_popescu: cool. [10:16]
erlehmann: so was that all? if not, what could i do more? the instructions seem to end here [10:18]
mircea_popescu: should be all. [10:18]
mircea_popescu: give the guy a chance to get around to it. [10:18]
BingoBoingo: From the cancerous faggot department: "Maher seemed encouraged by the answer and said that he should “get to Nebraska more.” Sasse then replied that the comedian was welcome to go: “We’d love to have you work in the fields with us.” Maher seemed surprised by Sasse’s invitation and then jokingly replied, “Work in the fields? Senator, I’m a house nigger.”" [11:13]
mircea_popescu: lol [11:13]
BingoBoingo: The cancerous faggot and the Senator both have some aggro incoming, but Senator is drawing the brunt of it for not "seeing something, saying something" [11:15]
mircea_popescu: what was he supposed to say, "dun lie to me bitch, i know a field nigger when i see one" ? [11:15]
BingoBoingo: Seriously "Your name is Toby, you will be whipped until you acknowledge your name is toby and you work the field" [11:16]
mircea_popescu: "your comedy has become unmanageable" [11:16]
mircea_popescu: i had nfi nebraska even had slavery. [11:17]
mircea_popescu: "The bill introduced in [Omaha City] Council, for the abolition of slavery in this Territory, was called up yesterday, and its further consideration postponed for two weeks. A strong effort will be made among the Republicans to secure its passage we think, however, it will fail. The farce certainly cannot be enacted if the Democrats do their duty." << 1859. [11:19]
BingoBoingo: It was a short one. As much as Nebraska barely exists now, it's existence was more barely in the time leading up to Herr Lincoln's war of aggression [11:20]
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, [11:23]
BingoBoingo: And notice what on the more "inclusive" with no gender specified [11:24]
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all [11:33]
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2542.74, vol: 10766.22137381 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2449.0, vol: 5149.89939 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2436.9, vol: 12141.9770871 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2580.742532, vol: 19784.16060000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2548.0, vol: 5382.42247766 | Volume-weighted last average: 2524.18284441 [11:33]
BingoBoingo: So much crashing [11:33]
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in real leadership, [11:57]
mircea_popescu: and in other unexpected developments : the eu reacted to trump backing out5 of paris accord by pretending the us is not run by washington, and will just work directly to "business leaders" and state governors instead. [12:05]
mircea_popescu: this is like, lizard internecine warfare. [12:05]
BingoBoingo: This is an actual violation of the Logan Act of 1799 [12:34]
mircea_popescu: heh [12:35]
BingoBoingo: "Undermining US foreign policy" [12:36]
mircea_popescu: should be funny to see mayors carted off to jail [12:36]
mircea_popescu: they made some sort of joint declaration w/e [12:36]
mircea_popescu: yet somehow i suspect trump\s still not found his male pants. [12:37]
BingoBoingo: Well, this is why Gov shutdown was scheduled for this coming fall and not this past spring. Shitgnomes need time to crawl out of toilet and sign own indictments [12:38]
mircea_popescu: << [12:39]
mircea_popescu: including bill peduto, lel. [12:40]
BingoBoingo: lol [12:41]
BingoBoingo: In other news, vegetarian hippies oppose beef ban in India because, "muh muslims! [12:43]
BingoBoingo: [12:43]
trinque: << you're registered. I deleted the other registrations. phf's rate seems to have been lost in the mess, so... [12:53]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 14:16 erlehmann: !!register [12:53]
trinque: !!rate erlehmann 1 new blood [12:54]
deedbot: Get your OTP: [12:54]
mircea_popescu: !!rate erlehmann 1 new blood [12:54]
deedbot: Get your OTP: [12:54]
shinohai: <<< This is hilarious. "I'm trying to arrange things where people don’t have to trust me." [12:54]
trinque: !!v 92F669C6BA2DBE01149020CED1E7E057E1E298E4C7357D036A291D426366D482 [12:54]
deedbot: trinque rated erlehmann 1 << new blood [12:54]
mircea_popescu: !!v 99BCC6E96A78895E2C6CF7477852D9ADA708A3C370D39A2AF13D349DED846AC1 [12:54]
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated erlehmann 1 << new blood [12:54]
trinque: !!gettrust deedbot erlehmann [12:54]
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 2 by 2 connections. [12:54]
trinque: welcome welcome [12:54]
mircea_popescu: shinohai one funny aspect is that apparently dorks imagine "i'm trying to" as some sort of blank card, dun need to make any sort of effort to explain meaningfully what you're doing. "i'm trying to", good enough. [12:55]
shinohai: Just like he "tried to" verify those signed messages from Hoaxtoshi? [12:56]
mircea_popescu: he tried and therefore nobody should piss in his drooly mouth. [12:56]
erlehmann: ok, this works [12:57]
erlehmann: thanks for helping [12:57]
trinque: np. [12:58]
erlehmann: > Users of the Random Sanity Project can take those random numbers – from 16 to 64 bytes – and input them into the service, which will return a 'true' if the bytes look random, or a 'false' if the numbers don't. [12:59]
erlehmann: that seems like the more hilarious part of it [12:59]
shinohai: erlehmann: See [13:00]
erlehmann: the stupidity looks fractal to me [13:02]
erlehmann: >$BYTES [13:02]
erlehmann: 1. put “rest” in URL. 2. ??? 3. RESTful service achieved [13:03]
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in quality gear, [13:05]
erlehmann: curl [13:05]
erlehmann: true [13:05]
erlehmann: … and on the second invocation it returns false. seems like a classic GET with side effects. [13:06]
asciilifeform: erlehmann: there's 3 or 4 faux phuctors by now -- and that's just the ones i turned up [13:07]
asciilifeform: all of'em have a few things in common. [13:07]
asciilifeform: ( e.g. not publicly displaying ANY useful result ! ) [13:08]
erlehmann: ok, this is getting silly “curl” returns true [13:08]
asciilifeform: erlehmann: iirc all that one did was to see if $value was submitted before [13:08]
erlehmann: asciilifeform i see the genius of the naming now, sane people can respond to such things with “i'd rather FUCKGOATS” and be right 100% of the time [13:12]
asciilifeform: erlehmann: ftr mircea_popescu named that one [13:13]
* BingoBoingo thought FUCKGOATS was a natural path to other product names like PASHTUN and BLANKET and HAYBARN [13:54]
BingoBoingo: While not forgetting URMOM [13:54]
deedbot: << Qntra - Fake News Media Celebrates Mayors' Seditionist Collaboration With Foreign Governments Undermining US Foreign Policy [13:54]
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo many mayors [13:55]
BingoBoingo: ty fxd [13:55]
shinohai: LOL >>> [13:55]
shinohai: "Popesciu" [13:56]
mircea_popescu: check it out, anon horseface opines! [13:56]
shinohai: kek [13:59]
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i did consider possible 'FUCKPIGS' for the bigger one.. [14:11]
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: FUCKPIGS has different herding harness when clustered, APPALACIAN [14:13]
asciilifeform: lol [14:13]
BingoBoingo: And the extreme environment hardened variant FUCKSHEEP is herded by SCOTSMAN [14:15]
asciilifeform: lol i have the 'extreme' one going as we speak, [14:16]
asciilifeform: ( ) [14:16]
a111: Logged on 2017-06-02 03:21 asciilifeform: meanwhile!! , [14:16]
asciilifeform: water (it floats...), dust-, and rf- proof.. [14:19]
BingoBoingo: And it's a very nice one [14:19]
mircea_popescu: lmao [14:20]
asciilifeform: surprisingly cheap, the box, also (10-20bux, from this vendor, depending on size has conductive gasket, comes with bolts) [14:21]
BingoBoingo: Perfect for a TRUESCOTSMAN [14:21]
asciilifeform: lul [14:21]
mircea_popescu: alf will not rest until fg goes up someone's butt [14:22]
asciilifeform: i actually considered a 'dildonic' silicone casting around it [14:22]
asciilifeform: shape is more or less accomodating [14:22]
BingoBoingo: Well the waterbag around butt attenuates rf signals coming through the air [14:22]
asciilifeform: ('a phallic symbol's anything that's longer than it's wide!') [14:23]
BingoBoingo: Like a bench [14:24]
deedbot: << Trilema - MiniGame (S.MG), May 2017 Statement [14:58]
ben_vulpes: top logs this am gents [15:19]
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes is candi still around your castle ? [15:23]
ben_vulpes: ah, shame no [15:23]
ben_vulpes: let me go boot her back up [15:24]
mircea_popescu: yeah, great for noobs to play with her tits. [15:24]
asciilifeform: in other lulz, a parcel asciilifeform sent to the wrong continent -- came back! [19:11]
asciilifeform: months later. [19:13]
mircea_popescu: ha! [19:57]
mod6: evenin' [20:59]
mod6: <+asciilifeform> lol i have the 'extreme' one going as we speak, << these are awesome! [21:08]
mod6: <+asciilifeform> in other lulz, a parcel asciilifeform sent to the wrong continent -- came back! << haha [21:58]
ben_vulpes: little known fact, mayer allan brenner still hosts (but does not link to!) his books at [23:51]
ben_vulpes: mayer allan brenner * [23:52]
ben_vulpes: mayer alan brenner * [23:52]
mod6: how goes ben_vulpes ? [23:52]
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