Forum logs for 29 Nov 2014

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* _flow_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:01]
* MykelSIlver ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:01]
mircea_popescu [00:02]
assbot King's Bounty, the iPad reboot pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [00:02]
* MykelSIlver has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:03]
mthreat The Rescuers was one of my favorite movies... [00:05]
mthreat evinrude the motor [00:05]
* _flow_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:07]
* hdbuck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:08]
* hdbuck has quit (Client Quit) [00:10]
* pete_dushenski has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:12]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35300 @ 0.00036064 = 12.7306 BTC [+] [00:13]
* mod6 (~mod6@unaffiliated/mod6) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:15]
* assbot gives voice to mod6 [00:15]
* bagels7 (bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:16]
mircea_popescu << so basically these idiots want me to what, bring-my-own-contact for their idiotic group ? [00:22]
assbot Contact - ... ( ) [00:22]
mircea_popescu all things considered, i would say this is a reasonable summary of the business acumen of your average argentinian. [00:22]
mircea_popescu they'd make great soviet bureaucrats, if only there existed a soviet soyuz for them to run into the ground. [00:23]
* _flow_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:33]
* _flow_ has quit (Excess Flood) [00:35]
* _flow_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:39]
* saulimus has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:01]
* teek ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:02]
ben_vulpes ;;ticker [01:23]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 376.38, Best ask: 377.28, Bid-ask spread: 0.90000, Last trade: 376.37, 24 hour volume: 13721.17625149, 24 hour low: 358.0, 24 hour high: 381.34, 24 hour vwap: 369.740141101 [01:23]
xanthyos it's been up today 2%, picked up .7627 right before [01:29]
ben_vulpes i'm actually just checking the robustness of my new bouncer setup, xanthyos [01:30]
xanthyos i got an android tablet. do you know of any safe wallets for android os? [01:30]
ben_vulpes i'm not even aware that "android" is secure. [01:31]
xanthyos yeah the whole way apps are installed is so foreign [01:31]
ben_vulpes p. trivial to catch a virus on android. [01:31]
ben_vulpes i'd not run a wallet on it. [01:31]
ben_vulpes get a shitty old computer, wipe it, put debian on it and keep it isolated from the internet. [01:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47300 @ 0.00036599 = 17.3113 BTC [+] [01:32]
* undata has quit (Changing host) [01:32]
* undata (~undata@unaffiliated/undata) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:32]
xanthyos airgapped old machine w/open bsd [01:32]
xanthyos or openbsd bootable flashdrive [01:36]
ben_vulpes [01:36]
assbot ... ( ) [01:36]
xanthyos i find that offensive, not the sex but the fact that they're pug owners [01:37]
cazalla adlai: cazalla, BingoBoingo, et al: qntra doesn't seem to have covered yet <<< these things read like nothing more than an attempt to drum up some social media chatter, look at their response [01:38]
assbot What is your opinion about /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash ? [01:38]
assbot /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash is truly an amazing invention. Thank you all for the feedback! [01:38]
cazalla adlai, similar to when Heineken said bitcoin is a vision of the future, drink our beer etc, BitPay offerred to help and then turn around and go oh nah we're good [01:40]
assbot Our vision of the future? Drink real beer, pay with virtual money. /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash /hashtag/OpenYourWorld?src=hash [01:40]
* assbot gives voice to undata [01:41]
ben_vulpes salud undata [01:42]
undata ben_vulpes: good afternoon [01:43]
ben_vulpes ;;ticker [01:47]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 377.61, Best ask: 378.29, Bid-ask spread: 0.68000, Last trade: 378.29, 24 hour volume: 13781.18923688, 24 hour low: 358.0, 24 hour high: 381.34, 24 hour vwap: 369.788481519 [01:47]
cazalla adlai, plus given the social media raping of western union the other day, moneybookers preempting it happening to them.. look at us, we're pro bitcoin, really! [01:47]
adlai cazalla: did anything happen from that? the twitter "conversation" is pretty thin [01:48]
cazalla adlai, nothing, it's just marketing [01:48]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:50]
* copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:00]
* bagels7 has quit () [02:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 23 @ 0.100001 = 2.3 BTC [+] {2} [02:04]
adlai candles in the mpex charts change color! [02:04]
* bagels7 (bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:12]
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [02:20]
* bagels7 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:26]
* bagels7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:26]
* Pierre_Rochard (~Pierre@unaffiliated/pierre-rochard/x-3593157) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:32]
* Quanttek_ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [02:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 944 @ 0.00124997 = 1.18 BTC [-] [02:50]
* bagels7 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:50]
* bagels7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:50]
* bagels7 has quit (Changing host) [02:51]
* bagels7 (bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:51]
* moldysnizz has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [02:51]
adlai 2nd from right is some sorta green reverse gravestone doji, but earlier it was red and bleeding [02:54]
assbot S.MPOE last 47300@0.00036599 ... ( ) [02:54]
adlai there should be a timelapse gif of these "sliding window" candle charts [02:55]
adlai with overlays of all the possible nonsense generated by overfatted TA [02:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1625 @ 0.00124999 = 2.0312 BTC [+] [02:57]
cazalla adlai, turns out that @moneybookers account has nothing to do with them, they rebranded as skrill and someone is squatting the old name [03:14]
adlai aha [03:14]
adlai monkeybookers [03:14]
cazalla [03:14]
adlai shill skrill [03:14]
assbot We’d like to assure our customers that /skrill is in no way associated with the /MoneyBookers account or the news and views that it shares. [03:14]
* drawingthesun ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:19]
* AndChat|679296 (~AndChat67@2607:fb90:42b:e15d:7781:c7ea:2f6c:1bc7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:20]
* drawingthesun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:20]
* RagnarsBitch has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26019 @ 0.00036626 = 9.5297 BTC [-] [03:22]
mircea_popescu adlai yeah srsly. [03:23]
adlai [03:31]
assbot We are very happy to be able to inform you about the news on Skrill (MoneyBookers) via this new unofficial twitter account! [03:31]
adlai date is relevant: 28 Nov 2012 [03:31]
adlai this company has been name squatted for TWO YEARS [03:31]
adlai that's enough internet for tonight [03:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19032 @ 0.00036626 = 6.9707 BTC [-] [03:45]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [04:00]
* bagels7 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:02]
* bagels7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:02]
* Guest38020 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:02]
* bagels7 has quit (Client Quit) [04:03]
mircea_popescu kik [04:05]
* deedBot (~deedBot@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:06]
* deedBot is now known as Guest76864 [04:06]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55099 @ 0.00036835 = 20.2957 BTC [+] {2} [04:10]
* AndChat|679296 has quit (Quit: Bye) [04:10]
* berndj has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:10]
* berndj ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:11]
* RagnarsBitch ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:11]
* RagnarsBitch has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [04:17]
* WolfGoethe ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:27]
* Pierre_Rochard has quit (Quit: Pierre_Rochard) [04:35]
decimation opera is a vastly superior browser [04:40]
decimation news from the 'stem jobs' chumpatron: << "Asked what evidence existed of a labor shortage, a spokesperson for Facebook e-mailed a one-sentence statement: “We look forward to hearing more specifics about the President’s plan and how it will impact the skills gap that threatens the competitiveness of the tech sector.”" [04:42]
assbot The Tech Worker Shortage Doesn't Really Exist - Businessweek ... ( ) [04:42]
* Dr-G3 (~Dr-G@gateway/tor-sasl/dr-g) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:43]
decimation Translation: in exchange for political support, manipulation of the masses, etc, we expect to be paid in usg-authorized indentured servants [04:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32997 @ 0.00037375 = 12.3326 BTC [+] [04:45]
* Dr-G2 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [04:46]
* WolfGoethe has quit (Read error: Connection timed out) [04:51]
kuzetsa teenage mutant ninja turtles x3; heroes in a half-shell; turtle power! [04:51]
cazalla fkn lol [04:51]
assbot Bitcoin - Australian Senate - Inquiry into Digital Currencies Nov 2014 - YouTube ... ( ) [04:51]
* kuzetsa nods sagely [04:51]
kuzetsa hi cazalla [04:51]
cazalla hi kuzetsa [04:52]
kuzetsa I'm old enough to have grown up around the time the original TMNT animated series was still on the air, but that doesn't make it (or me) any cooler I guess [04:52]
kuzetsa I'm gonna be watching the movie tonight just to see how much they ruined my childhood [04:53]
cazalla kuzetsa, the original movie or the new one? [04:54]
kuzetsa the one that came out in the past 36 months & just came out on bluray in the past few weeks [04:54]
cazalla ah yeah, i've never watched any of the reboots [04:54]
cazalla have you seen nigga turtles? [04:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34601 @ 0.00037346 = 12.9221 BTC [-] [04:54]
kuzetsa either it's racist humor or your misspelling was unfortunate [04:55]
cazalla kuzetsa, nigga turtles is the best remake to date [04:55]
assbot NIGGA TURTLES EPISODE 1 spoof - YouTube ... ( ) [04:55]
kuzetsa oh dear [04:55]
kuzetsa that link of yours routed through and ... suspicious scripting and shit [04:57]
cazalla complain to assbot, not me [04:58]
kuzetsa <<< actual link [04:58]
assbot NIGGA TURTLES EPISODE 1 spoof - YouTube ... ( ) [04:58]
kuzetsa oh [04:58]
kuzetsa oooh [04:58]
* kuzetsa facepalms [04:58]
* Namworld has quit () [04:58]
kuzetsa I clicked assbot's hostile link instead of yours. you're right. [04:58]
kuzetsa wtf even is "" ?!@$! [04:59]
kuzetsa assbot: you're a bad idea [04:59]
xanthyos web proxy [04:59]
kuzetsa I wasn't impressed by nigga turtles [04:59]
xanthyos remember the scene when young shredder takes all the bells in the dark room without ringing one? [05:00]
cazalla kuzetsa, there is like 10 episodes and it is a better watch than the remake you intend to watch [05:00]
kuzetsa xanthyos: no, I do not. [05:00]
kuzetsa cazalla: I'm uncomfortable with the voiceovers and such on it [05:01]
xanthyos looks like many other "bad lip reading" clips on yotuube [05:02]
xanthyos even easier to mouth synch with the latex turtle head mouths [05:03]
mats_cd03 ;;ticker [05:04]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 375.3, Best ask: 376.59, Bid-ask spread: 1.29000, Last trade: 376.6, 24 hour volume: 14247.17116987, 24 hour low: 358.0, 24 hour high: 381.34, 24 hour vwap: 370.100683872 [05:04]
mats_cd03 looks like mp was right, the price didn't budge for black friday [05:04]
decimation << reddit thread discussing some details re: systemd and udev [05:30]
assbot When kdbus will become merged in kernel, using udev without systemd will become impossible. Lennart shuts down discussion calling any opposition "haters". : linux ... ( ) [05:30]
decimation it seems that Kay Sievers (and before him Greg KH) were the de-facto maintainers of udev [05:31]
decimation they got the idea (probably from Lennart) that it would be a good idea to make udev depend on systemd [05:31]
decimation when asked why they were not going to support a standalone udev, Lennart wrote: "Anyway, as soon as kdbus is merged this i how we will maintain udev, you have ample time to figure out some solution that works for you, but we will not support the udev-on-netlink case anymore. I see three options: a) fork things, b) live with systemd, c) if hate systemd that much, but love udev so much, then implement an alternative userspace for kdbus [05:34]
decimation to do initialiuzation/policy/activation." [05:34]
ben_vulpes linux is rotting. [05:34]
decimation it's not really 'rotting' in as much as it is 'dead', and a mushroom is growing on its corpse [05:35]
ben_vulpes wither compute? [05:35]
decimation it's 'dead' in the sense that there's apparently no serious alternative to redhat-salaried developers who 'maintain' the core of userspace [05:36]
ben_vulpes to the bsds, i suppose [05:36]
* DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:36]
ben_vulpes and openbsd i further suppose because an actual human runs it. [05:37]
decimation For the pankakkes of the world: I'm not trying to say that the existing init system is awesome, I'm sure that if one were to turn over that rock one would find a mass of ugly critters [05:38]
* agorecki ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:56]
* agorecki has quit (Client Quit) [06:00]
mircea_popescu opera is a vastly superior browser <<< i been sayin'. [06:00]
mircea_popescu 18* kuzetsa facepalms << lawl. [06:02]
mircea_popescu assbot: you're a bad idea << if you'd have read the logs you'd know there was some derp in chan earlier dropping links to leech ips to ddos people. [06:02]
mircea_popescu and hidemyass is probably the most used web based proxy [06:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50698 @ 0.0003623 = 18.3679 BTC [-] {2} [06:06]
mircea_popescu decimation basically this systemd is a ms windows of 1990s reboot. [06:07]
mircea_popescu i suppose the only point being proven is that insecure idiots, low on skills and very high on politicizing are never going to go away. [06:08]
mircea_popescu decimation> it's 'dead' in the sense that there's apparently no serious alternative to redhat-salaried developers who 'maintain' the core of userspace <<< history is the alternative. [06:10]
mircea_popescu who the fuck wants "new code" anyway. [06:10]
mircea_popescu unrelatedly, of game balancing : [06:17]
mircea_popescu I. Rogues are scissors. Warriors are rock. Hunters, paladins, priests, druids, mages, and shamans are paper. Warlocks are mushrooms. [06:17]
mircea_popescu II. Paper beats rock. Scissors beat paper. Scissors also happen to beat rock... [06:17]
mircea_popescu III. Until rock hits sixty at which point rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that also beats paper, and would beat scissors, but it can't find scissors, because scissors are invisible. So scissors beat paper and avoid rock, and that is called balance. [06:17]
mats_cd03 yep. [06:25]
mats_cd03 for a short time i played on bg9 in 3s pvp at a high level, ~top 20 teams or so [06:26]
cazalla wow pvp is the biggest zzz [06:26]
mats_cd03 the variation from season to season for class compositions made the game unplayable [06:26]
mats_cd03 minor balance changes fucked everything up, from skill changes, equipment, racials, ... part of the reason why wow pvp never really caught on as an 'esport' imo [06:28]
cazalla not really, the game became more of a social network with socialist participation award type shit [06:29]
mats_cd03 that too, but the game had such an enormous player base that if the pvp was any good it could be as huge as dota, et al are rite now [06:30]
mircea_popescu mats_cd03 i agree, they had the most braindamaged administrative approach [06:30]
mircea_popescu but then again, they never wanted to make a good game ; they just wanted to make a game everyone plays, and pays . [06:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3608 @ 0.00036064 = 1.3012 BTC [-] [06:36]
thestringpuller mirc but then again, they never wanted to make a good game ; they just wanted to make a game everyone plays << except that was never the original plan until activision took over [06:49]
nubbins` mirc [06:50]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: * [06:51]
thestringpuller i just woke up; cut me slack. [06:51]
nubbins` it's 1:21am [06:53]
thestringpuller yea sim city + no work until the 8th = no sleep schedule [06:54]
mats_cd03 sounds nice [06:54]
thestringpuller how is it 1:21 there? [06:54]
mats_cd03 noofinland [06:55]
thestringpuller its 21 after? [06:55]
thestringpuller its 52 after here [06:55]
nubbins` then it's 22 after [06:55]
nubbins` protip: not every time zone is offset from UTC by an integer number of hours [06:55]
thestringpuller is it still double digit temperatures? :) [06:56]
nubbins` actually the first snowfall of the year tonight [06:57]
nubbins` there's a few inches out there [06:57]
thestringpuller I'm starting to miss the cold. The weather here is whacky. Went from freezing to spring weather in the same week last week. [06:58]
thestringpuller At least when its just cold you can just light a fire. [06:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30900 @ 0.00035995 = 11.1225 BTC [-] [07:00]
mats_cd03 02:48:14asciilifeform:usg choppers were supposedly fired upon during 'katrina' << yep, i can confirm this second hand -- i know a few L.A. guardsmen that engaged in firefights with looters [07:06]
mats_cd03 it should be public knowledge by now, i heard rumors about a documentary film about to be released a year ago, dunno if it materialized [07:07]
nubbins` magine [07:08]
mats_cd03 kinda controversial, as the regular army is prohibited from combat operations on american soil afaik (posse comitatus) [07:08]
nubbins` when else would ya get the opportunity, i guess [07:08]
mats_cd03 funny enough, some guardsmen participated in the looting [07:12]
nubbins` when else would ya get the opportunity, i guess [07:16]
nubbins` given the choice between grabbing a looter and grabbing a new flatscreen... [07:17]
nubbins` [07:18]
assbot CBC managers told of Jian Ghomeshi 'assault' allegations back in June - Canada - CBC News ... ( ) [07:18]
mats_cd03 id have preferred a gun battle, personally. [07:18]
nubbins` cbc's self-reporting on all this ghomeshi stuff has been stellar [07:18]
mats_cd03 pitched battles with insurgents are fairly rare even for dudes in remote combat outposts [07:19]
decimation mats_cd03: I know a few folks who believe that the regular army would generally have no problem with firing on americans if ordered to do so [07:19]
decimation I'm not so sure myself, but I hope it doesn't come to that [07:20]
mats_cd03 idk about that, i worked with a fair number of free thinkers ranging from lower enlisted to field grade officers [07:20]
decimation I think there was a discussion about this awhile ago. I think that if it came to this (orders to fire on the population somewhere) it would probably tear the military apart, or at least damage the chain of command [07:21]
mats_cd03 and i don't get the impression they'd be down with it. american military doctrine encourages autonomy at the company level in a lot of ways [07:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63000 @ 0.00035978 = 22.6661 BTC [-] {3} [07:22]
dub a world where are americans are shooting each other is a safer world [07:22]
decimation dub: happens every day [07:22]
mats_cd03 which is great for tactical warfighting, but much less suited to a task better left for secret police [07:22]
dub and yet america survives [07:22]
decimation "there is much ruin in a nation" [07:23]
mircea_popescu thestringpuller i guess so yeah [07:25]
decimation mats_cd03: unfortunately it seems like the 'secret police' is often trotted as a solution to many of usg's problems [07:25]
* agorecki ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:26]
* agorecki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:29]
* FabianB_ (~fabian@unaffiliated/fabianb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:48]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [09:22]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [09:22]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [09:22]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. [09:22]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [09:23]
mircea_popescu so no 10k usd huh. [09:27]
assbot BitBet - 1BTC >= $10,000 USD :: 75 B (9%) on Yes, 782.38 B (91%) on No | closed 1 week 3 days ago ... ( ) [09:27]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [09:52]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [09:52]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [09:52]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. [09:52]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [09:53]
nubbins` fluffypony dat time savings [09:54]
nubbins` nb [09:54]
mircea_popescu lol [09:54]
mircea_popescu daylight time savings!~ [09:54]
nubbins` tbh i want daylight savings time all year [09:54]
nubbins` it currently gets dark at 4:30pm [09:54]
nubbins` i would rather it didn't get dark until 5:30pm [09:55]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [10:44]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [10:44]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [10:44]
* [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: [10:44]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. [10:44]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [10:45]
* jespern ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:46]
* kleinessteak has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [10:47]
mircea_popescu !up jespern [10:48]
-assbot- You voiced jespern for 30 minutes. [10:48]
* assbot gives voice to jespern [10:48]
kuzetsa [23:00:00] <+mircea_popescu> assbot: you're a bad idea << if you'd have read the logs you'd know there was some derp in chan earlier dropping links to leech ips to ddos people. << mmm, yeah. I barely even notice if someone directly mentions my own nick. [10:55]
* jespern has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [10:55]
mircea_popescu aha [10:55]
kuzetsa and that's only because I enabled the nick highlight feature on my IRC client [10:55]
kuzetsa I was totally awake for the past 5 hours, just not looking at IRC [10:56]
kuzetsa I was mostly annoyed because has some suspicious scripting and a helluvalotta sponsored advertizing, and pingbacks and cookie leakage to facebook and other social networking sites which I couldn't be arsed to audit [10:59]
kuzetsa I default to assuming something complicated enough that I can't audit it in under 2 minutes is a bad idea [11:02]
kuzetsa hence my saying "assbot: you're a bad idea" generically [11:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63281 @ 0.00036317 = 22.9818 BTC [-] [11:16]
* jespern ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24800 @ 0.00036679 = 9.0964 BTC [+] {3} [11:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25334 @ 0.00036315 = 9.2 BTC [-] {2} [11:32]
* jespern has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:34]
* jespern ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:58]
* berndj-blackout is now known as berndj [12:06]
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[]bot Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Silver to fall under $15/oz before December 27th" Odds: 52(Y):48(N) by coin, 58(Y):42(N) by weight. Total bet: 16.70982698 BTC. Current weight: 10,968. [12:17]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39500 @ 0.00036533 = 14.4305 BTC [+] {2} [13:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28000 @ 0.00037162 = 10.4054 BTC [+] {3} [13:42]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17700 @ 0.00037479 = 6.6338 BTC [+] {3} [14:05]
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fluffypony [14:44]
assbot Evil 32: Check Your GPG Fingerprints ... ( ) [14:44]
fluffypony and this: [14:49]
assbot Publishing: The peer-review scam : Nature News & Comment [14:49]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18442 @ 0.00036519 = 6.7348 BTC [-] {2} [14:51]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00036445 = 2.0409 BTC [-] [15:05]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56497 @ 0.00036959 = 20.8807 BTC [+] {2} [15:21]
cazalla damn, 1230am and outta liqour : [15:35]
mats_cd03 << phy radio [15:38]
assbot Demistiphy 802.15.4 - Travis Goodspeed & Sergey Bratus - YouTube ... ( ) [15:38]
mats_cd03 << fw hacking bd-r drives [15:42]
assbot scanlime/coastermelt · GitHub ... ( ) [15:42]
mircea_popescu kuzetsa yeah i guess it's way too web 2.0 for its own good. [15:42]
mircea_popescu fluffypony you know bout phucktor ? [15:43]
fluffypony cazalla: pft, should always have a stash :-P [15:43]
fluffypony mircea_popescu: no? [15:43]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: Quit) [15:44]
cazalla fluffypony, can't keep a stash because it gets drunk [15:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11095 @ 0.00037407 = 4.1503 BTC [+] [15:45]
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fluffypony cazalla: you need a standing weekly order :-P [15:46]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53550 @ 0.00036345 = 19.4627 BTC [-] {2} [15:49]
cazalla nintendo are releasing eon tickets across australia on monday, i get to line up at the shopping centre with 10 year olds and other dorks just so i can get the ticket to go to the island in game and catch a specific pokemon [15:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00036313 = 3.8129 BTC [-] [15:57]
mats_cd03 lol [16:00]
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mircea_popescu fluffypony asciilifeform made a gpg key tester [16:19]
mircea_popescu [16:20]
assbot Submit a GPG Public Key | Phuctor ... ( ) [16:20]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5356 @ 0.00037407 = 2.0035 BTC [+] [16:22]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00035871 = 6.5106 BTC [-] {2} [17:08]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51100 @ 0.00035748 = 18.2672 BTC [-] {2} [17:34]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00124999 = 1.25 BTC [+] [17:59]
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* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [19:12]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.0003639 = 4.9854 BTC [+] {2} [19:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3990 @ 0.00124999 = 4.9875 BTC [+] [19:20]
* assbot gives voice to kakobrekla [19:27]
kakobrekla < do you find any of these better: [19:28]
assbot Logged on 29-11-2014 08:56:36; kuzetsa: I was mostly annoyed because has some suspicious scripting and a helluvalotta sponsored advertizing, and pingbacks and cookie leakage to facebook and other social networking sites which I couldn't be arsed to audit [19:28]
assbot ... ( ) [19:28]
assbot Free Web Proxy ... ( ) [19:28]
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kuzetsa kakobrekla: I have no preference [19:58]
kuzetsa I just use a sane browser that doesn't run scripts by default [19:58]
kuzetsa hidemyass wasn't on the whitelist [19:58]
kuzetsa so I couldn't see the youtube video [19:58]
kuzetsa and I was irked when I saw how many non-youtube scripts hidemyass was trying to run :( [19:59]
kakobrekla thats to be used only when you are following links from unknown people btw [20:00]
kakobrekla at least that was the original idea. [20:00]
kuzetsa I didn't think anyone in this channel could post unless they were at least known in the -otc WoT [20:01]
kuzetsa how are you defining "unknown people" O_O [20:01]
kakobrekla strangers get voiced all the time? [20:01]
kuzetsa do they? [20:01]
kakobrekla temporarily, but still. [20:01]
kakobrekla !up dooglus [20:02]
* assbot gives voice to dooglus [20:02]
kakobrekla -assbot- You voiced dooglus for 30 minutes. [20:02]
kakobrekla looks like it! [20:02]
kuzetsa that seems to defeat the purpose of having +m [20:02]
kakobrekla idk have you been in this chan before in last few months? [20:03]
kuzetsa I've been idling for several consecutive months [20:03]
kuzetsa I usually don't pay much attention though [20:03]
kuzetsa and I recently wiped my logs so it only goes back a week or two curently [20:03]
kakobrekla myea. [20:03]
kuzetsa I've only privmsg'd assbot with the !up thinger less than 10 times [20:03]
mircea_popescu there's kinda no way out of the "i don't want to pay attention, why don't i understand anything" trap. [20:05]
mircea_popescu pick one. [20:05]
kuzetsa sure there is [20:05]
kuzetsa it's not a trap if shut up [20:05]
kuzetsa :) [20:05]
mircea_popescu lol i guess [20:06]
kuzetsa (I don't care enough to discuss the proxy thing ... people just keep re-bringing it up and highlighting me in the process) [20:06]
kuzetsa ninja turtles sucked BTW [20:07]
kuzetsa like... my expectations were low but I was still blown away with how awful it was :( [20:07]
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* assbot removes voice from dooglus [20:33]
ben_vulpes godamnit fleanode [20:42]
ben_vulpes just cloak everyone [20:42]
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mats_cd03 i have a right not to be cloaked! [20:53]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25230 @ 0.0003622 = 9.1383 BTC [-] [20:56]
* karma has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [21:09]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22720 @ 0.0003622 = 8.2292 BTC [-] [21:17]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1440 @ 0.00124999 = 1.8 BTC [+] [21:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39550 @ 0.00035976 = 14.2285 BTC [-] {3} [22:04]
decimation kakobrekla: what about 'censoring' links from those who aren't in the wot? [22:05]
decimation I guess that would imply full moderation [22:05]
kakobrekla that would imply like own ircd [22:06]
decimation yeah. irc is a creeky 1950's cuban ford pickup, it kinda works [22:06]
ben_vulpes serenissima wish list: [22:08]
ben_vulpes - rewrite bitcoin [22:08]
ben_vulpes - rewrite pgp [22:08]
ben_vulpes - rewrite irc [22:08]
decimation don't forget 'throw out existing cpu paradigm' [22:08]
kakobrekla yes that one should be first or else you will have to do the other 3 again [22:09]
kakobrekla but i guess everything goes faster on the second try [22:09]
decimation speaking of which there's some amusement re: systemd and surrounds: [22:11]
assbot Kdbus meets linux-kernel [] ... ( ) [22:11]
decimation DCOP was a bus that KDE used as an IPC layer between GUI programs; DCOP became DBUS [22:12]
decimation now Greg KH, Kay Sievers and Lennart want to integrate DBUS into the kernel (DBUS) [22:12]
* FBI-AGENT is now known as Dr-G [22:12]
decimation apparently integrating DBUS was tried twice before and DaveM said "hell no" [22:12]
decimation so now they are going to try to integrate it as a character device [22:13]
decimation Alan Cox: "No - these are reasons to have *something* in the kernel. I think it would be far more constructive to treat the current kdbus as a proof of [22:13]
decimation concept/prototype or even a draft requirements specification." [22:13]
assbot Re: [PATCH 00/12] Add kdbus implementation [] ... ( ) [22:13]
mircea_popescu decimation the usg bois are getting butchered. [22:20]
mircea_popescu it's funny how they always proceed with this "chiken can eat the highway" outlook. [22:21]
decimation I think the might have some legitimate points about shortcomings in existing IPC mechanisms, but I don't see how shoving the entire protocol in the kernel makes sense [22:23]
mircea_popescu of course they have some legitimate points. [22:24]
mircea_popescu it's sort of like the beta dork showing up with his hot sister at the exclusive bar. [22:24]
mircea_popescu the girl gets shoved in and he gets to stay behind the rope. [22:24]
decimation heh yeah kinda like that [22:25]
mircea_popescu in spite of having had some good points, mounted on the chick's chest. [22:25]
decimation it's interesting to look through the linux mailing list thread to gauge various reactions: [22:27]
assbot LKML: Greg Kroah-Hartman: [PATCH 00/12] Add kdbus implementation ... ( ) [22:27]
mircea_popescu anyways. later! [22:30]
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