Forum logs for 29 Aug 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [00:00]
rdponticelli We waiting too much to get drunk? [00:01]
rdponticelli Why waiting at all? :) [00:01]
* jcpham stops waiting and drinks [00:03]
mircea_popescu im too lazy to drink. [00:03]
* jcpham is about to leave for a comedy club [00:04]
jcpham free tix [00:04]
smickles rdponticelli: i'll have a glass of wine, but i'm talking about kegstands at 100 [00:04]
* OneFixt (~OneFixt@unaffiliated/onefixt) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:04]
rdponticelli Ok [00:04]
rdponticelli Quality drinkin are you talking about? [00:05]
rdponticelli lol [00:06]
rdponticelli I know what you mean xD [00:06]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 3460 @ 0.00096687 = 3.3454 BTC [+] [00:08]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 2343 @ 0.00096735 = 2.2665 BTC [+] [00:08]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 2 @ 0.139 = 0.278 BTC [-] [00:08]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 2 @ 0.2097 = 0.4194 BTC [-] [00:08]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 42 @ 0.2098 = 8.8116 BTC [+] [00:08]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 8 @ 0.2499 = 1.9992 BTC [+] [00:09]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 15 @ 0.2798 = 4.197 BTC [+] [00:10]
* darkee has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:12]
* usagi has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [00:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 5 @ 0.105 = 0.525 BTC [+] [00:13]
* darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:13]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 4 @ 0.1053 = 0.4212 BTC [+] [00:16]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 2 @ 0.139 = 0.278 BTC [-] [00:16]
assbot [GLBSE] [HYDRO.BONDS] 2 @ 1.6 = 3.2 BTC [+] [00:16]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 15 @ 0.0032 = 0.048 BTC [-] [00:18]
kakobrekla EmanuelDeOrtego, you got competition [00:18]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.2003 BTC [-] [00:18]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.2002 BTC [-] [00:18]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.11489 BTC [-] [00:19]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.1149 = 0.6894 BTC [+] [00:19]
assbot [GLBSE] [GMVT-BOT] 3 @ 0.1798 = 0.5394 BTC [+] [00:20]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 12 @ 0.2798 = 3.3576 BTC [+] [00:21]
* occulta has quit (Quit: .) [00:21]
* usagi ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:22]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 1 @ 0.139 BTC [-] [00:23]
* Diablo-D3 (~diablo@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:23]
* ciuciu (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:24]
* usagi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:25]
* usagi ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 5500 @ 0.0034 = 18.7 BTC [+] [00:27]
* PsychoticBoy has quit (Quit: Ik ga weg) [00:28]
* zefir has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:29]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 3 @ 0.1053 = 0.3159 BTC [+] [00:30]
* PsychoticBoy ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:30]
* PsychoticBoy has quit (Changing host) [00:30]
* PsychoticBoy (~Psychotic@pdpc/supporter/active/psychoticboy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:30]
* zefir ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:30]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 5960 @ 0.00096679 = 5.7621 BTC [-] [00:32]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 8140 @ 0.00093667 = 7.6245 BTC [-] [00:32]
* paladon has quit () [00:37]
EskimoBob any ideas what this is all about? " Notice: If you are a PPT operator please contact me via PM. Thanks" [00:38]
JWU_42 EskimoBob: nope [00:39]
JWU_42 could be good, could be bad [00:39]
JWU_42 hoping the former [00:40]
usagi He said I am not eligible because I only had a sub account and goat's PPT [00:40]
usagi Doesn't matter really, I bought back almosy 2000 shares of yarr with my own money [00:40]
Doffx Goats PPT is eligible? [00:40]
usagi Goat is eligible, because he had a direct account [00:40]
usagi But, eligible for what --> dunno [00:41]
Doffx Interesting for sure [00:41]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 37 @ 0.1149 = 4.2513 BTC [+] [00:42]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.115 = 2.875 BTC [+] [00:42]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.119 = 0.833 BTC [+] [00:42]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 73 @ 0.11999 = 8.7593 BTC [+] [00:42]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.12 = 6 BTC [+] [00:42]
* rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [00:42]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21600 @ 0.00039221 = 8.4717 BTC [+] [00:42]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 14 @ 0.2798 = 3.9172 BTC [+] [00:42]
* paladon ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:46]
* paladon has quit (Changing host) [00:46]
* paladon (~paladon@unaffiliated/paladon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:46]
EskimoBob TYGRR.BOND-P started to look good at 0.2003 :) [00:46]
EskimoBob or not ... [00:46]
EskimoBob 50:50 bet [00:46]
Doffx At this point its still a gamble [00:47]
mircea_popescu everythin's a gamble. [00:47]
Doffx Well ok, not a safe bet then to use better wording. [00:48]
usagi It's not a gamble. [00:48]
usagi Anyone can figure it out :p [00:48]
usagi At least 2 people from bitcointalk already figrued it out. So it is logical to assume they know what position pirate is in as well. [00:49]
* paladon has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:49]
* paladon ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:49]
* paladon has quit (Changing host) [00:49]
* paladon (~paladon@unaffiliated/paladon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:49]
Doffx What did they figure out? That he trades btc with big players? [00:49]
Doffx At a premium. [00:50]
mircea_popescu teh good ole' mystery [00:50]
EskimoBob usagi: talk :) [00:51]
EskimoBob enlighten us [00:51]
usagi there's no incentive to talk [00:51]
usagi everything is void. [00:51]
usagi if you can see the great void, then you will understand the mystery. [00:52]
Doffx Haha, I was more just curious if you read something I didnt [00:52]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 6 @ 0.3 = 1.8 BTC [+] [00:52]
EskimoBob whats next usagi? Are you going to ask: "what is the sound of one hand clapping"? [00:53]
usagi That wouldn't make sense. [00:53]
BTCHero you can't clap with one hand? [00:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37400 @ 0.00039233 = 14.6731 BTC [+] [00:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 800 @ 0.00039221 = 0.3138 BTC [-] [00:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22476 @ 0.00039202 = 8.811 BTC [-] [00:54]
EskimoBob it will, if you figure it out. Then you will understand the mystery of the soundless sound [00:55]
EskimoBob blaa blaa blaa [00:55]
mircea_popescu so the entire thing veers towards the ezoteric nao ? [00:55]
* Tritonio1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:57]
assbot [GLBSE] [RSM] 1 @ 0.2999 BTC [-] [00:57]
* Tritonio has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:58]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.308 BTC [+] [00:59]
EmanuelDeOrtego All I know is that Pirate is going to have to move states or countries at this rate [01:00]
mircea_popescu o no, it will all magically be fixed [01:01]
mircea_popescu next week. [01:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33800 @ 0.00039035 = 13.1938 BTC [-] [01:01]
* JWU_42 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:01]
EmanuelDeOrtego If I were Pirate, I would be well-armed right now. The death threats I've seen were creepy as hell. [01:02]
kakobrekla urlpls? [01:02]
EmanuelDeOrtego Deleted by Theymos obviously [01:03]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Excess Flood) [01:03]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:03]
kakobrekla they should have been pastebined. [01:03]
* conspirosphere has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [01:08]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 36 @ 0.1101 = 3.9636 BTC [-] [01:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 40 @ 0.11 = 4.4 BTC [-] [01:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.11 = 1.1 BTC [-] [01:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 18 @ 0.0032 = 0.0576 BTC [-] [01:12]
mircea_popescu streisand effect fail. [01:13]
kakobrekla o theres pirate 'news' [01:13]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:13]
kakobrekla >><@pirateat40> Notice: If you are a PPT operator please contact me via PM. Thanks [01:14]
* Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:18]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 6057 @ 0.00096735 = 5.8592 BTC [+] [01:21]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 5163 @ 0.00096864 = 5.0011 BTC [+] [01:21]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 4280 @ 0.0009692 = 4.1482 BTC [+] [01:21]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 2 @ 0.3199 = 0.6398 BTC [+] [01:24]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 10 @ 0.31 = 3.1 BTC [+] [01:24]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 40 @ 0.32 = 12.8 BTC [+] [01:25]
assbot [GLBSE] [GREEN] 6 @ 0.05 = 0.3 BTC [-] [01:27]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 25 @ 0.32 = 8 BTC [+] [01:27]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.109 = 0.218 BTC [-] [01:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 49 @ 0.32 = 15.68 BTC [+] [01:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1549 @ 0.00039163 = 0.6066 BTC [+] [01:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21339 @ 0.00039414 = 8.4106 BTC [+] [01:29]
* paladon has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:34]
assbot [GLBSE] [METAL.SILVER] 1 @ 0.099999 BTC [+] [01:35]
assbot [GLBSE] [METAL.SILVER] 1 @ 0.099999 BTC [+] [01:35]
smickles a man, a plan, a canal, panama. [01:36]
assbot [GLBSE] [METAL.SILVER] 2 @ 0.099999 = 0.2 BTC [+] [01:36]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 202 @ 0.0032 = 0.6464 BTC [-] [01:37]
* sgornick has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:39]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.0032 BTC [-] [01:39]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 8 @ 0.0032 = 0.0256 BTC [-] [01:40]
* k3t3r ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:41]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDT] 2 @ 1.05 = 2.1 BTC [+] [01:41]
assbot [GLBSE] [TEEK.B] 1 @ 0.999 BTC [+] [01:43]
assbot [GLBSE] [TEEK.B] 2 @ 1 = 2 BTC [+] [01:43]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1500 @ 0.00039035 = 0.5855 BTC [-] [01:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52700 @ 0.00039013 = 20.5599 BTC [-] [01:50]
* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:54]
* Lucidize has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:58]
* Lucidize (~Lucidize@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:59]
* Lucidize has quit (Changing host) [01:59]
* Lucidize (~Lucidize@unaffiliated/lucidize) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:59]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.103 BTC [-] [02:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 10 @ 0.1028002 = 1.028 BTC [-] [02:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1028001 BTC [-] [02:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1028 BTC [-] [02:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 10 @ 0.10201 = 1.0201 BTC [-] [02:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.102 BTC [-] [02:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 50 @ 0.102 = 5.1 BTC [-] [02:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 3 @ 0.1004103 = 0.3012 BTC [-] [02:00]
* Lucidz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 7 @ 0.325 = 2.275 BTC [+] [02:03]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 6 @ 0.32989 = 1.9793 BTC [+] [02:03]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 4 @ 0.9201 = 3.6804 BTC [-] [02:03]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 100 @ 0.92 = 92 BTC [-] [02:03]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 3 @ 0.32989 = 0.9897 BTC [+] [02:04]
* sns (ab19cc75@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:04]
* Lucidize has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:04]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 2 @ 0.32989 = 0.6598 BTC [+] [02:05]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 39 @ 0.32989 = 12.8657 BTC [+] [02:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 3 @ 0.333 = 0.999 BTC [+] [02:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 1 @ 0.1381 BTC [+] [02:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 20 @ 0.1379 = 2.758 BTC [-] [02:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.ABMO] 7 @ 0.07999999 = 0.56 BTC [+] [02:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 2 @ 0.1379 = 0.2758 BTC [-] [02:07]
* k3t3r has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [02:08]
sns !help [02:11]
assbot List of commands: [02:11]
assbot !ticker (desc: returns current GLBSE/MPEX ticker values) [02:11]
assbot !pl [@] [] (desc: profit loss calc for GLBSE assets) [02:11]
mircea_popescu whatcha need sns ? [02:11]
* sns has quit (Quit: Page closed) [02:12]
Doffx You scared him off mircea_popescu [02:12]
* Gladamas_ (~Gladamas@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 3 @ 0.1389 = 0.4167 BTC [+] [02:12]
mircea_popescu just tryin to halp... [02:13]
* Gladamas has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [02:14]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 4 @ 0.9001 = 3.6004 BTC [-] [02:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 5 @ 0.9 = 4.5 BTC [-] [02:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 20 @ 0.9 = 18 BTC [-] [02:15]
* rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:17]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-PI] 8 @ 0.9999999 = 8 BTC [-] [02:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 5000 @ 0.0032 = 16 BTC [-] [02:25]
* Gladamas_ is now known as Gladamas [02:26]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 7 @ 0.8999 = 6.2993 BTC [-] [02:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINRS] 95 @ 0.050999 = 4.8449 BTC [+] [02:33]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINRS] 4 @ 0.050999 = 0.204 BTC [+] [02:34]
assbot [GLBSE] [TEEK.B] 3 @ 0.85020001 = 2.5506 BTC [-] [02:34]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 6 @ 0.138 = 0.828 BTC [-] [02:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9300 @ 0.00038961 = 3.6234 BTC [-] [02:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16283 @ 0.00038834 = 6.3233 BTC [-] [02:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2117 @ 0.00038798 = 0.8214 BTC [-] [02:45]
* Doffx has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.BVPS] 150 @ 0.00344763 = 0.5171 BTC [-] [02:47]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.122 = 2.44 BTC [+] [02:49]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.123 = 6.15 BTC [+] [02:49]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 1 @ 0.1389 BTC [+] [02:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.124 = 2.48 BTC [+] [02:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.125 = 6.25 BTC [+] [02:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.1299 = 12.99 BTC [+] [02:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.13 = 6.5 BTC [+] [02:51]
* Obsi (~Obsi@unaffiliated/obsi) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:53]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 1 @ 0.138 BTC [-] [02:53]
assbot [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 4 @ 0.83910001 = 3.3564 BTC [+] [03:01]
assbot [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 6 @ 0.83900001 = 5.034 BTC [-] [03:01]
assbot [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 20 @ 0.839 = 16.78 BTC [-] [03:01]
sgornick Oy... 10K BTC profit on SD now. It's like you walk around Vegas and realize who really paid for all that. [03:04]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 29 @ 0.138 = 4.002 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 18 @ 0.1379 = 2.4822 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 2 @ 0.13 = 0.26 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 4 @ 0.1275 = 0.51 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 99 @ 0.1232 = 12.1968 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 50 @ 0.123 = 6.15 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 10 @ 0.1228 = 1.228 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 8 @ 0.1228 = 0.9824 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 30 @ 0.1225 = 3.675 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 10 @ 0.1222 = 1.222 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 14 @ 0.122 = 1.708 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 10 @ 0.121 = 1.21 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 100 @ 0.12 = 12 BTC [-] [03:06]
safra sgnb sgornick Shaded Shalom_ smickles SomeoneWeird SuprTiggr Sysrq3 [03:07]
mircea_popescu sgornick wow ? [03:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITBOND] 4 @ 0.42 = 1.68 BTC [-] [03:10]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITBOND] 1 @ 0.415 BTC [-] [03:10]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITBOND] 12 @ 0.4101 = 4.9212 BTC [-] [03:10]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITBOND] 1 @ 0.41 BTC [-] [03:10]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 25 @ 0.138 = 3.45 BTC [-] [03:10]
maximian sgornick: is that all time profit? [03:10]
sgornick maximian: Yes, since April 24th or thereabouts. [03:11]
sgornick Total of 635K BTC wagered. [03:13]
mircea_popescu doing pretty well huh [03:14]
sgornick For a two-person side project, I think you can conclude yes, very well. [03:15]
mircea_popescu lmao that asshat is on a forum campaign to fud sdice ? [03:16]
mircea_popescu how very impressive, [03:16]
mircea_popescu gmaxwell i mean. [03:16]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 3 @ 0.0032 = 0.0096 BTC [-] [03:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11924 @ 0.00038798 = 4.6263 BTC [-] [03:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9376 @ 0.00038657 = 3.6245 BTC [-] [03:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 200 @ 0.00038732 = 0.0775 BTC [+] [03:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13372 @ 0.00038657 = 5.1692 BTC [-] [03:21]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.133333 = 1.6 BTC [+] [03:23]
* Shaded has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 10 @ 0.103 = 1.03 BTC [-] [03:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 39 @ 0.1021 = 3.9819 BTC [-] [03:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 60 @ 0.102 = 6.12 BTC [-] [03:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 4 @ 0.101 = 0.404 BTC [-] [03:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 99 @ 0.101 = 9.999 BTC [-] [03:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 48 @ 0.1 = 4.8 BTC [-] [03:24]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 33 @ 0.12123 = 4.0006 BTC [-] [03:24]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.12113 = 0.969 BTC [-] [03:24]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.121 = 3.63 BTC [-] [03:24]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:25]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.12009191 BTC [-] [03:25]
BTCHero Did i read somewhere that bfl announced they wouldn't ship asic until january now? [03:25]
mircea_popescu o wow [03:25]
BTCHero I think this is why asicminer is trading so high [03:26]
BTCHero if that information is correct [03:26]
mircea_popescu Title: BFL Labs ASIC release date - no earlier than February 2013 [03:26]
mircea_popescu old bs from june [03:27]
mircea_popescu i can't find a reference [03:27]
mircea_popescu Hi guys, I basically had a prophetic dream vision last night, that the BFL Labs ASIC won't be shipped until February 2013 at best. [03:28]
mircea_popescu I don't even want them to ship, they're gonna ruin Bitcoins. I spent ~2000$ on quad 7970's, only the cards, and they're planning to release a "coffee warmer" 3ghs+ ASIC that does more than my cards for 150$? Eff that, difficulty will skyrocket and put a strain on video card miners. [03:28]
mircea_popescu this is hysterically typical for the forum mentality. [03:28]
mircea_popescu ppl doing big things ? it's gonna ruin my crummy two bit interest! BAD FOR BITCOIN! [03:28]
BTCHero I must have got caught up in some fud somewhere [03:29]
BTC-Mining It was known long ago that it would go CPU > GPU > FPGA > ASIC [03:29]
BTC-Mining solution? Buy ASIC, we don't have a better technology yet [03:29]
mircea_popescu ifthese thigns really are asic. [03:29]
mircea_popescu thing is, "asic" doesn't name ONE thing like gpu does. [03:29]
mircea_popescu asics can go one , maybe even two degrees of magnitude in $/Hg [03:30]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 4900 @ 0.00096647 = 4.7357 BTC [-] [03:31]
* Lucidz has quit (Quit: to see the Wizard) [03:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 17 @ 0.333 = 5.661 BTC [+] [03:37]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 17 @ 0.333 = 5.661 BTC [+] [03:38]
BlackICED too much bitcoins are being created and not enough commerce [03:39]
mircea_popescu how do you figure that ? [03:40]
* Garr255Mobile (~root@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:44]
assbot [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 1 @ 0.095 BTC [+] [03:48]
assbot [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 28 @ 0.09605 = 2.6894 BTC [+] [03:48]
Diablo-D3 BlackICED: I agree [03:49]
Diablo-D3 but its not the creation thats the problem [03:49]
Diablo-D3 its the fact that EVERY GODDAMNED THING ON GLBSE IS MINING [03:49]
mircea_popescu move to mpex. [03:51]
Diablo-D3 mpex only has bitvps [03:51]
mircea_popescu sdice, mpoe, bonds, options etc. [03:51]
Diablo-D3 and options masturbation [03:51]
Diablo-D3 mpoe doesnt count [03:51]
mircea_popescu right lol [03:51]
Diablo-D3 so its pretty much just sdice and bitvps [03:52]
mircea_popescu there's two companies at all in btc land, and neither count. nor do options. or bonds. woe unto us that all that exists is miner bonds. [03:52]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 13 @ 0.333 = 4.329 BTC [+] [03:52]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.339 = 3.39 BTC [+] [03:52]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 50 @ 0.33999999 = 17 BTC [+] [03:52]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 67 @ 0.39995 = 26.7967 BTC [+] [03:52]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.45 = 4.5 BTC [+] [03:52]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: bonds, miner or not, wont keep bitstreet working. [03:53]
mircea_popescu "There are ways to change the way hashes are made to break an ASIC. ASIC is hard wired. It can't change at all. FPGA can be reprogrammed with a new bitstream. GPUs are the same. A very minor change could make a lot of expensive paperweights and would be a great way to keep bitcoin operating the way it was meant, openly accessible to virtually anyone with everyday hardware, not a bunch of elites with fancy expensive hardware. It's s [03:53]
mircea_popescu upposed to be run by the people, not the "1%"" [03:53]
mircea_popescu ahaha the commies this is so funnay. [03:53]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: as much as we hate the apples and the exxons and shit like that [03:54]
Diablo-D3 they make the money flow [03:54]
* Garr255Mobile has quit (Quit: kbai) [03:54]
Diablo-D3 they do it in a completely irresponsible way, but they DO do it [03:54]
* Garr255Mobile (~root@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:55]
mircea_popescu what's that in relation to ? [03:55]
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Diablo-D3 mpex being annorexic [03:55]
Diablo-D3 and glbse too [03:55]
* Doffx ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:56]
Diablo-D3 asicminer at least is shares in an actual company selling mining hardware [03:56]
* Garr255Mobile (~root@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:56]
Diablo-D3 it skirts out from under the whole mining bond/share shit [03:56]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 8 @ 0.4499 = 3.5992 BTC [+] [03:56]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 20 @ 0.5 = 10 BTC [+] [03:56]
* Garr255Mobile has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:56]
* BlackICED has quit () [03:56]
mircea_popescu you're so weird. [03:57]
* Garr255Mobile (~root@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:57]
mircea_popescu so you put some vaporware above a proven company that's only 10x the size ? [03:57]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 49 @ 0.46 = 22.54 BTC [+] [03:57]
* Garr255Mobile has quit (Client Quit) [03:57]
* BlackICED (~n1gg3r@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:57]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: vs what? [03:57]
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mircea_popescu asicminer is worth what, 50k btc ? [03:57]
Diablo-D3 no, I mean, where are these other real companies [03:58]
Diablo-D3 asicminer, dmc, bitvps, what? whats left? [03:58]
* BlackICED has quit (Client Quit) [03:58]
mircea_popescu s.dice is one. s.mpoe is the other. [03:58]
mircea_popescu currently that's all btc has. [03:58]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 6 @ 0.5 = 3 BTC [+] [03:58]
dub strange time to buy ppts [03:58]
Diablo-D3 mpoe doesnt count because its just mpex traidng itself on mpex [03:58]
* ic3d (~n1gg3r@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:58]
mircea_popescu there's not much worth in the million usd. [03:58]
mircea_popescu Diablo-D3 you know, you can buy nasdaq shares. [03:59]
Diablo-D3 and sdice is unregulated gambling [03:59]
Diablo-D3 on mpex? [03:59]
mircea_popescu no dude, on nasdaq. you know... you don't HAVE to make sense. [03:59]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.2302 BTC [-] [03:59]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 4 @ 0.2301 = 0.9204 BTC [-] [03:59]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 25 @ 0.23 = 5.75 BTC [-] [03:59]
smickles huh, noone buys/sells mpex but mpex? [03:59]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 20 @ 0.22 = 4.4 BTC [-] [03:59]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 6 @ 0.2002 = 1.2012 BTC [-] [03:59]
mircea_popescu i'm jut pointing out that if you start nutty the world will necessarily seem nutty. [03:59]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 8 @ 0.2 = 1.6 BTC [-] [03:59]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 19 @ 0.1521 = 2.8899 BTC [-] [03:59]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 9 @ 0.152 = 1.368 BTC [-] [03:59]
* Garr255Mobile has quit (Client Quit) [04:00]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: nasdaq is an actual financial company though [04:00]
mircea_popescu sigh. [04:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 4 @ 0.2003 = 0.8012 BTC [-] [04:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 10 @ 0.2 = 2 BTC [-] [04:00]
Diablo-D3 with actual employees providing an actual service [04:00]
mircea_popescu much like what, asicminer ? you ? [04:00]
* Garr255Mobile (~root@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:00]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: if mpex was so awesome, why didnt dmc ipo in it. [04:00]
Diablo-D3 *on [04:00]
smickles "an actual company", what actualizes a company? [04:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [ARS] 20 @ 0.0145 = 0.29 BTC [-] [04:00]
mircea_popescu what's dmc ? [04:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 6 @ 0.1521 = 0.9126 BTC [+] [04:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.152 = 1.52 BTC [-] [04:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 100 @ 0.15111 = 15.111 BTC [-] [04:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.151 = 1.51 BTC [-] [04:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 30 @ 0.111 = 3.33 BTC [-] [04:00]
Diablo-D3 DID HE JUST SAY WHATS DMC?! [04:01]
Diablo-D3 holy fucking shit. [04:01]
mircea_popescu o lmao, your crummy wannabe miner thing ? [04:01]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu has been trolling me the whole time [04:01]
mircea_popescu i don't think i'd have accepted it. [04:01]
smickles !pl dmc 1 [04:01]
assbot Requesting data from GLBSE (might take a while). [04:01]
assbot DMC [1@1BTC] paid: 0.02635814 BTC. Last price: 0.06 BTC. Capital gain: -0.94 BTC. Total: -0.91364186 BTC. (-91.4%) [04:01]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: Im not sure you would have actually had that much of a choice [04:01]
smickles aw, -91%? [04:01]
mircea_popescu ... [04:02]
Diablo-D3 people are weird about that kind of shit [04:02]
mircea_popescu lmao what do you mean, not that much of a choice [04:02]
BTC-Mining !pl BTC-MINING [04:02]
assbot !pl [@] [] [04:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 6 @ 0.1601 = 0.9606 BTC [-] [04:02]
Diablo-D3 and I dont think I'd be able to stop them [04:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 35 @ 0.16 = 5.6 BTC [-] [04:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [-] [04:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 13 @ 0.13120001 = 1.7056 BTC [-] [04:02]
BTC-Mining !pl BTC-MINING 1 [04:02]
assbot Requesting data from GLBSE (might take a while). [04:02]
mircea_popescu hey, pirate is doing real well. [04:02]
ic3d pirate just defaulted [04:02]
mircea_popescu !ticker BIB.PIRATE [04:02]
smickles BTC-Mining: did you ipo at 1 btc? [04:02]
assbot BTC-MINING [1@1BTC] paid: 0.22956661 BTC. Last price: 0.98 BTC. Capital gain: -0.02 BTC. Total: 0.20956661 BTC. (21%) [04:02]
assbot [GLBSE:BIB.PIRATE] [Bid: 0.2003] [Ask: 0.46] [Spread: 0.2597] [Last: 0.13120001] [24hVol: 47.4306] [7dAvg: 0.43031833] [04:02]
Diablo-D3 he officially announced it? [04:02]
BTC-Mining He made a statement? [04:02]
dub yes [04:02]
ic3d yes [04:02]
mircea_popescu o wow. [04:02]
dub derp [04:02]
Diablo-D3 url [04:03]
dub IRC LOL [04:03]
BTC-Mining Smickles, yes, Ipoed at 1 [04:03]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 5 @ 0.2 = 1 BTC [-] [04:03]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 23 @ 0.15 = 3.45 BTC [-] [04:03]
mircea_popescu herp [04:03]
smickles 00:55 <@pirateat40> Bitcoin Savings & Trust has hereby given notice of default to it's account holders. [04:03]
Diablo-D3 oh [04:03]
smickles from #btcst [04:03]
Diablo-D3 irc doesnt count [04:03]
Diablo-D3 bitcointalk forum urls or gtfo. [04:03]
dub he said "I invested all of pirate bank in DMC and lost 91%" [04:03]
mircea_popescu ahahahaa [04:03]
smickles lol [04:03]
Diablo-D3 yeah, I love how glbse thinks I lost 91%. [04:03]
Diablo-D3 usagi and co are like "fuck yes, cheap shares" [04:04]
smickles !ticker dmc [04:04]
assbot [GLBSE:DMC] [Bid: 0.05835] [Ask: 0.06889999] [Spread: 0.01054999] [Last: 0.06] [24hVol: 30.5109965] [7dAvg: 0.05876178] [04:04]
smickles diablo, did you start at 1? [04:04]
mircea_popescu i don't see how glbse shares are worth anything in principle [04:04]
smickles did you drop to .05 [04:04]
mircea_popescu seeing how people can dilute, and many actually do. [04:04]
ic3d i dont see how bitcoin is worth anything in princple [04:05]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 16 @ 0.0601 = 0.9616 BTC [-] [04:05]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.06 = 0.6 BTC [-] [04:05]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 100 @ 0.06 = 6 BTC [-] [04:05]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 4 @ 0.041111 = 0.1644 BTC [-] [04:05]
smickles oh, .06 rather [04:05]
assbot [GLBSE] [MOORE] 1 @ 0.5 BTC [+] [04:05]
smickles that's a bout a 95% loss, and you haven't paid that much in dividends [04:05]
Diablo-D3 smickles: the problem is the rest of the market froze [04:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 5 @ 0.2001 = 1.0005 BTC [+] [04:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 27 @ 0.15 = 4.05 BTC [-] [04:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 3 @ 0.14 = 0.42 BTC [-] [04:06]
Diablo-D3 which is extra hilarious [04:06]
mircea_popescu lmao [04:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 22 @ 0.13120001 = 2.8864 BTC [-] [04:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 13 @ 0.131 = 1.703 BTC [-] [04:06]
smickles Diablo-D3: do a pl on mpoeetf or SS [04:06]
Diablo-D3 theres a shitload of 1mash bonds selling for more than 0.01 each [04:06]
Diablo-D3 but no one is buying [04:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 7 @ 0.131 = 0.917 BTC [-] [04:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 50 @ 0.13 = 6.5 BTC [-] [04:07]
dub good PPT buying op here people [04:07]
mircea_popescu lol dub [04:07]
smickles Diablo-D3: those mining 'bonds' are shti [04:07]
mircea_popescu rub it in, dub :D [04:07]
dub get in while the gettins good [04:07]
smickles SHIT [04:07]
smickles SHIT [04:07]
smickles SHIT [04:07]
Diablo-D3 smickles: at those prices? yes they are [04:07]
mircea_popescu ;ticker [04:07]
smickles at almost any price [04:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 45 @ 0.10000001 = 4.5 BTC [-] [04:07]
Diablo-D3 Im waiting for the market to drop them down below to single digit thousandths [04:07]
Diablo-D3 thats about how much they're worth [04:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 6 @ 0.55 = 3.3 BTC [-] [04:08]
assbot [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 25 @ 0.54 = 13.5 BTC [-] [04:08]
assbot [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 15 @ 0.45 = 6.75 BTC [-] [04:08]
assbot [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 2 @ 0.4 = 0.8 BTC [-] [04:08]
smickles and d, if the rest of the market froze, how come other things have done well? [04:08]
mircea_popescu incredible how little liquidity glbse has [04:08]
mircea_popescu 30 btc worth of sales takes a symbol down 20% [04:08]
Diablo-D3 smickles: I mean the mining market [04:08]
Diablo-D3 not the unrelated pirate shit [04:08]
smickles jusus fuck, move the goal posts and give me anoter straw man [04:09]
mircea_popescu Diablo-D3 while you lost 90% of investor's money smickles made like 1200%. [04:09]
mircea_popescu bout same interval. [04:09]
Diablo-D3 smickles: wtf do you invest in anyhow? [04:09]
smickles me personally? [04:09]
mircea_popescu o you wouldn't have heard of it lol [04:09]
Diablo-D3 no, smickle co. [04:09]
smickles there isn't a smickle co [04:09]
Diablo-D3 then what is mircea_popescu talking about [04:09]
smickles he's talking about my managed fund [04:10]
mircea_popescu !pl MPOE.ETF 0.1 [04:10]
assbot Requesting data from GLBSE (might take a while). [04:10]
smickles mpoe.etf [04:10]
assbot MPOE.ETF [1@0.1BTC] paid: 0.0104835 BTC. Last price: 1.4 BTC. Capital gain: 1.3 BTC. Total: 1.3104835 BTC. (1310.5%) [04:10]
* Garr255Mobile has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [04:10]
Diablo-D3 smickles: okay fine, what is mpoe.etf invested in [04:10]
mircea_popescu lolz [04:10]
smickles s.mpoe [04:10]
Diablo-D3 =| [04:10]
mircea_popescu ahahaha [04:10]
* PhantomSpark|2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:10]
* Diablo-D3 lights both smickles and mircea_popescu on fire [04:10]
mircea_popescu this was like... lol [04:10]
smickles that's what it was intended to do [04:10]
Diablo-D3 so what does mpoe do to make money? [04:10]
smickles it did what the plan was, the plan worked [04:11]
mircea_popescu it trades options and stocks dood. [04:11]
BTC-Mining It gets fees on options and transactions? [04:11]
smickles Diablo-D3: buys, sells and receives dividends of s.mpoe [04:11]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: yes, which is a losing proposition since you cant get cheap enough hosting [04:11]
smickles er, that's what mpoe.etf does [04:11]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.E] 10 @ 0.3615 = 3.615 BTC [-] [04:11]
mircea_popescu ... [04:11]
mircea_popescu wait. WHAT ?! [04:11]
Diablo-D3 unless you're charging obscene fees [04:12]
mircea_popescu im lost. [04:12]
Diablo-D3 which isnt a winning strategy either [04:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIF.BTCST.PPT] 2 @ 0.11 = 0.22 BTC [-] [04:12]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: okay, its like this [04:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [JAH] 1 @ 0.165 BTC [+] [04:12]
Diablo-D3 I know you're not buying dedis from me. [04:12]
smickles Diablo-D3: how do you figure that mpex hosting costs too much? [04:12]
mircea_popescu dude. i charge 0.2%. at my current month load that's 300 btc just from fucken trade fees. [04:12]
mircea_popescu what server costs 3000 dollars a month ? [04:12]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: your fees are too high [04:12]
Diablo-D3 gotcha. [04:12]
Diablo-D3 [09:12:01] unless you're charging obscene fees [04:12]
Diablo-D3 [09:12:01] unless you're charging obscene fees [04:12]
mircea_popescu o.o [04:13]
Diablo-D3 [09:12:01] unless you're charging obscene fees [04:13]
Diablo-D3 [09:12:01] unless you're charging obscene fees [04:13]
mircea_popescu 0.2% is obscene ? [04:13]
smickles naught point 2 percent is too hight? [04:13]
Diablo-D3 smickles: yup. [04:13]
mircea_popescu i gotta have to print this nao. [04:13]
smickles Diablo-D3: care to give a reason why you think that [04:13]
smickles ? [04:13]
mircea_popescu it's because the market froze up [04:13]
Diablo-D3 smickles: because it can always be done cheaper. [04:13]
mircea_popescu also, buttered toast! [04:13]
* Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:14]
smickles Diablo-D3: that's not a reason why they are too high [04:14]
Diablo-D3 smickles: the fuck it isnt. [04:14]
Diablo-D3 its not like mircea_popescu has to deal with *shakes 8ball* regulatory capture and *shakes 8ball* CEO yachts [04:14]
smickles but anything can be done cheaper until there isn't any transaction of value? [04:14]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 200 @ 0.0032 = 0.64 BTC [-] [04:15]
mircea_popescu Diablo-D3 so far between you and me, i'm the one with the yachtwind in my curls. [04:15]
smickles do, if i understand you, everything ever is overpriced [04:15]
Diablo-D3 smickles: pretty much. [04:15]
mircea_popescu by this philosophy i'd have had to ipo him for free. [04:16]
smickles Diablo-D3: the, you ethically disagree with charging for anything? [04:16]
mircea_popescu Diablo-D3 is officially not allowed on btcf nao. [04:16]
Diablo-D3 no, I just ethically disagree with paying for it :< [04:16]
smickles so, basically, your earlier statement about mpex fees/server cost were meaningless [04:17]
mircea_popescu 00:55 <@pirateat40> Bitcoin Savings & Trust has hereby given notice of default to it's account holders. [04:17]
smickles lacking even existential import, it seems [04:17]
mircea_popescu you know, dude can't even spell its correctly. [04:17]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 17 @ 0.0032 = 0.0544 BTC [-] [04:17]
smickles give me a break on spellin :/ [04:18]
mircea_popescu wasn't it a quote ? [04:18]
smickles (oh, did you mean pirate? [04:18]
mircea_popescu yes. [04:18]
* Garr255Mobile (~root@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:18]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 7 @ 0.1401 = 0.9807 BTC [+] [04:18]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 47 @ 0.14 = 6.58 BTC [-] [04:18]
smickles yeah, that was copypasta [04:18]
mircea_popescu so then, mr susceptible. [04:18]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 200 @ 0.00096647 = 0.1933 BTC [-] [04:18]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 8600 @ 0.0009692 = 8.3351 BTC [+] [04:18]
Diablo-D3 but yes, I am trolling [04:18]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: who are you buying your hosting from anyhow? [04:19]
mircea_popescu gnax. [04:19]
mircea_popescu and others. [04:19]
Diablo-D3 why them? [04:19]
mircea_popescu i like the datacenter, i know the people, been there for years etc. [04:19]
Diablo-D3 ahh [04:19]
mircea_popescu im what you'd call a mvc [04:19]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 2 @ 0.1001 = 0.2002 BTC [+] [04:20]
Diablo-D3 I can think of at least three things that are mvcs, and its not the one you're using [04:20]
smickles mvc == mark? [04:20]
smickles ;) [04:21]
smickles ;;ident pirateat40 [04:22]
gribble Nick 'pirateat40', with hostmask 'pirateat40!~pirateat4@unaffiliated/pirateat40', is identified as user pirateat40, with GPG key id 614DB74CFA5B357E, key fingerprint 067508A49BBE0E8216A61A94614DB74CFA5B357E, and bitcoin address 17aacoJaduwjJd6dh9cxgsRLMc5CkB2b9n [04:22]
mircea_popescu most valued customer lol [04:22]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: man [04:22]
Diablo-D3 I was thinking "I wonder if he means mvp" [04:22]
mircea_popescu i ain't a playa. [04:22]
mircea_popescu i'r a paya. [04:22]
dub Diablo-D3: are you that bitsplit guy? [04:22]
Diablo-D3 and then I started thinking about trains and lava and thought better of it [04:22]
dub Diablo-D3: same MO [04:22]
Diablo-D3 dub: no [04:22]
* phlebotomous (4f7257e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:22]
mircea_popescu he doessound kinda similar neh ? [04:22]
mircea_popescu but in the old age diablo was maybe the best rig builder in the community [04:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8989 BTC [-] [04:23]
mircea_popescu then he went crazy, tried to make a "million btc" ipo, which failed miserably [04:23]
dub mircea_popescu: wat? [04:23]
mircea_popescu and then he kinda defrauded investoars [04:23]
dub Diablo-D3 never built a minign rig [04:23]
mircea_popescu and nao... well... trolling irc [04:23]
dub afaik [04:23]
mircea_popescu wasn't he the diablo guy with the mining rigs ? [04:23]
dub he has one GPU and has had one other one previously [04:23]
Diablo-D3 I never built a rig [04:23]
Diablo-D3 I just wrote a miner [04:23]
mircea_popescu o o o that's right [04:23]
Diablo-D3 that all the rig builders use [04:23]
dub no, he wrote a miner [04:23]
mircea_popescu wrote the miner, my bad. [04:23]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 11283 @ 0.00095902 = 10.8206 BTC [-] [04:24]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 2417 @ 0.00095052 = 2.2974 BTC [-] [04:24]
dub a very poor miner at that [04:24]
BTCHero wrote the miner that none of the rig builders use you mean [04:24]
dub ^ [04:24]
Diablo-D3 BTCHero: it was the only option for quite some time [04:24]
Diablo-D3 cgminer only came out like, what, 4 months ago? [04:24]
mircea_popescu nah more than that [04:24]
mircea_popescu like feb [04:25]
Diablo-D3 cgminer is a port of diablominer to C anyways [04:25]
Diablo-D3 so thats not much of a change [04:25]
mircea_popescu wait [04:25]
mircea_popescu you wrote it in what, java ? [04:25]
smickles qbasic [04:26]
mircea_popescu srsly lol [04:26]
mircea_popescu no wait. WAIT. HE DID WRITE IT IN JAVA [04:26]
smickles cpp [04:26]
smickles maybe [04:26]
smickles i dunno, i could find an old copy and see [04:27]
smickles java [04:27]
smickles DiabloMiner is a Java GPU bitcoin miner that uses the OpenCL [04:27]
smickles [04:27]
mircea_popescu this should be a felony. [04:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ARS] 10 @ 0.014 = 0.14 BTC [-] [04:28]
smickles no wonder i never got it to run, i would download it, ./config && make && make install [04:28]
smickles @.@ [04:29]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: first and last java project [04:29]
smickles so did bitcointalk implode yet? [04:29]
Diablo-D3 smickles: erm.... but diablominer has no makefile or autoconf shit [04:29]
Diablo-D3 it uses maven [04:29]
smickles Diablo-D3: i was playing the fool [04:30]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 21 @ 0.0999 = 2.0979 BTC [+] [04:30]
Diablo-D3 =| [04:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2577 @ 0.00038546 = 0.9933 BTC [-] [04:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39389 @ 0.00038422 = 15.134 BTC [-] [04:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2834 @ 0.00038376 = 1.0876 BTC [-] [04:30]
mircea_popescu so the big glbse selloff subsequent to default ammounts to 32 bitcoins so far ? [04:32]
mircea_popescu such efficient markets, they had already priced the event in. [04:32]
Diablo-D3 yeah, funny isnt it [04:33]
JWU42 what do you think happens if 500K coins hit at once [04:33]
Diablo-D3 JWU42: a soft blorp sound. [04:33]
Doffx I think some will sell JW some wont, I highly doubt 500k go to market all at once [04:34]
JWU42 nobody can sell off on the P news as he has all the coins [04:34]
mircea_popescu JWU42 500k coins hit glbse ? [04:34]
mircea_popescu ahaha. all the coins. jesus. [04:34]
Diablo-D3 ALL THE COINS o/ [04:34]
JWU42 no - if P WERE (big if there) all 500K coins to his lenders at once [04:34]
JWU42 mtgox goes to ? [04:34]
Doffx It looked like they had a special meeting [04:34]
JWU42 they are meeting [04:35]
JWU42 getting some info [04:35]
Diablo-D3 hookers and blow? [04:35]
JWU42 but waiting for the full log [04:35]
Doffx I just want it done, I downloaded a game just so I would go do something else other than scour the forums for info. [04:36]
smickles ;;bids 500000 [04:36]
gribble There are currently 0 bitcoins demanded at or over 500000.0 USD, worth 0.0 USD in total. [04:36]
smickles lol [04:36]
Doffx ;;bids 1 [04:37]
gribble There are currently 613414.16 bitcoins demanded at or over 1.0 USD, worth 2045668.15013 USD in total. [04:37]
smickles what's the command to check for 500k in sales [04:37]
smickles ;;market help [04:37]
gribble Error: The "Market" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "help" in it. Try "list Market" to see the commands in the "Market" plugin. [04:37]
smickles er [04:37]
smickles ;;market --btc 500000 [04:37]
gribble Error: The "Market" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "--btc" in it. Try "list Market" to see the commands in the "Market" plugin. [04:37]
smickles :P [04:37]
BTC-Mining ;;market sell 500000 [04:37]
gribble A market order to sell 500000 bitcoins right now would net 1918050.7186 USD and would take the last price down to 1.1500 USD, resulting in an average price of 3.8361 USD/BTC. [04:37]
Doffx There you go! [04:38]
BTCHero if it was a ponzi there aren't 500k coins [04:38]
smickles that would be interesting [04:38]
BTCHero much much less [04:38]
smickles (thx BTC-Mining ) [04:38]
Doffx I wonder if the Network rate would drop with that [04:38]
assbot [GLBSE] [ARS] 33 @ 0.0143 = 0.4719 BTC [+] [04:38]
Doffx seems to rise with the bitcoin rise [04:38]
BTC-Mining It would drop a lot [04:39]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 4 @ 0.0535 = 0.214 BTC [-] [04:39]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.0531 BTC [-] [04:39]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 40 @ 0.053 = 2.12 BTC [-] [04:39]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 15 @ 0.052 = 0.78 BTC [-] [04:40]
kakobrekla not by that much [04:40]
kakobrekla mining is overpriced atm [04:40]
smickles ;;sell 1 'gpumax account' @ 10 btc price negotable, this thing is icky now, and i don't want it [04:40]
smickles gribble: ? [04:40]
gribble Error: "account'" is not a valid price input. [04:40]
smickles ;;sell 1 "gpumax account" @ 10 btc price negotable, this thing is icky now, and i don't want it [04:41]
gribble Order id 9867 created. [04:41]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 3 @ 0.08 = 0.24 BTC [-] [04:41]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 3 @ 0.051 = 0.153 BTC [-] [04:41]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 5 @ 0.0501 = 0.2505 BTC [-] [04:41]
smickles gribble is single-quotist [04:41]
Doffx Hes still been paying the Gpumax accounts hasent he? [04:41]
smickles yup [04:41]
Doffx Unfortunatly this still isint over, I mean we dont know what exactly he may still pay out, if nothing of course. [04:42]
Doffx Partial payments I mean [04:42]
smickles ofc [04:42]
smickles i'm just not going to use my gpumax account anymore [04:42]
Doffx What does ofc mean again? [04:42]
kakobrekla did the interests stop now lol? [04:43]
smickles "of course" [04:43]
Doffx Oh [04:43]
Doffx Id buy it for .50 btc smickles [04:43]
smickles Sold! [04:43]
Doffx Haha ok, done. [04:43]
smickles let me make the changes and such [04:43]
smickles ;;cancel 9867 [04:43]
gribble Error: "cancel" is not a valid command. [04:43]
smickles ;;remove 9867 [04:44]
gribble Order 9867 removed. [04:44]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASIC.COOP] 2 @ 0.26 = 0.52 BTC [+] [04:44]
Doffx Figures im on in windows, and have no access to my wallet crap [04:44]
Doffx Oh well guess im halting the game download [04:44]
BTCHero if pirate continues gpumax he will certainly ban that account [04:44]
Doffx Why would he ban the account? [04:45]
gabbynot PPT's selling for 5% of face, lol [04:45]
BTCHero he has said if you share/sell the account you lose it [04:45]
smickles damn Doffx, i cant change the email address [04:45]
Doffx Its ok smickles, was worth a shot. [04:45]
kakobrekla you can leave email same [04:46]
smickles i suppose there is no harm in that [04:46]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [04:46]
gribble Best bid: 10.9, Best ask: 10.98, Bid-ask spread: 0.08000, Last trade: 10.98, 24 hour volume: 56916, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [04:46]
* farfi has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [04:46]
smickles Doffx: are you prepared to take the risk of just losing the account? [04:46]
Doffx As long as I can use the account an point my miners at it [04:46]
Doffx Yeah for .50 if it gets locked im not going to cry [04:46]
* farfi ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:47]
smickles you should be able to log in and setyourself up [04:47]
BTC-Mining gabbynot, why wouldn't it? [04:47]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 5 @ 0.0999 = 0.4995 BTC [+] [04:47]
mircea_popescu for the lulz. [04:47]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 7 @ 0.1 = 0.7 BTC [+] [04:47]
BTCHero you can change the payout addy and password easily enough [04:48]
BTCHero and it is much easier to detect sharing than a sold account [04:48]
mircea_popescu II. Open Krakken Bank of Bitcoin [04:49]
mircea_popescu apparently this was premonitory. [04:49]
* Doffx has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:49]
kakobrekla anyone wanna test smpake permanent links to mtgox [04:50]
kakobrekla shit is done, i just need to write faq and launch [04:50]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.878 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 5 @ 0.8732 = 4.366 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 11 @ 0.8731 = 9.6041 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 30 @ 0.87 = 26.1 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 26 @ 0.86 = 22.36 BTC [-] [04:51]
* Doffx ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 4983 @ 0.00095052 = 4.7364 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 11400 @ 0.00095032 = 10.8336 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 10200 @ 0.00093745 = 9.562 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 3863 @ 0.00093667 = 3.6184 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 17100 @ 0.00093562 = 15.9991 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 2033 @ 0.00093463 = 1.9001 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 421 @ 0.00092575 = 0.3897 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 8179 @ 0.00092575 = 7.5717 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 11376 @ 0.0009235 = 10.5057 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 21000 @ 0.00092276 = 19.378 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 8700 @ 0.00091803 = 7.9869 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 10745 @ 0.00090999 = 9.7778 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 5030 @ 0.00090999 = 4.5772 BTC [-] [04:53]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 18000 @ 0.00089179 = 16.0522 BTC [-] [04:53]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 470 @ 0.00064789 = 0.3045 BTC [-] [04:53]
kakobrekla one at a time please [04:53]
kakobrekla :p [04:53]
mircea_popescu i haven't used mtgox in > 6 months [04:53]
pigeons i can't even make jokes, these are my friends who lost money [04:53]
BTCHero what is f.giga.etf [04:54]
mircea_popescu gigamining equiv. [04:54]
BTCHero oh [04:55]
BTCHero i wish i didn't own gigaming anymore [04:55]
BTCHero but im going to ride it into the dirt [04:55]
mircea_popescu stupid way to play. [04:55]
BTCHero thanks [04:55]
mircea_popescu hey, it's nothing personal. [04:55]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [04:55]
gribble Best bid: 10.97275, Best ask: 10.98, Bid-ask spread: 0.00725, Last trade: 11.01931, 24 hour volume: 57026, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [04:55]
mircea_popescu the btc doesn't seem to care about pigeons friends. [04:56]
BTCHero I am unoffended [04:56]
* copumpkin is now known as irregardless [05:03]
smickles :D [05:03]
mircea_popescu /nick nonethenever [05:03]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [05:03]
gribble Best bid: 11.11, Best ask: 11.11088, Bid-ask spread: 0.00088, Last trade: 11.10999, 24 hour volume: 60548, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [05:04]
ic3d taking offers on killing pirate [05:04]
ic3d ask starting 1000BTC [05:05]
BTCHero gtfo [05:05]
mircea_popescu o ya, there's a lot of money in selling corpses [05:06]
mircea_popescu you could get as much as 80 bucks for a reasonably fresh one [05:06]
mircea_popescu great plan! [05:06]
ic3d im offering the service of killing pirate [05:07]
ic3d victims are welcome to pool together an account [05:07]
smickles how about you leave that out of this chan ;) [05:07]
BTCHero for real, there are more appropriate channels for trolling like that [05:08]
mircea_popescu ya. like... the sewage channel. [05:10]
ic3d why am i trolling? [05:10]
ic3d be prepared to deal with consequences of your actions [05:10]
smickles ;;ident ic3d [05:10]
gribble Nick 'ic3d', with hostmask 'ic3d!~n1gg3r@', is not identified. [05:10]
BTCHero lol wut [05:11]
smickles if you're going to do business, you should at least ident [05:11]
BTCHero ;;getrating ic3d [05:11]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. WARNING: Currently not authenticated. [05:11]
BTCHero I only deal with highly rated contract killers [05:12]
mircea_popescu he's a cheap killer, works for $10k [05:12]
mircea_popescu can't afford gpg [05:12]
smickles n1gg3r? srsly? [05:12]
smickles i just googled that ip, for the fun of it. first result [05:13]
smickles project honeypot [05:13]
BTCHero lol [05:13]
mircea_popescu tha;ts his gf [05:14]
mircea_popescu she's running a pills affiliate scheme [05:14]
* gabbynot has quit (Quit: gabbynot) [05:15]
ic3d problem with bitcoin is there is no established debt markets inplace to raise capital for projects [05:17]
mircea_popescu lol [05:17]
* rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [05:17]
ic3d i mean real projects not wealth transfering schemes [05:17]
Diablo-D3 ic3d: I agree [05:17]
ic3d ie gambling and stock exchanges [05:17]
ic3d and ponzis [05:17]
* gabbynot ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:17]
mircea_popescu the problem is there's nobody whose project is worth bitcoins atm. [05:18]
mircea_popescu any dood can write shit on the inteernet, the value of that is satoshis. [05:18]
mircea_popescu make it work first, then we can talk about it [05:18]
mircea_popescu three month's revenue, solid growth potential et all. [05:18]
ic3d all the bitcoin projects are wealth transfering schemes [05:19]
ic3d theres no wealth creating investments [05:20]
mircea_popescu all economy primarily exists to transfer wealth. [05:20]
ic3d no it doesnt [05:20]
mircea_popescu what qualifies you to opine on this topic ? [05:20]
ic3d a proper economy creates wealth not transfers it [05:20]
mircea_popescu mk i had enough [05:20]
ic3d bitcoin is purely a mechanism to transfer dollars around [05:20]
ic3d!*@* added to ignore list. [05:20]
smickles isn't the idea of wealth creation kinda antithetical to bitcoin? [05:22]
smickles wealth isn't created, there is a finite amount of it [05:22]
smickles not all wealth has been acquired yet tho [05:23]
smickles how is wealth created then? [05:23]
mircea_popescu bitcoin is not wealth per se, it's just the medium of exchange. [05:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 20 @ 0.2 = 4 BTC [+] [05:23]
smickles that's not even a sentense [05:23]
BTC-Mining smickles, wealth is not only about making new money appear... [05:24]
smickles that sounds like more efficient use of the wealth which already exists [05:24]
smickles money doesn't represent wealth in a set ratio tho [05:24]
smickles it ebbs, flows, jumps crashes [05:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00038376 = 4.4132 BTC [-] [05:25]
smickles i agree [05:25]
smickles still, why do you call that 'chain' you listed wealth creation, rather than more efficient use of preexisting wealth [05:26]
smickles that's tautologous [05:26]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 20 @ 0.209 = 4.18 BTC [+] [05:26]
smickles ofc the computer didn't exist before, but all the materials already did [05:27]
smickles wealth of those commodities just was used more efficiently [05:27]
smickles no wealth created then [05:27]
smickles it was already there [05:27]
smickles ostensibly, by your own admission [05:27]
smickles the value was already there [05:28]
smickles it just wasn't being utilized yet [05:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 30 @ 0.209 = 6.27 BTC [+] [05:28]
smickles the nominal value of things increases as we use them more efficiently, however [05:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19166 @ 0.00038376 = 7.3551 BTC [-] [05:29]
smickles the actual value was there all along [05:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15834 @ 0.00038364 = 6.0746 BTC [-] [05:29]
smickles non sequitor [05:29]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 8 @ 0.21 = 1.68 BTC [+] [05:29]
smickles didn't you just earlier claim that value was wealth? [05:30]
smickles non sequitor [05:30]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 40 @ 0.1 = 4 BTC [-] [05:30]
mircea_popescu sequitur [05:30]
smickles ah, thx mp [05:30]
smickles i spell awefully poorly [05:30]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.21 BTC [+] [05:31]
smickles and have syntax ambiguities apparently [05:31]
mircea_popescu latin be challenging [05:31]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 30 @ 0.07 = 2.1 BTC [-] [05:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 3 @ 0.06 = 0.18 BTC [-] [05:32]
smickles i take it you are giving up on our discussion? [05:32]
smickles ad hominem [05:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [GMVT-BOT] 21 @ 0.14 = 2.94 BTC [-] [05:32]
smickles that's just a facile reason not to continue discussing something [05:33]
smickles :( [05:33]
smickles fascile [05:33]
smickles i do, often [05:33]
smickles none [05:34]
Doffx Wtf [05:34]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [05:34]
gribble Best bid: 11.05005, Best ask: 11.118, Bid-ask spread: 0.06795, Last trade: 11.05005, 24 hour volume: 60537, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [05:34]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 13 @ 0.2 = 2.6 BTC [+] [05:34]
smickles i'm only in debt to a mortgage of a house which i rent out to people [05:34]
smickles it was? [05:35]
smickles do you mean title? [05:35]
smickles how was the debt underwritten by the state? [05:35]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 500 @ 0.101 = 50.5 BTC [+] [05:35]
smickles i bought well before then [05:35]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 17 @ 0.2 = 3.4 BTC [+] [05:36]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 54 @ 0.205 = 11.07 BTC [+] [05:36]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 20 @ 0.21 = 4.2 BTC [+] [05:36]
smickles ah, so statistically, you figure mine was underwritten by the state [05:36]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 59 @ 0.25 = 14.75 BTC [+] [05:36]
smickles why do you doubt that i had a 30% down payment? [05:36]
dub that is some optimistic shit [05:36]
dub buying ppt at this point [05:36]
smickles it was only a 110000 usd house [05:36]
mircea_popescu dub look at the values involved. [05:37]
smickles because i had to move, and it's an easier situation than selling it [05:37]
mircea_popescu ppl play satoshi dice for 250 btf [05:37]
smickles ic3d: it's better to put money into higher return ventures than to pay off cheap debt [05:37]
dub mircea_popescu: yeah but pirate basically admitted that he's filing bankrupcy [05:37]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 20 @ 0.2 = 4 BTC [-] [05:37]
* irregardless is now known as copumpkin [05:37]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 250 @ 0.10040001 = 25.1 BTC [-] [05:38]
mircea_popescu filing ? where ? [05:38]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 41 @ 0.25 = 10.25 BTC [+] [05:38]
dub [05:38]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 27 @ 0.28 = 7.56 BTC [+] [05:38]
smickles ic3d: i don't think 5% return is too hard to come by with not so much risk [05:39]
smickles infact [05:39]
EmanuelDeOrtego Your best bet is to sit on BTC for a good long time [05:39]
mircea_popescu if this is you trolling, i'm going to fly to Texas to kick your ass and buy you some more makers 46 [05:39]
smickles i set that operation up at the house itself [05:39]
EmanuelDeOrtego That will get you the most return [05:40]
mircea_popescu i find people so very amusing [05:40]
EmanuelDeOrtego oh god is pirate making more excuses? [05:40]
smickles i didn't say without risk ic3d [05:40]
dub EmanuelDeOrtego: no this is the end game [05:40]
smickles i make a > 5% profit off of my tennants [05:40]
dub he's turning ponzi jail time into failed business venture [05:40]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 170 @ 0.1004 = 17.068 BTC [-] [05:40]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 300 @ 0.0032 = 0.96 BTC [-] [05:41]
smickles ic3d: you really don't understand my situation, do you? [05:41]
* dub has two [05:41]
mircea_popescu yaya. cause anyone cares what he says. [05:41]
BTCHero I want to get some rental properties [05:41]
smickles well, it's only a rental because i was displaced by the military [05:41]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 33 @ 0.28 = 9.24 BTC [+] [05:41]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 42 @ 0.29999 = 12.5996 BTC [+] [05:41]
dub ic3d: I don't live where you live though, property is a better bet here [05:41]
smickles ic3d: how do you figure i am a leech? [05:42]
dub because its scarce as fuck [05:42]
smickles ic3d: i do not [05:42]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 12 @ 0.099 = 1.188 BTC [+] [05:42]
smickles ic3d: again, you really don't understand my situation [05:42]
dub and I could pay each house off in about a year [05:42]
smickles ic3d: my income comes mostly from selling software for bitcoin [05:42]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 42 @ 0.2799 = 11.7558 BTC [-] [05:43]
smickles ic3d: after software, comes accounting services [05:43]
smickles again, for bitcoin [05:44]
EmanuelDeOrtego smickles: So you live off Bitcoins? : O [05:44]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 10 @ 0.099 = 0.99 BTC [-] [05:44]
smickles EmanuelDeOrtego: very nearly, my wife provides usd for the family [05:44]
smickles EmanuelDeOrtego: and there is the whole situation with the house in columbia [05:45]
smickles that's not a bitcoin operation [05:45]
EmanuelDeOrtego Heh. [05:45]
mircea_popescu I will need a lawyers number also before I give out any information as you are the one that has messed this up. [05:46]
mircea_popescu Thanks guys, have a good night. [05:46]
mircea_popescu giving us 48 hours to make a list or not get btc is fail... [05:46]
mircea_popescu * pirateat40 sets mode +m #btcst-trust [05:46]
mircea_popescu i seriously will need to see some pretty heavy duty ashes in head from all these muppets. [05:46]
mircea_popescu copumpkin, gigavps, patrickharnett etfc, the whole gang. [05:46]
EmanuelDeOrtego It's getting harsher and harsher [05:47]
Chaang-Noi lol bad day mircea, lose more money than you could risk? [05:47]
mircea_popescu everyone thinks they're smart nowadays, that's fine. [05:47]
mircea_popescu Chaang-Noi i lost diddly squat on your stupidity there, ftr. [05:47]
mircea_popescu but i will not tolerate any pretense that you are either clever or competent. any opf you. [05:47]
BTCHero < mircea_popescu> i seriously will need to see some pretty heavy duty ashes in head from all these muppets. << did that make sense [05:47]
mircea_popescu you're twelve year olds. [05:47]
Chaang-Noi then why are you bitching like a girl? [05:47]
EmanuelDeOrtego umad.jpeg [05:48]
assbot [GLBSE] [GMVT-BOT] 1 @ 0.179 BTC [+] [05:48]
mircea_popescu i'm not mad. i'm despisefull. [05:48]
* smickles thinks of brewsters millions, jon candy, "10 million, 10 million, 10 million dollars :D" [05:48]
Chaang-Noi no BTCHero it did not [05:48]
mircea_popescu BTCHero when people fuck up [05:48]
mircea_popescu they spend a while saying what huge idiots they werre [05:48]
mircea_popescu and how sorry they were [05:48]
mircea_popescu and they post pictures with ashes in the hair on their dumb heads. [05:49]
mircea_popescu ancient custom. [05:49]
mircea_popescu and then they go hide under a rock [05:49]
BTCHero oh, must be a romanian thing or something [05:49]
mircea_popescu and never ever ever again pretend they know finance. [05:49]
mircea_popescu BTCHero actually, jewish. [05:49]
BTCHero well, it isn't common in ohio :) [05:49]
mircea_popescu well, there's a reason ohio is ohio. [05:49]
mircea_popescu bad customs. [05:49]
Chaang-Noi when Mirceas exchange fails or he runs with the money people like mircea will blame deadT for having a pass though... [05:50]
mircea_popescu IF. [05:50]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.10498899 BTC [+] [05:50]
mircea_popescu get your conditionals straight. [05:50]
Chaang-Noi they are [05:51]
Chaang-Noi but you see my point? deadt is not a scammer [05:51]
mircea_popescu i told you not to do it, back in april. o, no, you knew better ? [05:51]
mircea_popescu heh,. [05:51]
Chaang-Noi he is giving a service people want [05:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.19 BTC [-] [05:51]
mircea_popescu on your knees. [05:51]
Chaang-Noi i see nothing wrong with what i have done just like deadT has done nothing wrong [05:51]
mircea_popescu "service people want" whopdedoo. [05:51]
mircea_popescu so did pirate, right ? [05:52]
mircea_popescu you're all a buncha providers of services people want. [05:52]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 13 @ 0.2 = 2.6 BTC [+] [05:52]
mircea_popescu Chaang-Noi go write your "i fucked up i'm sorry" note and stop arguing with me. [05:52]
mircea_popescu i am wiser than you. [05:52]
Chaang-Noi im sure nefario and theymos are just as guilty then.. you sure are crazy [05:52]
kakobrekla i can belive im spamming with this again... links are live [05:52]
kakobrekla go test [05:53]
BTCHero mircea_popescu: people who went through goat knew what they were getting into, i don't see the problem [05:53]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 9 @ 0.1 = 0.9 BTC [-] [05:53]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 500 @ 0.1 = 50 BTC [-] [05:53]
Chaang-Noi mircea just wants to cry like a girl cuz he is bored, the adults knew what they were doing [05:53]
assbot [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8389 BTC [-] [05:54]
BTC-Mining I opted not to do a pirate passthrough because I feared it would default, no matter if I wouldn't be responsible for that default and people would have wanted that. [05:54]
mircea_popescu BTC-Mining you're not exactly the only one. [05:54]
BTCHero I agree with that too [05:54]
BTC-Mining I made one for Kraken Funds strictly because I trust patrick to be reliable [05:54]
BTC-Mining and I was paying him 2.5% weekly in interest at some point [05:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 178 @ 0.0985 = 17.533 BTC [-] [05:55]
mircea_popescu for all the talk about adults, adults are the people who man up. [05:55]
EmanuelDeOrtego Worrying about money is stupid. If it's lost, you accept it and learn. [05:55]
BTCHero but I don't fault someone else for doing something i wouldn't do [05:55]
BTC-Mining So His 0% - 2.5% seems fine with me [05:55]
assbot [GLBSE] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.64 BTC [-] [05:55]
assbot [GLBSE] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.636 BTC [-] [05:55]
assbot [GLBSE] [FZB.A] 66 @ 0.0301 = 1.9866 BTC [-] [05:55]
mircea_popescu BTCHero i will fault someone for pushing crap debt to the otherwise dumb-as-rocks penny investors on glbse. [05:55]
smickles kakobrekla: do i need javascripy on it? [05:55]
BTC-Mining And even if he defaulted/screwed up while we had proof he could get the rates, I'd apologize =/ [05:55]
assbot [GLBSE] [FZB.A] 125 @ 0.03 = 3.75 BTC [-] [05:55]
smickles s/y/t/ [05:55]
kakobrekla not really [05:56]
kakobrekla yeah its absurd! [05:56]
kakobrekla should be at least 7 [05:56]
BTC-Mining I was paying the guy 2.5% per week... [05:56]
BTC-Mining for a loan [05:57]
BTC-Mining which was very profitable [05:57]
BTCHero I have a few coins with patrick harnett and a few in KRAKEN [05:57]
BTC-Mining About a month [05:57]
smickles BTC-Mining: it's simple interest, right? [05:57]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.11 = 0.22 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.106 = 0.636 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.1051 = 0.4204 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.105 = 0.63 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 84 @ 0.10021 = 8.4176 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.1001 = 3.003 BTC [-] [05:57]
BTC-Mining Well he does a lot of those loans... [05:57]
BTC-Mining and 2.5% is the maximum [05:57]
BTC-Mining He can pay less [05:58]
BTC-Mining it varies depending on the profits. [05:58]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDT] 54 @ 0.801 = 43.254 BTC [-] [05:58]
BTC-Mining If you consider mining makes on average at least 1% profit, this rates range is acceptable. [05:59]
BTC-Mining No I don't need loans. But I need one a while ago [05:59]
BTC-Mining But I needed* [05:59]
smickles kakobrekla: "oftenly"? [05:59]
* blazing (~lew@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:00]
BTC-Mining Not to count you can play MtGox, can be very lucrative [06:00]
kakobrekla smickles fixed :) [06:00]
BTC-Mining With the stupidly high volatility [06:00]
BTCHero I still want to know how i can get in on all this loaning action to secure a loan for a rental property [06:00]
kakobrekla thanks btw. [06:00]
BTCHero but the risk of btc rising basically removes the possibility [06:00]
BTC-Mining and the humongous interests... [06:00]
smickles oh shit, i have 2.5 cents still in gox [06:00]
smickles i'm rich! [06:00]
BTC-Mining a 100k mortgage would cost you 2500 a week in interests, at least [06:01]
assbot [GLBSE] [JTME] 1 @ 0.9449 BTC [-] [06:01]
BTC-Mining plus deflation, it gets painful [06:01]
BTCHero I know [06:01]
BTCHero I would have no problem paying back a usd loan, but a btc loan is another story [06:01]
assbot [GLBSE] [JTME] 2 @ 0.9449 = 1.8898 BTC [-] [06:02]
BTCHero not exactly [06:02]
BTCHero I don't have a job [06:03]
BTCHero why would they lend to pirate [06:03]
BTC-Mining He doesn't want a bitcoin loan anyway... [06:03]
BTCHero renting is no way to make immediate income, they are money pits at first [06:03]
BTCHero ic3d: in the short term yes [06:04]
mircea_popescu Pirate may be facing racconteering charges and to lessen his prison term he is working with the feds to get as much info as possible. [06:04]
smickles so kakobrekla, if i set up a link, i'll be charged 20 satoshi a week? [06:04]
mircea_popescu raconteuring!!! [06:04]
mircea_popescu ahahah that's the best thing i read all week. [06:04]
kakobrekla currently yes [06:04]
BTCHero ic3d: how would i not realize that [06:04]
mircea_popescu he's up on charges of telling stories. [06:04]
BTCHero ic3d: thanks for the advice [06:05]
kakobrekla smickles, first tx each 7 days will be charged small fee [06:05]
dub free advice, its worth it! [06:05]
smickles kakobrekla: ah [06:05]
BTCHero well ideally they would be extracting money from someone other than me [06:05]
BTCHero but yeah [06:05]
dub ic3d: I rent a three bedroom house with my GF in an expensive area [06:05]
kakobrekla smickles, pay one fee, send as many for free for 7 days [06:06]
smickles kakobrekla: if i don't use it for 3 weeks, do i get 3x fees on that first one? [06:06]
kakobrekla no [06:06]
BTCHero ic3d: we have rental properties in the family, we have gone through evictions [06:06]
BTCHero i know [06:06]
kakobrekla just 1 time fee [06:06]
BTCHero my family is doing ok bro [06:06]
BTCHero chill [06:06]
BTCHero ic3d: so what is the magical investment i should make? [06:07]
dub BTCHero: piratae [06:07]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [06:07]
gribble Best bid: 10.88967, Best ask: 10.999, Bid-ask spread: 0.10933, Last trade: 10.99901, 24 hour volume: 61180, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [06:07]
BTCHero uh, so dump money into bitcoin is your investment strategy? [06:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 50 @ 0.249 = 12.45 BTC [+] [06:07]
EmanuelDeOrtego Yes [06:07]
BTCHero lol [06:07]
EmanuelDeOrtego Ewww [06:07]
EmanuelDeOrtego What the hell [06:08]
EmanuelDeOrtego Why [06:08]
EmanuelDeOrtego Would you do that [06:08]
BTCHero good idea, i will put boxes of cash in the attic [06:08]
mircea_popescu actually dumping fiat into btc isn't too bad a strategy [06:08]
BTCHero great investment [06:08]
mircea_popescu i did that for months. [06:08]
EmanuelDeOrtego I will not be taking US-anything for my ammo, foodstuffs and other things when the economy collapses [06:08]
BTC-Mining US is inflating fast, I don't see it getting worth more [06:08]
EmanuelDeOrtego Unless it is gold or silver [06:09]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.17010001 BTC [-] [06:09]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 40 @ 0.1701 = 6.804 BTC [-] [06:09]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.17000001 BTC [-] [06:09]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 58 @ 0.17 = 9.86 BTC [-] [06:09]
BTC-Mining That USD is losing value [06:09]
BTCHero ic3d: lost all credibility when he suggested to hold onto usd as investment advice [06:09]
BTC-Mining oh, the homes [06:09]
EmanuelDeOrtego Because there are too many homes [06:09]
BTC-Mining The home market crashed [06:09]
mircea_popescu ic3d: lost all credibility when he suggested to hold onto usd as investment advice <<< no, actually, when he was playing the 10k usd hitman. [06:09]
BTCHero oh yeah [06:09]
BTCHero that too [06:10]
EmanuelDeOrtego ic3d: Are you that Navy Seal that was frothing at the mouth and going USA USA USA on #bitcoin? [06:10]
BTC-Mining buys less stocks and cars... [06:10]
EmanuelDeOrtego You know [06:10]
BTC-Mining Because the government is fucking printing money like crazy to try to fix the economy by sending money to patch everything [06:10]
EmanuelDeOrtego It's going to be fun to watch Matthew go from urban riches to rags [06:10]
EmanuelDeOrtego BTC_Mining: False. Money is printed by contract through the Federal Reserve which is a independent organization. [06:11]
EmanuelDeOrtego Said money is lent [06:11]
EmanuelDeOrtego at interest [06:11]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.18 BTC [+] [06:11]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 55 @ 0.18 = 9.9 BTC [+] [06:11]
BTCHero mircea_popescu: I could see his points against rental properties though, they made sense [06:11]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 541 @ 0.17 = 91.97 BTC [-] [06:11]
BTCHero just a little extreme [06:11]
EmanuelDeOrtego Yes, most money is digital. [06:11]
mircea_popescu BTCHero 8ball makes sense 50% of the time. [06:11]
BTC-Mining Ah [06:12]
blazing do you guys think ron paul can become president? [06:12]
BTC-Mining Well maybe, but that's risky [06:12]
BTCHero once the debt starts contracting.... [06:12]
BTCHero when is this going to happen? [06:12]
mircea_popescu blazing too old by now. [06:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 56 @ 0.17 = 9.52 BTC [-] [06:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 35 @ 0.125 = 4.375 BTC [-] [06:12]
EmanuelDeOrtego blazing: The RNC took his plurality away. [06:12]
EmanuelDeOrtego He could of had a chance [06:12]
EmanuelDeOrtego but the RNC took away the 10 delegates necessary. [06:13]
EmanuelDeOrtego People have gone as far as to call the RNC the Third Reich over this. [06:13]
EmanuelDeOrtego Lesson? Don't be a libertarian in the RNC or they will fuck you up. [06:14]
EmanuelDeOrtego End the Fed [06:14]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.125 = 1.25 BTC [-] [06:14]
BTCHero ic3d: you should probably be on meds [06:14]
BTCHero i sense some serious issues [06:14]
EmanuelDeOrtego After auditing it and arresting the bankers [06:14]
EmanuelDeOrtego They all need to be arrested for treason. [06:14]
mircea_popescu ;;rate pirateat40 -1 ran a typical ponzi. [06:14]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user pirateat40 has been recorded. [06:14]
EmanuelDeOrtego Executive Branch [06:14]
EmanuelDeOrtego Executes the law [06:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego Runs the military [06:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego Of course [06:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego but the fed is probably breaking the law [06:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego With enough maddened citizenry [06:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego anything can happen [06:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.15 BTC [+] [06:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 87 @ 0.13 = 11.31 BTC [-] [06:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 5 @ 0.1 = 0.5 BTC [-] [06:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.09 BTC [-] [06:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 50 @ 0.09 = 4.5 BTC [-] [06:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 50 @ 0.08 = 4 BTC [-] [06:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego You go in with pitch forks [06:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego and firearms [06:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego Alex Jones did [06:16]
EmanuelDeOrtego lol [06:16]
EmanuelDeOrtego *rolls eyes* [06:16]
EmanuelDeOrtego Okay, sure, pal. [06:16]
EmanuelDeOrtego Money is lent at interest [06:16]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: I don't really care :) [06:16]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 6 @ 0.08 = 0.48 BTC [-] [06:16]
copumpkin I feel bad for those who do though [06:16]
EmanuelDeOrtego Where that interest goes [06:16]
EmanuelDeOrtego is the problem. [06:16]
mircea_popescu weak sauce. [06:17]
EmanuelDeOrtego You think it does. [06:17]
EmanuelDeOrtego A portion certainly does. [06:17]
assbot [GLBSE] [MOORE] 25 @ 0.5 = 12.5 BTC [+] [06:17]
BTCHero copumpkin: can you cash out some of your bitcoins and make me a 75k usd loan please? [06:17]
dub dude prisonplanet told EmanuelDeOrtego everything [06:17]
EmanuelDeOrtego But we are forgetting about the profits that come from the money that is lent out. [06:17]
copumpkin BTCHero: no thanks [06:17]
dub he knows man [06:17]
copumpkin BTCHero: gonna be a little more cautious for the time being :) [06:17]
dub he knows [06:17]
BTCHero ill ask again at 15 [06:17]
copumpkin BTCHero: I'll get back to ponzis next week [06:17]
EmanuelDeOrtego We're dealing with a monster. [06:18]
BTCHero no i need a rental property, this isn't a ponzi [06:18]
BTCHero i promise i won't lose more than 40% of your money [06:18]
BTCHero ic3d: again, thanks for the advice [06:19]
BTCHero correct, correct, wrong [06:20]
EmanuelDeOrtego "you have to rent yourself in the fiat labor market place as a slave." [06:20]
EmanuelDeOrtego so much truth [06:20]
copumpkin lol, such loaded language all the fucking time [06:21]
copumpkin tyranny, slave, violence [06:21]
BTCHero ic3d: i don't have a job [06:21]
copumpkin any other good ones you have? [06:21]
BTCHero he needs some meds copumpkin [06:21]
BTCHero you should teach him to be more like you [06:21]
EmanuelDeOrtego Jobs are for people who don't have a life. [06:21]
copumpkin oh yes yes [06:21]
copumpkin good job [06:21]
copumpkin EmanuelDeOrtego: I have a pretty decent life, I think [06:21]
EmanuelDeOrtego ic3d: Am I being rented out if I work with a group of people to get something done? [06:22]
dub copumpkin: smells like libertard [06:23]
dub libertarian appears to be the new 'emo' [06:23]
BTCHero ic3d: how do you get money? [06:23]
dub pretty sure they have the fringe and everything [06:24]
copumpkin so wait, do I not have a life? [06:24]
EmanuelDeOrtego I think we are dealing with a communist here. [06:24]
BTCHero where did you get your capital? [06:24]
assbot [GLBSE] [PLATINUM] 269 @ 0.009 = 2.421 BTC [-] [06:24]
dub theres the other kind though [06:24]
EmanuelDeOrtego I am a Egoist, thank you. [06:24]
dub two kinds of libertard [06:24]
* maximian has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:24]
dub theres the, moms mininvan is oppressing my rights form [06:25]
dub and the I'm hoarding wild turkey and ammo form [06:25]
* maximian ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:25]
copumpkin so I guess I don't have a life [06:25]
copumpkin damn [06:25]
EmanuelDeOrtego copumpkin: I was jokin around. [06:25]
BTCHero ic3d: ok cool [06:25]
copumpkin no no, you're right [06:25]
copumpkin I just realized I don't have a life [06:25]
copumpkin this is troubling [06:25]
EmanuelDeOrtego Just work part time [06:25]
EmanuelDeOrtego Get it balanced out [06:26]
copumpkin I just lost tens of thousands of bitcoins, and I don't have a life [06:26]
copumpkin the horror! [06:26]
EmanuelDeOrtego : ( [06:26]
dub I don't have a life either [06:26]
copumpkin ic3d: oh, clever [06:26]
copumpkin :) [06:26]
dub im spending this weekend underwater hunting ffs [06:26]
EmanuelDeOrtego I go to class and get told my combat boots care people : ( [06:26]
dub for shit im going to eat [06:26]
BTCHero ic3d: you are in the bitcoin universe [06:26]
BTCHero right now as we speak [06:26]
assbot [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 10 @ 0.26 = 2.6 BTC [-] [06:26]
EmanuelDeOrtego scare* [06:27]
BTC-Mining Go get one then [06:27]
dub I'm renting (GASP) a holiday home [06:27]
assbot [GLBSE] [MMM] 3 @ 0.9 = 2.7 BTC [+] [06:27]
EmanuelDeOrtego I just don't think people should work over 30 hours a week in today's industrialized society [06:27]
BTCHero i plan on living vicariously through my child [06:27]
copumpkin nah, actually, now that I think about it [06:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 4 @ 0.071 = 0.284 BTC [-] [06:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.071 = 0.71 BTC [-] [06:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 100 @ 0.061 = 6.1 BTC [-] [06:28]
copumpkin I have a pretty awesome life [06:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 2 @ 0.05401337 = 0.108 BTC [-] [06:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 200 @ 0.042 = 8.4 BTC [-] [06:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 284 @ 0.041111 = 11.6755 BTC [-] [06:28]
EmanuelDeOrtego Good. [06:28]
copumpkin so I'm gonna keep up what I'm doing [06:28]
EmanuelDeOrtego : ) [06:28]
copumpkin I suck The Man's cock for a living [06:28]
copumpkin and I love it [06:28]
EmanuelDeOrtego I agree with that to an extent [06:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 5 @ 0.25 = 1.25 BTC [-] [06:28]
copumpkin oh I love it for my own reasons [06:28]
copumpkin his cock is quite tasty [06:28]
dub I'm going to forget about the money I lost in pirate [06:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.BVPS] 150 @ 0.00359922 = 0.5399 BTC [+] [06:29]
copumpkin I haven't had 50% taken [06:29]
dub by drinking roughly the same dollar value in fine single malt [06:29]
EmanuelDeOrtego I got out when I had 100% profit [06:29]
mircea_popescu dub what's that come to ? [06:29]
EmanuelDeOrtego You should of too guys [06:29]
EmanuelDeOrtego You stayed in far too long [06:29]
copumpkin and I don't really work long hours [06:29]
dub mircea_popescu: I guess around $4k... I wasn't keeping track of reinvestment [06:30]
mircea_popescu that's a lot of whiskey [06:30]
dub not really [06:30]
mircea_popescu take me more than a night at any rate. [06:30]
* TheSeven has quit (Disconnected by services) [06:31]
* [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:31]
copumpkin uh [06:31]
dub by filling a niche [06:31]
copumpkin by not relying on production? [06:31]
copumpkin :P [06:31]
BTCHero ic3d: the ponzi niche [06:31]
BTC-Mining Public guesses was ponzi or money laundering [06:31]
BTCHero ponzis are great for the bottom level [06:32]
dub I'm glad you are here with all the answers [06:32]
BTCHero 5-10% over taxes you mean right [06:32]
dub because nobody has made this point before [06:32]
copumpkin lol [06:33]
assbot [GLBSE] [CPA] 3 @ 0.07 = 0.21 BTC [-] [06:33]
copumpkin ic3d: bring on more condescension [06:33]
BTCHero ic3d: but you can say the money came from selling widgets to tor users [06:33]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8 BTC [-] [06:33]
dub hear that people? bitcoin is different [06:33]
copumpkin because you say so? [06:34]
copumpkin :P [06:34]
BTCHero why not? [06:34]
copumpkin ic3d: I'm not sure you're aware, but like the "real world", most bitcoin finance doesn't occur on exchanges [06:34]
* copumpkin sighs [06:34]
BTC-Mining There's huge transactions not happening on MtGox... [06:34]
copumpkin ic3d: yeah, surely nobody has the means to locate buyers [06:34]
copumpkin therefore, it is impossible! [06:34]
copumpkin QED [06:35]
copumpkin but no, I'm mocking [06:35]
copumpkin I actively deal with people who have way more money/coins than gox could handle comfortably [06:35]
BTCHero ic3d: you are an expert troll... spanning multiple subjects [06:35]
copumpkin you keep talking about the exchange [06:35]
copumpkin when I keep telling you that's irrelevant [06:35]
copumpkin because many big guys already know each other [06:36]
dub hmm, so how much do I say I lost in pirate [06:36]
copumpkin and OTC is more subtle and doesn't have fees [06:36]
dub put in 200btc maybe 12-13 weeks ago, when they were worth $6-7 [06:36]
copumpkin ic3d: all I'm saying is that there's a _lot_ of business going on, at scales you have declared impossible, that you don't know about [06:37]
BTCHero 2000 [06:37]
dub did I lose $1200 or $5000 [06:37]
BTCHero 2000 [06:37]
* Garr255Mobile has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [06:38]
copumpkin watch [06:38]
BTCHero err wait bitcoins aren't worth 10 [06:38]
copumpkin a lot of the big blocks are change from big addresses [06:38]
copumpkin many are not though [06:38]
copumpkin lots happens that would completely dawrf mtgox [06:38]
copumpkin anyway, it's 5:40 am :) [06:39]
mircea_popescu copumpkin dude enough already. you personally are gonna dwarf mtgox nao ? [06:39]
* copumpkin should sleep [06:39]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: not at all! [06:39]
mircea_popescu mkay. [06:39]
copumpkin enough already why? [06:39]
mircea_popescu cause i have the idiot you're talking to on ignore and you're starting to sound like him [06:40]
mircea_popescu and i dun want to. [06:40]
copumpkin oh lol [06:40]
copumpkin sorry, will avoid :) [06:40]
mircea_popescu :p [06:40]
copumpkin I'm on your timezone now! [06:40]
copumpkin I'm stealin ur timez [06:40]
mircea_popescu where that ? [06:40]
copumpkin near rome [06:40]
copumpkin ania [06:40]
copumpkin >_> [06:40]
mircea_popescu so drop by have a cup of coffee [06:40]
mircea_popescu i can personally cuss you out [06:40]
mircea_popescu we'll both feel better. [06:40]
copumpkin hah, I would except I don't drink coffee [06:40]
copumpkin sorry man [06:40]
dub wat [06:41]
dub life requires coffee [06:41]
mircea_popescu i don't really drink coffee either [06:42]
mircea_popescu more like a social thing [06:42]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 7000 @ 0.00075123 = 5.2586 BTC [+] [06:42]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [06:42]
gribble Best bid: 10.92, Best ask: 10.9994, Bid-ask spread: 0.07940, Last trade: 10.99941, 24 hour volume: 60962, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [06:42]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 82 @ 0.041111 = 3.3711 BTC [-] [06:43]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [-] [06:43]
EmanuelDeOrtego Wait, you could have just 5 BTC sitting a BTCST account? [06:43]
EmanuelDeOrtego [06:43]
EmanuelDeOrtego sitting in* [06:43]
blazing so its all over [06:46]
blazing finally we can get on with our lives [06:46]
BTC-Mining yes [06:50]
* Garr255Mobile (~root@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:50]
EmanuelDeOrtego Well, he did say that you should never trust a pirate. [06:52]
EmanuelDeOrtego I mean, go figure. [06:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38901 @ 0.00038364 = 14.924 BTC [-] [06:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6734 @ 0.00038344 = 2.5821 BTC [-] [06:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14765 @ 0.0003834 = 5.6609 BTC [-] [06:54]
blazing i just cant believe all the betting and buying pirate debt that just topped it off [06:55]
EmanuelDeOrtego lol Matthew is so screwed [06:56]
EmanuelDeOrtego He's going to have to dump his girlfriend and live out of a van [06:57]
EmanuelDeOrtego and he was making fun of me for working a month at Wal-Mart. [06:57]
mircea_popescu EmanuelDeOrtego i don't see why you think anything changed. [06:58]
mircea_popescu wright was disreputable six months ago [06:58]
mircea_popescu he'll keep shooting his mouth as if that wasn't plainly known six months from now. [06:58]
EmanuelDeOrtego Probably. [06:58]
EmanuelDeOrtego Anyways, that 100k was probably investor money from either Ellet or Bitcoin magazine. [06:58]
EmanuelDeOrtego Who knows. [06:59]
mircea_popescu or thin air. [06:59]
mircea_popescu seeing how he wouldn't escrow. [06:59]
EmanuelDeOrtego Well, if he doesn't pay that.... [06:59]
EmanuelDeOrtego Wow. [06:59]
EmanuelDeOrtego He's done. [06:59]
mircea_popescu ya right. [07:00]
blazing u could say that [07:01]
smickles ic3d: the burden of proof is on the positive statement [07:02]
blazing bitcoin needed to go through this i reckon [07:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8 BTC [-] [07:02]
blazing its part of its growing up [07:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.75 BTC [-] [07:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 6 @ 0.7201 = 4.3206 BTC [-] [07:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 4 @ 0.72 = 2.88 BTC [-] [07:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.7102 BTC [-] [07:02]
mircea_popescu blazing i am pretty sure. [07:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 2 @ 0.71001 = 1.42 BTC [-] [07:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 9 @ 0.71 = 6.39 BTC [-] [07:02]
mircea_popescu we aren't seeing this kind of mass hysteria any time again i would hope. [07:03]
blazing whats going on with gigamining? [07:03]
mircea_popescu blazing people figure he's insolvent prolly. [07:03]
BTC-Mining Why would he be insolvant? [07:03]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 13200 @ 0.00075154 = 9.9203 BTC [+] [07:03]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 17300 @ 0.00075123 = 12.9963 BTC [-] [07:03]
mircea_popescu pirate association ? [07:03]
blazing im so glad i stayed out of all this glbse and pirate on gox is fine for me [07:04]
mircea_popescu i have no ideea [07:04]
EmanuelDeOrtego Bitcoin is going up because of this [07:04]
EmanuelDeOrtego All the investors need their Bitcoins back [07:04]
mircea_popescu EmanuelDeOrtego ya it will prolly go up [07:04]
mircea_popescu blazing try mpex eh! [07:04]
EmanuelDeOrtego Matthew, if he pays back on is debt, will need to buy. [07:04]
EmanuelDeOrtego bet* [07:04]
blazing does mpex have enough volume though [07:04]
blazing i trade with 500-1000btc [07:04]
mircea_popescu it does ~5k a day. [07:05]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 6 @ 0.0032 = 0.0192 BTC [-] [07:05]
smickles ic3d == ciuciu? [07:06]
mircea_popescu it is ?! [07:06]
mircea_popescu jesus wow, he managed to get on my ignore in like 15 minutes, on a fresh identity ? [07:07]
mircea_popescu this is some serious skill [07:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.A] 1 @ 0.3615 BTC [-] [07:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.1199 = 5.995 BTC [+] [07:07]
smickles mircea_popescu: you didn't see him trollin' me for about half an hour? [07:07]
mircea_popescu nope. [07:08]
smickles this, after he offered to kill pirate for 10kbtc? [07:08]
* Doffx ( has left #bitcoin-assets ("Leaving") [07:08]
mircea_popescu right about there, lemme find it [07:08]
mircea_popescu Aug 29 05:18:49 three month's revenue, solid growth potential et all. [07:08]
mircea_popescu Aug 29 05:19:57 all the bitcoin projects are wealth transfering schemes [07:08]
mircea_popescu Aug 29 05:20:03 theres no wealth creating investments [07:08]
mircea_popescu Aug 29 05:20:09 all economy primarily exists to transfer wealth. [07:08]
mircea_popescu Aug 29 05:20:16 no it doesnt [07:08]
mircea_popescu Aug 29 05:20:25 what qualifies you to opine on this topic ? [07:08]
mircea_popescu Aug 29 05:20:27 a proper economy creates wealth not transfers it [07:08]
mircea_popescu Aug 29 05:20:32 mk i had enough [07:08]
mircea_popescu is this before or after ? [07:08]
* mircea_popescu can't believe he pasted a dozen lines. sorry all! [07:09]
EmanuelDeOrtego lol Pirate is giving Chaang-Noi orders [07:09]
Chaang-Noi :) [07:10]
mircea_popescu step into the light goat. [07:10]
* ic3d is now known as RomanianGypsy [07:10]
Chaang-Noi there is more than just one problem ic3d [07:12]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [07:12]
gribble Best bid: 10.95295, Best ask: 10.9992, Bid-ask spread: 0.04625, Last trade: 10.99921, 24 hour volume: 60933, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [07:12]
smickles kakobrekla: ? [07:13]
* RomanianGypsy is now known as ic3d [07:13]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3200 @ 0.0003834 = 1.2269 BTC [-] [07:14]
* Sophiie (~Sophiie@pdpc/supporter/active/sophiie) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:14]
* razor1101 (~razor1101@gateway/tor-sasl/razor1101) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:15]
* chaplain (~thomas@freenode/staff/thomas) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:17]
EmanuelDeOrtego [07:18]
EmanuelDeOrtego Pirate will be getting the scammer tag [07:19]
* Sophiie (~Sophiie@pdpc/supporter/active/sophiie) has left #bitcoin-assets ("I'm not needed here anymore") [07:20]
* razor1101 (~razor1101@gateway/tor-sasl/razor1101) has left #bitcoin-assets ("niggers") [07:20]
mircea_popescu It's only symbolic at this point, anyway -- no one's going to be tricked into trading with someone involved in such a high-profile controversy. [07:20]
mircea_popescu guy has a pretty good point [07:20]
mircea_popescu heck is a tag gonna change ? [07:20]
EmanuelDeOrtego It's funny [07:21]
EmanuelDeOrtego and we can all look back at [07:21]
EmanuelDeOrtego and be nostalgic [07:21]
* PhantomSpark|2 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [07:21]
mircea_popescu "the good ole days when we were all professional and shit" [07:21]
EmanuelDeOrtego "This bond is in no way insured. The money gained from the selling of these bonds will go to BTCST. This bond is not guaranteed but will be honored at best effort." [07:26]
* Doffx ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:26]
EmanuelDeOrtego I think Chaang-Noi is fine. [07:26]
mircea_popescu would be really funny if pirate started a shakuru play [07:26]
mircea_popescu and end up with some dude holding a repayment fund [07:27]
mircea_popescu into which he can donate the proceeds of sold riser cables [07:27]
mircea_popescu and other 1/4 bitcoin bonanzas [07:27]
EmanuelDeOrtego lol [07:27]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 311 @ 0.0032 = 0.9952 BTC [-] [07:27]
assbot [GLBSE] [NASTY] 1 @ 0.6 BTC [-] [07:28]
blazing i hope this whole pirate thing draws more attention to bitcoin [07:30]
mircea_popescu It is fairly common in ponzi scams to create false accounts to give the illusion of popularity. Other people will be more inclined to invest if they think other people believe it works. This costs him nothing or very little, because the money goes back to himself, and they will never be claimed while the scam runs. If they are in the form of extra shares on GLBSE it would be trivial to sell them at a discount now, and somewhat more [07:30]
mircea_popescu work if he's sent them through one of the pass-throughs. [07:30]
mircea_popescu incidentally, that is a very good point. [07:30]
blazing you mean the passthrough operator is selling them or pirate? [07:33]
mircea_popescu they could be in collusion, or the opperators could be just victims. [07:33]
mircea_popescu either one works. [07:33]
mircea_popescu there;s a pretty solid theory that the guy sold his own debt at cut-down rates for a 2nd round of scamming. it'd make sense. [07:34]
blazing do you think the meeting in vegas may have something to do with this? [07:34]
mircea_popescu i have no ideea what the meeting has to do with, i wasn't there [07:35]
Chaang-Noi blazing i was there [07:35]
mircea_popescu but "strategizing" i hear. [07:35]
Chaang-Noi it was defcon [07:35]
Chaang-Noi we however had a dinner and then later played some craps [07:35]
Chaang-Noi everything that was posted online was true [07:35]
Chaang-Noi i went cuz i wanted to go to vegas and felt, hell why not then, go to defcon and see pirate and giga and some of the people who i had assumed were my freinds [07:36]
Chaang-Noi . test [07:36]
mircea_popescu Chaang-Noi here's the problem as i see it : there's no way for me to verify that you weren't buying your own shares of pirate thing. [07:37]
mircea_popescu on the grounds of what liquidity i have seen on glbse, the sorts of numbers you folks were flashing there make no sense. [07:37]
mircea_popescu nobody there has 10's of k's to invest. [07:37]
blazing so actually you left vegas with no more information about pirate then when you arrived [07:37]
Chaang-Noi mircea no one cares what you think :/ or say... [07:37]
Chaang-Noi nope, and i did not expect to get any [07:38]
bitfoo Chaang-Noi, so did they turn out not to be your friends? :| [07:38]
mircea_popescu if that only were true, you'd be in so much better a position... [07:38]
Chaang-Noi giga sure, pirate well at this point i think no [07:38]
bitfoo hmm ok [07:38]
Chaang-Noi there was not much talk about gpuman or btcst [07:39]
Chaang-Noi some but nothing new [07:39]
mircea_popescu so you went to vegas from thailand at great persona expense and difficulty [07:39]
mircea_popescu for the pleasure of playing craps like old ladies. [07:39]
Chaang-Noi i wasnte dto see defcon and vegas, its why i went [07:39]
mircea_popescu your story doth not wash. [07:40]
Chaang-Noi mircea no one cares what you think :/ or say... [07:40]
mircea_popescu if only that were true... your position would be a lot better. [07:41]
mircea_popescu fact of the matter is, currently i speak for about 90% of all btc investors left standing. [07:41]
mircea_popescu after you and the gang killed half a million bitcoin in the hands of those fools enough to trust you. [07:42]
mircea_popescu suicide move, that. [07:42]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-PI] 240 @ 0.9999999 = 240 BTC [-] [07:42]
dub its not dead [07:43]
dub theres gonna be a lot of hookers and blow [07:43]
EmanuelDeOrtego MPeX Users: There are over 22K+ S.DICE shares for sale on the GLBSE for .0032. There is a bid for 90k+ S.DICE shares at .0033 on MPeX. DeaDTerra will convert GLBSE shares to MPeX shares with no fee. [07:43]
mircea_popescu i guess we see nao if there's anyone willing to trust glbse for umm what is is [07:43]
Chaang-Noi mircea no one cares what you think :/ or say... [07:44]
mircea_popescu .py .0032 * 22000 [07:44]
markac 70.4 [07:44]
mircea_popescu a whooping 70 bitcoin. [07:44]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINRS] 1 @ 0.05 BTC [-] [07:44]
assbot [GLBSE] [TEEK.PPT] 1 @ 0.05 BTC [+] [07:46]
* Garr255Mobile has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [07:46]
assbot [GLBSE] [TEEK.PPT] 9 @ 0.01 = 0.09 BTC [-] [07:47]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 150 @ 0.1 = 15 BTC [+] [07:49]
EmanuelDeOrtego <_matthew_> Why is goat trying to stall payouts to people whom he owes money to? [07:50]
EmanuelDeOrtego <_matthew_> And if he isn't doing some kind of shady insider bullshit, why wouldn't goat be able to just give that information? [07:50]
EmanuelDeOrtego Matthew goes full retard [07:50]
mircea_popescu o, he's in "let's talk of something else" mode ? [07:50]
dub tbqh [07:50]
dub why goat can't just say "9001 bitcoins are my personal shit and 9001 bitcoins are in glbse ppt that I cannot provide individual details for" is beyond me [07:51]
BTCHero like 10 months [07:51]
mircea_popescu dub why would he ? [07:52]
EmanuelDeOrtego ic3d: He's in deep shit and needs to put the shit on someone else [07:52]
EmanuelDeOrtego He needs Goat to provide information [07:52]
dub by screaming bullshit and refusing to even do that he is makign shit worse [07:52]
mircea_popescu no, actually, that's the one shred of credibility he has left. [07:52]
EmanuelDeOrtego ic3d: His shareholders on GLBSE [07:52]
dub mircea_popescu: because that is what pirate asked for, presumable on legal advise, and assuming he actually wants to payout [07:52]
mircea_popescu dub if he is taking legal advice you want the phone of his lawyer [07:53]
EmanuelDeOrtego * _matthew_ is still betting he's going to pay off [07:53]
mircea_popescu and nothing else from him. [07:53]
* farfi has quit () [07:53]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 10241 @ 0.00076011 = 7.7843 BTC [+] [07:53]
dub mircea_popescu: so is lawyer is goign to recommend having everyone involved call him [07:54]
dub (pirates lawyer) [07:54]
Chaang-Noi Update: [07:54]
Chaang-Noi I see that I have no obligation to honour Pirates request for information on "sub accounts" [07:54]
Chaang-Noi Here is why... [07:54]
Chaang-Noi I have a personal account with BTCST. I have one name (goat) and one BTC address. [07:54]
Chaang-Noi I do not have a trust account. The status was never changed and I never paid the 500 fee. [07:54]
Chaang-Noi I have no sub accounts. None at all were ever made. [07:54]
mircea_popescu dub no, it's just, if we have a deal we are working on that's fine. if you get your lawyer involved, i will get mine. [07:54]
Chaang-Noi Pirate when he gave me the request he did so over IRC and not in a formal legally valid way. [07:54]
Chaang-Noi Pirate did not explain why he needed more information or what would happen if I did not send it or why he had that very odd deadline. [07:54]
Chaang-Noi Pirate refused to give me his lawyers contact information. Since he is claiming he can not speak because his lawyers will not let him so he is clearly operating in bad faith. He did not even confirm his identity. [07:54]
Chaang-Noi I can not see why at all I am obligated to give pirate more information to get back coins owed. [07:54]
Chaang-Noi My personal obligations to GLBSE have nothing to do with Pirate. [07:54]
Chaang-Noi At this time I will just ignore his request as he can not prove I have these so called "sub accounts". [07:54]
Chaang-Noi Thank you. [07:54]
dub well I'm quite glad I sold out of your ppt a long time ago :) [07:55]
* Chaang-Noi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:55]
* Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:55]
mircea_popescu it's so sad to see how far this crap got. [07:56]
bitfoo there was a 500 BTC fee?? [07:56]
dub it looks to me like pirate fucked up [07:56]
mircea_popescu fucken scourge for btc finance. [07:56]
dub unless all this posturing is just to incite a BTC price crash [07:56]
dub and buying his own debt cheap [07:57]
mircea_popescu the market is going up on the news. [07:57]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 6059 @ 0.00076011 = 4.6055 BTC [+] [07:57]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 7396 @ 0.00076564 = 5.6627 BTC [+] [07:57]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 16592 @ 0.00076892 = 12.7579 BTC [+] [07:57]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 19953 @ 0.00077968 = 15.557 BTC [+] [07:57]
dub ic3d: both of those are good for him potentially [07:58]
bitfoo BTC should go up, because people will write off their pirated bitcoins and will want to buy more [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00038386 = 3.0709 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59500 @ 0.00038402 = 22.8492 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41600 @ 0.00038448 = 15.9944 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27500 @ 0.00038478 = 10.5815 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5028 @ 0.00038553 = 1.9384 BTC [+] [07:58]
bitfoo hah [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27514 @ 0.00038645 = 10.6328 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00038665 = 9.4729 BTC [+] [07:58]
BTC-Mining I sold when he stopped operation, bought back low, then people realized it's not a pay back, but a default... am I better off? [07:58]
bitfoo pirated bitcoins [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00038723 = 2.9042 BTC [+] [07:58]
dub but anyway, his actions don't scream ponzi to me [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11934 @ 0.00038826 = 4.6335 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1600 @ 0.00038993 = 0.6239 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00039022 = 3.1998 BTC [+] [07:58]
BTC-Mining No [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34700 @ 0.00039281 = 13.6305 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00039319 = 7.5099 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35562 @ 0.00039356 = 13.9958 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 696 @ 0.00039404 = 0.2743 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2961 @ 0.00039414 = 1.167 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39229 @ 0.00039485 = 15.4896 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9882 @ 0.00039592 = 3.9125 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34494 @ 0.00039599 = 13.6593 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8357 @ 0.00039616 = 3.3107 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18300 @ 0.00039685 = 7.2624 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19448 @ 0.00039838 = 7.7477 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54395 @ 0.0004 = 21.758 BTC [+] [07:58]
bitfoo S.MPOE: spammer :P [07:58]
mircea_popescu ya srsly. [07:58]
mircea_popescu dude get off the chan with s.mpoe we're trying to have drama hiar! [07:58]
BTC-Mining Because if he paid his debt, how much people would have started getting into bitcoins because there was an actual, true 7% per week investment? Would have raised BTC price a lot [07:59]
mircea_popescu BTC-Mining not the sort of peopleyou want. [07:59]
BTC-Mining Bah, who cares [07:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1900 @ 0.0034 = 6.46 BTC [+] [07:59]
mircea_popescu well... i kinda care tbh [08:00]
assbot [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8389 BTC [-] [08:00]
bitfoo why? don't you think people will wisen up to this now? [08:00]
mircea_popescu now, some will, yes. [08:00]
dub some, maybe [08:00]
mircea_popescu but he was talking about people attracted by ponzi-level interest. [08:01]
* Doffx has quit (Quit: Leaving) [08:01]
bitfoo oh that [08:01]
mircea_popescu you don't want those guys. you want people with a head on their shoulders. [08:01]
bitfoo yeah, I really hope people didn't buy BTC just because there were crazy HYIPs [08:01]
mircea_popescu i mean, why is alabama alabama and new york new york ? they both have people in them. [08:01]
dub no, _I_ want to get rich quickly tyvm [08:01]
bitfoo lol [08:01]
mircea_popescu different people tho. [08:01]
EmanuelDeOrtego Who here has an MPeX account? [08:02]
smickles ! [08:02]
bitfoo !! [08:02]
mircea_popescu i don't. wtf is mpex [08:02]
EmanuelDeOrtego Do you guys want to make some money? [08:02]
BTCHero I now have my coins with hashking patrickharnett and kluge.... the lure for hyip is still strong with me [08:02]
bitfoo arbitrage? [08:02]
EmanuelDeOrtego Yes. [08:02]
EmanuelDeOrtego S.DICE [08:02]
dub ponzi? [08:02]
BTCHero and i suspect many will still fall for it too [08:02]
dub lmiot [08:02]
EmanuelDeOrtego GSDTP [08:02]
EmanuelDeOrtego Go [08:03]
* MadSweeney has quit (Quit: MadSweeney) [08:03]
mircea_popescu i wonder why deadterra doesn't do it tbh [08:03]
dub I'd invest with harnett [08:03]
mircea_popescu well... i guess he's not online. [08:03]
dub because he is doxxed [08:03]
bitfoo ;;calc 22000*0.0001 [08:04]
mircea_popescu he seems pretty credible to me too. [08:04]
dub and I could have him killed quite cheaply [08:04]
mircea_popescu bitfoo 2.2 [08:04]
* bitfoo pokes gribble [08:04]
bitfoo heh [08:04]
mircea_popescu lol [08:04]
BTC-Mining Patrick is a good bet [08:04]
gribble 2.2 [08:05]
BTC-Mining Buy some Kraken on GLBSE, I run it [08:05]
bitfoo gribble, you're slow :P [08:05]
dub BTC-Mining: your fee is a bit rapacious [08:05]
BTC-Mining pff, nonsense [08:05]
* Garr255Mobile (~root@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [KRAKEN] 475 @ 0.01 = 4.75 BTC [08:06]
* ic3d has quit () [08:07]
smickles finally [08:07]
* smickles waits for gar to be the same person [08:07]
BTCHero BTC-Mining: you already have all the funds available on glbse deposited with patrick i assume? [08:08]
BTCHero patrick gave me 5 bitcoins for free [08:09]
BTCHero on paper at least [08:09]
BTC-Mining As soon as we reach a 100 BTC block, yes [08:09]
BTC-Mining I transfer it [08:09]
BTCHero but, it wouldn't accrue the full interest then right? [08:09]
BTC-Mining I even have one extra block of my own money. [08:09]
BTCHero how do you account for that [08:09]
BTC-Mining And will pay the difference [08:10]
BTC-Mining So it matches the week's returns for all shares, even if bought last minute [08:10]
BTCHero coincidentally pirate also gave me five free bitcoins once [08:10]
BTCHero ok [08:10]
* Garr255Mobile has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [08:10]
bitfoo and patrick's name starts with a p too [08:11]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 9 @ 0.11 = 0.99 BTC [+] [08:11]
BTCHero bitfoo: im starting to feel ill [08:11]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 3 @ 0.11 = 0.33 BTC [+] [08:11]
bitfoo hehe [08:11]
BTC-Mining There's a ton of people with the name starting with P... [08:12]
smickles pmickles [08:12]
BTC-Mining Worst "coincidence or not?" example [08:12]
BTC-Mining pickles* [08:12]
bitfoo sorry my humor wasn't good enough :P [08:12]
BTCHero bitfoo: i enjoyed it, don't listen to him [08:13]
bitfoo lol [08:13]
mircea_popescu pringkles [08:13]
bitfoo pircea [08:13]
BTC-Mining Didn't give me any reaction. I was just reading, completly unmoved [08:13]
BTCHero ssssssttttttttttrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeetttttttttccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhh mircea_popescu [08:13]
* WebGuy (806f52bc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:14]
mircea_popescu lol pircea [08:14]
mircea_popescu PITPOO [08:14]
bitfoo lol [08:14]
mircea_popescu also, fresh from pirate's hideout. [08:14]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.00313 BTC [-] [08:15]
* Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:15]
BTCHero why is that dude circled [08:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego I'm now selling GSDPT at .003 [08:15]
EmanuelDeOrtego Because I need the Bitcoins [08:16]
mircea_popescu o it was you ? [08:16]
BTC-Mining I'll pay 0.002! [08:16]
EmanuelDeOrtego A good profit can be made from this. [08:16]
mircea_popescu i was thinking wtf does EmanuelDeOrtego care about some 2 btc arbitrage [08:16]
mircea_popescu you see my friend... if only you were on the exchange THAT HAS LIQUIDITY [08:16]
bitfoo lol [08:17]
bitfoo now it makes sense [08:17]
bitfoo haha [08:17]
mircea_popescu you know, the unprofessional one. [08:17]
EmanuelDeOrtego I will get on it once we see more IPOs [08:18]
BTCHero the one that hosts porn [08:18]
mircea_popescu ya, the one that has no css and stuff. [08:18]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 5 @ 0.10498899 = 0.5249 BTC [+] [08:19]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 15 @ 0.104989 = 1.5748 BTC [+] [08:19]
mircea_popescu wow! pirate paying all accounts! [08:21]
EmanuelDeOrtego No? [08:21]
mircea_popescu omfg [08:21]
BTC-Mining good one [08:21]
mircea_popescu i can't believe how cruel that was just now. [08:21]
BTC-Mining Yes, you cruel, cruel man [08:22]
* Garr255 (~Garrett@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:22]
BTC-Mining Have you got no shame? [08:22]
* Garr255 has quit (Changing host) [08:22]
* Garr255 (~Garrett@unaffiliated/garr255) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:22]
BTC-Mining [01:22] * Garr255 (~Garrett@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:22]
BTC-Mining [01:22] * Garr255 (~Garrett@ Quit (Changing host) [08:22]
BTC-Mining [01:22] * Garr255 (~Garrett@unaffiliated/garr255) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:22]
BTC-Mining Nice IP hiding? [08:23]
mircea_popescu well i have a little shame [08:23]
* jimbit ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:23]
Garr255 I've nothing to hide [08:23]
dub except fear itself [08:24]
dub wait, no [08:24]
dub sasl auth ftw anyway [08:24]
BTC-Mining I just meant that it's a bit flawed [08:24]
Luceo sasl-tor ftw [08:24]
BTC-Mining It seems, not that hiding your IP was a bad omen [08:25]
EmanuelDeOrtego Luceo: Buy GSDPT on the GLBSE for .003 and sell it for .0033 on MPeX [08:25]
EmanuelDeOrtego $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [08:25]
mircea_popescu EmanuelDeOrtego : drop ludwig an email eh ? [08:26]
BTC-Mining No, keep it until the first divs and new design rolling out beggining of september [08:26]
mircea_popescu he'll sort you out when he's up im sure [08:26]
EmanuelDeOrtego I don't know if he will sell for me though [08:26]
mircea_popescu why not ?! [08:26]
EmanuelDeOrtego I'll do it in the morning then. [08:27]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDT] 8 @ 1.05 = 8.4 BTC [+] [08:27]
Garr255 wow... [08:27]
Garr255 ;;seen pirateat40 [08:27]
Garr255 * imsaguy2 sets mode +q #btcst *!~Garrett@unaffiliated/garr255 [08:27]
Garr255 Garr255 : You may talk again when you learn to behave. [08:27]
bitfoo that's a script Garr255, has been on for days now [08:28]
Garr255 I know. [08:28]
mircea_popescu Garr255 guy announced default. [08:28]
Garr255 should I take up matthew on his bet? [08:29]
mircea_popescu yes. [08:29]
Garr255 I really don't want to lost 130 coins. who would? :P [08:29]
mircea_popescu well it's too late, he's not taking new bets [08:29]
mircea_popescu nor is he paying the old ones. [08:29]
Garr255 he said he'd take mine :) [08:30]
BTC-Mining I should have bet 25 million BTC then [08:30]
BTCHero the fact that he isn't stopping taking bets makes me even more sure he won't pay [08:30]
mircea_popescu dubious (to be generous) + won't use escrow [08:30]
mircea_popescu what more sure than that would you need [08:31]
Garr255 won't that totally ruin his company though? [08:31]
mircea_popescu what company ? [08:31]
mircea_popescu the bitcoin quarterly thing ? [08:31]
BTCHero mircea_popescu: I bet 6 btc with him, and i will pay if i somehow lose [08:31]
Garr255 bitcoin magazine, ellet, (nonexistant asic company) [08:31]
BTCHero I would have bet a lot more had i thought he would actually live up to the obligations [08:31]
mircea_popescu myea. [08:31]
BTC-Mining I bet 400 BTC [08:31]
BTC-Mining Should have bet more [08:32]
BTC-Mining To me pirate was going to default in any case [08:32]
BTCHero BTC-Mining: risk is too high [08:32]
BTC-Mining -.- [08:32]
BTCHero it isn't a matter of that [08:32]
mircea_popescu [08:32]
BTCHero it is a matter of someone coming up with tons of bitcoins to pay a silly bet [08:32]
BTCHero who gambles 100-200k usd on something like that [08:32]
mircea_popescu a shill. [08:33]
dub matthew is a shitpeice I'd rather sink more money into PPTs [08:33]
assbot [GLBSE] [JAH] 10 @ 0.16 = 1.6 BTC [-] [08:34]
BTCHero if he pays he gets my respect, but he won't [08:34]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [08:34]
gribble Best bid: 10.99991, Best ask: 11.04, Bid-ask spread: 0.04009, Last trade: 11.04, 24 hour volume: 61816, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [08:34]
* Garr255 is now known as Garr255- [08:35]
mircea_popescu well darlings... this was too much excitement for just one day. see ya tomorro. [08:35]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [14:29]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: Bitcoin asset exchanges: GLBSE || MPEx || CST || ICBIT || list bot commands: !help || Streaming trades only: #bitcoin-assets-trades || a biased message: || Net Chart: [14:29]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla! at Sat Aug 25 15:12:46 2012 [14:29]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 10 @ 0.071 = 0.71 BTC [+] [14:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.19 BTC [+] [14:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 12 @ 0.07 = 0.84 BTC [-] [14:34]
* orkaa ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:34]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 28 @ 0.07 = 1.96 BTC [-] [14:38]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 20 @ 0.07 = 1.4 BTC [-] [14:38]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 53 @ 0.05001 = 2.6505 BTC [-] [14:40]
* brendio (~brendio@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:40]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 6 @ 0.07 = 0.42 BTC [-] [14:43]
assbot [GLBSE] [MMM] 2 @ 0.9 = 1.8 BTC [+] [14:45]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 51 @ 0.05 = 2.55 BTC [-] [14:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20389 @ 0.00039116 = 7.9754 BTC [-] [14:48]
* MoneyIsDebt (~MoneyIsDe@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:49]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.19 BTC [+] [14:49]
assbot [GLBSE] [MU] 1 @ 0.4938 BTC [+] [14:49]
* Tritonio1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [14:50]
mircea_popescu !pl gigamining 1.5 [14:51]
assbot Requesting data from GLBSE (might take a while). [14:51]
assbot GIGAMINING [1@1.5BTC] paid: 0.41490096 BTC. Last price: 0.87899 BTC. Capital gain: -0.62101 BTC. Total: -0.20610904 BTC. (-13.7%) [14:51]
mircea_popescu !ticker s.dice [14:51]
assbot [MPEX:S.DICE] 1day: 0.0033 / 0.00334698 / 0.0034 (416700 shares, 1,394.69 BTC), 30day: 0.0032 / 0.00324655 / 0.0034 (2769663 shares, 8,991.87 BTC) [14:51]
MoneyIsDebt !pl 1.02 [14:54]
assbot Requesting data from GLBSE (might take a while). [14:54]
rg are all the mining bonds dying now [14:54]
assbot TYGRR.BOND-P [1@1.02BTC] paid: 0.816 BTC. Last price: 0.19 BTC. Capital gain: -0.83 BTC. Total: -0.014 BTC. (-1.4%) [14:54]
mircea_popescu hey that's actually not doing so bad there. [14:54]
mircea_popescu rg giga took a serious beating yest, was down to .7 but seems to be coming back to life. [14:55]
MoneyIsDebt yeah, holds up even at 0.19 [14:55]
rg interesting [14:58]
rg any reason why [14:58]
rg or just cuz [14:58]
rg damn it [14:59]
rg my room mate took the day off esterday [14:59]
rg looks like hes doing it again today [14:59]
rg and hes in the bathroom [14:59]
rg hwich means he wont be out of there for at least an hour [14:59]
rg i have to take a shit god damn it [14:59]
rg what self respecting man takes an hour in the bathroom to get ready in the morning [14:59]
rg for fucks sake [15:00]
rg he doesnt wash his hansd either [15:00]
rg its disgustin [15:00]
BTC-Mining ..................... < I've been slowly typing this one dot per second at the way you decided to formulate this [15:00]
MoneyIsDebt i get ready in the car during commute [15:00]
rg most people: [15:01]
rg shit, shave, shower, get dressed and leave [15:01]
* brendio has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [15:01]
rg he like [15:01]
rg stays ni there [15:01]
rg fuck knows what hes ding [15:01]
rg doing [15:01]
BTC-Mining I shower before sleeping [15:01]
Chaang-Noi i sleep before shower [15:01]
rg i dont, i find that gross [15:01]
BTC-Mining If I wake up late, I dress and start running for it. [15:01]
rg you sweat during sleep [15:02]
rg a lot [15:02]
BTC-Mining Nah, I don't sweat much [15:02]
Chaang-Noi moneyisdebt you sold that tygrrbond at the right time! [15:02]
rg you do [15:02]
Chaang-Noi you can buy back double now :) [15:02]
BTC-Mining ... well no [15:02]
MoneyIsDebt Chaang-Noi: Well, I could have sold higher had I gone slower though [15:03]
MoneyIsDebt You probably made a profit on them already? [15:03]
MoneyIsDebt Not sure if it's a good idea to buy back [15:03]
MoneyIsDebt have been out of touch on pirate news lately [15:03]
BTC-Mining If I do the same excercise that would get other people completly damp in sweat, I'd have light spots in the armpits... [15:03]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 4900 @ 0.0007838 = 3.8406 BTC [+] [15:03]
MoneyIsDebt I would expect pirate to buy them all back if he was going to pay. Since he hasn't, I think he's not able (yet) [15:04]
BTC-Mining I have under 5% body fat, I don't need to sweat to get heat off. [15:04]
Chaang-Noi MoneisDebt assuming pirate wont pay anything im pretty fucked [15:04]
BTC-Mining Beside, it's because I don't like the bed feeling sweaty that I prefer washing prior to sleep. [15:04]
rg btc-mining: you are missing the point [15:05]
rg when you are asleep, you dont notice heat [15:05]
MoneyIsDebt Chaang-Noi: You hold a lot of the bonds in addition to your account with him? [15:05]
rg if you're under a blanket [15:05]
rg you will sweat [15:05]
Chaang-Noi yes [15:05]
Chaang-Noi over 10k btc [15:05]
rg plus you're sleeping in 8 hours of body waste [15:05]
rg every might [15:05]
MoneyIsDebt damn [15:05]
rg night [15:05]
assbot [GLBSE] [BBBB] 50 @ 0.00025 = 0.0125 BTC [-] [15:05]
Chaang-Noi im pretty fucked [15:05]
rg im downloading Stir of Echoes [15:06]
rg thsi movie rocked [15:06]
rg iirc theres boobies in it too [15:06]
BTC-Mining Okay... not sure about you but I'm perfectly clean when I wake up. [15:06]
rg i hope you wash your sheets every night then [15:07]
BTC-Mining I'm much dirtier at the end of the day then after a night's sleep [15:07]
rg cause if you dont [15:07]
rg you arent. [15:07]
BTC-Mining That seems very innacurate. [15:08]
rg your body leaks grease [15:09]
rg and skin cells [15:09]
rg s/grease/oils [15:09]
BTC-Mining It does the same thing during the day, I don't see your point [15:09]
rg plus your ass and junk is rubbing up against your sheets [15:09]
rg cause you're not attached to a peice of cloth [15:09]
rg all day [15:09]
rg to your face [15:09]
rg and you dont get back into that piece of cloth for 8+ hrs a night [15:10]
rg voer and oer [15:10]
rg over and over [15:10]
mircea_popescu ..................... < I've been slowly typing this one dot per second at the way you decided to formulate this <<< win. [15:10]
BTC-Mining yes, hiss tory was nicely formulated [15:11]
rg i dont give a fuck [15:11]
rg dont read it if you have a problem with it [15:11]
* sns has quit (Quit: Page closed) [15:11]
BTC-Mining no, the way yu said it was obnoxious and I was pondering if you were realizing it [15:11]
mircea_popescu plus your ass and junk is rubbing up against your sheets << i wear pjs! [15:12]
rg sorry i didn't live up to your standards [15:12]
mircea_popescu and a little hat! [15:12]
rg mircea_popescu: me too, i have these adidas track pants i wear to bed [15:12]
rg theyre comfy [15:12]
mircea_popescu i wear *tailored* pjs. [15:13]
BTC-Mining I recommend you reread this part: [15:13]
BTC-Mining [07:59] damn it [15:13]
BTC-Mining [07:59] my room mate took the day off esterday [15:13]
BTC-Mining [07:59] looks like hes doing it again today [15:13]
BTC-Mining [07:59] and hes in the bathroom [15:13]
mircea_popescu just to give you an ideea what sort of pretentious fart i am. [15:13]
BTC-Mining that's what the dots were for.. [15:13]
rg great btc-mining [15:13]
rg mircea_popescu: if i could afford tailored stuff i would wear it too [15:13]
mircea_popescu it's not so bad if you live in a poor country. [15:14]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 99 @ 0.11979 = 11.8592 BTC [+] [15:14]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.1198 = 5.99 BTC [+] [15:14]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.12 = 12 BTC [+] [15:14]
rg my monogram would say RAPEGHOST [15:14]
rg cause every letter is as important as the previous [15:14]
mircea_popescu why not in triplicate then [15:14]
rg if theres any room left i will put a bunch of exclamation marks [15:15]
rg and some flames [15:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [ZETA-MINING] 10 @ 0.15 = 1.5 BTC [-] [15:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [ZETA-MINING] 10 @ 0.149 = 1.49 BTC [-] [15:15]
mircea_popescu you'll end up looking like you don't sleep, you rodeo [15:15]
mircea_popescu and then duet with elvis [15:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 5 @ 0.8501 = 4.2505 BTC [-] [15:15]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 3 @ 0.85 = 2.55 BTC [-] [15:15]
rg that sounds legit [15:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42026 @ 0.00039116 = 16.4389 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12025 @ 0.00039094 = 4.7011 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1323 @ 0.0003893 = 0.515 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7162 @ 0.00038893 = 2.7855 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 4 @ 0.8401 = 3.3604 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 7 @ 0.84 = 5.88 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 1900 @ 0.00078277 = 1.4873 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 12200 @ 0.00078489 = 9.5757 BTC [+] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 9629 @ 0.00079197 = 7.6259 BTC [+] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 19500 @ 0.00079246 = 15.453 BTC [+] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 500 @ 0.0007963 = 0.3982 BTC [+] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 1270 @ 0.00079661 = 1.0117 BTC [+] [15:17]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 2520 @ 0.00079661 = 2.0075 BTC [+] [15:18]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 480 @ 0.00096661 = 0.464 BTC [+] [15:18]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33400 @ 0.00039157 = 13.0784 BTC [+] [15:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5534 @ 0.00039157 = 2.1669 BTC [+] [15:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10179 @ 0.00039262 = 3.9965 BTC [+] [15:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 887 @ 0.00039317 = 0.3487 BTC [+] [15:28]
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assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 200 @ 0.12299 = 24.598 BTC [+] [15:35]
assbot [GLBSE] [BBBB] 280 @ 0.00025 = 0.07 BTC [-] [15:36]
assbot [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 2 @ 0.8949 = 1.7898 BTC [+] [15:40]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.DIV] 15 @ 0.010001 = 0.15 BTC [+] [15:42]
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assbot [GLBSE] [YARR] 11 @ 1 = 11 BTC [+] [15:44]
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assbot [GLBSE] [NYAN.B] 4 @ 0.99999999 = 4 BTC [-] [15:48]
assbot [GLBSE] [NYAN.B] 5 @ 0.99999999 = 5 BTC [-] [15:48]
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kakobrekla sup [15:52]
MoneyIsDebt what's down more like it [15:59]
kakobrekla :) [16:00]
kakobrekla whats down [16:00]
MoneyIsDebt mining and pirate debt [16:01]
MoneyIsDebt and bitcoin I think [16:01]
MoneyIsDebt or maybe i just bought at a high [16:01]
* Fiddle ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:01]
kakobrekla ;;ticker [16:01]
gribble Best bid: 10.76874, Best ask: 10.78, Bid-ask spread: 0.01126, Last trade: 10.78, 24 hour volume: 62642, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [16:01]
MoneyIsDebt I bought at 11.8 [16:01]
kakobrekla ouch [16:02]
kakobrekla well its still going strong [16:02]
MoneyIsDebt doesn't really matter, since I'm not selling [16:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [ARS] 3 @ 0.0159 = 0.0477 BTC [+] [16:02]
MoneyIsDebt I find it hard to find good investments though [16:03]
MoneyIsDebt I don't want to just sit on the coins [16:03]
MoneyIsDebt although that's been paying more than mining bonds lately [16:03]
kakobrekla history is repeating [16:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21200 @ 0.00039068 = 8.2824 BTC [-] [16:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27600 @ 0.00038893 = 10.7345 BTC [-] [16:03]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [16:04]
gribble Best bid: 10.77293, Best ask: 10.8, Bid-ask spread: 0.02707, Last trade: 10.66713, 24 hour volume: 62709, 24 hour low: 10.5, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [16:04]
mircea_popescu bitcoin seems more or less even [16:04]
MoneyIsDebt easy to calculate with a rate of ten [16:04]
mircea_popescu MoneyIsDebt i have 60 bitcoins still that i bought in july 2011, they cost me 15. [16:04]
kakobrekla i sold at 13.5, 12 and some under 10 [16:05]
kakobrekla heh [16:05]
mircea_popescu as you say... doesn't matter till i sell them :D [16:05]
MoneyIsDebt mircea_popescu: I was _given_ 10 by a random dude when they were worth nothing [16:05]
MoneyIsDebt wish I'd had the foresight to invest back then [16:05]
kakobrekla :))) [16:05]
mircea_popescu hehe [16:06]
mircea_popescu i wasn't here that long. only joined in july. [16:06]
mircea_popescu my first buy those, too :D [16:06]
MoneyIsDebt I was convinced it would fail then , because any rich kid could buy a big enough chunk to make it volatile / high risk [16:06]
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MoneyIsDebt I later learned that it doesn't matter what I thought as long as the majority on the market thinks otherwise [16:09]
kakobrekla wtf is this [16:12]
kakobrekla new ponzee [16:12]
* orkaa_ (~nace@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:12]
kakobrekla :D [16:12]
mircea_popescu MoneyIsDebt hehe that'd be right [16:13]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla i hope there's 500 new ones. [16:13]
mircea_popescu "Since October 2011, we are the most profitable Bitcoin investment group!" [16:14]
mircea_popescu lolz. [16:14]
MoneyIsDebt mircea_popescu: Then you can tranche between them ? [16:14]
mircea_popescu MoneyIsDebt no, just help drive the nonsense into the ground / everyone's thick skull. [16:14]
* orkaa has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [16:15]
mircea_popescu a ponzi isn't really dangerous unless it gets big. [16:15]
* orkaa_ is now known as orkaa [16:15]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [16:17]
gribble Best bid: 10.66, Best ask: 10.67, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 10.68, 24 hour volume: 59730, 24 hour low: 10.55, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [16:17]
MoneyIsDebt isn't the whole bitcoin price result of ponzi [16:17]
MoneyIsDebt new investors pushing the value up [16:18]
MoneyIsDebt for those who invested earlier [16:18]
kakobrekla is gold ponzi as well [16:18]
Chaang-Noi sure it is! [16:19]
Chaang-Noi fiat is with out a doubt ponzi [16:19]
Chaang-Noi gold and btc are not [16:19]
Chaang-Noi pirate might ha ve been [16:20]
kakobrekla hm? [16:20]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 2 @ 0.87899 = 1.758 BTC [+] [16:20]
* sns (ab19cc75@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:20]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 9 @ 0.879 = 7.911 BTC [+] [16:20]
mircea_popescu a ponzi always has a ponzi [16:20]
mircea_popescu ie, a head person/decident [16:20]
MoneyIsDebt like satoshi.... [16:20]
mircea_popescu something like btc or gold aren't by that definition nor can they be. [16:20]
mircea_popescu not really i wouldn't say. [16:20]
MoneyIsDebt plenty of detractors have been accusing bitcoin of that though [16:20]
mircea_popescu decident in the sense, decides who and when gets paid [16:21]
MoneyIsDebt although they call it pyramid or something [16:21]
mircea_popescu satoshi doesn't decide that, anyone can sell any time. [16:21]
mircea_popescu no, pyramid either [16:21]
mircea_popescu all those are lock-in schemes. btc is not. [16:21]
MoneyIsDebt well even pirate debt was freely tradable [16:21]
MoneyIsDebt or at least derivatives of it was [16:22]
mircea_popescu sure, but that was a derivative. [16:22]
mircea_popescu right. [16:22]
MoneyIsDebt :) [16:22]
mircea_popescu anyway gtc cya all later [16:22]
MoneyIsDebt ciao [16:22]
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assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.16 BTC [-] [16:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 21 @ 0.115 = 2.415 BTC [-] [16:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 14 @ 0.10101 = 1.4141 BTC [-] [16:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.101 = 1.01 BTC [-] [16:32]
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assbot [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 2 @ 0.0958 = 0.1916 BTC [-] [16:43]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 4 @ 0.13 = 0.52 BTC [-] [16:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5294 @ 0.00038893 = 2.059 BTC [-] [16:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21006 @ 0.00038858 = 8.1625 BTC [-] [16:46]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 226 @ 0.00338999 = 0.7661 BTC [+] [16:47]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 2 @ 0.00338999 = 0.0068 BTC [+] [16:49]
* BitCoinINV ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:53]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 100 @ 0.104 = 10.4 BTC [-] [16:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 300 @ 0.1045 = 31.35 BTC [+] [16:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 32 @ 0.10479 = 3.3533 BTC [+] [16:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 1 @ 0.13 BTC [-] [16:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.E] 6 @ 0.3615 = 2.169 BTC [-] [16:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 5 @ 0.00338999 = 0.0169 BTC [+] [16:56]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.E] 12 @ 0.3615 = 4.338 BTC [-] [16:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22196 @ 0.00039134 = 8.6862 BTC [+] [17:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11040 @ 0.00039317 = 4.3406 BTC [+] [17:02]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.10479 BTC [+] [17:04]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 894 @ 0.00038858 = 0.3474 BTC [-] [17:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19900 @ 0.00038816 = 7.7244 BTC [-] [17:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39906 @ 0.00038778 = 15.4747 BTC [-] [17:05]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.08 BTC [-] [17:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.B] 33 @ 0.3701 = 12.2133 BTC [-] [17:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.B] 8 @ 0.37 = 2.96 BTC [-] [17:07]
Diablo-D3 man what the fuck [17:09]
Diablo-D3 its the middle of august [17:10]
Diablo-D3 the hottest month of the year in maine [17:10]
Diablo-D3 it has now just reached 72. [17:10]
Diablo-D3 its 67 in my room [17:10]
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Diablo-D3 and my gpu has just reached 76c [17:12]
Diablo-D3 after struggling to keep warm [17:12]
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assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 6900 @ 0.00096661 = 6.6696 BTC [+] [17:22]
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assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.12 BTC [-] [17:29]
BitCoinINV Pretty hot here to diablo [17:31]
assbot [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 100 @ 0.00012189 = 0.0122 BTC [+] [17:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINRS] 14 @ 0.05 = 0.7 BTC [-] [17:36]
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assbot [GLBSE] [BTCWEB] 100 @ 0.1 = 10 BTC [-] [17:43]
assbot [GLBSE] [CIUCIU.BOND] 1 @ 0.1 BTC [+] [17:48]
assbot [GLBSE] [SILVER] 10 @ 0.00999999 = 0.1 BTC [-] [17:52]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8789 BTC [-] [17:52]
Diablo-D3 wait, did I say it was 72 out? [17:55]
Diablo-D3 I meant 69. [17:56]
Diablo-D3 thermomitor was in the sun, its not now [17:56]
Diablo-D3 BitCoinINV: thats the thing [17:56]
Diablo-D3 any other year [17:56]
Diablo-D3 it'd be so fucking hot out I'd be parked infront of the air conditioner [17:56]
Diablo-D3 I havent turned it on once [17:56]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINRS] 22 @ 0.050999 = 1.122 BTC [+] [17:59]
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assbot [GLBSE] [ARS] 10 @ 0.013 = 0.13 BTC [-] [18:04]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 125 @ 0.00338999 = 0.4237 BTC [+] [18:05]
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assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 125 @ 0.00338999 = 0.4237 BTC [+] [18:09]
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assbot [GLBSE] [DMC] 20 @ 0.06889999 = 1.378 BTC [+] [18:11]
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assbot [GLBSE] [DMC] 40 @ 0.06 = 2.4 BTC [-] [18:15]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16348 @ 0.00039264 = 6.4189 BTC [+] [18:21]
kakobrekla hmm [18:21]
kakobrekla is anything important missing here [18:22]
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EskimoBob damn nyan.c has turned to shit. what's the new target? .10? [18:25]
assbot [GLBSE] [IBB] 1 @ 0.6 BTC [+] [18:26]
gabbynot i think nyan.c was fully into pirate [18:27]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.115 = 11.5 BTC [-] [18:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.1133 = 0.6798 BTC [-] [18:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.113 BTC [-] [18:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.11130001 = 0.5565 BTC [-] [18:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.1113 = 3.8955 BTC [-] [18:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.11120001 = 1.112 BTC [-] [18:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.1112 = 5.56 BTC [-] [18:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.11100001 = 2.22 BTC [-] [18:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 96 @ 0.111 = 10.656 BTC [-] [18:28]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 47 @ 0.11000001 = 5.17 BTC [-] [18:28]
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usagi Nope we were 60-70% into pirate [18:38]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 42 @ 0.16 = 6.72 BTC [+] [18:42]
EskimoBob !ticker TYGRR.BOND-P [18:46]
assbot [GLBSE:TYGRR.BOND-P] [Bid: 0.08] [Ask: 0.16] [Spread: 0.08] [Last: 0.16] [24hVol: 573.65851626] [7dAvg: 0.42657223] [18:47]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 2 @ 0.13 = 0.26 BTC [-] [18:47]
EskimoBob can you add spread % ? It is calculated: 100 × (ASK - BID) / ASK [18:49]
EskimoBob .calc 100x(0.16-0.08)/0.16 [18:50]
markac 100x(0.16-0.08)/0.16 = 50.0 x [18:50]
markac Note that .calc is deprecated, consider using .c [18:50]
EskimoBob .c 100x(0.16-0.08)/0.16 [18:50]
markac 50 [18:50]
EskimoBob 50% spread is nice [18:51]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 4 @ 0.10478 = 0.4191 BTC [-] [18:51]
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assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.B] 6 @ 0.3501 = 2.1006 BTC [-] [18:57]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.B] 100 @ 0.35 = 35 BTC [-] [18:57]
EskimoBob did you guys see the "GOOD NEWS!"? [19:01]
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BitCoinINV What pirate won the lottery? JK [19:03]
EskimoBob BitCoinINV: no [19:05]
gabbynot the bitcoin community is moving on from pirate discussion finally? [19:06]
farfi I doubt it [19:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDT] 3 @ 1.04999999 = 3.15 BTC [-] [19:08]
EskimoBob it the GOOD NEWS profit plan [19:09]
EskimoBob if you all start buying tygr-p's, there will be tiny bubble and profit :) [19:09]
EskimoBob 1) Good news [19:09]
EskimoBob 2) ... [19:09]
EskimoBob 3) proffit [19:09]
EskimoBob simple! [19:09]
EskimoBob LOL :) [19:09]
gabbynot the tygr-p's are trading too high as is it [19:11]
gabbynot *as it is [19:11]
assbot [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 1 @ 0.09567 BTC [-] [19:12]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28910 @ 0.00039264 = 11.3512 BTC [+] [19:14]
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assbot [GLBSE] [TEEK.B] 1 @ 0.94946 BTC [+] [19:18]
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assbot [GLBSE] [TEEK.B] 1 @ 0.94946 BTC [+] [19:26]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.12979999 = 0.2596 BTC [+] [19:32]
EskimoBob gabbynot: you are 1/2 right [19:33]
gabbynot hmm? [19:34]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19300 @ 0.00039317 = 7.5882 BTC [+] [19:35]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1000 @ 0.00039264 = 0.3926 BTC [-] [19:44]
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DeaDTerra I am looking to buy BDK anyone want to sell some? ^^ [19:48]
assbot [GLBSE] [JTME] 1 @ 0.9449 BTC [-] [19:49]
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assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 7 @ 0.10478 = 0.7335 BTC [-] [19:52]
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assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 2000 @ 0.0009627 = 1.9254 BTC [-] [19:55]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 1220 @ 0.00096661 = 1.1793 BTC [+] [19:55]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 1220 @ 0.0009692 = 1.1824 BTC [+] [19:55]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 3960 @ 0.00096923 = 3.8382 BTC [+] [19:55]
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assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 4 @ 0.8789 = 3.5156 BTC [-] [20:06]
* PsychoticBoy has quit (Quit: Ik ga weg) [20:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.A] 34 @ 0.3615 = 12.291 BTC [-] [20:06]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.879 BTC [+] [20:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.E] 8 @ 0.3615 = 2.892 BTC [-] [20:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.E] 18 @ 0.35 = 6.3 BTC [-] [20:07]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.B] 4 @ 0.3001 = 1.2004 BTC [-] [20:08]
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assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 8 @ 0.879 = 7.032 BTC [+] [20:09]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.E] 1 @ 0.35 BTC [-] [20:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [PPT.A] 1 @ 0.3615 BTC [-] [20:13]
assbot [GLBSE] [V.HRL] 1 @ 1 BTC [20:13]
assbot [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8946699 BTC [-] [20:18]
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assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.10479 BTC [+] [20:21]
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assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 2 @ 0.10479 = 0.2096 BTC [+] [20:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4201 @ 0.00039264 = 1.6495 BTC [-] [20:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6641 @ 0.00039264 = 2.6075 BTC [-] [20:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20772 @ 0.00039245 = 8.152 BTC [-] [20:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12814 @ 0.00039209 = 5.0242 BTC [-] [20:28]
* exahash is now known as exahash_ [20:29]
* farfi has quit () [20:29]
* exahash_ is now known as exahash [20:30]
* maximian ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:34]
* rdponticelli_ is now known as rdponticelli [20:36]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.C100N] 423 @ 0.25483303 = 107.7944 BTC [+] [20:36]
DeaDTerra I am buying BDK shares at 0.12 BTC per share :) Send me a message if you are interested [20:47]
Diablo-D3 in during DeaDTerra making my btc grow. [20:47]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 4 @ 0.13788 = 0.5515 BTC [+] [20:47]
DeaDTerra in during DeaDTerra making my btc grow. huh? [20:48]
* farfi ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:48]
Diablo-D3 my 1 btc :< [20:49]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 6 @ 0.8201 = 4.9206 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 8 @ 0.82 = 6.56 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 3 @ 0.82 = 2.46 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 20 @ 0.8113 = 16.226 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 9 @ 0.8112 = 7.3008 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8111 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 10 @ 0.811 = 8.11 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.81 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 3 @ 0.81 = 2.43 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 38 @ 0.8 = 30.4 BTC [-] [20:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 62 @ 0.8 = 49.6 BTC [-] [20:55]
* Grishnakh has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [21:01]
Wolf_L ;;getrating Diablo-D3 [21:04]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. User Diablo-D3, rated since Mon Apr 25 10:54:20 2011. Cumulative rating 16, from 6 total ratings. Received ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Details: [21:04]
smickles Wolf_L: i don't think that Diablo-D3 actually used the wot anymore [21:08]
Diablo-D3 I never did really [21:08]
smickles D thinks that it is a failed system [21:08]
Diablo-D3 it doesnt work, ratings are not meta rated [21:08]
pigeons but it saved us from pi.. oh. yeah. [21:09]
smickles pigeons: idealy it would have ";;rate pi -1 likely runs a ponzi. pays 7% and doesn't explain the function of the operation" [21:11]
smickles there should've been a lot of those [21:11]
smickles i see the failure in the humans, not the machine [21:12]
pigeons yeah. [21:12]
smickles in hindsight, there should've been a fuckload of those sort of rating, lol [21:12]
DeaDTerra Buy MOAR GSDPT :P [21:13]
smickles ;;view [21:13]
gribble #9842 Mon Aug 27 10:39:32 2012 smickles BUY 1.0 '0-262-24039-4' @ 2 BTC (None) [21:13]
* smickles looks at what chan this is [21:14]
smickles 0.0 [21:14]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13273 @ 0.00039317 = 5.2185 BTC [+] [21:14]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25500 @ 0.00039338 = 10.0312 BTC [+] [21:14]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2027 @ 0.00039399 = 0.7986 BTC [+] [21:14]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 5235 @ 0.00095695 = 5.0096 BTC [-] [21:16]
Wolf_L ;;ticker GSDPT [21:16]
gribble (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low]) -- Return pretty-printed mtgox ticker. If one of the options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). [21:16]
Wolf_L ;;glbse GSDPT [21:16]
gribble Error: "glbse" is not a valid command. [21:16]
Wolf_L ;;pl GSDPT [21:16]
gribble Error: "pl" is not a valid command. [21:16]
PsychoticBoy !ticker ABM [21:17]
assbot Invalid ticker. [21:17]
DeaDTerra glbse is offline it seems like [21:17]
PsychoticBoy damn [21:17]
rdponticelli Again? [21:17]
DeaDTerra up again :) [21:18]
PsychoticBoy !ticker ABM [21:18]
assbot [GLBSE:ABM] [Bid: 0.12] [Ask: 0.33999] [Spread: 0.21999] [Last: 0.36] [24hVol: ] [7dAvg: ] [21:18]
DeaDTerra [21:18]
assbot [GLBSE] [TEEK.PPT] 4 @ 0.2 = 0.8 BTC [+] [21:18]
PsychoticBoy !ticker FDBF [21:18]
assbot [GLBSE:FDBF] [Bid: 0.11] [Ask: 0.1499998] [Spread: 0.0399998] [Last: 0.1499998] [24hVol: ] [7dAvg: 0.13833328] [21:18]
assbot [GLBSE] [NASTY] 1 @ 0.53 BTC [-] [21:25]
assbot [GLBSE] [NASTY] 1 @ 0.52 BTC [-] [21:25]
assbot [GLBSE] [NASTY] 1 @ 0.51 BTC [-] [21:25]
assbot [GLBSE] [NASTY] 7 @ 0.50010001 = 3.5007 BTC [-] [21:25]
assbot [GLBSE] [NASTY] 60 @ 0.50000001 = 30 BTC [-] [21:25]
* paladon (~paladon@unaffiliated/paladon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:26]
assbot [GLBSE] [DMC] 10 @ 0.0688999 = 0.689 BTC [+] [21:26]
smickles Wolf_L: !pl gsdpt [21:30]
* JWU_42 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:30]
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* _locust_ (0509e948@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:31]
assbot [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 50 @ 0.101 = 5.05 BTC [+] [21:32]
* Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [21:33]
assbot [GLBSE] [GIPPT] 2 @ 0.629 = 1.258 BTC [+] [21:36]
Wolf_L !pl gsdpt [21:40]
assbot !pl [@] [] [21:40]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.1123 BTC [-] [21:43]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.1121 = 3.9235 BTC [-] [21:43]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.112 = 0.896 BTC [-] [21:43]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.112 = 5.6 BTC [-] [21:44]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.111 = 11.1 BTC [-] [21:44]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.11 = 11 BTC [-] [21:44]
* toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:46]
* kakobreklaaa ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:52]
* kakobreklaaa is now known as kakobreklaa [21:55]
* Garr255- (~Garrett@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:58]
* JWU_42 (3281faba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:59]
* Grishnakh ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:01]
* Garr255Mobile has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [22:02]
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kakobreklaa ;;ticker [22:04]
gribble Best bid: 10.849, Best ask: 10.84999, Bid-ask spread: 0.00099, Last trade: 10.849, 24 hour volume: 68414, 24 hour low: 10.55, 24 hour high: 11.20999 [22:04]
* EskimoBob has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [22:06]
* EskimoBob (~EskimoBob@unaffiliated/eskimobob) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:12]
* orkaa has quit (Quit: orkaa) [22:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 1 @ 0.00012189 BTC [+] [22:14]
* dvide ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:15]
* maximian has quit (Quit: maximian) [22:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17883 @ 0.0003922 = 7.0137 BTC [-] [22:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37229 @ 0.00039209 = 14.5971 BTC [-] [22:17]
assbot [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 5 @ 0.00012189 = 0.0006 BTC [+] [22:17]
assbot [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 4 @ 0.00012189 = 0.0005 BTC [+] [22:19]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [22:23]
* asa has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:23]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 9100 @ 0.00095695 = 8.7082 BTC [-] [22:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 45 @ 0.00338999 = 0.1525 BTC [+] [22:24]
assbot [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 250 @ 0.00339 = 0.8475 BTC [+] [22:24]
* asa (~asa@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:25]
* exahash has quit (Changing host) [22:25]
* exahash (~exahash@unaffiliated/exahash) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:25]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 26 @ 0.10479 = 2.7245 BTC [+] [22:31]
assbot [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 2 @ 0.091 = 0.182 BTC [-] [22:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 5 @ 0.09 = 0.45 BTC [-] [22:32]
* k3t3r ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [YABMC] 5 @ 0.1188 = 0.594 BTC [-] [22:34]
assbot [GLBSE] [BBBB] 100 @ 0.00025 = 0.025 BTC [-] [22:34]
* conspirosphere ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:35]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 2 @ 0.10479 = 0.2096 BTC [+] [22:45]
assbot [GLBSE] [BIF.1YR.LOAN] 1 @ 0.92307692 BTC [+] [22:45]
Wolf_L [22:46]
assbot [GLBSE] [V.HRL] 1 @ 1 BTC [22:50]
assbot [GLBSE] [DMC] 58 @ 0.066 = 3.828 BTC [-] [22:55]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 10 @ 0.169 = 1.69 BTC [+] [22:56]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 2 @ 0.17 = 0.34 BTC [+] [22:56]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.1735 BTC [+] [22:56]
* BTC-Mining ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:59]
BTC-Mining _matthew_'s betting count [23:01]
Wolf_L It's so painful [23:01]
BTC-Mining Indeed [23:01]
assbot [GLBSE] [DMC] 74 @ 0.067 = 4.958 BTC [+] [23:09]
* evoorhees (324a17ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:09]
* OneMiner has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:11]
assbot [GLBSE] [DMC] 29 @ 0.0688999 = 1.9981 BTC [+] [23:12]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.1MHS] 1 @ 0.093 BTC [-] [23:12]
* phlebotomous (567de921@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:18]
* Obsi has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [23:19]
gecko_x2 [23:19]
Doffx !ticker [23:19]
assbot [GLBSE:TYGRR.BOND-P] [Bid: 0.08800001] [Ask: 0.1735] [Spread: 0.08549999] [Last: 0.1735] [24hVol: 558.43161626] [7dAvg: 0.40682081] [23:19]
* DeaDTerra has quit () [23:21]
assbot [GLBSE] [DMC] 1 @ 0.0688999 BTC [+] [23:21]
mircea_popescu so i'm thinking of starting a new company [23:22]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 8889 @ 0.00096923 = 8.6155 BTC [+] [23:22]
assbot [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 5711 @ 0.00096924 = 5.5353 BTC [+] [23:22]
BTC-Mining Oh, for? [23:23]
mircea_popescu it will be a magnificent and splendiferous producer [23:23]
assbot [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 18 @ 0.0601 = 1.0818 BTC [+] [23:23]
mircea_popescu of kitchen apparel [23:23]
mircea_popescu our first product will be the world famous trendon cheese shaver [23:24]
Wolf_L lol [23:24]
Wolf_L Okay, Jay Leno. [23:24]
mircea_popescu im thinking of ipo on glbse ? [23:24]
PsychoticBoy cool ;) [23:24]
* Ignatius-otc approves of this troll [23:24]
mircea_popescu it shaves cheeze! it shaves wood! [23:25]
mircea_popescu it shaves glass! [23:25]
mircea_popescu and there's nothing in the bowl! [23:25]
usagi Yellow cheese. White cheese. [23:25]
asa bitcoin cheese [23:25]
usagi Put 100% cheese in, get 7% cheese out. [23:25]
mircea_popescu grana pabtcana [23:25]
Wolf_L You can't explain that. [23:26]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 200 @ 0.1275 = 25.5 BTC [-] [23:27]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [23:27]
gribble Best bid: 10.761, Best ask: 10.76102, Bid-ask spread: 0.00002, Last trade: 10.76102, 24 hour volume: 65365, 24 hour low: 10.55, 24 hour high: 11.17001 [23:27]
mircea_popescu o hey, so basically threading water huh [23:27]
* Obsi (~Obsi@unaffiliated/obsi) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:29]
smickles ;;bc,price [23:29]
gribble Next Price Estimate: 11.83655 | Next Price In About 2 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes, and 14 seconds [23:29]
smickles < Wolf_L> You can't explain that. << therefore: aliens? [23:29]
Wolf_L Aliens poisoned the cheese in Trendon Shaver's fridge. [23:30]
Wolf_L He ate said cheese and then began to mismanage BTCST funds. [23:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 788 @ 0.00039139 = 0.3084 BTC [-] [23:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15900 @ 0.00039164 = 6.2271 BTC [+] [23:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20119 @ 0.00039312 = 7.9092 BTC [+] [23:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14615 @ 0.00039399 = 5.7582 BTC [+] [23:30]
mircea_popescu !ticker gsdpt [23:30]
assbot [GLBSE:GSDPT] [Bid: 0.00305] [Ask: 0.00339] [Spread: 0.00034] [Last: 0.00339] [24hVol: 102.36874472] [7dAvg: 0.00362555] [23:31]
mircea_popescu o hay lol [23:31]
asa what is the s.mpoe security? i'm not on mpex so I wouldn't know. [23:32]
assbot [GLBSE] [BITCOINMINV] 1 @ 0.13787 BTC [+] [23:32]
mircea_popescu asa [23:32]
mircea_popescu basically the conglomeration of options trader + mpex [23:33]
asa ty sir! [23:33]
assbot [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 1 @ 0.5 BTC [-] [23:33]
smickles gwaaa! glbse always seems to reroute me to that damn captcha, i have to put my username, pw, and auth token in multiple times just to access my account :P [23:34]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 13 @ 0.1735 = 2.2555 BTC [+] [23:34]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 25 @ 0.175 = 4.375 BTC [+] [23:34]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 2 @ 0.17899 = 0.358 BTC [+] [23:34]
smickles ug [23:34]
smickles and a gain, [23:34]
smickles *again [23:34]
smickles captcha captcha captcha [23:34]
* asa has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:35]
* pumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:35]
* copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:36]
* smickles is frustrated [23:36]
* pumpkin is now known as copumpkin [23:36]
* asa (~asa@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:36]
Doffx Smickles [23:36]
* smickles waits over 30 seconds to see this login also faild [23:36]
Doffx Just click the top bar [23:36]
Doffx When it brings you to the page with the captcha, just click the Glbse icon on the top left [23:37]
Doffx it will then just bypass that [23:37]
assbot [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 4 @ 0.10479 = 0.4192 BTC [+] [23:37]
smickles ok, but it sends me to the captcha page again Doffx [23:37]
mircea_popescu >.< [23:37]
mircea_popescu heck security is this ?! [23:37]
Doffx Odd, it just lets me log in lol [23:38]
Doffx As long as my cookie hasent expired anyhow [23:38]
smickles ok, I got in. literally after minutes of trying [23:38]
Doffx I log out at the end of the day so that it asks for my google auth later [23:38]
smickles for a fucking login [23:38]
Doffx Its a shitty login [23:39]
smickles [23:39]
mircea_popescu funny thing is... people whine about mpex being difficult. [23:39]
Doffx It takes me usually 4-5 tries to enter my google auth code [23:39]
BTC-Mining It always takes me one ... [23:40]
Doffx Its not difficult its confusing because of the layout, you need a good front end. [23:40]
BTC-Mining Maybe GLBSE likes me [23:40]
BTC-Mining Mircea doesn't believe in the almighty Front End. [23:40]
Doffx Really mpex is just so simple it appears confusing haha [23:40]
mircea_popescu the front end took a walk down the river ben [23:41]
mircea_popescu d [23:41]
Doffx Your bigger issue mircea_popescu is that girl alienated too many people early on [23:41]
Doffx she didn’t help the site much at all, she was right, but people dont like to be told they are wrong. [23:42]
mircea_popescu Doffx i was just discussing this in private as it happens [23:42]
smickles Doffx: mircea_popescu gave her a signed statement to tell people to "fuck off" [23:42]
mircea_popescu read this thread, check out her references there [23:42]
mircea_popescu and then say with me : s/people/idiots [23:43]
jcpham should've gotten naked on forum thread [23:43]
mircea_popescu everyone's butthurt cause she told them back in april what they;re discovering now, in august. [23:43]
mircea_popescu and that was really hard to swallow then and is really hard to swallow now. [23:43]
* occulta has quit (Quit: .) [23:43]
assbot [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 5 @ 0.173 = 0.865 BTC [-] [23:44]
mircea_popescu giga was all whining at me to get rid of her "cause she reflects badly" and whatnot... well... let her reflect on me and let pirate reflect on them, tis fine i say. [23:45]
assbot [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.1249 = 0.9992 BTC [+] [23:45]
Wolf_L wait [23:46]
Wolf_L gigavps is a girl [23:46]
* safra has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [23:46]
jcpham naked. on. forum. thread. [23:46]
Doffx It really doesn’t matter now, its not an 'm right, your wrong thing. She scared people off, and you spend a lot of time defending the actions when it could have been avoided. [23:46]
mircea_popescu nah, he's a married dude. [23:46]
mircea_popescu jcpham lol. she's hawt. [23:46]
jcpham :) [23:46]
Wolf_L [23:47]
mircea_popescu Doffx im not sure i follow. [23:47]
Wolf_L Please add whatever is needed [23:47]
Doffx The damage was done to the mpex image whether or not she was right, or whether you care. [23:47]
mircea_popescu what damage is this ? [23:48]
Doffx I think you would have got more people early on. [23:48]
mircea_popescu for free you mean ? [23:48]
Doffx I also think your fine not having those people. [23:48]
BTC-Mining Considerable damage is what it is. [23:48]
jcpham i think the forum is garbage [23:48]
mircea_popescu BTC-Mining im trying to follow his thought here. [23:49]
Doffx For free and paid. [23:49]
jcpham and her actions have little consequwnce [23:49]
mircea_popescu jcpham well not everyone knows this. [23:49]
* asa has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:49]
jcpham it is something everyone needs ot figure out on their own [23:49]
* asa ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:50]
mircea_popescu come to think about it, how come you're not on my new invite only forum ? [23:50]
assbot [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 5 @ 0.000118 = 0.0006 BTC [-] [23:50]
mircea_popescu which people whined i should make and now aren't using :D [23:50]
Doffx I think wish mpex was the dominant exchange, I think all this PPT bs wouldnt be happening right now, and we would have way less bullshit offerings. [23:51]
jcpham tbh i pay attention to press and technical developments and not much else [23:52]
jcpham certainly no drama [23:52]
Doffx We might even have an Mpex front end too! [23:52]
mircea_popescu Doffx i guess you see the wisdom of having a 100k+ a month exchange BEFORE the frontend [23:52]
mircea_popescu people keep building things in the wrong order. [23:53]
assbot [GLBSE] [SYNERGY] 10 @ 0.16 = 1.6 BTC [+] [23:53]
assbot [GLBSE] [SYNERGY] 6 @ 0.1505 = 0.903 BTC [-] [23:53]
Doffx I do, and I learned the hard way with Glbse. [23:53]
mircea_popescu but at any rate i'd have never approved pirate crap. [23:53]
mircea_popescu to have a business you gotta have a business model. [23:53]
assbot [GLBSE] [COGNITIVE] 6 @ 0.6001 = 3.6006 BTC [-] [23:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.6 = 6 BTC [-] [23:54]
assbot [GLBSE] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.55 = 2.2 BTC [-] [23:54]
* Lucidize has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:55]
Category: Logs
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