Forum logs for 24 Jan 2012
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [19:41] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [19:41] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 | [19:41] |
UukGoblin | benjamindees, where do they claim it? | [19:41] |
mircea_popescu | so sopa failed but acta passed. i wonder if this isnt really a resounding defeat. | [19:42] |
UukGoblin | oh... I just saw one bitcoin icon flashing by | [19:42] |
Seventoes | wait acta passed? | [19:42] |
smickles | n00b > CC > OkPay > "intrepid businessman" > bitcoin > n00b | [19:42] |
rawrmage | acta passed in the EU | [19:42] |
UukGoblin | I thought acta was required to be signed by participating countries | [19:43] |
rawrmage | iirc the US had already passed it a while ago | [19:43] |
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Seventoes | fffffff | [19:43] |
mircea_popescu | it was signed | [19:43] |
mircea_popescu | byt the us too. | [19:43] |
mircea_popescu | needs to be ratified now. | [19:43] |
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* | hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:43] |
* | vigilyn2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:44] |
smickles | n00b > CC > OkPay > "intrepid businessman (seems to be" > bitcoin > n00b | [19:44] |
* | brad_ (5be40006@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:44] |
* | hippos4lyfe (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:44] |
smickles | does that not work? | [19:44] |
* | Lunks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:45] |
* | mikebob ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:45] |
Joric | MtNOX sounds familiar ) | [19:45] |
brad_ | hello. anybody interested in 5 bitcoins for ukash EUR ? | [19:45] |
Joric | 1 GOXX - equals to 1 MtGox being hacked | [19:45] |
benjamindees | smickles, tradehill takes okpay too | [19:46] |
smickles | how about that | [19:46] |
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benjamindees | okpay seems kind of shady though, I dunno | [19:46] |
smickles | why arn't we pointing this out to these noops | [19:46] |
* | Undeadlord is now known as UndedAWAY | [19:47] |
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vite | wonder when someone will start a btc online pharmacy to buy ambien | [19:51] |
Seventoes | silk road | [19:51] |
rawrmage | lol | [19:51] |
vite | silk road needs something called tor | [19:51] |
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Seventoes | and? | [19:52] |
Seventoes | is tor not online? | [19:52] |
* | smickles shorts 1 btc | [19:52] |
rawrmage | watch out we got a market maker over here | [19:52] |
pirateat40 | No talking of SR here. | [19:52] |
rawrmage | :P | [19:52] |
vite | I don't think my pc can handle it | [19:53] |
smickles | hey rawrmage, f your hat, i do what i want ;P | [19:53] |
magnetron | vite: | [19:54] |
smickles | but srrsly, that 1btc short is what i feel is an appropriate 'wager' given 'the odds' | [19:55] |
vite | how does tor benefit me? | [19:56] |
smickles | vite, are you repressed by your gov't | [19:56] |
smickles | ? | [19:56] |
* | MORA| ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:57] |
vite | nope | [19:57] |
jcpham | ;;ticker | [19:58] |
smickles | vite, then it benifits you by being an option in the future ;) | [19:58] |
smickles | (there are other use cases too) | [19:58] |
vite | I found this and it kinda scared me | [19:58] |
rawrmage | lol | [19:58] |
BTCHero | homogays? | [19:59] |
mircea_popescu | liberal pedophile homogays ?! | [19:59] |
rawrmage | 'liberal pedophile homogays' | [19:59] |
smickles | vite, ever hear of freenet? | [19:59] |
mircea_popescu | wtf is that lmao | [19:59] |
BTCHero | is that a thing? | [19:59] |
vite | ok how many people just laught :) | [19:59] |
rawrmage | " There is also a hidden one, right underneath your very noses that you can only access if you are one select few who is privy to the secretest of homogay codes." | [19:59] |
mircea_popescu | prolly 10% of the chan population lol | [19:59] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | *BP01 hates directionless markets* | [19:59] |
BTCHero | I bet he did the homogay pedophile research first hand | [19:59] |
magnetron | vite: tor is a network that aims to anonymize the transport layer of internet communucations. if a site is on the tor network, you will need tor to access that site | [19:59] |
rawrmage | "And whatever you do, DO NOT surf these websites without pastoral supervision, and only on a research basis. Anything else will make you gay and probably get you thrown in prison for life." | [20:00] |
mircea_popescu | can i be a homodike ? | [20:00] |
smickles | Bigpiggy01Mining, it's gonna go down in a little while | [20:00] |
mircea_popescu | or up. | [20:00] |
rawrmage | christwire ftw :P | [20:00] |
rg | i cant find bitvps's new vm node | [20:00] |
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rg | someone help | [20:00] |
mircea_popescu | but the while may be longer. or very short. | [20:00] |
vite | anyway, the tor people should get better ranks. I typed how to get a onion tld and thats the first result | [20:00] |
rg | 24gb ram, 2x450gb SAS 15k, 2x4 core | [20:01] |
rg | i need that | [20:01] |
smickles | i dunno vite if the homogays use it, it's got to be good | [20:01] |
vite | hahahahahahahahahahaha | [20:02] |
mircea_popescu | i think it should be homofags. | [20:02] |
vite | anyway, I thought it get a few laughs here | [20:02] |
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mircea_popescu | i sent it to my pastor. | [20:02] |
rawrmage | lol | [20:02] |
* | MC1984 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:02] |
* | jacker224 has quit (Quit: « Ë×Çü®§îöñX » Info~[v10B.3.3]~ Released~[March 01 2006]~ Channel~[#Excursion on EF.Net]~) | [20:03] |
mircea_popescu | you know vite, many times in life there are problems, | [20:03] |
mircea_popescu | and just as many there are solutions. | [20:03] |
* | BlueMatt_ (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:04] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt_ | [20:04] |
mircea_popescu | BlueMatt_ is now known as BlueMatt_ the Voiceful. | [20:04] |
smickles | :D | [20:05] |
vragnaroda | dammit | [20:05] |
smickles | damn what? | [20:06] |
helo | mit? | [20:06] |
copumpkin | Bluemit? | [20:06] |
vragnaroda | What the hell's wrong with people, today? | [20:06] |
* | BlueMatt has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [20:06] |
helo | laziness? | [20:06] |
rg | someone find me the new host for bitvps | [20:06] |
rg | and ill giuve you a free vps there | [20:06] |
rg | for life | [20:06] |
smickles | people in general? nothing special about today... | [20:06] |
vragnaroda | Place the food in the bag evenly so the soy sauce doesn't get all the fuck over. | [20:07] |
helo | ahh yes, laziness | [20:07] |
* | BlueMatt_ is now known as BlueMatt | [20:07] |
BlueMatt | ??? | [20:07] |
smickles | and helo wins the prize | [20:07] |
* | benjamindees ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:07] |
vragnaroda | Not even laziness; it's not like it would have taken any more effort than what they did do. | [20:07] |
smickles | would it be ambivalence then? | [20:08] |
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rg | ah you guys are no help | [20:08] |
smickles | (volume seems to be picking up a little).. and sorry rg | [20:08] |
vragnaroda | No, ambivalence is valuing two propositions equally; it would be ambivalence if it weren't every fucking time. | [20:08] |
vragnaroda | This is just apathy. | [20:08] |
rg | I HOST CLARKMOODY | [20:09] |
rg | IM BARRY EFFIN GIBB | [20:09] |
rawrmage | lol | [20:09] |
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copumpkin | rg: how deep is your love for clark moody? | [20:09] |
rg | i like his site | [20:09] |
rg | and hes pretty nice | [20:09] |
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helo | to jesus | [20:10] |
rg | so i guess thats about it | [20:10] |
rg | helo: i spoke with him over 20+ emails | [20:10] |
rg | he did not mention jesus once | [20:10] |
rg | which puts him +2 over luke-jr | [20:10] |
helo | i joke | [20:10] |
copumpkin | oh I was just talking about the song | [20:10] |
vite | rg dreamhost | [20:10] |
rg | vite: dont patronize me | [20:10] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.) | [20:10] |
copumpkin | rg: luke-jr doesn't talk about jesus/god either until people bring it up | [20:10] |
vragnaroda | lol dreamhost | [20:10] |
copumpkin | I've never seen him spontaneously bring up his religion on IRC | [20:10] |
rg | i have | [20:10] |
luke-jr | rg: no u | [20:11] |
vragnaroda | I have but it isn't that common. | [20:11] |
rg | not in here | [20:11] |
luke-jr | Tonal. | [20:11] |
rg | go chill in #eligius for a week | [20:11] |
rg | haha | [20:11] |
rg | hes more vocal about tonal than jesus | [20:11] |
rg | thats for sure | [20:11] |
mircea_popescu | people spontaneously mention chtulhu nobody holds that against them | [20:11] |
vite | rg i also enjoy your company | [20:11] |
rg | mircea_popescu: youre romanian right | [20:11] |
mircea_popescu | yea | [20:11] |
rg | someone was looking for romanian bitcoin sellers teh other day | [20:11] |
luke-jr | I should make my own scamcoin | [20:11] |
rg | ofcourse id ont remember their nick now so this is useless telling you | [20:12] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Do you want to get banned? ;p | [20:12] |
luke-jr | call it Tonalcoin! | [20:12] |
vragnaroda | (jk in case that wasn't clear) | [20:12] |
mircea_popescu | and you didn't remember my nick to tell to them ? | [20:12] |
jcpham | i'll mine it | [20:12] |
jcpham | i'll pre-mine it even | [20:12] |
mircea_popescu | you could play opposite bogard in films from the 40s rg. | [20:12] |
rg | luke-jr: LukasPukasCoin | [20:12] |
ponymage | this is the real dark underside of the internet | [20:12] |
luke-jr | jcpham: solo? | [20:12] |
luke-jr | jcpham: not going to support merged mining | [20:12] |
jcpham | yeah man | [20:12] |
jcpham | let's do it | [20:12] |
mircea_popescu | why'd i jokily get banned for ? | [20:12] |
luke-jr | jcpham: OK, give me a week or two… | [20:13] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: for bringing up cth*u | [20:13] |
* | brad_ (5be40006@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:13] |
mircea_popescu | bringing up who ? | [20:13] |
vragnaroda | fuck you | [20:13] |
vragnaroda | voldemort | [20:13] |
mircea_popescu | lolz | [20:13] |
mircea_popescu | voldemort sexing mr C, now that'd be a scene | [20:13] |
rawrmage | wat | [20:14] |
vragnaroda | lol | [20:14] |
mircea_popescu | but meanwhile i am being depressed, nobody's buying options | [20:14] |
Joric | mr bitcoin | [20:14] |
mircea_popescu | nobody's trading btc | [20:14] |
rawrmage | this is my new favourite gif for today | [20:15] |
smickles | i just lost The Game | [20:15] |
mircea_popescu | THE WORLD IS ENDING | [20:15] |
rawrmage | i must find a place to use it | [20:15] |
mircea_popescu | try xtian wire ? | [20:15] |
luke-jr | smickles: fail | [20:15] |
luke-jr | mircea_popescu: The World will put you in a coma! | [20:15] |
Joric | first world problems - i want to short on bitcoinica but the price is too low | [20:16] |
rg | /s 1 | [20:16] |
rawrmage | lol | [20:16] |
mircea_popescu | why luke, for all the folks i put in columns ? | [20:16] |
jcpham | love that rawrmage | [20:16] |
vite | six month and no porn sites ???;topic=22946.0 | [20:17] |
smickles | someone tell the price not to jump to 12.02, 'cause it'll pop my short | [20:17] |
helo | anyone who uses bitcoin knows how to get enough free porn to satiate themselves | [20:18] |
vragnaroda | vite: People that give a shit about bitcoin just aren't as fucking stupid as the people that pay for porn. | [20:18] |
luke-jr | mircea_popescu: Skeith data drains them | [20:18] |
vragnaroda | *generally* speaking | [20:18] |
jcpham | why would anyone pay for porn | [20:18] |
vite | vragnaroda: how many consumer markets does bitcoins have | [20:18] |
mircea_popescu | i seriously don't see how you'd make btc selling porn | [20:18] |
* | hsnbrg (~sdfcvyxva@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:19] |
vragnaroda | luke-jr: MSG, yay or nay? | [20:19] |
luke-jr | porn should be illegal | [20:19] |
mircea_popescu | porn should be mandatory. | [20:19] |
jcpham | fornication shouild be illegal | [20:19] |
vragnaroda | No, religion should be illegal. | [20:19] |
luke-jr | vragnaroda: I guess OK if it's natural, but not so sure on the extracted form in most food | [20:19] |
mircea_popescu | in all highschools, you don't have at least a dp scene you don't graduate. | [20:19] |
vragnaroda | Now answer my fucking question about MSG. | [20:19] |
vragnaroda | OK. | [20:19] |
benjamindees | forget porn... think dating/social networking sites with "donations" | [20:19] |
luke-jr | vragnaroda: IIRC, it's naturally occuring in seaweed | [20:19] |
rawrmage | msg is fucking delicious | [20:19] |
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jcpham | I love chicken lo mein | [20:19] |
rawrmage | that's why we put it in food | [20:19] |
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mircea_popescu | i think msg just tricks your mouth into thinking cardboard is delicious. | [20:20] |
rawrmage | that's okay with me | [20:20] |
mircea_popescu | then why arent you having sex blindfolded ? | [20:20] |
rawrmage | wat | [20:21] |
mircea_popescu | you could fuck fatties all night. | [20:21] |
smickles | i'm not? | [20:21] |
luke-jr | … | [20:21] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | LOL the stuff they server up over here laced with MSH is scary :( | [20:21] |
vragnaroda | “People find it difficult to resist your persuasive manner [in bed].” | [20:21] |
luke-jr | tbh, I'm more concerned about HFCS than MSG | [20:21] |
vragnaroda | (That was my fortune cookie.) | [20:21] |
rawrmage | vrag what are your lucky numbers | [20:21] |
mircea_popescu | lmao did it have soy sauce all voer it ? | [20:21] |
* | dserrano5 (~9dsd9s9da@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:21] |
smickles | luke-jr just keep it in low doses, you'll be fine | [20:21] |
vragnaroda | 0 2 8, 1 43 16 25 31 12 | [20:21] |
luke-jr | smickles: stevia is fine | [20:22] |
vragnaroda | 2 different sets of lucky numbers now, wtf | [20:22] |
rawrmage | i'm going to go have some corn syrup | [20:22] |
rawrmage | thanks for the idea | [20:22] |
luke-jr | actually, I did it in steps | [20:22] |
vragnaroda | corn syrup is fucking delicious, too | [20:22] |
luke-jr | HFCS -> sugar -> stevia | [20:22] |
luke-jr | HFCS != CS | [20:22] |
smickles | luke-jr, i thought stevia has preliminary studies associated with it indicating health risks | [20:22] |
mircea_popescu | its so weird to sit here and have no friggin ideea what ppl are on about | [20:22] |
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vragnaroda | Why the fuck do you think initializing something makes it scarier? | [20:22] |
vragnaroda | It's just corn sugar. | [20:22] |
luke-jr | smickles: none that I know of, for males | [20:23] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | isn't msg proven to cause thrid testicle growth in lab rats? | [20:23] |
mircea_popescu | o, high fructose corn syrup mk | [20:23] |
magnetron | fructose, right? | [20:23] |
rawrmage | mmm fructose | [20:23] |
vragnaroda | It's not great for you if you drink it by the fucking gallon, so stop doing that. | [20:23] |
luke-jr | smickles: IIRC someone mentioned a concern over pregnancy once, but wasn't able to cite | [20:23] |
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mircea_popescu | fructose in excess can give you fatty liver syndrome which is horrible and fatal and incurable and like cancer!!1 | [20:23] |
luke-jr | vragnaroda: that's where the addictive chemicals come in… | [20:23] |
vragnaroda | What addictive chemicals? | [20:24] |
magnetron | vragnaroda: the cup sizes in U.S. mcdonald's are way larger than the european ones | [20:24] |
luke-jr | vragnaroda: caffeine, for example | [20:24] |
magnetron | ^ | [20:24] |
vragnaroda | The only chemicals we're talking about are fructose, sucrose, and glucose. | [20:24] |
magnetron | the average american drink a liter of soda per day, IIRC. the AVERAGE | [20:24] |
jcpham | i like th regular old sugar they dump in a big vat and bleach white | [20:25] |
jcpham | that stuff is awesome | [20:25] |
vragnaroda | magnetron: Go troll somewhere else. | [20:25] |
luke-jr | vragnaroda: no u | [20:25] |
rawrmage | anything is addictive | [20:25] |
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rawrmage | if it makes you happy | [20:25] |
luke-jr | when I drank pop, it was about a litre a day IIRC | [20:25] |
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magnetron | to make it safe to drink a liter of soda per day, you can't have much in it except wate | [20:25] |
luke-jr | rawrmage: not the same thing | [20:25] |
magnetron | water | [20:25] |
jcpham | I drink about a liter of NOS energy drink daily | [20:25] |
vragnaroda | There are some that drink that much soda; it's the exception, not the rule. | [20:25] |
rawrmage | yea it is, luke-jr | [20:25] |
luke-jr | rawrmage: no | [20:26] |
rawrmage | addiction != dependence... | [20:26] |
luke-jr | rawrmage: chemical addiction basically forces you to continue consuming it | [20:26] |
magnetron | jcpham: let me guess, does it have sugar and caffeine? (also known as guarana) | [20:26] |
rawrmage | see, you're conflating addiction and dependence | [20:26] |
luke-jr | no u | [20:26] |
jcpham | i've been dependent/addicted to narcotics twice | [20:26] |
rawrmage | you can be psychologically addicted to something without being physically dependent on it | [20:27] |
jcpham | and detox'd successfully | [20:27] |
vragnaroda | magnetron: Caffeine ≠ guarana | [20:27] |
smickles | luke-jr, it looks like the consensus is that stevia is safe at any reasonable level of consumption | [20:27] |
magnetron | right, and HFCS =/= sugare | [20:27] |
vite | want a buzz, have an alkazetser into a pint of coca cola | [20:27] |
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magnetron | smickles: except the "reasonable" level of consumption is very very small | [20:28] |
vragnaroda | There is caffeine in guarana, but most guarana put into energy drinks is denatured. | [20:28] |
smickles | magnetron, no | [20:28] |
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vragnaroda | What is in HFCS that isn't sugar? | [20:28] |
* | jcpham is having to google what stevcia is | [20:28] |
* | lethu (~Naskingar@unaffiliated/lethu) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:28] |
rawrmage | well, /a/ sugar | [20:28] |
smickles | the reasonable level of consumption seems to be < 200 g | [20:28] |
jcpham | *stevia | [20:28] |
rawrmage | usually people read just "sugar" as sucrose | [20:29] |
rawrmage | as opposed to the class of chemicals which are sugars | [20:29] |
vragnaroda | rawrmage: Well, no, most HFCS has three different sugars. | [20:29] |
vragnaroda | Most people are stupid. | [20:29] |
rawrmage | yes, fructose glucose sucrose... | [20:29] |
vragnaroda | For example, it was just claimed above that HFCS is addictive because of caffeine. | [20:30] |
rawrmage | the fuck | [20:30] |
luke-jr | magnetron: it takes much less stevia to sweeten, than sugar or HFCS | [20:30] |
* | rawrmage looks at his corn syrup bottle | [20:30] |
smickles | which, for a sweetener, 200g is quite high | [20:30] |
rawrmage | "corn syrup, salt, vanilla" | [20:30] |
smickles | IIRC, you shouldn't even consume 200g of sucrose in a day | [20:31] |
jcpham | i've had about 75g today | [20:31] |
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vite | you guys should take fructose its sweet and you wont absorb it | [20:32] |
benjamindees | 200g is a 2-liter | [20:32] |
pigeons | wait, if i eat enough msg, i can get a spare testicle? | [20:32] |
* | pirateat40 pops one a new bottle of Karo and pours it into his glass. | [20:32] |
rawrmage | lol | [20:32] |
jcpham | mmmm Karo | [20:32] |
rawrmage | pirateat40: o/ | [20:33] |
vragnaroda | vite: [citation needed] | [20:33] |
jcpham | i want biscuits | [20:33] |
smickles | HFCS is addictive b/c it's pleasurable, just like anything else that is pleasurable | [20:33] |
Braundro | actually the concept of physical and psychological addiction is nonsense. just saying | [20:33] |
helo | a spare testicle would be pretty nice... | [20:33] |
vite | fructose is the sugar form in plants | [20:33] |
benjamindees | HFCS is bad for you because it's mostly glucose, not fructose | [20:33] |
vragnaroda | thence fructose | [20:33] |
vite | pretty much what most "natural" non caloric sweeteners are based from | [20:33] |
helo | Braundro: you mean the differentiation is nonsense? | [20:33] |
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vragnaroda | benjamindees: no | [20:34] |
benjamindees | sucrose is 50/50 | [20:34] |
vite | sucrose is plain sugar | [20:34] |
vragnaroda | sucrose is sucrose | [20:34] |
pigeons | seems lots of the addiction stuff is related to dopamine receptor neuroplasticity which can happen from "non-addictive" stuff | [20:34] |
benjamindees | vragnaroda, yes, it causes disproportionate weight gain | [20:34] |
benjamindees | sucrose disassociates to fructose and glucose in water | [20:34] |
jcpham | seems a lot of this has nothing to do with bitcoin | [20:34] |
benjamindees | *dissociates | [20:34] |
pigeons | how long until i grow the 3rd ball? | [20:35] |
vragnaroda | 13:34 < benjamindees> vragnaroda, yes, it causes disproportionate weight gain <-- What the fuck does that have to do with transhumanist interplanetary war? | [20:35] |
rawrmage | lol | [20:35] |
vite | have you guys had Rum "Ron Abuelo"? | [20:35] |
rawrmage | you can buy hfcs with bitcoin | [20:35] |
benjamindees | vragnaroda, the aliens want you to drink slurm... | [20:35] |
jcpham | anyone remember surge | [20:35] |
jcpham | that shit was so boss | [20:36] |
vragnaroda | 13:33 < benjamindees> HFCS is bad for you because it's mostly glucose, not fructose <-- This is *not* true. | [20:36] |
pigeons | when people drink mr. pibb satoshi cries | [20:36] |
rawrmage | lol what | [20:36] |
rawrmage | it's called HIGH FRUCTOSE | [20:36] |
rawrmage | ffs | [20:36] |
vragnaroda | There is HFCS, which is more glucose than fructose, but so far, we've only been talking about sodas, which use HFCS 55, not HFCS 40-whatever. | [20:37] |
pirateat40 | | [20:37] |
rawrmage | .title | [20:37] |
markac | rawrmage: Idiocracy- Electrolytes - YouTube | [20:37] |
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vite | so Satoshi developped free p2p currency and not want people to barter alcohol with it? | [20:37] |
rawrmage | which alcohol? | [20:38] |
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vite | beer | [20:38] |
vragnaroda | When I said this was not true, you countered with “disproportionate weight gain” and (a) that needs a some explanation of why that's relevant to the claim about the composition of HFCS and | [20:38] |
vite | vodka | [20:38] |
vite | rum | [20:38] |
vite | wine | [20:38] |
vragnaroda | (b) it needs a fucking citation | [20:39] |
rawrmage | no i asked which alcohol | [20:39] |
rawrmage | not which type of beverage | [20:39] |
vite | ethanol | [20:39] |
rawrmage | oh ok | [20:39] |
vragnaroda | Weight gain is simple: calories in, calories out. | [20:39] |
rawrmage | i would be interested in buying 1-hexanol | [20:39] |
rawrmage | if anyone has any | [20:40] |
rawrmage | for btc | [20:40] |
Braundro | helo: yes | [20:40] |
vragnaroda | Americans are fatter than Yuropeans because Americans eat *more*; not just because Americans eat differently. If you want to see some *really* obese people, visit the South Pacific. | [20:40] |
vite | wonder if you can get flexfuel cars to run on vodka. | [20:41] |
benjamindees | vragnaroda, | [20:41] |
vragnaroda | > is really well-respected scientific journal, right? | [20:41] |
rawrmage | lol | [20:41] |
vragnaroda | lol | [20:41] |
mircea_popescu | surely. | [20:41] |
rawrmage | you can get a stufy for pretty much anything you know | [20:41] |
rawrmage | study* | [20:42] |
* | Clonedead has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [20:42] |
vragnaroda | Yes, but groups like that don't even try. | [20:42] |
vite | run out of fuel just have a few vodka shots with your car | [20:42] |
rawrmage | corn syrup is so viscous | [20:43] |
rawrmage | mmmm | [20:43] |
benjamindees | vragnaroda, "Princeton Neuroscience Institute" | [20:43] |
benjamindees | but you may be right I might have mixed up glucose/fructose | [20:43] |
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benjamindees | different sodas use different formulas | [20:43] |
rawrmage | Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior | [20:44] |
pigeons | Tab cola ftw | [20:44] |
* | UndedAWAY is now known as UndeadLord | [20:44] |
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rawrmage | that journal isn't on jstor :( | [20:44] |
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smickles | rawrmage> you can get a stufy for pretty much anything you know [isnt the point to 'get' a study that was carried out 'well'] | [20:45] |
rawrmage | if i'm a rich industry i can fund a lot of studies until one comes out in my favour | [20:45] |
vite | sugar to cocaine molecule similarities | [20:45] |
rawrmage | and then promote that one | [20:45] |
pigeons | no, the point is to get your (mis)conclusion mentioned as a quick headline on the news | [20:45] |
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rawrmage | everyone knows the one with the contradicting results to the thousand other ones with different results must be right | [20:46] |
rawrmage | because it's different | [20:46] |
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pigeons | let's just settle this and see what the "bible" says about fructose | [20:46] |
rawrmage | lol | [20:47] |
benjamindees | apples -> evil | [20:47] |
benjamindees | eve at the apple, got fat, end of paradise | [20:47] |
pigeons | settled | [20:47] |
rawrmage | there's fructose in apples | [20:47] |
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benjamindees | the snake represents soda executives | [20:48] |
vragnaroda | Well, I'm still wondering what the plausible mechanism for this is? Which is your claim? | [20:48] |
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vragnaroda | (a) That HFCS tastes better? | [20:48] |
benjamindees | taste is subjective | [20:48] |
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* | Guillermo is now known as Guest65151 | [20:48] |
vragnaroda | (b) That a given amount of HFCS “makes you fatter” than the same amount of another sugar? | [20:48] |
vragnaroda | No, taste is not subjective. | [20:49] |
smickles | 'better' is tho | [20:49] |
vragnaroda | Taste is the result of hundreds of millions of years of evolution. | [20:49] |
benjamindees | b, yes, scientific fact borne out by personal observation | [20:49] |
vite | taste is smelled | [20:49] |
vragnaroda | You do not eat dog shit. This is a function of taste. | [20:49] |
Guest65151 | ;;guide | [20:49] |
rawrmage | lol | [20:49] |
benjamindees | no, people literally have different tastebuds that respond to sugars differently | [20:50] |
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rg | lol | [20:50] |
rg | you guys are gay | [20:50] |
rg | big time | [20:50] |
vragnaroda | Yes, people also have different arms with different reflexes and response speeds. | [20:50] |
* | Lunks has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [20:50] |
rawrmage | are you saying sexuality makes us respond to sugars differently | [20:50] |
vite | rg dreamhost | [20:50] |
rawrmage | genius | [20:50] |
vragnaroda | That doesn't mean they have nothing in common. | [20:50] |
rg | vite: DONT patronize me | [20:50] |
rg | dreamhost used to be awesome | [20:50] |
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rg | theyve had some turnover in the past 2 years | [20:51] |
vite | rg are you in or out of a closet? | [20:52] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [20:52] |
smickles | [20:52] | |
smickles | [20:52] | |
smickles | i feel a slight unease, as if i am reliving my life | [20:52] |
rg | vite: im in my office | [20:53] |
benjamindees | smickles, that usually comes before a netsplit :o | [20:53] |
vite | is your office in a closet or out of it? | [20:53] |
grubles | why are you asking about closets | [20:53] |
rg | it has a closet | [20:53] |
rg | but its full of computer gear | [20:54] |
vite | so your not in a closet rg? | [20:54] |
rg | you're | [20:54] |
rg | no im not | [20:54] |
vragnaroda | vite: stop it | [20:54] |
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smickles | ^ | [20:54] |
vite | :( | [20:54] |
vite | ok | [20:54] |
rg | he's just making sure you dont poke the bear | [20:54] |
grubles | take your discussion about closets to #closets | [20:55] |
vite | lol | [20:55] |
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vragnaroda | rg: Are you saying you're a large hairy gay man? | [20:55] |
vite | rolfmao lol | [20:56] |
pigeons | not gay, homogay | [20:56] |
smickles | lol | [20:56] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked vragnaroda from #bitcoin-otc (knock it off) | [20:56] |
* | vragnaroda (~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:56] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to vragnaroda | [20:56] |
rawrmage | .o ud homogay | [20:56] |
rg | im large | [20:56] |
rg | not very hairy | [20:56] |
rg | or gay | [20:56] |
rawrmage | .urban homogay | [20:56] |
markac | The step beyond gay. A man that has taken time to go out of his way to make sure u know he's gay. This term doen't apply to women because lesbians rule... sept if they're butch and gossextremely gay, | [20:56] |
smickles | aw, rg, i want you to be happy | [20:56] |
grubles | did you just kick yourself vragnaroda | [20:57] |
smickles | .urban smickles | [20:57] |
vragnaroda | grubles: I did; I was out of line. | [20:57] |
smickles | ack, what's the one that says my name is anal masturbation? | [20:58] |
* | grubles pats vragnaroda on the back | [20:58] |
vragnaroda | the command is .o ud | [20:58] |
grubles | it's ok | [20:58] |
smickles | .o ud smickles | [20:58] |
vite | thank you all for getting me thru my last call. it was an insurance claim interpretation and you guys made it lite | [20:58] |
markac | ENOTFOUND | [20:58] |
vragnaroda | but it's markac itself that's a term for anal masturbation | [20:58] |
vragnaroda | .o ud markac | [20:58] |
markac | A slang term for anal masturbation | [20:58] |
smickles | oh | [20:58] |
smickles | damn | [20:58] |
vragnaroda | The name markac was chosen before I knew about its entry on ud. | [20:59] |
rawrmage | .o ud vite | [20:59] |
smickles | someone foolded me earlier | [20:59] |
markac | A girl that takes two shots and is completely throwed. | [20:59] |
vragnaroda | rawrmage: vite just means fast | [20:59] |
rawrmage | .o ud grubles | [20:59] |
markac | ENOTFOUND | [20:59] |
vragnaroda | grubles fucking cheated | [20:59] |
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rawrmage | :o | [20:59] |
grubles | i didnt! | [20:59] |
grubles | some asshole deleted it | [20:59] |
smickles | how come markac can't find smickles, but gribble can? | [20:59] |
vragnaroda | because | [20:59] |
rawrmage | :D | [21:00] |
vragnaroda | rawrmage: That's useful; thanks for that. | [21:00] |
vite | whats with non english speaking people and crashing and insurance claims | [21:00] |
grubles | lol... | [21:00] |
grubles | youre infected by the pony virus | [21:00] |
phantomcircuit | er | [21:00] |
vite | its all ive been handling today, intepreting insurance claims | [21:00] |
phantomcircuit | what the fuck | [21:00] |
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grubles | mad pony disease | [21:00] |
phantomcircuit | oh nvm | [21:00] |
vragnaroda | Well, I suppose that's better than having a donkey in you. | [21:01] |
grubles | huh | [21:01] |
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vite | does anyone here work for those medical transportation companies | [21:05] |
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ocminer | anyone wants to buy 25 btc for 150 ppusd ? | [21:08] |
smickles | i'm trying to ridmyself of 10 ppusd ... | [21:09] |
rawrmage | you can give it to me | [21:09] |
Lunks | ocminer: i would, but my cc is gone for this month :/ | [21:09] |
ocminer | now already ? its only ? :) | [21:09] |
Lunks | until feb 6th I'm out of the bitcoin business, unfortunately :P | [21:10] |
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ocminer | :) | [21:10] |
smickles | i do still want btc or something like gox/tradehill/intersango funds | [21:10] |
* | nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:11] |
mircea_popescu | so since the 20th btc has moved exactly 0.01$ | [21:13] |
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smickles | good for you, right? | [21:13] |
* | MacRohard ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:13] |
MacRohard | does anyone know if mtgox allows withdrawing to a GBP account? I know it allows deposits but it seems like my account doesn't have an option to withdraw to it | [21:14] |
EvanR | your money checks in, but it dont check out | [21:14] |
EvanR | win | [21:14] |
smickles | lol, really? | [21:14] |
MacRohard | seems like. i can withdraw as a GBP mtgox code | [21:14] |
MacRohard | and maybe cash that out at aurumexchange i guess | [21:14] |
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TheDealer | rg: where do you want your new vm server? | [21:17] |
rawrmage | oh so you're a dedi dealer not a drug dealer? | [21:18] |
* | DBordello ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:19] |
mircea_popescu | smickles not really that good or bad, at current volumes it's not much of an impact. | [21:19] |
vragnaroda | :O | [21:19] |
mircea_popescu | he's a dope dedi dealer. | [21:19] |
DBordello | I am looking to sell 40 BTC. Hit me up with offers | [21:19] |
vragnaroda | DBordello: 1 MGUSD | [21:19] |
EvanR | ok the terminology black market needs to be eliminated | [21:20] |
* | vragnaroda kills the terminology market. | [21:20] |
smickles | 10 for 1.58 | [21:20] |
mircea_popescu | no he meant the terminology black | [21:20] |
EvanR | because i just heard it on bbc used to describe markets in general | [21:20] |
mircea_popescu | only keep red and gray | [21:20] |
vragnaroda | oh | [21:21] |
vragnaroda | smickles: You drive a hard bargain. | [21:21] |
mircea_popescu | said in the accent of the gestapo guy from to have and have not | [21:21] |
EvanR | anything thats not walmart, target, or some 'legitimate' business is a black market | [21:21] |
mircea_popescu | so bbc is a black market ? | [21:21] |
EvanR | because a 'normal' 'good' market is a special think that is set up by the government for particular purposes | [21:22] |
smickles | lol, 10 usd for 1.58 btc? | [21:22] |
mircea_popescu | bqasically the english speaking world is moving to criminalise private initative | [21:22] |
mircea_popescu | all must be docile wards of the high powers. | [21:22] |
EvanR | when socialist police states have a problem with their soviet system they create a small market and highly regulated it, as an experiment lol | [21:22] |
mircea_popescu | usually ends up blowing in their face. | [21:23] |
vragnaroda | heh, some people are into that | [21:23] |
EvanR | i do not understand these insurance exchanges mandated by obamacare and run by the government | [21:23] |
mircea_popescu | what's being exchanged ? | [21:24] |
EvanR | lauded as a 'market solution' to something, but why is the government involved then? | [21:24] |
EvanR | mircea_popescu: insurance | [21:24] |
mircea_popescu | i don't get it. | [21:24] |
mircea_popescu | can i sell insurance ? | [21:24] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: nope | [21:24] |
mircea_popescu | can i short it ? | [21:24] |
EvanR | heres how a nerd who helped design the crap put it... | [21:24] |
vragnaroda | nope | [21:24] |
mircea_popescu | how is it a market ? | [21:24] |
EvanR | imagine you have people selling apples and they are on different parts of town | [21:24] |
vragnaroda | Obama (Chocolate Jesus) said it was. | [21:24] |
EvanR | they have different prices | [21:24] |
EvanR | which is ba | [21:25] |
EvanR | d | [21:25] |
mircea_popescu | lmao chocojman | [21:25] |
vite | bitcoins acts like a monopoly | [21:25] |
vragnaroda | EvanR: That's price gouging. | [21:25] |
EvanR | also the people cant benefit from the lower price if they dont know about the different vendors in far away places | [21:25] |
vragnaroda | EvanR: Well, one guy's price gouging; the other's being anticompetitive. | [21:25] |
mircea_popescu | what the fuck. | [21:25] |
EvanR | so the government needs to come in and provide a central location to view the different prices and locations | [21:25] |
mircea_popescu | these people underastand nothing of market. | [21:25] |
EvanR | now with more information the people can regulate the price | [21:26] |
mircea_popescu | prices are elastic ffs. if someone sells apples for 5c | [21:26] |
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mircea_popescu | they won't be 5c after all the us rushes them to buy apples | [21:26] |
mircea_popescu | people don't give a shit about the price. | [21:26] |
EvanR | his point was that competition doesnt work if people dont know or cant be arsed to find out about it | [21:26] |
mircea_popescu | people are dumb enough to get 15% APR mortgages | [21:26] |
jcpham | did you say something about big black cock up above mircea_popescu? | [21:26] |
smickles | D: | [21:26] |
mircea_popescu | i said chocojman ? | [21:27] |
* | smickles shorts another btc | [21:27] |
EvanR | so the governments job is to provide the central 'exchange' which aggregates the market offerings | [21:27] |
mircea_popescu | smickles careful dood, you might end up a butterfly effect starter. | [21:27] |
* | jcpham longs another | [21:27] |
mircea_popescu | evanr : what if i don't want to be listed ? | [21:27] |
EvanR | obamacare insurance exchanges which havent been implemented yet, would provide you with a listing of all 'legitimate' insurance on the market | [21:28] |
EvanR | mircea_popescu: illegal | [21:28] |
mircea_popescu | do they pay me to be listed on their crummy xchange ? | [21:28] |
mircea_popescu | pfff | [21:28] |
mircea_popescu | suppose i refuse to sell to anyone sent by obamax | [21:28] |
vragnaroda | EvanR: so they're the downtown department store where poor people can't afford to shop? | [21:28] |
EvanR | mircea_popescu: that is also illegal | [21:28] |
jcpham | yes, but does obama care? | [21:28] |
jcpham | get pun to this | [21:28] |
EvanR | vragnaroda: ah yes. thats sounds about right | [21:28] |
EvanR | they will say the system is 'being done right' in that case | [21:28] |
EvanR | 'it needs better governance' | [21:29] |
mircea_popescu | so basically the us is going to have no healthcare | [21:29] |
EvanR | yes | [21:29] |
EvanR | the more the government gets into us healthcare, the worse it gets | [21:29] |
mircea_popescu | and mexico is going to be pissed at all the illegal aliens coming to be hospitalised in laredo | [21:29] |
vragnaroda | well, the rich and politically connected will still have it | [21:29] |
mircea_popescu | i wonder how long before canada closes the us border. | [21:29] |
mircea_popescu | that continent will be a succession of walls | [21:30] |
mircea_popescu | prolly look to the aliens like we're trying to build a huge fish totem | [21:30] |
vite | Panama is getting a lot of people coming in ilegally we need a wall also | [21:30] |
vite | we get people coming north to south | [21:31] |
vragnaroda | Well, Canadians seem to all think that the U.S. was the one to suggest requiring a passport to cross that border, but they're the ones that pushed for that basically right after NAFTA and the U.S. dragged its feet on that. | [21:31] |
EvanR | mircea_popescu: contrary to popular belief, you cant see state borders from space | [21:31] |
mircea_popescu | you can if they get walls built. | [21:31] |
EvanR | yet at least | [21:31] |
EvanR | you cant see walls from space | [21:31] |
EvanR | another myth | [21:31] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda : i know | [21:31] |
smickles | one wall, you can | [21:31] |
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EvanR | you cant see the great wall from space | [21:32] |
smickles | they have pics of it | [21:32] |
EvanR | ... | [21:32] |
vragnaroda | EvanR: dude, you can see a football from space. | [21:32] |
mircea_popescu | mircea popescu's conjecture : any wall tall enough to block illegal aliens is visible from an arbitrary depth in space. | [21:32] |
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EvanR | not without spy satellites | [21:32] |
lyspooner | space is far away, mircea | [21:32] |
vragnaroda | well, magnification | [21:32] |
vragnaroda | but without technology you're not looking at anything from space | [21:33] |
mircea_popescu | lyspooner yes, and just so people try to scale walls. | [21:33] |
vragnaroda | without technology, i wouldn't be able to see the floor when I'm standing up. | [21:33] |
EvanR | make peace not walls | [21:33] |
smickles | lol, go ahead an try to view anything from space w/ the naked eye | [21:33] |
lyspooner | earth? | [21:33] |
smickles | won't it pop out of your head and freeze? | [21:33] |
vragnaroda | EvanR: “Good fences make good neighbors.” | [21:33] |
EvanR | good fences make good prisons | [21:34] |
mircea_popescu | slutty wives make good neighbours. | [21:34] |
lyspooner | smickles, you'd probably have a few milliseconds to capture the image | [21:34] |
EvanR | your eyes dont pop out of your head in space | [21:34] |
smickles | but it takes longer to react, so you wouldnt know lyspooner | [21:34] |
mircea_popescu | if i burped in space would anyone hear it ? | [21:35] |
EvanR | vragnaroda: deep space nine sanctuary districts, yay for walls! | [21:35] |
lyspooner | if you took off your helmet, you would probably have enough time to see earth before you imploded or whatever | [21:35] |
vite | sound travels thru non vacuum, so no | [21:35] |
Mqrius | No, but they'd smell it. | [21:35] |
mircea_popescu | but the burp itself is gas | [21:35] |
EvanR | lyspooner: you dont implode in space | [21:35] |
mircea_popescu | you explode | [21:35] |
EvanR | you dont explode in space | [21:35] |
EvanR | looool | [21:35] |
mircea_popescu | yes you do. | [21:35] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: “If he looks like his father, that's genetics; if he looks like the neighbor, that's environment.” | [21:35] |
mircea_popescu | lolz | [21:36] |
EvanR | no, lets continue to see how many myths we can diseminate | [21:36] |
smickles | EvanR, what happens to all the expanding gasses in you then? | [21:36] |
vite | so they get angry for my topics but they are talking about walls, fences, slutty neighbors, and burps in space lol | [21:36] |
mircea_popescu | dude, your pressure is about 10^6. | [21:36] |
mircea_popescu | the space pressure is 0. | [21:36] |
mircea_popescu | every square meter of your skin gets the force of about a dozen trains. | [21:36] |
vite | get back to the slutty neighbor talk. | [21:36] |
EvanR | smickles: all gasses will leave through your mouth and nose, and probably cause internal bleeding in the process | [21:36] |
smickles | EvanR, what about the gasses in your blood, skin, muscle | [21:37] |
EvanR | there are no gasses in your blood | [21:37] |
EvanR | its liquid | [21:37] |
mircea_popescu | you nearly explode coming up from a 10 meter deep sea trip | [21:37] |
mircea_popescu | jesus evanr! oxigen! ffs! | [21:37] |
EvanR | but if its sudden decompression you will get the benz, from nitrogen bubbles | [21:37] |
EvanR | mircea_popescu: lol | [21:37] |
EvanR | oxygen atoms arent auto gas | [21:37] |
mircea_popescu | sigh. | [21:37] |
EvanR | they in hemoglobin | [21:37] |
smickles | there is gas disolved in the liquid tho, right? oxygen in blood? | [21:37] |
EvanR | smickles: then its not gas | [21:38] |
mircea_popescu | this conversation is making me dumber. | [21:38] |
EvanR | by gas you mean compounds and diatomic molecules | [21:38] |
smickles | wouldn't it become a gas under low pressure tho? | [21:38] |
EvanR | smickles: its not low pressure | [21:38] |
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EvanR | i mean, if you slowly decrease the pressure, nothing will happen | [21:38] |
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EvanR | your body provides the pressure | [21:38] |
mircea_popescu | ... | [21:38] |
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mircea_popescu | dude you gotta join the flat earth society. | [21:39] |
smickles | me? | [21:39] |
lyspooner | can someone internet this please with a link | [21:39] |
mircea_popescu | no, evanr. | [21:39] |
EvanR | you gotta join the i saw it on alien so it must be true society | [21:39] |
vite | if a friends lives a few blocks away, does it count as a slutty neighbor? | [21:39] |
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smickles | what happened in alien? | [21:39] |
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vragnaroda | lol | [21:39] |
mircea_popescu | vite : you got pix, we get you an answer. | [21:39] |
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mircea_popescu | so lets see. the body can not withstand the pressure differential of deep space. on releasing a random human into deep space, they would as far as we can see explode. | [21:41] |
mircea_popescu | leaving behind a frozen core of whatever's left. | [21:41] |
x2z | ;; | [21:41] |
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EvanR | mircea_popescu: that is incorrect, saying stuff like as far as we know does not make it correct | [21:41] |
vragnaroda | Well, clearly, we need to experiment on this. | [21:41] |
EvanR | yeah because its never been done | [21:41] |
EvanR | except in movies | [21:41] |
mircea_popescu | sigh. | [21:41] |
mircea_popescu | evanr : what exactly do you take for proof ? | [21:42] |
EvanR | youre right | [21:42] |
pigeons | someone invite jzknight, he will know | [21:42] |
EvanR | movies are enough | [21:42] |
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EvanR | lol | [21:42] |
mircea_popescu | i am asking you dood. what do you want for proof ffs. | [21:42] |
smickles | wait, so under a rapid drop in pressure to near zero, the bits of you that are only nominally liquid.. wouldn't suddenly become gases? | [21:42] |
EvanR | mircea_popescu: is this like the moon landing hoax lol | [21:42] |
mircea_popescu | yes they would. | [21:42] |
lyspooner | NASA says: | [21:42] |
EvanR | smickles: no | [21:42] |
EvanR | smickles: you would get the benz, but thats not 'exploding' | [21:43] |
EvanR | also you can avoid the benz by slowly decreasing the pressure | [21:43] |
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vragnaroda | the ‘benz” | [21:43] |
mircea_popescu | no fucken way ?! | [21:43] |
vragnaroda | lol | [21:43] |
EvanR | cant sepll | [21:43] |
rawrmage | vragnaroda: mismatched quotes? :> | [21:44] |
EvanR | in a vacuum the body expands somewhat, but he enough toughness to not explode | [21:44] |
vragnaroda | rawrmage: yeah :( | [21:44] |
lyspooner | EvanR wins the debate and the internet | [21:44] |
mircea_popescu | jesus i learned something today. | [21:44] |
mircea_popescu | and i thot the guy was trolling hard. | [21:44] |
EvanR | with a pressure suit that can be avoided and you can survive until you freeze, which could be a significant time | [21:44] |
smickles | wow | [21:44] |
mircea_popescu | evanr should get something. | [21:45] |
grubles | it's benz? | [21:45] |
EvanR | im confused why did you suddenly agree with me | [21:45] |
rawrmage | have this gif | [21:45] |
grubles | and not bends? | [21:45] |
lyspooner | my link EvanR | [21:45] |
EvanR | the bends | [21:45] |
vite | does anyone know why teletubbies dies? | [21:45] |
lyspooner | i did, say, however "you implode or whatever". so i wasn't wrong | [21:45] |
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EvanR | lol | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | cause i read the lyspooner link. | [21:46] |
EvanR | also youll notice different movies taking a different myth with their special effects | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | i never got it from movies. | [21:46] |
EvanR | in event horizon he just gets a nose bleed | [21:46] |
steve4au | $25 itunes for 3.5BTC | [21:46] |
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EvanR | in alien 4 the monster gets sucked out a hol the size of a pebble | [21:47] |
mircea_popescu | i only got my own imagination to blame. | [21:47] |
EvanR | in total recall he gets bug eyes | [21:47] |
smickles | ok EvanR i believe you after skimming this: | [21:47] |
grubles | what about event horizon | [21:47] |
mircea_popescu | i still don't understand the math of this. | [21:47] |
grubles | nm you just said that | [21:47] |
EvanR | lol | [21:47] |
grubles | i estupid | [21:48] |
mircea_popescu | srsly, surface pressure is like 100k pa | [21:48] |
grubles | what about mission to mars | [21:48] |
mircea_popescu | 100k newtons is heckload of force | [21:48] |
grubles | he turns into grey stuff | [21:48] |
EvanR | yeah but what is the pressure in deep sea diving | [21:48] |
EvanR | even more | [21:48] |
EvanR | and people can handle it | [21:48] |
mircea_popescu | not rly evanr | [21:48] |
vite | i use to skin dive in bonaire | [21:48] |
mircea_popescu | and if you get fish from the very deep on the deck they do fucken explode | [21:48] |
EvanR | yeah fish are not as tough | [21:49] |
EvanR | i dont know if they explode or just disintegrate | [21:49] |
vite | deepness make you implode | [21:49] |
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mircea_popescu | depends on the fish really | [21:49] |
smickles | the pretty much did the equivalent of tossing chimps out into open space just to see what would happen | [21:50] |
EvanR | they did that with people | [21:50] |
lyspooner | EvanR: not that i came across | [21:50] |
vite | im having tuna sandwich | [21:50] |
EvanR | one of the early space suits was a bubble helmet plus full body super tight suit, no environmental control | [21:50] |
EvanR | ill get that | [21:50] |
smickles | so, if you find yourself in space, don't hold your breath and hope you 'get back in' soon | [21:51] |
EvanR | youre going to be very unconfortable | [21:51] |
smickles | /s/hope/tryto | [21:52] |
EvanR | lol | [21:52] |
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EvanR | this video is very dramatic is its about what were talking about | [21:52] |
EvanR | | [21:52] |
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jjjrmy | remember how I didn't back up my wallet.dat when I reformatted? | [21:53] |
jjjrmy | I lost a TON of bitcoins. | [21:53] |
copumpkin | :( | [21:54] |
jjjrmy | so now I have a to fill some orders that I never even got paid for. | [21:54] |
lyspooner | EvanR, that was mentioned in my original link | [21:55] |
lyspooner | they didn't do it intentionally (obviously) | [21:55] |
grubles | jjjrmy: when was this | [21:55] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy: fail | [21:55] |
jjjrmy | grubles: idk. I formatted this weekend, so it was then. | [21:55] |
grubles | oh damn | [21:56] |
copumpkin | jjjrmy: how much is a "a TON"? | [21:56] |
grubles | how many coins did you lose? | [21:56] |
jjjrmy | I don't know exactly yet, but I missed a few orders. | [21:56] |
jjjrmy | like I restored with an old wallet.dat so I didn't have my new addresses in there, so when people did orders I never got the money. | [21:56] |
vite | | [21:57] |
EvanR | lyspooner: interesting | [21:57] |
smickles | vite, why? | [21:58] |
vite | smickles its free | [21:58] |
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smickles | you might be a bad influence on my daughter | [21:59] |
smickles | lol | [21:59] |
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vite | im a fether of two thats sorta how my wifes car looks | [21:59] |
vite | need to blow off steam | [21:59] |
EvanR | jjjrmy: dumb | [21:59] |
smickles | just for clarification, you meant 'father' right vite? | [22:00] |
jjjrmy | | [22:01] |
vite | yeah typing while having lunch | [22:01] |
rawrmage | no he's a feather | [22:02] |
mircea_popescu | how many's a ton jjjrmy | [22:02] |
EvanR | so rand paul was detained by TSA lol | [22:02] |
jjjrmy | mircea_popescu: like I said, I don't know yet. | [22:02] |
EvanR | it has begun | [22:02] |
rawrmage | bitcoins don't weigh very mcuh... | [22:02] |
EvanR | tm | [22:03] |
mircea_popescu | evanr kinda odd, i didn't know anyone had the authority to hold a senator | [22:03] |
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EvanR | TSA does | [22:03] |
mircea_popescu | how exactly ? | [22:03] |
vite | any advice on how to regain the masterbedroom once from a 1 and a 2 year old? | [22:03] |
EvanR | defacto | [22:03] |
TheDealer | TSA can hold anybody | [22:04] |
mircea_popescu | if i were him i'd have just ignored them and walked past. | [22:04] |
EvanR | especially if they are terrorists like ron and rand paul | [22:04] |
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EvanR | mircea_popescu: he would have been tackled | [22:04] |
mircea_popescu | maybe said "talk to the hand, goons" | [22:04] |
TheDealer | or their 6 year old grandchildren | [22:04] |
mircea_popescu | so let them tackle me. | [22:04] |
mircea_popescu | fuck i care. | [22:04] |
EvanR | not gonna defend yourself? | [22:04] |
TheDealer | did everyone see john kerry's recent picture? | [22:05] |
TheDealer | he got messed up playing hockey | [22:05] |
mircea_popescu | "but said the passenger in question was never detained." | [22:05] |
mircea_popescu | no im not gonna defend myself | [22:05] |
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mircea_popescu | im going to bring impeachment papers for the president on my next trip | [22:05] |
mircea_popescu | seeing how his house servants aren't allowed to touch me. | [22:05] |
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EvanR | mircea_popescu: someone pulled out a copy of the constitution | [22:06] |
EvanR | and get arrested | [22:06] |
rawrmage | lol | [22:06] |
mircea_popescu | i don't think they;'d have had the guts to tackle him anyway. | [22:06] |
EvanR | well hes probably not going to violate regulations | [22:06] |
EvanR | to set a good example | [22:06] |
EvanR | which begs the question why hes not marching on washington with assault rifles | [22:07] |
mircea_popescu | he's an idiot for it seriously. | [22:07] |
mircea_popescu | bad laws need to be outright ignored and publicly so. | [22:07] |
EvanR | he refused to be pat down for two hours they wouldnt let him go back through the scanner | [22:08] |
EvanR | finally they let him | [22:08] |
EvanR | nothing | [22:08] |
mircea_popescu | what do you mean "they wouldn't let him" lol | [22:08] |
mircea_popescu | he was a fool for sitting down. | [22:08] |
EvanR | if he wasnt a senator they probably would have done a strip search | [22:08] |
mircea_popescu | oldest police bs in the book, "the suspect invited us in" | [22:08] |
EvanR | when tsa tells you to do stuff, first thing is dont move | [22:09] |
mircea_popescu | ya right. | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | guy set a bad example, is what he did | [22:10] |
EvanR | i bet he was scared | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | prolly. | [22:10] |
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EvanR | my theory of hierarchical authority is that the people at the bottom of the food chain get so angry they are starving for their own little slice of power, one way to get that power is join law enforcement | [22:12] |
ocminer | anyone wants to buy 25 btc for 150 ppusd ? | [22:12] |
EvanR | (another way is to have children) | [22:12] |
EvanR | or join the government | [22:12] |
EvanR | or a gang | [22:12] |
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helo | or an open source development project | [22:13] |
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EvanR | and then they take it out on their underlings | [22:13] |
helo | or cut people off on the road | [22:13] |
vragnaroda | EvanR: When are you making your own scamcoin fork? | [22:14] |
helo | or troll people on irc | [22:14] |
EvanR | helo: that is an interesting theory of trolls | [22:14] |
EvanR | never thought of that | [22:14] |
EvanR | vragnaroda: why would i | [22:14] |
vragnaroda | EvanR: money | [22:14] |
pigeons | another way is to kick your cat | [22:14] |
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EvanR | or hit your dog | [22:15] |
EvanR | or shoot a critter | [22:15] |
EvanR | for no reason | [22:15] |
EvanR | or step on bugs xD | [22:15] |
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EvanR | kick anthills | [22:15] |
EvanR | lol | [22:15] |
pigeons | yell at your secretary | [22:15] |
Lordcirth | WTB Radeon 58xx for BTC | [22:15] |
vragnaroda | /kick anthills | [22:16] |
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EvanR | so now ron paul has a campaign to end TSA | [22:16] |
vragnaroda | HURR DURR creationist | [22:16] |
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pigeons | | [22:17] |
mircea_popescu | pity gingrich is gonna get the nomination | [22:17] |
vragnaroda | wat | [22:17] |
mircea_popescu |
[22:17] |
mircea_popescu | lazy fat pigeon | [22:17] |
EvanR | if gingrich gets the nomination, obama wins | [22:17] |
mircea_popescu | kinda, yes. | [22:17] |
EvanR | gop should just come out and put ron paul up the same way they did mccain | [22:17] |
mircea_popescu | fact is the gop would rather see obama than ron paul in the white house. | [22:17] |
EvanR | that makes no sense | [22:17] |
mircea_popescu | its a senseless fact. | [22:18] |
pigeons | sad but true | [22:18] |
lyspooner | #bitcoin-politics | [22:18] |
EvanR | ive said the same thing | [22:18] |
EvanR | problem with ron paul is he would beat obama | [22:18] |
EvanR | :( | [22:18] |
EvanR | why gop thinks this is bad | [22:18] |
EvanR | gop is pro obama | [22:18] |
EvanR | >_< | [22:18] |
helo | because obama supports are more likely to vote for him? | [22:19] |
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EvanR | helo: most calls on cspan are 'im a dem, or i voted for obama and im supporting rp in the general election' | [22:19] |
EvanR | 'had enough' | [22:20] |
EvanR | one was a black guy from baton rouge! | [22:20] |
helo | rp's going independent | [22:20] |
helo | surely... | [22:20] |
helo | this is his last chance, and it is actually a good chance | [22:21] |
EvanR | the media really really wants him to admit that | [22:21] |
EvanR | because it would be the end of his campaign | [22:21] |
EvanR | but hes said no, over and over | [22:21] |
steve4au | $25 itunes for 3.5 BTC | [22:21] |
steve4au | 10% below mtgox | [22:21] |
pigeons | mtgox sells itunes now? | [22:22] |
rawrmage | lol | [22:22] |
lyspooner | will buy BTC for cash in your city. 1000k btc minimum. pm if interested :) | [22:22] |
steve4au | idk havent checked in a while | [22:22] |
EvanR | lyspooner: glwt | [22:23] |
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vragnaroda | God, Wikipedia's crazy. | [22:23] |
vragnaroda | .wik Battle of Wolf 359 | [22:23] |
markac | "The Battle of Wolf 359 is a fictional space battle in the Star Trek universe between the United Federation of Planets and the Borg Collective in the year 2367." - | [22:23] |
EvanR | lol | [22:23] |
vragnaroda | Not just an article about the series, not just an article about each fucking episode… | [22:24] |
vragnaroda | articles about each and every fucking thing that happened in the show. | [22:24] |
EvanR | yep | [22:25] |
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EvanR | vragnaroda: see also memory alpha | [22:25] |
vragnaroda | Yeah, I've seen that one, too. | [22:25] |
EvanR | memory alpha has article about every fragment of technobabble | [22:26] |
EvanR | like in voyager 'omega particles' lol | [22:26] |
EvanR | 'warp particles' | [22:26] |
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EvanR | | [22:27] |
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EvanR | oh i thought this was made up for the episode where q lost his q powers | [22:27] |
Coolty | Anyone here need a VPS? Send me a PM or join #vertVPS for more information! | [22:28] |
rawrmage | the guy who plays Q is the VA for Discord in MLP: FiM Season 2 Eps 1 & 2 | [22:28] |
rawrmage | the more you know | [22:28] |
BTC_Bear | If Q lost his Q powers, some organization is up the creek. :)) | [22:29] |
EvanR | that guy is in a lot of stuff | [22:29] |
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EvanR | Q has his powers restored when he attempts to sacrifice himself to save the crew of the enterprise | [22:30] |
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vragnaroda | Q is one of the stupidest characters but one of the best actors in the Star Trek universe. | [22:30] |
vragnaroda | (Not that the character himself is stupid, but the stupidest conception of a character.) | [22:31] |
EvanR | tapestries is the only episode (besides the first and last one) without Q in the title starring Q... so that means it wasnt really him ;) | [22:31] |
EvanR | just a figment of picards near death experience | [22:32] |
EvanR | or maybe theres no difference | [22:32] |
* | jjjrmy (6166d451@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:32] |
BTC_Bear | Hmm, I like Jean Luke. His on stage performances of Shakespeare are very good. He is essentially a stage actor. | [22:32] |
EvanR | jean luc | [22:32] |
vragnaroda | *Jean-Luc | [22:32] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [22:33] |
EvanR | captain | [22:33] |
EvanR | jean luc picard | [22:33] |
BTC_Bear | k :( | [22:33] |
EvanR | of the uss | [22:33] |
EvanR | enterprise | [22:33] |
grubles | lol | [22:33] |
grubles | ytmnd? | [22:34] |
BTC_Bear | But if one must choose, I pick: 7 of Nine. And if you don't agree, you're gay. | [22:34] |
jjjrmy | grubles: are you coming tomorrow? | [22:34] |
EvanR | patric stewart was in royal shakespear company right | [22:34] |
vragnaroda | *Patrick | [22:34] |
EvanR | BTC_Bear: i really dont like her | [22:34] |
grubles | jjjrmy: i dont plan to, i have a sinus infection | [22:34] |
grubles | but it seems to be getting better | [22:34] |
grubles | so i might | [22:34] |
jjjrmy | grubles: booh hoo | [22:34] |
EvanR | and that has nothing to do with my sex with men | [22:34] |
jjjrmy | grubles: good, you should come | [22:34] |
BTC_Bear | EvanR: Like, has nothing to do with it. Would you 'do' her? | [22:35] |
grubles | i know, i need to make it out there | [22:35] |
vragnaroda | BTC_Bear: Yeah, not really my type, either. (Plus, she's fucking old.) | [22:35] |
EvanR | BTC_Bear: probably | [22:35] |
BTC_Bear | :) | [22:35] |
vragnaroda | She's 43! | [22:35] |
EvanR | i need to remember that these shows were 20 years ago | [22:35] |
EvanR | lol | [22:35] |
* | sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:36] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to sgornick | [22:36] |
vragnaroda | Not Voyager | [22:36] |
EvanR | BTC_Bear: really if you want fuckability, you need to get away from the classics and go to Enterprise | [22:36] |
vragnaroda | Oh, shit, that is the one good thing about that series. | [22:37] |
jjjrmy | grubles: do you by chance have a spare PCI GPU? | [22:37] |
BTC_Bear | Well without considering age now but then, Shatner had some pretty gals bring him coffee, in the original. | [22:37] |
EvanR | youre totally right | [22:37] |
vragnaroda | The communications officer on Enterprise was alright. | [22:37] |
grubles | jjjrmy: normal pci? not pcie? | [22:38] |
EvanR | tos had some fine ladies | [22:38] |
EvanR | yeomand rand | [22:38] |
jjjrmy | grubles: yes, normal PCI | [22:38] |
BTC_Bear | :) | [22:38] |
EvanR | original pulaski | [22:38] |
grubles | jjjrmy: nah i dont, sorry | [22:38] |
EvanR | uhura | [22:38] |
jjjrmy | grubles: :( any for sell? | [22:38] |
grubles | but i can imagine they dont cost that much nowadays | [22:38] |
vragnaroda | .wik Linda Park | [22:38] |
markac | "Linda Park (born July 9, 1978) is a South Korean-born American actress." - | [22:38] |
* | JohnGlas has quit () | [22:38] |
grubles | i have none at all | [22:39] |
jjjrmy | oh | [22:39] |
grubles | id selll you one if i had one / didnt need it | [22:39] |
vragnaroda | .wik Jeri Ryan | [22:39] |
markac | "Jeri Lynn Zimmermann Ryan (born February 22, 1968 in Munich, Germany)[1]|[2]| is an American actress best known for her roles as the liberated Borg, Seven of Nine, on Star Trek: Voyager; Tara Cole on Leverage; and Veronica 'Ronnie' Cooke on Boston Public." - | [22:39] |
jjjrmy | .wik Jeremy Holstein | [22:39] |
markac | "Patricia Kaas (born 5 December 1966 in Forbach, Moselle) is a French singer and actress." - | [22:39] |
EvanR | i did not watch enough voyager to get to 7of9 | [22:39] |
vragnaroda | lol | [22:39] |
vragnaroda | jjjrmy: Is that you? | [22:40] |
jjjrmy | vragnaroda: yeaa | [22:40] |
vragnaroda | jjjrmy: You're Patricia Kaas (b. 1966)? | [22:40] |
EvanR | .wik EvanR | [22:40] |
markac | "This page has been deleted." - | [22:40] |
jjjrmy | vragnaroda: yeah | [22:40] |
vragnaroda | EvanR: wat | [22:40] |
EvanR | lol | [22:41] |
EvanR | no idea | [22:41] |
* | pierregh1 has quit (Quit: leaving) | [22:41] |
vragnaroda | .wik vrag naroda | [22:41] |
markac | "The term enemy of the people is a fluid designation of political or class opponents of the group using the term." - | [22:41] |
EvanR | .wik ball sack | [22:41] |
markac | "In some male mammals, the scrotum is a dual-chambered protuberance of skin and muscle, containing the testicles and divided by a septum." - | [22:41] |
EvanR | lol | [22:41] |
vragnaroda | .wik balzac | [22:41] |
markac | "Honoré de Balzac (French pronunciation: [ɔnɔʁe də balzak]; 20 May 1799 – 18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright." - | [22:42] |
EvanR | .wik holy fuck | [22:42] |
markac | "Elaboration of 'fuck'" - | [22:42] |
EvanR | o_O | [22:42] |
EvanR | it has everything | [22:42] |
vragnaroda | lol | [22:42] |
EvanR | 'a dual chambered protuberance' | [22:43] |
EvanR | lol | [22:43] |
vragnaroda | .wik 5040 | [22:43] |
EvanR | so big bang theory gets all their stuff directly from wikipedia | [22:43] |
markac | "5040 is a factorial (7!), a highly composite number, a superior highly composite number, a colossally abundant number, and the number of permutations of 4 items out of 10 choices (10 × 9 × 8 × 7 = 5040)." - | [22:43] |
* | Lordcirth has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [22:43] |
* | Lordcirth (~Lordcirth@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:43] |
vragnaroda | .wik uninteresting numbers | [22:43] |
markac | "The interesting number paradox is a semi-humorous paradox that arises from attempting to classify natural numbers as 'interesting' or 'dull'." - | [22:43] |
EvanR | a colossally abundant number | [22:43] |
EvanR | lol | [22:43] |
vragnaroda | .wik colossally abundant number | [22:44] |
markac | "In mathematics, a colossally abundant number (sometimes abbreviated as CA) is a natural number that, in a particular rigorous sense, has many divisors." - | [22:44] |
EvanR | yes i point out the interesting number paradox on a regular basis | [22:44] |
vragnaroda | .wik :simple simplicity | [22:44] |
markac | "When something is simple, it is very easy to understand or do." - | [22:44] |
EvanR | when people call this or that number interesting | [22:44] |
EvanR | therefore, its not | [22:44] |
vragnaroda | .w asshattery | [22:44] |
markac | asshattery — noun: 1. (informal) The obnoxious behaviour of an asshat | [22:45] |
smickles | ocminer, have you sold your btc yet? | [22:45] |
EvanR | .wik tits | [22:45] |
markac | "Tit (bird), of the family Paridae, including tits, chickadees and titmice" - | [22:45] |
* | Jackten (447c80e7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:45] |
EvanR | .wik tits group | [22:45] |
ocminer | nope smickles | [22:45] |
markac | "In mathematics, the Tits group |2|F4(2)′ is a finite simple group of order 17971200 = 2|11| · 3|3| · 5|2| · 13 found by Jacques Tits (1964)." - | [22:45] |
ocminer | ;;getrating smickles | [22:45] |
smickles | ocminer, i offer you $145 for it | [22:45] |
ocminer | lol ok :) | [22:45] |
smickles | pm me the details :D | [22:46] |
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BTC_Bear | .wik social identity theory | [22:57] |
markac | "A social identity is the portion of an individual's self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group." - | [22:57] |
EvanR | blacks | [22:58] |
* | EPiSKiNG (~EPiSKiNG@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:59] |
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* | fimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [23:01] |
EvanR | patrick stewart with hair | [23:01] |
EvanR | lol | [23:01] |
* | DBordello ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:02] |
* | vite (~vialnetwo@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:02] |
grubles | EvanR: very little hair | [23:03] |
grubles | need moar hair! | [23:03] |
vite | hi | [23:03] |
* | Lordcirth has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- s0 d4Mn l33t |t'z 5c4rY!) | [23:04] |
ocminer | ;;rate smickles 2 very nice transaction, thanks ! | [23:06] |
* | armariables (~armariabl@gateway/tor-sasl/armariables) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:07] |
smickles | ;;rate ocminer 2 some good transactions here | [23:07] |
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DBordello | anybody interested in 40 BTC @ 6.5? | [23:08] |
Coolty | ;;ticker | [23:09] |
vite | hmm, go to mtgold, that might raise the price | [23:09] |
Coolty | .5 over the asking price? | [23:09] |
* | gribble gives voice to armariables | [23:10] |
DBordello | .20 | [23:10] |
Coolty | o okay | [23:10] |
Coolty | [23:10] | |
Coolty | so i guess .2 almost if you round up | [23:10] |
DBordello | 6.3 now :) | [23:10] |
lyspooner | best ask, coolty | [23:10] |
vite | do btc convention stands take btc? | [23:11] |
vite | or maybe get people from comicons to sell their stuff with btc | [23:12] |
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jcpham | I'll buy half at half, DBordello | [23:16] |
jcpham | final offer | [23:16] |
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DBordello | i'll do half for double | [23:16] |
jcpham | lol | [23:17] |
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smickles | now there's a little movement ;) | [23:20] |
smickles | ;;ticker | [23:20] |
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vite | in the future Ill order a quantum blender will they ever sell them here | [23:22] |
smickles | i should sell a quantum blender option | [23:23] |
paulzag | ;;ticker | [23:23] |
* | neo_ (56001573@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:24] |
vite | blend your margaritas to the quantum | [23:24] |
* | agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:24] |
smickles | would it still be a magarita then? | [23:25] |
vite | dunno we need a physicist for that | [23:25] |
smickles | /j #physics | [23:25] |
smickles | they might think you're tolololin' | [23:26] |
vite | follow me | [23:26] |
smickles | kk | [23:26] |
DBordello | my poor BTC are stuck in the ether between my wallet and mt gox, after 15 confirms | [23:26] |
* | nnp (4490a99f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:26] |
smickles | 15? really? | [23:26] |
smickles | that's outrageous | [23:27] |
DBordello | yup | [23:27] |
neo_ | Hi does anybody know todays bitcoin price? | [23:27] |
vite | I am about to ask | [23:27] |
rawrmage | nop | [23:27] |
helo | the bitiferous aether | [23:27] |
rawrmage | e | [23:27] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | sounds like Mt Gox bitcoin client is down again | [23:27] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | neo_ 5.8 | [23:27] |
smickles | neo_, use ;;ticker | [23:27] |
DBordello | Bigpiggy01Mining, oh really? | [23:27] |
DBordello | does that happen often? | [23:27] |
Valalvax | High of 6.39 low of 6.22 | [23:27] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | it's only happened twice that I remember | [23:27] |
neo_ | Mt Gox bitcoin isworking just been on there | [23:27] |
neo_ | Thanks | [23:28] |
neo_ | ;;ticker | [23:28] |
DBordello | ne0futur, a deposit? | [23:28] |
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smickles | neo_, also, #bitcoin-market | [23:29] |
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neo_ | smickles Thanks | [23:29] |
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neo_ | thank you thank you | [23:33] |
neo_ | by | [23:33] |
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vite | smickles they are actually trying to answer | [23:34] |
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smickles | are you trolling them or are you serious? | [23:34] |
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vite | actually i was curious about quantum thing | [23:35] |
vite | if the thing results in a margarita | [23:35] |
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smickles | i'm curious too, but i dunno if we're gonna get a good answer | [23:37] |
vite | lol I think quantum has nothing to do with blending LOL | [23:38] |
smickles | :D | [23:39] |
smickles | i think, if there is such a thing as 'blending at the quantum level' then the resulting material would not be the components of a margarita anymore D: | [23:39] |
vite | id agree cause there is no way to control the buildup of atoms | [23:40] |
helo | superconducting submarine propellar? | [23:40] |
helo | propeller heh | [23:41] |
smickles | BrainDamage> I don't always stir my cocktails with audio gear, but when I do, I talk about it in physics channels <== that was worth the trip | [23:41] |
midnightmagic | Sounds like two whales humping | [23:41] |
vite | yeah lol lo | [23:42] |
vite | I mean its amazing they havent booted | [23:42] |
vite | freenode irc is very tolerant | [23:42] |
vite | ok they came to the conclusion that it doesnt have an answer | [23:43] |
smickles | too bad | [23:44] |
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vite | LOL your trolling or serious at this point? | [23:49] |
samumedic | hh | [23:49] |
* | Papasmurf (3253a891@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:49] |
helo | my trolling? | [23:49] |
Papasmurf | yo i need to get paypal funds into bit coins any help? | [23:49] |
rg | you know i | [23:49] |
smickles | dam, i thought i could get some kind of thought experiment going, didn't work and now i just look stupid... so trolling | [23:49] |
rg | fuck em thug em love em leave em | [23:50] |
rg | cause i dont fuckin need em | [23:50] |
BTCHero | thug em? | [23:50] |
midnightmagic | ;;getrating papasmurf | [23:50] |
* | x2z has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [23:50] |
Papasmurf | what? | [23:50] |
smickles | rg, did you see order #6551 | [23:50] |
midnightmagic | sorry smickles, I was hoping to help. | [23:50] |
rg | yes | [23:51] |
rg | that guy refuses to sign up with real info | [23:51] |
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rg | so hes not welcome | [23:51] |
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smickles | oh | [23:53] |
vite | smickles they are talking about making margarita out of atoms, you where able to get the thought process going | [23:53] |
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smickles | hmm, i dunno, i'm embarrassed in there now, i need a moment away D: | [23:54] |
smickles | hey, WTF, my btc deposit into mtgox isn't there yet after 8 confirmations :( | [23:56] |
rg | yu sure you sent it to mtogx? | [23:56] |
grubles | give it time | [23:56] |
rg | :> | [23:56] |
smickles | DBordello, the same thing is happening to me, are your coins there yet? | [23:56] |
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vite | can you be a miner have a regular job, lose the job and collect unemployment while earning bitcoins | [23:57] |
smickles | now there's a good question | [23:58] |
vragnaroda | You can. | [23:58] |
vragnaroda | In some cases, you even may. | [23:58] |
smickles | do you sell your coins for legal tender? | [23:58] |
helo | you can collect unemployment as long as you are actively seeking a job afaik | [23:58] |
smickles | helo, even if you have other incom? | [23:59] |
vragnaroda | helo: That depends on your other income while collecting it, but *generally*, looking for another job is required. | [23:59] |
Category: Logs