Forum logs for 22 Mar 2012
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
BTC_Bear | Einstein = Colbert * Moby^2 | [00:00] |
MBS | wait | [00:00] |
MBS | you mean you people here dont block ads? | [00:00] |
LordCanti | wat | [00:00] |
EvanR | helo: einstein fallacy | [00:00] |
* | Guest23480 has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:00] |
EvanR | statement is true because einstein allegedly said it | [00:00] |
benjamindees | luke-jr, do you get a highlight for tonal? | [00:01] |
helo | i was just attributing something i believe to be true to the first person i'm aware of that said it :) | [00:01] |
LordCanti | the statement was about WW3 and WW4 | [00:01] |
* | jjjrmy has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [00:02] |
* | jjjrmy_ is now known as jjjrmy | [00:02] |
EvanR | in the year 9995 | [00:02] |
LordCanti | I don't know weapons WW3 will be fought with but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones | [00:02] |
MBS | I dont know what weapons WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with lasers and charged particle cannons | [00:02] |
LordCanti | against cylons | [00:03] |
EvanR | well einstein was right about half of that | [00:03] |
helo | I dont know what weapons WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with dongs and riding crops | [00:03] |
BTC_Bear | I want the blonde cylon to take me out | [00:03] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:03] |
EvanR | fighting with your dong? | [00:03] |
MBS | oh i think i had WW4 with your mom last night then | [00:03] |
imsaguy | BTC_Bear: I second that | [00:03] |
MBS | must have missed WW3 | [00:03] |
helo | i didn't want to know that my mom has a dong :( | [00:04] |
EvanR | im not sure what the big deal about doing your mom is | [00:04] |
helo | you know who else isn't sure what the big deal is about doing your mom? | [00:05] |
MBS | einstein? | [00:05] |
Joric | did i miss something important | [00:06] |
Joric | someone's mother has a dong? | [00:06] |
* | _Sarajevo (solipsist@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:06] |
* | PaulZagzzzz is now known as paulzag | [00:06] |
* | rokj (~rokj@pdpc/supporter/active/rokj) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:06] |
* | devrandom has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [00:07] |
luke-jr | benjamindees: no | [00:07] |
* | devrandom (~devrandom@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:07] |
paulzag | ;;getrating chwergy | [00:09] |
gribble | User chwergy, created on Thu Mar 15 03:43:50 2012. Cumulative rating 6, from 6 total ratings. Received ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 7 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask chwergy!~chwergy@ | [00:09] |
* | _Sarajevo has quit (Client Quit) | [00:10] |
chwergy | Buying 4.5 BTC for 23.80 PPUSD ;) | [00:10] |
* | NASDAQEnema has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [00:11] |
paulzag | ;;ident chwergy | [00:11] |
gribble | Nick 'chwergy', with hostmask 'chwergy!~chwergy@', is identified as user chwergy, with GPG key id 260E643A50883F46, and key fingerprint C94FF8B86A601283F4EC25C6260E643A50883F46. | [00:11] |
* | malkauns has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:12] |
* | malkauns ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:12] |
* | prodigal has quit () | [00:13] |
* | prodigal ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:15] |
* | jjjrmy-m has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [00:16] |
* | jjjrmy-m (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:17] |
rg | wow | [00:17] |
rg | somehow people are still submitting orders | [00:17] |
rg | in BYC | [00:17] |
rg | BTC | [00:17] |
rg | but selecting PayPal as the payment | [00:17] |
rg | this is so annoying | [00:17] |
jjjrmy-m | rg: I love you | [00:18] |
jjjrmy-m | but you never said if you lied the ad or not. :( | [00:18] |
jjjrmy-m | so i hate you | [00:18] |
rg | dude i didnt even look yet | [00:18] |
rg | ive been busy all day | [00:18] |
jjjrmy-m | okay, well I'm going out | [00:19] |
jjjrmy-m | I'll ttyl | [00:19] |
jjjrmy-m | Whiskey Dicks time :) | [00:19] |
EvanR | haha | [00:19] |
EvanR | place sounds awesome | [00:19] |
EvanR | im going downstairs to oak wine bar | [00:19] |
rg | i think grubles found his first rape victim, jjjrmy | [00:19] |
jjjrmy-m | peace out | [00:19] |
jjjrmy-m | rg: why, is he coming tonight? | [00:20] |
rg | i dunno | [00:20] |
rg | im not the bossof him | [00:20] |
* | Mr-saya1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [00:20] |
jjjrmy-m | ...i thought you were | [00:20] |
rg | i dont like the term boss | [00:21] |
rg | or employee | [00:21] |
rg | we're a team | [00:21] |
jjjrmy-m | master? | [00:21] |
jjjrmy-m | master and slave | [00:21] |
jjjrmy-m | got it | [00:21] |
EvanR | yall are in boston? | [00:21] |
rg | what the fuck does yall mean | [00:21] |
jjjrmy-m | nope | [00:21] |
jjjrmy-m | okay | [00:21] |
jjjrmy-m | you all | [00:21] |
EvanR | my room mate is hot, nerdy, and moving to boston i think | [00:21] |
jjjrmy-m | .ud yall | [00:21] |
rg | EvanR: we're straight | [00:21] |
rg | most of us | [00:21] |
EvanR | shes also female | [00:22] |
EvanR | and straight | [00:22] |
jjjrmy-m | EvanR: I'm dtf | [00:22] |
jjjrmy-m | gimme her info ;) | [00:22] |
EvanR | dtf? | [00:22] |
jjjrmy-m | down to fish | [00:22] |
EvanR | lol | [00:22] |
jjjrmy-m | how do you not know that | [00:22] |
rg | im about to give up on this RAID | [00:22] |
rawrmage | down to follow on twitter | [00:22] |
neofutur | +1 with "i dont like the term boss or employee we're a team" <-- I even include my customers in the team ! | [00:22] |
rg | the program seems fucked | [00:22] |
rg | chinese people made it | [00:22] |
jjjrmy-m | so chinese people make most of the shit you use | [00:22] |
EvanR | jjjrmy-m: well youre not in boston so lol | [00:22] |
jjjrmy-m | okay, bye | [00:23] |
* | da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:23] |
jjjrmy-m | EvanR: I am now | [00:23] |
jjjrmy-m | peace out though | [00:23] |
jjjrmy-m | gotta go | [00:23] |
jjjrmy-m | ttyl | [00:23] |
jjjrmy-m | you can just Pm me her info ;) | [00:23] |
rg | just go | [00:23] |
rg | stop saying bye | [00:23] |
rg | 22:19 |
[00:23] |
rg | 22:19 |
[00:23] |
rg | 22:22 |
[00:23] |
rg | 22:23 |
[00:23] |
rg | 22:23 |
[00:23] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [00:23] |
chwergy | ;;rate paulzag 1 Quick trade, BTC for PPUSD | [00:24] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user paulzag has been recorded. | [00:25] |
* | NASDAQEnema ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:25] |
chwergy | traded that PPUSD rg | [00:25] |
* | emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:25] |
rg | werd | [00:25] |
paulzag | ;;rate chwergy 1 sold him a few BTC for PPUSD | [00:25] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user chwergy has been recorded. | [00:25] |
mod6 | ;;view | [00:27] |
gribble | #7335 Wed Mar 21 13:24:26 2012 mod6 BUY 9.5 BTC @ 50 USDi | [00:27] |
prodigal | ;;gettrust Cory | [00:27] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user prodigal to user Cory: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | [00:27] |
* | jjjrmy-m has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | [00:27] |
prodigal | ;;gettrust EvanR | [00:28] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user prodigal to user EvanR: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | [00:28] |
Cory | prodigal: If you haven't rated anybody you won't have any trust for anybody. | [00:28] |
prodigal | ;;getrust imsaguy | [00:28] |
* | androSnake has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [00:28] |
Cory | Maybe you're looking for ;;getrating | [00:28] |
prodigal | xD | [00:28] |
prodigal | ty | [00:28] |
prodigal | i was like what? | [00:28] |
prodigal | nobody ever trades? o.0 | [00:28] |
EvanR | they do, you just dont notice | [00:29] |
EvanR | look around you | [00:29] |
EvanR | the world is passing you by | [00:29] |
EvanR | reach out and take what you want | [00:29] |
* | areopagus (47cb96aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:29] |
* | Valalvax has quit () | [00:29] |
EvanR | the best time to do anything is right now | [00:29] |
* | androSnake (~jhfkmuzj@unaffiliated/androsnake) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:30] |
prodigal | thats very deep | [00:30] |
EvanR | i got plenty where that came from | [00:30] |
triptyl | a vitamin company has managed to shrink a small pizza and a scoop of ice cream into a tiny pill | [00:30] |
bonks | are there any fancy desktop dashboards for bitcoin trading? | [00:30] |
EvanR | you havent invented it yet | [00:31] |
bonks | wouldn't mind participating, but i dont have the domain knowledge | [00:31] |
EvanR | look at clark moody for a while | [00:32] |
* | chwergy has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [00:33] |
neofutur | prodigal: people trade everyday, /join #bitcoin-otc-ratings | [00:34] |
bonks | noted | [00:34] |
prodigal | ok ty | [00:35] |
* | nelisky has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [00:36] |
* | churchill has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [00:37] |
BTC_Bear | prodigal: most of it you don't see or know about. But post offers and people will PM you or ask further questions. | [00:37] |
* | areopagus has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:37] |
bonks | what would be top features in a desktop dashboard for bitcoins? | [00:38] |
bitcoinhero2 | ;;ticker | [00:38] |
EvanR | what happened to BTCTrader? | [00:38] |
prodigal | ty bear, may post later. friend wants to watch bbc sherlock now <_< | [00:38] |
rg | nothing | [00:39] |
rg | hes been around | [00:39] |
bonks | EvanR: oh, that looks nice | [00:39] |
EvanR | bbc sherlock thats a series? | [00:39] |
neofutur | ;;sen BTCTrader | [00:40] |
neofutur | ;;seen BTCTrader | [00:40] |
gribble | BTCTrader was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 5 days, 17 hours, 32 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: |
[00:40] |
neofutur | not seen for 5 days | [00:40] |
rg | he's rich now | [00:41] |
rg | he doesnt care about us | [00:41] |
EvanR | is he? | [00:41] |
Cusipzzz | lol | [00:41] |
rg | he sold bitjack | [00:41] |
* | EvanR shorts civilization | [00:41] |
* | androSnake has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [00:41] |
* | Duke_pro has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [00:41] |
* | EvanR shorts life in the universe | [00:42] |
benjamindees | long oil? | [00:42] |
EvanR | long zen | [00:44] |
EvanR | lol | [00:44] |
* | androSnake ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:45] |
* | androSnake has quit (Changing host) | [00:45] |
* | androSnake (~jhfkmuzj@unaffiliated/androsnake) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:45] |
rg | i want to go to Jordan | [00:45] |
* | bitcoinhero2 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:45] |
ageis | the hashemite kingdom | [00:45] |
* | SteinerC (48bdd6c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:46] |
Cusipzzz | rg: get a server there | [00:46] |
SteinerC | Selling 2.81847091 BTC $14.10 | [00:46] |
rg | /dev/md0 1.7T 310M 1.6T 1% /var | [00:47] |
rg | FINALLY | [00:47] |
rg | jesus | [00:47] |
rawrmage | rg: is that in .nllnlnll | [00:47] |
rg | yeah | [00:47] |
rg | /dev/md0: | [00:47] |
rg | Timing cached reads: 15822 MB in 2.00 seconds = 7919.83 MB/sec | [00:47] |
rg | Timing buffered disk reads: 706 MB in 3.01 seconds = 234.36 MB/sec | [00:47] |
rg | it was worth it | [00:47] |
rg | now, lets see if we cant get her ready for vm's | [00:49] |
SteinerC | What are you doing? | [00:50] |
SteinerC | Lul | [00:50] |
Cusipzzz | rg: is it leaseweb ? | [00:50] |
rg | haha hell no | [00:51] |
rg | heeeeeeel no | [00:51] |
Cusipzzz | k, just checking lol | [00:51] |
rg | this server supports Bitcoin businesses | [00:53] |
rg | the data center actually accepts BTC | [00:53] |
Cusipzzz | whoa | [00:55] |
rg | yeah | [00:55] |
rg | i figure we help them, they help us, the community flourishes | [00:55] |
bonks | link? | [00:56] |
rg | hm | [00:56] |
rg | it would appear we've also been upgraded to gigabit | [00:57] |
rg | for free ;) | [00:57] |
rg | anyway bbl | [00:58] |
triptyl | dude is now gigabpowered | [00:59] |
Cusipzzz | TANSSAAFL | [00:59] |
BTC_Bear | 4 D batteries eh? | [01:00] |
* | james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:02] |
* | Testerosterone has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [XULRunner]) | [01:03] |
* | bayum (185c1ad1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:06] |
bayum | anyone want a photo of their choice turned into a painting for .5 to 2 btc? | [01:07] |
* | nelisky (~nelisky@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:08] |
* | nelisky has quit (Changing host) | [01:08] |
* | nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:08] |
triptyl | | [01:08] |
bonks | bayum: samples? | [01:09] |
BTCHero | ;;bc,tslb | [01:09] |
gribble | Time since last block: 54 minutes and 11 seconds | [01:09] |
BTCHero | wtf | [01:09] |
rawrmage | wtf | [01:10] |
BTCHero | everytime i owe someone bitcoins it takes forever to find a block | [01:10] |
MBS | LOL what a shitty rewards thing | [01:10] |
MBS | | [01:10] |
MBS | watch 15 movies...get a free popcorn | [01:11] |
bayum | nobody cares | [01:11] |
BTCHero | but if you watch 150 you get one free | [01:11] |
triptyl | women be selling sex | [01:12] |
triptyl | it's all a ruse | [01:12] |
rg | okay rebooting! | [01:12] |
rg | hopefully into a properly installed vm environment | [01:12] |
* | germanMNY has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.4) | [01:13] |
* | DBordello has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [01:14] |
* | SteinerC has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [01:19] |
* | Joric has quit () | [01:19] |
rg | okay | [01:20] |
rg | we're live | [01:20] |
* | Jestre ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:20] |
bayum | samples are coming | [01:21] |
bayum | i can do other styles too. | [01:21] |
neofutur | bayum: I d do it myself in 5 mins using gimp . . . | [01:24] |
neofutur | it probably needs 5-10 clicks to do that | [01:25] |
rg | is a site completely powered by gimp | [01:25] |
neofutur | I love cooltext too, I recommend it on my pixelpage | [01:25] |
rg | yea ive been using cooltext for years | [01:26] |
rg | when im too lazy | [01:26] |
* | GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:26] |
triptyl | this page has some neat fonts | [01:26] |
rg | ;;asks 5.01 | [01:28] |
gribble | There are currently 34954.279 bitcoins offered at or under 5.01 USD, worth 172811.933732 USD in total. | [01:28] |
rg | arg | [01:28] |
rg | ;ticker | [01:28] |
rg | ;;ticker | [01:29] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.81969, Best ask: 4.8198, Bid-ask spread: 0.00011, Last trade: 4.8199, 24 hour volume: 47231, 24 hour low: 4.75, 24 hour high: 4.87 | [01:29] |
rg | ;;asks 4.90 | [01:29] |
bayum | it's not an effect, i do it by hand... | [01:29] |
gribble | There are currently 7123.6969 bitcoins offered at or under 4.9 USD, worth 34722.4582545 USD in total. | [01:29] |
rg | ;;asks 4.99 | [01:29] |
gribble | There are currently 30702.94 bitcoins offered at or under 4.99 USD, worth 151560.929674 USD in total. | [01:29] |
rg | ;;asks 4.95 | [01:29] |
* | rokj has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [01:29] |
gribble | There are currently 16579.006 bitcoins offered at or under 4.95 USD, worth 81321.7499043 USD in total. | [01:29] |
rg | hmm | [01:29] |
rg | 4.95 attainable | [01:29] |
neofutur | triptyl: you already posted this link 10 mins ago, please stop spamming this | [01:30] |
triptyl | it's not spam | [01:30] |
* | DBordello ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:30] |
* | DBordello has quit (Changing host) | [01:30] |
* | DBordello (~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:30] |
rg | when are people going to start peddling some useful things | [01:30] |
BTCHero | like silver | [01:31] |
rg | oh dear i have to integrate the new node with the management console | [01:31] |
rg | i forgot about that | [01:31] |
* | Orion-Hax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:33] |
* | DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:34] |
* | gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 | [01:34] |
* | benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [01:35] |
* | nelisky has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [01:38] |
* | Snapman[afkers] is now known as Snapman | [01:38] |
* | jothan has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [01:41] |
androSnake | Does anyone here have a job for me and BTC as payment? | [01:43] |
* | jothan (~joe@2607:f2c0:f00e:3100:21c:c0ff:fefa:d452) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:43] |
* | jscinoz_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [01:44] |
* | jscinoz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:44] |
copumpkin | androSnake: I'd expect that would depend on your skills. You might want to post on the forum about your skills and see if anyone bites. IRC is good but not for announcement-like things because it isn't persistent | [01:44] |
androSnake | persistent ? | [01:44] |
androSnake | the translator dont understand this | [01:44] |
androSnake | other word for this please | [01:45] |
* | JimmyHo2 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [01:45] |
androSnake | ah ok | [01:45] |
androSnake | but i dont like forums i hate forums | [01:45] |
copumpkin | it doesn't stay around so people will miss it | [01:45] |
copumpkin | well, lots of people read the forums | [01:45] |
copumpkin | so you can hate them and get no business or you can post there and be more likely to get business | [01:46] |
androSnake | i would never used forums | [01:47] |
androSnake | NEVER EVER | [01:47] |
androSnake | sry :< | [01:47] |
copumpkin | don't apologize to me. I don't care | [01:47] |
copumpkin | I was trying to help you | [01:47] |
androSnake | ok man | [01:47] |
* | splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:48] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [01:48] |
androSnake | copumpkin, do you think i can trust nelisky and his ninjas ? | [01:48] |
androSnake | i want to know your opposition | [01:48] |
copumpkin | I have no idea | [01:48] |
androSnake | ok | [01:48] |
copumpkin | I don't know him | [01:48] |
copumpkin | (her) | [01:49] |
copumpkin | (whatever else) | [01:49] |
androSnake | ;;getrating nelisky | [01:49] |
androSnake | [01:49] | |
androSnake | [01:49] | |
androSnake | i think hes a good man right ? | [01:49] |
copumpkin | probably | [01:49] |
androSnake | mhm | [01:49] |
androSnake | and a other question | [01:49] |
androSnake | which currency is the best to buy btc without cc and bankwires | [01:50] |
androSnake | which curreny the most people accept ? | [01:50] |
androSnake | which currency is very like ? | [01:50] |
copumpkin | USD with moneypak, in the US | [01:50] |
copumpkin | otherwise it's hard | [01:50] |
androSnake | and in the EU | [01:50] |
androSnake | i have only EUR | [01:50] |
* | LordCanti has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [01:51] |
androSnake | I am selling a Zippo, it has collector value and is no longer sold, someone has interest ? | [01:53] |
copumpkin | can you do SEPA bank transfers? that's what a lot of europeans use around here | [01:55] |
copumpkin | I think there's actually #bitcoin-otc-eu | [01:55] |
* | WhipFred (440066e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:55] |
androSnake | copumpkin, im arleady in the channel | [01:55] |
WhipFred | ;;guide | [01:56] |
androSnake | i dont have a bank wire | [01:56] |
WhipFred | don't seem to be anyone on the order page who is selling btc for pp here in the forum atm | [02:01] |
androSnake | paypal lol | [02:01] |
androSnake | i swear before i used paypal i would die! | [02:01] |
androSnake | nelsky sells BTC for Paysafecard/Ukash | [02:02] |
androSnake | and hes rate is absulutly ok | [02:02] |
* | ljrbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:02] |
WhipFred | that's great but i only have PP | [02:02] |
DeLorean719 | hehe pp | [02:02] |
* | Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) | [02:02] |
splatster | ;;getrating WhipFred | [02:03] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. | [02:03] |
WhipFred | call me a noob but that's all i have : | [02:03] |
DeLorean719 | WhipFred | [02:03] |
splatster | WhipFred: Register first, then people might give it a glance. | [02:03] |
WhipFred | just found out about this place so yeah no ratings/auth | [02:03] |
DeLorean719 | I'll sell you btc for paypal if you let me pay you btc 6 months later | [02:03] |
splatster | WhipFred: Register. Period. | [02:04] |
WhipFred | i appreciate the offer but any wait is out of the question unfortunately | [02:04] |
WhipFred | okay i will register | [02:04] |
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Cusipzzz | androSnake: nelsky is legit | [02:05] |
WhipFred | i do not see how to register on the site or with irc commands | [02:05] |
BTC_Bear | ;;gpg | [02:06] |
gribble | Here are the instructions for authenticating with the bot using GPG: | [02:06] |
androSnake | Cusipzzz, what is legit ? | [02:07] |
* | Blazr (~blazr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:07] |
androSnake | dont use slang man | [02:07] |
* | bonks has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [02:07] |
androSnake | -.- | [02:07] |
androSnake | omg i hater slang man dont use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | [02:07] |
androSnake | what the fuck is legit ? | [02:07] |
bruzum | ;;ticker | [02:07] |
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smickles | you know it's bad when nethack laggs out :/ | [02:07] |
copumpkin | androSnake: stay calm | [02:08] |
* | WhipFred has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [02:08] |
copumpkin | androSnake: legit means legitimate | [02:08] |
* | Silly has quit (Excess Flood) | [02:08] |
copumpkin | which is used to mean that he is a good guy | [02:08] |
androSnake | ok | [02:08] |
androSnake | copumpkin, hes rate is ok right ? | [02:08] |
androSnake | i think he make really good and correct business | [02:09] |
copumpkin | his rating looks good, yeah | [02:09] |
androSnake | very nice | [02:09] |
* | Sarajevo (solipsist@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:10] |
* | Sarajevo is now known as Guest1292 | [02:11] |
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pigeons | are you jivin' yet androSnake? | [02:13] |
triptyl | ne1 have any yttrium? | [02:13] |
androSnake | YOU FUCKEP UP GUYS | [02:14] |
* | guest has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:14] |
androSnake | DONT USE SLANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | [02:14] |
androSnake | BIAATCH | [02:14] |
copumpkin | androSnake: calm down | [02:14] |
androSnake | no | [02:14] |
androSnake | they usae slang | [02:14] |
androSnake | i cant holdit out | [02:14] |
androSnake | dont use slang | [02:14] |
androSnake | -.- | [02:14] |
copumpkin | it's not insulting, it's not against the rules | [02:14] |
* | guest (~guest@gateway/tor-sasl/gagecolton) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:14] |
copumpkin | so if you don't like it, ignore them | [02:14] |
androSnake | i fuck the rules | [02:14] |
copumpkin | no you don't | [02:14] |
copumpkin | where in europe are you, anyway? | [02:15] |
androSnake | so pigeons sy it again to me withlout a slang | [02:15] |
androSnake | say* | [02:15] |
mod6 | holy crap androSnake, haha. | [02:15] |
androSnake | no i cant holdit out | [02:15] |
androSnake | they people use slang | [02:15] |
DeLorean719 | "they people"...? | [02:15] |
pigeons | just checking if you can dig it androSnake | [02:15] |
DeLorean719 | how are you any better | [02:15] |
DeLorean719 | lo | [02:15] |
DeLorean719 | l | [02:15] |
androSnake | its so hard for me to understand english i learn 24/7 englsih to unterstand here and the poeple always talk in slang to me | [02:15] |
copumpkin | pigeons digs the slang | [02:15] |
androSnake | this makes me crazy man | [02:16] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to neofutur | [02:16] |
pigeons | i hear ya androSnake, you'll pick it up. I was just teasing you, I didn't have anything to say | [02:16] |
androSnake | what do you mean with dig ? | [02:16] |
* | tdubellz is now known as tdubell | [02:16] |
copumpkin | dig = like | [02:16] |
triptyl | i need some yttrium | [02:16] |
pigeons | but if you want the skinny let us know | [02:16] |
copumpkin | androSnake: but I'd try to learn slang, too, if I were you | [02:16] |
* | tdubell is now known as tdubellz | [02:17] |
androSnake | first i must learn engslih man | [02:17] |
copumpkin | if the goal is to communicate with people | [02:17] |
pigeons | people don't use slang on purpose androSnake, they don't realize they are doing it | [02:17] |
androSnake | then i can learn slang | [02:17] |
androSnake | mmmm | [02:17] |
androSnake | maybe thats true | [02:17] |
androSnake | like i said "mom" right ? | [02:17] |
copumpkin | whatever your native language is | [02:17] |
copumpkin | I'm sure you use expressions that are not in textbooks | [02:17] |
androSnake | yes | [02:17] |
androSnake | sure | [02:17] |
copumpkin | learners would not understand them, and it would be frustrating | [02:18] |
copumpkin | but learners should just ask what they mean | [02:18] |
androSnake | but in german channels , no international channels | [02:18] |
copumpkin | not get pissed off that they're not in the book | [02:18] |
* | darkee| (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:18] |
neofutur | androSnake: "legit" is used here eveeryday, slang or not you ll have to accept it ;) | [02:18] |
androSnake | no i dont | [02:18] |
rg | 2012-03-21 20:18:37 (85.8 MB/s) - “100mb.test” saved [104857600/104857600] | [02:18] |
androSnake | i accept what i want | [02:18] |
rg | not bad | [02:18] |
pigeons | people here are glad to explain things, but they also don't want to get insulted for how they speak either | [02:18] |
copumpkin | triptyl: no yttrium, sorry | [02:18] |
androSnake | and that is a kind what i not accept | [02:18] |
copumpkin | androSnake: you don't have to, but you can't force other people to speak the way you want them to. All you can do is ignore htem | [02:19] |
neofutur | and the word is even referenced on | [02:19] |
mod6 | maybe you need to take IRC packets through a slang filter. happy coding. | [02:19] |
androSnake | mod6 when it exist i woukld be happy :) | [02:19] |
mod6 | :) | [02:19] |
androSnake | a slang filter :)) | [02:19] |
androSnake | that is what i need | [02:19] |
BTC_Bear | In the proper use of the vernacular, an individual learning linquistics should expect a certain amount of colloquialisms in the written words most commonly used on the internet. LIKE SLANG | [02:19] |
neofutur | androSnake: but you re not yet the boss here to decide which words people can use or not here ;( | [02:19] |
androSnake | sure neo | [02:19] |
androSnake | but its my oposition that i acpet it or not | [02:20] |
copumpkin | yep | [02:20] |
copumpkin | just don't scream at people who do use it | [02:20] |
androSnake | but ok, you are in the right people | [02:20] |
androSnake | im failse | [02:20] |
androSnake | sorry | [02:20] |
neofutur | androSnake: and shouting ( all uppercase ) is also annoying . . . | [02:20] |
neofutur | np ;) | [02:20] |
copumpkin | androSnake: don't worry about it, just take it as a joke :) that's all pigeons was doing | [02:20] |
androSnake | will in the future try to stay calm people ok :) | [02:20] |
Cusipzzz | lucky i went to grab food, you would have been long gone andro :) | [02:20] |
* | gribble gives voice to smickles | [02:21] |
* | neofutur removes channel operator status from neofutur | [02:21] |
Cory | androSnake: You were asked to leave #freenode, silenced in #defocus... Come on. | [02:21] |
neofutur | Cusipzzz: i also went to grab food but came back before you ;) | [02:21] |
copumpkin | lucky for him he has some friendly and tolerant ops around right now | [02:21] |
* | bayum has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [02:21] |
Cusipzzz | neofutur: haha | [02:21] |
copumpkin | not mean evil ops like Cusipzzz | [02:21] |
* | malkauns has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [02:22] |
neofutur | Cusipzzz: he even apologized ;) better try to be a freenode catalyst | [02:22] |
copumpkin | Cusipzzz: how did you become so mean and evil? | [02:22] |
neofutur | | [02:22] |
androSnake | cory, why they want, that i leave defocus forever? :( they peoiple in this channel like me as you can see | [02:22] |
Cusipzzz | copumpkin: must be the evil effects of slang | [02:22] |
* | ljrbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:23] |
androSnake | cory can u please answer me | [02:23] |
neofutur | ( must read for any op imho ) | [02:23] |
Cory | androSnake: They'll probably unsilence you soon. | [02:24] |
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androSnake | oh ok, i was thinking you mean the poeple want that i leave freenode forever ! | [02:25] |
androSnake | i mus ttrain my english | [02:25] |
pigeons | what is your first language androSnake? You use english pretty well | [02:25] |
copumpkin | don't call vragnaroda | [02:25] |
copumpkin | oh shit | [02:25] |
androSnake | my motherlangugae is german | [02:25] |
androSnake | pigeons my english are bad :((((((( ;( | [02:26] |
pigeons | ok. well nice to meet you. you trade bitcoins? | [02:26] |
androSnake | you dont know hou bad is my english in freenode | [02:26] |
androSnake | äähm | [02:26] |
androSnake | freenode=reallive | [02:26] |
androSnake | sry | [02:26] |
androSnake | false | [02:26] |
androSnake | in RL im a sucker in english | [02:26] |
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* | Woundead has quit (Disconnected by services) | [02:26] |
androSnake | and all poeple say i speak good english, but i cant belive it :( | [02:26] |
triptyl | yo snake i heard you were back in town | [02:26] |
androSnake | where is this guy 0.o ? | [02:27] |
androSnake | triptyl, do you know me :) ? | [02:27] |
triptyl | yack shmack | [02:28] |
androSnake | ey you sucker | [02:28] |
androSnake | what ive said before 1minute | [02:28] |
androSnake | dont use motherfuckedrapedslang ok | [02:28] |
pigeons | androSnake: splatster can teach you to look up slang with his bot | [02:28] |
splatster | lol | [02:29] |
androSnake | mom tranlsate | [02:29] |
androSnake | no, pigeons first i must train my englsih basic knowledge | [02:29] |
androSnake | then i can try to learn the slang | [02:29] |
triptyl | boratical | [02:29] |
pigeons | you can't put the genie back in the bottle | [02:29] |
splatster | oh no, pebbles is gone. | [02:29] |
splatster | I'm bringing him back to life. | [02:30] |
* | pebbles (~pebbles@unaffiliated/splatster/bot/pebbles) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:30] |
androSnake | pigeons, which genie lol ?? | [02:30] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to pebbles | [02:30] |
coingenuity | so what do you think neofutur | [02:30] |
coingenuity | am i a catalyst | [02:30] |
coingenuity | or an oxidizer? | [02:30] |
BTC_Bear | Isn't fuck, slang for Fornication Under Consent of the King? Use Shag, instead. It would be funnier. | [02:31] |
coingenuity | its not BTC_Bear | [02:32] |
* | Valalvax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:32] |
androSnake | fake | [02:32] |
coingenuity | " | [02:32] |
triptyl | this will intro you to slang: | [02:32] |
splatster | .o ud metric fuckton | [02:32] |
pebbles | More properly, "Metric Fucktonne." The Fuckton is the Imperial standard for the measurement of fuckweight, while the Fucktonne, in contrast, constitutes the Metric measure of fuckmass. Generally u | [02:32] |
coingenuity | "fornicatuon under consent of king" is a myth ;) | [02:32] |
androSnake | ;;getrating BTC_Bear | [02:32] |
coingenuity | fornication* | [02:32] |
pigeons | the etymology is unclear | [02:32] |
androSnake | oh she is it | [02:32] |
androSnake | she is it | [02:33] |
coingenuity | it comes from some latin/greek word.....focunt or something like that | [02:33] |
mircea_popescu | who highlighted me ? | [02:33] |
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androSnake | i highlighted you | [02:33] |
triptyl | double indemnity | [02:33] |
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pigeons | anybody here from eastend of london? | [02:34] |
coingenuity | nope pigeons | [02:34] |
androSnake | in london Poppers are legal o/ | [02:34] |
mircea_popescu | sup androSnake ? | [02:34] |
neofutur | coingenuity: i m no judge ;) just recommending ops to read ;) | [02:34] |
coingenuity | lol, i have before...thats why i asked the punny question ;) | [02:34] |
androSnake | mircea_popescu, i want to sell my ass to you for BTC see ya in 1hour in the highest place at Eifeltower Prais | [02:34] |
androSnake | ok :) ? | [02:34] |
androSnake | 45,7467557 BTC / Hour | [02:35] |
mircea_popescu | fascinating. | [02:35] |
coingenuity | catalyst or oxidizer since oxidation is notoriously violent | [02:35] |
* | localhost has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:35] |
triptyl | androSnake is a smart guy | [02:35] |
neofutur | coingenuity: at least I never seen you acting like . . . hum . . . i wont say his nick and hilight him | [02:35] |
androSnake | :) | [02:35] |
coingenuity | XD | [02:35] |
neofutur | he would kill androsnake | [02:35] |
coingenuity | yeah, i know | [02:35] |
androSnake | which one would kill me | [02:35] |
coingenuity | gravnardora | [02:35] |
androSnake | did you poeple want to know what im writing to luke-jr :D ? | [02:35] |
neofutur | androSnake: you ll meet him early enough . . . | [02:36] |
androSnake | did you guys want to know ? | [02:36] |
triptyl | tell us | [02:36] |
androSnake | ok wait im seraching the query | [02:36] |
androSnake | hahaha | [02:36] |
androSnake | mom | [02:36] |
neofutur | ( a very evil op ) | [02:36] |
BTC_Bear | Enemy of the People nick, that one? | [02:36] |
pigeons | his client will catch that spelling variation | [02:36] |
* | Sublime_ (3251cc62@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:36] |
coingenuity | BTC_Bear: yeah | [02:36] |
coingenuity | lawl | [02:36] |
Sublime_ | Where do I buy some coins at guys? | [02:36] |
androSnake | androSnake> you stupid idiot, I'm done with you (luke-jr query) | [02:36] |
mircea_popescu | << recomended reading about how options work an' what can they do for you. | [02:36] |
androSnake | the other logs was in his channel :( | [02:36] |
androSnake | when any guy tell me his channel i can copy paste the logs | [02:37] |
splatster | neofutur: The first four letters of his name wouldn't happen to autocorrect to drag, would they? | [02:37] |
androSnake | very bad language to him :) | [02:37] |
pigeons | Sublime_: right here, and check the ,,guide | [02:37] |
gribble | Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: | [02:37] |
androSnake | i said to hem "YOUR A MOTHERFUCKING BLASPHEMIC GUY LUKE" | [02:37] |
androSnake | :DDD | [02:37] |
Sublime_ | Okay id like to purchase some :D I have a moneypack | [02:37] |
androSnake | thats the truth | [02:37] |
luke-jr | anyone want to make bets on how long until androSnake is banned here? | [02:37] |
neofutur | splatster: probably yes | [02:37] |
androSnake | ! | [02:37] |
androSnake | him* | [02:37] |
splatster | luke-jr: Not long. | [02:37] |
coingenuity | androSnake: tone it down a bit :/ you're quite verbose | [02:37] |
pigeons | slang is evil but cussin' is cool, huh? | [02:37] |
BTC_Bear | luke-jr: can I use slang to my advantage. | [02:38] |
neofutur | luke-jr: i ll bet 0.001 btc for less than 24 hours | [02:38] |
androSnake | i have luke-jr on igno he is a fucking bastard im done with him | [02:38] |
Sublime_ | Ive got a $250 moneypack for bitcoins | [02:38] |
luke-jr | neofutur: but that's MY bet… | [02:38] |
luke-jr | Sublime_: I'll give ya 10 BTC for it | [02:38] |
androSnake | i talk about illegal and he said to me "now i call the police to you" | [02:38] |
splatster | It is unfortunate to see the amount of trolls who have taken to spamming this channel. | [02:38] |
androSnake | he is so fucked up, he os no man of god | [02:38] |
coingenuity | androSnake: this channel is the trading channel, not the "complain about people channel" | [02:38] |
androSnake | ok | [02:38] |
androSnake | sry | [02:38] |
* | localhost ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:38] |
mod6 | splatster: +1 | [02:38] |
androSnake | im silence | [02:38] |
coingenuity | it's alright, just try to participate with what everyone else is talking about a bit more instead of being pissed at luke ;) | [02:39] |
androSnake | mom translate | [02:39] |
* | Guest1292 is now known as Sarajevo | [02:39] |
pigeons | Sublime_: I don't take moneypak, but someone will. Are you registered with gribble? How many coins are you looking for? | [02:39] |
BTC_Bear | It's not like the market is hoping yet. That's not scheduled until 3 AM | [02:39] |
splatster | androSnake: Please try to combine your lines into fewer messages. Your last string of messages could have been a one liner, "Ok, sorry. I'll stop." | [02:39] |
mod6 | ;;view | [02:39] |
gribble | #7335 Wed Mar 21 13:24:26 2012 mod6 BUY 9.5 BTC @ 50 USDii | [02:39] |
* | Sarajevo is now known as Guest33288 | [02:40] |
androSnake | ok now i used cheaper lines | [02:40] |
androSnake | äähm | [02:40] |
pigeons | hey, no slang! | [02:40] |
* | eurocashbtc (5fd30d21@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:40] |
androSnake | less* | [02:40] |
* | ljrbot (~supybot-l@2001:470:88ff:2e::1) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:40] |
androSnake | what slang? | [02:40] |
coingenuity | haha | [02:40] |
androSnake | what slang biaatch? | [02:40] |
androSnake | tell me | [02:40] |
luke-jr | ljrbot: insult androSnake | [02:40] |
copumpkin | ಠ_ಠ | [02:40] |
eurocashbtc | ;;guide | [02:40] |
androSnake | i have big problems to talk english and understand what people said in this channel, beacuse its english, but you guys can belive me, im working on it ! | [02:41] |
androSnake | because* | [02:41] |
splatster | androSnake: Please stop trolling/spamming/whatever. I'm not an OP but I can tell you that you're approaching a line which you should not cross. | [02:41] |
androSnake | what ive done ? | [02:42] |
ljrbot | androSnake sucks. | [02:42] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [02:42] |
androSnake | you sucks baatch | [02:42] |
neofutur | androSnake: i have the same problem with spanish, i m french living in Peru | [02:42] |
androSnake | oh ok | [02:42] |
neofutur | and most peruvians use 40% slang in any phrase | [02:42] |
androSnake | then we can learn toghether :) | [02:42] |
pigeons | why do people usually respond to a friendly warning with escalation? | [02:42] |
neofutur | I understand everythin in newsparers and TV, but real hard on the road | [02:42] |
androSnake | ok, when the used slang so im exploding | [02:42] |
androSnake | sorry cant stop doing this! | [02:43] |
neofutur | androSnake: but you _have_ to adapt and accept the reality | [02:43] |
androSnake | i know | [02:43] |
androSnake | but | [02:43] |
androSnake | hm | [02:43] |
neofutur | slang is part of the language and of people identity | [02:43] |
androSnake | you have right neo | [02:43] |
androSnake | ok | [02:43] |
androSnake | your right | [02:43] |
androSnake | im in false | [02:43] |
bruzum | eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ | [02:43] |
bruzum | ¨hey | [02:43] |
pigeons | your english is fine androSnake, and if you think you missed something important because of slang, you can ask, but the truth is no one ever says anything important here | [02:43] |
bruzum | hey. | [02:43] |
splatster | Stop making your messages span so many lines. | [02:43] |
splatster | androSnake: ^ | [02:43] |
androSnake | try to accept the slang and just nice to ask if I do not understand something, I think that's gone the better, for all | [02:44] |
Sublime_ | I have a $250 MP for 45 btc is anyone interested? | [02:44] |
neofutur | androSnake: you just need to ask for help, ask whats the meaning of this word, us google, wikipedia | [02:44] |
neofutur | is cool too | [02:44] |
androSnake | yes | [02:44] |
androSnake | i only use google | [02:44] |
neofutur | you ll just learn even more, and have a better english | [02:44] |
androSnake | mhm | [02:44] |
androSnake | but google is ok for me | [02:44] |
coingenuity | androSnake: one of the best recommendations i can make for slang is urban dictionary | [02:44] |
coingenuity | you can use the command ;;ud "some slang" via private message to check it with gribble, as well | [02:45] |
androSnake | I USED ONLY GOOGLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | [02:45] |
androSnake | no other | [02:45] |
neofutur | yup is great too | [02:45] |
pigeons | don't be a spaz, man | [02:45] |
androSnake | yes, but i use only google! | [02:45] |
splatster | coingenuity: Ahem, ".o ud |
[02:45] |
coingenuity | right, which is why i am giving you a good alternative | [02:45] |
pigeons | .o ud spaz | [02:45] |
androSnake | ok thank you | [02:45] |
* | agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:45] |
androSnake | but i use only google | [02:45] |
mircea_popescu | check out fify, 1st entry in ud. | [02:45] |
mircea_popescu | possibly the most insane paragraph i ever read. | [02:45] |
pebbles | A term for a person who acts mentally retarded. Also may apply to people who may or may not have mental retardation and cannot control themselves or act normally. Also can apply to people who are ner | [02:46] |
bruzum | ;;ticker | [02:46] |
coingenuity | splatster: mod UD function to only display complete sentences ftw | [02:46] |
coingenuity | :P | [02:46] |
DeLorean719 | what's another general tracker other than demonoid/tpb | [02:46] |
androSnake | my life is so fucked up | [02:47] |
androSnake | omg ;( | [02:47] |
splatster | coingenuity: .o ud is a webservice and is thus, not easily modifiable without getting some admin to make the changes. | [02:47] |
eurocashbtc | hi everyone! | [02:47] |
androSnake | hm false channel for this | [02:47] |
splatster | androSnake: Combine your messages, please. | [02:47] |
coingenuity | count chars in string delineated by period, grab index[last] off that string | [02:47] |
coingenuity | if its not a period, drop the string | [02:47] |
coingenuity | otherwise, push to message stack | [02:47] |
coingenuity | you can postprocess that pretty easily in py :) | [02:48] |
pigeons | hi eurocashbtc | [02:48] |
splatster | androSnake just PMed me: (sorry for the copy/paste) | [02:48] |
splatster | [6:47 PM] |
[02:48] |
splatster | [6:48 PM] |
[02:48] |
splatster | [6:48 PM] |
[02:48] |
splatster | [6:48 PM] |
[02:48] |
coingenuity | i think you can regexp it too fairly easily, but im not a ninja regexer | [02:48] |
coingenuity | androSnake: don't be rude to people like that | [02:49] |
neofutur | splatster: I wont bother for 4 lines copy paste but beeware some other ops dont like it | [02:49] |
splatster | Not very nice of you, androSnake. I asked nicely, even using please, yet you responded in a very angry tone. | [02:49] |
coingenuity | splatster: let me know if he harasses you in PM again | [02:49] |
mircea_popescu | your ignore's broken splatster ? | [02:50] |
coingenuity | androSnake: don't do things like that, or an admin WILL get called and you will get removed | [02:50] |
androSnake | let me in silnce splatster | [02:50] |
neofutur | I also highly recommend /ignore | [02:50] |
androSnake | you mean permanent ban ? | [02:50] |
coingenuity | yes, that's what i mean. | [02:50] |
androSnake | i dont want permban | [02:50] |
coingenuity | so behave. | [02:50] |
androSnake | really not! | [02:50] |
androSnake | ok | [02:50] |
coingenuity | and iI'm serious this time. | [02:50] |
neofutur | +1 with coingenuity | [02:51] |
androSnake | ok sorry for all | [02:51] |
androSnake | no im killing me | [02:51] |
androSnake | ciao | [02:51] |
* | draco49 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [02:51] |
* | mod6 stares | [02:51] |
coingenuity | androSnake: we don't mind participation, just don't harass people. | [02:51] |
coingenuity | treat this place different from the rest of the internet, and pretend it is a face-to-face interaction where you have to act like a normal person instead of an internet person | [02:52] |
gmaxwell | :) | [02:52] |
splatster | coingenuity: +1,000 | [02:52] |
gmaxwell | | [02:53] |
BTC_Bear | Ok, you have the first round of beers, I'll get the second. | [02:53] |
coingenuity | lol BTC_Bear | [02:53] |
coingenuity | oh btw random thought for you fellows | [02:54] |
coingenuity | any other -otc DefCon attendees this year? | [02:54] |
mod6 | haha, thats awesome. | [02:54] |
mod6 | i'll be there coingenuity | [02:54] |
coingenuity | oh, nice mod6 | [02:54] |
coingenuity | speaker or just badnged? | [02:54] |
coingenuity | badged* | [02:54] |
mod6 | me and KK were gonna do something last year. I think i'm just gonna get there this time. work got in the way last year. | [02:55] |
* | rg glares at mod6 | [02:55] |
mod6 | He actually got a invite to speak, but we flaked out :/ | [02:55] |
coingenuity | same here :) i was busy coding coinabul, couldn't take any time off sadly | [02:55] |
rg | you think you're better than me? | [02:55] |
mod6 | me? | [02:55] |
rg | :) | [02:55] |
mod6 | Heh :) | [02:56] |
mod6 | There is a big CTF event this year. that should be awesome. | [02:56] |
coingenuity | there's gonna be a few of us @ 'con mod6 we'll have to have a beer and insist on paying with bitcoins as a group :) | [02:56] |
mod6 | Oh for sure. | [02:56] |
coingenuity | yeah, i heard CTF last year was really badass and massive | [02:57] |
mircea_popescu | check this out :D | [02:57] |
gmaxwell | mircea_popescu: is that stone money on a rope? | [02:58] |
mod6 | Doughnut. | [02:58] |
gmaxwell | then what does it have to do with bitcoin? | [02:58] |
mod6 | :D | [02:58] |
mircea_popescu | donut | [02:58] |
gmaxwell | ;) | [02:58] |
mircea_popescu | lmao omg, this is the bitcoin-otc ? | [02:58] |
coingenuity | WTS 1 donut on a rope, 10btc | [02:59] |
mod6 | Anyway, yeah, DC20 hopefully will be cool. I used to go every year when it was at the alexis park. but when they started having at the Riviera it wasn't as nice. Hope the Rio is better!! | [02:59] |
* | draco49 (~draco49@unaffiliated/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:59] |
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mircea_popescu | coingenuity any bytemarks or anything ? | [02:59] |
Raccoon | For your reference when buying and selling. | [02:59] |
Raccoon | | [02:59] |
coingenuity | oh, it'll be nice regardless since it's a working me a chance to switch things up a little bit | [03:00] |
coingenuity | and nope mircea_popescu it's a virgin donut | [03:00] |
mircea_popescu | still, 10btc sounds a little stiff... | [03:00] |
coingenuity | lol | [03:01] |
coingenuity | its a very pretty donut | [03:01] |
luke-jr | coingenuity: PIN code? | [03:01] |
coingenuity | worth at least 15btc | [03:01] |
neofutur | Raccoon: a small present for you : | [03:01] |
neofutur | ( good settings thanks, I ll use it) | [03:01] |
coingenuity | luke-jr to what lmao | [03:01] |
luke-jr | coingenuity: try again | [03:02] |
luke-jr | coingenuity: PIN code? | [03:02] |
coingenuity | luke-jr: 1337 | [03:02] |
Raccoon | neofutur: any suggestions on the bottom 3 graphs would be great. i don't fully understand most of the options. | [03:02] |
luke-jr | coingenuity: Would you like to make a Deal? | [03:02] |
neofutur | direct link to image ( lighter ) : | [03:02] |
vragnaroda | [00:25] <+ copumpkin> | don't call vragnaroda <-- lol | [03:02] |
coingenuity | luke-jr: y | [03:02] |
vragnaroda | [00:26] < androSnake> | pigeons my english are bad :((((((( ;( <-- There's ##english here on freenode to help you! | [03:02] |
luke-jr | coingenuity: Would you like to choose an opponent? | [03:02] |
* | J__ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [03:02] |
coingenuity | luke-jr: n | [03:02] |
androSnake | let me in slince | [03:03] |
androSnake | -.- | [03:03] |
coingenuity | nah you're OK androSnake | [03:03] |
luke-jr | coingenuity: your opponent is rg. have a nice day. | [03:03] |
coingenuity | lol luke-jr` | [03:03] |
neofutur | Raccoon: i always use the indicators I ve setup on | [03:03] |
neofutur | MACD, RSI, oscillator | [03:04] |
* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:04] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [03:04] |
neofutur | but its more oriented for daytrading | [03:04] |
coingenuity | nice neofutur | [03:04] |
coingenuity | what's your MACD EMA degredation rate? | [03:04] |
Raccoon | would be nice if they were explained on the site with (?) links | [03:04] |
* | dwon (~dwon@2607:f2c0:a000:c0:217:31ff:fe53:f7c7) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:05] |
* | bitcoin-goldRobo (~bitcoin-g@unaffiliated/coingenuity/bot/bitcoin-goldrobo) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:06] |
neofutur | 10,25 iirc | [03:06] |
neofutur | but i m not sure those a are good values | [03:06] |
neofutur | no enough of a professional yet ;( | [03:06] |
* | gribble gives voice to dwon | [03:06] |
coingenuity | yeah, those are sort of on the low end | [03:06] |
coingenuity | but probably do OK :) | [03:06] |
neofutur | other seettings I use : and | [03:07] |
coingenuity | the beauty in the MACD is the signal off of that EMA anyway, so the math still 'checks out' | [03:07] |
* | tbage ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:07] |
* | mayli has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [03:08] |
coingenuity | i use a custom MACD type system in case you hadnt gathered as much lawl | [03:08] |
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coingenuity | last action was buying a couple hundred coins @ 4.76 | [03:08] |
neofutur | same but at 4.70 after liquidating a short at 5.1 | [03:10] |
rg | ;;ticker | [03:10] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.82136, Best ask: 4.83881, Bid-ask spread: 0.01745, Last trade: 4.83911, 24 hour volume: 47461, 24 hour low: 4.75, 24 hour high: 4.87 | [03:10] |
neofutur | but not hundreds ;( I already lost most of my btc investing and am now playing with a few dozens of bitcoins ;( | [03:10] |
coingenuity | :( | [03:10] |
neofutur | s/investing/investment | [03:11] |
rg | neofutur: you shoulda put them into a sure thing | [03:11] |
coingenuity | i only fed mine a small portion of my total coins, im not that ballsy yet ;) | [03:11] |
* | draco49 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [03:11] |
neofutur | rg: ah lets say I already agreed i was ok to loose it when I began toe play . . .was not the money for food | [03:11] |
neofutur | I could look like a speculator, but I m mostly here to learn and play | [03:12] |
paulzag | ;;tz dallas | [03:12] |
gribble | Thu Mar 22 01:12:57 2012 UTC | 8:12pm Wednesday (CDT) - Time in Dallas, TX | [03:12] |
neofutur | even if I wouldnt be sad if I made thousands of dollars of profits ;) | [03:13] |
neofutur | hum cool command | [03:13] |
neofutur | ;;tz Paris | [03:13] |
gribble | Thu Mar 22 01:13:30 2012 UTC | 2:13am Thursday (CET) - Time in Paris, France | [03:13] |
* | LordCanti (~LordCanti@unaffiliated/lordcanti) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:14] |
* | hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:15] |
* | Jamesz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:16] |
dwon | ;;rate rg 1 one good trade | [03:17] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user rg has been recorded. | [03:17] |
rg | ;;rated dwon | [03:17] |
gribble | You have not yet rated user dwon | [03:17] |
rg | ;;rate dwon 1 helped secure the future of BitVPS | [03:17] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user dwon has been recorded. | [03:17] |
rg | ;;rate dwon 1 helped secure the future of BitVPS.COM | [03:17] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user dwon has changed from 1 to 1. | [03:17] |
dwon | glad I could help :) | [03:17] |
rg | yeah i spammed your rating | [03:17] |
rg | :) | [03:17] |
dwon | lol | [03:18] |
rg | ;;rated jine | [03:22] |
gribble | You have not yet rated user jine | [03:22] |
* | pp7 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:22] |
rg | ;;rate jine 1 made a good suggestion to me and has paid me out over 1k btc over the course of my btc career | [03:22] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user jine has been recorded. | [03:22] |
* | draco49 (~draco49@unaffiliated/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:23] |
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mircea_popescu | securing teh future eh ? | [03:25] |
rg | he bought our new server | [03:26] |
rg | now all we have to do is put the other EU vps companies out of business | [03:26] |
rg | and we're gold | [03:26] |
rg | or let them put themselves out of business | [03:27] |
* | DingoRabiit (60327aa7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:28] |
copumpkin | rg: oh, so he gave you the loan? | [03:29] |
Cusipzzz | nice | [03:29] |
rg | copumpkin: no | [03:29] |
rg | im saving up for that on my own now | [03:29] |
copumpkin | ah, okay | [03:29] |
rg | but we got a euro vm node | [03:29] |
* | neofutur gives a good karma point to dwon | [03:29] |
rory1 | Hi how many comfirmations do you need to recive bitcoins to your wallet ? please help | [03:30] |
rg | so now noone has an excuse to not give us their btc's | [03:30] |
rg | except Bigpiggy, we didnt get him an asian server yet | [03:30] |
luke-jr | rg: you're in a Deal with coingenuity. | [03:30] |
rg | i am? | [03:30] |
coingenuity | lol | [03:30] |
luke-jr | rg: yes. | [03:30] |
coingenuity | yeah rg | [03:30] |
dwon | rory1: 6, I believe | [03:30] |
luke-jr | rg: good luck on an Australian node. | [03:30] |
rg | luke-jr: too expensive | [03:30] |
coingenuity | you dont remember selling me bitcoin vps? | [03:30] |
luke-jr | rg: Aussie is expensive as *#%#)] | [03:31] |
neofutur | rory1: you first need to let the client run during 12-18 hours | [03:31] |
mircea_popescu | rory1 you usually see them instantly but not added to total till 6 | [03:31] |
rg | better to just buy an asian box | [03:31] |
neofutur | to download the full blockchain | [03:31] |
rg | coingenuity: nope | [03:31] |
luke-jr | rg: QUICK! Mezzoflation! | [03:31] |
neofutur | which will need 1.5 GB free diskspace | [03:31] |
rg | but you must understand | [03:31] |
coingenuity | ah, i bought it for 5btc | [03:31] |
rg | i talk to like 20 people a day about vps's | [03:31] |
rg | and maybe 1 or 2 of them sign up | [03:31] |
neofutur | you wont see the coins before your client have all the blockchain | [03:31] |
* | draco49 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [03:31] |
mircea_popescu | so, anyone who wonders how to use options --> | [03:31] |
rg | 5 btc? | [03:32] |
rg | if youre paying that much | [03:32] |
rg | you might as well ask for the upgrades | [03:32] |
neofutur | | [03:32] |
rory1 | mircea_popescu i have waited for 2 hours and i have not even got it in my wallet yet? | [03:32] |
neofutur | a good news for namecoin ? | [03:32] |
rg | since bitvps's creation, the plans have all increased in allocation | [03:32] |
rory1 | is th | [03:32] |
rg | i dont apply it by default, but if someone asks | [03:33] |
rg | they get it | [03:33] |
rory1 | [03:33] | |
rg | for example, vps-b used to be 384mb, its 768mb now | [03:33] |
* | x4dr1th has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [03:33] |
triptyl | supersized | [03:33] |
rg | so if you're paying 5btc, you might as well get the max offered | [03:33] |
mircea_popescu | rory1 depends if you have the full chain downloaded yet. if you are up to date then not really. | [03:33] |
rory1 | | [03:33] |
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Cusipzzz | rg: what are the rates on the new euro box...and *cough*discount*cough* O.o | [03:34] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:34] |
neofutur | rory1: so you already have 16 confirmations but you re not seeing the coins in your client ? i understand ? | [03:34] |
rory1 | correct | [03:34] |
Cusipzzz | rory1: what is your block count? | [03:34] |
neofutur | ok check your blocknumber in your client | [03:35] |
neofutur | cf what I said earlier | [03:35] |
rg | Cusipzzz: you know the discount | [03:35] |
rg | the prices are the same for every box | [03:35] |
luke-jr | rory1: let's get through this quickly as you can, please | [03:35] |
neofutur | the first time you lauch the client you have to wait 12-18 hours to download the full blockchain | [03:35] |
Cusipzzz | rg: cool..i'm in whenever you get it setup | [03:35] |
neofutur | and be sure you have 2 Gb free diskspace for it | [03:35] |
rg | ok | [03:36] |
* | da2ce7 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [03:36] |
* | luke-jr pokes rory1 | [03:36] |
neofutur | rory1: | [03:36] |
DBordello | no longer references MoneyPak or Greendot in any way :/ | [03:36] |
neofutur | check the screenshots | [03:36] |
rory1 | it says last recviced block was generated 20 days ago | [03:37] |
rory1 | ? | [03:37] |
neofutur | but dont worry, you just have to wait, the transaction is legit and have 16 confirmation already | [03:37] |
luke-jr | rory1: that's why | [03:37] |
neofutur | you ll get them | [03:37] |
luke-jr | rory1: what version? | [03:37] |
rory1 | i dont know | [03:38] |
neofutur | the blockcount is not increasing ? whats the number shown ? | [03:38] |
mircea_popescu | DBordello were there chargeback issues ? | [03:39] |
DBordello | mircea_popescu, copyright/trademark notification | [03:39] |
rory1 | 169164 | [03:39] |
mircea_popescu | aha. | [03:39] |
* | llnaox (631bf217@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:39] |
mircea_popescu | rory1 you're way behind. restart client | [03:39] |
neofutur | you can see the latest blocknumber on | [03:39] |
neofutur | you have to reach 172,267 | [03:40] |
* | lucid has quit (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - | [03:40] |
neofutur | rory1: also check you dont have a fireewall or router blocking bitcoin | [03:40] |
* | Guest33288 is now known as Sarajevo | [03:40] |
neofutur | and yes restart the client, could help | [03:40] |
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rory1 | i did a system restore on my computer would that effect it? | [03:40] |
* | Sarajevo is now known as Guest37481 | [03:41] |
neofutur | if it erestored a firewall blocking bitcoin port yes | [03:41] |
neofutur | Port 8333 should be opened | [03:41] |
* | da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:41] |
neofutur | you are froxen at block number 169164 ? | [03:42] |
neofutur | number is not increasing ? and the number of connections ? | [03:42] |
rory1 | yes frozen | [03:42] |
rg | feel free to download the blockchain manually | [03:42] |
rg | from | [03:42] |
neofutur | mircea_popescu: I ll bookmark you post, thanks to make all this clear, with examples, case studies . . . | [03:43] |
mircea_popescu | neofutur ;_ | [03:43] |
mircea_popescu | ;) even | [03:43] |
luke-jr | O.O | [03:43] |
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* | draco49 (~draco49@unaffiliated/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:44] |
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androSnake | hey people i have a question | [03:45] |
androSnake | about BTC | [03:45] |
triptyl | shoot | [03:45] |
androSnake | what means shoot ? | [03:45] |
Cory | Ask. :) | [03:45] |
androSnake | this is slang | [03:45] |
androSnake | please tell me what you mean | [03:45] |
androSnake | cory @ me ? | [03:46] |
neofutur | androSnake: dont ask to ask, just ask | [03:46] |
triptyl | whats your native language? | [03:46] |
neofutur | thats what it means | [03:46] |
Cory | andrew12: Yup. "Shoot" meant "ask" in that situation. | [03:46] |
androSnake | neofuture shut the fuck up this is my way to ask you cant chnage my mind, dont try it you will loose! | [03:46] |
androSnake | ! | [03:46] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to neofutur | [03:46] |
dwon | Cory: Using xchat? | [03:46] |
BTC_Bear | I will bet 1 btc 24h | [03:46] |
BTC_Bear | common | [03:46] |
* | neofutur has kicked androSnake from #bitcoin-otc (no need to insult people answering you) | [03:46] |
Cory | dwon: mIRC, why? Are my quotation marks funny? | [03:47] |
* | androSnake (~jhfkmuzj@unaffiliated/androsnake) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:47] |
dwon | Cory: No, your autocomplete. | [03:47] |
rory1 | thanks guys but will it get there in the end? | [03:47] |
neofutur | _you_ will loose androSnake | [03:47] |
stochastic_ | haha | [03:47] |
dwon | so loose androSnake fell off the channel | [03:47] |
triptyl | "shoot" means "go ahead" | [03:47] |
androSnake | ok | [03:47] |
Cory | dwon: Oh, whoops! No two nicks should ever share the first two, let alone four characters! | [03:47] |
androSnake | BTC_Bear i bet with you 10BTC that i will this week not alive! | [03:48] |
* | Snapman is now known as Snapman[afkers] | [03:48] |
rg | so Cusi just reminded me of something | [03:48] |
rory1 | thanks guys for all your help | [03:48] |
rg | about our ordering form | [03:48] |
rg | and.. | [03:48] |
neofutur | I hope androSnake is less suicidal IRL than IRC | [03:49] |
rg | since ive blocked tor from signing up theres been a steep decrease in asshole customers trying to defraud my company | [03:49] |
Cory | androSnake: What's your questions about Bitcoin? | [03:49] |
rg | go figure | [03:49] |
BTC_Bear | androSnake: Please rephrase that. | [03:49] |
neofutur | rg: probably a good decision ;) | [03:49] |
funziggy | ;;ticker | [03:50] |
androSnake | neofutur your right, im thinking 70% off the day on suicide, and maybe it will be happend but id ont kill me or like that, i take an overdose or something, that is the way i want t odie | [03:50] |
rg | thats why i hate people, they take something like tor and make it something evil | [03:50] |
rg | just like bitcoin | [03:50] |
rg | something that could've been wonderful and helped millions of people is villified into something for criminals and lowlives | [03:50] |
androSnake | rg agree that will destroy TOR | [03:50] |
androSnake | Tor is not fol illegal activity, it is for countrys like china and japan who is youtube censored! | [03:50] |
triptyl | rg: how can they defraud you with coins? | [03:51] |
neofutur | androSnake: I also thought of commiting suicide most days of my life, but its just a shameful easy way out, you re worth more than than | [03:51] |
* | gribble gives voice to draco49 | [03:51] |
draco49 | sup all | [03:51] |
stochastic_ | rg: get use to it, anything that can help people get back power from the oligarchy will be vilified | [03:51] |
androSnake | i understnad the half | [03:51] |
androSnake | mom i must translate | [03:51] |
androSnake | bhoa im so tired, since 46h awake | [03:51] |
androSnake | :tired: | [03:51] |
mircea_popescu | lowives ? | [03:51] |
BTC_Bear | If you own a stapler with that type of mood, someone will pay you. Sick f#$ks. | [03:52] |
Cory | androSnake: What do you mean when you type "mom"? | [03:52] |
mircea_popescu | draco49 --> :p | [03:52] |
androSnake | cory in german IRC all poeple said "mom", they mean "one moment please" its a german slang | [03:52] |
Cory | Cool. :) | [03:52] |
mircea_popescu | he's right on that. | [03:52] |
androSnake | :) | [03:52] |
triptyl | ein mome' | [03:52] |
androSnake | yes | [03:52] |
androSnake | einen moment bitte | [03:53] |
androSnake | :) | [03:53] |
draco49 | mircea_popescu, :) I saw that earlier... | [03:53] |
mircea_popescu | aha! | [03:53] |
* | neofutur removes channel operator status from neofutur | [03:53] |
mircea_popescu | so this chick has been on us time for >3 weeks now. wakes at 2-3pm, goes to bed 5am. | [03:53] |
mircea_popescu | should i be worried ? | [03:53] |
draco49 | no | [03:54] |
draco49 | Sounds pretty normal to me | [03:54] |
mircea_popescu | kinda weird to go to nightclubs for breakfast... | [03:54] |
draco49 | I'm on a 4pm-12pm schedule. | [03:55] |
androSnake | neofuture i have not the disicplin to kill me, i have alived an opiat overdose, it shows me how beatiful is life, i really think its a near-death experience, i was stoped like 4mins respiration, and then i wake up and have big big fear, a neardeath-expirience, after that you will have big big fear like a 1day panic attack, and then jesus shows you hou beautiful life is, and this enlightenment i destroyd becuase 3 days after im talking a | [03:57] |
androSnake | gain drugs, a full drunk (much alcohol) and benzos (valium), now im on the point before the near death expirnce, but it shows me some incrediblöe, i dont remember so good, but i swear by my life, it shows me something incredible! | [03:57] |
stochastic_ | if it is a gentleman's club instead of a nightclub that would not be abnormal. some of them have the best food | [03:57] |
DBordello | andrew12, What is your bitcoin question? | [03:57] |
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Cory | DBordello: Haha! You did it too! | [03:57] |
DBordello | Cory, doh! | [03:58] |
draco49 | androSnake, That was a horrible assault on the English language. | [03:58] |
androSnake | man | [03:58] |
* | tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [03:58] |
androSnake | do you dont know me | [03:58] |
DBordello | androSnake, What is your Bitcoin question? | [03:58] |
androSnake | i used translator and my brain | [03:58] |
stochastic_ | androSnake = Jason Russell | [03:58] |
androSnake | darco49 i said 100 times im onm the way to learn english!!!! and you pissed me on! WTF ? | [03:59] |
androSnake | what ive done ;( ? | [03:59] |
draco49 | jeez no... calm down dude. | [03:59] |
androSnake | no | [03:59] |
neofutur | androSnake: for sure alcohol+valium is a bad idea | [03:59] |
androSnake | you calm down | [03:59] |
LordCanti | draco49, why must you piss on everyone? | [03:59] |
draco49 | damn! | [03:59] |
androSnake | neufutur its the badest combo i ever had in my life | [03:59] |
neofutur | androSnake: but its very offtoppic here, better move to a general chat channel | [03:59] |
vragnaroda | neofutur: That depends on your goals. | [03:59] |
neofutur | androSnake: I ll be happy to continue answering you on ##mtgox-chat | [03:59] |
androSnake | draco49 you ass, what have i done you, llet the poeple in silnce and dont make troubles ok! | [04:00] |
androSnake | ok neofutur | [04:00] |
androSnake | mom | [04:00] |
draco49 | lol whatever... | [04:00] |
neofutur | and stop insulting people here grrr | [04:00] |
vragnaroda | androSnake: Advocating that, though, or trading it on -otc is prohibited, though. | [04:00] |
androSnake | ej man | [04:00] |
androSnake | are u a admin | [04:00] |
androSnake | ? | [04:00] |
neofutur | ouch | [04:01] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:01] |
vragnaroda | I am an op. | [04:01] |
androSnake | ok then fuck you, and let me do what i wnat, i discussion now with poeple and you destroy the conversation | [04:01] |
androSnake | so calm down ok! | [04:01] |
androSnake | man man man | [04:01] |
neofutur | ( I wont oppose to ban ) | [04:01] |
LordCanti | this is going well for all parties involved | [04:01] |
neofutur | he been warned more than once | [04:02] |
androSnake | no | [04:02] |
neofutur | and kicked once already | [04:02] |
androSnake | let me talk pleae | [04:02] |
androSnake | i want to said | [04:02] |
vragnaroda | androSnake: There's no need for language like that. | [04:02] |
DBordello | androSnake, you are free to express your opinion. However, this is a bitcoin trading channel. Please take this discussion to another channel. #bitcoin-otc-ot is appropriate | [04:02] |
androSnake | ok you cool ops | [04:02] |
androSnake | have fun | [04:02] |
androSnake | ciao | [04:03] |
* | androSnake (~jhfkmuzj@unaffiliated/androsnake) has left #bitcoin-otc ("Verlassend") | [04:03] |
DBordello | welp, that worked itself out | [04:03] |
gmaxwell | ::nods:: | [04:03] |
mod6 | thankfully. sick of reading that crap. | [04:03] |
* | Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:03] |
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* | Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:03] |
draco49 | He was mean. | [04:03] |
stochastic_ | i felt like i was reading the psychotic breakdown of a person | [04:03] |
neofutur | drugged+alcool+ 46 hours awake . . . | [04:03] |
gmaxwell | It's like someone figured out how to give their yipyip dog internet access... | [04:03] |
mod6 | ha | [04:04] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: (re: "if I were to receive an email from the address that originally announced the subscription requiring that a part or all of the associated stocks be transferred to a new email-BTC address combo, I will update the records." | [04:04] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: how are you going to avoid forged emails? | [04:04] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: better at least do a confirmation, because the sender address of an email is ridiculously easy to forge | [04:06] |
dwon | one could easily steal the proceeds from someone who happens to be on vacation | [04:06] |
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mircea_popescu | dwon : how would the forger know what address to send from ? | [04:09] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: Well, it shouldn't be that hard to guess if you know who the investors are. | [04:10] |
mircea_popescu | specifically ? | [04:10] |
* | Ard1t has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:10] |
* | hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:11] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: well, anyone can find out that my email address is, for example, so if at one point, I mentioned something in here about the stock that I own, and another point (perhaps months later), I mention that I'm going out of town for the xmas holidays or something, that would be an opportunity | [04:11] |
rory1 | mircea_popescu will i still get coins even if my blocks havent cauth up? | [04:12] |
mircea_popescu | normally people would make something like to use for this purpose and only this purpose tho | [04:12] |
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* | Ard1t has quit (Changing host) | [04:12] |
* | Ard1t (~shkodrani@unaffiliated/shkodrani) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:12] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: require gpg sigs :) | [04:13] |
mircea_popescu | this is not required by me, but i don't see why anyone wouldn't. | [04:13] |
nanotube | or at least a back-and-forth email confirmation. | [04:13] |
mircea_popescu | and further, how'd anyone establish that you're an investor ? | [04:13] |
* | neofutur trying to help androSnake on another channel | [04:13] |
mod6 | You're a good one neofutur, but no good deed goes unpunished ;) | [04:13] |
mircea_popescu | rory1 yes. | [04:14] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: every mailserver that handles the address would have that address in its logs. Email addresses just aren't long-term secrets. | [04:14] |
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* | MelMan_ (ae1bd55f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:14] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: I might brag about it | [04:14] |
mircea_popescu | dwon and i should prevent you from bragging about it ? | [04:14] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: or I might shamelessly try to encourage people to use your service | [04:14] |
rory1 | mircea_popescu thank you | [04:15] |
dwon | like rg. Everyone knows that rg runs because he talks about it all the time | [04:15] |
BTC_Bear | nanotube: for a gpg community you'd be surprised how few actually use it in email. Besides you of course. | [04:15] |
mircea_popescu | right. but srsly, have you read the III.Security thing on the page ? | [04:15] |
rory1 | an thanks to everyone else for helping me | [04:15] |
mircea_popescu | people can be as secure as they want, i'm not going to mandate it tho. personal responsibility and all that. | [04:15] |
a5m0 | selling: 5970, 4 new yubikeys, dual 2.8ghz xeon pc | [04:16] |
nanotube | BTC_Bear: hehe yea... i never pass up an opportunity to send a gpg-encrypted email. and all my emails are signed by default (thanks tb + enigmail) :) | [04:16] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: Yeah, I saw that. In reality, people will still use gmail or whatever. | [04:16] |
mircea_popescu | dwon yea, but i mean... force people to be more secure than they want to ? | [04:16] |
mircea_popescu | i am doing that on mpex currently, and virtually nobody uses it. | [04:17] |
mircea_popescu | (am lookin at you nano!!1) | [04:17] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: lol | [04:17] |
mircea_popescu | hehe | [04:17] |
mircea_popescu | and btw, i have a good answer for the two step sign-and-encrypt design. | [04:17] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: At a *bare minimum*, you need to do confirmations. At the time of the transaction, you generate some random secret, and send it to the recipient, along with a description of what's being authorized. | [04:19] |
Perlboy | a5m0: how much you want for the 5970 & 4 yubi's? | [04:19] |
mircea_popescu | not going to happen dwon. | [04:19] |
mircea_popescu | useless overhead. | [04:19] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: The recipient must reply back to you with that secret. This is what every mailing list software on the planet does. | [04:19] |
mircea_popescu | and that scheme is actually LESS secure than the current one. | [04:19] |
a5m0 | if you bought all 4 yubi's i could do $60 | [04:20] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: The idea is to prove that someone can *receive* email at a particular address, rather than trying to prove that they can send email from that address (which anyone can do) | [04:20] |
Perlboy | including 5970? | [04:20] |
rory1 | thanks all | [04:20] |
rory1 | gooo night | [04:20] |
* | triptyl has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [04:21] |
* | rory1 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [04:21] |
a5m0 | Perlboy, lol the 5970 is worth like $400, so no | [04:21] |
Perlboy | well that's why i was surprised :) | [04:21] |
mircea_popescu | dwon : depends how your email server is setup | [04:21] |
mircea_popescu | if you have permitted senders on then it's not the case anyone can do it, no. | [04:21] |
mircea_popescu | if you don't, then you obviously don't care, and so neither do i. | [04:22] |
* | androSnake (~jhfkmuzj@unaffiliated/androsnake) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:22] |
mod6 | ;;view | [04:23] |
androSnake | cory can i tell now my question :) | [04:23] |
gribble | #7336 Wed Mar 21 18:40:51 2012 mod6 BUY 9.0 BTC @ 50 USD (I have $50.00 USD MoneyPak, want to trade for BTC. Auth/Rating required on OTC. Thanks!) | [04:23] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: Well, I tried to warn you in order to help you, but the more you say, the less confidence you're giving me. "This service is secure in the absolute sense of that term...there is simply nothing that can go wrong, by design." That's a load of egotistical crap. | [04:23] |
mod6 | (dropped the price a bit...) | [04:23] |
mircea_popescu | dwon i am kind of an egotistical type. | [04:23] |
* | jjjrmy-m (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:23] |
Cory | androSnake: I'd love to hear it. | [04:23] |
mircea_popescu | but on the other hand, i don't mind actually discussing the matter. not sure why you'd expect you're gonna tell me "do x" and i'm gonna do x, either. | [04:24] |
androSnake | what | [04:24] |
androSnake | ok then im leaving | [04:24] |
androSnake | cory you ignorant | [04:24] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: Well, so am I, and I still don't go around claiming I'm 100% secure while simultaneously ignoring vulnerabilities that people point out. | [04:24] |
androSnake | guy | [04:24] |
Cory | androSnake: Sorry. | [04:24] |
mircea_popescu | you have not yet pointed out a vulnerability. | [04:24] |
androSnake | what sorrsy | [04:24] |
androSnake | sorry for what ? | [04:24] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: well, i'd have to agree with dwon, forging email from: header is trivial. that said, so is setting up a separate email address and keeping it secret. :) i guess it depends on whether you want to help users be secure or not. ;) | [04:24] |
Cory | androSnake: I didn't mean to offend you. What's your question? | [04:24] |
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androSnake | id love to here it = i dont love to here it = shut the fuck up ???? | [04:25] |
Cory | I wasn't being sarcastic. | [04:25] |
nanotube | androSnake: no, that means he wants to hear it. | [04:25] |
Cory | I'd = I would | [04:25] |
mircea_popescu | i am not about to send out mail as scatterback. | [04:25] |
androSnake | oh sorry cory my false | [04:25] |
androSnake | sory | [04:25] |
mircea_popescu | anything of the kind is a braindead implementation of security circus. | [04:25] |
androSnake | so my question: | [04:25] |
mircea_popescu | and i mean, what am i verifying, that the person can send mail from the email they sent me mail in the first place to establish their holdings ? | [04:26] |
mircea_popescu | as in, what, they lost the email meanwhile ? | [04:27] |
mircea_popescu | tis ridiculous, this. | [04:27] |
androSnake | can any poeple taking time for me and help me to learn me how to buy and sell BTC , it needs time, steps that ive done: i know how to register GPG by gribble, i have a gpg fingerprint, cury can u take time and help me, id would be very nice, when u help me maybe i send you some little bitcoins, it would be very nice from you! | [04:27] |
mod6 | androSnake: Sure, most people would be happy to help. Vielleicht ein weniger Feindseligkeit wäre besser. | [04:28] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: no, you're verifying that the email header is not forged. you do know about how to forge from headers, right? | [04:28] |
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androSnake | mod6 bad german! ;) | [04:28] |
mod6 | | [04:28] |
mircea_popescu | nanotube : DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; | [04:28] |
mircea_popescu |; s=20120113; | [04:28] |
mircea_popescu | h=mime-version:sender:date:x-google-sender-auth:message-id:subject | [04:28] |
mircea_popescu | :from:to:content-type; | [04:28] |
androSnake | haha | [04:28] |
mod6 | :D | [04:28] |
mircea_popescu | can you forge that ? | [04:28] |
* | androSnake is lolling about that german | [04:28] |
androSnake | hahahaha | [04:28] |
androSnake | :DDDD | [04:28] |
androSnake | EPIC!! | [04:28] |
Cory | androSnake: I do not know much about buying BTC from Germany, so I doubt I would be much help. :( | [04:28] |
androSnake | ok :( | [04:28] |
* | smickles (~smickles@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:28] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: do you actually check that, though? or do you just look at From: .... ? | [04:29] |
Lunaqus | anyone selling namecoin? | [04:29] |
mircea_popescu | i check in the case that the original domain had dkim | [04:29] |
neofutur | ;;ident androSnake | [04:29] |
androSnake | is this an us otc channel ? | [04:29] |
gribble | Nick 'androSnake', with hostmask 'androSnake!~jhfkmuzj@unaffiliated/androsnake', is not identified. | [04:29] |
mircea_popescu | if it did not then i do not. | [04:29] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: DomainKeys isn't that widely used. | [04:29] |
mod6 | I actually did a retranslate from ENG->GER GER->ENG and it seemed to make sense. I used to speak ger actually at one point. lol. | [04:29] |
neofutur | ok, if you registered with gribble, now you need to ident | [04:29] |
androSnake | lol | [04:29] |
mircea_popescu | yes dwon, but i am not in thebusiness of forcing anyone to be secure | [04:29] |
androSnake | ok neofutur i maek it now | [04:29] |
mircea_popescu | i am in the business of providing means to be secure for those who care to. | [04:29] |
androSnake | give me time please | [04:29] |
androSnake | ok :) ? | [04:30] |
androSnake | to learn it, i try it without help | [04:30] |
* | btcboy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:30] |
neofutur | np ;) take your time | [04:30] |
androSnake | and without wiki | [04:30] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: It's not a matter of forcing anyone to be secure, it's a matter of meeting the minimum standard of care for authenticating email. | [04:30] |
androSnake | ok | [04:30] |
androSnake | so now im shortly busy | [04:30] |
neofutur | when you ident you proove you are the real yourself | [04:30] |
mircea_popescu | dwon, that's poppycock, srsly. | [04:30] |
btcboy | anyone on here btc -> interac emt | [04:30] |
neofutur | you need to do it everytime you come here and want to trade bitcoin | [04:30] |
mircea_popescu | its akin to complaining that gribble doesn't email you a secret to your gpg email address. | [04:30] |
androSnake | neofutur i know i kno man ;) | [04:31] |
androSnake | nw let me do it | [04:31] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: seriously, it wouldn't be hard to find an expert witness who would testify that relying on a from header to validate an email is negligence. | [04:31] |
* | cash41 (~anonymous@gateway/tor-sasl/cash41) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:31] |
btcboy | ;;guidw | [04:31] |
mircea_popescu | sigh. | [04:31] |
btcboy | ;;guide | [04:31] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: ask around; see what people say | [04:31] |
mircea_popescu | it wouldn't be hard to find an "expert" witness to testify to anything. | [04:31] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: By "wouldn't be hard" I mean you could basically pick one at random | [04:31] |
mircea_popescu | i seem to recall the guy who testified that females don't ejaculate and thus ejaculate material is proof of rape, back in the 80s | [04:32] |
mircea_popescu | but all this aside : mpex is scheduled to replace mpoe during the course of this year | [04:32] |
mircea_popescu | so the entire email business is going to be outdated in a few months. | [04:33] |
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mircea_popescu | but ftr, both yahoo and gmail use dkim, so i'd say that's about what, 2/3 of all email ? | [04:34] |
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* | jurov (vjucjl@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:36] |
LordCanti | hasn't email been outdated for a decade? | [04:36] |
mircea_popescu | according to mr knuth, almost 2 decades by now. | [04:36] |
dwon | LordCanti: Yup. Google Wave is all the rage now. | [04:36] |
vragnaroda | lol | [04:36] |
LordCanti | hahaha | [04:36] |
Lunaqus | anyone sselling namecoin? | [04:36] |
mircea_popescu | o look who's there ? how goes vragnaroda ? | [04:37] |
a5m0 | Lunaqus, i can sell you nmc | [04:37] |
vragnaroda | vragnaroda goes well. | [04:37] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [04:37] |
* | triptyl (~triptyl@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:38] |
paulzag | ;;getrating [ident mod6] | [04:41] |
gribble | User mod6, created on Mon Oct 10 13:26:38 2011. Cumulative rating 18, from 12 total ratings. Received ratings: 12 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 12 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask mod6! | [04:41] |
* | Guest37481 is now known as Sarajevo | [04:41] |
paulzag | mod6 you having difficulty getting a taker on that deal still? | [04:41] |
* | Sarajevo is now known as Guest31538 | [04:41] |
mod6 | Yeah, wanna trade? | [04:41] |
btcboy | ;;book | [04:42] |
neofutur | ;;rated mod6 | [04:42] |
gribble | You have not yet rated user mod6 | [04:42] |
neofutur | mod6: you buy or sell ? I m always willing to strenghten the woT | [04:42] |
mod6 | neofutur: just buy orders for the time being :) | [04:43] |
* | neofutur also selling GNU/Linux, web, SEO services, and more ; check | [04:43] |
mod6 | I get these MPs all the time now. | [04:43] |
phantomcircuit | ne0futur, lol SEO | [04:44] |
paulzag | ;;rated mod6 | [04:44] |
gribble | You rated user mod6 on Mon Feb 27 16:32:36 2012, giving him a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: sold him BTC for MP twice quick & easy. | [04:44] |
paulzag | yeah I'll do it | [04:44] |
mircea_popescu | << guess who's got 42 views ? that's right. | [04:44] |
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rg | what SEO stuff can you do neo | [04:46] |
rg | we already have a PR4 | [04:46] |
* | pingdrive (~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:46] |
rg | actually no, thats a lie, we have a pr3 | [04:47] |
neofutur | I already told you 2 or 3 advices on #bitcoin-hosting | [04:47] |
mircea_popescu | jesus. srsly rg, pr is dead as disco. | [04:47] |
rg | i dont care | [04:47] |
neofutur | first I sell a SEO audit, then I can give a full list of recommendations and propositions | [04:47] |
dwon | For some reason, I imagined that vragnaroda was older. | [04:47] |
rg | we're on the first page for google results | [04:47] |
neofutur | ( and pagerank is not all ) | [04:47] |
rg | thats good enough | [04:47] |
vragnaroda | dwon: That picture's a couple years old. I don't have any recent pictures. | [04:47] |
rg | considering the first two companies listed cease to exist | [04:47] |
vragnaroda | (I think it was 2008.) | [04:48] |
mircea_popescu | im with dwon on that, i figured vragnaroda to be late 50s originally. | [04:48] |
dwon | That was my guess, too. | [04:48] |
vragnaroda | lol | [04:49] |
vragnaroda | If I live as long as my father did, I have 15 years left. | [04:49] |
mircea_popescu | you sound old dood, don't try and date on the interwebz | [04:49] |
mircea_popescu | you'll get riddled with gold diggers. | [04:49] |
pingdrive | the whole world is riddled with gold diggers | [04:50] |
mircea_popescu | well that aside :p | [04:50] |
* | MelMan_ (ae1bd55f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc | [04:51] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, im off to bed. plz not to break my 100% secure websites till i wake up kthx. | [04:51] |
pingdrive | "i have gold in my pants can you dig it, honey?" | [04:52] |
dwon | Holy crap, Google Images is getting good. When I search for myself, I don't just get myself, I get a bunch of pictures of people I've met. | [04:53] |
mircea_popescu | i just imagegoogled my name | [04:53] |
mircea_popescu | shot of model pissing naked in the snow in the first line | [04:54] |
mircea_popescu | i guess that's about par for the course... | [04:54] |
jjjrmy | coingenuity: Hey, are you still interested in the ads? | [04:54] |
pingdrive | thats hot | [04:54] |
gmaxwell | dwon: searching for me movestly gives you green tree pythons and steve jobs | [04:54] |
mircea_popescu | and this on moderate search to boot. | [04:54] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: Heh, nice. | [04:56] |
dwon | gmaxwell: I don't see the Steve Jobs anywhere. | [04:57] |
mircea_popescu | he's dead. | [04:57] |
word | ninjas did it | [04:57] |
gmaxwell | dwon: | [04:58] |
dwon | oh, there he is | [04:58] |
gmaxwell | they must have tweaked the algorithims.. less jobs now. | [04:58] |
dwon | I searched for greg maxwell | [04:58] |
gmaxwell | (or perhaps its because he's dead) | [04:58] |
dirkdizzler | i like the green snake | [04:59] |
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llnaox | ;;getrating paulzag | [05:00] |
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* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [13:11] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [13:11] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 | [13:11] |
* | mircea_popescu sings *and listen to the soooound of siiiilence* | [13:20] |
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coingenuity | mircea_popescu: | [13:26] |
mircea_popescu | hm? | [13:26] |
coingenuity | just breaking the silence | [13:26] |
coingenuity | LO | [13:26] |
coingenuity | :P* | [13:26] |
Chaang-Noi | ill help BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNGGGGGGGGGG!!! :) | [13:26] |
coingenuity | lol | [13:27] |
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spawn- | anyone wants to get my 5BTC @ $27 PPUSD :) | [13:28] |
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coingenuity | ;;calc 27 / 5 | [13:36] |
coingenuity | 12% | [13:36] |
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max999 | btc <> pp | [13:48] |
paulzag | max999: talk to me | [13:48] |
spawn- | max999 talk to me also | [13:48] |
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Chaang-Noi | so i had a mainboard go bad. how hard will it be to recover files on that hdd? like my GLBSE account? | [14:20] |
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benjamindees | trivial? | [14:22] |
benjamindees | barring some kind of spectacular error... | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | hdd should be fine, just plug it into a diff box. | [14:24] |
rg | good morning | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | hallo | [14:24] |
rg | [14:24] | |
benjamindees | and assuming you are capable of mounting it r/o | [14:24] |
rg | easy | [14:24] |
rg | and evne if the hd was fucked, easy | [14:24] |
Chaang-Noi | okay good | [14:25] |
Chaang-Noi | i assume when i get the same mb back ina few weeks i wont be able to just plug it back in and have it work right? | [14:25] |
benjamindees | odds are you could | [14:26] |
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benjamindees | but it's probably best to reinstall the OS and transfer files | [14:27] |
Chaang-Noi | hmm, im not even sure how glbse is intigrated into my harddrive | [14:27] |
Chaang-Noi | im not sure what i would need to move over :/ | [14:27] |
mircea_popescu | isn't it just a pw ? | [14:28] |
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Chaang-Noi | might be, i have an account number that is like 40 numbers long, dont know what that is | [14:29] |
Chaang-Noi | if it is just a password how to i get it? | [14:30] |
rg | well | [14:30] |
rg | it depends | [14:30] |
rg | are you using windoze? | [14:30] |
rg | windoze freaks out if you plug in a different mobo | [14:30] |
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mircea_popescu | chaang-noi you should prolly give mpex a try sometime. your account simply consists of your ability to gpg sign and encode. | [14:33] |
mcorlett | ...and encrypt | [14:33] |
Chaang-Noi | m-p you ran that options thing a while a go rigth? | [14:34] |
mcorlett | It's still running, Chaang-Noi. | [14:35] |
mcorlett | ;;topic | [14:35] |
gribble | OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [14:35] |
Chaang-Noi | hmm.. well im very very caution to get involed in anything related to be honest. | [14:35] |
Chaang-Noi | i saw the free beta testing and thought not for me. | [14:36] |
mircea_popescu | umm. | [14:39] |
mircea_popescu | which free beta testing do you mean ? | [14:39] |
mircea_popescu | o hey mcorlett i forgot there's ;;topic :D | [14:40] |
* | emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [14:41] |
Chaang-Noi | im not really interested. thanks anyway. | [14:41] |
* | androSnake (~jhfkmuzj@unaffiliated/androsnake) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [14:42] |
mircea_popescu | each his own. | [14:43] |
mcorlett | To each his own. | [14:43] |
rg | | [14:45] |
rg | awww | [14:45] |
rg | internet trolling doing something positive | [14:45] |
rg | incase of tl;dr, this broad was getting bullied, school did nothing, posts on reddit, gives out schools email addresses. next day: police car at school taking evidence of bullying | [14:46] |
rg | i dunno, i never got bullied | [14:48] |
spawn- | anyone wants to get my 5BTC @ $25 PPUSD :) | [14:49] |
rg | i got harassed as a freshmen, but that happens to everyone | [14:49] |
* | Ban (duh@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [14:53] |
mircea_popescu | meh, i think girl-girl bully behaviour is essential for both rooting out the losers | [14:53] |
mircea_popescu | and normal, healthy development of the cooler females. | [14:53] |
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rg | i think kids these days just dont know how to deal with shit | [14:55] |
rg | someone tells you to go kill yourself | [14:55] |
rg | you dont go and kill yourself | [14:56] |
rg | you start throwing feces at their house | [14:56] |
rg | put in on the door handles | [14:56] |
paulzag | cheer up emo grrl? | [14:56] |
rg | shes good now | [14:56] |
rg | the kid got in deep shit | [14:56] |
rg | she had a ton of proof | [14:56] |
rg | kid will probably get expelled | [14:56] |
rg | and then theyll meet 15 years later and start ====D {{{}} | [14:56] |
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mircea_popescu | why is her cunt assymetircal ? | [14:58] |
mircea_popescu | which reminds me, the difference between missionary and doggy style ? {`} vs {,} | [14:59] |
imsaguy2 | take it to a different channel, there's a reason there's a -otc-nsfw | [14:59] |
mcorlett | :(){ :|:& }; : | [15:00] |
mcorlett | (bonus points if you know what that actually is) | [15:00] |
* | tbage ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:03] |
mircea_popescu | you object to curly brackets imsaguy2 ? | [15:05] |
mircea_popescu | and i have no ideea mroclette. | [15:05] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Run it in your shell. | [15:05] |
mircea_popescu | o no ty. | [15:06] |
mircea_popescu | im not running things from irc in my shell. | [15:06] |
mcorlett | Will you run it if I email it to you? | [15:06] |
mircea_popescu | you prolly have a trojan in there or something. | [15:06] |
mcorlett | Yes, the trojan is hiding in the ampersand. | [15:06] |
rg | it looks like a forkbomb | [15:06] |
mircea_popescu | see ? i knoed it | [15:06] |
mcorlett | rg: Nice job | [15:06] |
mircea_popescu | rg knoes too about pens and shit. | [15:06] |
rg | interesting way to write it | [15:07] |
* | GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:07] |
rg | | [15:08] |
rg | uNF | [15:08] |
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mcorlett | It's the shortest I've seen. | [15:08] |
* | rg so happy | [15:08] |
jcpham | hugs | [15:09] |
jcpham | vragnaroda laid out the banhammer in -nsfw | [15:09] |
jcpham | just goes to show you can be banned there too | [15:09] |
imsaguy2 | yeah | [15:10] |
mircea_popescu | -nsfw is born dead. | [15:10] |
imsaguy2 | asci art is of teh devil | [15:10] |
paulzag | is it for that psycho astrowhatever? | [15:10] |
plato | ;;book | [15:10] |
mircea_popescu | ahahaha | [15:10] |
mircea_popescu | not a human right. | [15:10] |
mircea_popescu | get ready for the butthurt. literally. | [15:10] |
mcorlett | | [15:11] |
mcorlett | dat nose | [15:11] |
rg | she'd be moderately normal looking | [15:12] |
rg | without that honker | [15:12] |
mircea_popescu | she got that from a bird ? | [15:12] |
tbage | lol | [15:12] |
tbage | RELEVANT FACT: "DAT NOSE" | [15:12] |
mircea_popescu | tbage don't hate on the nature of the internets. | [15:12] |
benjamindees | oh good I'm glad you zeroed in on that pic as well... | [15:13] |
mcorlett | u guys hatin' | [15:14] |
* | rg points out how weird you all look | [15:14] |
benjamindees | yeah but we were born this way... | [15:14] |
mircea_popescu | i don't look weird | [15:14] |
tbage | grr | [15:14] |
paulzag | | [15:14] |
tbage | wheres my pecunix exchanger | [15:14] |
mircea_popescu | but i agree you all do. | [15:14] |
benjamindees | this lizard person just put on her human mask wrong... | [15:14] |
paulzag | lists that bomb | [15:14] |
tbage | lol benjamindees | [15:15] |
mcorlett | paulzag: I got it from Jaromil's site, but yeah... | [15:15] |
paulzag | windows %0|%0 | [15:15] |
mircea_popescu | someone set them up the bomb ? | [15:16] |
plato | ;;view 7303 | [15:17] |
plato | #7303 Mon Mar 19 10:58:38 2012 luke-jr SELL 15.0 1.5 GH/s shares @ 1000 USD (Shares on a ButterFlyLabs Rig Box (50 GH/s total); one-time cost of $1kUSD, plus fair division of electric costs to run it) | [15:17] |
mcorlett | ;;view 7303 | [15:17] |
gribble | #7303 Mon Mar 19 10:58:38 2012 luke-jr SELL 15.0 1.5 GH/s shares @ 1000 USD (Shares on a ButterFlyLabs Rig Box (50 GH/s total); one-time cost of $1kUSD, plus fair division of electric costs to run it) | [15:17] |
plato | wth | [15:17] |
plato | is it cause i'm not voiced | [15:17] |
jcpham | what the hell indeed sir | [15:17] |
jcpham | what the hell indeed | [15:17] |
mcorlett | It is because you are inferior to the mcorlett. | [15:17] |
mircea_popescu | and also not voiced. | [15:18] |
mcorlett | ...that too, but mostly because you are inferior to the mcorlett. | [15:18] |
jcpham | no voice for plato | [15:18] |
jcpham | please see aristotle for voice | [15:18] |
mcorlett | Jaromil's shirt: | [15:19] |
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plato | how bout NAOW | [15:19] |
plato | :( | [15:19] |
rg | hrm | [15:19] |
rg | i need to talk to a lawyer | [15:19] |
mircea_popescu | his hair is a forkbomb too mcorlett | [15:19] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: u jelly? | [15:20] |
* | ljrbot (~supybot-l@2001:470:88ff:2e::1) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:20] |
mircea_popescu | hey, i wore an afro in hs. | [15:20] |
mircea_popescu | back then i still had hair. | [15:20] |
rg | i had turquoise hair in HS | [15:20] |
rg | lol | [15:20] |
jcpham | | [15:20] |
* | rg was such a chump | [15:20] |
funziggy | I remember the first thing I learnt about unix (and later linux) in chat someone will tell you to run "rm -f /" never trust anyone on chat | [15:21] |
paulzag | funziggy: I thought it was "rm -rf /" | [15:21] |
mircea_popescu | i see the ex global warming / now climate change idiots won't yield eh jcpham | [15:21] |
mcorlett | It's -rf. | [15:21] |
jcpham | mircea_popescu march has been warm | [15:22] |
jcpham | i mowed my gras in shorts and no shirt sunday | [15:22] |
mircea_popescu | i recall the one time a bunch of people got snowed in washington and couldn't get to their global warming thing. | [15:22] |
jcpham | hurrr | [15:22] |
mircea_popescu | point being, the weather fluctuates. | [15:22] |
benjamindees | notice how the red is centered right over the Bakken field... | [15:23] |
benjamindees | it's a sign that you should pay me carbon taxes | [15:23] |
jcpham | Yellowstone! | [15:23] |
rg | carbon credits in BYC | [15:23] |
rg | surely someone's already done that scam | [15:23] |
benjamindees | hmm carbon neutral bitcoins | [15:24] |
mircea_popescu | not really rg seeing how cc is an entirely legislative bubble and btc aren't the darling of any government. | [15:24] |
jcpham | mmmmmm carbon | [15:24] |
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jcpham | graphene nanotubes | [15:24] |
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rg | for every bitcoin you give me, i will release 3.75 pounds of carbon dioxide | [15:27] |
rg | into the atmosphere | [15:27] |
benjamindees | prob some methane too | [15:27] |
mircea_popescu | rg : quick, what's the volume of 3.75 lbs of co2 ? | [15:28] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: 3.75 co4 | [15:28] |
mircea_popescu | nope lol | [15:29] |
jcpham | more bitcoin press? | [15:29] |
mcorlett | ;;seen Y0nderboy | [15:29] |
gribble | Y0nderboy was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 6 days, 9 hours, 13 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: |
[15:29] |
phedny | mircea_popescu: 30.38 cubic feet? | [15:31] |
mircea_popescu | sounds about right actually phedny | [15:31] |
rg | oh, i have no idea | [15:31] |
mcorlett | I still think it's 3.75 co4. | [15:31] |
rg | i just googled 'carbon measurement' | [15:31] |
rg | and thats the first thing that came up | [15:31] |
mircea_popescu | 22,4 cubic meters per kmol, 44 kgs per kmol, so yea. | [15:31] |
phedny | I used the density for gat at 1atm and 0 degrees C from | [15:32] |
phedny | gas * | [15:32] |
phedny | and used Google to convert lbs to kg and m3 to cubic feet | [15:32] |
mircea_popescu | wd :) | [15:32] |
mircea_popescu | now put your pic in rg's photo thing. | [15:33] |
kakobrekla | shouldnt the math be done at 20°c | [15:33] |
benjamindees | scf is measured at 20 c | [15:33] |
kakobrekla | hehe | [15:33] |
spawn- | anyone wants to get my 5BTC @ $25 PPUSD :) | [15:34] |
* | EvanR wakes up at work | [15:34] |
benjamindees | phantomcircuit, :( | [15:34] |
jcpham | i have nsfw to share! | [15:34] |
EvanR | good morning | [15:34] |
jcpham | WHERE 2 SHARE? | [15:35] |
EvanR | here | [15:35] |
jcpham | share here? | [15:35] |
EvanR | all nsfw is safe at my work | [15:35] |
sturles | #bitcoin-otc-nsfw? | [15:35] |
jcpham | Cannot join #bitcoin-otc-nsfw (You are banned). SADPANDA | [15:35] |
mircea_popescu | actually, i just stumbled on the nsfw meaning of life. for srsly. it's a naked chick holding by the arm a blind guy while some cyclists go by as a blur in the background. | [15:36] |
mircea_popescu | that's it. | [15:36] |
mcorlett | PM me and I'll relay, jcpham. | [15:36] |
EvanR | we look at porn all day here and publish articles such as facebook hates black people | [15:36] |
sturles | Wow! What did you do to get banned from there!? | [15:36] |
imsaguy2 | ascii art | [15:37] |
mcorlett | sturles: It probably went something like this: 01:57 ← You were kicked by Staatsfeind (~markac@unaffiliated/vragnaroda): That's not NSFW. | [15:37] |
jcpham | lol | [15:37] |
EvanR | is not NSFW equivalent to safe for work? | [15:38] |
EvanR | if so, prove it | [15:38] |
EvanR | if not, why not | [15:38] |
benjamindees | not in the set of all things not safe for work | [15:39] |
jcpham | i think i got confused on how nsfw worked | [15:40] |
EvanR | how not not safe for work works | [15:40] |
jcpham | yes | [15:40] |
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kakobrekla | | [15:46] |
rg | who here is a lawyer | [15:46] |
rg | theres gotta be someone | [15:46] |
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benjamindees | lawyers don't tend to give out advice, it's against the rules | [15:49] |
mircea_popescu | rg : benjamindees beat me to it | [15:50] |
benjamindees | you must make offer of sacrifice first... | [15:50] |
* | ataranlen (451af3b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:51] |
ataranlen | Occulta, you busy? | [15:52] |
ataranlen | ;;guide | [15:53] |
* | Jarwain_ (835b89e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:54] |
Jarwain_ | Hey, anyone willing to sell me just one BTC? All I have is paypal, unfortunately | [15:54] |
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Jarwain_ | Actually, I'll be back | [15:55] |
* | Jarwain_ has quit (Client Quit) | [15:55] |
rg | hrm | [15:55] |
mcorlett | ;;rate Jarwain_ 10 Being in a rush is always good for business! | [15:58] |
EvanR | lol | [15:58] |
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rg | HEY | [16:05] |
rg | be nice to my cat | [16:05] |
copumpkin | rg: so what was that you were saying about luke-jr? | [16:06] |
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warcrafer | sell paysafecard for btc's - good discounts | [16:19] |
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rg | erm | [16:21] |
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rg | what was i saying about luke? | [16:21] |
rg | i like luke, i consider him a friend so if i was speaking poorly of him i was most likely kidding | [16:22] |
gmaxwell | rg: you said he was robbing his pool and that he had two billion stolen bitcoins or something. | [16:22] |
rg | lol | [16:23] |
rg | clearly fake | [16:23] |
* | _99percent_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [16:23] |
rg | thats the beauty of eligius | [16:24] |
rg | you cant steal from it | [16:24] |
benjamindees | because it's protected by god? | [16:24] |
rg | but luke does keep the pool fees, thats common practice of all pools | [16:24] |
rg | especially with a no-fee pool | [16:24] |
spawn- | anyone want my 5btc for $25PPUSD anyone? jusg PM me | [16:24] |
rg | i wonder if i post on the forum looking for a lawyer | [16:25] |
rg | if anyone will come out of the shadows | [16:25] |
* | SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzzz | [16:25] |
benjamindees | there is a legal section... | [16:25] |
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luke-jr | rg: more likely you'd just spawn a bunch of conspiracy theories | [16:26] |
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rg | luke-jr: that is what i am worried about | [16:27] |
rg | though the matter is simple | [16:27] |
rg | i want to know what i can do to protect my users | [16:27] |
rg | if say, someone did something *really* bad | [16:27] |
rg | and they wanted to seize the servers | [16:27] |
rg | aside from keeping backups and bringing up a new server | [16:27] |
rg | cause loading day old backups on a new server in the same dc isnt really acceptable | [16:28] |
* | androSnake (~jhfkmuzj@unaffiliated/androsnake) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:28] |
rg | id like to think of that as 'last resort' | [16:28] |
luke-jr | rg: afaik when servers are seized, they don't leave behind backups | [16:28] |
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imsaguy2 | typically when they have warrants for the servers, its for all associated media too | [16:30] |
imsaguy2 | spawn-, do not pm me | [16:30] |
copumpkin | luke-jr: don't make jokes about that shit, then. Remember what a stupid joke cost you for bitvps? Reputations take a long time to build and no time to tarnish | [16:30] |
spawn- | ok sorry | [16:30] |
copumpkin | gah | [16:30] |
copumpkin | luke-jr: not you | [16:30] |
copumpkin | rg: you :P | [16:31] |
imsaguy2 | I saw your offer 6 minutes ago | [16:31] |
imsaguy2 | tyhere's no reason to pm me unsolicited with the same offer | [16:31] |
rg | luke-jr: i have backups offsite | [16:31] |
rg | what joke? | [16:32] |
rg | trying to protect customers in all circumstances? | [16:32] |
rg | im confused | [16:33] |
ataranlen | ;;guide | [16:33] |
copumpkin | rg: the joke about luke skimming tens of thousands of btc off his pool | [16:33] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | | [16:33] |
rg | i do that joke every week | [16:33] |
copumpkin | rg: lots of people took that seriously yesterday but you disappeared right after making it | [16:33] |
rg | ask #eligius | [16:34] |
* | occulta has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium | [16:34] |
copumpkin | rg: well, I'm saying, don't | [16:34] |
rg | besides | [16:34] |
rg | eligius hasnt even made 26,000 btc | [16:34] |
rg | so how could he skim 26k btc? :P | [16:34] |
rg | i have no problem fooling idiots into believing stupid shit if they dont think for themselves first | [16:34] |
copumpkin | it's not a question of what you have a problem with | [16:35] |
copumpkin | anyway, I'm going to work | [16:35] |
rg | luke-jr: how many blocks has eligius solved by now | [16:35] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [16:35] |
rg | 1000? 2000? | [16:35] |
mircea_popescu | apparently i've missed out on a whole lot of drama. | [16:35] |
rg | mircea_popescu: no drama | [16:36] |
rg | just fucking with pigeons (not the person, people who are pigeons) | [16:36] |
rg | if you honestly believe that luke would be able to steal 26k bitcoins, you're an idiot | [16:37] |
rg | luke-jr: the stats only go back 10 months | [16:37] |
rg | | [16:37] |
rg | maybe he did steal the bitcoins after all! (just kidding) | [16:38] |
reeses | the next train will be along in a few minutes | [16:39] |
rg | i stand corrected aswell | [16:39] |
rg | Eligius has dulled out over 300k BTC | [16:39] |
luke-jr | rg: that's because Eligius is only 10 months old n00b | [16:40] |
rg | really | [16:40] |
rg | i coulda sworn | [16:40] |
jcpham | baaaah | [16:42] |
rg | i was mining on Eligius before it was named eligius | [16:43] |
rg | ;;getrating rg | [16:43] |
gribble | User rg, created on Sun Jun 5 10:39:49 2011. Cumulative rating 147, from 75 total ratings. Received ratings: 75 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 73 positive, 3 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask rg! | [16:43] |
luke-jr | :P | [16:44] |
luke-jr | rg: I think there was less than a week before it was named | [16:44] |
luke-jr | got sick of "Luke's pool" pretty fast | [16:44] |
rg | ok so that makes sense | [16:44] |
rg | so that puts you at 147450 BTC | [16:44] |
rg | generated | [16:44] |
rg | luke-jr: whats the average block fee | [16:45] |
rg | .15 ? | [16:45] |
* | SteinerC (48bdd6c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:46] |
luke-jr | rg: there is no block fee | [16:46] |
SteinerC | Does anyone know a graphic designer willing to get paid in BTC? | [16:46] |
bruzum | yes | [16:47] |
mircea_popescu | rg : doled out. | [16:47] |
DBordello | luke-jr, I thought there was a very small fee? | [16:48] |
rg | luke-jr: sure there is | [16:48] |
luke-jr | DBordello: originally | [16:48] |
rg | you get paid the fee's | [16:48] |
rg | when someone sends immature btc | [16:48] |
luke-jr | rg: oh, those; no idea, it was never worth counting | [16:48] |
rg | so its a safe assumption that you make more with your BFL | [16:48] |
rg | than you do with the fees? | [16:48] |
luke-jr | yeah | [16:49] |
luke-jr | heck, even with just one of my BFLs | [16:49] |
rg | interesting | [16:49] |
DBordello | well, you get additional head aches, do those count? | [16:49] |
luke-jr | DBordello: haha | [16:49] |
rg | thats hilarious | [16:49] |
rg | who believed me that luke skims eligius | [16:49] |
rg | im not mad and i wont call you stupid | [16:50] |
rg | im just curious who | [16:50] |
ataranlen | Yay, Authenticated | [16:50] |
gmaxwell | I don't think people believed your claim, rather they believed you were lying about luke. | [16:50] |
mircea_popescu | wd | [16:50] |
spawn- | anyone want my 5btc for $25PPUSD anyone? jusg PM me | [16:50] |
reeses | ;;ident ataranlen | [16:50] |
gribble | Nick 'ataranlen', with hostmask 'ataranlen!451af3b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. | [16:50] |
pigeons | rg hatin' on the pigeons | [16:50] |
* | Mkaysi (mkaysi@unaffiliated/mkaysi) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:51] |
ataranlen | o.O but... It said I was... | [16:51] |
reeses | :( | [16:51] |
pigeons | i think people knew you were joking bout luke | [16:51] |
* | DBordello has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [16:51] |
luke-jr | I think people expected you to say so explicitly after :P | [16:51] |
rg | haha pigeons, i made sure to be explicit that i didnt mean you | [16:51] |
rg | :) | [16:51] |
pigeons | anti-pigeite | [16:52] |
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rg | luke-jr: yeah i probably got busy | [16:52] |
ataranlen | "-NickServ- You are already logged in as ataranlen." | [16:52] |
rg | im real excited with our new machine | [16:52] |
reeses | pigeons are called squab when you don’t hate them | [16:52] |
reeses | mmmmm | [16:52] |
rg | Cusipzzz is teh first VM added | [16:52] |
rg | its usually rawrmage | [16:52] |
nanotube | ataranlen: otc auth is different from nickserv auth | [16:52] |
rg | i think he's been first on all our nodes | [16:52] |
reeses | ataranlen: ah that’s nickserv | [16:52] |
ataranlen | Ah, alright | [16:52] |
reeses | ataranlen: you have a whole new round of misery with php auth :( | [16:53] |
reeses | pgp | [16:53] |
helo | pgp auth feels great! | [16:53] |
nanotube | you mean, round of wonderful opportunity to use pgp :) | [16:53] |
helo | fmtpo | [16:53] |
reeses | nanotube: squeaky wheel syndrome. I only see people complaining. :) | [16:54] |
rg | i wonder why they bothered to make a US version of this film | [16:54] |
nanotube | reeses: haha yea | [16:54] |
jcpham | moar dollars | [16:54] |
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reeses | nanotube: but if it gets more people encrypting, I’m all for it | [16:54] |
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jcpham | i made a 0bit plaintext key | [16:55] |
ataranlen | Whats that? we're talking about films? | [16:55] |
mircea_popescu | everyone : go play with mpex, help gpg become relevant :D | [16:55] |
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* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [16:56] |
ataranlen | I had a disk somewhere from a bitcoin meetup that had everything I would need to setup pgp... now to find it xD | [16:56] |
reeses | what os? | [16:57] |
ataranlen | Currently on Mac OSX Lion, I run Win 7 at home | [16:57] |
reeses | jcpham: brilliant, you don’t have to worry about someone not having your algorithm in their implementation | [16:58] |
spawn- | anyone want my 5btc for $25PPUSD anyone? jusg PM me | [16:58] |
reeses | ataranlen: very easy, just install gpgtools | [16:58] |
reeses | although it will step on your verisigh sighing cert in | [16:59] |
imsaguy2 | spawn-: put it in the book, quit spamming | [16:59] |
reeses | or die | [16:59] |
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reeses | imsaguy2’s in a killing mood today | [16:59] |
ataranlen | Mail? who uses that crap... xD I've got outlook and Gmail :) | [16:59] |
imsaguy2 | do a search for spawn-'s messages | [16:59] |
imsaguy2 | its like every 15 minutes, same message | [16:59] |
reeses | I know | [16:59] |
spawn- | ok bro imsaguy2 :) | [17:00] |
imsaguy2 | I'm not your bro. | [17:00] |
reeses | I was lending emphasis in the form of a stick with a pointy bit | [17:00] |
* | imsaguy2 pokes reeses | [17:00] |
imsaguy2 | thanks for the stick! | [17:00] |
reeses | that’s not a stick | [17:00] |
helo | THIS is a stick | [17:00] |
reeses | that’s a very irish thingie | [17:00] |
reeses | and no, not a shelaieniieinieangineiaerilaieearslgpiairenii | [17:01] |
reeses | stupid ghaidlig | [17:01] |
imsaguy2 | I didn't know you were irish redditcoin | [17:01] |
imsaguy2 | err reeses | [17:01] |
reeses | we fled through northern england on the way to america and picked up a couple genes | [17:02] |
reeses | so I read up on ghaidhlig when I was a wee laddie | [17:03] |
imsaguy2 | It seems the scotts are gonna finally get what they wantee | [17:03] |
imsaguy2 | wanted* | [17:03] |
reeses | with this health reform they just might | [17:03] |
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reeses | that’ll show Québec who’s manly and who’s a wussie canadian | [17:04] |
imsaguy2 | I was referring to their split with HRH | [17:04] |
ataranlen | reeses: Key upload failed, code 0 T_T | [17:05] |
reeses | yeah, me too | [17:05] |
reeses | | [17:06] |
reeses | the scots have that nailed down and are independent but are like, “what the FUCK is wrong with you people?" | [17:07] |
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reeses | the scot pound is on the hotel exchange board in dubai, with maybe 6-7 other currencies | [17:07] |
reeses | so it’s getting more traction | [17:07] |
reeses | and valuet > GBP | [17:07] |
rawrmage | rg: lol | [17:08] |
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reeses | ah it’s because the RBS has been in the UAE for ages | [17:13] |
* | jjjrmy-m (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:13] |
* | mircea_popescu wonders why can;t he apparently get any traction whatsoever for mpex. is it that there's no actual market for stock exchanges ? is it taht people really can't stand pgp ? | [17:14] |
* | reeses monitors jjjrmy-m | [17:14] |
mircea_popescu | at any rate im doing something wrong. | [17:14] |
reeses | mircea_popescu: pgp/gpg is still a pain in the ass for people. I’m not sure systems providers are helping the matter with whole disk encryption/file vaults/etc | [17:15] |
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jjjrmy-m | reeses: ...what? | [17:15] |
mircea_popescu | maybe. problem is there's absolutely no other way to make web transactions secure. https is a joke. | [17:15] |
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reeses | jjjrmy-m: it’s one of those inside jokes only I and about 100 humans on earth would get, most likely. the best kind of laughter, when the ‘target’ has no idea what’s going on | [17:16] |
mircea_popescu | but anyway, im guessing it's not yet time for this, or something. | [17:16] |
reeses | mircea_popescu: people have largely given up and do some form of two factor, usually sms now | [17:17] |
jjjrmy-m | Does it have anything to do with how many monitors I have? | [17:17] |
mircea_popescu | im not gonna go into that. | [17:17] |
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rg | wtf. | [17:17] |
rg | they changed the god damn ending | [17:17] |
bnmorgan | ending of what? | [17:18] |
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reeses | jjjrmy-m: no, when building out data centers, we had a set of switches for monitoring machines, and were cabled into another ce/eth port, so we didn't interfere with customer traffic. so those links were named |
[17:18] |
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jjjrmy-m | ahhh | [17:19] |
jjjrmy-m | yes, I can see how only a few people would get it. | [17:19] |
reeses | it’s one of those jokes that is not funny | [17:19] |
jjjrmy-m | yeah... I noticed | [17:19] |
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jjjrmy-m | :p | [17:19] |
reeses | which is even better for an inside joke | [17:19] |
reeses | anyway, I kept the habit when building out my own cages | [17:20] |
* | Jarwain_ (835b89e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:20] |
Jarwain_ | Anyone willing to send me 1 BTC, payment via paypal? | [17:20] |
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reeses | Jarwain_: are you going to use it for drugs?????? | [17:21] |
reeses | I’ll send you one gratis if you say you are | [17:21] |
bnmorgan | lol | [17:21] |
EvanR | me too | [17:21] |
EvanR | more drugs | [17:21] |
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bnmorgan | in that case do prescriptions for migraine count? | [17:21] |
EvanR | drugs are medicine for life | [17:21] |
Jarwain_ | Sure | [17:22] |
reeses | address? | [17:22] |
Jarwain_ | xD | [17:22] |
* | cheebydi (cheebydi@unaffiliated/cheebydi) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:22] |
Jarwain_ | 14FG4ssFN5hP84XR2nbU5z8bLyQE7YvZsM | [17:22] |
reeses | on its way | [17:22] |
* | jcpham sends -.05 | [17:22] |
reeses | shit | [17:22] |
reeses | ;;ident Jarwain_ | [17:22] |
gribble | Nick 'Jarwain_', with hostmask 'Jarwain_!835b89e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. | [17:22] |
Jarwain_ | Thank you very much | [17:23] |
Jarwain_ | And what was that? | [17:23] |
reeses | damn it, I don’t know if you’re really honest about using it for druds | [17:23] |
Jarwain_ | xD | [17:23] |
reeses | drugs | [17:23] |
* | gribble gives voice to Mkaysi | [17:23] |
EvanR | lets call it druds so the ops dont beat us down | [17:23] |
EvanR | thieves cant | [17:23] |
reeses | evanr i never named your address so i can’t put it in you unless you tell me again | [17:24] |
jcpham | i have allergies | [17:24] |
rg | sail away | [17:24] |
rg | sail away | [17:24] |
rg | sail away | [17:24] |
reeses | christopher cross? | [17:24] |
reeses | die | [17:24] |
EvanR | reeses: huh? i was talking about me sending Jarwain_ btc xD | [17:24] |
rg | shit i owe imsaguy money | [17:24] |
rg | ;;ticker | [17:24] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.8087, Best ask: 4.80891, Bid-ask spread: 0.00021, Last trade: 4.8087, 24 hour volume: 43065, 24 hour low: 4.75, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [17:24] |
rg | ;;asks 5 | [17:24] |
gribble | There are currently 36025.223 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 177932.412115 USD in total. | [17:24] |
* | Mkaysi remembers that there is ,,(help alert) | [17:24] |
gribble | (alert [ |
[17:24] |
Mkaysi | Hmm, ,,(private [user list --capability=#bitcoin-otc,op]) just from curiosity | [17:25] |
rg | ;;alert #bitcoin-otc you are a lamer | [17:25] |
rg | :> | [17:25] |
rg | ;;calc 7.59 / 4.80 | [17:25] |
gribble | 1.58125 | [17:25] |
rg | perfect | [17:25] |
Mkaysi | You now sent that message to three people | [17:25] |
rg | woot | [17:26] |
rg | now i officially dont owe anyone any btc | [17:26] |
copumpkin | rg: ... | [17:26] |
Mkaysi | ;;reverse [user list --capability=#bitcoin-otc,op] | [17:26] |
Mkaysi | Those people | [17:26] |
Mkaysi | Oh, gribble doesn't have that plugin | [17:26] |
Mkaysi | copumpkin was one | [17:26] |
Mkaysi | *gribble has that command in two plugins | [17:27] |
* | amazingrando has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [17:27] |
rg | copumpkin: yes sir? | [17:27] |
rg | whats up | [17:27] |
jcpham | if thnese dudes outside my window don't stop their turkey jivin' | [17:27] |
EvanR | lol | [17:27] |
jcpham | i'm setting a muthafu on fire | [17:27] |
Mkaysi | I think that he/she got message "CHANNEL EMMERGENCY!" from gribble | [17:27] |
rg | Connection Uptime | [17:27] |
rg | 114 days, 17:56:36 | [17:27] |
rg | you lie | [17:28] |
rg | comcast's DNS server ip: | [17:28] |
rg | copycats. | [17:28] |
jcpham | whose cat? | [17:28] |
jcpham | hoo's | [17:29] |
reeses | Mkaysi: copumpkin == she | [17:29] |
Mkaysi | Ok | [17:29] |
rg | February 2012 (Incoming: 215984 MB | [17:29] |
rg | wow. | [17:29] |
rg | we almost hit our cap | [17:29] |
jcpham | i'm statring to purposefully make punctuation mistakes hoping to catch vrag's eye | [17:29] |
reeses | lol | [17:29] |
rg | jcpham: i know how to get his attention | [17:29] |
rg | say 'got' in place of 'gotten' | [17:29] |
reeses | your split infinitive caught my eye | [17:29] |
jcpham | teach me | [17:30] |
rg | he hates that the most | [17:30] |
mircea_popescu | if i were he i'd prolly have vrag highlighted too. | [17:30] |
* | copumpkin loves to annoyingly split infinitives | [17:30] |
jcpham | WHERE IS YOU'RE SWEATER TIMMY | [17:30] |
reeses | gotten is an effete affectation attempting to legitimize the inelegant and generic ‘got’ | [17:30] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham your screwt nao. | [17:30] |
* | nyuszika7h (nyuszika7h@TouchLay/Member/nyuszika7h) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:30] |
* | Hottub ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:31] |
EvanR | to boldly split where no man has split before | [17:31] |
reeses | chumming for sharks, he is | [17:31] |
reeses | if vragnaroda were dead and buried in a grave, he’d be spinning in it | [17:31] |
reeses | wonder if you can spin in an urn or a coffee can | [17:32] |
jcpham | ITS WONDERFUL | [17:32] |
reeses | hmm…he should sell rights to his epitaph | [17:32] |
* | ljrbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [17:33] |
* | amazingrando (~amazingra@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:33] |
reeses | “Mark Cornelius. Beloved and feared by many who didn't know there grammar and it’s proper application” | [17:34] |
jcpham | A doctor has a practise, but his daughter practices the piano. | [17:34] |
reeses | I play doctor with the daughter | [17:35] |
jcpham | Accept doctors have two much money | [17:35] |
reeses | man he must be dead | [17:36] |
jcpham | I literally just evaporated | [17:36] |
* | ljrbot (~supybot-l@2001:470:88ff:2e::1) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:36] |
jcpham | literally | [17:36] |
reeses | hahahaha | [17:36] |
reeses | you’re just going through strunk and white and the chicago manual of style and breaking the rules one by one, aren’t you? | [17:37] |
reeses | except s&w #1 | [17:37] |
jcpham | Now your on the right track! | [17:37] |
rg | well lolvely | [17:38] |
jcpham | Its a hot day out, i admit | [17:38] |
rg | i just smashed a light bulb in the one room where people go bare foot | [17:38] |
* | bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:38] |
* | Hottub has quit () | [17:38] |
reeses | with a nick like *pham you can claim ignant illegal immigrant exception | [17:39] |
rg | he is illegal | [17:39] |
rg | hes here on an expired student visa | [17:39] |
rg | just never went home | [17:39] |
reeses | sorry, undocumented | [17:39] |
copumpkin | he speaks italian, too | [17:39] |
copumpkin | nobody knows how | [17:39] |
reeses | so my wife kicks people out of the US | [17:40] |
copumpkin | reeses: you should have her kick me out | [17:40] |
reeses | and there was a survey of her colleagues | [17:40] |
reeses | and “morale was low” | [17:40] |
reeses | so, in true fed fashion, at 3pm today, they have to sit through a one-hour video message from the principal legal advisor | [17:41] |
reeses | the beatings will continue until morale improves | [17:41] |
copumpkin | lol | [17:41] |
copumpkin | reeses: one of my colleagues has that as her status message on AIM | [17:41] |
bitcoinTrader | selling btc | [17:42] |
rg | i hope i cleaned all the glass =/ | [17:42] |
reeses | I’ll buy 1.1 btc for 1 scottish btc | [17:42] |
mircea_popescu | reeses was the legal advisor naked and kinda hot ? | [17:42] |
imsaguy2 | <+copumpkin> reeses: one of my colleagues has that as her status message on AIM << People still use AIM? | [17:42] |
copumpkin | yep | [17:43] |
mircea_popescu | girls do imsaguy2 | [17:43] |
copumpkin | apparently we're getting some sort of new fancy microsoft-endorsed messaging system though. I'm pumped | [17:43] |
reeses | aim works well in emacs | [17:43] |
phantomcircuit | mircea_popescu, truth++ | [17:43] |
reeses | | [17:43] |
bitcoinTrader | ;;seen nomandev | [17:43] |
reeses | he’s hot like you but without the beard | [17:43] |
mircea_popescu | i was just giving them the benefit of the doubt. | [17:43] |
copumpkin | reeses: I'd clop to that | [17:43] |
imsaguy2 | copumpkin: at work? | [17:43] |
bitcoinTrader | ;;seen nmandov | [17:44] |
copumpkin | imsaguy2: clopping or the new messenger system? | [17:44] |
mircea_popescu | weordly enough girls keep telling me im hot. i don't see it. | [17:44] |
imsaguy2 | or is that just a fancy way of saying 'skype' | [17:44] |
* | cash41 (~anonymous@gateway/tor-sasl/cash41) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:45] |
reeses | see if you can get them to use sometime instead | [17:45] |
copumpkin | imsaguy2: nah, Microsoft Lync, apparently | [17:45] |
reeses | the notes integration will add another year | [17:45] |
* | hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:45] |
imsaguy2 | mircea_popescu: only because they see the $100 in your fingers | [17:46] |
imsaguy2 | copumpkin, welcome to 2011 | [17:46] |
vragnaroda | 15:30 #bitcoin-otc: < mircea_pope> | if i were he i'd prolly have vrag highlighted too. <-- (1) I do. (2) Nice use of the nominative complement to the copula that prescriptivists love but annoys the fuck out of most people. | [17:46] |
reeses | the one ok two things about msft instant messaging systems is that a) non-msft os support lags or does not exist, and b) the IT staff generally thinks they can then block all other IM | [17:47] |
copumpkin | I love it when people say that | [17:47] |
rg | oh i should also mention | [17:47] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda ty, i am happy to see my art is appreciated. | [17:47] |
copumpkin | but then again, it is I | [17:47] |
reeses | YES | [17:47] |
rg | we're offering our 'budget' vps's in amsterdam now aswell | [17:47] |
bruzum | how much? | [17:47] |
bruzum | specs? | [17:47] |
reeses | we prescriptivists rule! | [17:47] |
rg | oh i dunno off the top of my head | [17:47] |
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rg | go to -> virtual servers -> budget | [17:47] |
imsaguy2 | vragnaroda also has vagina flagged | [17:47] |
bruzum | rg: bah | [17:47] |
reeses | and vagina rodeo | [17:48] |
bruzum | !bitvps | [17:48] |
* | kakobrekla has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [17:48] |
bruzum | rg: its not working. | [17:48] |
bruzum | !bitvps | [17:48] |
rg | ;;calc 5 / 4.80 | [17:48] |
gribble | 1.04166666667 | [17:48] |
rg | what do you mean its not working | [17:48] |
rg | im on | [17:48] |
vragnaroda | lol | [17:48] |
cash41 | ;;gpg eregister rainforestdog 36A0EDB1F97AE9BF | [17:49] |
bruzum | !buy bitvps 1 | [17:49] |
rg | im not a bot brostaff | [17:49] |
bruzum | where is the bot ? | [17:49] |
rg | there isnt one | [17:49] |
bruzum | why not? | [17:49] |
rg | because... thats a silly idea | [17:51] |
EvanR | broshot | [17:52] |
mircea_popescu | i notice these scottish butter cookies are about 10% better than the english ones. | [17:52] |
nanotube | really, i'd have thought they'd be at least 11% better. i'm disappointed. | [17:53] |
imsaguy2 | rg: you no love me anymore? | [17:53] |
nanotube | rg: thanks for that alert, i was beginning to forget about my lameness, and that came just in time. :) | [17:53] |
rg | aha | [17:53] |
rg | :> | [17:53] |
rg | imsaguy2: i do | [17:53] |
rg | i just paid you | [17:53] |
* | kakobreklaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:53] |
rg | i saw a cheese burger on the internet and it reminded me | [17:54] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Almost anything Scottish is better than the English equivalent (except the politics (and that says more about Scotland than it does about England)). | [17:54] |
rg | so what do you think is going to happen with teh TH lawsuit | [17:54] |
rg | anyone? | [17:54] |
mircea_popescu | poor english | [17:54] |
* | chk (~noob@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:54] |
mircea_popescu | everyone picks on them | [17:54] |
mircea_popescu | even the scots. | [17:54] |
* | hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [17:55] |
vragnaroda | rg: I think their best shot is settling out of court for like 15-20% of what they're demanding. | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | rg : likely nothing. | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | the TH guy strikes me upon some research as a drama ho. | [17:55] |
rg | so what | [17:55] |
rg | drama wins cases | [17:55] |
rg | the thing is, its not like they lost bitcoins | [17:55] |
rg | they lost real USD | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | so drama ho's rarely get anywhere of import. | [17:55] |
vragnaroda | No, it can win you settlements. | [17:55] |
vragnaroda | It doesn't win you cases. | [17:56] |
mircea_popescu | s9omething like that. | [17:56] |
rg | vragnaroda: same outcome | [17:56] |
rg | monies | [17:56] |
mircea_popescu | notreally, no, rg. | [17:56] |
mcorlett | Ars: "Lawsuit illustrates Bitcoin's chargeback problem" | [17:56] |
* | nelisky has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [17:56] |
vragnaroda | rg: No. | [17:56] |
vragnaroda | TH will lose money on this. | [17:56] |
mircea_popescu | bitcoin's chargeback problem ? arstechnica is one piece of shit. | [17:56] |
rg | well they already lost their business | [17:56] |
vragnaroda | The question is whether Dwolla loses some, too. | [17:56] |
nanotube | mcorlett: yea, s/bitcoin/dwolla/ in that title, and it would have been a good article. :) | [17:56] |
rg | isnt mtgox in bed with dwolla now aswell? | [17:56] |
mircea_popescu | "bitcoin's correct handling of chargebacks illustrates the banking system's chargeback problem" | [17:57] |
mircea_popescu | rg : i still haven't seen any convincing evidence the whole th fiasco wasn't mtgox orchestrated. | [17:57] |
rg | i think chargebacks are good however i think the current implementation | [17:57] |
rg | .. is fucked | [17:57] |
vragnaroda | rg: MtGox has seemed annoyed with Dwolla fairly often. They do business together, but they're not “in bed together.” In fact, they have separate rooms. | [17:57] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: lol. That's an amusing hypothesis. | [17:58] |
rg | mircea_popescu: and have you seen any evidence that it was? | [17:58] |
* | hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:58] |
rg | i have | [17:58] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda seems to stand to reason. processor suddenly fucks over #2 exchange but not #1. mmmm ? | [17:58] |
rg | i owned mtgox's staging environment | [17:59] |
mircea_popescu | rg i have seen no evidence that it was either, no. | [17:59] |
rg | they use the same pw's on the dev environment as prod | [17:59] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Well, TH's accounting has always sucked and they seemed to do nothing to try to suspect and freeze suspicious activity. (They even said as much a few times.) | [17:59] |
rg | also mtgox assasinated JFK | [17:59] |
rg | :< | [17:59] |
benjamindees | I knew it! | [17:59] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda sheer th incompetence is also a distinct possibility, yes. | [17:59] |
rg | i liked TH | [18:00] |
vragnaroda | rg: No, that was me. | [18:00] |
plato | mircea_popescu: what makes you say TH's ceo is a drama ho | [18:00] |
rg | their slogan shouldve been | [18:00] |
rg | 'at least we're not mtgox' | [18:00] |
vragnaroda | Their affiliate program was fucking horrible. | [18:00] |
rg | it was annoying | [18:00] |
rg | everyone was spamming their ref links | [18:00] |
mircea_popescu | plato its just an impression i got plato, kind of hard to substantiate. | [18:01] |
* | occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:01] |
vragnaroda | And they just retroactively ignored their ToS about it when it embarrassed them! | [18:01] |
vragnaroda | They didn't even change it; they just ignored it. | [18:01] |
occulta | can someone tell me what they think of this clown? | [18:01] |
mcorlett | occulta: The entire board is a clown? | [18:01] |
rg | mcorlett clearly types faster than me | [18:02] |
occulta | :) | [18:02] |
vragnaroda | mcorlett: That seems about right. | [18:02] |
occulta | ive never had issues on there, but this guy really is odd | [18:02] |
vragnaroda | Which guy? | [18:02] |
occulta | i only asked where he gets his product frmo, and he ranted, then never explained lol | [18:02] |
benjamindees | you didn't link to anyone... | [18:02] |
occulta | the OP | [18:02] |
occulta | thread starter | [18:02] |
mcorlett | occulta still doesn't get it... | [18:03] |
benjamindees | you didn't link to a thread... | [18:03] |
occulta | wtf lol | [18:03] |
occulta | | [18:03] |
mcorlett | "All I hear is jibba jabba. When you buy some codes from me, then I will jibba jabba with you. In the meantime, I am earning and selling my codes." | [18:03] |
occulta | lol | [18:04] |
occulta | quality | [18:04] |
JonNikopol | i call scam | [18:04] |
* | subpar has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [18:04] |
JonNikopol | whoops | [18:04] |
* | JonNikopol is now known as terrytibbs | [18:04] |
occulta | yes it clearly is, but i just wanted him to answer, he ranted saying he can prove this and that, then said he wont say? | [18:05] |
rg | two domains expire soon | [18:05] |
rg | that i want | [18:05] |
rg | badly | [18:05] |
rg | someone is actually selling 'duct tape' clothing on btalk | [18:05] |
mircea_popescu | isn't the very point of dt clothes that rape victims can diy from the restraints ? | [18:06] |
rg | kick him | [18:06] |
rg | hes trying to rape me again | [18:06] |
imsaguy2 | occulta, give me your affiliate link | [18:07] |
imsaguy2 | then when I buy my massive amounts of crap, you can make more money and sell to me :) | [18:07] |
rg | score i just found my dads old gold wdding ring | [18:07] |
occulta | thats against the TOS imsaguy2 | [18:07] |
reeses | occulta: I think anyone who uses a celeb avatar is not to be trusted | [18:07] |
reeses | luckily, freddie prize jr is no longer a celebrity | [18:08] |
imsaguy2 | occulta: so is reselling the gift cards | [18:08] |
reeses | or I’d have to ignore imsaguy2 | [18:08] |
LordCanti | anyone interested in selling BTC for $20 Moneypak? | [18:08] |
occulta | imsaguy2 reselling wont effect my accounts, as they are 'gift cards' they would need to prove that | [18:09] |
occulta | almost 10years on their program now, never had a problem, and never broken the TOS, so dont want to go there :) | [18:10] |
reeses | occulta: dont worry, the only auditing they do is that the associates referral purchases come from the associates account | [18:10] |
reeses | occulta: the codes are batch generated and only barely linked to the associates account for those people claiming not to have received theirs | [18:11] |
rg | lets find out how much this gold is worth | [18:11] |
phraust | goddamn. $3k to take two cats with us :| | [18:11] |
rg | Value of Metal | [18:11] |
rg | 113.82 USD | [18:11] |
bruzum | rg: yeah. very primitive | [18:11] |
rg | not bad | [18:11] |
imsaguy2 | lol reeses | [18:11] |
imsaguy2 | the former amazon whore | [18:12] |
occulta | what do you mean reeses about purchases coming from the account ? | [18:12] |
occulta | ah, im with you | [18:12] |
reeses | say I’m | [18:12] |
imsaguy2 | reeses: my graphic is pirate made/approced. | [18:12] |
rg | i weighed it | [18:12] |
occulta | no thats incorrect, they are gift cards, you can gift them to somebody | [18:12] |
reeses | and I registered with associates | [18:12] |
rg | its 3.7g of 14k gold | [18:12] |
imsaguy2 | occulta, just like you can give sex, but not sell it | [18:12] |
occulta | yup | [18:12] |
reeses | and I bought a lot, with my referrer id, from | [18:12] |
reeses | THEN, I’d eventually trip an alert | [18:13] |
mircea_popescu | 14k gold ? that still exists ? | [18:13] |
reeses | but they won’t pull back the funds | [18:13] |
* | james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc | [18:13] |
occulta | anyways, like terrytibbs said, i call scam :) | [18:13] |
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* | Mkaysi_ (Mkaysi@gateway/shell/ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:13] |
reeses | they’ll just keep a liability against your associates account for fees paid | [18:13] |
bitcoinTrader | selling btc | [18:14] |
rg | coingenuity: is it a bad time to sell gold | [18:14] |
rg | or good | [18:14] |
reeses | so you won’t get paid out until your legit referral bonuses catch up | [18:14] |
shades | who hollard it scrolled out of myu buffer | [18:14] |
rg | shades: mine too unfortunately | [18:14] |
rg | you might be able to check the web log | [18:14] |
rg | this channel is logged to WWW | [18:14] |
* | Trader280 (4cbb17d6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:14] |
reeses | imsaguy2: I wrote that shit so I might as well get some mileage out of it | [18:14] |
shades | if it's important they would ave pmed me | [18:14] |
tbage | omg omg omg | [18:14] |
shades | i'm outraged | [18:15] |
tbage | AHAMAGAD | [18:15] |
shades | they took my half pipe away! | [18:15] |
imsaguy2 | reeses: I stand by my original statement. | [18:15] |
shades | vragnaroda: they took my half pipe!!! | [18:15] |
Trader280 | Have MoneyPaks. Need Bitcoins :) Anyway who can help me out? | [18:15] |
reeses | you can’t insult me by calling me a whore | [18:15] |
reeses | :) | [18:15] |
* | giorgino ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:15] |
rg | imsaguy2: is a gold ring worth more than just selling it as gold | [18:15] |
imsaguy2 | often no | [18:15] |
rg | hmm ok | [18:16] |
reeses | especially given my age at the time and the number of (eventually worthless) options they threw at me | [18:16] |
imsaguy2 | because they have to smelt it back down | [18:16] |
rg | internet says its worth $114 | [18:16] |
rg | my dad was always a cheap bastard | [18:16] |
imsaguy2 | wedding ring? | [18:16] |
rg | yeah | [18:16] |
reeses | gold ring is worth more in a failed economy, such as argentina’s in the bad days | [18:16] |
imsaguy2 | mine isn't even gold | [18:16] |
g04 | Jesse: Sooo one I mine with free electricity and the other is sold for a known steadily declining currency, ok. | [18:16] |
rg | this one says '14k' on it | [18:16] |
g04 | steadily declining? | [18:16] |
* | giorgino has quit (Client Quit) | [18:16] |
rg | so id assume its 14k gold | [18:16] |
rg | but who knows | [18:16] |
reeses | small gold is used instead of inflationary currency | [18:16] |
g04 | just about everyone i know is against bitcoin lol | [18:17] |
g04 | or scared of it | [18:17] |
rg | i wonder wheres a good place to sell it | [18:17] |
mircea_popescu | so you need to go out more. | [18:17] |
imsaguy2 | you can't really wear a brick of gold, but you can wear a gold ring or earrings | [18:17] |
shades | what weighs more a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?!? | [18:17] |
reeses | usually lots of 14k+ necklaces so you can cut off some links for goods etc | [18:17] |
helo | g04: more like "you sell one for a known steadily declining currency, and you sell the other for a known steadily declining currency" i think | [18:17] |
rg | theres a cash for gold type place down the st | [18:17] |
imsaguy2 | shades: urmom | [18:17] |
rg | but i bet theyre fucktards | [18:17] |
imsaguy2 | yes | [18:17] |
imsaguy2 | don't do cash for gold | [18:17] |
* | Mkaysi_ has quit (Excess Flood) | [18:17] |
imsaguy2 | they're there to screw you | [18:17] |
shades | a pound of feathers, gold is measured in troy ozes, 14 of those for a pound | [18:17] |
rg | ive been looking for this ring for so fucking long | [18:18] |
rg | over 2 years | [18:18] |
rg | i thought i threw it away | [18:18] |
* | Mkaysi_ (Mkaysi@gateway/shell/ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:18] |
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benjamindees | precious | [18:19] |
shades | lawl | [18:19] |
shades | sonic is the original 'my precious' | [18:19] |
* | Mkaysi has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8-dev) | [18:19] |
* | Mkaysi_ is now known as Mkaysi | [18:19] |
* | Jarwain_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [18:20] |
rg | theres a jewelry store around here in town | [18:20] |
rg | that had a sign that says 'dont sell to cash 4 gold, sell to us' | [18:20] |
rg | but i cant remember the name | [18:21] |
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shades | rg: marketing fail | [18:22] |
mircea_popescu | right, it's not his memory | [18:22] |
mircea_popescu | it's their marketing. | [18:22] |
vragnaroda | shades: There are twelve troy ounces to a troy pound, not fourteen. | [18:22] |
rg | well | [18:22] |
rg | i remember the sign! | [18:22] |
* | cash41 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [18:22] |
rg | so that part worked :> | [18:23] |
shades | vragnaroda: are you sure? i could have sworn it was 14 | [18:23] |
mircea_popescu | yes, 12. hence the entire 24 carat biz. it's not 28 carats. | [18:23] |
rg | honestly the only reason i looked is cause its one of those plastic ones where you can take out the letters | [18:23] |
rg | and deface it | [18:23] |
shades | makes sense.... | [18:23] |
vragnaroda | shades: And there's more than 14 troy ounces to the pound avoirdupois. (A tad bit more than 14.5) | [18:23] |
Trader280 | Anyway knows of a hosting provider that accepts Bitcoin? :) | [18:23] |
rg | Trader280: there are several | [18:23] |
Trader280 | Any suggestions? | [18:24] |
rg | i run, we sell virtual private servers and real servers | [18:24] |
rg | however | [18:24] |
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rg | we also have a server setup to do stand-alone hosting | [18:24] |
rg | if you're not needing a full virtual server | [18:24] |
Trader280 | I need a shared hosting + unlimited addon domains | [18:24] |
rg | yeah id suggest | [18:24] |
mircea_popescu | The pound troy was divisible into 24 pound carats of 240 grains troy each; the pound carat was divisible into four pound grains of 60 grains troy each; and the pound grain was divisible into four pound quarters of 15 grains troy each. | [18:24] |
* | fotisl_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [18:24] |
rg | they've $20/mo unlimited everything plan | [18:25] |
rg | | [18:25] |
* | agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [18:25] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Whoa! A Yuropean that can math by more than just “move the decimal point.” I'm impressed! | [18:25] |
rg | they'll be more your speed, our hosting is more geared torward power users | [18:25] |
mircea_popescu | do not disparage our napoleonic superiority vragnaroda | [18:26] |
* | bow2snowman is now known as Mad7Scientist | [18:26] |
Trader280 | Thanks for the suggestion. I don't see anything about unlimited Add-on domains though. I send them an email | [18:26] |
rg | yeah | [18:26] |
rg | the owner is even in here sometimes | [18:26] |
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rg | ;;seen cablepair | [18:26] |
gribble | cablepair was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 1 week, 6 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: |
[18:26] |
rg | i guess not for a while | [18:26] |
rg | i cant vouch for them personally, but i know several people do use them | [18:26] |
imsaguy2 | occulta, still here? | [18:26] |
rg | and there's been no horror stories yet | [18:26] |
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mircea_popescu | so glbse got delayed again ? | [18:30] |
imsaguy2 | I think they run glbse and BFL out of the same offices | [18:30] |
mircea_popescu | or is it just broken ? | [18:30] |
mircea_popescu | or deserted or what ? charts show up dishwara and stuff now | [18:31] |
rg | lol | [18:31] |
rg | jjjrmy told me not to sign up there yet until v2 was out | [18:31] |
rg | and it was set to go up 'before the end of the weekend' | [18:31] |
rg | this was last week | [18:31] |
mircea_popescu | well maybe next weekend. | [18:32] |
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rg | any movie recommendations for rg? | [18:32] |
mircea_popescu | What hasn't been implemented yet but is coming after launch | [18:32] |
mircea_popescu | Transfers | [18:32] |
mircea_popescu | API | [18:32] |
mircea_popescu | this is ridiculous. glbse 2.0 is behind mpex, feature wise. | [18:33] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Oo, I see updates to mpex. | [18:33] |
mircea_popescu | yes. | [18:33] |
mcorlett | Ticker at the top there. | [18:33] |
mircea_popescu | go ahead and buy/trade some stuff so i have enough history to add graphs | [18:33] |
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mcorlett | Your order to BUY 100 SxTES1 @market priceBTC each has been received and will be processed. | [18:35] |
occulta | imsaguy2: yes | [18:36] |
rg | what's mpex | [18:36] |
mircea_popescu | wow i think you found a bug mcorlett | [18:37] |
mircea_popescu | ima give you moar moneys for this. | [18:37] |
mcorlett | Wow thanks so much | [18:37] |
occulta | briefly | [18:37] |
* | subpar has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [18:39] |
rg | there is a stupid bug in WHMCS | [18:40] |
rg | when you update the admin account, it overwrites your 'template' setting | [18:40] |
rg | making you have no valid template, so the admin panel shows up as a blank page | [18:40] |
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* | DOG_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:42] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett please put the order in again ? | [18:42] |
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DOG_ | how do i bitcoin | [18:43] |
vragnaroda | DOG_: You coin bits, of course. | [18:43] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Your order to BUY 100 SxTES1 @market priceBTC each has been received and will be processed. | [18:43] |
rg | is anyone here a customer of bitvps and can spare 2 minutes out of their busy schedule? | [18:44] |
DOG_ | what is the value of one bitcoin | [18:44] |
DOG_ | fe in euros | [18:44] |
rg | ;;ticker | [18:44] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.80439, Best ask: 4.816, Bid-ask spread: 0.01161, Last trade: 4.80437, 24 hour volume: 41212, 24 hour low: 4.75, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [18:44] |
mircea_popescu | mmm that doesn't sound right. 1 sec. | [18:44] |
EvanR | ;;ticker EUR | [18:44] |
rg | ;;ticker EUR | [18:44] |
gribble | (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low]) -- Return pretty-printed mtgox ticker. If one of the options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). | [18:44] |
rg | fail | [18:44] |
EvanR | >_> | [18:44] |
EvanR | does mtgox accept EUR? | [18:44] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Another thing, a malicious entity can resend the same order again and again, eventually depleting one of your balances. | [18:44] |
rg | probably | [18:45] |
EvanR | malicious entity | [18:45] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett one of my balances ? | [18:45] |
EvanR | sounds like lord of the rings or soemthing | [18:45] |
DOG_ | im new to this thing and need help | [18:45] |
* | rg gives EvanR a ball of string to play with while the adults work | [18:45] |
rg | :> | [18:45] |
* | maqr_ has quit (Quit: leaving) | [18:45] |
EvanR | i only accept tits to play with | [18:45] |
rg | DOG_: number one | [18:45] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Let's say I managed to sniff the encrypted order. I can then continue sending that same order again and again, even though I cannot encrypt it or the response. | [18:45] |
rg | ;;tell DOG_ [guide] | [18:46] |
mircea_popescu | ok mcorlett do it once more please. | [18:46] |
rg | thats a guide to the channel | [18:46] |
jcpham | Dear Customers: | [18:46] |
jcpham | [18:46] | |
jcpham | We have received reports of multiple Internet outages across the country. This is affecting user's ability to get to our site as well as others. Sites like Google and Yahoo are even unreachable from parts of the country. It seems like email is a little more reliable although slow. We are sending out this email to tell people that we are still operational even though you may not be able to get to our site | [18:46] |
mcorlett | (public Wi-Fi or whatever) | [18:46] |
rg | number two | [18:46] |
jcpham | oops | [18:46] |
rg | | [18:46] |
rg | for information on bitcoin | [18:46] |
EvanR | jcpham: LOL | [18:46] |
jcpham | is this true | [18:46] |
EvanR | scam | [18:46] |
EvanR | phishing | [18:46] |
DOG_ | ;;tell DOG_ [guide] | [18:46] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett yes, that is a problem. the obvious solution is to dissalow repeats. | [18:46] |
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benjamindees | someone said gmail was down earlier today | [18:46] |
EvanR | the internet is down | [18:47] |
rg | im getting a meatball sub | [18:47] |
jcpham | they do not want anything. | [18:47] |
rg | what else should i get | [18:47] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Still nothing: "Your order to BUY 100 SxTES1 @market price has been received and will be processed." | [18:47] |
EvanR | the whole internet | [18:47] |
jcpham | it's a legit wireless vendor | [18:47] |
rg | cheez bread? | [18:47] |
EvanR | jcpham: spoofed | [18:47] |
mircea_popescu | well what do you mean nothing, it no longer mangles the response no ? | [18:47] |
mcorlett | (unless you want it to say "market price") | [18:47] |
jcpham | that's what i thought, the whole internet | [18:47] |
EvanR | lol | [18:47] |
rg | ;;calc 16.83 / 4.80 | [18:47] |
gribble | 3.50625 | [18:47] |
pigeons | mircea_popescu: For strong webapp auth, people still want their login experience to be a username and password; maybe browser javascript to pass the login to local gpg and auth to the site transparently. | [18:48] |
DOG_ | so i should go to the eu channel? | [18:48] |
jcpham | so in case anyone hears about the internet being down | [18:48] |
pigeons | But as glbse found, a lot of users want the server to keep their password so the don't have to back it up ;) | [18:48] |
jcpham | it has in fact been done all day | [18:48] |
jcpham | *down | [18:48] |
rg | ;;ticker --last | [18:48] |
gribble | 4.8213 | [18:48] |
rg | ;;calc 4.67 * 4.82 | [18:48] |
gribble | 22.5094 | [18:48] |
mircea_popescu | pigeons that's an ideea. to be honest what i see is various entrepreneurial people making their own sites as brokers. | [18:49] |
benjamindees | sending you this email to say the internet is down | [18:49] |
EvanR | lol | [18:49] |
occulta | rack city. | [18:49] |
mircea_popescu | which then can tailor to any customer preferences they feel like. | [18:49] |
occulta | ;;seen gigavps | [18:50] |
* | Trader280 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:50] |
rg | occulta: you have to catch gigavps when hes on | [18:51] |
rg | he's busy IRL lately | [18:51] |
occulta | ic, not seen him around alot | [18:52] |
rg | it happens | [18:52] |
rg | sometimes | [18:52] |
rg | if you need him i suggest a ;;later tell | [18:52] |
occulta | what about mr__ did he cahnge handle? | [18:53] |
DOG_ | so basically | [18:53] |
rg | mr__ ? | [18:53] |
DOG_ | i need to transfer my money from my bank account | [18:53] |
DOG_ | to somebody? | [18:53] |
rg | dog_: you'll need to find some place to exchange your money | [18:53] |
rg | to bitcoins | [18:53] |
rg | or find someone here from Finland | [18:54] |
rg | who will do a cash exchange or something else specific to finland | [18:54] |
rg | well wait | [18:54] |
rg | finland uses the euro | [18:54] |
rg | right? | [18:54] |
DOG_ | yes it does | [18:54] |
rg | | [18:55] |
DOG_ | what e currencies would i like | [18:57] |
phantomcircuit | DOG_, you can do a bank wire to (which shameless plug I operate) | [18:57] |
DOG_ | okayy | [18:58] |
DOG_ | here is the buy/sell tab | [18:58] |
* | BTC_Bear (~BTC_Bear@unaffiliated/btc-bear/x-5233302) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:58] |
DOG_ | what should i look for | [18:58] |
phantomcircuit | DOG_, it's a prepaid exchange | [19:00] |
benjamindees | probably need to register | [19:00] |
DOG_ | if i register | [19:00] |
DOG_ | and wire the money asked | [19:00] |
DOG_ | i get bitcoins? | [19:00] |
mcorlett | DOG_: You get balance at the exchange which you can exchange for bitcoins (at a fee). | [19:00] |
benjamindees | it's an exchange... they're reputable | [19:00] |
phantomcircuit | you register, activate your email, login, then you'll have 5 accounts, our bank details are on the EUR account page, once we receive the funds you place a bid (an exchange is basically a continuous live auction) | [19:01] |
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DOG_ | ohh | [19:01] |
DOG_ | so i put euros | [19:01] |
DOG_ | in the euro wallet | [19:01] |
mcorlett | Yes. | [19:01] |
* | agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [19:01] |
phantomcircuit | DOG_, exactly | [19:02] |
DOG_ | how can i trust this | [19:02] |
benjamindees | they have a shiny website with pictures of people in ties on it right? | [19:03] |
rg | the same way you trust banks | [19:03] |
rg | you dont | [19:03] |
benjamindees | plus they're located in london engeland | [19:03] |
rg | you do wht you need to do and get your money out of there | [19:03] |
phantomcircuit | DOG_, we're very much legit (hell you can see my ugly mug on the front page) | [19:03] |
DOG_ | so if i put 10 euros in there | [19:04] |
DOG_ | how much and when will i get bitcoins | [19:04] |
EvanR | as long as we dont have to see youre face were good | [19:04] |
benjamindees | the queen takes it for her hat fund... | [19:04] |
EvanR | YOUR | [19:04] |
* | EvanR takes from stimulants | [19:04] |
EvanR | etc | [19:04] |
mcorlett | DOG_: That depends on the exchange rate by the time the euros reach the exchange. | [19:04] |
DOG_ | what would be a good amount of bitcoins for 10 euros? | [19:05] |
mcorlett | Currently, without taking into account fees: | [19:05] |
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* | MORA| (~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:05] |
benjamindees | ;;bc,price | [19:05] |
benjamindees | lol oops | [19:05] |
mcorlett | ;;calc 10/3.77400 | [19:05] |
gribble | 2.64970853206 | [19:05] |
phantomcircuit | DOG_, from finland transfers take between 1 hour and 3 days (yes really) you can see on the right side of the BUY/SELL page the prices people are asking for their bitcoins right now | [19:05] |
* | chk has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [19:05] |
DOG_ | okay. I will research this | [19:06] |
DOG_ | and then continue with purchasing | [19:06] |
DOG_ | but not now. | [19:06] |
benjamindees | ;;bc,intersango | [19:06] |
phantomcircuit | DOG_, one thing to keep in mind is that finnish banks often have a reference field which takes a special finnish reference code, instead use the comment field for the reference code (which is how we identify your payment) | [19:06] |
DOG_ | okay. | [19:07] |
DOG_ | Do i need the bitcoin wallet software? | [19:07] |
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benjamindees | eventually yes | [19:07] |
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mcorlett | DOG_: No, the exchange will keep your bitcoins if you'd like, but it's good to have. | [19:07] |
* | occulta has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium | [19:07] |
phantomcircuit | DOG_, entirely upto you but i would strongly suggest it | [19:07] |
phraust | | [19:07] |
DOG_ | so in simple, 1) wire euros 2) wait for transaction to happen 3) get my bitcoins? | [19:08] |
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* | bb122142 (6b013305@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:08] |
bb122142 | hey | [19:08] |
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bb122142 | anyone selling bitcoins | [19:09] |
mcorlett | bb122142: Totally, got PayPal? | [19:09] |
bruzum | [19:09] | |
bb122142 | yeah i have paypal | [19:09] |
mcorlett | Awesome, let me just check to make sure you're trustworthy. | [19:09] |
mcorlett | ;;getrating [ident bb122142] | [19:09] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. | [19:09] |
bb122142 | im not rated | [19:09] |
bb122142 | i have verified paypal acc though | [19:10] |
bb122142 | iv never chargedback anyone | [19:10] |
BTCHero | doesn't matter | [19:10] |
bb122142 | =/ | [19:10] |
bb122142 | no way i can get bc's without a trustworthy name | [19:11] |
mcorlett | bb122142: Do you live in the US? | [19:11] |
bb122142 | yessir | [19:11] |
mcorlett | MoneyPaks are a great choice. | [19:11] |
bb122142 | i can buy off your with moneyback? | [19:11] |
bb122142 | pak | [19:11] |
rg | well, they arent, but theyre more accepted | [19:11] |
spawn- | moneypak bb122142 ? | [19:12] |
bb122142 | im trying to get bitcoins but i dont have trustworthy acc =/ | [19:12] |
spawn- | bb122142 how many btc you need? | [19:12] |
bb122142 | was trying to get like 58 dollars worth | [19:13] |
spawn- | msg me bb122142 | [19:13] |
mcorlett | Be careful, spawn-! | [19:13] |
spawn- | yups mcorlett | [19:13] |
mcorlett | Most people don't even know what chargebacks are... | [19:14] |
bonks | is btc-e a reputable exchange? | [19:15] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett yup, there was a snag with market orders. all fixed now. | [19:15] |
copumpkin | bonks: fairly | [19:15] |
* | easystevey (48e715d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:15] |
mircea_popescu | you get another 1000000 satoshis :D | [19:15] |
copumpkin | bonks: hard to get money into it though | [19:15] |
mircea_popescu | break more shit! | [19:15] |
bonks | copumpkin: why's that? | [19:16] |
copumpkin | bonks: look at the funding options | [19:16] |
bonks | i see visa MC and paypal, what am i missing? | [19:16] |
mcorlett | copumpkin: I didn't even know they did PayPal. | [19:17] |
copumpkin | I didn't either | [19:17] |
copumpkin | :P | [19:17] |
GlooBoy | they dont | [19:18] |
GlooBoy | they need to change that | [19:18] |
rg | i see spawn- hasnt learned anything | [19:18] |
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rg | i shoulda got this sub untoasted | [19:22] |
LordCanti | rg: what kind of sub? | [19:23] |
bb122142 | #gettrust | [19:23] |
rg | meatball | [19:23] |
mcorlett | bb122142: ;;gettrust | [19:23] |
rg | with cheez | [19:23] |
LordCanti | I would think you have to toast that? | [19:23] |
mcorlett | ;;gettrust mcorlett bb122142 | [19:23] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user mcorlett to user bb122142: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | [19:23] |
rg | it usually comes untoasted | [19:23] |
LordCanti | I haven't eaten meatballs in a long time though | [19:23] |
rg | these are lame meatballs | [19:24] |
rg | probably frozen | [19:24] |
rg | the good ones are beef+veal+lamb | [19:24] |
LordCanti | I guess they scoop the hot meat and sauce into the untoasted bun? | [19:24] |
rg | mixed in iwth garlic | [19:24] |
rg | i think they bake it in the pizza oven | [19:24] |
LordCanti | oh ok | [19:24] |
rg | then just put hte cheez on top | [19:24] |
rg | and its melted by the time it gets to your house | [19:24] |
LordCanti | I've always preferred the toasted buns | [19:24] |
rg | me too, hence my ordering it | [19:24] |
rg | but | [19:24] |
rg | its too hard to eat | [19:25] |
LordCanti | ooh ok | [19:25] |
bb122142 | is spawn trusted | [19:25] |
rg | check for yourself | [19:25] |
LordCanti | the cracking apart problem | [19:25] |
rg | ;;getrating spawn- | [19:25] |
gribble | User spawn-, created on Sat Feb 4 19:27:00 2012. Cumulative rating 87, from 52 total ratings. Received ratings: 50 positive, 2 negative. Sent ratings: 48 positive, 1 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask spawn-! | [19:25] |
rg | LordCanti: and meatballs falling out | [19:25] |
LordCanti | every sandwhich maker should watch good eats | [19:26] |
bb122142 | thankyou sir | [19:26] |
bb122142 | yo spaw | [19:26] |
bb122142 | spawn | [19:26] |
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bb122142 | u there | [19:26] |
LordCanti | he does a sandwhich episode, he scoops out part of the bun so the contents won't fall out | [19:26] |
LordCanti | it | [19:26] |
LordCanti | it's mad genius | [19:26] |
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eusoubitcoin | is there anyway to track how many BTC are being traded via bitcoin-OTC ? | [19:37] |
BTC_Bear | | [19:39] |
luke-jr | eusoubitcoin: no | [19:39] |
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extor | Oh great I lost my OTC gpg keyphrase again, there goes my id lawl I cant remember writing any of it down grrrrrrrrr | [19:39] |
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BTC_Bear | eusoubitcoin: oh, sorry didn't see -OTC, luke is correct. | [19:40] |
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helo | i'd estimate it at a thousand BTC per day | [19:45] |
phraust | extor, try using keypass. | [19:46] |
helo | based on my ass's contents | [19:46] |
extor | what is keypass | [19:47] |
extor | some bruteforcer? | [19:47] |
extor | I can't....dont have the energy | [19:47] |
phraust | | [19:47] |
phraust | for storing passwords. | [19:47] |
extor | I just had 3 ratings anyway so no biggy | [19:47] |
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jcpham | | [19:50] |
jcpham | second project ever tagged bitcoin | [19:50] |
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NeedBTC | Hello beloved community... | [19:57] |
NeedBTC | can someone change a 50€ Paysafecard into BTC | [19:57] |
NeedBTC | please? | [19:57] |
mircea_popescu | i like his approach | [19:57] |
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jcpham | | [20:01] |
mircea_popescu | Http/1.1 Service Unavailable | [20:01] |
mircea_popescu | youtube died | [20:01] |
jcpham | the internet is down | [20:01] |
jcpham | i told you guys | [20:01] |
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jcpham | | [20:01] |
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mircea_popescu | "Frankly, I think MtGox worked out a deal with them that gave them a competitive advantage over Tradehill to begin with. Tradehill's biggest mistake was accepting Dwolla without working with them first." | [20:07] |
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mircea_popescu | | [20:07] |
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mircea_popescu | i wonder how much he pretends to be in the know vs actualyl being in the know | [20:07] |
* | helo always reads monseigneur_popescu | [20:07] |
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extor | cliffs notes version of the thread please | [20:08] |
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mircea_popescu | you pretty much got them above. | [20:08] |
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jjjrmy-m | rg: did you approve the ad yet? | [20:09] |
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NeedBTC | someone able to change my 50€ PSC into BTC? | [20:13] |
kakobreklaa | nelisky ^^ | [20:13] |
NeedBTC | hi nelisky... | [20:13] |
NeedBTC | iam the guy from the last one.. | [20:13] |
NeedBTC | the "needhelp" guy. :) can you remember | [20:13] |
NeedBTC | ? | [20:13] |
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NeedBTC | aahh.. ok.. now i checked.. .thank you "kakobreklaa" | [20:17] |
NeedBTC | i thought nelisky was answering me.. :) | [20:17] |
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NeedBTC | sorry.. iam not very experienced here... | [20:17] |
NeedBTC | since yet.. | [20:17] |
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james777 | ;;rate bitcointrader 3 seems very trustworthy | [20:19] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 3 for user bitcointrader has been recorded. | [20:19] |
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LordCanti | Anyone here interested in selling BTC for $20 MoneyPak? | [20:20] |
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mircea_popescu | still taking beta testers for MPEx. | [20:21] |
nelisky | hey NeedBTC | [20:22] |
Ritardo | I don't want to use this channel as tech support, but I am simply looking for a way to purchase bitcoins that doesn't rely on days and days of activation and transfers from banks that haven't even sent me invoices and it all seems a bit overwhelming when I all i want to do is trade money for bitcoins | [20:23] |
Loosey | Buy a Moneypak | [20:23] |
Loosey | And sell it here | [20:23] |
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Ritardo | I've gone through pages and pages of information, is there any comprehensive page that will help me sort through simplifying this process (I'm a dumb American with USD) | [20:24] |
Loosey | Did you not read what I said? | [20:24] |
Ritardo | No, I did not. I was still typing, thanks. | [20:24] |
GlooBoy | goto walgreens, buy a moneypak, sell it here | [20:24] |
Loosey | No problem! Most people here are trustworthy | [20:24] |
Ritardo | I do appreicate the advice, thanks again | [20:25] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: btw, why does signup require me to encrypt my key to your key? public keys are public info... | [20:25] |
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jcpham | There is a 20BTC fixed fee for adding your public key to the MPEx. While in beta this fee is waived, so take advantage | [20:25] |
mircea_popescu | nanotube just because im paranoid i guess. | [20:25] |
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mircea_popescu | jcpham yea ? | [20:26] |
BTC_Bear | mircea_popescu: What nano said, and a 20BTC fee? A onetime club membership fee? | [20:26] |
jcpham | everyone should take advantage | [20:26] |
mircea_popescu | BTC_Bear yes, something like that. | [20:26] |
james777 | query nelisky are u available? | [20:26] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham i fully agree. im going to go out of beta and people will whine about the fee. and i'll just point to these discussions and grin. | [20:27] |
james777 | oops | [20:27] |
Loosey | Still that seems a harsh fee | [20:27] |
mircea_popescu | way better than what nyse charges. | [20:27] |
jcpham | it was clearly stated at the onset | [20:27] |
a5m0 | selling: 5970, 4 new yubikeys, dual 2.8ghz xeon pc | [20:27] |
Loosey | Not complaining it's just (to me) 20btc is a lot | [20:28] |
BTC_Bear | People won't complain about the fee, if you have the 'bells and whistles' for membership | [20:28] |
Loosey | True that | [20:28] |
Loosey | But they better be shiny ass bells | [20:28] |
BTC_Bear | Cigar and Whiskey in the club house | [20:28] |
Loosey | Well in that case.. | [20:28] |
mircea_popescu | BTC_Bear just the ability to trade on teh tip top stock exchange in bitcoinland. | [20:28] |
jcpham | 20btc is like my currently retirement benefits | [20:28] |
jcpham | or my social security | [20:28] |
Loosey | Haha | [20:28] |
Loosey | I don't even have that so don't feel too bad | [20:29] |
nanotube | maybe you can offer discounts for people with >X l1+l2 trust from you on otc, mircea_popescu :D | [20:29] |
mircea_popescu | i was thinking i let those issue shares :p | [20:29] |
Loosey | Trying to get a pair of headphones is proving way too challenging, the ones I want are like 30 dollars on Amazon and I still can't get, it's sad. | [20:29] |
jcpham | interseting method for raising capital | [20:30] |
jcpham | i like it! | [20:30] |
mircea_popescu | which method you mean ? | [20:30] |
* | gribble gives voice to BTC_Bear | [20:30] |
* | luke-jr grumbles about having to type in | [20:30] |
BTC_Bear | ;;gettrust mircea_popescu | [20:30] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user T3mpn4me to user mircea_popescu: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 13 via 9 connections. Graph: | [20:30] |
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BTC_Bear | What does that get me? hehe | [20:31] |
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mcorlett | luke-jr: Just post it all over the net so that there's no reason for Mircea not to keep it in plaintext anymore. | [20:31] |
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nanotube | BTC_Bear: you should gettrust /from/ mircea to you. just in case some links are asymmetrical. | [20:31] |
BTC_Bear | ah... good point | [20:31] |
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jcpham | will become sexier | [20:31] |
jcpham | at some point | [20:32] |
mircea_popescu | BTC_Bear the right but not the obligation to send me your gpg public key and get some free stocks/coins to play with the beta ? | [20:32] |
Loosey | I don't suppose anyone would sell me an Amazon gift card on payments? With 10% down... | [20:32] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham unlikely. but i imagine it will get python scripts written for automation | [20:32] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Will I have to pay the fee, even though I'm your bro? | [20:32] |
BTC_Bear | Ok, not complaining btw. | [20:32] |
jcpham | visually sexier | [20:33] |
mircea_popescu | also, if you're into making sexy websites you can make a broker for it jcpham | [20:33] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett its waived for now, seeing how we're in beta. moreover you're already in iirc ? so no fees for you. COME BACK, 1 year! | [20:33] |
nanotube | Loosey: so basically, you want a loan... pretty hard to get those without any rep. :P | [20:33] |
* | seco shakes his head | [20:33] |
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vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: How often do you do "gpg --refresh-keys" (if someone uses a key that expires but renews it, will that be a problem)? | [20:34] |
mircea_popescu | i never refresh keys on the server. | [20:34] |
mircea_popescu | in fact the gpg doesn't even get to talk to the internet. | [20:34] |
luke-jr | fail | [20:34] |
nanotube | you should refresh regularly, in case people's keys get revoked or expiration-extended. | [20:34] |
mircea_popescu | so expired keys might indeed be a problem, will have to be replaced. | [20:34] |
* | luke-jr usually waits until his key expires to renew it | [20:35] |
mircea_popescu | nanotube i'd have to have some two stage process ;/ | [20:35] |
vragnaroda | I usually set keys to expire after 90 days. | [20:35] |
mircea_popescu | hm. | [20:35] |
mod6 | yeah, my 4096 bit key will expire in 2014. | [20:35] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: should be simple enough. run refreshkeys on net-connected machine, then take the pubring.gpg and copy it over. | [20:35] |
mod6 | i make new ones kinda often. | [20:35] |
luke-jr | why would you make a new key? | [20:36] |
vragnaroda | luke-jr: How long do you make it good for? | [20:36] |
mod6 | I like exchange btw :D | [20:36] |
luke-jr | I expire mine every year, and renew it. | [20:36] |
mircea_popescu | pretty much something like that yes nanotube. currently not doing it but i guess it's one of the things will have to be implemented. | [20:36] |
nanotube | luke-jr: maybe if he forgets the pw? ;) | [20:36] |
mod6 | That too. It has happened ;) | [20:36] |
SerajewelKS | i never expire the master key, but i will periodically revoke subkeys and issue new ones | [20:36] |
* | luke-jr has a super long passphrase that he couldn't possibly forget anymore :p | [20:36] |
mircea_popescu | forgetting gpg pw is imo the singularly stupidest thing one can do on computers. | [20:36] |
luke-jr | SerajewelKS: the expiration is in case you lose the private key yourself ;) | [20:37] |
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vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Well, most people don't rely on GPG for their common interactions with computers so that's a nonpoint. | [20:37] |
SerajewelKS | luke-jr: well i have a rev cert carefully guarded in case that hapens | [20:37] |
SerajewelKS | happens* | [20:37] |
mircea_popescu | its a point in it's own way! | [20:37] |
mircea_popescu | don't be a pointist | [20:37] |
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* | vragnaroda points. | [20:38] |
SerajewelKS | luke-jr: plus physical backup of the private key/subkeys | [20:38] |
luke-jr | SerajewelKS: physical *remote* backup? ;) | [20:38] |
mod6 | anyway, bfd. i remember when people thought 1024 bit keys were big. | [20:38] |
SerajewelKS | luke-jr: physical backup in a fire safe and remote digital backup | [20:38] |
luke-jr | my key is 1024-bit | [20:38] |
mod6 | there you go :) | [20:38] |
vragnaroda | ;;gpg info luke-jr | [20:38] |
SerajewelKS | luke-jr: physical meaning on flash storage and printed as a qr-code | [20:38] |
gribble | User 'luke-jr', with keyid 665FC11DD53E9583 and fingerprint CE5AD56A36CC69FAE7D23558665FC11DD53E9583, registered on Sun Mar 6 13:14:00 2011. Currently not authenticated. | [20:38] |
luke-jr | created in 2002 | [20:38] |
luke-jr | SerajewelKS: i c | [20:38] |
mod6 | those have been vuln for a long time. | [20:39] |
luke-jr | mod6: ? | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | how many times did it get craked rthat you know of luke-jr ? | [20:39] |
SerajewelKS | luke-jr: i'm more worried that the keys on my laptop would be compromised | [20:39] |
vragnaroda | luke-jr: Why 1024? | [20:39] |
luke-jr | vragnaroda: dunno | [20:39] |
jcpham | because it's from 2002 | [20:39] |
luke-jr | mircea_popescu: never? | [20:39] |
SerajewelKS | luke-jr: which is why i used --export-secret-subkeys from my secure box, so that the only danger is subkey compromise, which can be dealt with | [20:39] |
SerajewelKS | the master private key is offline | [20:40] |
mod6 | 4096 bit keys are probably safe, for now. | [20:40] |
* | luke-jr uses a different key for Bitcoin backups | [20:40] |
mod6 | anything less, and I wont use. | [20:40] |
luke-jr | mod6: srsly? | [20:40] |
vragnaroda | Well, it's not really a big deal, but yeah, I'd change that if I were luke-jr. | [20:40] |
mod6 | *nod* | [20:40] |
SerajewelKS | luke-jr: yeah, i also have a backup key. the private keys exist only in physical form. makes it super-easy to 'gpg -e | ssh cat > ...' to make backups. | [20:40] |
luke-jr | what's standard practice for that? just sign the new key with the old one? | [20:40] |
mod6 | esp 1024 luke-jr, they broke those in like 2002-2003 era. | [20:41] |
SerajewelKS | restoring backups will be a bit of a pain, but that's ok | [20:41] |
mod6 | might have even been before. | [20:41] |
SerajewelKS | mod6: i've only heard of 56-bit RSA being broken, and that was by brute force using a distributed network | [20:41] |
SerajewelKS | if 1k RSA was broken, that's news to me | [20:42] |
luke-jr | wtf | [20:42] |
luke-jr | is 4096 the max? | [20:42] |
luke-jr | why can't I use 32k so it's good for years? | [20:42] |
jcpham | probably uses more than 640k of ram | [20:43] |
mod6 | 8192 should be valid. iirc. | [20:43] |
LordCanti | SerajewelKS, I think you're thinking of 56 bit symetrical encryption | [20:43] |
LordCanti | the best attack on RSA is on 768 bit | [20:43] |
SerajewelKS | LordCanti: perhaps | [20:43] |
mod6 | but 4096 should be good until 2014. at that point, check and reasses your security stuff, then make a new one if needed. | [20:43] |
LordCanti | if wiki is accurate | [20:43] |
luke-jr | (2) DSA and Elgamal ? | [20:44] |
mod6 | yup | [20:44] |
SerajewelKS | mod6: what kind of power is needed to execute this attack? | [20:44] |
luke-jr | "DSA keys may be between 1024 and 3072 bits long." | [20:44] |
mod6 | a variety of tactics SerajewelKS | [20:44] |
LordCanti | mod6, when I create a key pair gpg only allows up to 4096 | [20:44] |
mod6 | | [20:44] |
SerajewelKS | mod6: put it another way: how expensive is such an attack? | [20:44] |
mod6 | LordCanti: they used to have it so you could make 8192 bit keys I thought. | [20:45] |
mod6 | SerajewelKS: they do it every day. | [20:45] |
mod6 | NSA is trying desperatly every minute to crack these keys. | [20:45] |
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SerajewelKS | mod6: that does not answer my question | [20:45] |
gmaxwell | SerajewelKS: DES (a 56 bit symmetric cipher) was cracked with bruteforce years ago, as part of a challenge put out by RSA labs. | [20:45] |
LordCanti | mod6 wiki says best cryptanalysis for RSA is on 768, or are you referring to a different algo? | [20:46] |
mod6 | Expensive.... So in regard to $ or CPU cycles, SerajewelKS? | [20:46] |
vragnaroda | mod6: It's trivial to to make GPG do it if you're willing to build it yourself, but the it's just silly in most cases and isn't that much more effective. | [20:46] |
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mircea_popescu | luke-jr : you're good to go. | [20:46] |
gmaxwell | SerajewelKS: actual RSA-the-algorithim cracking involves the factoring of large near-prime numbers, and the sizes it works on have been increasing slowly over time. | [20:46] |
SerajewelKS | mod6: either/both | [20:46] |
* | Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:46] |
* | gribble gives voice to Joric | [20:47] |
gmaxwell | SerajewelKS: a 56 bit factoring is something you could darn near do on pencil and paper. :) | [20:47] |
mod6 | it does take a lot of both SerajewelKS, the NSA has both. | [20:47] |
mod6 | they measure they're computing power in Acres. | [20:47] |
mod6 | not teraflops or petaflops. | [20:47] |
SerajewelKS | mod6: ok, then i'm less worried | [20:47] |
vragnaroda | Jesus, the NSA has more important things to do. | [20:47] |
LordCanti | they are building that new data center | [20:47] |
gmaxwell | Though there is no particular reason to think kilobit rsa is insecure right now. The problem is sub-exponential but still gets much harder as the keysize grows. | [20:47] |
mod6 | *shrug* :) | [20:47] |
LordCanti | I'm still not worried | [20:47] |
mircea_popescu | i wouldn't bet on that vragnaroda | [20:47] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: You think they think it's worth their time to mess with your internet monies? | [20:48] |
mod6 | vragnaroda: that is exactly what they do. crack keys. | [20:48] |
gmaxwell | (I've personally factored a number of 512 bit near composites— its still sort of between hard and easy now) | [20:48] |
BTC_Bear | Yea, the NSA is busy cracking the Congressmen's accounts to blackmail them into funding their new computer. | [20:48] |
neofutur | not so sure "the NSA has more important things to do" they have to contribute good old open source code to the linux kernel ( I ll let you all wonder why the NSA do that) | [20:48] |
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* | Sublime_ (3251cc62@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:48] |
luke-jr | so is it possible to do 16384-bit RSA keys? | [20:49] |
mod6 | na, that keyspace is too big for now iirc. | [20:49] |
vragnaroda | neofutur: Thanks for taking the batshit crazy up a notch. | [20:49] |
neofutur | if they have time contribute open source code to the linux kernel . . . they have time for other things too | [20:49] |
mod6 | and it will take a while to gen a key that big too. | [20:49] |
neofutur | you have an opinion on NSA | [20:49] |
Sublime_ | I have a $250 mp if anyone is selling btc | [20:49] |
mod6 | 4096 luke-jr | [20:49] |
* | vragnaroda passes out the tinfoil hats. | [20:49] |
neofutur | i hope i can also have one | [20:49] |
luke-jr | mod6: more memory for who? me or the people encrypting/verifying me? | [20:49] |
LordCanti | I don't see anything that indicates that they are even close to cracking RSA -2048 or AES-256 | [20:50] |
* | BTC_Bear will buy 2 tinfoil hats. Cause I know they will be needed. :) | [20:50] |
mod6 | for you when you gen the key. for anyone to use a 16384 key, they will have to process with that also, thats not so bad. | [20:50] |
Sublime_ | Im looking to buy 45 btc is anyone selling any? | [20:50] |
vragnaroda | Jesus titty-fucking Christ, neofutur, *yes*, you can and have (many times) expressed an opinion. You have that right. You do *not* have the right to expect no one to call you on it. | [20:50] |
mod6 | but to get enough entropy to make a key that big might take a while. | [20:50] |
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mircea_popescu | vragnaroda nah, but they are guvrnment so they will by definition waste their time/money | [20:51] |
copumpkin | gubermint | [20:51] |
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Sublime_ | Haha apparently im in the wrong place to be buying btc? | [20:51] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Yes, but that's because their priorities are stupid, not because they're out to get neofutur. | [20:51] |
neofutur | sorry, i ll try to understand <+vragnarod> neofutur: Thanks for taking the batshit crazy up a notch | [20:51] |
neofutur | i probably misunderstood | [20:51] |
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mod6 | you found the right place Sublime_, we're discussing GPG sec now for a minute... | [20:51] |
mircea_popescu | well... the two might coincide some day :D | [20:52] |
james777 | ;;rate nelisky 7 most reliable guy to buy bitcoins from, bought a ton of btcs from him | [20:52] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user nelisky has changed from 5 to 7. | [20:52] |
Sublime_ | Im looking to buy 45 btc | [20:52] |
Sublime_ | Can anyone help? | [20:52] |
benjamindees | so which branch of the military were you in, vragnaroda ? | [20:52] |
BTC_Bear | There is nothing wrong with a healthy dose of paranoia, but to much paranoia brings everything to a screeching halt. | [20:52] |
mod6 | read all the links in /topic Sublime_ | [20:52] |
benjamindees | (I'd guess navy) | [20:52] |
vragnaroda | benjamindees: You'd guess wrong. | [20:53] |
vragnaroda | Army. | [20:53] |
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benjamindees | that's surprising actually | [20:55] |
vragnaroda | Why's that surprising? | [20:56] |
benjamindees | army isn't the smartest bunch | [20:56] |
BTC_Bear | lol | [20:56] |
mircea_popescu | nanotube : you're all set too. | [20:56] |
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mircea_popescu | what the fuck does that mean, "Army isn't the smartest bunch" | [20:58] |
luke-jr | nanotube: if I sign my new key, will gribble notice? | [20:58] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: It means he's a fag. :p | [20:59] |
BTC_Bear | Nah, it means he is a Marine | [20:59] |
mircea_popescu | it's like, refusing to be seen by doctor cause he's blond. | [20:59] |
mircea_popescu | and blonds are stupid as we all know. | [20:59] |
BTC_Bear | male or female | [20:59] |
vragnaroda | BTC_Bear: Nope. If that were the case, he wouldn't be calling the Army stupid. | [20:59] |
mircea_popescu | nm teh sexism! this is an empowered chan! | [21:00] |
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* | Sublime_ (3251cc62@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:00] |
Sublime_ | I have a $250 moneypack card with the receipt and im looking for 45 btc | [21:00] |
copumpkin | vragnaroda: how about those ads on TV where they show you a bunch of videogames and sci-fi shit and then tell you it's not sci-fi. Was that your experience? | [21:00] |
luke-jr | It'd be nice if GnuPG gave me some kind of progress/percent indicator on the entropy gathering :P | [21:00] |
* | luke-jr just leaves it going in the background <.< | [21:00] |
mircea_popescu | that'd reduce entropy :D | [21:00] |
BTC_Bear | Just saying, I'll see a blonde female doctor, but not a male one. What's wrong with personal preference. | [21:00] |
* | rodrigorcm-akf is now known as rodrigorcm | [21:00] |
LordCanti | luke-jr: better to just leave it and do something else on your computer | [21:01] |
vragnaroda | copumpkin: I don't think I ever saw such ads. | [21:01] |
LordCanti | that enhances entropy | [21:01] |
copumpkin | vragnaroda: wow, I've seen a lot of them | [21:01] |
luke-jr | LordCanti: yeah, that's what I'm doing | [21:01] |
luke-jr | decided to go with a 16kbit key | [21:01] |
mircea_popescu | luke-jr is perusing porn. that entropies. | [21:01] |
LordCanti | how long is it taking? | [21:01] |
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Sublime_ | :( Nobody has btc for sale? | [21:01] |
luke-jr | LordCanti: I should have run it in 'time' | [21:01] |
mod6 | luke-jr: not always does more bits = more secure. | [21:01] |
luke-jr | I guess starting at 3 PM exactly helps | [21:02] |
LordCanti | hmmm | [21:02] |
vragnaroda | copumpkin: That said, the technology used by the Army today would probably look like scifi to someone familiar with the equivalents from a generation ago. | [21:02] |
luke-jr | mod6: 16kbit isn't more secure than 8kbit? | [21:02] |
phraust | MAGIC! | [21:02] |
BTC_Bear | Sublime_: Lay out your case, don't ask to ask, and don't PM, "Hey". | [21:02] |
mod6 | well, yes, it /should/ be, but that doesn't mean that it /is/ | [21:02] |
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mod6 | there could be the same problems with an algorithem that makes it succeptable to attack at a lower key size, just as with a larger key size. | [21:03] |
Sublime_ | And how do you start your pms off btc bear? | [21:03] |
mircea_popescu | he always sends tits first. | [21:03] |
Sublime_ | Id say hey is a pretty fair way to great somebody | [21:03] |
mod6 | I bought and read this book many times over the last 10 years, if you really want to get into crypto here is how: | [21:03] |
mod6 | | [21:03] |
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mcorlett | It's a great way to great somebody. | [21:04] |
mod6 | bought once, read many. hah. whoops. | [21:04] |
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vragnaroda | [19:03] < Sublime_> | Id say hey is a pretty fair way to great somebody <-- It doesn't matter if you think it's fair; it's rude. | [21:04] |
mod6 | here is a link to amazon copy: | [21:04] |
mod6 | | [21:04] |
nanotube | luke-jr: gribble doesn't care about key signatures... | [21:04] |
vragnaroda | If you know someone, it may be OK, but you shouldn't open a conversation with a stranger like that. | [21:05] |
luke-jr | nanotube: how do I tell gribble to use a new key? | [21:06] |
mircea_popescu | ya actually im curious about that too nanotube, how do you handle revoked keys for g ? | [21:06] |
nanotube | there's changekey command, luke-jr | [21:07] |
Sublime_ | And how is hey rude? Just curious... | [21:07] |
nanotube | if your key is revoked/expires before you do that, then you have to bug me manually. | [21:07] |
nanotube | so... don't let that happen :) | [21:07] |
mod6 | make a backup | [21:07] |
copumpkin | vragnaroda: oh, it was air force, sorry: | [21:07] |
copumpkin | talk about appealing to gamers | [21:08] |
luke-jr | nanotube: well, can always extend the expiration :p | [21:08] |
vragnaroda | Sublime_: How is “fuck you” rude? Taken literally, it seems flattering. | [21:08] |
copumpkin | | [21:08] |
Sublime_ | Right.. "fuck you" and "hey" great analogy... | [21:09] |
mircea_popescu | lmao fuck you is flattering. | [21:09] |
nanotube | luke-jr: yes you can, and gribble will automatically refresh keys periodically and pick that up. | [21:09] |
vragnaroda | That *is* a great analogy. | [21:09] |
mod6 | depends on who says it and how huh mircea_popescu ;) | [21:09] |
copumpkin | vragnaroda: I'm just talking about the graphics making it look like a videogame | [21:10] |
LordCanti | he was flattering her: | [21:10] |
mircea_popescu | mod6 pretty much, yea. vragnaroda pretty much, yea. | [21:10] |
nanotube | luke-jr: 16kbit? you have to recompile gpg for that right? | [21:10] |
mod6 | heheh :) | [21:10] |
luke-jr | nanotube: you have to recompile gpg to go over 4kbit ;P | [21:10] |
mircea_popescu | methinks copumpkin is considering a tour in the force. | [21:10] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: hah, no | [21:10] |
nanotube | luke-jr: ah ic. | [21:10] |
luke-jr | nanotube: but it sounds like 16kbit is the safest max for other people to interact | [21:10] |
vragnaroda | Language/culture groups have protocols for initiating communication with strangers and in most of the Anglosphere, “hey” violates that protocol. | [21:11] |
nanotube | ah so stock gpg won't complain about 16kbit keys, it just don't make them? | [21:11] |
LordCanti | will standard installations of gpg even handle keys of that size? | [21:11] |
mod6 | yeah, i think you used to be able to do 8192 by default, but that was a long time ago. | [21:11] |
copumpkin | I'm actually not allowed to serve in the army | [21:11] |
copumpkin | which is fine by me | [21:11] |
luke-jr | nanotube: right | [21:11] |
mod6 | and one thing to remember about a super big key... if someone sees this... they might think, "why does this guy need a key so large?" | [21:11] |
mod6 | "maybe i should try to break that one first" | [21:11] |
mod6 | try to blend in a bit. | [21:12] |
luke-jr | mod6: shrug, I just want something futureproof | [21:12] |
mod6 | 4096 | [21:12] |
mod6 | maybe 8192 if you want to recompile and have a large cock. | [21:12] |
mod6 | :D | [21:12] |
luke-jr | I'll use 16kbit for my master, and make subkeys with 4096 or 8192 | [21:12] |
mircea_popescu | there is nothing futureproof. | [21:12] |
luke-jr | ;) | [21:12] |
* | heartoftheswarm (~heartofth@gateway/tor-sasl/heartoftheswarm) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:12] |
mod6 | there you go! :D | [21:12] |
Sublime_ | I have a $250 moneypack with the receipt for 45 btc | [21:12] |
vragnaroda | copumpkin: Why's that? | [21:12] |
mod6 | (brb) | [21:13] |
copumpkin | vragnaroda: dual citizens are apparently not allowed to serve in the US armed forces at all, or have any sort of job that requires a security clearance | [21:13] |
vragnaroda | copumpkin: That's not true. | [21:13] |
copumpkin | | [21:13] |
copumpkin | not all army jobs, I guess :) | [21:14] |
copumpkin | but still, I'm just not cool enough | [21:14] |
copumpkin | also, if santorum gets his way I'll be flaming so they won't let me into the army | [21:14] |
helo | wtf | [21:15] |
copumpkin | if only all the vietnam draft avoiders had known that instead of injuring themselves or faking intelligence tests, they could've just pretended to be gay | [21:15] |
helo | | [21:15] |
vragnaroda | copumpkin: Most Army jobs do not require a security clearance (or rather, they don't require ‘permanent’ ones that they do investigations and stuff for, but dual citizens still get ‘interim’ clearances according to the needs of a mission; they just don't last). | [21:15] |
copumpkin | ah | [21:15] |
nanotube | vragnaroda: btw, not unlikely that nsa probably does have farms working on cracking particular target pgp keys, unless they have discovered how to factor large numbers efficiently and don't even need the farms. :) i wouldn't say that it's "batshit crazy" to think that they might. | [21:15] |
* | copumpkin takes note and sends a message back to his contact in mother russia | [21:16] |
gmaxwell | It doesn't help that almost no one uses PFS with SSL. | [21:16] |
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gmaxwell | So cracking a single key can give you a TON of data. | [21:16] |
vragnaroda | nanotube: That they're working on cracking PGP keys is a given. That their goal in doing that is to steal your internet monies and impersonate *you* is. | [21:16] |
* | fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [21:16] |
copumpkin | (not) | [21:16] |
* | je_fro has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [21:17] |
vragnaroda | Well, I elided [batshit] there. | [21:17] |
vragnaroda | In hindsight, I shouldn't have. | [21:17] |
helo | ;;rate copumpkin 10 russian spy | [21:17] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 10 for user copumpkin has been recorded. | [21:17] |
copumpkin | lol | [21:17] |
rg | who wants to buy a 14k gold ring | [21:18] |
rg | ? | [21:18] |
nanotube | vragnaroda: hm, i didn't see anyone say they thought /our/ gpg keys are targeted. only that /some/ keys must be targeted. or did i miss that bit? | [21:18] |
rg | ill sell it for 20 BTC + shipping | [21:18] |
vragnaroda | nanotube: The context of being worried about it and -otc. | [21:18] |
LordCanti | I would think that the NSA would first be using their new farms to brute force the encryption of suspected terrorists | [21:19] |
LordCanti | and even then it will be a very difficult procedure | [21:19] |
nanotube | vragnaroda: well, you never know when you might become the target. :) certainly it won't be /because/ you're on otc throwing a few bitcoins around. | [21:19] |
luke-jr | some country should declare that all US citizens are automatically citizens there too. | [21:19] |
copumpkin | if they have enough money with current algorithms, 1024 _might_ be possible within our lifetimes :P 2048 is completely insane | [21:19] |
pigeons | assuming there are no shortuts to be discovered | [21:20] |
pigeons | *shortcuts | [21:20] |
benjamindees | luke-jr, iran ;) | [21:20] |
rg | date | [21:20] |
gmaxwell | copumpkin: well, they may have improvements on the optical sieve — if so, that makes 1024 pretty realistic. | [21:20] |
LordCanti | 768 is the highest they've gotten | [21:20] |
LordCanti | so far | [21:20] |
rg | 9 days left in the month and we already matched last months new sign ups | [21:20] |
rg | not bad | [21:20] |
vragnaroda | LordCanti: *published | [21:20] |
LordCanti | I mean, 1024 WILL be cracked | [21:20] |
LordCanti | yes, true | [21:20] |
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rg | even if every computer in america contributed CPU/GPU shares | [21:21] |
neofutur | and I just said "not so sure" | [21:21] |
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rg | 2048 is .. | [21:21] |
rg | not reachable | [21:21] |
LordCanti | but that's still a lifetime from 2048 and 4096 | [21:21] |
rg | probably close tho | [21:21] |
neofutur | how can "not so sure" mean I m paranoid ? I cant doubt saying "not so sure" ? | [21:21] |
mircea_popescu | haha proud to announce RECORD VOLUME DAY!!111 like almost 600 imaginary shares changed hands today on MPEx | [21:21] |
copumpkin | rg: with current algorithms, 2048 is not even close to being close | [21:22] |
copumpkin | there'd need to be major asymptotic improvements before 2048 becomes remotely feasible | [21:22] |
mircea_popescu | what's an asymptotic improvement ? | [21:22] |
rg | youd need the data to crack it too | [21:22] |
mod6 | LordCanti: | [21:22] |
rg | wihch would take some time | [21:22] |
mod6 | For about a decade they have been known to be basically to small to be trusted, when you can use a 2048 just as easily. | [21:23] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: big-O? talking about the time/space consumption of algorithms in terms of functions of their inputs | [21:23] |
rg | wow | [21:23] |
rg | that crack is cool | [21:23] |
copumpkin | or theta or omega, if you're more esoteric | [21:23] |
rg | ive seen that method used for other things | [21:23] |
mircea_popescu | a ok | [21:23] |
mod6 | There are many other methods of cryptanalysis other than brute-force too. | [21:23] |
gmaxwell | No.. thats not a crack on 1024 bit rsa. | [21:23] |
mod6 | That book I posted a link to describes many of them. | [21:23] |
gmaxwell | Thats stupid fault induction.. which is .. interesting but not that useful. | [21:23] |
copumpkin | yeah | [21:24] |
pigeons | drthodt wants you to know the nsa have the quantum computer from the roswell crash that can crack them with nvidia 680 | [21:24] |
luke-jr | gmaxwell: ? | [21:24] |
gmaxwell | luke-jr: the idea is you flip a bit of memory in the computer, and it manages to leak data that lets you recover the private key. | [21:24] |
vragnaroda | pigeons: lol | [21:24] |
rg | luke-jr: bend me break me anyway you need me all i want is you | [21:24] |
gmaxwell | It's a useful attack on smartcards— where you can do evil things to them while they run—, not really useful against anything else. | [21:24] |
mod6 | well, dwave's qc is being sold now commerically. the NSA could have simply bought one, just the same as you or I. | [21:25] |
* | helo is happy to see his key is 4096 | [21:25] |
mod6 | They're only $10M, which is nothing concidering what it should be able to accomplish. | [21:25] |
copumpkin | mod6: you need a slightly larger quantum computer to do anything remotely threatening with it | [21:25] |
copumpkin | ;) | [21:25] |
gmaxwell | mod6: No, dwave's "qc" is not a quantum computer by the language used by academics— in particular, it's completely inapplicable to cryptography. | [21:25] |
mod6 | you only need 3 qbits to make a CCNOT gate. | [21:25] |
mod6 | they have 128 qubits. | [21:25] |
rg | so wait | [21:26] |
copumpkin | zomg | [21:26] |
gmaxwell | mod6: dwave's thing doesn't have a CCNOT gate. | [21:26] |
rg | you mean this DES key i use for everything is no good anymore? | [21:26] |
copumpkin | that's over 90!1!!11! | [21:26] |
mod6 | gmaxwell: right, it is yet to be seen. | [21:26] |
luke-jr | Fatal error: Cannot allocate memory | [21:26] |
luke-jr | wtf | [21:26] |
copumpkin | luke-jr: get moar memory, duh | [21:26] |
vragnaroda | luke-jr: What are you doing? | [21:26] |
rg | luke-jr: shoulda used bitvps(tm) | [21:26] |
mod6 | point being, this stuff is becoming a reality. | [21:26] |
luke-jr | vragnaroda: 16kbit keygen | [21:26] |
vragnaroda | *WHY*? | [21:27] |
gmaxwell | It only solves a particular class of energy minimization problems, one which — in fact— has not even been proven to be faster on QC than on classical computers. They've also failed to show any entanglement is involved in their process at all. | [21:27] |
copumpkin | mod6: not sure I'd agree, from a cryptographic perspective at least | [21:27] |
gmaxwell | mod6: Your data doesn't support your point. | [21:27] |
* | anarcthulhu is now known as harrison | [21:27] |
gmaxwell | Dwave's thing is a tangent— not progress towards something useful for cryptography. | [21:27] |
mod6 | Ok :) | [21:27] |
gmaxwell | (not that progress isn't happening, it is— I suppose— just dwave is not an example of it) | [21:27] |
* | andress (d042c352@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:27] |
mod6 | IBM has a huge QC undertaking as well as many other places. | [21:28] |
gmaxwell | IBM's work is interesting sure. | [21:28] |
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mod6 | everyone is trying to get there as fast as they can. they see what it means. just because the results arnt quite what they want yet, doesn't mean they'll stop trying. | [21:28] |
mod6 | its like looking for the higgs, they'll keep trying. | [21:29] |
helo | it will kind of be nice once we see threats to bitcoin's crypto and move to a new kind | [21:29] |
helo | we will get to see how many coins are orphaned :) | [21:29] |
mod6 | yup, little bit of yaaaaaaaaaaaar! treasure hunting! | [21:30] |
* | guest (~guest@gateway/tor-sasl/gagecolton) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:30] |
Sublime_ | I have a $250 moneypack with the receipt to trade for btc | [21:30] |
Sublime_ | PM me if interested | [21:30] |
helo | Sublime_: we encourage people to parrot no more frequently than every 30 minutes | [21:31] |
* | gribble gives voice to andress | [21:31] |
rg | why doesnt anyone want my gold? | [21:32] |
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rg | luke-jr: i got a gold ring you can use for your next marriage | [21:32] |
nanotube | rg: i'll start the bidding at 1btc. :) | [21:32] |
helo | perhaps because there's no crypto chain indicating its value... | [21:32] |
LordCanti | mod6, thanks for the article | [21:32] |
rg | nanotube: 20BTC + shipping | [21:32] |
mod6 | LordCanti: no prob man. | [21:32] |
pigeons | make me a grill rg | [21:32] |
rg | its 3.7g of 14k gold | [21:33] |
helo | is it? | [21:33] |
nanotube | rg: yes i saw your asking price :) | [21:33] |
copumpkin | rg: I'm sure coingenuity would want it | [21:33] |
copumpkin | he's a gold-ho | [21:33] |
mcorlett | rg: You can sell it to Coinabul. (cc: coingenuity) | [21:33] |
rg | yeah hes afk | [21:33] |
vragnaroda | rg: Or reeses but he doesn't like you. | [21:33] |
copumpkin | lol | [21:33] |
* | harrison ( has left #bitcoin-otc (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.") | [21:34] |
rg | no one ever said you had to like the people you do business with | [21:34] |
reeses | i don’t touch gold | [21:34] |
copumpkin | yeah, reeses needs a new cockring | [21:34] |
BTC_Bear | copumpkin: what are saying | [21:34] |
reeses | ≥Pt | [21:34] |
BTC_Bear | small dick or big fingers | [21:34] |
LordCanti | mod6, if I understand it, this required physical access to the "sender" end to impliment | [21:34] |
pigeons | the old one is not satisfactory to copumpkin | [21:34] |
copumpkin | BTC_Bear: clearly rg has very big fingers | [21:34] |
* | heartoftheswarm has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [21:34] |
BTC_Bear | lol | [21:35] |
* | rg stops before he says what he was going to | [21:35] |
mcorlett | rg: You have to tell us now! | [21:35] |
rg | nah | [21:35] |
* | blaeks is now known as bg-blaeks | [21:35] |
rg | cause you guys are breaking the rules | [21:35] |
vragnaroda | This really isn't going a direction it should and I admire rg's restraint. | [21:35] |
rg | and im trying to abstain from such things | [21:35] |
* | vragnaroda gives rg a cookie. | [21:35] |
rg | i decided to start acting like an adult | [21:36] |
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rg | (from 12pm to 12am) | [21:36] |
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nanotube | rg++ :) | [21:36] |
mod6 | LordCanti: yeah, this is not so elegant. | [21:36] |
LordCanti | but it is something | [21:37] |
rg | see, if i jhad said what i was going to say, this conversation would be out of control | [21:37] |
rg | hehe | [21:37] |
* | rg wants coffee | [21:37] |
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mcorlett | Breaking the law, breaking the law... | [21:37] |
* | bitcoin is now known as matthew_ | [21:37] |
* | rg puts on his leather suit | [21:37] |
mod6 | I was convinced that there was some chosen-plantext attacks against it that were known to work. | [21:37] |
vragnaroda | Oh sweet. I just found a thing of AAs. I was going to have to buy some more today but now I don't have to. | [21:37] |
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vinhpk | ;;gpg eauth vinhpk | [21:37] |
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nanotube | mod6: that's the reason gpg uses separate keys for signing and encryption. if you use one key for both, there is a chosen-plaintext attack on the key. as i recall reading somewhere. :) | [21:38] |
reeses | vragnaroda: those costco/home depot 9,000 packs are awesome | [21:38] |
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vinhpk | WTS bitcoin via paypal or libertyreserve | [21:39] |
mod6 | ahh, thanks nanotube. | [21:39] |
mod6 | Anyway all, that book is a good read if you wanna get really into cryto. :) | [21:40] |
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mod6 | *crypto | [21:40] |
copumpkin | omgcrypto | [21:40] |
LordCanti | but it's not a full on attack | [21:40] |
LordCanti | meaning, they can't say conclusively that they can see a 1024 bit provate key and deduce the public key in a feasible amount of time | [21:41] |
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mod6 | Think of it like a 0day. How long would a solution be used before being made public? | [21:42] |
benjamindees | oh good, I see we're slowly returning back to reality where cracking 1024 bit RSA is not something done over the weekend by a determined hobbyist... | [21:42] |
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vragnaroda | lol | [21:42] |
mod6 | benjamindees: No one suggested that it was simple or something done over a weekend. | [21:42] |
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vragnaroda | mod6: | [21:43] |
rg | ;;quote add |
[21:44] |
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mcorlett | ;;quote | [21:47] |
benjamindees | personally I stick with more realistic paranoia such as software defects and hardware backdoors | [21:47] |
benjamindees | installed by CIA agents | [21:48] |
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rg | benjamindees: theyre coming to get you | [21:53] |
reeses | pirate will rent you gpumax to have it done in a weekend | [21:53] |
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rg | that'd be awesome if gpumax could crack hashes too | [21:57] |
rg | itd never happen | [21:57] |
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reeses | you’re not too bright, are you? | [21:58] |
ZoZo- | ;;guide | [21:58] |
rg | no, apparently not | [21:58] |
rg | but do explain | [21:58] |
* | Shaded has quit (Client Quit) | [22:00] |
ZoZo- | Oh, this looks nice! :) | [22:00] |
rg | im talking about a different thing entirely, gpumax would create their own packs | [22:00] |
rg | they'd have to contain different crackers, or rip them all into one | [22:00] |
rg | for the nodes | [22:00] |
rg | i dont know how youd bill something like that | [22:00] |
rg | eventully youd have to realize that its not going to crack any time soon | [22:01] |
ZoZo- | GPG is something I really should read up on is it not? | [22:01] |
Sublime_ | I have a $250 moneypack with the receipt for btc message me if interested | [22:01] |
rg | ZoZo-: GPG Is good | [22:01] |
ZoZo- | rg Is it needed when trading with Bitcoins here? :) | [22:01] |
rg | you really only need to learn its basic functionality if your goal is only to trade here | [22:01] |
ZoZo- | Buying* | [22:01] |
ZoZo- | Okay! I'll get right on the wiki then :) | [22:01] |
rg | ah its not required but its definitely encouraged and you should do it it | [22:01] |
ZoZo- | I'm on it then :) | [22:02] |
ZoZo- | Thank you! | [22:02] |
rg | not a problem | [22:02] |
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Sublime_ | Ill buy btc at 5.4 | [22:04] |
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rg | mmm | [22:04] |
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rg | could you imagine a massive gpu/cpu cracking net like GPUmax | [22:04] |
rg | i alreadyd know of one place, but it doesnt cost money | [22:05] |
rg | you get credits for joining your crackers and in return you get to submit your own hashes | [22:05] |
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helo | mmm crackers | [22:06] |
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bonks | Any reputable rig rentals? | [22:15] |
jcpham | hrm | [22:15] |
neofutur | benjamindees: you l like : | [22:16] |
neofutur | (where having SELinux enabled actually increases your risk against a | [22:16] |
neofutur | large class of kernel vulnerabilities) | [22:16] |
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BTC_Bear | bonks: gpumax will sell hashing time to you. | [22:16] |
bonks | BTC_Bear: i dont have an account | [22:17] |
jcpham | yes i was gonna say... | [22:17] |
jcpham | what are you looking to rent bonks? | [22:17] |
jcpham | and for how long? | [22:17] |
rg | neofutur: does that article take into account RBAC? | [22:18] |
bonks | jcpham: well I want to see my options, if it made more sense to rent than build | [22:18] |
jcpham | surely some poor starving miner will take your money | [22:18] |
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neofutur | rg: afaik yes, but better ask on #grsecurity on oftc network | [22:20] |
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neofutur | and its pretty old, just an example of "software defects and hardware backdoors" to tell benjamindees he s not paranoid :p | [22:20] |
neofutur | this one is interesting, the backdoor in selinux could only be exploited if you had the good gcc and the good libc | [22:21] |
neofutur | pretty much sophisticated | [22:21] |
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bonks | jcpham: yeah. if mining is profitable, then why would miners rent them | [22:22] |
neofutur | ( more on #bitcoin-hosting, pretty much offtopic here ;) | [22:22] |
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vragnaroda | bonks: Because of risk. | [22:23] |
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matthew_ | looking to buy bulk bitcoin for MP. anyone interested? | [22:23] |
vragnaroda | If you're willing to accept the risk of future declines in bitcoin value, and someone that actually owns the hardware isn't, he'd value renting it out more. | [22:23] |
jcpham | i only have 3 rigs and don't want to share | [22:24] |
ZoZo- | ;;getrating bitcoinTrader | [22:24] |
jcpham | "poor starving miner" was joke. or not really because everyone knows a real miner is emaciated because all $ is reinvested in more hardware | [22:25] |
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vragnaroda | Information assymetry is profitable to someone usually. | [22:25] |
bonks | well if any poor starving miner wants to sell some time let me know what you can offer | [22:26] |
jcpham | i like edge cases myself | [22:26] |
smickles | bonks: want me to make a gpumax purchase for you? | [22:27] |
djoot | ;;view | [22:30] |
gribble | #7260 Thu Mar 22 13:27:26 2012 djoot SELL 10.0 BTC @ 32.204 SEK (bank transfer or cash, 10BTC or more) | [22:30] |
mcorlett | | [22:30] |
matthew_ | anyone accepting MoneyPak? | [22:30] |
* | gribble gives voice to draco49 | [22:32] |
draco49 | Happy Thursday ppl :) | [22:32] |
BTC_Bear | 'tis a happy Thursday. :) | [22:33] |
smickles | ;;ticker | [22:33] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.73896, Best ask: 4.73999, Bid-ask spread: 0.00103, Last trade: 4.73999, 24 hour volume: 39942, 24 hour low: 4.7, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [22:33] |
bonks | smickles: i dont know what gpumax is, didnt get an invite yet =/ | [22:35] |
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mircea_popescu | nice link there mcorlett | [22:39] |
draco49 | bonks: gpumax is a sort of hash-power aggregation service. You can rent or sell hash power for mining through them. | [22:40] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: I would've laughed my ass off if he managed to win Pwn2Own with a XSS attack. | [22:41] |
mircea_popescu | especially something THAT LAME OMFG | [22:41] |
jcpham | that was a good read mcorlett | [22:41] |
jcpham | more reason why i don't like the android market | [22:41] |
coingenuity | rg copumpkin mcorlett you guys are right, coinabul does pay out BTC For gold... whether it's a good time to cash in is up to you, i'd say hold until we break $1750 again | [22:41] |
jcpham | i like it but i don't | [22:41] |
jcpham | silver is going to $500/oz | [22:42] |
jcpham | just wait! | [22:42] |
coingenuity | my bet is that we'll see $100 in ~2-5yr ;) | [22:42] |
mircea_popescu | not in usd coingenuity | [22:42] |
mircea_popescu | in euros maybe, in rmb for sure | [22:42] |
* | abracadabra has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [22:42] |
vragnaroda | lol | [22:42] |
mircea_popescu | but the dollar is never seeing anything less than 1k for gold this century. | [22:42] |
copumpkin | coingenuity: $100 for gold? | [22:42] |
Joric | motherf... $4.67 | [22:43] |
coingenuity | copumpkin: on silver | [22:43] |
copumpkin | oh | [22:43] |
copumpkin | lol | [22:43] |
jcpham | i mentioned silver, sorry | [22:43] |
draco49 | whatsup coingenuity | [22:43] |
coingenuity | :) it will catch up to gold, is my supposition | [22:43] |
copumpkin | when coingenuity speaks, I tune out everyone else | [22:43] |
coingenuity | heya draco49 just got up | [22:43] |
copumpkin | sorry | [22:43] |
coingenuity | lol copumpkin its cuz your nicks are so similar | [22:43] |
mcorlett | Another post from the same author on how he scored $189,487.49 in Panera Bread gift cards: | [22:43] |
coingenuity | our* | [22:43] |
ZoZo- | ;;getrating bitcoinTrader | [22:44] |
coingenuity | mcorlett: XFD | [22:44] |
coingenuity | that is just a little awesome | [22:44] |
luke-jr | some retard sell big again? | [22:44] |
draco49 | coingenuity, I got that Pamp silver bar yesterday. It looks great! | [22:45] |
jcpham | down the rabbit hole | [22:45] |
coingenuity | oh, im glad it showed up draco49 :) it's one of my favs, tbh | [22:45] |
coingenuity | i <3 those 50gr, if the 100gr were consistently available/in good quality assay packaging i'd buy them instead :) | [22:45] |
coingenuity | btw, draco49 no problems opening your box? | [22:47] |
draco49 | nope | [22:47] |
coingenuity | yours was one of the first 5 using our newer more-secure shipping method, just wanted to make sure :) glad to hear it | [22:47] |
Ukto | more secure? | [22:48] |
Ukto | extra tape? :P | [22:48] |
coingenuity | the idea is that even a sketchy customs worker / mail man wont be able to open it in less than a minute or two with his razorblade | [22:48] |
Ukto | pad locked steel box? | [22:48] |
Ukto | :P | [22:48] |
draco49 | The packaging was clean, professional, and unsuspecting. | [22:48] |
coingenuity | :) excellent, as long as you didn't have a big PITA getting into the box i'm happy :) | [22:49] |
draco49 | Not at all. | [22:49] |
coingenuity | perfect :) | [22:49] |
jcpham | i liked the bubble wrap myself | [22:49] |
jcpham | and little sticker | [22:49] |
* | abracadab (~Abracadab@unaffiliated/abracadab) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:50] |
coingenuity | excellent, excellent....considering my staff dont like taking the time to do it and i make them ;) | [22:50] |
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draco49 | coingenuity, you should make your employees witness you taking a machete to the arm of a thief... just so they know never to steal :P | [22:51] |
coingenuity | XD draco49 tbh i dont think any of my staff would be ballsy enough to steal from me | [22:52] |
copumpkin | coingenuity: are you a big guy? | [22:52] |
coingenuity | i also keep a very, very close eye on everyone | [22:52] |
smickles | even mee? | [22:52] |
coingenuity | i'm not big draco49 but i'm not your average geek :) | [22:52] |
* | mircea_popescu sends the girls to suck up to coingenuity and steal his metals. | [22:52] |
coingenuity | especially your fine behind, smickles | [22:52] |
smickles | :D | [22:53] |
coingenuity | dw mircea_popescu i only keep less than attractive women on staff for that reason >.> | [22:53] |
coingenuity | <.< | [22:53] |
draco49 | you should go "New Jack City" on them... armed guards in the "mailroom", everyone shirtless | [22:53] |
unreal-dude | remember, it is more human to be a theif than to be punished for being a theif! sayly..... | [22:53] |
mircea_popescu | lolz | [22:53] |
unreal-dude | *sadly | [22:53] |
stochastic_ | walks around the office with an AK | [22:53] |
mircea_popescu | ak is horrible office gear. | [22:53] |
unreal-dude | s/human/humane | [22:53] |
coingenuity | draco49: it's not /that/ far off | [22:53] |
draco49 | lol | [22:53] |
coingenuity | i have armed security and a gun sitting a foot away | [22:53] |
coingenuity | >.> | [22:53] |
copumpkin | coingenuity: how did you get into the precious metals business? | [22:53] |
jcpham | i'd be strapped for sure | [22:54] |
coingenuity | copumpkin: i've been into PM since i was little, basically | [22:54] |
mircea_popescu | so the person that guesses the exact number of comments i got on my blog past month gets 0.that many bitcoins. go. | [22:54] |
coingenuity | 138 | [22:54] |
plato | WTB an Eve Online timecode | [22:54] |
mircea_popescu | moar. | [22:54] |
coingenuity | 789 | [22:54] |
jcpham | over 9000 | [22:54] |
mircea_popescu | moar. | [22:54] |
draco49 | 3 total | [22:54] |
mircea_popescu | les.. | [22:54] |
coingenuity | lol | [22:54] |
stochastic_ | 7 | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | less than 9k lol | [22:55] |
copumpkin | coingenuity: ah | [22:55] |
unreal-dude | plato PLEX or GTC? | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | no stochastic_ , moar than 789 | [22:55] |
draco49 | I'm sticking with 3. | [22:55] |
draco49 | ;P | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | you're a hater :D | [22:55] |
matthew_ | looking to buy BTC for MP. anyone interested? | [22:55] |
coingenuity | i.e copumpkin i tried to get my family to lend me some thousands for gold when i was 10 and it was only at $400ish...but nope, wouldn't do it, so i've had to get into it on my own ever since :) | [22:55] |
copumpkin | aw | [22:55] |
jcpham | goldbug | [22:56] |
copumpkin | poor baby coingenuity | [22:56] |
mircea_popescu | srsly, goldbaby | [22:56] |
draco49 | lol do you know how many "I told you so" moments i've had with my parents? | [22:56] |
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coingenuity | same for palladium @ $100, they wouldnt do that either | [22:56] |
* | Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [22:56] |
coingenuity | same with google private offering at $50 | [22:56] |
coingenuity | whatevs | [22:56] |
mircea_popescu | and uranium, and plutonium, and cessium | [22:56] |
coingenuity | and yep draco49 i think that must be the nature of having parents lmao | [22:56] |
Joric_ | did anyone watch today's southpark? | [22:56] |
* | Joric_ is now known as Joric | [22:56] |
coingenuity | indeed i did Joric | [22:56] |
coingenuity | it was funny :) | [22:56] |
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draco49 | When Blockbuster was brand-new back in the early 80's, my dad could have bought as many franchises as he wanted for $10k each and he turned it down. | [22:57] |
mcorlett | When Bitcoin was brand-new back in 2009... | [22:57] |
mircea_popescu | i don't believe in doing business with parents. | [22:57] |
coingenuity | yeah, franchising can be sketchy though, gotta know how to get out early | [22:57] |
draco49 | In 1992 when EA was trading at $2-3/share, I told him to buy them and he didn't. | [22:58] |
Joric | today's southpark is all about buying gold and stuff | [22:58] |
coingenuity | mircea_popescu: ofuckno i learned my lesson when i was 10 LOL | [22:58] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Parents are the best business partners! | [22:58] |
mircea_popescu | doing business with sex partners might be ok, but even that's iffy. | [22:58] |
stochastic_ | try to franchise in small towns, in many of them only one guy owns all the franchises | [22:58] |
stochastic_ | once you get a franchise of like subway the guy will buy you out | [22:58] |
draco49 | The can be great $$ partners, but don't let them make decisions. | [22:58] |
mcorlett | Joric: If it's about gold, there has to be at least one reference to Jews, no? | [22:59] |
coingenuity | true that draco49 | [22:59] |
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draco49 | Of course they'll be a "Jew" reference... most like involving Cartman and Kyle | [22:59] |
Joric | mcorlett, none | [22:59] |
coingenuity | but then again...i dont really let anyone else make decisions anyway ;) | [22:59] |
bruzum | 7/j #bitcoin-fishmonger | [22:59] |
coingenuity | yeah, not really mcorlett :) | [22:59] |
mcorlett | Alpha male coingenuity | [23:00] |
Joric | there were no jew references at all, first time | [23:00] |
coingenuity | mcorlett: its more that people try to do stupid things | [23:00] |
mircea_popescu | so anyone got a link to a html5 version of that sp episode ? | [23:00] |
mcorlett | Joric: New writers? | [23:00] |
mircea_popescu | i haven't watched sp in months | [23:00] |
coingenuity | html5? | [23:00] |
coingenuity | :O | [23:00] |
mircea_popescu | yes. html5. | [23:00] |
Joric | it's online | [23:00] |
draco49 | what's wrong with | [23:01] |
mircea_popescu | tghat asks me to get adobe flash player. | [23:01] |
mircea_popescu | ie, it's not html5. | [23:01] |
mircea_popescu | it's flash bs. | [23:01] |
draco49 | So do it! | [23:01] |
stochastic_ | depends on the country you connect from | [23:01] |
mircea_popescu | never. | [23:01] |
mircea_popescu | eh ?! | [23:01] |
draco49 | come mircea_popescu, you know you wanna install Flash! | [23:01] |
coingenuity | ill agree with that, i dont watch any video in brwoser >.< | [23:01] |
mircea_popescu | i never had flash and i never will have flash. | [23:02] |
coingenuity | it also drops my hashrate by half even running a flash vid | [23:02] |
mircea_popescu | why don't you install activex | [23:02] |
Joric | html5 is like twice slower than flash for me | [23:02] |
jcpham | it's too choppy for me because my gpu is 99% | [23:02] |
Joric | i hate html5 videos | [23:02] |
jcpham | why is all my video CHOPPY RAge | [23:02] |
draco49 | Well don't use it on your mining rig! | [23:02] |
* | DIGISHELLS has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [23:02] |
mircea_popescu | i never saw choppy vids. | [23:02] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Don't you have pirated DVD stores on every corner over there in Romania? | [23:02] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett nope | [23:02] |
mcorlett | I'm sure they can hook you up. | [23:02] |
mircea_popescu | o, if i could be bothered to sure, i could find it. but... meh. | [23:03] |
Joric | frankly i'm surprised why most videos in the net are still ipad incompartible | [23:03] |
plato | unreal-dude: GTC i think. my account is not active now so plex won't work | [23:03] |
mircea_popescu | frankly im surprised ipads still exist. | [23:04] |
coingenuity | same mircea_popescu | [23:04] |
* | _Bigpiggy01Minin has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [23:04] |
jcpham | i have yet to own an ianything | [23:04] |
draco49 | That's because iOS is disturbingly unsupported... | [23:04] |
coingenuity | its like a paperweight combined with a TV fake computer | [23:04] |
mircea_popescu | i mean, the previous i whatever the fuck walkman thingy blesfully dissapeared already | [23:04] |
* | _Bigpiggy01Minin ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:04] |
vragnaroda | [21:02] < Joric> | html5 is like twice slower than flash for me <-- ‘twice’ doesn't really work there. :p | [23:04] |
* | paulzag ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:04] |
* | DIGISHELLS ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:04] |
draco49 | lol @ vragnaroda | [23:04] |
mircea_popescu | twice slower!!11 | [23:04] |
Joric | definately, vragnaroda | [23:04] |
coingenuity | mircea_popescu: fuck off, that was the ONLY ok thing apple has ever done, seriously | [23:05] |
vragnaroda | Joric: *definitely | [23:05] |
mircea_popescu | omg he's trolling him lmao | [23:05] |
mircea_popescu | coingenuity THAT is my point. | [23:05] |
mcorlett | vragnaroda: Thrice? | [23:05] |
stochastic_ | half as fast | [23:05] |
jcpham | vragnaroda I'm sure your wrong | [23:05] |
mircea_popescu | no, half as quick. | [23:05] |
coingenuity | oooooh i thought you were saying it was bad, /me is still waking up | [23:05] |
mcorlett | double the slowness | [23:05] |
mircea_popescu | its twolasses than! | [23:05] |
coingenuity | i have to give apple props, ipod classic is a great device | [23:05] |
draco49 | I believe it's either "half as fast" or "twice as slow". | [23:06] |
mircea_popescu | twice as rapid you mean | [23:06] |
mircea_popescu | half as velociturian. | [23:06] |
mcorlett | coingenuity: That 1.8" drive was fascinating back in the day. | [23:06] |
vragnaroda | draco49: Or ‘two times slower’ | [23:06] |
coingenuity | lol, yeah | [23:06] |
draco49 | yeah | [23:07] |
mircea_popescu | hit me baby one more time | [23:07] |
mircea_popescu | slower | [23:07] |
coingenuity | its just a shame they applied those build practices to computers | [23:07] |
* | vragnaroda hits mircea_popescu. | [23:07] |
coingenuity | or "doubly slow" | [23:07] |
bitcoinTrader | ;;seen zozo- | [23:07] |
gribble | zozo- was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 23 minutes and 11 seconds ago: |
[23:07] |
helo | get low | [23:07] |
* | vragnaroda smacks coingenuity. | [23:07] |
coingenuity | from the window | [23:07] |
coingenuity | TO THE WALL | [23:07] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda hits like a girl. | [23:07] |
vragnaroda | To be fair, Apple's the only one taking tablets half seriously. | [23:07] |
draco49 | WHAT! | [23:07] |
Joric | twice seriously! | [23:08] |
mircea_popescu | tablets could have a future if normal tables become too expensive for cafeterias. | [23:08] |
mcorlett | coingenuity: No Lil Jon, please. | [23:08] |
* | coingenuity has "get low" stuck in my head now | [23:08] |
* | bandu ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:08] |
jcpham | yeah me too | [23:08] |
draco49 | OK! | [23:08] |
jcpham | thank coingenuity | [23:08] |
coingenuity | lol | [23:08] |
jcpham | lame as hell | [23:08] |
draco49 | lol | [23:08] |
coingenuity | it was helo who started it | [23:08] |
mircea_popescu | * coingenuity has "get low" stuck in my head now << dangling pointer problem. | [23:08] |
coingenuity | lol | [23:08] |
mircea_popescu | omg a little btc price action | [23:08] |
mircea_popescu | it's going down. | [23:08] |
jcpham | where's my chalice | [23:08] |
mcorlett | "3,6,9 damn your fine move it so you can sock it to me one mo time" | [23:09] |
smickles | ;;ticker | [23:09] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.68362, Best ask: 4.6997, Bid-ask spread: 0.01608, Last trade: 4.6997, 24 hour volume: 44597, 24 hour low: 4.6605, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [23:09] |
vragnaroda | [21:08] < mircea_pope> | tablets could have a future if normal tables become too expensive for cafeterias. <-- lol | [23:09] |
coingenuity | XFD | [23:09] |
jcpham | punny | [23:09] |
draco49 | jcpham, I think the Archbishop Don "Magic "Juan has the chalice... | [23:09] |
coingenuity | thats truly one good use for tablets....customer service | [23:09] |
coingenuity | wouldnt you be happy if all the numbnuts you deal with in a store had an ipad to look up details instead of telling you the wrong thing? i would | [23:09] |
mcorlett | these lyrics are awesome | [23:10] |
mcorlett | "Now give me my doe back and go get ya friend | [23:10] |
mcorlett | Stupid bitch standing there while I’m drinking my hen" | [23:10] |
* | lakkris has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [23:10] |
coingenuity | lmfao | [23:10] |
draco49 | My friend uses his iPad to find his iPhone. That was his big reason to own an iPad. | [23:10] |
mircea_popescu | << sfw or nsfw ? you decide. | [23:10] |
* | _Bigpiggy01Minin has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [23:10] |
draco49 | mircea_popescu, that's nsfw | [23:11] |
jcpham | Shantan Wantan Ichiban and the Dungeon Family? | [23:11] |
mircea_popescu | cause smoking ? | [23:11] |
coingenuity | i finally gave in and got a new phone today draco49 =D i am teh happy | [23:11] |
mcorlett | draco49: Mircea works from home. | [23:11] |
pirateat40 | That's my vape girl | [23:11] |
jcpham | i used to be able to participate in nsfw discussions | [23:11] |
vragnaroda | It's safe for my work but you might be a prude. | [23:11] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett i sometimes work from the basement too. | [23:11] |
vragnaroda | lol | [23:11] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: TMI | [23:11] |
* | vragnaroda hates the ‘no NSFW’ rule. | [23:11] |
vragnaroda | mcorlett: I sometimes work in the nude. | [23:12] |
draco49 | I work from home and it's fine for me, but maybe not for a staffed office. | [23:12] |
* | mircea_popescu actively works at subverting it | [23:12] |
* | luke-jr|otg has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [23:12] |
smickles | those look like 'unhealthily' large breasts | [23:12] |
unreal-dude | ok plato, i dont have GTC, only the ability get PLEX | [23:12] |
mircea_popescu | I work from home and it's fine for me, but maybe not for a stuffed orifice. FIFY. | [23:12] |
jcpham | they look healthy to me | [23:12] |
draco49 | what? Your crazy... nothing unhealthy about that! | [23:12] |
mcorlett | draco49: My crazy?! | [23:12] |
jcpham | overtly healthy | [23:12] |
mircea_popescu | smickles she's handling them. they aren't that big. | [23:12] |
* | luke-jr has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [23:13] |
smickles | jcpham: she's laying down b/c she must have back problems | [23:13] |
draco49 | lol no mcorlett, I was referring to what smickles said. | [23:13] |
plato | thanks anyway unreal-dude | [23:13] |
mircea_popescu | and she's all oiled cause she has dry skin conditions ? | [23:13] |
jcpham | probably trying to relax her throat | [23:13] |
mircea_popescu | arlechin disease like | [23:13] |
draco49 | I agree... nobody wants to be ashy. | [23:13] |
smickles | maybe she's in that position b/c she fell over | [23:14] |
draco49 | coingenuity, what phone did you get? | [23:14] |
mircea_popescu | maybe she was born that way... | [23:14] |
mcorlett | smickles: I think you're onto something there... | [23:14] |
draco49 | Or it's a high-speed shot of her having a seizure. | [23:14] |
draco49 | Lady Gaga was... | [23:14] |
jcpham | i think it's a dude | [23:14] |
jcpham | HUGE ADAMS APPLE | [23:14] |
vragnaroda | lol | [23:14] |
Joric | i noticed is moving to mp4 eg southpark was mp4 | [23:14] |
vragnaroda | lol eztv | [23:15] |
draco49 | That's because it's really a crime-scene photo... someone broke her neck. | [23:15] |
chwergy | Buying BTC for PPCAD | [23:15] |
coingenuity | draco49: i picked up the draco49 | [23:15] |
vragnaroda | Joric: It's not just them. | [23:15] |
* | smickles remembered to close the blindes to shiels the children playing in the park … or rather their parents | [23:15] |
mcorlett | Joric: lol lrn2pirate usenet lololz | [23:15] |
draco49 | I know that phone... | [23:16] |
* | _Bigpiggy01Minin ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:16] |
coingenuity | the interesting thing about that device is that it's the current google developer handset | [23:16] |
* | luke-jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:16] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to luke-jr | [23:16] |
Joric | well mp4 x h264 is ipad friendly | [23:16] |
vragnaroda | smickles: There is a park behind this place that I can see from the bathroom window and I don't ever close the blinds. | [23:16] |
coingenuity | and the G1 was godly, so i figure it's probably the best choice | [23:16] |
coingenuity | also, ipad is a joke, my android tablet runs anything fine even MKV high def | [23:16] |
draco49 | to Android AVD sucks, so it's nice to have a real device | [23:17] |
vragnaroda | lol android tablet | [23:17] |
draco49 | *the | [23:17] |
smickles | vragnaroda: do you present 8foot images of vaginas and clop clop to your bathroom window? | [23:17] |
coingenuity | yes android tablet vragnaroda | [23:17] |
jcpham | nick you got some clopclop smick | [23:17] |
coingenuity | ive used ipads and various droid tabs, none of em are really useful for anything much in the end except streaming video | [23:18] |
smickles | jcpham: i click on links in #bitcoin-otc-nsfw | [23:18] |
vragnaroda | smickles: The only times I've looked for clop images is to irritate bronies. | [23:18] |
gmaxwell | clop? | [23:18] |
draco49 | +10 for vragnaroda | [23:18] |
mcorlett | gmaxwell: clop clop clop clop clop | [23:18] |
* | gmaxwell confused | [23:18] |
* | Loppzor ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:19] |
rawrmage | vragnaroda: just for that… | [23:19] |
draco49 | rawrmage, you're the ultimate brony. | [23:19] |
vragnaroda | gmaxwell: MLP slash | [23:19] |
mircea_popescu | i think clop is the new fap | [23:19] |
copumpkin | yeah | [23:19] |
mircea_popescu | used to be masturbation back when people could type long sequences. | [23:19] |
jcpham | klankklank for fembot gribble porn | [23:19] |
coingenuity | lol | [23:19] |
mircea_popescu | i forget what brony is tho | [23:20] |
gmaxwell | ah. | [23:20] |
draco49 | mircea_popescu, "bros" who are into MLP | [23:20] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: My Little Pony fans | [23:20] |
mircea_popescu | possibly the new fury ? | [23:20] |
* | mircea_popescu grins facetiously. | [23:20] |
Joric | omg 'Due to the incident of stolen coins from Bitcoinica a couple of weeks ago, the accounts that are suspected to have been receiving the tainted coins were flagged for AML. If you believe that this was done in error, please submit your official ID and proof of residence' | [23:20] |
pigeons | its weirdoes like rawrmage, not that there's anything wrong with it | [23:20] |
vragnaroda | trolololol | [23:20] |
* | tritoch (tritoch@unaffiliated/tritoch) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:20] |
Joric | | [23:21] |
* | tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [23:21] |
mircea_popescu | it's all over the bitcointalk too joric | [23:21] |
rawrmage | i love my little pony: friendship is magic | [23:21] |
smickles | gmaxwell: i think there a /r/clopclop where you can educate yourself | [23:21] |
gmaxwell | Thanks but no. | [23:21] |
mircea_popescu | wasn't that 16 yo and under restricted ? | [23:21] |
jcpham | reminds me of dicknipples | [23:22] |
Joric | blocking accounts for fun and profit | [23:22] |
mircea_popescu | i don;'t understandf this entire "omg, find the stolen coins" insanity. | [23:22] |
LordCanti | "tainted coins? | [23:23] |
vragnaroda | I don't get why people are acting surprised by this. | [23:23] |
Joric | that clop is it a brony thing | [23:23] |
vragnaroda | That's exactly what MtGox has been saying they'd do. | [23:23] |
bruzum | vragnaroda: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | [23:23] |
mircea_popescu | im not surprised, im displeased. | [23:23] |
* | bruzum is now known as brznbtni | [23:24] |
draco49 | <-- typical brony | [23:24] |
mircea_popescu | jesus god that's my parole officer | [23:24] |
draco49 | lol | [23:24] |
mircea_popescu | hehehe | [23:24] |
Joric | if it's there it's either completely offtopic or about ponies | [23:24] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: I wasn't talking about you; I was talking about idiotic forumgoers and redditors. | [23:24] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda o, those. | [23:24] |
rg | good | [23:25] |
rg | i think thats a good plan | [23:25] |
rg | all theyre doing is to verify your ID, no big deal | [23:25] |
mircea_popescu | ya, populating the database for the next leak | [23:25] |
mircea_popescu | sounds like a genius move. | [23:25] |
brznbtni | 7q rg here she is | [23:25] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: I haven't seen anything to indicate it's in the same database. They did some AML verifications before the big incident, too. | [23:26] |
vragnaroda | That said, MtGox has the stereotypical French attitude toward customer service and I find it disturbing how they're the leading exchange. | [23:27] |
mircea_popescu | im just saying, there's absolutely no reason to suspect the entire song and dance is anything more effectual than the tsa for instance. | [23:27] |
vragnaroda | Oh, definitely; it's just theater. | [23:27] |
mircea_popescu | they're still the leading exchange because they got lucky and the main competitor was stupid. | [23:27] |
chwergy | is dealing with mt.gox a bad idea? | [23:27] |
* | GlooBoy has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [23:27] |
mircea_popescu | chwergy i think so. | [23:27] |
vragnaroda | chwergy: Relying on them is. Dealing with them is not necessarily but be careful. | [23:28] |
draco49 | I don't the account verifications are big deal. They don't ask you for any information that couldn't be found elsewhere. | [23:28] |
vragnaroda | Don't trust them with too much. | [23:28] |
mircea_popescu | prolly not on bitcoinica level, or maybe nowadays | [23:28] |
* | Judgement51 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [23:28] |
vragnaroda | draco49: Then what's the point? | [23:28] |
chwergy | well which exchanges should i use instead? i dont really like how big mt-gox is | [23:28] |
vragnaroda | Of course they're getting information they can't find elsewhere. | [23:28] |
mircea_popescu | chwergy well there's here if you got rating, that's what i use. i think there are some exchanges too but i never used one. | [23:29] |
draco49 | I don't know that it does actually accomplish anything except to cover MTGox in the case of alleged fraud. | [23:29] |
vragnaroda | chwergy: Well, that depends on where you are and what currency/-ies you have to trade. | [23:29] |
jcpham | i'd bet on onfi like that | [23:29] |
bitcoinTrader | wht happened to cryptoxchange? | [23:29] |
jcpham | *info | [23:29] |
draco49 | But I don't necessarily disagree with it. | [23:29] |
chwergy | CAnada | [23:29] |
* | AnonX (~idioten@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:29] |
chwergy | yeah, i kinda like cryptoxchange | [23:29] |
AnonX | sup bros | [23:30] |
* | GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:30] |
bitcoinTrader | cryptoxchange promised much | [23:30] |
coingenuity | heh | [23:30] |
mircea_popescu | if i weren't loath to handle the banks/fiat currencies part i'd make an exchange. but meh. | [23:30] |
AnonX | ;;rating AnonX | [23:30] |
draco49 | I think a p2p exchange that operated on top of the existing bitcoin network would be cool. | [23:30] |
bitcoinTrader | dont know wht happened | [23:30] |
* | seco thinks about the new signfeature of bitcoin-0.6 | [23:30] |
seco | couldnt it lead to a much easier identification process here on btc-otc if gribble identifies users by a btc-address? | [23:30] |
mircea_popescu | i wouldn't mind something like that seco | [23:31] |
mircea_popescu | provided it can use old addies. | [23:31] |
Joric | damn, bitcoinica sells at 4.70 | [23:31] |
draco49 | seco: are you referring to the multi-sign feature? | [23:31] |
coingenuity | just my 0.02, i have never had a problem with mtgox and i've been running tradebots for years >.> | [23:31] |
seco | yes | [23:31] |
AnonX | where is nanotube?:( | [23:31] |
draco49 | multi-sign wouldn't have anything to do with gribble | [23:31] |
vragnaroda | AnonX: New Jersey, I believe. | [23:32] |
mircea_popescu | brznbtni here, in exchange for yours : | [23:32] |
coingenuity | if you're looking for a smaller exchange, poke at intersango, as they've got a full-fledged API, great security, etc | [23:32] |
seco | registering at btc-otc has always be a pain for new users, especially if they did not hear about gpg before | [23:32] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: OK, that picture was out of line. | [23:32] |
mircea_popescu | he started it! | [23:32] |
mircea_popescu | i didn't start the pic war | [23:32] |
draco49 | All multi-sign does is provide an extra wallet security option to require 2 priv keys sign a send transaction. | [23:32] |
mircea_popescu | peeps were 'lready posting when i left that picture | [23:32] |
coingenuity | well, we're ending it. no more NSFW spam | [23:33] |
vragnaroda | s/ spam/./ | [23:33] |
* | coingenuity puts SFW flag in gorund | [23:33] |
mircea_popescu | this is like a rebellion. | [23:33] |
coingenuity | ground* | [23:33] |
Joric | bitcoinica sells at 4.67 | [23:33] |
vragnaroda | Words have meanings. | [23:33] |
mircea_popescu | and for those who would listen ? | [23:33] |
seco | oh i think there is just a signature-feature somewhere in the api but not fully implemented in the gui: where user can sign with private key of one of his btc-adresses | [23:33] |
brznbtni | mircea_popescu: n1 | [23:33] |
draco49 | seco: Yes, message signing has always been there. | [23:34] |
jcpham | i feel mircea_popescu last photo was SFW | [23:34] |
seco | so a new user just registers with a btc-address from his receiving-address book, and if he can provide gribble a signed otp-message with this address he is authed! | [23:34] |
draco49 | That feature allows you to sign a message using your wallet priv key to prove, or validate, that you own the particular Bitcoin address. | [23:34] |
* | AnonX Have: MB EUR/USD, PayPal, Pokerstars$, party$. Want: Bitcoin | [23:35] |
jcpham | and totally on-topic if you are looking for a naked man with a gun to sell you bitcoin | [23:35] |
seco | otc-username could be seen as alias to a unique btc-address! | [23:35] |
mircea_popescu | o interesting ideea that, using poker$ for bitcoins anonx | [23:35] |
* | bg-blaeks is now known as blaeks | [23:35] |
mircea_popescu | and yes i know seco, it's kind of how i use the mpoe address. | [23:35] |
mircea_popescu | a sort of hackish de facto thing. | [23:35] |
seco | well its unique identification on my eyes....but maybe i just miss something^^ | [23:36] |
mircea_popescu | headed for 4.5 again ? | [23:37] |
mircea_popescu | and on rather low volume this time, we might see some sights here. | [23:38] |
* | splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:39] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [23:39] |
chwergy | any gambling services dealing with BTC other than that dragon game? | [23:39] |
splatster | ;;ticker | [23:39] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.63106, Best ask: 4.6364, Bid-ask spread: 0.00534, Last trade: 4.6364, 24 hour volume: 47733, 24 hour low: 4.61, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [23:39] |
Cusipzzz | chewergy: sports betting of course! | [23:39] |
Cusipzzz | EvanR: where are you, winners tonight | [23:40] |
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* | tritoch (tritoch@unaffiliated/tritoch) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:41] |
* | benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [23:45] |
EvanR | Cusipzzz: no bitcoins | [23:46] |
* | MORA| has quit () | [23:47] |
EvanR | tonight im planning to take a break and collect my stuff | [23:47] |
EvanR | and pay some bills | [23:47] |
EvanR | and see how much BTCHero has succeeded in paying me for that computer | [23:47] |
* | bill_stickers (~skaro@2001:0:53aa:64c:1822:3c64:b945:466f) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:49] |
matthew_ | looking to buy BTC for MP in bulk. anyone? | [23:49] |
brznbtni | bulk? | [23:50] |
brznbtni | how much= | [23:50] |
matthew_ | the MP is $350 | [23:50] |
brznbtni | so you eeed btc eq. of 350 usd | [23:50] |
brznbtni | need | [23:50] |
matthew_ | yup | [23:50] |
coingenuity | bulky | [23:50] |
brznbtni | yeah | [23:50] |
brznbtni | one year's salary | [23:51] |
brznbtni | in China | [23:51] |
draco49 | ;;getrating matthew_ | [23:51] |
gribble | User matthew_, created on Mon Jan 30 18:49:11 2012. Cumulative rating 8, from 5 total ratings. Received ratings: 5 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 5 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask matthew_!~bitcoin@ | [23:51] |
Cusipzzz | EvanR: ok, will have them all weekend | [23:52] |
Cusipzzz | games the next 4 days | [23:52] |
EvanR | im ready to make some money! | [23:52] |
Cusipzzz | good man | [23:52] |
EvanR | on average! | [23:52] |
matthew_ | so no one? | [23:52] |
EvanR | i live in quantum super position | [23:52] |
* | agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [23:52] |
mod6 | :) | [23:53] |
Cusipzzz | quantum winners.. i will give you all winners, you just need to be in the right universe to see them | [23:53] |
Cusipzzz | and they may become losers after you look at them | [23:54] |
AnonX | ;;getrating AnonX | [23:54] |
BTC_Bear | Does an altered state of mind count. Cause lots of people here would win. | [23:54] |
* | churchill (~neo2@gateway/tor-sasl/neo2) has left #bitcoin-otc | [23:54] |
coingenuity | BTC_Bear: yeah dawg im gettin irie | [23:55] |
coingenuity | on coffee | [23:55] |
coingenuity | X_X | [23:55] |
coingenuity | am i cool yet >.> | [23:55] |
BTC_Bear | You too | [23:55] |
draco49 | | [23:57] |
copumpkin | lol | [23:58] |
draco49 | :P | [23:58] |
* | triptyl ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:59] |
Category: Logs