Forum logs for 19 Jan 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [07:14]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [07:14]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 [07:14]
mircea_popescu so how does someone go about getting a .bit ? [07:14]
phungus mircea_popescu: install namecoin from the repo [07:14]
imsaguy mircea_popescu: its in the wiki [07:14]
mircea_popescu ough, i need to install shit ? ;/ [07:15]
vragnaroda There's got to be some BTC-accepting site that will register a .bit for you. [07:16]
weex if you have namecoin it's fairly simple but takes a couple hours i think [07:16]
mircea_popescu - payments accepted : bitcoins (BTC) [07:16]
mircea_popescu Advantage : no configuration, no need to exchange bitcoin with namecoin [07:16]
mircea_popescu a apparently there's a registrar [07:16]
vragnaroda I'm sure there are several. [07:16]
weex can you download the privkey it's assigned to? [07:16]
* diacetyl ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:17]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: But, you still need to set your system up to resolve .bit or work around that. [07:17]
* Burgundy has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [07:17]
mircea_popescu i don't care about myself, really. [07:17]
mircea_popescu after all i can access myown websites. [07:17]
mircea_popescu what is this, 1.5 btc a year + 1 btc hosting which you have to get ? poppycock. [07:18]
mircea_popescu what happened to 0.005 btc. [07:18]
imsaguy just use the namecoin client [07:18]
weex mircea_popescu: how many domains you want to register? [07:18]
imsaguy the namecoin client lets you do it for nmc which are stupid cheap [07:18]
imsaguy .006 last I heard [07:18]
weex 0.006btc/nmc [07:18]
mircea_popescu o, it costs one nmc or else 1.5 btc with these scmuchks ?! [07:19]
mircea_popescu what the hell! [07:19]
weex but they register it for a year which requires multiple updates [07:19]
weex so they have some sw built i guess [07:19]
mircea_popescu give me back traditional monopolistic pricing jeez. [07:19]
imsaguy lol [07:19]
mircea_popescu so basically the marginal cost of me installing shit from repo on one hand or alterantively paying ridiculous fees for a domain [07:20]
mircea_popescu just limited .bit adoption. in case anyone actually parses this. [07:20]
Ukto hmm [07:20]
Ukto I'd be happy to host some pub .bit dns servers [07:21]
Ukto for the fun o it [07:21]
mircea_popescu do they i was gonna ask [07:21]
mircea_popescu do they pay me if i host dns ? [07:21]
mircea_popescu i could charge i dunno, a .1 btc fee per domain per year. [07:21]
Ukto s'pose i should try to find that script I saw to suck dns entries out of the nmc system [07:21]
mircea_popescu shouldn't be a problem paying that i guess ? [07:21]
* Graet_ (~Graet@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:22]
weex they're also taking some currency exchange risk in giving it to you for a year [07:22]
mircea_popescu not really. [07:22]
mircea_popescu they can change the btc back on the spot. [07:23]
mircea_popescu it's not like im taking credit. [07:23]
* roman3x ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:23]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: If I really cared about .bit, I'd try to run a .bit registrar for BTC as close as possible to breaking even until a decent competitor came along. [07:23]
vragnaroda But, I don't really care about NMC. [07:23]
mircea_popescu exactly. [07:23]
mircea_popescu it's innerving how often we keep agreeing of late. [07:24]
* mircea_popescu peeks to see if v checks make sure it's not really spelled with an u. [07:24]
vragnaroda If it's one error once in a while, I let it slide. [07:25]
vragnaroda (Unless you're being a dick.) [07:25]
EvanR anyone know where i can get silica gel packets [07:25]
Coolio- how many do you nee [07:25]
copumpkin EvanR: I keep a stash lying around to eat them [07:25]
Coolio- d [07:25]
copumpkin EvanR: I can send you some [07:25]
vragnaroda EvanR: Go to the 7-11 and open all the packages of beef jerky. [07:25]
EvanR need it for a 5 gallon bucket [07:26]
weex no copumpkin! that's what you're NOT supposed to do. [07:26]
copumpkin oh whoops [07:26]
vragnaroda orly [07:26]
copumpkin I always get that kind of thing wrog [07:26]
weex are they good? [07:26]
copumpkin omnomnom [07:26]
EvanR im going into power saving mode, and the storage unit doesnt allow food (not that i would store food in there) [07:26]
EvanR so im putting all my dry food in a 5 gallon bucket [07:27]
mircea_popescu its not an error silly. [07:29]
mircea_popescu ahahaha copumpkin what are the effects ? [07:30]
EvanR bitmunchies should sell silica gel packets [07:30]
phungus EvanR: I think you can buy them on Amazon [07:30]
EvanR who runs that [07:30]
EvanR phungus: if i give you btc will you buy them on amazon for me [07:30]
phungus so you can find that dude who will buy anything on amazon for you [07:30]
phungus lol [07:30]
phungus hmm [07:30]
EvanR who is that dude [07:30]
mircea_popescu what is a power saving mode ? [07:30]
EvanR mircea_popescu: eliminate all costs [07:31]
phungus EvanR: I think it was on the orderbook but I'm not sure now [07:31]
mircea_popescu so you're gonna hang yourself ? [07:31]
phungus EvanR: if I had extra cash I would right now [07:31]
phungus no it's a good idea [07:31]
weex EvanR: saving human power to run more mining equip? [07:31]
mircea_popescu i like costs. [07:31]
EvanR mircea_popescu: staying alive is damn expensive, but its way less expensive than rent and car payments [07:31]
pigeons i think i already squatted mircea_popescu.bit [07:31]
mircea_popescu evil pigeons [07:32]
mircea_popescu im going to sopasue you. [07:32]
mircea_popescu evanr no but i mean, isn't the solution making more money ? [07:32]
phungus lol he eats them [07:32]
EvanR mircea_popescu: not an option in the 10 days i gave myself to move out to avoid spending all my money [07:32]
mircea_popescu name_new 0.01NMC name_firstupdate 0.05NMC (Price Calculator) [07:33]
weex all the good/evil brands have been squatted [07:33]
mircea_popescu so its 0.06 nmc and the nmc is 0.006 btc ? [07:33]
pigeons [07:33]
mircea_popescu ahahaah pigeons what evilry is this! [07:33]
Cory EvanR: I'll buy stuff on Amazon for BTC. [07:34]
mircea_popescu listen, how much does it actually cost you to register a domain ? [07:34]
mircea_popescu gmornin cory :) [07:34]
Cory Hey mircea_popescu! :D [07:34]
EvanR Cory: ... nevermind it wont get here in time ;) [07:35]
Cory All right. [07:35]
mircea_popescu how fast do you think humidity works evanr [07:35]
EvanR anyone know where i can get it locally [07:35]
EvanR mircea_popescu: my address is invalid in 10 days [07:35]
pigeons mircea_popescu: [07:35]
EvanR and im not filling out a forwarding thing with usps [07:35]
EvanR gubmint need to stay outta my biz [07:36]
Cory Craft stores sell silica powder to dry flowers. [07:36]
pigeons or buy lots of shoes and look in the toe area [07:36]
mircea_popescu pigeons so get a coupla domains for me and set them to redirect, ill pay you a btc for it, how about that. [07:36]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: dunno yet [07:36]
pigeons mircea_popescu: no problem [07:37]
Cory Desiccant crystals in the flower section, perhaps. [07:37]
* VO ( has left #bitcoin-otc [07:37]
* Someguy1234 (~Someguy12@unaffiliated/compgenius999) has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:37]
dirkdizzler i tied together 3 floors today [07:38]
* Someguy1234 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [07:38]
dirkdizzler in a building gigabit to gige fiber run [07:38]
dirkdizzler 12 blocks away to gige building [07:38]
EvanR Cory: heh yeah i read a blog that said scrape it out of your dry wall ;) [07:39]
EvanR but is that gonna be as neat as packets [07:39]
mircea_popescu lmao [07:40]
Cory Lol dry wall. [07:40]
Cory dirkdizzler: That sounds like a pretty cool job. :) [07:40]
weex dirkdizzler: what's it like being close to that much bandwidth? [07:40]
dirkdizzler it's boring to me [07:41]
weex do they give you a dosimeter? [07:41]
EvanR spacetime bends around his network cables [07:41]
EvanR thats how fast it is [07:41]
dirkdizzler also i have 802.11n that span half this distance over three buildings [07:41]
weex i heard fukushima concrete is ending up in gigabit ethernet [07:41]
EvanR lol [07:41]
dirkdizzler i'm starting to develop my own little private lan than spans half of downtown [07:41]
Cory That is so cool. [07:42]
* toffoo has quit () [07:42]
EvanR stringin cables from window to window? [07:42]
phungus ;;rate splatster 2 Threw up some quick Javascript and CSS to help me finish a project. He worked and then I paid. Awesome! [07:42]
dirkdizzler i'm not sure how it happened [07:42]
* da2ce7|2 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:42]
dirkdizzler the 802.11n came about because of shitty cable modems [07:43]
dirkdizzler and i needed a deicated link to the dc [07:43]
splatster ;;rate phungus 2 Did some quick Javascript and CSS stuff for project of his. Paid promptly and easy to work with. [07:43]
dirkdizzler this fiber thing was something else entirely. i think we had a deal w/ rr/brighthousde on that [07:43]
Cory ;;rate nhodges 2 He's sold me BTC for a multiple MoneyPaks adding up to over $150, and he's been around for a long time. Great guy! [07:43]
weex first you get the fiber, then you get the power, then you get the women [07:44]
Cory 50 minutes since the last block. :( [07:44]
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copumpkin imsaguy: I'm sure you'd enjoy/respect this [07:45]
vite ya guys know how much it would cost to sent 0.01 btc, like the fee [07:45]
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Cory Probably 0.0005. [07:45]
* toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:45]
EvanR vite: nothing if you rig it right [07:46]
vite and how do I do that? [07:46]
EvanR tilt the bitcoin machine a little a jam a screw driver into the change slot [07:46]
vite hahahahahaha [07:47]
phungus vite: the fee is specified in the Settings menu of the client [07:47]
phungus vite: I think you have to make sure you've had that .01 for awhile too [07:47]
vite yeah, but there is no truly free fee, cause if its a small transfer it wont let you transfer unless you set a fee [07:47]
phungus not true [07:47]
phungus it may go through eventually [07:48]
phungus .01 is not too small [07:48]
phungus I think [07:48]
EasyAt| what is the smallest amount a bitcoin can be divided into? [07:48]
EasyAt| .0001 [07:48]
Cory 0.00000001. [07:48]
MBS .00000001 [07:48]
EasyAt| mm [07:48]
phungus a Satoshi [07:49]
phungus :-) [07:49]
phungus Satoshi = .00000001 [07:49]
vite i mean you think if I send a small transaction lets say 0.005, will it eventually go thru or will it always get denied [07:49]
EasyAt| Its actually a unit somewhere? or you are pulling my leg? [07:49]
MBS ok going to try shorting silver again tonight, lol [07:49]
MBS lets hope it goes better than yesteday [07:49]
phungus EasyAt|: it's an unofficial name I suppose [07:50]
EasyAt| Do you think silver is actually undervalued? [07:50]
phungus EasyAt|: but everyone agreed on it [07:50]
grubles shweet back up to 6.2 [07:50]
MBS apparently silver didnt get the message that it should go down [07:50]
vite just thinking, since btc is based on a deflating model, fees have to go down also [07:50]
MBS overvalued [07:50]
phungus vite: I'm not sure many miners are actively ignoring fee-less txns [07:50]
EasyAt| MBS: I mean I imagine you don't... [07:50]
EvanR i dont agree with 'the satoshi' [07:50]
EvanR its stupid [07:50]
MBS oh yeah, lol [07:50]
MBS ok in the black on silver short as of 2 seconds ago [07:51]
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* Cheese (~orspeeder@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:51]
MBS not by much though, just $1.50 so far, but going alot better than my USDSGD position, lol [07:51]
EvanR vite: as long as btc value is measured in dollars, fees will sky rocket ;) [07:51]
EasyAt| I haven't traded commodities but a good friend is shorting also, he won't for much longer as he thinks it undervalued and is just playing the game [07:51]
* Tobeh ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:51]
Tobeh ;;guide [07:51]
EasyAt| He thinks it'll pop up soon [07:51]
EvanR vite: as long as miners may electricity with dollars, fees will not decrease [07:51]
EvanR pay* [07:52]
vite that is true [07:52]
MBS would be nice if it went back down to 29 or 28 today though [07:52]
MBS but cant see silver going below that [07:52]
EvanR ive been wanting to buy siler [07:52]
EvanR silver [07:52]
EasyAt| My dog is so bored and wants out but her paws get soooo cold [07:52]
EasyAt| she wont hold more than 3 on the ground [07:52]
vite good night everyone bye for now [07:52]
EasyAt| I need like shoes for her [07:52]
phungus my dogs are outside [07:52]
EvanR dog hoes [07:52]
EvanR dog shoes [07:52]
phungus and it's headed towards 0F out [07:52]
* vite has quit (Quit: Leaving) [07:52]
EasyAt| Where are you phungus [07:53]
phungus my dogs are pyrenees though [07:53]
phungus the Rockies [07:53]
EasyAt| we are hitting 9 tonight [07:53]
phungus yeah I don't even know what it is [07:53]
EasyAt| I have a little lab/pit, no fur [07:53]
phungus only that it didn't get above 33 [07:53]
phungus my dogs are white, huge, and covered with fur [07:53]
phungus lol [07:53]
EasyAt| Yea, we maxed at 29 i think [07:53]
rawrmage .w 10 [07:54]
markac Couldn't get any definitions for 10. [07:54]
rawrmage oops >.< [07:54]
EasyAt| Hah, I used to live on a farm. The owners had a St. Bernard. the fucker would sleep in snowbanks [07:54]
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phungus yeah mine will sleep out in the snow too [07:54]
phantomcircuit st bernard is a boss dog [07:54]
EasyAt| It was a boss [07:54]
EasyAt| and a nice mofo [07:54]
phungus the thermometer battery just died [07:54]
phungus lol [07:54]
phungus so I dunno what it is out there [07:54]
phungus COLD [07:54]
EasyAt| But in Chicago, its tough to have a st. bernard [07:54]
phungus :-) [07:54]
rawrmage markac, silly filly, you're always trying to be helpful [07:54]
EvanR its so cold the thermometer froze [07:54]
EasyAt| EvanR: where are you? [07:55]
* Joric (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:55]
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* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:55]
EvanR who said that [07:55]
EasyAt| I DID [07:55]
phungus heh [07:55]
* gribble gives voice to Joric [07:55]
EvanR EasyAt|: louisiana [07:55]
rawrmage .wa freezing point mercury [07:55]
EasyAt| its cold down there? [07:55]
EvanR its cold [07:55]
markac mercury->melting point;-38.83 °C (degrees Celsius);234.32 K (kelvins);-37.89 °F (degrees Fahrenheit);421.78 °R (degrees Rankine);-31.06 °Ré (degrees Réaumur);-12.89 °Rø (degrees Rømer);1.2 °C above Celsius/Fahrenheit crossover temperature (-40 °C);39.17 °C above boiling point of dry ice-acetone slurry (-78 °C);39.7 °C above sublimation temperature of dry ice (carbon diox [07:55]
smickles .o ud sheville [07:55]
markac ENOTFOUND [07:56]
smickles darn [07:56]
EvanR ENOTFOUND [07:56]
EvanR ENOTFOUND [07:56]
EvanR lol [07:56]
rawrmage something tells me that -38.83 C is not the same thing as -37.89 F [07:56]
EasyAt| I just moved back from austin, we were having the hottest fucking summer in like 80 years [07:56]
grubles markac must like E a lot [07:56]
EasyAt| not the same in La? [07:56]
copumpkin rawrmage: they're pretty close [07:56]
copumpkin rawrmage: they cross at around -42 I think [07:56]
rawrmage oh, really? hm [07:56]
EvanR EasyAt|: in louisiana the temperature changes by 50 degrees per day [07:56]
EvanR so what you experienced in austin is irrelevant [07:56]
rawrmage .wa -38.83 C in F [07:56]
phungus ;;guide [07:57]
markac convert -38.830 °C (degrees Celsius) to degrees Fahrenheit;-37.894 °F (degrees Fahrenheit);234.32 K (kelvins);421.776 °R (degrees Rankine);-31.064 °Ré (degrees Réaumur);-12.886 °Rø (degrees Rømer);2.11 °F above Celsius/Fahrenheit crossover temperature (-40 °C);70.506 °F above boiling point of dry ice-acetone slurry (-78 °C);71.5 °F above sublimation temperature of dry ic [07:57]
EasyAt| Thought southernness might matter [07:57]
EasyAt| suppose not [07:57]
rawrmage hm [07:57]
EvanR the gulf matters [07:57]
rawrmage 'cold' [07:57]
dirkdizzler it's like 20 tonight [07:57]
dirkdizzler 70 tomorrow [07:57]
EasyAt| jesus [07:58]
* schloffenheim (80876466@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:58]
EasyAt| its 10 tonight, 25 tomorrow [07:58]
EasyAt| hah [07:58]
phungus yeah it's pretty much COLD everywhere [07:58]
phungus and I didn't chop any wood the other day [07:58]
phungus :-/ [07:58]
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phungus I really need another couple of wheelbarrow loads [07:58]
dirkdizzler i stockpile [07:58]
dirkdizzler you can have too much wood [07:59]
phungus :-) [07:59]
dirkdizzler *never! [07:59]
phungus yeah I pulled down around 5 cords this year [07:59]
phungus but it's all bucked up [07:59]
phungus ready to be chopped [07:59]
phungus well [07:59]
phungus except for the month's worth of backup wood I have in the garage [07:59]
phungus and the stuff on the porch I made a doghouse out of [08:00]
phungus there are currently 3 freshly killed bloody elk legs on the snow covered porch [08:02]
phungus with some fur still attached [08:02]
phungus most of the hooves are gone though [08:03]
phungus mostly just bone [08:03]
EvanR if this were dwarf fortress that would feed 25 dwarves for a year [08:03]
EasyAt| currently there are about 7 illegals sleeping in the park accross the street that me and the dogger about to go visit [08:03]
Cory .weather Schofield [08:03]
markac IndexError: list index out of range (file "/Users/markcornelius/src/phenny/modules/", line 101, in f_weather) [08:03]
rawrmage EvanR: wat, hardly [08:03]
Cory Well, it's cold. [08:03]
EvanR rawrmage: well, without booze [08:04]
* CryptoX has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:04]
smickles when will my baby quit doing this: [08:04]
Cory The low tomorrow night is -13 F. [08:04]
rawrmage EvanR: prepare lavish meal prepare lavish meal prepare lavish meal prepare lavish meal [08:04]
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* cryptoxchange (~Ken@unaffiliated/cryptoxchange) has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:04]
EvanR rawrmage: lol [08:04]
rawrmage EvanR: strike down two more stupid donkeys [08:05]
* HCTIB (d8aac1fb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:05]
EvanR dwarves will eat shit for breakfast and like it. immigrants will die [08:05]
rawrmage i want to get an immigrant Grand Master Bitcoin Miner [08:05]
EasyAt| no [08:05]
EvanR lol [08:06]
dirkdizzler wts [08:06]
EasyAt| Evanr: immigrants are very fucking good at living [08:06]
EvanR i know this [08:06]
EasyAt| I saw one sleeping in the park the other day with just a carpet as a blanket [08:06]
rawrmage you need a better military, easyat| [08:06]
EvanR wall off the map border!!!!!! [08:06]
rawrmage lol [08:06]
EasyAt| rawrmage: this isn't arizona [08:06]
rawrmage no, this is Boatmurdered [08:06]
* HCTIB is now known as Rothgar [08:06]
rawrmage release the lava [08:06]
EasyAt| We don't mind people who pay taxes for dick pay [08:07]
EasyAt| So what if they pay their taxes on a social that isnt theres [08:07]
EasyAt| theirs* AH [08:07]
rawrmage pull the lever [08:07]
EvanR they shouldnt be paying taxes any more than anyone else should [08:07]
rawrmage watch them all burn [08:07]
* Jackten (447c80e7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:07]
rawrmage how do we move from dwarf fortress to politics [08:07]
EasyAt| EvanR: I agree, but the argument against illegals is that they don't pay taxes [08:07]
EvanR thats good [08:07]
EasyAt| EvanR: which is not normally correct [08:08]
EvanR because they work and dont get welfare [08:08]
EvanR wealth ++ [08:08]
pigeons i thought the problem was they aren't white enough [08:08]
EasyAt| And they do booboo jobs, that would get outsourced if they weren't here [08:08]
EasyAt| pegeons, and they speak fucking spanish! and eat too many tortas! [08:08]
EvanR why would you want to outsource when you have cheap illegals [08:09]
EvanR already right there [08:09]
EasyAt| if you're ignorant [08:09]
EvanR alabama is in a sorry sorry state right now [08:09]
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EasyAt| The bubbas are sad :( [08:09]
EvanR and even people living in alabama are pissed [08:09]
EvanR the legislation was passed down from above [08:10]
EvanR (as is now usual) [08:10]
EasyAt| yeppers [08:10]
EvanR when the government fears the people there is liberty [08:10]
EvanR else tyranny [08:10]
EasyAt| maybe the country should be divided into 4 smaller regions [08:10]
EasyAt| the American Union [08:10]
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EvanR you mean 4 + 9452 [08:10]
EasyAt| Well the places that acutally bring something to the table have to help out the shitty areas liek detroit [08:11]
EvanR no they dont [08:11]
EvanR detroit can sink or swim [08:11]
EasyAt| or else they will turn into Kolkata [08:11]
EvanR and from ive seen of detroit on inspirational documentaries, they can swim if they try hard enough [08:11]
EvanR everyone likes a good ghost town [08:11]
EasyAt| erm [08:11]
EasyAt| hahaha [08:12]
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EasyAt| But I agree, strong central government making laws for places with a million different needs is ridiculous [08:12]
mircea_popescu omg stop quitting [08:12]
* gribble gives voice to Rothgar [08:12]
benjamindees EasyAt|, the argument against illegals is that they and their five children consume more in resources than they produce [08:12]
smickles :o [08:13]
copumpkin lol [08:13]
EvanR which is a fucking joke [08:13]
copumpkin nice stereotyping though [08:13]
smickles just broke a support line that i made up [08:13]
vragnaroda benjamindees: That's retarded. [08:13]
benjamindees how so? [08:13]
vragnaroda Five children don't produce shit until they're no longer children. [08:13]
EvanR five white children arent producing anything either [08:13]
vragnaroda Their childhoods are *not* predictive of how productive they'll be as adults. [08:13]
mircea_popescu at which point they produce... more children ? [08:14]
EasyAt| most of the illegals here don't have five children [08:14]
EvanR mircea_popescu: oh shit! [08:14]
EasyAt| They come here, work, and send money back to homeland [08:14]
copumpkin most people leave their families behind and send money back [08:14]
mircea_popescu it's a vicious circle called life i tell you. [08:14]
copumpkin which is sad as hell [08:14]
EvanR thats the problem with this country, CHILDREN [08:14]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: Yeah, that's how it generally works. [08:14]
EvanR ban children [08:14]
EvanR problem solved [08:14]
EasyAt| exactly copumpkin [08:14]
mircea_popescu and anal sex. [08:14]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: amen [08:14]
vragnaroda Yay Malthusianism! [08:14]
benjamindees EasyAt|, most illegal hispanics have more children here than they would in their home countries; fact [08:14]
EvanR mircea_popescu: already done [08:14]
copumpkin benjamindees: "fact" [08:14]
EasyAt| where is this fact from? [08:14]
EvanR benjamindees: which is good for us [08:14]
mircea_popescu what can a "would" be a fact lmao [08:14]
vragnaroda Medieval economic theories of resource depletion are what's needed to save civilization! [08:15]
EasyAt| The Arizona Anti-Immigration Factoid Bible? [08:15]
mircea_popescu they quit teaching logic in the us because the illegals fed it to their children ? [08:15]
rawrmage i am so confused as to how we got here from dwarf fortress [08:15]
EvanR benjamindees: or do you want the elderly to start taking care of each other ;) [08:15]
copumpkin cause you know, surveying people who are afraid of getting found is a very scientific process [08:15]
benjamindees EvanR, why? because you look forward to paying their future unemployment and welfare benefits? [08:15]
vragnaroda 01:14 < benjamindees> EasyAt|, most illegal hispanics have more children here than they would in their home countries [citation needed] [08:15]
pigeons "most" "illegal" "hispanics" "would" "here" "fact" [08:15]
mircea_popescu exactly lol [08:15]
vragnaroda benjamindees: [citation needed] or stfu [08:15]
* Arc_ is now known as a5m0 [08:15]
mircea_popescu no should is a fact. no would is a fact. [08:15]
copumpkin benjamindees: nah, I look forward to paying for unemployment and welfare benefits for uneducated american bigots who like to blame their problems on "illegals" [08:15]
EasyAt| Don't put my name in these! [08:15]
benjamindees it's from a major study... I'll find it hold on [08:16]
EvanR benjamindees: im not paying anyones anything, whether they are 'illegal' or not, and you have not established that these children will be poor [08:16]
* Speeder (~orspeeder@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:16]
mircea_popescu i tend to read minor studies [08:16]
mircea_popescu their skin is fresher and they moan louder. [08:16]
EasyAt| I tend to read... and then make up facts [08:16]
copumpkin I only do mediocre studies [08:16]
copumpkin good studies make me feel inadequate [08:16]
mircea_popescu let me quote rachel welch's understudy [08:16]
EvanR speaking of studies [08:16]
EvanR i had a great idea earlier [08:16]
pigeons fact! [08:16]
EvanR i need to run a study of all the stuff i say [08:16]
EasyAt| study the studies? [08:16]
smickles it seems, I tend to look at charts [08:16]
vragnaroda As the 5th child of a rather poor (albeit nonimmigrant) family, I find this fascinating. [08:16]
EvanR and have it support what i said, 100% [08:17]
EvanR it would be boss [08:17]
copumpkin EasyAt|: who studies the studies!?! [08:17]
copumpkin vragnaroda: benjamindees resents having to pay your welfare, dammit [08:17]
smickles "albeit nonimmigrant" <- made me lol [08:17]
benjamindees [08:17]
mircea_popescu im the first kid of a rich family. i am guessing this is all because of immigration. [08:17]
* phraust has quit (Quit: Bury the past...) [08:17]
benjamindees I also resent having to pay for your construction jobs through the inflation tax [08:17]
vragnaroda copumpkin: He's never paid for my welfare; he paid for my older siblings', though. :P [08:17]
copumpkin benjamindees: sounds unbiased [08:18]
mircea_popescu whose welfare d id youy pay for then [08:18]
EvanR my study will show that gun ownership causes crime to go down, lower taxes causes economic prosperity everywhere it happens, that the more laws you have the less happiness you have, that legalizing drugs would end the cartels in mexico, all facts from a major study! [08:18]
EasyAt| I resent having to pay the god damn Tobacco subsidies [08:18]
benjamindees copumpkin, maybe you could read the findings and the sources [08:18]
rawrmage so how about that bitcoin market [08:18]
EasyAt| Why are they subsidised mroe than anyone [08:18]
EasyAt| its all bullshit and immigrants are minor compared to everythign else [08:18]
EvanR thats the great thing about studies you can affirm whatever bias you want and sound good anywhere ;) [08:18]
mircea_popescu omg someone ban rawrmage [08:18]
pigeons fact: you lose more money at 5:1 than 2.5:1 [08:18]
benjamindees the source is the US Census btw... [08:19]
* Cheese has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:19]
vragnaroda /msg chanserv op #bitcoin-otc [08:19]
smickles volume's picking up [08:19]
copumpkin [08:19]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:19]
* EvanR turns down the volume [08:19]
vragnaroda /mode +b *!*@pdpc/supporter/student/rawrmage [08:19]
* da2ce7|2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [08:19]
rawrmage recently the price went up then down then up then down I noticed [08:19]
copumpkin I'm all for epic immigration [08:19]
rawrmage what does this signify [08:19]
vragnaroda rawrmage: OMG, OT [08:19]
copumpkin mobility is awesome [08:19]
mircea_popescu good study rawr! [08:19]
DBordello So what do you guys figure the odds of a backcharge for selling BTC on ebay are? [08:19]
copumpkin I want people moving around all over the fucking place [08:19]
EvanR i would like to legalize emmigration [08:20]
copumpkin also, fucking in all sorts of places [08:20]
smickles cha -os [08:20]
mircea_popescu pretty hefty dbordello [08:20]
mircea_popescu sounds like you want to move to yurp copumpkin [08:20]
EvanR copumpkin: you dont mean blacks fucking in norway do you? [08:20]
benjamindees I'm all for maintaining enough arable land to feed future generations thanks [08:20]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: I moved from yurp [08:20]
copumpkin EvanR: I absolutely do [08:20]
* Phraust (~phraust@unaffiliated/phraust) has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:20]
EvanR copumpkin: :o [08:20]
copumpkin benjamindees: lol [08:20]
mircea_popescu well... you couldn't fuck in all sorts of places ?! [08:20]
DBordello I sold a 2 BTC on ebay. I have the buyers name and address. Thoughts? [08:20]
* Someguy1234 (~Someguy12@unaffiliated/compgenius999) has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:20]
mircea_popescu heck i had sex at the opera. [08:20]
vragnaroda benjamindees: You're for maintaining an area the size of Ethiopia? [08:20]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: yeah, but I want more places [08:20]
mircea_popescu wtf. where ? [08:20]
* fimp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:20]
rawrmage vragnaroda: it is off of (the current) topic :P [08:21]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: I'm determined to fuck all over the world, not just yurp [08:21]
* Phraust has quit (Client Quit) [08:21]
benjamindees vragnaroda, I'm for maintaining a non-ethiopian birthrate [08:21]
EasyAt| mircea_popescu: NUH UH [08:21]
EvanR benjamindees is a eugenics malthusian fascist mercantilist! [08:21]
copumpkin benjamindees: what's an ethiopian birthrate? [08:21]
EasyAt| benjamindees: we are doing that [08:21]
benjamindees copumpkin, too high [08:21]
mircea_popescu o i thought you meant places as in, places not countries. [08:21]
EasyAt| last time i checked we are like 2.1 [08:21]
copumpkin benjamindees: how about 19 kids and counting? [08:21]
benjamindees obviously [08:21]
vragnaroda The amount of arable land necessary to sustain agriculture for a steadily increasing population is steadily decreasing. [08:21]
mircea_popescu show me an ethiopian woman with 19 kids. [08:21]
EvanR benjamindees: we are going to have a problem with birthrate pretty damn soon [08:21]
benjamindees copumpkin, I'm not the Duggars [08:21]
EvanR benjamindees: itll be too low [08:21]
pigeons fuck agriculture, game meat ftw [08:21]
EasyAt| EvanR: USA isn't: the world is [08:21]
vragnaroda Fuck, I only know one woman at all with 19 kids. [08:22]
EvanR EasyAt|: ... [08:22]
EasyAt| wrong? [08:22]
mircea_popescu i know a woman trying to raise 19 kids... [08:22]
EvanR EasyAt|: USA is not in the world? ok [08:22]
EvanR didnt know that [08:22]
mircea_popescu from her 3 somewhat sluttish daughters [08:22]
EasyAt| Thats silly Evan [08:22]
EasyAt| You know what I mean [08:22]
EvanR also who cares about both [08:22]
EvanR benjamindees is worried about his 2 acres [08:22]
vragnaroda Well, the woman I know that raised 19 kids, they were all hers. [08:22]
Cory Luke has a bunch of kids. [08:22]
benjamindees six kids counts as only "somewhat" sluttish? [08:22]
EasyAt| lol luke isn't my role model [08:23]
copumpkin "slut" is a shitty word [08:23]
EvanR what the fuck? [08:23]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda [08:23]
mircea_popescu shit is a slutty word! [08:23]
Ukto hah [08:23]
smickles ;;roulette [08:23]
Ukto I only have 4 :P [08:23]
* vragnaroda has kicked benjamindees from #bitcoin-otc (Do not make personal attacks.) [08:23]
EvanR we are engineering society based on how slutty women are? [08:23]
mircea_popescu if we do we should bring it out in them. [08:23]
mircea_popescu like we made tits grow 50% in a few centuries. [08:23]
* benjamindees ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:23]
EvanR mircea_popescu: lol [08:23]
smickles D: [08:23]
EvanR no we just imported more germans [08:23]
copumpkin man, this channel attracts all the crazies [08:23]
EasyAt| shit [08:23]
* jscinoz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:24]
copumpkin (including me! muahahaha) [08:24]
mircea_popescu germans aren't cows how dare you sugges such! do you not realise what you say is offensive to some people ? [08:24]
mircea_popescu especially blacks ? [08:24]
Ukto nah, it was jsut growth hormons in mcdonalds [08:24]
EasyAt| can we trade a few mexicans for germans [08:24]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: moooo [08:24]
Ukto look at japan [08:24]
Ukto they are getting big boobs there by eating fastfood [08:24]
pigeons all you people are so stereotypical [08:24]
EasyAt| lol [08:24]
mircea_popescu there should be a fastboob chain [08:24]
Ukto hell yeah :P [08:24]
EasyAt| turn the Stereo up [08:24]
smickles channel! channel! [08:24]
* da2ce7|2 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:25]
EvanR mcdonalds should use that as a marketing thing [08:25]
EvanR 'we give you big tits' [08:25]
mircea_popescu i digg it [08:25]
EasyAt| what is there slogan now? [08:25]
benjamindees The amount of arable land necessary to sustain agriculture for a steadily increasing population is steadily decreasing. [08:25]
mircea_popescu o no wait, it was im diggin it [08:25]
EasyAt| "smile" [08:25]
EasyAt| or somethig [08:25]
benjamindees vragnaroda, oil peaked in 2007 btw [08:25]
* roman3x_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:25]
mircea_popescu don't stereotype oil [08:25]
vragnaroda Don't be a fucking retard. [08:25]
* chakl ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:25]
mircea_popescu some peaked in 2006, some in 2008 [08:25]
benjamindees I'm educating you [08:25]
mircea_popescu it's a ll different [08:25]
EvanR benjamindees: know what the best way to handle arable land is, with mexican illegals ;) [08:26]
vragnaroda That comment was specific to *agriculture*. [08:26]
EasyAt| When you feed poor and uneducated populations they tend to procreate [08:26]
Joric stupid bitcoin y u no go down while i'm 10:1 leveraged for a bear market [08:26]
benjamindees EvanR, Mexico isn't really known for having arable land... [08:26]
EasyAt| more than the death rate [08:26]
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EasyAt| so what do you do? [08:26]
EvanR benjamindees: so? [08:26]
* fimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [08:26]
copumpkin OK, eh [08:26]
EasyAt| Joric, we are going down to 5.9! [08:26]
Joric hooray [08:26]
smickles panic* [08:26]
mircea_popescu neither is canada known for having arable land. [08:26]
mircea_popescu in spite of which "knowledge", they do. [08:26]
pigeons benjamindees: i would drop the xenophobia or whatever it's called for now [08:26]
EvanR EasyAt|: and when you feed rich educated people they dont have children [08:27]
vragnaroda They both have a disproportionate amount of arable land (both out of total area and per capita). [08:27]
EasyAt| EvanR: correct, so... [08:27]
EasyAt| Whats the plan [08:27]
smickles loose the headless chickens!! [08:27]
EvanR EasyAt|: lassai faire [08:27]
vragnaroda EvanR: That's because of cultural indoctrination, nothing more. [08:27]
EvanR i.e. no plan [08:27]
mircea_popescu lasseiz [08:27]
* vragnaroda smacks EvanR [08:27]
vragnaroda *laissez [08:27]
benjamindees vragnaroda, in proportion to China? [08:27]
* vragnaroda smacks mircea_popescu [08:27]
copumpkin everyone should be like me and not feel any kind of national pride or affiliation, then you'd stop worrying about "them" taking "our" stuff [08:27]
* EvanR runs to wikipedia for the spelling [08:27]
EvanR SOPAed [08:27]
EasyAt| EvanR: so long as there is a market for sympathy(im not saying is bad!) then we will feed uneducated, poor [08:27]
mircea_popescu omg i can't even misteach people!11 [08:27]
smickles copumpkin, +1 [08:28]
EvanR EasyAt|: lol market [08:28]
vragnaroda benjamindees: Are you seriously claiming that China has a lot of arable land per capita? [08:28]
EvanR EasyAt|: nothing wrong with that [08:28]
EasyAt| there is... [08:28]
smickles channel! channel! [08:28]
copumpkin I am from nowhere! [08:28]
mircea_popescu ok, i think that was enough. thanks all for teh lulz [08:28]
vragnaroda Are you fucking shitting me? [08:28]
* copumpkin shits vragnaroda [08:28]
vragnaroda lol [08:28]
dirkdizzler another copumpkin +1 [08:28]
EvanR lolll [08:28]
* roman3x has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:28]
dirkdizzler we are all immigrants [08:28]
* copumpkin shits EvanR not [08:28]
EasyAt| I AM NOT [08:28]
vragnaroda dirkdizzler: No. [08:28]
* EvanR walks across the street, crap immigrated [08:28]
EasyAt| I AM 100% BORN WHERE I WAS [08:28]
pigeons i caused global warming. [08:28]
vragnaroda We are all descendants of immigrants. [08:28]
copumpkin vragnaroda: a good friend of mine is native [08:29]
copumpkin but I suppose even his ancestors immigrated at some point [08:29]
vragnaroda copumpkin: he's still a descendant of immigrants [08:29]
EvanR statism is the right way to handle it [08:29]
vragnaroda EvanR: It usually is. [08:29]
pigeons United State [08:29]
vragnaroda EvanR: Have you seen this? [08:29]
copumpkin I think the best solution to immigration is to kill the people who don't want it. That way we can get all the immigration we want [08:29]
EvanR the united state of america and canada [08:30]
Joric down boy good bitcoin [08:30]
smickles in all likelyhood everyone here is descended from caesar and confuscious [08:30]
vragnaroda EvanR: When the MPAA doesn't lobby hard enough for you, get the EU to. [08:30]
dirkdizzler kill the immigration-ers? [08:30]
smickles sp? [08:30]
pigeons and eat their babies [08:30]
* vragnaroda smacks smickles with a dictionary. [08:30]
EasyAt| dirkdizzler: No, kill the people born here... immigrants are way more profitable [08:30]
EvanR smickles: ghengas khan [08:30]
Joric bitcoin you have to lie down in the third round you hear me [08:30]
smickles EvanR, him too [08:30]
vragnaroda *ghenghis khan [08:31]
copumpkin EasyAt|: nah, I don't care where people were born. Just kill the people who do care where you were born [08:31]
smickles EvanR, and cleopatra [08:31]
EvanR ghenhghash khanh [08:31]
benjamindees slaves are even more profitable... [08:31]
dirkdizzler wow this is crazy chat [08:31]
EasyAt| copumpkin: kill the people who kill people first [08:31]
copumpkin benjamindees: this isn't about profit [08:31]
EvanR benjamindees: slavery isnt honorable [08:31]
dirkdizzler some csi intern is building profiles on everyone as we speak [08:31]
EasyAt| copumpkin: including killin gby proxy of anothe human. There goes the shitty politicians killing for profit [08:31]
smickles actually, in all likelyhood, everyone here is descended from any surviving lineage from >2000 yrs ago [08:31]
rawrmage bitcoin use is probably correlated with deviance [08:32]
copumpkin and even ignoring the "we are a nation immigrants" stuff, I have the same attitude in other countries that are not as recently immigrant-based [08:32]
vragnaroda smickles: 2000 is the *low* end of that estimate. [08:32]
dirkdizzler most likely [08:32]
EvanR smickles: more of the story, not only are you gonna die, your entire family is gonna die [08:32]
EvanR moral* [08:32]
EvanR also the earth is going to be melted by stellar evolution [08:32]
* EasyAt| is now known as EasyAt|dogger [08:32]
copumpkin morale [08:32]
vragnaroda copumpkin: I'm happy with anyone coming into a country that feels no particular attachment to the local government and resentment for governments in general. [08:32]
EvanR and then the big freeze [08:32]
EvanR have a nice day [08:32]
Cory copumpkin: But posixninja stole your exploit!! [08:33]
vragnaroda lol [08:33]
rawrmage i like fruit [08:33]
Joric found out genjix was writting games just like me except i would never use boost in libbitcoin [08:33]
copumpkin Cory: fuck him! [08:33]
vragnaroda /kick rawrmage off-topic [08:33]
smickles vragnaroda, for the likely demographic if this chatroom? i think the low end estimate works well [08:33]
dirkdizzler but i like fruit too [08:33]
vragnaroda No, it doesn't. [08:33]
pigeons i can't have free assembly, speech, trade, association with people unless they have your paperwork? [08:34]
smickles why not? people from 'developed' nations more likely to have a more mixed ancestry [08:34]
* DBordello has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:34]
copumpkin vragnaroda: I don't even particularly care about resentment for governments, although it doesn't anger me either. I just find it weird how attached people get to the ideal of their country that they really didn't earn in any meaningful way, and then go preaching about how the outsiders want to take it from them, as if they're somehow less worthy by virtue of having been born elsewhere. It bothers me a lot [08:34]
copumpkin :P [08:34]
vragnaroda smickles: Not really. [08:34]
* smickles goes digging to find that paper he once read [08:35]
EvanR copumpkin: yeah a lot of the rich and so called 'middle class' people here are that way because they were born that way [08:35]
EvanR not the american dream [08:36]
EvanR 'earning it' [08:36]
vragnaroda smickles: If by developed countries, you mean the New World, yes. It's much less so for Western Europe. [08:36]
rawrmage we should have a #bitcoin-debate channel that uses modes +zm [08:36]
benjamindees equating the American dream with pointless work is Fed propaganda... [08:36]
copumpkin lol [08:36]
smickles vragnaroda, i meant both, but i could be wrong <- part of the reason why i'm trying to find that paper again [08:36]
vragnaroda copumpkin: I really hate that shit, too. [08:36]
benjamindees it's about freedom, not wage slavery [08:36]
vragnaroda > American dream [08:37]
vragnaroda That's propaganda bullshit right there. [08:37]
smickles vragnaroda > American dream (i like that equation) [08:37]
vragnaroda It always has been. That's the *only* thing “the American Dream” has ever been. [08:37]
vragnaroda smickles: lol [08:37]
pigeons vragnaroda is my american idol [08:37]
copumpkin convince people that their lack of success is a personal shortcoming so that they respect the people making up that story and don't rebel :D [08:37]
smickles how about this price channel [08:37]
copumpkin vragnaroda: do you sing? [08:38]
benjamindees !tell smickles about bc,price [08:38]
vragnaroda lol, no [08:38]
smickles at least 25k [08:38]
chsados anyone play before [08:38]
Cory Yup! [08:38]
copumpkin chsados: rg used to be (or still is?) addicted to it [08:38]
Cory They're legit, chsados. [08:38]
chsados legit? [08:38]
vragnaroda copumpkin: Lack of success is a personal shortcoming but it's not the place of rent-seekers and patronizing thieves to sermonize on it. [08:38]
chsados kk [08:38]
chsados does mtgox take a fee if i wanna send a bitcoin to my wallet? ive never done that before [08:39]
copumpkin chsados: nope [08:39]
chsados thx [08:39]
smickles oh crap, my bot took a long position [08:40]
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* Someguy1234 (~Someguy12@unaffiliated/compgenius999) has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:41]
chsados any educated guesses on where the markets heading? [08:43]
copumpkin no such thing [08:43]
smickles up [08:43]
rawrmage sideways [08:43]
Hunterbunter it seems to have hit a solid wall at 6.28 [08:43]
rawrmage inverted [08:43]
benjamindees long term, up. medium term, down. short term, down. [08:43]
rawrmage maybe [08:43]
rawrmage nopony really knows [08:43]
copumpkin I say it goes in, then out, then sideways [08:44]
arvicco guys, I need your opinion... is mtgox massively manipulated? if yes, is the manipulator(or group of them) known? [08:44]
nhodges ;;rate cory 2 Have had multiple exchanges with him, easy to deal with and is very prompt and punctual! [08:44]
Cory :) [08:44]
copumpkin arvicco: hard to say, and no [08:44]
rawrmage hah [08:44]
nhodges :] [08:44]
arvicco ok [08:44]
rawrmage bitcoin is an MMO [08:44]
chsados im just now starting to read up on reading charts and shit seems so much bs and voodoo magic [08:44]
rawrmage Massively Manipulated Online game [08:44]
copumpkin chsados: that's cause it is [08:44]
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chsados what is MACD [08:45]
smickles divergens of moving averages [08:45]
* helppp (84aa245a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:45]
rawrmage a thingy that people use sometimes [08:45]
nhodges something something convergence and divergence [08:45]
helppp can someone helpp!! [08:46]
nhodges moving average convergence and divergence. [08:46]
nhodges :D [08:46]
copumpkin helppp: probably not [08:46]
helppp my funds are stuck in tradehill [08:46]
chsados and what does that indicate? [08:46]
helppp what do ido [08:46]
copumpkin helppp: contact them? [08:46]
chsados moving last price average? [08:46]
rawrmage at least they're not stuck in bitcoinica [08:46]
helppp i cant do a wire transfer anymore [08:46]
arvicco just hard to imagine the pattern of mtgox trading as it is emerges naturally. [08:46]
nhodges it's where the buy/sell orders converge and diverge, i believe [08:46]
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chsados ah [08:46]
Hunterbunter wow volume's picking up on gox [08:46]
chsados yea [08:46]
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copumpkin arvicco: oh, there are definitely some rich people having lots of fun [08:46]
nhodges usually indicated by red/green lines that intersect and then separate [08:46]
copumpkin arvicco: whether you want to call that manipulation or not is upt to you [08:47]
Tobeh anyone know current GBP price for 1 bitcoin? [08:47]
rawrmage mmm, volume [08:47]
rawrmage sounds delicious [08:47]
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chsados [08:47]
copumpkin Tobeh: yeah, but I'd refrain from asking people who have a financial interest in misleading you on the internet [08:47]
chsados tobeh [08:47]
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Tobeh haha good luck to them [08:47]
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* gribble gives voice to bitfoo [08:49]
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cyphur lost buy on intersango is around 4 gbp [08:50]
cyphur lowest sorry [08:50]
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rawrmage thank you for that information, cyphur, I will treasure it forever and ever [08:51]
splatster Markets: on the rise or not? [08:51]
smickles yes [08:51]
arvicco member:copumpkin, I'w worried that the price will momentarily drop to 2 when whoever pumps it now is done with it. [08:51]
cyphur haha [08:51]
copumpkin arvicco: that's why this is a risky (and possibly fun) market :P [08:51]
rawrmage that'd be cool [08:52]
chsados these charts dont seem to paint a pretty picture no? [08:52]
arvicco thats for sure [08:52]
copumpkin arvicco: just like it could fall to 2, it could jump to $10 if someone else decides to pump it higher [08:52]
cyphur well it will be an interesting ride :) [08:52]
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cyphur with 20k btc how far do you reckon you could theoretically pump it [08:52]
Bigpiggy01Mining not very far as you'd half of it in USD [08:53]
Bigpiggy01Mining unless you mean push down [08:53]
copumpkin cyphur: you need USD to pump it up :P [08:53]
smickles [08:53]
smickles 1k bars [08:53]
Cory Yeah. What was up with that? [08:54]
cyphur hmm well in that case with 100k usd [08:54]
Cory MtGox donations? [08:54]
cyphur how far d u reckon u could pump it [08:54]
rawrmage i thought you were talking about bearer bars there smickles, lol [08:54]
arvicco you need about 1.2M USD to pump it the way he/they did [08:54]
smickles lol [08:54]
Cory If you made a 100K order right now at MtGox we'd hit $6.5. [08:54]
Cory $ [08:55]
cyphur interesting [08:55]
Cory Or at least $6.48. Although I doubt that wall would last long. [08:55]
smickles i'd shit to see that [08:55]
Cory Stick around. :) [08:55]
smickles :o [08:55]
mircea_popescu arvicco there's certainly not "someone" pumping it. [08:56]
arvicco you know who it may be? [08:56]
rawrmage we are mr. bitcoin [08:57]
rawrmage stack is innocent [08:57]
smickles lol [08:57]
Hunterbunter anyone get the feeling someone's about to take a big dump? or just my paranoia? [08:57]
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Hunterbunter this volume and no movement is confusing me [08:59]
arvicco the way big bids all disappeared before last drop... really fishy if you ask me [08:59]
rawrmage suddenly, chocolate cake [09:00]
benjamindees :krakken: [09:00]
mircea_popescu arvicco i've been doing options for what, six months now ? the bitcoin market is fragmented. [09:01]
arvicco well, not since mid-November [09:02]
mircea_popescu huh ? [09:02]
vragnaroda The bitcoin community is fragmented as can be. [09:03]
rawrmage the bitcoin community needs to move to a better filesystem [09:03]
vragnaroda I don't mean that in the sense of some ideological division, but what bitcoiners have in common is pretty much limited to bitcoin. [09:03]
arvicco there is a clear mtgox pumping pattern since then, all other markets just follow [09:03]
vragnaroda rawrmage: wat [09:03]
dwon vragnaroda: so, it's "diverse" [09:04]
rawrmage well they must be on a filesystem that can get fragmented [09:04]
vragnaroda oh, lol [09:04]
vragnaroda dwon: No, I didn't say that. [09:04]
rawrmage the bitcoin community is spending so much time seeking... [09:04]
vragnaroda That word doesn't convey the point very well. [09:04]
mircea_popescu arvicco how long have you been around ? [09:05]
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arvicco june [09:05]
mircea_popescu mk. then you might know that mtgox has 4/5 of all volume [09:05]
mircea_popescu ofcourse the other markets just follow it. [09:05]
splatster Well guys, I have ended my deal-less streak [09:06]
mircea_popescu this is like saying CBOE is pushing option prices, all other markets follow it. [09:06]
mircea_popescu CBOE isn't really "one thing" even if it has a name. [09:06]
arvicco sure. all i'm saying is mtgox trading has a specific smell since mid-Nov. Trying to better understand who's behind it [09:08]
smickles bitcoinica [09:08]
mircea_popescu lolz ok. [09:08]
rawrmage acinioctib [09:08]
benjamindees it's the ace investment company [09:09]
* mircea_popescu mentally counts the people who went bankrupt chasing smells on the markets. [09:09]
* EasyAt|dogger is now known as EasyAt| [09:09]
EasyAt| All the immigrants keep the park so clean [09:10]
EasyAt| makes me so ANGRY [09:10]
arvicco just due dilligence is all [09:10]
smickles lolwut [09:10]
EasyAt| they act like this is THEIR land [09:10]
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EasyAt| /s [09:10]
EasyAt| but our park is super clean because of them... it is really nice [09:11]
smickles did i switch cannels and not realize it? [09:11]
mircea_popescu arvicco so get some puts and you're covered. or whatever, get calls if you're shorting. [09:11]
rawrmage dang people, providing community service [09:11]
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arvicco where? [09:11]
EasyAt| South Chicago [09:11]
mircea_popescu there's one in the chan topic. [09:11]
Tobeh parks should be clean but allowed to sprawl out, and create a wilderness, even if it is in such a small space. like a mini jungle, hidden by metal bars and concrete walls [09:11]
benjamindees the park is clean because everyone is too afraid to visit it for fear of being mugged... [09:12]
EasyAt| Tobeh: I agree, but lawyers see that as $$, and insurance is scared [09:12]
EasyAt| so we have a few trees, and some soccer and baseball pitches [09:12]
Tobeh insurance shouldn't exist. we should just have the good old idea of - you just don't do that [09:12]
arvicco - not very liquid, is it [09:13]
Tobeh i.e sue the park owner because a tree hit you in the wind [09:13]
mircea_popescu why do you think that ? [09:13]
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EasyAt| They shaved our tress of the lower 10 feet pf branches so kids couldnt climb them [09:13]
EasyAt| of* [09:13]
arvicco oi too low [09:13]
Tobeh mirce: me? [09:13]
Tobeh mircea* [09:14]
mircea_popescu no i was asking about the liquidity observation, [09:14]
Tobeh ah ok [09:14]
mircea_popescu seeing how there's no such thing there :) [09:14]
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arvicco oi is a good proxy for liquidity [09:14]
mircea_popescu but its not an exchange arvicco. [09:15]
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arvicco what is it then? otc? [09:16]
mircea_popescu i face all trades. so theoretically liquidity is infinte or something like that. [09:16]
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Tobeh so, sopa. discuss [09:21]
EasyAt| I got drunk for it [09:22]
mircea_popescu can't that be doen on twitter/reddit/etc ? [09:22]
EasyAt| mircea :( [09:22]
mircea_popescu what! [09:22]
EasyAt| strictly business here [09:22]
arvicco difference between the theory and practice is more pronounced in practice then in theory... ;) thanks for the link, i'll keep an eye on it [09:23]
EasyAt| Do people discuss thing on twitter, or just kinda self-indulgantly share their thoughts [09:23]
EasyAt| People at work pla on it, but i don't get it [09:24]
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Joric sopa is bad [09:25]
Joric youporn was in a blackout for a whole day [09:25]
EasyAt| fuck no way [09:25]
EasyAt| lol [09:25]
EasyAt| spankwire had a black banner yesterday i believe... though i wouldn't know [09:26]
smickles mircea_popescu, could you 'walk me thru' what would occur if i wanted the right, but not obligation to sell ~24 btc @ 7 usd ea. and used your service? [09:26]
BTC_Bear sopa is good when washing your unmentionables. :) [09:26]
Joric me too, i've read about it somewhere in the internets... [09:26]
mircea_popescu smickles : you'd have to click on the respective price, it'd tell you waht you have to pay, you pay it [09:26]
mircea_popescu you get a little change as confirmation [09:26]
mircea_popescu and that is all. [09:27]
splatster I use sopa all the time. It's great for when you have tough grease on your dishes. [09:27]
splatster But I don't get why the government needs to give us sopa. [09:27]
mircea_popescu ya, youporn pretty much killed the porn industry lol [09:27]
Joric it's spelled spoa imo [09:27]
EasyAt| i've never been on youporn damnit [09:27]
Joric splatster, do you use pipa aswell? [09:28]
splatster Shit Privately Online Act [09:28]
Joric heard pipa was passed [09:28]
mircea_popescu smickles you also should email *before* payment to set your receiving address for when you sell or execute. [09:28]
splatster Pipa is great when you have to build a sewer or get running water in a house. [09:29]
splatster You can also smoke a PIPA. [09:29]
EasyAt| hah [09:30]
Joric papa was pissed in the parlament [09:30]
splatster SOPA clogged my PIPA. [09:30]
EasyAt| can i uze SR to fill my PIPA guys [09:30]
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phungus hmmmm [09:31]
phungus [09:31]
phungus so that's why mtgoxlive sucks [09:31]
phungus err mtgox web socket [09:31]
splatster I am going to vote Bob the Plumber as my Senator because he must know a lot about pipas. [09:31]
phungus Apache, Nginix and Varnish suck at it [09:31]
mircea_popescu so who's good ? [09:31]
Joric regarding web sockets [09:31]
mircea_popescu [09:32]
mircea_popescu assholes need to die. [09:32]
phungus Joric: haha [09:33]
splatster Joric: thats so funny [09:34]
phungus "OK, so I just rewrote my website to version 76" [09:34]
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phungus haha "Web Sockets is no longer supported" [09:34]
splatster WebSockets was just updated to 78. [09:34]
phungus that is funny [09:34]
splatster WebSockets is no longer enabled in Firefox 4 due to a protocol level security issue. [09:35]
phungus [09:35]
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Joric phungus, MOTHER OF GOD [09:36]
Tril who wants free litecoins paste an address [09:37]
phungus heh [09:37]
phungus I don't think I could stand the keyboard [09:38]
phungus but otherwise it looks kinda cool [09:38]
phungus heh [09:38]
phungus I don't have a litecoin address [09:38]
phungus lol [09:38]
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splatster [09:39]
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vragnaroda Tril: Well, I don't have a litecoin client (because I think litecoin's silly), but if you want to demonstrate litecoin's commerciability and viability, feel free to exchange them somewhere else for bitcoins, which you're free to send to 13iToyyE6vJnuVDMjYZPpQM7XYUdHCFhuA if you're so inclined. [09:40]
* gribble gives voice to Graet [09:40]
phungus lol [09:40]
phungus "do the work for me" [09:40]
Tril nice try vragnaroda too much work to get rid of my 0.09 worth of litecoins [09:41]
Tril (BTC) [09:41]
pigeons i will be your who whoever doesn't have an address [09:41]
vragnaroda OK. [09:41]
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vragnaroda It's not that I'm trying to waste your time; I've just never thought litecoin was a viable endeavor. If someone were to do that, though, that might change my mind and then I'd have to consider it. [09:42]
splatster i can get myself a litecoin address [09:42]
mircea_popescu what's the ltc/btc rate anyway [09:42]
pigeons .0009 ;) [09:42]
vragnaroda (I didn't say that just to be a dick; I want someone to prove the viability of some of these altchains.) [09:43]
splatster probably nothing [09:43]
phungus LPqxBrrysZJVd3nK4S7aTB6ZXYZ6X5f2rm [09:43]
phungus there ya go [09:43]
phungus :-) [09:43]
* splatster scrambles to open up litcoin [09:43]
pigeons not "just" to be a dick... [09:43]
pigeons ;) [09:43]
Tril i had high hopes for LTC to be worth more than SC. my hope failed. [09:43]
mircea_popescu one of the obvious points about alternative chains is that a) they allow people to experiment and learn how to make a p2p currency work [09:43]
phungus wow I've never logged into Vircurex before [09:44]
phungus lol [09:44]
vragnaroda pigeons: :) [09:44]
mircea_popescu and b) make it obvious to especially us head-up-ass types thaty you can't ban bitcoin by name. [09:44]
* splatster forgot that loading the blockchain takes 5 minutes [09:44]
vragnaroda Thanks to whoever just sent me 0.2 BTC. [09:44]
vragnaroda It seems like every time I do that kind of thing lately, someone actually sends me free BTC. :D [09:44]
splatster Heres a litcoin address for people LQ7ZpRyJ4rdxH5dZdZfo7NorusCimnzWCX [09:44]
splatster imma go post this on #litcoin [09:45]
splatster litecoin* [09:45]
Joric where all those mentaly challenged currencies come from why they're still alive [09:45]
phungus heh did litecoin fail or something? [09:45]
rawrmage i have some ltc i think [09:45]
phungus ooo send it to me I really don't care but ok [09:45]
phungus lol [09:45]
rawrmage no it's all mine [09:45]
rawrmage you can't have any [09:46]
phungus gawd [09:46]
pigeons litecoin is still going, you can even use p2pool, i'm just not aware of anyone trading it besides me & DeLorean731 [09:46]
phungus it's even worse than Namecoin [09:46]
Tril phungus: yup not worth keeping track of a wallet file or running a client. LTC value declines continually [09:46]
phungus BTC/LTC 0.00090000 [09:46]
phungus nice [09:46]
pigeons we trade back & forth, woever is stuck with them last loses [09:46]
splatster thats pathetic [09:46]
rawrmage lol [09:47]
splatster its like hot potato [09:47]
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phungus haha [09:47]
splatster "OH SHIT! I don't want these!" [09:47]
splatster AHHHHHH! [09:47]
Joric just found out ixcoin costs 2000:1 btc fuck this [09:47]
phungus Geistgeld looks even worth [09:48]
phungus worse [09:48]
phungus lol [09:48]
mircea_popescu one day when the btc is a coupla mil you will regret it joric :D [09:48]
splatster all altchains except, maybe, namecoin SUCK [09:48]
vragnaroda Well, namecoin at least, has a specific purpose, differentiating it from bitcoin's main uses. [09:48]
mircea_popescu if i had a brothel i'd start a hocoin [09:49]
vragnaroda So, I can't hate on namecoin that much; I just don't really care about it. [09:49]
mircea_popescu that chain'd kick ass. [09:49]
vragnaroda lol [09:49]
pigeons worse than geistgeld is the coin that took all of the bad points of geistgeld and started today, .05 fixed difficulty "liquidcoin" [09:49]
rawrmage ponycoin [09:49]
mircea_popescu cornycoin. [09:49]
Joric does anyone want freshy minted solidcoins [09:49]
benjamindees what happened to the alt that was cpu only? did that actually work? [09:49]
mircea_popescu each coin guaranteed to be worth one corn nibblet. [09:49]
rawrmage the type of block chain every miner every miner should know [09:49]
pigeons benjamindees: tenebrix was the first cpu only alt after bitcoin, its still around [09:50]
phungus aww [09:50]
phungus nobody is sending me litecoines [09:50]
pigeons but all the mexicans are using it [09:50]
mircea_popescu convolutoin [09:50]
mircea_popescu the only coin nobody can install. [09:50]
splatster Tenebrix, Fairbrix, Solidcoin, Litecoin, Devcoin, IXCoin, IOCoin, Geitsgeld, Rucoin, and Coiledcoin [09:50]
Joric i'd buy some cosbycoins [09:50]
rawrmage rmscoin [09:50]
phungus I need some HornyCoin [09:50]
pigeons hasn't been a new cosbycoin block in 3 weeks [09:50]
splatster And now we have the emerging RealCoin [09:50]
Joric Devcoin is the best! developers developers developers developers [09:51]
mircea_popescu no fakecoin [09:51]
phungus I gotta get my rub on [09:51]
rawrmage densecoin, vapourcoin [09:51]
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phungus SuckyCoin [09:51]
* sbr2011 (d4071d85@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [09:51]
phungus FuckyCoin [09:51]
mircea_popescu i heard evanr was trying to start a silicagelcoin [09:51]
rawrmage i want to start a futilecoin [09:51]
pigeons ronpaulcoins [09:51]
weex rg in the house? [09:51]
Joric all developers would be paid in devcoins [09:51]
rawrmage "these coins will never be worth anything." [09:51]
mircea_popescu pameloins! backed and fronted by pamela anderson's mamelons. [09:52]
weex coinsurrection [09:52]
rawrmage "the reason you should mine these coins is because nothing matters to you once you die." [09:52]
phungus is she still alive? [09:52]
mircea_popescu sure, they burried her but she floated to the surface. [09:52]
phungus lol [09:52]
phungus I thought she had hep-c and shit [09:52]
mircea_popescu she did ? [09:53]
pigeons no...!! not my pamela [09:53]
phungus yeah [09:53]
mircea_popescu i have nop ideea [09:53]
mircea_popescu i was too young to jack off back in the 1800s [09:53]
phungus lol [09:53]
phungus my house was built in the 1800s [09:53]
mircea_popescu my house was built in 2006. [09:53]
phungus I built it! [09:53]
pigeons i live under an old bridge [09:54]
weex can the internet agree not to put things that look like filled in passwords in password boxes by default? [09:54]
phungus Troll! [09:54]
splatster pigeons: You must be a troll then! [09:54]
pigeons not a troll bridge [09:54]
splatster damn [09:54]
mircea_popescu weex : the internet can not agree on sensible stuff [09:54]
phungus oh wait [09:54]
phungus you could be Kurt Cobain [09:54]
vragnaroda /kick pigeons troll [09:54]
splatster toll bridge? [09:54]
phungus keeping the animals you trapped [09:54]
phungus and living off drippings from the ceiling [09:54]
mircea_popescu hey, what ever happened to the series of tubes guy ? [09:55]
phungus "Underneath the bridge, top has sprung a leak" [09:55]
phungus that's an awesome song [09:55]
* da2ce7|2 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:55]
pigeons i was listening to Nirvana's "they nailed him on a cross for me" the other day, pretty nice [09:55]
Joric riflecoins [09:55]
phungus [09:55]
phungus gah [09:55]
phungus fuck google [09:55]
weex phungus: it's two chords and that's the best part [09:56]
weex Am F [09:56]
phungus [09:56]
phungus there has got to be a plugin for that [09:56]
phungus lol [09:56]
splatster He's kinda tone deaf [09:57]
splatster or is that just me [09:57]
phungus it's just that kind of song [09:57]
phungus heh [09:57]
phungus I think I like the unplugged version better [09:58]
benjamindees mircea_popescu, he died in a mysterious plane crash; it's a conspiracy [09:58]
mircea_popescu o i see. [09:58]
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splatster i bought at 6.18 like a dumbass [10:06]
mircea_popescu dont be to hard on yourself, i think i bought 50 or so at 15. [10:06]
mircea_popescu plenty of people bouight at 20 and 30 too. [10:06]
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splatster before the crash i sold at 6.6 (I was going to sell at 7.17) and bought at 6.3 and then sold at 6.1 and bought at 5.2 [10:07]
vragnaroda splatster: I'm sure luke-jr will be happy to buy those back from you at $25 (the price he feels is fair). [10:08]
splatster had i sold at 7.17 and bought at 4.9 like i should have i would have made like 60% [10:08]
pigeons i sold several thousand at .50 usd [10:09]
mircea_popescu lol that's absolutely insane splatster. [10:09]
splatster vragnaroda: has he _actually_ done that? i know he actually believes they are worth that much [10:09]
Tobeh is buying bitcoins through mtgox a good idea? [10:09]
pigeons Tobeh: it's not the worst place to buy them [10:09]
mircea_popescu tobeh as good as any. [10:09]
vragnaroda splatster: No, he won't actually buy them from you at that price. [10:09]
splatster maybe at 10? [10:10]
splatster jk [10:10]
vragnaroda He doesn't match his deeds with his words. [10:10]
Tobeh problem is i can't do it online i'd have to do it in my bank [10:10]
rawrmage ;p; [10:10]
rawrmage lol* [10:10]
Tobeh and they say you have to attach a message which is like personal to you, a code of some sort, idk how i'd relay that in a bank [10:10]
mircea_popescu you have a correspondence field. [10:10]
splatster imma run and hide before luke-jr awakes from his slumber [10:10]
Tobeh like a reference? [10:11]
mircea_popescu usually "regarding :" or "representing :" or even "message for receiver" [10:11]
mircea_popescu yes. [10:11]
vragnaroda luke-jr: lol, virgin birth [10:11]
Tobeh awesome, i love this channel already [10:11]
vragnaroda That still gets me. [10:11]
* vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda [10:11]
rawrmage vragnaroda: lol [10:12]
splatster vragnaroda: why were you opped? gonna kick someone? [10:12]
splatster not me i hope [10:12]
vragnaroda I did kick someone and then I just kept my hat on for a while just in case. [10:12]
splatster I think I'm done for the night [10:13]
splatster ive gotta get up early [10:13]
splatster its been snowwing [10:13]
splatster we got at least 6 inches of snow [10:14]
vragnaroda It's snowing here and it's fucking 8°F. [10:14]
rawrmage he's leaving, engage the markets [10:14]
vragnaroda for you foreigners, [10:14]
vragnaroda .c 8 f in c [10:14]
markac -13.3333333 degrees Celsius [10:14]
splatster im gonna back up wallet now [10:16]
rawrmage have fun [10:16]
splatster doesnt the wallet have pregenerated addresses so the backups last longer [10:17]
splatster i always thought the default address pool was 100 [10:17]
splatster can anyone confirm this? [10:18]
weex i can confirm that you always thought that. at one point it only generated the 100 once a second address was needed [10:19]
weex not sure if it makes the full 100 now by default [10:20]
weex easy to test with pywallet [10:20]
splatster but at least enought that its ok that i back up only two or three times a month or so [10:21]
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splatster im pretty sure those are the reserve keys used for leftover inputs [10:23]
splatster but im not sure [10:23]
splatster my backup procedure might be a bit overkill [10:25]
grubles man clark moody really lights up now :) [10:25]
vragnaroda grubles: Start bragging when you start hosting gribble. :P [10:27]
grubles yeah i cant really brag about that...yet [10:28]
Joric bitcoin y u won't go down on 10:1 leverage? my balls of steel got rusty already [10:29]
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Joric i've established a position on 6.20 it's still there [10:31]
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`g hi [10:41]
dirkdizzler inverse hi [10:41]
Joric sell all the things! [10:43]
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andres_ ;;help buy [11:06]
andres_ . [11:07]
andres_ ;;ident Keefe [11:07]
andres_ ;;ident nanotube [11:08]
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Hunterbunter Anyone know of a solid forum plugin you can use with wordpress? [11:47]
Hunterbunter sorry if that's uber OT [11:48]
Hunterbunter but you guys know stuff :) [11:48]
mircea_popescu what exactly are you trying to do tho [11:48]
Hunterbunter well I'm developing a game, and I want to invite testers to play it and break it...wanted to setup a forum so its easier to discuss; already have a wordpress blog [11:49]
Hunterbunter Google has answers, just seeing if anyone knew anything otherwise :) [11:50]
* Mqrius ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:52]
Toxo Hunterbunter: [11:52]
Toxo i have a forum, i use Simple Machines Forum [11:52]
Toxo its pretty good [11:53]
Hunterbunter Do you just install that on the webserver along side your normal site? [11:53]
Toxo yes its opensource [11:53]
Hunterbunter I've heard of taht what uses? [11:53]
Toxo install it in a subfolder [11:53]
Toxo possibly not too sure [11:53]
Toxo if you install it in a subfolder within your wordpress root [11:53]
Toxo you can then integrate [11:53]
Hunterbunter oo I see [11:54]
Hunterbunter yeah bitcoin uses that too...awesome advice, thanks [11:54]
Toxo nps [11:54]
Toxo or if you want an easy life, you could just get a free wordpress forum extension, but it wont offer the same functionality etc [11:55]
Hunterbunter yeah, thats what I'm thinking too...I'm sure the plugins would be easier, but sooner or later I'd need more anyway It hink [11:55]
Toxo yeah [11:56]
Toxo well SMF is really easy... do you have softilicious on your hosting cpanel? [11:56]
Toxo you can one click install on SMF [11:56]
Hunterbunter hmm doesn't look like I have sofitlicious [11:57]
Toxo when you also get SMF use the theme 'Reference by, Crip' [11:57]
Toxo its very good and free [11:57]
Hunterbunter cool k! [11:57]
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Mqrius Anyone interested in 25 btc for 5.9 usd/btc? If you have Paxum, that is. [12:06]
osearth da2ce7 are you existing [12:18]
Mqrius 1k down [12:19]
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Mqrius Gah, I have no idea if I should hold or sell. [12:24]
Mqrius I recently realized I know jack shit about trading. [12:24]
mircea_popescu anyone seen this ? [12:30]
mircea_popescu mqrius : you're halfway there then. [12:30]
mircea_popescu most people take a lifetime. [12:30]
Mqrius RepRap is cool. I still need to build one sometime (actually started with a dorm mate, but then the dorm mate left, and the project halted) [12:31]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: I haven't looked at that site in a while, but I am familiar with it. [12:37]
* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:38]
Hunterbunter toxo: you rock! this forum is awesome [12:38]
vragnaroda I wish I had some money to play with it. [12:38]
mircea_popescu i don't think its quite there yet, but looks very promising. [12:38]
vragnaroda Yes. [12:38]
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wakslob ;;guide [12:55]
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UukGoblin still not $100 [13:04]
Toxo Hunterbunter: cool man glad your enjoying it [13:05]
Toxo im actually trying to fix up mine at the moment to make certain topics subscription only [13:05]
* occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc [13:06]
occulta bitcoinica is a joke, they rely totally on mtgox [13:07]
occulta 4 days to withdraw an mtgox code [13:07]
occulta why offer this if you cant fulfil it [13:07]
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Mqrius occulta: Just sell your balance to someone via bitcoinica code, that works better [13:07]
* Turingi (~devon@unaffiliated/devon-hillard/x-7250961) has joined #bitcoin-otc [13:07]
occulta i dont use bitcoinica [13:08]
occulta im waiting for a payment from someone [13:08]
Mqrius ah [13:08]
occulta im not accepting anything to do with it, he offered me one of their codes :P [13:08]
Mqrius :P [13:09]
occulta the guy took his money and made deposit in 1 day, being from singapore [13:09]
chsa_dos facebooks new timeline is a conspiracy!!! [13:09]
occulta not he cant get it back out lol [13:09]
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occulta bitcoinica [13:15]
occulta can you trade 1:1 ? [13:16]
Mqrius sure [13:16]
occulta instant trades? [13:16]
occulta ok [13:16]
Mqrius I mean [13:16]
Mqrius what? [13:16]
occulta like mtgox [13:16]
occulta if he wants to sell his $3k [13:16]
occulta for btc [13:16]
Mqrius no, it uses the bitcoinica spread [13:16]
Mqrius so, that costs money. [13:16]
Mqrius but you can change it, yes. [13:17]
Mqrius (afaik) [13:17]
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occulta ok [13:19]
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wakslob is bitcoin 100% annonymous transaction? [13:31]
Toxo no [13:31]
wakslob how so? [13:31]
wakslob sry for my n00bitity [13:32]
wakslob ive been thinking about using bitcoin, and i've been doing a lot of research about it today, and am under the impression its annonymous [13:33]
vragnaroda They are tracked and broadcast to *everyone* on the network. [13:33]
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wakslob yeah but is bitcoin address associated with name? or only ip address? [13:34]
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vragnaroda That's not what anonymous means. [13:35]
Toxo why is it when people think they have your IP they can do anything with that? [13:35]
Toxo my IP means nothing if you knew my setup [13:35]
vragnaroda It takes a *ridiculous* amount of work to try to remain truly secret with bitcoin; its design is *not* optimized for secrecy. [13:36]
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wakslob so lets say i wanted to move 20 thousand usd to php without taxes is it possible? [13:39]
wakslob like that type of annonymous [13:39]
vragnaroda Well, governments are stupid as fuck, so yes, it's possible. [13:39]
* Silberfuchs has quit (Client Quit) [13:40]
vragnaroda But without more understanding than you'll get from an IRC session, you're not hiding it from someone that wants to find dirt on you. [13:40]
wakslob well of course but this is in reference to my question about sending and recieving money without physical name of persons or adress [13:40]
vragnaroda I know it's a common aphorism that there are no stupid questions but are you trying to disprove that? [13:41]
vragnaroda It does not ask for your legal name. [13:41]
vragnaroda If that's anonymous to you, sure. [13:42]
vragnaroda That came out meaner than I meant it. [13:42]
wakslob no name = annonymous [13:42]
vragnaroda *anonymous [13:43]
vragnaroda but you're redefining name to be something absurd, too [13:43]
wakslob thanks for ur help bud :) i will continue reading before doing business with bitcoin [13:43]
occulta ;;ident wakslob [13:43]
occulta dude [13:44]
occulta your re-using the same handle [13:44]
occulta and connecting from the same hostname [13:44]
vragnaroda Also, there are cops in this channel. Enjoy your anal rape in prison. [13:44]
occulta not a good start :P [13:44]
vragnaroda hehe [13:44]
wakslob i havnt done anything but asked [13:44]
vragnaroda I'm sorry; I'm not in a great mood. [13:44]
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vragnaroda Yes, but asking draws attention. [13:45]
vragnaroda Drawing attention is probable cause for investigation (stalking). [13:45]
vragnaroda If they follow through on that, they *will* catch you when you do something silly. [13:45]
wakslob well im actually living in a half way house, trying to figure out ways of making money online to pay off my halfway house, or i go back to jail anyways :P [13:45]
wakslob someone told me affiliate marketing networks can pay using bitcoin thats why i was wondering :P [13:46]
vragnaroda Yeah, that's going to help you a lot. [13:46]
occulta lol what marketing networks ? [13:46]
wakslob well ive been looking into this [13:47]
wakslob a friend showed me it [13:47]
occulta video removed [13:48]
occulta and its about mining ? [13:48]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [13:49]
wakslob also my friend told me u can make money through second life using bitcoin [13:50]
wakslob its some game [13:50]
Toxo I have 10,000 lindens for sale [13:51]
Toxo for second life [13:51]
wakslob rofl [13:51]
Toxo im not joking lol [13:51]
Toxo 10,000L isnt actually that much [13:51]
occulta i dont see your idea of 'make money' [13:53]
wakslob occulta what did u mean im using multiple handles? [13:53]
wakslob ;;ident wakslob [13:53]
occulta if you play a game for so many hours, and generate some gaming gold or w.e [13:53]
occulta wakslob i know where you have been [13:53]
occulta simple google [13:53]
occulta and your hostname [13:53]
Toxo occulta: its called camping [13:53]
Mqrius Toxo: I offer 5 BTC [13:53]
Toxo you sit in one spots to get someones traffic up [13:53]
Toxo and you earn like [13:54]
Toxo 2L every 10mins [13:54]
occulta Toxo i dont mean that [13:54]
Mqrius lol [13:54]
Toxo which is like 0.00000001 cent [13:54]
Toxo lol [13:54]
occulta i mean, you are spending time, to sell it got btc [13:54]
occulta exactly [13:54]
occulta i suppose it is making money [13:54]
occulta but i dont assume is the get rich quick this ex-con is looking for :) [13:54]
Mqrius actually it's about 0.7 dollarcent [13:54]
Toxo no [13:54]
Toxo anyone intrested in buying lindens? [13:55]
Toxo i have more now [13:55]
Toxo You currently have: L$15,440 [13:55]
occulta dont virwox give a good price? [13:55]
Toxo I have a way of making free lindens but im not telliing muhauha [13:55]
Mqrius Toxo, just use the exchange [13:55]
Toxo no becuase it pays out via paypal [13:55]
Toxo and im banned from using paypal [13:55]
occulta erm, it converts to btc? [13:55]
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Toxo nope [13:55]
Mqrius It also pays out via SEPA, if you're in Europe [13:56]
Toxo there is no options to sell lindens for bitcoins [13:56]
Mqrius uuuuh [13:56]
Mqrius yes there are [13:56]
Mqrius virwox, therocktrading... [13:56]
Toxo awesome [13:57]
Toxo therocktrading [13:57]
Toxo is this legit? [13:57]
Mqrius Think so. Haven't used it yet. [13:57]
Mqrius But virwox does it too! [13:57]
occulta or did i miss something :O [13:58]
Mqrius Would be funny if you could trade btc for SLL, but not the other way around. So someone buys BTC from me for SLL, but then suddenly finds he did not buy BTC? [13:58]
* hardvision (~j@pdpc/supporter/student/hardvision) has joined #bitcoin-otc [13:58]
Toxo yeah ill look into it thnx [13:58]
Toxo alternatively if anyone wants to buy my lindens for cheap [13:58]
Toxo id do that for less hassle [13:58]
Toxo lol [13:58]
Mqrius <"(O.o)"> head is full of fog [13:58]
Mqrius Toxo: I'll buy your SLL for 7.5 BTC, but I don't have second life installed [13:59]
Toxo Mqrius: youll need it [13:59]
Toxo you cannot accept lindens any other way but in game [13:59]
Mqrius Sure I can. I can buy them on virwox [13:59]
Mqrius but yeah [13:59]
Toxo ah [14:00]
Toxo well im game man [14:00]
Toxo i want some bitcoins [14:00]
Toxo i really dont care for LL [14:00]
Toxo lol [14:00]
Mqrius Well, then you have to set up an account with therocktrading or virwox, and when you have that you'll get better rates than what I offered anyway. [14:01]
Toxo it seems you can buy lindens with bitcoins [14:01]
Toxo but you cant sell lindens for bitcoins [14:01]
Mqrius That's not true [14:01]
Mqrius You're looking at it wrong. [14:02]
Toxo ok [14:02]
* wakslob has quit () [14:02]
Toxo fair enough [14:02]
Mqrius If you buy lindens with bitcoins, the guy on the other side has just sold lindens for bitcoins [14:02]
Mqrius That's as simple as it is. [14:02]
Mqrius But yeah, I g2g [14:02]
Mqrius have fun figuring out virwox [14:03]
Toxo thnx man [14:03]
Toxo cya [14:03]
* occulta has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [14:04]
chsados if i run the win32 setup of the new client will it screw up my wallet? [14:04]
* headdah (d4fbbeef@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:05]
headdah hihi [14:05]
headdah ;;guide [14:06]
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headdah ;;fraud [14:07]
sturles And the price reaches new records: 1line.txt derp-100x100.png derp-560x207.png derp.png dork-100x100.jpg dork-560x302.jpg dork.jpg logs2.txt logs3.txt logstory.txt logs.txt mysql psychology-and-psychiatry-100x100.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry-560x315.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry.jpg tangent-maybe-100x100.jpg tangent-maybe-560x242.jpg tangent-maybe.jpg tara-tara-10-560px.jpg tara-tara-10.jpg tara-tara-11-560px.jpg tara-tara-11.jpg tara-tara-12-560px.jpg tara-tara-12.jpg tara-tara-13-560px.jpg tara-tara-13.jpg tara-tara-14-560px.jpg tara-tara-14.jpg tara-tara-15-560px.jpg tara-tara-1-560px.jpg tara-tara-15.jpg tara-tara-16-560px.jpg tara-tara-16.jpg tara-tara-17-560px.jpg tara-tara-17.jpg tara-tara-18-560px.jpg tara-tara-18.jpg tara-tara-19-560px.jpg tara-tara-19.jpg tara-tara-1.jpg tara-tara-20-560px.jpg tara-tara-20.jpg tara-tara-21-560px.jpg tara-tara-21.jpg tara-tara-22-560px.jpg tara-tara-22.jpg tara-tara-23-560px.jpg tara-tara-23.jpg tara-tara-24-560px.jpg tara-tara-24.jpg 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titdeck-91-100px.jpg titdeck-91-1024px.jpg titdeck-92-100px.jpg titdeck-92-1024px.jpg titdeck-93-100px.jpg titdeck-93-1024px.jpg titdeck-94-100px.jpg titdeck-94-1024px.jpg titdeck-95-100px.jpg titdeck-95-1024px.jpg titdeck-96-100px.jpg titdeck-96-1024px.jpg titdeck-97-100px.jpg titdeck-97-1024px.jpg titdeck-98-100px.jpg titdeck-98-1024px.jpg titdeck-99-100px.jpg titdeck-99-1024px.jpg 0.0301 BTC at 100.0 LREUR per BTC for a total of 3.01 LREUR [14:07]
sturles *Sold [14:07]
headdah hihi [14:09]
headdah how do i by btc with AUS dollars or [14:09]
headdah using Paypal [14:09]
gigavps headdah not a good idea [14:10]
headdah neither is a good either ? [14:10]
gigavps find someone here to do bank transfers with [14:10]
gigavps sorry, paypal is a bad idea [14:10]
gigavps never use paypal here [14:10]
headdah ok [14:11]
headdah whats a good way ? [14:11]
headdah that i can change my ausD into [14:11]
headdah and get bitcoins out [14:11]
gigavps have you looked at crypoexchange [14:11]
* Xunie has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:11]
gigavps i think it is [14:11]
gigavps [14:11]
headdah ok i'll sus it :) [14:12]
gigavps sorry, still waking up :) [14:12]
Hunterbunter wow bitcoinica has a massive spread [14:13]
Hunterbunter is it always like 5% of the market? [14:14]
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safra /msg NickServ identify 241154 [14:35]
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jcpham oops [14:41]
jcpham no one saw that [14:41]
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occulta bitcoinica seems like a joke to me [14:50]
occulta wouldnt trust my money there :) [14:50]
Hunterbunter yeah tell me about it...just setup an account to see what all the fuss was about [14:51]
* d4de (~RaWWR@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:52]
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occulta no fuss, if you want fiat use gox [14:52]
occulta if you want to gamble your money, use bitcoinica [14:52]
Cory They've never maliciously stolen money from me. :P [14:53]
occulta Cory i would hope not .... [14:53]
occulta important word 'stolen' lol [14:53]
jcpham hi [14:53]
* woland (~woland@2607:f2f8:4280::2) has left #bitcoin-otc [14:55]
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Cory occulta: Then the only reason not to trust your money there is if you don't trust yourself. [15:00]
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Cory Which isn't a bad reason. :P [15:00]
occulta i think my reason was 'gamble' [15:00]
occulta [12:52:49] if you want to gamble your money, use bitcoinica [15:00]
occulta this isnt true? [15:00]
occulta the fact they dont have their own 'store' of funds, and rely on gox [15:01]
occulta makes it pointless for 1:1 exchange [15:01]
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Cory Right. Definitely don't use it as a simple exchange. [15:05]
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Cory Use it to trade on margin. [15:05]
* devrandom (~devrandom@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:05]
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* rabbit_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:25]
rabbit_ hello [15:25]
rabbit_ anyone up around here? [15:25]
BTCHero hello [15:25]
rabbit_ im new to bit coin [15:25]
BTCHero and you want to buy it with paypal right? [15:26]
rabbit_ i want to use my gaming comp to mine [15:26]
BTCHero oh, what gpu do you have [15:26]
rabbit_ raidon hd 6950 [15:26]
rabbit_ 2 gig [15:26]
BTCHero same card i have [15:26]
rabbit_ is it good enough to mine? [15:26]
BTCHero er wait no [15:26]
BTCHero yeah you can get something with it [15:26]
rabbit_ ok [15:27]
rabbit_ i have my waller [15:27]
jcpham hi [15:27]
rabbit_ wallet [15:27]
rabbit_ and i downloaded guiminer [15:27]
rabbit_ but now im lost [15:27]
jcpham 6950 can CLOSE TO 400 mh/s [15:27]
BTCHero join a pool [15:27]
rabbit_ i did [15:27]
rabbit_ slush's pool [15:27]
BTCHero then put the pool info into guiminer... [15:27]
rabbit_ i did [15:27]
BTCHero Or into something else that people like [15:28]
BTCHero like cgminer [15:28]
jcpham cgminer for the win [15:28]
rabbit_ cg miner? [15:28]
BTCHero did you load the amd app sdk and drivers [15:28]
rabbit_ whats that? [15:28]
BTCHero it is another kind of miner [15:28]
rabbit_ no i didnt [15:28]
rabbit_ i basically need help setting thid up [15:28]
BTCHero amd app sdk is probably your problem [15:28]
rabbit_ oh [15:28]
BTCHero download and install it [15:28]
rabbit_ how do i do that [15:28]
rabbit_ where? [15:28]
BTCHero [15:29]
BTCHero first result in google for "amd app sdk" [15:29]
rabbit_ i got it [15:29]
rabbit_ so what about that other minet [15:30]
rabbit_ miner [15:30]
rabbit_ is it easier to use? [15:30]
BTCHero also, #bitcoin-mining is probably more the place for this. [15:30]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:30]
BTCHero No not easier, but it seems to work a little better and has more control [15:30]
rabbit_ oh [15:30]
* gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 [15:30]
rabbit_ im looking for an easy to use miner [15:30]
rabbit_ for a beginner [15:31]
BTCHero well guiminer is pretty easy [15:31]
rabbit_ ok [15:31]
BTCHero So you download and install amd app sdk, and the catalyst drivers. I would install afterburner so that you can control your fan speeds [15:31]
* ras_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:32]
BTCHero then just type your info into guiminer, and you should be good to go [15:32]
rabbit_ ok [15:32]
rabbit_ nice [15:32]
rabbit_ i have a very nice case [15:32]
rabbit_ its built for cooling [15:32]
BTCHero I have a motherboard on my desk [15:32]
BTCHero with cards sticking out [15:32]
rabbit_ plus i have a water cooling system [15:33]
rabbit_ ok the drivers are installed [15:33]
rabbit_ now what [15:33]
BTCHero and amd app sdk? [15:34]
BTCHero then you just fire up guiminer and put in your pool details and hit start [15:34]
jcpham i have ashell script that builds a miner rather quickly [15:34]
rabbit_ yeah [15:34]
rabbit_ hmm [15:35]
rabbit_ what catylist drivers do i need [15:35]
rabbit_ oh [15:35]
rabbit_ its saying [15:36]
rabbit_ 9 shares accepted [15:36]
rabbit_ and 260.2 mhash [15:36]
rabbit_ whats all that mean [15:36]
BTCHero how fast you are working and submitting work [15:36]
BTCHero You are mining... [15:36]
rabbit_ so is it working? [15:36]
rabbit_ sorry like i said im new ^^ [15:37]
rabbit_ lol [15:37]
BTCHero yeah, but did you enter the flags and stuff because you should be closer to 350 [15:37]
rabbit_ flags? [15:37]
rabbit_ no [15:37]
rabbit_ what are flags? [15:37]
BTCHero in the flags section enter what it tells you to enter... I think it is -v -w128 [15:37]
BTCHero Don't ask me what they are, as I have no idea [15:37]
rabbit_ in the pool? [15:37]
BTCHero in guiminer [15:37]
* Feydreva ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:38]
rabbit_ oh [15:38]
rabbit_ where do i enter the flags? [15:38]
BTCHero in the box that says flags [15:38]
rabbit_ ok [15:39]
* vuce ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:39]
rabbit_ so i put [15:39]
rabbit_ -v -w128 [15:39]
rabbit_ in [15:39]
BTCHero yeah [15:39]
BTCHero i think that is it, hover over the textbox an it will tell you [15:39]
rabbit_ ok [15:39]
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* OneFixt_ is now known as OneFixt [15:40]
BTCHero did that raise your hashrate rabbit_? [15:40]
* kW_ (~kW@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:41]
rabbit_ yeah [15:41]
rabbit_ 272 [15:41]
BTCHero eh, better... [15:41]
BTCHero I bet the numbers on bitcoin hardware comparison are from an overclocked card [15:41]
rabbit_ maybe [15:42]
rabbit_ mine are still good though? [15:42]
rabbit_ like i should be able to get a few coins [15:42]
* Tobeh ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:42]
BTCHero looks like about .22 btc per day at current difficulty [15:44]
BTCHero although your pool luck will play a big part in it in the short term [15:44]
rabbit_ ahh [15:44]
rabbit_ what do you suggest i do if i want to mine the best i can [15:45]
BTCHero hmmm. Install afterburner to set new fan speeds and use cgminers built in overclocking... But I would probably just do the fans if it were my gaming computer I didn't want to wear down quickly [15:46]
rabbit_ yeah [15:46]
rabbit_ i wanna keep this going [15:46]
BTCHero you should downclock the memory though if you do have afterburner installed. Saves some electricity and wear and tear and no lss of hashes [15:47]
BTCHero gpu memory that is [15:47]
rabbit_ oh [15:48]
* BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear [15:48]
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rabbit_ ih [15:50]
rabbit_ oh [15:50]
rabbit_ it jumped up [15:50]
rabbit_ 320 now [15:50]
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* vite (~vialnetwo@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:55]
rabbit_ what about name coins [15:55]
rabbit_ what can you tell me about them [15:55]
* tbage ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:56]
imsaguy2 rabbit_: use cgminer [15:56]
imsaguy2 its commandline, but good [15:56]
imsaguy2 set your engine to about 900 [15:56]
imsaguy2 your memory to 625 [15:56]
imsaguy2 (I run a bunch of 6950s) [15:56]
rabbit_ oh? [15:56]
rabbit_ are they good to mine with? [15:57]
imsaguy2 yeah [15:57]
imsaguy2 about 175 watts per card [15:57]
rabbit_ ahh [15:57]
rabbit_ cuz i have no idea what im doing [15:58]
rabbit_ but i want ot learn [15:58]
lordcyfer_ Hi everybody [15:59]
lordcyfer_ Is today [15:59]
lordcyfer_ still possible to make $ minig ? [15:59]
* Tobeh has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [15:59]
imsaguy2 with the right set of conditions, yes [15:59]
lordcyfer_ i think the electrity is relly too expensive in swiss [15:59]
rabbit_ i have solar panels on my roof [16:00]
lordcyfer_ 0.22 [16:00]
rabbit_ so i get most of my energy there [16:00]
imsaguy2 lordcyfer_: probably, yes [16:01]
* lordcyfer_ is now known as lordcyfer [16:01]
vite out of curiosity, doesnt the network adjust block creation dificulting depending on computing power to always print coins every 10 min? [16:03]
lordcyfer I have VPN service subscription discount 3BTC for 4 months [16:03]
vite then why are some blocks being created more than 10 min apart? [16:03]
lordcyfer How can i put this offor on the book [16:03]
* gigavpsAFK is now known as gigavps [16:04]
gigavps morning [16:04]
jcpham GPU 2: 74.5C 4158RPM | 378.0/371.5Mh/s | A:219302 R:5820 HW:0 U:4.95/m I:9 [16:04]
imsaguy2 vite: it is random [16:04]
jcpham ^6950 [16:04]
imsaguy2 block finding is completely random [16:04]
jcpham hi giga you sell your cards yet? [16:05]
jcpham the 5850's? [16:05]
imsaguy2 jcpham: whats your commandline? [16:05]
vite imsaguy2: do you ever sleep? [16:05]
imsaguy2 when I'm dead. [16:05]
jcpham 850/730 on the 6950's [16:06]
imsaguy2 which catalyst? newest? [16:06]
imsaguy2 surely not [16:06]
jcpham and yes that card had 219k shares [16:06]
jcpham 11.6 still [16:06]
gigavps jcpham all of the 5830s are sold [16:07]
jcpham damn [16:07]
gigavps i only have 3 6950s left [16:07]
gigavps i am selling the 6950s for $175 each [16:07]
* ovidiusoft2 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [16:07]
jcpham hrm [16:08]
gigavps they do 365Mh/s at 900/300 so you would be getting them at under $0.50/Mh [16:08]
jcpham you have 3 [16:08]
gigavps and they are basically brand new as they are just back from RMA [16:08]
gigavps yes i have 3 [16:08]
* ovidiusoft2 (~ovidiusof@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:08]
gigavps if you are in the US, i'll include shipping for -otc members [16:09]
vite I am rich in digital currency, according to the exchange rate I am worth 4 cents [16:09]
gigavps jcpham so $525 in BTC is 85.35 [16:10]
jcpham i'm not saying your price is high, it's fine, I'm a cheapskate [16:11]
jcpham i have and bought new 6950's. I'm thinking [16:11]
gigavps <- they are still selling for $279 new [16:12]
* helo considers getting rid of almost all of his bitcoin for one card [16:13]
helo i think if it was the beginning of winter, i'd do it [16:13]
* foggyb has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [16:13]
gigavps first coins to hit my wallet will have the purchase [16:13]
jcpham i was really wanting 5 cards though [16:13]
helo as it is i'd have to mine into the spring to get back to where i am [16:13]
gigavps you want 5 6950s? i have two extra i'll sell you that I was going to keep as spares [16:14]
imsaguy2 jcpham, do you specify your wu size? Ive only managed to squeek out 350Mh/s for mine [16:14]
jcpham i'm a candidate. i'll buy them today or i won't buy them [16:14]
jcpham oh imsa - 2 secs [16:14]
imsaguy2 no rush, work your stuff out with gigavps [16:14]
imsaguy2 :D [16:14]
gigavps jcpham three of these cards will be doing 1.1Gh [16:14]
lordcyfer Question how can i "cancel" or an order ? [16:19]
imsaguy2 ;;remove # [16:19]
lordcyfer Thanks [16:19]
lordcyfer # is the order number ? [16:19]
* BTC_Bear is now known as BTC_Bear|hbrntng [16:20]
imsaguy2 yep [16:20]
imsaguy2 or you can do ;;remove to remove all your oders [16:20]
* hexTech (~hexTech@gateway/tor-sasl/hextech) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:20]
jcpham imsaguy: --vectors 2 --worksize 128 --kernel phatk -I 9 [16:20]
jcpham but idthink the kernel matters [16:20]
imsaguy2 I'm using phatk [16:20]
imsaguy2 I'll specify my vectors [16:21]
lordcyfer Ok another question what are the PPUSD [16:21]
imsaguy2 paypal usd [16:21]
lordcyfer Ok [16:22]
kinlo dangerous dollars - you should never trade with someone using paypal unless you fully trust them [16:22]
kinlo you can easily chargeback with paypal [16:22]
lordcyfer yes kinlo it is to understand the vocabulary [16:22]
kinlo just mentioning it so you're safe :) [16:23]
lordcyfer thanks [16:23]
* vite has quit (Quit: Leaving) [16:23]
jcpham pirateat40 or nanotube or anyone else want to help me buy gigavps's 6950's [16:24]
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* Graet (~Graet@unaffiliated/graet) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:32]
copumpkin jjjrmy: how'd the call go? [16:34]
* merde (~assdf@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:36]
* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:37]
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* tulkasccp (bb6a121a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:40]
Mindoogle I saw somewhere that you can't chargeback a gift on PP. This true? [16:41]
jcpham incorrect [16:41]
Mindoogle i c... [16:42]
* sfantu1 (~sfantu@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:42]
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Mindoogle cause all I have right now is PP and need sum BTC but nobody want that :( [16:44]
helo there's no way anyone will go for that without you be a WoT legend [16:49]
gigavps Mindoogle ANYTHING can be charged back on paypal [16:49]
* Tobeh ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:50]
Mindoogle what about a trusted middleman? [16:50]
gigavps Mindoogle the middleman would get screwed [16:51]
gigavps if a chargeback occurred [16:51]
gigavps Mindoogle do you have a paypal debit card? [16:51]
Mindoogle nop [16:51]
Mindoogle i completely forgot about that [16:51]
* Skink (48f0b0b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:53]
Toxo paypal are evil, dont use them out of princable [16:55]
* Silberfuchs ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:55]
Toxo chargeback or non they are scammers [16:55]
Toxo Mindoogle: if you posted a letter with proof of postage chargeback would be hard for them [16:56]
Toxo if they signed for 'it' [16:56]
Mindoogle wat [16:57]
Mindoogle i am comfus [16:57]
Mindoogle letter for what [16:57]
* Skink has quit (Client Quit) [16:57]
helo mail a letter to the recipient with proof of postage [16:58]
* vahit (4ebdacf5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:58]
Toxo yes, and when they have signed for it and you have proof, thenyou send them the digital goods [16:59]
Toxo but even this paypal will try and get around, they are complete cretins [16:59]
Toxo I owe paypal over £1000, [16:59]
Toxo and they are not getting a penny ofit [16:59]
helo nice :D [16:59]
Toxo I would rather go to prison, in the knowledge paypal are down [17:00]
Mindoogle well i can't log in atm, gg [17:00]
Toxo moneybookers are good [17:00]
Toxo now known as skrill [17:01]
* DeLorean731 has quit () [17:01]
rg ahoy shit liner [17:01]
Mindoogle i looked at them but seemed like a hassle to sign up [17:02]
Toxo Mindoogle: they are a bit but they 100% cover against chargebacks [17:02]
Toxo they will simply take the hit themselves [17:02]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:02]
Toxo also when you call them [17:02]
Toxo you atually talk to a human [17:02]
Toxo which is great, and that human can actually speak english [17:03]
Toxo and has an iq more than a small fish [17:03]
Toxo which you cannot say the same for pp [17:03]
* MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:04]
rg fuck moneybookers [17:04]
rg they are 10% anti bitcoin [17:04]
rg 100% [17:04]
* sfantu (~sfantu@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:05]
Toxo yeah fair dont know there score on bitcoins but [17:05]
Toxo seems odd as they support gambling sites [17:05]
Mindoogle yea, i saw a thing on gox about ppl having probs with it [17:05]
rg bitcoin has nothing to do with gambling [17:05]
Mindoogle I'm just impatient. I could just wait a few more days and use my bank [17:06]
rg use [17:06]
rg you can just do a bank transfer [17:06]
* sfantu1 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [17:06]
Mindoogle i know [17:06]
Mindoogle but i need to wait [17:07]
* Sedra (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:07]
Mindoogle until my phone number is verified or smth [17:07]
* Silberfuchs has quit (Quit: Verlassend) [17:07]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [17:07]
Mindoogle cause they need to call me if a wanna add a new recipient [17:07]
Mindoogle dunno why it has o take a week tho [17:08]
Mindoogle i guess they think if someone else changes my number, they wouldn't want to wait that long [17:09]
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* Joric (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:14]
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* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:14]
* cyphunk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:21]
* vahit has quit (Quit: Page closed) [17:22]
* G00fy (~hi@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:22]
Mad7Scientist [17:23]
Mad7Scientist 1983 ? The Nazi SS officer Klaus Barbie was arrested in Bolivia, 32 years after having fled to Argentina with the help of the US Army US Army Counterintelligence Corps. [17:23]
G00fy any guys here exchange bitcoin to paypal? [17:23]
Mad7Scientist oops wrong chan [17:23]
G00fy i need paypal funds [17:23]
* `g love to play barbie [17:24]
`g with my train ! tshoo tshoo ! [17:24]
* VO ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:25]
gigavps G00fy you selling bitcoins? [17:26]
G00fy yups [17:26]
* BTCHero ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:27]
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* gribble gives voice to BTCHero [17:28]
* Reecek ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:28]
G00fy im not selling just want to exchange [17:28]
rg ;;ticker [17:30]
* Valalvax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:30]
rg shoulda sold lastn ight [17:30]
rg that reminds me [17:30]
rg i gotta pay imsaguy [17:30]
Mindoogle i need some but apparently paypal is bad mkaay [17:31]
rg paypal is the worst [17:31]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:31]
BTCHero yep [17:31]
* copumpkin has quit (Changing host) [17:31]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/pumpkingod) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:31]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [17:31]
G00fy you guys got paypal ? [17:32]
Mindoogle also, can't log in for whatever reason [17:32]
BTCHero Well, you better get a moneypak or something [17:32]
BTCHero What are you exchanging G00fy [17:33]
G00fy i got btc [17:33]
G00fy i need paypal funds [17:33]
G00fy just for now [17:33]
jcpham i need btc [17:35]
jcpham i have paypal funds [17:35]
jcpham ;;getrating G00fy [17:35]
G00fy why ? [17:36]
jcpham unless you are willing to send me the coins first... [17:36]
G00fy too bad [17:37]
jcpham you should really take the time to get auth'd [17:37]
jcpham maybe even earn a rating [17:37]
helo G00fy: jcpham is pretty trustworthy... tons of people have done business with him. [17:37]
G00fy ok deal [17:38]
BTCHero ;;getrating jcpham [17:38]
G00fy talk to me in pm jcpham [17:38]
jcpham i don't know about "tons" [17:38]
Mqrius Kodak's bankrupt. [17:38]
* DBordello ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:38]
BTCHero ;;getrating BTCHero [17:38]
* gribble gives voice to bitfoo [17:39]
helo i guess it depends on how much each of them weighed [17:39]
jcpham ;;eauth jcpham [17:39]
G00fy give me ur address jcpham [17:39]
jcpham 1AsKbn1xD5QieiS6dpaC6kKmg3EjW22qup [17:40]
BTCHero lol, was there behind the scenes discussion or was this it in -otc. [17:41]
G00fy reply me on pm [17:41]
imsaguy2 pm's are overrated [17:42]
imsaguy2 just do it here :) [17:42]
* stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:44]
vragnaroda G00fy: *in pm [17:44]
BTCHero *with pm? [17:45]
vragnaroda G00fy: I wasn't telling you to PM me. “on pm” isn't English. You should have said “in PM.” [17:45]
vragnaroda Please don't PM me. :P [17:45]
* Josi (5aa26b75@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:46]
Josi hi [17:46]
Josi somebody in the talk in spanish? [17:47]
vragnaroda es posible [17:47]
BTCHero que? [17:48]
copumpkin Josi: [17:48]
* vragnaroda golpea a BTCHero. [17:48]
Josi joder, lo hac clavado con el link [17:48]
Josi gracias [17:48]
Josi el tema esta en que recien empece a informarme sobre los bitcoins [17:49]
Josi concretamente hace os dias [17:49]
Josi y ya compre unos pocos y mande la solicitud de comprar de unos dominios .bit [17:49]
Josi pero no se como configurar los dominios, no se si alguien aqui sabra hacerlo [17:49]
vragnaroda ¿los *namecoins* te interesan? [17:50]
jcpham oops [17:50]
Josi todavia conozco poco la diferencia de unos a otros [17:50]
jcpham forgot about that ifdown eth1 [17:50]
Josi en realidad solo me interesa comprar dos dominios .bit [17:51]
vragnaroda ay, yo no sé mucho de los bitcoins, yo mismo. quizá hay alguién en #bitcoin-es que podería ayudarte. [17:51]
Josi vaya [17:51]
vragnaroda *no sé mucho de los namecoins* [17:51]
jcpham Hi G00fy did you send me .20 [17:51]
BTCHero lol [17:52]
BTCHero Really .20 [17:52]
Josi una pena, porque mi ingles es extremadamente malo y el google translate me tiene muerto xD [17:52]
jcpham someone just sent me 20 bitcents [17:52]
BTCHero oh [17:52]
BTCHero I thought goofy was trying to trade with just .2 bitcoins [17:53]
BTCHero G00fy [17:53]
BTCHero i mean [17:53]
jcpham i dunno. I'm lost [17:53]
vragnaroda Josi: pues, hace diez años que no estudio el español y no sé casi nada de los namecoins, pero si algo *otro*, me gustaría ayudarte. [17:53]
Joric [17:53]
* BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear [17:53]
vragnaroda (pero, creo que mi español es mejor que algunos otros aquí) [17:54]
* vragnaroda mira a jjjrmy. [17:54]
Josi vragnardoda si, la verdad que tu español es bueno. [17:55]
jcpham both of your spanishes are bueno [17:55]
imsaguy2 lol @ una pena, porque mi ingles es extremadamente malo y el google translate me tiene muerto xD [17:55]
Josi Pues me quedare sin poder configurar mi dominio .bit [17:55]
vragnaroda imsaguy2: Does El Goog not translate that well? [17:55]
* Mqrius 's Spanish is extemadamente malo :P [17:55]
* G00fy has quit () [17:55]
imsaguy2 vragnaroda, I concur with him :) [17:56]
imsaguy2 I don't need google translate for Josi [17:56]
BTCHero Talk american gosh durn it [17:56]
jcpham i can tell he wants namecoin help [17:56]
arvicco вот же враг народа [17:56]
Joric didn't know cartel accepts los bitcoins now [17:56]
copumpkin El vino vino, pero el vino no vino vino. El vino vino vinagre. [17:56]
Josi jajaja [17:56]
Josi copumpkin de donde has sacado eso? [17:57]
copumpkin :) [17:57]
vragnaroda BTCHero: #bitcoin-us is that way --> [17:57]
vragnaroda copumpkin: lol [17:57]
copumpkin #bitcoin-murkin [17:57]
vragnaroda lol [17:57]
BTCHero thanks vragnaroda now I can be with my homeland brethren [17:57]
jcpham are they black? [17:57]
BTCHero some of them [17:58]
vragnaroda ¡Oy! Todos, ¡vamos a #bitcoin-us para hablarles en español! [17:58]
jcpham now more bitpennies [17:58]
BTCHero lol [17:58]
jcpham .22 bitpeenies earned since pasting that address [17:58]
Josi jajaj [17:58]
helo bitpanties? [17:58]
helo crazy japanese [17:59]
Josi i have enter in a crazy channel [17:59]
imsaguy2 1KAxrXePTsMGsvs7JqiV67Vxz5MbHhVH13 [17:59]
Josi :s [17:59]
jcpham moar! [17:59]
jcpham .231 [17:59]
* jcpham is rich [17:59]
Joric accidente, abogados, cinco, cinco, cinco, cinco [17:59]
jcpham i should make new btc addresses up and post in chanel more often [18:00]
Mqrius Anders gaan we allemaal willekeurige dingen zeggen. Oder Deutsch, das ist ein bisschen wie altes Niederländisch. [18:00]
* pierreghz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:00]
imsaguy2 holy crap [18:00]
imsaguy2 I just got .01337 [18:00]
imsaguy2 and .2 [18:00]
imsaguy2 woo [18:00]
* vragnaroda golpea a Mqrius. [18:00]
arvicco йа йа натюрлих [18:00]
* vragnaroda golpea a arvicco. [18:00]
Mqrius Wo bu shoa zhong wen. [18:01]
BTCHero 1L5VpKYfCd5ocyG65HFLVuD7AL17kYCAK ??? [18:01]
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BTCHero who's the .2 guy? tell me [18:01]
vragnaroda If it's a language I know more than a word or two in, it's OK. :P [18:01]
jcpham i just got another .1 [18:01]
jcpham what's happening in here [18:01]
vragnaroda lol [18:02]
BTCHero I got the .2 [18:02]
BTCHero Who is this man [18:02]
vragnaroda I've gotten so much BTC in the past few days just from posting addresses in-channel. [18:02]
imsaguy2 then I'm gonna get spam happy [18:02]
BTCHero I was the .01337 guy [18:02]
mircea_popescu how much is so much ? a coupla coins [18:02]
jcpham rollin' in bitdough [18:02]
Mqrius Meh, your guys' addresses aren't even vanity. [18:03]
Mqrius 1Mqrius8YdVAsp8vLbQXuybsk2nZYoVg8X [18:03]
ageis 1D2jjkDeRQowqxA2tLo7nPDwRc71upXuHv [18:03]
* jcpham practices scrooge mcduck dives [18:03]
imsaguy2 Mqrius, I have an 1msaguy address :p [18:03]
Joric meh 1JoricCBkW8C5m7QUZMwoRz9rBCM6ZSy96 [18:03]
mircea_popescu 1Ijustmadethisoneupforthelulz [18:03]
Mqrius heh nice [18:03]
Mqrius mircea_popescu: That one doesn't work :P [18:03]
imsaguy2 mircea_popescu: invalid.. no capital I [18:03]
mircea_popescu ;/ [18:03]
Mqrius And I was gonna send 10BTC there, too! [18:03]
mircea_popescu lol send 10 btc to the options addy [18:04]
mircea_popescu maybe you end up with a windfall [18:04]
imsaguy2 how would that work? [18:04]
imsaguy2 you said if it doesn't conform to your layout, its a donation [18:04]
Joric fund satan 1666DSFxLYbyvYxWabzJbmQ42P5RRM9Wqo [18:04]
imsaguy2 1KAxrXePTsMGsvs7JqiV67Vxz5MbHhVH13 [18:04]
Mqrius Funny thing about this address, is that everyone has the private key in their wallet source code: 1EHNa6Q4Jz2uvNExL497mE43ikXhwF6kZm [18:05]
* perpoi has quit () [18:05]
Joric send here too 5JMhGPWc3pkdgPd9jqVZkRtEp3QB3Ze8ihv62TmmvzABmkNzBHw [18:05]
* eldnord ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:05]
rg imsaguy2: i paid you back for uesyerdau [18:06]
rg yesterday* [18:06]
vragnaroda As long as people are giving out free bitcoins, 14v1kiNHHEA9UFXyvTusRBYLkydNsn5cay [18:06]
rg it was small cause i used a $5 off [18:06]
ageis i ran strings --bytes=20 blk0001.dat this morning [18:06]
Mqrius First address that's over 9000: 1PLus9kQJY9Wz19XMK5r1KnBvwZs2g4Nv3 [18:06]
Joric ageis, aand? [18:06]
* perpoi (~poi@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:07]
* jcpham is now known as sixsixsix [18:07]
copumpkin ageis: enjoy all the prayers? [18:07]
ageis joric: nothing, it was my first time [18:07]
ageis copumpkin: no, i found them highly disturbing [18:07]
imsaguy2 thanks rg [18:07]
Mqrius Yeah, fucking superstitious bloat in my blockchain. [18:07]
* Cheese (~orspeeder@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:07]
rg (WKwQv0/////Stack is innocent/////KaZMl82 [18:08]
rg hahaha [18:08]
copumpkin :) [18:08]
rg FFS Luke-Jr leave the blockchain alone! [18:08]
rg Oh, and god isn't real [18:08]
Joric "LUKE-JR IS A PEDOPHILE!" [18:08]
sixsixsix your reality isn't real [18:08]
Joric heard luke is going to prune the blockchain to get rid of ascii art [18:09]
luke-jr Mqrius: why are you so superstitious? [18:09]
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* RaoulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:11]
Joric i only doubt one can remove coinbase entries [18:11]
sixsixsix do you only doubt it [18:12]
Mqrius luke-jr: ever heard of secularization? Sure, there's no government in bitcoin, but religion has no place in it either. [18:12]
* vite (~vialnetwo@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:12]
Joric the infamous dan kaminsky transaction [18:13]
luke-jr Mqrius: secularization is evil [18:13]
* `g (~whocares@unaffiliated/g/x-7257079) has left #bitcoin-otc [18:13]
luke-jr Mqrius: true religion is everywhere [18:13]
Mqrius luke-jr: go away troll [18:13]
* vragnaroda puts religion into bitcoin. [18:13]
rg my fight against DMCA is still active [18:13]
rg ahha [18:13]
rg they must be so pissed [18:13]
* M4v3R has quit (Quit: M4v3R) [18:13]
Joric what's the minimal amount i could send without a fee? [18:14]
rg you can send as muh as you want [18:14]
rg just let them mature [18:14]
luke-jr Mqrius: no u [18:14]
luke-jr Joric: 0.01 BTC [18:14]
* yongjhen has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:14]
imsaguy2 Joric, .01 will take 14400 confirmations [18:14]
imsaguy2 thats 100 days [18:14]
Joric dan kaminsky has spent 0.01 bitcents per every string and he'll never get them back [18:15]
helo luke-jr: everyone's personal beliefs constitute their own religion. just because yours includes magic wildly unsubstantiated speculation doesn't mean it's right. [18:15]
Joric what an expensive 'hack' [18:15]
Joric * 0.01 BTC per string [18:15]
helo luke-jr: surely you can see how some people might think "wildly unsubstantiated speculation" makes yours less likey to be true [18:16]
rg [18:16]
rg ^^ enemies of freedom [18:16]
Mqrius lolwoot, got 0.01337 too [18:16]
sixsixsix i like the hefty one in the middle [18:16]
rg me too [18:16]
rg im putting them all into porn pics right now [18:16]
rg its kinda interesting that ICE handles domain takedowns [18:17]
vragnaroda Woohoo, another 0.666 BTC. [18:17]
rg shouldnt it be the FBI [18:17]
rg or state govt [18:17]
Mqrius sixsixsix: Wait is this one of those "which one would you do" pics? [18:17]
sixsixsix yay [18:17]
rg haha no [18:17]
rg its just some random people who are certified by ICE [18:17]
luke-jr helo: for false religions, yes; the true religion does not permit "personal beliefs". Catholicism does not contain speculation, just facts. [18:18]
copumpkin lol [18:18]
rg someone kick him now [18:18]
rg before this gets going [18:18]
luke-jr kick the trolls, not me [18:18]
luke-jr Mqrius and helo [18:18]
helo hahaha [18:18]
sixsixsix luke was sitting quietly in the corner [18:18]
rg correct me if im wrong but the channel owner specifically said no religious shit in here [18:18]
sixsixsix until he was called a pedo [18:18]
* pierce (~root@unaffiliated/pierce) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:18]
Mqrius luke-jr's probably not a pedo. He'd rather fuck with children's minds than with their bodies [18:19]
sixsixsix now who is the troll [18:19]
rg luke has a japanese body pillow to throw it into [18:19]
* mircea_popescu wonders if kids are ever old enough to masturbate. [18:20]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: no, it's a waste of the blesséd man-juice god gave you [18:20]
sixsixsix i was by 4 [18:20]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: no matter how old you are [18:20]
mircea_popescu maybe the entire abstinence only thing is child abuse... [18:20]
* nelisky has quit (Quit: nelisky) [18:20]
mircea_popescu girls do it too copumpkin [18:20]
sixsixsix sow her to us [18:21]
Mqrius "Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, gOD gets quite irate." [18:21]
sixsixsix i want the free live ms. sparkles sex show [18:21]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: they're just immoral [18:21]
mircea_popescu is caviar wasted in that sense ? [18:21]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: we're supposed to feel guilty about feeling good, dammit [18:21]
rg the leader is good, the leader is great.we surrender out will, as of this date. [18:21]
rg our* [18:21]
mircea_popescu rg dates the leader! [18:22]
Mqrius mircea_popescu: caviar doesn't go to heaven. [18:22]
sixsixsix seriously guys stop sending me .01 [18:22]
mircea_popescu cause it's hellspawn ? [18:22]
* dissipate (~steve@unaffiliated/dissipate) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:22]
* gigavps is now known as gigavpsAFK [18:23]
luke-jr "What does it take to get a cup of hot cocoa around here⁇⁇" -Phong [18:23]
* mircea_popescu remembers tricking an observant jew dood into eating lobster roe once. [18:23]
mircea_popescu xchat underlines "jew" as a misspelling. what the hell is wrong with this world [18:25]
sixsixsix maybe it expects j00 [18:25]
helo proper noun [18:25]
UukGoblin what about "pole"? ;-P [18:25]
mircea_popescu j00 yup that isn't underlined. isn from isn't is however. Jew o wow. [18:25]
mircea_popescu right you are. [18:26]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:26]
mircea_popescu pole nope. canuck is tho. [18:26]
* gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 [18:26]
* gribble gives voice to sixsixsix [18:26]
mircea_popescu give me some voice too gribble [18:26]
sixsixsix he must be afk [18:27]
mircea_popescu maybe he ran out. [18:28]
* yongjhen (~yongjhen@gateway/tor-sasl/yongjhen) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:28]
mircea_popescu ok, let's have a little contest. everyone put a link to your favourite classical painting [18:28]
Mqrius We should use pig latin to speak about odGay. i think this will be greatly beneficial to my sanity. [18:28]
mircea_popescu the one i like best gets some fraction of bitcoin. [18:28]
ageis mircea_popescu classical i.e. ancient? [18:29]
mircea_popescu ie before 1900. [18:29]
Mindoogle did someone say free coins [18:30]
mircea_popescu yes. [18:30]
UukGoblin more free coins? [18:30]
mircea_popescu fraction thereof! [18:30]
UukGoblin 1Jds6mNgZUkxCyVag5W3APRcrXsCbRv1uP plz ;-] [18:31]
Mqrius mircea_popescu: [18:31]
sixsixsix [18:31]
Mindoogle it takes my gpu days to get a fraction [18:31]
Mqrius mircea_popescu: The oldest known cave painting. [18:31]
sixsixsix probably my favorite classical painting [18:31]
Mqrius lol sixsixsix [18:31]
mircea_popescu meh so far. [18:31]
sixsixsix zeus drew that [18:32]
ageis [18:32]
vite so like what steps are you guys taking to get bitcoins more accepted [18:32]
copumpkin sixsixsix:'Origine_du_monde [18:32]
Mindoogle,-1845.jpg [18:32]
btchero12 vite we bash newbs that come into -otc [18:32]
sixsixsix copumpkin: 2nd fave [18:32]
mircea_popescu hey the blake's not bad [18:32]
mircea_popescu vite : we give them to strippers. [18:33]
ageis vite: i'm writing an article in a local paper and interviewing gavin andresen for it [18:33]
mircea_popescu o ya giraffes has it so far. [18:33]
* Josi has quit (Quit: Page closed) [18:33]
Mindoogle inb4 dream of owning some BTC crushed [18:34]
mircea_popescu anyone else gonna enter a painting or we reward mindoogle ? [18:34]
mircea_popescu aite, good enough. what's your addy ? [18:35]
Mindoogle 1DJ1vmvM71R9NyezYjFVp9289oG99KMjxw [18:35]
btchero12 painting? [18:35]
vite and how are you helping local merchants [18:36]
* Tobeh has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [18:36]
mircea_popescu i am actually sexing the bartender working on the corner. [18:36]
ageis i'm not, they have to know about it/learn what it is first [18:36]
mircea_popescu should count. she's foxah. [18:36]
sixsixsix pics or didn't happen [18:37]
mircea_popescu omg internets. y u so skeptix. [18:37]
Mindoogle cause interweb ppl tell LIES [18:38]
mircea_popescu and congrats Mindoogle, yours is the bitcoin fraction! [18:38]
sixsixsix what is this 4Karma reddit nonsense [18:38]
* circelz (~quassel@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:38]
Mindoogle sweet [18:38]
imsaguy2 sixsixsix: a scame [18:38]
imsaguy2 they went a littered their own addresses [18:38]
* circelz has quit (Client Quit) [18:38]
imsaguy2 waited some time so they were the oldest [18:38]
imsaguy2 now everyone will run the script and pay their addresses [18:38]
Mindoogle ty very much [18:38]
imsaguy2 went and* [18:39]
* circelz (~quassel@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:39]
mircea_popescu i don't get that imsa. what ?! [18:39]
imsaguy2 They sell it as a way to encourage people to include their bitcoin addresses [18:39]
imsaguy2 'raise awareness' [18:39]
sixsixsix it looks like a way to spam 4chan [18:39]
copumpkin lol [18:39]
sixsixsix is what it looks like [18:39]
imsaguy2 it prioritizes the older posts [18:40]
copumpkin bring it up with theymos [18:40]
Mqrius French people are weird. [18:40]
imsaguy2 so they went and made a bunch of posts with their addresses [18:40]
imsaguy2 and didn't tell anyone [18:40]
imsaguy2 until now [18:40]
copumpkin lol [18:40]
imsaguy2 so by the time people know about it and run the script [18:40]
imsaguy2 theirs will be the oldest [18:40]
mircea_popescu lmao [18:40]
imsaguy2 and they'll get the most bitcion [18:40]
Mindoogle with this + all that i mined in the last month I shall have a WHOLE bitcoin + change [18:40]
copumpkin I like how it depletes the wallet by default [18:40]
imsaguy2 of course [18:40]
copumpkin and only avoids doing it if you pass an extre parameter [18:40]
mircea_popescu reddit are such assholes. [18:41]
imsaguy2 /s/gore [18:41]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: this is Atlas commissioning theymos to write code for him [18:41]
imsaguy2 :D [18:41]
mircea_popescu um what's theymos got to do with it ?! [18:41]
copumpkin he wrote it [18:41]
mircea_popescu wasn't he over at the weirdo btc forum ? a ? [18:41]
sixsixsix his name is on it [18:41]
sixsixsix i looked through it last night and the my "shday shit detectors" went nuts [18:42]
sixsixsix al i was asking [18:42]
mircea_popescu so basically they're scamming their userbase. [18:42]
sixsixsix *shady [18:42]
mircea_popescu wtf is wrong wth people. [18:42]
* fimp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:42]
sixsixsix competition for resources, natural selection [18:43]
mircea_popescu i srsly want the old internet back. web 2.0 blows. [18:43]
* kW_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:43]
* gribble gives voice to ageis [18:43]
sixsixsix i too prefer static html and tags [18:43]
Mqrius Yeah, and iFrames! [18:43]
Joric yeah i badly want geocities back too [18:43]
* Mqrius hides [18:43]
mircea_popescu anything but facebook and generalised assholery. [18:43]
* phraust (~phraustby@unaffiliated/phraust) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:43]
sixsixsix where's a when you want one [18:43]
mircea_popescu i dont even remember what that did [18:44]
mircea_popescu was it the blinking shit ? [18:44]
mircea_popescu or the rolling shit, that was it wasnt it [18:44]
Mqrius No the moving stuff [18:44]
mircea_popescu yah. i don't think i ever used it. [18:44]
phraust that was lol [18:44]
mircea_popescu lol [18:44]
rg [18:44]
rg lol [18:45]
rg yes! [18:45]
* bitcoinTrader (5c602de9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:45]
rg everyone loves blink [18:45]
mircea_popescu 52 [18:45]
mircea_popescu leetness. [18:45]
rg does blink still work? [18:45]
phraust throw in some midid and some animated gifs, and you've got a winner. [18:45]
rg maybe i can find some way to put it on bitvps [18:45]
mircea_popescu would be cookl if you had inverse blink too [18:45]
mircea_popescu you could make each letter blink differently [18:45]
rg oo [18:45]
rg that would be kewl [18:45]
rg you could do it in javascript [18:45]
mircea_popescu be liek omg... [18:45]
Joric [18:45]
EvanR vragnaroda: there seems to be a profusion of idiots in there... i keep ignoring them but then they change their nick [18:46]
rg oh my god [18:46]
mircea_popescu evanr you telltale. [18:46]
rg his pic blinks [18:46]
phraust [18:46]
mircea_popescu omfg [18:46]
mircea_popescu my drywall cracked ;/ [18:46]
EvanR mircea_popescu: lol? [18:46]
* Feydreva has quit (Quit: Leaving) [18:46]
mircea_popescu that site [18:47]
lordcyfer Joric is it your website ? [18:47]
mircea_popescu that shite site broke my drywall [18:47]
Joric lordcyfer, yes, what [18:47]
mircea_popescu i sue [18:47]
EvanR what site [18:47]
mircea_popescu [18:47]
Reecek when i get enough btc i will buy a house in thailand! 1KFvKB1oAbA6E5qNxFGLRBCVwVE98W1e4f support me [18:47]
copumpkin o.O [18:47]
EvanR mircea_popescu: wtf [18:47]
phraust heh [18:47]
* Maroni (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:48]
lordcyfer how do you top your sound to be able to see a youtube video [18:48]
* sixsixsix maximized browser and forgot about horrible wiki-bush [18:49]
rg that site is fucking awesome [18:49]
rg im ripping it [18:49]
lordcyfer lol [18:49]
rg you guyhs just got a preview of the new [18:49]
mircea_popescu i take it you're not really into business for business sake [18:50]
mircea_popescu more like an aesthetic credo. [18:50]
sixsixsix it's baller, i'll admit [18:50]
Joric what the hell i just got 20 bitcents [18:51]
sixsixsix me too Joric [18:51]
Joric is there a bot who sends to all mentioned addresses [18:51]
* circelz (~quassel@ has left #bitcoin-otc (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.") [18:51]
sixsixsix i think so [18:51]
cyphase *gets ready for address spam* [18:52]
Joric [18:52]
ageis I didn't get any when I posted my address =/ [18:52]
Joric he's slicing off 4000 btc [18:52]
ras_ looking for my address =) [18:52]
ras_ 1HRHdaqyGDBebG3SNkMMsz84FiynVCaiLx [18:53]
ras_ 20 cents commence [18:53]
Mqrius Joric: Stop posting my transactions [18:53]
* pirateat40 gets ready to do some morning kicking. [18:54]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Do fish get thirsty?) [18:54]
* sixsixsix is now known as jcpham [18:54]
Joric first morning dollar then morning kicking [18:54]
vragnaroda Ooh, do some people need kicking? :D [18:55]
jcpham my ass hurts already [18:55]
* roman3x ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:56]
* bitcoinTrader has quit (Quit: Page closed) [18:58]
phraust poop. litecoin is junk. [18:59]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:59]
* osmosis ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:59]
jcpham pirateat40 gigavps said you might be able to assist me [18:59]
pirateat40 oh.. [18:59]
* BTC_Bear is now known as BTC_Bear|hbrntng [18:59]
* alux92 (d1c35292@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:00]
vite waaaaaazzaaaaaaaap [19:00]
pirateat40 Welcome to FPS&T, please have a seat. [19:00]
alux92 Hey [19:00]
* imsaguy2 hands jcpham a number [19:01]
imsaguy2 You are #289347 in line [19:01]
imsaguy2 Would #2 please approach the counter? [19:01]
* jcpham sits in the back [19:01]
alux92 lol [19:01]
* occulta has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium [19:01]
ras_ who sent me 0.22 ? [19:02]
* MORA| ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:03]
* fimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [19:05]
* mikebob ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:05]
lordcyfer Is there some french or swiss around ?? [19:06]
* Mindoogle has quit (Quit: Page closed) [19:06]
* DBordello has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [19:06]
* shakaru-otc (4a3d6f9e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:06]
* tobeina (da90a592@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:07]
tobeina I need 12 btc [19:08]
shakaru-otc What will you sell/trade for it? [19:08]
mircea_popescu i could use 20l [19:08]
mircea_popescu 20k* [19:08]
shakaru-otc I have 20l, K's I can get, but they are more costly and came from the breakup of the solviet block [19:08]
* safra has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:09]
vite who can sell beer for btc? [19:09]
tobeina I 'm buying BTC with paypal or moneybooker [19:09]
pirateat40 Now serving #3 [19:10]
vite beer [19:11]
copumpkin ;;rate Mqrius 4 sold him a few hundred coins for a SEPA bank transfer [19:11]
vite make a btc bar [19:11]
copumpkin ;;rate Mqrius 4 sold him a few hundred coins for a SEPA bank transfer [19:11]
Mqrius ;;rate copumpkin 4 Bought large-ish amount of bitcoins, no problems. [19:11]
* Reecek has quit () [19:13]
shakaru-otc there is some place in florida from what I hear from tha guys that accepts btc [19:13]
jcpham who's #4. get in line [19:13]
* shakaru-otc gets in line [19:13]
shakaru-otc why am I in line? [19:13]
rg Mqrius [19:13]
rg can i have some free bitcoins [19:13]
rg i heard you have some [19:13]
shakaru-otc I will take some too [19:14]
Mqrius rg: Where did you hear I have free bitcoins? :P [19:14]
* kW_ (~kW@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:14]
rg the voice inside the head of the man inside my head [19:14]
shakaru-otc [/qoute] can i have some free bitcoins [19:14]
rg told me [19:14]
Joric hehe 1line.txt derp-100x100.png derp-560x207.png derp.png dork-100x100.jpg dork-560x302.jpg dork.jpg logs2.txt logs3.txt logstory.txt logs.txt mysql psychology-and-psychiatry-100x100.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry-560x315.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry.jpg tangent-maybe-100x100.jpg tangent-maybe-560x242.jpg tangent-maybe.jpg tara-tara-10-560px.jpg tara-tara-10.jpg tara-tara-11-560px.jpg tara-tara-11.jpg tara-tara-12-560px.jpg tara-tara-12.jpg tara-tara-13-560px.jpg tara-tara-13.jpg tara-tara-14-560px.jpg tara-tara-14.jpg tara-tara-15-560px.jpg tara-tara-1-560px.jpg tara-tara-15.jpg tara-tara-16-560px.jpg tara-tara-16.jpg tara-tara-17-560px.jpg tara-tara-17.jpg tara-tara-18-560px.jpg tara-tara-18.jpg tara-tara-19-560px.jpg tara-tara-19.jpg tara-tara-1.jpg tara-tara-20-560px.jpg tara-tara-20.jpg tara-tara-21-560px.jpg tara-tara-21.jpg tara-tara-22-560px.jpg tara-tara-22.jpg tara-tara-23-560px.jpg tara-tara-23.jpg tara-tara-24-560px.jpg tara-tara-24.jpg tara-tara-25-560px.jpg 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vragnaroda haha [19:14]
shakaru-otc really? [19:14]
Joric yep [19:15]
rg it wouldve been funnier if they just left it as stack is innocent [19:15]
rg and let the joke die [19:15]
* Reecek ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:15]
shakaru-otc Do you know how much trouble I got in for consulting on that show? [19:15]
Joric [19:15]
rg shakaru-otc, i got in trouble cause of that show too [19:15]
vragnaroda Dude, if you consulted on that show, I wouldn't admit to that here. [19:15]
shakaru-otc or more or less. The ammount of email from writers asking about btc [19:15]
helo heh [19:15]
rg Law and Order: SVU - The Rape of Satoshi [19:15]
helo you fucked up! [19:16]
shakaru-otc I consulted for an indendant studio here in LA [19:16]
copumpkin rg: pentesting? :P [19:16]
rg Stabler: WHat do you mean? Our rape victim created a crypto currency? [19:16]
helo (porn studio) [19:16]
copumpkin rg: or are you just not interested? [19:16]
rg copumpkin: my plate is rather full right now [19:16]
copumpkin okay :) just wanted to make sure you'd noticed it in case you were looking for things to do [19:16]
shakaru-otc That reminds me [19:16]
rg im having trouble getting motivated [19:17]
vite you can donate to the make bitcoins mainstream fund @1PGUQja8hR9HKvHCadwbsMFC8rCaDom62w [19:17]
shakaru-otc Anyone want to get paid to pen test in So-Cal? [19:17]
rg shakaru: contact? [19:17]
rg er [19:17]
rg contract? [19:17]
shakaru-otc from Rapid7 [19:17]
rg oh [19:17]
shakaru-otc I have a job offer I cant take [19:17]
rg they dont like me [19:17]
alux92 I'll pentest [19:17]
rg i interviewed with them in Boston [19:17]
rg like 10 times [19:17]
shakaru-otc Their headhunter found me on Craigslist last week [19:17]
mircea_popescu i don't get why a pentest job is localised ?! [19:18]
Mqrius rg, shakaru-otc: Here's a code for 0.01 BTC. KBTGZ-PGO-U4XQG-L5RUP-G7AFY-SR1SO [19:18]
rg sweet, youre only 15 interviews away from being hired [19:18]
shakaru-otc its a real job [19:18]
* fimp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:18]
shakaru-otc bassed out of El Segundo, Ca [19:18]
rg they told me to come in for a 'meet and greet' [19:18]
mircea_popescu weird. [19:18]
rg which turned into 6 interviews [19:18]
rg in 5 hours [19:18]
shakaru-otc Why didnt you invoice? [19:18]
Joric Mqrius it's used in less than 4 seconds there's a bot here [19:18]
rg uh [19:18]
Joric Mqrius better obfuscate it somehow [19:19]
rg you generally dont invoice companies for an interview [19:19]
Mqrius Joric: It's obfuscated. [19:19]
shakaru-otc You do when you command that cost [19:19]
Joric not really it's rot13 [19:19]
shakaru-otc I dont move unless they pay [19:19]
Mqrius Joric: Not just. [19:19]
Mqrius Oh it's claimed though [19:19]
rg i was so going to get hired by r7 [19:19]
rg until i met their management [19:19]
rg the tech team loved me [19:19]
rg they wanted me [19:19]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [19:20]
Joric was it even btc or usd [19:20]
Mqrius It was rot13 and also reversed the individual parts. [19:20]
Mqrius btc [19:20]
shakaru-otc I shut down their wireless security during my interview [19:21]
lordcyfer lol [19:21]
shakaru-otc no one could get on [19:21]
lordcyfer very nice [19:21]
shakaru-otc then when the HR woman said their network was havign issues, I pulled out the phone and stoped it and asked her was it better? [19:22]
lordcyfer can be a bit dangerous to do it without asking permission [19:22]
helo and then they arrested you [19:22]
lordcyfer bet very good demo [19:22]
shakaru-otc actually [19:22]
shakaru-otc FCC rules [19:22]
shakaru-otc This divice must recive interfance [19:22]
shakaru-otc all I did was jam the spectrum [19:22]
shakaru-otc thank you 802.11 [19:23]
* copumpkin likes jammin [19:23]
* shakaru-otc like jammin w/ you [19:23]
lordcyfer aOk [19:23]
* copumpkin jams with shakaru-otc [19:23]
shakaru-otc we jammin [19:23]
copumpkin they hatin [19:23]
lordcyfer I'll do the same at the next interview [19:24]
shakaru-otc go for it. I love playing games like that [19:24]
shakaru-otc Another good one is to get a full history on the person interviewing you during the interview [19:24]
lordcyfer But i am pissed of by interviewer [19:24]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:24]
* yairo (be19c1f0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:24]
copumpkin shakaru-otc: ah, the "stalker" move [19:24]
lordcyfer i finish my school 10years ago [19:24]
lordcyfer ans they ask you name of system call that you don't use anymore since 5 years [19:25]
shakaru-otc Hey, they did the same on me. Why cant I do the same? Especailly when that is a skill set the social engineereing dept love [19:25]
lordcyfer instead of giving you a keyboard ans an SSh client [19:25]
lordcyfer did you try with google ? [19:26]
shakaru-otc For their type of service, thats understandable [19:26]
lordcyfer as liiux sysadmin [19:26]
shakaru-otc I would want to have the applicant pull from memory [19:26]
* copumpkin only does his interviews in l33tsp33k [19:26]
lordcyfer you should try if you didn't [19:26]
lordcyfer i did 8 out of 10 [19:26]
lordcyfer for the first interviey [19:26]
lordcyfer but i really didn't want to move to Zurich [19:27]
lordcyfer so I stop the process [19:27]
rg future sailors [19:27]
rg we future sailors [19:27]
lordcyfer it was just to see if i pass the first step [19:27]
rg electronic cast away [19:27]
rg digital throw away [19:27]
* crafty_ (6dad281e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:27]
rg cyborg sea dog tell me what you dream of [19:27]
crafty_ Hey. I need some bitcoins. Got some moneybookers (skrill). [19:28]
rg wasnt someone looking for skrill earliar? [19:28]
rg couldve been yesterday [19:28]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:28]
crafty_ I dunno, I'm here for the 1st time. [19:28]
Mqrius moneybookers is evil. I accepted a payment on a new account, then tried to withdraw, at which they promptly shut down my account, and wouldn't let me withdraw. [19:28]
vragnaroda 12:26 1line.txt derp-100x100.png derp-560x207.png derp.png dork-100x100.jpg dork-560x302.jpg dork.jpg logs2.txt logs3.txt logstory.txt logs.txt mysql psychology-and-psychiatry-100x100.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry-560x315.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry.jpg tangent-maybe-100x100.jpg tangent-maybe-560x242.jpg tangent-maybe.jpg tara-tara-10-560px.jpg tara-tara-10.jpg tara-tara-11-560px.jpg tara-tara-11.jpg tara-tara-12-560px.jpg tara-tara-12.jpg tara-tara-13-560px.jpg tara-tara-13.jpg tara-tara-14-560px.jpg tara-tara-14.jpg tara-tara-15-560px.jpg tara-tara-1-560px.jpg tara-tara-15.jpg tara-tara-16-560px.jpg tara-tara-16.jpg tara-tara-17-560px.jpg tara-tara-17.jpg tara-tara-18-560px.jpg tara-tara-18.jpg tara-tara-19-560px.jpg tara-tara-19.jpg tara-tara-1.jpg tara-tara-20-560px.jpg tara-tara-20.jpg tara-tara-21-560px.jpg tara-tara-21.jpg tara-tara-22-560px.jpg tara-tara-22.jpg tara-tara-23-560px.jpg tara-tara-23.jpg tara-tara-24-560px.jpg tara-tara-24.jpg tara-tara-25-560px.jpg 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titdeck-92-100px.jpg titdeck-92-1024px.jpg titdeck-93-100px.jpg titdeck-93-1024px.jpg titdeck-94-100px.jpg titdeck-94-1024px.jpg titdeck-95-100px.jpg titdeck-95-1024px.jpg titdeck-96-100px.jpg titdeck-96-1024px.jpg titdeck-97-100px.jpg titdeck-97-1024px.jpg titdeck-98-100px.jpg titdeck-98-1024px.jpg titdeck-99-100px.jpg titdeck-99-1024px.jpg copumpkin only does his interviews in l33tsp33k [19:28]
vragnaroda copumpkin: [19:28]
shakaru-otc Yeah, see, I posted a wep/wpa cracking server on CL [19:29]
copumpkin vragnaroda: it demonstrates how l33t I am [19:29]
rg Mqrius: we tried to accept Skrill at BitVPS [19:29]
shakaru-otc I get a call to that add asking who the hell I am [19:29]
crafty_ Nah, bookes are good [19:29]
copumpkin vragnaroda: yeah, that show is my bible [19:29]
rg they denied us [19:29]
rg never gave a reason why [19:29]
crafty_ They suspend you to verify address and stuff [19:29]
copumpkin vragnaroda: gets me loads of work as a hax0r [19:29]
rg theyre anti bitcoin [19:29]
shakaru-otc Then I started basically making it as that this could be worth my time, but likely not. [19:29]
Mqrius rg: Yeah. I never mentioned bitcoin though [19:29]
shakaru-otc Thats when you perk of ears [19:29]
crafty_ Who cares. My accound is verified, so I'm free to exchange. [19:29]
rg Mqrius: you have to be a russian gangster to get skrill [19:29]
crafty_ Noone needs bookers here? :( [19:29]
rg crafty: we care [19:29]
shakaru-otc Oh hire India [19:30]
* shakaru-otc loves to otusource [19:30]
* nelisky has quit (Client Quit) [19:30]
rg crafty: youre going to have to hang around for a while [19:30]
crafty_ I see. [19:30]
copumpkin [19:30]
shakaru-otc I got a guy called Nuti (nutty) and you ask, he delivers [19:30]
* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:30]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [19:30]
rg its black people word [19:30]
rg for money [19:30]
rg 'yo dawg, i need some skrilla' [19:30]
shakaru-otc its like streetcred [19:30]
bruzum crafty_: do you only have skrill? [19:30]
crafty_ Yeah, I need to exchange around ≈$100-150 for bitcoins [19:31]
bruzum crafty_: do you carry cash and live in EU i might help you out [19:31]
rg bruzum: you ever get your virtual CC's working? [19:31]
bruzum rg: yes [19:31]
shakaru-otc we should make a prepaid debit card called "StreetCrd" [19:31]
crafty_ No, I don't. [19:31]
bruzum rg: i still havent registered though [19:31]
bruzum ;guide [19:31]
rg oh wow [19:31]
bruzum ;;guide [19:31]
rg i was joking saying you need to be a russian gangster to get skrill [19:31]
rg and crafty has a russian IP [19:32]
crafty_ :D [19:32]
shakaru-otc Russia scares me with bitcoin [19:32]
rg crafty: are you a russian monster? [19:32]
rg mobster* [19:32]
shakaru-otc before the bubble [19:32]
crafty_ Bookers are common among poker polayers [19:32]
rg Russia is awesome [19:32]
shakaru-otc Moscow @ 5am was a scary time to trade [19:32]
crafty_ And I used to play back in 2009 [19:32]
rg well, a few parts of russia are bad ass [19:32]
rg the rest of it is cold and nothing [19:32]
crafty_ Russia is shit actually, but who cares. [19:32]
UukGoblin bitcoin has the most google hits from russia, doesn't it? [19:32]
rg crafty_; i dunno i had a pretty good time [19:33]
copumpkin rg: [19:33]
shakaru-otc It did about 3 months ago [19:33]
Joric shakaru-otc, what did you buy, balalaika? [19:33]
crafty_ Nature's great and awesome, and government are douchebags. [19:33]
shakaru-otc Joric: we talking btc? [19:33]
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shakaru-otc Im talking about trading btc as Moscow waks up which is like 5pm pst for 5am their time [19:34]
crafty_ rg: is it ok to spam here from time to time smth like 'trading $100 skrill to BTC'? :) [19:35]
shakaru-otc as long as its not disruptive [19:35]
copumpkin crafty_: #bitcoin-pit is another option [19:35]
crafty_ kay [19:35]
* shakaru-otc newest coin idea .....BlackCoin [19:36]
shakaru-otc Ill get the NAACP to back it [19:36]
shakaru-otc it will be backed by a dream, not faith [19:36]
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rg crafty sure [19:37]
rg just do it like every 20 min [19:37]
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shakaru-otc 5 blackcoins will equal 3 bitcoins. (depending on your unit of measurement...I hope someone gets that one) [19:37]
rg i gotta water my plants [19:38]
crafty_ r u a grower? :3 [19:38]
rg regular plants [19:39]
bruzum checjk pm rg [19:39]
crafty_ Hah, I see. [19:39]
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rg bruzum: maybe [19:41]
rg i do need to get lunch soon [19:41]
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rg but i dont know how much btc i have [19:41]
bruzum pay later [19:41]
bruzum it's no problem [19:41]
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bruzum not [19:41]
bruzum +a [19:41]
bruzum .. [19:41]
bruzum :) [19:41]
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rg well it wont be more than a day [19:43]
rg only thing is [19:43]
rg arent you non US? [19:43]
Bigpiggy01Mining WTB BTC/ Mt Gox cash/ Crypto cash for WBX AUD (0 fee withdrawals to Aussie banks) PM for offers [19:43]
Mad7Scientist should I upgrade to the newer QT version of bitcoin. This gtk2 version keeps crashing and disconnecting my miners [19:44]
jcpham i have less problems w/ newer -qt crashing than gtk [19:44]
bruzum rg: yes. is that a problem? [19:44]
jcpham gtk2 crashed on me frequently in ubuntu [19:45]
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Mad7Scientist poorly written code in a program such as bitcoin is not a good thing [19:45]
Mad7Scientist Can you imagine what would happen if a remote hole was to be found in bitcoin. Like half of all wallet.dat files could be stolen in 1 day [19:46]
rg maybe bruzum [19:47]
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rg i will check [19:47]
bruzum rg: there is a fee of 2.75% if used for non-sterling transactions [19:47]
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vite what is the btc to sex ratio? [19:50]
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jcpham -i [19:50]
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jcpham over 6 [19:50]
imsaguy2 42 [19:51]
Mad7Scientist .795:1 [19:51]
ageis mad7scientist most of the conceivable bugs and attacks have been precluded [19:51]
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Mad7Scientist why can't they do that for all software [19:51]
Joric btc to sex ratio is infinity [19:51]
rg so [19:51]
rg is microsoft pro SOPA [19:52]
rg or anti [19:52]
rg i cant seem to find the info [19:52]
rg i would think theyre pro [19:52]
Mad7Scientist dude [19:52]
imsaguy2 no [19:52]
imsaguy2 opposes [19:52]
Mad7Scientist The government and large corporations are the same [19:52]
imsaguy2 [19:52]
ageis against [19:52]
rg ohh cool [19:52]
rg good for them [19:52]
rg Microsoft seems less evil to me these days [19:52]
rg not much, but a little bit [19:52]
mircea_popescu indeed. [19:52]
rg Steve Ballmer is still hilarious [19:53]
vite so infinite btc to get sex or infinite sex for btc [19:53]
rg sex trade is against the law [19:53]
imsaguy2 not in all places. [19:53]
rg it is where i live [19:53]
rg and you [19:53]
vite bitcoin @ a brothel. Pimp itl be 30 btc for xjob... Payment sent... Payment not confirmed... wait.... [19:54]
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rg if i was able to watch someone send me the BTC [19:54]
rg from a balance [19:54]
rg id let them go before it confirmed [19:55]
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vite Imagine your using your cellphone at a brothel to pay for the service and you get drunk enough to loose it... that mean you lost your ewallet too [19:57]
* BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear [19:58]
Mad7Scientist imagine you use it at a bar to buy some beer [19:58]
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UukGoblin vite, imagine getting so drunk that you lose your wallet [19:59]
vite i never carry cash in my wallet [19:59]
UukGoblin not only all your cash, but credit card, driving license, all your shops' loyalty discount cards - ALL GONE [19:59]
vite never carry cc [20:00]
UukGoblin what do you pay with at places then [20:00]
vite ask my wife [20:00]
vite :) [20:00]
UukGoblin heh [20:00]
UukGoblin what's her nick? [20:00]
vite shes not into btc or irc lol [20:01]
UukGoblin what's her number then? ;-] [20:01]
vite 62331481 [20:01]
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vite panama country code is 507 be my guest [20:02]
vite lol [20:02]
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UukGoblin heh [20:03]
UukGoblin ok I'm not that curious [20:03]
imsaguy2 [20:03]
vite yeah I know, odds of you doing a international call for curiosity are slim [20:04]
* loca (548648d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:04]
vite lucky for me SOPA does not apply to me [20:04]
* Mindoogle (561d1f9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:05]
Mad7Scientist YES! QT is like 4 times as fast as GTK2 [20:05]
UukGoblin why, don't you use any of: google, facebook, wikipedia, ...? [20:05]
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vite Hey wife I earned x amount of btc today. wife great now go get a real job [20:06]
crafty_ « Trading away ≈100-150 skrill (moneybookers) for BTC. PM me, good sirs. » [20:07]
mircea_popescu divorce her. [20:07]
imsaguy2 New rating | pigeons > -1 > astana | warning: turd sandwich [20:08]
* mb300sd has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:08]
vite lol and have to carry cash to pay for things [20:08]
UukGoblin vite, my gf prefers me to carry cash [20:09]
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UukGoblin but then again, I know when to stop drinking [20:09]
vite i dont drink [20:09]
UukGoblin why do you worry about losing something when drunk then? [20:09]
Mad7Scientist I hope SOPA shuts down wikipedia [20:10]
Mad7Scientist and facebook [20:10]
copumpkin lol [20:10]
Mad7Scientist I'm undecided about google [20:10]
vite cause its human nature [20:10]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:10]
UukGoblin Mad7Scientist, support thedailywtf in supporting the support SOPA movement, then [20:10]
Mad7Scientist I heard some older guys talking over the radio about that facebook thing [20:10]
Mad7Scientist "That thing I guess it's so when your dog takes a dump in the back yard you can tell the whole world about it" [20:11]
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UukGoblin Mad7Scientist, [20:11]
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rawrmage UukGoblin: hahaaha [20:12]
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Mad7Scientist YES! [20:13]
* Mad7Scientist whites himself out [20:13]
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Mad7Scientist "While these laws will make such acts more illegal (and therefore reduce infringement), they?re doing something much, much more important: helping dismantle DNS and the internet as we know it. And that?s something that we firmly support and can stand by." [20:14]
Mad7Scientist As long as the IPv4/IPv6 global network remains intact I am happy [20:14]
vite hmm time to get a dinamic ip, so when I go visit us they dont throw me in jail [20:15]
UukGoblin no, I'm afraid they're proposing to scrub that too [20:15]
Mad7Scientist global peer to peer packet switched network [20:15]
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helo at least they refused an amendment that would disallow blocking specific IP addresses [20:16]
helo saying "if a dns block isn't effective enough, that might be necessary" [20:16]
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vite whoever sentme btc I greatly apreciate it [20:17]
Mad7Scientist "SOPA and PROTECT-IP offer hope in returning to the golden age of telecommunications, and to the days before the Information Superhighway polluted the online culture with this domain name nonsense. Let the Domain Name System a natural death and prepare yourself for the Internet Protocol Number (IPN) renaissance. All you need to do is start a notebook that lists electronic resource names and their corresponding IPN. [20:17]
Mad7Scientist And let the first entry in your notebook be" [20:17]
Mad7Scientist "We can only hope that our legislators introduce common sense guidelines to ban HTTP (and HTML/JavaScript) as well so we can all return to the more sensible GOPHER standard." [20:17]
Mad7Scientist that is hilarious [20:18]
* minimoose has quit (Quit: minimoose) [20:18]
Mad7Scientist how can they abolish DNS? [20:18]
vite LOL abolish DNS, nothing resolve [20:18]
Mad7Scientist or will that simply be accomplished by moving facebook, wikipeadia, youtube and google over to a new non DNS system [20:18]
Mad7Scientist which means 95% of the Internet userbase will move [20:19]
* pierreghz has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [20:19]
* Gaglia ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:19]
vite imagine p2p internet [20:19]
vite i mean browsing websites using p2p [20:19]
vite is that possible [20:19]
Ukto its called TOR [20:20]
Ukto :) [20:20]
Mad7Scientist "Where do I sign up to make JavaScript illegal?" LOL [20:20]
Mad7Scientist vite, The internet already is P2P [20:20]
vite is it [20:21]
Mqrius In the comments of thedailywtf: "Im removing The Daily WTF from my RSS reader, I don't want to have anything to do with someone who supports SOPA ! :-/" Not sure if trolling or stupid =.= [20:21]
Mad7Scientist The Internet2 is where computers connect to servers but computers can't connect directly to each other [20:21]
Mad7Scientist stupid troll [20:21]
* kobier (u2396@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:21]
vite i thought it was pear to isp [20:22]
Ukto apple is better [20:22]
Ukto >,> [20:22]
* Burgundy (burgundy@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:22]
* Gaglia has quit (Client Quit) [20:22]
helo vite: any IP can connect to any other IP [20:22]
* MrTiggr has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:22]
helo IPs are peers [20:22]
* Graet has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:23]
pirateat40 not true [20:24]
* copumpkin ghosts helo's computer [20:24]
pirateat40 connect to my ip... [20:24]
* copumpkin codes a visual basic GUI to track pirateat40's IP address [20:24]
* akbar ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:24]
copumpkin I'm on a drug ship in the middle of the sea coding up visual basic GUIs to ghost helo's computer by relaying it off pirateat40's IP address, and I'm speaking l33t [20:25]
* ski_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:25]
copumpkin whee, it's ski_! [20:25]
Mqrius pirateat40: Traced you. 123 fakestreet, city withheld to protect your privacy [20:25]
pirateat40 damnit [20:25]
* akbar is now known as hngryhngryhippo [20:25]
pirateat40 what good is this ip [20:25]
pirateat40 I paid extra for it [20:26]
* Reecek has quit () [20:26]
Mqrius Paying extra for your IP only makes it longer. Normal IPs are only 3 numbers, like 127.09.01 [20:26]
pirateat40 ah [20:26]
copumpkin lol [20:26]
pirateat40 ok that make sense [20:26]
Mad7Scientist vite, The internet is peer to peer. Any host can send data to any other host. However, many people now have home routers which share IP addresses and you can't send ingoing data do the computers behind those routers, like pirateat40 has. [20:27]
copumpkin luke-jr has a really long IP address, so he must be rich [20:27]
copumpkin 2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49 [20:27]
copumpkin wowy wow [20:27]
* Mad7Scientist likes downloading movies from China using a simple web browser [20:27]
luke-jr [20:27]
luke-jr copumpkin: perfectly normal length [20:28]
phungi ugh Iran sucks [20:28]
copumpkin luke-jr: but Mqrius said that longer IP addresses cost more, and 127.09.01 is the normal length [20:28]
phungi they are going to execute a Canadian for writing an image uploader that got used on a porn site [20:28]
copumpkin and pirateat40 said he'd paid extra for his [20:28]
phungi after beating a confession out of him [20:28]
copumpkin phungi: :( [20:28]
Mqrius luke-jr: Not true, yours is this long <-------------------------------> while mine is just this long <------------> [20:28]
pirateat40 Got a new one [20:28]
phungi [20:28]
pirateat40 :) [20:28]
phungi :-( [20:29]
phungi fuck them [20:29]
copumpkin pirateat40: damn, very long [20:29]
Mad7Scientist phungi probably fake news [20:29]
phungi Mad7Scientist: it's on HN [20:29]
vite ipv6 are cheaper there are so many of them [20:29]
luke-jr why are you all using the obsolete IP version 4? [20:29]
phungi ugh [20:29]
* ocminer ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:30]
jcpham where's the swing......the swing [20:30]
ocminer anyone wants to buy 20 btc for 120 ppusd [20:30]
luke-jr vite: yeah, and every IP v4 address comes with 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 free IPv6 addresses! [20:30]
Mad7Scientist 90% of my proxy server's user base is Iran and mostly porn [20:30]
phungus you run an open proxy? [20:31]
phungus or pay? [20:31]
Mad7Scientist like 1/4 of IPv4 addresses are owned by IBM and Xerox and Ford motor company and are simply unused [20:31]
* lethu has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:31]
Mad7Scientist phungus, it's a browser proxy. I just use it for surfing when I'm at a school's wifi and stuff but I leave it open. [20:31]
Mqrius pirateat40: I bought you a better IP: ::1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [20:31]
vite my isp hasnt deployed v6 yet wah [20:31]
phungus ah [20:31]
pirateat40 Mqrius, perfect [20:31]
Mad7Scientist [20:32]
Mqrius Easier to remember, too [20:32]
Mad7Scientist I have it turned down to serial downloading at 50KB/sec [20:32]
phungus I take it you sniff it too [20:32]
phungus if you know it's porn [20:32]
phungus lol [20:32]
Mqrius Or actually, it should be 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [20:32]
* lethu (~Naskingar@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:32]
* lethu has quit (Changing host) [20:32]
* lethu (~Naskingar@unaffiliated/lethu) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:32]
rawrmage [20:32]
luke-jr Mqrius: ::1 [20:32]
Mqrius luke-jr: Too short. Everyone can pay for that. [20:33]
* smickles has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [20:33]
Mqrius That's only <-> [20:33]
* nelisky has quit (Quit: nelisky) [20:33]
Mad7Scientist The US likely makes fake horror story news about IRAN [20:33]
phungus I dunno [20:34]
vite so luke-jr how does it feel to use ipv6 then cross to ipv4 to be able to chat with us? [20:34]
phungus Mad7Scientist: not sure about that [20:34]
Mad7Scientist ANd given the Iranian use of my proxy, -- which has been used unencrypted for months by iranians -- I say iranian internet filtering is quite weak [20:34]
luke-jr vite: I don't cross to IPv4 [20:34]
luke-jr vite: the IRC server does [20:34]
* gigavpsAFK is now known as gigavps [20:34]
phungus [20:34]
Mad7Scientist with all porn [20:34]
vite when you surf? [20:34]
phungus [20:35]
phungus [20:35]
ocminer anyone wants to buy 20 btc for 120 ppusd ? [20:35]
phungus :-( [20:35]
phungus Saeed Malekpour needs help [20:35]
phungus of course, I think NOT vacationing in Iran is probably the first thing someone should have told him [20:36]
rawrmage lol [20:36]
phungus he's from Toronto [20:36]
phungus he must have family there or something [20:36]
rawrmage luke-jr: also, I don't think ipv4 is 'obsolete' [20:37]
luke-jr it is [20:37]
vragnaroda rawrmage: You realize you're telling that to a sedevacantist heretic? [20:37]
rg ;;calc 15 1line.txt derp-100x100.png derp-560x207.png derp.png dork-100x100.jpg dork-560x302.jpg dork.jpg logs2.txt logs3.txt logstory.txt logs.txt mysql psychology-and-psychiatry-100x100.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry-560x315.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry.jpg tangent-maybe-100x100.jpg tangent-maybe-560x242.jpg tangent-maybe.jpg tara-tara-10-560px.jpg tara-tara-10.jpg tara-tara-11-560px.jpg tara-tara-11.jpg tara-tara-12-560px.jpg tara-tara-12.jpg tara-tara-13-560px.jpg tara-tara-13.jpg tara-tara-14-560px.jpg tara-tara-14.jpg tara-tara-15-560px.jpg tara-tara-1-560px.jpg tara-tara-15.jpg tara-tara-16-560px.jpg tara-tara-16.jpg tara-tara-17-560px.jpg tara-tara-17.jpg tara-tara-18-560px.jpg tara-tara-18.jpg tara-tara-19-560px.jpg tara-tara-19.jpg tara-tara-1.jpg tara-tara-20-560px.jpg tara-tara-20.jpg tara-tara-21-560px.jpg tara-tara-21.jpg tara-tara-22-560px.jpg tara-tara-22.jpg tara-tara-23-560px.jpg tara-tara-23.jpg tara-tara-24-560px.jpg tara-tara-24.jpg tara-tara-25-560px.jpg tara-tara-2-560px.jpg tara-tara-25.jpg tara-tara-26-560px.jpg tara-tara-26.jpg tara-tara-27-560px.jpg tara-tara-27.jpg tara-tara-28-560px.jpg tara-tara-28.jpg tara-tara-29-560px.jpg tara-tara-29.jpg tara-tara-2.jpg tara-tara-30-560px.jpg tara-tara-30.jpg tara-tara-31-560px.jpg tara-tara-31.jpg tara-tara-32-560px.jpg tara-tara-32.jpg tara-tara-33-560px.jpg tara-tara-33.jpg tara-tara-34-560px.jpg tara-tara-34.jpg tara-tara-35-560px.jpg tara-tara-3-560px.jpg tara-tara-35.jpg tara-tara-36-560px.jpg tara-tara-36.jpg tara-tara-37-560px.jpg tara-tara-37.jpg tara-tara-38-560px.jpg tara-tara-38.jpg tara-tara-39-560px.jpg tara-tara-39.jpg tara-tara-3.jpg tara-tara-40-560px.jpg tara-tara-40.jpg tara-tara-41-560px.jpg tara-tara-41.jpg tara-tara-42-560px.jpg tara-tara-42.jpg tara-tara-43-560px.jpg tara-tara-43.jpg tara-tara-44-560px.jpg tara-tara-44.jpg tara-tara-45-560px.jpg tara-tara-4-560px.jpg tara-tara-45.jpg tara-tara-46-560px.jpg tara-tara-46.jpg tara-tara-47-560px.jpg tara-tara-47.jpg 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rawrmage ipv6 will, at some point, obsolete ipv4 [20:37]
Mad7Scientist If you criticize the US government and say that the terrorists are justified in defending themselves then the Gov says that you are a terrorist [20:38]
rawrmage .dict sedevacantist [20:38]
markac rawrmage: Microsoft removed Encarta, try .w instead! [20:38]
rawrmage .w sedevacantist [20:38]
markac sedevacantist — noun: 1. Someone who espouses sedevacantism [20:38]
rg should i get the same thing i get every day [20:38]
rg or a cheeseburger club [20:38]
Mad7Scientist and A bill was just passed that says the government can indefinitely detain US citizens [20:38]
rawrmage thanks so much, markac [20:38]
rawrmage .w sedevacantism [20:38]
markac sedevacantism — noun: 1. The belief that no pope since the 1960s has been a true pope [20:38]
vragnaroda That 1960s bit is wrong. [20:38]
vragnaroda There's nothing that restricts it to then. [20:38]
Mad7Scientist ;;ud sedevacantism [20:39]
phungus Mad7Scientist: yeah that bill sucks [20:39]
* joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:39]
Mad7Scientist | A group of disaffected priests from the Society of Saint Pius the Tenth (SSPX) that left and formed their own organization when the SSPX began dial... [20:39]
Mad7Scientist phungi, at least they're being honest about it [20:39]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:39]
Mad7Scientist Other than more wealth, there is really nothing good aobut the USA anymore compared to other "bad" countries [20:40]
rawrmage vragnaroda: dear god, that wikipedia article is just FILLED with [citation needed] [20:40]
pigeons there are pockets of nice people and nice cultures and nice geography, like in all areas of the world [20:40]
jcpham ;;rate pirateat40 2 Facilitated expansion of mining operations. Yay for this guy! [20:41]
Mad7Scientist In Argentina, a man was sentenced to 80 years in jail (which is like a small village inside big concrete walls) for drugs. But after a $50,000 fine or close it went down to 4 years. [20:41]
* nelisky has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:41]
* nelisky_ (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:41]
jcpham ;;rate gigavps 3 awesome as always. bought video cards for MTGOXUSD [20:41]
rawrmage there are more citations needed on than there are actual citations [20:41]
luke-jr markac: fail [20:41]
rawrmage lol [20:41]
luke-jr rawrmage: Wikipedia likes to censor Catholicism [20:42]
vragnaroda rawrmage: In a US vs. Yurop thread I saw recently, though, one of the points was an image of Carl Sagan and and an image of Benedict XVI, which I found amusing. [20:42]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:42]
* BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [20:42]
rawrmage citation needed tags are censorship now? [20:42]
rawrmage wtf? [20:42]
shakaru-otc ;;seen gigavpsAFK [20:42]
luke-jr rawrmage: no, just saying, almost nothing on Catholicism on Wikipedia is correct [20:42]
pigeons slander! [20:43]
rawrmage you should edit it then [20:43]
* bak3donh1gh ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:43]
vragnaroda .wik No True Scotsman [20:43]
markac "No true Scotsman is an informal logical fallacy, an ad hoc attempt to retain an unreasoned assertion." - [20:43]
luke-jr rawrmage: censored is censored :p [20:43]
rawrmage i'm pretty sure if you make constructive edits to a page about Catholicism you won't get your edits reverted/undone merely because of their content [20:44]
rg they are cuttin cinderblocks [20:44]
rg outside my window [20:44]
* shak_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:44]
rg this is very condusive to PHP coding... [20:44]
rg grumble [20:44]
luke-jr rawrmage: will [20:44]
pigeons NO U [20:44]
phungus swimming? [20:44]
* phraust (~phraustby@unaffiliated/phraust) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:44]
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rawrmage luke-jr: WP:CENSOR [20:45]
phungus [20:45]
* Toxo has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [20:45]
* badass ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:46]
phungus damn that thing is almost the size of an aircraft carrier [20:47]
rg imsaguy2: you here? [20:47]
* smickles ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:47]
bak3donh1gh i have 125.06 in mtgox im looking to convert to usd anyone? [20:48]
phungus who wants to take an Italian cruise?! [20:48]
Mqrius phungus: How the hell are you supposed to use that slide?! [20:48]
phungus I found a nice fixer-upper! [20:48]
Mqrius The water's all wrong! [20:48]
phungus lol [20:48]
* agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [20:48]
Mqrius Survivors got a congratulatory golden cape [20:49]
rawrmage luke-jr: go make a constructive edit that follows all the policies, probably relevant WP:FULLCITE WP:BURDEN WP:RNPOV WP:WTA WP:SOAPBOX [20:49]
luke-jr rawrmage: waste of time, since it will be censored [20:50]
rg im gonna get something different today [20:50]
rg not the regular sub i always get [20:50]
* nelisky_ has quit (Quit: nelisky_) [20:51]
rawrmage luke-jr: you don't understand WP:CENSOR do you [20:51]
* traviscj has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:51]
Mqrius Don't true catholics have their own, catholically correct version of wikipedia yet? Or were they gonna do it Sunday, only to find that you're not allowed to use a computer on Sunday? [20:51]
luke-jr rawrmage: it lies [20:51]
rg no one cares [20:51]
* bak3donh1gh has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]) [20:52]
Cory Lol @ his nick. [20:52]
smickles compartmentalized disconnect with reality [20:53]
rg if you wanna talk to luke about his rewligious beliefs [20:53]
rg he has a channel for it [20:53]
rawrmage luke-jr: if an edit of yours is 'censored', leave the editor who reverted it a message asking why on their talk page [20:53]
luke-jr rawrmage: because Wikipedia editors are anti-Catholic, that's why [20:53]
smickles *intentional compartmentalized disconnect with reality [20:54]
* chmod755 (~affilitat@unaffiliated/chmod755) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:55]
crafty_ « Trading away ≈100-150 skrill (moneybookers) for BTC. PM me, good sirs. » [20:55]
rawrmage luke-jr: that's not a valid reason to remove something from a page [20:55]
luke-jr rawrmage: they still do it [20:55]
* MoPac reads back in the room a bit [20:56]
MoPac Did I miss some reform on Wikipedia whereby BTC are traded OTC for the right to edit? [20:56]
rawrmage luke-jr:,_revert,_discuss_cycle [20:56]
phungus lol [20:56]
* traviscj ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:57]
badass wtf are test bitcoins [20:58]
badass tnbtc [20:58]
rg luke-jr [20:58]
rg much obliged for the redirect on /5 [20:58]
rg :> [20:58]
luke-jr rawrmage: Wikipedia is liberal propaganda posing as reality, not much more. [20:59]
rg because you disagree with it its propaganda [20:59]
rg lol [20:59]
rawrmage [citation needed] [20:59]
vragnaroda STFU [21:00]
nanotube badass: it's a separate bitcoin blockchain/network used for testing [21:00]
luke-jr rawrmage: everyone with a clue knows this just from looking at it [21:00]
nanotube ;;tell badass [bc,wiki testnet] [21:00]
Cory luke-jr: I'd be interested in the specific disagreements you have with the Wikipedia pages. Have you posted on the discussion pages? [21:01]
rg i would rather talk about the market [21:01]
luke-jr Cory: I'm not interested in wasting my time. [21:02]
smickles rg, +1 [21:02]
rg well youre wasted all our time now [21:02]
rg so whats the deal [21:02]
rawrmage rg: what about the market [21:02]
rg rawrmage: its back to $6 [21:02]
rg predictions? [21:02]
chmod755 ;;tell nanotube hi [21:02]
rawrmage rg: i predict whatever i do it'll go the other way [21:02]
luke-jr ;;tell chmod755 stfu [21:02]
rg luke-jr is zorro on gay night [21:03]
smickles rg, do you like the cyclical interpretations of market movements? [21:03]
rg also [21:03]
rg you can help me decide something [21:03]
rg so for the new bitvps management console, theres a few menu options on the side [21:04]
rg Home, My Servers, BLANK [21:04]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:04]
rg if($BLANK == 'True) { [21:04]
rg helpmedecide(); [21:04]
rg } [21:04]
rg i need to figure out whst to put [21:04]
rg its going to be a page for remote serial / console [21:04]
smickles support? [21:04]
phungus pastebin! [21:04]
rg right now it says Remote Serial/Console [21:04]
phungus :-) [21:04]
rg but it doesnt fit properly [21:04]
phungus lol [21:04]
nanotube chmod755: o/ :) [21:05]
rg i guess i could make it serial/console [21:05]
rg instead of forcing people to use a full VNC, im going to let people use a serial port too [21:05]
phungus will you hook up a modem? [21:05]
phungus that would be awesome [21:05]
rg no, its a virtual serial console [21:05]
phungus oh I want modem access [21:05]
jcpham can i has serial modem too [21:06]
smickles for a fee? [21:06]
rg you ponce [21:06]
rg jcp: do you even have a server with us [21:06]
rg or do you just lurk around #bitvps [21:06]
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rg no smickles, its free [21:06]
jcpham i vote lurk [21:07]
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smickles ( rg, I meant for the silly demand for the modem) [21:07]
jcpham unless i have one under a different nick /alias [21:07]
rg hrm [21:07]
rg we'd have to install a physical modem [21:07]
phungus rg [21:07]
rg somewhere [21:07]
phungus this is #bitcoin-otc [21:07]
rg i know, i make all my design/business decisions from input in here [21:07]
phungus oh he's on #bitvps too [21:07]
phungus lol [21:07]
* coliin ( has left #bitcoin-otc [21:07]
phungus I'm just kidding on the modem access [21:08]
phungus well sorta [21:08]
jcpham yes when customers want serial modem, you ask high should i jump [21:08]
rg peopel in here probably know more about BitVPS than the employees [21:08]
phungus it would be a nice backup [21:08]
rg since i talk openly in here [21:08]
smickles anyway, a console would be convenient to have in some situations. [21:08]
phungus lol [21:08]
rg smickles: its just a matter of personal preference [21:08]
* perpoi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:08]
rg people who have windoze, etc will need to use the full console [21:08]
rg where as someone with a proper OS can ust use the serial console [21:08]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:08]
phungus actually, some AI kernel patches so that Linux keeps itself running would be even better [21:09]
smickles what would be in place of the console, if it weren't there? [21:09]
phungus so we don't have to use the console [21:09]
rg smickles, the VNC console [21:09]
phungus "Oh I appear to be hung, I think I'll reboot myself" [21:09]
phungus "phungus will be so proud of me" [21:09]
rg phungus, you can control that from the contorl panel now [21:09]
jcpham wait i think i'm actually profiting from trading [21:09]
jcpham wht has happened [21:09]
rg our new console is linked up with billing [21:09]
phungus :-) [21:10]
* terrytibbs (u4339@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:10]
phungus I am so not profitting from trading [21:10]
phungus but not by much so it's ok [21:10]
* perpoi (~poi@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:10]
jcpham i'm up a few btc [21:10]
rg To avoid generating passwords containing offensive words, vowels are excluded from the list of possible characters. [21:11]
rg haha who teh fuck coded this, luke-jr? [21:11]
pigeons fck tht [21:11]
smickles rg, i'd vote for the serial console [21:11]
* kW_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:11]
phungus hahaha [21:12]
phungus no vowels [21:12]
rg smickles, we're not voting on serial console or full console [21:12]
rg we're voting on what it should say on the site [21:12]
smickles oh [21:12]
smickles sry, i misunderstood [21:12]
nanotube wh cdd ths fckng pc f sht? [21:12]
nanotube haha [21:12]
phungus hahaha [21:12]
phungus nanotube [21:12]
phungus type much? [21:12]
Mqrius hntr2 ftw [21:13]
pigeons for added security, a super-secret algorithm is applied to your password selection [21:13]
nanotube yes. it actually was more difficult to type without vowels, phungus :) though i guess with practice it'll get better. :) [21:13]
phungus lol [21:13]
phungus oops [21:13]
phungus ll [21:13]
phungus trlll [21:13]
Mqrius My bank's password is case insensitive :'( I weep for humanity [21:13]
phungus yeah the meaning is lost [21:13]
copumpkin m nm s cpmpkn, plsd t mt [21:13]
rg [21:14]
rg thats what it looks like now [21:14]
rg see how it doesnt fit [21:14]
nanotube "just to avoid accidental appearance of things that /look/ offensive, we've also eliminated all consonants other than t and z." [21:14]
phungus hah [21:14]
phungus tztztztz [21:14]
phungus ztzt [21:14]
phungus tz z t zzzt tzz [21:14]
pigeons ttts nd br [21:14]
nanotube heh [21:14]
Txyru` Mqrius, My bank limits your password to alphanumeric only [21:15]
smickles rg, yeah, i feel like it should be one line at the least. no 'special' characters if possible [21:15]
Txyru` with a length limit of 12 charactrers. [21:15]
nanotube then there are max length limits [21:15]
nanotube heh [21:15]
rg smickles: im thinking something simple like 'Management' [21:15]
pigeons i hate case sensitive "captchas" that don't disclose that [21:15]
rg or [21:15]
rg i could add it on the serverinfo page [21:15]
Mqrius Windows saves the password in blocks of 7 characters, and also saves a case insensitive version. [21:16]
nanotube omg, we store our data on stone tablets, so every character saved is 5 minutes of laborer time ! [21:16]
phungus my bank has a character limit of 8 [21:16]
phungus they are fucking insane [21:16]
Mqrius nanotube: Hard to bruteforce: You need to chisle every character in stone, then see if it matches. [21:16]
phungus actually it's not them [21:16]
rg [21:16]
phungus it's the bigger bank they use for their online stuff [21:16]
rg like i could set one of those buttons to 'activate console' [21:16]
rg etc [21:16]
phungus they also don't allow special characters [21:17]
nanotube Mqrius: lol yea. our password brute force-farm can try 1 password per second using only a thousand chisel-wielders in a sweatshop! [21:17]
phungus so [a-zA-z0-9]{8} [21:17]
phungus err [21:17]
phungus A-Z [21:17]
Txyru` luke-jr, do you ever have issues with botnets on eligius? [21:17]
luke-jr Txyru`: yes [21:17]
phungus I would switch banks but there is not anyone better here [21:17]
rg obviously yes [21:17]
Mqrius My bank only allows "hunter2" as a password! They heard it's very secure. [21:17]
rg every pool has an issue with botnets [21:18]
pigeons your bank only allows 1line.txt derp-100x100.png derp-560x207.png derp.png dork-100x100.jpg dork-560x302.jpg dork.jpg logs2.txt logs3.txt logstory.txt logs.txt mysql psychology-and-psychiatry-100x100.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry-560x315.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry.jpg tangent-maybe-100x100.jpg tangent-maybe-560x242.jpg tangent-maybe.jpg tara-tara-10-560px.jpg tara-tara-10.jpg tara-tara-11-560px.jpg tara-tara-11.jpg tara-tara-12-560px.jpg tara-tara-12.jpg tara-tara-13-560px.jpg tara-tara-13.jpg tara-tara-14-560px.jpg tara-tara-14.jpg tara-tara-15-560px.jpg tara-tara-1-560px.jpg tara-tara-15.jpg tara-tara-16-560px.jpg tara-tara-16.jpg tara-tara-17-560px.jpg tara-tara-17.jpg tara-tara-18-560px.jpg tara-tara-18.jpg tara-tara-19-560px.jpg tara-tara-19.jpg tara-tara-1.jpg tara-tara-20-560px.jpg tara-tara-20.jpg tara-tara-21-560px.jpg tara-tara-21.jpg tara-tara-22-560px.jpg tara-tara-22.jpg tara-tara-23-560px.jpg tara-tara-23.jpg tara-tara-24-560px.jpg tara-tara-24.jpg 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[21:18]
Mqrius Yeah, hunter2 my bank :S [21:18]
nanotube Mqrius: you say they only allow "*******" ? [21:18]
nanotube wah too late [21:18]
phungus lol [21:18]
smickles rg, it could be with the start/stop vm buttons. have them 'float' to the right of the text, in a vertical column [21:18]
phungus [a-zA-Z0-9]{4,8} [21:18]
rg theres other buttons that pop up [21:18]
smickles oh [21:19]
phungus super sekure [21:19]
rg but the balance on the test account is paid [21:19]
rg if its not, it takes you to our billing system [21:19]
rg well, a button shows that says 'pay invoice' [21:19]
rg there's also more info that goes in that top box [21:19]
rg i just was working on the user management first [21:19]
smickles ah [21:19]
rg spent 2 hours last night debugging a problem that turned out to be $customerid instead of $custid [21:20]
rg lol [21:20]
Txyru` luke-jr, what happens? a bunch of cpu miners draining bandwidth? lol [21:20]
smickles lol [21:20]
rg Txyru`, they flood getworks [21:20]
luke-jr Txyru`: pushpool can't handle the load [21:20]
smickles well, i'll bbl 'peeps' [21:20]
rg i want food [21:21]
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phungus eat people [21:22]
phungus fat people [21:22]
phungus eat fat people [21:22]
phungus ? [21:22]
phungus Soylent Green IS PEOPLE! [21:22]
rg i am those fat people [21:22]
phungus I bet you are tasty [21:22]
phungus can I come over for dinner? [21:22]
phungus 15BTC [21:23]
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Txyru` luke-jr, does the pool detect it and ban them? [21:23]
luke-jr Txyru`: yes and no [21:23]
Txyru` oh ok [21:24]
* trentzb (~trentzb@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:25]
rg im going to try not to biute my nails [21:25]
rg for the rest of the week [21:25]
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jcpham good luck rg [21:26]
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* diacetyl ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:27]
phungus rg: go to the pet store and buy something called bitter apple [21:27]
phungus put a little on your fingers [21:27]
phungus it will cure you [21:27]
phungus and on pencils, etc [21:27]
phungus if you chew them [21:27]
* diacetyl ( has left #bitcoin-otc [21:27]
phungus excessive chewing is a sign of lack of minerals and nutrients, BTW [21:27]
phungus you probably need silica and magnesium [21:27]
rg its just a habbit [21:27]
phungus physical responses are often times not so much mental as they are physical [21:28]
phungus err, not caused by our brains [21:28]
Joric Mqrius, where are those 0.0666 btc came from? [21:28]
phungus mental thought, etc [21:28]
Mqrius Joric: Which? [21:28]
Joric [21:28]
phungus health issues can manifest in weird behaviors [21:28]
phungus that's what I'm saying [21:29]
phungus but, Bitter Apple works well [21:29]
* stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has left #bitcoin-otc [21:29]
phungus I used to chew the shit our of everything [21:29]
phungus out [21:29]
Mqrius Joric: Don't know. But I took it :P I just posted the address in this channel, and someone was send-spreeing :P [21:29]
* fimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [21:30]
jcpham whose address is that [21:30]
jcpham who's? [21:30]
Joric everyone's [21:30]
jcpham surely not daleks, though [21:30]
Mqrius Everyone's, indeed. Everyone who has a wallet has it hardcoded. [21:30]
rg can someone lend me $14 [21:30]
rg til tommrow? [21:30]
jcpham in btc? [21:30]
phungus rg: I have goxusd [21:31]
* luke-jr has quit (Excess Flood) [21:31]
rg no [21:31]
rg ill repay in btc [21:31]
rg but i need usd [21:31]
rg its for lunch [21:31]
rg if tomorrow its higher than it was ill pay at current rate [21:31]
* EasyAt| ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:31]
rg if its lower ill pay in that rate [21:31]
* luke-jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:31]
* ChanServ gives voice to luke-jr [21:31]
rg phungus: my pizza shop doesnt take mtgoxusd [21:31]
phungus yeah go to Whole Foods and buy some spicy chicken soup [21:31]
phungus it's better for you than pizza. :-) [21:32]
pigeons whole foods takes btc now? tell wagner [21:32]
jcpham no way i'm buying you food if i haven't eaten [21:32]
phungus the flour and dough conditioners aren't very good for us [21:32]
rg im not getting pizza [21:32]
phungus industrial flour is crap [21:32]
nanotube rg: i can sen dyou 14 ppusd, if pp will work [21:33]
rg nope [21:33]
rg i need someone to order it for me [21:33]
phungus oh hah [21:33]
rg unless yo uwant to give me your CC number [21:33]
jcpham can i do it through tty? [21:33]
rg and imsaguy is the only one whos trusted me with their CC [21:33]
rawrmage rg: sure i spose [21:33]
rg ok rawrmage [21:33]
rg hangon [21:33]
rawrmage let me check first [21:34]
rg alright [21:34]
rawrmage yea I can if it's only $14 [21:34]
rg k [21:34]
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* Graet (~Graet@unaffiliated/graet) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:37]
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jcpham who thinks we've bottomed for awhile [21:39]
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* nanotube tries not to make any short-term predictions :) [21:41]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:43]
EasyAt| I think we are gonna break out. but can't predict which direction [21:44]
nanotube lol, a safe bet, EasyAt| [21:45]
nanotube "the price is going to change!" [21:45]
EasyAt| Always [21:45]
rg let it be knwn to all [21:45]
EasyAt| it might go UP or DOWN [21:45]
jcpham down would be nice for me [21:45]
rg i owe rawrmage 2.20 BTC [21:45]
nanotube rg: so noted. [21:45]
nanotube ;;ident rg [21:45]
Mad7Scientist ;;bc.price [21:45]
nanotube oh, i don't know who you are rg. :P [21:45]
Mad7Scientist ;;bc,price [21:45]
rg | channels : @#btcvps #bitcoin-church #bitlc #grubles-office @#bitvps #bitcoin-otc [21:45]
rg thats how you can tell its me [21:45]
Mqrius EasyAt needs a straddle! [21:45]
Mad7Scientist $7.42 in less than 3 days [21:46]
EasyAt| I NEED TO STRADDLE [21:46]
nanotube rg: anyone can post that. heh. [21:46]
chmod755 "the price is going to change!" << which price? [21:46]
EasyAt| I've brought this up before haha [21:46]
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* rg has quit (Quit: Reconnecting) [21:46]
* rg ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:46]
Mqrius chmod755: The price of generic statements! [21:46]
Mad7Scientist chmod +s chmod755 [21:46]
nanotube EasyAt|: there's the options dealer ;) [21:46]
Mad7Scientist you are now sticky [21:46]
EasyAt| chmod777 is best, makes things exciting [21:46]
* devrandom (~devrandom@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:46]
* rg is now known as Guest58252 [21:46]
* Guest58252 is now known as rg [21:47]
* vite (~vialnetwo@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:47]
chmod755 Mad7Scientist: chmod: changing permissions of '': Operation not permitted [21:48]
vite Hi [21:48]
Mad7Scientist echo "" > chmod755 [21:48]
chmod755 Mad7Scientist: segfault at 0x000000fd [21:49]
rg nanotube: i was auth'd [21:49]
rg then gribble pinged out 100 times [21:49]
chmod755 ;;ping [21:49]
Mad7Scientist $ linnuke [21:49]
* vite (~vialnetwo@ has left #bitcoin-otc [21:49]
rg oh i should open my bedroom door [21:50]
rg so i can hear the delivery [21:50]
nanotube rg: yea i know :| [21:50]
* phraust has quit (Quit: Bury the past...) [21:50]
Mad7Scientist If something caught on fire in your house you would tell IRC about before you got up [21:50]
nanotube Mad7Scientist: that's what is made of! :) [21:51]
* phraust (~phraustby@unaffiliated/phraust) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:51]
rg Mad7Scientist: stuff yourself [21:51]
* Tobeh ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:51]
Tobeh hey all [21:51]
chmod755 hey you [21:51]
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* GGeno (a6f88cd3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:52]
Mad7Scientist the qt bitcoin is so much nice I can hardly believe [21:52]
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Tobeh is price going down still? [21:54]
EasyAt| and UP [21:54]
netxshare [21:55]
rawrmage if I knew which way it was going i'd keep it a seekret [21:55]
rawrmage :P [21:55]
EasyAt| no you should lie [21:55]
EasyAt| now tell me which way its going [21:55]
rawrmage backwards [21:55]
EasyAt| is that left? [21:56]
rawrmage yes [21:56]
rawrmage it's the bitcoinica rollercoaster [21:56]
rawrmage rg: i vaguely remember you saying at one point you ran a public shell box? [21:56]
rg Tobeh: price is back near normal [21:56]
BTC_Bear rawrmage: If you knew, you would post the opposite but people would know that so you should post what direction it's going. :) [21:56]
rg rawrmage: yeah [21:56]
rg bitvps has one [21:57]
EasyAt| BTC_Bear: Shhh [21:57]
rawrmage rg: how did/do you lock it down to prevent local root exploit [21:57]
phungus ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) . One of world's largest file-sharing sites,, shut down; company workers indicted [21:57]
rg i use a fairly stingy SELinux policy [21:57]
BTC_Bear But I know you know I know you know, etc... [21:57]
phungus wow [21:57]
rawrmage phungus: wattttt [21:57]
rawrmage wwaaaaaaaat [21:57]
rg the root account is the same as a user account [21:57]
rg unless you authenticate [21:57]
rawrmage lol [21:57]
rawrmage nice [21:57]
rg and even then there are things you cant modify [21:57]
EasyAt| After I started my job, I noticed that on half their boxes you could use sudo su [21:58]
rg but if someone were to root it, they'd not have gained anything useful [21:58]
EasyAt| I couldnt believe it [21:58]
rawrmage rg: did you use grsecurity/PaX [21:59]
yebyen are there people getting their money out of Mt.Gox now? [21:59]
yebyen i can't imagine everyone is waiting since before MLK Jr. Day for their withdrawals [21:59]
yebyen must be just me [21:59]
* lordcyfer_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:00]
rg rawrmage: yeah [22:01]
phungus everybody panic! [22:01]
EasyAt| BUY [22:01]
phungus or not [22:01]
EasyAt| panic and BUY [22:01]
rawrmage does it work well [22:01]
EasyAt| I have 100 for 6.9 [22:01]
chmod755 DOUBLE SPEND [22:01]
phungus haha [22:01]
chmod755 jk [22:01]
rg yeah rawrmage [22:01]
rg it depends when you want to run [22:01]
chmod755 SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT [22:01]
rg things like X , etc [22:01]
rg will complain [22:01]
rg but if youre not running anything like that its ok [22:02]
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* lordcyfer_ is now known as lordcyfer [22:02]
rawrmage thanks, just wondering about that [22:03]
Cory The Good Wifers' money should be hitting MtGox soon. :P [22:03]
rg you do realize most people who say that probably dont even know bitcoin is real [22:04]
rg and assume its just fictional like the restof the show [22:04]
helo some megauploaders going to get ass raped for files some other people put on their servers [22:04]
luke-jr . [22:04]
rawrmage so many broken megaupload links [22:04]
rawrmage makes me kinda sad [22:04]
rg my link is still uo [22:04]
rg up [22:04]
rg :) [22:05]
* vite (~vialnetwo@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:05]
rawrmage hm i think the volume graph on is broken [22:05]
rg this food i ordered [22:06]
rg its AMAZING [22:06]
rg you guys would shit if i took a piuc [22:06]
phungus like Hannibal's meal in the airplane? [22:06]
phungus from Dean and Deluca? [22:06]
phungus little pieces of brain? [22:06]
rg its better than that [22:06]
phungus of Ray Liotta's brain [22:06]
rg i need something to watch [22:07]
rg while i code [22:07]
rawrmage watch... mtgoxlive [22:07]
phungus Hannibal [22:07]
rg i have silence of the lambs [22:07]
rg but not hannibal [22:07]
phungus that would probably work too [22:07]
rg dead_silence: [22:07]
rg devise-dsil.avi devise-dsil.nfo devise-dsil.sfv [22:07]
rg silence_of_the_lambs: [22:07]
rg sotl.dvdrip.xvid.cd1-cultxvid.avi sotl.dvdrip.xvid.cd2-cultxvid.avi [22:07]
rg sotl.dvdrip.xvid.cd1-cultxvid.sfv sotl.dvdrip.xvid.cd2-cultxvid.sfv [22:07]
phungus "It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again" [22:07]
Raccoon hey nanotube [22:07]
rg i want zombie movies [22:07]
rg but i think ive seen every good one [22:08]
phungus creepy [22:08]
* ThiagoCMC ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:08]
rg Nick.and.Norah's.Infinite.Playlist.avi <-- awful movie [22:08]
rg Observe.and.Report.avi <- good but not what youd expect [22:08]
rg Youth.In.Revolt.avi [22:08]
rg Zombieland.avi [22:08]
rg ^ awsome [22:08]
rg i better not paste every movie i have [22:09]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:09]
rg james Videos]$ find . |wc -l [22:09]
rg 2272 [22:09]
rawrmage du ../Videos [22:09]
phungus lol [22:09]
rg [jl@james Videos]$ du -sh ../Videos ../NZB [22:09]
rg 466G ../Videos [22:09]
rg 299G ../NZB [22:09]
rawrmage wow [22:10]
rawrmage is that 299G of .nzb files [22:10]
phungus Acid.Eaters.1968.DVDRip.XviD [22:10]
rg haha no rawrmage, its the completed product [22:10]
rawrmage lol ok [22:10]
phungus O Brother Where Art Thou.2000.BRRip.XviD.AC3-VLiS [22:10]
rg [jl@james Videos]$ du -sh ../Torrents [22:11]
rg 50G ../Torrents [22:11]
rg [jl@james Videos]$ du -sh ../Software [22:11]
rg 20G ../Software [22:11]
rg too much shit [22:11]
rawrmage df -h [22:11]
phungus heh [22:11]
rg 1.1T 859G 222G 80% /mnt [22:11]
rawrmage that's a lot of storage space [22:11]
rg eventually it will be 2.2T [22:12]
chmod755 1.1T is a lot? [22:12]
rg but hd's are expensive [22:12]
rawrmage i wish i had bought hd space when it was cheap [22:12]
* GGeno has quit (Quit: Page closed) [22:12]
rg rawrmage: yeah no kidding [22:12]
rawrmage chmod755: /dev/sda5 19G 17G 1.1G 95% / [22:12]
chmod755 oh [22:12]
rg my room mate paid $145 for a 1TB disk [22:12]
rg from newegg [22:12]
rg yesterday [22:12]
jcpham i think i can beat it! [22:13]
rawrmage ouch [22:13]
chmod755 /dev/mapper/pdc_hcg5 688G 7.8G 645G 2% / [22:13]
rg /dev/sdb3 225G 179G 47G 80% / [22:13]
chmod755 /dev/mapper/pdc_hcg6 1.2T 154G 934G 15% /home [22:13]
chmod755 /dev/mapper/pdc_hcg1 447M 101M 322M 24% /boot [22:13]
rg 1.1T isnt much [22:13]
rawrmage my storage space is an old 120GB drive lol [22:13]
rg we have over 2TB storage on [22:13]
chmod755 2x2TB in RAID 1 <3 [22:14]
jcpham 13T 9.1T 2.9T 77% / [22:14]
phungus I've got two 1TB USBs here but I back one up with the other [22:14]
rg the same user i denied a VPS to a month ago [22:14]
rawrmage jcpham: wtf [22:14]
rg for singing up over a vpn [22:14]
jcpham RAWR [22:14]
chmod755 jcpham: it's a trap [22:14]
rg has signed up AGAIN [22:14]
rg and paid [22:14]
rg jeez [22:14]
rawrmage you have 9.1T of data, jcpham? [22:15]
jcpham that's my animated .gif collection [22:15]
rawrmage rg: over a vpn again? [22:15]
chmod755 jcpham: lol [22:15]
rg the same god damn vpn! [22:15]
phungus rg: you need a separate server that you sell to the script kiddies [22:15]
rawrmage lol [22:15]
phungus different IP [22:15]
rg phungus: lol i dont know about that [22:15]
phungus barely connected [22:15]
jcpham it isn't "mine" [22:15]
rg but our next VM server is going to support OpenVZ [22:15]
jcpham it belongs to the people [22:15]
rg so ill sell those VPs's much cheaper [22:15]
rg than a fully virtualized server [22:15]
phungus werd [22:15]
jcpham 11T 7.9T 2.8T 75% /repository [22:16]
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jcpham one more [22:16]
Tobeh watch this if you like deadspace xD [22:16]
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phungus I used to have huge volumes like that to manage [22:16]
phungus I personally managed like 900TB at one place [22:17]
rg id like to extend the BitVPS customer of the month award to: [22:17]
rg pirateat40 [22:17]
phungus I was the SAN agmin [22:17]
phungus admin [22:17]
phungus that was a fuct up job [22:17]
pirateat40 lol [22:17]
phungus had to spend nights moving volumes around [22:17]
pirateat40 rg, what do I get? [22:17]
jcpham sexy uptime for the kicker: 13:33:16 up 555 days, 22:51, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 [22:17]
rawrmage i have like 30 gb of stuff on this drive because i downloaded something in low res then downloaded it in high res but can't bring myself to delete the low res [22:17]
rg pirateat40: praise from caesar [22:17]
pirateat40 yup [22:18]
rg ::wink:: [22:18]
rg Bad.Santa.avi [22:18]
rg this movie rules [22:18]
phungus heh [22:18]
phungus I have that one too [22:18]
phungus Badder Santa [22:18]
rg unfortunately.. [22:18]
phungus and it sucked worse [22:18]
rg Comedy Central got their hands on it [22:18]
rg so its ruined for me [22:18]
rg any movie comedy central gets their dirty jew mits on, is ruined [22:18]
rg cause they play it 10000 times [22:18]
EasyAt| rg: what do you run you VMs on? [22:18]
rg s/jew/''/ [22:18]
rg EasyAt|: KVM [22:19]
EasyAt| I've never used that. Is it much better than ESXi? [22:19]
rg in some areas [22:19]
rg it tends to be a bit quicker [22:20]
jcpham i agree [22:20]
rg but ESXi is more umm [22:20]
rg hmm whats the word [22:20]
rg 'polished' [22:20]
pigeons "slick" [22:20]
phungus yeah [22:20]
EasyAt| Less fiddeling? [22:20]
phungus I'd be using ESXi [22:20]
rawrmage SEXi? [22:20]
phungus or straight up vsphere [22:20]
rg well [22:20]
phungus if I could afford it [22:20]
phungus :-) [22:20]
jcpham i'm sortof down w/ pve from a terminal [22:20]
rg KVM is awesome cause you can tweak it [22:21]
rg where as ESXi, WYSIWYG [22:21]
phungus yeah I know [22:21]
nanotube Raccoon: howdy [22:21]
phungus KVM is better for a hoster unless you've got the VMware SDK [22:21]
phungus and lots of engineers [22:21]
jcpham and money [22:21]
Raccoon nanotube: may I borrow gribble? :) [22:21]
phungus yeah [22:21]
rg well [22:21]
* lyspooner (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/mpkomara) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:21]
phungus I know people who modify vmware stuff and they are not cheap at all [22:21]
rg ive found KVM to be the opposite of good for a host [22:22]
phungus heh [22:22]
phungus stability-wise? [22:22]
EasyAt| shit our licesnes for VMware were incredibly expensive [22:22]
rg no... [22:22]
rg its plenty stable [22:22]
rg its just more for a private company [22:22]
rg than a public hosting server [22:22]
chmod755 Raccoon: he should really start a gribble4coins website :d [22:22]
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Raccoon hehe [22:22]
nanotube Raccoon: hehe well, maybe. tell me what he needs to do :) [22:23]
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EasyAt| A gambeling site that all proceeds go to gribble [22:23]
Raccoon He should join gribble to ##coders [22:23]
jcpham but then when rg open sources his awesome cp [22:23]
jcpham then it's public ready [22:23]
phungus VMware raised their prices after ESX 3.5 [22:23]
rg lol my CP will be useless by the middle of this year [22:23]
phungus like a LOT [22:23]
rg when PVE2.0 comes out [22:23]
rg for a stable release [22:23]
Raccoon open source CP? [22:23]
* loca has quit (Quit: Page closed) [22:23]
rg pve2 has a full new api [22:23]
rg im using 1.9 [22:23]
Raccoon I hope we're not talking about child porn [22:23]
phungus heh [22:24]
rg Raccoon: we are [22:24]
phungus I was going to ask for an acronym check [22:24]
rg got any kids? [22:24]
EasyAt| Raccoon: I was scared also [22:24]
Coolty Who was it here that hacked their kindle 3g? [22:24]
phungus lol [22:24]
rg my room mate hacked his kindle fire [22:24]
chmod755 does anybody know a website with creative commons CP? [22:24]
chmod755 lol [22:24]
smickles Coolty, +1 [22:24]
Coolty ? [22:24]
rg but my panel will be dope [22:24]
rg i want users to be able to reload their VM's [22:24]
jcpham i forget that cp means that. control panel [22:25]
rg with different ISO's [22:25]
Raccoon chmod 777 ./cp [22:25]
rg and it will have an auto provision too [22:25]
rg if youre already in the control panel, that means youre verified by me [22:25]
smickles Coolty, i mean "+1" in the sense that i'm interested in the same info [22:25]
rg so that means you can order new stuff instantly [22:25]
phungus heh you've been media stygmatized to the acronym CP [22:25]
* Toxo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:25]
rg where as now you have to wait for me to check you out [22:25]
rg and make sure youre not an abuser [22:25]
Tobeh general question what are you guys talking about? i struggle to keep up here :P [22:25]
phungus I have too, apparently [22:25]
rg Tobeh, control panels, virtual server hosting, kindle 3g's, creative commons license [22:26]
BTC_Bear Tobeh: this is the part you ignore. [22:26]
rg proxmox 1.9 and proxmox 2.0 [22:26]
rg the new api [22:26]
rg etc [22:26]
phungus :-) [22:26]
rg oh and vmware [22:26]
rg Tobeh: youll get better at following it [22:26]
rg i promise [22:26]
rg just give it time [22:26]
phungus mmm vmware [22:27]
phungus so nice when it's all setup properly with a redundant SAN [22:27]
smickles oh yeah, anyone interested in that printer which i'm selling? (US domestic shipping only ): [22:27]
phungus and all the licensing [22:27]
phungus with HA [22:27]
phungus but fuck it's expensive [22:27]
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EasyAt| phungus: Heartbeat is so neato on vSphere [22:28]
phungus I never managed to play with vsphere [22:29]
phungus only 3.5 [22:29]
phungus :-( [22:29]
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EasyAt| Ah, I've only seen it in corporate where they piss money into this kinda stuff even if completly unnecessary [22:31]
rg does anyone know a site that shows the average price [22:31]
EasyAt| just because management was sold on the idea as they saw the vmware UI [22:31]
rg from all exchanges [22:31]
rg er [22:31]
rg using all the exchanges current prices as data [22:31]
rg created an average from that [22:31]
rg s/ed/ing/ [22:31]
BTC_Bear rg tcatm tells me his average is a combination of all sites weighted by volume and updated. [22:32]
BTC_Bear Don't know if he changed to Harmonic, but had a discussion about it. [22:33]
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* gribble gives voice to cablepair [22:33]
rg and a location of said site is [22:33]
rg ? [22:33]
rg wow 0 failures so far this week according to [22:33]
rg bout fucking time [22:34]
BTC_Bear oh, [22:34]
rg oh bitcoincharts is atheist [22:34]
rg i cant use that [22:34]
rawrmage lol [22:34]
* Toxo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:34]
rg i have to suspend some accounts [22:35]
rg i hate doing this [22:35]
rg cause i know right after i do it theyre gonna hjoin the channel and be like what the fuck! [22:35]
rg oh i have an invoice due? [22:35]
rg technically tomorrow is 5 days overdue... [22:36]
rg ill make it a business week before i start disablig people [22:36]
rawrmage you should make it send reminder emails [22:37]
* blaeks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:37]
Toxo what do you rent rg [22:37]
rawrmage email every day the # of emails per day is the # days overdue [22:37]
rawrmage so on the 5th day it sends 5 emails [22:37]
Toxo mailbomb them [22:38]
rg it does rawrmage [22:38]
rg its on its second overdue notice for these people [22:38]
rg Toxo: [22:38]
rawrmage oh [22:38]
rg ;;seen nofiat [22:39]
Toxo hey [22:39]
Toxo i am a magento expert [22:39]
weex rg is there an option to keep funds on deposit with you and they are deducted using dynamic pricing? [22:39]
phungus drop [22:39]
rg weex: if you prepay you just get it at current rate [22:39]
rg so youre effectively 'locked' in at current rate [22:39]
rg whatever it is [22:39]
phungus 6.06 [22:40]
rawrmage eeyup [22:40]
rg we do dynamic pricing though.. [22:40]
rg your invoice is generated a few days before its due and locks you in at that rate [22:40]
weex since there aren't any subscription based payment processors, it might make sense to do the math on your end [22:41]
rg weex.. we do [22:41]
rg and we handle our own payments [22:41]
rg you just signed up, youve seen it [22:41]
rg oh [22:42]
rg do you mean .. someone sends 10 BTC [22:42]
weex yes, and it works great...i'm just thinking as someone who doesn't want to have to pay monthly or be overly exposed to currency risk [22:42]
rg and their bill is 2.34 one month, so it takes it out of the 10 [22:42]
rg then next month its 3.10, it subtracts it from the remaining 7.66 btc [22:42]
* Toxo has quit () [22:42]
rg ? [22:42]
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weex yes, except can you please have the btc value increasing in your examples from now on? makes me feel better... [22:43]
rg we dont even really offer multi month payments except on a special case [22:43]
rg like Coolio, he couldnt remember to pay his bill EVER [22:43]
rg so we just let him send like 10 btc [22:43]
rg and phungus [22:43]
rg but i give him discounts cause he buys me food [22:43]
weex yes, you should totally do that, i actually think its essential for small recurring payments [22:44]
rg weex: with our payments though [22:44]
rg its done by average [22:44]
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rg not the current rate [22:44]
rg so you wont really get fucked on the exchange [22:44]
rg its always ball park [22:44]
jcpham get-exchangecertificate | fl [22:44]
vragnaroda English is now changing; be sure to take notes: wink shall now be conjugated with the same paradigm as sink — sank — sunk: wink — wank — wunk. [22:44]
jcpham bloody shitshell [22:44]
rg we operate off a 24hr average [22:44]
* gfinn (~gfinn@gateway/tor-sasl/gfinn) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
rg ask pirate, he knows the secret to paying less BTC [22:45]
weex you could even consider it as a one-way withdrawals so having more on deposit can trigger a small discount(proportional to the committment the customer is showing) [22:45]
nanotube yes, except can you please have the btc value increasing in your examples from now on? makes me feel better... <- lol i agree. :) [22:45]
jcpham sometimes vbox seamless makes me paste things [22:45]
rg you just pay when the average is higher but the actual rate is lower [22:45]
rg you get away with spending anywhre from .2 to .3 btc less [22:45]
rawrmage vragnaroda: sounds good to me [22:45]
weex sorry to go ot here but it's about commerce which is relevant [22:46]
* m00p (~moop@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:46]
weex glad you caught that nanotube [22:47]
nanotube :) [22:47]
vragnaroda “Seeing her come, he wank at her.” [22:47]
weex lolwut? [22:48]
vragnaroda weex: Did you not see what was said above? [22:48]
vragnaroda English is now changing; be sure to take notes: wink shall now be conjugated with the same paradigm as sink — sank — sunk: wink — wank — wunk. [22:48]
vragnaroda weex: It's a completely innocent statement. ;) [22:48]
cyphase lol, wikipedia says (referring to megaupload): "The site was shut down by SOPA.." [22:48]
weex of course, yeah, i wasn't thinking dirty thoughts i swear [22:49]
* DeLorean731 (~X@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:49]
vragnaroda It says the FBI; that's not the FBI that does that. :/ [22:50]
Namegduf The BBC also says the FBI made a statement on it [22:50]
Namegduf ""This action is among the largest criminal copyright cases ever brought by the United States and directly targets the misuse of a public content storage and distribution site to commit and facilitate intellectual property crime," said a statement posted on the FBI's website." [22:51]
Namegduf So I unno. It's entirely believable they're wrong. [22:51]
Namegduf And tracking down defendants who are responding to DCMA requests overseas, over piracy. That's pretty scary. [22:51]
vragnaroda It's plausible that the FBI executed *search* warrants; not seizures. [22:51]
Namegduf Probable, yeah. [22:52]
vragnaroda Of course, that whole seizing domains thing has been extrajudicial all along, anyway. The current administration doesn't really give a shit about the law, regardless of what passes. [22:52]
vragnaroda :-( [22:52]
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chmod755 << lol [22:54]
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Mqrius chmod755: Lol why? [22:59]
Raccoon nanotube: so what can I do to create my own lists on gribble? :) [22:59]
chmod755 Mqrius: 12.55:7.60 [22:59]
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nanotube Raccoon: lists? [23:01]
Mqrius chmod755: Bet on it, make money. [23:03]
Raccoon i'm exploring methods of listing programmers who are offering services, projects people want to commission, and hand shake an exchange [23:03]
nanotube Raccoon: well, the otc order book would be good for it. [23:03]
* nmat (51c18703@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:03]
Raccoon i like gribble's use of PGP in the mix :) [23:03]
nanotube just get people to include a custom ##coders tag in the notes [23:03]
nanotube then you can filter the orderbook to include only those orders, etc. [23:03]
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ocminer anyone wants to buy 20btc for 120 ppusd ? [23:16]
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I}ruid heh [23:22]
Raccoon ;;bc,wiki "API reference (JSON-RPC)" [23:22]
Cory Just received 0.2 BTC for some reason. :D [23:22]
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* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:25]
rg ;;seen aaronh [23:26]
rg ;;seen aarong [23:26]
ocminer ;;rate BTCHero 3 very nice transaction, would trade again [23:27]
* stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:27]
ocminer ;;rate nmat 3 perfect transaction, thanks ! [23:27]
Joric Cory, which address? did you post it here? [23:29]
stamit SELLING one interesting painting for 0.2 BTCs [23:29]
* Frank90 (40ba81c9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:30]
Cory The address was 1crreqyv71zbWdUtQebwPvfRHiUkkKo4V, not sure where I've used it. [23:30]
Cory stamit: Details? [23:30]
copumpkin stamit: what kind of interesting painting? that's pretty cheap [23:30]
Joric 7 legged spider? [23:30]
copumpkin Cory: this is why you label all receiving addresses [23:30]
Cory Heh, I will now. This is the first time I've not known the origin. [23:30]
vragnaroda Cory: Feel free to send to 16ucz9SYqeLswnayUjxPvjX6tmwmZX2Exy if you don't want it. [23:32]
Joric Cory, from what i've found you didn't post this address anywhere [23:32]
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stamit it's my own digital artwork... [23:32]
rg vragnaroda [23:33]
rg seriously [23:33]
rg how many btc do you have in your wallet [23:33]
rg over 10 ? [23:33]
[eval] hey, .2 BTC could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars someday (in 2012 dollars) :P [23:33]
vragnaroda rg: For now, yes. [23:34]
rg ive always had a theory that vragnaroda was a secret trader [23:34]
rg he just didnt brag / talk about his numbers [23:35]
rg it would fit the mold [23:35]
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Cory Oh! It was from [23:35]
rawrmage rg: lol [23:35]
Cory A quick Google search of the sending address solved the mystery. :) [23:35]
Joric Cory, i got 0.2 too [23:35]
Joric Cory, and 0.0666 to another address all anonymous [23:36]
ocminer got 5 btc left.. for 30 ppusd if someone likes [23:36]
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Joric maybe it's bitcoin police? O_o [23:37]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:38]
Joric marking moneys [23:38]
Joric who's the BrightAnarchist anyway? [23:38]
Cory Radioactive tracer [23:38]
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vragnaroda Last week, I had 9 transactions out of the blue for 0.001 each and I have no idea who they were from. [23:39]
* dlb76 (dlb76@unaffiliated/dlb76) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:39]
chmod755 vragnaroda: lol [23:39]
chmod755 Joric: bitcoin police? [23:39]
Cory I heard if you receive 10 0.001 BTC transactions in a day it means you have 7 days to live. [23:40]
* Reith (~null@unaffiliated/reith) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:40]
Joric he's paying 20 bitcents to everyone [23:40]
vragnaroda Cory: lol [23:40]
chmod755 Cory: true [23:40]
Joric maybe a broken script or something [23:40]
vragnaroda It was 11 days ago. [23:41]
Cory vragnaroda: Do you often lead your decimals with zeros? [23:41]
Cory Because I do. And I get a lot of shit for it. [23:41]
vragnaroda Sometimes. [23:41]
vragnaroda Well, it makes it easier to read. [23:41]
* badass ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:43]
Cory Yup. The decimals I draw with a pencil don't show up very well. [23:43]
vragnaroda Well, even typed, it's easier to read. [23:44]
pigeons bitcoin is closing. We will be sending .20 BTC refunds [23:44]
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Cory Haha [23:44]
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vragnaroda pigeons: Feel free to send 0.2 (or any amount) to 16ucz9SYqeLswnayUjxPvjX6tmwmZX2Exy. [23:44]
Cory Not 10 0.001's, though. [23:45]
rg ;;ticker [23:45]
vragnaroda I'm immune to your silly superstitions. [23:45]
vragnaroda I am invincible!!! [23:45]
* Joric_ (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:45]
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Joric_ how many ppl received 20 bitcents so far? [23:46]
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Joric_ who sent me 0.22 [23:46]
Joric_ Thanks to whoever just sent me 0.2 BTC. [23:46]
vragnaroda I've had a few 0.2 BTC transactions recently. [23:46]
Joric_ what the hell is that [23:46]
BTC_Bear Joric_: Don't worry, that is just 'them' tracking you down. [23:47]
Joric_ anyone else? [23:47]
copumpkin they're probably theymos/Atlas's thing? [23:47]
copumpkin I dunno [23:47]
kakobreklaa i just went over 3k transactions in my client wohoo [23:47]
copumpkin kakobreklaa: wow [23:47]
vragnaroda Joric_: On the 16th, 0.2 BTC, today at 02:43, 0.2 BTC, and again today at 11:05, 0.21 BTC. [23:47]
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* Joric_ is now known as Joric [23:47]
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Joric Cory, i didn't send loan to BrightAnarchist [23:49]
Cory I did. [23:49]
vragnaroda Joric: Did you post addresses in-channel? (I did.) [23:50]
Joric yes [23:50]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:50]
vragnaroda I also had a few gifts recently for more than that. [23:50]
Joric testing 1777YDqLuyMibuCSdDihbDzYx635B7gL6n [23:50]
BTCHero 1Q4Nw9gNUSwaB6kHdSgGgYYDGcn4cPBpWS [23:50]
BTCHero just in case :) [23:50]
vragnaroda Well, fuck it; it can't hurt. [23:51]
vragnaroda 16ucz9SYqeLswnayUjxPvjX6tmwmZX2Exy [23:51]
* tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [23:51]
rawrmage 17UjetW9TfsurkLBmCcY7oDac5YGBY9Ras donate to the Bitcoin Church [23:51]
BTCHero lol [23:51]
ocminer just in case [23:51]
ocminer 1AWtJFZb73YkDot2PRr6JxNzcoqYD6qt8X [23:51]
BTCHero 1GaySeXiMVHQMkEitUze1vRFdivtATyCfo [23:51]
* nelisky has quit (Client Quit) [23:51]
BTCHero Just in case [23:51]
ocminer lol [23:51]
vragnaroda BTCHero: wtf kind of vanity address is that? [23:51]
vragnaroda lmao [23:51]
Mqrius I already donated to gay sex before [23:51]
Joric any ideas? did anyone try to track addresses down as here [23:51]
Mqrius but only because I had to choose between gay sex and jesus. [23:52]
ocminer me no gusta gaysex [23:52]
BTCHero lol, I tried putting in a bunch of bad words [23:52]
BTCHero I do have a jesus one too [23:52]
copumpkin ocminer: so you've tried it? [23:52]
Joric i can extract data from the blockchain but i have no idea how to draw those charts [23:52]
copumpkin BTCHero: you should combine them [23:52]
ocminer not really but i dont want to :) [23:52]
ocminer i just heard about it [23:52]
vragnaroda Joric: I'm too lazy. [23:52]
ocminer which is more than i want :-P [23:52]
BTCHero Maybe I will play with vanitygen again since I have two gpus now and it would be possible to get at least a semi cool one [23:52]
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ocminer how long does it take to get a "cool" address ? [23:53]
copumpkin depends how long you want it to be [23:53]
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ocminer lets say something like 1Ocminer1231231312312.. [23:53]
copumpkin it grows exponentially with the length of the word you want in it [23:54]
Joric i'm checking unverified transactions looks the money rain is over [23:54]
vragnaroda Why would you want to waste GPU cycles generating a vanity bitcoin address? [23:54]
BTCHero vanity [23:54]
BTC_Bear simply asked, simply answered [23:54]
rawrmage you should keep all the generated but unwanted addresses [23:54]
Cory 1BitCoinn9RAjz9ifuwokqQVZDDXchi1nk was worth it. :P [23:54]
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Joric Coinnn [23:55]
vragnaroda rawrmage: Well, if you keep them, they're hardly unwanted. :P [23:55]
Joric 1GaySex was just loaded [23:57]
Joric kidding [23:57]
BTCHero ?? loaded [23:58]
rawrmage now loading gaysex.rom....... *beep* [23:58]
rawrmage invalid checksum :( [23:58]
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