Forum logs for 16 Mar 2012
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* | wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [00:00] |
* | SteinerC (~Christian@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:00] |
* | SteinerC has quit (Client Quit) | [00:00] |
teranos | I was intrested in one of your orders | [00:00] |
dothackers | you can't buy mp with paypal. | [00:00] |
dothackers | mp is cash only in stores | [00:00] |
vragnaroda | And in some stores, debit. | [00:00] |
* | SteinerC (48bdd6c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:01] |
imsaguy | dothackers, not true | [00:01] |
imsaguy | you can buy mp at walmart iwth debit | [00:01] |
dothackers | really? debit in some stores? | [00:01] |
imsaguy | yes | [00:01] |
dothackers | they say cash only on the things. hmm | [00:01] |
vragnaroda | [18:29] <+ gribble> | New rating | mircea_popescu > -3 > errydayimgenerat | owes on loan, dissapeared. | [00:01] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: How much was the loan for? | [00:01] |
vragnaroda | (if you don't mind me asking) | [00:01] |
* | wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:01] |
pingdrive | ;;getrating [ident pingdrive] | [00:03] |
* | wazzootieman has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | [00:07] |
* | agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:08] |
* | wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:10] |
* | gribble gives voice to CaptainDDL | [00:13] |
Mad7Scientist | ;;rate dothackers 1 Bought 9.1 BTC from me for PPUSD. Sent first. | [00:13] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user dothackers has been recorded. | [00:13] |
Y0nderboy | Hey | [00:14] |
* | ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:16] |
* | leafwiz has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:16] |
* | gribble gives voice to ineededausername | [00:16] |
Mad7Scientist | ;;rate cheeby 1 Bought 6 BTC from me for PPUSD. Sent first | [00:19] |
Y0nderboy | How is everyone? | [00:20] |
Mad7Scientist | ;;rate cheebydi 1 Bought 6 BTC from me for PPUSD. Sent first | [00:20] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user cheebydi has been recorded. | [00:20] |
* | rjb82` has quit () | [00:20] |
Mad7Scientist | ;;rate [ident CaptainDDL] 1 Bought 10 BTC from me for PPUSD. Sent First. | [00:22] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user CaptainDDL has been recorded. | [00:22] |
* | gamambel has quit () | [00:23] |
* | paraipan has quit (Quit: Saliendo) | [00:23] |
Y0nderboy | Hey, anyone looking for a free security tester? | [00:23] |
* | localhost ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:23] |
Y0nderboy | I can see if your site is hackable or not | [00:23] |
Y0nderboy | I'm working pro-bono for the bitcoin community | [00:23] |
copumpkin | U2? | [00:24] |
Y0nderboy | ? | [00:24] |
* | Rudd-O ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:25] |
CaptainDDL | Y0nderboy, if you don't get any takers it'd be cool if you could test some of the more popular bitcoin services, it'd be interesting to see how (in)secure the community is. | [00:25] |
Y0nderboy | I'm working pro-bono for the bitcoin community, will cehck if your site is vulnerable to attack or not, working pro-bono for bitcoin community. :) | [00:25] |
Y0nderboy | oops, was supposed to be for other chan | [00:25] |
Y0nderboy | CaptainDDL, i feel uncomfortable without permission | [00:25] |
CaptainDDL | ah ok, dang | [00:25] |
dothackers | ;;rate Mad7Scientist 1 Sold 50PPUSD. got 9.1bC. quick fast. great rate! | [00:27] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Mad7Scientist has been recorded. | [00:27] |
* | Zarutian ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:28] |
* | magnetron has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:28] |
Y0nderboy | CaptainDDL, maybe, waht sites would you recomend? | [00:28] |
RedEmerald | mtgox | [00:28] |
Mad7Scientist | I was doing 3 transactions at once! | [00:28] |
dothackers | :) | [00:28] |
Mad7Scientist | Now my electronic wallet feels a bit lighter | [00:28] |
jurov | Y0nderboy: you can ask mircea, he boasted that MPOE is bulletproof | [00:29] |
Y0nderboy | MPOE? | [00:29] |
phantomcircuit | options emporium | [00:29] |
imsaguy | mainly because MPOE is really a ront | [00:29] |
imsaguy | there's no working code on it | [00:29] |
imsaguy | front* | [00:29] |
smickles | ;;view 7096 | [00:29] |
gribble | #7096 Tue Mar 6 21:34:31 2012 smickles SELL 1.0 Depositary Receipt @ 0.1 BTC (I can do any amount (positive integer). This DR represents the underlying asset MPOE.ETF on GLBSE. I will act as a holding agent for anyone who doesn't want to use GLBSE to purchase shares of the fund. | [00:29] |
smickles | ;) | [00:29] |
imsaguy | ;;view 7202 | [00:30] |
gribble | #7202 Thu Mar 15 15:13:08 2012 imsaguy SELL 1.0 virginity @ 10 btc (Pretty straight forward I think. Title says it all.) | [00:30] |
phantomcircuit | yeah it's so simple that it's unlikely to have any serious flaws | [00:30] |
CaptainDDL | lol | [00:30] |
Mad7Scientist | Man Gay Lesbian Bisexual SE | [00:30] |
Mad7Scientist | I can't helping seeing those letters that way now | [00:30] |
imsaguy | what? | [00:30] |
Mad7Scientist | GLBSE | [00:30] |
Y0nderboy | hey phantomcircuit | [00:31] |
imsaguy | then were does the man come from? | [00:31] |
Y0nderboy | hows tricks? | [00:31] |
CaptainDDL | Y0nderboy, any sites that take BTC, exchanges - MtGox, Bitcoinica, Bit-Pay, etc | [00:31] |
imsaguy | Gay Lesbian Bisexual Sexually Experimenting | [00:31] |
phantomcircuit | Y0nderboy, afterboon | [00:31] |
phantomcircuit | or i guess it's evening now | [00:32] |
phantomcircuit | lol day over | [00:32] |
jurov | if you feel like it, you can test , it doesn't accept btc yet, but am thinking about | [00:32] |
phantomcircuit | didn't do anything interesting | [00:32] |
Y0nderboy | CaptainDDL, i was thinking of auditing web-wallets | [00:32] |
phantomcircuit | oh well | [00:32] |
Y0nderboy | do you have a decent list of web-wallets? | [00:32] |
imsaguy | lol | [00:32] |
Y0nderboy | jurov, is it custom code? | [00:32] |
imsaguy | I want to 'audit' your bitcoin wallet | [00:32] |
jurov | yes | [00:32] |
* | bill_stickers has quit (Quit: leaving) | [00:32] |
Y0nderboy | might take al ook | [00:32] |
Y0nderboy | what kind of security measures did you put in place? | [00:32] |
jurov | grsecurity jail | [00:33] |
* | bill_stickers (~skaro@2001:0:53aa:64c:18af:5ea2:e705:b052) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:33] |
imsaguy | well for starters, not allowing random people offering security services to view the code | [00:33] |
Y0nderboy | jurov, i mean in the code. | [00:33] |
imsaguy | that's a pretty good security measure | [00:33] |
teranos | hey rawrmage | [00:33] |
CaptainDDL | Here's a partial list: , tons of em if you get really bored :P | [00:33] |
Y0nderboy | imsaguy im not asking for code | [00:33] |
Y0nderboy | well i do | [00:33] |
Y0nderboy | but i'm doing black box testing | [00:33] |
imsaguy | ... | [00:33] |
Y0nderboy | a few have trusted me with code | [00:33] |
imsaguy | you were just bitching about not doing blackbox the other day | [00:34] |
rawrmage | hey teranos | [00:34] |
imsaguy | now suddenly you are | [00:34] |
Y0nderboy | but i understand the reluctance too | [00:34] |
imsaguy | keep changing the story | [00:34] |
Y0nderboy | and accept that | [00:34] |
Y0nderboy | imsaguy, Lol, no, you missunderstand me and troll about it | [00:34] |
Y0nderboy | taht's not the same. | [00:34] |
dothackers | is that a trustable blockchain? | [00:34] |
* | paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:34] |
imsaguy | Y0nderboy, I'm pretty sure I don't | [00:34] |
imsaguy | you offer 'testing' without anyone really knowing who you are. | [00:35] |
imsaguy | whats to not understand? | [00:35] |
Y0nderboy | Lol what? | [00:35] |
Y0nderboy | people here know who i am in real life | [00:35] |
Y0nderboy | if i fuck anyone over i can be doxed in ten mins. | [00:35] |
imsaguy | like whom? | [00:35] |
CaptainDDL | dothackers, I usually use , but bitcoincharts is legit too afaik | [00:35] |
Y0nderboy | rawrmage, phantomcircuit | [00:35] |
imsaguy | ;;gettrust rawrmage Y0nderboy | [00:35] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user rawrmage to user Y0nderboy: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | [00:35] |
Y0nderboy | wait, phantomcircuit do you know my IRL details | [00:35] |
imsaguy | ;;gettrust phantomcircuit Y0nderboy | [00:36] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user phantomcircuit to user Y0nderboy: Level 1: 5, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | [00:36] |
rawrmage | Y0nderboy: i'd have to go bug ykkie | [00:36] |
rawrmage | :P | [00:36] |
Y0nderboy | rawrmage, :p | [00:36] |
Y0nderboy | rawrmage, you have me on google+ too. | [00:36] |
phantomcircuit | Y0nderboy, im sure i could find them :) | [00:36] |
rawrmage | oh, good point. | [00:36] |
Y0nderboy | and don't you have me and lians phone number? | [00:36] |
Y0nderboy | or is that just ykkie | [00:36] |
phantomcircuit | i dont but lol again | [00:36] |
Y0nderboy | phantomcircuit, yea, all the oldies at HTS know me. | [00:36] |
phantomcircuit | yeah | [00:36] |
danieldaniel | ohaidet | [00:37] |
phantomcircuit | if you go stealing peoples bitcoins i'll have no trouble finding you :) | [00:37] |
Y0nderboy | Yep | [00:37] |
* | judgement51 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [00:37] |
danieldaniel | der* | [00:37] |
Y0nderboy | Which is a good thing | [00:37] |
phantomcircuit | yup | [00:37] |
Y0nderboy | because it adds a huge level of trust. | [00:37] |
Y0nderboy | I have never hacked for profit anyway. | [00:37] |
imsaguy | ;;gettrust Y0nderboy | [00:37] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user imsaguy to user Y0nderboy: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: | [00:37] |
Y0nderboy | Just for fun when i was a blackhat. | [00:37] |
imsaguy | what are you then if you aren't a whitehat? | [00:37] |
rawrmage | Y0nderboy: just ykkie but i have his i think | [00:37] |
phantomcircuit | lol did you ever watch pacifico? | [00:38] |
Y0nderboy | erry (stein) knows my rl info too | [00:38] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda like 10 btcs | [00:38] |
imsaguy | erryday is MIA atm | [00:38] |
rawrmage | where is she | [00:38] |
Y0nderboy | phantomcircuit, lol, pacifico | [00:38] |
imsaguy | some some reference | [00:38] |
phantomcircuit | he would livecast breaking into shit | [00:38] |
Y0nderboy | i remember hwen he was like 13 | [00:38] |
Y0nderboy | imsaguy nope | [00:38] |
Y0nderboy | i seen erry yesterday | [00:38] |
imsaguy | not in here oyu didn't | [00:38] |
mircea_popescu | where did you see her ? | [00:38] |
imsaguy | ;;seen errydayimgenerat | [00:38] |
gribble | errydayimgenerat was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 4 days, 10 hours, 35 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: |
[00:38] |
Y0nderboy | imsaguy so? | [00:39] |
copumpkin | she has another nick doesn't she? | [00:39] |
Y0nderboy | erry isn't MIA | [00:39] |
imsaguy | Y0nderboy, I think mircea_popescu would claim otherwise | [00:39] |
copumpkin | Y0nderboy: can you get her then? she owes mircea_popescu some money | [00:39] |
Y0nderboy | rly? | [00:39] |
* | Guest____ (5ed1dfae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc | [00:39] |
Y0nderboy | i will talk to her | [00:39] |
Y0nderboy | she has no money though | [00:39] |
copumpkin | thanks! | [00:39] |
mircea_popescu | please do. i sent her an email but got no answer. | [00:39] |
Y0nderboy | cus she said she couldn't afford fod | [00:39] |
Y0nderboy | and i was suggesting dumpster diving. | [00:39] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, how much? | [00:40] |
Y0nderboy | i can give skype, etc. | [00:40] |
imsaguy | heroin can be expensive | [00:40] |
copumpkin | Y0nderboy: it'd still be nice if she contacted him to apologize and try to arrange something | [00:40] |
Y0nderboy | i mean, she's a friend | [00:40] |
mircea_popescu | nothing big, 12 btcs, was trying to establush trust. | [00:40] |
imsaguy | $60 big ones | [00:40] |
Y0nderboy | but i wont protect a friend if she's scamming | [00:40] |
Y0nderboy | nothing big? | [00:40] |
pingdrive | ;;gpg eregister Nebulus B029D303F0C73859 | [00:40] |
dothackers | looks good but it's a $1 .info domain! whyyyy lol | [00:40] |
Y0nderboy | that's like 60 usd | [00:40] |
Y0nderboy | right? | [00:40] |
mircea_popescu | i don't know she's scamming or not, just dissapeared. | [00:40] |
Y0nderboy | that's a lot of money. -.- | [00:40] |
mircea_popescu | a little over 60 but yea. | [00:40] |
copumpkin | Y0nderboy: mircea_popescu is the CEO of a company worth half a million bucks! | [00:40] |
imsaguy | ;;calc [ticker --last] * 12 | [00:40] |
gribble | 64.1868 | [00:40] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, was due on the 14th, got no word, hasn't shown up, shot an email got no response | [00:41] |
danieldaniel | i is bore | [00:41] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: well you're in the right place then | [00:41] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, message relayed | [00:41] |
copumpkin | yeah, you is | [00:41] |
mircea_popescu | copumpkin : i have a few businesses outside btc you know. but anyway. | [00:41] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: | [00:41] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: well, a btc one worth half a million! | [00:41] |
danieldaniel | .title | [00:41] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: :D | [00:41] |
mircea_popescu | speaking of which im curious what the next ipo does. | [00:41] |
mircea_popescu | real curious. | [00:41] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, [22:41] [00:42] |
Y0nderboy | Any specific message you want me to relay? | [00:42] |
copumpkin | "kneecapping comes next" | [00:42] |
* | gribble gives voice to danieldaniel | [00:42] |
mircea_popescu | well pay up is good enough lol | [00:42] |
* | paraipan has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [00:43] |
* | s1mngg (7a3c7e48@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:43] |
Y0nderboy | I would like thiss to get resolved though | [00:43] |
Y0nderboy | you are both nice people, well you seem to be nice mircea_popescu | [00:43] |
* | loktigon has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [00:43] |
copumpkin | nah, mircea_popescu is an asshole | [00:43] |
mircea_popescu | im an asshole but sometimes i impersonate vragnaroda | [00:43] |
mircea_popescu | so i appear nice. | [00:43] |
copumpkin | lol | [00:44] |
rawrmage | lol | [00:44] |
Y0nderboy | lol | [00:44] |
* | magnetron (magnetron@unaffiliated/magnetron) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:44] |
mircea_popescu | ok, 3rs enough | [00:44] |
mircea_popescu | you'll get booted for spamming | [00:44] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: C-C-C-C-Combo breaker | [00:45] |
ponymage | lol | [00:45] |
mcorlett | You were supposed to say "lol". | [00:45] |
ponymage | pony | [00:45] |
s1mngg | wts ukash for btc | [00:45] |
mcorlett | (Effectively laughing at your own joke, but still.) | [00:45] |
Y0nderboy | Seee imsaguy i'm clearly not here to fuck people over | [00:45] |
MBS | anyone want to buy a $20 lowes gift card, an AMEX gift card, or want a vps that is almost 1/3 of a 24G server? | [00:45] |
Y0nderboy | and clearly here to help people | [00:45] |
imsaguy | Y0nderboy, that was your convincing argument? | [00:45] |
Y0nderboy | so could you PLEASE stop planting that seed every time | [00:46] |
imsaguy | This isn't my first rodeo | [00:46] |
imsaguy | its like someone buying 1 btc to build trust | [00:46] |
Y0nderboy | it's pathetic | [00:46] |
dothackers | im triyng to follow this channel's coversations.. it's impossible | [00:46] |
dothackers | idk whats going on lol | [00:46] |
Y0nderboy | You basicaly slander me. | [00:46] |
mircea_popescu | dothackers where did you lose track ? | [00:46] |
dothackers | something about loans..then moving to idk what im reading | [00:46] |
mcorlett | dothackers: Let's watch with excitement anyway! | [00:46] |
* | gribble gives voice to paulzag | [00:46] |
Y0nderboy | dothackers, imsaguy does not like me and insinutes that hwen i offer to support the community by security auditing i'm really out to STEAL UR BITCOINS! | [00:46] |
rawrmage | dothackers: HACKER HACKER AHCKER AHCKER | [00:46] |
rawrmage | WE ARE TEH HACKER | [00:47] |
rawrmage | PONY PONY PONY PONY | [00:47] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [00:47] |
mircea_popescu | ahcker ? | [00:47] |
imsaguy | Y0nderboy: I asked why people should trust you with code access to their sites | [00:47] |
rawrmage | mircea_popescu: acherk | [00:47] |
dothackers | lol. oh y0nderboy you were offering free security consulting? | [00:47] |
smickles | hacker? like you smoke too much and are finally feeling the effects? | [00:47] |
paulzag | more drama? | [00:47] |
rawrmage | smickles: *snrk* | [00:47] |
Y0nderboy | yea dothackers | [00:47] |
paulzag | jeez | [00:47] |
rawrmage | | [00:47] |
imsaguy | paulzag: nevar! | [00:47] |
mcorlett | Y0nderboy: You do do completely external pentesting as well, don't you? | [00:47] |
dothackers | i'd say be a nice boy and don't ask permission and jsut do it..then show em their security flaw. | [00:47] |
* | fimpfimp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:47] |
rawrmage | completely external penistesting | [00:47] |
Y0nderboy | imsaguy, again, while code access is preferable it's not a requirement for an audit | [00:47] |
rawrmage | inb4 i get kicked | [00:48] |
dothackers | that makes more sense. | [00:48] |
Y0nderboy | mcorlett, yes | [00:48] |
pingdrive | ;;getrating [ident Nebulus] | [00:48] |
imsaguy | Y0nderboy, until today, you always were insisting on code access | [00:48] |
Y0nderboy | but i don't think he understands that mcorlett | [00:48] |
Y0nderboy | No i wasn't | [00:48] |
mcorlett | imsaguy: I don't think that's true. | [00:48] |
* | pingdrive is now known as NEbulus | [00:48] |
Y0nderboy | why for all the tests i have done then have i only had code access on one? | [00:48] |
mcorlett | I remember asking several days ago. | [00:48] |
Y0nderboy | I did a hosting service for one guy and found some serious holes. | [00:48] |
* | NEbulus is now known as Nebulus | [00:48] |
Y0nderboy | Didn't have code access | [00:48] |
imsaguy | then why was it necessary to know which wordpress plugins were used/ | [00:48] |
Nebulus | test | [00:49] |
mircea_popescu | if you do hosting service you don't have code access ? | [00:49] |
pigeons | it saves time for the client and the tester | [00:49] |
imsaguy | Nebulus: its working. | [00:49] |
mcorlett | 22:26 |
[00:49] |
mcorlett | 22:27 |
[00:49] |
mircea_popescu | what do you run, a programmable freezer ? | [00:49] |
dothackers | what's code access? | [00:49] |
Nebulus | imsaguy, it doesnt somebody has it registered | [00:49] |
mcorlett | That was 10 days ago. | [00:49] |
Nebulus | imsaguy, damn gotta redo the keys now | [00:49] |
Nebulus | i thought you could have a different nick for otc | [00:49] |
imsaguy | Nebulus: I thought you were just testing to see if you could chat. | [00:49] |
Nebulus | than what you use here | [00:49] |
imsaguy | Nebulus: you can. | [00:49] |
imsaguy | ;;ident Nebulus | [00:50] |
gribble | Nick 'Nebulus', with hostmask 'Nebulus!~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive', is identified as user Nebulus, with GPG key id B029D303F0C73859, and key fingerprint C20D4E4D156BFF6C0D5096EAB029D303F0C73859. | [00:50] |
mircea_popescu | this is otc | [00:50] |
mircea_popescu | so the nick you use here is the nick you use for otc | [00:50] |
mircea_popescu | they being the same thing | [00:50] |
mircea_popescu | in it's identity | [00:50] |
mircea_popescu | to itself | [00:50] |
imsaguy | nah, it can be different | [00:50] |
mircea_popescu | do you mean the wot ? | [00:50] |
Nebulus | okay so i made a txn with someone | [00:50] |
imsaguy | btc_bear used a different irc nick and gpg nick on purpose | [00:50] |
* | smickles is now known as senbokuban | [00:50] |
senbokuban | ;;ident | [00:50] |
gribble | You are identified as user smickles, with GPG key id EA62D7CEB2450C3F, and key fingerprint 96ACCA7C3B09EC61B0A6D7F9EA62D7CEB2450C3F. | [00:50] |
Nebulus | i want to get rated, but not on pingdrive | [00:50] |
Nebulus | ;;ident | [00:50] |
gribble | You are identified as user Nebulus, with GPG key id B029D303F0C73859, and key fingerprint C20D4E4D156BFF6C0D5096EAB029D303F0C73859. | [00:50] |
mircea_popescu | fine, fine. i yield. | [00:50] |
* | Nebulus is now known as pingdrive | [00:50] |
phantomcircuit | imsaguy, you should really be more careful with your accusations | [00:50] |
pingdrive | ;;ident | [00:51] |
gribble | You are identified as user Nebulus, with GPG key id B029D303F0C73859, and key fingerprint C20D4E4D156BFF6C0D5096EAB029D303F0C73859. | [00:51] |
pingdrive | hmm | [00:51] |
imsaguy | phantomcircuit: where's the accusation? | [00:51] |
pingdrive | i see | [00:51] |
dothackers | wouldn't amke sense for nick to match gpg nick | [00:51] |
phantomcircuit | imsaguy, especially when you're so blatantly wrong | [00:51] |
imsaguy | Nebulus: have them do the rating like ";;rate [ident nebulus] # notes" | [00:51] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, She's in a bad way man, she needs our support honestly. would you be willing to perhaps extend when she pays you or waver it? | [00:51] |
Y0nderboy | misschan | [00:51] |
dothackers | Oh damn. didn't kno that | [00:51] |
imsaguy | phantomcircuit: shouldn't you be sniping customers in #mtgox? | [00:51] |
senbokuban | ;;getrating [ident senbokuban] | [00:51] |
gribble | User smickles, created on Wed Jan 4 18:28:52 2012. Cumulative rating 37, from 27 total ratings. Received ratings: 27 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 32 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask senbokuban!~smickles@ | [00:51] |
Y0nderboy | Stein is a nice person. | [00:51] |
pingdrive | ;;getrating | [00:51] |
gribble | (getrating |
[00:51] |
Y0nderboy | Wouldn't intentionaly fuck you over. | [00:51] |
pingdrive | ;;getrating nebulus | [00:52] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently authenticated from hostmask pingdrive!~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive | [00:52] |
phantomcircuit | imsaguy, i like how you have a problem with that but magicaltux specifically said it was ok | [00:52] |
Y0nderboy | I trust stein like 7 | [00:52] |
phantomcircuit | imsaguy, keep it classy | [00:52] |
pingdrive | ;;getrating Nebulus | [00:52] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently authenticated from hostmask pingdrive!~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive | [00:52] |
* | eusoubitcoin (d8bdaf84@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:52] |
imsaguy | phantomcircuit: or in #bitvps where it wasn't ok. | [00:52] |
pingdrive | all right thanks, man | [00:52] |
mcorlett | pingdrive: Can you do this elsewhere? I'm having trouble keeping up with the chatter. | [00:52] |
mircea_popescu | lmao | [00:52] |
imsaguy | pingdrive: just make sure they use [ident ircnick] | [00:52] |
phantomcircuit | imsaguy, i thought it was, i apologized and things were cool | [00:52] |
phantomcircuit | but you're still a child | [00:52] |
imsaguy | that keeps the gpg identity straight | [00:53] |
pingdrive | mcorlett, stfu | [00:53] |
* | extor ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:53] |
dothackers | i keep forgetting to ident ppl. | [00:53] |
dothackers | damn. coulda traded with a fake! | [00:53] |
* | tester45 has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [00:53] |
imsaguy | if anything, the gpg stuff IS on topic for here. :) | [00:53] |
mircea_popescu | bad habit that dothackers | [00:53] |
dothackers | i onyl did rate the nick. | [00:53] |
dothackers | i mean. get rating | [00:53] |
mcorlett | pingdrive: no u | [00:53] |
dothackers | but if you get rating nick .does it get the nick? or the eauth username | [00:53] |
dothackers | so if someone dind't eauth, would it say no rating for this nick? | [00:54] |
imsaguy | no | [00:54] |
imsaguy | ;;ident dothackers | [00:54] |
gribble | Nick 'dothackers', with hostmask 'dothackers!d5e8c8c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user dothackers, with GPG key id 883C2FA8C93DD1AF, and key fingerprint 9235BB37F6705034FF2710AE883C2FA8C93DD1AF. | [00:54] |
mcorlett | dothackers: You can do ident in brackets. | [00:54] |
pingdrive | mcorlett, i am not the one who is being an asshole | [00:54] |
* | paulzag has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:54] |
senbokuban | it's been fairly op free here recent;y, hasn't it | [00:54] |
imsaguy | senbokuban: actually, yes | [00:54] |
imsaguy | nanotube's been busy lately. | [00:54] |
* | h4ckm3 has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:54] |
dothackers | i mean. if you didn't eauth. and i got your rating. would it show your rating? or say no rating cus you idnd't eauth | [00:54] |
dothackers | lol. hope you understand | [00:54] |
mcorlett | pingdrive: Asshole? Where?! | [00:54] |
imsaguy | dothackers: I sorta do | [00:54] |
imsaguy | and yes, you're right | [00:55] |
pigeons | it will show your rating and say your aren't authed | [00:55] |
CaptainDDL | I always forget and do it as two commands, but I believe you can do ;;getrating [ident NICK] | [00:55] |
imsaguy | which is why you always hae them auth. | [00:55] |
imsaguy | yes CaptainDDL | [00:55] |
* | DIGISHELLS has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:55] |
imsaguy | thats the ideal way | [00:55] |
* | paulzag ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:55] |
* | eusoubitcoin has quit (Client Quit) | [00:55] |
imsaguy | have* | [00:55] |
pingdrive | mcorlett, come close to the mirrow, turn around, take your pants of and look | [00:55] |
dothackers | gotcha | [00:55] |
senbokuban | peeps don't have to be authed to view their rating | [00:55] |
* | DIGISHELLS (cater@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:55] |
* | h4ckm3 (h4ckm3@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:55] |
imsaguy | lol pingdrive | [00:55] |
imsaguy | senbokuban: well, if their irc doesn't match their gpg, they do | [00:55] |
pingdrive | imsaguy, so is it ;;rate [ident pingdrive] or ;;rate [ident nebulus] | [00:55] |
mcorlett | Can you try that in English again, please? | [00:55] |
pingdrive | ? | [00:55] |
CaptainDDL | whatever your nickname is at the time | [00:56] |
imsaguy | its ;;rate [ident IRCnick] | [00:56] |
imsaguy | the [ident ircnick] turns into their gpg nick | [00:56] |
senbokuban | you just have to getrating their WoT name | [00:56] |
imsaguy | make sense? | [00:56] |
senbokuban | ;;getrating mtgox | [00:56] |
gribble | User mtgox, created on Mon Nov 8 10:35:39 2010. Cumulative rating 55, from 13 total ratings. Received ratings: 12 positive, 1 negative. Sent ratings: 0 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. | [00:56] |
imsaguy | senbokuban: assuming you know what it is | [00:56] |
pingdrive | yeh | [00:56] |
Y0nderboy | imsaguy seems like the kind of guy that would headbut someone at a soup kitchen. | [00:56] |
Y0nderboy | ;p | [00:56] |
imsaguy | Y0nderboy: thought we had moved on? | [00:57] |
dothackers | ahh. so i tsays at the end | [00:57] |
senbokuban | wtf? | [00:57] |
dothackers | COOL | [00:57] |
dothackers | stupid proof. | [00:57] |
imsaguy | guess not. | [00:57] |
pingdrive | one more question, which nick will be listen on the webpage irc or gpg? | [00:57] |
imsaguy | gpg nick | [00:57] |
pingdrive | aight thanks | [00:57] |
mcorlett | WOT nick* | [00:57] |
* | Greed is now known as Kony2012 | [00:57] |
imsaguy | everything on bitcoin-otc is based on the gpg/otc nick | [00:57] |
* | Kony2012 is now known as Greed | [00:57] |
imsaguy | irc is just for irc | [00:57] |
senbokuban | tautology | [00:58] |
imsaguy | Greed: what's up fucker? | [00:58] |
senbokuban | er | [00:58] |
pingdrive | hmm so what happens if this nick goes south? | [00:58] |
imsaguy | south how? | [00:58] |
mircea_popescu | anyone seen "kiss tomorrow goodbye" ? | [00:58] |
mircea_popescu | kickass movie. | [00:58] |
senbokuban | below thwaist imsaguy | [00:58] |
pingdrive | well if i dont want it anymore | [00:58] |
imsaguy | lol senbokuban | [00:58] |
imsaguy | oh | [00:58] |
imsaguy | then change your irc nick | [00:58] |
imsaguy | simple as that | [00:58] |
* | imsaguy is now known as [\] | [00:58] |
[\] | see? | [00:58] |
[\] | ;;ident "[\\\] | [00:58] |
Greed | Nothing much. | [00:58] |
[\] | ;;ident "[\\\]" | [00:59] |
gribble | Nick '[\]', with hostmask '[\]!~nick@unaffiliated/imsaguy', is identified as user imsaguy, with GPG key id 7D7EA76776E6CE48, and key fingerprint A1398F4C58AC3D387F012AFA7D7EA76776E6CE48. | [00:59] |
pingdrive | not like this | [00:59] |
Greed | Just fighting bears. | [00:59] |
pingdrive | this is registered | [00:59] |
pingdrive | with freenode | [00:59] |
[\] | Greed: market bears or grisly bears or hairy gay bears? | [00:59] |
senbokuban | the WoT nick is independent of freenode | [00:59] |
Greed | Greasy transexual bears. | [00:59] |
[\] | the wot could effectively function across many irc networks | [01:00] |
senbokuban | greasy? fuck that | [01:00] |
[\] | 10 people could share the same irc nick | [01:00] |
pingdrive | senbokuban, yet somehow they are connected | [01:00] |
mcorlett | senbokuban: Yes and no. Your hostmask is stored in the WOT. | [01:00] |
senbokuban | conncted by an irc bot | [01:00] |
mircea_popescu | so 5.3 is the new 4.8 huh | [01:00] |
senbokuban | that irc bot is gribble | [01:00] |
pingdrive | okay how to i change the hostmask | [01:00] |
extor | Is this some kinda scam? | [01:00] |
[\] | mircea_popescu: so far. | [01:00] |
senbokuban | mcorlett: isn't the hotmask just stored as a record of where you connected from? | [01:01] |
mcorlett | senbokuban: As far as I'm aware, that is correct. | [01:01] |
senbokuban | so it's just incidental | [01:02] |
[\] | yes | [01:02] |
[\] | and its only temporary | [01:02] |
* | SteinerC has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [01:02] |
[\] | if gribble loses sight of you, you lose your auth | [01:02] |
senbokuban | the real heart of a WoT user is independant of freenode, or irc even. It could be accessed and used in other ways | [01:02] |
[\] | even if your host hasn't changed. | [01:02] |
Y0nderboy | I come from anarchist communities where people trust eachother. | [01:02] |
mcorlett | Notice the "Yes and no." It wasn't relevant in the context of this discussion, but an interesting tidbit of information. | [01:02] |
Y0nderboy | and help eachother | [01:02] |
Y0nderboy | i guess i'm not used to you peoples distrust of others | [01:03] |
mircea_popescu | anarchist communities, what's that ? | [01:03] |
Y0nderboy | it's probably my fault. | [01:03] |
Y0nderboy | tbh. | [01:03] |
mircea_popescu | the new, hip name for bums ? | [01:03] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, nope. | [01:03] |
mircea_popescu | you sure ? | [01:03] |
[\] | Y0nderboy: there's real money involved here. | [01:03] |
Y0nderboy | What do bums have to do with anarchism? | [01:03] |
mircea_popescu | name a rich anarchist community. | [01:03] |
senbokuban | mcorlett: oh, sry, selective reading, i suppose | [01:03] |
pingdrive | hmm, is it true though only person who's got the keyphrase can reauthorize? | [01:03] |
[\] | yes | [01:03] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, ih ave been treasurer for groups | [01:03] |
mircea_popescu | yes pingdrive | [01:03] |
Y0nderboy | i have not run off with the money. | [01:03] |
pingdrive | okay werd | [01:03] |
pingdrive | good shit | [01:04] |
mircea_popescu | o ya ? ever treasured more than a million or two ? | [01:04] |
[\] | only the person with the gpg passphrase to the private keys | [01:04] |
Y0nderboy | No mircea_popescu | [01:04] |
mircea_popescu | well then ? | [01:04] |
Y0nderboy | how is that relevant? p | [01:04] |
mircea_popescu | this here is a business channel. we're business people. we trade. | [01:04] |
mircea_popescu | it's all about money. | [01:04] |
[\] | $200 is much different than $2000000 | [01:04] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, if a site is vuln, it's vuln. | [01:04] |
rawrmage | SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! | [01:04] |
mircea_popescu | so ya, it's exactly relevant. what's irrelevant is bum communities. | [01:04] |
Y0nderboy | i mean, any malicious cracker could steall all the shit. | [01:04] |
[\] | rawrmage: you have no money, pirateat40 showed me your balance. | [01:04] |
mircea_popescu | rawrmage umm ? | [01:04] |
Y0nderboy | bum communities? | [01:04] |
Y0nderboy | wtf are you talking about? | [01:04] |
Y0nderboy | what does anarchism have to do with bums? | [01:05] |
mircea_popescu | eh whatever you're calling them now, occupy philosophy or whatever | [01:05] |
rawrmage | [\]: i don't even fps&t :( | [01:05] |
mircea_popescu | used to be flower something or the other. | [01:05] |
[\] | rawrmage: that explains the 0 balance | [01:05] |
[\] | :p | [01:05] |
* | mcorlett is now known as mcorlette | [01:05] |
rawrmage | mircea_popescu: | [01:05] |
rawrmage | [\]: lol | [01:05] |
mircea_popescu | dude stop changing gender! | [01:05] |
mircea_popescu | it confuses my santorum. | [01:05] |
mcorlette | mircea_popescu: bro im gonna slep | [01:05] |
* | Raccoon explodes into a frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter. | [01:05] |
[\] | lol Raccoon | [01:05] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [01:06] |
mircea_popescu | nn | [01:06] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, what? | [01:06] |
Y0nderboy | you're literaly talking out your ass. | [01:06] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked Raccoon from #bitcoin-otc (Please review channel guidelines.) | [01:06] |
* | Raccoon (bismuth@unaffiliated/raccoon) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:06] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to Raccoon | [01:06] |
mircea_popescu | ahaha | [01:06] |
Y0nderboy | Anarchism is about worker self organization. | [01:06] |
[\] | what? why does Raccoon have +R? | [01:06] |
mircea_popescu | dude. again. this is about money. not aabout worker anything. | [01:06] |
[\] | that's a bunch of bullshit | [01:06] |
senbokuban | kicked? | [01:06] |
Y0nderboy | Like, i say it probably is my fault and you STILL go on the offencive. | [01:06] |
senbokuban | lol | [01:06] |
mcorlette | R for Raccoon | [01:06] |
[\] | R for Retard? | [01:06] |
mcorlette | Both? | [01:06] |
[\] | you got me | [01:07] |
vragnaroda | [\]: Good question. | [01:07] |
* | vragnaroda removes voice from Raccoon | [01:07] |
rawrmage | lol | [01:07] |
[\] | ohhh, I get it | [01:07] |
senbokuban | opless no more it seems | [01:07] |
[\] | R is for rawrmage | [01:07] |
dothackers | if someone obtained your wallet.dat can they do much without your password? | [01:07] |
* | vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda | [01:07] |
[\] | Raccoon, the retarded rawrmage | [01:07] |
[\] | dothackers, no. | [01:07] |
vragnaroda | senbokuban: There are plenty of ops. ;) | [01:07] |
[\] | assuming its encrypted. | [01:07] |
dothackers | wondering why you have to encrypt it when backing it up and such | [01:07] |
rawrmage | [\]: oi! | [01:08] |
[\] | dothackers: not everyone uses the built in encryption | [01:08] |
mircea_popescu | copumpkin : this may interest you maybe | [01:08] |
dothackers | ahhhh. | [01:08] |
dothackers | ok | [01:08] |
[\] | its off by default in upgraded wallets | [01:08] |
* | rawrmage implodes from a viscous solution of sandpaper and sanitation fluid. | [01:08] |
[\] | copumpkin isn't here. | [01:08] |
mcorlette | dothackers: The encryption algorithm is still very new. I would recommend storing your wallet in something like a TrueCrypt container. | [01:09] |
[\] | I <3 my truecrypt | [01:09] |
[\] | truecrypt saved to spideroak | [01:09] |
dothackers | i doubt anoyne would gain access to my dropbox. but so much work. | [01:09] |
mircea_popescu | how unsafe would you say the new wallet encryptioon is ? | [01:09] |
mircea_popescu | i been trying to get a reading of it with dubious success. | [01:09] |
dothackers | i like dropbox better cus it hashes your files so you don't have ot upload the whole thing if someone else has it. | [01:10] |
dothackers | but spideroak is for that encryption-ness! | [01:10] |
mcorlette | mircea_popescu: There was one incident where wallets weren't overwritten or something like that. The keys were still there, unencrypted. | [01:10] |
mircea_popescu | i thought that was fixed ? | [01:10] |
senbokuban | only for non-french | [01:10] |
* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:11] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [01:11] |
* | splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:11] |
mcorlette | It has been, yes. I only said it was very new, so perhaps it isn't the safest place right now. | [01:11] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [01:11] |
mircea_popescu | aha. yea, that's a solid point. | [01:11] |
senbokuban | mcorlette: but people on the forums say it's the second comming | [01:11] |
[\] | copumpkin: welcome back, mircea_popescu has a link for you | [01:11] |
mcorlette | On the other hand, we won't know how reliable it is if nobody uses it. | [01:11] |
mircea_popescu | i pm'd him | [01:11] |
copumpkin | ohai | [01:12] |
dothackers | you talking about spideroak? | [01:13] |
dothackers | or new wallet encrpyiton | [01:13] |
mircea_popescu | both | [01:13] |
mircea_popescu | and also everthing else | [01:13] |
mircea_popescu | how's your mom ? | [01:13] |
dothackers | me? she's good. | [01:13] |
mcorlette | mircea_popescu: Behave | [01:13] |
dothackers | how about yours? | [01:13] |
mircea_popescu | i think she's fine too. | [01:14] |
dothackers | think? haven't talked to her in a while? | [01:14] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlette, have a concern you wish to share with the group ? | [01:14] |
mircea_popescu | maybe a week ? | [01:14] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: well, I guess znort went and ruined it :) I was gonna bid $100 but he just offered $750 | [01:16] |
mircea_popescu | aww. | [01:16] |
mircea_popescu | well give it two weeks, bid 80 on his 750. | [01:16] |
copumpkin | I would not pay that much for his debt | [01:16] |
copumpkin | lol | [01:16] |
mircea_popescu | i certainkly think .5 is out of the question | [01:16] |
mircea_popescu | i was curious in the pennies range, if it's five pennies or half a penny to the dolla. | [01:17] |
copumpkin | hah, I guess someone has more faith in him than either of us :) | [01:18] |
dothackers | where is spawn-! need him to exchange. | [01:18] |
dothackers | lalalala | [01:18] |
mcorlette | ;;seen spawn- | [01:18] |
vragnaroda | Oh, there's a new token female in here now? | [01:18] |
funziggy | dothackers what do you need | [01:18] |
dothackers | 50PPUSD to bitcoins. | [01:19] |
splatster | I'm honestly considering turning off the autocorrect feature that OS X Lion added. | [01:19] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: oh, he edited it down to .5 | [01:19] |
dothackers | i love the autocorrect feature | [01:19] |
* | Stewie__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [01:19] |
funziggy | sec and I'll log in properly | [01:19] |
dothackers | i type a lot better because of it and learned how to spell words properly | [01:19] |
mircea_popescu | who's the token female ? | [01:19] |
* | Stewie__ (~Stewie@gateway/tor-sasl/stewiemcfluffy) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:19] |
funziggy | was just going offline | [01:19] |
splatster | dothackers: maybe you should consider add i -> I to your automatic corection. | [01:20] |
splatster | corrections* | [01:20] |
dothackers | lol. then everything would look too proper | [01:20] |
paulzag | dothackers, that's better let me auth | [01:20] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: mcorlette's nick has had a sex change. | [01:20] |
* | gribble gives voice to paulzag | [01:20] |
* | mcorlette is now known as mcorlett | [01:20] |
dothackers | paulzag, hmm? | [01:20] |
rawrmage | who /was/ the token female? | [01:20] |
paulzag | ;;getrating [ident dothackers ] | [01:20] |
gribble | User dothackers, created on Thu Mar 15 00:21:28 2012. Cumulative rating 2, from 2 total ratings. Received ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask dothackers!d5e8c8c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | [01:20] |
mircea_popescu | he keeps doing that. must be the water. | [01:20] |
rawrmage | before le ette? | [01:21] |
paulzag | ;;ticker | [01:21] |
gribble | Best bid: 5.34871, Best ask: 5.3489, Bid-ask spread: 0.000190000000001, Last trade: 5.3487, 24 hour volume: 41896, 24 hour low: 5.25501, 24 hour high: 5.45 | [01:21] |
vragnaroda | rawrmage: errydayimgenerat | [01:21] |
vragnaroda | lol | [01:21] |
rawrmage | lol | [01:21] |
dothackers | ;;getrating [ident paulzag] | [01:21] |
gribble | User paulzag, created on Wed Jan 25 02:08:21 2012. Cumulative rating 66, from 39 total ratings. Received ratings: 39 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 40 positive, 1 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask paulzag! | [01:21] |
splatster | dothackers: System Preferences -> Language & Text ->Text -> Use symbol and text substitution -> add replace i with I. | [01:22] |
dothackers | lol. im afraid it might affect things i don't want to have I's | [01:22] |
splatster | it only applies to whole words. | [01:22] |
dothackers | i know. but randomly I might need to type an I for a variable or something | [01:23] |
dothackers | dunno how it affects code and such | [01:23] |
splatster | Words like hi won't become hI. | [01:23] |
splatster | it doesn't apply in most decent text editors. | [01:23] |
dothackers | thats cool! | [01:24] |
splatster | especially if i has some sort of identifier like '$' | [01:24] |
splatster | also, using the escape key as I did above prevents it from changing. | [01:24] |
mircea_popescu | xchat comes with teh->the by default, i took it out. i hate autoanything. | [01:24] |
splatster | lol | [01:25] |
* | EvanR has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [01:25] |
splatster | I should auto replace lol with That was a very funny! | [01:25] |
splatster | or at least heh | [01:25] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu prefers manualeverything. | [01:25] |
mircea_popescu | slave labour mcorlett. | [01:25] |
* | chao (~blumenkra@gateway/tor-sasl/blumenkraft) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:26] |
* | mcorlett is now known as luke-sr | [01:26] |
* | luke-sr is now known as mcorlett | [01:27] |
* | emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:27] |
paulzag | mcorlett, playing with fire? | [01:28] |
* | blumenkraft has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [01:28] |
* | funziggy ( has left #bitcoin-otc | [01:28] |
mcorlett | paulzag: Good nick to have in one's repertoire. Just in case, you know. | [01:29] |
mircea_popescu | repertoire ? | [01:29] |
mircea_popescu | what are you, in show business ? | [01:30] |
easystevey | selling BTC for WU | [01:30] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: You and me, baby! | [01:30] |
Y0nderboy | nanotube, can you message me when you're about. <3 | [01:30] |
Y0nderboy | emmanuelux, emmanual goldstein? FUUU-- | [01:30] |
Y0nderboy | :p | [01:31] |
mircea_popescu | ahaha that thread discounting shakuru's debt is hysterical. "would be awesome if he bought it. with a loan" etc. | [01:31] |
copumpkin | lol | [01:31] |
mcorlett | lol | [01:31] |
[\] | have shakaru bid on his own debt | [01:32] |
[\] | awesomesauce | [01:32] |
splatster | [\]: YES! | [01:32] |
Y0nderboy | Can you sign my copy of The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism? :D | [01:32] |
mircea_popescu | i still can't believe the market is so fragmented as to allow that guy to pile up > 20k of debt w/o anyone getting wise | [01:32] |
mircea_popescu | over MONTHS | [01:32] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: You should add Shakaru debt-points to your exchange. | [01:32] |
mircea_popescu | the internet is supposed to be about speed and information dissemination for crying out loud. | [01:32] |
[\] | mircea_popescu: it won't happen anymore. | [01:32] |
mircea_popescu | it's what wall street says. | [01:32] |
[\] | the biggest lenders talk daily | [01:32] |
splatster | I am taking possible candidates for the new name of splatterbot! Already in the hopper is "splatter," any others? | [01:32] |
mircea_popescu | fleosc. | [01:33] |
[\] | I think splatters is a better name | [01:33] |
mcorlett | splatster: "shackaru" | [01:33] |
mircea_popescu | spatz ? | [01:33] |
Y0nderboy | heh | [01:33] |
Y0nderboy | I might make a copy of The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism | [01:33] |
Y0nderboy | and put it on my bookshelf | [01:33] |
splatster | [\]: added to the list!, thanks imssguy | [01:33] |
splatster | imsaguy* | [01:34] |
[\] | splatster: research before you add it | [01:34] |
mircea_popescu | mine are unworthy ?! | [01:34] |
[\] | /ns info splatters | [01:34] |
splatster | please PM me with possibilities, I can't keep track of them all | [01:34] |
[\] | -NickServ- Information on splatters (account imsaguy): | [01:34] |
[\] | I'll sell it to you | [01:34] |
Y0nderboy | I need to re-read that book | [01:34] |
Y0nderboy | 1984. <3 | [01:34] |
splatster | [\]: Or you could be a good person and just ungroup it for me. | [01:35] |
rawrmage | lol | [01:35] |
copumpkin | hah, you want [\] to be a good person? | [01:35] |
copumpkin | THIS IS SPARTA | [01:35] |
splatster | I'm serious though, PM me possibilities for the new name. | [01:36] |
mircea_popescu | " If there is something that I lied about in this post, I will suck your dick and give you $10K USD." | [01:36] |
mircea_popescu | that forum... | [01:36] |
splatster | FYI I actually have control of the nick "splatter" | [01:36] |
mircea_popescu | that forum reminds me of junior high | [01:36] |
splatster | vrag is a good and kind person and gave it up after I let it blow over. | [01:36] |
mcorlett | splatster: Call it "Tyrone". | [01:36] |
MBS | lol java is kinda fun to mess around with | [01:37] |
MBS | | [01:37] |
splatster | drag autocorrects to drag every fucking time | [01:37] |
Y0nderboy | I'm working pro-bono for the bitcoin community, will cehck if your site is vulnerable to attack or not, working pro-bono for bitcoin community. :) | [01:37] |
splatster | mcorlett: I said PM please | [01:37] |
mircea_popescu | java is evil. | [01:37] |
MBS | well groovy, but code is valid java almost, just no semicolons | [01:37] |
* | mcorlett is now known as Tyrone | [01:37] |
Y0nderboy | jAva is icky | [01:37] |
Tyrone | Registered. | [01:37] |
* | Keavon ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:37] |
* | Tyrone is now known as mcorlett | [01:37] |
Y0nderboy | I need to get back into the python swing of things. | [01:37] |
Y0nderboy | awesome language. | [01:37] |
Y0nderboy | I might start learning ruby tonight actually. | [01:37] |
* | SteinerC (48bdd6c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:38] |
MBS | have a friend in the 2nd computer science class where they learn c++ (first is python) and hes doing a text base rpg for the lols | [01:38] |
SteinerC | What is the transfer charge on MTGOX? | [01:38] |
danieldaniel | anyone wanna sell a reload able debit card? | [01:38] |
Keavon | What do I type to authenticate? | [01:38] |
SteinerC | .55%/BTC or for whole trade? | [01:38] |
MBS | decided to do a text based rpg in java/groovy for the lols too | [01:38] |
MBS | since i wanted to learn it anyway for ARMA 3 | [01:38] |
Y0nderboy | MBS, ?? | [01:38] |
Y0nderboy | MBS, as in, a MUD? | [01:38] |
MBS | sorta | [01:38] |
MBS | probably not as complex though | [01:38] |
Y0nderboy | I always wanted to work on a MUD. | [01:38] |
mcorlett | SteinerC: ... | [01:38] |
MBS | and tbh, doubt either of us will ever finish, lol | [01:38] |
SteinerC | mcorlett: Yes? I don't know whether it is /BTC or for the whole trade | [01:38] |
Keavon | What do I type to authenticate? | [01:39] |
* | PsiliPharm (~psiliphar@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:39] |
MBS | but i already know alot more java that i did 20 hours ago, lol | [01:39] |
mircea_popescu | keavon you type "ponies are kewl" | [01:39] |
MBS | love the Groovy Console | [01:39] |
vragnaroda | Keavon: See the ,,guide | [01:39] |
gribble | Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: | [01:39] |
Keavon | mircea_popescu: Yes, they are, but that's not what I type. | [01:39] |
mcorlett | SteinerC: Just think about what you just said. Does it make sense? | [01:40] |
rawrmage | ponies ponies ponies! | [01:40] |
* | vragnaroda is pretty sure that's what he types. | [01:40] |
mircea_popescu | eauth / everify with two semicolons | [01:40] |
SteinerC | mcorlett: I don't know the answer. So idc | [01:40] |
Keavon | ;;gpg eauth Keavon | [01:42] |
splatster | I would be banned from freenode 50 times over if the anti-pony bot was still around. | [01:42] |
[\] | meh | [01:42] |
splatster | ;;gpg info Keavon | [01:42] |
gribble | User 'Keavon', with keyid 5C8C10592CB21EC3 and fingerprint 840677AAB97393F1C1A76DE55C8C10592CB21EC3, registered on Thu Jan 5 11:09:53 2012. Currently not authenticated. | [01:42] |
[\] | splatster: using gpg is unnecessary | [01:42] |
* | yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [01:42] |
[\] | just do ;;info keavon | [01:42] |
[\] | :) | [01:43] |
copumpkin | splatster: sounds like you value that nick at least 10 btc to me | [01:43] |
SteinerC | mcorlett: nvm, realized that was dumb | [01:43] |
SteinerC | got it:P | [01:43] |
splatster | [\]: Oh, I thought ;;info was the only one that wasn't the same as ;;gpg info. | [01:43] |
splatster | I always use ;;eauth instead of ;;gpg eauth. | [01:43] |
Keavon | I don't see it on the guide, after I have the decrypted key in my clipboard, what do I type to tell Gribble it? | [01:44] |
mircea_popescu | To date, I've received 34 btc. | [01:44] |
mircea_popescu | hey, it's almost 1% | [01:44] |
* | mrsy (~mrsy@gateway/tor-sasl/mrsy) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:44] |
splatster | Keavon: ;;gpg everify |
[01:44] |
splatster | copumpkin: What nick? | [01:44] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | Keavon watch this | [01:44] |
mcorlett | ;;everify for short | [01:44] |
dothackers | ;;rate paulzag 1 Sold 50PPUSD for 8.8bC. fast smooth easy! | [01:45] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user paulzag has been recorded. | [01:45] |
copumpkin | splatters | [01:45] |
Keavon | Thanks, mcorlett | [01:45] |
splatster | copumpkin: Umm no? | [01:45] |
Keavon | It's been a while since I was last here and kinda forgot what the commands were. | [01:45] |
copumpkin | splatster: oh well | [01:45] |
vragnaroda | splatster: Call it imsagay. | [01:45] |
mcorlett | Keavon: Welcome back! | [01:45] |
[\] | please do. | [01:45] |
[\] | that'd be funny | [01:45] |
Keavon | Thanks, mcorlett. :P And I've got some bitcoins to spend, too | [01:46] |
vragnaroda | I'll release it for 1.5 BTC. | [01:46] |
[\] | lol | [01:46] |
splatster | [5:46 PM] -NickServ- Information on imsagay (account vragnaroda): | [01:46] |
splatster | :/ | [01:46] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda : ill take imsaguy for 1.5 | [01:46] |
[\] | mircea_popescu: just use it | [01:46] |
vragnaroda | :o | [01:46] |
[\] | I give you permission | [01:46] |
mircea_popescu | hehe just messin with you | [01:46] |
mcorlett | splatster: Surprised? | [01:46] |
mircea_popescu | if you don't mess it's no fun :p | [01:46] |
splatster | mcorlett: FFS DROP IT! | [01:47] |
splatster | mcorlett: He let me have "splatter" after I went back into a more rational state. | [01:47] |
* | aparigraha (~aparigrah@gateway/tor-sasl/aparigraha) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:47] |
Keavon | Anybody here want to buy my BTC for gifted Steam games at equal Mt.Gox rate? | [01:47] |
rawrmage | steamcoin | [01:47] |
mcorlett | Keavon: Total value of said games? | [01:47] |
Keavon | mcorlett: what do you mean? Total USD cost? Total BTC cost? | [01:48] |
mcorlett | USD | [01:48] |
Keavon | Err | [01:48] |
Keavon | Let me check | [01:48] |
Keavon | lol | [01:48] |
Keavon | I need to add up a bunch of DLC prices | [01:48] |
* | aparigraha has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [01:48] |
* | splatster should register splaster... | [01:48] |
* | aparigraha (~aparigrah@gateway/tor-sasl/aparigraha) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:48] |
Y0nderboy | neofutur, Hey, are you there? | [01:49] |
copumpkin | Y0nderboy: need something? | [01:49] |
Y0nderboy | Yea, neofur. :p | [01:49] |
* | paulzag3 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:49] |
* | paulzag3 ( has left #bitcoin-otc | [01:49] |
Keavon | mcorlett: can I just say a range? Somewhere between $4 to $6ish | [01:50] |
Y0nderboy | Hence highlighting him and not you mate. ;) | [01:50] |
Keavon | I think | [01:50] |
* | splatster wonders if someone will try and steal splaster | [01:50] |
mcorlett | Keavon: I can do that. | [01:50] |
vragnaroda | splatster: plaster | [01:50] |
Keavon | Ok | [01:50] |
Y0nderboy | Plaster? | [01:50] |
Y0nderboy | God plastering is a hard job. | [01:50] |
Y0nderboy | -.- | [01:51] |
Y0nderboy | IT LOOKS SO EASY | [01:51] |
* | gribble gives voice to mcorlett | [01:51] |
copumpkin | Y0nderboy: I saw you asking for nanotube too, so I thought you might be after an op | [01:51] |
splatster | vragnaroda: Stop giving me ideas you already registered! | [01:51] |
* | splatster is now known as plaster | [01:51] |
Y0nderboy | naw copumpkin | [01:51] |
vragnaroda | It seems like God plastering would be much easier than real plastering. | [01:51] |
* | plaster is now known as splatster | [01:51] |
paulzag | ;;rate [ident dothackers] 1 sold him BTC for PPUSD quick & easy, would trade again | [01:51] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user dothackers has been recorded. | [01:51] |
[\] | nice job paulzag :) | [01:51] |
vragnaroda | splatster: plasters | [01:51] |
Y0nderboy | copumpkin, i want nanotube cus he wrote something for me and i lost it and i want neofur because i did a bit of auditing for him so it would be nice to get someone to verify my claims a little. | [01:52] |
copumpkin | ah, okay | [01:52] |
paulzag | vragnaroda, ^^ +! | [01:52] |
Y0nderboy | Because it kind of upsets me how my good intentions rather than being declined are being used to smear me as a thief. | [01:52] |
[\] | woah is me | [01:53] |
splatster | I have an idea! No one take it though! splatterer | [01:54] |
paulzag | [\], the earlier experimentation disturbed me. now I'll [ident everyone] | [01:54] |
CaptainDDL | splat | [01:54] |
Keavon | Selling my BTC for buying Steam games | [01:55] |
paulzag | Keavon I'll give you PPUSD and you can buy it with that... my USD credit card isn't here yet | [01:56] |
* | SteinerC has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [01:56] |
vragnaroda | splatster: splatterers | [01:56] |
danieldaniel | selling 11 btc for ppusd 1:1 | [01:56] |
Keavon | paulzag: sorry, I'm too scared to Paypal to use it. | [01:56] |
paulzag | I agree 100% Keavon | [01:56] |
splatster | LOL @ people trying to steal my fucking ideas! | [01:56] |
splatster | [5:54 PM] -NickServ- splatterer has been ghosted. | [01:56] |
danieldaniel | ;;ident | [01:56] |
gribble | You are identified as user danieldaniel, with GPG key id C5D21E9BDCAE3594, and key fingerprint 4761C0C9EA65B824459AF736C5D21E9BDCAE3594. | [01:56] |
* | btcsantander (3e2a1b3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:56] |
paulzag | don''t start | [01:57] |
paulzag | okay danieldaniel | [01:57] |
danieldaniel | ;;ident easystevey | [01:57] |
gribble | Nick 'easystevey', with hostmask 'easystevey!6c2e0ec6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user easystevey, with GPG key id 3F0A282CB961C7F8, and key fingerprint 5CA5B85A3ED267FA31E07E283F0A282CB961C7F8. | [01:57] |
danieldaniel | ;;getrating easystevey | [01:57] |
gribble | User easystevey, created on Mon Mar 12 17:30:07 2012. Cumulative rating 6, from 4 total ratings. Received ratings: 4 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 4 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask easystevey!6c2e0ec6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | [01:57] |
Keavon | Bitcoin + Paypal + Steam = awful risk. If Bitcoin causes Paypal to suspend my account and reverse my transaction, then Steam permanently bans my account. | [01:57] |
* | dothackers has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [01:58] |
* | chk has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [01:58] |
* | nicklebacks (5b79d0da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:59] |
Y0nderboy | ^-- isn't that a shitty canadian band | [01:59] |
Y0nderboy | >.> | [01:59] |
Cusipzzz | nickelback? | [01:59] |
danieldaniel | ;;ident paulzag | [02:00] |
Keavon | Anyone on who is based in the US with a good rating here that wants to buy BTC? | [02:00] |
Y0nderboy | Yea | [02:00] |
gribble | Nick 'paulzag', with hostmask 'paulzag!', is identified as user paulzag, with GPG key id D2E53C8106D2F48F, and key fingerprint F36D4740261B6E12B48DC67BD2E53C8106D2F48F. | [02:00] |
Y0nderboy | ;p | [02:00] |
easystevey | buying BTC with PP,MP,Amazon GC | [02:01] |
vragnaroda | splatster: splatstering | [02:02] |
mcorlett | splatster: splasterative | [02:02] |
Keavon | easystevey: hey | [02:02] |
easystevey | hi | [02:02] |
splatster | vragnaroda: I'm sure all these have been registered to you and I'll have to pay for them. | [02:02] |
danieldaniel | ;;ticker | [02:03] |
gribble | Best bid: 5.32662, Best ask: 5.3478, Bid-ask spread: 0.02118, Last trade: 5.32659, 24 hour volume: 40833, 24 hour low: 5.25501, 24 hour high: 5.445 | [02:03] |
* | `2Fast2BCn has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [02:04] |
Y0nderboy | /msg rawrmage not meaning you in particular, sorry for the outburst. <3 Also, would you be interested in letting me start a bitcoin project on your server? | [02:04] |
Y0nderboy | FAIL | [02:04] |
Y0nderboy | fuck you fingers. | [02:05] |
* | `2Fast2BCn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:05] |
* | darkfur93 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:05] |
* | QbY ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:05] |
QbY | Anyone take WePay for Bitcoin? | [02:06] |
danieldaniel | ;;rated paulzag | [02:06] |
gribble | You have not yet rated user paulzag | [02:06] |
danieldaniel | ;;rate paulzag 1 PPUSD -> BTC :) | [02:07] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user paulzag has been recorded. | [02:07] |
paulzag | ;;rate danieldaniel 1 I bought BTC for PPUSD | [02:07] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user danieldaniel has been recorded. | [02:07] |
Y0nderboy | I understand you people have serious trust issues so if i was to start a bitcoin lottery, what would be the best way to do this with trust? would a board of trusted community members with access to the server/wallet suffice? | [02:08] |
Y0nderboy | ..misschan, i'm all over hte place today. | [02:08] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | Hi iam pleased to announce the existence of #bitcoin-otc-uk for all UK trading needs . Please take the time to have a look Thankyou. | [02:08] |
[\] | vragnaroda ^ | [02:09] |
[\] | dooo eeeeet | [02:09] |
* | cyphase_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:09] |
mircea_popescu | there's a shitton of lotteries already | [02:09] |
mcorlett | bitcoin-otc-uk: Please stop. | [02:09] |
mircea_popescu | they don't gether much business | [02:09] |
Y0nderboy | Really? | [02:09] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [02:09] |
* | cyphase has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [02:09] |
Y0nderboy | I havn't seen any. | [02:09] |
Y0nderboy | nevermind then. | [02:09] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked bitcoin-otc-uk from #bitcoin-otc (Quit spamming that shit.) | [02:09] |
Keavon | ;;getrating ident easystevey | [02:09] |
gribble | (getrating |
[02:09] |
* | vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda | [02:09] |
Y0nderboy | I want to run some bitcoin project. | [02:09] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, are any of them not for profit? | [02:10] |
* | fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [02:10] |
* | mircea_popescu shrugs | [02:10] |
mircea_popescu | i don't imagine anyone gives a shit. | [02:10] |
* | cyphase_ is now known as cyphase | [02:10] |
* | cyphase has quit (Changing host) | [02:10] |
* | cyphase (~cyphase@unaffiliated/cyphase) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:10] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: On that note, I get perfect WiFi reception in my bathroom. | [02:10] |
vragnaroda | Just thought you might like to know that. | [02:11] |
copumpkin | vragnaroda: you should post updates on your dump-taking | [02:11] |
mircea_popescu | haha. i specifically had the isp install a non wifi router. i like my cables. | [02:11] |
copumpkin | twitter style | [02:11] |
* | Gekz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:11] |
* | Gekz has quit (Changing host) | [02:11] |
* | Gekz (~gekz@unaffiliated/gekz) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:11] |
[\] | vragnaroda: let us know when things splash down | [02:11] |
mircea_popescu | splat! | [02:11] |
Y0nderboy | mircea_popescu, seconded | [02:11] |
Y0nderboy | i'm not a fan of wifi at all | [02:11] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: You get a router from your ISP? :o | [02:11] |
mircea_popescu | yea. | [02:11] |
Y0nderboy | vragnaroda, most ISP's give free routers. | [02:12] |
[\] | technology is of the devil | [02:12] |
mircea_popescu | actually a pretty good one at that, like 80 bux or some shit | [02:12] |
Y0nderboy | usually shitty ones though. | [02:12] |
splatster | mircea_popescu: Y U HIGHLIGHT ME? | [02:12] |
vragnaroda | I've never had a router provided by an ISP and I've never heard of people doing that before. | [02:12] |
* | DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:12] |
vragnaroda | That's weird. | [02:12] |
vragnaroda | splatster: | [02:12] |
vragnaroda | splatster: | [02:13] |
vragnaroda | splatster: | [02:13] |
vragnaroda | splatster: | [02:13] |
* | gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 | [02:13] |
[\] | /kick vragnaroda | [02:13] |
mircea_popescu | it's a cisco even. | [02:13] |
* | aparigraha has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [02:13] |
vragnaroda | That must be a Yuropean thing. | [02:13] |
mircea_popescu | did i highlight you splatster ? | [02:14] |
splatster | vragnaroda: I don't believe those messages follow the -otc guidelines you have sworn to uphold. | [02:14] |
splatster | mircea_popescu: I have splat in my highlights because people use it a lot. | [02:14] |
mircea_popescu | actually romania is crazy with the internet, made in the top 3 of fastest metro speeds of teh welrds. | [02:14] |
vragnaroda | splatster: “Sworn to uphold?” What? | [02:14] |
mircea_popescu | splat is a word you know. sorta. | [02:14] |
vragnaroda | Not sorta. Is. | [02:14] |
Keavon | Anyone here who either has a good rating or uses Steam and owns a lot of games want to buy me Steam games for my BTC? | [02:15] |
splatster | vragnaroda: I was pointing out in a dramatized way that you, an oper, didn't follow your own rules. | [02:15] |
[\] | take your appeal to a different op? | [02:16] |
[\] | better yet, lets have some #bitcoin-court | [02:16] |
vragnaroda | What rule is that? Complaints about being hilighted merit hilights and it wasn't 5 lines or more. | [02:16] |
* | SteinerC (48bdd6c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:16] |
SteinerC | Buying 3 BTC MTGOX $15.95284 | [02:17] |
mircea_popescu | rule 38 or whatever it is | [02:17] |
mircea_popescu | steinerc you're buying btc with mtgox usd here ?! | [02:17] |
mircea_popescu | why not take it to mtgox lol | [02:17] |
SteinerC | B/c | [02:17] |
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copumpkin | he probably means he's buying iat the mtgox price? | [02:17] |
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SteinerC | I want to buy them here. | [02:17] |
* | tester45 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:17] |
splatster | If I spammed the channel by highlighted you four times, I am pretty sure you would kick me. | [02:17] |
mircea_popescu | umm | [02:17] |
copumpkin | SteinerC: what payment method? | [02:17] |
copumpkin | (lemme guess, paypal?) | [02:18] |
copumpkin | :P | [02:18] |
* | Chaang_Noi_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:18] |
mircea_popescu | he said mtgox usd no ? | [02:18] |
SteinerC | Yes USD | [02:18] |
mircea_popescu | im confused. | [02:18] |
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SteinerC | I have a bid open on MTGOX | [02:18] |
* | _h4ckm3 (h4ckm3@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:18] |
paulzag | ;;ticker | [02:18] |
gribble | Best bid: 5.34917, Best ask: 5.3688, Bid-ask spread: 0.01963, Last trade: 5.37, 24 hour volume: 41261, 24 hour low: 5.25501, 24 hour high: 5.445 | [02:18] |
copumpkin | ;;calc $mtgoxlast * 3 | [02:18] |
SteinerC | for 15.95 | [02:18] |
SteinerC | ;;ticker | [02:18] |
copumpkin | SteinerC: not happening | [02:18] |
paulzag | coz it's let that mtgox ask x 3 | [02:18] |
SteinerC | What? | [02:19] |
paulzag | okay not quite | [02:19] |
copumpkin | SteinerC: I'm saying that nobody's going to sell to you | [02:19] |
SteinerC | not you, I was talking to paulzag | [02:19] |
copumpkin | oh | [02:19] |
paulzag | SteinerC, thats a lot of effort and noise for 3 btc to possibly save a few cents | [02:19] |
SteinerC | It's all I have :3 | [02:20] |
splatster | Hmm, what about pirrup as a potential name for my bot? | [02:20] |
SteinerC | paulzag: Hey | [02:20] |
paulzag | np | [02:20] |
SteinerC | pualzag | [02:21] |
* | Chaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [02:21] |
paulzag | hi | [02:21] |
SteinerC | to put GBP on MTGOX, do I have to put a whole new transfer to MTGOX? | [02:21] |
mircea_popescu | somebody needs to explain this matthew wright fellow to me. im getting the impression the girl's getting involved into some sort of bizarro inside joke. | [02:22] |
paulzag | yep - they don't exchange currency... so you either have to send them GBP or tell them you want a transfer to go into your GBP account | [02:22] |
paulzag | gotta go | [02:23] |
* | chk (~noob@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:23] |
SteinerC | How do I transfer into my GPB? Lol. I'm so nub. | [02:24] |
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* | PsiliPharm (~psiliphar@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:25] |
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paulzag | alternatively sell usd for BTC then buy GBP | [02:31] |
* | cal1fub3ralle5 (ad4cc0fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:33] |
cal1fub3ralle5 | anyone wanna trade some bitcoins for a $75 moneypak? | [02:33] |
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mircea_popescu | anyone see the humour in this ? | [02:35] |
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cal1fub3ralle5 | anyone wanna trade bitcoins for a $75 moneypak | [02:39] |
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btcsantander | anyone here with knowledge about signals, childs, parents.. in c? | [02:43] |
btcsantander | I have a small question | [02:43] |
btcsantander | (little* question? ) | [02:43] |
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sipa | btcsantander: shoot | [02:45] |
btcsantander | so I have a child process | [02:45] |
btcsantander | who is waiting (in an infinite loop) for a text input | [02:45] |
btcsantander | and the parent process sometimes receives information and shows it in the screen | [02:46] |
btcsantander | what I want to do is to send a signal to the child when the parent show that information, so that the bucle "resets" and wait for the text input again | [02:46] |
cal1fub3ralle5 | can i get some bitcoins from someone? | [02:47] |
cal1fub3ralle5 | i have a moneypak | [02:47] |
btcsantander | can I do that without creating a new function for the child? | [02:47] |
sipa | btcsantander: not sure why there is a need to inform the child process? | [02:47] |
btcsantander | its just a aesthetic thing | [02:48] |
btcsantander | because the prompt says something like "Write here: " | [02:48] |
btcsantander | and if the parent writes in the screen... then the "Write here: " is moved several lines up | [02:49] |
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btcsantander | my question would be: can I somehow break the infinite loop on the child with a signal from the parent? | [02:50] |
sipa | yes | [02:51] |
QbY | Does anyone have a WePay account here? I need to buy some Bitcoins with money in my WePay account | [02:51] |
sipa | btcsantander: if you install a signal handler, that will be called immediately when the signal arrives, independent of what the actual thread was doing | [02:52] |
sipa | (unless it had that signal blocked, or is inside certain kernel calls) | [02:52] |
btcsantander | mmm, ok | [02:54] |
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btcsantander | I *think* I got it | [02:54] |
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btcsantander | thanks sipa :) | [02:54] |
sipa | Inside a signal handler, you need to be *very* careful, as you can very easily mess up the state of the actual thread, especially since you can't really know what it was doing. | [02:56] |
sipa | Typically, all that happens is set some global flag variable. | [02:56] |
sipa | That can be handled inside the actual program. | [02:56] |
btcsantander | aaaah | [02:57] |
btcsantander | now I definitiley know what to do | [02:57] |
sipa | Now, signals also interrupt blocking I/O calls. | [02:57] |
btcsantander | oh | [02:57] |
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btcsantander | mmm, but in this case it wouldnt be a problem | [02:58] |
sipa | So if you'd use read(2) for waiting for the input, it will return with a failure if a signal was received in the mean time (which is exactly was you want, in order to be able to handle the flag set by the signal handler). | [02:58] |
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sipa | Though I'm not entirely sure how stdio deals with it. | [02:59] |
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sipa | (getline, fread, getc, ...) | [02:59] |
btcsantander | fgets too? | [02:59] |
sipa | fgets is also stdio, yes. | [02:59] |
* | bitcoin-otc-uk (56001573@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:00] |
sipa | But try it, it'll be more informational than whatever I can guess :) | [03:00] |
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btcsantander | Im doing it right now. thanks a lot again ;) | [03:00] |
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senbokuban | /exec links -dump | [03:02] |
senbokuban | now that is just beautiful | [03:02] |
WBuffett | senbokuban: <-- trade BTC/USD options | [03:02] |
senbokuban | stfu WBuffett | [03:02] |
senbokuban | what do you think that command brings up? | [03:03] |
senbokuban | lynx may be better on some systems | [03:04] |
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mircea_popescu | what does it bring up ? | [03:07] |
mircea_popescu | the quotes i imagine | [03:07] |
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cal1fub3ralle5 | anyone has anybitcoins, trade for a moneypak? | [03:07] |
senbokuban | mircea_popescu: links? | [03:12] |
mircea_popescu | yea ? | [03:12] |
senbokuban | it shows your webpage in it's beautiful, text only, glory | [03:12] |
* | ModusPwnd (47c1b6f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:12] |
mircea_popescu | as it was meant to be. | [03:12] |
spawn- | Selling BTC for PPUSD | [03:12] |
senbokuban | with | and _ and - for borders of the tables | [03:13] |
senbokuban | /exec just makes it show in the irc client | [03:13] |
senbokuban | afaik, there are 3 options for text only web browsers | [03:14] |
senbokuban | links, links2, and lynx | [03:14] |
mircea_popescu | and they all work ? | [03:14] |
senbokuban | yeah | [03:15] |
* | Gaming4JC (~Gaming4JC@unaffiliated/gaming4jc) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:15] |
mircea_popescu | yeah. | [03:15] |
mircea_popescu | mr knuth would appreciate im sure. | [03:15] |
senbokuban | i think they're actively developed too (when needed) | [03:15] |
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senbokuban | and they're fucking fast by todays standards | [03:16] |
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Gaming4JC | Still seeking Joomla bitcoin developer, anyone interested just PM me. -.- | [03:17] |
* | llanox (6326202f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:18] |
* | da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:20] |
Cusipzzz | newfangled lynx...i stick with gopher | [03:20] |
llanox | Hey guys, I've got a favor to ask.. | [03:21] |
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llanox | Guys? | [03:24] |
Gaming4JC | "Don't ask to ask, state the full question on ONE line and others will be able to assist you" - ubottu | [03:24] |
senbokuban | Gaming4JC: have you tried ##coders? | [03:25] |
Gaming4JC | senbokuban: I've not, will give it a try thanks. | [03:25] |
llanox | Okay. I was wonding if anyone had a spare VCC, or just an old prepaid debit card laying around with like $1 or $2. I'm not looking to actually buy anything | [03:26] |
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spawn- | Selling BTC for PPUSD | [03:27] |
loktigon | cool spawn- | [03:27] |
* | BTCTrader (~aaa@unaffiliated/btctrader) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:27] |
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senbokuban | ooOOOooh, /exec lynx -dump | head -n30 | [03:27] |
* | BTCTrader (~aaa@unaffiliated/btctrader) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:28] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [03:28] |
mircea_popescu | having fun ? | [03:28] |
* | senbokuban feels like he just found linux for the first time again | [03:28] |
* | _chsados_ is now known as chsados | [03:28] |
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senbokuban | mwahaha: /exec lynx -dump | head -n30 | tail -n21 | [03:29] |
loktigon | interesting | [03:29] |
loktigon | tl;dr? | [03:29] |
senbokuban | of me? | [03:29] |
loktigon | yeah whats the output | [03:30] |
loktigon | im too lazy to copypaste | [03:30] |
senbokuban | it outputs this month's table of mircea_popescu 's options | [03:30] |
loktigon | coool | [03:30] |
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senbokuban | and all b/c mircea_popescu has an excellent designe sense | [03:31] |
mircea_popescu | wait! doesn't it spit out 1300 errors ? | [03:31] |
loktigon | excellent | [03:31] |
mircea_popescu | i am dissapoint. | [03:31] |
senbokuban | mircea_popescu: no errors at all in simple html/text land | [03:32] |
mircea_popescu | (and you should see how nicely it displays natively on ipads/etc) | [03:32] |
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* | tyooo (~hvkkg@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:33] |
chsados | i need to stop wearing sneakers without socks... | [03:34] |
* | senbokuban realizes now, it's time to be more productive | [03:34] |
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* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [11:43] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [11:43] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 | [11:43] |
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* | neonindian (6172b6a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:46] |
spawn- | hi neonindian you looking to me ? | [11:47] |
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Joric | didn't know this channel is publicly logged, it is and it's all in google now | [11:48] |
Joric | #bitcoin-dev at least sends a notice on join | [11:48] |
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phedny_ | Joric: it's always good to assume anything you do online to end up in Google | [11:49] |
phedny_ | Joric: unless you make special preparations to prevent such | [11:49] |
specular | hey | [11:50] |
spawn- | Selling BTC for PPUSD anyone ? | [11:50] |
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mircea_popescu | i don't see the big deal joric ? | [11:52] |
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Joric | it has to be something with freenode regulations the channels shouldn't be logged without public notice | [11:54] |
mircea_popescu | i don't see how they can practically do anything about it. it's silly, there's 3-400 users at all times. | [11:54] |
mircea_popescu | what do you expect ? anything you say to 300 people is public by definition | [11:54] |
* | area has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [11:56] |
CCoolty | Selling VPS! PM me for more information! Lowest plan: $5/month or 1BTC per month! | [11:56] |
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spawn- | ;;rate neonindian 1 quick smooth business PPUSD > BTC I highly recommended | [12:00] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user neonindian has been recorded. | [12:00] |
specular | hi will anyone trade ppusd for btc? | [12:01] |
mircea_popescu | read above ? | [12:01] |
spawn- | yes i am specular | [12:01] |
CCoolty | specular: i recommend you avoid spawn- | [12:01] |
rg | everything is logged | [12:01] |
CCoolty | he seems to be a scammer | [12:01] |
specular | oh really CCoolty? | [12:01] |
rg | erm | [12:02] |
rg | hes not a scammer | [12:02] |
CCoolty | check his ratings | [12:02] |
rg | he just deals with paypal people | [12:02] |
rg | who're new | [12:02] |
rg | he takes a risk for an inflated rate | [12:02] |
CCoolty | he has a bad rep from a guy in here who is very reputable | [12:02] |
spawn- | fuck you CCoolty | [12:02] |
spawn- | check my ratings | [12:02] |
rg | ;;getrating spawn- | [12:02] |
gribble | User spawn-, created on Sat Feb 4 19:27:00 2012. Cumulative rating 71, from 47 total ratings. Received ratings: 45 positive, 2 negative. Sent ratings: 44 positive, 1 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask spawn-! | [12:02] |
spawn- | anyone will ban CCoolty ? | [12:02] |
CCoolty | spawn-: you can /ignore | [12:02] |
spawn- | shut up no one will buy your vps | [12:03] |
spawn- | id rather buy to rg | [12:03] |
CCoolty | lol u mad bro | [12:03] |
spawn- | haha | [12:03] |
rg | erm | [12:03] |
spawn- | jelly ? | [12:03] |
rg | dude | [12:03] |
spawn- | lol | [12:03] |
rg | those ratings dont make him a scammer | [12:03] |
rg | spawn doesnt even speak english as a first language | [12:03] |
rg | i believe those ratings are due to language barriers | [12:03] |
CCoolty | possibly | [12:03] |
Joric | spawn- is not a scammer he's just really loud | [12:03] |
rg | hes foreign | [12:03] |
rg | all foreign people are like that | [12:03] |
CCoolty | In my personal opinion i wouldn't trade with him | [12:03] |
CCoolty | but that's just me | [12:03] |
spawn- | :) | [12:04] |
rg | well thats fine | [12:04] |
rg | just dont call him a scammer | [12:04] |
spawn- | yeah :) | [12:04] |
spawn- | that idiot is pervert | [12:04] |
CCoolty | LOL | [12:04] |
spawn- | assume very irrelevant | [12:04] |
CCoolty | i'm a pervert? | [12:04] |
coingenuity | alright, we're warned now CCoolty ...enough bickering from the both of you | [12:04] |
* | Guest79852 is now known as aemaeth | [12:04] |
CCoolty | coingenuity: and you are....? | [12:04] |
spawn- | open your mouth CCoolty ill put 300btc to your mouth | [12:05] |
CCoolty | LOL | [12:05] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to coingenuity | [12:05] |
spawn- | you damn trool | [12:05] |
coingenuity | that's who i am... | [12:05] |
* | aemaeth is now known as Guest78450 | [12:05] |
coingenuity | now, enough. | [12:05] |
coingenuity | take it to PM, or let it rest | [12:05] |
spawn- | haha | [12:05] |
rg | since when the fuck does coingenuity have ops | [12:05] |
CCoolty | sure, but atleast i didn't call him a pervert, coingenuity | [12:05] |
* | YveDeLarc (gefla@nat/google/x-fvjbajciyilygvto) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:05] |
coingenuity | rg: a while, i'm just laid-back about things generally | [12:05] |
coingenuity | that's fine, neither of you can be called right or wrong, it's just derailing the channel | [12:06] |
rg | you mean 2 weeks ago? | [12:06] |
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* | Guest78450 is now known as aemaeth | [12:06] |
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coingenuity | rg: i dunno, i don't keep track... | [12:06] |
mircea_popescu | ccoolty he has had that for a while but i have also been watching him trade here for a while withouyt complaints. | [12:07] |
rg | 32 coingenuity +o [modified 2 weeks, 5 days, 05:04:49 ago] | [12:07] |
YveDeLarc | ;;guide | [12:07] |
rg | i already reported spawn- as a potential scammer | [12:07] |
rg | we investigated it | [12:07] |
mircea_popescu | but anyway, rg is prolly right, esl issues. | [12:07] |
rg | and found nothing | [12:07] |
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CCoolty | could be | [12:07] |
rg | fuck christian slater died in this movie already | [12:07] |
rg | gay | [12:07] |
mircea_popescu | ps : rg you niggar, i'm "foreign" and you're more "like that" than i r. | [12:08] |
CCoolty | anyone who deals with paypal could potentially be a scammer | [12:08] |
coingenuity | dude, mircea_popescu don't be blatantly racist like that | [12:08] |
CCoolty | it's too easy to abuse | [12:08] |
rg | lol | [12:08] |
coingenuity | n-word is one curse you shouldn't be dropping in here | [12:08] |
rg | coingenuity relax | [12:08] |
CCoolty | great now we have a racist police in here | [12:08] |
coingenuity | rg: that's against my orders | [12:08] |
rg | we're just joking, i know he doesnt mean it | [12:08] |
rg | and he didnt say nigger | [12:08] |
rg | he said niggar | [12:08] |
mircea_popescu | hey, he called me foreign! | [12:08] |
rg | totally different meaning | [12:08] |
coingenuity | i know, it's just something that certain people find highly offensive | [12:08] |
CCoolty | there goes freedom on IRC | [12:09] |
rg | there are no black people in here | [12:09] |
mircea_popescu | but anyway. | [12:09] |
rg | i assure you | [12:09] |
rg | we're on computers | [12:09] |
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CCoolty | rg: that's because they don't know what a bitcoin is | [12:09] |
Joric | did anyone watch dolan's cadillac with slater (based on stephen king's novel) | [12:09] |
coingenuity | CCoolty: this is a serious channel, plenty of non-serious places you can muck about without censorship | [12:09] |
CCoolty | unless they can wear it as bling | [12:09] |
rg | coingenuity is flexing today | [12:09] |
mircea_popescu | speaking of which, anyone know how much total btc casalicious dood sold ? | [12:09] |
* | coingenuity removes channel operator status from coingenuity | [12:09] |
draco49 | sup all | [12:10] |
coingenuity | rg: i are big muscleman mmkay | [12:10] |
CCoolty | coingenuity: I think you'd have to ban a lot of people to assert your authority in here | [12:10] |
mircea_popescu | otc is serious biznis ? | [12:10] |
coingenuity | CCoolty: i don't like banning people, duh | [12:10] |
Joric | this movie is one huge miscasting they should've switched Slater and Wes Bentley | [12:10] |
* | quixote_ (792cbce6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:11] |
mircea_popescu | who's those ? | [12:11] |
draco49 | jeez what did I walk into here? | [12:11] |
* | quixote_ has quit (Client Quit) | [12:11] |
CCoolty | ;;later ;;tell Coolty hi | [12:11] |
coingenuity | draco49: trolls bein trolls | [12:11] |
mircea_popescu | draco49 you missed it. suffer. | [12:12] |
draco49 | hater's gonna hate | [12:12] |
draco49 | lol thanks mircea_popescu | [12:12] |
coingenuity | pretty much lmfao | [12:12] |
CCoolty | no it's more like | [12:13] |
CCoolty | people doing things in the past that they are sensitive about | [12:13] |
CCoolty | and so they call people homosexual | [12:13] |
CCoolty | to defend their honor | [12:13] |
mircea_popescu | i never was black... | [12:13] |
CCoolty | not that | [12:13] |
CCoolty | you have no honor! | [12:13] |
mircea_popescu | your theory. it fails. | [12:14] |
CCoolty | mircea_popescu: is nigg.rar an offensive filename? | [12:14] |
mircea_popescu | sounds like a fileflame. | [12:14] |
CCoolty | lol'd | [12:14] |
draco49 | using the N word is not appropriate here, or anywhere else for that matter | [12:14] |
mircea_popescu | course given that argentina has a tld | [12:14] |
mircea_popescu | i wonder if anyone regg'd nigg | [12:14] |
CCoolty | draco49: pretty sure it's appropriate anywhere on the internet | [12:15] |
draco49 | Only if you're a racist POS | [12:15] |
CCoolty | draco49: only ignorant people would say that | [12:15] |
draco49 | lol | [12:15] |
CCoolty | draco49: do you know what racism is? | [12:15] |
draco49 | Nope, no idea. | [12:16] |
CCoolty | draco49: it's the belief that one race is superior to another | [12:16] |
CCoolty | draco49: and I don't feel that way | [12:16] |
CCoolty | draco49: i just think nigger is a funny word. | [12:16] |
* | gribble sets ban on *!* | [12:16] |
* | gribble has kicked CCoolty from #bitcoin-otc (Stop with the nonsense.) | [12:16] |
draco49 | I've got a few friends who would gladly disagree with you on that. | [12:16] |
mircea_popescu | omg wtf argentina only has etc | [12:16] |
mircea_popescu | who the fuck wants this is as idiotic as the bs. | [12:16] |
draco49 | you can get .ar | [12:17] |
mircea_popescu | can you ? link. | [12:17] |
draco49 | they're expensive | [12:17] |
draco49 | hang on | [12:17] |
mircea_popescu | i have money. | [12:17] |
coingenuity | mircea_popescu: aren't you one of the richer people in your country/ | [12:17] |
Joric | i like .by domain ) | [12:17] |
Joric | though it belongs to some barbaric country | [12:18] |
rg | what the fuck are you doing | [12:18] |
mircea_popescu | not really coingenuity. there's a couple with over 1 usd bn | [12:18] |
coingenuity | oh, seriously? | [12:18] |
mircea_popescu | sure. | [12:18] |
* | loktigon has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [12:18] |
coingenuity | that's crazy badass | [12:18] |
coingenuity | bulgaria if memory serves? | [12:18] |
mircea_popescu | lol y ? | [12:18] |
mircea_popescu | romania. | [12:18] |
coingenuity | romania, yeah | [12:18] |
coingenuity | it's a smallish country | [12:19] |
coingenuity | surprising there's that much wealth concentration | [12:19] |
mircea_popescu | not really. | [12:19] |
draco49 | I was wrong. | [12:19] |
mircea_popescu | it's about the size of oregon, like 20mn population, | [12:19] |
mircea_popescu | leader of nuclear technology, ballistics etc. | [12:19] |
draco49 | Only 2nd level domains are available at this time. | [12:19] |
coingenuity | yeah, it's small-ish | [12:19] |
mircea_popescu | draco49 sucks. | [12:19] |
rg | unban coolty | [12:19] |
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draco49 | Sorry dude... I could have swore I saw .ar domains when I was looking for a domain a few weeks ago... | [12:20] |
mircea_popescu | well it dependswhat you mean by it. of the eu states 2/3 are smaller, for instance. | [12:20] |
mircea_popescu | sokay draco49. im just sauying, it's fucking ridiculous. | [12:20] |
coingenuity | rg: he can come back in a little while | [12:20] |
draco49 | I agree... I don't think any TLD should restrict domain buyers to 2nd level only. | [12:20] |
coingenuity | damn, mircea_popescu | [12:21] |
rg | dont be a dick | [12:21] |
coingenuity | romania has some seriously rich history | [12:21] |
coingenuity | rg: that's why it's a temp-ban, not a perma. | [12:21] |
rg | he didnt call anyone a nigger or use it in any derogitory way | [12:21] |
draco49 | Isn't Romania next to Transylvania? | [12:21] |
mircea_popescu | well theoretically it lines straight back to the romans | [12:21] |
mircea_popescu | which is to a large degree borne out by language and some archeology | [12:22] |
mircea_popescu | however, not too well documented. | [12:22] |
mircea_popescu | draco49 : transylvania is part of romania. | [12:22] |
draco49 | Oh... I wasn't sure... | [12:22] |
mircea_popescu | and actually the closest thing to a disney castle is in there. | [12:22] |
draco49 | I saw a great documentary on the history of Transylvania once... | [12:22] |
coingenuity | omg....average temp of 2 deg celcius | [12:23] |
rg | there will be blow back from this coingenuity | [12:23] |
mircea_popescu | whenever i take people with little girls to visit it it's like shriek shriek shriek lol | [12:23] |
rg | i promise you | [12:23] |
mircea_popescu | coingenuity : it varies a little by where you are. here where i live weather is about like north carolina. | [12:23] |
mircea_popescu | there's parts which are more like mass/ny | [12:23] |
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coingenuity | ya, thats what wiki seems to say mircea_popescu | [12:25] |
coingenuity | very interesting place | [12:25] |
mircea_popescu | it's not bad. | [12:25] |
coingenuity | hmmm | [12:25] |
coingenuity | 400 unique species of animal | [12:25] |
coingenuity | very cool | [12:25] |
coingenuity | beautiful place | [12:25] |
mircea_popescu | ocminer, in that sense, yea. they recently managed to get the old yurpean buffalo back | [12:26] |
mircea_popescu | there's about a dozen of them, went and visited last year. | [12:26] |
mircea_popescu | i mean oh, in that sense. ffs. | [12:26] |
coingenuity | interesting, 264bn GDP | [12:26] |
coingenuity | thats not insubstantial | [12:26] |
coingenuity | seems like a pretty decent place to live, i must say | [12:27] |
mircea_popescu | it's how i picked | [12:28] |
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mircea_popescu | when i was leaving cr it was either christchurch, nz or timisoara, ro | [12:28] |
mircea_popescu | eventually picked ro | [12:28] |
mircea_popescu | then there was the earthquake and blow up in japan, and in general... yea, i made the right choice. | [12:28] |
coingenuity | nz is also pretty nice, from what i've heard | [12:29] |
mircea_popescu | yea, i know. | [12:29] |
mircea_popescu | maybe in a few years, you know ? tho i also plan on brazil maybe. | [12:29] |
coingenuity | the culture in ro is much richer though, seems like the right choice | [12:29] |
mircea_popescu | consider tho that i was born here so it's not as much news to me. but if that weren't the case then definitely. | [12:29] |
draco49 | Brazil is on the dirty side... | [12:29] |
draco49 | Beleize and Costa Rica are MUCH nicer | [12:30] |
draco49 | I love Beleize. | [12:30] |
mircea_popescu | draco49, filthy girls fuck better. once you wash them, of course. | [12:30] |
coingenuity | i hear beleize is quite nice, actually | [12:30] |
draco49 | I'm sure you can find a nice one in Costa Rica. | [12:30] |
mircea_popescu | im sure i did lolz. | [12:30] |
* | neonindian (6172b6a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:31] |
mircea_popescu | but to me the greatest selling point of cr was the coffee, tobacco, aguacate, mangos etc. | [12:31] |
mircea_popescu | they have wonderfull food there. | [12:31] |
Joric | i like french polynesia most, check this out it's equally far from any country | [12:31] |
draco49 | There are a lot of American ex-pats in Beleize. | [12:31] |
mircea_popescu | cr too. | [12:31] |
Joric | i was trying to buy a ticket there it costs about 10 grand | [12:31] |
mircea_popescu | they have very lax gambling laws, you go in the casino nobody asks for id even. | [12:31] |
Joric | one way | [12:31] |
mircea_popescu | so we played lots of poker with us expats. | [12:31] |
draco49 | I didn't know you were a poker player... | [12:32] |
Joric | not sure what internet connection they provide | [12:32] |
mircea_popescu | so i've done up the math. glbse gets a total volume of 2926 btc past 30 days. | [12:32] |
* | Kartrohm_afk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:32] |
draco49 | I got close to the WSOP main event last year. | [12:32] |
draco49 | one step away from the main event | [12:32] |
mircea_popescu | draco49, sometimes i play. i'm not a poker player in the sense of, trying to compete. | [12:32] |
mircea_popescu | not enough money in it for me. | [12:32] |
coingenuity | i am terrible at poker | [12:32] |
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draco49 | Poker is a great game, bu it can be frustrating. | [12:33] |
Joric | i'm good at poking | [12:34] |
draco49 | :P | [12:34] |
mircea_popescu | actually coingenuity, poker is a great self development tool. | [12:34] |
mircea_popescu | or at least can be. | [12:34] |
rg | coingenuity for someone whos real tough on rules | [12:34] |
rg | you're pretty off topic right now | [12:34] |
coingenuity | im just really bad at it, despite trying to learn | [12:34] |
mircea_popescu | eh give the op a break | [12:34] |
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* | occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:35] |
* | pho| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:35] |
coingenuity | rg: offtopic, as long as it doesn't derail the channel, is fine. | [12:35] |
rg | seems pretty derailed to me | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu | coingenuity : see if you can find a girl in or around the wsop events who;s willing to take you in | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu | most pleasant way to learn, in the nude, after. | [12:35] |
draco49 | I don't like playing poker with women. | [12:35] |
* | Rattman ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:35] |
* | gribble gives voice to occulta | [12:35] |
coingenuity | mircea_popescu: lol tbh i have a very limited desire to learn at all | [12:36] |
mircea_popescu | why not draco49 ? | [12:36] |
mircea_popescu | a well then you'll never learn. | [12:36] |
draco49 | All the one's i've played with have cleaned me out. | [12:36] |
coingenuity | XD | [12:36] |
mircea_popescu | loltu, draco49, so that's a reason ? get out. | [12:36] |
mircea_popescu | i like girls that c lean me out,. means they're smart. | [12:36] |
draco49 | It's great if you just wanna look at some chick and lose your money. | [12:36] |
draco49 | But if I wanted to do that I'd just go to the titty bar. | [12:37] |
Joric | "I have donated 5 BTC to Joric for providing his pywallet code as public domain!!!" | [12:37] |
Joric | i feel guilty about this | [12:37] |
coingenuity | :) nice Joric | [12:37] |
Joric | should i give those 5 btc to charity | [12:37] |
mircea_popescu | draco49 that's not the ideea tho. | [12:37] |
coingenuity | why not? if you doin't need the money, go for it | [12:37] |
mircea_popescu | why;d you feel bad ? | [12:37] |
coingenuity | don't* | [12:37] |
coingenuity | that could be an interesting concept | [12:38] |
coingenuity | open source fundraising | [12:38] |
draco49 | bitstart ? | [12:38] |
coingenuity | i think people would be more likely to pay for a piece of software if they knew it would help someone in need, but i might be wrong | [12:38] |
draco49 | I would donate money for software if I knew the money went to a worthy charity. | [12:39] |
rg | bitvps donates a percent of all its income to a charity | [12:39] |
mircea_popescu | then why dopn't you donate the money to a worthy charity ? | [12:39] |
rg | what... 0's a percent.. | [12:40] |
draco49 | I haven't found one yet. | [12:40] |
mircea_popescu | so then why pass the buck ? | [12:40] |
mircea_popescu | i'd pay for software then and only then when the actual makers of software got the money | [12:40] |
mircea_popescu | if there's "worthy charities" scams involved i tend to steer clear. | [12:40] |
mircea_popescu | and yes, charities are scams. | [12:40] |
draco49 | Not all of them... but many are. | [12:41] |
mircea_popescu | well ? this is like saying not all nigerians are scammers. | [12:41] |
mircea_popescu | yes, i agree | [12:41] |
mircea_popescu | however, next time i get nigerian email.... | [12:41] |
spawn- | ;;rate neofutur 2 mutiple transactions PPUSD >> BTC I highly Recommended! | [12:41] |
spawn- | ;;rate neonindian 2 mutiple transactions PPUSD >> BTC I highly Recommended! | [12:41] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user neonindian has changed from 1 to 2. | [12:41] |
* | Kartrohm_afk has quit (Quit: Quit) | [12:41] |
draco49 | I've been contacted by numerous Nigerian generals.... most trying to get their hidden wealth out the country :P | [12:41] |
rg | nigerian princes seem to fancy me | [12:42] |
draco49 | lol yeah i've been contacted by some of them too... | [12:42] |
mircea_popescu | can you imagine how badly it must suck | [12:42] |
mircea_popescu | to be a bona fide nigerian general ? | [12:43] |
mircea_popescu | "ah what's the use. hide some wealth ? why!" | [12:43] |
draco49 | One time I wrote a lengthy email back saying that I would be happy to help. I told the guy I would be in Nigeria the following week and asked him where we could meet to discuss it further. | [12:43] |
mircea_popescu | i know a guy who is maried to a nigerian fine piece of ass woman | [12:43] |
draco49 | LOL ya right, I bet there's like 1 real Nigerian general who will never get anyone to help him now. | [12:43] |
mircea_popescu | and so once he wrote back in whatever language they use there | [12:43] |
draco49 | Don't they just click their tongues? | [12:44] |
draco49 | How do you write that? | [12:44] |
coingenuity | there's a new variant of the nigerian scam these days, actually | [12:44] |
draco49 | clik clok clik clik | [12:44] |
mircea_popescu | i dunno draco49, apparently there's some notation | [12:44] |
coingenuity | basically, nigerian guys go on a dating site pretending to be a buy from europe/usa/whatever and seduces an ugly woman...then after a few months, he 'gets stuck' in nigeria and needs funds to get home to _____ place | [12:45] |
coingenuity | s/buy/guy* | [12:45] |
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mircea_popescu | occulta, that's older than dirt. | [12:46] |
* | RushPL ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:46] |
draco49 | I have a friend whose aunt was just scammed out of $1000 | [12:46] |
mircea_popescu | omfg. | [12:46] |
T2k3 | T_X tcatm tdubellz terry tester45 Testerosterone TheFriscoFainter thulle Tick-Tock topace Tril trrnwhhn tsche Tuxavant twobitcoins Txyru Tycale Tykling | [12:46] |
T2k3 | T_X tcatm tdubellz terry tester45 Testerosterone TheFriscoFainter thulle Tick-Tock topace Tril trrnwhhn tsche Tuxavant twobitcoins Txyru Tycale Tykling | [12:46] |
occulta | yawa? | [12:46] |
occulta | ocminer Olipro OneFixt Optimo other_guy | [12:47] |
mircea_popescu | sorry :( | [12:47] |
coingenuity | hehe | [12:47] |
mircea_popescu | i have to figure out wtf is going on here, im like a granma ffs | [12:47] |
coingenuity | draco49: that sucks :/ same methodology? | [12:47] |
draco49 | He got a new phone and when they were transferring his contacts to the new phone, the tech stole his contact list... | [12:47] |
* | RushPL_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [12:47] |
occulta | mircea_popescu: im so very lots :P | [12:47] |
occulta | lost* | [12:47] |
mircea_popescu | i accidentally highlighted you. | [12:47] |
* | Kartrohm_afk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:47] |
occulta | ah ok :) | [12:48] |
coingenuity | he typed oc[tab] | [12:48] |
mircea_popescu | which is this weird thing i do by some mystery mistyping that i haven't yet figured out | [12:48] |
coingenuity | instead of co[tab] | [12:48] |
occulta | ;;view 7217 | [12:48] |
gribble | #7217 Fri Mar 16 03:43:16 2012 occulta SELL 1.0 Amazon Gift Card @ 233.65 BTC ($1384 Amazon Gift Card with 10% discount. Bitcoin or MtGox USD accepted.) | [12:48] |
mircea_popescu | i dont think i touched tab ;/ | [12:48] |
coingenuity | oh, no tab complete? | [12:48] |
draco49 | about a week later, his aunt got a call from someone claiming to be from some jail, saying that she needed to wire $1000 for his bail. | [12:48] |
mircea_popescu | i might have a hidden autocomplete button | [12:48] |
coingenuity | interesting mircea_popescu | [12:48] |
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* | _saiko has quit (Changing host) | [12:48] |
* | _saiko (~saiko@unaffiliated/-saiko/x-6794324) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:48] |
draco49 | She ran out to WU and wired the money. | [12:48] |
occulta | ocminer Olipro OneFixt Optimo other_guy | [12:48] |
occulta | ocminer Olipro OneFixt Optimo other_guy | [12:48] |
occulta | ocminer Olipro OneFixt Optimo other_guy | [12:48] |
occulta | ocminer Olipro OneFixt Optimo other_guy | [12:48] |
coingenuity | thats' terrible | [12:48] |
diacetyl | btc via money yo | [12:48] |
draco49 | I know... I felt so bad. | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | see, i went to say o, that's older than dirt | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | o tab wouldn't make her pop up | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | and it allways happens when i go no, that | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | occulta, that's | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | aha! | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | FUCK ! | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | so i type o, that's and it comes out as her name | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | what the crap | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | anyone know about xchat ? | [12:50] |
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draco49 | I use xchat. | [12:52] |
mircea_popescu | ok so type o, blabla hit enter ? | [12:52] |
draco49 | o, blabla | [12:52] |
mircea_popescu | what the fuck. i can't find it in settings, but | [12:52] |
mircea_popescu | occulta, blabla | [12:52] |
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draco49 | if you just type 'o' |
[12:52] |
mircea_popescu | it just subbed her for the o! | [12:52] |
draco49 | weird | [12:53] |
mircea_popescu | i did no tab, i did o, blabla | [12:53] |
draco49 | o, blabla | [12:53] |
draco49 | like that? | [12:53] |
mircea_popescu | exactly. | [12:53] |
draco49 | what ver are you using? | [12:53] |
* | aparigraha (~aparigrah@gateway/tor-sasl/aparigraha) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:53] |
mircea_popescu | latest one from the rep ? | [12:53] |
draco49 | go into settings | [12:53] |
draco49 | under "Interface" choose Input Box | [12:54] |
draco49 | uncheck the Automatic nick completion (without tab key) box. | [12:54] |
draco49 | done | [12:54] |
mircea_popescu | i had just done that 1 sec before you said lol | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | but thanks man! | [12:55] |
draco49 | if you keep that box checked, it uses the first valid match which, in this case is 0cculta | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | you saved many people much annoyance. | [12:55] |
draco49 | np | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | o, blabla | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | yea. cool. | [12:55] |
draco49 | yay! | [12:55] |
* | gribble gives voice to Bigpiggy01Mining | [12:57] |
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Coolio- | i just made a website that mentions taking bitcoins | [13:07] |
Coolio- | | [13:07] |
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rg | its not hosted on bitvps! | [13:08] |
* | SpeedBus (~Shark@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [13:08] |
rg | draco49: thats the oldest scam in the book | [13:08] |
rg | ive heard that story many times | [13:08] |
rg | you could do it via facebook | [13:09] |
rg | find someone whos going overseas without a GSM phone (phone wont work in europe) | [13:09] |
* | SpeedBus has quit (Changing host) | [13:09] |
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rg | call family member, say their family member is in jail, wire money | [13:09] |
rg | bam | [13:09] |
rg | they wont be able to call the person | [13:09] |
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draco49 | rg: yeah, she's an lady... | [13:13] |
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rg | ? | [13:15] |
rg | ok./. | [13:15] |
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specular | +- | [13:26] |
mircea_popescu | if they have any sort of smartphone they can still get their email tho rg. | [13:30] |
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mircea_popescu | is this racist ? | [13:45] |
ssebastiane | Why do ebay have over 2 weeks pay day? | [13:49] |
mircea_popescu | cause they suck and know they can get away with ? | [13:52] |
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bitcoinTrader | buying btc with LR @ 5$/btc | [14:07] |
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* | gribble gives voice to yongjhen | [14:28] |
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Joric | mircea_popescu, some redskins tearing up a goth? no it's not racist | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | lolz | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | its not a moth, its an ant | [14:30] |
* | LyraHeartstrings (lyra@2607:ff50:0:c:4c81:86ff:fe21:62aa) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [14:30] |
Joric | whatever | [14:30] |
* | EvilJStoker (jstoker@unaffiliated/jstoker) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | Sexual Deprivation Increases Ethanol Intake in Drosophila | [14:31] |
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Joric | not sure what sexual deprivation is but i think i experienced it a couple of times | [14:32] |
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bitcoinTrader | any1 selling btc for LR? | [14:37] |
s1mngg | wts ukash for btc or lr | [14:39] |
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bitcoinTrader | buyin btc with LR @5$/btc' | [14:46] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | ;;ticker | [14:47] |
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GlooBoy | ;;eauth GlooBoy | [14:47] |
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bitcoin-otc-uk | Hi iam pleased to announce the existence of #bitcoin-otc-uk for all UK trading needs . Please take the time to have a look Thankyou. | [14:55] |
jcpham | herpity derpity | [14:55] |
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mcorlett | bitcoin-otc-uk: Stop. | [15:03] |
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da2ce7 | hello all. | [15:04] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | Hi da2ce7 | [15:04] |
da2ce7 | hello angusbates100 :) | [15:06] |
specular | anyone here wanna trade btc for ppusd? | [15:07] |
mcorlett | specular: You will have greater success if you state your request like this: WTB/WTS X @ Y (optional comment) | [15:08] |
specular | oh ok | [15:08] |
da2ce7 | just announcing we are resurrecting #bitcoin-aus :) come Aussie Aussie Aussie! :) :) :) | [15:08] |
mcorlett | For example: WTB 10 BTC @ 5.3145 PPUSD each | [15:08] |
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Joric | i'm pleased to announce the grand opening of the #bitcoin-otc-elbonia ! | [15:38] |
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mcorlett | Hi iam pleased to announce the existence of #bitcoin-otc-vatican for all Vatican City trading needs . Please take the time to have a look Thankyou. | [15:39] |
* | bill_stickers (~skaro@2001:0:53aa:64c:20ae:2d5d:e705:b052) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:39] |
Joric | can't wait to see the pope | [15:40] |
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heinz` | lol | [15:43] |
bruzum | aha,, now we'regonna know where all the pedo money in the vatican will be transfered through | [15:45] |
bruzum | :) | [15:45] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | mcorlett do you have more channels than that or not? | [15:45] |
mcorlett | bitcoin-otc-uk: I have tons, but you aren't allowed. You are to remain in the sanctioned area that is #bitcoin-otc-uk. | [15:46] |
mcorlett | Anyone stepping outside of their design trading channels are to be kicked and banned immediately. | [15:46] |
Joric | why hello there good sir! I'm chuffed as nuts to see you looking as humbly jumbly as her majesty's watermelons. | [15:46] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | mcorlett list them? | [15:46] |
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rg | hi | [15:47] |
rg | can anyone tell me my quit message | [15:48] |
mcorlett | #bitcoin-otc-tuvalu | [15:48] |
mcorlett | #bitcoin-otc-kiribati | [15:48] |
mcorlett | #bitcoin-otc-palau | [15:48] |
mcorlett | #bitcoin-otc-tonga | [15:48] |
mcorlett | #bitcoin-otc-comoros | [15:48] |
mcorlett | #bitcoin-otc-samoa | [15:48] |
mcorlett | #bitcoin-otc-somalia | [15:48] |
mcorlett | #bitcoin-otc-liberia | [15:48] |
mcorlett | #bitcoin-otc-sierraleone | [15:48] |
bruzum | rg: sure | [15:48] |
Joric | nigeria too | [15:48] |
rg | somalia would be great for Bitcoin | [15:48] |
rg | er | [15:48] |
rg | Bitcoin would be great for Somalia | [15:48] |
jcpham | or sudan | [15:48] |
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bitcoin-otc-uk | all of know interest | [15:49] |
imsaguy2 | coingenuity: please describe my 'repeated abuse of the rating system' | [15:49] |
Joric | speaking of elbonia, russian edition of esquire has been fined for $1300 for mentioning bitcoins and SR | [15:49] |
coingenuity | imsaguy2: "9538 imsaguy coingenuity 2012-03-06 22:55:40 -1 :)" | [15:50] |
coingenuity | :) is not a reason, we have not traded. | [15:50] |
imsaguy2 | heh | [15:50] |
imsaguy2 | learn the rules | [15:50] |
jcpham | why Joric | [15:50] |
imsaguy2 | otc ratings dont' require trades | [15:50] |
imsaguy2 | going by your version of the rules, you can't rate me either ;) | [15:50] |
Joric | jcpham, because in soviet russia bitcoins mine you!! | [15:51] |
coingenuity | counter-rating, imsaguy2 | [15:51] |
* | qwotry (~mg@gateway/tor-sasl/metagrok) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:51] |
imsaguy2 | my rating of you isn't an abuse | [15:51] |
* | abracadabra burps | [15:51] |
jcpham | ;;rate coingenuity 2 I buy his shiny metal stuff with all the SolidCoins | [15:51] |
imsaguy2 | so if you have no other evidence, I'll adjust mine. | [15:51] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user coingenuity has been recorded. | [15:51] |
Joric | editor should count himself lucky that he just wasn't 'disappeared', russians don't fuck around... | [15:52] |
coingenuity | XD jcpham | [15:52] |
qwotry | Hey all, noob question: how do I, in the most simple fashion possible, buy BTC for USD on Bitcoinica? | [15:52] |
coingenuity | qwotry: simple answer, you can't | [15:52] |
qwotry | I suppose I just have to place a market order, but it does not seem to work. Hm. | [15:52] |
qwotry | No, I mean just exchange. I have USD on the account. | [15:52] |
jcpham | eek man | [15:53] |
qwotry | ah. 'simple'. >.< | [15:53] |
Joric | jcpham, | [15:53] |
coingenuity | ah, i see what you mean. qwotry i'm not quite sure, i avoid the place tbh | [15:53] |
jcpham | ty Joric | [15:53] |
qwotry | Yes, I just ended up having USD on there, I wouldn't have used the place without knowing what the hell I'm doing.. | [15:53] |
bitcoinTrader | sc has 0 volume on btc-e <:o) | [15:54] |
qwotry | it just happened. and now I just want BTC for those USD. | [15:54] |
coingenuity | you can try to place a buy order below market rate qwotry | [15:54] |
imsaguy2 | placing a buy order /is/ market rate | [15:54] |
coingenuity | although, i'm not familiar enough with the nuances of bitcoinica to really council you on this one, i'm sorry | [15:54] |
coingenuity | ask imsaguy2...he seems to use 'ica | [15:55] |
Joric | here it comes to make the daaay! it's going sub-5.3 | [15:55] |
qwotry | thanks coingenuity | [15:55] |
Joric | *save the day | [15:56] |
qwotry | imsaguy2, so basically, I should just be able to press "Buy" on "BTC/USD Ask", order type = Market, and it should work? I guess it can take some time, since the volumes are low in general? | [15:56] |
Joric | guess my short position at 5.3 is not that doomed after all | [15:56] |
* | jcpham starts buying higher than 5.3 | [15:57] |
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jcpham | i'm about to throw some serious paper money at the imaginary emonies methinks | [15:58] |
Joric | The Manipulator! | [15:59] |
* | jcpham unrolls pennies. Take that! | [16:01] |
rg | so bruzum | [16:02] |
rg | no quit? | [16:02] |
rg | or what | [16:02] |
rg | actually i gotta go | [16:02] |
Joric | i wonder why forex doesn't have it's own The Manipulator | [16:03] |
copumpkin | lots more money | [16:04] |
Joric | here what i meant | [16:04] |
Graet | * rg has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) was last | [16:04] |
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* | gribble removes ban on *!* | [16:12] |
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helo | wtb market manipulation to mtgox*0.92 | [16:31] |
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mcorlett | Free business idea: launch an internet café, where the idle computers mine for extra profit | [16:44] |
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* | tex (5d20fed4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:44] |
tex | ;;buy 100 btc | [16:47] |
mcorlett | ;;getrating tex | [16:48] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. | [16:48] |
tex | it's a try | [16:49] |
tex | for test that p2p system how works | [16:49] |
tex | excuse for my bad english | [16:49] |
bitcoinTrader | tex: how u will pay? | [16:50] |
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* | splatster_ is now known as splatster | [16:53] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [16:54] |
smickles | 16:57 * jcpham starts buying higher than 5.3 <<< ok, time to start selling | [16:54] |
jcpham | damn | [16:55] |
splatster | Vote on splatterbot's new name! | [16:55] |
jcpham | you figured out the secret | [16:56] |
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splatster | I thought I would get a ton of votes because people are (or should be) awake right now :/ | [16:59] |
abracadabra | i voted | [16:59] |
splatster | 1 vote since posting today | [16:59] |
jcpham | me too | [16:59] |
jcpham | i voted 6 times | [17:00] |
splatster | jcpham: Please tell me you're lying. | [17:00] |
jcpham | why would i lie | [17:00] |
splatster | jcpham: which one did you vote for? | [17:01] |
abracadabra | i voted last night | [17:01] |
jcpham | the second one | [17:01] |
abracadabra | was about 10 hours ago | [17:01] |
abracadabra | or so | [17:01] |
jcpham | don't remember what it said | [17:01] |
abracadabra | i voted for the 2nd one too | [17:02] |
abracadabra | and there was already 1 vote for it last night i think | [17:02] |
splatster | jcpham: The second one doesn't even have 6 votes. | [17:02] |
jcpham | well you better fix it dawg | [17:02] |
abracadabra | erhm | [17:02] |
jcpham | i want the second one to win | [17:02] |
abracadabra | i see 2 votes | [17:02] |
abracadabra | for splatters | [17:02] |
abracadabra | one is mine | [17:02] |
jcpham | what is this bot splateering anyways | [17:02] |
splatster | well the problem with the second one is that imsaguy wants 10 BTC for him to ungroup that nick | [17:03] |
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abracadabra | lol | [17:03] |
abracadabra | selling nicks now eh | [17:04] |
abracadabra | meh | [17:04] |
splatster | All the other ones are registered to my nick. | [17:04] |
* | tex has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [17:04] |
splatster | It looks like pebbles is going to win this. | [17:05] |
splatster | Though I want to have close to 100 votes before I call it. | [17:05] |
splatster | pirrup is looking good too | [17:06] |
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* | Judgement51 (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:06] |
mcorlett | Hi iam pleased to announce the existence of #bitcoin-otc-vatican for all Vatican City trading needs . Please take the time to have a look Thankyou. | [17:08] |
copumpkin | my first girlfriend lived right next to the vatican | [17:09] |
abracadabra | did she get it on with the pope? | [17:09] |
abracadabra | :) | [17:09] |
* | gfinn (~gfinn@gateway/tor-sasl/gfinn) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:10] |
* | raw_nector ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:12] |
* | mizerydearia has quit (Quit: ZNC - | [17:12] |
* | randumbum ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:13] |
smickles | mcorlett: I take it you are in favor of -otc-uk? | [17:15] |
copumpkin | Hi iam pleased to announce the existence of #bitcoin-otc-montecarlo for all Monte Carlo trading needs . Please take the time to have a look Thankyou. | [17:15] |
Joric_ | another successfull pull request ! | [17:16] |
* | Joric_ is now known as Joric | [17:16] |
mcorlett | copumpkin: Not specific enough. Needs to have a population of 1000 or less. | [17:16] |
smickles | Hi iam pleased to announce the existence of #bitcoin-otc-ri for all Rhode Island trading needs . Please take the time to have a look Thankyou. | [17:17] |
splatster | Hi iam pleased to announce the existence of #bitcoin-boise for all Boise trading needs. Please take the time to have a look. Thankyou. I'll be the only one there :/ | [17:17] |
mcorlett | Kill this fad! | [17:17] |
smickles | just when I was going to make -otc-goldsboroNC | [17:18] |
smickles | :( | [17:18] |
Joric | iam pleased to announce the existence of #bitcoin-otc-charlestown-nevis for Tom Williams trading needs . thankyou | [17:19] |
splatster | #bitcoin-otc-boise-cornerOfStateAndFrontStreet | [17:19] |
smickles | lol | [17:19] |
mcorlett | lol | [17:19] |
splatster | #bitcoin-otc-boise-myBroomCloset | [17:20] |
smickles | "Hitler's on the other side of that door. When we get back, they're gonna name streets after us. Park! Main! Broadway! Get in there!" | [17:20] |
mcorlett | bitcoin is the future of money | [17:21] |
mcorlett | there will be a big demand | [17:21] |
mcorlett | and it will grow and grow | [17:21] |
mcorlett | this is why we need a channel for every street in the us | [17:21] |
* | mrsanchez (95a994e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:21] |
* | bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:21] |
Joric | mcorlett, bitcoin the future of money, and always will be! | [17:21] |
splatster | #bitcoin-otc-imStandingRightBehingYou | [17:22] |
* | subpar__ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:22] |
smickles | ha! | [17:22] |
smickles | I knew splatster was my wife! | [17:22] |
splatster | lolno | [17:22] |
Joric | did anyone notice 0.5.3 froze the blockchain? 'Add checkpoint at block 168,000.' | [17:22] |
splatster | No really! I'm standing right behind you. | [17:22] |
* | smickles hasn't upgraded yet | [17:23] |
* | Bigpiggy01Mining has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [17:23] |
Joric | there would be no checking below 168,000 anymore | [17:23] |
smickles | would that affect new installs? | [17:23] |
Joric | heard it dramatically speeds up bootstrapping | [17:24] |
* | mcorlett still has a box with 0.3.24. | [17:24] |
splatster | Joric: Yes, but if that checkpoint block is wrong, the client would know that their chain was invalid. | [17:24] |
Cusipzzz | lol, i still have a .3.19 | [17:24] |
* | DIGISHELLS has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [17:24] |
splatster | Ok, it's been a half hour since I last asked... | [17:24] |
* | paulzag has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [17:25] |
splatster | Vote on splatterbot's new name! | [17:25] |
* | DIGISHELLS (cater@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:25] |
smickles | ;;view 7096 | [17:25] |
gribble | #7096 Tue Mar 6 21:34:31 2012 smickles SELL 1.0 Depositary Receipt @ 0.1 BTC (I can do any amount (positive integer). This DR represents the underlying asset MPOE.ETF on GLBSE. I will act as a holding agent for anyone who doesn't want to use GLBSE to purchase shares of the fund. | [17:25] |
mcorlett | ;;view 7096 | [17:25] |
gribble | #7096 Tue Mar 6 21:34:31 2012 smickles SELL 1.0 Depositary Receipt @ 0.1 BTC (I can do any amount (positive integer). This DR represents the underlying asset MPOE.ETF on GLBSE. I will act as a holding agent for anyone who doesn't want to use GLBSE to purchase shares of the fund. | [17:25] |
Joric | how about bollocks | [17:25] |
mcorlett | Whoops. | [17:25] |
smickles | mcorlett: thx for the advert ;) | [17:26] |
* | subpar has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [17:26] |
splatster | Joric: Please PM possible names before someone regs them. Also, vote on the existing ones. | [17:26] |
* | bill_stickers has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) | [17:26] |
mcorlett | smickles: Haha, it took a while for gribble to respond, so I thought it'd had private messaged you instead. | [17:26] |
* | paulzag ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:26] |
splatster | Bollocks is registered. | [17:26] |
mcorlett | it* | [17:26] |
* | Orion-Hax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:26] |
* | ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:28] |
Joric | humbly jumbly rumpy pumpy wobbly crumpet | [17:30] |
* | alacrepus (421f5373@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:31] |
smickles | manheim | [17:31] |
splatster | Joric: And now all of those are registered | [17:31] |
splatster | Either PM me your candidates, or just vote. Posting them in here only makes it harder for me to keep track and register in time. | [17:31] |
smickles | makesshithadforthesman | [17:31] |
* | alacrepus has quit (Client Quit) | [17:32] |
coingenuity | == botname splatster | [17:33] |
helo | just use pebbles and be done with it :) | [17:36] |
splatster | I want a larger number of voters. | [17:36] |
splatster | Between #bitcoin and -otc, there are at least 500 unique people. | [17:37] |
Cusipzzz | 99% are afk | [17:37] |
helo | 3 of which may be upset about the bot name | [17:37] |
splatster | I would like to have close to 50-100 votes. | [17:37] |
vragnaroda | splatster: Not that unique. | [17:38] |
splatster | If it reaches 50 and any nick has has a 15 percentage points lead, I'll call it there. | [17:38] |
copumpkin | are we still talking about this fucking bot name? | [17:38] |
copumpkin | wtf | [17:38] |
copumpkin | who the fuck cares | [17:39] |
* | Rattman ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:39] |
splatster | Some conversation is better than none. | [17:39] |
smickles | untrue | [17:40] |
smickles | or not true | [17:40] |
neofutur | +1 wtf ;) | [17:40] |
smickles | however, if pple talk, it's meaningful to them in someway | [17:40] |
smickles | splatster: you owe me a 0.01 btc consulting fee for voting | [17:42] |
splatster | lolno | [17:42] |
* | vigilyn has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [17:42] |
* | silkyc (~dsfsd@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:43] |
* | smickles goes off to make a streaming ascii clop clop channel | [17:43] |
* | Judgement51 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [17:43] |
silkyc | lol | [17:43] |
silkyc | bitcoin | [17:43] |
silkyc | it's like pounds but worthless | [17:43] |
smickles | huh? | [17:44] |
splatster | Fuck off, you don;t know shit about bitcoin. | [17:44] |
silkyc | Might was well trade flowers | [17:44] |
smickles | howso? | [17:44] |
silkyc | samw shit | [17:44] |
silkyc | *same | [17:44] |
Joric | silkyc, are you from uk? | [17:44] |
silkyc | yes | [17:44] |
Joric | why hello there good sir! I'm chuffed as nuts to see you looking as humbly jumbly as her majesty's watermelons | [17:44] |
silkyc | lmao | [17:44] |
smickles | silkyc: there's an entire industry devoted to trading flowers :/ | [17:45] |
silkyc | I've got some rare flowers growing in my garden, very hard to get hold of | [17:45] |
silkyc | does that make them valuable? | [17:45] |
silkyc | hahahhahahaha | [17:45] |
silkyc | smickles, yeah, trading them for cash | [17:45] |
splatster | flowers die, bitcoins do not. | [17:45] |
smickles | silkyc: people trade bitcoins for cash | [17:45] |
splatster | Bitcoins are traded for cash and many other things. | [17:45] |
silkyc | for now | [17:45] |
splatster | ? | [17:46] |
silkyc | it's worth nothing | [17:46] |
phraust | lol. | [17:46] |
occulta | lol? | [17:46] |
silkyc | you can't just take something then call it valuable | [17:46] |
smickles | i find it to be worth more than most fiat money | [17:46] |
splatster | No, it's worth about $5.30/BTC. | [17:46] |
occulta | silky i trade over $50,000 a month | [17:46] |
occulta | in bitcoins | [17:46] |
silkyc | soon people won't want it | [17:46] |
silkyc | being it has no value | [17:46] |
phraust | no, that takes a whole lot of people to agree on. | [17:46] |
silkyc | just a bunch of idiots trading it for cash at the moment | [17:46] |
smickles | noone is just taking something and calling it valuable silkyc | [17:46] |
splatster | silkyc: It has buying power. | [17:46] |
occulta | go learn to read silkyc | [17:46] |
Graet | lol silkyc exactly no research i see | [17:46] |
copumpkin | silkyc: are you here to troll? | [17:47] |
phraust | looks like it. | [17:47] |
occulta | the technology causes its value, and its the reason 'us idiot' trade it for cash | [17:47] |
silkyc | No, I've already cashed my coins in | [17:47] |
occulta | silly fool | [17:47] |
kakobrekla | im here to roll. | [17:47] |
silkyc | there's no point anymore | [17:47] |
Graet | <, is just one of many sites that list stuff you can do with btc | [17:47] |
* | gribble sets ban on *!*@ | [17:47] |
* | gribble has kicked silkyc from #bitcoin-otc (then leave) | [17:47] |
occulta | +1 | [17:47] |
splatster | silkyc: You are just another troll who hasn't read up on shit. Go do some research before making claims you can't back. | [17:47] |
splatster | damn | [17:47] |
splatster | too late | [17:47] |
raw_nector | anyone selling bitcoin for PPUSD ? | [17:47] |
abracadabra | gribble is fast on the k/b button | [17:48] |
copumpkin | gribble is bruta | [17:48] |
copumpkin | l | [17:48] |
* | smickles is now known as bruta_l | [17:48] |
abracadabra | raw_nectoryou regged? | [17:48] |
raw_nector | I thought I was | [17:48] |
bruta_l | ;;gettrust [ident raw_nector] | [17:49] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user smickles to user Nick 'raw_nector', with hostmask 'raw_nector!', is not identified.: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: 'raw_nector', with hostmask 'raw_nector!', (1 more message) | [17:49] |
bruta_l | ;;more | [17:49] |
gribble | is not identified. | [17:49] |
raw_nector | hmm | [17:49] |
* | gribble removes ban on *!*@ | [17:49] |
occulta | booo | [17:49] |
abracadabra | 1 minute ban only? | [17:50] |
occulta | -1 ! | [17:50] |
* | gribble gives voice to phraust | [17:50] |
bruta_l | i bet it's effective enough | [17:50] |
abracadabra | gribble is a softie | [17:50] |
* | Bigpiggy01Mining (Bigpiggy01@2610:150:5f92::2) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:50] |
abracadabra | heh | [17:50] |
occulta | No, I've already cashed my coins in | [17:50] |
bitcoinTrader | buying btc with LR usd | [17:50] |
* | abracadabra makes note if gribble bans him to wait 1 minute before rejoining | [17:50] |
occulta | No, I've already cashed my coins in | [17:50] |
bitcoinTrader | @ 4.95 each | [17:50] |
occulta | Cuspizzz must be lurking | [17:51] |
bruta_l | ;;ticker | [17:51] |
gribble | Best bid: 5.30002, Best ask: 5.3187, Bid-ask spread: 0.01868, Last trade: 5.30041, 24 hour volume: 33900, 24 hour low: 5.265, 24 hour high: 5.4 | [17:51] |
Joric | silkyc's now using #bitcoin-otc-uk | [17:51] |
bruta_l | i hear he's a prominent member there | [17:51] |
* | bruta_l is now known as smickles | [17:52] |
occulta | Joric: lies | [17:52] |
occulta | what handle? | [17:52] |
Joric | i mean, he should, he's from uk | [17:53] |
occulta | must run | [17:53] |
* | occulta has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium | [17:53] |
smickles | I bet silkyc did some pooled mining and actually spent more on elec than he received for his btc | [17:53] |
* | specular has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [17:54] |
jcpham | rut roh. we gots poc on the rdp hole | [17:55] |
raw_nector | There you go. I think I am properly registered and verified | [17:56] |
splatster | [9:56 AM] |
[17:57] |
splatster | [9:56 AM] |
[17:57] |
splatster | [9:56 AM] |
[17:57] |
splatster | I was PMing him | [17:57] |
jcpham | what is | [17:58] |
splatster | [9:53 AM] |
[17:58] |
splatster | [9:53 AM] |
[17:58] |
smickles | so silkyc was either a troll, or uninformed | [17:59] |
smickles | splatster: you're a saint if you beleive he's uninformed and are trying to educate him | [18:00] |
smickles | jcpham: i think it's a search engine | [18:00] |
jcpham | if i go to baidu and type bitcoin mining | [18:00] |
jcpham | i win | [18:00] |
splatster | smickles: Yes, all my points were backed by rationale. | [18:00] |
jcpham | but y | [18:00] |
smickles | edge-u-cate: attempting to educate the edge cases | [18:01] |
jcpham | i love the edge cases | [18:02] |
splatster | My expert opinion based on our chat is that he simply didn't understand how bitcoin worked and attempted buying it with PP or CC or something similar and basically told himself it was an awful stupid thing if he could't have any. | [18:02] |
copumpkin | the arrogant bastard's approach | [18:02] |
copumpkin | "I don't understand it, therefore it isn't worth understanding" | [18:02] |
splatster | yep | [18:02] |
copumpkin | :) | [18:02] |
jcpham | what are you guys babbling on about | [18:03] |
smickles | that's my view of women ... zing | [18:03] |
jcpham | how is this silkysmooth | [18:03] |
* | randumbum has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [18:03] |
* | copumpkin slaps smickles | [18:03] |
smickles | aw, copumpkin cant take an overtly sexist joke? | [18:03] |
* | copumpkin slaps smickles again | [18:03] |
* | smickles now bears a red ass | [18:04] |
copumpkin | anyone want a cleveland steamer? | [18:04] |
* | briggle has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [18:04] |
* | ineededausername has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:04] |
jcpham | nice | [18:05] |
raw_nector | anyone selling bitcoin for PPUSD | [18:07] |
* | juanbobo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:07] |
copumpkin | necator | [18:07] |
raw_nector | hi. | [18:08] |
abracadabra | ;;getrating raw_nector | [18:08] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. | [18:08] |
* | da2ce7 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [18:08] |
raw_nector | currently not authenticated? lol I have no idea how to fix that | [18:09] |
* | abracadabra wonders if anyone actually reads the wiki | [18:09] |
* | splatterbot has quit (Quit: splatterbot) | [18:09] |
splatster | The vote has ended. | [18:10] |
abracadabra | nooooo! | [18:10] |
abracadabra | i wanted to vote multiple times | [18:11] |
abracadabra | "vote early.. vote often.." | [18:11] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | raw_nector to register watch this | [18:11] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | also | [18:11] |
raw_nector | awesome thanks you. | [18:11] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | np | [18:11] |
raw_nector | i just found that wiki. reading it right now | [18:11] |
Joric | and the winner is gruntmaster6000 | [18:12] |
* | WBuffett has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [18:13] |
smickles | angusbates100 sounds dirty to me | [18:15] |
* | CMonroe (63fff027@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:17] |
* | vigilyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:18] |
* | juanbobo ( has left #bitcoin-otc ("Leaving") | [18:20] |
* | MORA| (~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:21] |
CMonroe | leaving | [18:21] |
CMonroe | quit | [18:21] |
CMonroe | bye | [18:21] |
Graet | gl | [18:21] |
CMonroe | exit | [18:21] |
* | eph_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [18:22] |
* | foggyb (~SamSnead@unaffiliated/foggyb) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:22] |
coingenuity | CMonroe: /exit lol | [18:22] |
AcidicChip | also: /quit | [18:23] |
foggyb | *yawn | [18:23] |
* | tester45 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [18:25] |
* | vigilyn ( has left #bitcoin-otc ("Leaving") | [18:25] |
* | bitcoin-otc-uk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:26] |
* | CMonroe has quit () | [18:26] |
* | vigilyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:26] |
* | Baddams` ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:26] |
foggyb | should upgrade my PC to 2550k CPU & new mobo + gigantabytes of RAM, or - - - - - buy an android device? | [18:27] |
coingenuity | foggyb: depends on the droid ;) | [18:28] |
foggyb | i am open to suggestions ;^) | [18:28] |
coingenuity | welp | [18:28] |
coingenuity | im about to buy a galaxy nexus | [18:28] |
Baddams` | hi, i want to buy btc im from canada | [18:28] |
foggyb | i was looking at that one | [18:28] |
coingenuity | if i can bring myself to fund my newegg-linked account with $700 | [18:28] |
foggyb | i'm just worried about the shelf life | [18:29] |
coingenuity | agreed 100% | [18:29] |
foggyb | portable tech is in its own moore's law stage | [18:29] |
coingenuity | my g1 has been a solid bastard for years and years now | [18:29] |
coingenuity | hard to top that device ;) | [18:30] |
coingenuity | but, i figure with a proper gnarly case it'll be fine for a few years | [18:30] |
coingenuity | and yeah, mobile moore's is a bitch, but you can always upgrade vya cyan later on | [18:30] |
foggyb | cyan? | [18:30] |
coingenuity | via* pardon my terrible typing atm | [18:30] |
coingenuity | ;;google lucky cyanogenmod | [18:31] |
gribble | | [18:31] |
coingenuity | nightlies support galaxy nexus already | [18:31] |
* | Joric has quit () | [18:31] |
coingenuity | so you can figure the device will be upgradeable in a couple years to whatever's current, foggyb | [18:31] |
* | BTC_Bear (~BTC_Bear@unaffiliated/btc-bear/x-5233302) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:31] |
foggyb | that's interesting - but hardware is the biggest issue - how long do you think it'll be before we are swapping cpu's in portables? | [18:32] |
coingenuity | never bro | [18:33] |
coingenuity | planned obselesence (spelling borked) | [18:33] |
* | apache247 (4cb99a44@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:33] |
coingenuity | it'll always be a choice of $100-$600 on a new handset | [18:33] |
* | apache247 has quit (Client Quit) | [18:33] |
coingenuity | power variable depending on RND cost at that time | [18:33] |
coingenuity | just gotta give in and do it, i think | [18:34] |
foggyb | some small firm will do it first - then the big guys will be forced to follow suit | [18:34] |
smickles | one can only hope there will still be a free enough market to do that foggyb | [18:34] |
coingenuity | in the mean time :P | [18:35] |
foggyb | sure - who is to stop them? | [18:35] |
coingenuity | i think i have to give in | [18:35] |
smickles | foggyb: gov't regulation, industry standards | [18:35] |
coingenuity | my phone is too damn slow at this point...pulling up a dialer is a 1 minute task | [18:35] |
coingenuity | so im just gonna give in | [18:36] |
smickles | give in to what? | [18:36] |
coingenuity | consumerism, moore's law | [18:36] |
abracadabra | 1 minute? | [18:36] |
abracadabra | lulz | [18:36] |
foggyb | smickles: first they hack it | [18:36] |
coingenuity | (getting an overpriced new device) | [18:36] |
abracadabra | wipe the phone and start fresh | [18:36] |
smickles | oh, you have a g1 too! | [18:36] |
abracadabra | don't load so many apps | [18:36] |
foggyb | smickles: then everyone wants one | [18:37] |
coingenuity | abracadabra: i could, but itd be the 10th time....and its got no apps on it.. :( | [18:37] |
abracadabra | i had a galaxy s that i had loaded something like 250 apps | [18:37] |
foggyb | smickles: step 3: profit | [18:37] |
abracadabra | the thing ran like shit | [18:37] |
abracadabra | wiped everything | [18:37] |
abracadabra | and it was like i had a new phone | [18:37] |
coingenuity | abracadabra: there are literally no apps on there...just tethering | [18:37] |
* | smickles checks for patents on swapping cpus in mobile devices | [18:38] |
abracadabra | on what phone? | [18:38] |
coingenuity | and yep smickles i <3 my g1 | [18:38] |
coingenuity | htc g1 abracadabra | [18:38] |
abracadabra | erhm | [18:38] |
coingenuity | ancient lol | [18:38] |
* | twobitcoins_ (~twobitcoi@unaffiliated/twobitcoins) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:38] |
abracadabra | isn't a g1 like a 4 year old device? | [18:38] |
coingenuity | exactly | [18:38] |
abracadabra | lol | [18:38] |
abracadabra | that's like B.C. | [18:38] |
coingenuity | hence, fuggit. i will buy a new phone | [18:38] |
coingenuity | inorite | [18:38] |
foggyb | before coingenuity? | [18:38] |
abracadabra | samsung iigs | [18:38] |
abracadabra | erhm | [18:38] |
abracadabra | gs2 | [18:38] |
coingenuity | but, it has latest cyan and qwerty | [18:39] |
coingenuity | and nothing else modern does | [18:39] |
abracadabra | was free from tmboile | [18:39] |
abracadabra | with 2 year | [18:39] |
coingenuity | gs2 is OK, but tmo variant doesn't let you root | [18:39] |
abracadabra | orly? | [18:39] |
coingenuity | mhm | [18:39] |
* | abracadabra wonders how he is rooted | [18:39] |
coingenuity | well, you can su but not cyan | [18:39] |
coingenuity | probably XDA builds for it but i CBF | [18:40] |
abracadabra | rooted/unlocked | [18:40] |
abracadabra | have't found a rom i like yet | [18:40] |
* | Baddams` has quit () | [18:40] |
coingenuity | yar, chipset is not heavily supported by rom devs | [18:40] |
coingenuity | good phone though | [18:40] |
abracadabra | nice size | [18:40] |
coingenuity | GN seems to be the best alt to the gs2 | [18:40] |
abracadabra | a bit larger than the galaxy s1 i had | [18:40] |
* | vigilyn has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [18:40] |
coingenuity | bit bigger, bit more modern, slightly less fast, but community supported ftw | [18:41] |
coingenuity | can overclock anyway, so why not? | [18:41] |
* | BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:42] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt | [18:42] |
* | twobitcoins has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [18:42] |
foggyb | waterblocks for portables | [18:42] |
coingenuity | lol | [18:42] |
foggyb | *got that domain | [18:42] |
coingenuity | there are debian builds for android devices right? | [18:43] |
coingenuity | | [18:44] |
coingenuity | ah-ha! | [18:44] |
* | _chsados_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:44] |
foggyb | can i dual-boot? | [18:45] |
coingenuity | it appears so foggyb | [18:46] |
foggyb | woot | [18:46] |
coingenuity | i shall do that with the G1 when i get the GN in a minute :D | [18:46] |
coingenuity | can do alllll sorta fun things | [18:46] |
* | chsados has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:46] |
foggyb | link to what your buying? | [18:46] |
foggyb | newegg | [18:46] |
coingenuity | | [18:47] |
foggyb | not quad-core? | [18:48] |
coingenuity | lol foggyb | [18:48] |
coingenuity | nope | [18:48] |
abracadabra | galaxy gs3 = quad core | [18:49] |
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coingenuity | is it out yet? | [18:49] |
abracadabra | april | [18:50] |
abracadabra | maybe | [18:50] |
coingenuity | heh | [18:50] |
abracadabra | samsung is denying any dates | [18:50] |
foggyb | supports mSD card | [18:53] |
helo | it would be nice if it could support bluetooth keyboards and framebuffer console | [18:53] |
helo | err wrong chan | [18:53] |
helo | oh wait, no it wasn't heh | [18:54] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [18:54] |
* | foggyb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [18:54] |
phraust | oooh, i hope I wint he raffle. | [18:56] |
phraust | *win the | [18:56] |
helo | where's the raffle? | [18:56] |
* | phraust feels like he's in a bingo hall. | [18:56] |
phraust | | [18:56] |
* | sipa has quit (Quit: leaving) | [18:59] |
bitcoinTrader | hi | [18:59] |
bitcoinTrader | if someone sends btc address in paypal notes, will tht have impact :-S | [18:59] |
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phraust | prolly | [18:59] |
raw_nector | ^ | [18:59] |
raw_nector | would refunding and sending it again without mentioning anything of bitcoins or a bitcoin address help ? | [19:00] |
phraust | probably not. if they notice it, they'll probably lock the accounts involved. | [19:01] |
bitcoinTrader | :( | [19:01] |
raw_nector | so what do you think is the best option if someone stupidly already sent a payment via PayPal with just the bitcoin address in the little note box? | [19:02] |
bitcoinTrader | better to just refund? | [19:02] |
phraust | hopefully they won't notice. cross fingers. | [19:02] |
phraust | i honestly don' | [19:02] |
phraust | t know how actively they are hunting for btc transactions. | [19:02] |
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phraust | but i've seen people's accounts get locked without mention of bitcoin. | [19:03] |
* | pebbles (~pebbles@unaffiliated/splatster/bot/pebbles) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:03] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to pebbles | [19:03] |
smickles | woha | [19:03] |
splatster | He's alive! | [19:03] |
smickles | so pebbles wone? | [19:03] |
splatster | yup | [19:03] |
phraust | wone what? | [19:03] |
smickles | woné | [19:03] |
bitcoinTrader | I voted for pebbles | [19:03] |
smickles | sry | [19:03] |
splatster | phraust: The new nick | [19:03] |
smickles | spelling | [19:03] |
bitcoinTrader | <:o) | [19:03] |
* | phraust is out of the loop./ | [19:04] |
phraust | is that gribble? | [19:04] |
smickles | yes | [19:04] |
smickles | ;) | [19:04] |
rg | /s 3 | [19:04] |
phraust | :O | [19:04] |
smickles | phraust: not reallyt | [19:04] |
phraust | should make a bot for banning named bambam. | [19:04] |
smickles | it's like markac | [19:05] |
smickles | how do you make irsii do s/this/that/ all the time, i want to s/pebbles/pirrup/ | [19:06] |
smickles | and s/rarwmage/gloryhole/ | [19:07] |
smickles | :D | [19:07] |
jcpham | what about rawrmage's gloryhole | [19:07] |
smickles | ah, well, /I/ thought it was funny | [19:07] |
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jcpham | | [19:10] |
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smickles | indeed | [19:11] |
* | npouillard (~npouillar@2001:41d0:1:4941::1) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:12] |
jcpham | i hate my life and want to die smickles | [19:12] |
jcpham | will you help me commit suicide | [19:12] |
smickles | i'd rather not | [19:12] |
smickles | i'm an absurdist | [19:12] |
jcpham | i promise n one will sue you | [19:12] |
smickles | suicide is like the only thing absurdists are generally against | [19:13] |
smickles | jcpham: go read Albert Camus' The Myth of Sysiphus | [19:13] |
* | smickles doesn't really like using the term absurdist, or classifying himself as such, but this is IRC, we should be brief | [19:14] |
raw_nector | ;;buy 3 BTC at 5.5 PPUSD | [19:14] |
gribble | Order id 7226 created. | [19:14] |
smickles | raw_nector: have you talked with sturles ? | [19:15] |
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raw_nector | no i have not | [19:15] |
smickles | ;;view sturles | [19:15] |
* | BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | [19:15] |
smickles | er | [19:15] |
smickles | raw_nector: | [19:15] |
* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:15] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [19:15] |
* | chun_ (cfa2b75a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:15] |
smickles | specifically ,,(view 3563) | [19:16] |
gribble | #3563 Sun Mar 11 15:41:05 2012 sturles SELL 1.0 BTC @ 5.9038 PPUSD (Selling single bitcoins for PayPal to unrated users to help you to a rating. Must be registered.) | [19:16] |
jcpham | i know about the guy pushing the stone up the hill | [19:17] |
* | sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:17] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to sgornick | [19:17] |
jcpham | i'm not dumb | [19:17] |
smickles | jcpham: the book isn't so much about the myth | [19:17] |
jcpham | i stopped readin looooong ago | [19:17] |
splatster | Announcing #pebbles, the place to screw around with pebbles without spamming channels! | [19:17] |
jcpham | readin' | [19:18] |
* | chung (cfa2b75a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:18] |
jcpham | what if i choose life instead for now | [19:18] |
smickles | jcpham: so you don't like utilitarian ethics either? | [19:18] |
splatster | (As in don't be fucking around and experimenting with commands in channels outside of PM or that chan.) | [19:18] |
jcpham | and we just forget this crap | [19:18] |
* | chun_ has quit (Client Quit) | [19:18] |
chung | has anyone seen occulta? | [19:19] |
Cusipzzz | ;;seen occulta | [19:19] |
jcpham | is that like Kant | [19:19] |
jcpham | I don't remember anymore why Kant is so important | [19:19] |
jcpham | but I feel like we just went there | [19:19] |
smickles | jcpham: no, kant is the major opposition to utilitarian | [19:19] |
smickles | ism | [19:20] |
jcpham | ic | [19:20] |
jcpham | all of these big words come from fields of study where historically there has been no...... | [19:20] |
jcpham | cheese, cheedar, green, coin | [19:20] |
jcpham | BIG RED BORING STAMP | [19:21] |
* | chung has quit (Client Quit) | [19:21] |
splatster | I'm looking for ideas on new plugins for pebbles. Anyone have something they think would be cool/useful? | [19:22] |
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smickles | jcpham: 181pdTJx16VwHW1sLurpwYAa4f79SSQ2br | [19:22] |
smickles | if you're really going to do it, i want your btc first | [19:22] |
* | runlinux (4bb43bdc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:23] |
runlinux | ;; gpg eauth runlinux | [19:23] |
smickles | splatster: associate wot users with a specific btc addy, so I can .btc and it spits out my donation addy | [19:24] |
splatster | I could do something like it loads and parses a page like | [19:25] |
smickles | sounds good to me | [19:25] |
smickles | make it a user selectable
[19:26] |
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splatster | Not sure which would be harder, storing the value locally or CURLing them from a webpage... | [19:26] |
splatster | Then I might as well just store the addy locally. | [19:26] |
smickles | doesn't the bot already interface with data storage somehow? | [19:27] |
splatster | One thing: I can't figure out how to get gribble to give me a users nick in the WoT. | [19:27] |
splatster | smickles: Most of the vars reset when the bot is rebooted | [19:27] |
splatster | namely the sats | [19:27] |
smickles | what lang is it? | [19:27] |
splatster | python | [19:28] |
imsaguy2 | I want | [19:28] |
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smickles | splatster: sqlalchemy does some pretty good object relational persistence | [19:28] |
nanotube | splatster: query gribble, and ask it for 'ident |
[19:29] |
splatster | When I do ;;getrating [ident
[19:29] |
splatster | ;;ident splatster | [19:29] |
gribble | Nick 'splatster', with hostmask 'splatster!~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster', is identified as user splatster, with GPG key id 3B99C220301F7227, and key fingerprint F47A44D018B33EE39650E6C53B99C220301F7227. | [19:29] |
smickles | don't parse, regex | [19:29] |
smickles | lol | [19:30] |
nanotube | that's what regexp is for. or you could run ,,(echo [ident nanotube]) | [19:30] |
nanotube | :) | [19:30] |
splatster | But it gets even more complicated to handle when you account for unauthed people. | [19:30] |
splatster | ;;echo [ident nanotube] | [19:30] |
gribble | nanotube | [19:30] |
nanotube | not that complicated. either it says "identified" or "not identified" | [19:30] |
nanotube | if statements ftw? :) | [19:31] |
splatster | how come it did it weird when I tried last time? | [19:31] |
nanotube | dunno what you tried. :P | [19:31] |
* | extor ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:31] |
splatster | ;;echo [ident asdfasdfasd] | [19:31] |
splatster | ;;echo [ident extor] | [19:31] |
gribble | Nick 'extor', with hostmask 'extor!', is not identified. | [19:31] |
splatster | ok | [19:31] |
splatster | I think I know what to do | [19:31] |
imsaguy2 | errors don't echo here | [19:31] |
imsaguy2 | idents of unauth'd are 'errors' | [19:31] |
extor | splatster? | [19:32] |
nanotube | extor: you were just a convenient subject for testing :) | [19:32] |
splatster | extor: Sorry, I was using you're nick to test | [19:32] |
splatster | cuz you weren't authed | [19:32] |
nanotube | imsaguy2: idents of unauthed are not errors. idents of users who are not even on irc are. | [19:32] |
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extor | where can I find microworkers such as those on amazon turk or even fiverr,what other places are out there where people can hunt for minions? | [19:32] |
imsaguy2 | nanotube: 1, imsaguy: 0 | [19:32] |
nanotube | imsaguy2: :) | [19:33] |
rg | ehe | [19:33] |
helo | extor: coinworker? | [19:33] |
imsaguy2 | nanotube: talk to your ops, explain the whole ratings thing | [19:33] |
* | d4de has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | [19:33] |
imsaguy2 | not all of them know they aren't trade based ;) | [19:33] |
extor | helo does that place get any traffic? Is it just a btc fad place? | [19:33] |
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helo | extor: there are work units which have been completed in the last minute | [19:34] |
extor | ya but my question still stands | [19:35] |
extor | are the number of minions at that place even remotely equal to fiverr and turk? | [19:35] |
splatster | One problem with doing the .btc thing is that my bot isn't allowed to respond in-channel if it's -otc. | [19:35] |
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splatster | nanotube: What I could do is drop the no responding in -otc but I'll let you tell me exactly which commands should be ignored/allowed (essentially have a white or blacklist) should they be in -otc. | [19:42] |
phraust | anyone interested in some steel bracelets? | [19:42] |
nanotube | splatster: well, make that a whitelist, and we'll think about each command individually. bonus points for only responding in channel to authed users. :) | [19:43] |
splatster | So there has to be two layers of check-if-should-respond? | [19:44] |
nanotube | well, ideally. :) | [19:46] |
splatster | okay | [19:46] |
splatster | That'll be tough to do but I'll take a stab at it :/ | [19:46] |
nanotube | though probably either one or the other standalone could work too. | [19:46] |
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rg | fucking mono | [19:48] |
splatster | Knowing how phenny works and does commands, it would be much more difficult (I think) to do a whitelist on a per-channel/pm basis. | [19:48] |
nanotube | splatster: well, it's your bot, so up to you to figure out how to code it :D | [19:49] |
* | ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:49] |
* | gribble gives voice to ineededausername | [19:50] |
splatster | nanotube: could you point me in the direction of the ;;ident source? | [19:50] |
nanotube | splatster: it's in the github repo in the 'gpg' plugin see ,,code | [19:50] |
gribble | Source code to gribble's bitcoin-related plugins: | [19:50] |
* | rg finds 0day exploits in gribble | [19:52] |
rg | lets see whos top trader now!$@ | [19:52] |
nanotube | rg: please be sure to report to me if you find any :D | [19:52] |
splatster | nanotube: Instead of PMing gribble, do you think it would be possible to retrieve the info in the same way gribble does? | [19:53] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [19:53] |
splatster | Both of our bots are in python which makes things easier. | [19:53] |
* | BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:54] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt | [19:54] |
splatster | nanotube: Also, I'm not sure how to get a response from gribble while delaying execution until that is done. | [19:56] |
ineededausername | oh wow, you're PMing gribble right now? :P | [19:57] |
nanotube | splatster: no, the authentication info is stored in-memory. there's no way to retrieve it. | [19:58] |
nanotube | well, other than by being gribble. :) | [19:58] |
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nanotube | as far as how to delay further execution until you get a response - nothing fancy, just store a data structure with pending commands that are waiting for gribble auth response | [19:59] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:59] |
nanotube | once an auth response comes through, pick off the pending commands that match the response and continue executing them | [19:59] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | nanotube is GOD | [20:00] |
jcpham | i want proof | [20:00] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | otc | [20:00] |
* | jjjrmy-m (6166dbe4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:00] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | is proof | [20:00] |
jjjrmy-m | Guys, what do you think: | [20:00] |
imsaguy2 | jjjrmy-m: you need to make the popup happen on an onclick | [20:01] |
imsaguy2 | otherwise, popup blockers intercept it | [20:01] |
rg | or draw a CSS window | [20:01] |
jjjrmy-m | imsaguy2: okay, should I add both? | [20:01] |
imsaguy2 | yes | [20:01] |
jjjrmy-m | okay | [20:01] |
jjjrmy-m | sec | [20:01] |
imsaguy2 | I'm still not seeing any of it work though. | [20:01] |
jjjrmy-m | imsaguy2: I'm getting the design done first | [20:01] |
jjjrmy-m | and have to get the tabs done first | [20:02] |
jjjrmy-m | that's the hardest part :/ | [20:02] |
jcpham | i clicked everywhere | [20:02] |
* | chmod755 (~affilitat@unaffiliated/chmod755) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:02] |
chmod755 | THIS IS A RAID! GIMME ALL YOUR COINS: 13PCpMYCmEPbXtpW2QTHnPvDzyZ2hvZ6T4 | [20:02] |
jcpham | clickity clickety clickety | [20:02] |
nanotube | bitcoin-otc-uk: i appreciate the thought, but no need to lay it on so thick :D | [20:02] |
imsaguy2 | mmm, now I'm hungry | [20:02] |
jcpham | me tto bbl | [20:03] |
bitcoin-otc-uk | nanotube sorry | [20:03] |
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copumpkin | nanotube is GOD | [20:06] |
chmod755 | copumpkin: really? | [20:06] |
copumpkin | yup | [20:06] |
* | chmod755 sings nanotube save the queen | [20:07] |
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nanotube | >_> :) | [20:08] |
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nanotube | i think there's #bitcoin-religion for that. :P | [20:08] |
nanotube | though the generally-accepted deity there is satoshi. :) | [20:08] |
chmod755 | nanotube: i think it was #bitcoin-church | [20:09] |
nanotube | ah yea, well that. :) | [20:09] |
vragnaroda | Has any previous one been saved? | [20:09] |
chmod755 | (07:09:23 PM) ChanServ: (notice) Information on #bitcoin-religion: | [20:09] |
* | vragnaroda doesn't get the “God save the Queen” thing. | [20:09] |
chmod755 | (07:09:24 PM) ChanServ: (notice) Founder : coingenuity | [20:09] |
chmod755 | lmao | [20:09] |
nanotube | vragnaroda: haha good point. | [20:09] |
jcpham | UK has a queen | [20:10] |
chmod755 | vragnaroda: maybe they should change it | [20:10] |
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jcpham | the majest is feminine currently | [20:10] |
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chmod755 | "God create incremental backups of the queen" | [20:10] |
vragnaroda | lol | [20:10] |
jcpham | no differential | [20:11] |
jcpham | in case we lose that first tape | [20:11] |
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rawrmage | jcpham: man | [20:27] |
rawrmage | you leave the weirdest lines for me in my awaylog | [20:27] |
bitcoinTrader | any1 trading btc | [20:28] |
* | gribble gives voice to Bigpiggy01Mining | [20:29] |
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jjjrmy-m | bitcoinTrader: what are you buying @? | [20:29] |
rg | jj | [20:29] |
rg | you are the worst worker ever | [20:30] |
rg | where is my contract? | [20:30] |
jjjrmy-m | rg: you never gave me any info | [20:30] |
jjjrmy-m | rg: PM me everything | [20:30] |
* | ahbritto (~guest@unaffiliated/ahbritto) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:30] |
rg | tell me what you need | [20:30] |
rg | and i shall bestow upon you the knowledge that you seek | [20:31] |
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bitcoinTrader | jjjrmy-m buying LR | [20:35] |
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mod6 | Hey whats up guys. Got a new MP if anyone wants to trade. | [20:35] |
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mod6 | ;;view | [20:35] |
gribble | #7229 Fri Mar 16 11:34:44 2012 mod6 BUY 6.5 BTC @ 40 USD (MoneyPak, want to trade for BTC. Auth/Rating required on OTC. Thanks!) | [20:35] |
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rg | go ninja go ninja go | [20:36] |
rg | go ninja go ninja go | [20:36] |
rawrmage | go pony go pony go | [20:37] |
rg | ;;gpg info grubles | [20:38] |
draco49 | hey mod6, I'll trade with ya... | [20:38] |
bitcoinTrader | mod6: check PM :) | [20:38] |
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jcpham | rawrmage ikr | [20:41] |
jcpham | because i think you are wierd | [20:42] |
jjjrmy-m_ | *sigh* | [20:42] |
jcpham | but in a sexy pony way | [20:42] |
rawrmage | splatster: i did not ask you if you were transgender! i asked you what pronoun you preferred using. | [20:42] |
splatster | With the assumption that I might be transgender. | [20:43] |
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rawrmage | no, i didn't assume that | [20:44] |
rawrmage | well | [20:44] |
rawrmage | i assumed it as much as I assume anyone else on the internet whom I don't know *may* be | [20:45] |
rawrmage | .o twitter tarastrong | [20:47] |
rawrmage |
[20:47] |
rawrmage | | [20:48] |
draco49 | rawrmage, that's one of the gayest things I've ever heard | [20:48] |
rawrmage | lol | [20:48] |
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rawrmage | Tara Strong is best troll | [20:49] |
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loktigon | chillaxin bro | [20:52] |
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MORA| | WTB indie royal / kerbal space program for btc | [20:56] |
draco49 | ;;rate mod6 1 Traded BTC for MP. Fast easy tx, no problems! | [20:58] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mod6 has been recorded. | [20:58] |
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rg | holy shit | [21:00] |
rg | i found imsaguy's band on youtube | [21:00] |
rg | | [21:00] |
rawrmage | draco49: oh god | [21:03] |
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rawrmage | draco49: you do realize twilightlicious means Twilight Sparkle not Twilight the book right | [21:03] |
draco49 | Yes rawrmage, I know you love your ponies | [21:03] |
loktigon | vortex of shame! | [21:04] |
rawrmage | draco49: b-baka! it's not like i like p-ponies or anything, ok!? | [21:05] |
draco49 | rawrmage, sure sure, whatever you say ;) | [21:05] |
rg | shy shy | [21:06] |
rg | hush hush | [21:06] |
rg | let them say we're crazy! | [21:07] |
rg | i dont care about that | [21:07] |
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rg | put you hand in my hand , baby dont ever look bck! | [21:07] |
rawrmage | hoof* | [21:07] |
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rg | im watching Patrick Swayzee | [21:09] |
loktigon | freedom 35 ? | [21:09] |
rg | dirty fuckin dancin | [21:10] |
rg | oh my julien | [21:10] |
rg | i think it was a fucked plan | [21:10] |
rg | why didnt you sent the alien trevors over the border on a mule | [21:10] |
rg | like a regular fuckin drug dealer | [21:10] |
rg | CONKY | [21:10] |
dsmouse | ;;ticker | [21:10] |
rg | | [21:11] |
rg | no real patrick sawyze | [21:11] |
phraust | no one puts baby in the corner. | [21:11] |
rg | i guess he had a video.. | [21:11] |
draco49 | lol @ phraust | [21:11] |
loktigon | swayze train | [21:13] |
rg | that would be patrick | [21:13] |
rg | swayzee | [21:13] |
rg | i didnt chicken out | [21:13] |
rg | i had the fucking flu! | [21:13] |
helo | don't fuck so much | [21:13] |
helo | err... i that's more commonly referred to as "chlamidia" | [21:14] |
rg | helo... its a tv show | [21:14] |
BTC_Bear | BTC_Challenge || Medium || 1 BTC || What is the next number in the sequence? 103, 109, 139, ??? | [21:14] |
helo | fucking flu? | [21:14] |
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draco49 | i think it's ehlo | [21:14] |
helo | eyah :/ | [21:15] |
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rawrmage | BTC_Bear: 390 | [21:15] |
BTC_Bear | nope | [21:15] |
rg | 145 | [21:16] |
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BTC_Bear | nope | [21:16] |
helo | 439 | [21:16] |
BTC_Bear | nope | [21:17] |
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BTC_Bear | BTC_Challenge || Medium || 2 BTC || What is the next number in the sequence? 103, 109, 139, ??? | [21:17] |
BTC_Bear | I'll up the reward | [21:17] |
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helo | 167 | [21:17] |
BTC_Bear | winner | [21:17] |
phraust | damn | [21:17] |
helo | :D | [21:17] |
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rawrmage | shut? | [21:17] |
rawrmage | whut* | [21:17] |
BTC_Bear | Happy Prime | [21:18] |
helo | 1DZgdi2Na5jAmMyaXHBUg6cyvhu9Y6uwAM | [21:18] |
phraust | what was the pttern? | [21:18] |
phraust | ah shit. | [21:18] |
rawrmage | oooi | [21:18] |
rawrmage | did you google it helo :P | [21:18] |
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BTC_Bear | helo: sent | [21:18] |
helo | didn't you have to memorize happy primes at uni? | [21:18] |
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* | gribble gives voice to imsaguy | [21:19] |
helo | heh, goole :) | [21:19] |
helo | [21:19] | |
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helo | awesome thanks BTC_Bear :D | [21:20] |
BTC_Bear | Easiest $10 Bucks I bet you made today. :) | [21:20] |
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mcorlett | "Hal ( wants to share some files with you using Dropbox. View the "bitcoin-0.1.0" folder here." | [21:20] |
rawrmage | wut | [21:21] |
mcorlett | I finally got it! | [21:21] |
mcorlett | Now I can compare it to 1.0.3 and see why Satoshi decided to pull it so hastily. | [21:21] |
helo | indeed... i can use this as an excuse to eat a yummy lunch :) | [21:21] |
Graet | and i shall sleep | [21:22] |
rawrmage | mcorlett: ooooOOO | [21:22] |
mod6 | ;;remove 7229 | [21:22] |
gribble | Order 7229 removed. | [21:22] |
rawrmage | banceh | [21:22] |
rawrmage | fanceh | [21:22] |
mod6 | Thanks again draco49! :D | [21:23] |
draco49 | later mod6 :) | [21:23] |
rg | when i get that feeling | [21:23] |
rg | i wants | [21:23] |
rg | sexual healing | [21:23] |
rg | sexual | [21:23] |
rg | healing baby | [21:23] |
rawrmage | lol | [21:23] |
rg | from rawrmage | [21:23] |
rawrmage | not in here, rg. | [21:24] |
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rawrmage | Rainbow Dash uses the door | [21:24] |
gmaxwell | rainbow dash sounds like the name of a drug. | [21:25] |
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* | gribble gives voice to imsaguy | [21:26] |
phraust | or a salad topping | [21:27] |
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phraust | a fabulous salad topping. :| | [21:29] |
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rawrmage | gmaxwell: there's a picture that is oh, so relevant but that I cannot find :/ | [21:30] |
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btcboy | ;;guide | [21:31] |
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btcboy | anyone trade btc for CAD | [21:32] |
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mcorlett | | [21:33] |
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rawrmage | aha. | [21:36] |
rawrmage | gmaxwell: the bottom-rightmost panel. | [21:37] |
juve4v | ;;gpg eregister juve4v FD911121DE07204F | [21:38] |
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rg | mcorlett: what are we looking at there | [21:41] |
rg | files tend to differ in different versions.. | [21:41] |
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jjjrmy | rg: sorry, I'm back | [21:42] |
mcorlett | Sorry, detailed diff: | [21:42] |
mcorlett | Posted in -dev, forgot to follow up here. | [21:42] |
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loktigon | cool diff | [21:46] |
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rg | haha i like the IP detection functions | [21:48] |
rg | very hacky | [21:49] |
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mcorlett | I also noticed that. Perhaps didn't turn out to be as great as Satoshi had hoped. | [21:49] |
rg | it seems silly to do so | [21:50] |
rg | as connecting to IRC will mask your IP, but a local /WHOIS will return your connected from IP | [21:50] |
rg | but hey, who knows what 'satoshi' was thinking when 'he' coded it | [21:50] |
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rg | wow Serbia | [21:51] |
rg | thats a new one around here | [21:51] |
rawrmage | rg: | [21:51] |
rg | welcome blaeks | [21:51] |
blaeks | ty | [21:52] |
rawrmage | guys why can't I search on youtube! | [21:52] |
blaeks | rg, | [21:52] |
Cusipzzz | serbia ? | [21:52] |
rg | yeah Cusipzzz, blaeks is from Serbia | [21:53] |
rg | appears to be our first Serbian visitor | [21:53] |
Cusipzzz | ahh | [21:53] |
Cusipzzz | get that man some bitcoins! :) | [21:53] |
chmod755 | hi blaeks | [21:53] |
rawrmage | hi, blaeks | [21:53] |
rg | ok guys, take it down a notch | [21:53] |
rg | :) | [21:53] |
rawrmage | rg: hey i didn't touch him | [21:53] |
chmod755 | ;;touch blaeks | [21:54] |
mcorlett | Hello blaeks! | [21:54] |
loktigon | whats the appropriate way to end a phone call with a government office | [21:55] |
draco49 | click | [21:55] |
loktigon | you dont want to say "thank you" because theyre basically raping you with fees and other nonsense | [21:55] |
blaeks | how many helloz | [21:55] |
blaeks | all of the sudden | [21:55] |
draco49 | I just hang up. | [21:55] |
blaeks | :D | [21:55] |
loktigon | should you say "whatevs. |
[21:55] |
loktigon | good plan draco49 | [21:55] |
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draco49 | "whatevs" click is also good. | [21:55] |
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loktigon | "stop raping me. |
[21:56] |
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chmod755 | JIHAD JIHAD! |
[21:56] |
draco49 | Although I guess it depends on the particular office... | [21:56] |
rg | blaeks: they're excited cause we've never had a Serb here | [21:56] |
draco49 | IRS, etc --> click | [21:56] |
Cusipzzz | rg: i think vlade divac was here a few years ago ;) | [21:56] |
draco49 | your probation officer --> Have a nice day! | [21:56] |
loktigon | "zoolander out" | [21:56] |
rg | and since theres a noobie here | [21:57] |
loktigon | haha draco49 | [21:57] |
rg | lets chill on the jihad/rape/etc | [21:57] |
Cusipzzz | lol | [21:57] |
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rawrmage | | [21:57] |
loktigon | "good day you useless parasite whose only purpose in life is to drain the income of the citizenry" | [21:57] |
chmod755 | i use bitcoins, so i don't have to pay your f****** taxes. problem? |
[21:58] |
draco49 | Too much wasted breath. | [21:58] |
Cusipzzz | drazen petrovic too | [21:58] |
loktigon | it takes an hour to even talk to someone at the dmv | [21:58] |
draco49 | "You work for Satan" |
[21:58] |
loktigon | haha | [21:58] |
draco49 | OMG the DMV? | [21:58] |
loktigon | yeah the dmv is quite the satanic organization | [21:58] |
draco49 | That requires a special response. | [21:58] |
draco49 | "Thank you for ruining another citizen's day. Fuck you. |
[21:59] |
loktigon | "die in a fire, kthxbai" | [21:59] |
loktigon | haha | [21:59] |
draco49 | or... "I appreciate you eventual assistance. Die in a fiery car wreck on your way home. |
[22:00] |
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loktigon | around 16% of the labor force is government employees. around 40% of GDP is government expenditure | [22:04] |
loktigon | what do they do all day besides coming up with new ways to annoy people | [22:04] |
* | helo is now known as BeatySees | [22:05] |
BeatySees | :D | [22:05] |
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LordCanti | loktigon: I think meddling is a full time job | [22:06] |
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loktigon | yes. damn vampires | [22:07] |
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danieldaniel | rawrmage: | [22:10] |
danieldaniel | its mlp | [22:11] |
danieldaniel | singing a nsfw song | [22:11] |
rg | hey daniell | [22:11] |
rg | been sexually harassed today? | [22:11] |
danieldaniel | rg: ohai | [22:11] |
danieldaniel | rg: 4 times | [22:11] |
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rawrmage | danieldaniel: haha | [22:12] |
danieldaniel | g2g | [22:13] |
loktigon | interestingly the # of local/state employees grew much faster than federal | [22:13] |
gmaxwell | loktigon: realestate boom | [22:14] |
gmaxwell | lots of state/local governments have laid off people in the last couple years though. | [22:14] |
loktigon | yeah good point gmaxwell.. all that sweet property tax $ | [22:14] |
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gmaxwell | (I worked for a local government for many years—) | [22:15] |
nanotube | in what capacity? | [22:15] |
gmaxwell | nanotube: I ran the telecommunications department for a county... build out fiber broadband in a community where you couldn't even get DSL (when I started). | [22:16] |
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gmaxwell | The program was self funding (before I get mobbed by libertarian nuts complaining about tax dollars!) | [22:17] |
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loktigon | cool | [22:17] |
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jjjrmy | Trading PPUSD for MtGUSD | [22:22] |
nanotube | gmaxwell: heh nice | [22:23] |
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rg | i wanted to create a wireless mesh network | [22:23] |
rg | for my town | [22:23] |
CCoolty | cool | [22:23] |
rg | to get service, you run a repeater and pay a small fee (donations more likely) | [22:23] |
rg | but the logistics of doing such things.. | [22:24] |
gmaxwell | nanotube: the program was basically halted when BellSouth started offering broadband, found that lots of jucy customers were already mine, and threated to sue for unfair competition and crap. | [22:24] |
rg | the $$/time/planning would not work | [22:24] |
* | gribble gives voice to occulta | [22:24] |
rg | youd have to pay a professional to go out and place the repeater | [22:24] |
CCoolty | rg: get routers with solar panels/lipo batteries and throw them in trees | [22:24] |
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CCoolty | done! | [22:25] |
* | Mkays| (~yaaic@unaffiliated/mkaysi) has left #bitcoin-otc | [22:25] |
nanotube | gmaxwell: yea that's how they roll. should have set up a separate foundation to deal with that - that way they couldn't claim "the government" is providing unfair competition. but ianal :) | [22:25] |
chwergy | they kind of are | [22:25] |
gmaxwell | We'd just changed commissions in a big upheaval, and the new ones didn't give a crap about this program and didn't care to defend it even though it was profitable. So we capped it and everything became boring so I went and found a much better paying job. | [22:25] |
* | traf07 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [22:26] |
Judgement51 | anyone willing to trade coins for moneypak? | [22:26] |
chwergy | Anyone looking to Buy or Sell BTC? | [22:26] |
chwergy | haha | [22:26] |
chwergy | how big is the moneypak? | [22:26] |
gmaxwell | nanotube: it was kinda daft— our _own_ communications costs easily paid for the program and everything we connected on top of that was additional revenue for the general fund. Oh well. | [22:27] |
* | BeatySee is now known as helo | [22:27] |
chwergy | Judgement51: how big is your moneypak yo? | [22:28] |
nanotube | gmaxwell: daft and government are the best of friends. :) | [22:28] |
* | traf07 (4f70b509@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:28] |
LordCanti | gmaxwell: what was the range on the repeaters you were using? | [22:28] |
rg | CCoolty: you cant just stick stuff in trees | [22:29] |
rg | im pretty sure thats illegal | [22:29] |
* | traf07 (4f70b509@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc | [22:29] |
chwergy | anyone using Iirci? | [22:30] |
occulta | ;;seen chungenhung | [22:30] |
gribble | chungenhung was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 11 weeks, 0 days, 4 hours, 37 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: |
[22:30] |
gmaxwell | LordCanti: for metro scale distances there basically aren't distance limitations... just pick the applicable optics. Gear that does up to 40km is commodity class pricing. | [22:30] |
helo | ;;seen gigavps | [22:30] |
helo | bah... lost auth | [22:31] |
chwergy | ;;seen pg | [22:31] |
helo | the bawt should get rid of my '+' when i lose auth... | [22:31] |
rg | i use BitchX | [22:31] |
rg | helo: why | [22:31] |
helo | so i know to reauth | [22:31] |
rg | +v has never meant authorized | [22:31] |
helo | what does it mean? | [22:31] |
occulta | voice | [22:31] |
rg | yeah | [22:31] |
rg | thats it | [22:31] |
helo | how is that meaningful/useful in a channel where non-voiced users can talk? | [22:32] |
nanotube | helo: it means that at some point you were authed, or were given voice by an op or chanserv. ;) it only has a loose connection to auth, and was only implemented as an antispam measure. | [22:32] |
chwergy | anyone using Irssi? | [22:32] |
occulta | from what i understand, its an old feature that was never removed | [22:32] |
nanotube | helo: when channel is +m, it is useful | [22:32] |
helo | ahh | [22:32] |
nanotube | hasn't been +m in a while, but the system is ready to be deployed if necessary :) | [22:32] |
occulta | also yea, like annotube said, when he +ms channel | [22:32] |
helo | good show | [22:33] |
nanotube | chwergy: i know a few people do use irssi... why? | [22:33] |
LordCanti | gmaxwell: I'm a fool, I was confusing you with what rg said about the wireless mesh network | [22:33] |
LordCanti | whoops! | [22:33] |
chwergy | wondering how to switch pages | [22:33] |
gmaxwell | LordCanti: I wondered! | [22:33] |
helo | how does one lose auth? | [22:33] |
nanotube | helo: netsplit, or you timeout, or gribble times out. | [22:33] |
nanotube | basically, any time gribble loses sight of you | [22:33] |
rg | LordCanti: yeah mine is just a pipe dream, gmaxwell's is reality | [22:34] |
rg | i always wanted to have a town-wide wifi | [22:35] |
rg | get a gigabit from Cogent | [22:35] |
* | Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:35] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Changing host) | [22:35] |
* | Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:35] |
rg | give everyone a 1TB cap | [22:35] |
rg | if you control the internet, you control the data | [22:36] |
rg | if you control the data, you control the people | [22:36] |
rg | mayor? PFFt. Sysadmin. | [22:36] |
LordCanti | I'd be less interested in control and more interested in subverting control | [22:38] |
* | churchill has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [22:38] |
chwergy | haha | [22:39] |
Judgement51 | anyone willing to trade coins for moneypak? | [22:39] |
chwergy | yes | [22:39] |
* | hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:39] |
* | churchill (~neo2@gateway/tor-sasl/neo2) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:39] |
chwergy | Judgement51: you gonna stick around this time? | [22:39] |
chwergy | Judgement51: how much is your moneypak? | [22:40] |
LordCanti | chwergy you're using Irssi? On what system? | [22:40] |
chwergy | debian netinstall base | [22:40] |
chwergy | squeeze | [22:40] |
Cory | ;;buy 100 BTC at "0.9 * {mtgoxask}" PPUSD | [22:41] |
gribble | Order id 7248 created. | [22:41] |
chwergy | looks like judgement isnt sticking around to hear the answer to his question. | [22:41] |
LordCanti | oh ok, I've seen a few people recommend it for OSX, was thinking of trying it | [22:41] |
chwergy | I like it | [22:41] |
LordCanti | I need a replacement for Colloquy | [22:41] |
* | BicycleHead ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:42] |
chwergy | it's fast and easy | [22:42] |
imsaguy | occulta: you here? | [22:42] |
occulta | i am | [22:42] |
BicycleHead | buy btc for ppusd? | [22:42] |
chwergy | whats your rate Bicycle? | [22:42] |
BicycleHead | I a newb so I only 1 sussscful transations out of 1 | [22:43] |
dsmouse | how much usd and how many btc? | [22:43] |
chwergy | are you registered with pgp? | [22:43] |
* | gribble gives voice to helo | [22:44] |
Cory | BicycleHead: Do you want to buy or sell BTC? | [22:44] |
chwergy | i do | [22:45] |
occulta | ;;tell imsaguy i am | [22:45] |
chwergy | how to get rating? | [22:47] |
neofutur | chwergy: first you need to register and auth : | [22:48] |
imsaguy | ;;ticker --last | [22:49] |
gribble | 5.34567 | [22:49] |
* | bitcoinTrader has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [22:52] |
chwergy | i registered | [22:52] |
BicycleHead | buy | [22:52] |
* | armariables (~armariabl@gateway/tor-sasl/armariables) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:53] |
* | eph_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [22:54] |
chwergy | neofutur: I registered and authed, does it reset on disconnect? | [22:54] |
CCoolty | [22:54] | |
CCoolty | no of course not, you need a ladder and some tape | [22:54] |
LordCanti | or a trained monkey | [22:56] |
* | gribble gives voice to armariables | [22:56] |
armariables | b-monkeys | [22:57] |
rg | haha | [22:57] |
rg | yeah sure | [22:57] |
neofutur | ;;ident chwergy | [22:58] |
neofutur | (22:56) |
[22:58] |
neofutur | yes you ll need to ident everytime you come to trade | [22:59] |
chwergy | ok, how do i do that? | [22:59] |
rg | chwergy | [22:59] |
rg | just like i showed you the other day | [22:59] |
neofutur | read the link i posted above | [22:59] |
rg | /msg gribble eauth chwergy | [22:59] |
rg | itll give you the URL | [22:59] |
chwergy | exct same process? | [22:59] |
chwergy | thats lengthy | [22:59] |
rg | then /msg gribble everify stuff | [22:59] |
neofutur | you just ident | [22:59] |
rg | no, its two commands | [22:59] |
neofutur | you already registered | [22:59] |
chwergy | mmk | [23:00] |
* | Staatsfeind (~markac@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:01] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind | [23:01] |
rg | im about to hit 1200 bitcoin transactions | [23:01] |
LordCanti | ha, I'm at a grand total of 5, I think | [23:01] |
* | tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [23:02] |
Cory | You're worse than DeepBit! | [23:02] |
occulta | ;;rate imsaguy 2 | [23:02] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user imsaguy has changed from 2 to 2. | [23:02] |
occulta | ;;rate imsaguy 3 | [23:02] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user imsaguy has changed from 2 to 3. | [23:02] |
rg | ;;ticker | [23:02] |
rg | ;;calc 34.09 * 5.34 | [23:03] |
* | abracadabra checks his wallet | [23:03] |
abracadabra | 1211 :) | [23:03] |
abracadabra | bitcoin client crashes at 1212 | [23:03] |
abracadabra | :p | [23:03] |
rg | THC-Hydra might be the worst piece of software | [23:04] |
rg | ever | [23:04] |
rg | it rarely functions as intended | [23:04] |
occulta | hmm | [23:04] |
occulta | is that a BF'er ? | [23:04] |
rg | a... what? | [23:05] |
occulta | bruteforcer | [23:05] |
rg | among other things, yes | [23:05] |
LordCanti | i was hoping it was a best-friender | [23:05] |
rawrmage | rg: thc-hydra? | [23:05] |
rawrmage | wtf | [23:05] |
occulta | yea i used it before | [23:05] |
rawrmage | dat name | [23:05] |
occulta | few times | [23:05] |
abracadabra | | [23:05] |
rg | medussa is better | [23:05] |
rg | simpler | [23:05] |
rawrmage | tetrahydrocannabinol-hydra | [23:06] |
rg | half the modules in THC's STABLE release dont even work | [23:06] |
occulta | i think i had an issue with it | [23:06] |
occulta | and the support was awful | [23:06] |
* | chwergy has quit (Quit: leaving) | [23:06] |
rg | THC stands for the hackers choice rawrmage | [23:06] |
occulta | yea sounds about right lol | [23:06] |
rawrmage | rg: suuuure | [23:06] |
* | chwergy (~chwergy@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:06] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [23:06] |
occulta | rawmage maybe not the site content you may think | [23:07] |
occulta | | [23:07] |
* | paraipan has quit (Quit: Saliendo) | [23:07] |
occulta | this is more your area i think | [23:07] |
chwergy | /msg gribble | [23:08] |
CCoolty | / | [23:09] |
rawrmage | occulta: lol | [23:09] |
* | loktigon has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [23:13] |
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Guest48540 | aaahahhahahahaha | [23:15] |
* | chwergy (~chwergy@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:16] |
chwergy | how to accept moneypak for bitcoin? | [23:16] |
Guest48540 | with a greendot card or paypal | [23:16] |
Guest48540 | both of which will denote in your hand if the provider wants to | [23:17] |
Guest48540 | greendot or paypal | [23:17] |
chwergy | how to do it with paypal? | [23:17] |
Guest48540 | deposit moneypak option | [23:17] |
chwergy | oh ok | [23:17] |
* | patchiman__ (185c1ad1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:17] |
chwergy | and its safe for use with bitcoins even if you are going through PP? | [23:17] |
Guest48540 | if you are accepting the bitcoins yes | [23:18] |
chwergy | I'm sending them | [23:18] |
Guest48540 | imo neither is safe to accept | [23:18] |
Guest48540 | greendot or paypal | [23:18] |
* | BTCHero ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:18] |
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* | gribble gives voice to BTCHero | [23:19] |
* | unreal-dude ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:19] |
rg | MoneyPak is reversible | [23:19] |
rg | so is PayPal | [23:19] |
chwergy | oh | [23:19] |
rg | everything is reversible to be honest | [23:19] |
rg | even bank transfers | [23:19] |
chwergy | then why do people like moneypak? | [23:19] |
Guest48540 | not bitcoins | [23:19] |
LordCanti | except bitcoin | [23:19] |
rg | come on guys | [23:19] |
rg | dont be dumb | [23:19] |
patchiman__ | im making 3d cgi ads/short videos. | [23:19] |
LordCanti | =) | [23:19] |
Guest48540 | actually i reversed a bitcoin transaction the other day | [23:19] |
Guest48540 | but theres nothing enough space in the margin for me to explain how i did it | [23:20] |
Guest48540 | not enough* | [23:20] |
chwergy | so how do i accept a moneypak as securely as possible? | [23:20] |
BTC_Bear | Guest48540: there isn't enough margin in the universe for you to explain how | [23:20] |
Guest48540 | chwergy: get cash asap? | [23:20] |
chwergy | like... what method are people using on here? | [23:21] |
loktigon- | like a ramen noodle every night budget | [23:21] |
Guest48540 | BTC_Bear: thats a strong statement | [23:21] |
Cory | Lots of people use their Paypal account. | [23:21] |
Guest48540 | BTC_Bear: it assumes theres no cryptoweaknesses | [23:21] |
Cory | Add funds > Use MoneyPak | [23:21] |
chwergy | ok.. and thats seen as secure enough? | [23:21] |
* | csshih (~craig@unaffiliated/csshih) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:21] |
nanotube | chwergy: i'd recommend LR - if you had LR, you'd have no shortage of people willing to sell you bitcoin. | [23:21] |
chwergy | what is LR? | [23:21] |
BTC_Bear | Guest48540: I didn't say impossible, I basically said, improbable. | [23:22] |
Cory | Has that been working out well, nanotube? | [23:22] |
Guest48540 | whose accepting LR? | [23:22] |
* | paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:22] |
* | specular has quit () | [23:22] |
BTCHero | western union would be cool | [23:22] |
nanotube | chwergy: libertyreserve. | [23:22] |
* | gribble gives voice to BTC_Bear | [23:22] |
nanotube | Cory: so far so good. :) | [23:22] |
chwergy | oh | [23:22] |
chwergy | what about linden dollars? | [23:23] |
nanotube | BTCHero: i know people do WU as well, but the fees are pretty large. | [23:23] |
nanotube | Guest48540: i am. | [23:23] |
Guest48540 | virwox is a site with btc and LD | [23:23] |
chwergy | are they still popular? | [23:23] |
Guest48540 | nanotube: sounds like were having a shortage so far ;) | [23:23] |
nanotube | for various meanings of the word 'popular', chwergy :) | [23:23] |
ne0futur | official name for "LD" is "SLL" | [23:23] |
nanotube | Guest48540: yea seems to be the case. :) | [23:24] |
nanotube | ne0futur: bonus points for telling me what 'sll' stands for. :) | [23:24] |
BTCHero | If you buy me a bar of silver with your cc i'll pay in btc once i receive | [23:25] |
Guest48540 | second life lindens | [23:25] |
LordCanti | people still use those? | [23:25] |
Guest48540 | yes | [23:25] |
Guest48540 | unfortunately | [23:25] |
chwergy | whats the rate of exchange for lindens? | [23:25] |
chwergy | to BTC | [23:25] |
Guest48540 | go to virwox and see | [23:26] |
BTC_Bear | Although SLL is a PP exception to its own TOS. Pay enough in fees and the TOS changes | [23:26] |
* | agricocb has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [23:26] |
Guest48540 | yea | [23:26] |
nanotube | Guest48540: you ruined it for neo :P | [23:28] |
nanotube | no bonus points for you :D | [23:29] |
chwergy | any good? | [23:29] |
* | MORA| has quit () | [23:29] |
heinz` | i used cavirtex last time i sold | [23:30] |
heinz` | never used that one | [23:30] |
patchiman__ | anyone want a 3d cgi animation(s) made for them? | [23:30] |
LordCanti | chwergy: be careful, there was an exchanger with a similar name who a scammer a bit ago | [23:32] |
LordCanti | check out the bitcoin forums | [23:32] |
chwergy | similar to BicycleHead? | [23:33] |
chwergy | | [23:34] |
LordCanti | | [23:34] |
patchiman__ | me? | [23:34] |
Joric | ? | [23:34] |
* | agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:34] |
LordCanti | | [23:34] |
loktigon- | we must convene a loya jurga | [23:34] |
rawrmage | | [23:34] |
LordCanti | that's where I was steered towards this place | [23:35] |
rawrmage | on the index page? | [23:35] |
* | Judgement51 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [23:35] |
chwergy | so... cavirtex is best? | [23:36] |
ne0futur | nanotube: Second Life Lindendollars iirc | [23:36] |
LordCanti | no by searching through threads, you know how one topic leads to another in a forum thread | [23:36] |
chwergy | yea | [23:36] |
LordCanti | OTC is referenced on the main bitcoin page but I didn't think of it | [23:37] |
LordCanti | I was too busy getting my head around BTC in general | [23:37] |
chwergy | when did you learn about BTC? | [23:37] |
* | paraipan has quit (Quit: Saliendo) | [23:38] |
LordCanti | heard about it on an NPR show a while ago, started researching it a while go | [23:38] |
splatster | For all of you who want to use pebbles in-channel on -otc, he will soon respond in channel to authed users when I get the last word from nano. | [23:38] |
mcorlett | ;;seen bitcoin-otc-uk | [23:39] |
gribble | bitcoin-otc-uk was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 3 hours, 36 minutes, and 3 seconds ago: |
[23:39] |
Cory | Why would I want him to respond in the channel? | [23:39] |
LordCanti | actually got myself set up a few weeks ago, set up clients and bought a few coins | [23:39] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:39] |
patchiman__ | ;;guide | [23:39] |
splatster | Cory: If you query him in-channel and you are authed, he should respond in channel in the same way gribble does. This is all as per the request of nano. | [23:39] |
ne0futur | (23:24) <+ BTC_Bear> Although SLL is a PP exception to its own TOS. Pay enough in fees and the TOS changes | [23:40] |
ne0futur | true but virwox is still illegal under EU financial laws | [23:41] |
chwergy | lord, whats your fav client? | [23:41] |
chwergy | anyone use multibit? | [23:41] |
armariables | multipass? | [23:41] |
LordCanti | I'm just using the Satoshi client on Win and OSX right now | [23:41] |
* | agricocb has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [23:41] |
LordCanti | I like what I see from some of the alternative clients but I'm hesitent to switch over until they are bit more tested | [23:42] |
patchiman__ | ;;sell 1 "custom 3d cgi animation" at 10 btc a minute | [23:42] |
LordCanti | especially on osx | [23:42] |
loktigon- | archbishop of canterbury to step down at the end of the year | [23:43] |
luke-jr | loktigon-: how about abolish his heretical sect entirely? | [23:43] |
LordCanti | can an archbishop step down? | [23:43] |
luke-jr | even a pope can resign | [23:43] |
LordCanti | didn't realize that | [23:44] |
chwergy | how to use gpg? | [23:44] |
* | LordCanti is a heretic | [23:44] |
luke-jr | also, "archbishop of canterbury" is a heresiarch, not a real archbishop | [23:44] |
LordCanti | chwergy what system? | [23:44] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to Staatsfeind | [23:44] |
* | Staatsfeind has kicked LordCanti from #bitcoin-otc (LordCanti) | [23:44] |
chwergy | debian | [23:44] |
armariables | patchiman__: can you make me an anonymous-themed video telling everyone to vote for Santorum? | [23:44] |
* | Staatsfeind has kicked luke-jr from #bitcoin-otc (luke-jr) | [23:44] |
* | luke-jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:44] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to luke-jr | [23:44] |
* | Raccoon explodes into a frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter. | [23:44] |
luke-jr | nanotube: vragnaroda abusing power | [23:44] |
chwergy | i got the bitcoin-otc file | [23:44] |
* | Staatsfeind has kicked Raccoon from #bitcoin-otc (guideliens) | [23:44] |
* | Raccoon (bismuth@unaffiliated/raccoon) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:44] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to Raccoon | [23:44] |
* | Staatsfeind removes channel operator status from Staatsfeind | [23:44] |
chwergy | rg showed me how to use a command... went something like | [23:45] |
mcorlett | vrag is on a roll today | [23:45] |
Raccoon | what now? | [23:45] |
chwergy | wget bitcoin-otc/otps/1928375483534 ; pgp 1928####### | [23:45] |
rg | it was gpg --decrypt | [23:45] |
Raccoon | hmm, i thought I disabled that. | [23:45] |
chwergy | thats it | [23:46] |
Cory | splatster: What useful things will pebbles do? :D | [23:46] |
chwergy | thanks rg | [23:46] |
rg | this stuff is all in the guide chwergy | [23:46] |
rg | generally helping someone the first time is OK but when people dont even look at the guide | [23:46] |
rg | we tend to frown upon such activities | [23:46] |
splatster | Cory: Right now it's a stock phenny but I am putting a lot of time into making it great, more functions will come | [23:46] |
rawrmage | rg: unless they pay you? | [23:47] |
* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:47] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [23:47] |
rg | no | [23:47] |
rg | no money | [23:47] |
abracadabra | mo money? | [23:47] |
splatster | Someone suggested a .btc function that echoed a donation addy for a specific person, but that wouldn't be feasible if a bot can't respond in a channel | [23:47] |
rg | no more bots! | [23:47] |
rg | theres like 80 bots in this channel | [23:47] |
rg | and only one of them gets used | [23:48] |
abracadabra | heh | [23:48] |
abracadabra | 80 bots | [23:48] |
abracadabra | 200 lurkers | [23:48] |
Cory | splatster: Can't wait! :D | [23:48] |
abracadabra | 50 regulars | [23:48] |
abracadabra | erhm | [23:48] |
danieldaniel | rg: and 79 are mine | [23:48] |
danieldaniel | gtfkul | [23:48] |
danieldaniel | sorry, my cat on my keyboard | [23:48] |
* | abracadabra fires a rubber band at danieldaniel's cat | [23:49] |
armariables | <--- trolls too | [23:49] |
* | helo thinks "get the fuck... k... know un...." | [23:49] |
splatster | Cory: pebbles is already in the channel, but all my additions aren't live yet. I'm going to put them up in just a sec. | [23:49] |
Joric | wtf | [23:49] |
Joric | SQL = [SELECT SUM(profits) as profits FROM clicks ] | [23:49] |
danieldaniel | LOL | [23:49] |
patchiman__ | @amiarbles kk email for more info. | [23:50] |
Joric | | [23:50] |
Joric | i see MD5 ! but they said they didn't hash passwords | [23:52] |
* | LordCanti ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:53] |
Joric | oh, it's spyjax | [23:54] |
Joric | 'Spyjax, as I know it, is taking information from the user’s computer for your own use - specifically their browsing habits' | [23:54] |
Joric | so they're stealing btc AND browsing history | [23:55] |
* | churchill has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [23:55] |
* | pebbles has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [23:55] |
* | pebbles (~pebbles@unaffiliated/splatster/bot/pebbles) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:56] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to pebbles | [23:56] |
splatster | ok... | [23:56] |
splatster | .o ud cornothologist | [23:56] |
pebbles | a person who has devoted their lives to the study of every type of corn. Also a religion; cornothy, the worship of corn. Many people have devoted their lives to coernothy, in which you have to memoriz | [23:57] |
splatster | W00t! | [23:57] |
* | Zarutian ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:58] |
Category: Logs