Forum logs for 14 Apr 2015

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [06:25]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [06:25]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 16:58:12 2014 [06:25]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), send me "!up" in a private message to get an OTP. You must have a sufficient WoT rating. If you do not have a WoT account or sufficient rating, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary voice. [06:25]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [06:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15150 @ 0.00028693 = 4.347 BTC [-] [06:27]
mircea_popescu << threading is apparently hard. [06:31]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 01:56:44; ben_vulpes: [06:31]
mircea_popescu << no, it's obvious. it's also obvious that they're not getting it. [06:32]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:00:37; asciilifeform: << do i need to explain what the resurrection of 'key escrow' idiocy from '90s (clinton's! to go right along with the new clinton!) means from the meta-nsa school of thought? or is it already obvious to aficionados [06:32]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo << i lold. [06:32]
assbot Judge: Preet Bharara's Brinkmanship Endangers Fair Trials | ... ( ) [06:32]
mircea_popescu "In this case, the U.S. Attorney, while castigating politicians in Albany for playing fast and loose with the ethical rules that govern their conduct, strayed so close to the edge of the rules governing his own conduct that Defendant Sheldon Silver has a non-frivolous argument that he fell over the edge to the Defendant’s prejudice." [06:33]
mircea_popescu << the odd reason being that the whole fucking plan was stupid to begin with ? it relied on the insane theory that everyone's the intellectual captive of the usg dreamsilk. [06:36]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:06:27; asciilifeform: but for some odd reason (3) did not happen. [06:36]
mircea_popescu meanwhile : the people who are competent never cared what the usg was putting out, and have and use functional solutions that don't involve it. [06:37]
mircea_popescu the people who are incompetent also never cared what the usg was putting out, and have and use convenient solutions that mostly also don't involve it [06:37]
mircea_popescu (generally - doing nothing). [06:37]
mircea_popescu usg went in the middle and lost, there being no middle. but this is funny, psychologically, because : all socialisms always live by fleecing the middle class. for all the verbiage, it's the "kulak" that supported the soviets, not the filthy rich capitalist dudes. [06:38]
mircea_popescu the problem with this is that as the socialism progresses, the middle class dies out. because socialism is societal cancer, it just burns the fat and dies. [06:38]
mircea_popescu but, amusingly, no socialism to date, no matter it's (always on, anyway) claims to sophistication EVER realised that hte middle is finite. [06:39]
mircea_popescu and so... [06:39]
mircea_popescu "nobody on easter island realised that if we cut down all the trees on easter island there won't be anyting left, on easter island". [06:40]
mircea_popescu and yes, sucks for the remnant of teh middle class, obviously. which, i suppose, is a good summary of a large chunk of "what to do" discussions here. [06:41]
mircea_popescu << you completely misunderstand what this wot thing is. [06:44]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:07:49; felipelalli: in this way, anyone could rate scammers and it would be useful for all services like exchanges and everything. [06:44]
mircea_popescu : ERROR: unknown (Most likely my bitcoind stopped working or this page is too large/complex.) [06:45]
mircea_popescu and is also not coming up for me [06:45]
mircea_popescu ;;isup [06:45]
gribble is up [06:45]
mircea_popescu hm. [06:45]
mircea_popescu "Maximum concurrent requests for this endpoint reached. Please try again shortly." [06:46]
mircea_popescu does not really count as up [06:46]
williamdunne ;;isup [06:48]
mircea_popescu << you mean, what'd they defraud you out of ? or what it actually costs ? [06:48]
gribble is up [06:48]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:11:38; asciilifeform: (do you know what it costs to advertise in every single car of the d.c. subway?) [06:48]
williamdunne That one is pretty good [06:48]
mircea_popescu it actually costs like 50 bux [06:48]
mircea_popescu << duh. [06:50]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:12:24; ben_vulpes: provincia pagos sent my reciprocity fee system password in plaintext again [06:50]
mircea_popescu << there is no such thing as a "real" document. the reason it's a document in the first palce is BECAUSE ITS NOT REAL. it's a convention! [06:51]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:15:38; felipelalli: asciilifeform: thank you, good point, but it could be offset with the WoT where the ability to analyze a real document would be taken into account. williamdunne thank you! Nice to hear that! I was thinking about it for days! Do you know who are working on similar standard? [06:51]
mircea_popescu conventions between you and X may matter, to you, to X, to people who know you, or X, or both. [06:51]
mircea_popescu declarations of pretenders to sovereignity like the brazilian government matter... to it. not to me. [06:51]
mircea_popescu it can make all the passports it wants, ima credit someone on the basis of that as much as i'd credit someone presenting a reader's digest letter. [06:52]
mircea_popescu << actually trivial. [06:53]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:17:36; williamdunne: felipelalli: Not sure if its a good idea or not at this point, but interesting to think about. Very hard to prove we are the sole instance of ourselves [06:53]
williamdunne How would you go about it? [06:54]
mircea_popescu << yeah, because mysteriously o'brien is where you go for the supersikrit goldstein biography. logic. [06:54]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:18:16; asciilifeform: as the 'ban' thing unfolds, honeypots like zimmerman's which specifically sell on the point of 'l337 d00dz against nsa' will either a) quietly fade away b) somehow continue in what they presently are, in spite of supposed 'bans' [06:54]
mircea_popescu williamdunne make a gpg signature. [06:54]
williamdunne While I understand the point you're trying to make, I don't think that was the answer he was looking for [06:54]
williamdunne He meant one set of hands, not one identity [06:55]
mircea_popescu he wasn't looking for any answer. he was trying to shoehorn disorganised remains of broken history into the future. as he keeps trying to do this he'll figure it out. [06:55]
williamdunne Sure, and I think he discovered that from the conversation [06:55]
mircea_popescu but otherwise, it's easy to maintain sole access over an identity, and pointless to discuss whether that is your only identity. [06:56]
mircea_popescu obviously it wouldn't be. if you're a waiter and you get married now you're a waiter and a husband. big whoop. [06:56]
mircea_popescu the idea that you even care about "alt identities" is pure totalitarianism, about on the level of a "forum mod" trying to "enforce forum rules" with "bans". rank nonsense. the way it goes is the other way : only let people in that have a business in. [06:57]
mircea_popescu the insanity of the aol internet turned all sense on its head. [06:57]
mircea_popescu << my face dropped when i read some piece of his (a year or two before becoming a speaking head for the govt) when he was going "oh, i lost my original pgp key long ago, it's too hard to use hurr durr" [06:59]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:20:06; decimation: asciilifeform: note that zimmerman is largely trading on his rep 'earned' during the 'crypto wars' [06:59]
mircea_popescu << i would be really scared if one day i woke up in a world where "everyone" understood anything. even the most minute, basic point. [07:01]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:25:49; asciilifeform: sadly, i suspect that even a thousand threads like this one will not suffice in hammering the point home to the thickest [07:01]
mircea_popescu then i'd throw up, likely, because fucking hell now i have to reconsider the "no universal human quality" pillar of thought. [07:02]
mircea_popescu i want to reconsider that about as much as windows user wants to compile from source. [07:02]
mircea_popescu << morally neutral god of all knowledge ? interesting, incidentally, that the price the various jewish groups (including xtians) had to pay for the "church-state" frankenstein was overloading the correct notion of god with the notion of a "correct" god. only once god knew all AND GAVE A SHIT ABOUT THE KING'S WILL was there to be mandatory churchgoing and burning of [07:06]
mircea_popescu native huts. [07:06]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:33:44; asciilifeform: felipelalli: one not-inaccurate way to think about 'cipherpunkian' systems such as bitcoin or wot is as attempts to emulate a kind of incorruptible god [07:06]
* knotwork has quit (*.net *.split) [07:07]
* TomServo has quit (*.net *.split) [07:07]
mircea_popescu ;;bc,stats [07:08]
gribble Current Blocks: 352078 | Current Difficulty: 4.944639068824144E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 352799 | Next Difficulty In: 721 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 14 hours, 12 minutes, and 59 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 48453653786.5 | Estimated Percent Change: -2.0077 [07:08]
mircea_popescu oook there's some massive forkage going on [07:08]
mircea_popescu i see 352078 on some systems [07:09]
* WoIf` (5118f2a3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:09]
mats o.O [07:10]
mircea_popescu ah nm. i misread "next diff" block lol [07:10]
* WoIf` has quit (Client Quit) [07:10]
mircea_popescu still, the mempool is split or something. [07:11]
mircea_popescu i see subsets of dozens of otherwise well connected nodes not knowing of txn back and forth [07:12]
mircea_popescu actually, it seems to be resolving. that was a very spooky 5 minutes up there. [07:13]
* wyrdmantis (5960bc82@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:14]
mircea_popescu " Especially in Brazil where there are many scammers that exposes all of your personal life, and we know their real names, their documents etc." << aaaand this isn't indication that it really doesn't work ? [07:21]
mircea_popescu i mean i get it, this has become the surogate closure for the internet horde, "o no, here is his real name". mmmkay... [07:22]
mircea_popescu << if this works, the reputation was incorrectly trusted. [07:24]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:45:01; williamdunne: I'm not saying its a good idea, I just think its interesting as an idea [07:24]
mircea_popescu << yeah. that day being 2013 or w/e b-a went to +m eh. [07:24]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:45:36; trinque: maybe someday you must maintain over a certain rating to deal in certain spheres of influence [07:24]
mircea_popescu << quite. i suppose the trust <=> energy analogy is pretty good. trust is also in a very similar relation to sound money, ie, sure "people" (subhumans, really) can "create trust out of nothing". this is about as relevant to actual trust as freshly printed usd are to money. [07:26]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:46:21; asciilifeform: in much the same way, you cannot extract trustworthiness from the aether [07:26]
mircea_popescu in fact, the ability of a user to create pseudo-trust out of nothing, just like the "ability" of a perpetuum mobile to extract energy out of the void, just like the "ability" of a government to print money are the same thing, really : the degrading macula of subhumanity. [07:27]
mircea_popescu "jury of peers" eh. myeah. [07:28]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:48:26; decimation: what's a jury trial other than having your wot judge your actions? [07:28]
mircea_popescu << amusingly enough in japan jury trials were (and perhaps still to some degree are) very dimly regarded. people thought that someone willing to cast his fortune on the disinterested call of a dozen uninformed people rather than have a specialist handle it could not possibly have any sort of case. [07:29]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:49:23; decimation: some distant bureaucrat? [07:29]
mircea_popescu "the only reason you want the jury is because you hope to trick it with things a judge wouldn't fall for." [07:30]
mircea_popescu << they were also how salem witch trials happened. actually, their reliable idiocy is why no noble would have EVER considered either submitting to such a jury, or condemning another noble. [07:34]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:57:55; asciilifeform: medieval juries also did not concern themselves with day-to-day idiocies. [07:34]
chetty one of the good reasons for jury hasn't really been used ...nullification of bad law [07:35]
mircea_popescu actually the only useful function of a jury these days. [07:36]
mircea_popescu but see, the same people who can't be bothered to crypto anything... can't be bothered to nullify anything either. too much work. [07:36]
mircea_popescu and for that matter, imagine how the place looked after ows was done with it ? all the discarded packaging etc ? this was supposedly a group of civically-minded folks. [07:36]
* HostFat ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:37]
mircea_popescu "tax the rich so you can clean up the mess we made! of this sidewalk and of our lives!" [07:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.00030098 = 3.0399 BTC [+] [07:37]
williamdunne not to mention that the jury almost always considers law over morality [07:38]
mircea_popescu sadly. [07:39]
mircea_popescu but hey, it's emotionally cheaper for them. [07:39]
williamdunne It would be tragic if they had to do some thinking [07:39]
mircea_popescu << your motivations do not matter. not in this case, not in any other case. [07:39]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 03:26:21; felipelalli: ok, forget it. [07:39]
mircea_popescu williamdunne yes, it would be. it'd make it possible to be wrong, and then guilty. which is the main reason the law as a construct even exists : save people that. [07:40]
mircea_popescu << well when you're done with that would you please move on to convincing ugly women to be beautiful instead ? [07:41]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 03:29:48; felipelalli: trinque: I know that. I am trying to convince the Brazilian community move to here, but it is being hard. The main community is still on Facebook. [07:41]
mircea_popescu i like the way this guy selects tasks for himself. [07:41]
mircea_popescu << the solution is probably to move your day-to-day. [07:45]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 03:37:34; felipelalli: decimation: you're right. But would be so cool and useful if I really could use WoT to things in day to day and not only in dreams. [07:45]
mircea_popescu << well, come to the conference next year, some people will know you. [07:45]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 03:38:54; felipelalli: decimation: yes, but no ones really knows me personally. [07:45]
mircea_popescu << hehe yep totally. [07:46]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 03:39:56; asciilifeform: methinks felipelalli is expressing the traditional frustration of the 3 to 6 month n00b to #b-a: [07:46]
mircea_popescu but i must say he's like the cutest one to date. [07:46]
mircea_popescu << looky here, I have no doubt i could probably pass some "new bitcoin country" real estate scam or other. i do not wish to. this, deliberately, and upon consideration, and against what random idiot may interpret as my patrimonial interest. [07:49]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 03:41:48; asciilifeform: (if you want to be considered, my understanding is - be young and female) [07:49]
mircea_popescu i am simply not interested in that sort of centralisation. i also think it's stupid, and self-defeating, and in no way different from you know, making gossipd on windows vista. [07:49]
mircea_popescu yes, i may consider young females for education, but that is neither here nor there. i did that before bitcoin, for that matter. [07:50]
mircea_popescu since mats brought it up : yeah, currently people can't audit bitbet's reserves. this is unfortunate, but i'm not going to do anything about it. [07:55]
mircea_popescu auditing in bitcoin works like it works - sorta halfway. [07:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11550 @ 0.00029027 = 3.3526 BTC [-] [07:57]
mircea_popescu << on which line, trinque you'd seriously shoot a burglar ? and i don't mean shoot them in the head, just, one to the kneecap for good measure. seems to me woefully excessive. the... only time i was in a situation of that nature the dudes beat the shit out of the guy and i thought it was excessive even for the time and place. [07:59]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 03:54:56; asciilifeform: trinque: we have (for the most part) burglars here, rather than robbers. they wait until owner is out. [07:59]
mircea_popescu << you want it, you got it. vip treatment beotch!!1 [08:02]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 04:06:20; ben_vulpes: ;;later tell chetty i'd be much obliged if you could procure me a phone and a sim - the cheapest that makes and receives calls will be more than adequate [08:02]
mircea_popescu << bwhahaha. [08:03]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 04:08:26; ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: confirmed for imaginationless except in regards to his own means of death [08:03]
mircea_popescu alf : he just wants to hook up with local whores from the convenience of his own home. internets ftw! [08:04]
mircea_popescu << but obama's main selling point is that he's tall and hansome. why ruin a beautiful thing ? [08:05]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 05:19:55; pete_dushenski: << and it looks like isis beat la serenissima to the punch! [08:05]
mircea_popescu << im not aware at any point the term meant cultured or wordly for anyone. perhaps as an insider thing, like people in daytime tv drama for young women seem to think this about themselves ? [08:07]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 05:24:05; pete_dushenski: no more does the term mean 'cultured' or 'worldly' it seems [08:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23050 @ 0.0002912 = 6.7122 BTC [+] {2} [08:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00029426 = 2.5601 BTC [+] {2} [08:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7698 @ 0.00030098 = 2.3169 BTC [+] [08:37]
* bagels7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:54]
* bagels7 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [08:59]
* Adlai`` is now known as adlai [08:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5550 @ 0.00030098 = 1.6704 BTC [+] [09:04]
* nubbins` (~leel@unaffiliated/nubbins) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:30]
* scoopbot has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [09:30]
mats 6:50:29 <+mircea_popescu> since mats brought it up : yeah, currently people can't audit bitbet's reserves. this is unfortunate, but i'm not going to do anything about it. << i was going a bit crazy auditing the code, thought id bungled it somehow [09:31]
mircea_popescu nah you're fine, kako verified it. from what can be seen publicly bitbet is short like 400 btc. [09:31]
mircea_popescu this is not actually true, but hey. [09:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9164 @ 0.00028733 = 2.6331 BTC [-] [09:32]
* Pierre_Rochard (~Pierre@unaffiliated/pierre-rochard/x-3593157) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:35]
* assbot gives voice to nubbins` [09:35]
nubbins` asciilifeform:mentioned that 'computers were stolen, no sign of break-in, perhaps insider' <<< alf, the lizards struck the wrong house! did you replace your locks? [09:35]
nubbins` mircea_popescu:i want to reconsider that about as much as windows user wants to compile from source. <<< i recall hearty lels when whatever chunk of windows source code came out [09:37]
mircea_popescu mhm [09:37]
nubbins` there was one comment in the code for notepad.exe: /* is this even supposed to be here? */ [09:38]
nubbins` my sides [09:38]
nubbins` 30 years in the wild and the source code says "should this bit be here?" [09:38]
nubbins` mircea_popescu:he wasn't looking for any answer. he was trying to shoehorn disorganised remains of broken history into the future. as he keeps trying to do this he'll figure it out. <<< "you can't bribe the future with nostalgia" [09:39]
mircea_popescu hehe [09:40]
nubbins` (general lels) <<< it's okay, you're still new [09:40]
nubbins` [09:43]
assbot Founding Members | Women's Crypto Association ... ( ) [09:43]
nubbins` my goodness, another gallippi [09:43]
nubbins` [09:45]
assbot Tatiana Moroz | Women's Crypto Association ... ( ) [09:45]
nubbins` i clicked on that one so i could chuckle about why she's randomly holding a guitar [09:45]
nubbins` turns out i guess she can play it, but dat bio [09:45]
nubbins` i had to make sure i wasn't on [09:46]
nubbins` "Her latest projects consist of the creation of Tatiana Coin, the first ever artist cryptocurrency" WHAT ABOUT COINYE WEST?! [09:46]
mircea_popescu well as long as it's an association [09:46]
mircea_popescu right ? [09:46]
mircea_popescu low level scamming, "i'ma call this empty jar MONEY and wait for idiots to deposit". [09:47]
nubbins` "i always carry an empty cup, just in case" [09:47]
nubbins` i came across this website while trying to figure out why Ploshay's appearance is somewhat unsettling to me [09:48]
nubbins` still not sure i can pinpoint it... but have you ever met someone for whom photographs exist outside of time and space? [09:51]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:52]
nubbins` like, they just got their knee kicked out by an angry horse, but if a lens swivelled their way, they'd muster up a winning smile? [09:52]
* assbot gives voice to adlai [09:54]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: ... looky here, I have no doubt i could probably pass some "new bitcoin country" real estate scam or other. i do not wish to. this, deliberately, and upon consideration, and against what random idiot may interpret as my patrimonial interest. << leads into the mega-question - what is the opposite of a real estate scam? or is this like the maxwellian hypothetical 'monopole magnet', where you have a mystery alien [09:57]
asciilifeform meat with no opposite ? [09:57]
mircea_popescu how do you mean ? [09:57]
mats fwiw the MIT undergrad exhibit was horrible [09:58]
mats soo many flying machines reliant on arduinos and other garbage [09:58]
mats how did people make flying machines before hobbyist boards?! nobody knows. [09:59]
mircea_popescu mats but i thought you said ? [09:59]
mats i didn't deny that there are showmen, or even hordes of them, there [09:59]
mircea_popescu o no wait it wasn't you, some other guy was making dire warnings about how teligent mit is [09:59]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: meant something like a 'mircea_popescu as stalin' scenario [10:01]
asciilifeform with actual nuclear sovereignty over some geography or other [10:01]
mircea_popescu but why would you want this ? [10:01]
asciilifeform (meant as 'opposite of real estate scam') [10:01]
mircea_popescu haven't we gone through enough of that ? [10:01]
mircea_popescu no wait, make a full sentence, i have no idea what you're saying. [10:01]
* asciilifeform wonders what mircea_popescu would do if put in command of the red army. imagines that he would order it to disperse, with no more than one man per square km, and operate only as saboteur groups. [10:04]
asciilifeform there is such a thing as physical resources that are 1) concentrated spatially and 2) too unique to hijack like a vine hijacks tree. [10:06]
asciilifeform example - semiconductor plant [10:06]
asciilifeform (yes, aware that we had the 'semiconductor cuckoldry' discussion. it is nonsense if you are contemplating making something genuinely unique) [10:06]
adlai !s beam [10:06]
assbot 49 results for 'beam' : [10:06]
adlai not quite. mats, familiar with "BEAM" robotics? [10:06]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform well in the abstract it is dificult to evaluate. what exactly would be the task fo this red army ? [10:07]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: whichever. let's say defeat germany3. [10:07]
adlai "uses simple analogue circuits, such as comparators, instead of a microprocessor in order to produce an unusually simple design" [10:07]
mats vaguely so, yes [10:07]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform do you appreciate how the task to defeat germany3 is quite different from what we're doing here ? [10:07]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i'm not entirely sold on this being so [10:07]
adlai [10:08]
mircea_popescu aha. [10:08]
assbot Flier (BEAM) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( ) [10:08]
mircea_popescu i personally can't quite see how i'd manage to motivate myself to participate in yet another "we good they bad fight for great justic!!1" conflict. [10:08]
mircea_popescu just how stupid am i supposed to be ? [10:08]
mircea_popescu what's next, passport-based uniwot ? [10:09]
asciilifeform l0l [10:09]
adlai as stupid as possible, but no stupider [10:09]
mircea_popescu no but srsly, 4chan and the internets have blown what looks like a permanent hole in the sort of deffective mental processes that are required for "patriotism" or whatever the pink-bellied shit involved in wwX was. [10:10]
mircea_popescu wouldn't you feel altogether silly doing it ? [10:10]
adlai oh, i'm pretty sure that trench chatter was blowing gaping holes in patriotism for longer than trenches have been cool [10:11]
mircea_popescu right. [10:11]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the fact is, not everyone has the biography, talents, and education of a self-funding deep-cover operative; and physical sovereignty has its uses. it would not take very many 'don dunphy'ings to make #b-a very empty other than for mircea_popescu.. [10:11]
adlai the trouble there is that you need to first have & enter trenches, for such chatter to happen [10:11]
adlai leading to boom-and-bust cycles of patriotism... clearly, we need to regulate statism. [10:11]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform im quite unconvinced of the latter. and the former reduces to... what exactly, "not everyone has the biography and talents of a computer user, windows plox" ? [10:12]
asciilifeform adlai, mircea_popescu: 'patriotism' etc is a human plankton concept [10:12]
mircea_popescu adlai your humour amused us. [10:12]
* adlai will be here all week [10:12]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform exactly. [10:12]
asciilifeform pointing out that nothing we could do, foolish or clever, could ever resolve to it. [10:12]
mircea_popescu except we don't really participate in plankton whatever. [10:13]
asciilifeform well yes [10:13]
mircea_popescu be it computering or politicing or what may it be [10:13]
mircea_popescu i mean i guess, if one feels so entertained. [10:13]
asciilifeform i must disagree with the notion that defending a spot of geography, small and purposeful, is inescapably retarded. [10:14]
asciilifeform i can see the perspective that 'two or more #b-a folks in a room is a target' but by that logic we ought not have conferences, no ? [10:15]
adlai yet you'd disperse the red army? sure, disperse the offense, but how do you defend geography with individual saboteurs everywhere? [10:15]
asciilifeform adlai: mircea_popescu does not appear to be interested in defending anything (other than own house) [10:16]
mircea_popescu what exactly is the point of defending anything ? [10:16]
asciilifeform but even from the standpoint of 'i only wish to destroy the lizards' it does not make sense to disperse into atomized diversantes [10:16]
nubbins` wait, so now you don't need cruise missiles or w/e? [10:16]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform what's that azn fighting style where you don't particularly give a shit ? [10:17]
asciilifeform nubbins`: in mircea_popescu's world, as i understand, every soldier is naked but for his parachute, and ought to take what he needs from the locals [10:17]
adlai well, there's defending the self, and there's defending increasingly expanded notions of "self", until it morphes into yet another "sovereign" [10:17]
mircea_popescu just wait patiently while oponent kicks himself against everything in sight ? [10:17]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: 'ju-jitsu' ? [10:17]
mircea_popescu w/e it may be. [10:17]
mircea_popescu i think they're all essentially that in the end. [10:18]
adlai jiu-jitsu is actually quite interesting [10:18]
adlai it's focused on working against your opponent's anatomy [10:18]
asciilifeform but real armies - even asian armies - do not fight this way. [10:18]
asciilifeform why? [10:18]
adlai bullets? [10:18]
nubbins` no active conflict? [10:18]
nubbins` (s.korean soldiers -- all of them -- have blackbelt in taekwondo. to what end?) [10:18]
asciilifeform iraq, afghan have very seriously perverted military thinking [10:19]
adlai "These techniques were developed around the principle of using an attacker's energy against him, rather than directly opposing it." [10:19]
asciilifeform yes, mujahedeen don't hold territory, etc. BUT THEY DON'T NEED TO BUILD FACTORIES [10:19]
asciilifeform they are supplied externally by mega-empire(s) [10:19]
nubbins` not yet, anyway. [10:19]
mircea_popescu i recall this point where some derpy agent swore before the court he used excel spreadsheets to rape a db [10:19]
mircea_popescu heck, he probably did. [10:19]
asciilifeform it is not a closed system, to use thermodynamic parlance [10:19]
asciilifeform and cannot be compared to closed system [10:19]
nubbins` asciilifeform this is like saying kittens don't need to learn how to kill [10:20]
nubbins` because they're supplied externally by teat [10:20]
asciilifeform nubbins`: the partizan armies of iraq, afghan, etc. are like zoo cats [10:20]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform you can build all your factories you want once the idiot in the room (made out of a bunch of idiots glued to each other) is dead. [10:20]
mircea_popescu okay ? [10:20]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i haven't even envisioned solution to the problem of escaping the event horizon of the black hole resulting from the idiot's implosion [10:21]
asciilifeform much less really contemplated factories [10:21]
asciilifeform nor am i entirely certain that i'm not one of the folks glued together [10:22]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:23]
mircea_popescu ok so then. [10:23]
nubbins` you don't always realize who you're glued to until the water gets above a certain level [10:23]
asciilifeform nubbins`: share the lsd ? [10:24]
* assbot gives voice to pete_dushenski [10:24]
nubbins` asciilifeform if i can navigate the dark markets, so can you! [10:24]
asciilifeform we salt mine folk know who we're glued to. [10:24]
asciilifeform nubbins`: no. [10:24]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform moreovber, you know, resolving problems that are clearly past what you probably correctly call an event horizon is an exercise in derpitude. [10:24]
adlai water dissolves glue (at least, the cheap icky "white glue" stuff); ie, say asciilifeform is part of the glued idiot mass... as it begins to implode/dissolve/etc, folks find themselves increasingly less glued [10:24]
nubbins` twist: your across-the-street-neighbour did same [10:24]
nubbins` the cheap icky you're referring to is PVA [10:25]
nubbins` and i'd advance that water does not dissolve it [10:25]
asciilifeform nubbins`: << thread re: same [10:26]
assbot Logged on 10-04-2015 18:05:27; ascii_field: ^ most of it, in my particular case [10:26]
nubbins` hmm [10:28]
asciilifeform nubbins`: i'd like to hear honest take from you, on this matter. would you say that the 20 years i spent learning to do what i do, since was a boy, a waste, like career of a bureaucrat? or does serenissima world have some use for the type of thing that i do. [10:28]
nubbins` the prize for "most interesting line of work about which we know almost nothing" goes to... [10:28]
asciilifeform or should i requalify as printing press mechanic, or what [10:28]
nubbins` asciilifeform an honest take will require a bit of time, but if you've got the ears... [10:29]
adlai asciilifeform: << answer re: same [10:29]
assbot Logged on 10-04-2015 18:05:42; mircea_popescu: ascii_field so this would be in demand either a) by the nsa or else b) independent work a la s.nsa [10:29]
mircea_popescu lol what're you asking him for! [10:29]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: because nubbins` has this incomplete thread with me, re: 'you too can learn to be me' [10:29]
asciilifeform i'd like to see the logical end for it [10:30]
mircea_popescu there's a very simple heuristic to evaluate whether you're currently developing or whether you historically developped skills teh most serene republic has a need of. [10:30]
nubbins` o/ [10:30]
mircea_popescu this does not involve finding the officer of serenissima hr. [10:30]
nubbins` asciilifeform you won't get me to admit that learning things is a waste. so the facile reply is a flat-out no [10:30]
mircea_popescu it involves an answer to the very simple q : "can you do something with it ?" [10:30]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it was a philosophical question [10:30]
mircea_popescu if the answer's no, then you've got yourself a social study. if the answer's yes, more power to ya. [10:30]
nubbins` the slightly less saucy reply is that you didn't learn "to do x", you learned "how to learn" [10:30]
nubbins` which puts you (a) far ahead of most of the pack and (b) in a position to, y'know... walk away and start over whenever you like [10:31]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the long-term question is 'can i do something with it and continue to eat.' if fiat world turns sufficiently hostile, the answer, simply based on my pre-existing work here, may be a 'no.' [10:31]
adlai the highest bidder's exit from the auction, for reasons ranging from death to bankruptcy, doesn't mean that others aren't waiting to take his place [10:31]
mircea_popescu yes, but the fictitious game of "may be" is by definition going to provide any anwer you seek. [10:31]
mircea_popescu without that, there'd be no literature. [10:31]
adlai if you're worried about getting killed because you know too much... that's your problem, for agreeing to hear too much [10:32]
asciilifeform adlai: everyone who reads the log, 'knows too much' [10:32]
asciilifeform including the ninjasp4mz0rz [10:32]
nubbins` i'd also advance the opinion that one does not know quite how much one can change until one is forced to do so. while this may seem incredibly foolhardy (so much so that most people never try it), walking away with a zippo tossed over shoulder is the only way to find out. [10:33]
asciilifeform it is not why anyone gets the gasenwagen [10:33]
asciilifeform nubbins`: again the lsd [10:33]
* nubbins` sighs [10:33]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform sadly he has a point. [10:34]
nubbins` salary time [10:34]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: his point, so far as i can surmise, is 'be theoretical physicist' [10:34]
nubbins` wat. [10:34]
asciilifeform welcome to being the greeks, who had spiffy thought but no engineering to speak of. [10:35]
nubbins` my point is if you don't like riding in the clown car, get out and walk (again the lsd!) [10:35]
asciilifeform nubbins`: walking away with a zippo tossed over shoulder is the only way to find out. [10:35]
asciilifeform did i misunderstand the implication [10:35]
asciilifeform nubbins`: walk where? [10:35]
nubbins` into your new life [10:35]
asciilifeform not enough lsd here [10:36]
asciilifeform to comprehend what nubbins` meant. [10:36]
nubbins` so in august 2012, i was promoted from "programmer/analyst" to "senior programmer/analyst" [10:36]
mircea_popescu im starting to understand why religion is such a big deal. it's not that it makes any sense, it's that it provides answers to "fundamental questions of life" [10:36]
mircea_popescu nonsense such as "walk where" [10:36]
adlai "opiate of the masses" is not a diss [10:36]
nubbins` great stuff, top kek. 25% discount on my home and car insurance. $500/year "wellness benefit" for new running shoes. full health and dental. [10:36]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i wasn't expecting an answer. hence answer 'not enough lsd' [10:36]
nubbins` this came with the "huge" salary of $61,000 per annum [10:37]
* Pierre_Rochard has quit (Quit: Pierre_Rochard) [10:37]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the exhortation to walk is the l0l here [10:37]
nubbins` precisely six months after this promotion, i tendered my resignation [10:37]
mircea_popescu im not sure i see why. [10:37]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform consider the ancient discussion with TaT re women. "do you like her ? if not, get rid of her" [10:37]
nubbins` and opted for a job with an annual salary of (checking records...) about $6,000 [10:37]
mircea_popescu the answer in his head, prolly, was "to be replaced with what" [10:38]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: implies a woman-generator that will produce replacement [10:38]
mircea_popescu that's how women think, srsly. [10:38]
mircea_popescu cuz 598986907 years ago, hunter went into the forest, whereas woman only moved fat butt from current bush she plucked once someone found a new bush [10:38]
adlai nubbins` seems content to swim, or clutch driftwood, after taking the hatchet to his yacht [10:38]
nubbins` now, at this point, i'd like to take the opportunity to inquire as to what the general consensus is, among those present, regarding my intelligence, wisdom, and overall sensibility [10:39]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: this is more like exhortation, to downed pilot in desert, 'throw out that stale water in your flask' [10:39]
nubbins` as it's presented [10:39]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform so it is. [10:39]
asciilifeform adlai has it [10:39]
mircea_popescu nubbins` discussions on teh side of the pool. [10:39]
nubbins` adlai what can you do that i can't? [10:39]
asciilifeform nubbins`: you did mention a paid-up house. so whatever the intelligence and wisdom, nubbins` is rich [10:39]
adlai see your name highlighted when you type mine [10:39]
asciilifeform and gets to think rich man thoughts [10:39]
nubbins` paid-up? the bank owns this house, buddy [10:39]
nubbins` $190k outstanding [10:40]
asciilifeform hm [10:40]
adlai so your driftwood is tied to the megasteamer [10:40]
* asciilifeform recalls a thread where nubbins` spoke of having some sort of actual assets to his name [10:40]
adlai watch out for icebergs and malfunctioning gps! [10:40]
nubbins` $190 death-pledge and i chose $6k/yr over $61k/yr [10:40]
nubbins` <+nubbins`> now, at this point, i'd like to take the opportunity to inquire as to what the general consensus is, among those present, regarding my intelligence, wisdom, and overall sensibility [10:40]
nubbins` ^ srsly, don't hold back [10:41]
* asciilifeform would love to continue, but has to go mine some salt now. [10:41]
* adlai also holds Bias in high esteem [10:41]
nubbins` asciilifeform my greatest asset is my willingness to toss zippos over shoulders [10:41]
nubbins` :D [10:41]
nubbins` certainly more valuable than w/e stacks of btc, w/e piles of printing equipment, w/e meatwot [10:41]
adlai [10:42]
mircea_popescu nubbins` honestly i thought you were kinda dumb for the entire interval, but in a reserved sort of way. [10:42]
assbot Omnia mea mecum porto | Latin D ... ( ) [10:42]
nubbins` you may be thinking of the time where i went on about how little money i need to make in order to get by [10:42]
nubbins` mircea_popescu aw shucks [10:42]
mircea_popescu which then paid off when you went and fucked with installing pogoshits [10:42]
mircea_popescu which should explain why people don't particularly wanna say anything on the topic. how the hell does one even know ? [10:43]
nubbins` how indeed [10:43]
mircea_popescu so stop asking the esteemed channel trick questionz. [10:43]
* zooko ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:43]
nubbins` man. [10:43]
nubbins` question was "how do i stop giving rimjob to the man" [10:43]
nubbins` i reply "take your tongue out of his ass" and people think i'm being all flippant. [10:44]
mircea_popescu so listen, i was once with like half a dozen teensy chicks by the side of a pool, and some were in the water and some were on the chairs. [10:44]
mircea_popescu and they had this conversation which went on for a while. [10:44]
* nubbins` pulls up a chair [10:44]
adlai damnit, is a better source [10:44]
assbot Omnia mea mecum porto | Latin D ... ( ) [10:45]
mircea_popescu nubbins` all about how and why would one go in the water, whether there's breathing, ample considerations. [10:45]
mircea_popescu (yes this has been a teasy metaphore) [10:46]
nubbins` so far [10:46]
nubbins` let me guess, all the ones who jumped in the pool drowned? [10:46]
mircea_popescu hey, i used to write great novels, but then i got promoted and now im doing 6 teasy metaphores an hour! [10:46]
mircea_popescu no dude. they kept talking indefinitely. it's a way to pass the time. [10:47]
nubbins` alf ^ imagine. [10:47]
mircea_popescu how is discussion supposed to spur action ? [10:47]
nubbins` actually unable to tell if that's a srs question. [10:47]
adlai actually unable to tell if anybody here understands latin anymore [10:48]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: by being persuasive ? [10:48]
mircea_popescu adlai no, i'm aware of teh quote. [10:48]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski being persuasive is like being tasteful. not a property of the painting. [10:48]
nubbins` "The need to assemble is as constant among humans as the necessity of making decisions is rare. Assembling corresponds to the joy of feeling a common power. Decisions are vital only in emergency situations, where the exercise of democracy is already compromised. The rest of the time, “the democratic character of decision making” is only a problem for the fanatics of process. It’s not a matter of critiquing assemblies or abandoning them, [10:49]
nubbins` but of liberating the speech, gestures, and interplay of beings that take place within them. We just have to see that each person comes to an assembly not only with a point of view or a motion, but with desires, attachments, capacities, forces, sadnesses and a certain disposition toward others, an openness. If we manage to set aside the fantasy of the General Assembly and replace it with an assembly of presences, if we manage to foil the [10:49]
nubbins` constantly renewed temptation of hegemony, if we stop making the decision our final aim, then there is a chance for a kind of massification, one of those moments of collective crystallization where a decision suddenly takes hold of beings, completely or only in part." [10:49]
nubbins` woops, sry [10:49]
adlai well it's more towards nubbins` who seems to have trouble getting across what was said quite aptly millenia ago [10:49]
mircea_popescu mebbe he doesn't like it. [10:49]
nubbins` adlai break it down into one-syllable words for dumb ol' me. [10:49]
adlai "all my shit be in my head" [10:49]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: aha. more a property of the observer [10:50]
adlai but srsly, read the links. it's a one paragraph story [10:50]
* WoIf` (5ef2efaa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:50]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski if someone's ready to i dunno, buy a new car, then he has specific questions which a forum might answer, and he's buying cart with our without forum. so forum didn't DO anything. [10:50]
mircea_popescu if dude's not ready to buy nw car, he may talk of whatever with whoever, still no car. so forum didn';t DO anything. [10:51]
mircea_popescu forums are not venues of action. [10:51]
mircea_popescu which is just another way of saying that "talking about bitcoin doesn't make you part of bitcoin" [10:51]
pete_dushenski but nor are forums the only, well, forum for discussion [10:51]
nubbins` adlai if all your goods that matter aren't with you, when you stand naked and alone, then you're in a pretty bad way. [10:51]
mircea_popescu which is important because "being in bitcoin country" does not anymore "make you bitcoiner [10:51]
mircea_popescu which is what i was talking about throughout. [10:51]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: this channel could be considered a forum [10:52]
pete_dushenski and it most certainly stimulates action, no ? [10:52]
adlai sure, and log.b-a can be considered a tapestry of threads [10:52]
nubbins` pete_dushenski again: [10:52]
nubbins` "If we manage to set aside the fantasy of the General Assembly and replace it with an assembly of presences, if we manage to foil the constantly renewed temptation of hegemony, if we stop making the decision our final aim, then there is a chance for a kind of massification, one of those moments of collective crystallization where a decision suddenly takes hold of beings, completely or only in part." [10:52]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski no. [10:53]
nubbins` one day, in the distant future, i'll say something to alf and it'll make all what i have previously said fall into place [10:53]
nubbins` or not. who knows. [10:53]
nubbins` "discussion" doesn't lead to action, it leads to puzzle pieces being shuffled around in your head [10:54]
* adlai thinks the issue at hand relates more to basic axioms arising from one's own life, rather than words [10:54]
nubbins` this can be useful or useless, depending on the situation, the person... [10:54]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: how not ? how many pogo purchases and gnupg downloads have resulted from time spent here ? [10:54]
mircea_popescu nubbins` to the degree that one's action is prevented by organised debris in his head, then this process may clear a path he can finally act upon [10:54]
mircea_popescu but i still think it's at best wrong to imagine "the discussion did it" [10:55]
* bagels7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:55]
adlai nubbins`: well you can have all the right puzzle pieces on the table, yet not see the picture [10:55]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski i just don't credit that "resulted". [10:55]
nubbins` mircea_popescu sure, agreed. [10:55]
nubbins` put another way, nothing i say will make alf walk away [10:55]
nubbins` but perhaps things i say will clear his mental path a bit more [10:55]
nubbins` the only thing that'll make alf walk away is alf [10:56]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: perhaps i'm ascribing too much causation to correlations [10:56]
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nubbins` but again [10:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00028902 = 2.3411 BTC [-] [10:56]
nubbins` i owe the bank $190,000 and i made $6,000 in 2013 [10:56]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski i mean they also happened in daytime, you know, cause the shops are closed at night. so daytime causes it ? meh. [10:57]
nubbins` and i spend my days not holding my nose to the grindstone, but dicking around on irc and puttering in my basement [10:57]
pete_dushenski nubbins`: ya how does that actually work financially ? [10:57]
nubbins` and i sleep the sleep of the just. [10:57]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski he sells used chicken fingers to make up the diff. [10:57]
nubbins` oh ho [10:57]
pete_dushenski best plum sauce [10:57]
* zooko has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [10:57]
nubbins` pete_dushenski how it works is that you realize what you need and don't need to get by [10:57]
adlai not all of us need mercedeses! [10:58]
nubbins` if you have 25 pairs of red shoes and nowhere to put them, maybe a shoe rack isn't the right answer? [10:58]
mircea_popescu nubbins` how much is teh interest on that 200k ? [10:58]
pete_dushenski adlai: says you ! [10:58]
nubbins` mircea_popescu i pay off about $5k principal and $9k interest per annum [10:58]
nubbins` 5-year term's up next summer so i'll prolly pop a couple tens of k down on the principal then [10:59]
mircea_popescu what if wife takes a lover ? [10:59]
nubbins` so be it [10:59]
mircea_popescu no but i mean in terms of teh payoff. [11:00]
nubbins` (as if there's a better man than me out there) [11:00]
nubbins` mircea_popescu same. [11:00]
mircea_popescu alf will be pissed. [11:00]
nubbins` monthly mortgage payment is ~$1200 [11:00]
mircea_popescu "oh i just pay 20k out of my 6k a year. problem ?!?!?!" [11:00]
nubbins` !s roomie [11:01]
assbot 8 results for 'roomie' : [11:01]
nubbins` p and i, combined, contribute about $500/mo to keep this place going [11:01]
mircea_popescu i dun think he wants that. [11:01]
nubbins` he 100% does not [11:01]
* zooko` has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [11:01]
nubbins` but i'll note that this is a problem with alf, not with walking away [11:01]
mircea_popescu anyway, fwiw i suppose your situation is exactly typical of "the civilised world". [11:02]
nubbins` what, floating along without a care for tomorrow? :D [11:02]
mircea_popescu on average, if you average them, per capita debt about 1k, per capita income about 5k, hopefully there isn't a fire. [11:02]
mircea_popescu s/1k/100k/ [11:02]
nubbins` you guys don't have fire insurance in b-a? [11:03]
* adlai also wonders wo what degree nubbins` has "gone galt", perhaps without being consciously aware of the concept [11:03]
mircea_popescu not everything's insurable nubbins`. specifically : insurance works for individuals. i was discussing the country/western world. [11:03]
nubbins` adlai i gave up on atlas shrugged after several hundred pages because it was a piece of shit, indulge me will ya? [11:03]
mircea_popescu if there IS a fire, nobody can insure the whole shebang. [11:04]
nubbins` if there's a fire that big, house insurance will be the least of your worries [11:04]
mircea_popescu nubbins` it's when you stop contributing to an idiotic community and just keep for yourself. [11:04]
nubbins` a [11:04]
adlai and includes reducing your quality of life, since you reach diminishing returns as you try to increase it [11:05]
mircea_popescu kinda how the soviets failed, people went "eh why bother, they gotta pay me anyway, and i don't make anything out of iteither way" [11:05]
nubbins` o/ [11:05]
nubbins` my quality of life has steadily increased since walking away [11:05]
mircea_popescu using the same metrics ? [11:05]
nubbins` the only ones that matter, yep [11:06]
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mircea_popescu "my own evaluation of variable x has changed as my measurement standards changed" [11:06]
nubbins` heh. [11:06]
adlai dropping meaningless metrics is the easiest way to increase quality of life [11:06]
* adlai is not using "meaningless" ironically, but... subjectively [11:06]
pete_dushenski "my penis has never been bigger!" [11:06]
nubbins` mircea_popescu guess how much money i saved per year while making $61k [11:06]
mircea_popescu well in that manner, becoming a slave is the easiest way to increase quality of life. [11:06]
mircea_popescu you've never seen people that happy. [11:06]
adlai cf dogs [11:06]
adlai or all animals being cared for by humans, outside of labs [11:07]
adlai (or zoos) [11:07]
nubbins` what do i need money for? buy a volkswagen? [11:07]
mircea_popescu because humans aren't animals. [11:07]
mircea_popescu nubbins` alf likes gadgets. [11:07]
* trinque has quit (Quit: trinque) [11:07]
pete_dushenski nubbins`: guessing that 61k is pre-tax, i'll guess 20k savings. i'm guessing you've got skill in this saving domain. [11:07]
nubbins` mircea_popescu so do i, but i also like not wanting to fucking kill myself every day [11:08]
mircea_popescu yes, but that's what he means by "theoretical physicist" [11:08]
nubbins` pete_dushenski closer to $0k per year [11:08]
adlai tangentially related: though increasing the font size of my console has reduced the number of characters on my screen, it has greatly increased my quality-of-reading [11:08]
pete_dushenski nubbins`: lolk [11:08]
mircea_popescu adlai did b-a spur you to this action ? :D [11:08]
pete_dushenski so much for that theory [11:08]
nubbins` pete_dushenski implication being that all that extra money *almost* bought happiness [11:08]
* assbot gives voice to funkenstein_ [11:09]
nubbins` you know when i was an office-man, i'd struggle whether to get out of bed every. single. morning. [11:09]
adlai mircea_popescu: actually a control-typo triggered it, and i decided to learn from the happy accident :) [11:09]
mircea_popescu lol [11:09]
mircea_popescu see pete_dushenski ? we got nothing. [11:09]
nubbins` i once took a week's vacation because i couldn't be fucked to show up on a monday... or a tuesday [11:09]
nubbins` this is not sustainable [11:09]
mircea_popescu nubbins` you know, just because your job sucked doesn't mean work sucks. [11:09]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: it's all those sunrises that caused it ! [11:10]
nubbins` mircea_popescu agreed. i still work (from time to time), and it doesn't suck at all [11:10]
nubbins` i wake up with a smile every day and go to bed w/ same [11:10]
adlai don't worry, the typo was only due to furious typing trying to keep up with the wordcount [11:10]
mircea_popescu doesn't it get boring ? [11:10]
nubbins` not at all. the world's my oyster. [11:10]
pete_dushenski heya funkenstein_ your comment has been replied to :) [11:10]
nubbins` boring people get bored. [11:10]
mircea_popescu lolk [11:11]
funkenstein_ cool i go to check it [11:11]
nubbins` if i worked in a cubicle, the last thing i would do is buy a pogo and mess with it [11:11]
funkenstein_ you guys are on fire today :) [11:11]
nubbins` i'd be too busy drinking [11:11]
lobbes nubbins', your example leaving your 61k job is validating my similar decision to eventually leave my new job for something less lucrative but more sane [11:11]
lobbes I thought I was crazy (maybe still am) [11:12]
nubbins` lobbes truly foolhardy is the man to whom i serve as an example [11:12]
lobbes ha [11:12]
* WoIf` has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client) [11:12]
mircea_popescu "this could not possibly be a dumb idea - look! others are doing it too!" [11:12]
lobbes well I don't plan to cling to driftwood [11:12]
nubbins` heh. [11:12]
lobbes just downshift a bit ;) [11:12]
nubbins` mircea_popescu are you talking about working in an office? 8) [11:13]
mircea_popescu nubbins` or body mods or w/e. [11:13]
nubbins` slow clap [11:13]
mircea_popescu but no, i was talking about his line above. [11:13]
nubbins` lobbes even the stupidest ideas will find support on the interwebs [11:13]
nubbins` i'm serious: <+nubbins`> lobbes truly foolhardy is the man to whom i serve as an example [11:13]
mircea_popescu kinda why the interwebs are so popular with "the people" [11:13]
lobbes again, I'm not talking $61 to $6 here, rather 85 to maybe 58 [11:14]
lobbes so perhaps not the same at all [11:14]
mircea_popescu lobbes you're not being personally criticized yo. you don't like it, get rid of it. [11:15]
lobbes well, I wouldn't be offended if I was being criticized. Rather, that's why I like it here [11:15]
nubbins` trappings of happiness vs happiness [11:15]
lobbes but yes [11:15]
nubbins` "but with 61k/yr i can buy all these trappings!" [11:15]
* mircea_popescu realised he has nfi what his income is. [11:15]
nubbins` mircea_popescu join the club [11:15]
nubbins` maybe at conference XIII you, me and alf can compare grey hairs [11:16]
mircea_popescu my beard's got some kickass white going [11:16]
nubbins` my body is a patchwork, beard happens to be reddish [11:16]
mircea_popescu "my body is my patchwork ~nubbins" [11:16]
nubbins` heh [11:16]
nubbins` who needs $61k with a body like this? [11:17]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: well there's some fiat aspect to your income that's reported, no ? [11:17]
mircea_popescu you should see these retards btw. [11:17]
mircea_popescu according to argentinian head, 200k barely buys you a cramped 500sqft apt. [11:17]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski in like 5 jurisdictions by various people who know their job. [11:17]
nubbins` i got four floors of house for not much more than that [11:18]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: aha. naturally [11:18]
nubbins` but hey, apples to oranges [11:18]
mircea_popescu nubbins` how so ? house is house. [11:18]
nubbins` in the20yearslumland, i could prolly buy a city block for that [11:18]
mircea_popescu i srsly do not see ANY merit to this "location" bs. [11:18]
mats hmm... Egyptian state planners have a grandiose infrastructure plan to spend $43bn on power generation, $21bn on upstream oil and gas, and $45bn on a new capital [11:19]
nubbins` someone does, otherwise this house'd cost $30k and the slum in ohio'd cost $220 [11:19]
nubbins` mats those are some big imaginary numbers [11:19]
nubbins` [11:20]
assbot Going Galt - RationalWiki ... ( ) [11:20]
nubbins` adlai FWIW i pay taxes [11:20]
nubbins` dirty, filthy taxes [11:20]
adlai well the point of "going galt" is tax optimization through productivity reduction rather than fund-shuffling [11:21]
nubbins` i'm much more productive than i was while working an office job. [11:21]
adlai productivity as measured by the collector [11:22]
nubbins` ("but nubs, you sit around on irc all day" ...think about that) [11:22]
nubbins` adlai so salary is the word, then? [11:22]
nubbins` 'cause you don't get taxed based on how hard you work up here in canada. [11:22]
* trinque (~undata@unaffiliated/undata) has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:23]
adlai aiui, which is only from the internet as i don't physically live in libertardia, this meme was mainly coined by/for business owners reducing their business's "salary" [11:23]
nubbins` sounds like a fucking wank fest [11:23]
adlai ie, "my company could sell $300k on the open market, but then it would be in a higher corporate tax bracket, so we'll only sell $200k of widgets" [11:24]
nubbins` i didn't quit 9-5 because i wanted to stick it to the tax man. i quit it because it sucked and it was killing me. [11:24]
adlai then the market price for widgets rises due to lack of supply, and company finds itself with sales totalling $251k [11:24]
adlai mentsh trakht, market lakht [11:25]
nubbins` but hey, the thing that sucks and kills you *does* give you the money to buy toys [11:25]
nubbins` so there's that [11:25]
nubbins` maybe once you get enough toys it'll be a fair trade. [11:26]
mircea_popescu adlai i always understood it as the much more subtle "well im on the football team now, why hassle to score goals. hassle to prevent anyone from scoring more than me". [11:26]
mircea_popescu going galt = what happens to a bureaucracy. [11:27]
adlai mircea_popescu: no, that's the goal-withholding attack! [11:27]
nubbins` didn't the galt idiots blow up some train tracks or smth? [11:27]
* nubbins` blocked most of what he read from memory [11:27]
nubbins` on account of it being such a piece of shit [11:27]
* adlai hasn't actually read the book, didn't even crack the cover [11:28]
* funkenstein_ also [11:28]
nubbins` adlai don't [11:28]
adlai anthem is precisely the correct dose of ayn rand for a healthy brain [11:28]
adlai finishable in one shitting [11:29]
adlai !s anthem [11:29]
assbot 33 results for 'anthem' : [11:29]
adlai [11:29]
assbot Logged on 31-10-2014 18:13:19; adlai: [11:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20953 @ 0.00029681 = 6.2191 BTC [+] {3} [11:30]
nubbins` almost certainly will not read [11:30]
* funkenstein_ almost certainly will [11:31]
* mats is busy working through "The Misbehavior of Markets" [11:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11850 @ 0.00030211 = 3.58 BTC [+] [11:32]
adlai "A Fractal View of Financial Turbulence"? [11:32]
adlai blessed art thou, ocr operator; though you skimped on the index, grep is also nice and will suffice: [11:33]
assbot ... ( ) [11:33]
mats "A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin, and Reward" [11:34]
adlai yeah dunno why amazon choose to reword that [11:34]
adlai mats: thank you for the link, the author may be one of the only people (other than personified Failure) able to dissuade me [11:37]
adlai "Thus, reading this volume will not make you rich. But it will make you wiser—and may thereby save you from getting poorer. [11:38]
mats its nice to be thanked for stuff i didn't do [11:38]
fluffypony so I'm going to the Bitcoin Africa conference on Thursday [11:39]
fluffypony [11:39]
assbot Door tix @ Bitcoin Africa conference: "only cash will be accepted".'re doing it wrong! /hashtag/BitcoinAfrica15?src=hash [11:39]
mats why would you soil yourself by association with the likely demographic of con-goers? [11:41]
* bitstein (~bitstein@unaffiliated/bitstein) has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:42]
fluffypony mats: because it's the first one in ZA, I'm going to be in Cape Town anyway, and Micah Winkelspecht is talking [11:42]
fluffypony (wink on Github) [11:42]
fluffypony who I hope will at least be a little interesting [11:42]
* assbot gives voice to bitstein [11:42]
mats not sure how i feel about hardware security modules and wallets [11:44]
mats especially FIPS* anything [11:44]
mircea_popescu fluffypony wanna qntra ? [11:44]
fluffypony mircea_popescu: definitely afterwards, don't have enough to say about it now [11:45]
fluffypony except that it looks like they're retarded [11:45]
mircea_popescu well that's kinda par for the course. [11:45]
fluffypony quite [11:45]
nubbins` hrm. [11:50]
nubbins` i'm always suspicious when Canada Post sends me an "item delivered" email and the mailbox is empty [11:50]
nubbins` nevermind: [11:53]
assbot Imgur ... ( ) [11:53]
nubbins` AND TWINS MAKE FIVE [11:53]
nubbins` too bad it's the kinda dumb guy buying all these, huh ;/ [11:53]
pete_dushenski those torn boxes! [11:55]
* pete_dushenski now wondering from whence mircea_popescu derives fiat profit in 5 jurisdictions to keep tax lawyers and accountants busy [11:56]
pete_dushenski mats: ah yes, mandelbrot. classic book, that. [11:57]
nubbins` mandelbrot et al did much to form my perceptions of the world [11:57]
nubbins` pete_dushenski inorite? sold as "used", guessing they're either (a) returns or (b) just damaged packaging and unsuitable for shelf [11:58]
pete_dushenski benoit's definitely in the taleb vein, or perhaps vice versa [11:59]
nubbins` shame i don't have time to play with these pogos til next week [11:59]
nubbins` itching to throw that static bitcoind build onto one w/ an ssd [11:59]
pete_dushenski in taleb's books, he often refers to his long, slow walks with mandelbrot, and how the old man is the only one who will walk slowly enough to properly meditate with [12:00]
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* Rozal (uid50160@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:00]
nubbins` rozal that was the most inept display of cloaking i've ever seen [12:00]
pete_dushenski nubbins`: oh you're busy nao ? what happened to mr. man of leisure of twodogslandia ? [12:01]
nubbins` he's taking a four-day vacation out of the country. [12:02]
nubbins` imagine? [12:02]
nubbins` nice try tho ;/ [12:02]
pete_dushenski ah, you're also going to c3 ? [12:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00030213 = 1.2085 BTC [+] {2} [12:05]
* xeal has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:06]
nubbins` naw. [12:11]
nubbins` taking in a couple shows [12:11]
nubbins` three-day vacation really [12:12]
nubbins` longer trips don't suffice for the man of leisure [12:12]
nubbins` (protip: get yourself a flight rewards credit card /before/ you quit your office job. they only check your annual salary when you first sign up) [12:15]
pete_dushenski nubbins`: how is it that longer trips don't suffice ? suffice for what ? [12:15]
nubbins` pete_dushenski you traveled much? [12:15]
pete_dushenski sure. [12:15]
nubbins` what sorta travel, mostly resorts or "real"? [12:16]
pete_dushenski "real" man [12:16]
nubbins` ever get... tired? [12:16]
pete_dushenski quite often after the first week or so. [12:17]
nubbins` this is precisely the reason [12:17]
nubbins` everyone who travels has a point at which they become tired. for some, this is 6mos. for others, 1mo. [12:17]
pete_dushenski but if you can make it past "tired" there's always more to explore and experience [12:17]
nubbins` 100% agreed [12:18]
nubbins` i made it several months into "tired" before i abandoned s.k. [12:18]
pete_dushenski so sure, i get tired, but it doesn't send me home, just makes me want to be productive while i'm away [12:18]
pete_dushenski so i bring a laptop [12:18]
funkenstein_ ;;later tell mod6 some info [12:18]
gribble The operation succeeded. [12:18]
assbot dpaste: 0EK6PYX ... ( ) [12:18]
nubbins` you do not! [12:18]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21950 @ 0.00029421 = 6.4579 BTC [-] {2} [12:19]
nubbins` :( [12:19]
nubbins` anyway, this trip is more of an indulgence than most [12:19]
nubbins` i usually aim for at least a week or two [12:19]
pete_dushenski lol of course i bring a laptop, what is this 1994 ? [12:20]
funkenstein_ we are always travelling on spaceship earth [12:20]
funkenstein_ but yeah bases are useful [12:20]
pete_dushenski there are always logs to read, travel stories to share on contravex, emails to send. [12:20]
nubbins` but... print shops are busy in the summer, so if i wanna go somewhere, it's best to go in the spring... and it turns out three of my favourite musical acts were playing back-to-back nights in cleveland [12:20]
nubbins` pete_dushenski i bring a smartphone instead of a laptop precisely to limit my tech usage [12:21]
* DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:21]
nubbins` which btw i pronounce "usagi" in my head occasionally, thanks bitcoin! [12:21]
pete_dushenski i'm pretty sure smartphones increase 'tech usage' while decreasing productivity [12:21]
pete_dushenski this is precisely contra my aim in bringing a laptop [12:22]
nubbins` pete_dushenski not if you keep it on silent and in your pocket, instead of obsessively "checking" it. [12:22]
nubbins` pete_dushenski sounds like we use different methods to achieve same result [12:22]
pete_dushenski mas o menos, ya [12:22]
pete_dushenski so you're seeing usagi in cleveland or what ? [12:23]
nubbins` [12:23]
assbot ... ( ) [12:23]
nubbins` haha nah [12:23]
nubbins` i am, however, seeing Lightning Bolt, Sufjan Stevens, and METZ [12:23]
nubbins` which... o/ [12:24]
nubbins` o [12:24]
nubbins` self-highfive [12:24]
pete_dushenski lol can't say i've ever heard of any of them [12:25]
pete_dushenski but i'm not as cultured and worldly as i think i am. just a soap opera star! [12:26]
mircea_popescu lol [12:29]
* ascii_field ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:29]
mircea_popescu puella ludens is notbad a name. [12:30]
mircea_popescu and here i thought twtelecom went under. [12:31]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [12:32]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [12:32]
* wyrdmantis has quit (Quit: Page closed) [12:32]
ascii_field nubbins`: but i'll note that this is a problem with alf, not with walking away << i've noticed that even you have exhausted your patience with the bipedal rabid dog in your home... [12:33]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: i guess ascii_field has telecom reviving AND self-upping magical powers [12:34]
ascii_field whereas i have zero patience with the very concept of having the very smell of a rabid dog in my home. [12:34]
mircea_popescu ascii_field ok, but you know... kinda hard to herd a herd if you're so olfactorily intolerant [12:35]
mircea_popescu teh ancient egyptians slept in the barn eh ? [12:35]
ascii_field why do i want to herd anything [12:36]
ascii_field tajikistan also sleeps in the barn [12:36]
mircea_popescu well what do you want to, spherical chicken in vacuum ? [12:36]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8601 @ 0.0002875 = 2.4728 BTC [-] [12:36]
ascii_field as does every goatfuckistan still extant on planet 3 [12:36]
ascii_field i am not a creature of goatfuckistan [12:36]
ascii_field you gotta grow up with it. [12:36]
mircea_popescu myeah. [12:36]
mircea_popescu still, "hard to herd a herd"... you heard it here first [12:37]
* zooko ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:37]
ascii_field nubbins`: if i worked in a cubicle, the last thing i would do is buy a pogo and mess with it << what did you buy and play with instead? a nagant, testing how it feels in the mouth, as in mircea_popescu's 'dulap' story ? [12:38]
adlai fwiw, according to diamod, sleeping in barns (or herding in the home) is the only reason we're not all dead of smallpox [12:38]
mircea_popescu adlai among other things. [12:38]
ascii_field adlai: by this logic, eating raw bear meat is the only reason 'we' aren't all dead of starvation, etc. [12:39]
adlai smallpox faded to obscurity long before we learned how to wage proper interkingdom war [12:39]
mircea_popescu ascii_field you ever had bear btw ? [12:39]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: i am told that i did, but methinks it was a fraud [12:39]
mircea_popescu hah [12:39]
mircea_popescu kinda gamey, like a pig that grew up thinking it's pheasant ? [12:40]
ascii_field that's precisely what it tasted like [12:40]
ascii_field so perhaps yes, bear. [12:40]
mircea_popescu no fraud there. [12:40]
* ascii_field was convinced that his 'bear' had a snout, ate from a trough [12:40]
adlai in the idf, if bread sits on the shelf next to canned spam for long enough... [12:40]
mircea_popescu kinda same metabolism. [12:40]
mircea_popescu we, bears, pigs... [12:40]
mircea_popescu hedgehogs [12:40]
ascii_field omnivores 'are what they eat' newsateleven [12:41]
adlai long pig, short pig, red pig, blue pig? [12:41]
ascii_field 'the longest pig' [12:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5850 @ 0.00028733 = 1.6809 BTC [-] {2} [12:41]
pete_dushenski adlai: now why would spam be in the idf in the first place ? [12:41]
mircea_popescu ^ [12:41]
pete_dushenski pork, neh ? [12:41]
mircea_popescu maybe they have special hoover-pigs [12:41]
mircea_popescu no hooves. [12:41]
adlai [12:41]
assbot Spam (food) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( ) [12:42]
pete_dushenski "tails and assholes" as my dad used to call spam [12:42]
ascii_field hey, if prismoidal watermelons... [12:42]
ascii_field why not pig. [12:42]
adlai "Also, a kosher variant of Spam, known as Loof (Hebrew: לוף‎, a Hebrew linguistic play on meatloaf), was produced by Richard Levi, and mostly used as part of field rations by the Israel Defense Forces." [12:42]
adlai "and was finally removed from rations when production ceased in 2009." LOL [12:42]
adlai these things keep forever [12:42]
adlai removed from rations... now that's my laugh for the day [12:42]
mircea_popescu dude, it's the wikipedia. it's right! [12:42]
adlai oh but it officially is removed from rations [12:43]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: it's the lack of cud chewing, not the hooves that makes pigs unkosher [12:43]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: i srsly do not see ANY merit to this "location" bs << one of us is carrying suitcase of $gadgets to the other. that's -location-, l0l. [12:43]
mod6 funkenstein_: thanks for the info. [12:43]
pete_dushenski i recently learned that ostrich and 'hares' (presumably rabbits too?) are also not kosher [12:43]
pete_dushenski this was news to me. [12:43]
ascii_field 'Going Galt' << somehow everybody forgets that the character in the book had a fucking -invisibility machine- hiding his fort [12:43]
adlai in basic training, when random MREs had loof, the sergeant gave us this big lecture about how it'd been "removed from the war-waging bible" (literal translation), and we'd probably never see it again [12:44]
ascii_field 'galt' without the cloaking device is like superman without the cape [12:44]
ascii_field (or whatever the flying widget is) [12:44]
adlai the cape gave superman his power!? [12:44]
adlai maybe samson without the dreads [12:44]
mircea_popescu i thouhgt it was his butt [12:44]
ascii_field ^ [12:44]
ascii_field samson, sure. [12:44]
pete_dushenski buttless superman... is but a man [12:45]
mircea_popescu incidentally... i find it kinda lulzy that arabs etc don't go all bear. but... [12:45]
ascii_field wut [12:45]
ascii_field bear? [12:45]
ascii_field wrong geography [12:45]
adlai kosher laws are such a messy patchwork of whitelists and blacklists [12:45]
Chillum It would be like aquaman without... wait what does he have? [12:45]
Chillum soggyness. [12:46]
adlai like satoshi without MSVC [12:46]
mircea_popescu hence "dry vagina" [12:46]
mircea_popescu ahahaha OUCH. zing. [12:46]
pete_dushenski adlai: "must refrain from random things to hone your discipline" isn't the worst approach in the world [12:46]
adlai pete_dushenski: what? [12:46]
ascii_field nubbins`: maybe once you get enough toys it'll be a fair trade << all the toys i buy put together are dwarfed by the cost of living like a human being (e.g., not having rabid hyenas in my home, nor within 100 metres, etc.) [12:46]
* adlai is being told to stop dicking around on IRC? [12:46]
ascii_field and this ^ is not a toy, it is as essential as clothes to me. [12:46]
pete_dushenski adlai: uh kashrut ? [12:47]
adlai ah [12:47]
mircea_popescu ascii_field 100 metres is tough. within 100 metres of me there's like 3 different theatres. [12:47]
mircea_popescu you should hear the rabid hyenas lol. [12:47]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: flexible figure [12:47]
Chillum nice to hear metric [12:47]
ascii_field and enduring hyenas by choice, because you're into keeping zoo, or culturing fleas, etc. is rather different from financially forcible tour of duty in hyena cage [12:48]
mircea_popescu they get together and squeal, it's fucking incredible. that particular 16 yo "pls fuck me" unconscious thing. [12:48]
ascii_field adlai:anthem is precisely the correct dose of ayn rand for a healthy brain << i will admit to having read pretty much all of rand [12:48]
ascii_field (big whoop) [12:48]
adlai and how accurate is my perscription? [12:49]
mircea_popescu you read pretty much all of apparently every idiot available [12:49]
ascii_field adlai: i'm with naggum on this one [12:49]
mircea_popescu and YET you protest the hyena [12:49]
adlai !s naggum rand [12:49]
assbot 0 results for 'naggum rand' : [12:49]
ascii_field (short version: dedicated zoologist? yes, read. no? don't) [12:49]
ascii_field adlai: [12:51]
assbot Erik Naggum on Atlas Shrugged - Kent Pitman - Open Salon [12:51]
ascii_field ^ somebody cache this before censored entirely? [12:51]
ascii_field (naggum's is the part on the annoying black background colour) [12:51]
adlai it's not in xach's thingy? [12:51]
ascii_field it is not [12:51]
ascii_field because not on usenet [12:51]
mircea_popescu [12:51]
adlai ahright [12:52]
ascii_field posthumously published private letter [12:52]
adlai how about [12:52]
assbot Kent Pitman's Blogging: Erik Naggum on Atlas Shrugged ... ( ) [12:52]
ascii_field and YET you protest the hyena << so i had a quiet and physically clean upbringing. this is who i am. i get that it gives me a short life expectancy, yes. but jumping from cliffs doesn't grow wings, no. [12:53]
mircea_popescu just observing that the writing it produces doesn't seem to bother as much ? how come ? [12:53]
ascii_field because can be zoologist to text on a screen [12:54]
mircea_popescu why this not that ? [12:54]
ascii_field e.g., why did hanbot work well as a forum demolitions expert, but isn't (afaik!) a soldier in meatspace ? [12:54]
mircea_popescu now howdja know that ? [12:54]
ascii_field i do not. [12:54]
ascii_field only conjecture. [12:54]
mircea_popescu imo more competent as soldier than forum diogenes [12:55]
mats [12:55]
* virtuals ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:55]
assbot Tumbling Interest Rates in Europe Leaves Some Banks Owing Money on Loans to Borrowers - WSJ [12:55]
pete_dushenski ascii_field: << done just last month :) [12:58]
assbot ... ( ) [12:58]
ascii_field pete_dushenski: neato [12:58]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: but to answer question, my meatspace idiocy filter is simply not as strong as the conceptual one. to ask 'why' is like asking why my legs are not as long as mircea_popescu's [13:00]
adlai pete_dushenski: why does the http response never terminate? it's a .txt... [13:00]
ascii_field i.e., the question may well have a biological answer, but knowing it does me little good. [13:00]
mats [13:00]
assbot ... ( ) [13:00]
mircea_popescu but do you know it is in fact a biological answer. [13:00]
mats ^ "US business inventories rise; sales flat" [13:00]
ascii_field mats: 'the chocolate ratio went up to 25 grams from the old 50' [13:01]
pete_dushenski adlai: good question ? anyone else seeing this ? [13:01]
adlai (are you?) [13:02]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [13:02]
pete_dushenski mats: ascii_field this is the city of edmonton's "we improved our asphalt technologee in the 1990s but it turned out to last 1/4 as long as the stuff from the 1960s" [13:02]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [13:02]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [13:02]
* funkenstein_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) [13:03]
pete_dushenski adlai: i am actually, and now i have no idea if this is something to be addressed, and if so, how. [13:06]
adlai the common cold of the information age [13:07]
* adlai has seen this often on many sites, only now commented about it [13:07]
adlai oh, it's sporadic: reloading the page now has "fixed" it [13:09]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: but do you know it is in fact a biological answer << after a certain amount of exposure, and getting weaker rather than stronger, one leans that - if there was an age where having one's legs pulled on, would have lengthened them - that age is past [13:09]
ascii_field *learns that [13:09]
* kushed_AFK is now known as kushed [13:12]
adlai mircea_popescu: so are the average price diamonds in mpex thumbnails intentionally so dark as to cause the bewildered visitor to question his eyesight or sanity, until he confirms that they are in fact of different hue? [13:15]
ascii_field nubbins`: the only thing that'll make alf walk away is alf << nubbins` would probably be rather surprised to learn that - other than the physical separation from wildlife (e.g., nubbins`'s roommate) - i have very few luxuries [13:21]
ascii_field (i do not consider eating genuine, vs. recycled food, a luxury. just as air on a space capsule is not a luxury, even if it costs what gold costs down on earth) [13:22]
mats warehouse of computer antiques sounds like a lot of luxuries to me. [13:24]
ascii_field mats: 'warehouse' is a bit of exaggeration. the whole lot would (and did, when i moved) fit in a small van. [13:25]
mats in any event -- i'm envious. my living space is too small to accommodate much more than what i could fit in a hatchback [13:26]
mats rent is not nearly as usurious, as, say, DC, but a space like mine (own room, roommates adjacent) costs... $1k/mo [13:27]
ascii_field mats: i lived in a flat quite like (from what i can tell) yours, for most of a decade. [13:27]
ascii_field and my new digs aren't quite big enough to make any difference space-wise. i moved to a free-standing building mainly to get further away from other human beings [13:28]
ascii_field admittedly i no longer have the 'nazi submarine' atmosphere of the old flat (bulkheads in every conceivable space, objects hanging to fill every gap, etc.) [13:29]
mats i prefer to live with other humans. that way, they can find my corpse before the smell of decay sets in. hopefully. [13:29]
adlai why would the smell bother you? [13:29]
adlai "live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse" says nothing about the absence of respirators for the autopsy team [13:31]
mats so some folks have time to hunt the man that did the deed [13:31]
ascii_field mats: i don't live alone, but with pet [13:33]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [13:33]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [13:33]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [13:33]
mats hue. [13:33]
assbot Prosecutors suspect man hacked lottery computers to score winning ticket | Ars Technica ... ( ) [13:33]
ascii_field run moar winblows (tm) [13:35]
ascii_field 'The former security director "was 'obsessed' with root kits, a type of computer program that can be installed quickly, set to do just about anything, and then self-destruct without a trace," prosecutors wrote. They went on to say a witness would testify at trial that Tipton told him before December 2010 that he had a self-destructing rootkit.' << 'hands off the specialist toolz, plebe' [13:36]
Chillum why did he not get an accomplice to buy the ticket [13:36]
lobbes maybe he didn't have a wot [13:37]
Chillum How can people be so clever yet make such dumb mistakes [13:38]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15000 @ 0.00029823 = 4.4735 BTC [+] [13:38]
Chillum his hostile code should have sat dormant for 6 months, then someone with no obvious connection to him should have got the ticket [13:38]
ascii_field when corrupt orc from gaggle of equally-corrupt similar orcs is charged with 'corruption' - what is the reason, always and invariably ? [13:38]
williamdunne Got caught? [13:39]
mats defection. [13:39]
williamdunne To make the goblins think they care [13:39]
ascii_field mats, williamdunne: didn't share with superiors. or pissed'em off in some other way. [13:39]
mircea_popescu adlai nop [13:41]
mircea_popescu warehouse of computer antiques sounds like a lot of luxuries to me. << anything sounds like a luxury to someone somewhere! [13:42]
mircea_popescu How can people be so clever yet make such dumb mistakes << whole thing reads to me more like a case of baxies than anything legitimately prosecutable. [13:43]
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [13:43]
mircea_popescu "man that didn't shoot the cop had a gun! neighbours saw it!" [13:44]
* zooko has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [13:46]
ascii_field his hostile code should have sat dormant for 6 months, then someone with no obvious connection to him should have got the ticket << i suppose this is when nubbins` says 'learn the dark marketz, anyone can!' and mircea_popescu tells us about the superiority of human dark org vs relying on machines [13:58]
* ascii_field wonders how many years of jail are given for predicting the output of a legit, un-pwned winblows rng in lottery [14:00]
* Pierre_Rochard (~Pierre@unaffiliated/pierre-rochard/x-3593157) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:01]
* assbot gives voice to Pierre_Rochard [14:01]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [14:03]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [14:03]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [14:03]
* zooko ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:08]
Pierre_Rochard !up zooko [14:12]
* assbot gives voice to zooko [14:12]
ascii_field Chillum: How can people be so clever yet make such dumb mistakes << autists like ulbricht/dpr get nailed by trusting in meat. 'eusocial' folks like mr lottery -also- get nailed by trusting in meat. just like when an airplane falls, pilots and passengers get same fate [14:13]
ascii_field does not so much matter that one 'knew how to fly' and other - did not [14:13]
ascii_field the mistake of each, to the extent the stories publicly known are even factual, is 'dunning-kruger'-ing their reach far past their grasp. [14:14]
* zooko ( has left #bitcoin-assets ("#tahoe-lafs the secure distributed storage system") [14:14]
ascii_field the 'up-side' - perhaps the only one - of being a hermit monster is that the tools built for nailing the 'eusocial' don't work on you. i.e. you negrate a usg shill in your mind at most forty seconds after initial contact [14:17]
* hanbot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5050 @ 0.00029786 = 1.5042 BTC [-] [14:18]
* ascii_field grants that somewhere on the far outskirts of the retardation spectrum, there lies the land of 'there are no shills! finally someone is willing to be my -phriend!- 111!!111 stop insulting my -phriendz-!!!11' but has not, fortunately, gone there. [14:19]
* Rozal has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [14:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16750 @ 0.00030217 = 5.0613 BTC [+] [14:29]
lobbes even hermits must put some trust in meat? Is not the hermit, himself, meat? [14:31]
ascii_field lobbes: the context is important here [14:31]
ascii_field 'trust in meat' in the thread was 'what nailed lottery-man' [14:32]
ascii_field that is, the fact that he did not stick 100% to diddling the machines under cover of dark [14:32]
ascii_field but involved -people- in the scheme [14:32]
ascii_field ditto dpr [14:32]
ascii_field 'what three know, the sow knows' (TM) [14:32]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [14:34]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13800 @ 0.00029741 = 4.1043 BTC [-] {3} [14:34]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [14:34]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [14:34]
nubbins` <+ascii_field> nubbins`: if i worked in a cubicle, the last thing i would do is buy a pogo and mess with it << what did you buy and play with instead? a nagant, testing how it feels in the mouth, as in mircea_popescu's 'dulap' story ? <<< not in so many words :P [14:36]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12100 @ 0.00029339 = 3.55 BTC [-] {2} [14:38]
nubbins` <+adlai> like satoshi without MSVC <<< my kingdom for some more sides [14:38]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21850 @ 0.00030217 = 6.6024 BTC [+] [14:44]
nubbins` <+ascii_field> and YET you protest the hyena << so i had a quiet and physically clean upbringing. this is who i am. i get that it gives me a short life expectancy, yes. but jumping from cliffs doesn't grow wings, no. <<< the sets of {co-inhabitants} and {dirtbags} don't have as complete an overlap as you'd think [14:44]
nubbins` <+ascii_field> (i do not consider eating genuine, vs. recycled food, a luxury. just as air on a space capsule is not a luxury, even if it costs what gold costs down on earth) <<< i don't fully buy into the "it's cheaper to eat shitty" mentality, but it's my understanding that the dynamics involved therein are vastly different in your country [14:45]
* Pierre_Rochard has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [14:45]
nubbins` that said, i'm pretty sure a 15kg bag of rice doesn't cost much more than a few shit sandwiches from mcd's anywhere in north america [14:49]
* pete_dushenski has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00029196 = 3.4451 BTC [-] {2} [14:54]
* assbot gives voice to felipelalli [14:56]
felipelalli mircea_popescu: thank you for your considerations, you're right. nubbins` thank you for comprehend. [14:56]
nubbins` wait, i understood smth? [14:56]
ascii_field nubbins`: not even chinese live on rice alone [14:56]
ascii_field nubbins`: go try eating, e.g., plankton for the rest of your life [14:57]
nubbins` nor do people live on big macs alone [14:57]
nubbins` 8) [14:57]
ascii_field nubbins`: academic, though. food is scarcely a tenth of it [14:58]
nubbins` but i'm of the opinion that very few adult north americans have even the faintest idea of how to feed themselves properly, let alone on a sensible budget [14:58]
nubbins` ascii_field your average bezzle cubicle dweller prob spends 25% of gross income on food [14:58]
felipelalli nubbins`: you said "don't worry, you're new" something like that. [14:59]
nubbins` oh right, yeah [14:59]
felipelalli nubbins`: don't worry, selective memory. [15:00]
* nubbins` has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:02]
* felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [15:04]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [15:04]
* ColinT ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:05]
* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:06]
* assbot gives voice to hanbot [15:06]
* nubbins` (~leel@unaffiliated/nubbins) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14059 @ 0.00029274 = 4.1156 BTC [+] [15:13]
* shesek has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:17]
* yhwh_ (~yhwh@unaffiliated/yhwh/x-6819798) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:19]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: Quit) [15:21]
* shesek (~shesek@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:22]
* WoIf` (5118f2a3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:29]
* Xuthus (~x@unaffiliated/xuthus) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:31]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [15:33]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [15:33]
ascii_field nubbins`: you are quite right, that the situation is very different in usa. [15:37]
ascii_field nubbins`: if i did not have a full-time pet to handle the food problem, i would probably have to survive on something like military rations. [15:37]
BingoBoingo nubbins`: if i did not have a full-time pet to handle the food problem, i would probably have to survive on something like military rations. << Sprats come in can, RATIONS!!! [15:48]
ascii_field laugh BingoBoingo, but i did this. [15:49]
ascii_field does not make for effective 'mens sana in corpore sano', this. [15:51]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [16:04]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [16:04]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [16:04]
* felipelalli (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/felipelalli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:06]
* rotarydialer has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [16:09]
* rotarydialer (~rotarydia@unaffiliated/rotarydialer) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:12]
* sinetekVII has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [16:12]
* sinetekVII (~quassel@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:18]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7050 @ 0.00030217 = 2.1303 BTC [+] [16:18]
* WoIf` has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client) [16:23]
* WoIf` (5118f2a3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:24]
* ColinT has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [16:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38000 @ 0.00030217 = 11.4825 BTC [+] [16:31]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [16:35]
* WoIf` has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client) [16:41]
BingoBoingo !up ascii_field [16:48]
* Pierre_Rochard (~Pierre@unaffiliated/pierre-rochard/x-3593157) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:48]
mircea_popescu military rations are good ?! [16:49]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [16:49]
mircea_popescu !up ascii_field [16:53]
ben_vulpes << in case anyone wants a taste of braindamaged portlanders [16:54]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla assbot died ? [16:54]
asciilifeform eggog! (tm) [16:54]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [16:54]
ascii_field go figure. [16:54]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [16:55]
-assbot- You voiced ascii_field for another 30 minutes. [16:55]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [16:55]
mircea_popescu lok just clogged. [16:55]
assbot DEAR PORTLAND: WEEKLY RANT/RAGE THREAD 4/13/15 : Portland ... ( ) [16:55]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: military rations are good ?! << nope - very bad, but with minimal effort. like the 'hiring shaman - hire cheapest' theorem. [16:55]
ben_vulpes << ty! [17:09]
assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 10:57:38; mircea_popescu: << you want it, you got it. vip treatment beotch!!1 [17:09]
chetty so standing in a line I was noticing all the people doing whatever on cellphones, all I could think was "For this we evolved opposable thumbs?" [17:18]
lobbes to be fair, I am quite guilty of this. Either that or stare frantically around the room while trying not to make eye contact with anyone [17:23]
lobbes good time to catch up on the logs, eh [17:24]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [17:25]
mats i can't even imagine the vast number of neck, back, and general injuries from poor posture the world will see in a decade [17:25]
asciilifeform eggog! (tm) [17:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20550 @ 0.00030217 = 6.2096 BTC [+] [17:27]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [17:27]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [17:27]
ascii_field l0l wrong button fail [17:27]
ascii_field eye contact << because when you make eye contact, folks shoot lasers from their eyes into yours [17:27]
lobbes ^ [17:27]
* Xuthus has quit (Quit: Xuthus) [17:27]
adlai actually there's this game a friend of mine "invented", where you must maintain eye contact whenever it is accidentally (or not) made with a stranger [17:27]
adlai this was all fun and games until he met somebody else who appeared to be playing the same game [17:28]
adlai (you lose if you're the first to break eye contact) [17:28]
adlai there was glass between them, the other guy was sitting in the outside patio of a cafe... and they just stared at eachother until my friend gave up [17:29]
adlai had the glass not been there, i guess tehy'd have been required to either fight or mate [17:31]
adlai they would be eachother's prize [17:31]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13378 @ 0.0003009 = 4.0254 BTC [-] [17:36]
ben_vulpes [17:38]
assbot Ascent successful. Dragon enroute to Space Station. Rocket landed on droneship, but too hard for survival. [17:38]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [17:38]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8374 @ 0.0003009 = 2.5197 BTC [-] [17:40]
adlai bird landed on safety glass, but too hard for survival [17:40]
adlai this elon, he's a clever guy. oughtta do marketing. [17:41]
mircea_popescu ahh that sweet sweet 50mbps pipe [17:41]
ascii_field wut [17:41]
mircea_popescu 3gb ? 1 minute! [17:41]
ascii_field 50 is sweet ? [17:42]
mircea_popescu im old. [17:42]
mircea_popescu when restorepkg takes longer to process than wget takes to download one can't complain. [17:44]
mircea_popescu and btw, that's one spiffy script! [17:44]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: i had no idea there was restorepkg for a «Сетунь» ! [17:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18386 @ 0.00030217 = 5.5557 BTC [+] [17:46]
mircea_popescu for a who ? [17:46]
ascii_field [17:46]
assbot МЦВМ Сетунь. ... ( ) [17:47]
ascii_field ^ the ternary one [17:47]
mircea_popescu lol [17:47]
ascii_field you know, the computer mircea_popescu uses [17:47]
ascii_field or was that just for signing btc tx. [17:47]
mircea_popescu im hosting trilema on cpanel [17:47]
mircea_popescu what did you think! [17:47]
* ascii_field did not think. was mostly occupied with mining one last bucket of salt before blasting off [17:48]
mircea_popescu lol. gl. [17:49]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [17:57]
BingoBoingo !up ascii_field [18:03]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [18:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7848 @ 0.0003009 = 2.3615 BTC [-] [18:09]
* TheNewDeal (~TheNewDea@unaffiliated/thenewdeal) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:15]
* DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:17]
* virtuals has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [18:17]
* assbot gives voice to TheNewDeal [18:19]
TheNewDeal ;;bc,stats [18:19]
gribble Current Blocks: 352154 | Current Difficulty: 4.944639068824144E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 352799 | Next Difficulty In: 645 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 4 hours, 31 minutes, and 10 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 48730678236.3 | Estimated Percent Change: -1.44745 [18:19]
TheNewDeal ;;bids 200 [18:19]
gribble Bitfinex | There are currently 9989.9373 bitcoins demanded at or over 200.0 USD, worth 2101912.00544 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0095 seconds [18:19]
TheNewDeal ;;bids bitstamp 200 [18:20]
gribble Error: 'bitstamp' is not a valid non-negative floating point number. [18:20]
BingoBoingo ;;bids --market buttstamp 200 [18:20]
gribble Bitstamp | There are currently 2349.8963 bitcoins demanded at or over 200.0 USD, worth 483208.939584 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0509 seconds [18:20]
BingoBoingo ^ TheNewDeal [18:20]
ben_vulpes ;;ticker [18:20]
gribble Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 218.05, Best ask: 218.1, Bid-ask spread: 0.05000, Last trade: 218.1, 24 hour volume: 52461.868259, 24 hour low: 216.37, 24 hour high: 227.89, 24 hour vwap: None [18:20]
ben_vulpes cheep coins! getcher cheep coins! [18:21]
BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market buttstamp [18:21]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 215.24, Best ask: 215.5, Bid-ask spread: 0.26000, Last trade: 215.22, 24 hour volume: 18648.16191006, 24 hour low: 210.0, 24 hour high: 224.8, 24 hour vwap: 218.672310487 [18:21]
mats whoa [18:23]
mats it moves [18:24]
BingoBoingo Also responds to buttstamp +1 [18:24]
* knotwork (~markm@unaffiliated/knotwork) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00030217 = 1.7979 BTC [+] [18:26]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [18:33]
adlai wtf [18:33]
adlai i swear, you stop looking at a market for a few days, and it goes crazy [18:34]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00030035 = 2.9434 BTC [-] [18:34]
* adlai brb selling dog for bitcoin [18:34]
BingoBoingo !up ascii_field [18:34]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [18:34]
adlai pawning may be a better term [18:34]
* ascii_field has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:48]
* gernika has quit (Quit: ZNC - [18:49]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21547 @ 0.0002997 = 6.4576 BTC [-] {2} [18:55]
TheNewDeal thanks BB [18:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11315 @ 0.00030217 = 3.4191 BTC [+] [19:03]
TheNewDeal !down [19:07]
TheNewDeal !down TheNewDeal [19:07]
* assbot has kicked TheNewDeal from #bitcoin-assets (Bye.) [19:07]
* bagels7 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [19:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16600 @ 0.00030217 = 5.016 BTC [+] [19:09]
* wyrdmantis ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00030231 = 4.3835 BTC [+] {2} [19:17]
* wyrdmantis has quit (Client Quit) [19:19]
* gernika ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:21]
* gernika has quit (Changing host) [19:23]
* gernika (~gernika@unaffiliated/gernika) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15400 @ 0.00030235 = 4.6562 BTC [+] [19:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00029738 = 4.1931 BTC [-] {2} [20:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20550 @ 0.00030235 = 6.2133 BTC [+] [20:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5710 @ 0.00030235 = 1.7264 BTC [+] [20:17]
* virtuals ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:19]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27950 @ 0.000302 = 8.4409 BTC [-] {2} [20:19]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform jurov lobbes TheNewDeal menahem and everyone else who inquired : [20:33]
assbot Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [20:33]
mircea_popescu orly. [20:33]
* yhwh_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13532 @ 0.00030068 = 4.0688 BTC [-] {2} [20:56]
BingoBoingo Mega lol [20:57]
assbot Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [20:57]
mircea_popescu innit. [20:58]
mircea_popescu amusingly enough the derps should even know who i am, but of course nobody keeps any sort of track of their customers these days. [20:59]
mircea_popescu what was that casino quote, [20:59]
mircea_popescu "Today, it's all gone. You get a whale show up with four million in a suitcase, and some twenty-five-year-old hotel school kid is gonna want his Social Security Number." [20:59]
BingoBoingo Seriously [21:00]
BingoBoingo But I don't think Meatspace Vegas managed to elude the USG's money tracking slime mold [21:01]
mircea_popescu tbh i think people by and large just gave up [21:04]
mircea_popescu like, on life. not even seriously trying anymore. [21:04]
mircea_popescu anyone want / net / etc ? [21:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00030229 = 3.4763 BTC [+] [21:06]
BingoBoingo Could be useful for hosting a qntra BTC price index. I'm thinking a static page


mircea_popescu lol [21:07]
mircea_popescu you want it ? [21:07]
BingoBoingo Not yet. I'll drink a bit, come up with some ideas, and see if any ideas survive the hangover tomorrow afternoon. [21:08]
mircea_popescu cool. [21:09]
asciilifeform 'record locator no valido: xxxxx' [21:10]
asciilifeform ^ airline [21:11]
mircea_popescu ?! [21:11]
* asciilifeform angrily dusts off phone [21:12]
* jordandotdev (uid7502@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:12]
BingoBoingo Maybe email Orlov and see if you can borrow the Tu-95 in the embassy basement [21:12]
* asciilifeform has never before beheld such retardation [21:13]
danielpbarron What's known as "Internet Brigading" - the situation where a lot of people with no money and no practical importance complain loudly, as if anyone cares what the stupid poor say or think on any topic. << I had this happen to me over a particularly offensive tweet that got featured on some blog [21:16]
* felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:21]
asciilifeform web checkin widget fails silently; airline's phone is eternal ad loop recording [21:22]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform did you get airline ticket scammed or what's the idea ? [21:23]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: not detectably scammed, but the confirmation www does not appear to work. [21:24]
mircea_popescu tbh half working shit is par foir the course. [21:24]
mircea_popescu it DOES have rounded corners, right ? [21:24]
asciilifeform certainly! [21:24]
asciilifeform and a meg or two of js [21:24]
asciilifeform (tried on six different browsers, to be sure) [21:25]
* badon (~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:26]
* badon has quit (Excess Flood) [21:26]
asciilifeform phone monkey says 'system issue, our apologies, get your confirmation at the airport' [21:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9700 @ 0.00030231 = 2.9324 BTC [+] {2} [21:35]
mircea_popescu sounds about right. [21:41]
* funkenstein_ (~josed@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:44]
* assbot gives voice to funkenstein_ [21:45]
mats i loled at the use of the Gadsden flag in that blog post [21:48]
asciilifeform after hour of phone tag, i get them to send me some proof that reservation existed... it turns out to be some random person's reservation for entirely other route [21:50]
* asciilifeform goes to next level of phone tag [21:50]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [23:00]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [23:00]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 16:58:12 2014 [23:00]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), send me "!up" in a private message to get an OTP. You must have a sufficient WoT rating. If you do not have a WoT account or sufficient rating, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary voice. [23:00]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [23:01]
mod6 haha minivan [23:02]
mircea_popescu << shit i didn't even know it had a name. [23:05]
assbot Logged on 15-04-2015 00:42:57; mats: i loled at the use of the Gadsden flag in that blog post [23:05]
* virtuals has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [23:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27269 @ 0.00029998 = 8.1802 BTC [-] {3} [23:17]
asciilifeform congrats to mircea_popescu on ru hosting! [23:19]
mircea_popescu << ah yes, [23:19]
assbot Logged on 15-04-2015 00:51:45; williamdunne: mircea, you said I should ask as to why options are no longer issued on MPEX when trilema is back up [23:19]
mircea_popescu oops [23:19]
asciilifeform слава отечеству! (tm) (r) [23:19]
mircea_popescu < [23:19]
assbot MPOE, February 2014 Statement on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [23:19]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform actually guy's ukrainian. [23:19]
* asciilifeform bona fide ukr per usg passport [23:19]
mircea_popescu ahahahaha [23:20]
* asciilifeform wonders if he can get a new one when o. falls [23:20]
mircea_popescu anyway i should prolly publish the bw graph for the week lol. once it came back online it spent a few hours at 2MB/s [23:20]
mircea_popescu apparently everyone missed it [23:20]
* assbot removes voice from felipelalli [23:20]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: 2MB/s of vaguely humanlike, or of ntp etc ? [23:21]
mircea_popescu bout half humans half google [23:21]
mircea_popescu apparently google misses trilema, even sent me an email. [23:21]
asciilifeform l0l wut [23:21]
mircea_popescu i kid you not. [23:21]
asciilifeform this exists?! [23:21]
mircea_popescu yup [23:21]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Does exist [23:22]
mircea_popescu felipelalli the funny thing about english as used here is that it's not really familiar to about 90% of native english speakers either. [23:23]
asciilifeform 'english as she is spoken' (tm) [23:23]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: When missing sometimes google does a [23:23]
assbot Carly Rae Jepsen - I Really Like You - YouTube ... ( ) [23:23]
mircea_popescu << you don't understand mitteleuropa. [23:24]
assbot Logged on 15-04-2015 01:34:43; adlai: well that would've sucked for all the prussians, although i guess they could've been deported to palestine, or uganda [23:24]
mircea_popescu for one thing, the jews didn't WANT austria. [23:24]
adlai "english as we mangle it in assetistan" [23:26]
* HostFat has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:29]
* bagels7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:36]
* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:53]
* assbot gives voice to hanbot [23:54]
Category: Logs
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