Forum logs for 11 May 2014

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
mircea_popescu i wouldn't count on them not doing something such as changing the tax code mid exercise and then insisting you comply. [00:00]
davout mircea_popescu: but one thing to keep in mind is that contrary to all the other exchanges, we never actually touch the fiat being moved aroud, me merely trigger a transfer between accounts that do not belong to us legally [00:00]
mircea_popescu such stuff has been seen in romania, poland, the czech republic and if memory serves the uk [00:00]
davout mircea_popescu: retroactive tax law changes are something that has happened in france as well AFAIK [00:00]
mircea_popescu so a bit of a dubious terrain, is all i'm saying. [00:01]
mircea_popescu this, of course, in stark contrast with the 100% non illegal certs better people are getting. [00:01]
davout our defense here is simply "we never touch the money", we're simply mandated to trigger the move between accounts :D [00:01]
mircea_popescu yes yes i get that, there isn't a third reich because you live in the poznan forest, rather than on the warta field [00:02]
davout at least, if that ever happens and we get fined into nothingness, the customer funds are safe because they don't sit on our corp. accts [00:02]
davout phew [00:02]
Apocalyptic mircea_popescu: retroactive tax law changes are something that has happened in france as well AFAIK // oh yeah it did [00:02]
Apocalyptic like the PEA taxation recently [00:03]
mircea_popescu davout im not even sure how it works there, but if memory serves you can't even bankruptcy if you've been fined [00:03]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves so are you concerned that by going to amsterdam you may end up on teh interpol pedo watch list ? [00:03]
davout mircea_popescu: never heard about that, the taxman is a privileged creditor for sure, but how would that work? [00:03]
Apocalyptic heh mircea [00:04]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2295 @ 0.00087876 = 2.0168 BTC [-] [00:04]
mircea_popescu davout well, you file for chapter 11 or w/e equivalent, the da intervenes and objects [00:04]
mircea_popescu civil suit (ie, the bankruptcy) is suspended during penal proceedings [00:04]
davout ya, guess you mean it becomes personal liability at that point [00:04]
mircea_popescu there's no strict limit on how long they may take, so it can be 25 years. [00:04]
mircea_popescu davout no, he doesn't have to actually prosecute it. [00:05]
davout but, penal against whom ? [00:05]
mircea_popescu doesn't matter. [00:05]
mircea_popescu suppose there's company x. it owes 110 euros and has assets of 100 euros. right ? [00:05]
davout penal as in surprise penis in butt [00:05]
davout right [00:05]
mircea_popescu at this point general manager or w/e party the executive power is vested in is legally required to file for bankruptcy or supervised reorganisation/reconstitution/we [00:06]
davout okay [00:06]
mircea_popescu this is a civil suit. the judge receives an objection from the state's tax attorney, stating that they consider they're owed five eurocents in fines. [00:06]
mircea_popescu and - importantly - that they intend to prosecute the matter. [00:06]
mircea_popescu the judge sets the file aside. [00:06]
mircea_popescu end of story. [00:07]
davout to me it works in the following way [00:07]
davout assets 100, liability 110 [00:07]
davout taxman takes whatever is owed to them, other creditors take the rest [00:07]
mircea_popescu not how this works [00:07]
davout i'm not finished [00:07]
mircea_popescu IF the taxman claims they intend to prosecute the matter. [00:07]
jurov taxman must do an audit first [00:07]
mircea_popescu but you never get that far. i know how it goes on your branch, but youy never get to tyhat branch [00:08]
jurov and ask you whatever they want... that can take time [00:08]
davout someone may object (taxman or whoever else) may object that the bankruptcy was fraudulent and that there was deliberate actions made to diminish the assets, in this case the general manager can get prosecuted personnally [00:09]
mircea_popescu no. [00:09]
davout heard about this a few times already [00:09]
mircea_popescu the taxman;'s objection is priviledged [00:09]
davout yea, i know [00:09]
mircea_popescu it's not of the same nature as everyone else's (those are resolved part of the civil suit) [00:09]
davout people actually get barred from managing corporations [00:09]
mircea_popescu the situation you find yourself in, practically, is that the 100 euro assets are now locked up, and deteriorating, under court "supervision" [00:09]
mircea_popescu and you can't touch them. and everyone waits. [00:09]
mircea_popescu since it's a small corp, nobody cares, and it can wait forever. [00:09]
mircea_popescu that's the particular fissure of a kafkaesque nature i wish to draw your attention to. [00:10]
davout in france, there's usually a "suit" if the bankruptcy is fraudulent, a liquidation process goes in front of a judge as well tho, but it's not really a lawsuit [00:10]
mircea_popescu but that's what im saying. it doesn't have to get that far. [00:10]
pankkake I believe this is how it works [00:10]
davout in france, as far as i know, if a company is not solvent, there *must* be a liquidator appointed [00:11]
mircea_popescu davout sure. [00:11]
davout i may be dead wrong here, never had a company liquidated :D [00:11]
mircea_popescu no, you're right. hes appointed. he takes a hoinorary. [00:11]
mircea_popescu and waits for the da to finish its investigation. [00:11]
davout pankkake: fucking classical [00:11]
mircea_popescu till 2028 or w/e [00:11]
davout afaik the fact that a liquidator is appointed doesn't mean there's an investigation [00:12]
mircea_popescu dude you're refusing to see what im saying. again from the top. [00:12]
mircea_popescu company is insolvent. management has to report this. management does. [00:13]
davout the way i understand it, is that there's two cases, either the bankruptcy is considered "normal", or "fraudulent", in the former it's liquidator, in the latter it's liquidator + investigation [00:13]
mircea_popescu court takes note. court starts insolvency proceedings. [00:13]
mircea_popescu taxman takes note. taxman notifies court. [00:13]
mircea_popescu court sets all proceedings aside pending result of taxman investigation. [00:13]
mircea_popescu investigation takes forever. [00:13]
mircea_popescu insolvency is never resolved. [00:13]
mircea_popescu ~ fin ~ [00:13]
davout aah, i guess the part i missed was that it was a taxman led investigation [00:13]
* s1gea is now known as aidenitateradene [00:13]
mircea_popescu so now you can sit and look at your 100 euros turning into dust in a warehouse somewhere. [00:14]
-kloeri- [Global Notice] Hi all. I'm going to do some very quick maintainence related to nickserv, chanserv and friends. Services downtime should be very brief. Thanks for using freenode. [00:14]
davout i'll have a look at that [00:14]
jurov well, i fail to find anything such in slovak law practice [00:15]
mircea_popescu now, if it's a big company, it can perhaps push for this to resolve. [00:15]
jurov in fact, the opposite thing happened [00:15]
mircea_popescu but considering the state of the dockets, all over the "civilised" world, a < billion corp stands zero chance to be even noticed. [00:15]
davout but from what you say, the taxman, if he has a claim against the company has an actual incentive to speed things up, assuming he's paying himself *after* his investigation, which would make sense in a somewhat sane system [00:15]
jurov taxmen delayed VAT returns fdue to "ongoing investigation" [00:15]
jurov so some companies bankrupted [00:15]
mircea_popescu davout he has a perverse incentive : he knows that you're a sucker, and would rather pay him than wait. [00:15]
mircea_popescu so he waits so you pay. [00:15]
jurov regardless of tax investigation [00:16]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:16]
mircea_popescu jurov that's vat returns stuff, an entirely different piece of related nonsense. [00:16]
davout mircea_popescu: how can i pay him if my assets are frozen during the investigation? [00:16]
mircea_popescu davout take your wife to amsterdam ? [00:16]
jurov but it was the same kind of investigation [00:16]
* xdotcommer has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:17]
* xdotcommer (~xdotcomme@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:17]
* HeySteve has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:17]
* HeySteve ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:18]
davout i don't see how it would make sense to drop a tax-related investigation on frozen corporate assets by having a shareholder, or general manager, paying money out of his pocket [00:18]
mircea_popescu one of the many many COUNTLESS reasons a businessman absolutely must have a well read blog at his disposal. [00:18]
mircea_popescu once that sort of shit starts, you start publishing the lolz. [00:18]
mircea_popescu davout because if w/e they calculated is owed is paid, then they have no further grounds to investigate. [00:19]
mircea_popescu pankkake: "Chinese-American, he was born in Africa; his entrepreneurial parents ran a flip-flop factory in the Ivory Coast" << for some reason that immediately sent me to [00:20]
davout so what were they investigating about in the first place if it wasn't "calculate exactly how we're being owed" ??? [00:20]
* twizt has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:20]
mircea_popescu davout right. [00:20]
mircea_popescu you are starting to understand bureaucracy, the legal system and how states work. [00:20]
davout if they weren't investigating about that, they were investigating about fraud, and you don't get out such an investigation by simply throwing money at them [00:20]
mircea_popescu davout it's simpler than that : they don't have to be specific before they finish the investigation [00:21]
pankkake French fisc agents are allowed to offer "deals" btw [00:21]
mircea_popescu this is a game-theoretic asset : they won't say. maybe they are. maybe they aren't. what do you want ? [00:21]
* xdotcommer has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:22]
davout so you just pay them some random amount ? [00:22]
mircea_popescu no, you pay them what they ask you. then they make the paperwork read that's what you were supposed to pay. [00:22]
* Skirmant has quit (Quit: (。-ω-) zzz..) [00:23]
davout i *never* heard about such a thing [00:24]
mircea_popescu yes, but you never spent a million on consel in any fiscal year either. [00:24]
* xdotcomm_ (~xdotcomme@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:25]
davout true, have you ? [00:25]
mircea_popescu yes, actually. [00:25]
mircea_popescu pankkake: I'd rather fuck the Bush daughters << but those were sluts [00:26]
pankkake what's wrong with sluts? [00:26]
mircea_popescu i don't have to get skinnkavaj to ask his magical "i can't see why not" device to bed those [00:26]
mircea_popescu principle of magical economy : only use the really powerful delusionist spells when really needed. [00:27]
davout mircea_popescu: are you implying that a million needs to be spent in legal counsel to have something like that explained ? [00:27]
mircea_popescu davout the implication is that particular malfunctions of a broken system are only visible at a certain height, nothing else [00:27]
* OneFixt has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [00:28]
mircea_popescu i just explained it to you for free, after all. [00:28]
davout that was the implied question :-) [00:28]
mircea_popescu your objection that it doesn't fit with your experience, unsound as it may be in theory, is also easily dispatched in practice. [00:28]
davout i don't object reasoning on the basis that it doesn't fit my experience [00:29]
mircea_popescu i *never* heard about such a thing << what's that then ? [00:29]
davout not an objection, simply the expression that it didn't fit my experience :) [00:30]
mircea_popescu oh ok. [00:30]
mircea_popescu i am sure, if you go to the chamber of commerce or w/e people gather in paris these days and ask, you will find at least one or two people caught in something of the sort. [00:30]
davout what i'm saying is that it is not comprised in the set of the things i know about how the law works [00:30]
* OneFixt (~OneFixt@unaffiliated/onefixt) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:30]
davout look, the french tax code has this concept of "abus de droit" [00:31]
davout from there, anything becomes possible [00:31]
mircea_popescu well yeah but we're here to expand it :D [00:31]
mircea_popescu and yes lol. [00:31]
mircea_popescu "you have a right, provided you don't use it in a way we didn't foresee or don't like" [00:31]
mircea_popescu ancient german law nonsense. [00:31]
davout for those who don't speak french, "abus de droit" means that you're "overusing" the law to your advantage, and that, in itself is unlawful [00:31]
davout my dad's an accountant, when he told me about this thing, i was like "no fucking way" [00:32]
davout he told me to shut up and eat my soup, the moral of the story is that you're better off keeping your assets in bitcoin XD [00:33]
mircea_popescu lol [00:34]
mircea_popescu he has a point. eat your lentils! [00:34]
davout he was actually in his borscht phase [00:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] [00:37]
* frank1e (~frank1e@unaffiliated/frank1e) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:38]
* GSpotAssassin___ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:41]
mircea_popescu ah i love a good bors [00:41]
davout yea, don't get too excited, he just entered his "no-fat fries" phase [00:43]
* GSpotAssassin___ (sid4086@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:44]
pankkake how does that even work :/ [00:44]
davout pankkake: [00:44]
pankkake oh, I think my dad has this horror too [00:44]
mircea_popescu olestra ? [00:44]
pankkake but the bad thing for you is the fry, not the fat [00:45]
mircea_popescu i don't get this no fat frying bs. use canola oil, it'll be fine [00:45]
pankkake belgian fries, now that's something [00:46]
mircea_popescu do they abuse preteens ? [00:46]
pankkake ahah [00:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17250 @ 0.00088031 = 15.1853 BTC [+] [00:46]
davout pankkake: +beer [00:46]
davout pankkake: +francois damiens making pictures of naked women [00:47]
davout how was that movie called again [00:47]
pankkake dikkenek? [00:47]
davout pankkake: YES [00:47]
davout [00:48]
ozbot Dikkenek shooting photo - YouTube [00:48]
* MykelSIlver ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:49]
mircea_popescu what is this ? [00:50]
davout pure awesomeness [00:51]
mircea_popescu mais qu'est ce que tu fais ici la fille [00:51]
mircea_popescu lol [00:51]
nanotube kakobrekla: long time ago. google killed their api. [00:52]
* MykelSIlver has quit (Client Quit) [00:52]
* Jere_Jones (~metabyte@unaffiliated/jere-jones) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:56]
* assbot gives voice to artifexd [00:56]
* HeySteve has quit () [00:57]
mircea_popescu LTC-Global was a dba of btctc right ? [01:02]
artifexd I think it was the reverse, but yeah, they were run by the same guy. [01:06]
mircea_popescu a yeah, right you are, burnside was derping on ltc with this thing, then when nefario closed down abruptly for unspecified legal reasons one week after declaring he's legally 100% not illegal at the conference where he scammed clueless rms into showing up [01:09]
mircea_popescu suddenl;y turned around and made it into a btc exchange because why the fuck not, he's competent and smart and brilliant. or, in the words of today's equivalent, [01:10]
mircea_popescu "Dear Forum Members, some people here accuse us false of scam. Fact is not one person here or on was scammed by us." [01:10]
mircea_popescu o lordy. [01:12]
mircea_popescu "If you not like the PHP coding we can't help you, but we are sure our system is very professional programmed." [01:12]
davout Markus Weiler, where does one even start [01:13]
kakobrekla with rails obviously. [01:13]
mircea_popescu the public rails on weiler ? [01:14]
davout kakobrekla: does not compute [01:14]
davout mircea_popescu: a dependency has failed to compute [01:14]
pankkake he hasn't stopped stalking me… [01:14]
pankkake apparently I'm every troll for him [01:15]
kakobrekla davout yes i would imagine. [01:15]
davout pankkake: whatever, you're jelly because he doesn't make blog posts about you [01:15]
mircea_popescu davout syntax error [01:15]
pankkake still with the wrong identity [01:15]
pankkake this is annoying [01:15]
kakobrekla im just fucking around while im dicking around cause i know you like to fuck with your dick [01:15]
jurov what happens here? [01:16]
davout kakobrekla: we herd you like dicks [01:16]
mircea_popescu jurov tits fucks you with his dick [01:16]
kakobrekla he wishes. [01:16]
* dotcoin (5076d5f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:17]
jurov and who's the tit here? [01:17]
davout !up dotcoin [01:17]
assbot Voicing dotcoin for 30 minutes. [01:17]
* assbot gives voice to dotcoin [01:17]
davout jackpot [01:17]
dotcoin David Francois you have a very big mouth with your scam [01:17]
mircea_popescu !up dotcoin [01:17]
assbot Voice for dotcoin extended to 30 minutes. [01:17]
* assbot gives voice to dotcoin [01:17]
davout dotcoin: hello markus [01:17]
mircea_popescu o you two know each other ? [01:17]
dotcoin do you come to monaco on april 24 [01:17]
dotcoin want to meet you [01:17]
kakobrekla jurov a part of my name sounds like tits and means dick [01:17]
davout dotcoin: i don't do autographs [01:18]
dotcoin still not i jail wonders me [01:18]
kakobrekla who is raping the logs!? [01:18]
dotcoin asyour friend mark [01:18]
kakobrekla dotcoin 1st of april is over dude. [01:19]
dotcoin why you not tell the people your relation to karpeles [01:19]
davout ladies and gentlemen, dotcoin, operator of bitcoinbourse [01:19]
dotcoin you search at other people to fuck them but you are the friend of must fucking scamer in the world [01:19]
dotcoin welcome world [01:19]
BingoBoingo dotcoin: What bourse do? [01:20]
mircea_popescu dotcoin you know, everyone that's been in here for a long time knows everyone else. [01:20]
kakobrekla dotcoin what is his relation to karpeles? being french? [01:20]
mircea_popescu davout is not special in this regard [01:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19800 @ 0.00088115 = 17.4468 BTC [+] {3} [01:20]
dotcoin yes ok i don't know anyone here [01:20]
mircea_popescu it's just that you're new, and that makes you think knowing pirate/karpeles/whoever is remarkable. [01:20]
mircea_popescu it's not, not for us. [01:20]
mircea_popescu heck, i even know imsaguy and inau [01:20]
* assbot gives voice to Duffer1 [01:20]
mircea_popescu and gigavps. and a ton of other scammers. [01:20]
dotcoin i read only some times some shit people talking about me [01:20]
davout dotcoin: also, had you actually watched the video you're screenshotting, you'd have seen i'm in essence telling him he's full of shit, in 2011 [01:21]
mircea_popescu dotcoin forget about yourself, you're a negligible quantity at this point. [01:21]
mircea_popescu read everything else. [01:21]
jurov mircea_popescu: he is completely unable to absorb any external advice [01:21]
dotcoin syou can advice me [01:21]
mircea_popescu jurov i don't know the guy [01:21]
jurov i'd try asciilifeform's audio heterodyning instead [01:21]
mircea_popescu lol [01:21]
dotcoin but don't accuse me of scam as there is no scam on bitcoin bourse guys [01:22]
BingoBoingo dotcoin: Can Bourse Bitcoin for make me? [01:22]
davout ;;rate dotcoin 1 for the purpose of further lulz [01:22]
gribble Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. [01:22]
mircea_popescu davout srsly dood ;/ [01:22]
kakobrekla but don't accuse me of scam as there is no scam on bitcoin bourse guys < dont you owe btc to jurov ? [01:23]
davout dotcoin: at least i have to give you credit for coming all the way to -assets [01:23]
kakobrekla davout trice. [01:23]
jurov no he owes something to forensick [01:23]
jurov i'm just an "investor" [01:23]
mircea_popescu davout yes but rating is going to far, srsly. [01:23]
* Apocalyptic grabs some popcorn [01:23]
mircea_popescu "I've disagreed with pankkake before (on the subject of altcoins) and he's called me an idiot and I've told him he's wrong. " << look at that! [01:23]
dotcoin not own forensicks bitcoins are you drunk man [01:23]
kakobrekla Apocalyptic thatd be 0.1 btc [01:23]
Apocalyptic dotcoin: at least i have to give you credit for coming all the way to -assets // he's done it before [01:23]
jurov that was denied any financial reports whatsoever [01:24]
Apocalyptic must be a regular reader of teh logs [01:24]
jurov yes he is, he sent me nastymails within minutes of me mentioning him last previously [01:24]
jurov then i published it on my blog [01:24]
Apocalyptic he became agressive after jurov mentionned going to the AMF [01:24]
kakobrekla i said logs arent magic pill : [01:25]
dotcoin yes he can go to amf i wish him good luck [01:25]
Apocalyptic Apocalyptic thatd be 0.1 btc // fuck you kako that's my corn [01:25]
davout Apocalyptic: AMF deals with financial markets, not with braindamage [01:25]
jurov lol [01:26]
mircea_popescu !b 2 [01:26]
assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( [01:26]
kakobrekla Apocalyptic if it would be mine it would be .5 [01:26]
BingoBoingo dotcoin: Srs, does bourse Bitcoin have your for more making? [01:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] [01:26]
dotcoin so davout why we not talking little bit here about bitcoin central [01:27]
dotcoin and your famous french bitcoin foundation [01:27]
Apocalyptic davout, he's pretending to run one, however misconstructed damaged the thingis [01:27]
mircea_popescu dotcoin you mean about the vat again or just in general ? [01:27]
davout Apocalyptic: my daughter pretends the cushions are castle walls [01:27]
dotcoin jurov does amf also view coinbr? [01:28]
benkay dotcoin: is there a way to see what paper is trading on bourse without signing up? [01:28]
dotcoin yes of course [01:28]
mircea_popescu davout little does she know that the snow is the actual castle walls. [01:28]
davout dotcoin: maybe, tell them to ask me if they need a referral code [01:28]
jurov dotcoin, they are welcome to view it [01:29]
benkay dotcoin: where can i see that list? [01:29]
dotcoin @jurov than is good man [01:29]
dotcoin referal link from you darov [01:29]
mircea_popescu don't tell me he types the names by hand [01:29]
* davout is now known as darov [01:29]
dotcoin yes @benkay go to site second slider shares click read more [01:30]
mircea_popescu no urls on your internet ? [01:30]
kakobrekla d and j are right next to each other [01:30]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla on special dj keyboards, yes they are. [01:30]
mircea_popescu also on macs [01:30]
benkay a carousel is now a nav bar [01:30]
pankkake darov is just the child of jurov and davout [01:30]
benkay o.O [01:30]
jurov dotcoin and what about publishing order book and volume? [01:30]
mircea_popescu pankkake that'd be juout [01:30]
dotcoin i guess pankkake is the child from them [01:31]
dotcoin login to see order book [01:31]
Apocalyptic why not make it available for everyone [01:31]
mircea_popescu dotcoin do you at least show diff order books to each login, icbit style ? [01:31]
Apocalyptic haha [01:31]
mircea_popescu or php === not advanced yet ? [01:31]
jurov and volume is not available even on login... [01:31]
Apocalyptic the "at least" is somehow not shocking [01:32]
mircea_popescu Apocalyptic it'd be entertaining lol [01:32]
Apocalyptic %b [01:32]
dotcoin but what you critic this time jurov? the order book? last time was the dividends, next time is what ? should i go to your site and start searching [01:32]
jurov oh and did i mention that you can issue standing orders for fixed expiration of 3 days or market orders and nothing else? [01:32]
BingoBoingo has dotcoin orderbooks that ========= something legit each inlog [01:33]
Apocalyptic mod6, is atcbot broken ? [01:33]
mircea_popescu jurov that's how they did it in viking times [01:33]
mircea_popescu %t [01:33]
BingoBoingo %book [01:33]
atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 225 Ask: 239 Last Price: 225 24h-Vol: 1k High: 239 Low: 195 VWAP: 211 [01:33]
atcbot 60k@242 64k@240 25k@239 | 116k@225 4k@195 90k@156 [01:33]
mircea_popescu seems he's fine [01:33]
Apocalyptic ok, thought %b was an alias for %book [01:34]
mircea_popescu i think it stands for block [01:34]
mircea_popescu if anything [01:34]
Apocalyptic some interesting bid @225 [01:34]
mircea_popescu but what you critic this time jurov? the order book? last time was the dividends, next time is what ? should i go to your site and start searching << this approach is fundamentally broken. even should you prove everyone else is stupid, that'll still not make you smart. [01:34]
dotcoin @mircea i want to be smart for you nor i search friends here [01:35]
Duffer1 [01:35]
ozbot Threats to extort and blackmail BCT companies by the user 'pankkake' [01:35]
mircea_popescu look at that, 1k atc volume. amusingly, it's displaying the bitcoin hoarding behaviours too! [01:36]
Duffer1 how did it go with the internet police dotcoin? [01:36]
* darov is now known as davout [01:36]
* Naphex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:36]
mircea_popescu dotcoin that's also fundamentally broken. if you have friends here, you'll be ok. if you do not, you will fail, even should the entire world come to try and rescue you. [01:36]
mircea_popescu as karpeles found out through bitter experience, as vessenes will, etc. [01:36]
BingoBoingo need dotcoin friends no [01:37]
asciilifeform world tried to rescue karp? [01:37]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo kickass lol. [01:37]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes. [01:37]
dotcoin do you want become my friend? [01:37]
dotcoin lol [01:37]
mircea_popescu as far as paying out of pocket to fly to fucking japan. [01:37]
asciilifeform afaik that was just the 'are you solvent?' sign guy [01:37]
jurov dotcoin, so let's talk about order book. you (and everyone) don't see anything untoward here? [01:37]
mircea_popescu jurov basically, he's hacked a time auction package, sort-of adapted it for "bitcoin stock exchange" ? [01:38]
jurov looks like that. [01:38]
dotcoin hm you needs now what jurov a order book? [01:39]
dotcoin and after [01:39]
dotcoin ? [01:39]
jurov no you need one [01:39]
dotcoin so why you not create your own stock exchange i ask myself if you can do all better [01:39]
kakobrekla !b 1 [01:40]
assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( [01:40]
mircea_popescu << this is what i mean, for the people following at home. [01:40]
ozbot - Penny auctions may 2013 [01:40]
dotcoin i mean before bitcoinbourse was not good enough for you guys, [01:40]
dotcoin than we create and redesign new [01:40]
dotcoin than you always not happy with it [01:41]
kakobrekla dotcoin a scam in a nice box is still a scam [01:41]
kakobrekla not trying to imply you have a nice box, just saying. [01:41]
davout and a retard with moar css is still a retard [01:41]
dotcoin and do you have any scammed people here kakobrekla are you scammed by me? [01:41]
kakobrekla dotcoin your approaches are scammy [01:41]
davout "not trying to imply you have a nice box" <<< lmao [01:41]
dotcoin tell me are you scammed by me? [01:42]
davout dotcoin: look, nobody here is stupid enough to get scammed by you [01:42]
davout (except jurov maybe) [01:42]
dotcoin davout you have a mirror yes? look at famous foundation and bitcoin central [01:42]
davout XD [01:42]
mircea_popescu davout lmao ziiing [01:42]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SF1] 241 @ 0.00089867 = 0.2166 BTC [+] [01:42]
dotcoin we was never been down 4 month for been hacked [01:42]
davout dotcoin: yo, what about it ? [01:42]
mircea_popescu dotcoin why would somebody hack you ? [01:42]
kakobrekla dotcoin you are scamming us out of our time with being retarded [01:43]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla yes but im not gonna down him because i do not wish to be the evil tyrant [01:43]
davout kakobrekla: no, fuck that, the laugh is worth it [01:43]
dotcoin lol [01:43]
kakobrekla fine have him but i pay for logs server. [01:43]
kakobrekla running low on packets. [01:43]
dotcoin the script kiddies here even have no plan to shut down a wordpress site [01:44]
jurov kakobrekla: you can offset it by offering assbot ad slots [01:44]
kakobrekla lol [01:44]
* twizt (18be329d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:44]
davout jurov kakobrekla that'd be a complementary business model for this guy -> [01:45]
dotcoin but ok i see there is no serious discussion here everyone accuse other of scam thats all [01:45]
jurov dotcoin because you evade the questions [01:45]
davout dotcoin: what about bitcoin-central and the french association ? [01:45]
jurov i am asking, how can you consider the order book usable? [01:45]
jurov for example you can't easily find lowest offer [01:46]
mircea_popescu but ok i see there is no serious discussion here << i lolled. [01:46]
dotcoin you not can find lowest offer? [01:46]
jurov it's confusing whether it's about bid/ask side [01:46]
mircea_popescu i not can find word order in soup! [01:46]
davout dotcoin: also your buy and sell are backwards [01:47]
davout Buy: 338.00 € Sell: 301.00 € [01:47]
mircea_popescu davout don't you do it that way in france ? [01:47]
* assbot removes voice from dotcoin [01:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] [01:47]
davout !up dotcoin [01:47]
assbot Voicing dotcoin for 30 minutes. [01:47]
* assbot gives voice to dotcoin [01:47]
davout mircea_popescu: whaddaya mean [01:48]
mircea_popescu jurov definitely, i tell you. he's taken a software package intended for a penny auction site and hacked it together. it's so fucking obvious. that pseudo "book" could no other way be explained. [01:48]
mircea_popescu davout backwards. [01:48]
davout in the butt? [01:48]
jurov dotcoin, also, how you set a order expiration of 100 days for yourself? why no one other can set it? [01:48]
mircea_popescu buttwards [01:48]
davout we do it backwards but it looks forward, think moonwalk [01:49]
dotcoin order expirations of 100 days are for merchants only, if you want list shares you can do and your orders will be run as long you want [01:49]
jurov "shares merchant"? [01:50]
dotcoin yes [01:50]
jurov that kind fits [01:50]
jurov :D [01:50]
dotcoin there are no bitcoin orders longer than 3 days [01:50]
mircea_popescu why not ? [01:50]
mircea_popescu what if im going on vacation ? what if i just met a highschooler with nice tits ? [01:51]
mircea_popescu either usually takes me > 3 days [01:51]
davout mircea_popescu: because he uses an evaluation copy mebbe [01:51]
mircea_popescu x.X [01:51]
dotcoin i guess it makes no sense, when bitcoin price jumps up and down [01:51]
mircea_popescu why not 2 days then. [01:51]
dotcoin you sell bitcoins and go vacation? [01:51]
kakobrekla i think 10 min is more appropriate. [01:52]
dotcoin you can cancel your order when you need [01:52]
mircea_popescu am i fucking confused ? is this bourse thing a bitcoin exchange or a bitcoin stock exchange ? [01:52]
jurov no. it's bitcoin stock merchant [01:52]
davout mircea_popescu: stock exchange + P2P bitcoin exchange, amirite dotcoin? [01:52]
mircea_popescu so then wtf has the price of bitcoin to do with anything [01:52]
dotcoin it was started as bitcoin exchange, now we focus to going full to bitcoin stock exchange, as we not want competition with the big ones like bc [01:53]
mircea_popescu bc became big at some point ?! [01:53]
davout haha, i knew it was coming [01:53]
dotcoin in what point [01:53]
bounce relative, I'm sure [01:53]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:53]
mircea_popescu pankkake seriously, you feel like articulating wtf you hate about altcoins quite so viscerally ? [01:54]
davout dotcoin: don't you also have a P2P exchange, sort of like localbitcoins? [01:54]
dotcoin maybe but this is not my problem i am not jealous of other people [01:54]
mircea_popescu im sure nobody'll be like, "o, we no like pankkake anymoar now", even if they think your idea is dumb [01:54]
jurov davout yes it's everything on bitcoinbourse, both btceur and stocks [01:54]
pankkake yes, I started a blog article. and it should start with "I don't hate altcoins, "hate" is a word used by faggots, I just think they are a fraud" [01:54]
davout pankkake: wai u hate faggots? [01:55]
dotcoin yes read @davout, told here we have p2p like localbitcoins but now we focus on stock exchange, so the french market is free for you enjoy we don't need that [01:55]
kakobrekla i think the just hates hate [01:55]
pankkake davout: yeah they make noises with their bikes [01:55]
jurov oh and bitcoincard is there too, never dared to try that [01:55]
mircea_popescu pankkake kay, i'll read it. ping here when done [01:55]
dotcoin bitcoincard yes [01:55]
dotcoin you can try [01:56]
pankkake there is actually a lot of things I want to write in, so it will take a while, but I want to write it instead of arguing endlessly / being MAD [01:56]
dotcoin you can order from anywhere in europe [01:56]
mircea_popescu smart choice. [01:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 26 @ 0.00644267 = 0.1675 BTC [+] {5} [01:56]
davout pankkake: arguing endlessly without getting mad is a skill in itself [01:57]
bounce well, not if you're mad starting out [01:57]
kakobrekla getting mad without an argument also. [01:57]
davout bounce: if you're already mad, arguing doesn't really sound like a good idea anyway [01:57]
davout kakobrekla: yo, just fuck shit up from time to time, randomly [01:58]
bounce tell it to the people in the madhouse [01:58]
pankkake davout: yes, I usually don't get mad when I don't respect my adversary [01:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.0059118 = 0.2956 BTC [-] {2} [02:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.46366666 = 1.391 BTC [-] {2} [02:00]
pankkake I mean don't have any respect for [02:00]
davout pankkake: wait, you're saying you're more inclined to become mad whenever you have respect for the person you argue with ? [02:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 100 @ 0.00591 = 0.591 BTC [-] [02:01]
davout i guess what you mean is that you take it more seriously then, amirite? [02:01]
pankkake yes [02:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.00591 = 0.2955 BTC [-] [02:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.07258809 = 1.4518 BTC [+] {4} [02:02]
pankkake well, I don't accept that people that are not dumb have dumb (i.e. not mine) opinions [02:02]
bounce you don't go for anything less but ideological world domination, do you? [02:02]
davout bounce: it just makes him mad to have a cognitive dissonnance [02:02]
jurov your opinions are never dumb? [02:03]
jurov pankkake ^ [02:03]
pankkake well, when I realize they're dumb I change them [02:03]
davout "i see this guy as smart, but i see his opinion as dumb, AAAARRGH dissonnance" [02:03]
davout pankkake: try with dotcoin :D [02:04]
bounce such gandhi [02:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 21 @ 0.00580523 = 0.1219 BTC [-] {4} [02:04]
pankkake I don't want to argue with him, I don't know what's his deal [02:04]
bounce so ask him *gdr* [02:04]
pankkake basically I just linked to what others said [02:04]
mircea_popescu pankkake: wait, you're saying you're more inclined to become mad whenever you have respect for the person you argue with ? << this is how it works yes [02:04]
davout which makes sense [02:05]
mircea_popescu otherwise you'd spend your time angry at the pet rocks [02:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78460 @ 0.00087855 = 68.931 BTC [-] {6} [02:06]
davout mircea_popescu: i was actually thinking about the alternative of not getting mad, in either case [02:06]
davout but i can perfectly understand that if you perceive the person you are arguing with as intelligent, it makes the arguing exercise different [02:07]
pankkake well. if you argue in public with someone dumb, your objective should be completely different [02:08]
pankkake you're not necessarily trying to convince him [02:08]
davout the sanest attitude in such a case is double: make other readers hear your point, have some fun [02:08]
pankkake yeah [02:08]
davout if some fucktards end up calling you a troll you can count it as a success [02:09]
davout to get back to the dotcoin case, it's slightly weird, because he doesn't display the usual bitcointalk scammer attributes [02:09]
mircea_popescu i always cunt it as a success [02:09]
davout lel [02:09]
mircea_popescu davout maybe his mastery of the english language doesn't permit him to ? [02:09]
davout mircea_popescu: no i was thinking more about the fact that he's not anonymous [02:10]
mircea_popescu intentionally ? [02:10]
davout no, i sense no intention of hiding his identity [02:10]
mircea_popescu is he this guy ? [02:10]
mircea_popescu and for that matter, neither is dr foreskin anonymous [02:11]
mircea_popescu he's just well known to be a fucktard irl too, so what's he got to lose. [02:11]
davout yep, this guy [02:11]
dotcoin i not have need to hide anything [02:11]
davout <<< has the real name on it [02:11]
ozbot - decentralised market place to buy and sell Bitcoin person to person Welcome to th [02:11]
mircea_popescu Director of the Chair [02:11]
mircea_popescu [02:11]
mircea_popescu Chair of Hydrology [02:11]
mircea_popescu Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg [02:11]
* twizt_ (18be329d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:11]
mircea_popescu dude no fucking way somebody that looks too young to have a phd even can be what i assume is a head of a department [02:11]
davout mircea_popescu: otoh, hydrology... [02:12]
* Sahtor has quit (Quit: Sahtor) [02:12]
mircea_popescu anyone emailed that address ? [02:12]
davout "yep, i have correctly identified this glass as containing water" [02:12]
davout what address ? [02:12]
mircea_popescu [02:12]
* xdotcomm_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:13]
mircea_popescu because otherwise freiburg uni is like 600 years old. [02:13]
mircea_popescu not exactly a random diploma mill [02:13]
* xdotcommer (~xdotcomme@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:13]
mircea_popescu moar like germany's nobel prize mill [02:13]
mircea_popescu (heidegger's uni) [02:14]
dotcoin you want email me? [02:14]
davout midnightmagic: aaah, i thought you were still on dr foreskin [02:14]
kakobrekla could be name collision [02:14]
mircea_popescu plus hayek, husserl if memory serves etc [02:14]
davout dotcoin: "you want email me?" <<< that's the wrongest answer you could've come up with [02:14]
dotcoin tell me why [02:14]
kakobrekla davout well, he could give out an @yahoo one. [02:15]
mircea_popescu dotcoin we're not interested in emailing you as the bitcoin bourse fuckwit. we're interested in emailing you as markus whatever, to verify davout's theory that you're not behaving like the average forum scammer. [02:15]
bounce we tell lies/ sweet little lies/ [02:15]
davout dotcoin: because you are being asked if you are in fact head of hydrology at the freiburg university [02:15]
davout mircea_popescu: where did you find this address anyway? the name sounds like a common german one [02:15]
davout probably a homonym [02:16]
mircea_popescu davout intel popped it for me. [02:16]
* xdotcommer has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4848579 BTC [+] [02:16]
davout anyway, my point was that he has actual corporate details on his bourse about page [02:16]
* xdotcommer (~xdotcomme@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:16]
davout mircea_popescu: no, that's not him [02:16]
davout not the same weiler [02:16]
mircea_popescu davout so then for all you know this is NOT an actual name. [02:16]
dotcoin there exist many weiler same as many Francois i guess [02:17]
davout mircea_popescu: i know for a fact that the name is real [02:17]
mircea_popescu davout a you do ? how ? [02:17]
davout and that it matches the details posted [02:17]
pankkake the company is registered [02:17]
davout mircea_popescu: intel [02:17]
mircea_popescu a ok then. [02:17]
davout pankkake: better intel [02:17]
pankkake amd? [02:18]
davout badum_tss.wav [02:18]
* assbot removes voice from dotcoin [02:18]
davout !up dotcoin [02:18]
assbot Voicing dotcoin for 30 minutes. [02:18]
* assbot gives voice to dotcoin [02:18]
kakobrekla round #3 [02:18]
kakobrekla *ding*ding* [02:18]
davout LOL [02:18]
mircea_popescu ima go explore a vagina. don't make a mess of popcorn around here meanwhile! [02:19]
Apocalyptic because otherwise freiburg uni is like 600 years old. // you're sure about this ? [02:19]
davout mircea_popescu: you make it sound like it's a large one XD [02:20]
jurov so dotcoin, you insist the orderbook is completely fine despite everyone else saying it is not? [02:20]
pankkake must be your mom's then [02:21]
jurov okay. so why you can't publish trades? that's completely normal thing all exchanges do [02:21]
bounce established 1457, so 557 years [02:21]
davout pankkake: leave my mom's orderbook alone [02:21]
dotcoin not saying that, but is momently status of order book [02:21]
davout dotcoin: well then, say "thank you for pointing that out, i'll be working on it" [02:21]
dotcoin you are shareholder jurov you have right to send us your feedback [02:22]
jurov dotcoin, in fact i don't want to be anymore. but have no other option [02:23]
mircea_popescu Apocalyptic ya [02:23]
mircea_popescu omg ppls stop dinging me i think it's important ;/ [02:23]
jurov hm, prolly i'll move all shares to pankkake and watch whatever ensues [02:23]
pankkake please no [02:24]
jurov pankkake: what's your bbs account? [02:24]
davout !b 3 [02:24]
assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( [02:24]
jurov so dotcoin, when approximately can we expect public trades feed? [02:25]
pankkake I've been quite happy to sell off all my havecocks at a loss [02:25]
pankkake no need for more things [02:25]
dotcoin @jurov we will see how we do [02:26]
jurov you pull the code off crystal ball or what? [02:27]
pankkake perhaps you should write a bourse broker (sounds painful, I wouldn't want my bourses broken) [02:28]
dotcoin but what exactly you want see, you see already how many shares from company xyz was listed and how much was left on sale! [02:28]
* assbot gives voice to BigBitz [02:29]
jurov dotcoin you ever use any stock exchange? every one of them publishes what trades were done [02:29]
BigBitz DEMTRADES. [02:29]
dotcoin there is all there, if 10k shares was on listing and tomorrow are only 5000 means that 500 are sold, there is no order book need [02:30]
davout dotcoin: making the information public is also not optional [02:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23650 @ 0.00087799 = 20.7645 BTC [-] [02:30]
dotcoin yes i use and i know but i not must copy them as system works like this [02:30]
BigBitz publically listed companies with no publically listed ledgers for buys/sells? :o [02:30]
davout dotcoin: how would you know there were 10k shares yesterday without an order book ? [02:31]
dotcoin but guys you talking about things like cryptostocks do [02:31]
dotcoin the merchant have to know where the shares are gone [02:31]
dotcoin not the public [02:31]
jurov like NYSE. NASDAQ and everyone else! [02:31]
dotcoin you want see where are the shareholders? do you see on your bank the shareholder names of a company? [02:32]
BigBitz Yeah if NASDAQ can run their engine for longer than 2mins :P [02:32]
jurov dotcoin "public has no right to any information" is a scammer attitude [02:32]
davout dotcoin: how can the public have an idea of what the state of the market is without an order book ? [02:32]
dotcoin do you see on Nyse or nasdaq the name of the shareholder? [02:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30867 @ 0.00087727 = 27.0787 BTC [-] {2} [02:32]
BigBitz dotcoin: Yes. [02:32]
BigBitz OF course. [02:32]
dotcoin public have right of course [02:32]
Apocalyptic do you see on Nyse or nasdaq the name of the shareholder? // no [02:32]
dotcoin but privacy exists also [02:32]
Apocalyptic but you see the trades for every single trading day [02:32]
davout dotcoin: you seem to be confused about what an order book is [02:32]
dotcoin we can't show shareholders [02:33]
BigBitz You don't need to show people... [02:33]
dotcoin we can show how many shares are sold yes [02:33]
BigBitz You need to show trades :) [02:33]
dotcoin but this is already there [02:33]
Apocalyptic how many / when / at what price [02:33]
davout dotcoin: you need to show offers to buy and sell, publicly, not who is posting these orders [02:33]
Apocalyptic in a nice table [02:33]
davout dotcoin: <<< this is an order book [02:33]
dotcoin there are offers to buy and sell, of course, the only one not is there are not showing sold shares thats correct [02:34]
davout dotcoin: <<< on the rigth side of this page is also an order book [02:34]
dotcoin yes guys think like taht is under development [02:35]
BigBitz "under development" [02:35]
BigBitz how do you close books/trades/orders if you don't know who buys/sells what? [02:35]
BigBitz You surely have the data at hand. [02:35]
BigBitz You're just not presenting it. [02:35]
BigBitz That shouldn't take a mammoth development task. [02:35]
bounce "Bitcoin Central is loading..." [02:36]
dotcoin many other things in todo list, so i not give them so much priority yet as i don't know this classifieds me as scammer [02:36]
davout bounce: javascript? [02:36]
dotcoin this not needs a month [02:36]
BigBitz You don't think not publishing trade information on a trading platform is a positive? [02:36]
davout dotcoin: this does classifies you as completely unqualified to run a stock exchange, that's all [02:37]
dotcoin thats not correct as i tell you already there is all to see [02:37]
bounce it's on. likely some js lib ruthlessly breaking backward compatability. [02:37]
pankkake actually requires requests to google to work [02:38]
pankkake so much for not using cloudflare! [02:38]
Apocalyptic that's bothersome [02:38]
dotcoin @davout and you are qualified to run a bitcoin exchange? [02:38]
bounce just so you know, this is not twittar. [02:38]
davout pankkake: you serious about the google thing? shame on me [02:38]
dotcoin hosting on 1&1 [02:38]
pankkake I think so, unless it's only for the font [02:38]
dotcoin using cloudfare [02:38]
dotcoin bravo [02:38]
pankkake I have a RequestPolicy authorization at least [02:39]
BigBitz What do you want him to do? use SFTI? :) [02:39]
Apocalyptic hosting on 1&1 // they are on online afaik [02:39]
Apocalyptic and no cloudfare [02:39]
davout pankkake: it's only for the font, nothing remotely comparable to cloudflare [02:39]
Duffer1 !up twizt_ [02:39]
assbot Voicing twizt_ for 30 minutes. [02:39]
* assbot gives voice to twizt_ [02:39]
twizt_ dotcoin: you dont have to reveal customer information [02:39]
twizt_ you can just show the last market trade, by symbol, price quantity [02:40]
davout dotcoin: as a matter of fact i am, i am also certainly not using cloudflare or hosting with 1&1 [02:40]
dotcoin @twizt yes and we don't do [02:40]
pankkake I see a request to recaptcha too, weird [02:40]
dotcoin @davout or ovh [02:40]
twizt_ y not [02:40]
twizt_ cuz for all anyone knows ur hiding true volume [02:40]
twizt_ which is hella illegal [02:41]
davout dotcoin: get a clue before spouting nonsense [02:41]
twizt_ if you are a 'public venue' [02:41]
davout dotcoin: also get an order book [02:41]
twizt_ how are u p2p decentralized with all 'customer doesnt need to know' attitude [02:41]
twizt_ dafuq [02:41]
davout pankkake: because pre-load [02:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54780 @ 0.00087656 = 48.018 BTC [-] {2} [02:41]
dotcoin we hidde nothing thats is do anyone from you go inside the bourse and take a view and read all? than you see there is nothing hidden there is all transparent [02:41]
BigBitz dotcoin what is your reason for not providing volume information/trade information? [02:41]
twizt_ to hide volume lol [02:41]
BigBitz ( other than the obvious ) [02:42]
davout pankkake: if you want to not make the requests you can use teh API :D [02:42]
davout -> [02:42]
dotcoin we provide them so why you talking that when it's not true [02:42]
davout dotcoin: URLs? [02:42]
dotcoin example company 1 list 100k shares [02:42]
* akstunt600 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [02:43]
dotcoin than you see how much shares are on sold left [02:43]
twizt_ what about after [02:43]
twizt_ what about secondary trading information [02:43]
twizt_ after primary quantities are sold off [02:43]
dotcoin if you see only 80k tomorrow on sale means 20k are sold you need a calculator for that [02:43]
BigBitz Christ... [02:44]
davout dotcoin: seriously, shut up and get cracking [02:44]
BigBitz !down dotcoin [02:44]
* assbot removes voice from dotcoin [02:44]
davout !down dotcoin [02:44]
* assbot removes voice from dotcoin [02:44]
twizt_ so after all ipo shares sold, the secondary trading goes dark? lol [02:44]
davout LOL [02:44]
BigBitz :) [02:44]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:44]
BigBitz ;;gpg info dotcoin [02:44]
gribble No such user registered. [02:44]
twizt_ poorly designed exchange [02:45]
BigBitz and people wonder why Bitcoin gets a bad name. [02:45]
davout poor guy is probably still talking in the chan [02:45]
BigBitz Probably... [02:45]
* LorenzoMoney has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium [02:45]
Duffer1 lmao [02:45]
BigBitz this is best way 2 run things [02:46]
* LorenzoMoney (~LorenzoMo@unaffiliated/lorenzomoney) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:46]
* LorenzoMoney1 (~LorenzoMo@unaffiliated/lorenzomoney) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:46]
BigBitz buy 100k sell 80k means 20k left [02:46]
BigBitz dumb dumbs [02:46]
BigBitz ETC. [02:46]
davout dotcoin: we can not see what you type, go do your homework and come back when it's ready, if ever [02:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3341 @ 0.00087636 = 2.9279 BTC [-] [02:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03120572 = 0.156 BTC [-] {3} [02:46]
BigBitz davout perhaps he is making iceberg/dark pools his important developmental opportunity. [02:47]
BigBitz trading volume isn't important, right? [02:47]
* LorenzoMoney1 has quit (Client Quit) [02:47]
davout i'd be very interested in an explanation about why it is that bitcoin attracts two radically opposite demographics [02:48]
davout smart people [02:48]
davout and the terminally retarded [02:48]
BigBitz Sadly I don't think I am either of those. [02:48]
davout there doesn't seem to be a lot of the average [02:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03115904 = 0.1558 BTC [-] [02:48]
* dotcoin has quit (Quit: Page closed) [02:49]
BigBitz wooooo! [02:49]
pankkake bitcoin has this image of free money [02:49]
pankkake you can make them with your computar [02:49]
davout which it is [02:50]
davout but somehow i feel like a lot of people come to it with the wrong idea o "fair money" [02:50]
davout "fair" in the sense of "democratic" or "equal" [02:50]
pankkake well, they realize it doesn't grow on trees and are upset [02:50]
davout there's this too [02:51]
jurov actually many smart people are repelled first.. especially these that expect thing working properly according to rules [02:51]
jurov *things [02:51]
davout i think that's more the retarded that act as a repellent to the smart [02:52]
pankkake yeah, I stayed away from bitcoin because it seemed full of teenagers [02:52]
pankkake that had no idea what they were doing [02:53]
pankkake I guess I shouldn't have [02:53]
davout radium, discovered by highschoolers indeed [02:54]
bounce [02:54]
benkay ;;ticker [02:54]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 456.17, Best ask: 457.9, Bid-ask spread: 1.73000, Last trade: 457.0, 24 hour volume: 4100.46574537, 24 hour low: 449.79, 24 hour high: 459.24, 24 hour vwap: 453.886482405 [02:54]
pankkake the success stories, i.e. bitcoin prices, or asicminer in the past, made people want to throw money at it [02:54]
benkay ;;calc 0.004 * 456 [02:54]
gribble 1.824 [02:54]
davout bounce: the info in there is accurate [02:55]
* wolverineks has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [02:55]
bounce says you, why? [02:56]
benkay [02:56]
benkay not bad pricing on these [02:56]
davout bounce: because i know [02:56]
davout benkay: going there tomorrow, you jelly? -> [02:56]
bounce you suck at the coughing man in a raincoat act [02:56]
BigBitz BitVPS best VPS, benkay! [02:56]
davout bounce: that's because i'm more like the cop that's looking up his cop DB [02:57]
jurov BigBitz: they pay you for it? [02:57]
pankkake benkay: so who are they? many *fiat* vps do not live for long. I've experienced one disappearing for example [02:57]
bounce so you did whois and got the same info [02:57]
BigBitz jurov nobody pays me anything. [02:57]
pankkake it was real cheap, though :D [02:57]
benkay BigBitz: rly? [02:58]
davout bounce: look, if I did that i would say "i did a whois", it just so happens that i have more information, and of much better quality than you do, what's so complicated about that ? [02:58]
pankkake is a pretty good source of info on vps hosts [02:59]
jurov BigBitz: did bitvps regain any referral? i don't see any [02:59]
benkay pankkake: some nobody [02:59]
BigBitz davout you're a cop? :o [02:59]
bounce says you. to me that's all claims and refusals to back'em up [02:59]
davout BigBitz: hehe in some ways i'd say [02:59]
pankkake well, usually you just check they have been in business for a while and not high schoolers [03:00]
davout bounce: i seriously don't give the slightest shit about you believing me or not [03:00]
BigBitz That escalated quickly. [03:00]
pankkake I see they were active in 2012 at least [03:01]
jurov pankkake: talking about bitvps? [03:01]
pankkake no, bitronic [03:01]
benkay davout: wish i were there [03:02]
davout benkay: i'll send you the CD :D [03:02]
benkay such a gentleman [03:02]
jurov I worked with ordering materials and grading terrain for masonry/construction. [03:03]
jurov :) [03:03]
BigBitz Ah. [03:03]
BigBitz You're not a cop. [03:03]
BigBitz You're the bitcoin-central guy. [03:03]
BigBitz :) [03:03]
jurov he can still be undercover [03:04]
BigBitz I would be surprised. [03:04]
BigBitz You know how the French are. [03:04]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:04]
jurov hmm..i do not? [03:04]
BigBitz nor do I but it seemed like something to say :/ [03:04]
BigBitz work shy, etc. [03:04]
bounce who's french now? [03:04]
davout BigBitz: yes, that would be me :) [03:04]
BigBitz davout, I guess. [03:05]
BigBitz :) [03:05]
* assbot gives voice to mike_c [03:05]
bounce [03:05]
jurov [03:05]
BigBitz [03:06]
BigBitz [03:06]
davout [03:06]
* [\] is now known as imsaguy [03:06]
* assbot gives voice to imsaguy [03:06]
* imsaguy is now known as [\] [03:06]
[\] mircea_popescu, I'm a scammer? [03:06]
BigBitz I doubt that. [03:07]
jurov don't zing him, he's fucking [03:07]
davout kakobrekla: [\] is fucking with the log :D [03:07]
kakobrekla not this time! [03:07]
davout "[]: mircea_popescu, I'm a scammer?" [03:07]
davout kakobrekla: the backslashes, what have you done [03:08]
jurov orly?

BigBitz \\\\ [03:08]
davout brb, XSS'ing teh log [03:08]
jurov orly? \r \\n [03:08]
kakobrekla doo et! [03:08]
pankkake [03:08]
* davout is now known as \\\\\\ [03:08]
\\\\\\ yo [03:09]
bounce add moar \u2603 [03:09]
* [\] is now known as [\\\\\\\] [03:09]
[\\\\\\\] I got you [03:09]
BigBitz Nooooooo. [03:09]
BigBitz too many slashes. [03:09]
[\\\\\\\] you're right [03:09]
* [\\\\\\\] is now known as pirateat40 [03:09]
* Curious_George ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:09]
BigBitz uhohs. [03:09]
* assbot removes voice from twizt_ [03:10]
* jurov is now known as [03:10]

hm [03:10]
* \\\\\\ is now known as davout [03:10]
is now known as Guest65146
* Guest65146 is now known as jurov [03:10]
BigBitz such compliacte. [03:11]
kakobrekla fuck you all im gonna set it to +m if you keep acting like this. [03:11]
davout haha, u mad [03:11]
BigBitz poor kakobrekla :( [03:11]
BigBitz UMADBRO? [03:11]
jurov kakobrekla: better make assbot kick any nick it can't parse [03:11]
davout the funny part is that this convo will look completely retarded when read in the logs [03:11]
davout assbot set mode +b on assbot [03:12]
BigBitz Just +b *!*@* [03:12]
BigBitz SHUT. [03:12]
BigBitz IT. [03:12]
BigBitz DOWN. [03:12]
bounce @ negates +b though [03:12]
BigBitz such circual [03:12]
davout s/1988/1998/ [03:12]
* pirateat40 is now known as [\] [03:13]
[\] kakobrekla, it *is* +m [03:13]
kakobrekla i know, that was the joke. [03:13]
[\] well fuck you, it wasn't funny [03:14]
davout i thought it was :D [03:14]
[\] I just saw the random highlight and I couldn't tell if mircea_popescu was calling me a scammer or if he knows me and scammers [03:14]
BigBitz any more of this and it's -m and we invite dotcoin back. [03:14]
[\] hot damn [03:15]
[\] ! [03:15]
davout BigBitz: he's not that bad-behaved, just thick [03:15]
BigBitz isn't that worse? [03:15]
bounce you'll have to round up some substitute scammers from -otc instead; he's off-line [03:15]
[\] BigBitz, they invented this neat little thing [03:15]
[\] its called /ignore [03:15]
[\] so awesome [03:15]
BigBitz for? [03:15]
[\] /ignore * #bitcoin-assets [03:15]
BigBitz Ohhh. [03:15]
davout BigBitz: maybe i'm completely stupid but there's a part in me that says there's a (very smallà probability that he might be saved [03:15]
pankkake a think and a thief [03:15]
BigBitz there is also... you may not know this one... [03:15]
pankkake thick [03:16]
BigBitz but there is also /part [03:16]
[\] BigBitz: /hop is fun [03:16]
BigBitz hehe [03:16]
bounce so is /so [03:16]
[\] do while 1>0 /hop [03:16]
davout such irc pros [03:16]
BigBitz such hops. [03:16]
Apocalyptic ^ [03:16]
* davout looks up /hop [03:16]
bounce hip hop or dance dance dance revolution? [03:16]
[\] davout: /hop = /part + /join [03:17]
[\] DDR [03:17]
kakobrekla only fag clients have hop [03:17]
davout [\]: yea, saw that [03:17]
[\] kakobrekla, you're mom's a fag [03:17]
[\] fuck [03:17]
kakobrekla your mom is my mom [03:17]
[\] your* [03:17]
davout such owned [03:17]
[\] still fag [03:17]
BigBitz It's half-op someplaces, depends :) [03:17]
kakobrekla same [03:17]
BigBitz IT's basically /cycle [03:17]
[\] some networks use halfop [03:17]
[\] they're good for banning [03:18]
[\] that's about it [03:18]
BigBitz Yup. [03:18]
davout kakobrekla: wtf are you still doing here, don't you have a log to fix? [03:18]
bounce go big or go home [03:18]
[\] bounce, no wonder your mom's so fat [03:18]
davout that's what she said ? [03:18]
kakobrekla davout notrly, [\] needs to fix his nick [03:18]
[\] kakobrekla, I already did [03:18]
bounce phail [03:18]
[\] its interesting how many people have issues with it [03:19]
davout ok, i'm off [03:19]
bounce so what is the rationale for the log to parse escape sequences? [03:19]
* davout has quit (Quit: kthxbye) [03:19]
[\] bounce, because what if we do something stupid like /nick somethingounce [03:19]
* wolverineks ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:20]
* BigBitz /nick [\]ounce [03:20]
benkay !up wolverineks [03:20]
assbot Voicing wolverineks for 30 minutes. [03:20]
* assbot gives voice to wolverineks [03:20]
* jurov is now known as x0 [03:21]
x0 test [03:21]
* x0 is now known as \0 [03:22]
\0 test [03:22]
\0 ick billg [03:22]
* \0 is now known as billg [03:22]
billg ok sry [03:22]
kakobrekla \0 [03:23]
kakobrekla see [03:23]
billg it works only in nick [03:23]
billg not in the msg [03:23]
kakobrekla or not work. [03:24]
billg it did ate the first though [03:25]
bounce apparently opera doesn't deal too well with actual nulls in table fields [03:25]
[\] :BigBitz /nick [\]ounce [03:25]
[\] the log fails on actions [03:25]
billg o it did emit NULs? [03:25]
bounce yeah. don't trust your browser to show them, though. [03:26]
billg lol yes, firefox threw them out of the DOM but they are there [03:27]
* billg is now known as 60script62aler [03:30]
60script62aler cant resist [03:30]
bounce do a /nick u2603 ? [03:30]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:30]
* 60script62aler is now known as jurov [03:30]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:30]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [03:30]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [03:30]
* jurov is now known as u2603 [03:31]
u2603 hm? [03:31]
* u2603 is now known as jurov [03:31]
jurov looks it's fixed [03:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.041 = 0.615 BTC [-] [03:31]
kakobrekla yes you little bitches. [03:32]
bounce too late :((( [03:32]
bounce took long enough, though [03:32]
[\] lol [03:32]
[\] !up [\] [03:32]
assbot Really, [\]? [03:32]
BigBitz lol [03:32]
[\] yes, asshole [03:32]
BigBitz pwnt. [03:32]
jurov 1up \ľščťžýáíéôň [03:32]
[\] !up kakobrekla [03:33]
assbot Voicing kakobrekla without time-limit. [03:33]
* assbot gives voice to kakobrekla [03:33]
jurov !up \ľščťžýáíéôň [03:33]
assbot Voicing \ľščťžýáíéôň for 30 minutes. [03:33]
BigBitz hahah [03:33]
jurov muhahahahahahah [03:33]
[\] here comes the bans [03:33]
[\] !up 转换菠萝 [03:33]
assbot Voicing 转换菠萝 for 30 minutes. [03:33]
bounce log really should be using <> instead of : since copy/pasting looks wrong now [03:34]
[\] !up should check for if the nick is really in channel [03:34]
assbot Voicing should for 30 minutes. [03:34]
[\] lol [03:34]
kakobrekla nah [03:34]
jurov !down \ľščťžýáíéôň [03:34]
[\] !up shit [03:35]
assbot Voicing shit for 30 minutes. [03:35]
jurov !t m \ľščťžýáíéôň [03:35]
assbot I haven't understood a single word you've said since I met you, not one single word. [03:35]
jurov !t \ľščťžýáíéôň [03:35]
assbot Um, shouldn't you be with your own tribe or somethin'? [03:35]
[\] !up fuckers [03:35]
assbot Voicing fuckers for 30 minutes. [03:35]
kakobrekla are you guies like 12 or smth? [03:35]
[\] I'm 11, what is this? [03:35]
kakobrekla you need to be 12 to be here [03:36]
[\] good thing its my birthday tomorrow! [03:36]
* akstunt600 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [03:36]
kakobrekla we need your dox nao [03:36]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:36]
[\] !up [03:36]
assbot Voicing for 30 minutes. [03:36]
bounce can't ask minors for dox [03:37]
kakobrekla is ok if a minor asks [03:37]
bounce so youse 12 too then [03:37]
kakobrekla 12.5 [03:38]
jurov !up fooooobar [03:38]
assbot Voicing fooooobar for 30 minutes. [03:38]
* fooooobar (54f5471f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:38]
pankkake what is this magic [03:38]
pankkake !up yourbutt [03:38]
assbot Voicing yourbutt for 30 minutes. [03:38]
jurov Cannot send to channel: #bitcoin-assets [03:38]
* fooooobar (54f5471f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-assets [03:39]
[\] you joined after the voice [03:39]
[\] so you didn't actually have voice [03:39]
[\] and now we has your ip! [03:39]
* fooooobar (54f5471f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:39]
jurov !up fooooobar [03:39]
assbot Voicing fooooobar for 30 minutes. [03:39]
* assbot gives voice to fooooobar [03:39]
[\] there you go [03:39]
* fooooobar (54f5471f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-assets [03:39]
[\] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its gone [03:40]
jurov sry to disappoint you [03:42]
benkay here's one ripe for yelling: [03:44]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:49]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:49]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [03:49]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [03:49]
* kakobrekla took away the toys from the kids. [03:49]
* toddf has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:49]
bounce huh, more yes than no. [03:49]
* assbot removes voice from wolverineks [03:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15000 @ 0.00087641 = 13.1462 BTC [+] [03:58]
* toddf (~todd@2001:470:817c:10:207:e9ff:fe10:a36c) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:58]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:17]
* aidenitateradene has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:17]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [04:17]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [04:17]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:19]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:19]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [04:19]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [04:19]
* assbot gives voice to kakobrekla [04:21]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:22]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:22]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [04:22]
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* twizt_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [04:26]
* wolverineks has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [04:35]
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* MobGod (~mobgod@unaffiliated/mobgod) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:42]
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* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:48]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [04:48]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [04:48]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:49]
* xdotcommer (~xdotcomme@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:49]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:49]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [04:49]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [04:49]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:50]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:51]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [04:51]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [04:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26994 @ 0.0008762 = 23.6521 BTC [-] {3} [04:53]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:56]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:56]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [04:56]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [04:57]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:57]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:57]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [04:57]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [04:57]
* xdotcomm_ (~xdotcomme@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:58]
* xdotcommer has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:00]
benkay !up xdotcomm_ [05:00]
* assbot gives voice to xdotcomm_ [05:00]
xdotcomm_ benkay: hey [05:00]
benkay yo [05:00]
xdotcomm_ how is portland life [05:00]
xdotcomm_ i wish i could move there [05:01]
xdotcomm_ my current locale is stressing me [05:01]
benkay why is that? [05:01]
* ChanServ removes voice from Duffer1 PsychoticBoy khersonus dub [05:01]
* ChanServ removes voice from ozbot xdotcomm_ [05:01]
kakobrekla dafuq [05:01]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:03]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:03]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [05:03]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [05:03]
kakobrekla !up xdotcomm_ [05:03]
* assbot gives voice to xdotcomm_ [05:03]
kakobrekla whatevers [05:03]
xdotcomm_ ok so now i am voiced [05:03]
kakobrekla anyway ozbot is down i made a better(?) url title parser [05:03]
* BingoBoingo has quit (Quit: Leaving) [05:04]
benkay !down xdotcomm_ [05:04]
* assbot removes voice from xdotcomm_ [05:04]
kakobrekla here's one ripe for yelling: [05:04]
assbot BitBet - Facebook Myspace'd :: 5.03 B (61%) on Yes, 3.16 B (39%) on No | closing in 8 months 2 weeks | weight: 78`618 (100`000 to 1) [05:04]
benkay !up xdotcomm_ [05:04]
* assbot gives voice to xdotcomm_ [05:04]
kakobrekla this failed before. [05:04]
xdotcomm_ whats happpening [05:04]
benkay neat kakobrekla [05:04]
kakobrekla yee [05:04]
* twizt (18bc4613@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:05]
* Evolyn has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:05]
* xdotcomm_ has quit () [05:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 16 @ 0.00659998 = 0.1056 BTC [+] {3} [05:22]
pactr Panadol_____ pankkake parseval_ paxtoncamaro91 Perlboy phf phish pigeons pizzaman1337 PsychoticBoy Pucilowski punkman [05:24]
mircea_popescu [\] i wasn't calling you a scammer, but i guess you ended up in dubious company [05:24]
mircea_popescu dotcoin: there is all there, if 10k shares was on listing and tomorrow are only 5000 means that 500 are sold, there is no order book need << epic [05:25]
mircea_popescu i will save this for jurov if he ever has complaints. [05:25]
* mjr_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [05:30]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [05:32]
mircea_popescu pankkake: actually requires requests to google to work << what da sheit [05:34]
mircea_popescu davout: i'd be very interested in an explanation about why it is that bitcoin attracts two radically opposite demographics << because the smart and the terminally retarded are the only groups that don't know how smart they actually are. [05:36]
artifexd [05:36]
artifexd No ozbot? is "Things that correlate". A bunch of graphs of completely unrelated things that appear to be related when graphed on top of each other. [05:37]
mircea_popescu ? srsly ? [05:37]
mircea_popescu artifexd this is where twitter politicos/influencers/journos/other derps get their fascinating groundbreaking articles ? [05:38]
artifexd Could be. Just goes to prove that we can reduce oil imports by banning chickens. [05:39]
artifexd ^ [05:39]
kakobrekla assbot should pick that up [05:41]
kakobrekla dunno, perhaps it timeouts [05:41]
kakobrekla [05:42]
assbot #bitcoin-assets | You cannot stop the clouds by the building of a ship. [05:42]
kakobrekla werks [05:42]
artifexd [05:42]
benkay .bait [05:42]
* artifexd shrugs [05:42]
benkay [05:45]
assbot Right in the middle of a major push to production. Awesome. | Hacker News [05:45]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:45]
benkay oh you have a dependency on a software as a service during your production push? gj [05:45]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:45]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [05:45]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [05:46]
kakobrekla [05:46]
kakobrekla dunno. [05:46]
benkay // o lol [05:46]
assbot It's too bad git requires a central server. | Hacker News [05:46]
mircea_popescu in other news, check out the abundance of this guy's trademarking efforts : [05:47]
mircea_popescu [05:47]
assbot Weiler, Deal du Jour SARL, 45 allee des Ormes, - European Trademarks Correspondent [05:47]
mircea_popescu "The Bitcoin Bank" [05:48]
mircea_popescu "Croisswich - le Croissant Sandwich" [05:48]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:48]
* assbot (~assbot@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:48]
* assbot has quit (Changing host) [05:48]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:48]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [05:48]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [05:48]
kakobrekla [05:48]
assbot Things that correlate [05:48]
artifexd o/ [05:49]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:49]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:49]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [05:49]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [05:49]
kakobrekla twas a redirect. [05:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25633 @ 0.00087852 = 22.5191 BTC [+] {2} [05:50]
mircea_popescu ahaha this gets even better. davout pankkake Apocalyptic : [05:51]
mircea_popescu [05:51]
mircea_popescu Le 11 août 2010 la S.A.R.L. FRANCOTEL a déposé à l'Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle [05:52]
mircea_popescu 2 une demande d'enregistrement n° 10/3759889 de la marque verbale pour les classes 36 et 38. Le 17 novembre suivant la société états-unienne GOOGLE INC., titulaire de la marque verbale antérieure déposée le 14 décembre 2006 sous le n° 06 3 469 535 pour les classes 16, 35 et 42, a formé opposition. [05:52]
mircea_popescu guy asks for 25k euro damages in ordinary and further 5k for abus de droit (:D) and also that google loses the adwords mark for class 35 in france. [05:54]
mircea_popescu La Cour, statuant en dernier ressort et par arrêt contradictoire. [...] Condamne en outre la S.A.R.L. FRANCOTEL à payer à la société GOOGLE INC. une indemnité de [05:56]
mircea_popescu 5 000,00 euros au titre de l'article 700 du Code de Procédure Civile. [05:56]
mircea_popescu that worked well. [05:56]
mircea_popescu so listen dotcoin, did you ever pay that 10k or do you still owe google ? [05:58]
mircea_popescu wait, there's moar : [06:00]
mircea_popescu A-D-W-O-R-D-S | Association de Défense Webmasters contre les Oligopoles Rigoureux Détruisant les petites Sociétés Owner: weiler markus Registrant Street: 9 rue emmanuel philibert [06:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00088258 = 21.0937 BTC [+] {3} [06:04]
mircea_popescu davout: BigBitz: maybe i'm completely stupid but there's a part in me that says there's a (very smallà probability that he might be saved << he seems just somewhat retarded in his approach to things, not really a scammer per se. [06:05]
mircea_popescu herpy derp, he's going to sue google and make a domain to protest "Les Oligopoles Rigoureux" [06:06]
mircea_popescu could be a fucken band name [06:06]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla check that sheit out. [06:07]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [06:07]
kakobrekla [06:07]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [06:07]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla i still see holes there [06:10]
mircea_popescu but perhaps it's teh oprah [06:10]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [06:10]
kakobrekla what is the matter my dear? [06:10]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:10]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [06:10]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [06:10]
mircea_popescu line appears where the nick should be, no nick. [06:13]
kakobrekla that is before #670670 [06:14]
mircea_popescu still atm. [06:14]
kakobrekla yes. [06:15]
mircea_popescu anyway, minor point. [06:16]
kakobrekla [06:17]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [06:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 21 @ 0.00667286 = 0.1401 BTC [+] {3} [06:23]
* zoinky has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [06:26]
* BingoBoingo (~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:31]
* Anon29486307 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:34]
* assbot gives voice to BingoBoingo [06:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 387 @ 0.00120654 = 0.4669 BTC [+] {6} [06:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5943 @ 0.00088313 = 5.2484 BTC [+] [06:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48485779 BTC [-] [06:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] [06:48]
* grahvity ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:00]
* mike_c has quit () [07:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00088423 = 7.0738 BTC [+] [07:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4912 @ 0.00088295 = 4.3371 BTC [-] {2} [07:09]
* wolverineks ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22950 @ 0.00087562 = 20.0955 BTC [-] {2} [07:10]
mircea_popescu !up grahvity [07:11]
-assbot- You voiced grahvity for 30 minutes. [07:11]
* assbot gives voice to grahvity [07:11]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla the assbot msging is better nao [07:20]
kakobrekla mhm [07:20]
* zoinky (~Adium@unaffiliated/zoinky) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:26]
* zoinky has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:28]
* zoinky (~Adium@unaffiliated/zoinky) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:28]
* zoinky has quit (Client Quit) [07:29]
asciilifeform 'abus de droit' ?= brit. 'barratry' ? [07:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29000 @ 0.00087528 = 25.3831 BTC [-] [07:31]
* danielpbarron has quit (Quit: [07:40]
* coingenuity has quit (Excess Flood) [07:40]
* coingenuity (~coingenui@unaffiliated/coingenuity) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:40]
* assbot removes voice from grahvity [07:41]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform not really. [07:41]
mircea_popescu barratry affixes to the actor, abus de droit to the deed. [07:41]
asciilifeform interesting [07:42]
mircea_popescu it's an old device left from the legal thinking of the hre [07:42]
mircea_popescu which had the religious notion that law can work no ill [07:42]
mircea_popescu (it being divine imanence) [07:42]
asciilifeform we ought to dig up the HREs and send them the bill for... usa [07:43]
mircea_popescu sending bills is only productive if you send them to the solvent. [07:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35900 @ 0.00087755 = 31.504 BTC [+] [07:44]
asciilifeform lol [07:44]
* twizt has quit (Quit: Page closed) [07:45]
asciilifeform davout: people come to it with the wrong idea o "fair money" << see my original review of MPEx, for instance [07:45]
mircea_popescu nighty. [07:47]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [14:24]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [14:24]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [14:24]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. [14:24]
mircea_popescu ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:ceadbadf992d5cf91e11daa9b6b9f987abf346bac843ab9e4dc3869a [14:25]
* #bitcoin-assets :Cannot send to channel [14:25]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [14:25]
mircea_popescu !jd mpif [14:26]
assbot Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.44521602 BTC; +0.33195475 BTC (+0.2023%) since last check 18h 7m 4s ago. [14:26]
mircea_popescu benkay: neat kakobrekla sweet easter egg << lol we'll need a cheats site [14:29]
mircea_popescu check it out dub : you're a thing now.,1038.0.html [14:30]
assbot Coinmart April 27th Update [14:30]
* ericmuyser ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14137 @ 0.00087755 = 12.4059 BTC [+] [14:32]
mircea_popescu << gotta love that krugman [14:33]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:33]
* assbot gives voice to Duffer1 [14:35]
* ericmuyser has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [14:36]
mircea_popescu bitcoinpete: < [14:40]
assbot Bitcoin ETF Means Winklevii Likely Dumped their $64 Million in BTC - Global Financial Community [14:40]
mircea_popescu Vexual: my memory occasionaly acts like half a goldfish << one of the better liens [14:42]
mircea_popescu punkman there ? [14:42]
bounce why do those two smell so much of pathetic? [14:48]
punkman mircea_popescu: aye, just sat down with my tea [14:50]
mircea_popescu cool [14:50]
mircea_popescu also, i need somebody with decent computer skillz but no programming to do some data entry type work for me, anyone eager ? [14:51]
* bounce is totally overqualified [14:53]
mircea_popescu yeah srsly. [14:53]
mircea_popescu ;;seen moiety [14:53]
gribble moiety was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 9 hours, 50 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: i'll be more to renew than i was in the first place [14:53]
mircea_popescu jurov who do you use for shit like that ? recommend someone to me ? [14:54]
bounce what sort of data entry, btw? [14:54]
mircea_popescu the tedious boring sort, with a hint of talking to people. [14:55]
* assbot gives voice to davout [14:56]
mircea_popescu aok [14:57]
mircea_popescu we definitely don't have enough famished girlies in here. [14:58]
bounce you're supposed to teach them programming too these days [14:59]
mircea_popescu what, everyone has to program nao ? [15:01]
bounce ayup [15:01]
mircea_popescu and the cock is going to suck itself ? [15:05]
jurov there are robotized fleshlights nao [15:06]
* HeySteve ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:06]
* HeySteve has quit (Changing host) [15:06]
* HeySteve (HeySteve@unaffiliated/heysteve) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:06]
mircea_popescu ;;seen cedivad [15:07]
gribble cedivad was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: i actually have one, but i never really wrote about hashfast, or any other of my web-related experiences (i manage some really huge websites)... [15:07]
mircea_popescu ;;later tell cedivad i need to steal some datas from you, pls to drop by. [15:07]
gribble The operation succeeded. [15:07]
jurov my search for that fleshlight ended here :DDD [15:10]
davout [15:12]
assbot Twitter / davoutplantaire: How to remotely rape NFC credit ... [15:12]
davout i didn't think it was *that* bad [15:13]
davout in short, you can remotely read everything on a NFC-enabled CC [15:13]
davout ordered the relevant dongle for fun and profit [15:13]
mircea_popescu yes, this has not been news for > 5 years now [15:14]
* virtuals has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [15:14]
davout learn stuff everyday they say! [15:15]
davout mircea_popescu: have a source for initial disclosure? [15:16]
mircea_popescu hm [15:19]
mircea_popescu ? [15:19]
assbot Stealing credit card details via NFC is easy/pointless • The Register [15:19]
* davout_ (~davout@unaffiliated/davout) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:19]
mircea_popescu not readily. [15:19]
* davout has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:20]
* assbot gives voice to davout_ [15:20]
davout_ i find stuff about mobile devices, but nothing in that range about the fact that the data simply lies unencrypted on the card with its legs wide open [15:21]
* davout_ is now known as davout [15:21]
mircea_popescu was that guy skora or w/e with the android app a coupla years ago... [15:22]
mircea_popescu it's rife with it, i don't think i have the original source nor reallyt that one exists. shit's tyoo braindamaged, too many people figured it out [15:23]
* BayAreaCoins (4b31fefa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:23]
davout yeah, that stuff is circa 2012, pretty much the same time range than that other guy's disclosure [15:24]
davout but i can totally imagine that it has been discovered much earlier [15:24]
mircea_popescu !up BayAreaCoins [15:25]
-assbot- You voiced BayAreaCoins for 30 minutes. [15:25]
* assbot gives voice to BayAreaCoins [15:25]
mircea_popescu ello. [15:25]
BayAreaCoins Thanks [15:25]
mircea_popescu davout yeah there's a reason nfc is sort-of dead if yet unburied. [15:25]
mircea_popescu << check this shit out [15:25]
assbot 1Bse | The First Bitcoin Stock Exchange | BitCoin, LiteCoin, DogeCoin Hong Kong Exchange [15:25]
davout i can't wait to have it all setup and have a casual PAN-harvest stroll in the crowded parisian subway [15:26]
bounce what's the latest in nfc dongles then? [15:26]
davout "We are increase loading speed soon" <<< nice [15:27]
mircea_popescu bounce i don't even know. i don't actually know anyone that uses payments off a smartphone. [15:27]
davout bounce: i ordered a SCL3711, the range is probably extremely shitty [15:27]
mircea_popescu davout just go on the metro. [15:27]
davout mircea_popescu: ^ "i can't wait to have it all setup and have a casual PAN-harvest stroll in the crowded parisian subway" [15:28]
bounce usb stick thing then. [15:28]
* mircea_popescu gotta lrn2read [15:28]
davout bounce: yup [15:28]
Apocalyptic davout yeah there's a reason nfc is sort-of dead if yet unburied. // I heard now you can't order a Mastercard or Visa card without NFC these days [15:28]
Apocalyptic in Slovakia [15:28]
davout Apocalyptic: they all have it by default now in france too [15:29]
mircea_popescu jesus [15:29]
* bounce did acquire reader kit a while back, not much in the way of tags to fsck around with though [15:29]
Apocalyptic davout, it's worse than that [15:29]
davout you can't opt out right [15:29]
Apocalyptic when I filled the form, I specifically told them I do NOT want NFC [15:29]
mircea_popescu so can you just punch out the chip or what ? [15:29]
Apocalyptic well, they did it anyway, and told me you can't get it without anyway [15:29]
mircea_popescu good reason not to use cards at all. [15:29]
davout mircea_popescu: if the NFC chip is embedded in the card chip you're fucked, that's prolly not the case tho [15:29]
bounce these things have been stuck into passports and id cards (that you're required to carry in a number of countries) too [15:30]
mircea_popescu davout they no longer have the magnetic stripe ?! [15:30]
mircea_popescu bounce romania lets you get a chipless passport. [15:30]
davout mircea_popescu: french cards have them but they are seldom used [15:30]
bounce really should make a nice app to scan and read whichever tags it can see [15:30]
mircea_popescu because we're so cool. [15:30]
mircea_popescu davout well so just use the stripe. [15:30]
bounce IIRC switzerland too. too many countries don't, though. [15:30]
davout bounce: the passport is secured in a different way, it needs some sort of joint optical + NFC read to work [15:31]
mircea_popescu davout you can actually syphon a lot of data off the new us passports w/o any contact [15:31]
davout mircea_popescu: nah, you can't "just use the stripe" here [15:31]
bounce the key's from a rather small keyspace I'm told. ie, reasonably crackable. [15:31]
davout mebbe [15:31]
Apocalyptic IIRC switzerland too. // indeed [15:31]
* BayAreaCoins_ (4b31fefa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:32]
mircea_popescu lol this guy [15:32]
mircea_popescu !up BayAreaCoins [15:32]
-assbot- You voiced BayAreaCoins for another 30 minutes. [15:32]
* assbot gives voice to BayAreaCoins [15:32]
* BayAreaCoins has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:32]
Apocalyptic mircea, where do you know him from ? [15:32]
mircea_popescu !up BayAreaCoins_ [15:32]
-assbot- You voiced BayAreaCoins_ for 30 minutes. [15:32]
* assbot gives voice to BayAreaCoins_ [15:32]
Apocalyptic I've seen him often in the JD chat [15:32]
mircea_popescu you got that spiffy salt-water-on-rope internet where you live BayAreaCoins_ ? [15:32]
* ericmuyser ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:32]
BayAreaCoins_ mircea_popescu In SF right now, but I have a house or two in Arkansas too. [15:33]
BayAreaCoins_ Well SF for almost a year now... fuck [15:33]
davout how to disable the NFC chip properly -> [15:33]
assbot Comment désactiver le NFC sur sa carte bancaire « Korben [15:33]
BayAreaCoins_ Google chrome took a shit on me. Just kinda nosing through y'alls chat and your books. [15:34]
mircea_popescu BayAreaCoins_ few that join ever leave. [15:35]
pankkake davout: nice. maybe I won't have to wrap my wallet in tinfoil after all [15:36]
* lulalilole (d4116c7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:36]
* ericmuyser has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [15:37]
* fanquake (~anonymous@unaffiliated/fanquake) has left #bitcoin-assets [15:38]
davout pankkake: that'll leave you some to wrap your head in :D [15:42]
davout my card is old but i'm definitely doing it for the new one [15:42]
mircea_popescu hahaha [15:44]
BayAreaCoins_ mircea_popescu So what do you guys focus on in earning most your bitcoins in here? Just a little of everything and anything? [15:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.47000001 = 4.23 BTC [-] {2} [15:48]
jurov BayAreaCoins_: i don't think i'm focused squarely in earning most bitcoins [15:51]
BayAreaCoins_ jurov a fiat type of guy or trying to square away a corner of a market? [15:52]
jurov what's "fiat type of guy" ? [15:52]
BayAreaCoins_ Um... you know. You got some guys who have a bank safety deposit box full of Gold, Silver, Cash or dust :P [15:53]
BayAreaCoins_ Now bitcoin [15:53]
BayAreaCoins_ *obviously lying I blow all my bitcoins gambling ;)* [15:54]
jurov lol.. actually i cannot hoard. money itches to be put into someone else [15:54]
fluffypony which is why jurov is such a big supporter of buttcoin [15:55]
davout if your safety deposit box is full of gold you don't really qualify as a "fiat guy" in my view :D [15:55]
fluffypony because it's something being put into something else [15:55]
* fluffypony winks [15:55]
davout jurov: s/money/my dick/ [15:55]
jurov well, that fits too [15:56]
BayAreaCoins_ davout right... so you would be a gold guy if it was full of gold. *Captain Obvious* [15:56]
BayAreaCoins_ :P [15:56]
davout jurov: i'll drop this line of jokes right here [15:57]
jurov biggest fiat guys would be drug lords with dungeons full of cash [15:57]
jurov in customized-for-hsbc boxes [15:58]
davout jurov: /w direct pneumatic pipe link [15:58]
BayAreaCoins_ So you guys don't like fiat? [15:58]
davout !b 1 [15:59]
assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) [15:59]
* ColdHardMetal has quit (Quit: ASCII a stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!) [15:59]
fluffypony lol [16:00]
jurov i do like. but bitcoin is so very cooler [16:00]
jurov and more dangerous :) [16:01]
fluffypony yeah [16:01]
fluffypony Bitcoin is even being investigated as a terrorist threat [16:02]
* non2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:02]
davout fluffypony: it's refocusing on pedo tho [16:02]
fluffypony true [16:02]
fluffypony just wait till they start hiding their stuff in the blockchain [16:02]
* cedivad (~cedivad@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:02]
BayAreaCoins_ hear there is already a alt out with a slideshow wallet. [16:03]
davout wtf is a slideshow wallet ? [16:03]
* assbot removes voice from BayAreaCoins_ [16:03]
davout there's an alt for yards and pencils, but slideshow... [16:03]
davout !up BayAreaCoins_ [16:03]
* assbot gives voice to BayAreaCoins_ [16:03]
fluffypony who would like to "rake" my "yard"? [16:04]
fluffypony I'll pay in Fried Coins [16:04]
BayAreaCoins_ Slide show is like when the pictures change every 5 seconds (it was a joke) [16:04]
davout sorry, i'm wearing my "Intelligence -6" sweater [16:06]
* Naphex has quit (*.net *.split) [16:06]
BayAreaCoins_ 6am and I'm stoned off my balls, so no worries. Just kind of browsing like I said. I like making money and meeting people who make money [16:07]
BayAreaCoins_ I'm pretty sure my government likes BTC anyways... not going to link it to terrorist any time soon. [16:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4700001 BTC [+] [16:13]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 44 @ 0.0043992 = 0.1936 BTC [+] [16:13]
mircea_popescu so here's a kickass business idea : [16:15]
davout BayAreaCoins_: i'm not completely unconvinced that bitcoin is part of some sort "if we fail we're not going to let china have it" kind of move [16:15]
BayAreaCoins_ offshore paper wallets [16:15]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 62 @ 0.00446687 = 0.2769 BTC [+] {4} [16:15]
davout "offshore paper wallets" <<< you could ipo that on bitcoinbourse [16:15]
mircea_popescu open a restauant which only serves foods which can be consumed at such a temperature that their overal caloric balance is nil [16:15]
davout you would be a terrible french person [16:17]
mircea_popescu BayAreaCoins_ in earning most of our bitcoins we mostly focus mostly not losing the bitcoin we already have. [16:17]
mircea_popescu davout i already am :D [16:17]
* Naphex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:17]
davout no you're not, you're not arrogant enough [16:17]
mircea_popescu davout but think about it, customer can set their own desired calorie per serving [16:17]
mircea_popescu want more, wait a little. [16:18]
mircea_popescu davout i already am a terrible french person i mean [16:18]
davout :D [16:18]
BayAreaCoins_ mircea_popescu So does that mean you will take the chance of floating your coin to fiat for a price fall or do you hold strong and long [16:18]
BayAreaCoins_ feel free to tell me to fuck off [16:18]
mircea_popescu floating my coin for fiat ?! [16:18]
davout mircea_popescu: you could include physical exercise in the mix [16:18]
mircea_popescu i thought you meant debentures, equities and whatnot. [16:19]
mircea_popescu davout you'd make a horrible us internet person. [16:19]
davout hahaha [16:19]
BayAreaCoins_ I mean making money in general and growth [16:19]
mircea_popescu atm i don't make growth, i make shrink. [16:19]
mircea_popescu i was worth like > 1bn earlier this year, nao moar like a third that. [16:20]
BayAreaCoins_ Could be worse [16:20]
BayAreaCoins_ :P still blows [16:20]
mircea_popescu no it couldn't. my own fate is the worst. [16:20]
BayAreaCoins_ How so [16:20]
BayAreaCoins_ Like the gold guy in South America... like 50bil to 4 in a year :- [16:21]
BayAreaCoins_ or whatever it was [16:21]
mircea_popescu because it's something being put into something else << the royal society for putting things on top of other things [16:21]
fluffypony lol [16:21]
davout benkay: [16:21]
mircea_popescu BayAreaCoins_ it's acomment on the general human condition. the toothpick in your ear hurts you more than the tree up someone's arse hurts oyu. [16:21]
BayAreaCoins_ mircea_popescu ah ic [16:23]
mircea_popescu BayAreaCoins_ so what do you do anyway ? [16:23]
mircea_popescu just for the lulz [16:24]
assbot Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: Are you young and desperate ... [16:24]
BayAreaCoins_ That is actually why I came :) [16:25]
* Pan0ram1x (~Pan0ram1x@unaffiliated/pan0ram1x) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:25]
mircea_popescu o lol [16:25]
mircea_popescu !up Pan0ram1x [16:25]
BayAreaCoins_ I plan on making $100,000 this week and I just wanted to spy a little [16:25]
-assbot- You voiced Pan0ram1x for 30 minutes. [16:25]
* assbot gives voice to Pan0ram1x [16:25]
mircea_popescu making 100k this week is easy. the branson way : [16:25]
mircea_popescu just start with 1mn [16:25]
fluffypony hah hah [16:26]
BayAreaCoins_ Ya... I don't have that, but I will. [16:26]
BayAreaCoins_ I do a number of things though. Sold a business in 2010 and did the college/frat thing. Fucked off since I learned that college should be paying me for the homework I was doing for them [16:26]
BayAreaCoins_ Try to focus on shit that can't lose money. [16:27]
mircea_popescu it should, but it could never afford to, so the entire thing is predicated on your not noticing. [16:27]
BayAreaCoins_ <- Example [16:28]
mircea_popescu "and are looking to sale please contact us!!!" ? [16:29]
BayAreaCoins_ To avoid permits [16:29]
BayAreaCoins_ If I ship state to state. The USDA bitches, but if the snails are shipped within the same state. No feds [16:29]
BayAreaCoins_ Snail game is a interesting one... I'm stil learning it. Basically I have this whole side of the world to myself because it is against the law to import live snails into the USA. [16:30]
BayAreaCoins_ My snails are already here. [16:30]
BayAreaCoins_ I had a ad on Just-dice for a while thanks to doog :P [16:31]
BayAreaCoins_ Not sure how long you've invested there. [16:31]
mircea_popescu "to sell" neh ? [16:32]
* cnxmari (uid26428@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:32]
mircea_popescu !up cnxmari [16:32]
BayAreaCoins_ ? [16:32]
-assbot- You voiced cnxmari for 30 minutes. [16:32]
* assbot gives voice to cnxmari [16:32]
mircea_popescu "and are looking TO SALE please contact us!!!" / "and are looking to sell please contact us!!!" [16:33]
* ericmuyser ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:33]
BayAreaCoins_ ah typo? [16:33]
BayAreaCoins_ I've been working on the site and I have to have it proof read. [16:33]
mircea_popescu either that or grammo [16:33]
* assbot removes voice from BayAreaCoins_ [16:33]
* Naphex has quit (*.net *.split) [16:34]
mircea_popescu !up BayAreaCoins_ [16:34]
-assbot- You voiced BayAreaCoins_ for 30 minutes. [16:34]
* assbot gives voice to BayAreaCoins_ [16:34]
mircea_popescu benkay there ? [16:34]
BayAreaCoins_ ty [16:34]
BayAreaCoins_ Once I had all the shit how I imagine it I'll have one of my nice friends go over it and fix all my typo BS. Deb helped me out last time. Did you see my comment earlier of Offshore paper wallets? [16:35]
mircea_popescu what about it ? [16:36]
BayAreaCoins_ Does something like that exist yet? [16:37]
BayAreaCoins_ I understand the trust issue, I'm in bitcoin too :), but it seems like it would be a nice option. [16:37]
mircea_popescu im sure every braindamage exists yet yes [16:37]
* ericmuyser has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [16:38]
BayAreaCoins_ ? [16:38]
BayAreaCoins_ You know as a American I can't have a Swiss bank account? Sure I understand not giving your bitcoins away as a bitcoin person, but if you are someone else it might not be such a bad option... [16:40]
mircea_popescu ... [16:41]
BayAreaCoins_ Have a good day [16:41]
* BayAreaCoins_ (4b31fefa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-assets [16:41]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27900 @ 0.00087934 = 24.5336 BTC [+] [16:47]
BigBitz Nobody can have a .ch bank account unless they are a .ch citizen AFAIK. [16:50]
bounce impossibru [16:52]
bounce at least residency is enough to open an account [16:53]
mircea_popescu de jure persons are citizens by definition. [16:53]
mircea_popescu (ie, just open a corp_ [16:54]
bounce IIRC there's a bit of a capital requirement for that [16:54]
mircea_popescu but if you don't have capital in the first place [16:55]
mircea_popescu why is this a concern ? [16:55]
* assbot removes voice from Pan0ram1x [16:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] [16:57]
BigBitz yeah pretty sure there is a capital requirement as well. [16:57]
BigBitz DEM SWISS. [16:57]
bounce oh, 20k or 100k CHF, to be deposited in a swiss bank account. [16:59]
bounce and a couple thousand in fees and things [17:00]
davout "Nobody can have a .ch bank account unless they are a .ch citizen AFAIK" <<< nah you don't need to, you don't need a corp either, you just need to convince a banker [17:01]
mircea_popescu anyway, the budget version is, "just move to mongolia" [17:01]
BigBitz davout really? [17:03]
BigBitz I thought Swizterland was quite weird on their account requirement. [17:03]
* assbot removes voice from cnxmari [17:03]
BigBitz I thought, at a min, residency as bounce said, but I actually thought they had some Citizenship nonsense as well. [17:03]
davout yea, there a fuckton of french people that have swiss bank accounts, all the folks working cross-border, plus a bunch of wealthy ones [17:04]
davout s/there/there are/ [17:04]
BigBitz :) [17:06]
* InGoldWeTrust (42421ed3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:07]
bounce the crackdown on who can open a bank account where is largely US (and UN-lobbygroups) driven [17:08]
bounce effects are noticable world-wide, though. the swiss banking secrecy is just about gone apparently too. [17:09]
BigBitz Lichenstein is the place to go :> [17:09]
mircea_popescu !up InGoldWeTrust [17:09]
-assbot- You voiced InGoldWeTrust for 30 minutes. [17:09]
* assbot gives voice to InGoldWeTrust [17:09]
mircea_popescu bounce fortunately bitcoin showed up and so we don't have to join forces with the arab terrorism to rid the world of that nonsense. [17:10]
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* grahvity ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:11]
mircea_popescu i suppose this is an angle most of the "us will ban bitcoin" theoreticians fail to understand. bitcoin fucking saved the us, because the way things were going.... [17:11]
mircea_popescu there wasn'ty going to be stone left upon stone sort of thing [17:11]
BigBitz "saved" is a rather bold sentiment mircea_popescu. [17:11]
mircea_popescu it's factual. [17:12]
BigBitz ... [17:12]
* KRS1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 24 @ 0.0723432 = 1.7362 BTC [+] {3} [17:12]
InGoldWeTrust [10:09] -assbot- You have been voiced for 30 minutes by mircea_popescu [17:15]
InGoldWeTrust whats is that [17:15]
mircea_popescu that means you can talk. [17:15]
InGoldWeTrust can you here me? [17:16]
InGoldWeTrust hear [17:16]
bounce !down InGoldWeTrust [17:16]
* assbot removes voice from InGoldWeTrust [17:16]
bounce nope. [17:16]
mircea_popescu lol evil [17:17]
bounce !up InGoldWeTrust [17:17]
* assbot gives voice to InGoldWeTrust [17:17]
mircea_popescu InGoldWeTrust [17:17]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [17:17]
InGoldWeTrust now I cant talk? [17:17]
bounce oh please. look up what irc channel mode +v does [17:17]
InGoldWeTrust what is this place, people give me permission to talk? [17:18]
mircea_popescu yes. [17:18]
Apocalyptic they do [17:18]
Apocalyptic and they can revoke it [17:18]
InGoldWeTrust I thought this was a chat room for bitcoin, must be the wrong place [17:18]
mircea_popescu this is where the bitcoin illuminati gather. [17:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SF1] 141 @ 0.0008501 = 0.1199 BTC [-] [17:18]
* InGoldWeTrust has quit (Quit: Page closed) [17:18]
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mircea_popescu lol [17:19]
bounce you may be looking for #bitcoin instead [17:19]
mircea_popescu or for #derptown [17:20]
* FabianB_ is now known as FabianB [17:20]
* assbot gives voice to FabianB [17:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5150 @ 0.00087934 = 4.5286 BTC [+] [17:20]
* non2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:23]
mircea_popescu "On April 21, 2014 bitcoin got its first lobbyists, however a competitor hired them. DC lobbying firm, Peck Madigan Jones, registered not one, but five of their employees to lobby Congress on “bitcoin” and “virtual currencies.” The client they are registered for is MasterCard, a transaction competitor to bitcoin" [17:23]
mircea_popescu lawl. [17:23]
fluffypony FIVE [17:24]
fluffypony not ONE [17:24]
fluffypony but FIVE [17:24]
mircea_popescu larger amount of lobby number. [17:24]
mircea_popescu what's more interesting, of course, is the total lack of registered us govt lobbists in bitcoin. [17:25]
* virtuals ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:25]
mircea_popescu at this rate bitcoin may regulate the us govt out of existence. [17:25]
bounce there's no registry. quick, someoen petition the ceo of bitcoin. [17:25]
bounce s/oen/one/ [17:25]
mircea_popescu what do you think this is ? [17:26]
davout re what we were saying about mastercard a couple of weeks ago [17:26]
fluffypony I move for pankkake to be nominated as CTO of Bitcoin [17:29]
fluffypony Chief Troll Officer [17:29]
davout i decentralize-fair-p2p vote for it [17:30]
fluffypony make sure it's in the votechain! [17:30]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17500 @ 0.00087563 = 15.3235 BTC [-] {2} [17:33]
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* OneFixt_ (~OneFixt@unaffiliated/onefixt) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:35]
asciilifeform there wasn'ty going to be stone left upon stone << mircea_popescu is optimist! thinks there'll be a stone left standing over here... [17:36]
fluffypony davout: I love how you got accused of being related to Karpeles [17:38]
* OneFixt has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:39]
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bounce 'e's french innit? [17:40]
fluffypony yes [17:41]
bounce qed. [17:41]
fluffypony and every Frenchman must be related [17:41]
fluffypony smart logic [17:41]
mircea_popescu in the case of frenchmen this is probably true [17:42]
mircea_popescu they're all related to a german. [17:42]
mircea_popescu and a russian. [17:43]
* danielpbarron ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:43]
* assbot gives voice to danielpbarron [17:45]
asciilifeform re: NFC credit card crapola: anyone who finds this puzzling (mandatory remote orifice for radio pick-pockets) should read about how u.s. banks profit from petty CC theft [17:46]
asciilifeform in more than just the usually-discussed way (chargebacks fleecing merchants) [17:46]
fluffypony asciilifeform: interesting - got a read for it or is it easy to find on Google? [17:47]
asciilifeform fluffypony: afaik there is no 'canonical' summary of the subject 'under one roof' [17:47]
asciilifeform you will have to actually do your homework [17:47]
fluffypony okee dokee [17:47]
asciilifeform the short version: say you live in the u.s., work a decently-paid sort of work (e.g. engineer), have few or no expensive vices, etc. [17:49]
asciilifeform you, from the standpoint of mr. bezzlemeister, are a problem in need of solution [17:49]
asciilifeform if you refuse to blow your savings / go into debt buying idiot trinkets - well, why not let somebody else do it... for you. [17:50]
asciilifeform hence the deliberate theft-enabling features of the fiat infrastructure. [17:50]
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asciilifeform if you're robbed, and have the presence of mind to walk the bureaucracy and get (some of) the debt cancelled, the merchants who the thief patronized get drafted to become substitute victims in your place [17:54]
asciilifeform as for anything remaining, it is charged to the infinite 'bad debt' credit card issued to the bank by the crown. [17:55]
bounce so ditch that feature and banks will move to actual as opposed to make-believe card security? [17:56]
asciilifeform bounce: if it were their arse, rather than yours on the line - absolutely. [17:56]
asciilifeform at present, nothing whatsoever about the u.s. consumer banking / credit system makes sense, except in light of the above hypothesis. [17:57]
asciilifeform (to steal theodosius dobzhansky's quip about evolution) [17:57]
asciilifeform the way it works now, a thief doesn't even need to steal your account #s, etc [17:58]
asciilifeform he just needs your name, and a few commonly-available biographical stats about you, and can borrow $1M in your name. [17:58]
asciilifeform then go and prove that 'you are not a camel' [17:59]
* Pan0ram1x has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: [17:59]
davout asciilifeform: i'm not a camel, my bulge is on the other side [18:00]
asciilifeform lol [18:00]
asciilifeform so don't be surprised at the NFC radio eschewing any form of challenge-response authentication - or crypto of whatsoever kind [18:03]
asciilifeform this is not simply poor engineering, or penny-pinching. there is a purpose. [18:03]
* Pan0ram1x (~Pan0ram1x@unaffiliated/pan0ram1x) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:03]
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asciilifeform other thing, folks will answer 'i've an electromagnetically-shielded wallet! haha' - but see who laughs last. eventually, you won't even be able to walk into a shop unless the door can read your CC [18:04]
asciilifeform (and you've sufficient account credit) [18:04]
asciilifeform next, i suppose, toll archways in public walkways - similar to the RFID readers on american toll roads [18:04]
Apocalyptic i hope it won't come to that ascii [18:05]
asciilifeform wanna walk on the sidewalk - pay [18:05]
* Guest62895 is now known as thestringpuller [18:05]
asciilifeform (pretty much the only innovations one can expect to see in fiat finance is - in rent seeking) [18:05]
asciilifeform nfc shop doors - walk in, carry out whatever you want, no clerks - door opens if you have sufficient credit. [18:07]
* KRS1 has quit () [18:13]
* assbot gives voice to thestringpuller [18:16]
thestringpuller "You wanna be a CEO huh? Start by joining #bitcoin-assets" [18:16]
thestringpuller asciilifeform: what did you get your momma for mothers day? [18:18]
asciilifeform thestringpuller: we do it on mar. 8 [18:19]
thestringpuller Hahahahah! [18:19]
thestringpuller I LOVE IT [18:19]
thestringpuller #greenlightthemovie #hollywoodexecs [18:19]
davout the dotcoin dude: "You will never win! The smart guys know what happen and your problems can only be regulated by a psychiatrist!" [18:24]
* cedivad (~cedivad@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:24]
kakobrekla guy has infinite hitpoints eh [18:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14880 @ 0.00087557 = 13.0285 BTC [-] [18:25]
benkay mornin [18:26]
davout kakobrekla: he's like a zombie that you can't kill because there's no brain to shoot [18:27]
kakobrekla heya [18:27]
kakobrekla he came a long way for a zombie [18:27]
jurov i think he's a subversion of mircea's thickening necks theory [18:30]
davout what's the theory? [18:31]
benkay thestringpuller: the girl put together a boquet for which i took credit. i am also going over this morning to take credit for the meal my sister is making. [18:33]
benkay <- obvsly prime ceo material [18:33]
jurov davout basically that pencilnecks will be replaced by progressively thicker necks [18:34]
jurov when broken by circumstances, regulation etc. [18:34]
* ericmuyser ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:34]
benkay ty for lovely cello, davout [18:35]
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mircea_popescu asciilifeform> other thing, folks will answer 'i've an electromagnetically-shielded wallet! haha' - but see who laughs last. eventually, you won't even be able to walk into a shop unless the door can read your CC << this is a good thing, becayse i don't like this entire in person shopping thing anywayu [18:37]
* Jere_Jones (~Jere_Jone@unaffiliated/jere-jones) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:37]
benkay but its the women who drive the shopping economy [18:37]
mircea_popescu (pretty much the only innovations one can expect to see in fiat finance is - in rent seeking) << word. related [18:37]
assbot Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: Once a market is perverted ... [18:37]
mircea_popescu <- obvsly prime ceo material << lol clearly. [18:38]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.72795040 BTC to 8`680 shares, 31428 satoshi per share [19:00]
thestringpuller << who the fuck is peyton evans [19:04]
assbot [x-post from /r/dogecoin] Peyton Evans has suffered from an brain aneurysm and her family is struggling with the medical costs. An Dogecoin+Bitcoin fundraiser has been started by her family and one of her friends. See comments for details. (Verified via /u/Sic840 and @MhkazOffical on Twitter) : Bitcoin [19:04]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: that bank pic looks like... athletic tourney chart. should we expect a 'amerikanskiy narodniy bank' to show up at the pointy end of the tourney bracket shortly? [19:08]
asciilifeform thestringpuller: 'reddit' is infamous for pestilential beggars [19:11]
asciilifeform has been, for some years. [19:11]
bounce begging, a growth industry [19:12]
* bounce considers the bandwagon [19:12]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i don't like this entire in person shopping thing anyway << dragging one's arse to a shop remains a pain. rfid arches might ease the pain, but at what cost. [19:14]
asciilifeform at first you might be able to sheathe the card in faraday wallet, but then you start to need it to do just about anything - and the sheaths quietly go away [19:14]
asciilifeform the clever fellows who presently escape surveillance by eschewing mobile phones, will be collared at last [19:15]
fluffypony you could always order most of your stuff online? [19:16]
asciilifeform sure. [19:16]
asciilifeform but at some point it becomes 'expected' to have the rfid. [19:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.0334999 = 0.1005 BTC [-] [19:16]
asciilifeform i can picture, for instance, traffic lights detecting pedestrians via same [19:17]
asciilifeform no beacon, no walk [19:17]
fluffypony yeah true [19:17]
fluffypony or using public transport [19:17]
fluffypony no rfid no bus/train/whatever [19:17]
jurov by that point also they will be forced to secure it [19:17]
jurov like recent rfid failures for mass transport across eu [19:18]
asciilifeform over here we already have rfid (near field, though, ~5cm max) to ride bus [19:18]
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asciilifeform afaik, the only reason this crap isn't being pushed more insistently, is that most (at least in usa) people have already surrendered to an equivalent setup - mobile phones [19:20]
bounce online shopping is still mostly driven by credit cards and paypal and similar constructs [19:20]
bounce so that's no escape. [19:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18746 @ 0.0008756 = 16.414 BTC [+] {3} [19:21]
bounce rather build a mostly self-sufficient house with plenty farmland and a cellar full of build-it-yourself equipment. lathes, 3d printers, what-have-you [19:21]
asciilifeform it is, however, still possible today to walk around a city, buy food, visit park, etc. without phone. [19:21]
asciilifeform bounce: 'let them eat cake' ? [19:22]
jurov it's maybe 10 years already that banks want everyone to switch to credit/debit cards [19:22]
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jurov did not happen yet, don't see what would rfid change on that? [19:23]
bounce "did not happen"? [19:23]
asciilifeform jurov: discussion was about the logical next step re: rfid, where you spend money just by walking through a door [19:23]
bounce more like "the only winning move" [19:24]
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* coingenuity has quit (Changing host) [19:24]
* coingenuity (~coingenui@unaffiliated/coingenuity) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:24]
fluffypony well jurov's got a point - they keep doing big pushes here in Africa to "bank the unbanked", but they forget that often the unbanked want to stay that way to avoid paying tax [19:24]
asciilifeform after which, all sorts of folks crawl out of the woodwork, eager to pepper the landscape with just this kind of door [19:24]
bounce they haven't forgotten, no. maybe the starry-eyed do-gooders at the front, but not the backers, no. [19:25]
asciilifeform fluffypony: see j. scott's 'the art of not being governed.' the crown is perpetually eager to bank the unbanked, settle the nomads, tax the untaxed, etc. [19:26]
* wolverineks ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:26]
jurov they'll have to make merchants dislike cash [19:26]
bounce then again, in chip&pin countries there's a big and continous push to use your bank card (or cc if you must), to the point of there being multiple chains that don't accept cash at all any longer [19:26]
jurov as long as merchants like to acept cash, that won§t happen [19:26]
jurov bounce where? [19:26]
bounce europe. where the government also requires pay to be made by bank transfer and so requires everyone in the workforce to have a bank account [19:27]
jurov oh that. but banks are so greedy with various fees that everyone just pulls their salary out of atm at first instance [19:29]
jurov and leaves jsut something to pay the bills [19:29]
jurov also, i don't see merchants giving up 3% of their margin voluntarily by avoiding cash [19:30]
fluffypony yeah lots of small places here that only accept cash [19:31]
fluffypony no cards [19:31]
fluffypony because the banks charge a fixed monthly "rental" for the machine [19:31]
fluffypony plus per-transaction fees [19:31]
fluffypony and the pie shop on the corner doesn't want that [19:31]
bounce until they drop the fees to ~1% and put a big push on people using chip&pin, then the sheep'll do just that [19:31]
jurov how can they drop the fees? banks are used to this income [19:32]
bounce here they're not visible to the customer, so the fees banks pay other banks (and the central payment processor, if one) come out of the bottom line. since merchant and customer both use some bank... [19:35]
* MiningBuddy- (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:35]
* ericmuyser ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:35]
jurov but merchant always pays [19:35]
jurov regardless where's the customer bank [19:36]
bounce oh right. still and all, more volume in return for lower fees is worth it for the banks and less cash on hand is worth it to the merchants [19:37]
bounce to the point that holdups and raids have shifted from supermarkets to the elderly in their homes [19:37]
jurov how more volume? as if, twice the number of people will switch to epayment if prices decrease by 2%? [19:38]
jurov lol [19:38]
* MiningBuddy has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:38]
kakobrekla [19:38]
assbot BitPay raising $30 million of capital, gives itself a $160 million valuation which is ridiculous | The Cryptocurrency Times [19:38]
bounce I'd have to look up the press releases by the payment processors, but possibly yes [19:38]
jurov imagine starting a sentence "if goverment slashd the taxes by 60%..." [19:39]
jurov you won't be taken seriously [19:39]
jurov in the same way, banks will never give up milking the merchants [19:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00087479 = 17.4958 BTC [-] [19:40]
bounce er, prices decrease for the customer? no, fees for the merchant drop by 50% [19:40]
* jMyles has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:40]
bounce customer sees same price either way. [19:40]
* ericmuyser has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [19:40]
jurov so where's any incentive for customer? [19:40]
jurov or for bank? [19:41]
bounce consumers are sold on this on "safer to not carry cash", "using chip&pin is faster and easier than cash" and such propaganda [19:41]
Apocalyptic ^ [19:41]
* assbot gives voice to HeySteve [19:42]
jurov yes, they try. then they see their account statement with various fees peppered about and bail the hell out [19:42]
jurov and use family relative account + atm withdrawal. true story, multiple ppl i know [19:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.041 = 0.533 BTC [-] [19:43]
HeySteve hey guys. anything you can tell me about KFC Minor? [19:43]
bounce uhm, no. no extra fees per transaction. [19:43]
HeySteve I mean KnCMiner [19:43]
bounce the fees are in "having a bank account" and (perhaps separately) "having a chip&pin card", and a lot more for "having a credit card" [19:43]
jurov bounce find me one bank that slashed fees by 60% [19:43]
* OneFixt_ is now known as OneFixt [19:44]
fluffypony KFC [19:44]
bounce oh the banks just up the fees for their customers, but they're a package deal on the account level, not individual transaction level [19:44]
fluffypony now I'm hungry [19:44]
fluffypony :-P [19:44]
* MiningBuddy (~msn@unaffiliated/miningbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:44]
jurov bounce that's no difference [19:45]
bounce since you already cannot live without some bank account and they all charge more or less the same there's no way out of that [19:45]
fluffypony HeySteve: they seemed to be doing ok, and then they had all these deliveries that were badly packed and arrived broken, now they're trying to reship but afaik are still having stuff arrive damaged [19:45]
HeySteve ah yes, I remember that story, ta [19:45]
jurov bounce i just described how it's done in practice [19:46]
jurov a faimly has one account where it's a must and for everything else jut cash is used [19:47]
* MiningBuddy- has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:47]
jurov either you have cheap epayments for everyone but then there's no profit incentive for anyone [19:49]
jurov or you scren few % from someone and then large part of people revert to using cash [19:50]
jurov *screw [19:50]
* cedivad has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [19:50]
jurov the system works againt itself [19:50]
bounce in n/w europe it's usual for everyone to have their own accounts (even kids) and shared accounts on top of that. cash is maybe half of all purchases and steadily pushed down by banks+merchants+gov't in concert [19:50]
jurov bounce that's what propaganda says [19:51]
bounce sure. plenty people bought into it too. rather surprising how hard it is to tell'em about the downside of the approach. [19:51]
jurov there's still large part (if minority) that avoids it and makes abolishing cash completely infeasible [19:53]
jurov couple that with notorious insecurity of all popular e-cash solutions [19:54]
bounce we've already seen that insecurity is no object, instead a rather desirable property; it's the /perception/ of insecurity that matters, and for that there's propaganda [19:55]
jurov propaganda can't hide money missing from your very account [19:56]
Apocalyptic bounce, indeed [19:57]
jurov and again, since you don't get it: propaganda needs funding, hence banks need profit [19:57]
jurov hence they must screw someone over [19:57]
jurov hence creating disnicentives [19:58]
bounce sure I don't get it. [19:59]
* triplecheesesina ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:00]
jurov i;m tired of all these hypotheticals anyway. they'll surely try these rfid-enabled sidewalk tolls and whatnot [20:01]
jurov just not so sure of the outcome [20:01]
* triplecheesesina is now known as herbijudlestoids [20:01]
* herbijudlestoids ( has left #bitcoin-assets [20:01]
* herbijudlestoids ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:01]
kakobrekla !up herbijudlestoids [20:02]
* assbot gives voice to herbijudlestoids [20:02]
jurov it may as well result in mass pwnage and chaos [20:02]
herbijudlestoids hel;loloeloloooo :) [20:02]
herbijudlestoids i was wondering what was going on [20:02]
jurov too much [20:03]
herbijudlestoids wanted to drop in and share some good news and make sure you guys hadnt forgotten about me [20:03]
herbijudlestoids our small company is being invested in! by a big company! [20:03]
kakobrekla who are you again? [20:04]
herbijudlestoids kako! you dont remember me? [20:05]
jurov herbi you got bought by bitcoinbourse? [20:05]
herbijudlestoids nope [20:06]
fluffypony lol [20:06]
herbijudlestoids much bigger :D [20:06]
Duffer1 havelock? [20:07]
jurov lol [20:07]
herbijudlestoids ill just say, its not some bitcoin exchange :P [20:07]
punkman herbijudlestoids: what was it again? some SaaS thing? [20:07]
herbijudlestoids close, IaaS [20:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28250 @ 0.00087998 = 24.8594 BTC [+] {4} [20:08]
Apocalyptic herbijudlestoids, what is your company ? [20:08]
herbijudlestoids Apocalyptic: we are one of the few openstack companies in australia ;) [20:09]
herbijudlestoids anyway guise, love you many long time, i miss the stimulating conversation of this room and hope to return [20:10]
herbijudlestoids <3 [20:10]
* herbijudlestoids has quit (Quit: leaving) [20:10]
jurov ;;gettrust assbot herbijudlestoids [20:11]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user herbijudlestoids: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Fri Feb 14 01:33:49 2014 [20:11]
assbot #bitcoin-otc Web of Trust - Trust graph [20:11]
assbot Rating Details for User 'herbijudlestoids' [20:11]
bounce shup, assbot [20:11]
jurov ;;bc,stats [20:12]
gribble Current Blocks: 300246 | Current Difficulty: 8.0008721359681635E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 300383 | Next Difficulty In: 137 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 19 hours, 13 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 8870294077.76 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.86659 [20:12]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13800 @ 0.00087776 = 12.1131 BTC [-] [20:13]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:14]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:14]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [20:14]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [20:14]
kakobrekla wont happen again bounce :) [20:15]
bounce cool. [20:15]
bounce can you make assbot drop the whole tweet (of up to 160 characters, after all) instead of just the title, in case of twittar/statuses/...? [20:16]
* ericmuyser ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:16]
FabianB heh, thought of requesting this too a few hours ago [20:17]
kakobrekla i dunno isnt twitter loaded by js [20:18]
bounce it's certainly rather inefficient [20:18]
* ericmuys_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:19]
bounce there's bound to be an api somewhere that might even just take the status number and return the tweet, though. [20:19]
* ericmuyser has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:20]
kakobrekla ;;google fetch tweet by status number api [20:20]
gribble GET statuses/show/:id | Twitter Developers: ; GET statuses/user_timeline | Twitter Developers: ; GET statuses/user_timeline | Twitter Developers: [20:20]
bounce and if that fails you can always fall back to the common case [20:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19650 @ 0.00087537 = 17.201 BTC [-] [20:20]
kakobrekla they want me to auth for this. [20:22]
kakobrekla who is crazy? [20:22]
* Duffer1 has quit (Quit: Duffer1) [20:23]
bounce officially, anyway. the webpage gets the data somehow, though. if it's not in there the js will have to get it. [20:24]
kakobrekla yes but make an api that makes users parse html or worse ? [20:24]
bounce obviously much too hard to parse html so every'll auth. prevents abuse, see? [20:25]
bounce api discussion tells you to look for the blue pills [20:26]
bounce says it all, dunnit [20:26]
kakobrekla mhm [20:26]
kakobrekla gotta jet, bbl. [20:26]
* jordandotdev (uid7502@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14191 @ 0.00087963 = 12.4828 BTC [+] {2} [20:30]
bounce apparently the tweet is right there, in a

* FabianB_ (~fabian@unaffiliated/fabianb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:46]
* FabianB has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:49]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.1333333 BTC [-] [20:56]
* Drew (ac06a19c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:01]
* lolstate has quit (Quit: lolstate) [21:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] [21:07]
* MykelSIlver has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:07]
benkay !up Drew [21:13]
* assbot gives voice to Drew [21:13]
Drew thanks [21:13]
benkay mhm [21:13]
benkay what's up? [21:13]
Drew not much, just stopped by to see what was up [21:13]
Drew im about to post a different version of my little investment seeking thread on bitcoin talk, self moderated to delete trolls and just let it sort of sit around as advertisement while i start building my trust to approach from a different angle [21:14]
Drew what was the info for the server login on mIRC again? the web platform isnt nearly as good [21:14]
benkay little? [21:18]
benkay weren't you throwing around numbers like 10m? [21:18]
benkay anyways -assets takes the weekend off, typically. [21:19]
benkay to some degree... [21:19]
* dub has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [21:19]
* princessnell (~princessn@unaffiliated/princessnell) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:20]
* dub ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:20]
bounce [21:20]
assbot Anti-surveillance mask lets you pass as someone else - CNET [21:20]
benkay or you could just stick some IR LED's on your hat. [21:21]
benkay no need for fancy 3d printing wankery. [21:21]
* aabtc has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [21:21]
benkay Drew: you're going to want to actually get an irc client if the web clients aren't doing it for you. [21:22]
* MiningBuddy- (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:22]
bounce shush, no need to go all "we already solved this" [21:22]
benkay irssi's a good one if you're command-line competent (and being so is recommended for crypto use) [21:22]
benkay xchat's not bad if you're a gui guy [21:22]
Drew yea i downloaded the irc client [21:23]
bounce "the" irc client? [21:23]
benkay yeah [21:23]
benkay like the web browser [21:23]
Drew and yea the investment i was looking for was about 1.25m, so not so much little [21:23]
Drew lol an irc client [21:23]
Drew mIRC [21:23]
benkay [21:24]
* SuchWow has quit () [21:24]
* MiningBuddy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:24]
* dub has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [21:26]
benkay ;;gettrust Drew [21:26]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user Drew: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never [21:26]
* dub ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:26]
Drew how do i login to my account i made? [21:26]
benkay did you register your nick? [21:26]
Drew yeah its verified with gribble and whatnot [21:27]
* frank1e (~frank1e@unaffiliated/frank1e) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:27]
bounce so login with gribble and whatnot [21:27]
benkay ;;ident Drew [21:27]
gribble Nick 'Drew', with hostmask 'Drew!ac06a19c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. [21:27]
benkay no it's not. [21:27]
Drew DrewHorne [21:27]
bounce ;;gpg info drewhorne [21:27]
gribble User 'DrewHorne', with keyid None, fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1ESdGLk9MR5mAghLAn5R3419tvmj2FvFMB, registered on Wed May 7 08:34:43 2014, last authed on Wed May 7 08:34:43 2014. . Currently not authenticated. [21:27]
benkay ;;ident drewhorne [21:27]
gribble Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead. [21:27]
benkay see this is a problem with having one irc nick and another wot nick [21:27]
Drew they should both be DrewHorne [21:28]
benkay yup [21:28]
benkay so /nick DrewHorne [21:28]
Drew this is just the nick im temporarily using while i figure out how to get back in there [21:28]
* SuchWow (~SuchWow@unaffiliated/suchwow) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:28]
* Drew is now known as DrewHorne [21:28]
benkay then /msg nickserv register drewhorne [21:28]
benkay also don't capitalize the first letter of your nick [21:28]
benkay super annoying. [21:28]
DrewHorne haha heard [21:28]
* DrewHorne is now known as Guest89510 [21:28]
bounce it's registered. now log in with nickserv before it forces you off the nick [21:29]
* benkay is now known as Benkay [21:29]
Benkay ;;ident [21:29]
gribble Nick 'Benkay', with hostmask 'Benkay!~user@unaffiliated/benkay', is identified as user 'benkay', with GPG key id 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA, key fingerprint 4F7907942CA8B89B01E25A762AFA1A9FD2D031DA, and bitcoin address None [21:29]
* Benkay is now known as benkay [21:29]
benkay llident [21:29]
benkay ;;ident [21:29]
gribble Nick 'benkay', with hostmask 'benkay!~user@unaffiliated/benkay', is identified as user 'benkay', with GPG key id 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA, key fingerprint 4F7907942CA8B89B01E25A762AFA1A9FD2D031DA, and bitcoin address None [21:29]
Guest89510 so now ive been demoted into a guest lol [21:30]
* assbot gives voice to princessnell [21:30]
benkay you'll have to /nick and then /identify [21:30]
benkay er [21:30]
Guest89510 /nick drewhorne? [21:30]
benkay /msg nickserv identify [21:31]
benkay yeah first /nick drewhorne [21:31]
* ChanServ removes voice from Guest89510 [21:31]
benkay then /msg nickserv identify pword [21:31]
* frank1e has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [21:31]
* FabianB_ is now known as FabianB [21:31]
benkay you can configure big boy irc clients to handle that for you, although that requires storing a password on disk. [21:31]
benkay !up Guest89510 [21:34]
* assbot gives voice to Guest89510 [21:34]
benkay try disconnecting and reconnecting [21:34]
benkay the good ol' windows reboot [21:34]
* Guest89510 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [21:34]
benkay [21:34]
assbot WSJ [21:34]
benkay how would one go about hiding assets with life insurance? [21:35]
* lulalilole has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:35]
jurov life insurance became thinly veiled alias for many other kinds of investments [21:36]
* assbot gives voice to benkay [21:36]
jurov such as stocks and mutual funds [21:37]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:37]
benkay so one takes a pile of cash in the us [21:37]
benkay transfers it to ubs [21:37]
benkay acquires stocks/mutual funds that are unreported to usg? [21:37]
jurov yes, likely [21:38]
benkay how is it, princessnell ? [21:38]
benkay hows your mom? [21:38]
princessnell hi benkay! [21:39]
princessnell she's good. yours? [21:39]
benkay enlisting her boys to move pots around on the back porch [21:39]
benkay attempting to in any event [21:39]
princessnell go help her ya dingus [21:39]
* aegis has quit (Quit: See ya!) [21:40]
benkay nah my company is gift enough [21:40]
benkay dingus lol [21:40]
benkay k dad [21:40]
* punkman1 (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:42]
* aegis (~aegis@unaffiliated/aegis) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:43]
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princessnell dadxcore is a goal of mine [21:46]
benkay !t h rent [21:53]
benkay !t m s.mpoe [21:53]
benkay !h [21:53]
benkay hue hue no assbot [21:53]
benkay kakobrekla: whither assbot? [21:54]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:55]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [21:55]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [21:55]
kakobrekla twitter + html dom = retarded is all [21:56]
* ziggamon ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:56]
benkay dat dom [21:56]
* punkman1 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [21:59]
* decimation (~decimatio@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:59]
benkay the ways we spend our time... [22:00]
Apocalyptic ^ [22:01]
* assbot gives voice to decimation [22:02]
benkay bbiab time to hump pots [22:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0308004 = 0.154 BTC [-] {3} [22:03]
* assbot gives voice to FabianB [22:03]
princessnell benkay good, you caved [22:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0308 = 0.1232 BTC [-] [22:04]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26300 @ 0.00088136 = 23.1798 BTC [+] [22:04]
* Jere_Jones has quit (Quit: Leaving) [22:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0320001 = 0.16 BTC [-] [22:05]
artifexd <+benkay> also don't capitalize the first letter of your nick <- Why? Is your autocomplete case sensitive? [22:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0308 = 0.1232 BTC [-] [22:06]
decimation asciilifeform "settle the nomads, tax the untaxed, etc." << yeah just ask the ancient Romans about the Thervingians, Goths, Huns, etc. "We want land to farm, but not your tax or culture" [22:07]
* punkman (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:08]
decimation At some point the "tribes" begin to reverse-colonize the Leviathan state - see the modern UK for instance [22:08]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:11]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:12]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [22:12]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [22:12]
kakobrekla someone post a link to some tweet for test [22:12]
kakobrekla wait [22:12]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:12]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:13]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [22:13]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [22:13]
kakobrekla nao [22:13]
jurov [22:13]
assbot MPEx manual completed with options and bonds: [22:13]
fluffypony nice [22:14]
* assbot gives voice to Anduck [22:14]
Anduck [22:14]
assbot /search?q=%23Bitcoin&src=hash must be one of /USATODAY's secret loves ;) [22:14]
kakobrekla ftw [22:14]
* punkman (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has left #bitcoin-assets [22:14]
bounce [22:15]
assbot Bitcoiners are jealous of Dogecoiners and acting out. /search?q=%23dogecoin&src=hash /search?q=%23bitcoin&src=hash /search?q=%23nascar&src=hash /search?q=%23reddit&src=hash [22:15]
jurov can use some hash filter [22:15]
kakobrekla good idea [22:15]
bounce where'd that /search stuff come from? [22:15]
jurov but very nice overall! [22:16]
FabianB hashtag linking [22:16]
kakobrekla links must be fixed [22:16]
* bounce wonders where that comes from [22:17]
kakobrekla is uch way [22:17]
kakobrekla [22:17]
* MiningBuddy (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:17]
* MiningBuddy has quit (Changing host) [22:17]
* MiningBuddy (~msn@unaffiliated/miningbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:17]
bounce "translate href except for /search...src=hash" might be a reasonable shot [22:19]
fluffypony kakobrekla - why are you scraping the dom instead of using the API tho? [22:19]
bounce because the api requires auth [22:19]
fluffypony ah [22:19]
fluffypony didn't knwo that [22:19]
fluffypony *know [22:19]
bounce was a bit of a spat not too long ago, when they made it mandatory [22:20]
* MiningBuddy- has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:20]
bounce [22:22]
assbot Dorian Nakamoto official statement/denial. Very interested to see how /Newsweek /truth_eater /jimpoco respond. [22:22]
bounce slashes instead of @. well, why not. doesn't look worse at any rate. [22:23]
bounce though the link text is which would be better in this case. hm. [22:24]
* frank1e (~frank1e@unaffiliated/frank1e) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:24]
bounce !up checkdavid because asked so nicely [22:24]
* assbot gives voice to CheckDavid [22:24]
* ColinT ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00088136 = 12.0746 BTC [+] [22:25]
davout should i buy baldur's gate II enhanced edition [22:25]
davout ;;8ball [22:25]
gribble One would be wise to think so. [22:25]
davout YES [22:25]
davout should i also buy the first one ? [22:25]
davout ;;8ball [22:25]
gribble No chance. [22:25]
davout This is scary. [22:25]
bounce ;;8ball is it wise to trust eightballs? [22:26]
gribble I doubt it very much. [22:26]
davout !b 10 [22:26]
assbot Last 10 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) [22:26]
fluffypony ;;8ball should we invest on BitcoinBourse? [22:26]
gribble Unlikely. [22:26]
fluffypony well there you have it [22:26]
davout lol [22:26]
fluffypony hah hah, forensick posted on that thread [22:27]
fluffypony on btctalk [22:27]
* Dimsler ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:28]
CheckDavid Hello bounce baby [22:28]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:29]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:29]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [22:29]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [22:29]
kakobrekla [22:29]
assbot Bitcoiners are jealous of Dogecoiners and acting out. # # # # [22:29]
fluffypony !up CheckDavid [22:29]
kakobrekla blah [22:29]
fluffypony oh [22:29]
* assbot gives voice to CheckDavid [22:29]
fluffypony sorry CheckDavid, I just saw those notices now [22:29]
CheckDavid On thanks fluffypony [22:30]
CheckDavid Was I voiced twice? [22:30]
fluffypony yes [22:30]
CheckDavid How? [22:30]
fluffypony now you have doublevoice [22:30]
fluffypony it's like supermegavoice [22:30]
CheckDavid Lol [22:30]
fluffypony everything you say comes out my speakers twice as loud [22:30]
CheckDavid That's stereo now [22:30]
bounce oh yes, irc on text to voice [22:30]
CheckDavid Now I have to speak out of my mouth and out of my ass [22:31]
CheckDavid I wanted to ask you guys something [22:31]
CheckDavid About mastercoin and colored coins [22:31]
CheckDavid Pros and cons [22:32]
CheckDavid I am a bit confused [22:32]
bounce where's the question then? [22:32]
CheckDavid I am am just asking about the current state and their respective pros and cons [22:32]
fluffypony CheckDavid: fundamentally I don't have a problem with the *idea* of a distributed exchange, the problem is that it's not realistically plausible right now (in terms of being able to handle any significant trade volume) [22:33]
fluffypony the other problem is things like delisting an asset [22:33]
fluffypony let's say it's provably a scam and the operator has disappeared [22:33]
fluffypony no centralised control means that asset continues trading [22:33]
* punkman (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:34]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:34]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:34]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [22:34]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [22:34]
bounce you could perchance come up with an N-of-M revoker [22:34]
kakobrekla [22:34]
assbot Bitcoiners are jealous of Dogecoiners and acting out. #dogecoin #bitcoin #nascar #reddit [22:34]
kakobrekla thar. [22:34]
bounce looking spiffy [22:34]
jurov fluffypony: decentralized trading of provable scams is the next level [22:35]
fluffypony jurov: exactly [22:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SF1] 650 @ 0.00083098 = 0.5401 BTC [-] {6} [22:35]
fluffypony CheckDavid: I also have no problem with operators being real-world anonymous if they choose to do so, there are checks and balances in place for that (such as their WoT presence) [22:35]
fluffypony I do have a problem with something that seems to, on face value, just enable scammers to scam even more easily than CryptoStocks [22:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] [22:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] [22:46]
CheckDavid fluffypony: what's the problem if it continues trading? [22:46]
fluffypony CheckDavid: because there's no communication platform, so bagholders can offload their shares onto unsuspecting trader [22:47]
fluffypony *traders [22:47]
fluffypony also the whole principle seems to be "decentralise the trade but centralise the communication" [22:48]
fluffypony which seems kinda silly [22:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0308 = 0.2156 BTC [-] [22:48]
CheckDavid I see. I don't feel concerned about that honesty [22:50]
CheckDavid But what about colored coins then? [22:51]
fluffypony coloured coins are maybe more interesting, but then I have to wonder if it's solving a problem that needs solving? [22:55]
Apocalyptic colored coins... [22:55]
* non2 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [22:56]
* assbot removes voice from CheckDavid [22:59]
* cnxmari has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [23:00]
* Anduck is now known as NyanDuck [23:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] [23:04]
* Sahtor has quit (Quit: Sahtor) [23:06]
benkay there are no capital barriers to the colored coin system which means it will rapidly fill with the criminal and the stupid. [23:07]
benkay ;;ticker --market all [23:09]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 438.17, vol: 9524.51272993 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 432.404, vol: 3913.75897 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 437.98, vol: 11577.79967309 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 445.13, vol: 14.73729089 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 435.399448, vol: 1603.52150000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 436.54759, vol: 11.7575117 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 445.6944, vol: 34.93564767 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) [23:09]
* non2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:09]
* Naphex ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:10]
HeySteve would someone please remind me of how to search the asset log for key phrases via the bot? [23:11]
kakobrekla ;;google key phrases [23:11]
gribble NEXT: 03-04-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; NEXT: 14-08-2013 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; NEXT: 07-10-2013 - #bitcoin-assets log: [23:11]
HeySteve thanks [23:12]
HeySteve ;;google the bitcoin foundation is a scam [23:12]
gribble NEXT: 05-04-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; NEXT: 03-03-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; NEXT: 25-12-2013 - #bitcoin-assets log: [23:12]
benkay is the trezor actually shipping? [23:12]
jurov benkay yes [23:13]
jurov only stick is too lazy to upload tracking numbers to the website [23:13]
jurov and only metallic ones ship now [23:13]
jurov i§ll should get it tomorrow or so [23:14]
benkay neat [23:15]
benkay what's the deal with asicminer dividends? [23:15]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:15]
kakobrekla i think asciilifeform had some things to say re trezor [23:15]
kakobrekla maybe its a good time and place for this nao :) [23:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00088216 = 15.2614 BTC [+] [23:16]
jurov yes, it's scattered around the log [23:16]
kakobrekla i dun remember [23:16]
jurov me too [23:16]
kakobrekla [23:18]
kakobrekla "when you die, you dont know you died and its not hard on you. its hard on others. same if you are stupid." [23:18]
* skinnkavaj has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:21]
* bitcoinpete (~bitcoinpe@unaffiliated/bitcoinpete) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:23]
* assbot gives voice to bitcoinpete [23:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13400 @ 0.00088136 = 11.8102 BTC [-] [23:25]
* assbot gives voice to mike_c [23:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18700 @ 0.00088307 = 16.5134 BTC [+] {2} [23:29]
* skinnkavaj ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12692 @ 0.00088731 = 11.2617 BTC [+] {2} [23:36]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [23:36]
decimation Michael Novogratz (of Fortress Investments) on bitcoin in this Bloomberg interview: [23:36]
assbot - [23:36]
mircea_popescu [23:37]
assbot Millions of US $20 Bills Counterfeited, Scammer Says 'Screw You,' America [23:37]
decimation "Intellectually it is a fascinating story. If you look at the market cap for bitcoin, it is for the five billion dollars. -- $4 billion to $5 billion. [23:37]
decimation My college roommate lives in barbados. The smartest guy we went to school with. He full-time works on derivatives for bitcoin. There is this open source community with huge brain power and lots of seed money going in." [23:37]
mircea_popescu who's this [23:38]
decimation this Novogratz guy [23:38]
decimation apparently of this fund: [23:38]
assbot Fortress Investment Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [23:38]
mircea_popescu aok [23:38]
* punkman1 (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:39]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform the narodnyi bank seems likely tbh [23:39]
mircea_popescu merge fanny and freddie with gs and jpm, suddenly you got something [23:40]
* punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:40]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform: the clever fellows who presently escape surveillance by eschewing mobile phones, will be collared at last << nbot really. just have procurement contract with select shop, order stuff pay on month's end. [23:40]
decimation well, the situation today is such that the Fed is the bank that underwrites all the banks [23:40]
mircea_popescu as usual, any attempts to tighten the noose past a certain level do more to chaff the thing [23:41]
mircea_popescu decimation indeed. [23:41]
decimation the only reason that USians don't open a checking account with the Fed is to spread around the bezzle [23:41]
decimation doesn't facebook make shadow accounts for people that have been uploaded by other lusers and whose faces appear on photos? [23:42]
benkay decimation who's working on btc derivs in barbados full time? [23:42]
mircea_popescu bounce: "did not happen"? << not in central and eastern eu, no. [23:42]
mircea_popescu decimation yup [23:42]
decimation Donno, apparenlty the ex-college roommate of this Michael Novogratz dude [23:42]
benkay lol for a sec i thought Donno was a human [23:43]
decimation According to La Wik apparently one of his college roommates was the head of trading at RBC Capitoal Markets: In 2006, he bought Robert De Niro's $12.25 million duplex in Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood.[3] When he moved into De Niro's former residence, Mickey Rourke moved into Novogratz' former Meatpacking district residence.[2] He was college roommates with Richard Tavoso, head of global arbitrage and trading at RBC Capital Markets.[3][14] [23:44]
decimation He and his wife Dora "Sukey" Caceres have four children.[2][10] They also own a home in Amagansett.[10] [23:44]
decimation [23:44]
assbot Michael Novogratz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [23:44]
mircea_popescu assbot: BitPay raising $30 million of capital, gives itself a $160 million valuation which is ridiculous | The Cryptocurrency Times << it's only ridiculous if you're some blogger with nary two meatballs to rub together in your stomach. [23:45]
mircea_popescu otherwise, something that's been worked at for years'd better be over 100mn or else wtf is going on [23:45]
decimation yeah even tiny businesses in the US should be able to get $15-20 million in revenue [23:46]
mircea_popescu jurov: bounce find me one bank that slashed fees by 60% << well my bank keeps trying to sell me on this deal whereby if i pay them 30 euros a month fixedx they'll cut their per tx fees to 0 for x txn and to 50% for all the rest. [23:48]
mircea_popescu except, i don't owe them 30 euros a month currently, so... [23:48]
* ericmuys_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:49]
mircea_popescu bounce: since you already cannot live without some bank account and they all charge more or less the same there's no way out of that << i've never had a personal bank accouint actually. [23:49]
decimation is it common that people pay with credit cards in Romania? [23:51]
mircea_popescu depends. [23:52]
mircea_popescu poor people (coupon hunter housewife types) and government employees. [23:52]
mircea_popescu if a merchant feels they need to ask, they'll ask "are you paying cash ?" or "would you be using cash or a cc ?" [23:53]
jurov in slovakia, they are quite common, but trying to pay < 10euro in small shops by card is considered rude or outright rejected [23:53]
mircea_popescu the order is instructive i think [23:53]
decimation so most folk walk around with cash, unlike in the us [23:53]
mircea_popescu decimation [23:54]
decimation another bitcoin "story" from bloomberg (trying to shield you guys from the inane web interface): [23:54]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [23:54]
assbot - [23:54]
mircea_popescu ty [23:54]
mircea_popescu how fucking racist bloomberg is [23:54]
decimation yeah there is something to physical currency, it will alway have a place [23:55]
decimation even if it's gold micrograms encased in lucite like Moldbug suggested [23:55]
mircea_popescu so according to bloomberg, the fact that bitcoin etf already exists is to be ignored, because unless fucktarded white friends of theirs come to help us, we are just a bunch of niggers over here. [23:56]
mircea_popescu fuck you bloomberg, check your stupidilege. [23:56]
decimation This Eric balchunas apparently claims: [23:57]
decimation " I see the winklevii at conferences about bitcoin. [23:57]
decimation They have not really talked to anybody. [23:57]
decimation Is the etf community shunning it? [23:57]
decimation It's not a club." [23:57]
decimation apparently you have to be invited to thier "conference" [23:57]
mircea_popescu makes sense. [23:58]
mircea_popescu open door conferences are like open door brothels. [23:58]
decimation Mircea, to be specific, unless some white guy in New York City is doing a bitcoin etf, it doesn't exist [23:58]
mircea_popescu great place to get a skin disease [23:58]
fluffypony mmmm skin disease [23:58]
fluffypony dat leprosy [23:58]
fluffypony what happens if you get a skin disease AND you have skin in the game? [23:58]
mircea_popescu decimation it's ok, these same people will need jobs ten years from now too. [23:58]
mircea_popescu fluffypony lol [23:58]
decimation it's funny how they are dividing themselves neatly into niggers.txt and non-niggers.txt [23:59]
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