Forum logs for 06 Aug 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* mod6 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [00:11]
* youknowitstrue ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [00:34]
* rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [00:48]
* xorred (~Alex@unaffiliated/xorred) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [00:53]
* chmod755 has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [00:59]
* ege has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [01:11]
* ege ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [01:11]
* mod6 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [01:16]
* mod6 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [01:18]
* crouge ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [01:33]
* nanotube is now known as fnoorp [01:43]
* copumpkin is now known as farooq [01:43]
* fnoorp is now known as nanotube [01:43]
* farooq is now known as copumpkin [01:44]
* FabianB_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:46]
* FabianB ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [01:49]
* Gorky0 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:06]
* paraipan has quit (Quit: Saliendo) [02:17]
* ebereon has quit () [02:56]
* xorred has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [02:59]
* brendio ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [03:31]
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* darsie has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:59]
* crouge has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:02]
* brendio has quit (Quit: brendio) [04:20]
* BubbleBoy99 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [04:22]
* BubbleBoy99 ( has left #bitcoin-otc-eu [04:52]
* dialektik has quit (Quit: Quitte) [04:53]
* Fiddle2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [05:14]
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* rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [05:52]
* rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [06:02]
* SultanFarooq ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [06:26]
SultanFarooq Hi [06:26]
SultanFarooq Anybody wanna trade bitcoins using bank transfer in uk? [06:26]
* SultanFarooq has quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )) [06:28]
mircea_popescu that was a nice name nevertheless. [06:31]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc-eu [06:43]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu is: Eurozone #bitcoin-otc || || Include hash tag #eu in order notes to group -eu orders. || View all tagged -eu orders here: || Exchange rates: !bc,convert CURRENCYCODE || options-> || bitcoin hosting -> [06:43]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu set by kakobrekla! at Wed Jul 4 20:29:50 2012 [06:43]
* Guest29129 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [06:43]
* Fiddle2 has quit (Quit: ~) [06:48]
* Doffx ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [06:52]
* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [07:27]
* Doffx has quit (Quit: Leaving) [07:49]
* bitfoo (~bitfoo@unaffiliated/bitfoo) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:11]
* MrTiggr has quit (Excess Flood) [08:22]
* MrTiggr ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:22]
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* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:22]
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* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:23]
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* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:24]
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* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:25]
* MrTiggr has quit (Excess Flood) [08:25]
* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:25]
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* Guest35073 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:26]
* Guest35073 has quit (Excess Flood) [08:26]
* Tiggr ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:27]
* Tiggr is now known as Guest93603 [08:27]
* Guest93603 has quit (Excess Flood) [08:27]
* MrTiggr- ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [08:27]
Amiga4000 ;;bc,convert eur [08:30]
gribble 1 BTC = 10.79991 U.S. dollars = 8.72578977 Euros [08:30]
* youknowitstrue has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [08:41]
* kinksbbx (~tonydlark@ has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [09:03]
* darsie ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [09:10]
* MrTiggr- has quit (Changing host) [09:14]
* MrTiggr- (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [09:14]
* MrTiggr- is now known as MrTiggr [09:17]
mircea_popescu so i'd say basicalyl the mtgox market consists of timers. [09:29]
mircea_popescu why is it so hard for people to accept that it's pointless to try and time markets ? [09:29]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc-eu [09:59]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu is: Eurozone #bitcoin-otc || || Include hash tag #eu in order notes to group -eu orders. || View all tagged -eu orders here: || Exchange rates: !bc,convert CURRENCYCODE || options-> || bitcoin hosting -> [09:59]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu set by kakobrekla! at Wed Jul 4 20:29:50 2012 [09:59]
* brendio ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [10:06]
mircea_popescu o hey brendio, long time. [10:13]
brendio hi [10:13]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc-eu [10:24]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu is: Eurozone #bitcoin-otc || || Include hash tag #eu in order notes to group -eu orders. || View all tagged -eu orders here: || Exchange rates: !bc,convert CURRENCYCODE || options-> || bitcoin hosting -> [10:24]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu set by kakobrekla! at Wed Jul 4 20:29:50 2012 [10:24]
mircea_popescu duh power failure. [10:24]
* brendio has quit (Quit: brendio) [10:28]
* brendio ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [10:29]
* brendio has quit (Quit: brendio) [10:40]
* Gaglia ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [10:50]
* nasar ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [10:52]
* kinksbbx has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [11:04]
* Tets42 (~kvirc@ has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [11:08]
* Tets42 (~kvirc@ has left #bitcoin-otc-eu [11:09]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc-eu [11:27]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu is: Eurozone #bitcoin-otc || || Include hash tag #eu in order notes to group -eu orders. || View all tagged -eu orders here: || Exchange rates: !bc,convert CURRENCYCODE || options-> || bitcoin hosting -> [11:27]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu set by kakobrekla! at Wed Jul 4 20:29:50 2012 [11:27]
* paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [11:28]
* paraipan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [11:31]
* paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [11:32]
* Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) [11:36]
* tonikt (~tonikt@unaffiliated/tonikt) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [11:38]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc-eu [12:34]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu is: Eurozone #bitcoin-otc || || Include hash tag #eu in order notes to group -eu orders. || View all tagged -eu orders here: || Exchange rates: !bc,convert CURRENCYCODE || options-> || bitcoin hosting -> [12:34]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu set by kakobrekla! at Wed Jul 4 20:29:50 2012 [12:34]
* brendio ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [12:46]
* daybyter ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [13:03]
* kinksbbx (~tonydlark@ has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [13:19]
* youknowitstrue ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [13:29]
youknowitstrue any mods from btc-otc in here? [13:29]
* xorred has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [13:35]
* tonikt has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:44]
* tonikt (~tonikt@unaffiliated/tonikt) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [13:45]
* youknowitstrue has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [13:47]
* youknowitstrue ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [13:48]
* folmer ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [14:07]
* brendio has quit (Quit: brendio) [14:12]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [14:15]
* DutchBrat (~Ernesto@ has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [14:17]
* AmazonStuff has quit () [14:18]
* rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [14:22]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc-eu [20:54]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu is: Eurozone #bitcoin-otc || || Include hash tag #eu in order notes to group -eu orders. || View all tagged -eu orders here: || Exchange rates: !bc,convert CURRENCYCODE || options-> || bitcoin hosting -> [20:54]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc-eu set by kakobrekla! at Wed Jul 4 20:29:50 2012 [20:54]
* guruvan has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [21:15]
* crouge ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [21:17]
* guruvan_ (~guruvan@gateway/tor-sasl/guruvan) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [21:18]
* i_ (~illu@ has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [21:31]
* nanotube has quit (Excess Flood) [21:36]
* illu has quit (Write error: Broken pipe) [21:39]
* jcpham has quit (Excess Flood) [21:39]
* micols_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:39]
* Guest15410 (~jcpham@2a02:29b8:1728:0:10b0:afff:feb7:ce60) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [21:41]
* nanotube (~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [21:42]
* micols ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [21:44]
* chmod755 (~affilitat@unaffiliated/chmod755) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [21:47]
* Guest15410 is now known as jcpham [21:52]
* jcpham has quit (Changing host) [21:52]
* jcpham (~jcpham@unaffiliated/jcpham) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [21:52]
* xorred (~Alex@unaffiliated/xorred) has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [22:10]
* kinksbbx has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [22:21]
* merlin1234 (b2bf9028@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [22:25]
* rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [22:27]
* brendio ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [22:28]
* merlin1234_ (5990c00d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [22:44]
mircea_popescu anyone with ~60 bux in moneybookers ? [22:45]
* brendio has quit (Quit: brendio) [22:46]
xorred mircea_popescu: paypal [22:46]
* merlin1234 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:47]
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* brendio ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [22:49]
* crouge has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:54]
* crouge ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [22:54]
mircea_popescu does anyone even take paypal !? [22:56]
xorred I give. noone takes. [22:58]
xorred wtf. [22:58]
xorred it's been around for years [22:58]
mircea_popescu it's a shitty service nobody likes and nobody trusts. [23:01]
nanotube xorred: it's because of chargebacks. [23:03]
nanotube they're great for a buyer, crap for seller. [23:03]
xorred that's when you're a fraud and dealing with fraudsters too [23:03]
nanotube well, fraudsters like to buy bitcoins. [23:04]
nanotube pay with stolen paypal, get coins, then seller gets chargebacked and screwed. [23:04]
nanotube (or even, buyer falsely claims it was stolen, still gets money back because paypal almost always sides with buyer) [23:04]
xorred even a retarded person can verify the other side of the conversation [23:04]
nanotube well, good luck. :) [23:05]
nanotube i don't think paypal accepts irc logs as evidence. [23:05]
nanotube not to mention that trading bitcoin is against their tos. [23:05]
xorred you don't have any ideas how to check if someone is who they say they is? [23:05]
xorred are* [23:06]
nanotube note again: even someone who is using his own paypal account can falsely claim unauthorized access and initiate a chargeback. [23:06]
nanotube note further that if someone paid with paypal balance, which he received from a scammer which then gets charged back, the chargeback will propagate to you. [23:07]
xorred and get their account deleted for buying btc yea right [23:07]
nanotube been known to happen. [23:07]
xorred indeed [23:07]
nanotube anyway, just giving you the reasons why people are reluctant to take paypal. if you manage to convince someone to take paypal, well, good on you. :) [23:08]
xorred do you really think [23:08]
xorred you're giving me reasons? that I didn't know about? [23:09]
xorred what makes you feel the need to tell someone something they already know [23:09]
nanotube well, your surprise as to why nobody takes paypal suggested to me that you didn't know. [23:09]
nanotube I give. noone takes. [23:09]
nanotube wtf. [23:09]
xorred I buy and sell using paypal for years [23:09]
xorred HERE is where people are all scared like pussies [23:09]
nanotube my apologies if i misinterpreted your wtf as surprise. [23:09]
xorred it makes no sense to me, even knowing the reasons [23:10]
xorred the risk for me is BIGGER [23:10]
xorred than your lousy ltc / btc [23:10]
nanotube how? bitcoins are irreversible. [23:10]
* tonikt has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:10]
xorred as I said. The risk for me is bigger [23:10]
nanotube as i said, how? [23:10]
xorred getting my account locked / deleted [23:11]
nanotube well, that risk is in your control. if you don't initiate too many chargebacks, and don't say 'bitcoin' in your payment messages, they won't have any reason to lock your account. [23:12]
xorred like the other side won't say "bitcoin" to defend themselves [23:13]
xorred cut the crap [23:13]
nanotube defend against what? [23:13]
xorred the chargeback [23:13]
nanotube so you say you plan to charge back? [23:13]
xorred if I do a chargeback, I'll cause the other person to accuse me of buying bitcoin to lock my account [23:14]
nanotube why would you do a chargeback after receiving coins? [23:14]
xorred stfu you know what I ment. shit. I hate when trolls rise [23:14]
xorred read carefully [23:14]
nanotube haha me too [23:14]
* crouge has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:14]
nanotube you can always make sure that you receive the coin, by using escrow. [23:14]
* crouge ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [23:14]
nanotube it's the other person that can't ever be sure he won't receive a chargeback. [23:15]
nanotube anyway, i don't suppose i have any information to impart upon you that you don't already know... so i'll stop waisting your time. [23:16]
nanotube gl. [23:16]
* rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [23:17]
xorred all these years, all these sales, it's that I come here and see all this crap and paranoia against paypal chargebacks. Like you guys invented the fear of chargebacks, for fucks sake [23:17]
copumpkin wat [23:17]
copumpkin xorred: you only just joined the community. It's like you come here and you suddenly know all the risks :) [23:18]
copumpkin we have to deal with people crying daily about how they used paypal and got screwed [23:18]
xorred I know that's retardedly simple to verify and see if the other person is trustworthy or not [23:18]
copumpkin oh, I guess everyone here is just retarded then, only explanation :) [23:19]
copumpkin I'm glad you have it all figured out [23:19]
xorred no, I fugure the background checks you / others did were nonexistent [23:19]
copumpkin yeah, clearly [23:19]
copumpkin only explanation [23:19]
nanotube maybe you can share how you verify the trustworthiness of your potential counterparty, xorred ? [23:19]
nanotube it is possible we have something interesting to learn from your technique. [23:19]
xorred yes, only explanation [23:19]
chmod755 ;;google nanotube trustworthy [23:20]
gribble Are DC mobility extractions for nanostructures trustworthy ...: ; Carbon Nanotubes & Mesothelioma | Mesothelioma Center: ; Carbon Nanotube Manufacturers & Mesothelioma - Mesothelioma ...: [23:20]
xorred yes, if the other party is an author or a book and is established online as a trustworthy person, it shitsimple to trust them [23:20]
copumpkin xorred: not at all, since you don't know who they "are" [23:20]
xorred online as in Online, not in here [23:20]
copumpkin you know who they claim to be [23:20]
nanotube xorred: well yes, some people do have well established online identities. [23:20]
copumpkin we see stolen paypal accounts all the time [23:20]
xorred so you can't verify the person? [23:20]
nanotube xorred: and i have traded paypal based on verification of such information. [23:20]
copumpkin how would you? [23:21]
copumpkin if someone isn't famous [23:21]
xorred call them on skype ask them to show their ID on video [23:21]
nanotube but most people do not [23:21]
xorred ridiculously simple [23:21]
copumpkin xorred: how does that help? [23:21]
xorred verify the name on the id to their claim / paypal name [23:21]
copumpkin if they're in another country, are you going to prosecute them over a failed $50? [23:21]
chmod755 y [23:21]
copumpkin there is overhead to doing this [23:21]
xorred so you guys invented the lack of trust on paypal [23:21]
xorred you have any idea how long paypal has been doing business? [23:21]
xorred right? [23:21]
copumpkin okay, you're just being stupid [23:22]
chmod755 xorred: put a shoe one your head and show ID on video pls [23:22]
copumpkin not going to bother :) [23:22]
xorred no I'm not [23:22]
chmod755 *on [23:22]
copumpkin this isn't about paypal [23:22]
copumpkin it's about risk management [23:22]
copumpkin and fundamental mismatch in protections given by a payment system [23:22]
xorred I've been dealing with paypal for 5 years. I come here, and I see paypal banishment all over like it's crazy [23:22]
copumpkin we don't banish it [23:23]
xorred not a single chargeback in my entire history [23:23]
copumpkin people just choose to not use it [23:23]
copumpkin every single person [23:23]
copumpkin you're welcome to try using it [23:23]
copumpkin I dare you to sell bitcoins for paypal [23:23]
xorred well sorry, but all my clients are paying with paypal so... [23:23]
copumpkin well, I guess fuck them :) [23:23]
copumpkin because you need a counterparty to do business [23:23]
xorred why don't they not trust me? [23:23]
copumpkin and if you're offering turdcoins as payment, nobody wants them [23:23]
nanotube buyers don't need to trust. sellers need to trust. [23:23]
xorred they all trust me with not a single fear of chargeback [23:23]
xorred that's 5 years dudes [23:24]
copumpkin it's the seller's prerogative what they want to sell for [23:24]
copumpkin your paypal account isn't holy [23:24]
chmod755 ^ [23:24]
copumpkin you'll just find, after trying for weeks [23:24]
copumpkin that not a single person will want to touch it [23:24]
copumpkin you can get angry [23:24]
copumpkin or you can get smart [23:24]
xorred get smart and do what? [23:24]
copumpkin get smart and use something that people use [23:24]
xorred I can't go to the bank every time some schmuck wants to sell btc [23:24]
copumpkin you're basically parading into kenya [23:25]
copumpkin and saying "why IS NOBODY ACCEPTING MY FUCKING EUROS" [23:25]
copumpkin THEY WORK FINE IN EUROPE [23:25]
copumpkin YOU ASSHOLES [23:25]
copumpkin people don't want your euros [23:25]
xorred kenya will die to have my euros ;) [23:25]
copumpkin people don't want your papyal [23:25]
copumpkin well, pick something where that doesn't apply [23:25]
copumpkin people don't want your paypal [23:25]
copumpkin it's as simple as that [23:25]
xorred quote: "I can't go to the bank every time some schmuck wants to sell btc" [23:25]
copumpkin you can bitch [23:25]
copumpkin or you can do business [23:25]
xorred I want simplicity [23:26]
copumpkin the market doesn't care what you want [23:26]
copumpkin somehow, the rest of us adapted [23:26]
chmod755 ^ [23:26]
copumpkin a businessman is trying to make deals [23:26]
xorred well the market better invent some EASY way of trading then [23:26]
copumpkin he doesn't throw a tantrum [23:26]
copumpkin the rest of us survive just fine [23:26]
chmod755 there are many easy ways to trade [23:26]
xorred if all my money are in paypal [23:27]
xorred what's your easy way? [23:27]
copumpkin then you're screwed [23:27]
copumpkin I'm sorry [23:27]
copumpkin you can't do business here [23:27]
chmod755 unless you mean easy as in insecure [23:27]
chmod755 those businesses tend to fail [23:27]
* Stove ( has left #bitcoin-otc-eu [23:27]
copumpkin xorred: note that "you can't do business here" isn't my decree [23:27]
copumpkin it's an empirical statement [23:27]
xorred I'll be happy to paypal money into some secure service [23:27]
copumpkin I'm telling you that you will try and fail [23:27]
xorred if it existed [23:27]
chmod755 xD [23:27]
copumpkin the middleman for that service will get screwed [23:27]
copumpkin that's the fundamental truth of it [23:28]
chmod755 virwox, horrible fees [23:28]
xorred not unless the middleman is me - I'll only accept traders after a guarantee [23:28]
chmod755 like 20% in fees [23:28]
xorred they put $100 on deposit, and can trade $100 more [23:28]
copumpkin we have seen newcome after newcomer try to accept paypal or credit cards for bitcoins [23:28]
copumpkin every single one gives up after a while [23:28]
xorred if they screw someone with $100, they lose $100 [23:28]
copumpkin because of the degree of fraud [23:28]
xorred idioticly simple [23:28]
copumpkin xorred: how do you put $100 on deposit? [23:28]
copumpkin via paypal? :) [23:28]
xorred one wants to trade $100, they deposit $200 [23:28]
copumpkin "oh sorry paypal, some evil hacker broke into my account and put $200 into this guy's account" [23:29]
xorred via "gift" [23:29]
copumpkin that is no more secure [23:29]
copumpkin we see this shit get charged back all the time [23:29]
copumpkin otherwise any evil hacker would just "gift" money all the time [23:29]
copumpkin it'd be a huge gaping security hole [23:29]
xorred well somehow, the MILLIONS of e-commerce sites out there survive, don't you think it's SO STRANGE? [23:29]
copumpkin yes, because they are legal entities that have recourse [23:29]
copumpkin they have proof of delivery [23:29]
copumpkin and are not against the TOS [23:30]
xorred well thats true [23:30]
copumpkin what are you going to say? [23:30]
copumpkin "uhh, I did ship this bitcoin, check txn id ajkalsjkaljklaj5kl2521" [23:30]
chmod755 and finally they're not selling a pseudonymous currency.... [23:30]
copumpkin they'll say "uh, that's against TOS. No money for you and we're shutting down your account" [23:30]
xorred well.... all my money are in paypal. so fuck me [23:30]
copumpkin this isn't spite [23:31]
copumpkin it's people getting burned, literally daily [23:31]
copumpkin all individually deciding not to do it [23:31]
* crouge has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:31]
copumpkin because paypal does not offer the protection we need [23:31]
copumpkin like in #bitcoin-otc [23:31]
* crouge ( has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu [23:31]
copumpkin even yesterday someone got a chargeback [23:31]
copumpkin these aren't stupid people [23:31]
chmod755 xorred: imho paypal isn't even easier than bitcoin [23:31]
copumpkin they're people who think they know better than us [23:31]
copumpkin and can use "gift" [23:31]
copumpkin or shit like that [23:31]
copumpkin and it never works [23:31]
copumpkin for the past year I've watched angry people join and insist on using paypal [23:31]
copumpkin every single one of them gets screwed [23:32]
chmod755 "coinpal" [23:32]
chmod755 ... [23:32]
copumpkin so yeah, you can throw a tantrum, or you can try to solve the problem [23:32]
copumpkin I'm done ranting :) [23:32]
xorred I bought btc over paypal already [23:33]
xorred and didn't get screwed [23:33]
copumpkin you're not the one getting screwed [23:33]
copumpkin the other guy is lucky you're honest [23:33]
chmod755 ^ [23:33]
xorred not lucky - it's NORMAL [23:33]
copumpkin he'll probably get screwed later [23:33]
copumpkin xorred: not around here it isn't [23:33]
copumpkin seriously, can you poke a hole in something I said earlier? [23:33]
xorred well you're all criminals as the news agencies say then lol [23:33]
copumpkin yeah, that's it [23:34]
copumpkin you're clearly more interested in using paypal than using bitcoin. That just means the overhead for getting started is too high for you :) you should try again in a few years [23:34]
xorred no I'm just pissed cause I'm used to simplicity [23:35]
xorred technology is meant to make your life easier [23:35]
xorred not 10x harder [23:35]
copumpkin yeah, bitcoin is anything but simple right now [23:35]
copumpkin that's not its own fault [23:35]
copumpkin it's a fundamentally different model from all existing payment systems [23:35]
xorred well it's a serious hindrance to it's widespread use [23:35]
copumpkin yes [23:35]
copumpkin you can bitch [23:36]
copumpkin but there is no single "bitcoin committee" [23:36]
copumpkin so either fix it [23:36]
copumpkin or don't use it [23:36]
xorred yes, make your grandma use / generate bitcoin / etc [23:36]
xorred she'll die before buying lunch [23:36]
copumpkin yes, that isn't the goal [23:36]
copumpkin as I said [23:36]
copumpkin fix it or don't use it [23:36]
xorred well the goal is for bitcoin to get widespread yes? [23:36]
copumpkin there's no single entity making these decisiosns [23:36]
copumpkin yes, but there isn't a single entity whose goal that is [23:36]
xorred hwo the fuck is this happening if it's damn hard to work with it [23:36]
copumpkin because some of us have more patience than you do [23:37]
copumpkin and make lots of money doing so [23:37]
copumpkin it's an emerging market [23:37]
copumpkin treat it as one [23:37]
xorred well I can do a SEPA...... [23:37]
copumpkin banks opening offices in emerging markets don't expect to prance in and do everything like they were doing at home [23:37]
xorred I can send money to a swift / iban address [23:37]
copumpkin they're there to make money [23:37]
copumpkin because they took the risk of moving in and putting in the extra work to get in early [23:37]
copumpkin lots of people doing SEPA in here [23:37]
copumpkin I know sturles does it [23:37]
copumpkin the thing is, and it's frustrating for people who know they're honest (but nobody else does), once you get trusted around here, you _can_ use paypal [23:38]
copumpkin nanotube and I could easily buy things for paypal, because we are well known [23:38]
copumpkin this is a case of the bad guys making it worse for everyone [23:39]
sturles xorred: [23:39]
vodka [ #bitcoin-otc order book ] - [23:39]
copumpkin but there's not much to do about it [23:39]
xorred wow. the bitcoin datadir is 3GB [23:39]
copumpkin there are whole online markets dedicated to exchanging stolen paypal credentials/accounts [23:39]
copumpkin and identities [23:39]
copumpkin and such [23:39]
copumpkin fake ID cards are a dime a dozne [23:40]
copumpkin especially over a shitty webcam [23:40]
copumpkin xorred: yeah, people are working on ways to make it smaller [23:40]
chmod755 << comment section [23:40]
vodka [ | WOT Reputation Scorecard | WOT (Web of Trust) ] - [23:41]
xorred alright I'm out. Will buy btc over bank transfer. [23:46]
* xorred has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [23:46]
jcpham +1 all that copumpkin text [23:51]
mircea_popescu this was a very instructive waste of half hour. [23:57]
* chmod755 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:59]
mircea_popescu but i didn't like copumpkin's kenya example [23:59]
mircea_popescu it is exaclty the opposite : some kenyan is parading in europe and demanding we accept his pula [23:59]
mircea_popescu or wtf he's using back home. [23:59]
mircea_popescu WHERE OBAMA COMES FROM!!! ITS FAMOUS! [23:59]
copumpkin lol, I was trying to pick the more established option as the parading one [23:59]
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