Forum logs for 05 Mar 2013

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Bowjob it should have 195 BTC on that address, not 169 [00:00]
Bowjob my electrum says 195.. [00:00]
Bowjob this transaction doesnt make sense, I only spent 56 BTC here [00:01]
Bowjob [00:01]
Bowjob it says 82 total [00:01]
Bowjob wtf [00:01]
dub every other bash quote is from some homo efnet oper [00:01]
dub its a fucking circlejerk [00:02]
* B0g4r7 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [00:02]
mircea_popescu dub welcome to internets [00:03]
mircea_popescu Bowjob prolly best harass piuk in forum [00:03]
mircea_popescu and also tell him to get on irc :D [00:03]
B0g4r7_ Bowjob, the rest got sent to a "balance address". [00:04]
Bowjob whats a balance address [00:04]
Bowjob fyi, I only used 1 address ^ [00:04]
mircea_popescu Bowjob that's how we make money. [00:04]
B0g4r7_ I'm not entirely clear on it. I think it happens when it needs to split funds or something. [00:05]
mircea_popescu bitcoin financial elite steals from ordinary users by redirecting some random % of some txs [00:05]
B0g4r7_ It gets sent to a newly-generated address that then gets placed i your wallet. [00:05]
* blu3gr1ffon has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:05]
B0g4r7_ in [00:05]
* blu3gr1ffon ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:05]
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* blu3gr1ffon (~gr1ffon@unaffiliated/blu3gr1ffon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:05]
B0g4r7_ The ppl in #bitcoin-dev would know better. [00:05]
* blu3gr1ffon has quit (Client Quit) [00:05]
Bowjob eh.. i dont understand lol [00:06]
mircea_popescu Bowjob it's like this : you can only spend a WHOLE input. [00:06]
iz B0g4r7_: so you had 82.308 in a single bitcoin address, and you wanted to spend 56.82.. so 56.82 goes to where you want to spend it, and then 25.48 comes back in change to one of your new randomly generated wallet addresses [00:06]
mircea_popescu like, if you have 50 btc, the next time you spend ANY btc yougotta spend the whole 50 [00:06]
B0g4r7_ iz: pretty much. [00:06]
mircea_popescu the way this works in practice is that you send however much to who you owe [00:06]
mircea_popescu and the rest to another address of yours [00:06]
mircea_popescu and iz iz fasterz than mez ;/ [00:07]
* blu3gr1ffon (~gr1ffon@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:07]
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* blu3gr1ffon (~gr1ffon@unaffiliated/blu3gr1ffon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:07]
Bowjob but.. one thing I don't get.. where is that 25 BTC sent? [00:07]
Bowjob I use electrum, only 5 addys [00:07]
Bowjob I checked the rest, I don't have them [00:07]
mircea_popescu hm [00:07]
B0g4r7_ It goes to a newly-generated address in your wallet. [00:07]
Bowjob but I can't see the address? [00:07]
B0g4r7_ The addresses are hidden somehow (maybe?) [00:07]
B0g4r7_ idk Electrum really. [00:08]
Bowjob yes, its hidden.. umm, but my total says 200 BTC [00:08]
Bowjob so it must be here, then its hidden? wtf [00:08]
B0g4r7_ Maybe ask #electrum [00:08]
Bowjob mmk [00:08]
* B0g4r7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.BBET] 500 @ 0.00175 = 0.875 BTC [-] [00:13]
blu3gr1ffon ;;ticker [00:20]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 36.01100, Best ask: 36.30000, Bid-ask spread: 0.28900, Last trade: 36.01100, 24 hour volume: 45723.66365557, 24 hour low: 34.19000, 24 hour high: 36.70000, 24 hour vwap: 35.42630 [00:20]
* LainZ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:26]
Bowjob yeap. [00:26]
Bowjob 1G6evBnvqzZ3mDoxbjWivFLVzcG9JBhfXR [00:27]
Bowjob It's in this address.. I just don't see it on my client [00:27]
maximian mircea_popescu: so evoorhees will actually have to issue a dividend of 6619BTC to cover all 50,000,000 shares? [00:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.65 = 1.3 BTC [-] [00:32]
* blu3gr1f1on (~gr1ffon@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:34]
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* blu3gr1f1on (~gr1ffon@unaffiliated/blu3gr1ffon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:34]
mircea_popescu maximian im not sure of the exact figure. how much did sdice make in feb ? [00:34]
maximian 13000+ BTC [00:34]
mircea_popescu then yes [00:35]
maximian evoorhees wrote that he'll be paying 1721BTC, which I assume he calculated based on 13M shares, which works out to 0.00013238 per share [00:35]
maximian OK [00:35]
mircea_popescu course most of it goes back to him i imagine, so it prolly works out to that [00:35]
maximian right [00:36]
maximian but yeah, a great way to verify income [00:36]
maximian at least half of it anyway [00:36]
kakobrekla o looky [00:40]
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* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:46]
mircea_popescu maximian kinda the idea. [00:47]
mircea_popescu o hey check that stuff out! [00:48]
Lyspooner on bitbet, create a long-dated bet with a close to 50-50 outcome, bet both sides of it, take advantage of the early weighting part of the algorithm [00:49]
* blu3gr1f1on (~gr1ffon@unaffiliated/blu3gr1ffon) has left #bitcoin-assets [00:49]
Lyspooner amirite [00:49]
mircea_popescu may work, yes. [00:50]
mircea_popescu you underwrite the marketmaker risk for a possible profit down the road. [00:50]
mircea_popescu im sure as more people figure out what's what there's going to be bookmaking of this sort, for everyone's benefit [00:51]
mircea_popescu (ocasional better gets stabler odds) [00:51]
Lyspooner it's an interesting way to earn positive interest rates on deposits at the expense of later bettors [00:53]
* blu3gr1ffon has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [00:53]
mircea_popescu leading bitcoin financial instruments since 2012. [00:53]
Lyspooner what, bitbet? [00:53]
Bugpowder Lyspooner: yes of course [00:53]
Bugpowder This is what I did with the NFL bets [00:53]
Bugpowder Also set the ratio at the real moneyline [00:54]
Lyspooner nice [00:54]
Lyspooner i did something like that, where i just bought a bunch of bitcoins with money [00:54]
Bugpowder There is actually an optimal amount to rebet as well, against any bets that move the odds away from the line [00:54]
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* blu3gr1ffon ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:55]
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* blu3gr1ffon (~gr1ffon@unaffiliated/blu3gr1ffon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:55]
Bugpowder however rebetting only works well if you have set the time decay such that there is little or no decay [00:55]
* Tritonio ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:57]
Bowjob [00:58]
Bowjob My prediction back in december [00:59]
Bowjob boy I was wrong [00:59]
Bowjob lol [00:59]
kakobrekla critticall did a better job. [00:59]
* Troic has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:01]
* Bugpowder has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:02]
Bowjob LTC is now at 13 cents.. da fuck is going on [01:02]
dub retards [01:05]
mircea_popescu retards must has bubble. [01:07]
* evoorhees (~evoorhees@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4018 @ 0.00078 = 3.134 BTC [+] [01:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.000781 = 7.81 BTC [+] [01:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3400 @ 0.00078284 = 2.6617 BTC [+] [01:10]
* thepok has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [01:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 600 @ 0.0055001 = 3.3001 BTC [-] [01:11]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [01:12]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 36.01300, Best ask: 36.33600, Bid-ask spread: 0.32300, Last trade: 36.01300, 24 hour volume: 46753.53869852, 24 hour low: 34.19000, 24 hour high: 36.70000, 24 hour vwap: 35.45420 [01:12]
* Lyspooner has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 16.0.2/20121024073032]) [01:16]
* thepok ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:16]
* fydel has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:18]
* blu3gr1f1on ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:18]
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* blu3gr1f1on (~gr1ffon@unaffiliated/blu3gr1ffon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:18]
* LainZ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:19]
* thepok has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:20]
Bowjob ;;ticker [01:25]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 36.07110, Best ask: 36.33000, Bid-ask spread: 0.25890, Last trade: 36.07110, 24 hour volume: 46733.12002181, 24 hour low: 34.19000, 24 hour high: 36.70000, 24 hour vwap: 35.45680 [01:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 65 @ 0.0059 = 0.3835 BTC [+] [01:26]
* Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [01:26]
* blu3gr1f1on has quit (Quit: leaving) [01:27]
* blu3gr1f1on ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:28]
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* blu3gr1f1on (~gr1ffon@unaffiliated/blu3gr1ffon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:28]
Bowjob the electrum irc is useless [01:32]
Bowjob everyone there is in limbo [01:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.4001 BTC [+] [01:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.4001 BTC [+] [01:39]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.C390T] 5 @ 0.18595405 = 0.9298 BTC [+] [01:42]
* Bugpowder ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:43]
* tbcoin has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:46]
* LainZ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 4 @ 0.595 = 2.38 BTC [-] [01:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] [PAID] 6,621.40925 BTC to 50`000`000 shares, 13242 satoshi per share [01:48]
maximian nice! [01:48]
mircea_popescu cool. [01:49]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.4000101 BTC [-] [01:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 15 @ 1.40001001 = 21.0002 BTC [-] [01:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.34499 = 0.69 BTC [+] [01:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1620 @ 0.005967 = 9.6665 BTC [+] [01:53]
mircea_popescu wait. [01:53]
mircea_popescu what the fucking hell it downtrends pre div and then UPTRENDS post div ? [01:53]
Bugpowder As usual [01:54]
mircea_popescu does this make any sense ?! [01:55]
Bugpowder Maybe if people think he ain't gonna pay [01:55]
mircea_popescu i guess... [01:55]
mircea_popescu maybe somebody was trying to create a sell panic [01:56]
Bugpowder Small volume anyway [01:56]
mircea_popescu this is true [01:57]
mircea_popescu maybe some people reinvesting divs [01:58]
Bugpowder Yeah that is it [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 400 @ 0.00596998 = 2.388 BTC [+] [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 2000 @ 0.00596999 = 11.94 BTC [+] [01:58]
Bugpowder Most likely [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 4600 @ 0.00597 = 27.462 BTC [+] [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 619 @ 0.00598 = 3.7016 BTC [+] [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 147 @ 0.00599999 = 0.882 BTC [+] [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1661 @ 0.00599999 = 9.966 BTC [+] [01:58]
maximian oooh [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 5000 @ 0.006 = 30 BTC [+] [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00600768 = 6.0077 BTC [+] [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 7695 @ 0.00611032 = 47.0189 BTC [+] [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 3536 @ 0.00620077 = 21.9259 BTC [+] [01:58]
* sgnb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:00]
error4733 "maybe some people reinvesting divs" [02:00]
ThickAsThieves is why it always goes up after divs, it's a testament to SDICE's allure [02:01]
mircea_popescu !ticker m s.dice [02:02]
assbot [MPEX:S.DICE] 1D: 0.00500002 / 0.00587605 / 0.00620077 (53227 shares, 312.76 BTC), 7D: 0.0048 / 0.00584889 / 0.0063799 (341165 shares, 1,995.44 BTC), 30D: 0.0042 / 0.00595448 / 0.007395 (6741410 shares, 40,141.61 BTC) [02:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.BBET] 700 @ 0.0015 = 1.05 BTC [-] [02:04]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5652 @ 0.00078628 = 4.4441 BTC [+] [02:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1399 @ 0.00075212 = 1.0522 BTC [-] [02:06]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16940 @ 0.00075072 = 12.7172 BTC [-] [02:06]
* Bugpowder has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:08]
* the_silent_wande ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:12]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2280000 @ 0.00075 = 1710 BTC [-] [02:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 96 @ 0.0059 = 0.5664 BTC [+] [02:14]
* evoorhees_ (~evoorhees@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:15]
blu3gr1f1on I wish betbet resolutions were as fast as s.dices. [02:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 200 @ 0.00620076 = 1.2402 BTC [-] [02:16]
the_silent_wande hey, can anyone tell me if this last bet on will be refunded? [02:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 5336 @ 0.00620077 = 33.0873 BTC [+] [02:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 134464 @ 0.006225 = 837.0384 BTC [+] [02:16]
mircea_popescu if only that were possible. [02:16]
the_silent_wande because I made that bet like three hours before it got confirmed, and I really want it to not be refunded. [02:17]
mircea_popescu the_silent_wande not likely [02:17]
blu3gr1f1on it would make you a sort of magical unicorn, able to determine outcomes of user submitted gobshite bets [02:17]
mircea_popescu still like 5 days to go or w/e [02:17]
the_silent_wande mircea_popescu thank you. [02:17]
* evoorhees has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [02:17]
* evoorhees_ is now known as evoorhees [02:17]
blu3gr1f1on the_silent_wande: are you the last bet for 1btc? [02:18]
* Bugpowder ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:18]
the_silent_wande yes [02:18]
* evoorhees is now known as Guest96585 [02:18]
the_silent_wande yeah [02:18]
blu3gr1f1on good timing [02:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 4 @ 0.6295 = 2.518 BTC [+] [02:19]
blu3gr1f1on did you include a mining fee? [02:19]
blu3gr1f1on when you sent your bet? [02:19]
the_silent_wande I sent via [02:19]
blu3gr1f1on you should not keep coins there. buy them, and MOVE THEM. [02:19]
blu3gr1f1on great way to get your hands on them. poor way to store them. [02:20]
* sgnb ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:20]
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* BitHub (~BitHub@unaffiliated/bithub) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:21]
blu3gr1f1on unless interested in privacy [02:23]
blu3gr1f1on btw [02:23]
mircea_popescu [02:23]
mircea_popescu pic unrelated. [02:24]
blu3gr1f1on flexible [02:24]
* the_silent_wande has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:26]
BitHub what happened with PrimeAsic? [02:28]
BitHub legit? [02:28]
mircea_popescu we don't know yet. [02:28]
mircea_popescu bitbet says like 100:1 legit, but i dunno. [02:28]
BitHub i like those odds [02:29]
* BitHub sells his house to buy up PrimeAsic, BLF and LIGHTING MINER 4.0 [02:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.6295 BTC [+] [02:32]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 1000 @ 1.12260046 = 1122.6005 BTC [-] [02:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 96 @ 0.0061 = 0.5856 BTC [+] [02:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 564 @ 0.00617 = 3.4799 BTC [+] [02:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.65 = 1.95 BTC [-] [02:44]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 1000 @ 1.12080012 = 1120.8001 BTC [-] [02:44]
mircea_popescu eh [02:45]
mircea_popescu this has all the makings of adventuer [02:45]
* B0g4r7 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [02:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 6 @ 0.3 = 1.8 BTC [+] [02:47]
* Mandrius has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.34499 = 2.0699 BTC [+] [02:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 100 @ 0.00617 = 0.617 BTC [+] [02:54]
* B0g4r7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:54]
* Bugpowder has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.65 = 1.3 BTC [-] [02:58]
BitHub .65 hey [02:58]
* Bugpowder ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:02]
jcpham 36.40 nbd [03:02]
Chaang-Noi ;;ticker [03:10]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 36.22123, Best ask: 36.40000, Bid-ask spread: 0.17877, Last trade: 36.40000, 24 hour volume: 47630.33370173, 24 hour low: 34.19000, 24 hour high: 36.70000, 24 hour vwap: 35.51830 [03:10]
Chaang-Noi wow.. i really should sleep more often [03:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34600 @ 0.00075 = 25.95 BTC [-] [03:10]
Chaang-Noi ltc too... [03:10]
* Bugpowder has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:12]
* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:20]
dub a wild libertard appears [03:21]
* DiabloD3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:27]
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* Bugpowder ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:35]
error4733 hey, i need 3 mate to try poker at [03:35]
error4733 freeroll in 20min but need 4 players to start [03:36]
* tbcoin ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:39]
Namworld I'll login [03:41]
mircea_popescu dub sign bitcoin's breaking into mainstream [03:41]
mircea_popescu error4733 who runs that ? [03:41]
Bowjob Ooh. quite a huge buy [03:43]
Namworld where? [03:44]
Bowjob oh , i was talking about dice [03:44]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [03:45]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 36.39746, Best ask: 36.39929, Bid-ask spread: 0.00183, Last trade: 36.39930, 24 hour volume: 47668.19097261, 24 hour low: 34.19000, 24 hour high: 36.70000, 24 hour vwap: 35.52726 [03:45]
BitHub hey anyone selling BTC in AUD? yeah i've tried otc [03:46]
mircea_popescu maybe ukto [03:47]
BitHub hmmm nah [03:47]
BitHub maybe mircea [03:47]
* Bugpowder has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:48]
* tbcoin has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [03:49]
* MiningBuddy- (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:50]
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* Bugpowder ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:51]
* MiningBuddy- has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 4 @ 0.00078 = 0.0031 BTC [+] [03:53]
* MiningBuddy (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:54]
* MiningBuddy has quit (Changing host) [03:54]
* MiningBuddy (~msn@unaffiliated/miningbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:54]
* tbcoin ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 1 @ 0.00196 BTC [-] [03:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 100 @ 0.00196 = 0.196 BTC [-] [03:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 100 @ 0.00195 = 0.195 BTC [-] [03:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 30 @ 0.00195 = 0.0585 BTC [-] [03:56]
Chaang-Noi ;;asks 1000 [03:57]
gribble There are currently 62067.62 bitcoins offered at or under 1000.0 USD, worth 6529233.27387 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0033 seconds [03:57]
Chaang-Noi who has 6 million fiat on gox? [03:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00075 = 3.75 BTC [-] [03:59]
Bowjob ;;ticker [04:00]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 36.16100, Best ask: 36.35000, Bid-ask spread: 0.18900, Last trade: 36.39999, 24 hour volume: 46677.07588137, 24 hour low: 34.19000, 24 hour high: 36.70000, 24 hour vwap: 35.55065 [04:00]
Bowjob just an ordinary day in bitcoinland [04:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00075 = 3.75 BTC [-] [04:00]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 1000 @ 1.11601409 = 1116.0141 BTC [-] [04:02]
* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:03]
error4733 sorry Namworld.. i forgot about asking here... I just want so see if it's better than sealclub [04:07]
* Bugpowder has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [04:09]
error4733 mp : [04:09]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 1000 @ 1.11601409 = 1116.0141 BTC [-] [04:12]
dub error4733: haven't been on there for a while, have they actually got players these days? used to be a ghost town [04:15]
Chaang-Noi ;;calc 47.08908/2000 [04:15]
gribble 0.02354454 [04:15]
* Bugpowder ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:16]
dub I for one support any site that takes users away from micon [04:16]
Chaang-Noi micron sold it right? [04:17]
dub seals? [04:17]
Chaang-Noi i thought so [04:17]
pigeons he's the pro, he didn't own it [04:18]
Chaang-Noi i might be wrong [04:18]
Chaang-Noi okay, well who ever had it i think sold it [04:18]
dub oh, I stopped playing there because he's an assclown [04:18]
[\] micon never owned seals afaik [04:18]
Chaang-Noi when your paid pro gets business to stop playing lol [04:18]
[\] he was just a talking head [04:18]
Chaang-Noi i just remeber reading about seals being sold, i dont know by whom or to whom [04:19]
pigeons way to spread the facts ;) [04:19]
Chaang-Noi i try! [04:19]
Bugpowder Seals is run by shady poker scammers [04:20]
dub I like this ssaCEO's style however, he's like the al swearengen of pr [04:20]
Bugpowder According to a friend who knows them from way back in poker land [04:21]
pigeons this channel is the no gossip express today [04:22]
[\] cocksucka! [04:22]
[\] Wu! [04:22]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 1000 @ 1.11601409 = 1116.0141 BTC [-] [04:23]
Chaang-Noi ltc is not a btc assets but anyone know why it went up 100% in 1.5 days? [04:23]
pigeons kimdotcom is accepting it for mega and pirate will pay everyone back in ltc [04:24]
[\] Chaang-Noi: same reason bitcoin has gone up 5% a day for the last several weeks. [04:25]
dub I think more likely because eskimobobs ugly mug mining operation is getting underway [04:25]
pigeons i've got one of those mugs and it is gorgeous actually [04:25]
pigeons but eskimobobs ugly mug mining operation sounds better [04:26]
[\] its like calling a chunk of frozen tundra greenland [04:26]
[\] and a chunk of beautiful land iceland [04:26]
Chaang-Noi pigeons the mug is pretty cool? [04:27]
* Bowjob has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [04:27]
Chaang-Noi ill have to look into getting one [04:27]
pigeons yeah i already posted pictures maybe again later [04:28]
Chaang-Noi oh, yeah if you do send link please, thanks [04:28]
dub inb4 the mug gives you aids [04:28]
Chaang-Noi lol, are we all drunk/high on caffine today? :) [04:28]
Chaang-Noi or did i miss out on a meme [04:29]
[\] high on rice [04:29]
pigeons i don't think its aids, i think maybe i just have mono [04:30]
Chaang-Noi ahh, pigeons is sick, sorry to hear that man [04:30]
pigeons but its a pretty mug [04:30]
dub pretty fucking ugly [04:31]
Chaang-Noi beer mug, coffee mug? [04:31]
dub aids mug [04:32]
[\] mug shot [04:32]
Chaang-Noi lol, [04:32]
* Bugpowder_ (47ab6a02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5815 @ 0.00074361 = 4.3241 BTC [-] [04:40]
* Bugpowder has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:41]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 1000 @ 1.11362916 = 1113.6292 BTC [-] [04:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 5 @ 0.00614 = 0.0307 BTC [+] [04:45]
dub srsly though a home made out of who knows what mixture of clay, mud and the feces eskimoboob probably smears all over himself [04:45]
dub poorly glazed, porous, harbouring all manner bacteria and auto-immune disease [04:46]
* aiball ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:47]
dub be prepared for a slow and painful death shitting yourself inside out from dysentery [04:48]
* bitit (~bitit@gateway/tor-sasl/bitit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:51]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 1000 @ 1.11303376 = 1113.0338 BTC [-] [04:51]
Bugpowder_ some big fucking positions [04:52]
mircea_popescu dub srsly ? [04:52]
* pgp (b89808e4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:52]
mircea_popescu i been sorta watching his venture peripherally, i find the idea rather amusing [04:52]
dub well, if you are comfortable easting your cornflakes out of any random homless persons asshole then go right ahead [04:53]
* FabianB_ (~ogg@unaffiliated/fabianb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:53]
mircea_popescu Bugpowder_ like 5k went today [04:53]
Bugpowder_ 7k [04:53]
dub in food hygene terms its the same thing [04:53]
Bugpowder_ so far [04:53]
Bugpowder_ going to 10k [04:53]
Bugpowder_ probably [04:53]
mircea_popescu yah right you are [04:53]
mircea_popescu definitely record month [04:53]
mircea_popescu and it's only the 5th o wow. [04:53]
* FabianB has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [04:54]
[\] congrats [04:54]
[\] give the girl a raise [04:54]
mircea_popescu i wonder if i'm gonna live to regret these [04:54]
mircea_popescu worst racket in the world, if you have no trade you're depressed, if you get trade you're worried. [04:54]
mircea_popescu dub it's amusing inasmuch as there's this new trend among the terminally retarded lefties [04:55]
mircea_popescu "make art a business" [04:55]
mircea_popescu as fucking if a. what they did was art and b. you can make money at art w/o an elite [04:55]
dub mircea_popescu: hey if he can scrape a living out of exploiting hippies thats fine. Putting anything you plan to ingest in a home made pottery receptacle is gastric russian roulette [04:56]
mircea_popescu it's so broken i can't put it in words [04:56]
mircea_popescu dub right, cause the hippies have dough. [04:56]
mircea_popescu through the process of what ? alchemy ? [04:56]
dub its not my model bro [04:56]
mircea_popescu unless he starts distributing tokes as dividends... [04:56]
[\] wait, you invested in dankbank? [04:57]
mircea_popescu someone invested in that ? [04:57]
dub as long has pigeons has exploding colon insurance he'll be fine too [04:58]
mircea_popescu you know there's some vitamin that you only get by eating dirt basically ? [04:59]
[\] yeah, its called "vitamin stupid" [04:59]
mircea_popescu no dood. [04:59]
dub vitamin lysteria [04:59]
mircea_popescu [04:59]
mircea_popescu ahaha totally. vitamin b. haters. [04:59]
dub er listeria [04:59]
dub firstly there's no vitamin b its a group of vitamins and you get them from lots of places [05:01]
mircea_popescu dirt! [05:01]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 1000 @ 1.11124958 = 1111.2496 BTC [-] [05:01]
mircea_popescu well really, some bacteria which unlike us can synthesize it [05:01]
* Bugpowder_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [05:02]
dub eatign dirt is not a good idea, listeria is a very nasty way to die [05:02]
dub need vit. b? drink red bull you'll live longer [05:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.00408 BTC [-] [05:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 14 @ 0.65 = 9.1 BTC [-] [05:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 91 @ 0.00614 = 0.5587 BTC [+] [05:07]
Chaang-Noi 36.8 crazy [05:09]
Chaang-Noi oh shit asicminer-pt is trading:) [05:10]
* bitit has quit (Quit: Leaving) [05:10]
BitHub i just got some on BitFunder [05:10]
Chaang-Noi what is it trading at bitfunder? [05:10]
BitHub same price i think [05:11]
Chaang-Noi cool, .65 is a good number [05:11]
* bitit (~bitit@gateway/tor-sasl/bitit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:11]
Chaang-Noi what is the webiste for btctc ? [05:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 49 @ 0.00615 = 0.3014 BTC [+] [05:12]
Chaang-Noi i dont know the name of that other exchange :/ [05:13]
BitHub this might sound really n00b but is there a way to exchange between PT's [05:13]
Namworld No, not really, why? [05:13]
Chaang-Noi [05:14]
Namworld What PT do you hold? [05:14]
Chaang-Noi you could but it would be a pain in the ass [05:14]
BitHub for example say i want an asset on BF but i only have a mpex account but i could buy an asset on BF using or leveraging an asset i have on MPEX to buy that asset on BF [05:14]
Namworld Not sure I understand what you mean... [05:15]
dub havelock has just implemented that [05:15]
BitHub i dont know like i said i'm probably being a real n00b [05:15]
dub (if I understood correctly) [05:15]
thestringpuller Don't trust havelock [05:15]
thestringpuller Havelock is controlled by the Borg. [05:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.34499 BTC [+] [05:16]
thestringpuller !ticker m S.MPOE [05:17]
assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00074361 / 0.00075087 / 0.00078628 (2432192 shares, 1,826.28 BTC), 7D: 0.0007147 / 0.00075245 / 0.00078628 (3534723 shares, 2,659.72 BTC), 30D: 0.0006153 / 0.00067759 / 0.00078628 (62988367 shares, 42,680.30 BTC) [05:17]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 1000 @ 1.1100618 = 1110.0618 BTC [-] [05:17]
BitHub ahh okey dub [05:17]
thestringpuller !ticker m ^OIX [05:18]
assbot [MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 29.08490939 / 41.20198681 / 46.0855546 (no shares, 6,242.04 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) [05:18]
Namworld some S.DICE-PT available for 0.00599 [05:18]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [05:18]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 36.85901, Best ask: 36.89300, Bid-ask spread: 0.03399, Last trade: 36.89300, 24 hour volume: 48595.38328206, 24 hour low: 34.34200, 24 hour high: 36.90000, 24 hour vwap: 35.65034 [05:18]
thestringpuller hmm [05:18]
Namworld what, we're already hitting 37 [05:19]
error4733 not fun for me, since i start in december [05:21]
error4733 it was ALWAYS rally time [05:21]
Namworld I bought in at 5 USD and 10 USD [05:21]
error4733 and sold at ? [05:22]
Namworld Haven't sold, lost them to some bad "miner" [05:22]
Namworld Mostly [05:22]
error4733 sick [05:22]
error4733 but u're still in [05:22]
dub bad miner? [05:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 100 @ 0.00584168 = 0.5842 BTC [-] [05:22]
error4733 bad invest in ASCISMINER right ? [05:23]
mircea_popescu error4733 give it time, it may collapse once more. [05:24]
Namworld ASICMINER is selling for 6x what it IPOed at [05:24]
error4733 mp : obv, i'm not like i bet my house on infinite rally [05:24]
error4733 in fact yes, but it's a other question [05:25]
error4733 i hope a crash for a good re entry spot [05:25]
mircea_popescu lol wghat ?! [05:25]
BitHub i'm going to make a long term 100 play [05:26]
BitHub so anything under 100$ is good enough for me [05:26]
BitHub lets do it [05:26]
* BitHub taps into the kids college funds [05:26]
error4733 so u mining with gpu ? [05:26]
Namworld no, was lending to Amazingrando, waiting to have enough for a BFL rig. But Amazingrando never repaid. [05:27]
error4733 when i should stop mining with GPU if i thinks BTC'll hit 200$ ? [05:28]
dub how much does your power cost [05:28]
error4733 i never start but [05:28]
mircea_popescu if you never started then don't start. [05:28]
BitHub so i guess PrimeAsic was fake? [05:29]
mircea_popescu BitHub why ? [05:29]
BitHub that's what i'm asking [05:29]
BitHub was it? [05:29]
aiball !ticker .sbbet [05:29]
assbot The round stones beneath the earth... have spoken through the fire. [05:29]
BitHub site's down [05:29]
Chaang-Noi ;;ticker [05:29]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 36.82002, Best ask: 36.94000, Bid-ask spread: 0.11998, Last trade: 36.80000, 24 hour volume: 49186.53224211, 24 hour low: 34.34200, 24 hour high: 37.00000, 24 hour vwap: 35.67406 [05:29]
Chaang-Noi 37 wow [05:29]
mircea_popescu afaik we don't know yet. [05:29]
aiball ;;ticker s.bbet [05:29]
gribble (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg] [--currency XXX]) -- Return pretty-printed mtgox ticker. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure that the three letter code you enter is a valid currency (1 more message) [05:29]
mircea_popescu !ticker m s.bbet [05:30]
assbot [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0.0015 / 0.00175636 / 0.00197 (76200 shares, 133.83 BTC), 7D: 0.0015 / 0.00176507 / 0.00197 (79498 shares, 140.32 BTC), 30D: 0.0003 / 0.00165614 / 0.00197 (128608 shares, 212.99 BTC) [05:30]
aiball thanks! [05:30]
BitHub ahhh okey [05:30]
mircea_popescu bitbet bet gives them good odds of being real, but i dunno. [05:30]
assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 375 @ 1.10887536 = 415.8283 BTC [-] [05:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.00878 BTC [+] [05:33]
dub error4733: if you had cheap power and efficient GPUs you're good till around 100mn diff [05:33]
* Bugpowder ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:34]
error4733 neither of the two... [05:36]
mircea_popescu sooo, is that the end of it ? [05:36]
error4733 thinks so [05:36]
BitHub hmmmm [05:36]
* ColdHardMetal has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [05:37]
error4733 but i want try, i think it's a good way to learn BTC [05:38]
error4733 don't care about the 0.000000475 btc/day [05:41]
error4733 good way also to understand altcoin, why is good, why is a scam [05:41]
dub not sure it is tbh, theres also teh heat, noise, decreased MTBF of your hardware [05:42]
dub might be fun to give it a try but I wouldn't be buying new GPUs at this point unless you plan to pwn n00bs with them on the side [05:43]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 5000 @ 0.00561 = 28.05 BTC [-] [05:43]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 2000 @ 0.00560001 = 11.2 BTC [-] [05:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 400 @ 0.005501 = 2.2004 BTC [-] [05:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 200 @ 0.005501 = 1.1002 BTC [-] [05:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 100 @ 0.0055 = 0.55 BTC [-] [05:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 19900 @ 0.0054 = 107.46 BTC [-] [05:44]
error4733 no one be objective with altcoin bc they old one but hate the new one, etc [05:44]
* thismustb ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:45]
Chaang-Noi og fuck yeah [05:48]
mircea_popescu ok, that's great. [05:49]
thismustb hey guys, do you know any MT4 trading platforms that allow leverage and would let you have a live account with not that much money? [05:50]
mircea_popescu thismustb kakobrekla's thing maybe ? [05:50]
thismustb yea thats why i went to this channel but his site says 50BTC min deposit [05:50]
thismustb that's a bit steep at current rates [05:50]
mircea_popescu hm [05:51]
Chaang-Noi i use namecheap, can wait to pay my next bills :) [05:51]
mircea_popescu wasn't he saying something about deci bitcoin lots or something ? [05:51]
thismustb hehe i dont know, i've only traded forex before, no experience in btc yet [05:51]
thismustb i just forgot 40$ in bitcoins about a year ago. then i saw btc is at 36$ now [05:52]
thismustb opened my BTC and bam 400$ [05:52]
thismustb i was like wow, i should just try trading that [05:52]
* aiball ( has left #bitcoin-assets [05:53]
mircea_popescu haha [05:53]
mircea_popescu [05:55]
mircea_popescu tweeter liked that one lol [05:55]
Eduard_Munteanu You guys don't celebrate? We just broke $37! :) [05:55]
dub dude.. that picture [05:55]
mircea_popescu dub which ? [05:55]
dub you are a fucking baller [05:55]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [05:55]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 36.80002, Best ask: 36.99960, Bid-ask spread: 0.19958, Last trade: 36.99960, 24 hour volume: 49556.91047748, 24 hour low: 34.34200, 24 hour high: 37.00000, 24 hour vwap: 35.70360 [05:55]
mircea_popescu yes im a baller lol [05:56]
dub the background [05:56]
* Eduard_Munteanu lols at mircea_popescu's photo [05:56]
mircea_popescu that was me in mexico, eating chocolate bonbons in the street [05:56]
mircea_popescu with like, a red purse, white suit. sent it back home the agape silence could be heard across the ocean. [05:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 2 @ 0.00616 = 0.0123 BTC [-] [05:57]
* Bugpowder has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:57]
ThickAsThieves the photo is quite epic indeed [05:59]
mircea_popescu it's fair tho, girl was carying my jacket, so. [06:00]
ThickAsThieves are you wearing her pants too? [06:00]
mircea_popescu no, those are my pants., [06:01]
mircea_popescu girls don't get pants. [06:01]
* Smoovious has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [06:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 0.65 = 7.15 BTC [-] [06:02]
Chaang-Noi go asic miner :) [06:02]
* Smoovious ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:03]
ThickAsThieves i dont understand why people are buying on btct when they are 100% divs on BF [06:03]
ThickAsThieves at same price [06:03]
mircea_popescu they prefer the design. [06:04]
Chaang-Noi trust in the exchange [06:04]
Chaang-Noi if i used one already id not make a new account for 10 shares and just lose the 5% [06:04]
ThickAsThieves trust could be an answer [06:05]
Ukto hopfully soon there will be more reasons to want one exchange over another, at least regarding the services that the exchange offers. >:P [06:05]
* TradeFortress ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:06]
ThickAsThieves i have nothing against either, but i do find myself on BF more and more [06:06]
* assbot has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [06:07]
ThickAsThieves Namworld gets props for being the fastes sdice PT div payer [06:07]
Namworld I try to give dividends the same day. [06:09]
Namworld I even got the div on S.MPOE out before it was actually made [06:09]
mircea_popescu that's nice. [06:10]
ThickAsThieves took me a couple days to notice that one [06:10]
mircea_popescu maybe i should pay negative divs [06:10]
Ukto LOL [06:11]
ThickAsThieves should make the price go up higher [06:11]
* bitit has quit (Quit: Leaving) [06:11]
mircea_popescu bit tit ?! [06:12]
ThickAsThieves BitIT probly [06:12]
* DiabloD3 has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [06:13]
mircea_popescu a while back the girl went on some stripper forum to give them free btc [06:13]
mircea_popescu the airheads wouldn't take it. [06:13]
mircea_popescu i guess there's no bit tit ;/ [06:13]
ThickAsThieves that was a good read [06:14]
dub that was your girl? [06:14]
mircea_popescu dub "that" [06:14]
mircea_popescu the dilemma of cluelessness. if you give it free then it must be worthless or else you wouldn't give it for free. if you sell it then it's not worth it. [06:15]
dub on the cam girl forum [06:15]
mircea_popescu trying to go through life without a head must be painful. [06:15]
mircea_popescu dub mpoe-pr is mpoe-pr ya know ? [06:15]
ThickAsThieves yeesh 37.34 already [06:15]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [06:16]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 37.21510, Best ask: 37.34000, Bid-ask spread: 0.12490, Last trade: 37.21510, 24 hour volume: 50374.26609504, 24 hour low: 34.34200, 24 hour high: 37.34000, 24 hour vwap: 35.73039 [06:16]
mircea_popescu shit's crazy [06:16]
ThickAsThieves when do we start to worry [06:16]
Eduard_Munteanu I'm pondering what price should I leave a sell order at for the night. [06:16]
mircea_popescu i'd say if it goes over 100 [06:16]
ThickAsThieves seems like it can't end now [06:16]
ThickAsThieves everyone be speculatin [06:16]
mircea_popescu 50 i would guess is possible, but over 100 is bubble territory. [06:17]
ThickAsThieves but can't we reach the sungularity soon [06:17]
Eduard_Munteanu I think we've just begun attracting the Wall Street guys into it. [06:17]
ThickAsThieves singularity [06:17]
Chaang-Noi it looks like to me all the bears who tried to sell are gone... we dont even get small correctios anymore [06:17]
Chaang-Noi i think eduard is right, [06:17]
Chaang-Noi and also the mega guys... [06:17]
mircea_popescu ya, all those millions coinlab is selling. [06:18]
ThickAsThieves ;;asks 50 [06:18]
gribble There are currently 18100.683 bitcoins offered at or under 50.0 USD, worth 776692.059089 USD in total. | Data vintage: 67.7184 seconds [06:18]
ThickAsThieves that's nothing [06:18]
Eduard_Munteanu You kinda get a sort of correction, but it's not much to scalp. [06:18]
* molecular has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:18]
Eduard_Munteanu I do try to scalp a bit though, I don't make a lot compared to the trend, but it's still something. [06:18]
ThickAsThieves i don;t under stand why some millionaire hasn't bought it into oblivion yet [06:19]
* molecular ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:19]
Eduard_Munteanu Because volatility... [06:19]
Ukto they are not millionaires for nothing. well, not most [06:19]
Eduard_Munteanu But as time passes that may become less of a problem. [06:19]
Ukto and what about MP? [06:19]
dub I think to be safe some millionair would need to buy a proper dev team first [06:19]
Ukto he has lots of btc [06:19]
Ukto :P [06:19]
ThickAsThieves now lite coin is .00353btc/.125usd [06:20]
ThickAsThieves sry .00367btc [06:20]
dub failure there is the biggest risk imo [06:20]
Chaang-Noi i heart ltc [06:20]
Chaang-Noi sold some btc to buy wife a truck, then made it back in one day with ltc [06:20]
* Ukto sells Chaang-Noi [06:21]
Chaang-Noi lol, i doubt im worth anything [06:21]
Chaang-Noi most people pay to get rid of me! :) [06:21]
mircea_popescu of course, all this was foretold [06:22]
* mircea_popescu grins [06:22]
* Eduard_Munteanu hands Chaang-Noi three fitty [06:22]
mircea_popescu "As a complete aside: putting a 5mn BTC buywall @ $200 each up in MtGox might actually be the most rational use of a billion dollars currently. You'll end up with 2-3 mn BTC and the price will be permanently in the hundreds. Profit." [06:25]
mircea_popescu [06:25]
Eduard_Munteanu mircea_popescu: what's your background btw? Anything economics-related or not? [06:26]
mircea_popescu physics adn philosophy. [06:26]
Eduard_Munteanu Interesting. Mine's systems / control engineering, though I'm mostly a software dude. [06:27]
ThickAsThieves has missed that article thx [06:27]
ThickAsThieves had [06:27]
* evoorhees (~evoorhees@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:27]
* evoorhees is now known as Guest65735 [06:28]
ThickAsThieves i imagine the bit time alt coins wars is a likely part of butcoins future [06:28]
mircea_popescu i was in what they called at the time a "suprareal" class in highschool. basically romania's gifted kids programme. [06:28]
ThickAsThieves liek a Google coin [06:28]
ThickAsThieves or a US altcoin [06:28]
ThickAsThieves EU altcoin [06:28]
ThickAsThieves etc [06:28]
mircea_popescu got admitted to bbu with 10 on grounds of olympiads [06:28]
mircea_popescu and finished philosophy/antrhopology at aiu [06:28]
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* [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:30]
ThickAsThieves typing like shit tonight... not exactly sober [06:31]
Eduard_Munteanu Nice, mircea_popescu. [06:31]
* evoorhees (~evoorhees@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:35]
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topace_ hey mircea_popescu you there? [06:37]
topace_ any chance you can approve my withdraw so i can pay my dividends? :) [06:38]
mircea_popescu yeah [06:39]
topace_ thanks! [06:40]
topace_ think someone was trying to be sneaky and push units from mpex->havelock to get the dividend twice [06:41]
topace_ pay dividend first, THEN ill approve the push :) [06:41]
* bitit (~bitit@gateway/tor-sasl/bitit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:41]
topace_ i guess thats a "gotcha" for automatic push processing [06:41]
mircea_popescu haha [06:41]
mircea_popescu yeah totally. [06:42]
mircea_popescu too much automation isn't healthy in finance anyway [06:42]
mircea_popescu course it may be a good idea to just ignore the thing and let people fleece you. [06:43]
mircea_popescu paying a 2% for new business may not be a bad deal, and besides, people value a dollar they think they stole above one they had to earn. [06:44]
topace_ haha thats true [06:44]
topace_ excellent dividend paid... g'nite [06:51]
topace_ (and pending mpex push approved) [06:52]
* guest123 (0c09f202@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:53]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [06:57]
mircea_popescu ;;tslb [06:58]
gribble Time since last block: 1 minute and 1 second [06:58]
mircea_popescu is it me or are blocks incredibly fast. [06:59]
ThickAsThieves ;;bc,stats [06:59]
gribble Current Blocks: 224327 | Current Difficulty: 4367876.000842196 | Next Difficulty At Block: 225791 | Next Difficulty In: 1464 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 19 hours, 39 minutes, and 45 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 4826833.94454 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.50758 [06:59]
Chaang-Noi we had 7 blocks in 15 mins last night... [07:00]
mircea_popescu 10% huh. [07:00]
Chaang-Noi 14 hours ago [07:00]
mircea_popescu so basically, 1k blocks went by in 2 days ? [07:00]
Chaang-Noi closer to 8500? [07:01]
Chaang-Noi lol wait what? [07:01]
mircea_popescu iirc about 2 days ago we were just starting this current diff [07:01]
Chaang-Noi 1 blocks in 2 days? [07:01]
mircea_popescu 1k = 1000 [07:01]
ThickAsThieves maybe something to do with why the diff est was so high at first [07:01]
mircea_popescu ;;tslb [07:02]
Chaang-Noi i dont think we did 1k blocks in 2 days, thats crazy [07:02]
gribble Time since last block: 4 minutes and 22 seconds [07:02]
Chaang-Noi 288 blocks are normal for 2 days [07:02]
Chaang-Noi 1k in 2 days is 4004 normal [07:03]
Chaang-Noi 400$ [07:03]
mircea_popescu we did ~480 in the past 48 hours [07:03]
Chaang-Noi fuck,,, 400% [07:03]
Chaang-Noi 480 i could buy that... 1k no ;) [07:03]
mircea_popescu i was just guessing. [07:03]
Chaang-Noi yeah i knew it was higher than normal but seemed pretty high even for a ballpark guess [07:03]
Chaang-Noi i saw the 7 block in 15 mins and was like shiiit... [07:04]
mircea_popescu ;;tslb [07:04]
gribble Time since last block: 6 minutes and 32 seconds [07:04]
mircea_popescu ok this is more normal [07:04]
Chaang-Noi last 7 blocks and time [07:04]
Chaang-Noi 6, 8, 13, 38, 42, 46, and 52 mins ago [07:04]
Chaang-Noi fast but somehwat close to normal [07:05]
mircea_popescu 8 instead of 6 [07:05]
mircea_popescu [07:06]
mircea_popescu hehe ver is late [07:06]
Chaang-Noi yeah he is [07:08]
Chaang-Noi but still, cant hurt to post [07:08]
mircea_popescu absolutely. [07:08]
Chaang-Noi its a significant site for tech type people [07:08]
mircea_popescu [07:10]
mircea_popescu this is hysterical. [07:10]
mircea_popescu Brooke: What happens if you get 7, 8 and 9 strikes? [07:10]
mircea_popescu Jill: We hope by the time people get to alerts 5 or 6, they’ll stop. Once they’ve been mitigated, once they received several alerts, we’re just not going to send them any more alerts because they’re not the kind of customer we’re going to reach with this program [07:10]
mircea_popescu what the fuck is this bs. [07:10]
mircea_popescu "Once they’ve been mitigated" [07:11]
Chaang-Noi tor everything :/ [07:11]
mircea_popescu have you been mitigated ? [07:11]
ThickAsThieves these guys have the right idea, [07:12]
mircea_popescu 0.005 BTC / GB [07:12]
mircea_popescu so basically pay them the 15 cents per movie that the miaa won't take. [07:13]
Chaang-Noi was their not already a bitcoin service taht did this? [07:13]
mircea_popescu why not just get netflix [07:13]
ThickAsThieves youc an dl any torrent [07:13]
ThickAsThieves apps, etc [07:13]
Chaang-Noi my parents in the us got rid of tv and got netflixs [07:13]
ThickAsThieves also netflix doesnt have everything [07:13]
Chaang-Noi they dont pirate... [07:13]
Chaang-Noi what is netflixs each month? [07:14]
ThickAsThieves $10? [07:14]
ThickAsThieves i have it and i dont know [07:14]
Chaang-Noi ahh cable tv was like $60 [07:14]
ThickAsThieves cheap [07:14]
Chaang-Noi i see why they moved [07:14]
Chaang-Noi they dont even watch much tv... [07:14]
ThickAsThieves fukn comcast cable package is like $150 or some shit [07:14]
Chaang-Noi yeah [07:14]
Chaang-Noi if i go back to the usa ill get google fiber [07:14]
maximian looks like assbot is dead [07:16]
Chaang-Noi or no action? [07:17]
mircea_popescu !ticker assbot is dead [07:17]
Chaang-Noi hmm [07:17]
mircea_popescu totally. [07:17]
ThickAsThieves 37.70 [07:18]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [07:19]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 37.25001, Best ask: 37.37400, Bid-ask spread: 0.12399, Last trade: 37.37400, 24 hour volume: 51650.54746078, 24 hour low: 34.34200, 24 hour high: 37.70000, 24 hour vwap: 35.79829 [07:19]
ThickAsThieves 40 in 12hrs? [07:19]
pizzaman1337 it's just nuts [07:19]
BitHub way overpiced [07:20]
mircea_popescu ponzi. [07:20]
BitHub throwing cash at this thing and losing out [07:20]
mircea_popescu how are you losing out ? [07:20]
BitHub i dont know [07:20]
ThickAsThieves still plenty of atmosphere for this bubble [07:21]
BitHub tell me if you think this is a good idea [07:21]
ThickAsThieves yes [07:21]
BitHub from now till end of the year i'm not going to sell any btc and just keep buying and buying up till end of the year [07:21]
ThickAsThieves thats what everyone else is doing [07:21]
BitHub so anything under 100$ is good right? [07:22]
Chaang-Noi damn 37.7 [07:22]
mircea_popescu haha how should i know ?! [07:22]
ThickAsThieves what kind of bitcoin messiah are you? [07:22]
mircea_popescu me ?! [07:23]
ThickAsThieves i guess not! [07:23]
ThickAsThieves :) [07:23]
mircea_popescu [07:23]
ThickAsThieves mp, you obv server a paternal role here [07:23]
mircea_popescu this is ther sound of btcguild crushing everyone [07:23]
BitHub i just need to know [07:23]
ThickAsThieves peeps gonna ask for guidance [07:23]
BitHub do we have a chance of hitting 500 onday? [07:23]
mircea_popescu well ok, but ask me for guidance about how to stuff the vagoo, not about wtf the price will be [07:24]
ThickAsThieves we have a chacne to hit many numbers [07:24]
mircea_popescu BitHub in principle we have a chance to hit any finite ratio within a finite interval. [07:24]
BitHub oh jesus [07:24]
* BitHub panics [07:24]
mircea_popescu deepbit + 50btc + slush < btc guild. [07:24]
mircea_popescu i should have had a bet up for this [07:24]
ThickAsThieves if you make a bet for any pool vs BTCguild, that pool's userbase will grow [07:26]
ThickAsThieves there i submitted one [07:30]
* grubles (~buttsniff@unaffiliated/grubles) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:30]
grubles i think i just now got the reason for naming assbot it's name [07:31]
BitHub should be trollbot [07:31]
mircea_popescu someone shuld make buttobt [07:33]
grubles just change everything to butt [07:33]
grubles buttsets [07:34]
grubles it's much more politically correct [07:34]
mircea_popescu ok buttbles [07:34]
ThickAsThieves maybe buttbot can kick spammers (spam detected) [07:35]
grubles buttbles works [07:35]
mircea_popescu buttbot and assbot cvould have an assbutt baby [07:35]
grubles (if you google the urban dictionary definition of grubbles, that is) [07:35]
ThickAsThieves Would it be possible to definively know if someone bought the entire Gox ask wall for one moment? [07:35]
grubles no [07:36]
mircea_popescu volume [07:36]
grubles what about bots [07:36]
ThickAsThieves wouldn't it be represented visually on goxlive by the center line touching the right side? [07:37]
ThickAsThieves or i guess it would move [07:38]
ThickAsThieves meh [07:38]
ThickAsThieves thought it might a decent bet [07:38]
ThickAsThieves be [07:38]
mircea_popescu not rly. [07:41]
grubles you still couldnt tell if there were 100 people buying coins or 1 [07:41]
ThickAsThieves oh well [07:42]
grubles unless you were magicaltux [07:42]
* Eduard_Munteanu has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [07:46]
mircea_popescu [07:46]
ThickAsThieves the force is strong in that one [07:47]
mircea_popescu lol [07:47]
grubles since when do stormtroopers wear sheets [07:48]
mircea_popescu since katrina [07:48]
mircea_popescu blew away their other gear [07:49]
grubles everything but their stormtrooper helmet? [07:49]
grubles thats a bit ironic isnt it? [07:49]
BitHub one of your camping trips again mircea? [07:49]
mircea_popescu i guess so. yeah [07:49]
ThickAsThieves looks like he's still getting blown away [07:49]
* moleccc ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:49]
grubles hiyooooo! [07:49]
mircea_popescu BitHub no, i'm not geek enough [07:49]
grubles mircea_popescu: youre missing out [07:50]
mircea_popescu prolly [07:50]
BitHub haha [07:50]
* Namworld has quit () [07:52]
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ThickAsThieves When contacted by the Seattle Bike Blog, representative Orcutt stuck to his guns. "You would be giving off more CO2 if you are riding a bike than driving in a car," he said, but he admitted that he had not "done any analysis" [07:52]
mircea_popescu "Well I was looking for a trader to grab 5 bitcoins from for days,and this asshole pm'ed me saying he had them. I should've known better,but was desperate and time was of the essence. I really needed these 5 bitcoins for an emergency too. Anyway I gave him my mpak and receipt and he hasnt been back since (3 days)." [07:55]
mircea_popescu what may that emergency have been' [07:55]
ThickAsThieves drugs [07:55]
BitHub [07:56]
grubles drugs [07:56]
ThickAsThieves he needed to save his kidnapped daughter from human traffickers, using mostly karate chops [07:56]
ThickAsThieves and bitcoins [07:57]
Chaang-Noi ;;ticker [08:01]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 37.65364, Best ask: 37.76034, Bid-ask spread: 0.10670, Last trade: 37.65364, 24 hour volume: 52475.05497893, 24 hour low: 34.34200, 24 hour high: 37.76034, 24 hour vwap: 35.85542 [08:01]
mircea_popescu [08:02]
mircea_popescu ;;title [08:02]
gribble (title ) -- Returns the HTML of a URL. [08:02]
mircea_popescu ;;title [08:02]
gribble Bitcoin protocol broken? [08:02]
Chaang-Noi dat wall at 37 [08:06]
* bitit has quit (Quit: Leaving) [08:07]
* bitit (~bitit@gateway/tor-sasl/bitit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:09]
mircea_popescu [08:12]
mircea_popescu lulzy. [08:12]
Chaang-Noi mp check out he blocks [08:13]
Chaang-Noi 7 in 21 mins [08:14]
mircea_popescu le ouch [08:14]
mircea_popescu so is there anything to this story about asicminer chips blowing out like baloons or just bs ? [08:15]
Chaang-Noi asicminer has not been proven to mine over 5th [08:15]
Chaang-Noi we seem to have hit a wall and no one knows why [08:16]
BitHub :/ [08:16]
BitHub what? [08:16]
Chaang-Noi this could be for 1000 different reasons [08:16]
Chaang-Noi im not worried [08:16]
BitHub i am [08:16]
Chaang-Noi the chips blowing out i call bs [08:16]
BitHub wtf [08:16]
Chaang-Noi clearly they are mining like crazy... also i expect the next dividend to be crazy [08:17]
mircea_popescu well which is it, like crazy or hit a wall ? [08:18]
BitHub the forum post don't look good [08:18]
dub friedcat said they were having power problems [08:23]
[\] why would the next dividend by crazy? [08:23]
[\] they've onyl paid out 30% of ipo to date and once they hit that threshold, twice as many shares will be collecting future dividends [08:23]
[\] be*, only* [08:24]
Chaang-Noi first dividend they took out paying off a lot of debt, i assume second dividend all debt has been delat with [08:24]
BitHub here we go [08:24]
[\] and what about in 2 weeks when 300 avalons finally arrive? [08:24]
[\] and bfl starts shipping? [08:24]
Chaang-Noi i said next dividend, not in a month... [08:24]
mircea_popescu isn't div monthly ? [08:25]
Chaang-Noi every wednesday in OP [08:25]
[\] its whenever friedcata gets to it [08:25]
mircea_popescu weekly ? that's kinda silly. [08:25]
mircea_popescu but anyway [08:25]
Chaang-Noi op says weekly and every wednesday... [08:25]
Chaang-Noi will that happen i dont know... [08:25]
Chaang-Noi but i bought assuming it would... [08:25]
[\] mircea_popescu: some say thats not soon enough [08:25]
[\] you know, miners should be paid instantaneously [08:26]
BitHub sweet weekly [08:26]
Chaang-Noi might get changed to thursday however cuz of last week but i expect weekly and i expect this week to be like .05 maybe [08:26]
BitHub each share? [08:26]
[\] how long did they mine before paying the first dividend? [08:26]
mircea_popescu [\] heh. yeah. [08:26]
Chaang-Noi they got atleast 15% of the network right? [08:26]
[\] no [08:26]
[\] well, close [08:26]
[\] ;;nethahs [08:26]
gribble Error: "nethahs" is not a valid command. [08:26]
[\] ;;nethash [08:26]
gribble 36234.3320016 [08:26]
ThickAsThieves they mined for what, 2 weeks? [08:27]
BitHub awww yeah i hope its .05 per share [08:27]
[\] 2 they mined for 2 weeks, paid debt, paid .03 div [08:27]
[\] so now they've mined for 1 week [08:27]
[\] and diff went up [08:27]
[\] expecting .05 is a bit much [08:27]
Chaang-Noi okay i did the math, maybe .02 is beter [08:27]
Chaang-Noi my guess was high [08:27]
Chaang-Noi still a very nice weekly div [08:28]
[\] it won't last [08:28]
Chaang-Noi i kow [08:28]
[\] another week, another 15% diff jump [08:28]
Chaang-Noi i never said it would:) [08:28]
ThickAsThieves or will it? [08:28]
[\] another week, 300 avalons [08:28]
Chaang-Noi but if 5th gos to 12 th and 12 th goes to 60 th.... [08:28]
[\] Chaang-Noi: after .1, your div gets cut in half [08:28]
ThickAsThieves right [08:28]
Chaang-Noi i thought batch one shipped in jan? :) [08:28]
[\] so it takes doubling just to keep even [08:29]
[\] it was never to ship in jan [08:29]
Chaang-Noi yeah the .1 get cut in half, but that money gets invested into new asics right? [08:29]
* error4733 has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- *I* use it, so it must be good!) [08:29]
Chaang-Noi new asics means more TH/s... [08:29]
[\] that will cost money [08:29]
[\] those shares aren't the company [08:29]
Chaang-Noi im pretty happy with asicminer, and if bfl keeps failing... [08:29]
[\] friedcat has to get paid [08:29]
[\] those three own the other half [08:30]
Chaang-Noi ahh. then they will be rich mofos... [08:30]
[\] yeah [08:30]
Chaang-Noi still im pretty happy [08:30]
[\] perhaps [08:31]
mircea_popescu !ticker btct asicminer-pt [08:31]
[\] anyone paying .6/share is gonna take a long while to pay off [08:31]
mircea_popescu aww assbot! [08:31]
Chaang-Noi im going to assume they keep 10% network for a year and see what that brings in... [08:31]
mircea_popescu [\] last i saw it was like 100 btc [08:31]
[\] huh? [08:31]
[\] who is paying 100 btc a share? [08:31]
mircea_popescu no, total volume [08:31]
[\] I've got a bunch to sell then [08:31]
[\] oh [08:31]
Chaang-Noi i think he means vol [08:31]
[\] yeah, no depth [08:32]
[\] point still remains [08:32]
[\] anyone buying at .6 will take a while to pay off [08:32]
ThickAsThieves you dont necessarily need to "pay off" the share at all [08:32]
ThickAsThieves you can sell it [08:32]
Chaang-Noi ;;calc 25 x 6 x 24 x 365 [08:32]
gribble Error: invalid syntax (, line 1) [08:32]
mircea_popescu throwing * a litte* away on a long bet isn't necessarily a bad strategy [08:32]
[\] assuming the company survives [08:32]
[\] mircea_popescu: aye, been there, done that ;) [08:32]
mircea_popescu :p [08:32]
[\] until they can answer why they're stuck on 5 [08:33]
[\] I'm jaded [08:33]
Chaang-Noi okay assuming they only keep 105 of the network on average for a year that is .3285 in two years double that to about what it is selling for now... [08:33]
[\] two years in bitcoin is forever [08:33]
Chaang-Noi yeah i sold some at .6 but keeping the alst half, [08:34]
Chaang-Noi also if they get 20% on average for a eyar that is much higher [08:34]
ThickAsThieves they really should give info about what the hold up is [08:34]
[\] what happens when the sec decides to start investigating us holders? [08:34]
Chaang-Noi and bfl fucks up hard and they get 40%.... [08:34]
mircea_popescu they won't get 20% for a year tho, that's excessive. [08:34]
[\] Chaang-Noi, now you're just being stupid [08:34]
Chaang-Noi sec goes to china lol?? wtf [08:34]
mircea_popescu at these prices market will be awash in real asics this year [08:34]
[\] Chaang-Noi, the sec doesn't have to go to china [08:34]
* bitit has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [08:34]
Chaang-Noi im in thailand i dont give a shit... [08:34]
Chaang-Noi they cant get my wallet i dont care [08:35]
[\] ah right, because you're untouchable [08:35]
Chaang-Noi friedcat has my shares [08:35]
[\] is that why you were pissing your pants about your passthrough? [08:35]
BitHub yay for not being USA resident [08:35]
Chaang-Noi the sec is not realisticly going to fly to china or thailand or hack my wallet... [08:35]
* bitit (~bitit@gateway/tor-sasl/bitit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:35]
BitHub you know they got cia agents there? [08:35]
Chaang-Noi sec might take down a glbse like exchange that asicminer is not involved with... [08:35]
Chaang-Noi cia right now is not after btc... mostly drugs [08:36]
[\] oh yeah? [08:36]
[\] you're an expert on the cia now? [08:36]
ThickAsThieves ... [08:36]
BitHub i was in a country similar to thailand [08:36]
BitHub hotel blew up [08:36]
Chaang-Noi the agents here in thailand that i know are mostly involved in the drug trafficing stuff in the north [08:36]
ThickAsThieves cia, sec no one knows shit about what will happen in those regards [08:36]
ThickAsThieves btc is not a US thing [08:36]
BitHub some cia agents came and got the bodies [08:36]
BitHub the mayor was pissed [08:36]
Chaang-Noi the sec cant do shit in thail;and or china.. thinking they can is silly [08:37]
mircea_popescu;all [08:37]
mircea_popescu jesus the retard parade [08:37]
[\] lol [08:37]
[\] its not even a new concept [08:37]
mircea_popescu it's not even a concept really. [08:38]
[\] (jesus, retards, parades) [08:38]
mircea_popescu o o [08:38]
mircea_popescu lol [08:38]
[\] ;;seen usagi [08:38]
gribble usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 17 hours, 39 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: You won't hold the bitcoins, they will. They'll just tell you how many bitcoins you "own". [08:38]
mircea_popescu that came out nice [08:38]
ThickAsThieves no diff than the otc wot, no? [08:38]
mircea_popescu [08:39]
ThickAsThieves gain trust, spend it on an adequate payout [08:39]
mircea_popescu help me -assets. is he saying that like it's a bad thing ? [08:39]
ThickAsThieves he's saying they're after you [08:40]
[\] I can't be bothered to figure it out [08:40]
ThickAsThieves and will get you as soon as they can find you [08:40]
[\] its not like what he meant changes anything [08:40]
[\] I don't bother reading that particular forum much anymore [08:40]
mircea_popescu [\] i get the selected bits. [08:40]
[\] I'm not sexing someone to watch it for me ;) [08:41]
mircea_popescu lol [08:41]
mircea_popescu help me -assets. is he saying that like it's a bad thing ? [08:41]
[\] lol ThickAsThieves [08:42]
[\] 50 btc [08:42]
ThickAsThieves :) [08:42]
[\] its like that 100 btc roulette from back in the day [08:42]
[\] everyone passed around 100 btc as if it meant something [08:42]
[\] then again, it was only worth about $200 at the time [08:43]
ThickAsThieves I wonder if I got the Op's heart racing [08:43]
[\] probably not his heart.. [08:44]
ThickAsThieves hehe [08:44]
[\] ;;ticker [08:44]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 37.87000, Best ask: 37.99000, Bid-ask spread: 0.12000, Last trade: 37.99000, 24 hour volume: 53627.32358050, 24 hour low: 34.37000, 24 hour high: 37.99000, 24 hour vwap: 35.91832 [08:44]
[\] oh nice [08:44]
mircea_popescu terry gilliam renounced his u.s. citizenship [08:44]
[\] almost $38 [08:44]
[\] wtf is terry gilliam [08:44]
mircea_popescu pretty soon there's not going to be any us citizens left. [08:44]
Chaang-Noi no wall until 40, and that is only 2k btc [08:45]
mircea_popescu [\] possibly the only american filmmaker worth the notice ? [08:45]
[\] he renounced his citizenship in 2006 [08:45]
[\] way to be 6 years late [08:45]
[\] are you reading your news on the wayback machine? [08:45]
ThickAsThieves where would be a good place for an american to leave for? [08:45]
mircea_popescu [\] twitter. [08:46]
[\] ThickAsThieves: I heard North Korea is nice this time of year. [08:46]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves romania. [08:46]
[\] TPB is going to base themselves out of NK [08:46]
ThickAsThieves they like americans? [08:46]
[\] If you play basketball [08:46]
ThickAsThieves i havent been out of the country in a while [08:46]
ThickAsThieves i imagine everyone hates us [08:46]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves not particularly. [08:46]
[\] ThickAsThieves: got any kids? [08:46]
ThickAsThieves not yet [08:46]
ThickAsThieves soon [08:47]
[\] you'd be pretty popular in italy soon ;) [08:47]
[\] well, not you [08:47]
[\] but the kids [08:47]
[\] serving the church [08:47]
mircea_popescu lol wut? [08:47]
mircea_popescu lmao [08:47]
ThickAsThieves we have catholic chuches here too [08:47]
Chaang-Noi Mar05 06:46:59 mtgox x8 47.4170 @ 38.08999282 USD [08:47]
[\] ;;market asks 40 [08:48]
gribble There are currently 6343.2892 bitcoins offered at or under 40.0 USD, worth 250361.11051 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0016 seconds [08:48]
mircea_popescu speaking of which, have they got a new pope yet ? [08:48]
[\] haven't started yet [08:48]
[\] not before next week [08:48]
[\] but most likely before the end of the month [08:48]
BitHub is there a bitcoin bet for it? [08:48]
[\] they want a new one for the sunday before easter sunday [08:48]
[\] [08:49]
[\] ;;ticker [08:50]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 39.00000, Best ask: 39.01100, Bid-ask spread: 0.01100, Last trade: 39.00000, 24 hour volume: 55901.80471473, 24 hour low: 34.37000, 24 hour high: 39.00000, 24 hour vwap: 36.01882 [08:50]
[\] woo [08:50]
Chaang-Noi i wanta new pope:) [08:50]
[\] 39 [08:50]
mircea_popescu i dunno that there's a bet for it [08:50]
mircea_popescu howly. shit [08:51]
Chaang-Noi yeas holy shit [08:51]
Chaang-Noi fuck me running [08:51]
BitHub there needs to be [08:51]
BitHub for teh lulz [08:51]
[\] Chaang-Noi: no wonder you want a new pope [08:51]
[\] I didn't realize you were kinky like that [08:51]
[\] I'm sure they're into that. [08:51]
Chaang-Noi im open minded [08:52]
ThickAsThieves ;;asks 50 [08:52]
gribble There are currently 16268.94 bitcoins offered at or under 50.0 USD, worth 722719.888071 USD in total. | Data vintage: 32.5782 seconds [08:52]
mircea_popescu open kneed matters mroe than open minded [08:53]
pizzaman1337 ;;asks 40 [08:53]
* Bowjob (6037c917@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:53]
gribble There are currently 4749.7778 bitcoins offered at or under 40.0 USD, worth 188971.229954 USD in total. | Data vintage: 55.8562 seconds [08:53]
Bowjob exciting times [08:54]
Bowjob Jesus [08:54]
[\] fuck me running << that sounds a bit more than open minded [08:54]
Chaang-Noi not in thailand... [08:55]
Chaang-Noi you should see some of the shows for tourists [08:56]
BitHub mmm thai girls [08:56]
BitHub getting harder to pick them these days [08:56]
[\] BitHub: are you sure its a girl? [08:56]
BitHub haha [08:56]
mircea_popescu Chaang-Noi they fuck running ? [08:56]
[\] mircea_popescu: they have to.. cia and all [08:57]
mircea_popescu lol [08:57]
Chaang-Noi mp they will do what every you want them to do [08:57]
mircea_popescu "Vatican dismisses reports linking pope's resignation to gay conclave discovery" [08:58]
mircea_popescu Chaang-Noi that's not remarkable is it ? [08:58]
[\] of course they did [08:58]
Chaang-Noi thai girls are submissive by nature [08:58]
Chaang-Noi the feminist bs did not happen here yet... [08:59]
Bowjob ;;ticker [08:59]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 38.99000, Best ask: 39.20000, Bid-ask spread: 0.21000, Last trade: 38.99000, 24 hour volume: 59388.87350464, 24 hour low: 34.37000, 24 hour high: 39.20000, 24 hour vwap: 36.19533 [08:59]
Bowjob Eh, $39. [08:59]
Bowjob Its cheap [08:59]
pizzaman1337 ;;goxlag [08:59]
gribble 0.833684 seconds [08:59]
[\] meanwhile the rates on bitfinex usd keep going up [09:01]
[\] are there bets on how long bitfinex goes before a default? [09:01]
mircea_popescu "Canon law states that a resignation must be made freely and properly manifested and that the pope resigning must be of sound mind." [09:02]
mircea_popescu kickass. insane pope may not resign. [09:02]
mircea_popescu [\] not afaik [09:02]
mircea_popescu may be a good bet to hedge [09:03]
* aiball ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:04]
[\] insane pope would probably find the wrong side of a pillow [09:06]
[\] according to Luke-Jr, there is no pope [09:06]
[\] there has been no pope for quite some time [09:06]
Luke-Jr mircea_popescu: lol, interesting observation [09:07]
[\] g'night folks [09:10]
Chaang-Noi night [09:10]
Chaang-Noi yeah that is the first thing i saw too, crazy pope cant quit... [09:10]
Chaang-Noi but then again, i guess a pope cant really be crazy or if so gods will? [09:11]
Luke-Jr it makes sense in a way, but at the same time creates practical problems [09:12]
Chaang-Noi :) [09:12]
Chaang-Noi id geuss if the pope was crazy crazy he would just be locked in his room and they would say he is sick [09:13]
Chaang-Noi why is 39 to 40 so much slow than 38 to 39 :( [09:13]
Bowjob ;;ticker [09:14]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 38.90000, Best ask: 38.91000, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 38.91000, 24 hour volume: 61314.60667593, 24 hour low: 34.37000, 24 hour high: 39.50000, 24 hour vwap: 36.31836 [09:14]
Bowjob Oh no.. [09:14]
Bowjob We're crashing!! [09:14]
Chaang-Noi ;bids 38 [09:16]
Chaang-Noi ;;bids 38 [09:16]
gribble There are currently 1824.2403 bitcoins demanded at or over 38.0 USD, worth 70529.8432092 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0079 seconds [09:16]
Chaang-Noi wow that was fast depth [09:16]
Chaang-Noi almost 30 euro [09:17]
Chaang-Noi ;;bids 37] [09:18]
gribble Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands. [09:18]
Chaang-Noi ;;bids 37 [09:18]
gribble There are currently 7610.7434 bitcoins demanded at or over 37.0 USD, worth 285610.913583 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0067 seconds [09:18]
Chaang-Noi almost $300,000 came in since 27... [09:19]
Chaang-Noi that is just crazy, i wonder once sellers run out of coins if we dont go to $100 in a week... [09:19]
* nanotube has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [09:20]
* gribble has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:20]
Bowjob umm guys. I wanna get rich as much as the next person but.. isn't this a little to fast? [09:23]
BitHub yeah [09:24]
BitHub maybe its making up for that mtgox hack [09:24]
* moleccc has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [09:25]
Bowjob eh.. [09:25]
aiball no, this is people finally realizing the dollar is over. [09:25]
Bowjob Idk. it doesnt feel to real to me [09:25]
Bowjob and i hope u guys are right but.. [09:25]
Bowjob this feels wierd [09:25]
Bowjob I wrote a bullshit bull chart [09:26]
aiball draper is a big name [09:26]
Bowjob i say bullshit because.. it wasn't bullish enough and i was just joking [09:26]
Bowjob damn [09:26]
mircea_popescu lol [09:26]
* nanotube (~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:26]
Bowjob [09:26]
Bowjob this. [09:26]
Bowjob like really [09:27]
Bowjob lol [09:27]
Bowjob I'll just sit this rocket out, hopefully I don't fall [09:27]
aiball its going inverted [09:27]
* Anduck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:27]
* Anduck has quit (Changing host) [09:27]
* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:27]
Bowjob ;;ticker [09:28]
aiball next up boeing accepts bitcoin [09:29]
mircea_popescu srsly over 39 ?! [09:29]
mircea_popescu 40 can't hold. [09:29]
mircea_popescu we're 50. [09:29]
Bowjob yawn [09:29]
mircea_popescu it jumped 1.25 a tick [09:29]
Bowjob wake me up when bitcoins are at least 5 grand each, then I'll be interested [09:29]
Bowjob and a millionaire too [09:30]
Bowjob lol [09:30]
mircea_popescu meanwhile i'm worth over 1 bn lei, which is remarkably enough not the first time [09:30]
* saulimus ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:30]
* gribble (~gribble@unaffiliated/nanotube/bot/gribble) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:31]
Bowjob damn [09:31]
Bowjob heh [09:31]
mircea_popescu it sounds better than it is tho. romania cut 4 zeroes in like 2004 [09:32]
mircea_popescu pretty much every third guy was a billionaire before that. [09:32]
BitHub how much is that in us? [09:32]
pizzaman1337 298846000.00 [09:33]
pizzaman1337 that's a big number [09:33]
mircea_popescu currently it's like 0.3 ish leis to the dollar [09:33]
BitHub jesus are you serious? [09:33]
mircea_popescu vice versa [09:33]
mircea_popescu sorry [09:33]
* thepok ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:33]
mircea_popescu bout 100ish leis to the bitcoin [09:34]
BitHub far out [09:34]
ThickAsThieves ;;ticker [09:35]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 38.80000, Best ask: 38.81100, Bid-ask spread: 0.01100, Last trade: 38.80000, 24 hour volume: 62576.26296810, 24 hour low: 34.37000, 24 hour high: 39.50000, 24 hour vwap: 36.37897 [09:35]
Chaang-Noi lei? [09:35]
Chaang-Noi romonian money? [09:35]
mircea_popescu yea [09:36]
* knotwork has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [09:36]
Bowjob k guys we are crashing [09:36]
Bowjob ;;ticker [09:36]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 38.80000, Best ask: 38.83266, Bid-ask spread: 0.03266, Last trade: 38.81100, 24 hour volume: 62580.46590463, 24 hour low: 34.37000, 24 hour high: 39.50000, 24 hour vwap: 36.37914 [09:36]
Bowjob see. its not 40 [09:36]
Bowjob see you at single digits! [09:37]
pizzaman1337 mircea_popescu: do you do philanthropic stuff with your wealth? [09:37]
mircea_popescu occasionally. [09:37]
BitHub he goes boat rowing [09:37]
Bowjob his PR gave this dude 10 BTC to stick a sharpie up his ass [09:37]
BitHub with teh girls [09:37]
Chaang-Noi 81 million usd is not bad [09:37]
mircea_popescu lol [09:37]
Bowjob thats philantrophic [09:37]
* bitit has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [09:37]
mircea_popescu hey, i paid for otc/gpg lessons [09:38]
mircea_popescu and for like, story writing [09:38]
Bowjob that too [09:38]
Bowjob lol [09:38]
mircea_popescu and i forget. variosu things [09:38]
BitHub are you in a big mansion? [09:38]
mircea_popescu but principally helping poor tall girls through college [09:38]
mircea_popescu nah [09:38]
mircea_popescu lemme see where was it [09:38]
BitHub 81 million [09:38]
Chaang-Noi but principally helping poor tall girls through college yeah... i know that... [09:39]
BitHub jesus!!!!! [09:39]
* kakobreklaaa ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:39]
Chaang-Noi lucky for me uni is cheap in thailand [09:39]
* knotwork (~markm@unaffiliated/knotwork) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:39]
kakobreklaaa so [09:39]
kakobreklaaa sup [09:39]
Bowjob but degrees from other countries are worth shit here in canada [09:39]
Bowjob maybe from US and UK... the rest are pretty much worthless here [09:40]
Bowjob we have doctors who drive cabs [09:40]
BitHub lul [09:40]
Chaang-Noi 2 million btc = 81 million, you dont ahve 2 million btc do you? :) [09:40]
Chaang-Noi much of this wealth must be on paper and in things that if sold out to cash would crash the market [09:40]
Chaang-Noi still not bad and congrats [09:41]
BitHub yeah man that's insane :) well done. [09:41]
BitHub i would be happy with just 1 million [09:41]
BitHub but 81? god dayam [09:41]
mircea_popescu wha ? [09:42]
Chaang-Noi im well over 1 million baht :) [09:42]
BitHub yeah i got about a 1 million pesos as well :P [09:42]
Bowjob im well over 1 million cents [09:42]
Bowjob also in yen and pesos [09:43]
Bowjob lol [09:43]
Chaang-Noi but i live in thailand lol [09:43]
BitHub is 1 million baht alot? [09:43]
* molec ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:43]
ThickAsThieves CoinLab Current Price: $38.91 24m ago [09:43]
mircea_popescu o hey BitHub this one's for you [09:44]
BitHub where's teh gap? [09:44]
BitHub hehe she got some meat on her mate [09:44]
BitHub nice wide curves tho [09:45]
BitHub gusto [09:45]
mircea_popescu anyway, i had some pix with m,y "mansion" but now can't motherfuckin find em [09:45]
BitHub oh? [09:45]
Chaang-Noi 6000 baht is the average wage here so 1,000,000 baht is about 14 years of average work [09:46]
BitHub ahh okey chang [09:46]
BitHub what's the bitcoin market like there? [09:46]
Chaang-Noi so yeah its okay but no, its not bill gates rich either [09:46]
BitHub many people into it? [09:47]
Chaang-Noi there are a lot of expats who do computer work [09:47]
Chaang-Noi thailand is shokcingly active [09:47]
Chaang-Noi also russians here... [09:47]
BitHub tourist as well [09:47]
Chaang-Noi i think there are three small btc exchagnes in thailand [09:47]
BitHub oh nice stuff [09:47]
BitHub i'll be in philippines next year [09:47]
Chaang-Noi from time to time a fourum user will call me up and be like shit, ran out of money, will you take btc... [09:47]
Chaang-Noi they are mostly drunk tourists [09:48]
Bowjob bithub what are u doing there [09:48]
Chaang-Noi going to get bowjobs... [09:48]
* kakobreklaaa has quit (Quit: G-Lined: Bye!) [09:48]
BitHub i'll tell you once i'm there [09:48]
* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:49]
mircea_popescu aha, found it. [09:49]
BitHub good to know there's some bitcoin action in Thailand :) [09:49]
BitHub i'm in Australia myself at the moment [09:49]
* assbot (~assbot@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:49]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [09:49]
Bowjob i hear they decapitate tourists in the philippines. watch out [09:50]
BitHub ya they're do [09:50]
BitHub they [09:50]
BitHub especially in mindanao [09:50]
Chaang-Noi mp what did you do for the school girls? :) [09:50]
* Atruk (60230280@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:51]
Chaang-Noi btc is 40 at "rock" waht exchagne is "rock" ? [09:51]
mircea_popescu nothing [09:51]
mircea_popescu you get that shit in the mailbox over here [09:51]
Chaang-Noi Mar05 07:52:53 rock 46.9000 @ 40.00 USD [09:51]
BitHub i think mircea makes pornos [09:51]
mircea_popescu therock ? [09:51]
Chaang-Noi is it an exchagne i dont know of? [09:52]
mircea_popescu i think it;s the exchange noone knows of. [09:52]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [09:52]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 38.92087, Best ask: 38.94809, Bid-ask spread: 0.02722, Last trade: 38.92087, 24 hour volume: 63162.27334246, 24 hour low: 34.41000, 24 hour high: 39.50000, 24 hour vwap: 36.41416 [09:52]
* Mandrius (~kvirc@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:52]
BitHub what lanuage is that on your site mircea? [09:52]
BitHub romanian? [09:53]
mircea_popescu romanian [09:53]
BitHub ahh k [09:53]
Chaang-Noi ;;asks 39 [09:53]
gribble There are currently 107.26203 bitcoins offered at or under 39.0 USD, worth 4182.97936833 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0009 seconds [09:53]
Chaang-Noi ltc .147 crazy [09:54]
mircea_popescu [09:55]
mircea_popescu the plot thinnens. [09:55]
BitHub is it worth getting into ltc? [09:55]
BitHub been thinking about it [09:55]
Chaang-Noi altbot> Mar05 07:52:08 btc-e x4 2546.4950 @ 0.147000 USD [09:55]
ThickAsThieves kako actually went there? [09:57]
Bowjob damn LTC [09:58]
Bowjob perhaps I was wrong [09:58]
Bowjob I should get back at LTC.. maybe [09:58]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves yes. [09:59]
Bowjob fuck me. I sold 10k LTC for like 5 cents each [09:59]
* DeaDTerra ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:59]
Chaang-Noi ltc just went to 15.5 [10:01]
ThickAsThieves ? [10:01]
ThickAsThieves fuck ME. I didn't sell my LTC [10:02]
ThickAsThieves :) [10:02]
Chaang-Noi altbot> Mar05 07:57:02 btc-e 100.0000 @ 0.155000 USD [10:02]
mircea_popescu lol [10:04]
Bowjob aight, i'll ride the LTC train again. choochoo [10:04]
Chaang-Noi yeah ltc was way undervalued, but i did not think it would pop until btc started to go down [10:10]
ThickAsThieves [10:11]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves the problem with that stuff is that if i want to i can bunch up some gpu miners [10:12]
ThickAsThieves yeah [10:12]
ThickAsThieves and name them bitfountain [10:12]
Bowjob Choochoo [10:14]
Chaang-Noi bitfountian is asicminer? [10:14]
Chaang-Noi or avalon? [10:14]
mircea_popescu asicminer [10:14]
Bowjob asicminer [10:14]
Bowjob gah my Avalon 2 looks outdated [10:15]
Bowjob lol [10:15]
Chaang-Noi i assume that first annon must be asicminer as well [10:15]
Chaang-Noi i bet these are racks that are ready to go and fully done [10:15]
Chaang-Noi the big anon is just testing... [10:15]
mircea_popescu tgheory is the anon guy is primeasic [10:16]
Chaang-Noi still only 3.5 TH hmmm [10:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 700 @ 0.00073421 = 0.5139 BTC [+] [10:17]
Chaang-Noi down for you guys? [10:19]
Chaang-Noi did not asicminer mine on some other pool than oz?? [10:20]
mircea_popescu btcguild [10:21]
Chaang-Noi hmm ill see waht they ahve there [10:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 400 @ 0.0051 = 2.04 BTC [-] [10:22]
Chaang-Noi oh shit they ahve 3.8 there too [10:23]
Chaang-Noi so maybe 7.2 th/s nice [10:23]
Chaang-Noi ;;asks 39 [10:27]
gribble There are currently 511.39728 bitcoins offered at or under 39.0 USD, worth 19944.4939902 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0013 seconds [10:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.34499 = 0.69 BTC [+] [10:29]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [11:52]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: [11:52]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla! at Fri Mar 1 04:46:01 2013 [11:52]
Bowjob ;;ticker [11:54]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 39.03475, Best ask: 39.05000, Bid-ask spread: 0.01525, Last trade: 39.05000, 24 hour volume: 75308.05560655, 24 hour low: 34.76100, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 37.27642 [11:54]
* fydel has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [11:55]
* Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [11:56]
TradeFortress yup, crazy [12:04]
Bowjob dont forget u guys can get 5 btc for 100 dollars [12:04]
* Atruk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [12:05]
jurov Bowjob where? [12:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 420 @ 0.00577 = 2.4234 BTC [+] [12:05]
Bowjob [12:05]
TradeFortress pretty sure that there's no more btc sent [12:06]
TradeFortress " [12:06]
TradeFortress !!! BUT !!! [12:06]
TradeFortress when this limit (overall 250 btc) is reached i will have to stop. SO IF YOU WANT TO DONATE ONLY IF YOU ARE GETTING BTC IN RETURN PLEASE, PLEASE wait some time until i go through all the donations made already an state how much btc i've got left to give away (if any)**" [12:06]
Bowjob 100 btc left [12:07]
TradeFortress oh cool he's still onlne [12:09]
* parseval_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 1.65 = 3.3 BTC [+] [12:11]
* parseval has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [12:12]
TradeFortress Bowjob, looks like a huge queue [12:12]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [12:12]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 39.04000, Best ask: 39.26886, Bid-ask spread: 0.22886, Last trade: 39.26886, 24 hour volume: 76899.63793808, 24 hour low: 34.77000, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 37.33416 [12:12]
Bowjob well the worst that can happen is you donate to a good cause [12:12]
Bowjob i donated to khanacademy, will write a letter [12:12]
Bowjob that would help btc a lot [12:12]
Bowjob TF [12:15]
Bowjob make sure you send him an unaltered PM [12:15]
Bowjob with your reciept [12:15]
Bowjob dont block anything [12:15]
TradeFortress Bowjob, yeah, it's not like I wasted $100 :) [12:17]
Bowjob [12:18]
Bowjob I tried to gave away 1 bitcoin.. but i just go snubbed [12:18]
Bowjob lol [12:18]
Bowjob *got [12:18]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1120 @ 0.0050999 = 5.7119 BTC [-] [12:20]
TradeFortress someone still dumping s.dice :P [12:22]
bit14 someone could always donate more btc to the guy so he has more to give away :) [12:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5065 @ 0.00073421 = 3.7188 BTC [+] [12:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3429 @ 0.00073821 = 2.5313 BTC [+] [12:22]
bit14 quick count, 48 bitcointip tips in that thread, they're not all for 5 btc but most of them are, so it's close to 250 max [12:24]
Bowjob I got in at least [12:25]
TradeFortress bit14, don't forget PM [12:27]
* TonyBit ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:27]
mircea_popescu [12:27]
TradeFortress mircea_popescu, was that a surprise? [12:27]
Bowjob scam eh [12:28]
Bowjob lookit. i wanted to go to hungary too lol [12:28]
mircea_popescu TradeFortress well, checking things out beats guessing you know [12:28]
TradeFortress sounded fishy from the first post [12:29]
mircea_popescu indeed. [12:29]
mircea_popescu so did everyone else, including asicminer, avalon, etc. [12:30]
* LainZ (913e2081@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:32]
* terryww ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:33]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [17:43]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: [17:43]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla! at Fri Mar 1 04:46:01 2013 [17:43]
thestringpuller shouldn't you be paying off debts before btc hits 100 [17:45]
thestringpuller apparently your shareholders havent been fully paid [17:45]
thestringpuller :D [17:46]
thestringpuller hoorah [17:46]
Chaang-Noi brendio is awol? [17:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.5851 = 1.1702 BTC [-] [17:47]
thestringpuller ;;market sell 10000 [17:47]
gribble A market order to sell 10000 bitcoins right now would net 384135.5818 USD and would take the last price down to 37.2500 USD, resulting in an average price of 38.4136 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0011 seconds [17:47]
thestringpuller ;;market sell 100000 [17:47]
gribble A market order to sell 100000 bitcoins right now would net 2863474.6369 USD and would take the last price down to 16.1000 USD, resulting in an average price of 28.6347 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 11.8681 seconds [17:47]
Chaang-Noi usagi really? [17:47]
thestringpuller ;;market sell 1000000 [17:47]
gribble A market order to sell 1000000 bitcoins right now would net 4128657.4952 USD and would take the last price down to 0.0100 USD, resulting in an average price of 4.1287 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 21.4781 seconds [17:47]
Chaang-Noi usagi pirate bond? [17:48]
Chaang-Noi you dont think pirate will pay bak? [17:48]
Chaang-Noi oh [17:48]
Chaang-Noi mining bond [17:48]
Chaang-Noi what did nefario say? [17:49]
thestringpuller oh goodness the bubble at 42 will collapse significantly when a large horde goes to dump coins [17:49]
thestringpuller miners have mercy [17:49]
Chaang-Noi we hit 42? [17:49]
Chaang-Noi ;;ticker [17:49]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 40.00000, Best ask: 40.10000, Bid-ask spread: 0.10000, Last trade: 40.00000, 24 hour volume: 87145.55081638, 24 hour low: 35.12102, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 38.30823 [17:49]
gribble nefario was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 23 weeks, 0 days, 19 hours, 49 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: Those assets are not listed or traded anymore [17:49]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [17:49]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 40.00000, Best ask: 40.10000, Bid-ask spread: 0.10000, Last trade: 40.00000, 24 hour volume: 87145.55081638, 24 hour low: 35.12102, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 38.30823 [17:49]
mircea_popescu o, not 50 yet ? okay. [17:49]
Chaang-Noi usagi he sold you them, talk to him, what can i do? [17:50]
thestringpuller 50 is too high to sustain [17:50]
kakobrekla ok its me. [17:52]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:53]
kakobrekla which loads in the same minute. [17:53]
Chaang-Noi usagi i know he stole shares... [17:54]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [17:54]
mjr__ do you guys think the dow is correlated at all to bitcoin? [17:55]
mircea_popescu so visa just signed huge chase deal [17:55]
Chaang-Noi usagi i dont doubt you, but legally what can i do? [17:55]
mircea_popescu more traction than all bitcoin's historical cummulative. [17:55]
Chaang-Noi if i pay you my suit is void [17:55]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:56]
ThickAsThieves goog at 835 [17:56]
kakobrekla boob at a boob [17:57]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [17:58]
ThickAsThieves mp, can you proces deadterra's withdrawal so we can get our divs? [17:59]
mircea_popescu yep [18:00]
ThickAsThieves thank you sir [18:00]
ZedsterX ;;bcauth [18:02]
gribble (bcauth ) -- Initiate authentication for user . You must have registered with the bot with a bitcoin address for this to work. You will be given a random passphrase to sign with your address, and submit to the bot with the 'bcverify' command. Your passphrase will expire within 10 minutes. [18:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.1299 BTC [+] [18:03]
Chaang-Noi :) [18:04]
* Diablo-D3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:05]
Chaang-Noi hey d3 surprize 40$ [18:06]
Chaang-Noi lol [18:06]
Diablo-D3 Chaang-Noi: huh? [18:06]
Chaang-Noi hi [18:06]
Diablo-D3 hi [18:06]
* da2ce7_d (~da2ce7@opentransactions/dev/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:07]
* da2ce7 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [18:08]
ThickAsThieves mp, deadterra is trying to talk to you i think [18:09]
ThickAsThieves says he's on ignore? [18:09]
ThickAsThieves he says sorry it was his fault he forgot to make the withdrawal [18:09]
Chaang-Noi mp lol are we 5? :) [18:10]
Chaang-Noi dead t is a solid guy [18:10]
mircea_popescu he got on my ignore months ago for being the fuck out of line. then ppl intervened cause oh, he's a good guy etc, he did it again within like... a day. [18:11]
mircea_popescu he can be all solid he wants, but much like gigavps he got to get it in his skull that the hierarchy is on the ground not in his imagination. [18:11]
Chaang-Noi yeah what did he do? [18:11]
mircea_popescu iirc arguing with me about how solid & trustworthy nefario is. [18:11]
Chaang-Noi ill say there is no proof pirate is a ponzi :) [18:12]
Chaang-Noi im shocked im not on mps ignore... [18:12]
mod6 ;;ticker [18:13]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 40.00101, Best ask: 40.07000, Bid-ask spread: 0.06899, Last trade: 40.07000, 24 hour volume: 89799.91641713, 24 hour low: 35.20000, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 38.39301 [18:13]
* BitHub has quit () [18:14]
mircea_popescu Chaang-Noi you're too cowardly to actually make it. [18:15]
Unknown arg 'none' ignored. [18:15]
Usage: IGNORE [18:15]
mircea_popescu DeaDTerra don't blow it. [18:16]
DeaDTerra did MP indirectly say I have balls? [18:16]
DeaDTerra Yay I guess :p [18:16]
Chaang-Noi and he said im a pussy lol [18:16]
DeaDTerra hahah xD [18:16]
Chaang-Noi he is still trying for my business i guess poor fail mp [18:17]
DeaDTerra I guess you can't have balls and not be ignored at the same time, you have to chose :P [18:17]
Chaang-Noi i guess he knew from the start i thought mp was fail so never was shocked when i rejected his fail [18:17]
DeaDTerra lol [18:18]
Chaang-Noi mp.. what a sad clown... [18:18]
mod6 !ticker m s.mpoe [18:19]
assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00072612 / 0.00075028 / 0.00078628 (2480324 shares, 1,860.96 BTC), 7D: 0.0007147 / 0.00075192 / 0.00078628 (3500340 shares, 2,631.98 BTC), 30D: 0.0006153 / 0.00067771 / 0.00078628 (61872804 shares, 41,932.14 BTC) [18:19]
Chaang-Noi in b 4 mod6 is mp [18:20]
ThickAsThieves ;asks 45 [18:20]
DeaDTerra withdraw on it's way :D [18:21]
DeaDTerra dividends will come in about 12 confirms [18:21]
ThickAsThieves cool [18:21]
ThickAsThieves ;;asks 45 [18:21]
gribble There are currently 11532.914 bitcoins offered at or under 45.0 USD, worth 482883.431677 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0022 seconds [18:21]
DeaDTerra thanks mp <3 [18:21]
Chaang-Noi :) [18:22]
B0g4r7_ What's up with bitinstant? Anyone got the inside word? [18:24]
mircea_popescu B0g4r7_ what's the issue tho ? [18:25]
* JimRogers ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:26]
JimRogers Why is the sendto address on my wager wrong? [18:26]
Chaang-Noi i do find it odd bitinstant is down... [18:26]
B0g4r7_ That's what I'm trying to find out. They've been down for days now. [18:26]
B0g4r7_ " is currently down due to site revisions." "We apologize for the downtime. BitInstant will be back online after the weekend." [18:26]
B0g4r7_ I think this calls for a bet on whether they will resurface. [18:27]
B0g4r7_ ...that someone else will write and post [18:27]
Chaang-Noi hmm [18:27]
mircea_popescu B0g4r7_ i had no idea [18:27]
B0g4r7_ ppl on btc-e are not happy. [18:27]
mircea_popescu JimRogers which wager is that ? [18:27]
* pgp has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:27]
B0g4r7_ not being able to get funds in. [18:28]
JimRogers [18:28]
JimRogers 05-03-13 08:30 Yes 97`003 1.00000000 16fUs / 13rnD [18:28]
JimRogers not the "Send To" address i put [18:28]
JimRogers but the exact amount bet [18:28]
JimRogers and the timing is right [18:28]
JimRogers so what the fuck? [18:28]
* OneMiner has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:28]
JimRogers i've placed multiple bets successfully [18:29]
mircea_popescu JimRogers now that's a good question. do you have autocomplete or anything else on the browser side messing up your bets ? [18:29]
JimRogers this one seemed to have gotten fucked up [18:29]
JimRogers nope [18:29]
B0g4r7_ That would suck. [18:29]
mircea_popescu a guy earlier had his browser autopick no whether he clicked yes or no [18:29]
JimRogers i have placed 9 wagers successfully [18:29]
mircea_popescu is the address wrong as in, not the one you intended to use or wrong as in, never seen it before ? [18:29]
JimRogers wrong, as in, no the "Send To" address i have used numerous times [18:30]
JimRogers and intended for this wager [18:30]
JimRogers and pasted into the box [18:31]
JimRogers are my coins gone? [18:32]
mircea_popescu likely ;/ [18:32]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla's looking into it tho [18:33]
Chaang-Noi mp are you conected to that site in anyway other than a user? [18:35]
mircea_popescu "that site" ? bitbet you mean ? [18:35]
Chaang-Noi yup [18:35]
mircea_popescu Owner : Matic "kakobrekla" Kočevar and Mircea "mircea_popescu" Popescu [18:35]
mircea_popescu says so right on teh asset page [18:35]
Chaang-Noi i dont use mpex [18:36]
Chaang-Noi and no longer bitbet lol [18:36]
JimRogers has anyone else had their bits go to a random Send To address [18:36]
JimRogers I demand my money back [18:36]
mircea_popescu JimRogers it's totally a new one. [18:36]
Chaang-Noi i doubt mp scammed you, fucked up mabe... [18:37]
JimRogers thats not the address i entered into the Send To [18:37]
* OneMiner ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:37]
JimRogers write I'm done wit this fucking website scam [18:39]
JimRogers stealing my bitcoin [18:39]
JimRogers gay ass coding [18:39]
JimRogers unreliable [18:39]
JimRogers other ppl having same problem? [18:39]
kakobrekla you are the only one. [18:39]
B0g4r7_ I only started using bitbet yesterday. [18:39]
* DeaDTerra1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:39]
* DeaDTerra has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:39]
* JimRogers ( has left #bitcoin-assets [18:39]
B0g4r7_ I guess I could check the send-to address if I were in front of that wallet. [18:39]
B0g4r7_ But I'm not. [18:40]
* Descry ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:40]
mircea_popescu what he quit ? [18:40]
mircea_popescu wtf is wrong with people ;/ [18:40]
B0g4r7_ emoquit [18:41]
mircea_popescu incidentally! the address he paid his 1 btc to is 16fUs2yD4xLyxYy6863SMX3PP8Lw1xvZog [18:41]
mircea_popescu that's the tx [18:41]
mircea_popescu he paid from 1M1Ugbk2P2L3ekZPESywAyfF5aeZ3wNi5d [18:41]
* JimRogers ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:41]
mircea_popescu if you look at taint analysis on that [18:41]
JimRogers huh? [18:42]
JimRogers should i send some coin to the address and see if i get it? [18:42]
* JimRogers ( has left #bitcoin-assets [18:42]
mircea_popescu the address the payout goes to (13rnDnrH8zBAkNpxXFEyphj3EFcvDKd9Ws) is there : 18.5851316787% [18:43]
* JimRogers ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:43]
mircea_popescu well, there's relation between the two addresses, it didn't pop out of randomness [18:43]
mircea_popescu maybe it's yours ? [18:43]
JimRogers i don't understand the taint analysis [18:43]
* TonyBit has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:43]
JimRogers what can i do to see if those funds will end up in one of my accounts [18:43]
mircea_popescu it looks through the blockchain to see if two addresses are related. [18:43]
mircea_popescu send a 0.001 btc or w/e small dust to it see ? [18:44]
mircea_popescu it's somewhat improbable the two addies got 8 txs in between themselves and yet they're totally unrelated. [18:44]
JimRogers i don't understand the second sentence [18:45]
JimRogers which two addresses [18:45]
JimRogers 13rnDnrH8zBAkNpxXFEyphj3EFcvDKd9Ws [18:45]
mircea_popescu the address you paid from, and the address that's listed as beneficiary [18:45]
JimRogers is the one the gay ass website says "send to" [18:45]
mircea_popescu are not strangers. [18:45]
JimRogers i sent it from sealswithclubs [18:45]
JimRogers the send to is gonna fuck me huh? [18:46]
* JimRogers ( has left #bitcoin-assets [18:46]
* OneMiner has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:46]
mircea_popescu so you don't control the sending address ? [18:47]
* JimRogers ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:47]
mircea_popescu bah how is one ot talk with people that keep leaving. [18:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.1326 BTC [+] [18:47]
kakobrekla he is parting and joining [18:47]
mircea_popescu so you don't control the sending address ? << [18:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.13717 BTC [+] [18:47]
kakobrekla JimRogers: well, the only thing i can really say is you pasted an address (which you also say you did), bitbet did no further processing as in establishing the return address. what you pasted is in the db. whats in the db is on the site. but i can do one thing - add your payout destination notification at the last step if that would help to prevent any mistakes in the future. [18:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 18 @ 0.1372 = 2.4696 BTC [+] [18:47]
JimRogers i am not trying to leave [18:47]
mircea_popescu kay. [18:47]
* thismustb has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) [18:47]
JimRogers i sent a micropayment to that address [18:47]
JimRogers hopefully it ends up in one of my accounts [18:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 6 @ 0.59 = 3.54 BTC [+] [18:48]
JimRogers this fucking website is lacking serious functionality [18:48]
* OneMiner ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:48]
mircea_popescu what functionality would that be ? [18:48]
mircea_popescu .001337 [18:48]
mircea_popescu does it show in your wallet ? [18:48]
B0g4r7_ Maybe you clicked on "send to originating address" accidentally and then clicked SUBMIT. [18:49]
* DeaDTerra ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:49]
kakobrekla nope [18:49]
* DeaDTerra is now known as Guest8179 [18:50]
mircea_popescu nah cause it's not listed as the orig addy. [18:50]
B0g4r7_ mmm [18:50]
B0g4r7_ It would be nice if the "Send bitcoins to fund the bet" screen showed the chosen payout address. [18:50]
JimRogers this fucking website needs account history [18:50]
JimRogers or something [18:50]
JimRogers to track bets [18:50]
kakobrekla use your bitcoin addy [18:51]
JimRogers this website just ate my bitcoin [18:51]
* DeaDTerra1 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [18:51]
JimRogers i put the correct "Send To" address in [18:51]
JimRogers and then sent a bitcoin to the supplied addy [18:51]
JimRogers your website registered the bet, but put a different send to [18:51]
JimRogers thats functionality that sucks [18:51]
mircea_popescu JimRogers the problem here is this : you state what you did, but we have no way of knowing it's true or false [18:51]
JimRogers i get that [18:51]
kakobrekla 17:47.17 ( kakobrekla ) JimRogers: well, the only thing i can really say is you pasted an address (which you also say you did), bitbet did no further processing as in establishing the return address. what you posted is in the db. whats in the db is on the site. but i can do one thing - add your payout destination notification at the last step if that would help to prevent any mistakes [18:51]
kakobrekla in the future. [18:51]
mircea_popescu the two addresses are related, and you just declared you don't control the originating address [18:51]
mircea_popescu this is very difficult to resolve because it's basically no leads [18:52]
JimRogers gay [18:52]
JimRogers gay [18:52]
JimRogers gay [18:52]
JimRogers your website put the wrong send to [18:52]
JimRogers why would i put that addy [18:52]
* JimRogers ( has left #bitcoin-assets [18:52]
B0g4r7_ spaz [18:52]
mircea_popescu lol totally. [18:52]
Namworld How much was the bet for? [18:53]
mircea_popescu 1 [18:53]
Namworld Why don't people check their inputs before submitting? [18:53]
* JimRogers ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:53]
JimRogers why does it keep kicking me [18:53]
JimRogers 1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN [18:53]
mircea_popescu i have no idea. [18:53]
B0g4r7_ It's not us, it's you. [18:54]
mircea_popescu most likely. [18:54]
B0g4r7_ Says you've left the channel. [18:54]
mircea_popescu JimRogers : run a virus scanner ? [18:54]
mircea_popescu you might have a trojan or something. [18:54]
B0g4r7_ Stop closing the window or whatever you're doing. [18:54]
JimRogers 1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN [18:54]
JimRogers was the bitcoin address i sent the money to [18:54]
JimRogers only i would have access to that [18:54]
JimRogers right? [18:54]
JimRogers so give me my coins back [18:54]
JimRogers or set the send to to the right addy [18:54]
B0g4r7_ Are you sure someone doesn't have remote control of your PC? [18:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.65 BTC [-] [18:55]
B0g4r7_ idk why your client would randomly leave the channel. [18:55]
mircea_popescu JimRogers srsly, run a scanner. [18:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 149 @ 0.00528554 = 0.7875 BTC [+] [18:55]
JimRogers well heres a new wrinkly [18:55]
JimRogers it seems the addy 1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN [18:56]
JimRogers never received it [18:56]
mircea_popescu received what ?! [18:56]
JimRogers 1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN [18:56]
JimRogers was the addy bit bet supplied as the bet destination address [18:56]
JimRogers seals with clubs sent 1 bitcoin to 1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN [18:56]
JimRogers the block chain doesn't recognize the transfer [18:56]
B0g4r7_ So maybe you're seeing a bet that's not yours, and yours still is not confirmed? [18:57]
mircea_popescu uhm [18:57]
JimRogers thats possible [18:57]
mircea_popescu well then ?! [18:57]
JimRogers seals claims to have sent last night [18:57]
B0g4r7_ It took a while for my bets to confirm. [18:57]
B0g4r7_ (sent from local wallet) [18:57]
kakobrekla this is just ridonculus. [18:57]
B0g4r7_ Take it up w/ Seals. If it's not in the blockchain, they didn't send. [18:57]
kakobrekla Seals with Scams [18:58]
B0g4r7_ In the future, I advise always sending from a local wallet. [18:58]
kakobrekla im sorry im just sleep deprived. [18:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1851 @ 0.00528554 = 9.7835 BTC [+] [18:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 649 @ 0.0055 = 3.5695 BTC [+] [18:59]
* Bowjob has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 13 @ 0.59 = 7.67 BTC [+] [19:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 5 @ 0.5817 = 2.9085 BTC [-] [19:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 7 @ 0.5815 = 4.0705 BTC [-] [19:00]
* Descry has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:00]
* guest123 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:00]
B0g4r7_ Showing the payout address on the bet confirmation/funding screen would be nice to have. [19:00]
* Descry ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:00]
B0g4r7_ Would help avoid mistakes. [19:01]
kakobrekla ill add that. [19:01]
B0g4r7_ thx. [19:01]
kakobrekla not that many mistakes were made [19:01]
kakobrekla maybe in total 1? [19:01]
JimRogers i didn't make a mistake [19:01]
B0g4r7_ That's good. If that can be reduced to 0.1, even better. [19:01]
JimRogers i have records of everything i have done [19:01]
JimRogers either your guys system fucked up [19:01]
kakobrekla with over 2k bets placed - yeah its preety good [19:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 9 @ 0.5815 = 5.2335 BTC [-] [19:02]
B0g4r7_ Your mistake was in thinking the listed bet was yours. [19:02]
JimRogers or seals is claiming a cash out happened that never happened, coincidentally at the same timing and same amount as what i sent [19:02]
B0g4r7_ 1.0 BTC is not exactly a unique bet amount. [19:02]
mod6 ... [19:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.5809 BTC [-] [19:03]
JimRogers good point [19:03]
kakobrekla JimRogers if its not in a blockchain on the correct address [19:03]
* TomServo boggles. [19:03]
kakobrekla what do you expect bitbet to do [19:03]
kakobrekla guess? [19:03]
JimRogers bit bet aint doing shit [19:03]
JimRogers i get it [19:03]
JimRogers i get how this bitcoin world work [19:03]
JimRogers works [19:03]
JimRogers dog eat dog [19:03]
kakobrekla also, if addy is not used in 24hrs is not active anymore [19:04]
kakobrekla i might remove that now [19:04]
kakobrekla since the last bitcoind upgrade [19:04]
JimRogers wait [19:04]
JimRogers wait wait [19:04]
JimRogers so you can confirm that 1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN [19:04]
JimRogers was a bitbet addy [19:04]
kakobrekla yes, requested as a bet on betid 283 [19:05]
JimRogers right [19:05]
JimRogers that's me [19:05]
kakobrekla sure [19:05]
JimRogers and seals claims to have sent it to that addy [19:05]
kakobrekla that address is empty [19:06]
JimRogers i guess they lie? [19:06]
mod6 yeah, 0 tx's for that address [19:06]
JimRogers 2013-03-04 23:31 1 BTC 1AKeAYxjfcdQeGMtKTma9gsRG2i1dgMxtN [19:06]
Namworld Nothing was ever sent to [19:06]
JimRogers directly from seals backend [19:06]
JimRogers yea i get you [19:06]
JimRogers thanks for the help [19:06]
JimRogers i emailed seals [19:06]
JimRogers and if i lose the money i won't fault you guys [19:06]
JimRogers but the site could still use much more functionality [19:06]
JimRogers and perhaps binary options, instead of this weird time weighting bullshit [19:06]
* JimRogers ( has left #bitcoin-assets [19:06]
* JimRogers ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:06]
JimRogers keep getting kicked out [19:07]
B0g4r7_ Srsly, consider a local wallet. You should be using one anyway. [19:07]
JimRogers thats also a good suggestion [19:07]
JimRogers i won't do it this way again [19:07]
B0g4r7_ Colloquy on OS X huh. I use that at home and don't have that issue. I run version 2.3 tho, which I think is a lot different. [19:08]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:08]
kakobrekla i moved the 24hrs limit to 3 days now [19:08]
kakobrekla so you have 3 days to send the bet in since the time you requested an address [19:09]
kakobrekla once first bet is in - addy is kept active until the bet is over [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 82 @ 0.1372 = 11.2504 BTC [+] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.1379 BTC [+] [19:09]
kakobrekla so you can use the same one [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.13997 BTC [+] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.156 BTC [+] [19:09]
kakobrekla and it will use same settings [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.1599 BTC [+] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.16 BTC [+] [19:09]
kakobrekla just weight will be different [19:09]
kakobrekla mkay? [19:09]
B0g4r7_ Hm, that's handy. [19:09]
kakobrekla its how it works. [19:09]
B0g4r7_ What happens if I bet .01 BTC, and then days later, after betting is closed, I send another 5 BTC? [19:10]
kakobrekla you made a 5 btc mistake. [19:10]
blu3gr1ffon you tipped kakobrekla [19:10]
B0g4r7_ :nom nom nom: [19:10]
kakobrekla well you tipped mircea [19:10]
kakobrekla but i will scan the blockchain to findout how much he is getting and take half. [19:11]
kakobrekla muahaha [19:11]
jurov lol... at least it should be added to dividends, like mpex mispayments [19:11]
* thepok ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:11]
kakobrekla yeah [19:11]
kakobrekla prolly [19:11]
kakobrekla would be the smart thing to do [19:11]
B0g4r7_ Earlier I made a whole new "bet", when I could have just sent more to the same address. [19:12]
kakobrekla yes [19:12]
kakobrekla what a waste of time and resources [19:12]
mircea_popescu totally [19:12]
mircea_popescu and his conclusion, he generously won't blame us guys [19:12]
mircea_popescu but the site could still use much more functionality [19:12]
mircea_popescu i get it. [19:13]
mircea_popescu totally posting this one, too. [19:13]
jurov so i can add to a bet for someone else, causing confusion and else >:D [19:13]
* awkorama has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [19:14]
mircea_popescu jurov you cause confusion mostly for yourself, bitbet will just pay him [19:14]
JimRogers ok hopefully sealswithclubs can help me understand what happened to my coin [19:14]
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assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 91 @ 0.1647 = 14.9877 BTC [+] [19:15]
JimRogers do they have an IRC room with helpful ppl ilk eyou guys? [19:15]
mircea_popescu JimRogers not afaik, bitbet is one of the few gay sites that do [19:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 9 @ 0.1647 = 1.4823 BTC [+] [19:15]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:16]
B0g4r7_ You'll have to PM Micon, or use their "contact" email. [19:16]
pigeons you outed bitbet [19:16]
* Descry has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [19:17]
ZedsterX i didn't know bitbet was gay? [19:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.6499 BTC [-] [19:18]
pigeons all the good bitcoin sites are apparently [19:18]
ZedsterX am i missing the pr0n? [19:18]
mircea_popescu mpex is straight as a falopian tube [19:18]
JimRogers GAY PORN HARD [19:18]
B0g4r7_ If you look, you'll see that most of the bets are more pink than blue. Definitely gay. [19:18]
ZedsterX aight [19:18]
pigeons lavender [19:18]
ZedsterX don't know how i missed it before [19:19]
ZedsterX ;;ticker [19:19]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 40.04000, Best ask: 40.05995, Bid-ask spread: 0.01995, Last trade: 40.04000, 24 hour volume: 85295.59320849, 24 hour low: 35.99900, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 38.66891 [19:19]
JimRogers the whole weighting system is retarded [19:19]
JimRogers if you guys did binary futures [19:20]
JimRogers you could buy/sell bets [19:20]
JimRogers but instead your dumb [19:20]
ZedsterX don't talk about mp's weighting [19:20]
* ZedsterX steps into the corner [19:21]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:22]
JimRogers which time zone are the time stamps on the website? [19:22]
jurov UTC [19:23]
jurov and I'm sure someone will someday start betting site with binary futures [19:24]
mod6 if it was binary would it just be like 50`000 per side? [19:24]
JimRogers I'm trying to [19:24]
jurov kakobrekla, bit it isn't a bad ide to make the bets resellable [19:24]
JimRogers u fags need to pay me [19:24]
JimRogers give me the money back someone stole [19:25]
mod6 stfu [19:25]
jurov if you submit request with payout addy signature, you can chenge it [19:25]
jurov thus effectively selling the bet [19:25]
mircea_popescu wait what ?! [19:27]
mircea_popescu jurov ? [19:27]
jurov just my proposal [19:27]
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B0g4r7_ Seems like an interesting idea. [19:28]
* error4733 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:29]
mod6 wait, isn't the weighting just a time based thing -- so if you want to "sell your bet" to a third party, it still doesn't change the time when the wager was placed. [19:29]
JimRogers thats why this website is fucking gay [19:29]
mircea_popescu jurov i don't understand it tho. explain it to me like i'm JimRogers [19:29]
JimRogers needs to do binary [19:29]
JimRogers to hace liquidity [19:29]
JimRogers 0-100 [19:29]
B0g4r7_ idk how you'd implement it tho. [19:29]
JimRogers buy-sell whatever reality dictates [19:30]
mod6 JimRogers: bowties are gay. [19:30]
JimRogers you can start by finding my money that was stolen [19:30]
mircea_popescu JimRogers are you the guy discussed in this article : ? [19:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8500 @ 0.00074914 = 6.3677 BTC [+] [19:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1500 @ 0.00074999 = 1.125 BTC [+] [19:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5850 @ 0.00074999 = 4.3874 BTC [+] [19:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 604 @ 0.00075 = 0.453 BTC [+] [19:30]
JimRogers nope not me [19:30]
mircea_popescu right. [19:31]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1000 @ 0.00075 = 0.75 BTC [+] [19:31]
jurov mircea_popescu say you made bet with 99999 weight but you want the moeny now not wait [19:31]
mircea_popescu well, the reasons bitbet does betting correctly, rather than what you propose, are discussed there. [19:31]
mircea_popescu jurov yes [19:31]
JimRogers not even reading all that bullshit as its too long [19:31]
JimRogers and written retardely [19:31]
mircea_popescu i see. [19:32]
mod6 lol [19:32]
JimRogers I'm not proposing changing ur ways [19:32]
jurov so you find someone who wants it, you'll sign the request with existing payout address [19:32]
JimRogers im saying [19:32]
JimRogers ur ways are retarded [19:32]
JimRogers Binary Futures are thousands of years old [19:32]
jurov and submit it to bitbet with new payout address [19:32]
mod6 you want him to change it, and you won't bother to read on how it works. clever. [19:32]
jurov so the bet will now pay to the buyer [19:32]
JimRogers i understand how it works [19:32]
JimRogers i use the system [19:32]
JimRogers have multiple bets in [19:32]
mircea_popescu jurov hmmm [19:32]
JimRogers one of which is fucked up [19:32]
JimRogers binary options would be better [19:32]
JimRogers simple suggestion [19:32]
JimRogers eat a dick [19:32]
JimRogers also [19:32]
mircea_popescu you know this is not in any way a bad idea. [19:32]
JimRogers im right [19:32]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:32]
JimRogers u guys are wrong [19:32]
JimRogers suck a duck [19:32]
JimRogers period [19:32]
mod6 ban this toolbox [19:32]
ZedsterX plz [19:33]
JimRogers ok [19:33]
JimRogers first my money gets eaten by ur website [19:33]
mircea_popescu JimRogers when you're done being riught read the comments too [19:33]
JimRogers and you blame someone else [19:33]
JimRogers now u wanna ban me cuz i make as olid suggestion [19:33]
mod6 no it doesn't [19:33]
mod6 you had some site payout to a different betting site... all bets are off, check with the sender as NOTHING is in the blockchain [19:33]
mod6 kakobrekla tried to help you, now kindly stfu or change the attitude. [19:34]
JimRogers dude i sent an email [19:34]
Namworld The blockchain is public and everyone can clearly see no transaction was ever sent to your bet's address. [19:34]
JimRogers i no longer blame you guys [19:34]
mod6 we get signal [19:34]
JimRogers and then i get ban threatedn [19:34]
JimRogers i don't give a fuck [19:34]
pigeons yawn [19:35]
mircea_popescu pigeons show him btcjam [19:35]
* blu3gr1ffon uses ignore for fun and profit [19:35]
pigeons no im waiting for them to use twitter bootstrap [19:35]
pigeons bootstrap shpould randomize defaults or something [19:36]
mircea_popescu no, they should just use old tripod and myspace looks as default [19:36]
* Namworld is borrowing BTC @ 0.03% daily, 194.25/500 BTC left to fill. Get 300 satoshi daily per 0.01 BTC [19:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 91 @ 0.1619 = 14.7329 BTC [-] [19:37]
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* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:40]
mod6 ;;ticker [19:41]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 40.08000, Best ask: 40.10000, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 40.10000, 24 hour volume: 83684.96974197, 24 hour low: 36.00000, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 38.73271 [19:41]
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ThickAsThieves guys, can i um maybe get a bit more functionality out of BitBet?! [19:45]
ThickAsThieves like, don't change anything, but it should be better ok? [19:45]
jurov rmunroe must be somewhere around hiding [19:45]
mod6 sooo.. i my mind, the weighting has nothing to do with if a bet is "binary" meaning like "over/under" or "true/false" ... the weighting is just to encourage early betting. [19:46]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves [19:46]
mircea_popescu does that halp ? [19:46]
mircea_popescu mod6 he's hung up on the itrade model. [19:47]
mod6 yeah, im re-reading that blog - he seems to fall into this category [19:47]
ThickAsThieves working much better now, thx mp [19:48]
ThickAsThieves where do the bitcoins come out though? [19:49]
mircea_popescu wherever you put them in [19:49]
mircea_popescu careful tho, runny. [19:49]
ThickAsThieves gonna have to talk to micon about this then [19:50]
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* fishfish|AFK is now known as fishfish [19:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 4 @ 0.581 = 2.324 BTC [+] [19:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 15 @ 0.5809 = 8.7135 BTC [-] [19:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.58 BTC [-] [19:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 5 @ 0.56 = 2.8 BTC [-] [19:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 7 @ 0.555 = 3.885 BTC [-] [19:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 5 @ 0.55 = 2.75 BTC [-] [19:58]
ZedsterX my god mp bring MPEX into the 21st century with some better charts and's like looking at a 70s movie :) [19:58]
mircea_popescu ZedsterX got sierra ? [19:59]
jurov ZedsterX, shhh, that's opportunity ;) [19:59]
ZedsterX obv not if i am bitching and shouldn't be [19:59]
mircea_popescu [19:59]
ZedsterX oh jurov sorry [19:59]
mircea_popescu can get a sierracharts plugin [19:59]
ZedsterX ya know i probably read that 4 times but the ADD just let it slip right on by [20:00]
ZedsterX i will checkin it out...and i was just yankin your chain [20:00]
* jurov expects dtng pic with chains in it [20:01]
mircea_popescu the thing is most everything is so dense [20:02]
mircea_popescu people just naturally skip over bits [20:02]
* ZedsterX wonders if he just called me dense? [20:03]
jurov lol, even if yes, that's honour :DD [20:04]
ZedsterX lol [20:04]
ZedsterX rofl [20:04]
ZedsterX in his mind [20:04]
ZedsterX juuusssst playing here [20:05]
mircea_popescu lol [20:05]
ThickAsThieves ;;estimate [20:05]
gribble Next difficulty estimate | 4746628.77934 based on data since last change | 4836522.12241 based on data for last three days [20:05]
mircea_popescu informationally dense you bucnha trolls! :D [20:05]
ZedsterX ok now i know he called me troll [20:06]
mircea_popescu to quote the girl, [20:07]
mircea_popescu *MPOE-PR* it's almost like he's a made up caricature for an irc play [20:07]
mircea_popescu *MPOE-PR* (also i imagine everything he says in no pok voice) [20:07]
mircea_popescu ahahaha no pok hiar! [20:07]
mircea_popescu *MPOE-PR* this gay ass website ate my bitcoin i tell you! no send to, no (quit) ... (enter) send to at all! [20:07]
ZedsterX i do remember looking at the sierra thing....i turned out to be way too incompetent to figure it out [20:10]
mircea_popescu ZedsterX jurov also made some charts [20:10]
mircea_popescu [20:10]
ZedsterX yeah i use his :) [20:10]
kakobrekla ZedsterX whats so hard about sierra [20:11]
ZedsterX but really no matter which chart i look at DICE is diving :P [20:11]
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* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:12]
mircea_popescu o is it ? [20:12]
mircea_popescu !ticker m s.dice [20:12]
assbot [MPEX:S.DICE] 1D: 0.005 / 0.0059661 / 0.006225 (233405 shares, 1,392.52 BTC), 7D: 0.0048 / 0.00589302 / 0.0063799 (532527 shares, 3,138.20 BTC), 30D: 0.0042 / 0.00593929 / 0.007395 (6854653 shares, 40,711.83 BTC) [20:12]
mircea_popescu yest was rebounding [20:13]
ZedsterX kakobrekla: probably nothing sir i am just unsure how to use it [20:13]
kakobrekla which part [20:13]
ZedsterX i have download the file...i am assuming its command line? [20:14]
jurov "most everyone" prolly got trolled by that "bitcoin's moar expensive, s.dice revenue must go down" and other nonarguments [20:14]
kakobrekla ZedsterX, do you have sierra chart installed? [20:14]
mircea_popescu jurov prolly. also, some cycles are natural. [20:14]
mircea_popescu i'd be much more worried if it just marched up [20:14]
* error4733 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:14]
kakobrekla ZedsterX, you can run the exe with a double click, you done need to go to cmd. [20:15]
kakobrekla you dont* [20:15]
ZedsterX one sec [20:15]
* error4733 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:15]
ZedsterX oops i see what i bad gimme a minute [20:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.65 = 3.25 BTC [-] [20:18]
* BTCTrader2 has quit (Quit: BTCTrader2) [20:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.555 = 5.55 BTC [+] [20:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.55 = 5.5 BTC [-] [20:27]
mircea_popescu [20:30]
mircea_popescu that's kinda interesting [20:30]
mircea_popescu actually that one too [20:30]
* error4733 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:34]
blu3gr1ffon that unknowns one has problems. simply because blockchain can't identify a pool and all of a sudden it's unknown. [20:34]
* MiningBuddy has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [20:35]
blu3gr1ffon i mean, the largest pool could change their IPs just to manipulate the bet at the last second [20:35]
mircea_popescu think they would ? [20:35]
mircea_popescu and it wouldn't be a last second thing [20:36]
mircea_popescu they'd have to mine with the new ip, for 4 days [20:36]
dub you could possibly game with ddos [20:36]
pigeons goes longer than 4 days misidentifying pools [20:36]
pigeons like months [20:36]
kakobrekla which is like decades in real time [20:37]
B0g4r7_ game with [20:37]
pigeons its just so people will start a who is the mystery miner thread [20:37]
mircea_popescu pigeons im not saying it's like, gospel. [20:37]
mircea_popescu identifying anyting in bitcoin is an exercise in weighing tits. [20:37]
B0g4r7_ lol @ expression [20:38]
jurov so, i got email from coinbr customer that wanted to buy just one call and ignored the "1 BTC initial funding required" [20:38]
mircea_popescu :p [20:38]
jurov he's prolly coing here soon [20:38]
mircea_popescu lol jurov's awas [20:38]
* fishfish has quit (Quit: Zzzzz..zzzzz) [20:41]
mircea_popescu "you can estimate the health of a system by counting how often tail appears in history" [20:41]
* error4733 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:41]
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mircea_popescu dub re listeria [20:42]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [20:46]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 39.16990, Best ask: 39.20000, Bid-ask spread: 0.03010, Last trade: 39.16990, 24 hour volume: 80328.52310126, 24 hour low: 36.00000, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 38.96510 [20:46]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: thought you didnt have flash [20:46]
thestringpuller ;;asks 42 [20:46]
gribble There are currently 11784.191 bitcoins offered at or under 42.0 USD, worth 483266.145112 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0023 seconds [20:46]
thestringpuller ;;bids 37 [20:46]
gribble There are currently 12980.381 bitcoins demanded at or over 37.0 USD, worth 492895.066255 USD in total. | Data vintage: 5.8729 seconds [20:46]
mircea_popescu i don't. [20:46]
thestringpuller ;;bids 38 [20:46]
gribble There are currently 7685.7263 bitcoins demanded at or over 38.0 USD, worth 295264.074332 USD in total. | Data vintage: 17.3235 seconds [20:46]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu doesn't support flash lol [20:47]
thestringpuller mpex [20:47]
thestringpuller now with actionscript [20:47]
mircea_popescu i don't support apple either. [20:48]
mircea_popescu "mpex. only available on rooted boxes" [20:48]
thestringpuller mpex available only in romania [20:49]
mircea_popescu actually im not even sure it is availavle in romania [20:49]
thestringpuller mpex the facebook of stock exchanges [20:50]
jcpham needs moar blue [20:50]
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* MiningBuddy (~msn@unaffiliated/miningbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:51]
ThickAsThieves deadterra still hasnt paid sdice divs... [20:51]
thestringpuller he is too busy rolling in money [20:52]
thestringpuller !ticker m S.DICE [20:53]
assbot [MPEX:S.DICE] 1D: 0.005 / 0.00596607 / 0.006225 (230050 shares, 1,372.50 BTC), 7D: 0.0048 / 0.00588869 / 0.0063799 (527527 shares, 3,106.45 BTC), 30D: 0.0042 / 0.00593892 / 0.007395 (6852829 shares, 40,698.42 BTC) [20:53]
thestringpuller haha [20:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1300000 @ 0.00075 = 975 BTC [+] [20:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 8 @ 0.555 = 4.44 BTC [+] [20:55]
* knotwork has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:55]
pigeons thats a lot of mpoe [20:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 9 @ 0.55 = 4.95 BTC [-] [20:56]
mircea_popescu yay [20:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.53 = 5.3 BTC [-] [20:57]
Namworld Thick: As far as I know it always take DeaDTerra a few days. [20:59]
Namworld My passthroughs 2 weeks I think. [21:00]
topace pigeons: hows the arbitrage working for you? [21:00]
Namworld say* [21:00]
Namworld topace: arbitrage? [21:00]
Namworld Is MPEx arbitrage ready? [21:00]
Namworld with havelock [21:00]
topace mpex->havelock is available [21:00]
topace yes [21:00]
* kakobreklaaa ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:00]
pigeons topace: thanks for the quick service, it will work out fine as long as dice doesnt spike up before i get deposited with mpex [21:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.52 = 5.2 BTC [-] [21:01]
pigeons just testing with small amounts and of course there wasnt a large amount of liquidity [21:01]
pigeons great feature thanks [21:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.51 BTC [-] [21:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 9 @ 0.505 = 4.545 BTC [-] [21:02]
* Anduckkk (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:02]
mircea_popescu i didn't even know pigeons had an account [21:03]
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mircea_popescu this chan delivers. [21:03]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.505 BTC [-] [21:04]
pigeons i have an account with everyone, even btcjam [21:05]
kakobreklaaa you dont with biitbet or bit4x [21:05]
pigeons oh yeah [21:05]
pigeons maybe later [21:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.5001 = 1.0002 BTC [-] [21:06]
* Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [21:06]
kakobreklaaa esp for bb [21:06]
jurov muhahaha bratislava hackerspace thinks about providing discount accomodation to amir/genjix... if he'll do some dish washing [21:06]
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jcpham pigeons i'm laughing at you right now for the btcjam account [21:06]
jcpham no out loud though, that would be rude [21:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 13 @ 0.50000001 = 6.5 BTC [-] [21:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 6 @ 0.495 = 2.97 BTC [-] [21:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 6 @ 0.49 = 2.94 BTC [-] [21:07]
jcpham :) [21:07]
mircea_popescu jurov le linque ? [21:07]
Namworld What's up with S.DICE? [21:07]
Namworld Why is everyone selling? [21:07]
pigeons dunno [21:07]
mircea_popescu prolly to invest in asicminer [21:07]
jurov mircea_popescu: just chat in [21:07]
mircea_popescu and primeasic [21:07]
Namworld I would guess it's due to BTC's high price in USD. Maybe people want to cash that money out. [21:08]
mircea_popescu ^ that [21:08]
Namworld Only thing I can see. S.DICE is still great as usual. [21:08]
pizzaman1337 don't they know they should hold btc? :P [21:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 19 @ 0.49 = 9.31 BTC [-] [21:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 16 @ 0.4874999 = 7.8 BTC [-] [21:09]
jurov if they really include amir in some vip gallery, i'll definitely link ya :P [21:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 6 @ 0.48 = 2.88 BTC [-] [21:09]
Namworld They should lend the BTC to me instead [21:09]
* Namworld is borrowing BTC @ 0.03% daily, 194.25/500 BTC left to fill. Get 300 satoshi daily per 0.01 BTC [21:09]
mircea_popescu Namworld lol s.dice divs are about 2.5x neh ? [21:09]
Namworld yeah [21:09]
mircea_popescu lol ok [21:09]
mircea_popescu so basically, get 300 btc at 1, buy s.dice, [21:09]
mircea_popescu sounds like a plan, i should be doing this [21:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 19 @ 0.48 = 9.12 BTC [-] [21:10]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [21:10]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 39.89000, Best ask: 39.90000, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 39.90000, 24 hour volume: 81687.70130217, 24 hour low: 36.00012, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 39.02022 [21:10]
mircea_popescu its interesting how the pts amplify movements. when it went to 6x on mpex it went to 7x on pt. [21:10]
mircea_popescu now that it retraced to 5x on mpex its at 4x on pt [21:10]
jurov it depends on which [21:10]
jurov the bitfunder one is dampened instead [21:10]
mircea_popescu well iiutc havelock has like 50% of the pt float [21:11]
pigeons less precision on the pts, since 100 = 1 on havelock at least [21:11]
mircea_popescu so ? they still take 8 decimals or no ? [21:12]
pigeons and btct doesnt goout as many satoshi [21:12]
pizzaman1337 Namworld: what will you be doing with the borrowed btc? [21:12]
jurov pigeons what do you need such precision for? [21:12]
pigeons i'm trying to spread fud, at least let someone agree first [21:12]
Namworld I place bids for assets I want. [21:12]
Namworld I always need capital to place bids. [21:13]
Namworld Mostly trade BTC denominated assets [21:13]
jcpham Silicon Valley Bank, a company that provides financial services to emerging growth companies, will be holding deposits of bitcoin and dollars for Coinlab. However, they will not be providing insurance for these deposits. [21:13]
mircea_popescu ahahaah WHAT ? [21:14]
mircea_popescu can they do this even ? [21:14]
pigeons i think i'd rather trust magic the gathering online exchange [21:14]
mircea_popescu in yurp you legally have to insure [21:14]
mircea_popescu not something you can contract away [21:14]
Namworld Here's my public portfolio pizzaman: [21:14]
jcpham the more i read, the less i like [21:14]
Guest8179 GSDPT dividend paid :) [21:14]
topace mircea_popescu: what do you mean 50% of pt float ? [21:14]
Namworld hurra [21:14]
topace we have 100% of the shares issued and trading on havelock [21:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.47 = 4.7 BTC [-] [21:15]
mircea_popescu topace of the total s.dice shares held by all pts [21:15]
mircea_popescu i tink you have about half on havelock [21:15]
topace oh! [21:15]
topace yea probably [21:15]
pizzaman1337 Namworld: pretty spreadsheet [21:15]
topace we're at S.DICE x 1`125`000 [21:15]
Namworld I love making spreadsheets [21:15]
Namworld It auto-updates [21:15]
mircea_popescu jcpham that quote belongs on the forum [21:15]
kakobreklaaa i make love on sheets with spreaded stuff [21:16]
Namworld at least the private section. I have to republish for the public spreadsheet regularly. [21:16]
Namworld thanks for the unneeded information, kakobrekla [21:16]
mircea_popescu kakobreklaaa do you know the aspirin joke ? [21:16]
kakobreklaaa dunno [21:17]
Guest8179 GSDPT currently has 1,4 Mill shares [21:17]
mircea_popescu big tits girl goes to cunny doctor [21:17]
Guest8179 lol [21:17]
Guest8179 why I guest... [21:17]
* Guest8179 is now known as DeaDTerra [21:17]
mircea_popescu "is it true that aspirin can be used as an anticonceptional ?" [21:17]
DeaDTerra there we go [21:17]
mircea_popescu "uhhh... i guess if you hold it between your knees it might" [21:17]
mircea_popescu "so then... what, you just sit on it ?" [21:17]
mircea_popescu ok so 1.125 on hl, 1.4mn on btctc, who's got bf ? [21:18]
jcpham sorry source [21:18]
jcpham [21:18]
DeaDTerra I got BF [21:18]
DeaDTerra I have 1,4 mill spread out between BF,BTCT and private deals [21:19]
pigeons DeaDTerra: you'll get used to it. try spending some time in jail [21:19]
DeaDTerra most of the shares are on BF [21:19]
DeaDTerra hahah lol :P [21:19]
* farfi (~farfi@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:19]
Namworld I lost $14 getting my GSDPT pushed a few hours before the dividends... =P [21:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.5 = 5 BTC [+] [21:20]
Namworld Well on the plus side, I saved on getting cheap shares from Bitfunder. [21:20]
mircea_popescu [21:20]
mircea_popescu seems bitinstant is back [21:20]
mod6 (11:17) < mircea_popescu> "so then... what, you just sit on it ?" << lol [21:20]
topace im actually amazed at how quickly havelocks sdice passthru adjusts to match mpex [21:20]
pigeons congrats! success! you're funds are safe! "Overall, due to major choke points and redundancies in our system, the hacker was only able to walk away with $12,480 USD in BTC, and send them in 3 installments of 333 BTC to bitcoin addresses. " [21:21]
mircea_popescu topace people must be watchin'. and since you made it easy... [21:21]
mircea_popescu wait what ? [21:21]
mircea_popescu haxed ?! [21:21]
mircea_popescu Could not connect to remote server [21:21]
mircea_popescu jesus. [21:21]
topace bitinstant got haxx0red ? [21:21]
mircea_popescu "Welcome to MPEx The only Bitcoin service that has never been hacked. Established August 2011." [21:21]
* mircea_popescu smug [21:21]
topace mircea_popescu: havelock hasnt been hacked [21:22]
topace :p [21:22]
topace nor has canadianbitcoins [21:22]
mircea_popescu shh! [21:22]
mircea_popescu im obviously only comparing to the other ones that were hacked [21:22]
topace hehe [21:22]
mircea_popescu lol [21:22]
mircea_popescu pigeons their site actually load for you ? [21:23]
jcpham [21:23]
ZedsterX safer putting "yet" on the end of the sentence [21:23]
pigeons yes [21:23]
mircea_popescu pigeons times out for me [21:24]
pigeons [21:25]
mircea_popescu ty kind sir [21:25]
mircea_popescu "None of your personal or transactional information has been leaked. We keep all that data offline to protect everyones privacy." [21:25]
mircea_popescu wait... how does that work ?! [21:26]
pigeons oh you were expecting honesty about a hack? [21:26]
mircea_popescu The attacker contacted our domain registrar at Site5 posing as me and using a very similar email address as mine, they did so by proxying through a network owned by a haulage company in the UK whom I suspect are innocent victims the same as ourselves. Armed with knowledge of my place of birth and mother's maiden name alone (both facts easy to locate on the public record) they convinced Site5 staff to add their email ad [21:26]
mircea_popescu dress to the account and make it the primary login (this prevented us from deleting it from the account). [21:26]
mircea_popescu wait so ... [21:27]
mircea_popescu omg wtf. [21:27]
mircea_popescu After changing this info and locking the attacker out, overnight he was able to revert my changes and point our website somewhere else. Site5 is denying any damages, but we suspect this was partly their fault. [21:27]
mircea_popescu dude, and they sat on it ?! [21:27]
mircea_popescu omfg. [21:27]
pigeons these hacks always coincide with "system maintenance" [21:27]
mircea_popescu a. this is why mpex model has to take over bitcoinworkd ; [21:27]
mircea_popescu b. fucking hell people need to learn to report. the good and the bad. [21:28]
* Lyspooner (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/mpkomara) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:28]
* Mandrius has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [21:29]
Lyspooner hello, how are everyone's assets performing? [21:29]
kakobreklaaa my ass is set and performing well [21:30]
mircea_popescu lol [21:30]
kakobreklaaa in a sitting position [21:30]
kakobreklaaa fuck [21:30]
kakobreklaaa this sounds so jurovy [21:30]
topace bitcoin businesses just shouldnt host their sites in places like that... you need my iris scan to change anything on any of my accounts at the data center, and even if they had access t my account, they couldnt do anything with it, as the physical boxes belong to me and no settings can be changed from the datacenter admin staff without having my own system's root passwords [21:32]
kakobreklaaa ill just pop your eye [21:32]
kakobreklaaa and use a wrench. [21:32]
topace they say their system can detect a live eye form a dead one [21:33]
kakobreklaaa wrench is for psswd, not for the eye [21:33]
kakobreklaaa fine ill take the head and keep it warm [21:33]
topace haha [21:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.469 = 0.938 BTC [-] [21:35]
kakobreklaaa would be one life better for you if they had worse eye decetion system [21:35]
kakobreklaaa detection* [21:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.469 = 0.938 BTC [-] [21:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 45 @ 0.4681 = 21.0645 BTC [-] [21:38]
kakobreklaaa ;;bc,stats [21:40]
gribble Current Blocks: 224416 | Current Difficulty: 4367876.000842196 | Next Difficulty At Block: 225791 | Next Difficulty In: 1375 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes, and 34 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 4771119.08352 | Estimated Percent Change: 9.23202 [21:40]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1 @ 0.00499969 BTC [-] [21:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 157 @ 0.00485 = 0.7615 BTC [-] [21:41]
* newbie14 (~Brizzo@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:42]
Namworld Goodbye S.DICE price [21:42]
kakobreklaaa S.DICE price has left the channel. [21:43]
ThickAsThieves funny that a 2.5% paying asset isn't good enough now [21:43]
topace drop some more, i wanna buy back in [21:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 840 @ 0.0055 = 4.62 BTC [-] [21:43]
Namworld Thick: if many want to withdraw to have BTC ready... [21:44]
Namworld might mean many are expecting the current BTC price to be a bubble and want to be ready to sell [21:44]
Namworld I know I do. [21:45]
Namworld You can see very low amount of asks... [21:45]
ThickAsThieves i think btc dropping anything notable is far off [21:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13729 @ 0.00074448 = 10.221 BTC [-] [21:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4889 @ 0.00074218 = 3.6285 BTC [-] [21:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5932 @ 0.00074217 = 4.4026 BTC [-] [21:45]
pigeons way to jinx it ThickAsThieves [21:45]
ThickAsThieves :/ [21:45]
ThickAsThieves i just think people will be panic buying for a bit [21:46]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [21:46]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 39.51020, Best ask: 39.58506, Bid-ask spread: 0.07486, Last trade: 39.51020, 24 hour volume: 82491.79614755, 24 hour low: 36.00012, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 39.07380 [21:46]
thestringpuller !ticker m ^OIX [21:46]
assbot [MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 29.08490939 / 41.20198681 / 46.0855546 (no shares, 6,242.04 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) [21:47]
Namworld I hope we reach 100 USD/BTC [21:47]
ZedsterX since its virgin territory on one really knows what to do [21:47]
ZedsterX Namworld: when? [21:48]
ThickAsThieves ;;asks 41 [21:48]
gribble There are currently 7344.3475 bitcoins offered at or under 41.0 USD, worth 299081.1159 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0019 seconds [21:48]
Namworld in the near future as in next 2 months [21:48]
Namworld Price would certainly crash soon afterward [21:48]
ZedsterX yeah too fast...this is too fast [21:49]
Namworld [21:49]
Namworld I love parabolic curves [21:50]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:50]
ZedsterX hehe [21:50]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:50]
* newbie14 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium [21:51]
thestringpuller waves not parabolas... [21:52]
thestringpuller ;;market sell 100000 [21:52]
gribble A market order to sell 100000 bitcoins right now would net 2846687.2846 USD and would take the last price down to 16.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 28.4669 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0103 seconds [21:52]
thestringpuller there still isnt enough depth to resist manipulation [21:52]
* fishfish (~fishfish2@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:52]
* chmod755 (~chmod755@unaffiliated/chmod755) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:52]
mircea_popescu i dedicate to pigeons [21:52]
mircea_popescu who halped. [21:52]
ZedsterX thestringpuller: i was wondering just that last night how big a chunk it would take [21:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.00667 BTC [+] [21:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.00667 BTC [+] [21:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 15 @ 0.00666 = 0.0999 BTC [-] [21:57]
dub hehThe URL that you are attempting to access is a potential security risk. Trend Micro OfficeScan has blocked this URL in keeping with network security policy. [21:58]
dub URL: [21:58]
dub the first time trend has ever been useful [21:58]
* daybyter (~andreas@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:59]
mircea_popescu lol [21:59]
pigeons April 1 is always a great day to launch [22:02]
mircea_popescu this is the guy with the vircurex ipo right ? [22:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 9 @ 0.00609 = 0.0548 BTC [+] [22:04]
pigeons this is the guy who runs the esecurity assets which supposedly run a ddos prevention service [22:05]
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mircea_popescu a [22:08]
Lyspooner but what if i want to send an order to buttplox [22:10]
ThickAsThieves it looks like BF & BTCT designs had a baby together [22:10]
ThickAsThieves (the crypto-trade design) [22:11]
mircea_popescu Lyspooner now that i dunno [22:11]
mircea_popescu gotta join #bitcoin-buttploxets mebbe [22:11]
jurov Lyspooner, we run our own buttplox : [22:12]
jurov and there are more [22:13]
jurov that will surface if needed [22:13]
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* fishfish is now known as fishfish|AFK [22:16]
mircea_popescu ;;google “he was holding a really big gun“ [22:16]
gribble BFG - Television Tropes & Idioms: ; Down With Big Gun: ; Stormers holding back their big guns | Southern HemisphereNews ...: [22:16]
* copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:18]
jurov lol, rape with BFG... quite an overkill [22:19]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:19]
mircea_popescu im the overking of overmetaphors. [22:19]
mircea_popescu overtly. [22:19]
* saulimus has quit (Quit: saulimus) [22:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18158 @ 0.00074708 = 13.5655 BTC [+] [22:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 816842 @ 0.00075 = 612.6315 BTC [+] [22:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 23 @ 0.0052 = 0.1196 BTC [+] [22:29]
kakobreklaaa S.DICE price joined the channel. [22:30]
jurov 816842 @ 0.00075 = 612.6315 wat [22:31]
Namworld there was another for much more earlier [22:31]
jurov yes [22:31]
jurov i don't understand what's happening here anymore [22:31]
mircea_popescu abandon any hope [22:32]
jurov or rather, i was thinking i understand and i was wriong [22:32]
B0g4r7_ I don't know how I understand some of this stuff. [22:32]
B0g4r7_ Sometimes if I take a step back and look at it, I'm like 'wat?' [22:32]
* fishfish|AFK has quit (Quit: Zzzzz..zzzzz) [22:33]
B0g4r7_ "I got mah GPUs mining LTC" :step back: 'wat?' [22:33]
* fishfish (~fishfish2@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:34]
jurov at least you got nice heating. that's what matters. [22:34]
dub s.dice moar like s.deuce [22:34]
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* daybyter (~andreas@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:36]
mircea_popescu well it's good news in any event, helps support the book. [22:36]
Ukto pigeons: that crypto-trade is by Neotrix the eSecurity assets on btct/ltc [22:36]
* knotwork (~markm@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:36]
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* knotwork (~markm@unaffiliated/knotwork) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:36]
Ukto being in HK I believe its highly illegal there too :) [22:36]
Ukto seeing as eCurrencies are very illegal in china/hk [22:37]
mircea_popescu they are ? [22:39]
Ukto yup [22:39]
Ukto there are actual laws aginst eCurrencies in china/hk [22:39]
pigeons yeah explicitly illegal now [22:39]
jcpham neat [22:39]
Ukto china MUST maintain control. [22:40]
pigeons e-mooncakes [22:40]
Ukto in their eyes. :) [22:40]
jcpham laws are always fun when they chnge [22:40]
mircea_popescu so wait. bitcoin is a. illegal in china ; b. on some senator's deathlist in the us ; c. sorta neutral in europe. [22:41]
mircea_popescu i am guessing you guise have picked a life of crime ? [22:41]
jcpham i like morality [22:41]
mircea_popescu a moral criminal [22:41]
mircea_popescu this sounds like a tv show. [22:41]
pigeons its moral until Luke-Jr says its wrong [22:41]
jcpham laws that are moral and laws that are cultoral have different meaning to me [22:42]
jcpham *cultural [22:42]
jcpham china's new law is cultural and has nothing to do with morality [22:42]
mircea_popescu and you get to pick ? [22:43]
jcpham apparently so [22:43]
jcpham or so far [22:43]
mircea_popescu you know i can bringa pretty good set of arguments that rape is cultural not moral in this scheme [22:43]
jcpham we're getting dangerous close to the idea of right vs. wrong [22:44]
kakobreklaaa but he likes rape [22:44]
jcpham rape can be either [22:44]
mircea_popescu i just like pestering people. [22:44]
jcpham that's the beauty of it, it is all arbitrary [22:44]
kakobreklaaa im just dicking around, since i sound like a tits but mean dick. [22:45]
jcpham situationally speaking the act of rape can be amoraaly wrong or culturally wrong or both [22:45]
jcpham not my decison [22:45]
mircea_popescu so you get to decide ? [22:45]
mircea_popescu well what the fuck am i doing here, am i beheading this rapist guy or not ? [22:46]
jcpham everyone else can decide as long as i'm not raped [22:46]
jcpham once i'm raped then i have to decide [22:46]
mircea_popescu wait, what ?! [22:46]
kakobreklaaa continiue [22:47]
mircea_popescu what's this, victim discrimination ?! [22:47]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [22:47]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 39.79000, Best ask: 39.99400, Bid-ask spread: 0.20400, Last trade: 39.99400, 24 hour volume: 83112.64777389, 24 hour low: 36.00012, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 39.12581 [22:47]
jcpham i forgot what we were talking about [22:47]
asa1024 lol [22:47]
jcpham the point i was making is that rape is strictly prohibited [22:48]
Ukto financially or physically? :P [22:49]
dub remember beign raped is punishable by death in places [22:50]
mircea_popescu some places discriminate for the victim, some for the perpetrator [22:51]
mircea_popescu some even inssit they marry. [22:51]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [22:51]
Ukto and those countries usually hit the woman for cheating if married [22:53]
kakobreklaaa 21:51.52 ( mircea_popescu ) some even inssit they marry. [22:53]
kakobreklaaa useful stuff [22:53]
dub Ukto: there was a case in dubai a while back where the wife/gf of a guy who cheated on her was jailed because she caught them having sex and three people in a room where sex is happening is a crime [22:54]
mircea_popescu that dumbass law btw is the reason i never went to dubai. [22:56]
mircea_popescu what the fuck, i've not had pairsex in years [22:56]
dub yeah fuck that place [22:57]
dub the mandatory 4 years in jail for drugs thing.. when they don;t publish what drugs are illegal and frequently jail people carrying over the counter pharmacy drugs perfectly legal int eh country of origin [22:59]
dub oh you had a headache and bought ibuprofen with you? tough shit, see you in 4 years [22:59]
mircea_popescu no wonder they're the us' most stalwart ally. [23:00]
pigeons yes even if you are only stopping over on the plane en route to another country and never get out [23:02]
pigeons melatonin is the one that gets the press for leaving you in jail in dubai if you're travelling from Britain to australia and stop in dubia [23:03]
pigeons although if poppy seeds fall off your in-flight bagel onto your shirt you're jailed as well [23:03]
dub lol yeah [23:03]
pigeons and don't forget their magic machines that can detect undetectable amounts of cannabis under the dirt clung to your shoes [23:04]
pigeons allah admiral ackbar [23:04]
mircea_popescu the only upside is that they have two law tiers, which is nice (the us does too) [23:06]
mircea_popescu so you can go on a special "is not a mook" ticket and just do coke off model butt with the sheiks [23:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.548 = 1.096 BTC [+] [23:07]
pigeons forein women are allowed to read if they do it in private [23:07]
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dub sooner the jews and arabs nuke each other into oblivion the better [23:08]
Lyspooner i was disappointed to learn that the 1500 russians injured when the meteorite exploded above their heads were mostly treated for cuts related to broken glass [23:09]
kakobreklaaa broken bones would be better? [23:11]
mircea_popescu what did you expect ? [23:11]
mircea_popescu pyroglass. [23:11]
Lyspooner that they got hit with space rocks [23:11]
Lyspooner not windows [23:11]
kakobreklaaa or bsd [23:12]
dub better if they started growing tentacles [23:12]
Lyspooner tentacles probably take weeks to grow [23:12]
mircea_popescu Lyspooner si is one of the more common elements. when heated it makes glass. most meteorites that ain't metallic are obsydian basically. [23:12]
iz what's cooler, obsidian from a meteorite or obsidian from a volcano? [23:13]
pigeons a pound of feathers [23:13]
* gwillen read that as "Lyspooner is one of the more common elements." [23:14]
Lyspooner i am heavy metal [23:14]
Lyspooner and i stink like sulphur [23:14]
mircea_popescu change the water [23:14]
* kakobreklaaa is now known as kakobrekla [23:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 5 @ 0.5489 = 2.7445 BTC [+] [23:15]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 20 @ 0.53162 = 10.6324 BTC [-] [23:17]
ThickAsThieves ;;ticker [23:17]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 40.01667, Best ask: 40.19000, Bid-ask spread: 0.17333, Last trade: 40.16999, 24 hour volume: 83584.00647079, 24 hour low: 36.00012, 24 hour high: 40.64625, 24 hour vwap: 39.14721 [23:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1900 @ 0.00500001 = 9.5 BTC [-] [23:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 646 @ 0.00569 = 3.6757 BTC [+] [23:22]
* terryww ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:22]
* BTCTrader2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:25]
* pgp (b89808e4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:26]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 100 @ 0.00500001 = 0.5 BTC [-] [23:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1900 @ 0.00500001 = 9.5 BTC [-] [23:27]
ZedsterX jurov: A new motion has been posted on ASICMINER-PT i see no motion? [23:33]
jurov i have nothing wrt asicminer-pt [23:34]
ZedsterX well i stand corrected [23:35]
ZedsterX burnie is who i meant [23:35]
ZedsterX oops [23:35]
jurov :) [23:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 15 @ 0.00608 = 0.0912 BTC [-] [23:35]
burnside heh [23:35]
burnside hit the motions tab [23:35]
ZedsterX i did big guy [23:36]
mircea_popescu ZedsterX they're all mpoe-pr anyway. [23:36]
ZedsterX No motions yet [23:36]
burnside hmmm [23:36]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:36]
burnside gotta be a caching thing, one sec. [23:36]
ZedsterX i am aware of that mp :) [23:36]
ZedsterX i gotta run just thought ya should know [23:37]
Namworld 0.00608? Common, S.DICE-PT is like 6.5% cheaper [23:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 15 @ 0.00569 = 0.0854 BTC [+] [23:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.53162 BTC [-] [23:38]
B0g4r7_ Heya burnside. You gonna have some Startum h4wtness for us? [23:38]
burnside thar she is, try it again now [23:38]
burnside had a 600 second cache when it should have only been 60 [23:39]
B0g4r7_ Stratum too [23:39]
* Diablo-D3 has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [23:39]
burnside I really want to get stratum going, I'm testing it via our DDoS service. [23:40]
burnside Gotta make sure it works through 'em [23:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18055 @ 0.00074217 = 13.3999 BTC [-] [23:42]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 100 @ 0.00500001 = 0.5 BTC [-] [23:42]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 900 @ 0.00500001 = 4.5 BTC [-] [23:42]
burnside hey all, the motion is up on ASICMINER-PT, grants 90 days no maintenance fees (in theory, should be long enough for Friedcat to get his exchange going) and also reduces the maintenance in tiers down to 0.5% if there are more than 10k shares being maintained. [23:48]
* chmod755 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [23:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.525 = 1.05 BTC [-] [23:49]
dub anyone here want 100 asicminer? [23:49]
burnside should cover all the bases, highly recommend approval, as there's no downside for shareholders. [23:49]
ThickAsThieves dub, how much? [23:49]
* fishfish has quit (Quit: Zzzzz..zzzzz) [23:50]
dub idk, what are the going for? [23:50]
dub looks like .65 on teh PTs [23:51]
ThickAsThieves .55 on forums, .65 on PTs i think [23:51]
dub why the disparity? [23:51]
ThickAsThieves they sell fast on forums [23:51]
ThickAsThieves and slow on PT [23:51]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:52]
burnside ours are more expensive because I had to secure a call option to get it started. [23:52]
* fishfish (~fishfish2@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:52]
mircea_popescu why the disparity? << because not beingon an exchange sucks. [23:52]
ThickAsThieves there are only 2 ppl selling on the PT's. INAU, and Burnside, right? [23:53]
burnside but there's benefits there too. don't have to deal with trust issues, escrow, etc. [23:54]
burnside yeah, liquidity will be much better on and exchange if you need to move fast [23:55]
ThickAsThieves but i could, say, [23:55]
burnside yeah, I think right now it's INAU's shares on BF. I'm not certain of that. [23:55]
ThickAsThieves dub pass your shares into BF [23:55]
Anduckkk okay [23:55]
ThickAsThieves then push to me [23:55]
Anduckkk how much asicminer got mining hash rate? [23:55]
ThickAsThieves and escrow my coins [23:55]
Anduckkk i can sell 18 shares (asicminer) for 0.65 each [23:56]
Anduckkk pm me if interested., [23:56]
ThickAsThieves you and everyone else [23:56]
burnside heh [23:56]
burnside I'm hoping I can sell all 1000 in short order because it'll let me issue a small refund that'll bring the price down a bit. [23:57]
dub buttfunder? [23:57]
burnside with the premium on the option the shares are more expensive in lower volume [23:58]
ZedsterX burnie like the motion but ya know nice guys never win [23:58]
burnside haha, ZedsterX, I kinda like my utopian bubble. [23:58]
ZedsterX hehe [23:58]
ThickAsThieves burn, if you wanna sell 1000 shares [23:58]
ThickAsThieves put em at 55 [23:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 5 @ 0.5489 = 2.7445 BTC [+] [23:59]
burnside I hear ya, didn't get 'em at 55 tho. breakeven is around 64 if all 1000 sell [23:59]
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