Forum logs for 05 Feb 2016

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
BingoBoingo But seriously lolz on Bugzilla: "It seems that eventually by fixing this non-bug a REAL BUG has now been created: forcing the ASK_BEFORE_ACCEPT like ACCEPT_NORMALLY (see comment 19 above by M Hamdy) results in allowing, e.g., to install a cookie even if is set to be blocked in the list of exceptions." [00:04]
asciilifeform mozilla is ~ as interesting at this point as ms exploder. [00:05]
asciilifeform in mostly unrelated news, i finally got a new pair of opterons. [00:06]
asciilifeform 'new' that is. circa '08. [00:06]
asciilifeform they were apparently $3K ~each~ when new. which is surreal. [00:07]
asciilifeform (today - ~fiddybux/ea.) [00:07]
* NewLiberty_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [00:10]
* twixisowned (~trixis@2601:280:4102:c7de:1555:80e1:1c7f:fdaa) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:12]
BingoBoingo Sweet [00:13]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Got a good link on Mozilla selling their vulns? [00:14]
asciilifeform nope. [00:14]
asciilifeform only the cobwebbed recesses of my cranium. [00:14]
asciilifeform perhaps mircea_popescu when he wakes up. [00:14]
* trixisowned has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:15]
BingoBoingo Alright [00:16]
asciilifeform << tmsr is not a place! or what, freemasons were also a place ? [00:25]
assbot Logged on 04-02-2016 23:34:43; mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag> how many us folk realize that usa was mega-power in mid-20th ~because~ it was a place where folks like ulam wanted to live ? >> this is what i've been saying re tmsr for a while nao. finally dawned ? [00:25]
asciilifeform wake me up when i can physically move into it. [00:25]
asciilifeform until then it is a thing-other-than-a-place. [00:25]
asciilifeform << actually yes ! note how mircea_popescu successfully lives there! (he carries a portable timewarp generator, it is in his waistcoat) [00:27]
assbot Logged on 04-02-2016 23:40:10; kakobrekla: and where do they want to live, in the past where all the cool beans are? [00:27]
asciilifeform i would like to move to the past, but i do not have the correct waistcoat, it seems. [00:27]
deedbot- [Qntra] Last Actual Mozilla Feature Removed - [00:37]
* samO__ (~samO@unaffiliated/samo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:50]
* samO has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00056197 = 6.1817 BTC [-] [01:02]
* ieephm ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:07]
BingoBoingo !up ieephm [01:08]
* assbot gives voice to ieephm [01:09]
BingoBoingo On the things classic trilema links to [01:09]
assbot World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD) - First Saturday of May! ... ( ) [01:09]
mircea_popescu hm ? [01:13]
BingoBoingo linked from [01:14]
assbot Practical spring planting on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [01:14]
mircea_popescu aha. [01:15]
BingoBoingo !up felipelalli [01:15]
* assbot gives voice to felipelalli [01:15]
felipelalli New article about the importance of Bitcoin OTC WoT: - have fun! :) [01:15]
assbot A importância do Bitcoin OTC WoT | Yeppuda Productions ... ( ) [01:15]
felipelalli (I hope translate it to English in future) [01:16]
felipelalli sorry about the Portuguese [01:16]
mircea_popescu what's a yeppuda ? [01:16]
felipelalli yeppuda is "beautiful" in Korean [01:16]
mircea_popescu oic. [01:17]
felipelalli or "you're beautiful", something like that [01:17]
felipelalli I had to learn that when I was living in Australia! :) [01:17]
mircea_popescu << quite. [01:17]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 02:50:54; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 's-boxes' etc are the voodoo paraphernalia of the block-ciphration field, which was from its very beginning and to this day 100% hokum [01:17]
danielpbarron >> A couple of kettles served them well for many years, but when rust finally overcame them, the only replacements they could fashion came from birch bark. << /me thinks of leaky treebark flasks [01:17]
felipelalli mircea_popescu, thank you to being the main source of this article! Thanks to have produced good contents about the subject. [01:18]
mircea_popescu sure. [01:19]
felipelalli (I have to go now, I'll read the feedback later, if any) good bye! :) [01:19]
mircea_popescu "dedico este artigo aos meu amigos Douglas Castro e Bingo Boingo" check it out bb you're also famous. [01:20]
mircea_popescu Formal neste artigo todo não significa “papelada” ou burocracia, mas se refere à formalidade matemática, aquela evidência que pode ser matematicamente comprovada (através de assinaturas digitais criptográficas, por exemplo). << :D [01:21]
mircea_popescu i love local color items like that. [01:21]
BingoBoingo lol [01:21]
BingoBoingo I love being famous [01:22]
felipelalli mircea_popescu, ahhah [01:22]
mircea_popescu << in was in the snowden pile. [01:23]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 03:14:22; asciilifeform: perhaps mircea_popescu when he wakes up. [01:23]
BingoBoingo Ah [01:24]
* felipelalli has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:25]
mircea_popescu << in what sense is "veneta" a place, and for that matter what is "place" mean today ? i don't live in fucking "argentina", the byproduct of the inept hallucination of a bunch of retarded soy farmers. [01:26]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 03:24:56; asciilifeform: << tmsr is not a place! or what, freemasons were also a place ? [01:26]
mircea_popescu no place exists other than in the imagination ; and some imaginations really dun matter. for all anyone cares we live on fucking buyan [01:26]
mircea_popescu and in today's weird news, [01:35]
assbot ... ( ) [01:35]
* assbot removes voice from ieephm [01:39]
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* ieephm ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:03]
* Duffer1 has quit (Quit: later) [02:08]
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* Sojourn_ (~Sojourn_@2605:e000:4de5:6800:4d4c:63d8:b44d:4701) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:18]
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* adnn (adnn@gateway/vpn/mullvad/x-sipqmtbbzkijbaey) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:26]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41050 @ 0.00056194 = 23.0676 BTC [-] [02:27]
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trinque deedbot- can again happily fart transactions (into trb!!) [03:01]
* Sojourn_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:02]
BingoBoingo sweet [03:03]
* ben_vulpes is pleased [03:03]
* ben_vulpes did nothing [03:04]
trinque still working on the upload step, which may require altering or adding an RPC. gettransaction just tells number of confirmations, not what blockheight that was, and it's not as though I can call two RPC transactionally [03:04]
ben_vulpes i see you over there [03:05]
ben_vulpes thinking about databases [03:05]
ben_vulpes having expectations of the poor turd [03:06]
trinque perhaps after shiva has destroyed the old world and created a new one [03:07]
trinque big thanks to funkenstein for his importprivkey backport patch [03:08]
trinque maybe consider regrinding and resubmitting that one [03:09]
* Sojourn_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27900 @ 0.00057008 = 15.9052 BTC [+] {2} [03:20]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4750 @ 0.00057009 = 2.7079 BTC [+] [04:16]
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* Tasoshi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:54]
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* assbot gives voice to punkman [05:43]
* adlie (~adlie@unaffiliated/adlai) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:50]
punkman on this week's theme of provable crypto, here is Koblitz making derps all butthurt [05:52]
punkman [05:52]
assbot Computational Complexity: The Koblitz Controversy: A reaction ... ( ) [05:52]
assbot On Post-Modern Cryptography (essay) ... ( ) [05:52]
punkman [05:52]
assbot in theory: 2007-08-26 ... ( ) [05:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18200 @ 0.00056955 = 10.3658 BTC [-] {2} [06:09]
* DreadKnight has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [06:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15300 @ 0.00056164 = 8.5931 BTC [-] {2} [06:23]
* AaronvanW (~ewout@unaffiliated/aaronvanw) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:38]
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* ChanServ gives voice to gribble [08:23]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26148 @ 0.00056164 = 14.6858 BTC [-] [08:33]
* adnn (adnn@gateway/vpn/mullvad/x-lgjnrhgixywolebt) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:35]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10885 @ 0.00055961 = 6.0914 BTC [-] {3} [08:59]
* Xuthus (~x@unaffiliated/xuthus) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:06]
punkman [09:06]
assbot Introducing the Keybase filesystem ... ( ) [09:06]
* anondran (~anondran@unaffiliated/anondran) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:12]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5550 @ 0.000555 = 3.0803 BTC [-] [09:46]
asciilifeform << in keeping with the principle that there must eventually appear a heathen perversion for each thing in tmsr. [10:07]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 12:06:30; punkman: [10:07]
asciilifeform (there are at least two deliberately bastardized wots, for instance) [10:08]
asciilifeform << koblitz was not only correct, but see also other honest folk, e.g., [10:09]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 08:52:12; punkman: on this week's theme of provable crypto, here is Koblitz making derps all butthurt [10:09]
assbot Logged on 22-06-2014 17:22:35; asciilifeform: that many of the titles bear a striking resemblance to each other. "Adaptive Mesh Analysis" reads one and "An Adaptive Algorithm for Mesh Analysis" reads another. Dividing the total remaining by the average number of repetitions halves the list again. Mozart disappears before your very eyes.' [10:09]
asciilifeform ^ mark tarver [10:09]
asciilifeform or moldbug's mega-classic, [10:11]
assbot Logged on 20-09-2015 00:07:08; asciilifeform: (from the mega-classic ) [10:11]
punkman asciilifeform: a heathen perversion for each thing in tmsr. << which thing, g? [10:11]
asciilifeform looks more like a very misunderstood v [10:11]
asciilifeform back to koblitz thread, i actually met gasarch, he taught (still teaches??) at my old school [10:12]
asciilifeform seemed like a decent fella [10:12]
asciilifeform but koblitz attacked his meal ticket, yes [10:12]
asciilifeform k's essay was really about 'fits in head' [10:13]
asciilifeform and, on the other side, the ludicrous, when seen from outside, deluge of pseudomathematical claptrap that now passes for 'computer science research' [10:14]
asciilifeform this hammer hit me in the face the first time around (as a young man, when i had notions of actually making a living in that field, and recoiled in disgust, having encountered something quite similar to what is described in tarver's and moldbug's essays) [10:15]
asciilifeform the second time, just recently [10:15]
asciilifeform i took an interest in 'provably hard' crypto [10:15]
asciilifeform and found... the thing that koblitz describes [10:15]
asciilifeform there is no 'provably hard' ~anything~ available, the WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING FIELD is, as far as the eye can see, pseudomathematical turdmeistery [10:16]
asciilifeform the triumph of 'ordinary science' as described by kuhn. [10:16]
asciilifeform millions of mediocrities collectively bukkakeing onto paper. [10:17]
asciilifeform on the bright side, in the ancient comment threads, we find the inevitable articulate crackpot! : [10:18]
asciilifeform [10:18]
assbot My Biased Coin: How Mathematicians View Computer Science? ... ( ) [10:18]
asciilifeform Anonymous said... 'NSA began to remove public key crypto implementations from weapons in about 1991. Sandia cryptographer Gus Simmons suggested to NSA and Sandia that NSA replace the shift register-based Benincasa algorithm in the ctbt data authenticator with public key. I was ordered by my supervior, Dr John Holovka [chemist] to explain what Simmons was talking about. [10:18]
asciilifeform yne%20Tutors%20RSA%20and%20NSA.htm While I was project leader of the missile secure cryptographic unit in the 1980, NSA cryptographer Brian Snow gave some of us Sandians a lecture on NSA crypto units. Snow showed actual devices and schematics. Snow also commented on field failures. NSA algoritms I saw were based on shift register and combinatoric algorithms. [10:18]
assbot 404 (Page Not Found) Error - Ever feel like you're in the wrong place? ... ( ) [10:18]
asciilifeform regards My interests these day are in peak energy. Please check to see if my differentiation are correct or not!' [10:19]
assbot ... ( ) [10:19]
asciilifeform ^ whole thing, for posterity. [10:19]
assbot ... ( ) [10:19]
asciilifeform and guess what: we find: [10:19]
assbot ... ( ) [10:19]
asciilifeform this is a 'rule of law' crackpot! [10:19]
asciilifeform quite prolific [10:20]
asciilifeform actually thinks that usa runs, or ever did run, on laws! 'same for all' (tm) ! [10:20]
asciilifeform << now archived. [10:21]
assbot ... ( ) [10:21]
asciilifeform quite lulzy: schmuck spent years trying to put, e.g., Brzezinski, in jail [10:22]
asciilifeform filing complaints left and right [10:22]
asciilifeform and was so very confused, when u.s. federal judges would inevitably and inexplicably 'lose' his complaints [10:23]
asciilifeform or remand them to the court of the rubbish bin [10:23]
asciilifeform 'Without this technology our legal project would fail. The feds usually win. Let's see what happens.' [10:24]
asciilifeform Wednesday November 7, 2007 09:26. [10:24]
asciilifeform << mega-l0ltr0n [10:27]
assbot Payne and Morales v. Minihan ... ( ) [10:27]
asciilifeform sued nsa. [10:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33278 @ 0.00055425 = 18.4443 BTC [-] {2} [10:27]
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [10:27]
asciilifeform ^ re: the 'Benincasa's algorithm' thing. [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2822 @ 0.00055353 = 1.5621 BTC [-] [10:28]
asciilifeform many lulz, such as, [10:31]
asciilifeform 'Iran demonstrated its suspicion about the source of the leaks, when it arrested Hans Buehler, a top salesman for Crypto AG, in Teheran on March 18, 1992. During his nine and a half months of solitary confinement in Evin prison in Teheran, Buehler was questioned again and again whether he had leaked Teheran's codes or Libya's keys to Western powers. Luckily Buehler didn't know anything. He in fact believed in his own sales [10:31]
asciilifeform pitch that Crypto AG was a neutral company and its equipment was the best. They were Swiss, after all. [3] Crypto AG eventually paid one million dollars for Buehler's release in January 1993, then promptly fired him once they had reassured themselves that he hadn't revealed anything important under interrogation, and because Buehler had begun to ask some embarrassing questions.' [10:31]
asciilifeform 'it cost $300,000 per nuclear bomb to recall bombs to Pantex to remove and repair Sandia's failing semiconductor chips.' [10:34]
asciilifeform mega-l0ltr0n, whole thing worth reading. [10:34]
* asciilifeform bbl [10:34]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25550 @ 0.0005541 = 14.1573 BTC [+] {2} [10:51]
* ieephm has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [10:58]
mircea_popescu in morning woods, [10:58]
assbot ... ( ) [10:58]
* p15 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:59]
* ieephm ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:59]
mircea_popescu "Alpha releases of the Keybase app are starting to come with a cryptographically secure file mount. It is brand new. And very different." da fuck is this shit. [10:59]
mircea_popescu "Public, signed directories for everyone in the world You can now write data in a very special place: /keybase/public/yourname" [11:00]
mircea_popescu i wish the idiot circuit would write their release document as to be meaningful to people rather than appealing to goats. da fuck am i going to read out of that windows950-esque screenshot other than "hey, windows 95!" [11:00]
mircea_popescu "Every file you write in there is signed. There's no manual signing process, no taring or gzipping, no detached sigs. Instead, everything in this folder appears as plaintext files on everyone's computers. You can even open /keybase/public/yourname in your Finder or Explorer and drag things in." [11:01]
mircea_popescu omfg. [11:01]
mircea_popescu who exactly wants this ? other than fucking nsa, of course, as per usual. ("but mr goldstein, you SIGNED that child porn. whadda ya mean it's an automatic process you don't control.") [11:03]
mircea_popescu << quite. [11:05]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 13:16:34; asciilifeform: the triumph of 'ordinary science' as described by kuhn. [11:05]
mircea_popescu and to turdcherry the shitcake, all these nobodies on a stick run around spewing wholly delusional notions of expertise and amateurship. just don't ask them to put it to any sort of actual test. [11:05]
mircea_popescu ahh, such the reading list in log this morn. nice. [11:07]
mircea_popescu << understand, a fucking field where something as commonplace as differential cryptanalysis is "classified"... every SINGLE FUCKING PERSON of human composition to ever EVEN CONSIDER the matter came up with differential cryptanalisis within the fucking day. because what the everloving fuck. as a 10yo playing with 10yo girls i came up with it. just how fucking hard c [11:09]
mircea_popescu an it be already. [11:09]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 13:17:23; asciilifeform: millions of mediocrities collectively bukkakeing onto paper. [11:09]
mircea_popescu then someone discovered every other year and they had to run around strongarming ibm and whatnot to not explain why the fuck the sboxen must be diddled just-so. [11:10]
mircea_popescu there's this very strong undercurrent of farmer mind fighting against the complexity of the world through denial and fetish worship, if you look at it. WHY must entirely banal approach be secret ? perhaps for the same exact reason children playing spontaneously errupt in "it's not fair like that", to fix the necessarily broken rules of the GAME they are playing so it's playable a little longer ? [11:12]
mircea_popescu could it be that the only way lowbrow pigborn with delusions of centrality and leadership could continue pretending like he has "a good handle" on things with his schemes derived on looseleaf papers, ever so similar in contents and consistency to the ever-genius schemes of the broke if consummate las vegas gambler, horse race expert etc ? [11:13]
mircea_popescu the whole field is essentially a commune of technicians trying to run a factory. because the last time they saw a scientist or an engineer they were about 5 and one visited the zoo. [11:14]
* adnn has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [11:15]
mircea_popescu (and for the record, for they of anthropological curiosities - there's an entire cvasi-science in the notes of technicians running the early infrastructure of hte industrial revolution. it's a shocking if fascinating mix of all sorts of things.) [11:16]
mircea_popescu reads more or less exactly like modern crypto. [11:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28215 @ 0.00055788 = 15.7406 BTC [+] [11:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22902 @ 0.00056124 = 12.8535 BTC [+] [11:26]
* AaronvanW has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:38]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34137 @ 0.00055821 = 19.0556 BTC [-] [12:12]
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* AaronvanW (~ewout@unaffiliated/aaronvanw) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:22]
mats [12:23]
assbot First woman in Tennessee to enlist as combat engineer goes AWOL ... ( ) [12:23]
* adlai (~adlai@unaffiliated/adlai) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:24]
mats I don't understand this push to get women into combat units [12:28]
mats backed by such nonsense as, 'Israelis do it just fine!11' [12:29]
trinque [12:29]
assbot Military leaders: Register women for draft ... ( ) [12:29]
* anoneran (~anondran@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:30]
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mats what, people forgot modern combat loads are maiming a nontrivial percentage of dudes that deploy for nine months? [12:30]
mats when they are fucking ~mounted~ [12:30]
* anoneran (~anondran@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:31]
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trinque mats: just the cancerous notion of equality working its way through [12:36]
trinque why make ISIS come here for our women when we can just hand them over [12:36]
* adlai has quit (Quit: Insufficient entropy for original quit message) [12:38]
mats a swinging dick would rather leave cover and drag a wounded woman to safety and treat her wounds than return fire [12:40]
* anoneran has quit (Quit: idocaffeine) [12:40]
mats exactly the opposite of what you're supposed to do. [12:41]
trinque yeah, I can see that [12:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16128 @ 0.00056735 = 9.1502 BTC [+] [12:43]
* ascii_butugychag (~stanislav@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:44]
trinque !up ascii_butugychag [12:44]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [12:44]
mats if your dumb ass gets shot, you're going to get ignored until its convenient for the unit to treat you [12:44]
mats killing the enemy is the first priority, always [12:45]
ascii_butugychag << EXACTLY what they want [12:45]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 15:39:50; mats: a swinging dick would rather leave cover and drag a wounded woman to safety and treat her wounds than return fire [12:45]
ascii_butugychag see, modern us army is, among other things, a machine for making female brass [12:46]
ascii_butugychag and right now aspiring brass have problems securing promotion because 'no combat experience' [12:46]
mats yes [12:46]
ascii_butugychag so yes, mats gets to die gallantly so a butch lesbian can captain a carrier [12:47]
thestringpuller mega-l0l [12:47]
mats in an alternative timeline [12:47]
ascii_butugychag what was that wheelchair chick's name, i forget. [12:47]
ascii_butugychag lynch [12:47]
mats never even fired her weapon in contact [12:49]
ascii_butugychag << whole point [12:49]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 14:03:13; mircea_popescu: who exactly wants this ? other than fucking nsa, of course, as per usual. ("but mr goldstein, you SIGNED that child porn. whadda ya mean it's an automatic process you don't control.") [12:49]
ascii_butugychag mats: aha [12:49]
mats too cute to be pow [12:49]
ascii_butugychag how many died to save her [12:50]
ascii_butugychag whole platoon ? [12:50]
thestringpuller they put that chick in an episode of scandal as herself [12:50]
thestringpuller jessica lynch is pop culture now. [12:50]
mats god forbid americans see what real war is like, a white woman being gangraped by goatherders [12:50]
ascii_butugychag hell, more often by own side. [12:52]
thestringpuller !s [12:54]
assbot 0 results for '' : [12:54]
thestringpuller ascii_butugychag: some more snorefest fodder for you [12:55]
mircea_popescu mats> backed by such nonsense as, 'Israelis do it just fine!11' <<< israelis do it just fine BECAUSE it is mandatory. [12:56]
mircea_popescu women, like it or not, deliver much more/better in situations of lower optionality. [12:56]
thestringpuller women in mossad are scary for that reason. [12:57]
punkman [12:57]
assbot GCR - Trends - France to pave 1,000km of road with solar panels ... ( ) [12:57]
mats and when woman has to hump 120lbs up mountain, down, back up again in 24h? [12:57]
punkman solar freakin roadways! strikes again [12:57]
ascii_butugychag mats: she doesn't have to. ~you~ will carry her pack. [12:58]
mircea_popescu actually this isn't even a terrible idea. [12:58]
mircea_popescu not in the sense of "let's embed current, fragile solar panels into roads", but in the opposite sense : we're currently creating this surface out of basically refined scum, which we keep clean all year round. could there be some shit embedded so at least it powers the traffic signals ? [12:59]
mats ascii_butugychag: as I recall, only a handful died taking the hospital [13:00]
mircea_popescu something like "if you add this sort of gravel at 5.45% instead of normal gravel, you have an optimal chance of some of the cells connecting and powering hte side rail. because no, it's not gravel per se." [13:00]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag> hell, more often by own side. <<< own side can't usually be bothered. goatherder females much juicier. [13:01]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: reminds of the boondocks: "I was looking for bitches, but they had they carpet shit all over them and I couldn’t see what they look like. All that was really exposed was they eyes. And that wasn’t enough for me ‘cause you know, shit I’m lookin at they eyes and they eyes could be pretty and I take off their carpet… and then I got a tragedy." [13:04]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: the lawsuit crackpot linked earlier was, imho, pure gold. he was genuinely convinced that rule-of-law was a thing! and kept picking, picking at the cracks in it, utterly mystified that every single judge 'lost' his papers, etc [13:06]
ascii_butugychag i'm kinda surprised they never had him shot [13:06]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag he should have documented it better. [13:06]
ascii_butugychag then again, his last post was dated '07 [13:06]
PeterL if I have more than one key in gpg, is there a way to tell it which one to use for signing stuff? [13:06]
mircea_popescu in random other lulz, [13:06]
assbot B,TMSR~ Block Cipher Competition on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [13:06]
mircea_popescu PeterL yes either set it up as default or specify it in command line. see manpage. [13:07]
ascii_butugychag ^ glorious [13:07]
ascii_butugychag incidentally the nist turd linked earlier was pure gold [13:07]
ascii_butugychag usg is really getting desperate to get folks off rsa [13:08]
mircea_popescu nsa WITH A WORKING BLOCK CIPHER ends the game. [13:08]
mats what 'ends the game' [13:09]
mats oh, s.nsa [13:10]
mircea_popescu lol [13:10]
ascii_butugychag which game ? [13:10]
ascii_butugychag the one usg is playing is about asymmetric crypto, mainly [13:11]
ascii_butugychag or, more correctly speaking, the prevention thereof. [13:11]
* anondran (~anondran@unaffiliated/anondran) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:12]
mircea_popescu "What really bugs me, however, is how much publicity Koblitz has managed to get out of this. " [13:13]
mircea_popescu heh. [13:13]
mircea_popescu ahh this is fucking epic. [13:14]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [13:14]
mircea_popescu "What really bugs me, however, is how much publicity Koblitz has managed to get out of this. I see him invited to give talks at many venues, but never see anyone invited to present a counter-argument. (For that matter, I don't see invited speakers at cryptography conferences poking fun at the cryptographic work that mathematicians do.) This does not matter so much when Koblitz speaks at a TCS-venue (any intelligent cry [13:14]
mircea_popescu ptographer knows that his arguments are overblown), but I think it matters greatly when he speaks in front of an "outside" audience. [13:14]
mircea_popescu For this reason, I thought publication of his article in the Notices of the AMS was inexcusable. Even worse, this latest incarnation of his essay goes beyond being a mere "academic" argument and degenerates to name-calling and belittlement of an entire field and all the people who work in it. (And it seems pretty clear that his feelings extend beyond crypto to CS at large.) [13:14]
mircea_popescu As promised, I have written a letter of complaint to the editors of the Notices. I don't know if it will get published (it is also a bit long), but it is available here (pdf) or here (ps) " [13:14]
mircea_popescu prepare for a fucking wave of that as an entire construction of circular shiteating is getting unwound. [13:14]
* tych0 has quit (*.net *.split) [13:14]
thestringpuller ascii_butugychag: so netsec d00d here (who isn't a real cryptographer by any means) linked this >> in relation to "not using RSA" for reasons XYZ [13:15]
thestringpuller "Here are several reasons you should stop using RSA and switch to elliptic curve software:" [13:15]
mircea_popescu "Anonymous7:04 PM, August 31, 2007 The minute TCS becomes the mature mathematical discipline that you are dreaming of, I am out of the game." << and guess where anon works. [13:15]
mircea_popescu "1. My conjecture: all scientific areas do have the "incremental results" problem. Does any one have any data supporting the hypothesis that CS (or TCS) has a higher percentage of "incremental results" published in respectable journals/conferences? If not, Koblitz' criticism is only as valid as "there are few women in CS," which though correct is hardly CS' own problem. [13:16]
mircea_popescu 2. As someone pointed out in a comment from My Biased Coin blog, is "incremental results" such a bad thing for the advancement of science that one has to "criticize" in the manner that Koblitz did? As far as I can tell, the great Euler published quite a few "incremental results."" [13:16]
mircea_popescu ahahah o god the butthurt. [13:16]
mircea_popescu motherfucker - euler figured out how to sum integers to infinity while he was a teen. where the fuck is YOUR early work that you can incremental upon [13:16]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag thanks for those sweet, sweet delicious butthurt tears. made my morn. [13:17]
mircea_popescu "Actually, mathematics does have a "fast publication cycle" alternative -- which is to put papers on the arXiv. This works very well in practice, and in fact a morning ritual of most research mathematicians is to browse the arXiv mailing form the night before in his/her area. After a few months in the arXiv, hopefully generating some useful comments and criticisms, the paper would finally be submitted to a journal. " < [13:18]
mircea_popescu < we have the b-a log, it works barely. [13:18]
mircea_popescu !up ascii_butugychag [13:18]
-assbot- You voiced ascii_butugychag for 30 minutes. [13:18]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [13:18]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: the lulz are circa '07 [13:18]
mircea_popescu "This essay relates to a recent article of Koblitz & Menezes (Cryptology ePrint Report 2004/152) that ``criticizes several typical `provable security' results'' and argues that the ``theorem-proof paradigm of theoretical mathematics is often of limited relevance'' to cryptography. Although it should be obvious that these claims are utterly wrong, we undertake articulating this triviality. In particular, we point out so [13:19]
mircea_popescu me of the fundamental philosophical flaws that underly the said article and some of its misconceptions regarding theoretical research in Cryptography in the last quarter of a century." [13:19]
mircea_popescu "and this is ok, because we are philosophers nao". [13:19]
ascii_butugychag they are saying: 'fuck you, WE ARE the field' [13:19]
ascii_butugychag and they aren't wrong about this. [13:19]
ascii_butugychag lysenko - won, here. [13:19]
mircea_popescu this is sorta like bureaucrat in collapsing empire scenario, gets bitchslapped by gangster, goes into I AM JUDGE !!!11 mode. [13:19]
mircea_popescu no bitch, you're an accountant. shut up and eat it. [13:19]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag they are no such thing. notice that when i want something, i squarely ignore their field as per and so on. [13:20]
assbot How to deal with pseudoscience ? on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [13:20]
mircea_popescu " In general, we believe that rigorous analysis is, by far, the best way to study reality. Moreover, in the case of cryptography, this general principle is more important than in any other discipline." <<< check out mathematiphilosophician, discovered an inequality! [13:21]
mircea_popescu "x is the largest number, and in particular y is larger than x!" [13:21]
PeterL deedbot: [13:21]
assbot ... ( ) [13:21]
ascii_butugychag does mircea_popescu recall the eotvos thread ? [13:21]
mircea_popescu aha. [13:21]
ascii_butugychag can ignore pissants, but cannot conjure a honest research community into existence. [13:22]
mircea_popescu that shit could be straight out of voltaire however. [13:22]
mircea_popescu the exact phrase, "in general X and in y especially so X" has been in use since at least the late middle ages. [13:22]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag but the pissants have NOTHING TO DO with honest community either way. [13:22]
* anondran has quit (Quit: idocaffeine) [13:22]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: they are scar tissue. [13:23]
mircea_popescu yes not fucking ugly women won't conjure pretty ones up. so ? [13:23]
mircea_popescu your very cosmic idea of the world is inadequate in my eyes. nobody said that there is ONE playing field, and if there were one, that the pissants'd see it. [13:23]
mircea_popescu in general, there isn't one. in the rare cases when human genius couples with dilligence and creates a SINGLE playing field, the pissants are unaware - generally deliberately. [13:24]
mircea_popescu "The foregoing assertion is based on the realization that cryptography is focused on adversarial behavior" [13:24]
mircea_popescu i can't read this inept shit. who writes liek this ?! [13:24]
ascii_butugychag guess who ! [13:24]
ascii_butugychag !s speak with one voice [13:25]
assbot 2 results for 'speak with one voice' : [13:25]
mircea_popescu well, a copywriter who found himself locked in a "math teaching" job, like that girl in my class i recounted the story of. [13:25]
PeterL deedbot- [13:26]
assbot ... ( ) [13:26]
deedbot- accepted: 1 [13:27]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: there is not a single unified 'playing field', no. what there is, is a torch carried by maybe 3-5 people at a time. ever. [13:27]
mircea_popescu ever, pre-crypto, v, and all that. [13:27]
mircea_popescu in this sense there was no literacy pre books, either. this is not a property of the world. [13:27]
punkman PeterL, why does that sig look so short? [13:28]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: familiar with ? [13:28]
PeterL hmm, dunno? [13:28]
mircea_popescu looks like a sort of what is it, erdos number hackathon ? [13:28]
mircea_popescu PeterL is your key 1kb or somesuch? [13:29]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: nonono [13:29]
PeterL 4096? [13:29]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: it's their try at... vtronics [13:29]
ascii_butugychag sorta. [13:29]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag take the first thing that came to my eyes. so dedekind and fourier are ENTIRELY separate nodes ? you swear to this ? [13:29]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: the thing is only as good as the record [13:29]
mircea_popescu there isn't a woman anywhere they waited to take turns on, they never waited on each other to return books to library, nothing, vacuum ? [13:30]
mircea_popescu the thing is as good as pressed shit. [13:30]
* tych0 (~tycho@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:30]
ascii_butugychag i did not say it was good ! [13:30]
ascii_butugychag just that it was sitting there. [13:30]
mircea_popescu ok. [13:30]
ascii_butugychag 'ugly chick' [13:30]
mircea_popescu to answer the original q : i am vaguely familiar a bunch of different such schemes were entertained by people with varying degrees of competence. [13:30]
mircea_popescu but not familiar with this one in particular. [13:30]
ascii_butugychag pretty complete re: modern folk [13:31]
ascii_butugychag e.g., brin the elder, is in there [13:31]
ascii_butugychag and the man he apprenticed under, and so on [13:31]
* mircea_popescu was looking for the easy "no, one was born a year after the other died", but neway. [13:32]
ascii_butugychag l0l [13:33]
mircea_popescu had an entire "point still stands" thing prepared, but i guess not needed now! [13:34]
PeterL bah, It is a 1042 size key, with a 4096 sub [13:34]
mircea_popescu you are a noob. [13:34]
PeterL yes :( [13:34]
ascii_butugychag wat [13:34]
mircea_popescu make a proper new key an' obsolete the old one for safeties. [13:34]
mircea_popescu besides, it'll teach you how to correctly obsolete keys so you don't need them to expire anymore. [13:35]
PeterL what is proper way to obsolete old keys? [13:35]
mircea_popescu use the old one to certify the new one in all instances you care about, sign a dead key notice with the old one, drop it in the sea. [13:35]
mircea_popescu in that order. [13:35]
ascii_butugychag dead key notice in the human sense ? [13:36]
ascii_butugychag or the idiot pgp revocation cert sense [13:36]
mircea_popescu in whatever sense he desires. [13:36]
mircea_popescu when in doubt, both. [13:36]
mircea_popescu "The CRYPTO community's typesetting abilities are not spared, nor is Oded Goldreich's spelling." ahaha. [13:37]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag who's "in theory" blogshit, ? [13:38]
assbot Luca Trevisan | Cryptography ... ( ) [13:38]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:38]
ascii_butugychag wats this [13:39]
ascii_butugychag looks like some intro to crypto uni course [13:39]
* thestringpuller has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [13:39]
mircea_popescu <<< ahaha is this our friend the drastically inept if wildly agitated katz ? [13:39]
assbot ... ( ) [13:39]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag luca trevisan, crypto guy [13:40]
* thestringpuller ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:40]
* thestringpuller is now known as Guest65227 [13:40]
mircea_popescu dude, the redditards should make a bitcoin academia. with stolfi, katz and bogawan what's his face. [13:40]
mircea_popescu would be epic. [13:40]
* Guest65227 is now known as thestringpuller [13:41]
* thestringpuller has quit (Changing host) [13:41]
* thestringpuller (~stevie@unaffiliated/thestringpuller) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:41]
* ascii_butugychag met katz [13:41]
ascii_butugychag and l0l, seem like he still works there [13:41]
ascii_butugychag [13:42]
assbot Error | UMD Department of Computer Science ... ( ) [13:42]
ascii_butugychag pgp key returns 404... [13:42]
mircea_popescu there is little better to do with one's time than mockfully torture The People Who Would Want. [13:42]
mircea_popescu they're a special breed. [13:42]
mircea_popescu "Well, Steven Rudich has fewer than 30 publications if you discount double-copies of conference/journal publications (""), but he just won this years Godel Prize, so I think that qualifies him as a "top researcher". [13:43]
mircea_popescu Is Rudich actually an active researcher?" [13:43]
mircea_popescu admire the union mentality. "this woman is really hot, all the men want her" "yes but does she show up regularly at the female equality club ^H^H^H^H^H church ?" [13:43]
ascii_butugychag see tarver's 'mozard vanishes' [13:44]
ascii_butugychag *mozart [13:44]
mircea_popescu you are only a REAL soviet if you spend your time wit hthe pravda and at the parades/meetings etc. [13:44]
ascii_butugychag as in [13:44]
assbot Logged on 22-06-2014 17:22:35; asciilifeform: that many of the titles bear a striking resemblance to each other. "Adaptive Mesh Analysis" reads one and "An Adaptive Algorithm for Mesh Analysis" reads another. Dividing the total remaining by the average number of repetitions halves the list again. Mozart disappears before your very eyes.' [13:44]
mircea_popescu he can't be an "actually" thing because "actually" thing is given by participation in the official scheme to certify the reality of the delusions of the people that would want! [13:44]
mircea_popescu and this analytical device works quite well. is trump an ACTUALLY incumbent ? [13:45]
mircea_popescu "he never had a chance". o yeah ? why not ? [13:45]
mircea_popescu it's i suspect the principal pipe through which the sheep that aren't exactly stupid transfer material from future back into the past. [13:46]
mircea_popescu ancient history to it, too. "is this blessing good or not ?" "it's great. except if in the future things happen, in which case it WILL RETROACTIVELY HAVE NOT ACTUALLY BEEN A BLESSING!" [13:46]
mircea_popescu this is like throwing away the summaries in confusion and reading the original tardstalk text plain just to see. i have the exact same feeling - these people are uniquely stupid. what the fuck did teh education do for them again ?! [13:47]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [13:48]
mircea_popescu !up ascii_butugychag [13:50]
-assbot- You voiced ascii_butugychag for 30 minutes. [13:50]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [13:50]
mircea_popescu anyway, to not unwarrantedly attack a whole nominal group : there are sane people too. an example "Well, he also references Bacon's Novum Organum as justification for "rigorous analysis" in cryptography, by which he apparently means theorem/proof analysis. To my knowledge, that work essentially describes how to conduct empirical scientific experiments to gain knowledge, and does not support the claim that the former ki [13:50]
mircea_popescu nd of analysis is the only acceptable methodology e.g. for cryptography, and that its results should be blindly adhered to as truth about the world especially when they contradict plain common sense, as K&M claim they do (not saying whether the latter is true or not, just that it doesn't address this)." [13:50]
mircea_popescu anyway. enough of this wankery. [13:50]
ascii_butugychag heroes hang when traitors triumph (tm) (r) [13:51]
mircea_popescu let us instead [13:51]
assbot ... ( ) [13:51]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: the folks in question are the 'unique brand of stupid' because this is ~MANDATORY~ if you want to make a living doing what they do. [13:54]
ascii_butugychag i know this is hard to see from the dirigible. [13:54]
* lampelina (~lampelina@unaffiliated/lampelina) has left #bitcoin-assets [14:12]
ascii_butugychag ahahah this is just too good [14:15]
ascii_butugychag 'Without dissecting Koblitz’s arguments point-bypoint [14:15]
ascii_butugychag (which I will be happy to do upon request of the editors), let me assure those readers that [14:15]
ascii_butugychag proofs in modern cryptography are as meaningful as proofs in any other area of mathematics. Can [14:15]
ascii_butugychag a scheme that has been proven secure still succumb to a real-world attack? Yes, but this does not [14:15]
ascii_butugychag invalidate the proof. (A proof of security is always given with respect to a particular definition of [14:15]
ascii_butugychag security; a given definition is not necessarily appropriate for all possible environments in which a [14:15]
ascii_butugychag scheme may be deployed.) Are most (but not all!) results in cryptography conditional? Yes, but [14:15]
ascii_butugychag this has also been shown to be inherent until the P vs. NP question (one of the seven “Millennium [14:15]
ascii_butugychag Problems” of the Clay Mathematics Institute) is settled. Do mistakes happen? Occasionally, and [14:15]
ascii_butugychag with more frequency then we might like. But this surely does not eradicate the importance of [14:15]
ascii_butugychag having proofs in the first place.' [14:15]
ascii_butugychag or better still [14:15]
ascii_butugychag '...y, I have never been able to understand why any mathematician would discourage the [14:15]
ascii_butugychag use of precise definitions, rigorous proofs, and formal reasoning in any field.' [14:15]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [14:20]
* Sojourn_ has quit (Quit: Sojourn_) [14:20]
kakobrekla < this actually very much reminds me of 'midnight in paris' fallacy [14:30]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 03:26:49; assbot: Logged on 04-02-2016 23:40:10; kakobrekla: and where do they want to live, in the past where all the cool beans are? [14:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00056639 = 4.871 BTC [-] [14:31]
* Sojourn_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:37]
* felipelalli (~felipelal@unaffiliated/felipelalli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:44]
* NewLiberty_ (~NewLibert@2602:306:b8e0:8160:acfc:1bad:78e9:5594) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:45]
PeterL BingoBoingo from Mizzu article "unrest lead to the departure of several high level administrative departures from the University" << got an extra departure in there [14:55]
PeterL btw, is it better to nitpick articles here or in their comment sections? [14:56]
* adlie (~adlie@unaffiliated/adlai) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:59]
* Sojourn_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [15:02]
mircea_popescu ;;google 'midnight in paris' fallacy [15:04]
gribble Midnight in Paris: Learning to Live With the Past – The Frailest Thing: ; Midnight in Paris - Wikiquote: ; Woody Allen's movie “Midnight in Paris” explores “golden age fallacy”: [15:04]
mircea_popescu PeterL here is prolly faster [15:04]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla ie, "the better times were in the past" ? [15:05]
mircea_popescu in general, the options are exactly 4 : 1) to say that the better times are in the past ; 2) to say that the better times are right now ; 3) to say that the better times are in the future ; 4) to say that there are no better times. [15:05]
mircea_popescu 2 is essentially pangloss' view, and beyond ridiculous. 3 is what every socialism, including here nazism, sovietism, western democracy etc was predicated on. it is beyond evil. [15:06]
mircea_popescu this leaves 1 and 4, the choice among which is indifferent. [15:06]
asciilifeform !up ascii_butugychag [15:08]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [15:08]
ascii_butugychag not indifferent. [15:08]
ascii_butugychag to say 'in the past' is as sane now as it would be after a nuclear war. [15:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8022 @ 0.00056639 = 4.5436 BTC [-] [15:11]
BingoBoingo Peter_L: fxd [15:12]
BingoBoingo Peter_L either here or in PM's [15:12]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8204 @ 0.00056639 = 4.6467 BTC [-] [15:22]
BingoBoingo Oh [15:22]
assbot Last Actual Mozilla Feature Removed | Qntra ... ( ) [15:22]
mircea_popescu in other postnuclear news, [15:28]
assbot ... ( ) [15:28]
* gabriel_laddel has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [15:31]
ascii_butugychag pretty much everything i give half a shit about was in better shape in 1900 than today. [15:34]
ascii_butugychag and most of it, in better shape than ~ever~ - precisely then. [15:34]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [15:38]
* HugheGRhaektjeon (c6a626d2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:53]
danielpbarron !up HugheGRhaektjeon [15:59]
* assbot gives voice to HugheGRhaektjeon [15:59]
BingoBoingo !up ascii_butugychag [16:02]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [16:02]
ascii_butugychag << vintage lulz [16:27]
assbot Entropy Forum: Entropy's future, pullmoll am 09.7.2004 22:51 ... ( ) [16:27]
ascii_butugychag ^ from my multi-year attempt to find out something definitive re: the strength of mceliece [16:28]
* HugheGRhaektjeon has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client) [16:29]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [16:32]
mod6 this morning I had to nearly step over two hobo's fucking in the trainstation. [16:36]
mod6 that shit isn't right, especially before you've had your coffee [16:37]
BingoBoingo << 8 [16:37]
assbot Network Snapshot - Bitnodes ... ( ) [16:37]
BingoBoingo mod6: Make coffee at home? [16:37]
mod6 8, cool! [16:38]
mod6 ah, guess i could. [16:38]
mod6 wouldn't wanna make me stab myself in the face any less. [16:38]
BingoBoingo In other news /Classic:0.11.2/ has 259, which for a hardfork coup is disappoint [16:38]
BingoBoingo mod6: Well you gotta understand hobofucking as well as hobocucking are serious trainstation risks [16:39]
mircea_popescu i never saw that one before. [16:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5924 @ 0.00056639 = 3.3553 BTC [-] [16:41]
BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all [16:44]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 384.74, vol: 10351.50715140 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 387.92, vol: 6713.11942 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 385.96, vol: 21822.00965748 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 384.0, vol: 3.21804635 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 393.569397, vol: 39749.33020000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 387.73, vol: 477.11947831 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 388.9256, vol: 36.96827125 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) [16:44]
BingoBoingo ;;more [16:44]
gribble 389.799956681 [16:44]
* raedah (~raedah@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36000 @ 0.00055982 = 20.1535 BTC [-] {2} [16:49]
BingoBoingo From the mines: "You obviously don’t understand that Bitcoin has already reached thoroughput capacity, and further procrastination will result in the amount of orphaned blocks increasing; costing miners, and frying micro-SDchips with outrageous mempool sizes rewriting constantly. Just one look at the mempool is reason enough to worry. Rasberri Pi’s weren’t designed to be abused in this way… and nearly every node and ASIC u [16:52]
BingoBoingo ses Pi’s." [16:52]
mircea_popescu hahaha WHAT! [16:53]
BingoBoingo Because mempool size is necessarily a problem for rPI and bigger blocks would be a solution in their bizzaro land. Need more Orphanage nike [16:53]
BingoBoingo *nuke [16:53]
mircea_popescu so if you make MORE space for people to take a shit in, there's going to somehow be fewer sd chips burned ? [16:53]
mircea_popescu da fuck is wrong with these idiots. [16:53]
mircea_popescu reject low fee txn outright, solve the problem. [16:54]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: It's a comment on derpiticle. A comment that was carried onto the RSS version of the derpiticle. [16:54]
BingoBoingo [16:54]
assbot In Defense of Bitcoin Transaction Fees - CCN: Financial Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency News ... ( ) [16:54]
BingoBoingo Because for some reason articles already have comments when they hit RSS???? [16:55]
BingoBoingo Not a single link to anyone other than Thermos on the subject [16:56]
kakobrekla < im curious, what does ascii give shit about? [16:59]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 18:34:10; ascii_butugychag: pretty much everything i give half a shit about was in better shape in 1900 than today. [16:59]
mircea_popescu by the choice of year, acomprehensible theory of the universe it'd seem. [17:00]
punkman lol [17:00]
assbot Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2015/1194 ... ( ) [17:00]
* DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:01]
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asciilifeform !up ascii_butugychag [17:07]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [17:08]
ascii_butugychag punkman: see logs re: homomorphic crypto [17:08]
ascii_butugychag << oblig thread [17:09]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2014 03:56:24; asciilifeform: i venture to say that the actual goal of general-purpose (or whatever approximation is possible) homomorphic crypto is quite different. [17:09]
punkman ascii_butugychag: browsing through the 2015 iacr archive, seems like almost every third paper is about homo crypto [17:14]
ascii_butugychag see linked thread re: why. [17:22]
ascii_butugychag the 'holy grail' appeal of unbreakable usgtronics everywhere is irresistible to hitler. [17:22]
* adnn ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:23]
* adnn_ (adnn@gateway/vpn/mullvad/x-umoggmulvnecdlgc) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:26]
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* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [17:38]
punkman hey there's an alt-gnupg with mceliece [17:39]
assbot GitHub - exaexa/codecrypt: Post-quantum cryptography tool ... ( ) [17:39]
asciilifeform !up ascii_butugychag [17:47]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [17:47]
ascii_butugychag holy shit is that thing massive. [17:48]
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ascii_butugychag ;;later tell mircea_popescu << in elisp, no less [17:57]
gribble The operation succeeded. [17:57]
assbot The Cramer Shoup Crypto System ... ( ) [17:57]
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* adnn ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:11]
ben_vulpes that flash really makes the photo [18:11]
* adnn has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:12]
* Cristina_ (5338fe1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:13]
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punkman "LinkedIn shares drop 40%, erasing $10B of company's value" aaand it's gone [18:15]
ascii_butugychag on account of arsebook's 'business edition' launching, no doubt [18:18]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [18:18]
asciilifeform !up ascii_butugychag [18:18]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [18:18]
ascii_butugychag ben_vulpes: wut [18:18]
* Sojourn_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:19]
BingoBoingo !up Sojourn_ [18:20]
* assbot gives voice to Sojourn_ [18:20]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag sweet. [18:20]
mircea_popescu "The algorithm can be applied on 'arbitrary' key sizes, i.e. every user can decide which bit-length k his key should have (less then 1000 is usually considered insecure). [18:20]
mircea_popescu Encryption is 'probabilistic' - i.e. if the same text is encrypted twice, the ciphertext usually will be different. They also will be longer (in the size of bits) by a factor of four, in order to guarantee decryption to the original message." [18:20]
mircea_popescu how not to like this ? [18:21]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag re the comment etc : i am definitely awarding for a degenerate shoup, if that's what we agree on using. [18:21]
ascii_butugychag i like shoup. [18:21]
ascii_butugychag i even like the (beefed up) mceliece [18:21]
mircea_popescu and also fwiw : a) the discrete log problem is of course related to the euler inequality, and generally shoup is properly speaking a narrow case of my proposed ep? [18:21]
ascii_butugychag sorta. [18:22]
mircea_popescu sorta. yeah. [18:22]
mircea_popescu "One amazing feature of this system is that it comes with a proof of security against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks. I.e if your hardware device (say your workstation) can be used by an adversary for a limited time (e.g. while you are at lunch) to decrypt chosen ciphertexts without actually 'stealing' the secret key, it does not help him too much to decrypt any ciphertexts except the ones he decrypted explicitly. [18:22]
mircea_popescu Thus, by simply keeping a local list of cipher texts that you prevent from being decrypted straightforward (i.e. those you generated), you can---at least in theory---add some security." <<< wtf is this! [18:22]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [18:22]
ascii_butugychag it means that decryption of arbitary input doesn't leak key bits [18:23]
ascii_butugychag which is notably not the case in, e.g., rsa. [18:23]
mircea_popescu not that part. [18:23]
mircea_popescu "Thus, by simply keeping a local list of cipher texts that you prevent from being decrypted straightforward (i.e. those you generated), you can---at least in theory---add some security." << this part. [18:23]
ascii_butugychag nfi [18:23]
mircea_popescu it doesn't even make sense. wut ? amulet ? [18:24]
ascii_butugychag srsly, nfi [18:24]
ascii_butugychag write to him, ask ? [18:24]
ascii_butugychag perhaps he smoked dope ? [18:24]
mircea_popescu otherwise he seems sensible. who know. [18:24]
mircea_popescu s [18:24]
ascii_butugychag i tried, and failed, to make sense of that piece. [18:24]
deedbot- [Qntra] Intel: Chips To Get Slower - [18:24]
BingoBoingo ^ Lizards speak [18:25]
punkman ascii_butugychag: i even like the (beefed up) mceliece << which one? [18:27]
ascii_butugychag somebody tell microshit [18:27]
* Cristina_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [18:30]
ascii_butugychag punkman: the one with bernstein's proposed enhancements - possibly. [18:32]
* Tasoshi (~Tasoshi@unaffiliated/tasoshi) has left #bitcoin-assets [18:32]
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* eric (~ericp4@unaffiliated/ericp4) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:35]
BingoBoingo !up eric [18:37]
* assbot gives voice to eric [18:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32928 @ 0.00055729 = 18.3504 BTC [-] {3} [18:44]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [18:48]
* assbot removes voice from Sojourn_ [18:50]
asciilifeform !up ascii_butugychag [18:53]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [18:53]
ascii_butugychag unrelatedly, [18:53]
* trinque has quit (Quit: trinque) [18:53]
ascii_butugychag did we do ? [18:53]
assbot Socat Weak Diffie-Hellman Prime Number | Threatpost | The first stop for security news ... ( ) [18:53]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu et al ^ ? [18:53]
* trinque (~undata@unaffiliated/undata) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:53]
ascii_butugychag '“I cannot for sure rule out the possibility of a backdoor,” said Gerhard Rieger, a Socat maintainer. “But personally I do not believe that the contributor has a backdoor because he uses an email address at a well known and reputated company, and if someone wants to install such a backdoor he would not use a parameter that can easily be proven as non prime.”' [18:54]
ascii_butugychag ^ mega-l0l [18:54]
ascii_butugychag 'A post to a technical forum discovered that the non-prime parameter was introduced more than a year ago. A note in the commit indicates that Socat was not working in FIPS mode because it requires a 1024 Diffie-Hellman prime, and added that a developer named Zhiang Wang provided a patch with the new prime. The poster revealed that Wang works at Oracle and contributes to Socat.' [18:55]
ascii_butugychag (wtf is anyone still using dh ??) [18:56]
ascii_butugychag BingoBoingo: qntra ^ ? [18:57]
BingoBoingo ascii_butugychag: Mebbe. I got to read into it. [18:57]
BingoBoingo related: "Is this satire?" on [18:57]
assbot "Intel Chips To Get Slower" <- Particularly relevant for scaling : Bitcoin ... ( ) [18:57]
BingoBoingo Congrats MP on your latest social media exposure [19:02]
assbot Bitcoin Capitalist Opens Bounty For New Block Cipher - Slashdot ... ( ) [19:02]
BingoBoingo "from the now-how-much-would-you-pay? dept" [19:03]
danielpbarron comments are a riot; these guys just can't stand that someone out there knows what he wants and isn't afraid to put it out there [19:06]
* raedah has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:06]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22311 @ 0.00055472 = 12.3764 BTC [-] [19:07]
* assbot removes voice from eric [19:08]
deedbot- [Qntra] Oracle Employee Wrecked Socat Security - [19:17]
BingoBoingo ^ for alf [19:17]
ascii_butugychag << the obligatory mircea_popescuphobiacs come out from their holes [19:17]
assbot Bitcoin Capitalist Opens Bounty For New Block Cipher - Slashdot ... ( ) [19:17]
BingoBoingo ascii_butugychag: Not how many of them appear so rapidly [19:19]
BingoBoingo The mythical astroturf squad is real [19:19]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [19:23]
BingoBoingo ascii_butugychag: Note all the derps supposing the block cipher is somehow supposed to be used as a proof of work [19:23]
danielpbarron from the long-winded "i want to sorta look like i agree with this guy" post >> There definitely is a potential for safer currencies than bitcoin [19:23]
BingoBoingo !up ascii_butugychag [19:23]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [19:23]
ascii_butugychag 'to the cow, farmer is a large cow' or how did it go [19:25]
* TheAdversary has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:26]
danielpbarron i imagine the memo to the astro-turfers went something like "go post comments on this slashdot thread, and use the keyword 'arrogant twat'" [19:26]
* Khayman (~hfenring@unaffiliated/hasimir) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:26]
* TheAdversary (~adversary@unaffiliated/hasimir/bot/theadversary) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:26]
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* Khayman is now known as Hasimir [19:28]
ascii_butugychag i'm a bit surprised that nobody whined re: the most obvious boojum of mircea_popescu's contest - how will it be judged. [19:29]
ascii_butugychag (~we~, i think, know how - but does the peanut gallery?) [19:30]
BingoBoingo ascii_butugychag: You don't know how astroturf works. It doesn't work if you attack actual mysteries. You gotta attack fake ones like blockcipher as PoW [19:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9029 @ 0.00055369 = 4.9993 BTC [-] [19:38]
* imposter (uid57046@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:38]
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BingoBoingo !up imposter [19:41]
* assbot gives voice to imposter [19:41]
BingoBoingo [19:50]
assbot Raptor Engineering::Talos™ Secure Workstation ... ( ) [19:50]
BingoBoingo "Talos™ is the world's first ATX workstation-class mainboard for the new, open-source friendly IBM POWER8 processor and architecture." [19:50]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [19:53]
BingoBoingo !up ascii_butugychag [19:57]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [19:57]
ascii_butugychag ' utilizes open-toolchain FPGAs' << this, i'd like to see [20:02]
ascii_butugychag but no mention of who makes it, or where [20:03]
ascii_butugychag (ibm certainly doesn't) [20:04]
BingoBoingo Of course the thing is at the "pre-order" stage so who knows if it ever appears [20:05]
BingoBoingo Or what "open-toolchain" means to them [20:06]
ascii_butugychag also gotta love the 'free, open workstation' where the sole component supplier is ibm [20:09]
ascii_butugychag if you want this - straight to ebay [20:09]
ascii_butugychag buy all the 'power' arch boxen you want. [20:09]
ascii_butugychag 20+ years of vintage to choose from. [20:10]
ascii_butugychag i'll pass. [20:10]
* assbot removes voice from imposter [20:12]
mircea_popescu <<< dude, check out all the people who don't care! [20:21]
assbot Bitcoin Capitalist Opens Bounty For New Block Cipher - Slashdot ... ( ) [20:21]
mircea_popescu (courtesy BingoBoingo who by now is a total expert at bothering mayogenders) [20:21]
* Sojourn_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:22]
mircea_popescu <<< this is good for bitcoin. [20:22]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 19:37:09; BingoBoingo: << 8 [20:22]
* samO_ (~samO@unaffiliated/samo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:22]
ascii_butugychag 'Also, he awards bonus points for proofs of hardness. No one has managed to prove hardness for any existing block cipher. Block ciphers are simply ways to jumble the plaintext up in a reversible fashion. They are not based on difficult mathematical problems. [20:23]
ascii_butugychag Proving hardness is something you do for asymmetrical ciphers, but asymmetrical ciphers are way too slow to be useful for actual messages.' [20:23]
ascii_butugychag l0ltr0n1c [20:23]
mircea_popescu you know ? [20:23]
ascii_butugychag is there somewhere, i wonder, a perl script, that pastes this pediwikian claptrap in [20:23]
mircea_popescu that's what you need "ordinary, decent, law abiding citizens" for. [20:24]
ascii_butugychag bahahawat [20:24]
* mircea_popescu lookes over at stats ; check that out, slashdotting counts for something like 2-3% of ordinary trilema traffic. [20:25]
mircea_popescu I AM GETTING REALLY LONELY!!11 [20:25]
* samO__ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [20:25]
mircea_popescu ever since the previous spammer sold my site to the current one people ever give less and less of a shit! oh if only i could be friends with a rich guy like slashdot! [20:26]
ascii_butugychag l0lz [20:26]
mircea_popescu this was fun. [20:26]
ascii_butugychag << that'd be 9 but seems like bucephalus is blackholed [20:26]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 19:37:09; BingoBoingo: << 8 [20:26]
ascii_butugychag for ~2 days now. [20:26]
* samO (~samO@unaffiliated/samo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:26]
* punkman1 (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:28]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag [20:28]
* samO_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [20:28]
* punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:29]
mircea_popescu << dibs. [20:30]
assbot Intel: Chips To Get Slower | Qntra ... ( ) [20:30]
* felipelalli (~felipelal@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:31]
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* felipelalli (~felipelal@unaffiliated/felipelalli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:31]
mircea_popescu and in other trottin' out whores news, [20:31]
assbot ... ( ) [20:31]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag never used socat ; don't care. [20:32]
asciilifeform !up ascii_butugychag [20:32]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag [20:32]
mircea_popescu "Socat said it has generated a new prime that is 2048 bits long" << clearly evil. [20:32]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: i had never even heard of it prior [20:32]
mircea_popescu if they weren't they'd have made 4kb. [20:32]
mircea_popescu While it’s unknown how Wang chose the prime, other commenters on the post said that checks in OpenSSL and other tools used to generate primes cannot be sure if the numbers are prime. Rieger told Threatpost: “I do not know if a quick way exists to check this definitely. No attempts were made at all.” << and we never heard of phuctor etc. [20:33]
ascii_butugychag of course not [20:33]
ascii_butugychag or, for that matter, of euclid [20:33]
mircea_popescu "i do not know of a way to do math - i went to MIT" [20:34]
ascii_butugychag !s feeling of power [20:34]
assbot 10 results for 'feeling of power' : [20:34]
* Sojourn_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:34]
mircea_popescu "Not satire, just stupid and wrong." lol BingoBoingo just how much derp butthurt have you produced today ? [20:35]
* ascii_butugychag has been trying to detect 'signs of intelligent life' in the cryptological world, a very depressing exercise [20:35]
ascii_butugychag the whole shebang is approx. as alive as... lenin [20:36]
ascii_butugychag yes, there is a figure, from a distance. wax doll. [20:36]
mircea_popescu i'll be honest with you : i actually prefer encountering scar tissue to actual people. i have many more toys for the former, that i wouldn't normally apply on humans. [20:38]
mircea_popescu such as hot irons. [20:38]
mircea_popescu what's it hurt the cheloid ? [20:38]
ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu, i suppose, is a natural-born exterminator. whereas i see crushing, poisoning vermin as hard thankless work [20:39]
ascii_butugychag and there are always more, more, more... of them. [20:39]
mircea_popescu pain is a lot more honest emotion than pleasure. [20:39]
ascii_butugychag now this is so. [20:40]
ascii_butugychag or let's ask mr o, [20:40]
assbot Logged on 22-09-2015 01:22:33; asciilifeform: 'The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things, but over men.' He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of a schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil: 'How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?' Winston thought. 'By making him suffer,' he said. 'Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless [20:40]
mircea_popescu complicated. [20:40]
ascii_butugychag hm? [20:42]
mats was this socat thing even rsa? [20:42]
mats or ecc? [20:43]
ascii_butugychag mats: dh [20:43]
BingoBoingo "Not satire, just stupid and wrong." lol BingoBoingo just how much derp butthurt have you produced today ? << Less than usual actually. [20:45]
mircea_popescu o hey, check it out, all the rotinculo that live off foodstamps know what a reward sum SHOULD have been. [20:46]
mircea_popescu nm that i linked to djb's 500-1k typical rewards for the field to help them avoid stepping in that one. [20:47]
* Cristina (5338fe1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:47]
ascii_butugychag incidentally, i don't recall usg paying out any prize at all for aes nomination [20:47]
ascii_butugychag or is the magic spoodge of the fuhrer, reward enough. [20:48]
mircea_popescu << he has a point here. organised hallucination is hallucination. [20:48]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 22:32:43; BingoBoingo: ascii_butugychag: You don't know how astroturf works. It doesn't work if you attack actual mysteries. You gotta attack fake ones like blockcipher as PoW [20:48]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag ha! see above :D [20:48]
ascii_butugychag i kinda wonder, how many of the folks barfing, could explain how, e.g., rsa, works, to save own life [20:51]
mircea_popescu and speaking of social media, [20:51]
assbot ... ( ) [20:51]
ascii_butugychag (actually posing the question often produces many little 'bill gates'-en, who famously uttered a hope that one day 'science may discover a means of factoring large primes') [20:52]
mircea_popescu ascii_butugychag honestly, i suspect a) all actual cryptography revolves around º and º' pairs and b) rsa is the only one where º = º' = multiplication. [20:53]
mircea_popescu pure conjecture, but towards a unified theory of cryptography! [20:53]
* samO_ (~samO@unaffiliated/samo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:54]
mircea_popescu hmm, apparently log doesn't see º [20:55]
mircea_popescu am i the only one that sees it ? [20:55]
ascii_butugychag possibly [20:55]
* ascii_butugychag bbl [20:56]
* ascii_butugychag has quit (Quit: leaving) [20:56]
* samO__ (~samO@unaffiliated/samo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:56]
* samO has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [20:57]
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BingoBoingo 21 years old [21:07]
assbot ... ( ) [21:07]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: [21:23]
assbot Intel: Chips To Get Slower | Qntra ... ( ) [21:23]
* AaronvanW has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [21:24]
* punkman1 is now known as punkman [21:31]
* assbot gives voice to punkman [21:34]
punkman ascii_butugychag: i'll pass. << weren't you after blobless workstation with recent cpu? [21:34]
punkman Tyan has some boards for it [21:34]
punkman [21:35]
assbot ... ( ) [21:35]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo no way chick on the left is 21. [21:45]
BingoBoingo Y not? [21:46]
mircea_popescu cuz she looks 34 to me ? [21:47]
mats weather beaten features [21:48]
BingoBoingo It's possible [21:48]
BingoBoingo My favorite acid trip from MP's /. adventure [21:49]
assbot Bitcoin Capitalist Opens Bounty For New Block Cipher - Slashdot ... ( ) [21:49]
BingoBoingo Modded +4 Interesting with "The block cipher is a proof of work function which takes some effort to compute." [21:49]
BingoBoingo Not even wrong [21:49]
mircea_popescu o.O [21:50]
BingoBoingo But I'm glad MP no longer can disbelieve the one on the right being 21 because "No way she's 21, that isn't enough time to eat so much" [21:50]
mircea_popescu holy shit put soup instead of sha i nthe pow, see people cry. [21:50]
BingoBoingo lol [21:51]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo that part is easy : a) you cook a bunch of slop ; b) you catch the sow and chain her down ; c) you insert one tube in ass and another tube in mouth (should be same size, orientation indifferent) and then you d) pour. [21:51]
mircea_popescu this is how you create the singularity. [21:52]
BingoBoingo The scary thing is she dreams of someone doing that to her [21:52]
mircea_popescu mats i guess that's right, surfer chicks do end up looking 514 by the time they're out of college. [21:53]
BingoBoingo Now /.adventure this shit spreads [21:53]
assbot AussieCryptoCurrency comments on Slashdot Knows Of Our ButterFiend Mircea Popescu ... ( ) [21:53]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo the internet is but a series of tubes. see c) above. [21:53]
BingoBoingo But we need more pouring as in d) [21:54]
mircea_popescu "Behold, Mr Mackey, riding a horse so naturally it makes your dick hard. And there be bitches, oh yes." << i wonder what knowitall derp'd do if he actually knew what he's talking about. [21:54]
BingoBoingo Prolly do lsd trying to unknow? [21:55]
* Sojourn__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:56]
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BingoBoingo Ok, this comment might actually take the LSD cake: "This is likely not for *encryption*." Goes on about proof of work [21:58]
assbot Bitcoin Capitalist Opens Bounty For New Block Cipher - Slashdot ... ( ) [21:58]
* Cristina has quit (Quit: Page closed) [21:58]
* punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [22:01]
BingoBoingo brb, stepping away from the anti-social media [22:12]
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* justanotheruser (~Justan@unaffiliated/justanotheruser) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:15]
mircea_popescu ok, this one's for asciilifeform [22:24]
assbot B,TMSR~ Block Cipher Competition on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [22:24]
* bagels7 (~bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4028 @ 0.00056249 = 2.2657 BTC [+] [22:26]
* linton_s_dawson (linton_s_d@gateway/vpn/mullvad/x-ecsuxbruhpxfauyh) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:28]
mircea_popescu "256 bits has sufficient entropy to render any brute force attack, and even severe weakening (e.g. sq root effort attacks) utterly infeasible." << dude where the fuck do they come from. [22:30]
mircea_popescu what colors are your bits, bitch! and how much entropy is there in this dword ? [22:30]
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mircea_popescu "Anyhow, it would be a bunch of work for 10 BTC. Hardly worth anyone's time, given this bozo is gonna take all the credit, you probably don't even get fame nor fortune..." << jesus almighty. this is why it's fucking public, and lordship and all that, right ? [22:33]
mircea_popescu i suppose the fiat world has burned these poor people so consistently (see the plouffe thing recently discussed, see the notorious wolfram thing etc) it's just the default expectation. and then ~bitcoin~ is the scam. [22:34]
* The20YearIRCloud (uid38883@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:52]
* Cristina (5338fe1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:56]
asciilifeform << wut [23:02]
assbot Logged on 06-02-2016 01:24:23; mircea_popescu: ok, this one's for asciilifeform [23:02]
mircea_popescu no idea. [23:02]
asciilifeform incidentally, anybody ask where daemen and rijmen's 'fame and fortune' are ? [23:04]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: the slashdot thing is raw sewage. srsly i 'want my five minutes back' plox. [23:06]
* NewLiberty_ (~NewLibert@2602:306:b8e0:8160:acfc:1bad:78e9:5594) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:07]
mircea_popescu i was entertained! [23:07]
asciilifeform << why would i want ibm ? [23:17]
assbot Logged on 06-02-2016 00:34:19; punkman: ascii_butugychag: i'll pass. << weren't you after blobless workstation with recent cpu? [23:17]
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asciilifeform << aaaaaaaand finally we catch'em in an obvious, rancid lie [23:17]
assbot Logged on 06-02-2016 00:35:33; punkman: [23:17]
asciilifeform from earlier link, we see : [23:18]
assbot Logged on 05-02-2016 22:49:53; BingoBoingo: [23:18]
asciilifeform 'open-toolchain FPGAs' [23:18]
asciilifeform !s xilinx [23:18]
assbot 86 results for 'xilinx' : [23:18]
asciilifeform ^ 'open toolchain fpga' will happen some time after pigs fly over a frozen hell. [23:18]
asciilifeform and in the 'roadmap' link we specifically see 'xilinx.' [23:19]
asciilifeform re: the cipher thread, gotta love how nobody complained re: mircea_popescu asking folks to solve an unsolved mathematical problem, the answer to which eluded two great empires for half a century. [23:21]
* toffoo (~tof@unaffiliated/toffoo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:36]
asciilifeform !up toffoo [23:39]
* assbot gives voice to toffoo [23:39]
mircea_popescu eh, what do they know. [23:40]
mircea_popescu and besides, i'm not asking them to solve it, i'm just saying, should you have a solution... [23:40]
asciilifeform next up, trilema antigravity prize ? [23:41]
mircea_popescu believe it or not, sifting all the incoming email produced some nuggets. [23:42]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform [23:43]
assbot dpaste: 2BVMZ6B ... ( ) [23:43]
asciilifeform l0l this is what i wanted to do, recall [23:44]
asciilifeform but mircea_popescu was allergic [23:44]
mircea_popescu hm ? [23:44]
asciilifeform cascades [23:44]
asciilifeform if this is the best anybody had to offer, the field is deader than i thought. [23:46]
mircea_popescu ya well. [23:47]
* asciilifeform expected to see the maths crackpots come out in full strength, propose martian oddities based on, e.g., graph isomorphisms problem, or vertex colouring [23:48]
mircea_popescu actually the 4 color map thing is in my head just as good if not better than knapsack [23:49]
asciilifeform i actually hit garey & johnson's mega-encyclopaedia 'intractability' and dug [23:49]
asciilifeform still diggin' [23:49]
asciilifeform incidentally, another b00k worthy of inclusion in #b-a w4r3z dump [23:50]
asciilifeform ~the~ canonical work on the subject, quarter century in [23:50]
asciilifeform unsurpassed. [23:50]
asciilifeform the gotcha is, there is no shortage of demonstrably np-complete problem classes; but converting one into a cryptosystem, esp. ~safely~ is nontrivial [23:51]
asciilifeform in fact, as far as i can tell, this has ~never been done at all~ [23:52]
asciilifeform not once. [23:52]
asciilifeform (for n00bz, i will remind, factoring was never demonstrated to be np-complete) [23:52]
mircea_popescu aha. [23:54]
mircea_popescu moreover, it's sadly unclear what the task even is. yes you can rigurously define assumptions ; yes you can rigurously prove safety. [23:55]
mircea_popescu then you invalidate the assumptions in practice without realising and heuristics eats your lunch. [23:55]
mircea_popescu math is nice and good, but a method or mechanism through which to prove the corectness of implementation in the sense contemplated here is not yet seen and altogether may be an impossibility. [23:56]
mircea_popescu and when i say "not yet seen" i mean that in the strongest sense. not seen ONCE. fucking darwinism is not PROVEDLY correct. [23:56]
mircea_popescu it is provedly consistent (what'd be a "mathematical corectness" and empirically applicable with great predictive power. that's... not it.) [23:57]
* SuchWow has quit (Quit: Now taking applications for new quit messge, pm me with suggestions) [23:57]
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