Forum logs for 01 Mar 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* ne1watching (aefe381a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:00]
* Saiga12 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:00]
* Saiga12 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:00]
* Saiga12goesBOOM has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [00:01]
* EasyAt has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:01]
phraust hrm, can't get reaper to work. [00:02]
* phraust shrugs. [00:02]
Saiga12 Anyone interested in a 97 jeep wrangler for btc? [00:02]
muff1nman mircea_popescu, i just made an account at btc-e and you can only deposit USD with LR, WebMoney, Interkassa and Paxum [00:02]
mircea_popescu none of which i have. [00:03]
mircea_popescu well good to know anyways. [00:03]
* Dragonai (~dragonai@unaffiliated/dragonai) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:03]
muff1nman yea u got to find out w/o making an account [00:03]
muff1nman gotta find someone to delete mine [00:04]
* EasyAt (~easyat@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:04]
Saiga12 Anyone want to buy a dell optiplex 760 4gbRAM core2duo cpu dvd burner [00:04]
Saiga12 No HD [00:05]
Saiga12 Mtgox or btc [00:05]
Staatsfeind Doesn't Paxum not allow that? [00:06]
Staatsfeind Aren't they just going to freeze that shit when they find out? [00:06]
Saiga12 It was a server for winpak.....came with shitted hd [00:06]
* Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) [00:07]
* Gaglia ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:07]
* Saiga12 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:11]
* rokj has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:16]
* Coolty has quit () [00:19]
* Coolty ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:19]
* ne1watching has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:19]
* jaypetermm (7aa25a9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:23]
* lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:23]
* lunks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:24]
ocminer anyone wants to buy 30 btc @ 135 ppusd ? (thats 4.5 usd per btc) [00:24]
neofutur ;;gettrust ocminer [00:25]
gribble Trust relationship from user ne0futur to user ocminer: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 3 connections. Graph: [00:25]
ocminer 20 btc @ 90 ppusd left… [00:26]
smickles ocminer: y u show up when i have no usd to spend? [00:27]
ocminer dunno ;-) [00:27]
smickles also, I just checked out the forums for the firs time in a while, and was rewarded with this gem: DeathAndTaxes says, "I would like to see a unicorn that shits skittles." [00:28]
ocminer all sold [00:28]
mircea_popescu jesus [00:28]
mircea_popescu dude you hafta sell slower lmao [00:28]
SerajewelKS smickles: we call that unicorn "bitcoin" [00:30]
* rokj ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:31]
* rokj has quit (Changing host) [00:31]
* rokj (~rokj@pdpc/supporter/active/rokj) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:31]
ocminer ;;rate imsaguy 7 nice and easy.. like everytime :) [00:31]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user imsaguy has changed from 6 to 7. [00:31]
* cyphase has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [00:32]
mircea_popescu hehe that he is. [00:32]
Cory imsaguy gets all the good deals. [00:32]
imsaguy Cory: you must be getting old like nanotube [00:33]
* gheorghe (~gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:33]
Cory Rofl [00:33]
danieldaniel pirateat40: Screw you... [00:33]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:33]
danieldaniel pirateat40: You don't need to be like that on the forums [00:33]
Staatsfeind lol [00:34]
pirateat40 danieldaniel, i don't troll often... you just got lucky. [00:34]
mircea_popescu lmao [00:34]
danieldaniel pirateat40: :( [00:34]
mircea_popescu hey pirateat40, how come we never traded ? [00:34]
danieldaniel ..rate pirateat40 -10 OMG TROLL [00:34]
Staatsfeind danieldaniel: You shouldn't bid on things if you won't be ready to pay at the close of the auction. :/ [00:34]
Staatsfeind ;;rate danieldaniel -1 doesn't like ponies [00:34]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user danieldaniel has been recorded. [00:34]
danieldaniel pirateat40: Now i'm earning .02 interest instead of .03 :( [00:34]
pirateat40 mircea_popescu, cause you think im a HAX [00:34]
danieldaniel Staatsfeind: Wow [00:35]
danieldaniel Staatsfeind: I could have paid, and I just did [00:35]
Staatsfeind OK. [00:35]
mircea_popescu i do ?! [00:35]
danieldaniel Staatsfeind: Transaction ID: ed0cf5d2c2f0a63d466cdff4b5c43db35f168d1cb911bb58abf3f43ceda7d2e8 [00:35]
Staatsfeind I'm just commenting on what I saw on that forum thread. [00:35]
jcpham it was silly [00:36]
danieldaniel "doesn't like ponies" Because that's totally related [00:36]
* MouseFace (462453a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:36]
Staatsfeind Oh, that. [00:36]
Staatsfeind I don't trust anyone that doesn't like ponies. [00:36]
mircea_popescu how about microhorses ? [00:36]
rawrmage µHorse [00:37]
* Cool ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:37]
danieldaniel Also, random question [00:37]
danieldaniel How much is that stone worth? [00:37]
* randumbum has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:37]
MouseFace :: [00:37]
rawrmage jcpham: i love your bitcointalk avatar [00:37]
rawrmage danieldaniel: 4 btc, i suppose? [00:38]
danieldaniel rawrmage: I mean, not how much I paid for ity [00:38]
danieldaniel That was the starting bid [00:38]
rawrmage well, that's how much it's worth then [00:38]
rawrmage however much someone will pay for it [00:38]
ocminer ;;rate ne0futur 1 smooth pp transaction, he bought btc with pp and sent first [00:38]
jcpham i'm going to tolerate the shit out of everyone [00:38]
danieldaniel You know what I mean rawrmage [00:38]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: I think he's asking how much he can get someone else to pay for it, though. [00:38]
rawrmage oh [00:39]
rawrmage i don't know [00:39]
danieldaniel Staatsfeind: I'm gonna give it as a gift, just curious [00:39]
Staatsfeind danieldaniel: We're not experts in stones. (That's why we didn't bid on it.) [00:39]
ocminer ;;rate ne0futur 1 smooth pp transaction, he bought btc with pp and sent first [00:39]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user ne0futur has been recorded. [00:39]
Staatsfeind OK, you should have started off lower. :þ [00:39]
mircea_popescu jcpham why! o why! [00:39]
mircea_popescu it's a pretty nice stone daniel [00:39]
* jaypetermm has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:40]
mircea_popescu maybe not worth 25 bux, but not too far off. [00:40]
mod6 is it like one out of a rock garden? [00:40]
danieldaniel Well I got ripped off then [00:40]
danieldaniel :( [00:40]
mircea_popescu lmao you realise the person selling it is trying to live off this right ? [00:40]
danieldaniel so Cory: The dwolla transfer should complete soon; it finished at my bank [00:40]
rawrmage lol [00:40]
rawrmage so 2 days then :P [00:41]
danieldaniel rawrmage: WHAT? [00:41]
mircea_popescu or half a week [00:41]
mircea_popescu well, 5 days tops [00:41]
danieldaniel rawrmage: It said that it _finished_ at my bank [00:41]
* Clipse has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [00:41]
mircea_popescu will make it by june for sure [00:41]
danieldaniel Like, it cleared [00:41]
rawrmage what's dwolla estimate [00:41]
rawrmage yea, i know :) [00:41]
rg who wants to buy an Asus ATI Radeon 5770 CuCore [00:42]
Staatsfeind My bank shows outgoing ACH transfers as finalized when the receiving institution acknowledges receipt, so it's usually within a business hour or so for Dwolla once my bank says that. [00:43]
* lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:43]
Staatsfeind If it's 5pm on a Friday, though, that shit sucks. [00:43]
rawrmage heh [00:43]
Staatsfeind They don't get it at 5pm on a Friday, though. [00:44]
rawrmage my bank usually takes 5 days for dwolla, even though by the end of the third it's cleared my bank [00:44]
* lunks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:44]
Staatsfeind I think our banks are using different terminology, then. [00:44]
rawrmage probably [00:45]
danieldaniel fuck banks [00:45]
danieldaniel lmao [00:45]
Staatsfeind Once funds are on their way, my bank advances it to me, for transfers in, too. [00:45]
Staatsfeind They don't wait for it to clear to make it available. [00:45]
mircea_popescu sounds like you're a fatcat :) [00:46]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: same here [00:46]
mircea_popescu only the 1% get accounts like that [00:46]
Cory danieldaniel: :D [00:46]
Staatsfeind So, if I transfer from Dwolla to my bank at 4am on a Monday, it's available in my bank at 6:30 am Central Time. [00:46]
* cyphase (~cyphase@unaffiliated/cyphase) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:46]
danieldaniel Cory: Nvm, read the scroll back lol [00:46]
Cory It'll probably clear this week. [00:46]
Cory What's Dwolla's estimate? [00:46]
danieldaniel when did bitvps start expecting paypal [00:47]
danieldaniel Cory: lemme check [00:47]
danieldaniel 03/01/2012 by 5PM CST [00:47]
danieldaniel Awesome [00:47]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: No, I just have a bank that's not open to the general public and they have a lot of people that expect that kind of thing from them and have money and disproportionate political influence. [00:47]
mircea_popescu oic [00:48]
rawrmage knowing dwolla, it'll be finished at exactly 5PM CST [00:48]
rawrmage ;P [00:48]
danieldaniel rawrmage: lol [00:48]
Staatsfeind (It's open only to military servicemembers, veterans, and descendants of living qualified accountholders.) [00:48]
mircea_popescu and somnetimes you run into jong un in the hallway [00:49]
rawrmage lol [00:49]
danieldaniel Staatsfeind: which are you? [00:49]
Cory USAA? [00:49]
* BorGor (6d81040a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:49]
Staatsfeind Cory: Yes. [00:49]
Cory I've heard great things about them. [00:49]
mircea_popescu United Services Automobile Association [00:49]
Staatsfeind danieldaniel: I was in the Army for four years. [00:49]
danieldaniel Staatsfeind: you were? nice [00:50]
Staatsfeind I was stoplossed; that sucked. [00:50]
rg ;;ticker [00:50]
jcpham ;;ticker [00:53]
gribble Best bid: 4.85148, Best ask: 4.88349, Bid-ask spread: 0.03201, Last trade: 4.85318, 24 hour volume: 25276, 24 hour low: 4.8, 24 hour high: 4.9 [00:53]
* ineededausername has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:53]
jcpham danieldaniel the 1g silver coin bidding has already exceed it's market value by ~ 200% [00:53]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: lol, stoplossed [00:53]
jcpham just saying [00:53]
danieldaniel wut [00:54]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: That's the term for it. [00:54]
danieldaniel jcpham: what? [00:54]
jcpham 1g of silver is worth ~1$ [00:54]
danieldaniel lol [00:54]
* EasyAt has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [00:54]
jcpham last bidder bid ,420 [00:54]
* GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:54]
jcpham the last bidder bid %200 of the value [00:54]
Staatsfeind * 200% [00:55]
* gheorghe has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:55]
jcpham i like doing it backwards! [00:55]
rg someone buy my btc [00:55]
rg at 5.25 [00:55]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: 2000‰ [00:55]
* gheorghe (~gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:55]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: That works, too. [00:55]
paraipan vragnaroda you around ? [00:59]
vragnaroda paraipan: Don't hilight me. [01:00]
reeses why can’t people PM [01:01]
paraipan guess i have if i want to speak with you [01:01]
paraipan can you explain the rating on the otc pls [01:01]
vragnaroda Yes. [01:02]
imsaguy reeses: I hate when people pm without asking. [01:02]
paraipan please do [01:02]
* pentarh (~pentarh@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:02]
paraipan +1 imsaguy [01:02]
vragnaroda No. I've already explained it half a dozen times. [01:02]
* jaypetermm (7aa25a9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:02]
reeses imsaguy: ignore works [01:02]
paraipan here ? [01:02]
paraipan guess i have to search the logs then [01:02]
reeses ;;getrating paraipan [01:02]
vragnaroda You responded by calling everyone else stupid (though in a much more longwinded way). [01:03]
paraipan because i don't know where "childish namecalling" comes from [01:03]
paraipan or "Resorts to violence"... [01:03]
paraipan can you be more specific ? [01:04]
vragnaroda It's been explained to you several times and I've said I'm done talking about it. [01:04]
paraipan who i called stupid... ? [01:04]
muff1nman damn people are pullin btc out of mtgox went from 44000 to 25193 in almost 6 hours [01:04]
imsaguy /ignore reeses * [01:05]
imsaguy why yes, yes it does. [01:05]
jcpham ignore is for the weak [01:05]
mircea_popescu um what do you mean muff1nman ? [01:05]
paraipan dunno vragnaroda [01:05]
mircea_popescu anyone know an anon emailer ? [01:06]
paraipan i didn't find out where you explained something [01:06]
mircea_popescu sendmail or what was it ? [01:06]
imsaguy tormail [01:06]
* nelisky has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:06]
paraipan please excuse me for not being here when you did [01:06]
imsaguy or just gpg encrypt it [01:06]
* BorGor has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:06]
reeses 2000 btc for $8k ppusd [01:06]
imsaguy ok [01:07]
reeses hah! [01:07]
imsaguy wahts your paypal addy? [01:07]
reeses I knew you couldn't ignore me [01:07]
paraipan "highly abusive, hypocritical and immature" can you explain this vragnaroda ? [01:07]
mircea_popescu ty imsaguy [01:07]
muff1nman just pointing it out [01:08]
imsaguy I think its pretty explanatory [01:08]
muff1nman their volume was in 6 figures about a month ago i believe [01:08]
mircea_popescu reeses you selling ? [01:08]
* amazingrando (~amazingra@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:08]
vragnaroda Graet doesn't like being treated how he demands others be treated. [01:08]
reeses no, imsaguy claimed to have ignored me [01:08]
paraipan yeah imsaguy, i would love to hear it from him [01:09]
reeses and i knew one thing i could say to make him talk to me, while keeping most others out [01:09]
jcpham i'll chargeback your 2k btc! sure [01:09]
* delli1 (c1a9913d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:10]
paraipan ;;getrating vragnaroda [01:10]
gribble User vragnaroda, created on Thu Apr 21 13:11:13 2011. Cumulative rating 10, from 24 total ratings. Received ratings: 19 positive, 5 negative. Sent ratings: 20 positive, 9 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda [01:10]
vragnaroda He calls me that for kicking him and explicitly for not banning rg and danieldaniel. [01:10]
danieldaniel what? [01:10]
* uzyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:10]
danieldaniel I was supposed to be banned? [01:10]
vragnaroda danieldaniel: According to Graet, yes, that's what makes me â"highly abusive, hypocritical, and immature." [01:11]
delli1 ;;getrating vragnaroda [01:11]
danieldaniel wow [01:11]
* imsaguy_mobile ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:11]
* imsaguy_mobile has quit (Changing host) [01:11]
* imsaguy_mobile (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:11]
delli1 gribble> User vragnaroda, created on Thu Apr 21 13:11:13 2011. Cumulative rating 10, from 24 total ratings. Received ratings: 19 positive, 5 negative. Sent ratings: 20 positive, 9 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda [01:11]
jcpham well i'll conced that drthodt and metabank are bs [01:11]
jcpham *concede [01:11]
Staatsfeind delli1: It's right above. [01:12]
Staatsfeind You do not need to repost it. [01:12]
imsaguy_mobile ;;topic [01:12]
reeses ;;rate vragnaroda 7 VERY evil genius [01:12]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user vragnaroda has changed from 6 to 7. [01:12]
* Peter_Skinner has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0.2/20120215223356]) [01:12]
delli1 8468 drthodt vragnaroda 2012-01-04 19:40:52 -10 highly abusive, hypocritical and immature [01:13]
mircea_popescu ;;getrating vragnaroda [01:13]
gribble User vragnaroda, created on Thu Apr 21 13:11:13 2011. Cumulative rating 11, from 24 total ratings. Received ratings: 19 positive, 5 negative. Sent ratings: 20 positive, 9 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda [01:13]
mircea_popescu grr [01:13]
vragnaroda delli1: Yes, it's been reposted several times. [01:13]
mircea_popescu how do iget my rating [01:13]
vragnaroda ;;rated mircea_popescu [01:13]
gribble You have not yet rated user mircea_popescu [01:13]
mircea_popescu ;;rated vragnaroda [01:13]
gribble You have not yet rated user vragnaroda [01:13]
delli1 must be true [01:13]
vragnaroda ;;rate mircea_popescu 2 [01:13]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user mircea_popescu has been recorded. [01:13]
reeses mircea_popescu: you sell me btc for ppusd 4 [01:14]
mircea_popescu ;;rate vragnaroda 5 when he's not amusing he's annoying and vice-versa [01:14]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 5 for user vragnaroda has been recorded. [01:14]
* imsaguy_mobile has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:14]
paraipan lol [01:14]
AcidicChip Did you just grab my ass? [01:14]
mircea_popescu reeses nope [01:14]
mircea_popescu was gonna buy [01:14]
reeses dude i do not sell btc unless it’s a pity case :) [01:14]
delli1 7206 imsaguy vragnaroda 2012-02-24 21:08:35 3 vagina [01:15]
mircea_popescu me eiother. [01:15]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Staatsfeind [01:15]
reeses pity me [01:15]
delli1 8692 reeses vragnaroda 2012-02-29 23:12:43 7 VERY evil [01:15]
delli1 not good [01:15]
* Snapman (~Snapman@unaffiliated/snapman) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:15]
* Staatsfeind sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.$#bitcoin-dungeon [01:15]
* Staatsfeind has kicked delli1 from #bitcoin-otc (delli1) [01:15]
reeses i need 5000 btc or i’ll die [01:15]
* Staatsfeind removes channel operator status from Staatsfeind [01:15]
reeses ;;rate vragnaroda 7 VERY good and honorable genius [01:16]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user vragnaroda has changed from 7 to 7. [01:16]
reeses that’ll burn, vragnaroda [01:16]
Staatsfeind lol [01:16]
paraipan i'm still here vragnaroda, waiting for a reasonable explanation of your rating [01:16]
reeses i think it had something to do with you being a punk ass off topic asshole [01:17]
Staatsfeind paraipan: If you keep logs, it's in them several times over. [01:17]
Staatsfeind It's not getting explained again. [01:17]
paraipan ack Staatsfeind, guess i would have to see some of them given that vragnaroda doesn't want to cooperate [01:18]
* Judgement51 (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:18]
mircea_popescu Has directly stated they wouldn't file a report against an unregulated financial services provider. [01:18]
mircea_popescu lmao wtf is this, people are da police nao ? [01:18]
Staatsfeind I am vragnaroda. I explained my reasons to you the other day. I'm not explaining it again. [01:18]
paraipan your reasons where ? i can't remember the whole thing right now [01:19]
* lepra has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:19]
pigeons "resorts to violence" seems do you expect the police to enforce any action against the people you filed against [01:20]
* Snapman has quit (Quit: ZNC - [01:20]
Staatsfeind where? In the comment for the rating. [01:20]
mircea_popescu im starting to miss danieldrama. [01:21]
* pingdrive (~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:21]
danieldaniel mircea_popescu: stfu [01:21]
mircea_popescu o hai [01:21]
paraipan it doesn't depend on me pigeons, if bitcoinica is legal and is here to stay not even police will resort to "violence" [01:21]
OneFixt I'm starting to miss trading on -otc. [01:21]
* henry69 (c1a99139@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:21]
copumpkin [18:14:11] <+gribble> New rating | mircea_popescu > 5 > vragnaroda | when he's not amusing he's annoying and vice-versa [01:21]
copumpkin lol [01:21]
copumpkin OneFixt: time for epic +m [01:21]
paraipan yes vragnaroda [01:21]
pingdrive how to i submit and order to OTC? [01:21]
danieldaniel afk [01:21]
mircea_popescu o ya ? trading ? hm. selling calls, selling puts. ne1 ? [01:21]
* copumpkin screams at mircea_popescu [01:22]
mircea_popescu lol what ? [01:22]
copumpkin you can't have a long nick like mircea_popescu and spell anyone as ne1 [01:22]
mircea_popescu i can't ? [01:22]
reeses no shit [01:22]
copumpkin mrc_ppscu [01:22]
mircea_popescu cpkn [01:22]
paraipan lol [01:22]
reeses no underscores either [01:22]
copumpkin dmn rght [01:22]
mircea_popescu dumn roght ? [01:22]
copumpkin <- 2 kul 4 skul [01:22]
Greed Does -otc have its own group cloak? [01:23]
copumpkin no [01:23]
rawrmage no [01:23]
Greed should [01:23]
mircea_popescu yes greed. it says Lord's [01:23]
rawrmage Greed: why? [01:23]
reeses we have gpg chat [01:23]
reeses people don’t like it though [01:23]
Greed Because -otc is pretty damned important [01:23]
mircea_popescu don't hate. [01:24]
* Snapman (~Snapman@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:24]
mircea_popescu it's a sin. [01:24]
rawrmage if you learn to play nethack i can give you a group cloak [01:24]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: how about this: I'll give you 100 btc for 1% [01:24]
Greed And a cloak would serve the same purpose as GPG [01:24]
* copumpkin sits back [01:24]
mircea_popescu 1% of what ? [01:24]
copumpkin of MPOE! [01:24]
* Snapman has quit (Changing host) [01:24]
* Snapman (~Snapman@unaffiliated/snapman) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:24]
copumpkin ;) [01:24]
* blaeks has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:24]
mircea_popescu lol i already got 65+ for .1% [01:24]
* copumpkin slaps mircea_popescu [01:24]
copumpkin my coins are higher quality [01:24]
rawrmage he's got the pure stuff [01:24]
mircea_popescu ima slip you dilutable unpreferred shaes [01:24]
copumpkin just ask rawrmage [01:24]
copumpkin lol [01:25]
reeses i’ll give you 101 for 1% [01:25]
mircea_popescu lmao it starts already [01:25]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: not sure preferred means much when the company actively aims to not have any capital [01:25]
rawrmage haha [01:25]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: 200 for 1% [01:25]
mircea_popescu bwaghaha [01:25]
* Duke_pro has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [01:25]
reeses i’ll give you 201 for 1% [01:25]
* blaeks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:25]
mircea_popescu dudes, srly. there's gonna be another block in april. [01:25]
rawrmage wow [01:26]
copumpkin 10000 for 1% [01:26]
rawrmage what's the diff at? [01:26]
reeses how much for the whole thing? [01:26]
rawrmage for it to be so long between blocks... [01:26]
mircea_popescu 1.37mn [01:26]
mircea_popescu est 1.47 soon [01:26]
reeses copumpkin: done [01:26]
mircea_popescu reeses seems like 60-70k btc [01:26]
copumpkin reeses: you don't even own his company [01:26]
reeses have it ferried to my acct [01:26]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: don't get cocky now! [01:27]
rawrmage bitferry [01:27]
copumpkin if I offered you 20k you'd take it [01:27]
reeses oh, it was for his company? [01:27]
mircea_popescu nope i wouldnt cpkn [01:27]
copumpkin :O [01:27]
mircea_popescu i have enuff dough and this is too much fun. [01:27]
reeses mircea_popescu: 20kbtc for 100% [01:27]
copumpkin :) [01:27]
copumpkin lol [01:28]
mircea_popescu i've never been the bookmaker and the corp owner simultaneously before [01:28]
mircea_popescu it's quite pleasant. [01:28]
mircea_popescu i don't need to scream at myself over the phone all the time [01:28]
rawrmage lol [01:28]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: well, 65 for 0.1 means 650 for 1, which means that 200 for a nice friendly pumpkin is a good price [01:28]
Staatsfeind paraipan: trololol [01:28]
reeses mircea_popescu: 20kbtc for 100%, 10kbtc/month for three months retention and transition [01:28]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: can I buy options on your share price? [01:29]
mircea_popescu reeses hmmm. [01:29]
mircea_popescu cpkn lmao you should issue some :D [01:29]
mircea_popescu futures too [01:29]
paraipan i'm 28, how old are you vragnaroda ? [01:30]
copumpkin [18:27:48] <+gribble> Rating change | Old rating -2 | New rating: paraipan > -3 > vragnaroda | Has directly stated they wouldn't file a report against an unregulated financial services provider. [01:30]
copumpkin why is that worth -3? [01:30]
copumpkin why is it even worth -1? [01:30]
mircea_popescu mk. i just got 3.3k in bonds for the love of all that's holy. [01:30]
copumpkin ? [01:30]
paraipan dunno copumpkin [01:30]
paraipan same as vragnaroda though "Resorts to violence for competitive advantage; resorts to childish namecalling and further threats when chastised for it" is worth [01:31]
copumpkin is paraipan mcorlett? [01:31]
mircea_popescu i dun think so. [01:31]
mircea_popescu unless he keeps a trolling id [01:31]
imsaguy ;;seen mcorlett [01:31]
* gribble gives voice to imsaguy [01:31]
imsaguy ;;seen [01:32]
gribble (seen [] ) -- Returns the last time was seen and what was last seen saying. is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. may contain * as a wildcard. [01:32]
rawrmage ;;seen #bitcoin-otc gribble [01:32]
gribble I have not seen gribble. [01:32]
paraipan hah [01:32]
btchero2 no mirror [01:32]
rawrmage ;;seen gribble [01:32]
gribble I have not seen gribble. [01:32]
rawrmage huh [01:32]
henry69 paraipan so true [01:32]
henry69 lol [01:33]
rawrmage ;;seen myself [01:33]
gribble I have not seen myself. [01:33]
* imsaguy_mobile (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:33]
rawrmage ;;seen the future [01:33]
gribble I have not seen the future. [01:33]
paraipan lool [01:33]
imsaguy_mobile ;;rate paraipan -1 doesnt understand rating system. [01:33]
mircea_popescu ;;seen fanny [01:33]
gribble I have not seen fanny. [01:33]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Staatsfeind [01:33]
copumpkin lol [01:33]
rawrmage ;;seen what shall come to pass [01:33]
gribble I have not seen what shall come to pass. [01:33]
mircea_popescu omg gribble virgin [01:33]
copumpkin lol, rawrmage [01:33]
* Staatsfeind sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.$#bitcoin-dungeon [01:34]
mircea_popescu bitcoin-dungeon ? [01:34]
copumpkin that's mircea_popescu's realm [01:34]
mircea_popescu impostry! [01:34]
paraipan ;;seen vragnaroda understand the rating system [01:34]
gribble (seen [] ) -- Returns the last time was seen and what was last seen saying. is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. may contain * as a wildcard. [01:34]
paraipan ;;seen #bitcoin-otc vragnaroda understand the rating system [01:35]
* Staatsfeind has kicked henry69 from #bitcoin-otc (henry69) [01:35]
gribble (seen [] ) -- Returns the last time was seen and what was last seen saying. is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. may contain * as a wildcard. [01:35]
paraipan meh [01:35]
rawrmage paraipan: … [01:35]
* muff1nman has quit (Quit: out) [01:35]
paraipan it didn't show :( [01:35]
rawrmage ;;seen paraipan understand how this is done [01:35]
gribble I have not seen paraipan understand how this is done. [01:35]
paraipan irc newb [01:35]
* jaypetermm has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:35]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: That's celeste from the other day. [01:35]
* minimoose has quit (Quit: minimoose) [01:36]
rawrmage ;;seen Celestia [01:36]
gribble I have not seen Celestia. [01:36]
Staatsfeind ;;seen celeste [01:36]
gribble celeste was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 1 week, 5 days, 23 hours, 49 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: devDelay cvs pharmacy [01:36]
rawrmage ;;seen My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic [01:36]
gribble I have not seen My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. [01:36]
rawrmage :( [01:36]
mircea_popescu other week! [01:36]
Staatsfeind Yeah. [01:36]
mircea_popescu ..rate staatsfeind -10 does not understand the calendar [01:36]
Staatsfeind lol [01:36]
mircea_popescu hehehe [01:36]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: She's been back several times, though. [01:36]
mircea_popescu well apparently she doesn't understand bans [01:37]
* You are now known as Celeste [01:37]
-NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify . [01:37]
* You are now known as me [01:37]
-NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify . [01:37]
-NickServ- You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed. [01:37]
* You are now known as Celeste__ [01:38]
Greed pirateat40, you live near Austin? [01:38]
Celeste__ Hi i trade with dbloredo deborlldo and bordellod [01:38]
pirateat40 no, Dallas [01:38]
Celeste__ selling CVS Pharmacy [01:38]
rawrmage Celeste__: omg [01:38]
* You are now known as mircea_popescu [01:38]
Greed Ah, nevermind then. Was gonna ask what living costs were like down there [01:38]
rawrmage that's too lifelike [01:38]
pirateat40 Austin is probably the highest in Texas [01:38]
mircea_popescu san antonio is like the coolest us town imo [01:39]
pirateat40 But Texas is cheap [01:39]
* Judgement51 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:39]
Greed Damn. I guess that strikes that job offer off then [01:39]
mircea_popescu and not too expensivwe [01:39]
Greed How cheap is cheap? [01:39]
Staatsfeind lol [01:39]
pirateat40 lol for what? [01:39]
Greed Rent wise for a 2 bedroom [01:39]
mircea_popescu riverwalk breakfast including lobster and spanish champagne was like a hundred or so [01:39]
BTCHero ohio cheap? [01:39]
pirateat40 Hookers and Blow? [01:39]
pirateat40 oh [01:39]
rg anyone here buying BTC for PopMoney? [01:39]
Greed Hookers, blow, cars, and meth [01:39]
Staatsfeind lol @ mircea_popescu's Celeste__ impersonation [01:39]
pirateat40 Just depends on what part [01:39]
pirateat40 but 700-1200 ish [01:39]
copumpkin Greed: look at apartment listings in the area you need? :P [01:39]
mircea_popescu cpkn he doesn't have the interwebs [01:40]
copumpkin man, that's cheap [01:40]
rawrmage mircea_popescu: do you, like, not have tab-complete or something [01:40]
Staatsfeind paraipan: You still haven't explained how that makes you mistrust anyone else. :/ [01:40]
mircea_popescu i just don't know how to use it. [01:40]
Greed 700-1200 ish is cheap? [01:40]
phraust hey pirateat40, you have any BTC for sale? [01:40]
* geeboy (c16b11e7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:40]
mircea_popescu I DO NOT UNDERSTAND TABS [01:40]
rawrmage you press TAB [01:40]
rawrmage TAAAAAAAB [01:40]
Greed I've never actually looked at living costs out of Virginia [01:40]
pirateat40 phraust, not today.. [01:40]
Greed Rent here for a 2 bedroom is like 500$ [01:40]
pirateat40 tomorrow maybe [01:40]
rawrmage it's the key above CAPS LOCK [01:40]
Staatsfeind Although, thank you for finally removing the singular ‘they’ [01:40]
copumpkin Greed: :( [01:40]
phraust bummer. let me know. [01:40]
mircea_popescu im on xchat. if i press tab it just nothing happens anything. [01:40]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: wait wait wait [01:40]
copumpkin my one-bedroom is 1700 [01:40]
* napkin2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:41]
Greed I'm in a 4 bedroom right now for 800$ [01:41]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: you don't like Spivak, you don't like singular they? [01:41]
* copumpkin strangles Greed [01:41]
phraust heh, i'm in a 7 br for $2k. [01:41]
Greed Come to Virginia, copumpkin! [01:41]
Greed Where do you live? [01:41]
mircea_popescu do you have a woman in each greed ? [01:41]
copumpkin Boston [01:41]
* swarelis (~swarelis@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:41]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: Singular ‘they’ is slightly better, but no. [01:41]
pirateat40 Greed, lol you wont get that here. [01:41]
Greed Oh, Boston [01:41]
Greed No wonder [01:41]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: how do we refer to people in a gender neutral manner then‽‽ [01:41]
rg rg looking for Ally bank transfer or PopMoney [01:41]
paraipan i mistrust abusive, hypocritical and immature people that use the otc rating system for their own amusement [01:41]
swarelis !gpg eauth swarelis [01:41]
copumpkin lol [01:41]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: With the epicene. [01:41]
* lunks has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:41]
Greed Women in two, wine in the other mircea_popescu [01:42]
phraust haha [01:42]
* pingdrive has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:42]
Greed That's how I roll. [01:42]
pirateat40 Greed, maybe on the Mexico border [01:42]
* mircea_popescu bans greed (not greedy enough) [01:42]
Greed Fuck that [01:42]
rg hey off topic people, other people are trying to trade! [01:42]
paraipan we still don't know where bitcoinica is licensed... [01:42]
Greed That's dangerous [01:42]
smickles i've got an available 3 bedroom house ~2000 sq. ft for 850 {{usd in btc}} per month [01:42]
Greed Drug cartels and border patrol? [01:42]
Greed nopenopenope [01:42]
copumpkin zomg the horror [01:42]
phraust where is that smickles? [01:42]
smickles phraust: columbia, MO [01:42]
Greed I do enough illegal things already without having to worry about the police and immigrants at all times [01:42]
mircea_popescu i suggest traders move in otc-nsfw [01:42]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: oh come on [01:42]
rg ;;ident rg [01:42]
mircea_popescu rg is having identity criseses. [01:43]
rawrmage i /like/ pronouns [01:43]
geeboy l [01:43]
rawrmage m [01:43]
* gribble gives voice to rg [01:43]
rg no im just trying to sell some btc [01:43]
rg so i can get my passport [01:43]
smickles if you want to pay in usd it's 925 /month [01:43]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: I'm not against new pronouns altogether; Spivak's just stupid. [01:44]
neofutur (01:40) < rg> hey off topic people, other people are trying to trade! [01:44]
neofutur +1 [01:44]
rg ;;sell [01:44]
gribble (sell [at|@] []) -- Logs a sell order for units of per unit, in units of . Use the optional field to put in any special notes. may include an arithmetical expression, and {mtgox(ask|bid|last)} to index price to mtgox ask, bid, or last price. May also include expression of the (1 more message) [01:44]
paraipan i'm 28, how old are you vragnaroda ? [01:44]
* lunks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:44]
mircea_popescu you sellign anything neofutur ? [01:44]
geeboy 10 [01:44]
smickles ;;view neofutur [01:44]
mircea_popescu he is 12 and what is this. [01:44]
neofutur i watch the channel to see interesting offers [01:44]
rg ;;sell 47 BTC @ market price "Must be PopMoney or Ally Bank transfer" [01:44]
rg ugh [01:45]
neofutur [01:45]
mircea_popescu pop money is that thing the homeless colect ? [01:45]
rg umm no [01:45]
neofutur mircea_popescu: also selling services for btc : [01:45]
smickles s/o/0 ? [01:45]
phraust ;;view [01:45]
gribble #6987 Wed Feb 29 09:56:35 2012 phraust SELL 4000.0 USD @ 822.7 BTC (via MoneyPak) [01:45]
Staatsfeind lol [01:45]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: hot PR lady haz been summoned once again [01:45]
mircea_popescu she must be asleep at this hour [01:45]
rawrmage mmm, $4k moneypak [01:45]
rg ;;sell 47 BTC @ {mtgoxlast} USD "Must be PopMoney or Ally Bank Transfer" [01:45]
gribble Order id 6997 created. [01:45]
rg ;;view 6997 [01:46]
gribble #6997 Wed Feb 29 15:45:56 2012 rg SELL 47.0 BTC @ 4.862 USD (Must be PopMoney or Ally Bank Transfer) [01:46]
Staatsfeind paraipan: That's none of your business, but that, too, is in your logs. [01:46]
copumpkin wow, Ally Bank Transfer [01:46]
copumpkin I actually have an Ally account [01:46]
mircea_popescu nice to know neofutur [01:46]
mircea_popescu copumpkin : so send him his money and if you don't want to buy ill send you pp ? [01:46]
geeboy 10 [01:46]
danieldaniel is Ally good? [01:46]
pigeons I thought Ally was that weight loss medicine that causes anal leakage [01:46]
mircea_popescu cause i don't think he has any chances otherwise. [01:46]
danieldaniel pigeons: LMAO [01:46]
copumpkin I quite like Ally, but my local bank was better so I don't use it much [01:47]
rawrmage that's quite funny [01:47]
danieldaniel copumpkin: should I open an acc? [01:47]
rawrmage when you consider what 'lmao' expands to [01:47]
mircea_popescu hahaha [01:47]
copumpkin danieldaniel: don't see why not, it's easy and all online [01:47]
pigeons the booklet suggests bringing an extra pair of pants to work [01:47]
smickles ;;asks 4.913836884 [01:47]
gribble There are currently 5887.0576 bitcoins offered at or under 4.913836884 USD, worth 28852.4394214 USD in total. [01:47]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: I could do that [01:47]
danieldaniel copumpkin: okz [01:47]
rg copumpkin: thats great information [01:47]
rg however [01:47]
danieldaniel rg: I might want to, if I can open one [01:47]
rg unless youre planning to buy .. [01:47]
rg daniel: no [01:47]
danieldaniel rg: :( [01:48]
copumpkin rg: I'm sorry for saying something that was not relevant to you. I didn't realize this channel was yours [01:48]
mircea_popescu alright, lets then copumpkin. [01:48]
rg on an unrelated note [01:48]
rg i also have 160 BTC for sale [01:48]
rg not popmoney [01:48]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: I need to check if there's a balance requirement on the account, since I only have a couple hundred btc on it [01:48]
rawrmage danieldaniel: you aren't 12h [01:48]
copumpkin lemme walk home and then I'll do it when I get home [01:48]
paraipan ack Staatsfeind, i like to talk to other ppl directly not having to search through whole bunch of logs, suposing you're vragnaroda behind that nick [01:48]
mircea_popescu btc ?! [01:48]
copumpkin I mean [01:48]
copumpkin usd :P [01:48]
coingenuity lol [01:49]
copumpkin gimme half an hour or so, need to stop by the pharmacy [01:49]
coingenuity have fun! [01:49]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: poke me when I get back and I'll arrange it if someone hasn't taken his coins at that point [01:49]
danieldaniel rg: Why no? [01:49]
copumpkin thanks coingenuity :P [01:49]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [01:49]
danieldaniel I was thinking of switching from TD anyways, if my parents say yes [01:49]
Staatsfeind paraipan: Look at this, because I'm not telling you again: [01:49]
danieldaniel It kinda sux [01:49]
Staatsfeind ;;ident vragnaroda [01:49]
gribble Nick 'vragnaroda', with hostmask 'vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda', is identified as user vragnaroda, with GPG key id B594FD658613B519, and key fingerprint 394512AECFD3673C7EE829AEB594FD658613B519. [01:49]
Staatsfeind ;;ident Staatsfeind [01:49]
gribble Nick 'Staatsfeind', with hostmask 'Staatsfeind!~markac@unaffiliated/vragnaroda', is identified as user vragnaroda, with GPG key id B594FD658613B519, and key fingerprint 394512AECFD3673C7EE829AEB594FD658613B519. [01:49]
rawrmage danieldaniel: you're not tonde [01:49]
mircea_popescu omg multying! [01:50]
paraipan ah ok [01:50]
* Chaang_Noi_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:50]
paraipan i get the picture Staatsfeind-vragnaroda [01:51]
coingenuity -markac [01:52]
paraipan guess i will have to live with your rating given that other ppl consider you iresponsible with the otc system [01:52]
Staatsfeind coingenuity: Yes, markac is a bot I run. [01:52]
rg where did copumpkin go [01:53]
rg hes supposed to give monies [01:53]
smickles ;;getrating paraipan [01:53]
gribble User paraipan, created on Sun Jan 29 08:41:29 2012. Cumulative rating 2, from 7 total ratings. Received ratings: 5 positive, 2 negative. Sent ratings: 5 positive, 2 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask paraipan!~paraipan@ [01:53]
* Greed has quit (Changing host) [01:53]
* Greed (~Greed@unaffiliated/greed) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:53]
* Greed has quit (Changing host) [01:53]
* Greed (~Greed@unaffiliated/ssen/x-8019838) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:53]
a5m0 ;;seem imsaguy [01:54]
a5m0 ;;seen imsaguy [01:54]
gribble imsaguy was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 21 minutes and 57 seconds ago: ;;seen [01:54]
* phraust has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:55]
* minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:57]
Staatsfeind paraipan: Quit calling people fucking retards in the ratings book. [01:57]
Staatsfeind Disagreement ≠ incomprehension [01:58]
rawrmage luke-jr: mebongbysandeton [01:58]
a5m0 imsaguy, you have a delivery! [01:58]
* EvanR has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [01:59]
* Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:59]
paraipan i'm spanish dude and i didn't call no one a retard, please stop spreading FUD about me [01:59]
Staatsfeind That you're Spanish is irrelevant. [01:59]
Staatsfeind Yes, you did. [01:59]
paraipan i don't understand dude [02:00]
Staatsfeind That much is clear. [02:00]
Staatsfeind See what I just did there? [02:00]
paraipan i'm confused [02:01]
Staatsfeind There are a lot of ways to call someone a fucking retard without saying “you're a fucking retard.” [02:01]
paraipan better go take a nap because this is going nowhere [02:01]
rg bZYID2nCpH47xg [02:01]
coingenuity ~~~~~> private message is that-a-ways... [02:01]
pigeons if only i knew what that is the password for [02:01]
OneFixt Staatsfeind, paraipan: this is old news, please take it elsewhere or let it rest [02:02]
paraipan priv vps ? [02:02]
* bera (4a58180e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:02]
paraipan ack OneFixt i didn't start it all over [02:02]
OneFixt I'm not really interested in blaming anyone, only in keeping the channel clear. [02:02]
* yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [02:02]
rg its nothing [02:03]
rg its a randomly generated password for a new user [02:03]
geeboy any body in AUS selling bitcoins pm me [02:03]
rg but i didnt end up using it [02:03]
rg instead of holding down backspace, i just hit enter [02:04]
* phraust ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:04]
OneFixt it's ok rg, we all know that's the root pw [02:04]
* Cool has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [02:04]
* Cool ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:04]
smickles what's with this -otc rating war :( [02:04]
* Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) [02:04]
coingenuity ;;getrating geeboy [02:05]
rg well if it was [02:05]
Staatsfeind smickles: Meh, discuss it in other channels, but let's keep this channel clear of that drama for now. [02:05]
rg youd be able to login to [02:05]
rg cal1.vm.bitvps [02:05]
smickles mine was a statement of angst, not a real question [02:05]
rg and [02:05]
rg feel free [02:05]
OneFixt log in to ALL the servers! [02:05]
danieldaniel rg: lmao [02:07]
danieldaniel rg: you troll [02:07]
rg how am i trolling, i already said its not the password [02:07]
rg its nothing [02:07]
rg its a randomly generated password for a new user [02:07]
* bera has quit (Quit: Page closed) [02:07]
rawrmage danieldaniel: detonme [02:08]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: memill-husan-vytonsu [02:08]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: wat [02:09]
rawrmage i am, as dan² would say, 'trolling' [02:09]
random_cat bong [02:10]
AcidicChip coke?! who said coke?! *sssnnniiiiiiffffff* [02:10]
rawrmage random_cat: yeaaaaaaaap [02:11]
geeboy hi is there a australian otc ?? [02:11]
rawrmage vybong [02:11]
ne0futur /msg alis list *bitcoin-otc* [02:12]
random_cat tonbong! [02:12]
rawrmage oh snap [02:12]
rawrmage tran [02:12]
* Opethfan28 (4b4810d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:13]
geeboy hi is there a australian otc ?? [02:13]
ne0futur nop no otc-au yet [02:13]
rg you're in it [02:13]
geeboy thanks [02:13]
* hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:14]
ne0futur geeboy: /msg alis list *bitcoin-otc* gives you the list of -otc channels [02:14]
ne0futur there are -eu , -sv, -ru, but no -au yet [02:14]
ne0futur so . . . its here [02:14]
* ne0futur removes channel operator status from neofutur [02:15]
* ne0futur removes channel operator status from ne0futur [02:15]
geeboy alis list [02:17]
geeboy how? [02:17]
geeboy msg alis list *bitcoin-otc [02:17]
btchero2 So who has moneypaks they are desperate to get rid of? [02:17]
btchero2 :) [02:17]
rg oh i got your moneypak [02:19]
rg right here [02:19]
* rg points to the CVS across the st [02:19]
rawrmage lol [02:19]
ne0futur geeboy: type /msg alis list *bitcoin-otc* [02:19]
rg praise be to neofutur who just showed me what alis is [02:19]
ne0futur the / at the beginning is an irc command [02:19]
ne0futur rg: you re welcome ;) [02:19]
* gheorghe has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:19]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:20]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [02:20]
ne0futur for sure this alis command is often useful for irc addicts ;) [02:20]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: I'z bak [02:20]
rg copumpkin: did you lose power? [02:20]
copumpkin no, why? [02:20]
copumpkin I had to walk home [02:20]
rg well your computer said it went to sleep [02:20]
Staatsfeind alis is a command now? [02:20]
copumpkin rg: yeah, I was at work and closed my laptop [02:20]
Staatsfeind [02:21]
ne0futur ok its not a command [02:21]
ne0futur sorry to hurt you st [02:21]
rg staatsfiend's last message looks like gay porn [02:21]
rg to my terminal [02:21]
* da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:21]
Staatsfeind rg: You would be the expert. [02:21]
rg i learned it from a cheap whore [02:22]
copumpkin so did mircea_popescu go to sleep? [02:22]
rg i think it was your mother [02:22]
rg copumpkin: nah [02:22]
rg hes here [02:22]
rg prod him [02:22]
rg i was talking to him via msg a few minutes ago [02:22]
copumpkin hmm ok [02:23]
rg copumpkin: have you ever used popmoney before? [02:24]
copumpkin nope [02:24]
rg hrm me neither [02:24]
rg i guess you just put in my email [02:24]
* att (~att@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:25]
* EvanR ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:25]
* Zarutian has quit (Quit: Zarutian) [02:25]
* EvanR is now known as Guest79614 [02:25]
* occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:27]
copumpkin alright, well when mircea_popescu pops back up, I can send you the money [02:27]
copumpkin omg it's occulta [02:28]
copumpkin imsaguy wants you [02:28]
* lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:28]
* rokj has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:28]
occulta fu [02:28]
occulta :) [02:28]
copumpkin ? [02:28]
copumpkin why? [02:28]
occulta lol, it was meant to be friendly :P [02:28]
copumpkin oh :P [02:28]
occulta hows things [02:28]
smickles [19:28] 1 BTC = 5703 IQD to USD Exchange Rates - Convert 5703 Iraqi Dinar to US [02:29]
* Rawl123 (55ba8b58@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:29]
Rawl123 hello . [02:29]
btchero2 you have paypal and want bitcoins amirite? [02:29]
Rawl123 ehno. [02:29]
Rawl123 not even close. [02:29]
btchero2 sweet [02:29]
danieldaniel LMAO [02:30]
danieldaniel oh, wrong channel [02:30]
Rawl123 wow account :3 [02:30]
* occulta has quit (Client Quit) [02:30]
Rawl123 can you actually buy and sell shit here? [02:30]
copumpkin yep [02:30]
Rawl123 oh [02:31]
Rawl123 awesome. [02:31]
* occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:31]
copumpkin if you can find someone to buy/sell what you want [02:31]
Rawl123 nyone interested in a lol account ? [02:31]
btchero2 lol? [02:31]
occulta hmm [02:31]
Rawl123 League of legends. [02:31]
Rawl123 lots of skins. lots of champs [02:31]
Rawl123 etc. [02:31]
Rawl123 can give more details if anyone is actually interested. [02:31]
* occulta has quit (Client Quit) [02:31]
btchero2 stolen? [02:32]
pigeons hey Rawl123, are you a member of [02:32]
smickles ;;sell 1/3 lb shit @ 3 btc high quality, some corn included [02:32]
mircea_popescu who said my name ? [02:32]
Rawl123 nope. , original owner<= [02:32]
Rawl123 nope i am not. [02:32]
mircea_popescu dood, you shoulda just sent it. [02:32]
pigeons check it out Rawl123 [02:32]
pigeons sonmeone may buy it there [02:32]
btchero2 I have personally never even heard of it [02:33]
Rawl123 mhm. [02:33]
rg ;;ticker [02:33]
gribble Best bid: 4.88801, Best ask: 4.8898, Bid-ask spread: 0.00179, Last trade: 4.88801, 24 hour volume: 26579, 24 hour low: 4.8, 24 hour high: 4.9 [02:33]
* Saiga12 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:34]
* Cool has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [02:36]
Rawl123 how much would a 50$ account be worth? No gift card or anything. just an account which you can fund or buy something with those 50$ considering you live in the usa? [02:36]
* Cool ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:36]
jscinoz Anyone selling for AUD? [02:37]
Cory Maybe you could buy something with it and have it shipped to the buyer, Rawl123. [02:37]
Rawl123 that would work as well i suppose. [02:38]
* swarelis_ (cc761f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:38]
Cory In that case it shouldn't be too hard to get 85% of its value in BTC. [02:38]
* Chaang_Noi_ (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:38]
* kaviar has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:39]
* pentarh has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [02:39]
Rawl123 well, i was buying btc till now. [02:39]
* GreenStein has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [02:39]
Rawl123 with real cash, never really traded anything for it. [02:39]
* kaviar ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:39]
* Chaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [02:39]
Rawl123 so yea.. not that good at finding good places with buyers . [02:39]
* Judgement51 (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:39]
mircea_popescu otc is pretty good i find. [02:40]
swarelis_ !view [02:40]
Rawl123 this was the first result that popped on google xD . Anyways, anyone interested in anything from, for about.. 13$? [02:40]
Rawl123 for 1btc? [02:40]
Staatsfeind Rawl123: Do you mean 13$ or $13? (They mean very different things.) [02:41]
* occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:41]
Rawl123 ehm. 13 dollars. [02:41]
Staatsfeind That would be $13. :þ [02:41]
occulta hmm, why am i getting booted when i request OTP ? [02:41]
* khalahan has quit (Quit: Bye) [02:41]
gmaxwell occulta: request it in private? [02:42]
Staatsfeind $ is a postfix for pesos and such. [02:42]
swarelis ;;ticker [02:42]
gribble Best bid: 4.86379, Best ask: 4.8979, Bid-ask spread: 0.03411, Last trade: 4.898, 24 hour volume: 26847, 24 hour low: 4.8, 24 hour high: 4.90077 [02:42]
Rawl123 oh. [02:42]
occulta i have been [02:42]
* [\\\\] is now known as Someguy123[afk] [02:42]
gmaxwell weird.. we just see you quiting. [02:42]
occulta both times connection lost, maybe its coincidence [02:42]
Staatsfeind occulta: It just says [Client Quit] here. [02:42]
swarelis !ticker [02:42]
gribble Best bid: 4.86379, Best ask: 4.8979, Bid-ask spread: 0.03411, Last trade: 4.898, 24 hour volume: 26847, 24 hour low: 4.8, 24 hour high: 4.90077 [02:42]
occulta strange [02:42]
occulta ill try again [02:42]
* Tycale has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [02:42]
gmaxwell some kind of awesome MITM trying to prevent you from using anything cryptographic [02:42]
* s1cz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:42]
Staatsfeind gmaxwell: LOL, that must be it! [02:43]
Rawl123 anyone? , 13$ for 1btc in an amazon good. [02:43]
Staatsfeind ;;unauth [02:43]
* gribble gives voice to occulta [02:43]
occulta weird [02:43]
Staatsfeind ;;eauth vragnaroda [02:43]
* khalahan ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:43]
Staatsfeind ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:4aa03e9ce9ab906ec4b64c21816cdaa29fdcfb741ad6e1723de03671 [02:43]
gribble You are now authenticated for user vragnaroda with key B594FD658613B519 [02:43]
Saiga12 Anyone interested in a dell optiplex 760: intel core2 duo, 4gbRAM, no harddrive, cd&dvd burner 16btc (shipping included) [02:43]
Staatsfeind No one wants to MITM me. [02:44]
mircea_popescu fingerprint *B452. [02:44]
* nathan7 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [02:44]
mircea_popescu 519-452, damn i got close. [02:44]
* darkee| has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [02:44]
* nathan7 (nathan@unaffiliated/nathan7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:44]
* Buglouse has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [02:44]
* gfinn has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [02:45]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: /msg nickserv info =Staatsfeind [02:45]
* s1cz (~anon@2001:470:7992:dead:beef::6) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:45]
mircea_popescu aha [02:45]
rg ;;rated copumpkin [02:45]
gribble You rated user copumpkin on Thu Dec 15 19:24:06 2011, giving him a rating of 4, and supplied these additional notes: Multiple trades. Exchanged Bitcoins for Food/Paypal. A++++++ WILL DO BUSINESS AGAIN. [02:45]
* vbmithr_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [02:45]
rg ;;rated mircea_popescu [02:45]
gribble You rated user mircea_popescu on Wed Oct 12 19:03:04 2011, giving him a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: im awesome and so is mircea_popescu. [02:45]
rg haha [02:46]
danieldaniel lol [02:46]
Saiga12 My girl will tattoo (real ink) your name on her butt for 25btc [02:46]
rg both those ratings are funny [02:46]
rg shame to change them [02:46]
mircea_popescu can we see pix of girl and butt saiga12 ? [02:46]
Cory How'd you enter the metadata, Staatsfeind? [02:46]
mircea_popescu ya lol [02:46]
rg ;;rate mircea_popescu 2 we completed a needlessly complicated transaction ;) [02:46]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user mircea_popescu has changed from 1 to 2. [02:46]
BTCHero sagia12 I would totally do it if i believed you [02:46]
mircea_popescu ;;rate rg 2 he transactionally MITM'd me :D [02:47]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user rg has changed from 1 to 2. [02:47]
* foo923019_ (~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/foo923019) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:47]
Staatsfeind Cory: /msg nickserv help set property [02:47]
rg copumpkin let me know if you ever have more money on that account [02:47]
rg cause im still short another $100 [02:47]
mircea_popescu lmao thart was harsh [02:47]
* s1cz has quit (Client Quit) [02:47]
Cory Thanks. <3 [02:47]
* foo923019 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [02:47]
rg haha yep [02:47]
mircea_popescu hey cpkn, *if you ever get a gf* we could hang out together. [02:47]
rg that was a classic MITM [02:47]
* Enoria has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [02:47]
rg only this time it was legit [02:48]
Cory Rawl123: Did you get my PM? [02:48]
BTCHero i thought copumpkin had a doctor girlfriend or something [02:48]
* s1cz (~anon@2001:470:7992:dead:beef::6) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:48]
rg ive read all these horrible reviews on Ally Bank [02:48]
Saiga12 Cant be just straight text has to be artsy and no larger than 1"x5" [02:48]
* Tycale (~Tycale@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:48]
rg theyve never been horrible to me [02:48]
danieldaniel Wow [02:48]
rg their policies are just a pain in my ass [02:48]
danieldaniel I lost 5btc on my mining contract [02:48]
BTCHero Saiga12 how do we get proof? [02:48]
danieldaniel rg: good to know [02:48]
rg like, they have online check deposit but it only works if you have a scanner [02:48]
danieldaniel oh [02:48]
occulta anyone seen mr___ around? [02:48]
rg no one owns a scanner [02:48]
rawrmage danieldaniel: haha how did you do that [02:48]
occulta ;;seen mr__ [02:49]
gribble I have not seen mr__. [02:49]
occulta ;;seen mr_ [02:49]
gribble I have not seen mr_. [02:49]
Rawl123 got it. [02:49]
mircea_popescu pix don't work rg ?! [02:49]
rawrmage danieldaniel: how much did you pay [02:49]
danieldaniel rawrmage: 7btc [02:49]
rawrmage for how much [02:49]
* UukGoblin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:49]
danieldaniel 1.1gh [02:49]
BTCHero danieldaniel how is that bot working out? [02:49]
danieldaniel a weekl [02:49]
rawrmage and you lost money? lol [02:49]
rg mircea_popescu: nope [02:49]
rawrmage how did you do that [02:49]
mircea_popescu jesus. [02:49]
* Chaang_Noi_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:49]
rg so i have to find someone with a scanner apparently [02:49]
rg i honestly havent seen a scanner in AGES [02:49]
Judgement51 anyone willing to trade coins for a moneypak? [02:49]
Saiga12 Btchero half down and ill webcast it [02:49]
mircea_popescu i recall having one handheld thing 15 years ago [02:50]
rawrmage rg: i have a scanner [02:50]
BTCHero do you tattoo? [02:50]
rawrmage like a flatbed scanner? [02:50]
mircea_popescu judgement51 : hitbit. [02:50]
rg yeah rawrmage [02:50]
Saiga12 No my buddy has a parlor [02:50]
rg i used to have one too, but i trashed it [02:50]
rawrmage scanning things is cool [02:50]
BTCHero why is she willing to permanently deface her body for ~120 bucks [02:50]
* yrral ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:50]
BTCHero I'd dump her dude [02:50]
* bob3 (4637d898@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:51]
* RichardG has quit (Quit: QUIIIIIIIIIIIIIT) [02:51]
Cory You could probably make a few thousand dollars by tattooing a bunch of names on your bum. :P [02:51]
Saiga12 Its not perm. We can get it removed free and fairly easy/painless within 24hrs [02:51]
* vbmithr ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:51]
BTCHero wait what? [02:51]
occulta wtf lol [02:52]
* Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:52]
Saiga12 As long as its no longer than 24hrs after that it will still be seen for a couple years [02:52]
* foo923019_ has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) [02:52]
Saiga12 She said she would leave it if you agree to white ink [02:53]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: wait, I thought I transactionally MITM'd you [02:53]
BTCHero .o ud mitm [02:53]
rawrmage .t aest [02:53]
markac Thu, 01 Mar 2012 10:53:43 AEST [02:53]
markac malcom in the middle [02:53]
rawrmage markac: <3 [02:53]
rawrmage lol [02:53]
copumpkin markac in the middle [02:53]
* other_guy has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [02:54]
mircea_popescu well copumpkin... it varies. [02:54]
Staatsfeind .o ud markac [02:54]
markac A slang term for anal masturbation [02:54]
Staatsfeind :o [02:54]
Saiga12 Nah im just bs'n [02:54]
copumpkin who comes up with that shit? [02:54]
rawrmage .o ud id [02:54]
Staatsfeind copumpkin: internauts [02:54]
markac 1) In Freudian theory, the division of the psyche that is totally unconscious and serves as the source of instinctual impulses and demands for immediate satisfaction of primitive needs. 2) Short for i [02:54]
Saiga12 Anyone in here shoot? [02:54]
* other_guy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:54]
rawrmage shoot hoops [02:54]
rawrmage ? [02:54]
* Someguy123[afk] has quit (Excess Flood) [02:54]
rawrmage shoot up? [02:54]
Saiga12 Guns not drugs [02:55]
rawrmage oh [02:55]
* darkee| (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:55]
Saiga12 If u shoot up more power to ya..... im too scared to do it [02:55]
danieldaniel o.0 [02:55]
Saiga12 Id fuck something up [02:55]
* hanjis (62b525af@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:56]
danieldaniel Saiga12: Shooting up is always fucking up [02:56]
* RichardG (~tingle@unaffiliated/richardg) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:56]
Judgement51 anyone willing to trade coins for moneypak? [02:56]
ne0futur /lastlog fuck [02:57]
ne0futur hundreds of lines [02:57]
ne0futur not exacltly friendly channel ;( [02:57]
Saiga12 Danieldaniel i dont need a lecture on drugs had enough of that in highschool [02:57]
* bob3 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [02:57]
danieldaniel Saiga12: you always need lectures on drugs [02:57]
* Someguy1234 (~someguy@unaffiliated/compgenius999) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:58]
* gribble gives voice to Someguy1234 [02:58]
Saiga12 Danieldaniel you need the lecture. Dont believe everything you're going forced to listen too [02:58]
danieldaniel lol [02:58]
danieldaniel I'm not being _forced_ [02:58]
Saiga12 Going=getting* [02:59]
Saiga12 You're going in high-school right? [02:59]
rawrmage danieldaniel: drugs are bad mmmkay [02:59]
danieldaniel rawrmage: Im guessing south park reference? [02:59]
* Someguy1234 is now known as [\\\] [03:00]
* swarelis has quit (Quit: leaving) [03:00]
Saiga12 Those who fear drugs only fear their own inability of self control [03:00]
* danieldaniel is now known as [\\\] [03:00]
rawrmage [\\\]: i don't watch that show [03:00]
[\\\] rawrmage: o [03:00]
* UukGoblin ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:00]
* massive_ (~massive_u@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:01]
massive_ !view [03:01]
Saiga12 Danieldaniel: but since drinking is legal and socially acceptable, alcohol is ok? [03:01]
Saiga12 ;;voicemw [03:03]
Rawl123 anyone interested in a Lol account, very good stats / many champs/ etc? or a clean wow account ? (lvl80dk , 56 goblin, cataclysm on ?) [03:03]
* Ra0ulDuke has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:03]
massive_ test [03:04]
Saiga12 Anyone interested in long lonely nights staring at a magical realm on the computer? [03:04]
smickles Saiga12: i already do that with bitcoin, and it's not lonely [03:05]
* Ra0ulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:05]
Rawl123 (thats why I stopped playing /paying) [03:06]
* gfinn (~gfinn@gateway/tor-sasl/gfinn) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:06]
Rawl123 (caring) [03:06]
Saiga12 Smickles......talking in a chat room has replaced physical real human interaction? [03:06]
Staatsfeind *channel [03:06]
* Staatsfeind removes channel operator status from Staatsfeind [03:06]
copumpkin mircea_popescu doesn't trust me [03:07]
copumpkin except he does [03:07]
copumpkin :( [03:07]
Saiga12 Rawl123 ob you found a goblin girl who lets you explore her cave of wonders? [03:07]
smickles Saiga12: real human interaction? as if ya'll arn't real? [03:07]
* Zarutian ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:07]
* Zarutian has quit (Client Quit) [03:08]
mircea_popescu i don't ?! [03:08]
* Zarutian ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:08]
copumpkin ;;gettrust mircea_popescu copumpkin [03:08]
gribble Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user copumpkin: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 16 via 5 connections. Graph: [03:08]
copumpkin :( [03:08]
Saiga12 You are interacting with real humans who most of the time dont have to be themselves because there is nothing real about a chatroom [03:08]
* copumpkin whines until he gets what he wants from mircea_popescu [03:08]
smickles .w real [03:09]
markac real — noun: 1. A commodity; see reality, 2. (grammar) One of the three genders that the common gender can be separated into in the Scandinavian languages — adjective: 1. That can be characterized as a confirmation of truth, 2. That has physical existence — adverb: 1. (US) (colloquial) really [03:09]
mircea_popescu i didn't ever rate you ? [03:09]
mircea_popescu hmm... i think there must be a reasons. [03:09]
copumpkin it's cause I keep making jokes about romania, isn't it [03:09]
copumpkin :'( [03:09]
Saiga12 Most of the time your are conversing with other people's alter egos [03:09]
smickles Saiga12: the way they act here is as real as anywhere else [03:09]
mircea_popescu ;;rate copumpkin 4 he's british, what can you expect. [03:09]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 4 for user copumpkin has been recorded. [03:09]
copumpkin lol, thanks [03:10]
copumpkin whee [03:10]
mircea_popescu good save old lizzie. [03:10]
* copumpkin hugs mircea_popescu [03:10]
mircea_popescu for the record i am being very much myself. [03:10]
Staatsfeind :;rate copumpkin -10 He's British; what can you expect? [03:10]
copumpkin :( [03:10]
Staatsfeind lol [03:10]
Saiga12 They act here how they wish they could act in the real world [03:10]
smickles Saiga12: anyway, I spend plenty of time away from the computer, just ask dd (i dare not speak his name) [03:10]
smickles Saiga12: also, you need to reconsider the definition of "real" [03:11]
* paraipan has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:11]
* paraipan (~paraipan@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:12]
* yrral has quit (Quit: yrral) [03:12]
* vuce_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:12]
smickles -.. .- -. .. . .-.. -.. .- -. .. . .-.. [03:13]
smickles unmorese that in channel and feel his wrath [03:13]
Saiga12 Usually one can gather a chatter's level of real human interaction by their sense of humor and understanding of others actions. Danieldaniel, im sorry, doesnt get much real interaction with his peers or people on general [03:13]
smickles *unmorse [03:13]
* contingo has quit (Quit: NULL) [03:13]
Saiga12 Smickles real is what you choose to believe [03:13]
Staatsfeind I don't think he's very wrathful, but there's no need to post that in this channel. [03:13]
smickles Saiga12: so you choose to believe that the makeup of IRC channels is supernatural or something? [03:14]
Saiga12 Staats: directed at me? [03:14]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Staatsfeind [03:14]
mircea_popescu no, actually. irl i beat women. here i just playfully slap bois. [03:14]
Saiga12 Supernatural is above reality [03:14]
Saiga12 Chatrooms and online interaction is far below it [03:15]
smickles anything outside of reality is all the same [03:15]
* maqr has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [03:15]
rawrmage wow, man, like [03:15]
BTCHero In reality, I want moneypak I have BTC [03:15]
rawrmage am i typing the lines or are they typing me [03:15]
rawrmage woah man [03:15]
smickles rawrmage: lol [03:15]
Staatsfeind Saiga12: I was talking about dan² there. [03:16]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:16]
* Staatsfeind removes channel operator status from Staatsfeind [03:16]
* gribble gives voice to Joric [03:16]
Staatsfeind wtf [03:16]
* gribble gives voice to phraust [03:16]
massive_ quit [03:16]
* massive_ has quit (Quit: leaving) [03:16]
* gribble gives voice to rawrmage [03:16]
* gribble gives voice to rawrmage [03:16]
* gribble gives voice to rawrmage [03:16]
* gribble gives voice to rawrmage [03:16]
* gribble gives voice to rawrmage [03:16]
rawrmage i have the most voices [03:16]
rawrmage gribble: <3 [03:16]
rawrmage .t aest [03:16]
markac Thu, 01 Mar 2012 11:16:53 AEST [03:16]
BTCHero .t IST [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
markac Thu, 01 Mar 2012 06:47:03 IST [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* pho| has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
BTCHero kick this asshole [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
rawrmage chanserv, chanserv, chanserv, chanserv, chanserv! [03:17]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: There [03:17]
smickles hey, why can't i ,,ping ,,ping ,,ping ,,ping ,,ping ,,ping ,,ping ,,ping ,,ping then? [03:17]
gribble pong [03:17]
gribble pong [03:17]
gribble pong [03:17]
gribble pong [03:17]
gribble pong [03:17]
gribble pong [03:17]
gribble pong [03:17]
gribble pong [03:17]
gribble pong [03:17]
Staatsfeind lol, I stopped typing that a while ago. [03:17]
rawrmage smickles: dear god [03:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:17]
mircea_popescu omg spamming [03:17]
Staatsfeind lol [03:17]
rawrmage celestia* [03:17]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: I stopped quite a while ago. [03:18]
Staatsfeind I don't know if there are any more in the queue, though. :þ [03:18]
mircea_popescu why do you say THAT twice ? [03:18]
* malkauns has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [03:18]
* gribble gives voice to Staatsfeind [03:18]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: To irritate rawrmage. [03:18]
* hanjis has quit (Quit: Page closed) [03:18]
rawrmage if I could op myself i'd do it better! [03:19]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: I probably have more voices, now. :þ [03:19]
phraust anyone selling BTC for Moneypak? [03:19]
mircea_popescu lmao [03:19]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Staatsfeind [03:19]
* Administrator_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:19]
* Staatsfeind gives voice to Staatsfeind Staatsfeind Staatsfeind Staatsfeind [03:19]
BTCHero ;;sell 1 btc at "1.05 * {mtgoxlast}" Moneypak [03:19]
gribble Order id 7010 created. [03:19]
BTCHero ;;view [03:19]
gribble #7010 Wed Feb 29 17:19:42 2012 BTCHero SELL 1.0 btc @ 5.144 Moneypak (None) [03:19]
* Staatsfeind removes channel operator status from Staatsfeind [03:19]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: could you deop me please [03:20]
Administrator_ !info [03:20]
phraust ;;view [03:20]
gribble #7009 Wed Feb 29 17:18:46 2012 phraust SELL 1.0 MoneyPak @ 204.12 BTC (I have 3x $1,000.00 MoneyPaks, looking for trusted sellers.) [03:20]
rawrmage !list [03:20]
gribble Admin, Alias, Anonymous, AutoMode, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Conditional, Config, Debug, Dict, Dunno, Factoids, Filter, Format, GPG, GPGExt, Games, Gatekeeper, Google, Herald, Internet, Later, Market, Math, MessageParser, Misc, Network, OTCOrderBook, Owner, Plugin, RSS, RatingSystem, Relay, Reply, Scheduler, Seen, Services, Status, String, Time, Topic, Unix, User, Utilities, (1 more message) [03:20]
rawrmage lol [03:20]
* Ra0ulDuke has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:20]
* ChanServ removes channel operator status from rawrmage [03:20]
rawrmage woot [03:20]
BTCHero ;;remove 7010 [03:21]
gribble Order 7010 removed. [03:21]
* Administrator_ has quit (Client Quit) [03:21]
rawrmage i am the antiop [03:21]
* Ra0ulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:21]
BTCHero ;;sell 1 btc at "1.05 * {mtgoxlast}" Moneypak Have approx 70 btc available [03:21]
gribble Order id 7011 created. [03:21]
BTCHero ;;view [03:21]
gribble #7011 Wed Feb 29 17:21:28 2012 BTCHero SELL 1.0 btc @ 5.144 Moneypak (Have approx 70 btc available) [03:21]
* hanjis ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:21]
* pho|| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:22]
BTCHero phraust I suppose you wouldn't want me to take a portion of one of your mp? [03:23]
mircea_popescu !spanish [03:23]
MBS ;;seen silvercoin [03:23]
gribble silvercoin was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 3 hours, 49 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: not deposit [03:23]
* Joric_ (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:24]
BTCHero MBS whats for sale today? [03:24]
rawrmage ;;seen silverf1sh [03:24]
gribble I have not seen silverf1sh. [03:24]
MBS still xbox live code :p [03:24]
* tcatm has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [03:24]
BTCHero taking 20 bucks yet :) [03:24]
MBS nope [03:24]
* errydayimgenerat has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [03:24]
* paraipan has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:25]
* paraipan (~paraipan@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:26]
phraust sorry, id prefer not to. [03:26]
* misterOrange has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [03:26]
* Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [03:27]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:28]
* Joric_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [03:29]
[\\\] BTCHero: I would do a 3 month + 1 bonus for $27 [03:31]
[\\\] 1 bonus month* [03:31]
* Joric has quit (Client Quit) [03:31]
BTCHero nah, I already am paid up until 2015 [03:31]
hanjis !info [03:32]
* Zarutian has quit (Quit: Zarutian) [03:32]
* karmaisabitch (c16b11eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:32]
rawrmage how can I help, i'm new you see [03:32]
BTCHero i bought 2 12mo cards this month so far [03:32]
rawrmage what does anypony do [03:33]
hanjis :: [03:33]
karmaisabitch ALL MTGOX USERNAMES AND PASSWORDS BECAUSE OF vragnaroda LULZ LULZ VRAGNARODA I HAVE YOUR HOME ADDRESSE AND MUCH MUCH MORE INFO ON YOU LULZ this is from me celeste you piss me of i will fuck you up big time and i will not stop releaseing user names and passwords untill you are banned 4817,vragnaroda,,$1$o1RfYL5w 1,jed,,$1$E1xAsgR1$vPt0d/L3f81Ys3SxJ7rIh/ 2,Babylon,babylon_horuv@lyc [03:34]
karmaisabitch 61006,rackboy111,,$1$5eugiq1X$FDORv6UFj/WXy3ZQZ7VbT. 61007,forteresce,,$1$Oxrs8SWF$rt2jtGuAQVy7/xlMwQC9U1 61008,boblemur,,$1$0vo8KSsW$2a7oQQxgGHDPF.HBiLh.7. 61009,kentmartin,,$1$2LySxQP2$CfCukzjcHB9K2ATS3gvPM1 61010,kentsworld,,$1$IF1qByKJ$8kedCZRwtHoqoLlcLhzDY1 61011,satan2,,$1$8oWIWfhs$H/raNSFu.EqFihHL5rz4t/ 61012,Raidus,wolfslayer500@ [03:34]
rawrmage what the fuck [03:34]
rawrmage what the fuckign fuck [03:34]
smickles wut? [03:34]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Staatsfeind [03:34]
karmaisabitch 94,MikeChzec,,$1$lKaO62XN$KQhlgXxMgkuDDTDyFkaJU1 60895,fredrik444,,$1$G37ExjSE$xtdzUIfV113Qq5jbGMkrz/ 60896,LarsEdison,,$1$807hDP4i$SW3uP/E/Y1oU2k5lp8I5R/ 60897,andywards,,$1$qCRK1Qd/$kK.GZtyztpO9HVlyzKnvS0 60898,jongleberry,,$1$o0W2SpZ8$4OJohpu51Tf7fBcU3z0iB/ 60899,Chrismiss,,$1$grVI/.EI$LhB4wEI6SeS1n4i3Z8Gq3. 60900,fhrp0,,$1 [03:34]
* Staatsfeind sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.$#bitcoin-dungeon [03:34]
* Staatsfeind has kicked karmaisabitch from #bitcoin-otc (karmaisabitch) [03:35]
Staatsfeind wtf [03:35]
BTCHero lol [03:35]
[\\\] what the fuck [03:35]
* BTCHero typing in vrags passwords frantically [03:35]
[\\\] lmao [03:35]
rawrmage yea the old mtgox passwords [03:35]
rawrmage so news [03:35]
* genza (d1edc218@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:35]
[\\\] Welp [03:36]
da2ce7 boring... [03:36]
genza exchange here? [03:36]
[\\\] At least i have his email now [03:36]
[\\\] lmao [03:36]
genza anyone have LR? [03:36]
da2ce7 if you are going to irc leak password, might as well be new ones. [03:36]
Staatsfeind [\\\]: Whose email? [03:36]
[\\\] Staatsfeind: well, if is yours [03:36]
[\\\] lmao [03:36]
rawrmage [03:36]
rawrmage ;;ident vragnaroda [03:36]
gribble Nick 'vragnaroda', with hostmask 'vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda', is identified as user vragnaroda, with GPG key id B594FD658613B519, and key fingerprint 394512AECFD3673C7EE829AEB594FD658613B519. [03:36]
Staatsfeind Yes, but you could have had that forever ago. [03:36]
[\\\] Staatsfeind: too lazy [03:36]
Judgement51 hey, anyone willing to trade coins for a moneypak? [03:37]
rawrmage [03:37]
[\\\] I got it easily now [03:37]
Staatsfeind It's in my GPG key and I have hideemail off with nickserv. [03:37]
BTCHero yes Judgement51 how much moneypak [03:37]
[\\\] rawrmage: far far too lazy [03:37]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: omg, bitcoin uid? [03:37]
* lethu has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:37]
Staatsfeind [\\\]: /msg nickserv info =Staatsfeind [03:37]
[\\\] Wow, that's one long public key LMAO [03:37]
genza looking for LR, have moneypak [03:37]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: Yes. ;) [03:37]
* lethu (~Naskingar@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:37]
* lethu has quit (Changing host) [03:37]
* lethu (~Naskingar@unaffiliated/lethu) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:37]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: that address still valid for you? [03:38]
Staatsfeind If people want to give me money anonymously, they certainly can. [03:38]
Staatsfeind Yes. [03:38]
[\\\] Well yeah, I'm pissed [03:38]
da2ce7 key 8613B519: public key "vragnaroda " [03:38]
Saiga12 Is it possible to duplicate btc? [03:38]
[\\\] Saiga12: lawlzor [03:39]
geeboy [03:39]
geeboy [03:39]
smickles Saiga12: i bet it is, but no clients will recognize it as valid [03:39]
da2ce7 Saiga12: lawl [03:39]
geeboy [03:39]
geeboy vrag have a look [03:39]
genza anyone know a reputable Moneypak -> LR? [03:39]
[\\\] geeboy: ikr [03:39]
geeboy cunt [03:39]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: have some coinz for having an awesome bitcoin uid [03:39]
Saiga12 Like if someone has 50btc in wallet.dat and it getz deleted or burns up in house fire can u get it back? [03:39]
rawrmage geeboy: lol, what [03:40]
MBS if anyone needs plane tickets for bitcoins, hit me up :p [03:40]
smickles Saiga12: no [03:40]
* phraust has quit (Changing host) [03:40]
* phraust (~phraust@unaffiliated/phraust) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:40]
* gives voice to phraust [03:40]
* Staatsfeind sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [03:40]
da2ce7 Saiga12: bitcoin's are only tokens that are 'accepted by the network' if you break the network enforeced rules - they stop being 'bitcoins' [03:40]
* Staatsfeind has kicked geeboy from #bitcoin-otc (geeboy) [03:40]
Saiga12 What im saying is what happens to lost btc? [03:41]
Cory It's gone forever. :) [03:41]
da2ce7 sagia12: they are lost? [03:41]
smickles Saiga12: it basically sits there, unusable [03:41]
Cory And the rest of the bitcoins become more valuable. :D [03:41]
imsaguy occulta, you here? [03:41]
genza does anyone here have LR? [03:41]
smickles cheezus Staatsfeind [03:41]
* hereweare (6327995f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:41]
da2ce7 hello imsaguy :) [03:41]
imsaguy hiya da2ce7 [03:42]
Saiga12 So if somehow 50000btc got "lost" your sol? And wouldnt that raise the value? [03:42]
da2ce7 how have ya been? [03:42]
Cory Saiga12: Exactly. [03:42]
da2ce7 sagia12: depends how it was 'lost' [03:42]
da2ce7 it those bitcoins were already out of circulation. that loss would already be priced in. [03:42]
Saiga12 Your btc can be stores in your wallet on your cpu right? [03:43]
smickles huh? [03:43]
rawrmage wtf [03:43]
da2ce7 if somebody stole the bitcoins, then sent them to a 'unrecoverable address' then it may put up the price. but would also remove confidence in the bitcoin economy. [03:43]
Cory da2ce7: Why would it remove confidence? Because of the theft? [03:44]
da2ce7 if somebody starts buying bitcoins, then sending them to unrecoverable addresses, then that would increase the price of all the remaining bitcoins. [03:44]
Cory Anything can be stolen. [03:44]
Saiga12 How is btc removex from circulation? [03:44]
da2ce7 sagia12: make a transaction to a bitcoin address that there isn't a key to spend for. [03:44]
da2ce7 aka 11111111.... [03:44]
Cory Check out [03:44]
smickles ^ [03:45]
Cory Especially [03:45]
Saiga12 And the network knows those btc are gone? [03:45]
smickles yup [03:45]
* Staatsfeind sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.193.107.17.*$#bitcoin-dungeon [03:45]
Cory Yup. Read up on how Bitcoin works. :) [03:45]
genza i have moneypak... need LR [03:46]
imsaguy Staatsfeind: bad ban [03:46]
imsaguy oh wait, it isn't [03:46]
imsaguy my bad [03:46]
[\\\] imsaguy: Ill give you a bit coin if you post your btc address [03:46]
[\\\] (he ignored me) [03:46]
Saiga12 What is contained in your wallet.dat file? [03:47]
Staatsfeind z20:46 <+ [\\\]> | imsaguy: Ill give you a bit coin if you post your btc address [03:47]
[\\\] Staatsfeind: lmao [03:47]
[\\\] offer over [03:47]
imsaguy ;;ident [\\\\\\\] [03:47]
smickles Saiga12: this stuff is all in the wiki [03:47]
* Rawl123 (55ba8b58@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [03:48]
imsaguy ;;ident "[\\\\\\\]" [03:48]
Staatsfeind [\\\]: You reneger. [03:48]
gribble Nick '[\\\]', with hostmask '[\\\]!~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel', is identified as user danieldaniel, with GPG key id C5D21E9BDCAE3594, and key fingerprint 4761C0C9EA65B824459AF736C5D21E9BDCAE3594. [03:48]
imsaguy ah, makes sense [03:48]
mircea_popescu lol [03:48]
Staatsfeind imsaguy: He reneged on it now. [03:48]
imsaguy typical minor [03:48]
[\\\] imsaguy: >.> [03:48]
Staatsfeind lol [03:48]
[\\\] i wonder [03:48]
[\\\] ;;tell imsaguy FUCK YOU [03:48]
* genza has quit (Quit: Page closed) [03:48]
Staatsfeind [\\\]: Don't talk at people that you know have you ignored. [03:48]
[\\\] :( [03:49]
imsaguy I'd caution against [\\\] wants me to tell you: FUCK YOU [03:49]
[\\\] Staatsfeind: one more thing, and I'm done [03:49]
[\\\] ;;tell imsaguy :3 [03:49]
Saiga12 Why not boot him? [03:49]
imsaguy ;;rated danieldaniel [03:49]
gribble You rated user danieldaniel on Wed Dec 28 18:03:46 2011, giving him a rating of 5, and supplied these additional notes: None. [03:49]
Staatsfeind Because it merits a warning first. [03:50]
imsaguy ;;rate danieldaniel 1 [03:50]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user danieldaniel has changed from 5 to 1. [03:50]
[\\\] <-- stfu'ing [03:50]
[\\\] Oh, you want to play that game, do you [03:50]
[\\\] ;;unrate imsaguy [03:50]
gribble Successfully removed your rating for imsaguy. [03:50]
BTCHero that really hurt him im sure [03:50]
Staatsfeind lol [03:50]
[\\\] BTCHero: ikr [03:50]
* jurov has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [03:50]
BTCHero ;;rated imsaguy [03:50]
gribble You rated user imsaguy on Tue Dec 20 17:51:11 2011, giving him a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: Always buying and selling from him, always smooth. [03:50]
BTCHero ;;getrating imsaguy [03:50]
gribble User imsaguy, created on Tue Aug 2 16:24:18 2011. Cumulative rating 242, from 105 total ratings. Received ratings: 102 positive, 3 negative. Sent ratings: 108 positive, 6 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask imsaguy!~nick@unaffiliated/imsaguy [03:50]
mircea_popescu well im out. enjoy the drama folks. [03:51]
imsaguy silky smooth! [03:51]
[\\\] it's funny cause I have done more trades with him than anyone else [03:51]
imsaguy mircea_popescu: drama? [03:51]
BTCHero look at those numbers [03:51]
mircea_popescu there must be some drama [03:51]
[\\\] lol *rates -10* [03:51]
MBS Raccoon, yeah, the 330 ultrasharp without the camera, they put it on sale for $299 now [03:51]
MBS ;;seen Raccoon [03:51]
gribble Raccoon was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 8 hours, 57 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: globes [03:51]
-imsaguy- danieldaniel's butthurt because I iggy'd him [03:51]
rg anyone want 167 BTC for $850 [03:51]
* jurov (fvywqwv@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:51]
BTCHero you have done over 100 trades with imsaguy? [03:51]
[\\\] I mean [03:52]
rg i have [03:52]
rg if not, very soon [03:52]
[\\\] BTCHero: not what I mean [03:52]
[\\\] I mean, I have done more trades with him than I have anyone else [03:52]
paulzag sorry to anyone who was trying to find me over the last 24 hours - family medical emergency had me offline [03:52]
rg a sexy girl was here looking for you [03:53]
rg shes a super model [03:53]
rg she said she'd fuck you, but only 1 day ago [03:53]
Saiga12 Paulzag: things kosher now? [03:53]
[\\\] rg: not funny [03:53]
rg go fuck yourself daniel [03:53]
imsaguy lol [03:53]
[\\\] rg: Have done many times [03:53]
paulzag nearly [03:54]
rg daniel: youll never be as good as imsaguy [03:54]
rg dont even bother [03:54]
imsaguy let it go :-/ [03:54]
Saiga12 No danielledanielle: making light of a bad situation is callex comfort [03:54]
* fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [03:54]
rg thats how i make sense of everything [03:54]
rg when my dad died people called my humor 'morbid' [03:54]
rg but thats how i deal with it [03:54]
[\\\] rg: I'm not trying to be as good as imsaguy [03:55]
[\\\] rg: and let it go [03:55]
Saiga12 Danieldaniel: the more you say in here the more you make it obvious you need to get some and lighten up [03:55]
paulzag oh drama on -otc :( [03:56]
rawrmage dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [03:56]
rawrmage mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [03:56]
Saiga12 Danieldaniel: im sorry dude but i cant believe i traded with you [03:56]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [11:40]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [11:40]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 [11:40]
mircea_popescu good morning ircpeople [11:40]
* Chaang-Noi has quit (Quit: Leaving) [11:41]
* gribble gives voice to mircea_popescu [11:41]
* Luk3 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [11:46]
MBS hmmm, not too bad [11:50]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:54]
bitcoinTrader ;;getrating anonx [11:56]
bitcoinTrader buying LR [11:58]
* parus has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [11:58]
* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:02]
phantomcircuit MBS, that's a nice combo [12:02]
errydayimgenerat eyo eyo eyo [12:04]
* MrTiggr has quit (Client Quit) [12:06]
* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:07]
errydayimgenerat DeLorean731: wake up [12:09]
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* AnonX Wants: 10btc Have: Stars, Minted Poker, EUR/USD MB(Skrill), Paypal. PM [12:11]
mircea_popescu ya, wake up [12:12]
mircea_popescu all off you [12:12]
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errydayimgenerat myarrr see myarrr [12:23]
* rigasnackalope- (~hypersnac@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:26]
errydayimgenerat yargh [12:27]
rigasnackalope- sup brokco [12:27]
errydayimgenerat i need someone with wells fargo [12:27]
AnonX no money the us [12:29]
AnonX europe is solid [12:29]
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MBS maybe i should eventually open a wells fargo account for all the people in here that want it all the time, lol [12:43]
magnetron MBS: exploit the market opportunity! [12:43]
magnetron :D [12:43]
AnonX Can people outside the us make WF/BoA accounts? [12:43]
MBS i mean already have like 6 checking and 3 savings accounts anyway [12:45]
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phedny_ AnonX: not through the online process, as the first question is to provide a zip code: [12:46]
mircea_popescu you can get an address tho [12:50]
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* AnonX Wants: 10btc Have: Stars, Minted Poker, EUR/USD MB(Skrill), Paypal. PM [13:14]
* ConsoleCowboy is now known as vual [13:14]
vual clear [13:15]
vual Looking for guy to check python script tell me what i did wrong will tip in BTC or Equiv in LTC.... Msg me if interested Python that is... [13:15]
kakobrekla lookin for a vps [13:18]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [13:20]
phantomcircuit kakobrekla, [13:20]
vual [13:20]
vual wheres that guy who does python stuff for bitcoin [13:20]
* kakobrekla goes check it out [13:21]
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netxshare is anyone having issues logging into mtgox? [13:36]
mircea_popescu nope [13:38]
mircea_popescu anyone know greg cooper of bitcoinmoney ? [13:42]
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mircea_popescu [13:51]
vual btc has been quite latly lol everyone sold out [13:53]
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Coolio- [13:58]
* occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc [13:59]
Mqrius Someone should go to and set up a post with trades for USD <-> BTC. There's lots of people there new to bitcoin who are desperately looking for ways to acquire bitcoin. Currently their agreed upon "best solution" is virwox O.o [14:00]
neofutur i tried oggr but wouldnt do that [14:01]
neofutur do they have a trust system like here on otc ? [14:01]
neofutur people want paypal, paypal needs trust [14:01]
BTCHero make them get moneypak [14:01]
neofutur better post something to advertise --otc [14:01]
neofutur moneypck is US only [14:01]
Mqrius neofutur: They have some feedback system, not entirely similar to otc. But you could do moneypak and have them send first, that's quite common in the US right? [14:02]
BTCHero oh yeah, some people aren't from here :) [14:02]
neofutur will the same scam market as bitcointalk [14:02]
Mqrius I've set up posts for Eur<->BTC, but I think there's more ameriacans [14:02]
neofutur not interested [14:02]
* gribble gives voice to occulta [14:03]
Mqrius Sure. I'm just surprised there's no US resident willing to get nice rates there. [14:04]
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Mqrius Oh, virwox and coinworker, apparently. [14:05]
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napkin3 hop [14:08]
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paulzag ;;rated napkin [14:19]
gribble You rated user napkin on Sun Feb 12 16:21:50 2012, giving him a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: sold him BTC for PPUSD quick & easy. [14:19]
paulzag ;;rate napkin 2 several transactions where I sold him BTC for PPUSD. Always quick, reliable and honest - trusted him to send later all worked out [14:20]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user napkin has changed from 1 to 2. [14:20]
errydayimgenerat weee [14:20]
errydayimgenerat ;;eauth errydayimgenerat [14:20]
da2ce7 :) [14:20]
* da2ce7 feels good when he sees good ratings. [14:20]
paulzag da2ce7, makes for a nice change today [14:21]
da2ce7 :( you have had some sour trades? [14:21]
paulzag no - I've been good but the natives got restless today and started neging each other [14:22]
* gribble gives voice to errydayimgenerat [14:22]
* paulzag is away: sleeping [14:23]
paulzag g'night [14:23]
errydayimgenerat anyone rockin wells fargo? [14:25]
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errydayimgenerat sellin btc or mtox usd for wells fargo to wells fargo wiree [14:39]
errydayimgenerat ehhhh [14:41]
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errydayimgenerat ehhh [14:45]
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errydayimgenerat eh? [14:49]
occulta ? [14:50]
errydayimgenerat sellin btc or mtox usd for wells fargo to wells fargo wire or somethin else [14:50]
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coingenuity how much, errydayimgenerat [14:59]
mircea_popescu erry : ppusd ? [15:00]
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muff1nman ;;gpg eauth muff1man [15:07]
errydayimgenerat mircea_popescu: negative [15:08]
mircea_popescu kk [15:08]
occulta dododo [15:13]
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Saiga12 Erryday: same rate? [15:25]
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nicksy34 k [15:28]
nicksy34 kf [15:29]
nicksy34 ;;ticker [15:29]
nicksy34 kj [15:33]
nicksy34 hi [15:33]
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nicksy34 n] [15:38]
nicksy34 any body from aus in here? [15:40]
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nicksy34 with coins to sale [15:41]
nicksy34 ; [15:46]
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nicksy34 n [16:12]
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mircea_popescu how do we know adam and eve were not chinese ? [16:17]
nathan7 we don't [16:18]
AIEmpire Wut? [16:19]
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lordoftheflies yeah they might have been chinese :) [16:23]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: duh, obviously they weren't, cause haven't you read the bible? they say things in english, dumbass [16:24]
copumpkin also, how many chinese people do you know called adam [16:24]
copumpkin dumbest question ever man [16:24]
mircea_popescu that's not it. [16:24]
copumpkin everyone knows the bible is all about americans [16:24]
mircea_popescu we know they weren't chinese cause they didn't eat the fucking snake. [16:24]
copumpkin lol [16:24]
lordoftheflies it was translated to english [16:25]
lordoftheflies :S [16:25]
lordoftheflies it was in hebrew at first [16:25]
copumpkin there's a store near that has snake meat [16:25]
imsaguy2 pictures or it didn't happen [16:25]
copumpkin wasn't it aramaic? [16:25]
mircea_popescu the snake or the pictures ? [16:25]
* conntrack (~tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/conntrack) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:25]
lordoftheflies oh yeah, aramaic :) well hebrew is closer to it than english [16:25]
mircea_popescu it was in greek [16:26]
copumpkin I guess, both [16:26]
lordoftheflies no, it wasn't [16:26]
imsaguy2 it was in a bunch of shit [16:26]
mircea_popescu the hebrew version is later and aramaic was spoken at the time. [16:26]
copumpkin parts in classical hebrew, others in aramaic [16:26]
mircea_popescu pfff. [16:26]
imsaguy2 it was written over a hundred+ years [16:26]
mcorlett I have a question for you who've been around here for long: is this retaliatory rating thing where you negatively rate people who've rated you negatively something new? [16:26]
copumpkin imsaguy2: your face was, too [16:26]
mircea_popescu it was written ~500 years later than people in general think. [16:26]
lordoftheflies it was the old testament [16:26]
mircea_popescu aka, 400ish ad. [16:26]
lordoftheflies so it wasn't in greek [16:26]
mircea_popescu ya, it was. [16:26]
imsaguy2 it really was [16:26]
imsaguy2 it was in a bunch of languages [16:26]
lordoftheflies how do you guys know that? [16:26]
nicksy34 latin [16:26]
mircea_popescu mcorlett its stupid both ways and not how the wot works [16:26]
lordoftheflies any scientific evidence? [16:26]
nicksy34 latin [16:26]
imsaguy2 lordoftheflies: clearly you've never taken any religion classes [16:27]
nicksy34 so knowbody could understand ti [16:27]
nicksy34 it [16:27]
imsaguy2 nicksy34: that came later. [16:27]
lordoftheflies i have but it was just basic [16:27]
Rawl123 Selling clean wow account( DK Lvl 80! )cataclysm on! [16:27]
MBS [16:27]
mircea_popescu i wonder how well a game gold/wow/etc selling site for btc would work [16:27]
phantomcircuit MBS, inb4newairforceone [16:28]
Rawl123 It could work. [16:28]
MBS nah it obviously will belong to a bond villain [16:28]
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imsaguy2 I thought selling wow gold was against Tos? [16:29]
nicksy34 Hebrew/Jewish Bible=Hebrew & Aramaic [16:30]
MBS it is [16:30]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [16:30]
nicksy34 Old" Testament=Hebrew & Aramaic [16:30]
trantarigost its probably the megaupload guy [16:30]
mircea_popescu i care deeply what the tos of wow says. [16:33]
imsaguy2 you would if the product you just bought got removed once they discovered you violated their tos [16:35]
* BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [16:35]
imsaguy2 its no different than your paypal getting locked up because you violated their tos [16:35]
mircea_popescu in both cases i'd just get pissed off with the offender [16:36]
mircea_popescu blizzard, paypal/ebay etc. [16:36]
mircea_popescu for their abusive behaviour. [16:36]
AnonX anyone done trade with sturles? [16:39]
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* Geheim (bcc18b97@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:41]
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mircea_popescu yes anonx [16:42]
kakobrekla yep [16:42]
mircea_popescu he's a little gruff but never gyped anyone. [16:42]
copumpkin billy sturles gruff [16:42]
helo as a gypsy i take offense [16:43]
Geheim need btc for 20 eur ukash [16:43]
AnonX gruff? [16:43]
AnonX what does that mean, he is slow today=( [16:43]
kakobrekla Geheim try #bitcoin-otc-eu ... [16:43]
kakobrekla nelisky has a ukash bot going [16:44]
* payward ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:44]
* cryptoxchange (~Ken@unaffiliated/cryptoxchange) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:46]
mircea_popescu are you gypsy helo ? [16:46]
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* AnonX Wants: 10btc Have: Stars, Minted Poker, EUR/USD MB(Skrill), Paypal. PM [16:48]
payward is who gypsy? [16:48]
payward ;;gpg auth payward [16:50]
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mcorlett ;;getrating AnonX [16:57]
gribble User AnonX, created on Sun May 8 11:48:27 2011. Cumulative rating 31, from 27 total ratings. Received ratings: 26 positive, 1 negative. Sent ratings: 24 positive, 2 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [16:57]
mcorlett AnonX: If you can pay in PPEUR, you've got yourself a deal. [16:57]
helo my ancestors were [16:58]
* relet1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [16:58]
AnonX You can pay any currency I believe on PayPal [16:58]
mcorlett AnonX: That is correct. I want *you* to pay me in PayPal euros. [16:59]
kakobrekla not in bitcoin [16:59]
kakobrekla :p [16:59]
AnonX ok cool [16:59]
AnonX ;;getrating mcorlett [16:59]
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mcorlett WATCH OUT FOR ANONX: [17:01]
mcorlett Ident first. [17:01]
mcorlett cant, my computer doesnt work [17:01]
rawrmage lol [17:01]
AnonX its true [17:01]
imsaguy2 ...details [17:03]
* occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:03]
mcorlett my username on freenode "AnonX" is registered tho, so u have that [17:03]
AnonX I dont understand the PGP, GNU shit in the process. The desktop I used to use in 2011 (I havent been here much last 9months) doesnt work anymore. [17:03]
AnonX I spoke to nanotube about it, he said I had to get some file, gpg key or whatver the fuck [17:04]
pirateat40 AnonX, right the very reason OTC works the way it does. [17:04]
AnonX Well, I havent because I cant at this point [17:04]
AnonX Nobody is forcing anyone to trade with me, my nick is registered with freenode if that is any security [17:05]
mcorlett AnonX: Any reason in particular as to why you haven't been on the forums lately?;u=11770 [17:06]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:06]
pirateat40 If that was security, we wouldn't need GPG [17:06]
mcorlett Last Active: September 09, 2011, 18:57:39 [17:06]
AnonX I can also prove my trustwortiness in other ways if someone is interested. [17:06]
mcorlett You can start by logging into the forums. [17:06]
AnonX Ok sec [17:07]
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* lzsaver (~shaman@unaffiliated/lzsaver) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:07]
lzsaver hey guys [17:08]
* cryptoxchange (~Ken@unaffiliated/cryptoxchange) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:08]
lzsaver I want to exchange MTGOX CODE to LR [17:08]
reeses bothering to follow the quite straightforward gpg auth protocol would be another good step [17:09]
AnonX mcorlett: logged in now [17:09]
imsaguy2 even if it means making a new gpg id [17:09]
mcorlett AnonX: Great! Good luck finding a buyer. I can't take the risk. [17:09]
imsaguy2 why'd you have him login to the forums if that wasn't going to be good enough? [17:10]
imsaguy2 lzsaver: try bitinstant? [17:10]
mcorlett imsaguy2: It was crucial in deciding on whether I should flame him for nickjacking or let it go peacefully. [17:11]
lzsaver imsaguy2, tnx, I'll try [17:11]
AnonX If Onefixt vouches for it being me [17:11]
AnonX Is that good enough? [17:11]
rawrmage no [17:11]
imsaguy2 how is OneFixt going to know its you? [17:12]
AnonX [ ] speaking to you, for this particular trade, not as long erm solution [17:12]
mcorlett Create a new identity, and have everyone who can verify it's still you rate you again. [17:12]
mcorlett You aren't going to recover your private key. [17:13]
AnonX Because we were both scammed with man in the middle attack, this was like a year ago, I can tell him stuff about the incident that only "the real AnonX" knows [17:13]
AnonX ducy? [17:13]
imsaguy2 AnonX, speak with nanotube. if he's satisfied with that, he can fix you up. [17:13]
imsaguy2 ;;rated AnonX [17:14]
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imsaguy2 ;;gettrust imsaguy AnonX [17:14]
lzsaver imsaguy2, it seems that I can only deposit LR to MTGOX via bitinstant but can't do in other order [17:14]
imsaguy2 ok, hold on [17:15]
* gribble gives voice to occulta [17:15]
imsaguy2 I'll try and work some magic for you [17:16]
occulta ;;rate 2 imsaguy another successful trade [17:16]
mircea_popescu only The real anonx would know [17:16]
mircea_popescu and the mitm himself. [17:16]
occulta ;;rate imsaguy 2 another successful trade [17:16]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user imsaguy has changed from 1 to 2. [17:16]
imsaguy2 moving on up! [17:16]
occulta forgot last night [17:17]
mircea_popescu you know this "another successful trade" reminds me of an old game, Caesar i think. There were ships trading and if you clicked one they'd go [17:17]
mircea_popescu very contentedly, aaaah, another successfull voyage. [17:17]
lzsaver hey... has someone LR USD? I can pay with MTGOX USD [17:17]
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lzsaver Keefe, are you here? [17:20]
Saiga12goesBOOM Anyone interested in a dell optiplex 760 with 4gb ram intel core2duo cpu noHarddrive for cheap btc? [17:24]
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* SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzzz [17:28]
phantomcircuit Saiga12goesBOOM, how much [17:29]
Saiga12goesBOOM Where do u live phantomcircuit?? [17:30]
jcpham i bet it's earth [17:30]
phantomcircuit east coast [17:30]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [17:30]
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phantomcircuit northeast [17:30]
phantomcircuit ish [17:30]
Saiga12goesBOOM Cool shipping would be cheaper so 15btc [17:31]
Saiga12goesBOOM Im in delaware [17:31]
* lzsaver has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [17:31]
phantomcircuit Saiga12goesBOOM, cool i'll get back to you k [17:31]
Saiga12goesBOOM Just email me at zduphily [17:32]
Saiga12goesBOOM [17:32]
[\\\] Saiga12goesBOOM are you the saiga12 that PM'd me? [17:32]
* Silberfuchs ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:33]
[\\\] *poke* Saiga12goesBOOM? [17:33]
* [\\\] slaps Saiga12goesBOOM around a bit with a large trout [17:35]
Saiga12goesBOOM Ya are u danieldaniel? [17:35]
[\\\] Saiga12goesBOOM no =_= [17:35]
[\\\] I'm someguy123 [17:35]
[\\\] danieldaniel is 8 's [17:36]
Saiga12goesBOOM Oh sorry then [17:36]
[\\\] I'm someguy123 - 6 's [17:36]
jcpham one time danieldaniel shipped me a router in bag [17:36]
[\\\] Saiga12goesBOOM thought you mistaked me for imsaguy at first... [17:36]
Saiga12goesBOOM Jcpham did it work [17:36]
* subpar ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:36]
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* subpar (~JW@unaffiliated/subpar) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:36]
jcpham of course it worked [17:36]
[\\\] ;;ident [\\\] [17:36]
* errydayimgenerat has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [17:36]
[\\\] ;;ident "[\\\\\\]" [17:37]
gribble Nick '[\\\]', with hostmask '[\\\]!~someguy@unaffiliated/compgenius999', is identified as user Someguy123, with GPG key id 7C30EBE56587839D, and key fingerprint 7B3B0B7423A58BEDFC01B1667C30EBE56587839D. [17:37]
jcpham i told him he should ship the rest like that [17:37]
[\\\] Saiga12goesBOOM ^ [17:37]
* imsaguy2 is now known as [\] [17:37]
[\] ;) [17:37]
[\] I'm easy to know [17:37]
jcpham first there were innovators, them immitators [17:38]
jcpham or an N [17:38]
[\] I also have [\\ [17:38]
[\] I also have [\\] [17:38]
[\] and I also have the max slashes [17:38]
jcpham whut 4 slashys [17:38]
[\\\] jcpham a router doesn't generally have sensitive parts to vibration shock like a HDD [17:38]
[\\\] a few bumps on the road wouldn't hurt it much [17:39]
[\\\] so a bag is fine [17:39]
jcpham i love bags [17:39]
jcpham i ship diamonds in ziplok [17:39]
mircea_popescu lol [17:40]
jcpham and charge 50% extra shipping [17:41]
* subpar_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:41]
jcpham "convenience fee" [17:41]
pirateat40 handling [17:42]
phantomcircuit [\\\], lol wat routers are often poorly build and will get fucked up pretty easily [17:42]
* subpar has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [17:43]
* agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [17:45]
[\\\] phantomcircuit my current router came from my ISP [17:46]
helo i've lost a couple switches by them just falling over [17:46]
[\\\] it's an old inventel router from 2002 [17:46]
[\\\] it's survived 10 years now [17:46]
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* subpar (~JW@unaffiliated/subpar) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:46]
[\\\] even my inventel wifi card that came with it still works flawlessly (even though it's not compatible with windows, it works great on linux" [17:47]
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jcpham namecoins? anyone want to buy them? [17:55]
rawrmage still the wrong channel [17:55]
rawrmage try namecoin-otc [17:55]
rawrmage :P [17:55]
copumpkin just phrase it as "selling namecoins for btc" [17:55]
rawrmage i love namecoin-otc [17:56]
rawrmage it's so cool [17:56]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:57]
jcpham that place is full of people wanting nmc [17:58]
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* LjL (~ljl@unaffiliated/ljl) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:04]
mircea_popescu nmc = ? [18:06]
mircea_popescu o o nm. [18:06]
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occulta very active market today [18:09]
occulta :) [18:10]
* bill_stickers (~skaro@2001:0:53aa:64c:2857:6f68:b945:457f) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:10]
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* gribble gives voice to nyuszika7h [18:14]
jcpham [18:15]
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* Rebroad (b266fc1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:22]
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Rebroad hi [18:23]
* GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:23]
AnonX wtf [18:24]
AnonX I downloaded the btc client like 9hours ago [18:24]
Rebroad I'd like to buy BTC [18:24]
AnonX its still downloading packets or whatever the fuck [18:24]
Rebroad AnonX - it took me 3 or 4 days to download the main chain [18:24]
jcpham whoa [18:24]
mircea_popescu get off the shitty connections [18:25]
mircea_popescu it took me ~half hour 6 months ago [18:25]
Rebroad it gets slower towards the end too, as I suppose the blocks get larger [18:25]
AnonX this is super annoying [18:26]
Rebroad well, I'm using a mobile network, which RST spoofs... so that certainly doesn't help [18:26]
occulta lol AnonX [18:26]
Rebroad AnonX. well, at least you'll only have to do it once... or twice (if you use linux and Windows, for example - the databases aren't compatible!!!) [18:26]
AnonX but... I need to buy some shit tonight:( [18:27]
Rebroad AnonX... well, you could transfer the money from mtgox directly [18:27]
GlooBoy use a online wallet.. [18:27]
Rebroad or intersango.. [18:27]
AnonX How can I send when I am not 100% download? [18:28]
* att has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:28]
Rebroad mtgox and intersango can both be used as online wallets [18:28]
AnonX I didnt recieve it yet [18:28]
occulta AnonX: you never used bitcoin before, and your complaining because you want to buy something the same day you download client? ok [18:28]
Rebroad AnonX - where are your bitcoins? [18:28]
occulta you want to buy with bitcoin, wherea re your btc? [18:28]
AnonX They were sent by sturles like 2min ago [18:28]
occulta lmao [18:28]
AnonX stfu occulta [18:28]
occulta no [18:29]
jcpham let's all play nice [18:29]
occulta you'll learn [18:29]
Rebroad AnonX - get them to send the bitcoins to your mtgox address [18:29]
Rebroad don't use your full-node wallet address until it's synced [18:29]
SerajewelKS AnonX: usually the limiting factor during a blockchain download is actually CPU and not network bandwidth. how fast is the computer you are running bitcoin on? [18:29]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: for me, it was network, not CPU# [18:29]
* hippos4lyfe (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:29]
rawrmage heh, for me, it's disk IO [18:30]
occulta the chain is about 1GB now? [18:30]
Blitzboom the chain is growing ilke fucking cancer [18:30]
AnonX fairly sure ive been at 82% for over a hour [18:30]
* lebek has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) [18:30]
SerajewelKS hmm, my understanding is that it takes more time to validate each block and its contained transactions than it does to receive it [18:30]
Blitzboom it used to be 200 MB when i started [18:30]
sturles It has always been disk I/O for me. [18:30]
SerajewelKS could be disk i/o too, i suppose [18:30]
occulta my corsair SSD ftw :) [18:30]
Rebroad if bitcoin gets as popular as VISA, the block chain will be growing 1TB per week [18:30]
Blitzboom sturles, how’s the arbitrage today? :D [18:30]
SerajewelKS at any rate, it's unlikely to be a network bottleneck [18:30]
jcpham 1011M 2012-03-01 10:24 blk0001.dat [18:31]
rawrmage 1011G 2013-03-01 10:24 blk0001.dat [18:31]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: not so [18:31]
SerajewelKS 1059169592 [18:31]
occulta but as the developers continue to work, it will only get better [18:31]
SerajewelKS rawrmage: 1011G? [18:31]
occulta im sure i read about reducing transaction sizes and blockchain blah [18:31]
SerajewelKS rawrmage: looks like a multiplication error :) [18:31]
* nelisky has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [18:31]
Rebroad the blockchain contains too much spam currently... do a "strings" on it to see all the hidden messages [18:32]
SerajewelKS occulta: a downloaded blockchain can be pruned. but "the blockchain" must exist unmodified for it to be verifiable. [18:32]
jcpham ls -lh ~/.bitcoin [18:32]
jcpham total 1.5G [18:32]
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occulta im sure they can devise a method around it :) [18:32]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: until someone modifies the clients to recognise the pruned ones [18:32]
SerajewelKS i have 1.6GB, close enough [18:32]
occulta like remote blockchains or something [18:32]
Rebroad eventually only a handful of people will run full-nodes... they'll be the new banks :) [18:33]
jcpham my debug and wallet are relativelt small [18:33]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: it would be impossible to tell the difference between a pruned block and a forged pruned block [18:33]
occulta i have no problem with 50GB chain [18:33]
occulta or larger, [18:33]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: not necessarily, if an agreed method of pruning was made [18:33]
occulta physically memory isnt costly [18:33]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: no [18:33]
jcpham 50GB blockchain will seriously restrict adoption [18:34]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: once you prune the block, you change the digest of the block and therefore the proof-of-work is lost [18:34]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: it would require all clients to be modified probably to recognise it though, admittedly.. [18:34]
occulta almost anything can have a solution [18:34]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: clients are coded to choose one fork over the other based on how much work was invested in each fork [18:35]
occulta all clients? ive only ever used the official :) [18:35]
Rebroad but unless it happens, I fear bitcoin is too replaceable by something that does do this [18:35]
sturles Blitzboom: Fewer opportinities than there used to be, but I'm still selling well at 4 EUR. :-) [18:35]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: yes, I know [18:35]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: if you throw out the proof-of-work contained in a block's digest, an attacker can easily create a forged chain and he may be able to convice clients to prefer it to the main chain [18:35]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: old clients would see it as a fork, the new clients would recognise it as one chain [18:35]
occulta well, atm i can carry around my wallet on a 1inch thumbdrive, so whats the issue again? [18:36]
Blitzboom sturles: what’s your feel on the mkt.? [18:36]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: this is why the original blockchain must exsit in perpetuity. it cannot be supplanted by a pruned chain without compromising the security of bitcoin. [18:36]
Blitzboom the way the price is heading, specifically [18:36]
Blitzboom i know you made lots of good calls in the past [18:36]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: the security of bitcoin is already compromised [18:36]
occulta lol Rebroad [18:36]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: now, clients can prune the blockchain AFTER they download it. but then they will be unable to share blocks with peers, since they won't have them anymore. they will be "consume-only" ppers. [18:37]
* hippos4lyfe is now known as hngryhngryhippo [18:37]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: are you going to provide some evidence for that claim? [18:37]
[\] SerajewelKS: but that could be left to the user as to which type of node they want to run [18:37]
occulta he wont/cant [18:37]
occulta untrue [18:37]
[\] some people will be ok as consumers [18:37]
SerajewelKS [\]: exactly [18:37]
SerajewelKS i have no problem with consumer-only nodes [18:37]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: nothing more than I've already said [18:37]
[\] some will want to be active participants [18:37]
occulta Rebroad: how is that security related? [18:38]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: what you've already said doesn't demonstrate any compromise in bitcoin's security [18:38]
Rebroad SerajewelKS: what I meant was, it will compromise the security of bitcoin no more than it's already compromised [18:38]
[\] so the whole 'it will only be a couple nodes eventually' is bogus [18:38]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: yes, it will [18:38]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: when you throw out the proof of work you have no good way to choose one chain over another [18:38]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: and an "official" prune of the blockchain would discard the proof of work necessarily [18:38]
ageis sera, reb: you know about merkle trees? [18:39]
jcpham when we refer to blockchain pruning, we're talking about a client that used a merkle root instead of the full chain? [18:39]
jcpham trees, roots, branches [18:39]
SerajewelKS jcpham: as i understand Rebroad, he thinks that we could prune the blockchain completely -- distribute a pruned blockchain through the network instead of the full thing [18:39]
jcpham incorrect as i understand it [18:40]
SerajewelKS jcpham: which is, of course, silly and insecure [18:40]
jcpham the full chain will always exist [18:40]
SerajewelKS yes, that is exactly what i am saying [18:40]
jcpham a modified client that did not require the full chain MAY EXIST one day [18:40]
sturles Blitzboom: Don't know right now. [18:40]
* rebroad_ (~rebroad@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:40]
SerajewelKS jcpham: but it will depend on trusting other nodes that do have the full chain [18:40]
rebroad_ wasn't suggesting the proof of work is thrown out [18:41]
jcpham yes, back to a modified client again? [18:41]
rebroad_ just modified to allow a smaller blockchain [18:41]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: ok. and how will the blockchain be shrunk? [18:41]
ageis the merkle treez [18:41]
mircea_popescu didnt satoshi publish the genesis block [18:41]
mircea_popescu specifically to prove that the chain isnt pruned ? [18:41]
rebroad_ SerajewelKS, well, they can remove the spam for starters, I'd have thought [18:42]
mircea_popescu beause if it were pruned then he could take over the chain ? [18:42]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: no. if you remove anything from a block, its digest changes. [18:42]
* MrTiggr has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [18:42]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: the digest not only is the block's identity, but it is the proof of work [18:42]
* Rebroad has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:42]
jcpham pruning the blockchain is a fork [18:42]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: if you remove something from a block, it is no longer the same block. other nodes will reject the block as either invalid or inferior. [18:42]
rebroad_ well, there needs to be a way to prune it if we're to avoid going back to centralised banks with bitcoin [18:42]
[\] not once its downloaded [18:42]
jcpham to a new blockchain. a client that doesn't require the entire chain isn't a fork [18:43]
[\] if you prune after download so you can verify the hashes for each block, its not an issue [18:43]
SerajewelKS right, once it is downloaded you can do whatever you want as long as you don't intend to share your data with anyone else [18:43]
rebroad_ so no solution is no solution [18:43]
rebroad_ most people won't be able to run full-nodes unless it's pruneable [18:43]
mircea_popescu ... [18:43]
rebroad_ so we'll be relying on a select few [18:43]
rebroad_ i.e. banks [18:43]
[\] not at all [18:43]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: dude, storage is so cheap [18:43]
[\] any user can decide which they want to do [18:43]
[\] jesus [18:43]
jcpham let's remove the term prunable [18:43]
jcpham seems incorrect [18:44]
rebroad_ 1TB a week? [18:44]
mircea_popescu im starting to get fucking sick of random ignoramus coming in, making silly claim, defending it with asinine stubbornness [18:44]
* [eval] has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [18:44]
mircea_popescu happens about once a day. [18:44]
[\] you are making this too big of a deal [18:44]
[\] mircea_popescu: exactly [18:44]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: i have yet to see any reference for this "1TB a week" figure [18:44]
* ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:44]
rebroad_ SerajewelKS, I can provide one [18:44]
[\] some twit that hasn't read enough coming up with some doomsday scenario [18:44]
mircea_popescu that HE!!! knows!!! will do x [18:44]
jcpham i'd like to hear rebroad_ [18:44]
mircea_popescu who is he ? a, nobody. what does he know ? a, nothing. mmmmkay. [18:45]
* gribble gives voice to ineededausername [18:45]
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rebroad_ ok, do a "strings --bytes=20 blk0001.dat" [18:46]
rebroad_ the guys name is in there [18:46]
rebroad_ sec.. [18:46]
[\] ooh, you discovered secrets messages [18:46]
[\] who knew there was real text in the blockchain?!?!! [18:46]
[\] herp derp [18:46]
ageis len sassaman is in there [18:46]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: wtf does that have to do with "1TB a week?" where are you coming up with this figure? [18:46]
jcpham rebroad_ maybe you should allow the developers to explain the protocol [18:46]
rebroad_ It's an article by Dan Kaminsky [18:46]
rebroad_ I'll find it.. sec. [18:47]
[\] ah [18:47]
[\] yeah, that guy was trolling [18:47]
[\] and his arguments already got debunked [18:47]
[\] welcome to 4 months ago [18:47]
ageis rebroad scalability concerns have been raised and addressed time and time again [18:47]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: [18:47]
* MORA| (~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:47]
ageis rebroad_ the devs made it possible to run lightweight clients without the full blockchain. read up on the cryptographic technology involved [18:48]
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* [eval] ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:50]
ptresor Hi, can someone explain to me the concept of gpg4win encryption in conjuction with bitcoins? Ive set it up, and I now have a bitcoin wallet and certificates (in kleopatra), but i dont understand how they work together? [18:50]
[\] ptresor: 2 seperate things [18:51]
napkin5 paulzag, you around? [18:51]
gmaxwell The absolute maximum rate the chain can grow at the nominal block rate is about 51gbytes/year. [18:51]
[\] gpg secures your identiy here [18:51]
ageis yeah they dont [18:51]
[\] which really has nothing to do with bitcoin [18:51]
rebroad_ according to that article, SerajewelKS, it seems a change would need to be made anyway... the increasing of the maximum block size, which would require "the consent of the bitcoin users". so either way, a change is needed, so it might as well include a pruning option [18:51]
ageis gpg is for trading [18:51]
[\] rebroad_: did you miss gmaxwell's comment? [18:51]
jcpham the change would be a client change [18:51]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: but a "pruning option" will make it impossible to verify that the blockchain is genuine [18:52]
jcpham there is no pruning [18:52]
gmaxwell er.. kids. The design already supports pruning. [18:52]
* hotinbit (0e629bc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:52]
SerajewelKS gmaxwell: locally, yes [18:52]
gmaxwell (though that only reduces your local storage) [18:52]
rebroad_ 51GB/year = 1GB a week.. hmm. not 1TB then.. [18:52]
SerajewelKS gmaxwell: AIUI, once you have pruned your local storage you can no longer share affected blocks with anyone, yes? [18:52]
ageis merkle trees ppl [18:52]
rebroad_ SerajewelKS, that depends entirely on the pruning option [18:53]
gmaxwell SerajewelKS: only if they trust you— they can't validate the history just that data. [18:53]
* hobodave has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: [18:53]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: the inter-client communication will always deal with unpruned blocks [18:53]
SerajewelKS gmaxwell: right. that's my point, and rebroad_ doesn't seem to grasp this. [18:53]
SerajewelKS a block's identity /is/ its data. if you prune the data, you change the block's identity. [18:53]
SerajewelKS period. end of story. [18:54]
ptresor ok thanks [18:54]
* Joric (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:54]
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* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:54]
rebroad_ SerajewelKS, yes. but I'm suggesting multiple idendities [18:54]
* gribble gives voice to Joric [18:54]
rebroad_ maybe two, concurrent identities [18:54]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: a block's identity is the double-SHA256 of its header [18:54]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: that means that the block's identity is computed from the block's data [18:55]
ageis rebroad_: [18:55]
* occulta has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium [18:55]
rebroad_ if it helps, you could consider it two chains.. but with corresponding blocks [18:55]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: ok. if i accept that, i still can't verify the pruned chain without the full chain. [18:55]
rebroad_ like a database, a linked table [18:55]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: so i could only use a pruned chain if i implicitly trust the node i obtained it from [18:56]
rebroad_ you can if you copy the chain, and then the old one becomes redundant [18:56]
* SerajewelKS facepalms [18:56]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: go read satoshi's paper, please [18:56]
* Dark_Apostrophe (~tDa@unaffiliated/darkapostrophe/x-0983214) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:56]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: until you do, you won't realize how silly you sound to everyone else [18:57]
rebroad_ SerajewelKS, what other choice is there? [18:57]
rebroad_ according to Gregory Maxwell, the maximum block size will be too small [18:57]
rebroad_ so how else will it be increased? [18:57]
gmaxwell Say what? [18:58]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: the client can be modified to accept larger blocks [18:58]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: the block size limit is artificial [18:58]
rebroad_ "The system could also not get to this kind of scale without bitcoin users agreeing collectively to increase the maximum block size, so it's not an outcome that can happen without the consent of bitcoin users." [18:58]
gmaxwell You're mistaking my position there— [18:58]
rebroad_ ah, sorry.. (probably not the first time I've done that) [18:59]
gmaxwell I think that the idea that bitcoin should handle visa's peak transaction rate is a spurrious goal. [18:59]
SerajewelKS well, i need to go get some lunch [18:59]
SerajewelKS rebroad_: i would strongly suggest that you read more about how bitcoin actually works. suggesting things without a clear understanding of the structure of the system is not helpful. [18:59]
gmaxwell Bitcoin != visa. You don't need a world wide cryptographic system to secure every glass of coke you buy. [18:59]
rebroad_ I agree... I think it should handle greater than that. [18:59]
Blitzboom sup gmaxwell [18:59]
* AnonX Want: 10btc, Have: EUR/USD MB(Skrill), Paypal, USD Pokerstars, EUR Minted Poker. Traded 10btc with Sturles today [19:00]
gmaxwell rebroad_: I think thats silly. [19:00]
rebroad_ gmaxwell, well, some would argue you don't need a world wide crytographic system at all [19:00]
gmaxwell I think I was pretty clear about my position, I'm sad you didn't read all of it. [19:01]
gmaxwell Second, and most importantly, the assumed scaling described here deals with Bitcoin replacing visa. This is a poor comparison because bitcoin alone is not a perfect replacement for visa for reasons completely unrelated to scaling: Bitcoin does not offer instant transactions, credit, or various anti-fraud mechanisms (which some people want, even if not everyone does), for example. Bitcoin is a more complete replacement for checks, wire transfe [19:01]
gmaxwell Bitcoin users sometimes gloss over this fact too quickly because people are too quick to call it a flaw but this is unfair. No one system is ideal for all usage and Bitcoin has a broader spectrum of qualities than most monetary instruments. If the bitcoin community isn't willing to point out some things would better be done by other systems then it becomes easy to make strawman arguments: If we admit that bitcoin could be used as a floor wax [19:01]
ageis rebroad_ bitcoins have value because we all know how many there are and the rate at which new blocks are generated [19:01]
* vigilyn2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:01]
Blitzboom gmaxwell: you think that visa will be built on top of bitcoin, yes? [19:02]
gmaxwell Blitzboom: Yes. [19:02]
rebroad_ ah.. [19:02]
rebroad_ that does make more sense [19:02]
gmaxwell And that people will continue to use visa for buying soda pop— though visa will have to become more competative since people would have the alternative of using bitcoin directly. [19:03]
rebroad_ it's been often talked about the last couple of weeks about bitcoin replacing visa.. but yes, that makes more sense [19:03]
* vigilyn has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [19:03]
Blitzboom i say we take a bit of a more modest goal [19:03]
gmaxwell rebroad_: The fact that it _could_ (wave arms) do it doesn't mean thats the best idea. [19:03]
ageis who would seriously propagate that notion O.o [19:03]
Blitzboom how about replacing MMORPG gold [19:03]
rebroad_ so. is there a need for a bitcoinvisa then, that fits nicely alongside bitcoin and can be used for buying cans of coke? [19:04]
* `g_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:04]
Blitzboom no [19:04]
gmaxwell rebroad_: Maybe! [19:05]
ageis there is need for many bitcoin-related services [19:05]
gmaxwell Visa itself as is with no modification could be used this way. [19:05]
Blitzboom i would say it would be unprofitable to develop and deploy it for 5k people all over the world [19:05]
gmaxwell Or you could make a decentralized system for settling debts- like ripple. [19:05]
* rebroad_ is now known as Rebroad [19:06]
gmaxwell But even if you do, adoption curves mean that if bitcoin is to go big it would need support from existing payment processors to at least take off. [19:06]
* Duke_pro has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [19:06]
Blitzboom bitcoin adoption curve: ____________________ :D [19:06]
Rebroad so, at the moment, miners get BTC for mining... but these full-nodes, which will be costly... how will they be reimbursed for the burden of hosting a full-node? [19:07]
Blitzboom they won’t [19:07]
gmaxwell Rebroad: if the limit stays at 1MB they aren't particularly costly. [19:07]
* hotinbit has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:07]
ageis rebroad: txn fees [19:07]
Rebroad what would need to happen for the 1MB limit to be too small? [19:07]
Blitzboom ageis: no, only miners receive fees [19:07]
Blitzboom you don’t get any for relaying transactions [19:08]
ageis right misunderstood [19:08]
ageis his q [19:08]
Rebroad the "red balloon" paper did suggest txn fees though... didn't it? [19:08]
gmaxwell Rebroad: if people try to use bitcoin as visa then it's hard to make a limit big enough. [19:08]
* errydayimgenerat ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:08]
gmaxwell If they only use it as the electronic gold backing other things like visa and ripple, then the 1MB limit may be fine for a very long time [19:08]
Blitzboom i would love to have this kind of problem [19:08]
Rebroad is it possible to buy 30000BTC without raising the BTC price? [19:08]
Blitzboom Rebroad: yes [19:09]
* UNOE227 (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:09]
Blitzboom if you find a person that will sell them to you without demanding a higher price [19:09]
helo gmaxwell: won't a high transaction volume be important once the reward drops off? [19:09]
helo i.e. so transaction fees will keep miners mining [19:09]
gmaxwell Rebroad: the red balloon paper is kinda sad. They're solving a non-problem with a non-solution, though its a pretty smart non-solution. [19:09]
Rebroad and if the exchange rate of bitcoins does go up due to deflation... will a 0.0005BTC tx fee seem like a lot in the future? [19:10]
gmaxwell helo: miners will mine regardless. [19:10]
gmaxwell Rebroad: if the exchange rate goes up we'll require lower fees. [19:10]
Rebroad ah... does my bitcoin-qt client know that? [19:10]
gmaxwell (the anti-dos fees just implementation behavior, not a protocol rule, — they used to be 0.01 but we changed them to 0.0005 a year ago) [19:10]
helo people will invest in increasingly expensive hardware and spend money on electricity regardless of whether they are companesated directly? [19:10]
helo s/expensive/fast/ [19:11]
helo compensated :/ [19:11]
Rebroad maybe the bitcoin-qt client needs to be able to check the exchange rate in order to better determine a proper tx fee [19:11]
gmaxwell Rebroad: it would have to be upgraded. We first do an update which lowers the fees they'll relay... then another update that lowers the fees they apply. [19:11]
gmaxwell helo: where are you coming up with increasingly? [19:11]
Blitzboom >maybe the bitcoin-qt client needs to be able to check the exchange rate [19:11]
Blitzboom no [19:11]
* att (~att@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:11]
gmaxwell helo: nothing makes the difficulty increase except more mining. The system is closed-loop. [19:11]
Blitzboom bad idea [19:11]
mircea_popescu i see this is progressing nicely... [19:12]
gmaxwell Rebroad: nah, centeralization— plus the rate isn't what matters as much as the rate imposed by your peers. [19:12]
Rebroad well, seems a bit silly to have to hard-code these things when in reality it's based on that [19:12]
Blitzboom we cannot trust one exchange [19:12]
Blitzboom or any exchange really [19:12]
Rebroad i'd rather it was less hard-coded. I want to be able to change it easily without recompliling. [19:12]
gmaxwell Rebroad: it's not important that they're particularly exact.. 10:1 changes in the value are okay. [19:13]
Blitzboom otherwise we could simply base the monetary policy on the exchange rate too [19:13]
* lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:13]
helo gmaxwell: but it must be protected against an attacker's hash rate [19:13]
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errydayimgenerat weeee [19:13]
Blitzboom bitcoin value went down? print less bitcoins [19:13]
Blitzboom value going up? print more [19:13]
gmaxwell Rebroad: again, what matters isn't what _you_ have set, its what you peers impose. [19:13]
* hotinbit (7aa27ae9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:13]
Rebroad how come I never seem to have to pay a fee when transferring money between mtgox and intersango, for example? [19:13]
* AnonX Want: 10btc, Have: EUR/USD MB(Skrill), Paypal, USD Pokerstars, EUR Minted Poker. Traded 10btc with Sturles today [19:14]
gmaxwell Rebroad: the fast majority of txn are free under the current rules. [19:14]
SerajewelKS ripple still doesn't make much sense to me [19:14]
Rebroad if mtgox can transfer money to intersango with no tx fee, then why can't my bitcoin-qt client? [19:14]
phraust anyone interested in moneypak for btc? [19:14]
SerajewelKS probably because i have no use for it [19:14]
gmaxwell Rebroad: it can. [19:14]
errydayimgenerat ;;eauth errydayimgenerat [19:14]
Rebroad oh.. [19:14]
gmaxwell Rebroad: the anti-dos rules only make you pay a fee if you're moving recently moved inputs. If you have a wallet with many mature inputs you often won't pay any fee. [19:14]
Rebroad I've not worked out how to do that yet.. [19:14]
Rebroad well, they've had about 900 confirmations, so they're not that recent.. [19:15]
mircea_popescu I think I was pretty clear about my position, I'm sad you didn't read all of it. <<< i hold jcpham personally responsible for this waste of time. [19:15]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: or if you are moving a very small amount of money. if you received 0.02 an hour ago and you send 0.01 to someone else, you're going to be waiting a while for that one to confirm unless you pay a fee [19:15]
gmaxwell Rebroad: the rule is 144 confirmations per bitcoin of input, basically. [19:15]
hotinbit anyone looking for a Paypal or moneypak................................................i am looking for BTC or LR [19:16]
* napkin_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:16]
hotinbit paying 5.10 $ for 1 BTC [19:16]
gmaxwell Rebroad: so if you have a txn with a two btc input, that input will have needed 72 confirms for the txn to be free. [19:16]
helo gmaxwell: as new hardware becomes available that allows attackers to generate more hashing power more cheaply, the network's hash rate will need to go up to stay protected from >50% attacks, no? [19:16]
Rebroad what about a 0.005BTC input? [19:16]
SerajewelKS helo: presumably, miners will adopt that same hardware [19:16]
Rebroad (the faucet) [19:17]
Rebroad actually.. rather than transfer the BTC, it would make more sense to import the wallet... [19:17]
helo SerajewelKS: gmaxwell claimed that miners won't need to invest in faster hashing hardware in the future (so miner rewards/fees aren't important) [19:17]
errydayimgenerat selling btc or mtgox usd for wells fargo money [19:17]
Rebroad there needs to be a way to have multiple wallets in the bitcoin-qt client... [19:17]
gmaxwell If it has 0.5 in input, then it would need 288 bc to be free. ... 0.005 28800 .. if thats the only input. [19:17]
* MORA| has quit () [19:18]
gmaxwell helo: " as new hardware becomes available" will also make the honest miners faster. [19:18]
* hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:18]
SerajewelKS helo: well, your chances of receiving a reward or fees from a block are based on the proportion of your hashing power to the network as a whole... [19:18]
* [eval] has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [19:18]
SerajewelKS helo: so it is in the miner's best interest to have as much hashing power, as cheaply as possible [19:18]
helo gmaxwell: only if they invest in the new hardware [19:18]
Rebroad well, multiple addresses.. it already has.. so ideally there ought to be a way to import a private key from another wallet and have them all stored together.. [19:18]
jcpham how can you hold me responsible and i'm not even here [19:18]
jcpham got little icons dancing on my screen [19:19]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: there are some third-party utilities that can do a wallet merge [19:19]
helo if the mining reward is very small, and transaction volume isn't high enough for fees to compensate, miners won't have the money to buy faster hardware [19:19]
SerajewelKS Rebroad: i don't remember where they are though [19:19]
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Rebroad SerajewelKS, yes.. a wallet merge... i like that term [19:19]
gmaxwell Rebroad: in any case, there is a straight forward formula and the net result is that if a txn is recycling recently used coins it will end up needing to pay a fee, and if its not it won't. [19:19]
gmaxwell You can import and export keys today. [19:20]
gmaxwell (it's just not exposed in the GUI, it's a cli/rpc option) [19:20]
nanotube AnonX: hey, so last time we talked, you said you had backups of gpg at another location... did you ever get your hands on that? [19:20]
helo SerajewelKS: you kind of missed the first statement i made... 'won't a high transaction volume be important once the reward drops off?' [19:20]
AnonX no nano [19:20]
AnonX please sell me 10btc [19:20]
SerajewelKS manipulation of bitcoin's data files (like wallets) are made difficult by the fact that they use an outdated and cryptic database format that is a royal pain in the ass to manipulate, even with libraries [19:20]
SerajewelKS helo: well, let's put it this way [19:20]
Rebroad gmaxwell, hmmm... I've still not got the rpc bit working yet :-s [19:20]
AnonX and wtf why are people having the longest discussion in nato here [19:20]
SerajewelKS helo: if the transaction volume is not high, there won't be much point in attacking the network [19:20]
AnonX its supposed to be a channel about trading [19:20]
gmaxwell SerajewelKS: where were you when jgarzik was arguing against dropping bdb for the wallet in #bitcoin-dev the other day? [19:20]
Rebroad are all wallets written in C++? I fancy rewriting it in D [19:21]
SerajewelKS gmaxwell: i've always been against bdb :) [19:21]
gmaxwell oh crap, I'm sorry I thought this was #bitcoin. [19:21]
gmaxwell bleh. [19:21]
nanotube AnonX: it's also a channel for people to talk and get to know each other. :) [19:21]
errydayimgenerat selling btc or mtgox usd for wells fargo -> wells fargo bankwire [19:21]
Rebroad lol [19:21]
gmaxwell (I'd still prefer to use #bitcoin for this stuff!) [19:21]
nanotube AnonX: i'll sell you 10btc if you have libertyreserve. do you have any LR by any chance? [19:21]
errydayimgenerat i need moneys [19:21]
SerajewelKS gmaxwell: at least sqlite or something... with sqlite you can run a single command-line program and be able to query the databases directly using sql. [19:21]
AnonX no [19:21]
AnonX are u american? [19:21]
helo SerajewelKS: not true... if bitcoin is used as "electronic gold" instead of "distributed visa", there could be high demand but ~low transaction rate [19:22]
nanotube AnonX: i'm in the usa yes [19:22]
SerajewelKS gmaxwell: with dbd you have to write some C/perl/python, and the bdb API is beyond horrible. it is a nightmare for a newcomer to even understand. [19:22]
* Rebroad moves to #bitcoin [19:22]
AnonX can i pm [19:22]
nanotube gmaxwell: indeed, but as far as discussions go, this one is one of the better ones :D [19:22]
SerajewelKS helo: an attack in that case wouldn't disrupt very much [19:22]
helo i guess if it is used as "electronic gold" (implying the value is very high, but it isn't used for everyday purchasing), the low volume of transactions could still have high fees [19:22]
gmaxwell helo: right. [19:22]
gmaxwell relatively speaking. [19:23]
SerajewelKS helo: if the hardware to attack the network is /that/ expensive then the only thing that would make it worth an attacker's while would be to DoS the network and hold it for ransom [19:23]
gmaxwell SerajewelKS: but then it becomes in the users interest to pay more in fees just for the sake of buying security for their currency. [19:23]
SerajewelKS helo: if it's cost-effective for attackers, it's probably cost-effective for miners too [19:23]
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SerajewelKS gmaxwell: that too [19:23]
* gribble gives voice to phraust [19:23]
phraust errydayimgenerat, not interested in moneypak? [19:24]
gmaxwell SerajewelKS: moreover, if it's cost effective for attackers it's _more_ cost effective for the honest users— because the honest users work togeather towards a common goal (the honest history), while attackers are small kind of by definition. [19:24]
errydayimgenerat i kind of need som e money quicker than that [19:24]
gmaxwell (if you 'attack' in a way that benefits most people, thats not much of an 'attack') [19:24]
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Rebroad so, the definition of the good guys is that they're the majority, and the bad guys the minority? [19:24]
SerajewelKS the only case i could see for where this would be cost-effective for attackers but not for miners would be in the case of someone trying to subvert bitcoin entirely. e.g. governments that don't like it. [19:24]
phraust bummer. :( [19:25]
SerajewelKS in that case, i agree that specialized hardware would be a danger [19:25]
errydayimgenerat unless you got a wells fargo near you mebe [19:25]
helo i've always thought that it would have to be concretely useful (i.e. people can purchase everyday things with it) for usage to increase to the point that the value is relatively stable [19:25]
gmaxwell Rebroad: you can argue that way! I don't know if its a good argument. But in general, it's not much of an attack if you're doing something that most people agree with.. [19:26]
nanotube errydayimgenerat: can i make a cash deposit to your wf account? even if i don't have a wf account? [19:26]
SerajewelKS helo: shrug... you can't purchase everyday things with gold [19:26]
errydayimgenerat yeah [19:26]
helo i don't see how it could become viable "electronic gold" with a stable value without mass adoption [19:26]
helo SerajewelKS: but it has mass adoption, so the value is stable [19:26]
gmaxwell Rebroad: the most classical kind of attack is where you do something that benefits only _you_ or your org, and that puts you against the whole rest of the world. [19:26]
Rebroad gmaxwell, seems to be the way many people vote these days... [19:27]
Blitzboom AnonX: it's also a channel for people to talk and get to know each other. :) [19:27]
* darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:27]
Blitzboom is that official now? offtopic channel? :D [19:27]
jcpham as long as it is SFW [19:27]
nanotube Blitzboom: see official guidelines linked in topic :) [19:28]
Blitzboom cool [19:29]
helo the trading-only channel is #bitcoin-pit? [19:29]
nanotube helo: yes, that's the strictly-business one [19:29]
* AnonX Want: 10btc, Have: EUR/USD MB(Skrill), Paypal, USD Pokerstars, EUR Minted Poker. Traded 10btc with Sturles today [19:29]
Rebroad AnonX, I can trade BTC for GBP [19:30]
AnonX GBP what [19:30]
AnonX paypal? [19:30]
Rebroad ummm, BACS [19:30]
* thesexylilgirl ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:30]
helo gmaxwell: so people using bitcoin as a speculation investment will lead to bitcoin being "electronic gold", while businesses accepting bitcoin will lead to it being "distributed visa"? [19:31]
* errydayimgenerat has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [19:31]
* thesexylilgirl is now known as errydayimgenerat [19:31]
errydayimgenerat fuck [19:31]
smickles fuck? [19:32]
gmaxwell helo: interesting argument. I see how you're drawing it but I don't know if its true— [19:32]
jcpham you spelled little wrong [19:32]
gmaxwell helo: I think if people don't to both of those things today then bitcoin will be nothing in the future. [19:32]
errydayimgenerat i fucking hate this lapt [19:32]
helo i haven't considered the possibility that bitcoin could be stable as an investment mechanism without mass "distributed visa" adoption [19:32]
Rebroad isn't "thesexylilgirl" meant to just be on Tuesdays? [19:32]
gmaxwell but if bitcoin survives it will find its niche in the future, which might be one or the other. Thought I think bitcoin would make a pretty poor "distributed visa", and becoming one would destroy a lot of what makes bitcoin worth having. [19:33]
Rebroad when the wife goes to her bridge games? [19:33]
gmaxwell helo: it could easily be if things like visa started supporting doing txn processing on top of it.. but chicken/egg. [19:33]
helo gmaxwell: so does "doing both" not lead to massive transaction volume => expensive full node operation? [19:33]
* mb300sd (~mb300sd@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:33]
gmaxwell helo: right now we _can't_ have expensive full node operation because the block side is limited as a protocol rule. [19:33]
gmaxwell er, s/side/size/ [19:34]
gmaxwell helo: so you could have casual transactions which will become expensive as the blocks become full... which then encourages the electronic gold behavior. [19:34]
helo ahh, that seems reasonable [19:35]
gmaxwell (the electronic gold behavior is already encouraged by txn speed) [19:35]
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Blitzboom gmaxwell: oh come on, bitcoin already has its niche [19:35]
Blitzboom [19:35]
gmaxwell Blitzboom: creating fodder for tech journalists? [19:35]
Blitzboom it’s 1 year old now [19:36]
gmaxwell Blitzboom: maybe? I don't think that usage is all that economically significant. [19:36]
Blitzboom it’s not so much about what is [19:36]
Blitzboom but at what it is pointing will be [19:36]
helo it would be interesting if miners included their trusted full-node ip address in their coinbases... if some day running a full node is costly, miners will presumably still be able to afford it [19:36]
* nelisky ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:37]
* nelisky has quit (Changing host) [19:37]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:37]
helo or addresses [19:37]
* hotinbit has quit (Quit: Page closed) [19:37]
Blitzboom (the electronic gold behavior is already encouraged by txn speed) [19:37]
Blitzboom please elaborate [19:37]
* errydayimgenerat has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [19:37]
Blitzboom because of the confirmations necessary? [19:38]
helo Blitzboom: 10 minute confirmations is pretty slow for normal purchasing [19:38]
Blitzboom ah. of course [19:38]
Blitzboom my belief is that first, bitcoin will become a good store of value [19:38]
Blitzboom then, it can become a currency [19:39]
nanotube well, not everything needs to be /fast/. in person tx at the store, yes. but for ordering online... since you're gonna be waiting for shipping for a day or two at least, anyway [19:39]
nanotube it'll work great [19:39]
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Blitzboom if it’s no unit of account, it’s simply no use for an economy [19:39]
Blitzboom other than a payment mechanism [19:39]
nanotube and since an increasing amount of stuff is being done online... bitcoin is well positioned to take that market [19:39]
* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:40]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [19:40]
ne1watching ;;view [19:40]
Blitzboom nanotube: the only thing i really see has developed is silk road [19:40]
* ne1watching_ (aefe30d0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:41]
Blitzboom i simply don’t see people just giving up on paypal [19:41]
helo that's only because bitcoin is untested relative to paypal/USD [19:41]
Blitzboom we need to convert the people who don’t actually have a choice first [19:41]
Blitzboom people who can’t use anything except bitcoin [19:42]
nanotube Blitzboom: yes that's the reasonable route. :) [19:42]
helo over time more people will adopt it and the value will be less prone to bubbles [19:42]
* ne1watching_ has quit (Client Quit) [19:43]
Blitzboom i also think bitcoin severely lacks an organization for PR etc. [19:43]
* hotinbit (7aa27ae9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:43]
Blitzboom people like to put their trust in institutions [19:43]
Blitzboom i know there are efforts to create a bitcoin foundation, though [19:44]
* MORA| (~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:45]
Blitzboom at least that’s what gavin said [19:45]
* yossarian_ has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [19:45]
* DBordello (827ef020@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:46]
rg people keep emailing m,e saying our invoices arent working [19:47]
* darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:47]
rg yet i can access them just fine [19:47]
rawrmage .t aest [19:48]
markac Fri, 02 Mar 2012 03:48:59 AEST [19:48]
rawrmage lol [19:49]
mircea_popescu a foundation doing pr might be a good thing [19:50]
mircea_popescu and the people who have no other options are mostly criminals i imagine. [19:51]
mircea_popescu bitcoin should be sold as what it is, the best option of all possible (not all existing, not all available, outright all possible) [19:51]
mircea_popescu not as a sort of "well, if not even the loanshark talks to you... come to us" [19:52]
mircea_popescu this is not the birth of america here, give us your addicts, your gamblers, your fraudsters. [19:52]
* hotinbit_ (0e627737@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:52]
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rg ;;ticker [19:58]
gribble Best bid: 4.95004, Best ask: 4.96321, Bid-ask spread: 0.01317, Last trade: 4.95004, 24 hour volume: 38510, 24 hour low: 4.82129, 24 hour high: 4.98421 [19:58]
rg ;;market buy 3000 [19:58]
gribble A market order to buy 3000 bitcoins right now would take 14964.3287 USD and would take the last price up to 5.0000 USD. [19:58]
* errydayimgenerat ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:58]
* Turingi (~devon@unaffiliated/devon-hillard/x-7250961) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:59]
errydayimgenerat fuck [19:59]
errydayimgenerat ;;eauth errydayimgenerat [19:59]
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phraust anyone selling btc for moneypak? [20:10]
errydayimgenerat selling mtgox usd for wells fargo -> wells fargo wire [20:10]
mircea_popescu why don't you take pp erry! [20:11]
* Lolcust has quit (Quit: Nap time) [20:12]
rg cause shes smart [20:15]
rg The neighboring gardens of Montague and Capulet are at war, but the gnomes, Gnomeo and Juliet, are in love. [20:16]
rg 'Gnomeo & Juliet' [20:16]
errydayimgenerat because paypal is lame [20:16]
bruzum r [20:16]
rg paypal serves its purpose [20:17]
rg just not for btc [20:17]
rg for example. if i was going to buy 150 black 12inch dildos in bulk [20:18]
rg id probably use paypal [20:18]
* hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:18]
Saiga12 Rg see mt pm earlier? [20:21]
rg haha yes [20:21]
rg resisting the urge to laugh [20:21]
rg he's so upset. [20:21]
rg this is why i said leave him alone [20:21]
rg hes gonna kill himself or something [20:21]
rg we're obviously hte only friends he has [20:21]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:23]
rg hes in here [20:23]
* vigilyn2 is now known as vigilyn [20:24]
mircea_popescu all this haet. [20:24]
rg itll be fine [20:25]
rg people pick on daniel, but people also pick on me [20:25]
errydayimgenerat weeeeee [20:26]
rg sometimes i get pissed and leave [20:26]
errydayimgenerat cause you're a bitch [20:26]
* rg resists the urge to say something really mean [20:26]
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phraust -R [20:27]
rawrmage no bakes on the rapre train? [20:27]
phraust [20:28]
rawrmage lol [20:28]
phraust [20:29]
errydayimgenerat rg: you thikn i haven't already taken anything you could possibly dish out? [20:29]
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errydayimgenerat i've taken it hard, and rough- really stretching my ability of what i can take. yeah it hurts at time, but if you take it long enough you learn to like it. [20:30]
* ovidiusoft (~ovidiusof@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:30]
bitcoinTrader buying LR [20:33]
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rg errday: dont insult me [20:33]
errydayimgenerat i didn't insult you [20:34]
rg anyone know of a multi threaded zip cracking software? [20:34]
rg ive just been assigned 5 zip files [20:34]
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errydayimgenerat you know i'm only playing :3 [20:35]
* hippos4lyfe is now known as hngryhngryhippo [20:36]
phraust hashkill? [20:37]
rg aha [20:37]
rg cheers phraust [20:37]
phraust ;) [20:38]
* Lolcust (~alohog@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:38]
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mircea_popescu so anyone, gmaxwell, whats the word, is gpumax doing in btc ? [20:40]
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pirateat40 doing? [20:42]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:43]
rg anyone have a link to the ATI OpenCL stuff [20:43]
rg that doesnt require me to sign up, etc [20:43]
ageis the sdk? [20:44]
rg yeah [20:44]
ageis ya [20:44]
ageis [20:45]
mircea_popescu pirateat40 that was the contention, wasn't it ? end of bitcoin? [20:45]
mircea_popescu reference. [20:45]
pirateat40 oh "doing in" [20:46]
AnonX yo bros [20:46]
pirateat40 lol [20:46]
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AnonX where can i check my bitcoin transfer [20:46]
ageis rg: ^ [20:46]
mircea_popescu in your wallet. [20:46]
btchero2 [20:46]
AnonX ty btchero [20:46]
mircea_popescu omg! [20:46]
a5m0 buying: 1x 5970 or 6990, selling: 5 yubikeys, 1 dual 2.8ghz xeon server/computer, pm for details [20:46]
pirateat40 mircea_popescu, that was a long time ago. I think most people know now that we are not here to hurt anything. [20:46]
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mircea_popescu pirateat40 was just curious what the guy had to say about it 3 mo later is all. [20:47]
pirateat40 ah [20:47]
mircea_popescu was here earlier spent coupla hours talking at some random idiot who didn't make sense, [20:47]
mircea_popescu was curious if he wants to address an actual point. [20:47]
pirateat40 mircea_popescu, whats the max limits on your options? [20:48]
mircea_popescu what limit do you mean ? [20:48]
pirateat40 put orders [20:48]
mircea_popescu strikes go from 1 to 10 atm [20:48]
pirateat40 ah [20:48]
pirateat40 ok [20:48]
mircea_popescu why'd you want to buy a put struck over 10 anyway ? [20:49]
mircea_popescu i mean i can make it go to 500 but i don't see the point really. [20:49]
pirateat40 im talking quantity [20:49]
pirateat40 not price [20:49]
mircea_popescu o o [20:49]
mircea_popescu you can take ~8k atm, but it's flexible [20:49]
mircea_popescu if they sell i just get more capital. [20:49]
pirateat40 k [20:49]
* Rawl123 (55ba8b58@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:50]
Rawl123 anyone interested in a League of Legends account ? will give more details if anyone wants! [20:51]
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btchero2 hey pirateat40 is there a reason i shouldn't trade with that guy from india you banned? [20:52]
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pirateat40 No, he seems legit in wanting to process them, its just that his customers can claim fraud and I just lost one for it. [20:53]
btchero2 you lost one what? [20:53]
btchero2 a moneypak? [20:53]
pirateat40 So tread carefully. He refunded me the BTC but locked up my account for 3 days. [20:53]
pirateat40 yea [20:53]
btchero2 oh, ok [20:54]
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lulzstorm ;;ident lulzstorm [20:56]
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ptresor is it ok to trust someone who is 'Currently not authenticated.' ? [20:58]
mircea_popescu no. [20:59]
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AnonX multiple confirmations and still not showing in my SR account, the f? [20:59]
ptresor really? what if they have good ratings? [20:59]
btchero2 you need 6 [20:59]
btchero2 probably [20:59]
bitcoinTrader pirateat40: Mp can be chargebacked? [21:00]
pirateat40 Yes [21:00]
mircea_popescu ptresor if they aren't auth'd there's no link to the ratings. [21:00]
phraust really? [21:00]
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phraust interesting. [21:00]
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nanotube ptresor: authentication proves that they are who they say they are. otherwise they can claim they are /anyone/. [21:02]
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smickles fricking isp [21:03]
smickles :( [21:03]
* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:07]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [21:07]
Mqrius I want to borrow 200 bitcoins, payback tomorrow before midnight GMT (That's in 29 hours if I'm not mistaken). Who offers me the best rates? [21:09]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:10]
jcpham 24 hour loan seems risky [21:10]
Mqrius why? [21:10]
Mqrius getrating Mqrius [21:10]
Mqrius ;;getrating Mqrius [21:10]
gribble User Mqrius, created on Thu Dec 1 07:33:41 2011. Cumulative rating 45, from 24 total ratings. Received ratings: 24 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 24 positive, 2 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask Mqrius! [21:10]
tbage mqrius: what are you putting up as leverage [21:11]
tbage i typically require a scan of government identification [21:11]
* imsaguy2 is now known as nan0tube [21:11]
copumpkin I can co-sign it. If he runs with the coins, you can have them from me [21:11]
tbage along with a full frontal nude shot [21:11]
nan0tube Send me all your coinz [21:11]
Mqrius tbage: My reputation should be enough, I think. I've traded thousands of coins [21:11]
copumpkin ;;getrating copumpkin [21:12]
gribble User copumpkin, created on Mon Jun 20 13:53:19 2011. Cumulative rating 99, from 26 total ratings. Received ratings: 26 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 32 positive, 1 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask copumpkin!~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin [21:12]
tbage and a picture that says tbage will bag me [21:12]
tbage sorry [21:12]
tbage nothing personal [21:12]
nan0tube ;;gettrust imsaguy Mqrius [21:12]
tbage just what i require [21:12]
nan0tube Trust relationship from user imsaguy to user Mqrius: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 13 via 7 connections. Graph: [21:12]
* nan0tube is now known as imsaguy2 [21:12]
btchero2 If i had 200 now i would do it, Mqrius with a copumpkin backing is pretty safe it seems [21:12]
imsaguy2 tbage: nothing personal, but wtfay? [21:13]
tbage yo man [21:13]
tbage if you want 200 coins for 24 hours [21:13]
tbage i need a nude pic [21:13]
imsaguy2 I think maybe you need to troll somewhere else [21:13]
jcpham i don't have it to lend. i wasn't implying anything about Mqrius earlier either [21:13]
tbage >:( i think if you took it seriously you need to have your head examined. [21:14]
SerajewelKS ;;gettrust Mqrius [21:14]
btchero2 but he seriously wants 200 btc and it sucks when trolls interrupt real trading [21:15]
jcpham yes [21:15]
djoot ;;view 7025 [21:15]
gribble #7025 Thu Mar 1 11:10:25 2012 djoot SELL 50.0 BTC @ 32.858 SEK (bank transfer or cash) [21:15]
copumpkin lol [21:15]
tbage well the core of my inquiry was what he was putting up as leverage [21:16]
tbage do you lend without leverage? [21:16]
Mqrius tbage: Yes I do, to trusted people. [21:16]
nanotube tbage: the correct word is 'collateral' [21:16]
jcpham ^ [21:16]
tbage thanks for being pedantic [21:16]
jcpham i caouldn't type it fast enough [21:16]
copumpkin nanotube is known as the worst pedant evar [21:16]
btchero2 seriously though, he is fairly trusted and has a long time user/op backing him. It isn't that big of a deal except most don't have 200 coins laying around to give out [21:17]
jcpham generally i'd say btc loans happen without collateral, based on trust [21:17]
jcpham see gribble bot [21:17]
mircea_popescu there's just a few hours left for subscribing in the 1st ever MPOE IPO (about five) [21:18]
mircea_popescu details are here : [21:18]
mircea_popescu i'll be announcing the closing results in about 6 hours or so . [21:18]
copumpkin what the hell, I'm gonna buy some shares [21:19]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: can I just tell you here and send you some coins? [21:19]
mircea_popescu no, email please. [21:19]
mircea_popescu ;gettrust mqrius [21:19]
Joric damn market [21:20]
mircea_popescu is gribble the ded ? [21:20]
btchero2 you only had one ; [21:20]
Joric any thoughts when it will go back to 4.8 [21:21]
mircea_popescu well tough luck for you m, if he had dealings i'd have loaned you. [21:21]
mircea_popescu i don't think this month, joric [21:21]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: done [21:21]
mircea_popescu eee [21:22]
mircea_popescu your grandsons will bless your wisdom into their old age [21:22]
copumpkin :) [21:23]
jcpham how much to play [21:23]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: once we figure out a good price, I might put more in [21:23]
mircea_popescu 0.1 is the min jcpham, but read the instructionz. [21:24]
jcpham i have to read? [21:24]
jcpham i thought i could just send bitcoins somewhere [21:24]
mircea_popescu copumpkin : i imagine the next offering will be more spacy. [21:24]
mircea_popescu you can, last three digits be 999 [21:24]
Mqrius Offer is closed by the way. Thanks for the interest guys [21:24]
mircea_popescu as in, 1.00000999 [21:24]
nanotube mircea_popescu: no, gribble is alive, your second semicolon is dead. :) [21:24]
mircea_popescu 1JPvucRfu3ZzEvfBUQTJwsxMrZjeTqD6zR [21:24]
mircea_popescu i noticed nano thanks :) [21:25]
nanotube :) [21:25]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: you gonna offer a larger percentage next time? :P [21:25]
mircea_popescu damned, i tried to go ::) [21:25]
mircea_popescu yes copumpkin. [21:25]
* agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [21:25]
copumpkin cool [21:25]
jcpham i have to translate it too!?!?! [21:25]
* joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:26]
mircea_popescu its in english dood [21:27]
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mircea_popescu this internet generation, has no spirit of observation. [21:27]
mircea_popescu *mumbles* [21:27]
Mqrius You should've linked to the simple english wikipage of your proposal. [21:28]
copumpkin lol [21:28]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: how old are you? [21:28]
mircea_popescu i thought i did link to the english ? [21:28]
mircea_popescu 32 cop. [21:28]
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* jcpham smells the law [21:28]
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Mqrius mircea_popescu: Yeah you did. [21:29]
jcpham i'm also 32 [21:29]
jcpham how coincidental [21:29]
mircea_popescu cool beans. [21:29]
btchero2 mircea_popescu, I am going to need to see proper documentation for your company or I will be forced to report you to the police [21:29]
mircea_popescu go ahead btc. [21:29]
btchero2 :) [21:29]
mircea_popescu i will have my wenches find you and fuck you to death. [21:29]
btchero2 sounds like a plan [21:30]
mircea_popescu with a prizewinning cucumber [21:30]
helo lol! [21:30]
jcpham replace fuck with fist and it gets worse [21:30]
mircea_popescu always a barb :) [21:30]
jcpham so this thing that' sin this other language [21:31]
jcpham how does it work [21:31]
mircea_popescu no srsly, did you read the inglish ? [21:31]
jcpham i want to but it's long [21:32]
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btchero2 you need to put a tldr for jcpham [21:32]
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Mqrius jcpham: There's a company, with bonds and stocks, you can buy them, and maybe you make money. [21:32]
Mqrius Now go read the damn thing :P [21:32]
mircea_popescu well don't invest in things you don;'t read eh [21:32]
mircea_popescu for the record, i worded x to come up with it and 3x to make it short. [21:33]
mircea_popescu apparently i'm better at coming up with shit. [21:33]
jcpham so email, send whatever with the 3x 9's at the nd got it [21:34]
smickles ;;ping [21:34]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: How much are you up since your inception? [21:34]
mircea_popescu how do you mean up ? [21:34]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: In terms of profits. [21:35]
mircea_popescu ya pretty much jcpham [21:35]
jcpham i'm still reading ;p [21:35]
mircea_popescu ~300 btc EBITDA, about 150 net. [21:35]
mircea_popescu there's a statement in there too if you care to look at the numbers mcorlett [21:36]
mcorlett I'd love to have a look! [21:36]
ocminer im selling 10 btc for 45 ppusd [21:36]
mircea_popescu >> [21:36]
ocminer sold [21:37]
a5m0 ;seen imsaguy [21:37]
a5m0 ;;seen imsaguy [21:37]
gribble imsaguy was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 14 hours, 10 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: but not all clients are that nice. [21:37]
imsaguy2 sup dawg? [21:37]
imsaguy2 delivered? [21:37]
imsaguy2 I haven't checked. [21:37]
a5m0 out for delivery [21:37]
imsaguy2 on my way home now [21:37]
imsaguy2 :) [21:37]
a5m0 well they should get there sometime today then [21:37]
imsaguy2 usps is slow iwth updates [21:38]
a5m0 for sure [21:38]
imsaguy2 I'm guessing they are there now [21:38]
imsaguy2 I'll let you know in 30 [21:38]
a5m0 i'm happy they got there so fast though [21:38]
imsaguy2 me too ;) [21:38]
a5m0 got my money's worth out of that shipping [21:38]
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* arij (48e18843@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:39]
a5m0 that would be like 3 days for parcel post, which is the same time frame as priority mail [21:39]
arij any one buyin? [21:39]
imsaguy2 buying what? [21:39]
arij btc [21:39]
imsaguy2 a5m0, yeah [21:39]
arij from me [21:39]
imsaguy2 via? [21:39]
arij pp [21:39]
a5m0 buying: 1x 5970 or 6990 [21:39]
arij ill send first [21:39]
imsaguy2 how many/much? [21:39]
arij if your record is good [21:39]
arij lemme check [21:39]
imsaguy2 sorry, record sucks [21:39]
imsaguy2 j/k [21:39]
arij 5.25000000 BTC [21:39]
arij its in my mt cox account [21:40]
arij so [21:40]
imsaguy2 ;;tell arij getrating imsaguy [21:40]
mircea_popescu mt cox lol [21:40]
arij hehe [21:40]
imsaguy2 ;;tell arij [getrating imsaguy] [21:40]
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rg who here has a really fast video card [21:42]
rg and wants to try cracking a .zip [21:42]
* squirgly (~squirgly@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:42]
rg and can practice discretion of the contents [21:42]
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`g_ cp spotted [21:43]
squirgly really [21:43]
squirgly do tell [21:43]
arij squirgly was i talking to u yesterday [21:43]
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squirgly no [21:44]
rg what `g_ ? [21:44]
arij ah i think it was sgornick never mind [21:44]
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mircea_popescu lmao she's riling ppl up [21:47]
btchero2 rg are you paying for this service [21:47]
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rg btchero: obviously [21:52]
rg its just some docs in a language you cant even read most likely [21:53]
* AnonX has quit () [21:53]
rg but first you need to see if hashkill-gpu works [21:53]
btchero2 Ok, I can try it if you want [21:53]
rg on your system [21:53]
rg download and install it, create a zip file iwht a password [21:53]
rg do hashkill-gpu -pzip -f [21:53]
btchero2 ok, let me hop on my miner real quick ill mesage you [21:53]
rg [21:53]
a5m0 has anyone tried the new scrypt miner for ltc that the solidcoin guys released? [21:55]
a5m0 i only have an nvidia gpu so i can't test if it's real [21:55]
a5m0 only runs on ati [21:55]
BTCHero btchero linux only? [21:56]
BTCHero lol [21:56]
BTCHero rg linux only? [21:56]
nanotube doesn't everyone run linux? :P [21:56]
mircea_popescu some people use bsd [21:56]
BTCHero you would think, but some of us aren't that cool [21:57]
a5m0 i've never met anyone that was a serious bsd addict [21:57]
mircea_popescu i have [21:57]
BTCHero not that that file would work for me anyway since it is a 32 bit machine anyway... gasp [21:57]
a5m0 i run openbsd on my router but that's about it [21:57]
nanotube mircea_popescu: bsd has linux compat ;) [21:57]
mircea_popescu in that sense women have men compat. [21:57]
nanotube yes they do [21:57]
a5m0 LOL [21:57]
nanotube heh [21:57]
gheorghe i was a bsd "addict", now I mostly run windows [21:58]
mircea_popescu but srsly, this person never ran anything else as far as i could tell, and was...well... a little unkempt. [21:58]
mircea_popescu o hai gheorghe [21:58]
gheorghe hai2u [21:58]
jcpham i'll run hashkill, but i need repayment for mining operation downtime [21:59]
BTCHero he said he was paying [21:59]
* Geheim (bcc18b97@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:59]
BTCHero I would hope at least enough to cover that [21:59]
jcpham these words are burning my eyes today [21:59]
* Geheim has quit (Client Quit) [22:00]
mircea_popescu suffer infidel [22:00]
mircea_popescu the mighty excoriations of CAPITAL [22:00]
mircea_popescu buuuurn [22:00]
* Rawl123 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [22:01]
rg you mine in windoze? [22:01]
rg haha [22:01]
mircea_popescu he gets blue screen of bitcoin [22:01]
a5m0 i mined on server 2008 r2, perfect uptime [22:01]
rg [22:01]
rg ^^ wasnt bad [22:01]
mircea_popescu apparently 2008 are decent [22:02]
mircea_popescu i never ran one [22:02]
Joric rg, i liked ascii-compatible looms [22:03]
rg haha yeah Joric [22:03]
rg but as far as action movies from comic books go [22:04]
rg it was decent [22:04]
* Meat (9b1f9ca9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:04]
rg wow [22:04]
Joric if Fight Club and Matrix had a retarded child, this would be it [22:04]
rg they make 75 million dollars from that movie [22:04]
* Testerosterone has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [XULRunner]) [22:04]
rg made* [22:04]
rg Budget: [22:05]
rg $75,000,000 (estimated) [22:05]
rg Gross: [22:05]
rg $134,294,280 (USA) (14 September 2008) [22:05]
rg 'Piracy is ruining the movie industry!' [22:05]
Meat fight club was such a good movie... [22:05]
* mb300sd (~mb300sd@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:06]
rg i enjoyed fight club the first 100 times [22:06]
rg now its on every other week on tv [22:06]
helo :D [22:06]
Meat rules 1 & 2 [22:06]
rg 'people like this? well, we better beat it into the ground.. until its gasping for breath begging to be put out of its misery' [22:06]
Joric <- 01010010 R (0x52) etc [22:06]
Meat ^wat? [22:07]
* mircea_popescu doesn't watch tv, doesn't have that problem [22:07]
rg i dont either [22:07]
Meat Isn't this suppose to be about bitcoins...Don't get me wrong, fight club is great but... [22:07]
* JimmyHo2 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [22:08]
helo only if someone has something to say about bitcoin :) [22:08]
Meat 800 MS points...How many bitcoins could I get? [22:08]
* hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:08]
rg mircea_popescu: you are so ... whats the word im looking for .. 'Pomposo' [22:09]
bitcoinTrader Any1 selling LR? [22:09]
mircea_popescu lmao [22:09]
mircea_popescu cause i don't watch tv ? [22:09]
rg 'i dont watch tv... im better than you' [22:09]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [22:09]
mircea_popescu i didn't say i was better than you eh. [22:09]
arij ay? [22:09]
* Meat has quit (Quit: Page closed) [22:10]
rg i cant think of the word im looking for [22:10]
mircea_popescu i think you might be lumping me with other people who don't watch tv [22:10]
mircea_popescu but really, we're not a race. it's just random ppl. [22:10]
rg seriously [22:11]
rg i need to stop eating cheese burgers [22:11]
jcpham where's this zip file [22:11]
Joric i had no tv before it was cool [22:12]
helo i want no tv :( [22:12]
helo the wife is a tv addict [22:12]
helo thinks me watching the tv shows she likes is "spending time together" [22:12]
mircea_popescu when was that joric ? [22:13]
errydayimgenerat weeeee [22:13]
mircea_popescu helo : take her from behind while she gazez into the tube. [22:13]
helo indeed! [22:13]
Joric mircea_popescu, very long time ago, 2000 maybe even earlier [22:14]
* BlueMatt has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [22:14]
mircea_popescu likes this new world where the 90s are even longer than very long ago. [22:15]
* mircea_popescu is also pretty sure the last thing he saw on tv was clinton's inauguration [22:16]
helo what about the 90's was particularly bad (or at least worse than previous decades)? [22:16]
Joric fuck 90s, there was no computers [22:17]
jcpham i had prodgy [22:17]
helo more computers than previous decades [22:17]
jcpham we downloaded wolensteain 3d shareware [22:17]
jcpham it was leet [22:17]
* JimmyHo2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:17]
helo i was in good shape in the 90s [22:18]
errydayimgenerat there were puters in90s [22:18]
errydayimgenerat imho 90s was golden age of pc gaming [22:18]
jcpham like night trap [22:18]
errydayimgenerat mid 90s espescially [22:19]
errydayimgenerat like 92-98 [22:19]
mircea_popescu wolf 3d kicked butt [22:19]
gheorghe the 90s had cocojambo and macarena [22:19]
mircea_popescu +1 on the computer gaming. heroes 2. [22:19]
jcpham [22:19]
errydayimgenerat of might and magic mircea_popescu ? [22:20]
mircea_popescu yes of might and magic. [22:20]
errydayimgenerat hehe [22:20]
* JimmyHo2 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:20]
errydayimgenerat i played 1 2 and 3 [22:20]
mircea_popescu best game ever made. [22:20]
mircea_popescu 3 was not bad either [22:20]
* hotinbit (7aa27ae9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:20]
errydayimgenerat 4 was ehhh [22:20]
errydayimgenerat 5 was p cool [22:20]
* JimmyHo2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:20]
mircea_popescu 1 was kinda 2 beta. and 4 suced balls omg. [22:20]
errydayimgenerat 3 was awesome [22:20]
errydayimgenerat 1 was solid too [22:21]
errydayimgenerat even though the warlock people were overpowered [22:21]
mircea_popescu well no see ? that's a problem [22:21]
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nicksy34 j [22:22]
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* zz_bitcoinsarefu is now known as bitcoinsarefun [22:25]
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errydayimgenerat but yeah [22:25]
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errydayimgenerat 90s gaming just had like, the most innovation and exploration in gaming too [22:26]
* Lolcust (twoohnine@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:26]
helo all of the base genres were ironed out [22:26]
errydayimgenerat now all the genres are like, laws almost, and a game has to fit up to everything [22:26]
BTCHero ;;view [22:26]
gribble #7026 Thu Mar 1 12:26:39 2012 BTCHero SELL 39.0 btc @ 200 Moneypak (None) [22:26]
helo indie games are doing well now, which has allowed a lot of genre bending [22:26]
[\\\] Oh yeah; to everything thinking I scammed saiga: I refunded him [22:27]
helo touch, motion interfaces [22:27]
BTCHero why was it broken? [22:27]
jcpham bahaaa [\\\] [22:27]
BTCHero I don't think anyone thinks you scammed him [22:27]
rg wait what the fuck [22:27]
jcpham i'd say dan suared got the scamhammer [22:28]
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rg 19:43 <`g_> cp spotted [22:28]
rg are you implying that my zip archive contains child pornography [22:28]
BTCHero seriously danieldaniel why did you refund him? [22:28]
rg cause if thats what you're saying [22:28]
rg i am deeply offended [22:28]
ineededausername lol what zip archive [22:28]
rg ineededausername: work asked me to crack 5 .zip archives [22:29]
jcpham the one we're trying to hax [22:29]
rg and i dont have OpenCL, etc setup on this box [22:29]
rg and it doesnt appear to want ot be setup [22:29]
jcpham i did setup hashkill [22:29]
rg jcpham: did you test that the zip module works [22:29]
rg with gpu? [22:29]
jcpham way back when that link was posted [22:29]
rg we're having trouble getting it to work on our lab machines [22:30]
jcpham what's the switch for that [22:30]
rg but those machines are all hacked to mine bitcoins [22:30]
rg :P [22:30]
rg umm [22:30]
rg hashkill-gpu -pzip -f [22:30]
rg create a test zip with a password [22:30]
jcpham i don't make a lot of zip's from terminal i admit [22:30]
rg ok hangon [22:31]
* SomeoneWeirdzzzz is now known as SomeoneWeird [22:31]
jcpham got it [22:32]
jcpham -e [22:32]
rg yeah [22:33]
rg cp /etc/hosts . ; zip hosts -e [22:33]
jcpham Username: Hash: Preimage: [22:34]
jcpham ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [22:34]
jcpham ZIP file 12345 [22:34]
jcpham ownaged [22:34]
rg so it does work [22:34]
rg ok [22:34]
rg msg [22:34]
mircea_popescu << doctors mine too. [22:35]
* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:38]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [22:38]
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rg [22:39]
rg thats what romanians do all day [22:39]
Joric bitcoinica just hit 5.00 [22:42]
mircea_popescu lol [22:43]
mircea_popescu usually she does that post-cock [22:43]
Joric sorry it already was 5.0 for a while i woke up late [22:43]
Joric [22:44]
rg ;;ticker [22:45]
gribble Best bid: 4.951, Best ask: 4.97756, Bid-ask spread: 0.02656, Last trade: 4.951, 24 hour volume: 41258, 24 hour low: 4.82129, 24 hour high: 4.98888 [22:45]
rg ;;asks 5.01 [22:45]
gribble There are currently 8717.6803 bitcoins offered at or under 5.01 USD, worth 43541.2776014 USD in total. [22:45]
rg ;;asks 5.00 [22:45]
gribble There are currently 8264.7643 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 41273.4678234 USD in total. [22:45]
rg not bad [22:45]
* ptresor has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [22:47]
Joric google mentioning bitcoins on the last keynote [22:47]
* squirgly has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [22:48]
* masori (~masori@gateway/tor-sasl/masori) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:48]
BTCHero what what is this interest thing on bitcoinica? I have to pay interest now? [22:48]
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vragnaroda BTCHero: All are bitcoin are belong to zhoutong. [22:49]
BTCHero I was thinking about throwing some btc in there then I log in and it is like VERIFY INTEREST... So I'm going back into my hole [22:50]
arij so whos buyin 5.25 btc from me for PP [22:50]
arij ? [22:50]
Joric yep zhou decided that artificially ajusted exchange rates were not profitable enough [22:50]
mircea_popescu lol [22:50]
mircea_popescu arij : i might [22:50]
mircea_popescu ;;ident arij [22:50]
gribble Nick 'arij', with hostmask 'arij!48e18843@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. [22:50]
phraust Anyone looking for MoneyPak? [22:50]
arij if u have a good record ill send it first [22:50]
BTCHero ;;view [22:52]
gribble #7026 Thu Mar 1 12:26:39 2012 BTCHero SELL 39.0 btc @ 200 Moneypak (None) [22:52]
* hotinbit has quit (Quit: Page closed) [22:52]
phraust ;;view [22:53]
gribble #7009 Wed Feb 29 17:18:46 2012 phraust SELL 1.0 MoneyPak @ 201.21 BTC (I have 3x $1,000.00 MoneyPaks, looking for trusted sellers.) [22:53]
* qwebirc1002880 (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:54]
* qwebirc1002880 is now known as inau2 [22:54]
mircea_popescu ;;rate arij 1 tiny btc sale, he sent first. [22:55]
arij :) [22:55]
rg yo quiro movies [22:55]
copumpkin by the way, I sent mircea_popescu 10000 btc for his IPO so don't even bother sending him any more cause you'll get nothing [22:56]
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* gribble gives voice to inau2 [22:56]
mircea_popescu you know anyone can check how much is in the ipo right ? [22:56]
copumpkin shush you [22:56]
mircea_popescu lmao [22:56]
Joric OMG [22:57]
Joric sky is falling [22:57]
Joric *bitcoin [22:57]
Joric false alarm [22:57]
inau2 huh [22:58]
inau2 darn [22:58]
inau2 ;;ticker [22:58]
gribble Best bid: 4.91098, Best ask: 4.91999, Bid-ask spread: 0.00901, Last trade: 4.91999, 24 hour volume: 42026, 24 hour low: 4.82129, 24 hour high: 4.98888 [22:58]
Joric well 4.9 [22:58]
* james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:58]
inau2 man, someone has to ruin the price every time it's about to go up [22:58]
inau2 lol [22:58]
mircea_popescu lmao [22:58]
* mircea_popescu likes price stability. [22:58]
vragnaroda Don't fucking shout. [22:58]
Cusipzzz confirmed tanking [22:58]
* rokj has quit (Quit: Leaving) [22:59]
Joric bitcoinica doesn't give a shit about tanking, it lags as crazy, upper limit is still above 5 [22:59]
* Rebroad has quit (Read error: Connection timed out) [23:00]
* Rebroad (~rebroad@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:00]
mircea_popescu o wow, im curious if the ipo goes over 100 btc. [23:03]
jurov maybe it will, i just sent not so small amount [23:04]
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mircea_popescu your grandsons will bless your wisdom in their old age. [23:06]
* angelo10 (~angelo10@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:06]
jurov maybe.. if i was not gay [23:06]
Joric demons! [23:06]
mircea_popescu copumpkin, you got overbid badly baby :D [23:07]
Joric i've seen it before, it's called zhou function [23:07]
[\\\] mircea_popescu: how many shares am I getting? [23:07]
mircea_popescu your subscription / total subscribed * 1mn [23:08]
imsaguy anyone that uses linode for your bitcoind... get it off now [23:08]
imsaguy like ASAP [23:08]
imsaguy [23:08]
inau2 yeah faucet got hacked and slush too [23:08]
inau2 the thief has 25k in his wallet :O [23:08]
arij gribble [23:09]
arij where the link so i can do pgp [23:09]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: I'm gonna murder whoever it was [23:09]
mircea_popescu wowza [23:09]
arij gpg [23:09]
arij the guide [23:09]
mircea_popescu ;;tell arij [guide] [23:09]
arij ;;thanks [23:09]
mircea_popescu ;;lolz [23:09]
mircea_popescu wtf happened there imsaguy [23:10]
rawrmage uh oh [23:10]
rg wow [23:11]
imsaguy basically, it appears there's either a vuln in linode's web manager or there's a rogue admin [23:11]
rg only if they used bitvps [23:11]
rg but seriously [23:11]
rg thats fucking gay [23:11]
mircea_popescu i bet badly set up machine [23:11]
rawrmage poor slush :( [23:11]
mircea_popescu neither linode nor actual rogue admin [23:11]
rg micrea.. [23:11]
mircea_popescu just, the machine got rooted. [23:11]
rg read teh post [23:11]
imsaguy mircea_popescu: it was many bitcoind instances [23:11]
* MouseFace (462453a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:11]
imsaguy mircea_popescu: obviously you didn't read [23:11]
rg multiple customers got owned [23:12]
mircea_popescu ok ok im reading [23:12]
rawrmage that really sucks for him [23:12]
rawrmage wow [23:12]
slush :'( [23:12]
mircea_popescu jesus support people are useless [23:13]
rawrmage slush: :( [23:13]
mircea_popescu sorry to hear slush [23:13]
rg Linode confirmed that it was their fault, see bottom of pastebin. [23:13]
rg So far it looks like superadmin account of Linode Manager leaked, which also explains why there was no login attempt to my account, although there was job for restart & password change. [23:13]
Cusipzzz sorry to hear it slush, Actually pretty amazed they admitted it. Most won't. [23:13]
rg welp [23:13]
rg time to start chipping in for a lawyer [23:13]
rg for slush to fucking sue linode [23:13]
* pentarh (~pentarh@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:13]
imsaguy hell yes [23:13]
imsaguy sue the bastards [23:13]
Joric wtf? faucet got hacked? i worry for ragecoin [23:14]
rg ;;calc 4500 * 4.89 [23:14]
gribble 22005 [23:14]
rg We appreciate your business and certainly want to keep you as a happy and satisfied customer. If there is anything we can do to make this up to you, certainly let us know. [23:15]
rg uh give me $20k. [23:15]
mircea_popescu lol ya [23:15]
mircea_popescu well, 12k [23:15]
imsaguy ;;calc 25000 * [ticker --last] [23:15]
gribble 122880.75 [23:15]
imsaguy thats how much in that stolen wallet [23:15]
rg welp [23:15]
rg looks like Linode is about to lose a LOT of business [23:15]
rg read that fucking post, its disgusting [23:16]
rg all they do is say 'its your fault' [23:16]
rg 'its your fault' [23:16]
rg 'oh its our fault . SRY lol' [23:16]
inau2 wow... [23:16]
Joric sorry guys someone hacked ragecoin... they stole everything... [23:17]
inau2 i hope the business goes to bitvps ;) [23:17]
mircea_popescu yeah rg. [23:17]
rawrmage imsaguy: so pretty much /everyone/ should move off of linode, if they have something there, no? [23:17]
mircea_popescu get one month free service! [23:17]
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arij mircea_popescu: i did it [23:19]
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arij i think [23:19]
vragnaroda rawrmage: I'd suggest that. [23:19]
mircea_popescu ok, so now login arij [23:19]
rg im posting it on webhostingtalk [23:19]
rg that they got owned [23:19]
vragnaroda (Unless they compensate everyone.) [23:19]
[\\\] oh god [23:19]
mircea_popescu people should be out of linode yes [23:19]
Cusipzzz yeah, new bitvps promo: our control panel sucks so no worries about hacking, come try it!" :) [23:19]
rg shutup it doesnt suck [23:19]
rg its just not finished [23:19]
* Joric_ (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:19]
* Joric_ has quit (Changing host) [23:19]
* Joric_ (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:19]
Cusipzzz rg: i kid, i kid [23:19]
mircea_popescu jesus cusipzzz you running in the acidic competition or something ? [23:19]
rg and you cant change a root password from it either [23:19]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Relax, its only ONES and ZEROS!) [23:19]
Joric_ bitcoinica was never hacked yet, it's about time! [23:19]
pirateat40 Cusipzzz, LMAO [23:20]
phantomcircuit Joric_, lol wat [23:20]
vragnaroda Well, if they compensate everyone and fix it, that is. [23:20]
phantomcircuit yes they were [23:20]
Cusipzzz imagine if bitcoinica was on linode....trainwrecko [23:20]
vragnaroda Until then, fuck them. [23:20]
Joric_ phantomcircuit, it was? [23:20]
smickles ,,asks 5.01 [23:20]
Joric_ phantomcircuit, ah, that thing with double payouts [23:20]
phantomcircuit Joric_, they had a race condition from not having any idea how mysql works [23:20]
phantomcircuit i guarantee there are worse vulnerabilities [23:21]
Joric_ well what you could expect from 17yo north korean [23:21]
rawrmage omg [23:21]
rawrmage this is futile [23:21]
rawrmage trying to talk to people who use linode [23:21]
rawrmage 16:19 < WhoNeedszzz> sounds like bitcoind has a backdoor [23:21]
rawrmage 16:20 < WhoNeedszzz> i trust linode [23:21]
rawrmage 16:20 < WhoNeedszzz> they are very helpful [23:21]
Cusipzzz rg: you should post on wht though. tons of people use linode [23:21]
[\\\] lol [23:21]
* Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [23:21]
phantomcircuit rawrmage, lol [23:21]
Cusipzzz lol [23:21]
arij i think i did mircea_popescu [23:21]
MouseFace wtb bitcoins [23:21]
smickles gribble: you should ,,letmein on the secret [23:21]
* gribble gives voice to smickles [23:21]
mircea_popescu ;;ident arij [23:21]
gribble Nick 'arij', with hostmask 'arij!48e18843@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user arij, with GPG key id A5DDB626778A4EB3, and key fingerprint C9F3A0FD77AD5AD45FACE5BBA5DDB626778A4EB3. [23:21]
mircea_popescu well done [23:21]
* Joric_ is now known as Joric [23:22]
arij :D [23:22]
mircea_popescu ;;rate arij 1 tiny btc sale, he sent first. [23:22]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user arij has been recorded. [23:22]
mircea_popescu now you do the same with me. [23:22]
rg welp [23:22]
arij whats the 1 for? [23:22]
rg i posted it on WHT [23:22]
mircea_popescu your rating level. [23:22]
arij 1 is the best? [23:22]
arij 10 is the worst?> [23:22]
Cusipzzz rg: linky [23:22]
mircea_popescu no, 1 is the lowest. used for 1st time transactions etc. 10 is for your wife. [23:22]
rg [23:23]
smickles -10 is the lowes, IMHO [23:23]
Cusipzzz wouldn't give my wife a 10, that's for sure [23:23]
rawrmage lol [23:23]
Cusipzzz she's shady [23:23]
* Silberfuchs ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:23]
smickles heh, me either :P [23:23]
smickles she can't handle money well [23:23]
arij ;;rate mircea_popescu 1 sold btc [23:23]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mircea_popescu has been recorded. [23:23]
* Dark_Apostrophe has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:23]
mircea_popescu i trust my womenz. [23:24]
rg heh [23:24]
rg this dude on wht [23:24]
rg asking for a 'turnkey vps service' [23:24]
smickles trust and 'trust with money' are different for me mircea_popescu [23:24]
mircea_popescu lol [23:24]
rg but he misspelled and wrote 'turkey' [23:24]
mircea_popescu no, i trust them with money, is the ideea. [23:24]
rg and for all interested [23:24]
rg i just moved the bitvps wallet [23:24]
rg (again) [23:24]
mircea_popescu a moved wallet grows no moss [23:24]
* DBordello (827ef020@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:26]
mircea_popescu i am guessing there should start to appear actual bonded vps providers for bitcoin [23:26]
mircea_popescu because i frankly don't think your ordinary "hey we have servers" provider is good enough. [23:26]
vragnaroda rg: bitvps ought to do that. [23:27]
mircea_popescu they need a "if we get hacked we return up to 500k in losses" on the marquee [23:27]
Rebroad what sort of T&Cs do linode have? Do they limit their liability? [23:27]
mircea_popescu i bet you they do. [23:27]
Cusipzzz then i log into the vps from some romanian vpn, empty the wallet, claim hack, and collect from poor ol rg [23:27]
mircea_popescu needs to be an actual exploit cusipzzz [23:28]
CaptainDDL scary that they didn't have any effective protection from rogue superuser accounts...I hope Linode reimburses slush & everyone for losses since this was their fault. [23:28]
Rebroad I wonder if anyone sells insurance for bitcoin wallets... [23:28]
Rebroad and if so, what security measures they'd insist upon [23:28]
Cusipzzz bout 0 chance linode gives slush btc back, sadly [23:28]
mircea_popescu ya, some of the wallet providers could start offering insurance. [23:28]
mircea_popescu i dont think they will cough up the dough, no [23:28]
vragnaroda Well, it's easy enough to tier that pricing. [23:29]
* charlierlee (43a07586@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:30]
mircea_popescu feeling a little entrepreneurial maybe vragnaroda ? [23:30]
smickles mircea_popescu: and they could offload the insurance risk by selling the contracts on my yet to exist exchange! [23:30]
smickles brilliant :D [23:31]
rg bout 0 chance linode does anything [23:31]
rg thats why im damaging their rep right now [23:31]
mircea_popescu lol what are you waiting for smickles ? [23:31]
rg this will not stand [23:31]
rg this is fucking horses hit [23:31]
rg people look to these companies to provide secure, private, vps [23:31]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: I'm probably not qualified. [23:31]
rg if you cant even secure a webapp, makes you wonder wtf else is going on in the network [23:31]
imsaguy rg: time to have a 'transfer from linode and save' sale [23:32]
mircea_popescu vragnaroda team up with a tech guy, i meant. [23:32]
mircea_popescu transfer from linode and save [23:32]
mircea_popescu your ass. [23:32]
* smickles codes ferociously [23:32]
rg imsaguy: feels kinda slimy to capitolize on slush's loss [23:32]
rg he actually has a VPS with us [23:32]
vragnaroda rg: wtf [23:32]
rg i should make sure its ok [23:32]
mircea_popescu capitalize [23:32]
imsaguy well then donate a portion to him [23:32]
imsaguy that can be your angle [23:33]
vragnaroda Of course you capitalize on it. [23:33]
mircea_popescu actually rg, give slush free vps [23:33]
mircea_popescu that works the best way. [23:33]
rg he already has a free VPS [23:33]
imsaguy slush, do you mind if rg whores you out? [23:33]
imsaguy rg: I meant donate a portion of all first month linode transfers to slush [23:33]
vragnaroda And he was keeping a wallet on linode? [23:33]
rg imsaguy: that sounds good [23:33]
imsaguy he has to in order to do automatic payouts [23:33]
MouseFace WTB bitcoins [23:34]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [23:35]
imsaguy I betcha it was the CIA [23:35]
DBordello imsaguy: It seems more like the FBI to me [23:36]
Joric it's clearly Google [23:36]
rg i bet you it was someone in here [23:36]
vragnaroda Mossad [23:36]
mircea_popescu it was the manipulator [23:36]
Joric note Eric Schmidt saying 'bitcoin' [23:36]
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reeses 3000 btc for ppusd, $4 [23:36]
rg and i bet those coins will show up here [23:36]
mircea_popescu he's running out of btc [23:36]
vragnaroda Oh wait, you already said Google. [23:36]
mircea_popescu ahahaha trollses [23:36]
Rebroad why was there so much BTC on the compromised server? [23:37]
* angelo1030 (~angelo10@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:37]
* randumbum ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:37]
Rebroad surely if it was to pay out pool members it could have been on a more secure server, no? [23:37]
mircea_popescu he pays out people rebroad. [23:37]
Joric he said 'bitcoin' twice can't be coincidence [23:37]
* angelo10 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:37]
rawrmage rg: lol [23:38]
rawrmage anyone wtb 25k btc ppusd? :P [23:38]
rawrmage lol [23:38]
Rebroad what is ppusd? [23:38]
rawrmage we need to make a list [23:38]
rawrmage of the addresses that get BTC from the stolen coins [23:38]
Rebroad why is it always 25k BTC? [23:39]
rawrmage no matter how far down [23:39]
rawrmage Rebroad: paypal usd [23:39]
rawrmage and then if someone shows up here with one of those inputs... [23:39]
rg oh btw rawrmage [23:39]
rg y9ou think you can just CANCEL a vps at bitvps? [23:39]
rg no.. we own you [23:39]
* tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [23:39]
rawrmage :> [23:39]
rg btw which box was it [23:40]
rawrmage i said sowwy [23:40]
rawrmage california [23:40]
rg aw thats the best one! [23:40]
Rebroad hmmmm.. were the bitcoins marked? I hear there's a special dye that can be used.. [23:40]
Joric selling 25k BTC @ $0.01, paypal [23:40]
rg you sure you dont wanna cancel a different one and stay at cali? [23:40]
imsaguy [23:40]
arij joric [23:40]
arij srsly? [23:40]
rawrmage rg: like as in move an existing one cross dcs? [23:41]
Rebroad wtf... [23:41]
Rebroad interesting coincidence.. [23:41]
rg yeah [23:41]
rg but if youre happy with the other ones [23:41]
rg no troubles [23:41]
MouseFace anybody want to sell bitcoins? Trying to get started... [23:41]
rawrmage everything's fine as is atm [23:41]
* bgupta ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:42]
rawrmage except for my nameserver but that's my fault [23:42]
arij i have .22 btc [23:42]
rawrmage build, damn you [23:42]
* imsaguy builds. [23:44]
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Joric he would probably sell them now, look for a 5k chunk on mtgox [23:46]
MouseFace ;;neonindian [23:47]
neofutur ;;ident MouseFace [23:47]
gribble Nick 'MouseFace', with hostmask 'MouseFace!462453a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. [23:47]
* orbiting has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [23:48]
Rebroad so, has slush told Thomas Asaro what the loss is as a result of their poor (i.e. lack of) security? [23:48]
neofutur MouseFace: register and ident, will be easier to find deals : [23:48]
BTCHero What Rebroad? [23:48]
MouseFace thanks [23:48]
neofutur what happened with slush pool ? [23:49]
rg neofutur: linode got owned [23:49]
rg they stole a shitload of coins [23:49]
* csshih (~craig@unaffiliated/csshih) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:49]
rg from people hosting wallets [23:49]
arij damn i wish that was me hahahahaa [23:49]
rg we're doing 40% of new users to slush to help him recoup losses [23:49]
a5m0 so linode didn't steal them but someone stole from them? [23:49]
rg arij: you wish you stole coins from people who worked for them? [23:49]
neofutur ah linode got hacked, not slush ? [23:49]
neofutur k reading now [23:49]
rg neofutur: slush got hacked cause of linsode [23:49]
rg they reset their p [23:50]
rg w [23:50]
neofutur still a good thing if slush is not responsible [23:50]
arij didnt the faucet get hacked [23:50]
arij or their vps on linode [23:50]
DBordello on linode [23:50]
Rebroad apparently linode customer account had only a 4 character password? [23:50]
Rebroad customer support account i mean [23:50]
mircea_popescu ahaahah clusterfuck [23:51]
Joric arij, it was like, news in the outside world: "Bitcoins got hacked!" News from inside the bitcoin world: "VPS hoster unknowingly allows full root access to any of their client's instances" [23:51]
neofutur he give one more reason to never allow root login on my ssh servers :p [23:52]
* mircea_popescu waves ad Dlorbedlo [23:52]
arij hehe [23:52]
arij thats so true [23:52]
neofutur well, in rescue mode the hacker can stillchange the sshd settings . . . [23:52]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:53]
neofutur probably what happenned when the servers rebooted [23:53]
* unclemantis (~unclemant@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:53]
neofutur if he can change root pass he can also do muc more ;( [23:53]
mircea_popescu they said they needed to change the shadow so yea [23:53]
Cusipzzz they key is to not allow ssh, or better yet unpluf the server completely. rg: then you can offer fully secured :) [23:53]
Joric being hacker i would randomly send random amounts of bitcoin to every forum's signature [23:53]
mircea_popescu if he cared joric he could [23:54]
neofutur but need to rescue mode yourself if any work need to be done . . . [23:54]
neofutur and anyway if a hacker access the datacenter manager, can go rescue mode . . . [23:54]
Joric hey, hacker, neat idea, isn't it? [23:54]
neofutur same result ;( [23:54]
Rebroad the person selling 25k BTC is talking on #bitcoin [23:54]
mircea_popescu lmao [23:54]
Rebroad and on here :) [23:55]
mircea_popescu i think you should become a cop rebroad. [23:55]
Cusipzzz uh [23:55]
mircea_popescu you tend to discover things [23:55]
Cusipzzz notsureifserious.jpg [23:55]
mircea_popescu that are new and exciting. [23:55]
Rebroad yeah. 4 months late usually though [23:55]
rawrmage wtfffff [23:55]
rawrmage this ebuild is broken [23:55]
neofutur luke-jr_ ebuild for bitcoin ? [23:57]
rawrmage ebuild for bind-9.8.1_p1 [23:57]
rg [23:58]
* hobodave (~hobodave@pdpc/supporter/professional/hobodave) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:59]
* att has quit (Read error: No route to host) [23:59]
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