Continuing with the reflective history of the republican forum -- still on logday 659 (year 6 d.Tr.)

Thursday, 11 July, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Yes, that's right : January 31st, 2014i was logday 659 because the republican log starts on April 13, 2012ii ; that'd make today logdate 2`646 (the d.Tr. thing is because Trilema itself starts in 2008iii).

There's no less than 2`584 lines making up logday 659, if you can believe that! No less than 26`630 wordsiv!!!

Now let's try a structured summary of the proceedings (on the left side, dash-separated, start and end lines ; categorical classification follows ; some explanation coming optionally after that, in paranthesis).

1 - 1 Ticker
2 - 6 Drama (some doge scam)
7 - 7 Reference (ongoing conversation)
8 - 9 Drama (same doge scam)
10 - 10 Ticker
11 - 16 Drama (same doge scam)
17 - 22 Signalling (I'm commissioning the Hitler paintingsv ; basically signalling happenes whenever two or more parties attempt to organize specific joint activity. It is different from discussion, which merely attempts to organize joint understanding -- with a view to possible future activity, yes, but as a potential rather than anything specific.)
23 - 23 Spam (yup, back then we actually had proto-deedbot set to spam the channel, as some kinda stotting behaviour, I retrospectively suppose)
24 - 25 Signalling (Same commission)
26 - 26 Spam
27 - 27 Ticker
28 -
36 Signalling (idem)
37 - 37 Bot (This is not a ticker, because the bot is not reacting to outside events, nor spam, because the bot's response can be fully predicted on the basis of in-channel material. It is rather what is currently deemed proper & traditional bot function.)
38 - 40 Signalling
41 - 41 Spam
42 - 43 Signalling
44 - 46 Paste (material from outside copied verbatim)
47 - 49 Drama
50 - 53 Paste
54 - 56 Drama
57 - 57 Paste
58 - 58 Bot
59 - 60 Paste
61 - 61 Drama
62 - 84 Discussion (that'd be what's currently deemed proper & traditional channel content ; different from pastes and drama somehow subtly in a comensurate manner as bot speech differs from tickers and spam -- the first an attempt to sync the proto-Republic to the outside world ; the latter churning through material to produce structured trees out of piled up ideals)
85 - 85 Bot
86 - 86 Drama
87 - 94 Signalling
95 - 95 Ticker
96 - 99 Drama
100 - 100 Ticker
101 - 106 Drama
107 - 107 Ticker
108 - 112 Drama
113 - 115 Discussion
116 - 116 Drama
117 - 117 Discussion (the fragmentation's suddenly apparent, isn't it)
118 - 118 Drama
119 - 119 Discussion
120 -120 Drama
121 - 121 Discussion
122 - 122 Drama
123 - 123 Ticker
124 - 136 Discussion
137 - 137 Ticker
138 - 168 Discussion (the discussion engine, whereby drama self-represses as discussions gear up was evident even as early as 2014 -- and, most importantly, before any explicit statement of its working, or attempt at codifying it. I personally believe this was one of the major latent necessary Republic constructors, playing approximately the same role as iron ore in human civilisation)
169 - 169 Ticker
170 - 189 Discussion (yes, there's two of them, but I judge the jurov intervention still counts)
190 - 190 Bot
191 - 191 Drama
192 - 192 Discussion
193 - 194 Drama
195 - 195 Discussion
196 - 196 Drama
197 - 241 Discussion (By now I can't keep myself from adding footnotes to the other one.)
242 - 243 Ticker
244 - 244 Paste
245 - 246 Ticker
247 - 250 Discussion
251 - 251 Ticker
252 - 253 Drama
254 - 254 Ticker
255 - 262 Drama
263 - 265 Discussion
266 - 269 Drama
270 - 270 Discussion
271 - 279 Drama
280 - 280 Discussion
281 - 281 Drama
282 - 292 Discussion
293 - 293 Ticker
294 - 296 Discussion
297 - 299 Drama
300 - 301 Discussion
302 - 304 Drama
305 - 305 Discussion
306 - 308 Drama
309 - 309 Ticker
310 - 311 Drama
312 - 312 Discussion
313 - 313 Ticker
314 - 314 Discussion
315 - 325 Drama
326 - 326 Paste
327 - 327 Bot
328 - 328 Ticker
329 - 329 Drama
330 - 330 Paste
331 - 342 Drama
343 - 345 Paste
346 - 351 Drama
352 - 354 Paste
355 - 355 Drama
356 - 356 Bot
357 - 357 Drama
358 - 358 Paste (holy hell this thing's fragmentary)
359 - 363 Drama
364 - 364 Paste
365 - 374 Drama (with some bot and paste interspersed, but whatever)
375 - 376 Ticker
377 - 390 Discussion (pretty advanced talk of optionality and closed windows for the context and the times, I guess)
391 - 391 Ticker
392 - 405 Drama
406 - 406 Paste
407 - 407 Bot
408 - 411 Drama
412 - 414 Discussion
415 - 416 Drama
417 - 417 Discussion
418 - 418 Drama
419 - 419 Discussion
420 - 421 Drama
422 - 423 Discussion
424 - 424 Drama
425 - 428 Discussion
429 - 429 Drama
430 - 430 Discussion
431 - 431 Drama (also very period-typical assonautism, huh.)
432 - 433 Discussion
434 - 437 Drama
438 - 438 Discussion
439 - 454 Drama
455 - 456 Ticker
457 - 457 Drama
458 - 504 Likbez (interestingly enough -- they listen to him much better than they listen to me ; as things currently stand I suspect this is because much fewer retards have fixed ideas on highly specialized technical topics they're just waiting for the slightest opportunity to broadcast in tedious repetitive detail. In other words -- nobody gets quite as hard for Noether as they get for that other Sheila slut.)
505 - 505 Ticker
506 - 513 Likbez
514 - 516 Drama
517 - 521 Likbez
522 - 524 Drama
525 - 526 Likbez
527 - 527 Drama
528 - 528 Ticker
529 - 538 Drama
539 - 539 Bot (not really that great)
540 - 542 Drama
543 - 543 Ticker
544 - 550 Drama
551 - 551 Discussion (alf makes a solid point, and one that still stands today, at the root of a well developed tree even)
552 - 552 Drama
553 - 555 Discussion
556 - 562 Drama
563 - 563 Bot (also fucking terrible, looks like Nede)
564 - 564 Drama
565 - 565 Discussion
566 - 566 Ticker
567 - 574 Drama
575 - 576 Ticker (notice the {} compression device btw, that was pretty cool ; and also if memory serves one of the first proto-Republican items specced in the republican manner, in channel, on a need driven basis and all that)
577 - 580 Discussion
581 - 581 Ticker
582 - 585 Discussion
586 - 586 Ticker
587 - 594 Discussion (with strong likbez edges -- this item incidentally was a characteristic strong point of early alf, his very strong likbez-discussion linking skills sparkled like diamonds. Nowadays the larger (to a surprisingly fine granularity of large-ness) items are "well known", such that they'll be passed by reference if at all, and to the superficial viewer this may alter the superficial view of the field. Then again, what the fuck does the superficial viewer ever know.)
595 - 595 Paste
596 - 596 Bot
597 - 597 Paste
598 - 598 Likbez
599 - 599 Paste
600 - 600 Drama
601 - 601 Likbez
602 - 606 Discussion
607 - 607 Ticker
608 - 615 Discussion (amusingly, S.NSA was in need of a next product even then!)
616 - 616 Drama
617 - 617 Bot (holy shit what the fuck is this, not even worth the mention! Either I've grown old or else 2014-era bait used to be utter shit)
618 - 644 Drama (very tenuously "Romanian whore words likbez", I guess)
645 - 645 Bot (even more useless than bait)
646 - 691 Discussion
692 - 692 Paste
693 - 707 Drama
708 - 709 Ticker
710 - 718 Discussion
719 - 719 Ticker
720 - 720 Paste
721 - 726 Discussion
727 - 727 Paste
728 - 746 Drama.
747 - 747 Paste
748 - 748 Bot
749 - 756 Drama
757 - 757 Ticker
758 - 760 Drama
761 - 761 Paste
762 - 762 Bot
763 - 763 Ticker
764 - 776 Discussion (though nonsense it may be, what can you do)
777 - 777 Ticker
778 - 783 Discussion
784 - 784 Paste
785 - 785 Bot
786 - 812 Drama
813 - 813 Paste (considering the github profile shows ~1k contributions in the last year ... anyone wanna drop this guy a line maybe ?)
814 - 814 Bot
815 - 816 Discussion
817 - 817 Ticker
818 - 824 Drama (incidentally, do you notice the very scarcevi presence of lolz, as in "lolz and drama" throughout this log ?)

Arriving at this point, about one third of the way in or so, and after having sunken something over four hours into this thing, I find myself embroiled in a conflict : the time I'd have to allocate to complete the task at hand would overrun the timeslots available (principally because I'm meeting some local cunt my slaves dredged up at eight, but be that as it may). There'd be, through linear interpolation, at least another eight hours more to just go through the raw material (and even if though systematic improvement borne by experience I might work more effectually and therefore faster, how much time can one shave this way here, an hour ? maybe two ?), and then I also wanted to do some processing on the structured data, draw some conclusions, all that good stuff. It'd add what, at least two more hours ? Yet it's past two in the evening now, adding eight to ten hours atop that makes it night, and well...

The solutions before me are the exact same ones as before anyone else in the same situation : either I blow off the timeslots, and I just persevere with whatever I happen to have in my hand forever, or however long it may take in any case ; or else I drop this thing, do the other thing, and pick up this thing again later.

I kinda hate doing that, honestly -- for purely subjective reasons I'm sure I very much prefer finishing things to switching out of things. So... well, there's obviously the cheating solution of pretending I wasn't going to go any further anyway, slap some rushed statistics atop right about here and call it good. Yet that idea doesn't much appeal, to be honest, because this article will live on like everything else on Trilema, and I'm going to be stuck looking upon its aborted face every so often from now on forever ? Meh. How about, instead of that, this other cheating solution that splits the difference : I'm going to publish what I have so far, incomplete as it may be, and either continue it later directly here, or maybe write a second part different article, or... I see what I'll do then. This seems to optimize all desirable outcomesvii while minimizing all undesirable outcomes, from my current point of view.

So... laters, I got things to do and holes to check out.

825 - 825 Ticker
826 - 826 Drama
827 - 829 Spam
830 - 832 Ticker
833 - 834 Drama
835 - 837 Ticker
838 - 828 Drama
839 - 844 Ticker
845 - 845 Spam
846 - 846 Bot
847 - 847 Spam
848 - 848 Drama
849 - 861 Ticker
862 - 862 Drama
863 - 863 Ticker
864 - 864 Spam
865 - 865 Bot
866 - 893 Ticker
894 - 894 Paste
895 - 895 Bot
896 - 897 Drama
898 - 899 Ticker
900 - 901 Drama
902 - 902 Ticker
903 - 903 Paste
904 - 904 Drama
905 - 905 Bot
906 - 907 Drama
908 - 908 Ticker
909 - 942 Drama
943 - 943 Paste
944 - 944 Drama
945 - 946 Paste
947 - 1019 Dramaviii
1020 - 1020 Ticker
1021 - 1024 Drama
1025 - 1025 Paste
1026 - 1026 Bot
1027 - 1028 Drama
1029 - 1029 Paste
1030 - 1034 Drama
1035 - 1035 Spam
1036 - 1036 Bot
1037 - 1051 Drama
1052 - 1052 Ticker
1053 - 1063 Spam (admittedly the drama/spam border is a little fuzzy)
1064 - 1070 Ticker
1071 - 1071 Paste
1072 - 1073 Drama
1074 - 1074 Ticker
1075 - 1076 Drama
1077 - 1078 Ticker
1079 - 1095 Drama
1096 - 1096 Ticker
1097 - 1098 Spam
1099 - 1099 Ticker
1100 - 1101 Spam (or I guess drama, huh)
1102 - 1102 Ticker
1103 - 1103 Spam
1104 - 1104 Bot
1105 - 1105 Spam
1106 - 1106 Bot
1107 - 1127 Discussion (me trying to get jurov to get off ass, start Slovak party. Didn't take.)
1128 - 1128 Ticker
1129 - 1211 Discussionix
1212 - 1212 Ticker
1213 - 1217 Discussion
1218 - 1218 Ticker
1219 - 1225 Discussion
1226 - 1227 Ticker
1228 - 1235 Discussionx
1236 - 1236 Paste
1237 - 1237 Bot
1238 - 1254 Discussion (including mention of Thomas Bata, the guy who invented what you "inexplicably" and "for no reason" call "psychological pricing" or "charm pricing" or "price ending" or just about anything, anything whatsoever, just as long it's not "Bata pricing". It could be five hundred consonants in an uninterrupted, unpronounceable string, you'll much rather say that than reference the inventor and thereby admit your indebenture to your betters. Right ?).
1255 - 1255 Paste
1256 - 1256 Bot
1257 - 1259 Drama
1260 - 1260 Ticker
1261 - 1265 Discussion
1266 - 1266 Paste
1267 - 1267 Bot
1268 - 1287 Drama
1288 - 1289 Ticker
1290 - 1299 Drama
1300 - 1300 Ticker
1301 - 1306 Drama
1307 - 1307 Ticker
1308 - 1317 Drama
1318 - 1320 Ticker
1321 - 1322 Drama
1323 - 1323 Ticker
1324 - 1327 Drama
1328 - 1328 Ticker
1329 - 1340 Drama
1341 - 1341 Ticker
1342 - 1355 Drama
1356 - 1358 Ticker
1359 - 1361 Drama
1362 - 1362 Ticker
1363 - 1364 Discussion
1365 - 1366 Ticker
1367 - 1367 Discussion
1368 - 1370 Ticker
1371 - 1371 Discussion
1372 - 1377 Ticker
1378 - 1387 Discussion
1388 - 1388 Paste
1389 - 1389 Bot
1390 - 1397 Discussion
1398 - 1410 Ticker
1411 - 1413 Ticker
1414 - 1414 Bot
1415 - 1420 Discussion
1421 - 1421 Paste
1422 - 1422 Bot
1423 - 1423 Paste
1424 - 1424 Bot
1425 - 1436 Drama, basically. I know, I know.
1437 - 1437 Ticker
1438 - 1440 Drama
1441 - 1441 Ticker
1442 - 1445 Drama
1446 - 1446 Ticker
1447 - 1447 Discussion
1448 - 1450 Ticker
1451 - 1456 Drama
1457 - 1457 Ticker
1458 - 1475 Drama
1476 - 1479 Ticker
1480 - 1483 Drama
1484 - 1484 Paste
1485 - 1485 Bot
1486 - 1491 Drama
1492 - 1492 Ticker
1493 - 1494 Paste
1495 - 1495 Ticker
1496 - 1497 Drama
1498 - 1501 Paste
1502 - 1504 Ticker
1505 - 1507 Paste
1508 - 1508 Bot
1509 - 1510 Drama
1511 - 1511 Ticker
1512 - 1520 Drama
1521 - 1521 Paste
1522 - 1522 Bot
1523 - 1523 Drama
1524 - 1524 Ticker
1525 - 1527 Spam
1528 - 1528 Bot
1529 - 1535 Drama
1536 - 1536 Paste
1537 - 1537 Bot
1538 - 1558 Drama
1559 - 1559 Ticker
1560 - 1561 Drama
1562 - 1562 Ticker
1563 - 1568 Drama
1569 - 1569 Ticker
1570 - 1575 Spam
1576 - 1577 Ticker
1578 - 1578 Spam
1579 - 1579 Ticker
1580 - 1580 Spam
1581 - 1581 Ticker
1582 - 1584 Spam
1585 - 1585 Ticker
1586 - 1586 Drama
1587 - 1587 Ticker
1588 - 1591 Drama
1592 - 1592 Ticker
1593 - 1602 Drama
1603 - 1603 Ticker
1604 - 1610 Drama
1611 - 1612 Ticker
1613 - 1618 Drama
1619 - 1620 Ticker
1621 - 1622 Spam
1623 - 1623 Ticker
1624 - 1624 Discussion
1625 - 1625 Ticker
1626 - 1630 Spam
1631 - 1631 Ticker
1632 - 1634 Discussion
1635 - 1635 Bot
1636 - 1636 Ticker
1637 - 1649 Discussion
1650 - 1650 Ticker
1651 - 1654 Discussion
1655 - 1655 Ticker
1656 - 1672 Discussion
1673 - 1675 Spam
1676 - 1676 Discussion
1677 - 1690 Spam
1691 - 1691 Bot
1692 - 1695 Spam
1696 - 1696 Ticker
1697 - 1698 Spam
1699 - 1711 Discussion
1712 - 1712 Spam
1713 - 1713 Discussion
1714 - 1714 Paste
1715 - 1715 Bot
1716 - 1716 Discussion
1717 - 1717 Ticker
1718 - 1792 Discussion
1793 - 1793 Ticker
1794 - 1810 Discussion
1811 - 1811 Ticker
1812 - 1815 Discussion
1816 - 1816 Ticker
1817 - 1819 Discussion
1820 - 1820 Paste
1821 - 1821 Bot
1822 - 1826 Discussion
1827 - 1828 Ticker
1829 - 1854 Drama, mostly.
1855 - 1855 Paste
1856 - 1858 Drama
1859 - 1859 Bot
1860 - 1865 Drama
1866 - 1866 Paste
1867 - 1871 Drama
1872 - 1872 Ticker
1873 - 1873 Drama
1874 - 1874 Bot
1875 - 1875 Paste
1876 - 1876 Ticker
1877 - 1882 Drama
1883 - 1883 Paste
1884 - 1884 Bot
1885 - 1885 Paste
1886 - 1889 Discussion
1890 - 1890 Ticker
1891 - 1896 Discussion
1897 - 1897 Ticker
1898 - 1902 Discussion
1903 - 1904 Ticker
1905 - 1907 Discussion
1908 - 1908 Ticker
1909 - 1910 Drama
1911 - 1911 Ticker
1912 - 1912 Discussion
1913 - 1913 Ticker
1914 - 1919 Discussion
1920 - 1920 Paste
1921 - 1921 Bot
1922 - 1923 Ticker
1924 - 1937 Drama
1938 - 1939 Ticker
1940 - 1944 Drama
1945 - 1946 Ticker
1947 - 1958 Drama
1959 - 1959 Ticker
1960 - 1960 Discussion
1961 - 1961 Paste
1962 - 1962 Bot
1963 - 1968 Discussion
1968 - 1969 Ticker
1970 - 1973 Discussion
1974 - 1974 Paste
1975 - 1975 Bot
1976 - 1976 Drama
1977 - 1977 Ticker
1978 - 1991 Discussion
1992 - 1992 Bot
1993 - 2017 Discussion
2018 - 2018 Ticker
2019 - 2041 Discussion
2042 - 2042 Paste
2043 - 2043 Discussion
2044 - 2044 Bot
2045 - 2108 Discussion
2109 - 2109 Paste
2110 - 2114 Discussion
2115 - 2115 Paste
2116 - 2123 Discussion
2124 - 2125 Ticker
2126 - 2128 Discussion
2129 - 2129 Paste
2130 - 2130 Bot
2131 - 2147 Discussion ("Altcoin" the altcoin was pretty much born here.)
2148 - 2148 Ticker
2149 - 2157 Drama
2158 - 2158 Ticker
2159 - 2162 Drama
2163 - 2163 Ticker
2164 - 2168 Drama
2169 - 2169 Paste
2170 - 2170 Bot
2171 - 2171 Drama
2172 - 2172 Ticker
2173 - 2173 Paste
2174 - 2174 Ticker
2175 - 2195 Drama
2196 - 2196 Paste
2197 - 2197 Bot
2198 - 2218 Drama
2219 - 2219 Ticker
2220 - 2225 Drama
2226 - 2226 Ticker
2227 - 2236 Drama
2237 - 2237 Ticker
2238 - 2241 Drama
2242 - 2242 Ticker
2243 - 2243 Bot
2244 - 2253 Drama
2254 - 2254 Paste
2255 - 2255 Bot
2256 - 2263 Drama
2264 - 2264 Paste
2265 - 2265 Bot
2266 - 2270 Drama
2271 - 2271 Ticker
2272 - 2272 Spam
2273 - 2273 Paste
2274 - 2295 Discussion
2296 - 2296 Paste
2297 - 2321 Discussion
2322 - 2322 Ticker
2323 - 2344 Discussion
2345 - 2346 Ticker
2347 - 2364 Discussion
2365 - 2365 Ticker
2366 - 2441 Discussion
2442 - 2442 Ticker
2443 - 2450 Discussion
2451 - 2451 Ticker
2452 - 2457 Discussion
2458 - 2458 Paste
2459 - 2459 Bot
2460 - 2460 Drama
2461 - 2461 Paste
2462 - 2462 Bot
2463 - 2465 Signalling
2466 - 2471 Drama
2472 - 2472 Ticker
2473 - 2473 Paste
2474 - 2475 Drama
2476 - 2476 Ticker
2477 - 2478 Drama
2479 - 2482 Ticker
2483 - 2489 Drama
2490 - 2491 Ticker
2492 - 2492 Paste
2493 - 2493 Bot
2494 - 2495 Drama
2496 - 2496 Ticker
2497 - 2498 Dramaxi
2499 - 2499 Ticker
2500 - 2515 Discussion
2516 - 2516 Ticker
2517 - 2520 Discussion
2521 - 2522 Ticker
2523 - 2528 Discussion
2529 - 2529 Paste
2530 - 2530 Bot
2531 - 2531 Drama
2532 - 2532 Ticker
2533 - 2540 Drama
2541 - 2541 Ticker
2542 - 2559 Signalling
2560 - 2560 Bot
2561 - 2561 Signalling
2562 - 2562 Bot
2563 - 2571 Signalling
2572 - 2572 Paste
2573 - 2575 Bot
2576 - 2584 Signalling

Whew! We're done, can you believe that ?!

Now let's see some breakdown. First we're gonna

cat data.txt | awk '!(NR%1){print $3}' | sort -u | uniq

To get the list of Bot, Discussion, Drama, Likbez, Paste, Reference, Signalling, Spam, Ticker so as to then...

cat data.txt | awk '!(NR%1){print $2-$1+1" "$3}' | awk '$2 == "Bot" {Bot += $1} $2 == "Discussion" {Discussion += $1} $2 == "Drama" {Drama += $1} $2 == "Likbez" {Likbez += $1} $2 == "Paste" {Paste += $1} $2 == "Reference" {Reference += $1} $2 == "Signalling" {Signalling += $1} $2 == "Spam" {Spam += $1} $2 == "Ticker" {Ticker += $1} END {print "Bot: "Bot" ; Discussion: "Discussion" ; Drama: "Drama" ; Likbez: "Likbez" ; Paste: "Paste" ; Reference: "Reference" ; Signalling: "Signalling" ; Spam: "Spam" ; Ticker: "Ticker}'xii

thus obtaining our results :

Bot: 63 ; Discussion: 1045 ; Drama: 674 ; Likbez: 64 ; Paste: 85 ; Reference: 1 ; Signalling: 70 ; Spam: 73 ; Ticker: 260.

Actually... would you like to see percents ? I guess we could do that, yeah.

Bot: 63 (2%) ; Discussion: 1045 (44%) ; Drama: 674 (28%) ; Likbez: 64 (2%) ; Paste: 85 (3%) ; Reference: 1 (0%) ; Signalling: 70 (2%) ; Spam: 73 (3%) ; Ticker: 260 (11%).

Holy hell, look at that! I wonder how I did it ?

Not to mention... they don't even add up, we have a 95% whole!!

But moving on : discussionxiii was by far the dominant category even five years ago ; and while I could formulate a few objections to the form in which things are discussed, I daresay that if we try and weigh the substance, a day in 2014 doesn't have all that much to be ashamed of. We were lifting heavy rocks back then as well.xiv

Anyway, by now I've forgottenxv what I even wanted to do with this, so I guess it'll have to stand as it is. Here lie buried about eight hours of my time -- unlike all the other hours these get an epitaph.

  1. Not that notable a day as far as anyone knew before. The only item published on Trilema that day was this "No argument" piece resulting from line 451, and otherwise... do you remember anything noteworthy to have happened on that date ? []
  2. IRC logs (and subsequently IRC lulz & drama -- the twin bedrock of early Bitcoin) exist that predate that date, however the cutoff is not arbitrary, but in fact the furthest from arbitrary one could have : sometime after Dragon Day I handed over a complete and correct list of loglines going back as far as I judged worth it (no kidding, I actually sat down and figured this out).

    Earlier material does in fact exist, on my hard-drives as well as (likely) dozens of other people's (then again... tens of thousands of Bitcoins also "exist" in the same manner and to the same degree -- and mostly on those same people's! -- hard-drives) ; but it has relatively little to do with Bitcoin or The Most Serene Republic of Bitcoin, and relatively altogether everything to do with various randos (including yours truly) struggling with the mud and cockroaches inhabiting their own skulls.

    PS. The "dragon day" thing itself is a much older reference. []

  3. Though here as well material perhaps exists predating that date. []
  4. Yielding an average line length of 10.3 (compared to say yesterday's 24.9, ie 1`967 words over a mere 97 lines) and an average debit of 18.5 words per minute -- about 10% of the world record or thereabouts, though in fairness that guy didn't type for a day straight at that speed.

    Just... wow.

    How the hell did we put up with reading all that!? []

  5. This is an ongoing Trilema lolreference -- very early stuff, four digit comment indexes sorta thing. []
  6. In fairness, lolz exist in drama, they're a meta-effect of it, much like rainbows exist in air. From a certain well chosen vantage any slice of air contains a rainbow, though not all rainbows are necessarily that great ; and exactly so with lolz and drama : all drama is lulzy from a certain pov, but no thing such as de-dramified lol can ever exist. Not anymore than vacuum rainbows can exist, at any rate. []
  7. Consider how this choice interacts with "intellectual property" -- what happens if someone else "steals" ie continues my work, for instance ?

    There's a lot buried in right here about the Republic as an intellectual approach, you know ? What will it hurt if people can read my drafts while I'm not working on them, you think ? []

  8. Money shot : line 1018.

    mircea_popescu: i think entire retirements will consist of strictly cataloguing the insanity that went on back in this day.

    You know ? []

  9. And quite a gem thereof! Some selected moneyshots :

    mircea_popescu: because by 2018 it will be all "hello I'm Herp McDerp, I have 0.059876 btc in a webwallet, let me tell you all about Bitcoin"

    mircea_popescu: wao-ender nothing comes of those who think about things, in my experience.

    jurov: everythin *will* end up on my back

    Soo... was it a back well saved ? []

  10. mircea_popescu: no, reward is there in you expressing yourself, and expressing this thing you believe in.

    Right ? []

  11. The naive idea at the time was that somewhere, in the magic woods or who knows where exactly, there's this vast pool of people intellectually capable of running a business, and what's really and truly needed is you know, support services for them.

    Come to think about it, that's still the naive idea -- this is one of those naive ideas that seems to never fucking die, just moves about. Anyway, no, the world doesn't have more entrepreneurs not because "friction", but because "people themselves" are useless moronic fuckwits still with us because not worth a bullet and for no other reason. The world population at any given time is stuck here, yes, but stuck here in the opposite way you imagine : they're stuck here by the presence of a floor, not stuck here by the imaginary presence of an imagined ceiling. If it weren't for the ground they'd fall through ; there's no "glass ceiling" in the sky and yet they're not floating away to anywhere. []

  12. Do you suppose I hand typed all of that ? Well... I didn't, hence the previous "let's extract the labels" step. It stands to reason instead of print $3 one could just do print "blabla"$3"blablasomemore"$3"again" and so on yes ?

    Suddenly spyked's point is a lot closer to focus, I'd guess ? []

  13. Though definitely using the term rather lightly by today's standards -- which observation slams open the doors to Pandora's temple. What portion of one man's Drama is another man's Signalling ? Which Discussion is Likbez and which Likbez is Discussion and for whom ?

    Und so weiter, the problem of summarization is that, strictly speaking, summarization in the general case is impossible -- what is "gained" through shorter form is lost through narrower readership. And no, this isn't limited to "other people" -- one could get something summarized so damned well, even he "himself" can't read it anymore, a few hours later.

    No man ever dips twice into the same river of words -- because it's never the same river of words and he's never the same man.You see me daily struggle with that "where the fuck was it" quest. Sometimes it succeeds, some other times it fails, yet it hasn't so far occurred to anyone to complain about Trilema being... overabridged. And yet it is, of course it is, all writing is summarization. []

  14. The constant interruptions are fucking infuriating, though, I'll say that. This is visible in the immense length of the tagged summary, 565 individual fragments are required to describe the day, this is a factor of merely 0.218 holy hell.

    Nevertheless, I suspect the interruptions are a lot less painful to the reader than to the summarizer, it's easier to skip lines than to create new entries in your summary. []

  15. Forgotten my foot, I was going to do a real summary like the first few lines at the beginning, but it is impossible.

    Sorry. []

Category: Bitcoin
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6 Responses

  1. If I remeber correctly the guy showed up again briefly in 2017. I'm guessing his ADD simply precludes meaningful participation, is all.

  2. "what happens if someone else "steals" ie continues my work" - bwahahahaa, where are those mythical work-stealing someones, I wish to know (to invite them over to my mountain of work-to-steal)!

  3. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 11 July 2019

    @pletzalcoatl Possibru. Do me a favour drop him a hi! anyways ?

    @Diana Coman You know ? What next, going about in fear dad's older brother's gonna steal our nose.

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Friday, 12 July 2019

    Aaand updated.

  1. [...] at their encounter with Bitcoin ; prior to that moment they were living a happy life made out of Baťa prices [↩]Exact figue. Source. [↩]Since the principal considerations have to do with disk [...]

  2. [...] under discussion (which wouldn't be a problem at all, quite the opposite) but more importantly as amount of noise, especially in the early days. So from my point of view and for my own needs, they don't make the best starting point either [...]

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