The Most Serene Republic's list of rogue states, unrecognized goverments and criminal syndicates

Thursday, 25 February, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu


There can not exist a manner to distinguish between the three types of entity. A rogue state is by definition headed by an unrecognized government. An unrecognized government necessarily drives all it touches outside the law, and also necessarily as part of its activity makes claims, which are false, but which may or may not take in a number of innocent bystanders. That number is not in principle knowable at any point, and especially unreliable retrospectively, given the universal human ability and propensity to rewrite history, especially personal history. Consequently, the difference between a criminal syndicate that at no point exercised control over a state and an unrecognized government that did exercise such control is by and large in the eye of the beholder, and not something to be established objectively but either statutorily or arbitrarily. Similarly, the difference between the rogue state and its unrecognized government is by and large predicated on the psychogenic encapsulation taking place in the mind of rather confused individuals, separating subjectively defined "good" and "bad" parts of the selfi. For these reasons on one hand, and for the more important consideration that the harm done or attempted to be done to decent, law abiding citizens by these abominations is the same regardless, B,TMSR~ makes no distinction between the three and will prosecute them indistinctly.

B,TMSR~ recognizes the principle that individuals are responsible for their own actions, as well as for the full extent and effect of any and all acts committed by any rogue state, unrecognized government or criminal syndicate the individual was part of, in totality and without limitation. This principle was introduced historically by meanwhile failed states formerly known as "the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" and "the British Empire" as part of their prosecution of captured individuals in various manners associated with the defeated German state, but has been in use throughout history as a means to deter and eventually punish undesirable behaviour of individuals during their hallucinated appartenence to unwelcome organisations, however such organisations may call themselves or be called by the various lunatics to be found in the general public at all times. Even after the dissolution of the erstwhile conception of state and the assumption by The Most Serene Republic of all sovereignity in all matters, this principle carries, being both sound in logic and useful in practice.

This list will be maintained. The peers in the esteemed Lordship may make proposals for modification as they see fit.

The List of rogue states, unrecognized goverments and criminal syndicates :

  1. The United States, dba an endless plurality of trade names, aliases and street names.ii

The Most Serene Republic consequently directs all its members and agents to take posession in the field of any assets, items or materiel of any kind or nature that was used, may have been used, or could conceivably be used in furthering the criminal conspiracies of the rogue states / unrecognized governments above listed ; to arrest and execute on the spot any individuals provedly agents of the rogue states / unrecognized governments above listed ; to arrest and detain for eventual prosecution any individuals that are suspected but not proved to have been working for, or with, or in furtherance of the criminal conspiracies of the rogue states / unrecognized governments above listed.

With the enemies of humanity, peace can never be.

  1. Take for a good illustration the agents of a rogue state gone rogue themselves, Shaun W. Bridges, Carl Force IV etc. Are these good Americans but bad USG agents ? Are they bad Americans but good USG agents ? The question is entirely subjective. []
  2. To barely scratch the surface of reasons, here's a rough sketch of a few chapters.
    Bitcoin-related :

    • A convicted felon and 'Ndrangheta captain by the name Sonny Vleisides ran a criminal operation in direct violation of the terms of his parole known variously as "BFL", "Butterfly Labs" etc. Various soi-dissant US authorities were notified in private to proceed with prosecution, capture the felon and deliver him to justice, as well as publicly. Contrary to promises made throughout, the rogue state/criminal syndicate instead failed to prosecute, and released the felon - in the process selling the act of justice in exchange for a shockingly paltry sum.
    • A convicted felon and general low life ran a Ponzi scheme. Various soi-dissant US authorities were notified in private to proceed with prosecution, capture the felon and deliver him to justice, as well as publicly months before the scheme's collapse, but instead chose to delay taking any action whatsoever until a year afterwards, in spite of the felon in question being a US resident throughout, in the vain hopes that such shenanigans may destroy our fledging republic.
    • A convicted felon ran a scam purporting to be a Bitcoin-to-fiat exchange. Various soi-dissant US, French as well as Japanese authorities were notified in private to proceed with prosecution, capture the felon and deliver him to justice, as well as publicly. The US side, after satisfying itself that there was indeed a criminal operation underway decided to steal some of the proceeds for itself and otherwise ignore the matter - exactly what you'd expect of the average Mafia don.

    Political history :

    • The United States falsely claimed to be in possession of proof that a former Iraq president had chemical weapons, on which basis it coerced a number of other states to join in a military operation against another state. Iraq has been in chaos ever since.
    • The United States falsely promised to random malcontents that they will receive support in overthrowing the government of Ukraina. Ukraina has been in chaos ever since.
    • The United States falsely promised to random malcontents that they will receive support in overthrowing the government of Syria. Syria has been in chaos ever since ; in a recent attempt to escape their own creations, the United States have just sold off the same would-be rebels to their enemies.

    Socio-economics :

    • As a result of United States puffery in the Middle East, a wave of millions of refugees crushed Europe. The costs for this largest movement of population since the Mongol Invasion has not yet been covered in full by the responsible party.
    • As a result of United States puffery in regards to Russia as well as crony capitalist choices in regards to industrial development that are nonsensical and undefensible in practice, a major price war in oil ignited, which has put an end to Canada (and likely Norway) as an industrial nation. The cost for this shift has not yet been covered in full by the responsible party.

    The list could go on endlessly, but also pointlessly : the rogue state owes in damages more than it could ever, in any possible view be worth, and is guilty of enough crimes to hang every last inhabitant of its misfortunate shores anyway.

    Time to dissolve the pretension and start hanging the guilty. []

Category: Bitcoin
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2 Responses

  1. [...] it’s not the part about taxation, or how it exists in opposition to rouge states that might see signing as an act of treason. It’s the seemingly innocuous line about how men are [...]

  2. [...] start of a list of rogue states with the US as the first and only entry, added by Mircea Popescu (the list was open to proposals [...]

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