Introducing the Bitcoin ISP

Friday, 08 May, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

The Bitcoin ISPi is a provider of hosting services for discerning customers (a list which already includes MPEx, No Such lAbs, Minigame, Qntra, Trilema and diametric).

You too can become a customer, provided :

That's it.

Note that Bitcoin ISP does not offer any sort of shared servers : no VPS, no "cloud", no bullshit. You will be getting bare metal (with a Linux flavour of your choice preinstalled if you wish), root and IPMI/KVM credentials and that's basically it. Note that Bitcoin ISP may be able to offer support, on a case by case basis, but you shouldn't rely on it. Either be a competent sysadmin yourself, hire your own sysadmin independently or ask in #bitcoin-assets, plenty of people there willing to do work for hire on a per-project basis so it's unlikely you won't find any.iii

Note that Bitcoin ISP exclusively works with datacenters and providers that explicitly advertise their willingness and history of disobeying "rules", "laws" and assorted derpage - what is commonly known in Internet parlance as "bulletproof" hosting. While this provides a reasonable basic layer of protection that you may rely on if you are in the right, and that will readily sink the sort of spurious claims random Internet scammer with a budget is often seen to make, it does not constitute an open ended license to do absolutely anything may cross your mind. If what you are contemplating is of dubious legality according to one or more pretend-sovereigns of the fiat kind, it behooves you to ask. If you simply proceed without asking, you run the significant risk of damaging your reputation with the only entity that matters in the world today, which is Bitcoin, The Most Serene Republic Of ~.

In any case, Bitcoin ISP will be publishing a monthly report at the end of this month, after which arrangements to be listed on MPEx will be made. See you on the tubes!

PS. If you consider your legitimate interestsiv harmed or unfairly hindered by the activity of someone hosted by Bitcoin ISP, your only avenue is to voice your concerns in #bitcoin-assets. This does require you to have a WoT registration. The world had been on notice that it must be duly registered in the WoT for a long time now. You are not an exception, no matter how much you wish to think yourself exceptional.

  1. Soon to become a Bitcoin registered company, trading as S.BISP on MPEx. []
  2. To check, put your name in the 2nd box and click "Trust To". []
  3. As the expression goes, "if you can't find what you want, either you didn't want it hard enough, or you tried to haggle over the price". []
  4. Note that this is strictly different from your "legally defined" interests. We really don't give a shit what the pretend-sovereigns do or say, and we do actually have the means to enforce this. If you are indulging the delusion that you can go complain to your "democratically elected national government" about the activity of wilful subjects of the Most Serene Republic, you are facing the following gamut :
    1. your soi dissant sovereign is more than willing to fleece you, so you will pay through the nose for his "services".
    2. your soi dissant sovereign is neither actually sovereign nor is he able to actually do anything effectual, and so he won't.
    3. you will likely piss off one or more Bitcoin people, and that right there's the end of your future.

    If you are interested in actually obtaining redress, such as it may be available, rather than wasting your meagre resources on the altar of propping up the position of a dead entity in a battle it's already lost, you will follow procedure. []

Category: Bitcoin
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36 Responses

  1. Mitchell`s avatar
    Saturday, 9 May 2015

    One small typo: link to No Such lAbs is missing http:// so it's going to a 404 on Trilema.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 9 May 2015

    Ah, thanks for catching that. Fixed.

  3. Alex Green`s avatar
    Alex Green 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    In which country will this ISP be physically located?

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    Bitcoin, The Most Serene Republic Of~.

  5. Edgar Gorrister`s avatar
    Edgar Gorrister 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    Some questions:

    1. What jurisdiction is "Bitcoin, The Most Serene Republic Of~" in?
    2. Does it (the jurisdiction or the ISP) get its IP addresses from ARIN, RIPE, APNIC, or some other entity?
    3. What sort of bandwidth is provided?
    4. Could you offer BSD UNIX instead of Linux?

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    1. What do you think "serene" means ? B,TMSRO~ is the unversal jurisdiction - everything else is a [more or less rebellious] vassal of it.

    2&c. BISP is not offering anything to the general public. If you aren't in my L2 WoT these considerations are moot for you. If you are, ask in that venue.

  7. Marsden Miller`s avatar
    Marsden Miller 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    Before I consider joining your Web of Trust, could you answer questions 2 and 3 as listed above? Those are quite important for an ISP to provide, and rumor has it that you merely lease machines in the United States and Poland. I hope you can prove the rumor false.

  8. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    You drastically misunderstand how this works. What you're saying is, "before I consider being socially introduced to you / participating in my cotillon / getting baptised" etc. These aren't things you consider. These are things that happen to you, as a passive object. You're not the hero of the story, just an extra.

    Should you one day be deemed worthy by the people in my L1 to be in their L1, you will then be in my L2, that's what that means. Obviously you can never be so considered if you don't even exist, but that doesn't put you in control of the process.

  9. This Marsden Miller wouldn't be Marsden W. Miller, Jr. of "Following the reversal by this Court of the mail fraud convictions of defendants-appellants Marsden W. Miller, Jr. (Miller) and William C. Huls (Huls) because the indictment and the jury instructions permitted the jury to convict without finding the deprivation of a property right, the government brought a new indictment." fame, would he?

  10. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    Would you look at that!

  11. Muchin Lolther King, Jr`s avatar
    Muchin Lolther King, Jr 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    Dats racis

  12. Michael Marquardt`s avatar
    Michael Marquardt 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    "...will likely piss off one or more Bitcoin people, and that right there's the end of your future."

    Someone hasn't notified Mark Karpelès of this. He messed with lots of "Bitcoin people" and he's alive and well… and still has a future.

  13. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    You don't seem to understand what Bitcoin people means, by the use of the quotes. Hint : it's not derps on the forums.

    The end of MtGox was decided, and announced for the benefit of those "Bitcoin people" at the first Bitcoin conference. Whether anyone belabouring under the delusion of involvement in Bitcoin was close enough to those participating to have been in turn informed or not is entirely their problem - that's kinda how these things work.

    The future of Karpeles in Bitcoin terms is exactly like the future of Shrem in Bitcoin terms. Or, for that matter, your own.

  14. aaaaaaaa`s avatar
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    There is a lot of potential clients that already have bitcoins - and primarily earn bitcoins, but I'm sure they're not going to bother given how vague the thing is. I'm in L2 already and won't.

    I'm also suspicious of how novel it is presented to have "bare metal". It's renting hardware, which is the most popular hosting method; the "cloud" doesn't represent much. And then, most serious people do not rent anything but the network access and electricity; in fact some communities heavily look down using rented servers.

  15. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 12 May 2015

    There "is" a lot of all sorts of things, and I care deeply about all of them.

  16. Michael Marquardt`s avatar
    Michael Marquardt 
    Wednesday, 13 May 2015

    "The future of Karpeles in Bitcoin terms is exactly like the future of Shrem in Bitcoin terms. Or, for that matter, your own."

    You seem to be relying on the actions of the United States government quite a bit. Does "Bitcoin's Most Serene Republic", as you put it, host a military base, too?

  17. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 13 May 2015

    DYOR, which is like BYOB but with research.

  18. You seem to be relying on the actions of the United States government quite a bit.

    Check out the poisonous bullshit oozing out of theygross!
    1. Derp signs pact with the devil.
    2. Derp contacts MP.
    3. MP tells him derps that sign with the devil no longer get a voice.
    4. Asset intervenes with "oh MP, you seem to be relying on the actions of the devil!!11".

    Yeah dude, totally, that's what happened there. MP relied on the actions of the USG. Naaarf.

  19. Michael Marquardt`s avatar
    Michael Marquardt 
    Wednesday, 13 May 2015

    3. MP tells him derps that sign with the devil no longer get a voice.

    The voice I have seems to carry more than his, wouldn't you say?

  20. What I don't really understand is the preoccupation with novelty, real, perceived, whatever. Not only in pankkake's comment above, I've seen it also on Reddit, Facebook and so on. "The sovereignity claims put forth here, and the WoT dependency involved aren't important", this braindamaged narrative goes, "because paying Bitcoin for hosting services was done before".

    How is this thought process supposed to work, I wonder? Could one hold by the same mechanism something like "your marriage to your wife is invalid, notwithstanding the children, because she kissed a boy behind the bleachers back in 9th grade"? Do these people tell the cabin crew of a commercial airliner things like "whatever, your plane's not even that great - I watched my neigbour fly his quadcopter before even coming here! It was a lot quieter than this."?

    Baffling Internet people.

  21. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 13 May 2015

    @pletzalcoatl Guy does what he does, to you least of all this should constitute a surprise.

    @Michael Marquardt I wouldn't say.

    @Anon But it's very simple. Watch the model in action:

    First, on the ideological angle, "You are great, don't let anyone or anything ever humble you." Because that's what's important, preserving one's delusional self esteem, even at the cost of making learning impossible.

    Then, the practical problem : here is an object you do not understand. The dilemma is that either you atempt to understand it, and thus invalidate 1 (because you will have to reject some parts of yourself to accomodate the new thing) or else attempt to reconstruct it, out of the parts you already know (which may be but don't necessarily have to be related to the item in question).

    Once one settles on the latter solution, the drastically pared down universe he inhabits makes observations such as

    Yes, he is that delusional. He is also a horribly bad writer. When the footnotes are the same length as the main article, then something is wrong. Only time that would be even remotely acceptable was if it was references in a scientific paper. The language is a real pain as well. It almost seems like he is writing with a thesaurus next to him to find the most pretentious words possible.

    which are strictly correct : if someone with a marginal highschool education (the sort that is obtained, with a little luck, through a full college degree in the US these days) were to cut out everything they don't understand, the remainder would be exactly of that nature. In particular rank nonsense like "you are a bad writer because I don't understand what you're saying" meshes exactly with this proposed process.

    So there you go, a model with predictive power.

  22. Then the "I'm sure they're not going to bother given blablabla" is pretty much a cry for help. Avoiding the dilemma by seeking out the owner of the thing in question specifically, just so as to state that one is "too disinterested" to consider the dilemma sounds a lot like that itsy-bitsy-teenie-weenie-yellow-polka-dot-bikini-clad classmate taking the trouble to come ring your doorbell on a Saturday morning merely to point out to you that she is definitely not at all interested in being your prom date!

  23. Alex Green`s avatar
    Alex Green 
    Wednesday, 13 May 2015

    "The sovereignity claims put forth here, and the WoT dependency involved aren't important", this braindamaged narrative goes, "because paying Bitcoin for hosting services was done before".

    They aren't important. Hosting companies, no matter how "bulletproof" they say they are, are always willing to bend over backwards to please whatever government gives them the connectivity to provide service. If a hosting company says otherwise, they are either lying or do not know the extent of their government's power.

    A perfect example would be CNNIC and the .cn top domain name. The reputation of China being a place for hosting "bulletproof" (read: e-mail spam and virus friendly) servers led the Chinese government to step in by restricting domain registration to registered Chinese companies only[1], and the Chinese government applied this procedure retroactively. Just this year, CNNIC abused their ability to issue SSL certificates, and the only "fix" for this abuse of power was to update Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, &c. to reject CNNIC-issued certificates[2].

    Granted, the whole "we're the government, and we're here to help the Internet" attitude that Chinese government put on in the last 5 years is more than likely just another way to vaporize any thoughts of dissenting speech.

    [1] China Imposes New Internet Controls

    [2] Maintaining digital certificate security

  24. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 13 May 2015

    @Anon Not as much a cry for help as an attempt to retain control of the interaction, in spite or irrespective of the situation in the field.

    @Alex Green I don't think you understand what important means in that context or possess the intellectual werewithal to participate in that discussion. Stick to more familiar ground.

  25. Mike Prowe`s avatar
    Mike Prowe 
    Wednesday, 13 May 2015

    Once one settles on the latter solution, the drastically pared down universe he inhabits makes observations such as ...

    I see the author is familiar with /r/Buttcoin.

  26. And Mike Prowe.

  27. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 13 May 2015

    What the fuck, my own blog is getting to meta to follow. What is this ?

  28. Last year:

    He's just doing his usual macho BS routine but thing is he's scared because he knows it's a very real possibility. Owners of and bitfunder got similar letters from US government and we all know what happened to them. He thinks he's safe living abroad but thing is Romania will extradite his ass without blinking as they've signed extradition treaty with the US few years back.


    Liberty reserve operators were arrested in Spain (EU) and Costa Rica and extradited to the US to face charges, so yeah law pretty much applies. MPEx operator did take value from US investors in form of Bitcoin, which are now considered a commodity in the US (just like diamonds or gold). The sale of Satoshi Dice happened on MPEx and US regulators are very much interested in all the details surrounding that and in the exchange itself who operated without a license, helping US investors to launder money and dodging taxes, not having KYC and AML compliance in place. This is how SEC and IRS sees it."

    Not to mention:

    He is destroying paper work and hard-drives in preparation I would think for the extradition and intelligence gathering by the NSA."

    And of course, all the way back in 2012:

    17:55:38] shareholder2 you don’t stand a chance against mpex
    [17:55:41] shareholder3_ makes sense
    [17:55:44] shareholder2 with its low overhead
    [17:56:01] da2ce796 shareholder2 we will be competing in a completely differnt market to mpex
    [17:56:04] shareholder2 IF it is even possible to do legally
    [17:56:07] shareholder4 shareholder2: actually it’a dofferent target
    [17:56:19] shareholder4 if it’s not wishful thinking
    [17:56:20] da2ce796 as in, mpex will stop being our compittion.
    [17:56:26] shareholder1 mpex will be classified as money launderers and terrorists

    And now,

    Hosting companies, no matter how "bulletproof" they say they are, are always willing to bend over backwards to please whatever government gives them the connectivity to provide service. If a hosting company says otherwise, they are either lying or do not know the extent of their government's power.

    Hey look everyone, it's insane dipshit madlibs!

  29. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 14 May 2015

    Recent history is not required reading for "Bitcoin entrepreneurs". Not even after failing at their ridoinculous "entrepreneurship". Nor is having a fucking clue as to whom they're addressing themselves to, or what their place in the world is, or anything else.

    Insane dipshit madlibs is the name of the game. The insane dipshits prefer to call it social media.

  30. Андрей Бондарев`s avatar
    Андрей Бондарев 
    Thursday, 14 May 2015

    Is there technical specifics available to L2 WoT members?

  31. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 14 May 2015

    They can just ask for whatever they want. I'm hunting down elbruses and shit atm.

  32. Jack Byron`s avatar
    Jack Byron 
    Saturday, 9 April 2016

    I think BulletProof Web is hoster which takes payment with bitcon

  33. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 9 April 2016

    Someone pretending to do dev work and not being in wot is ipso facto saying "i am a fraudster trying to sell my shit as software".

    The exact same is true of an ISP, only moreso.

  1. [...] Source: Trilema [...]

  2. [...] one thing, the original article is quite explicit on this point : Note that this is strictly different from your "legally defined" [...]

  3. [...] you may or may not know, No Such lAbs (trading on MPEx as S.NSA) has been for a while using BISP hardware to run Phuctor, a RSA key factorization [...]

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