Here's what you don't know or understand about Facebook : everything.
Obviously after the previous article inflicted ego wounds on roughty speaking the entire population of web-grazing cows, I was in for some hate mail.
I'm not going to say any words at you idiots. Yes, I know, "you were successful". "Viral marketing". You never had a quarter million likes, so shut the fuck up.
Yes, I know, "it's not like this where you live". Totally, that matters.
Here's what you don't know : everything. Here's what you don't understand : everything. Shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down, it's not your world and you're not even an extra in it. Fucking racist...
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
It might interest you to know that on the grounds of some recent pandemic nagationism or some other lame butthurt of theirs, they've been recently (as of the last day) banning comments that link to trilema and deleting previous comments that contained links to it. That will unhappen all the thoughtcrime being spread in these columns.
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Well, it very marginally interests me, seeing how Trilema served ~2mn uniques today, and I very much doubt facebook's got half that if you exclude my own bots.
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
By the way, since you mentioned it I went and dug them out :
Unimpressive in any sense ; but considering the data's current as of 08 Apr 2020 - 11:29 it seems to me they have precious little control over "their own" platform, huh ?