BitBet (S.BBET) March 2015 Statement
Saturday, 04 April, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Received 21 new propositions, of which accepted 9, rejected 12.
Total bets in: 250, worth 400.13718837 BTCi
Revenue : 57.37489011 BTC, of which :
- bets resolved : 56.16827690ii
- fees from refunds : 0.0 BTC
- advertising : 0.1 BTC
- house bets won : 0.89823143 BTCiii
- gracious donations to shareholders : 0.20838178 BTC
Expenditure : 1.03610318 BTC, of which :
- referrals paid : 0.07970800 BTC
- house bets made : 0.90000000 BTC
- Taxiv, 0.05639518 BTC
Profit : 56.33878693 BTC.
The remainder 1.65575511 BTC owed due to overpaid dividends as detailed in previous months will be substracted from the dividends of this month, leaving a grand total 26.51363835 BTC to be paid to the 5`000`000 shares traded on MPEx, bringing the monthly dividend to 530 satoshi per share, an absolute record for BitBet.
Update : Searching better we actually found 0.20838178 BTC worth of donations. Numbers updated accordingly.
———- Graph:
- 5616.82750329 BTC total pool resolved this month. [↩]
- 1.50000000 BTC worth of house bets were resolved during the current month. [↩]
- Owed to Bitcoin's Sovereign. [↩]
Category: S.BBET
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Hash: SHA1
BitBet (S.BBET) March 2015 Statement
Operational results
Received 21 new propositions, of which accepted 9, rejected 12.
Total bets in: 250, worth 400.13718837 BTCi
Revenue : 57.37489011 BTC, of which :
bets resolved : 56.16827690ii
fees from refunds : 0.0 BTC
advertising : 0.1 BTC
house bets won : 0.89823143 BTCiii
gracious donations to shareholders : 0.20838178 BTC
Expenditure : 1.03610318 BTC, of which :
referrals paid : 0.07970800 BTC
house bets made : 0.90000000 BTC
Taxiv, 0.05639518 BTC
Profit : 56.33878693 BTC.
The remainder 1.65575511 BTC owed due to overpaid dividends as detailed
in previous months will be substracted from the dividends of this month,
leaving a grand total 26.51363835 BTC to be paid to the 5`000`000
shares traded on MPEx, bringing the monthly dividend to 530 satoshi per
share, an absolute record for BitBet.
Update : Searching better we actually found 0.20838178 BTC worth of
donations. Numbers updated accordingly.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
PS. After the third fucking failure to pay the proper dividend I'm done with trying! The 1.65575511 BTC is hereby gifted to the shareholders and that's that.