MPIF (F.MPIF) September 2014 Statement

Monday, 06 October, Year 6 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
F.MPIF incoming and outgoing
Incoming Outgoing
Description Value Description Value
BitBeti 0.68592309 --
Total 0.68592309 Total 0
    F.MPIF assets
    Account 01.09.2014 Net change 30.09.2014
    Cash 428.07239416 0.21431992 428.28671408ii
    Tangibles 45.72408651 0.84227413 44.88181238iii
    Intangibles and goodwill 0 0 0
    Total assets 473.16852646
    F.MPIF liabilities
    Account 01.09.2014 Net change 30.09.2014
    Shareholder equity 473.79648067 0.62795421 473.16852646
    Total liabilities 473.16852646

      F.MPIF has a total of 2`186`753 authorised shares outstanding. The total assets per share implied value is thus 0.00021638 BTC. The cash+tangible assets per share implied value is thus 0.00021666 BTC.


      Basically treading water over here. If you know of a good investment opportunity that meets the F.MPIF goals, bring it over in -assets.

      1. Loan repayment in sum of 0.68592309 BTC, interest waived. []
      2. 13.37924150 BTC PC1 + 37.51316402 PC4 + 21.63433032 PC5 + 355.75997824 unallocated reserve. []
      3. 4.88003700 BTC in ATC in PC1 ; 11 BTC in bets made by PC4 ; 29.00177538 BTC PC5. []
      Category: F.MPIF
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