Cum sa cistigi ~2000 de dolari in mai putin de-o zi

Friday, 20 April, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Este ca suna promitator ? Noa, hai sa vedem concret.

Pasul 0 : Un escroc foarte competent se apuca de facut un fel de Caritas care plateste 7% pe saptamina (3300% pe an), in bitcoini. Pentru cititorii de limba engleza chestia-i descrisa aici. Chestia asta dureaza niste luni bune (de prin Octombrie plus-minus) si-i in afara controlului nostru, asa ca putem s-o numim chestiune de context, sau de noroc, sau cum mai doriti.

Pasul I : Ca orice schema piramidala si asta ajunge intr-o faza in care are nevoie sa primeasca cit mai multi bani de la cit mai multi oameni ca sa se sustina. Ca rezultat, niste gunoaie inepte (zisii BurtWagner, PatrickHarnett si inca niste fraieristi cazuti si ei acolo la gramada) se apuca sa faca o oferta publica catre investitorii mici si prosti de prin lumea bitcoin, care sa fie tranzactionata la pseudo-bursa de-i zice GLBSE si detine cam o treime sau sub o treime din volumu' total de tranzactii cu hirtii de valoare denominate-n bitcoin. Pentru ca lideru' de piata n-ar accepta veci pururi asa cacaturi.

Pasul II : Te apuci frumos si le creezi un CDS practic, da' altfel vorbind un contract sintetic echivalent, pe care-l vinzi. Intrucit lumea e cocosel si tu vinzi la .98 pina pe la .94, ai in prima zi volum de peste 2k BTC, ca doara ei stiu mai bine decit tine cum e.

Pasul III : BurtWagner & co anunta ca nu mai lanseaza 2k cum zisesera initial, ci doar 1500. Bine ei isi tot schimba parerea despre chestii, initial urma sa fie garantata 100% pe urma garantata 25% pe urma cind o anuntat lupu' cel rau ca urmeaza sa-i vinda short iara o devenit magic 100% garantata si prosteli de-astea de gradi. Pentru ca pe bune fratii mei albi daca n-a reusit facebookul sa creeze un conglomerat de tembeli urlatori cum nu s-a mai vazut sub soare. Social media, deh.

Pasul IV : Cum valoarea extrapolata a emisiunii sintetice nu mai poate fi nicicum 1.28 la 1 ci maximum maximorum .95 in cel mai bun caz, si probabil .75 valoarea actiunilor se prabuseste catastrofic de noaptea pina dimineata, ajungind sa se ofere si la .7 la 1. Moment la care

Pasul V : Unul dintre cocoseii care stiau ei mai bine panicheaza si-si desfasoara ~1,5 BTC la orice pret, care se intimpla sa fie ceva de genu' .22. Si deci, ca sa fie clar, tipul a cumparat la ~.95 si-a vindut la .22, adica asta inseamna 1500 BTC x .73 = 1`095 profit net, clar si curat pentru marketmaker (eu).

In vreo hai sa zic 20 de ore.

A, ziceam cum cistigi doua mii de dolari in mai putin de o zi ? Nu stiu. Ca eu cistig cinci.


Category: Actiuni si Optiuni
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7 Responses

  1. And you're not proud or anything... neah :D

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 21 April 2012

    Asa umpic. Pe fund :D

  3. Gheorghe`s avatar
    Sunday, 6 January 2013

    aici poti sa primesti 20$ intro zi daca doresti tare

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 6 January 2013

    Dar vai, aproape cit o jumatate de ajutor de somaj ?

    Cit de tare tre' sa doresc ?

  5. Radan Rusanov`s avatar
    Radan Rusanov 
    Sunday, 30 June 2013

    Mircea, I have just been redirected to your blog. You seem like a very smart person and I love the nig bashing, I live in the US and here they are a protected species so it's refreshing to see a more reactionary outlook.

    I just wanted to let you know you have another subscriber, even though I don't understand 2/3 of what you post because it's in Romanian and because I've never made money speculating or, for that matter, took an economics class (I'm not interested in Keynesian/Austrian school brainwashing)

    I was wondering what you thought about buying stock in companies operating in nascent markets like Mongolia? I've heard a lot of good stuff there about untapped natural resources and it seems like globalism is taking a strong hold so it's only looking better and better for foreign investment.

    If you could advise on this I'd appreciate it.
    t. Radan Rusanov

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 30 June 2013

    Well actually the good news is that since last Autumn I'm posting in English so you should be safe.

    I know little if anything about Mongolia. For instance I don't even know if buying a stock there is at all like buying a stock in the common sense. For all I know it could be more like buying circus tickets (it IS for instance that way in the US, on the grounds of the average American being just a little mongoloid and mostly struggling but generally failing to cope with / be part of European culture).

    In principle it doesn't pay to compete in crowded markets, and generally it pays to be among the first involved in any cool new thing. The caveats, of course, are that it's important the thing be cool and new, and you not be the very first, but just among the first.

  1. [...] the forum "bankers'" contracts exactly. This was going to run monthly. The "banker" consortium broke their own contracts within a monthiv which created a panic in the only long backer of the asset, who firesold it and [...]

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