Lectia de filosofie
Ea: whats aus so krummem Holze…?
Eu: Aus so krummem Holze, als woraus der Mensch gemacht ist, kann nichts ganz Gerades gezimmert werden.Ea: erryeah. sourkrauten
Eu: whats aus ? we shall teach it germanesEa: they
Eu: no. from, out of. so ?Ea: these
Eu: so.Ea: o
Eu: hehe. krummemEa: cramming
Eu: close but no. imo it sounds closer to crummy, but really, it's crooked, un"approvable". HolzeEa: holze, someone's name
Eu: no, in german nouns get capitalEa: o. place
Eu: wood. what we got so far ?Ea: from so unapprovable (a) wood
Eu: from wood so crooked. als worausEa: as went
Eu: what was aus ?Ea: from
Eu: and if woraus is a derived word, what could it be ?Ea: wherefrom
Eu: yep, "as from which". der MenschEa: the man
Eu: gemacht ?Ea: evil
Eu: no. gemacht is a verbal form. ge- means participle. what's macht ?Ea: to smile?
Eu: to make. hence wehrmacht = warmaking. so what we got so far ?Ea: from wood so crooked as from which the man made
Eu: is made. participle. kann nichts ganz Gerades gezimmert werden. kann nichts ?Ea: can nix
Eu: nix ? whats nix ?Ea: to nullify. to remove, to rescind
Eu: can not.Ea: ok.
Eu: ganz ?Ea: gain
Eu: completely. Gerades ?Ea: hammer
Eu: straight. its a noun tho, so straight [thing]Ea: i thought nouns were capitalized. o
Eu: gezimmert ?Ea: is hammered
Eu: ge is still participleEa: yeah
Eu: zimmert is made from noun, so what's zimmer ? ZimmerEa: fairy?
Eu: haha. room. werden ?Ea: i dont understand this, how is room a verb?
Eu: enroomed. room + past participle + verbal form. en-room-edEa: ok. not that i understand that, but i can use it
Eu: werdenEa: warm
Eu: to become. so what's the whole phrase now ?Ea: from wood so crooked as from which the man is made can not completely become the straight thing enroomed
Eu: from wood so crooked as from which the man is made no straight thing can ever become completely enroomed.Ea: this makes no sense to us.
Eu: well it should. basically it means no straight thing can ever find room [to exist] in wood so crooked as from which man can be made. but not exactly. and in contemplating this, you now understand more german philosophy than the majority of english speaking philosophy students.Eu: because the phrase belongs to kant.
Eu: you can contemplate the complexity involved strictly because you are standing on your tiptoes on solid grammar fundaments of recent date, might i add.Ea: ok
Eu: didja have fun ?Ea: at some points. its kinda aggravating though
Eu: haha no accomplishment at end ?Ea: nah
Eu: how come ?!Ea: i'm just sitting here making wild guesses and then patching what you say together, what'd i accomplish?
Eu: you accomplished a look at philosophy. for real. i had to hold you up, but it's more than playing with a drawing of it.Ea: thank you! ;p hehe
Dupa cum e obiceiul, traducatorul capata si link.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Sie kann wirklich gut Deutsch sprechen, aber: "gezimmert werden" kann man auch als "manufactured" übersetzen. Wirklich einfacher! :P
Thursday, 4 February 2010
ea = sie, she
eu = i, i
Thursday, 4 February 2010
asta nu-i lectie de filosofie, e lectie de kraut-ish for hearing impaired dislexics !
warum ist die banane krumm?
Thursday, 4 February 2010
@fcbl Haha, nu intereseaza daca-i simplu sau nu :D
@Ionut I ?
@kokofifi Tie ti se inverzesc ochii, zi drept amu.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
mai verzi decât îs? numai când trece vânataia :p
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Noa hat! Te-o violat zoso, draga ?
Thursday, 4 February 2010
în ochi ???
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Pai unde ajunge si el.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
'more than playing with a drawing of it.'
Ja, werden ?
ich (know) keine (word).. verstehen sie ?
Thursday, 4 February 2010
I, de la I R baboon ... daca-ti amintesti desenele animat http://bazanye.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/ir_baboon_sniff.gif
fie, me e ok!?
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Pai tre' sa traduci din colo incoace, nu invers :D
Friday, 5 February 2010
Limba germana
Limba germana este simpla. O persoana cunoscatoare a limbii latine, si obisnuita cu declinarile, o invata fara mari dificultati. Acest lucru, de altfel, este mentionat de profesorii de germana la inceputul fiecarui ciclu de studii. Apoi se incepe cu studiul unor der, die, das, den, des, dem etc. si din nou se reaminteste ca tot restul este de o logica dezarmanta. Ca sa ilustram ceea ce tocmai am afirmat, sa luam un exemplu practic. Pentru inceput, cumparati Cartea de Limba Germana. Este un volum minunat, cu coperti cartonate, publicat la Dortmund si care povesteste despre obiceiurile Hotentotilor (auf Deutsch : Hottentotten). In carte se povesteste cum cangurii (Beutelratten) sunt prinsi si inchisi in custi (Kotter), acoperite cu o tesatura (Lattengitter) care sa-i fereasca de ploi. Aceste custi se numesc in germana “custi acoperite cu pinza” (Lattengitterkotter) si atunci cind contin un cangur, ele sunt numite
Lattengitterkotterbeutelratten. Intr-o zi Hotentotii au arestat un asasin (Attentater), acuzat ca ar fi omorit o mama (Mutter) Hotentota(Hottentottenmutter), avind un fiu cam prostut si bilbiit
(Stottertrottel). O astfel de femeie se numeste in germana
Hottentottenstottertrottelmutter iar asasinul ei este un
Hottentottenstottertrottelmutterattentater. Potera captureaza asasinul si il inchide provizoriu intr-o cusca pentru canguri
(Beutelrattenlattengitterkotter), dar captivul evadeaza. Imediat, toti
pleaca in cautarea fugarului, si deodata, un razboinic Hotentot se
intoarce strigind: – Am prins asasinul (Attentater)! – Da? care?, intreaba seful de trib. – Pe Lattengitterkotterbeutelratterattentater, raspunde razboinicul. – Cum adica, asasinul din cusca de canguri acoperita cu pinza? intreaba seful Hotentotilor. – Pai, -raspunde bastinasul- pe Hottentottenstottertrottelmutterattentater. (Asasinul mamei hotentote a copilului prostut si bilbiit). – A, asa, da! raspune seful Hotentotilor.
Puteai sa zici de la inceput ca l-ai prins pe:
Dupa cum vedeti, limba germana este o limba simpla. Trebuie sa aveti doar un pic de bunavointa…
P.S.: acesta nu e cel mai lung substantiv din limba germana, exista unele de lungime 90 litere !!!!!
Friday, 5 February 2010
Hahaha excelent :) Mersi.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
au iar cu gluma aia veche de cand hau. sunt chiar curios daca o povesteste vreun german.
dar intradevar unicitatea astora e alcatuirea de cuvinte foarte lungi.