Forum logs for 20 Feb 2015

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Bagels7 (~Bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:01]
scoopbot New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: [00:05]
* assbot gives voice to Pierre_Rochard [00:06]
decimation < "Nichts tut so gut wie das Gefühl, gegen Rechts zu kämpfen." [00:06]
assbot Kampf gegen Rechts: Ein Volk von Antifaschisten - Inland - FAZ ... ( ) [00:06]
decimation "nothing feels as good as fighting rightists [00:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6409 @ 0.00041137 = 2.6365 BTC [+] [00:15]
asciilifeform TheNewDeal: glad you liked it [00:18]
asciilifeform TheNewDeal et al: if the chance comes again, i'll write another. [00:18]
asciilifeform that particular piece was by request from BingoBoingo. [00:19]
decimation "Jeder, der ein rohes Hühnerei in die Demo wirft, darf sich einmal fühlen wie Stauffenberg im Kampf gegen Hitler - doch der Vergleich hinkt: Stauffenberg war ja auch irgendwie Rechts, oder?" < Anyone who throws a raw egg in the demonstration may once feel like Stauffenberg in the fight against Hilter - but the comparison is misleading - Stauffenberg was kind of a rightist [Nazi, fascist] too? [00:19]
decimation "Und das jährliche Turnier „Golf gegen Rechts“ hat sich um den „New Golf Award 2015“ beworben. Ausgezeichnet werden dabei die innovativsten Ideen für ein neues Golf-Turnier." < the annual "golf against the rightists" tournament has been awared the "new golf award 2015" for the most innovative idea for a new golf tournament. [00:24]
asciilifeform ^ there's got to be some kind of 'parody event horizon crossing' prize this could win. [00:25]
decimation yeah [00:26]
decimation the modern germans have become a parody of a parody of an anti-nazi poster [00:28]
decimation of course, the fact that no actual nazis exist (nor the fact that nearly every modern german has a nazi ancestor) doesn't stop them from using it to prop up their vote-banks [00:31]
* Bagels7 has quit () [00:33]
mircea_popescu "nothing feels as good as fighting rightists << somebody's bound to sooner or later discover sexual intimacy and move on. [00:36]
mircea_popescu ""No sex with Nazis" [00:38]
mircea_popescu In addition, anti-fascism was never to have as cheap as today. Previously, he could cost you your life, today it costs no more than lip service among peers - and heard to this, the exclusive circle of the upright, decent, brave. The fighters against law form the peerage of enlightened society. Or even a shot polemical: Here is an indulgence trade takes place; the moral superiority can be acquired simply by joining the [00:38]
mircea_popescu fight against right." [00:38]
mircea_popescu win. [00:38]
mircea_popescu The repertoire is considerable: There is the rock against law and rapping against the Right, of course, sing and cry against law, but also against the right costumes and football games against law. The "Green Youth" in Hamburg regularly invites to "Celebrate against law," a political deal, which is by the way very well received by young people, and the children of the class 7b of Augustin-Wibbelt High School in Warendo [00:39]
mircea_popescu rf even dancing against law - early practice only makes me be an anti-fascist. The other hand, is difficult to measure the success of the courageous campaign of the DGB youth in Dortmund: "No sex with Nazis." And possibly mix different motivations in Berlin Initiative "According to fuck each law." [00:39]
mircea_popescu srsly google totally proves poe's law. [00:39]
* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:40]
mircea_popescu in other news, [00:40]
assbot ... ( ) [00:40]
* Bagels7 (~Bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:41]
* assbot gives voice to hanbot [00:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70800 @ 0.00040631 = 28.7667 BTC [-] {3} [00:42]
decimation mircea_popescu: yeah I figured you would like that [00:43]
* yhwh_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [00:43]
decimation "I can be a slut - it's okay as long as I don't fuck a nazi!" [00:43]
* mike_c has quit () [00:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48100 @ 0.00041888 = 20.1481 BTC [+] {3} [01:03]
mircea_popescu weren't nazis gay anyway ? [01:05]
* Bagels7 has quit () [01:08]
decimation well, didn't Goebbels have kids for his wife to poison? [01:10]
* joesmoe (~joesmoe@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:12]
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [01:14]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: dairy farm ? [01:23]
ben_vulpes there are all kinds of fluids in that gif [01:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44850 @ 0.00042757 = 19.1765 BTC [+] {2} [01:24]
asciilifeform ben_vulpes: there are many fluids at a dairy farm, even if only one is packaged for sale [01:24]
ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: << ah goodness hardware implementations of forth and lisp make me wish for a fueled rocket [01:25]
assbot Mark 1 FORTH Computer ... ( ) [01:25]
ben_vulpes asciilifeform: and in yourself, myself... [01:25]
asciilifeform the inevitable question is, was the milk sold. [01:26]
decimation > "I just have to mention that I once saw a hearing on this on TV and I was paying attention, for a while, because I thought this would be good for my class; ... But the high point of this, which made it all worthwhile, was one of the Senators asked the milk person why milk was treated so differently from every other product. And there was an awkward silence. And of course [01:27]
decimation the real reason is because of politics; and we're going to get to that in a second. But the person had to say something. He couldn't just say, 'Because I'm politically important.' Or, 'My state is politically important.' Or whatever it was. So, he said,' Well, milk is special.' And the Senator, who was not from a milk state, said,' Why?' And the witness had a problem there. He had to think of something. So he said, 'Well, milk's bulky.' [01:27]
assbot " + soundfiledesc + " ... ( ) [01:27]
decimation " [01:27]
ben_vulpes asciilifeform: or drunk [01:27]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:31]
* assbot gives voice to pete_dushenski [01:31]
* paxtoncamaro91 (~paxtoncam@unaffiliated/paxtoncamaro91) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:31]
ben_vulpes good evening pete_dooce [01:32]
ben_vulpes ;;seen artifexd [01:34]
gribble artifexd was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 2 days, 13 hours, 3 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: Go [01:34]
* TheNewDeal has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [01:42]
pete_dushenski decimation lol loved that milk line [01:42]
decimation milk is bulky, so give us money [01:46]
decimation another good one from the same podcast: " A man named Northly[?] came--he was the Executive Vice President of the North Carolina Peanut Association. Wonderful guy. He stood up as this conference was ending, and he said, 'Let me tell you about the peanut program. There's only two people in America who understand how the peanut program works. It's my job to keep it that way.'" [01:47]
pete_dushenski then 30 years later: "i never said that, but it sounds like me!" [01:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50032 @ 0.00042772 = 21.3997 BTC [+] [01:56]
* badon has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [01:58]
thestringpuller << these niggas never learn [02:06]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:08]
cazalla thestringpuller, what's wrong with using it for a card game like hearthstone? [02:22]
* decimation has quit () [02:24]
* Bagels7 (~Bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:27]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [02:28]
* TheNewDeal ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:34]
* TheNewDeal is now known as Guest66131 [02:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41472 @ 0.00042431 = 17.597 BTC [-] [02:36]
* NewLiberty has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [02:37]
* pete_dushenski has quit () [02:37]
* Guest66131 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [02:39]
* FabianB_ (~fabian@unaffiliated/fabianb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:40]
* testingunodostre ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:40]
thestringpuller cazalla: "To get the in-game economy going, EverdreamSoft plans to sell 70,000,000 BitCrystals, which is the premium currency used in Spells of Genesis to forge card packs or new items." << sounds like ethereum nonsense [02:40]
* FabianB has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [02:43]
* NewLiberty (~NewLibert@2602:304:cff8:1580:780f:788e:ef71:ed73) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00042706 = 6.1924 BTC [+] {2} [02:49]
* testingunodostre has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [02:49]
thestringpuller !t m s.qntr [02:53]
assbot [MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00028529 / 0.00028529 / 0.00028529 (22381 shares, 6.39 BTC), 30D: 0.000175 / 0.00025036 / 0.00028529 (50436 shares, 12.63 BTC) [02:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61000 @ 0.00041859 = 25.534 BTC [-] {2} [02:54]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:56]
* assbot gives voice to NewLiberty [02:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17050 @ 0.00042772 = 7.2926 BTC [+] [03:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34977 @ 0.0004111 = 14.379 BTC [-] {2} [03:08]
* bitstein has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: [03:11]
* gabriel_laddel (~user@unaffiliated/gabriel-laddel/x-9909917) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:14]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68028 @ 0.00042772 = 29.0969 BTC [+] [03:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27541 @ 0.00042832 = 11.7964 BTC [+] [03:36]
* NewLiberty has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:54]
* gabriel_laddel has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:55]
cazalla thestringpuller, ah so more a kickstarter than an actual game [04:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38305 @ 0.00041109 = 15.7468 BTC [-] [04:03]
ben_vulpes call me when no debit cards are involved [04:06]
ben_vulpes it reeks of wankery at this point, but eulora is the only btc-only game in town [04:07]
ben_vulpes cultismo [04:08]
* hktud0 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:10]
* hktud0 (wq@unaffiliated/fluffybunny) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:11]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [11:39]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [11:39]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 16:58:12 2014 [11:39]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), send me "!up" in a private message to get an OTP. You must have a sufficient WoT rating. If you do not have a WoT account or sufficient rating, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary voice. [11:39]
* Dr-G ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:39]
* Dr-G has quit (Changing host) [11:39]
* Dr-G (~Dr-G@unaffiliated/dr-g) has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:39]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [11:40]
* Pierre_Rochard has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [11:41]
mircea_popescu instead of good morning, [11:41]
assbot ... ( ) [11:41]
* Dr-G2 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [11:42]
* rdekley_ (sid32464@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:45]
mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: it reeks of wankery at this point, but eulora is the only btc-only game in town << srsly. [11:46]
badon BananaLotus beetcoin Belxjander ben_vulpes bertani BigBitz BingoBoingo bitspill BlueMatt bounce [11:46]
mircea_popescu saifedean: in pdf << BingoBoingo you got that pdf converter thing anymore ? [11:46]
BingoBoingo [11:47]
assbot Convert documents to TXT ... ( ) [11:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74179 @ 0.00039264 = 29.1256 BTC [-] {3} [11:47]
mircea_popescu ty! [11:48]
mircea_popescu so anyone wants to make a poker site ? [11:48]
dignork mircea_popescu: I'd love to, but currently I fail to see how to handle collusion, if player's identity is not WoT based [11:49]
mircea_popescu dignork to that problem i have a solution./ [11:50]
mircea_popescu all that's needed really is an excellent coder willing to admin it long term. [11:51]
BingoBoingo scoopbot -fetch [11:51]
scoopbot New post on by Bingo Boingo: [11:51]
mircea_popescu ;;later tell saifadean why is it feb 2015 ?! [11:51]
gribble The operation succeeded. [11:51]
mircea_popescu a new posting, i see. [11:51]
dignork mircea_popescu: collusion is discovered in the long run, afer the fact, f you can't ban/punish the player, code quality won't help :( [11:51]
dignork you could require an escrow for each player though [11:52]
mircea_popescu dude, if i tell you it's solved... what, want me to pay you an escrow on it ? [11:52]
mircea_popescu danielpbarron: height=210431 vs height=186701 << is it about 10k a day or am i sorely misreading the numbers ? [11:53]
mircea_popescu "A YouTube representative called this revision a clarification of its existing policy, one that occurred late last year, intended to prevent advertiser conflicts and ensure viewers don’t feel bombarded by ads. Paul Kontonis, executive director of the Global Online Video Association, however framed it as an explicit change that prevents YouTube stars and multichannel networks from working prominent sponsor logos and i [11:54]
mircea_popescu mages into their videos without handing Google a cut of the revenue." [11:54]
dignork nah, the site should be self-sufficient imho, but I'd love to hear the solution though :) [11:54]
mircea_popescu the fucking lesson of "do not create content on a platorm you don't control" is never being learned is it. [11:54]
BingoBoingo It really isn't ever being learned [11:56]
mircea_popescu "its easier" "consumers have come to expect" etc. [11:57]
BingoBoingo And here I was thinking Geocities had taught everyone that lesson while it still lived [11:57]
mircea_popescu problem is that everyone meanwhile internet-died. [11:58]
mircea_popescu new generation of mouthbreathers every what, 5 years ? [11:58]
mircea_popescu dignork cool, but what i'm really looking for is someone to do the site. [11:58]
BingoBoingo Prolly 4 is the safer number [11:58]
mircea_popescu << bwahahaha [11:59]
assbot ... ( ) [11:59]
dignork mircea_popescu: I can't currently handle it myself, but I can bring a friend and we'll split the work, would you be interested to cooperate? [12:00]
mircea_popescu well... the problem is the previous attempt failed on pretty much exactly the same lines. who is this friend, why's he not in the wot etc. [12:01]
BingoBoingo [12:02]
assbot Tim Draper USMS Auction Winner Superfish Funder : Bitcoin ... ( ) [12:02]
chetty [12:02]
assbot Sim card database hack gave US and UK spies access to billions of cellphones | US news | The Guardian ... ( ) [12:02]
mircea_popescu noooo, you're telling me tim draper "won" the "auciton" ? again ? [12:02]
mircea_popescu the one that really really happened ? [12:02]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: He won the first one. [12:02]
mircea_popescu "won" "one". [12:02]
mircea_popescu that... also didn't happen. [12:02]
BingoBoingo Got part of the second one. Third is yet to come [12:02]
BingoBoingo They were said to have happened and Tim Draper's name came out of the hat more than once. [12:03]
mircea_popescu yeah yeah, i recall, the usms "auction" where they forgot to publish the results, in spite of foia, and their late promise to respect foia on an arbitrary extralegal self appointed date. [12:03]
BingoBoingo Indeed [12:03]
mircea_popescu credibility could be lower. [12:04]
mircea_popescu but i think it'd pretty much require best kim involvement for that result. [12:04]
BingoBoingo Don't think they'd waste her ass on this. Maybe second or third best kim. [12:05]
mircea_popescu best kim, korea kim. [12:06]
* punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [12:06]
mircea_popescu what's his name, the kidnapped guy. jongun' ? [12:06]
BingoBoingo Ah, that one. [12:06]
BingoBoingo Armenian Kim has the better, if somewhat smaller ass. [12:08]
mircea_popescu lol [12:08]
mircea_popescu that guy is nuts btw, check this out : he kicked his uncle out of power, if you recall ? the guy who pretty much made him succeed. [12:09]
mircea_popescu then killed his kids, then the kids' kids, like fiddy bodies by now. [12:09]
mircea_popescu somehow THIS is acceptable to the "democratic west". what wasn't acceptable was you know, gaddafi an' his harem. [12:09]
* asciilifeform (~asciilife@unaffiliated/asciilifeform) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:10]
BingoBoingo Right. Then again gaddafi was a softer target [12:10]
* Guest46735 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:10]
mircea_popescu dubious. [12:11]
* assbot gives voice to asciilifeform [12:11]
BingoBoingo Well, for some definitions of soft. [12:11]
asciilifeform chetty: << re: sim card thing [12:11]
assbot Logged on 19-02-2015 20:48:27; ascii_field: great sim heist << transparent nsa smokescreen. gsm uses toy crypto since day one (usg mandate) and has always been breakable with minimal effort. [12:11]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: didja watch them do it? [12:12]
mircea_popescu who do what ? [12:12]
asciilifeform north kr executions [12:12]
chetty asciilifeform, ploy to get people to update to the ones they nice backdoors to? [12:13]
mircea_popescu mno. for that matter, i didn't watch my own birth happen, either. [12:13]
asciilifeform because i didn't. and i don't believe a word out of the usg shills that is south kr. [12:13]
asciilifeform if south kr prints 'sky in north kr is blue' it's worth an independent test. [12:13]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform but same holds for gaddafi ? [12:13]
mircea_popescu notice i'm limiting myself to relative statements ? [12:13]
asciilifeform absolutely same [12:14]
asciilifeform except the funny part is that he was pathologically generous to his subjects [12:14]
* testingunodostre ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:14]
* badon_ (~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:14]
* badon has quit (Disconnected by services) [12:14]
mircea_popescu my point is... they who tell the story and then act on the story are responsible toanswer as to their own consistency. [12:14]
* Guest46735 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [12:14]
asciilifeform aha [12:14]
asciilifeform bosnia/crimea. [12:15]
mircea_popescu haha it is kinda reversed huh ? democrat pres clinton supported one side in the serb-bosnian conflict, [12:15]
* badon_ is now known as badon [12:15]
mircea_popescu dem pres obama supports the OTHER side in the ukr conflict. [12:15]
asciilifeform no secret to any ru folks - why. [12:16]
mircea_popescu i guess social sciences have made some progresses over the years ? [12:16]
mircea_popescu (dja know the joke with "what, you think medicine has not progressed in the interval ?!?!") [12:16]
mircea_popescu "WizSec has been investigating the MtGox crash since soon after it occurred, making us probably the longest running non-official investigation." [12:17]
mircea_popescu who thefuck is this again ? [12:17]
asciilifeform chetty: more complicated. ploy to stave off genuine voice channel crypto indefinitely through 'aha see they foiled usg plot, go back to using traditional phone' [12:17]
* testingunodostre has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [12:18]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:19]
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [12:19]
* Guest46735 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:20]
* assbot gives voice to pete_dushenski [12:20]
* Luke-Jr has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [12:20]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: so anyone wants to make a poker site ? << actually yes. [12:21]
mircea_popescu ok but can you code ?! [12:21]
pete_dushenski lol no! [12:21]
asciilifeform l0l [12:21]
mircea_popescu well... [12:21]
mike_c just use wordpress [12:21]
BingoBoingo !b 6 [12:22]
asciilifeform pete_dushenski: do it in 'ada' ! [12:22]
assbot Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) [12:22]
mircea_popescu jesus fuck mike_c's snide is like kakobrekla level :D [12:22]
pete_dushenski mike_c: don't tempt me [12:22]
mike_c kindred spirits :) [12:22]
mircea_popescu "every hand can be a new post. and hwat, you password protect it, so there's security" [12:22]
pete_dushenski asciilifeform: like teh boeing 777 ? [12:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15929 @ 0.00039564 = 6.3021 BTC [+] [12:23]
* Bagels7 (~Bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:23]
pete_dushenski "and every comment is a check, raise, or fold [12:23]
pete_dushenski " [12:23]
BingoBoingo Feed the comment spam to the RNG [12:23]
asciilifeform pete_dushenski: like most machines containing large pile of potential corpses during normal operatio [12:24]
asciilifeform n [12:24]
pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: not random enough ;) [12:24]
mircea_popescu << this is the law of all time. [12:24]
assbot National Review ... ( ) [12:24]
mircea_popescu and by law i mean us law, also known as lol. [12:24]
pete_dushenski lawl [12:25]
asciilifeform dead link ? [12:25]
mircea_popescu they beleeted it ?! [12:25]
mircea_popescu [12:25]
assbot Male Student Allegedly Banned from Campus Because His Resemblance to a Rapist Was Triggering? - Hit & Run : ... ( ) [12:25]
pete_dushenski he could've offered to wear a ski mask to class [12:26]
mircea_popescu "t’s devastating to think of a student being unable to walk around campus without having to risk being traumatized by reminders of her rape." [12:27]
mircea_popescu wait, what ? [12:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18639 @ 0.00040797 = 7.6042 BTC [+] [12:27]
mircea_popescu who the fuck asked the stupid bitch. if she can't come to terms with the world she should stay in the asylum [12:27]
asciilifeform when napoleon is in the asylum - harmless [12:28]
pete_dushenski typical "make the world conform to me so it's more fair" [12:28]
mircea_popescu that's the way this world works : normally adjusted individuals on the street, individuals who for whatever reason can't cope, in the coop. [12:28]
pete_dushenski like bitcoin = visa [12:28]
asciilifeform but picture a shadowy 'someone' were to let him out and actually crown him. [12:28]
asciilifeform ^ that is usa. [12:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26761 @ 0.0004106 = 10.9881 BTC [+] {3} [12:28]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform then they wonder why they have to pay people immense sums to keep secrets that still don't, and i don't have to pay them anything other than "yeah, yeah, i'll stick it to those dudes". [12:28]
mircea_popescu not that i mind the arrangement... but in absolute fairness it IS stupid as all fuck. [12:29]
asciilifeform when do we see some -real- secrets [12:29]
* Guest46735 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [12:29]
mircea_popescu probably after the rapture. [12:29]
asciilifeform rupture. [12:29]
mircea_popescu also. [12:29]
mircea_popescu fun fact : rapt means rape, in latin [12:30]
pete_dushenski and i suppose sluttery means slavery in latin [12:31]
asciilifeform at any rate, the scandal described in the link is fantastic enough that one ought to ask for some public record suggesting it actually happened [12:31]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski raptus, look it up. [12:31]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform no because see, "to protect identities" this is not reported. [12:32]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: o i believe! [12:32]
asciilifeform the court order presumably exists somewhere [12:32]
asciilifeform (or doesn't) [12:32]
mircea_popescu they've really built the most hallucinant re-enaction of the soviets : the guy doesn't have the right to anything EXCEPT he has the right for no one to know how the government fucked him over. [12:32]
asciilifeform so, what, are we to believe he was 'national security' gagged ? [12:33]
asciilifeform or simply doesn't feel like making his humiliation public [12:33]
asciilifeform or which is it [12:33]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform my construction (which obviously could be wrong) is that "the authorities" refuse to disclose it "citing privacy concerns" [12:34]
mircea_popescu that's it. [12:34]
asciilifeform related: [12:34]
assbot Logged on 05-03-2014 02:47:31; asciilifeform: there is a related soviet joke. abramowitch (generic jew, not the oligarch) calls a friend who was over for dinner last night: [12:34]
mircea_popescu timeout waiting for punchline [12:36]
asciilifeform [12:36]
assbot Logged on 05-03-2014 02:47:40; asciilifeform: 'we're short of a few silver spoons. shame on you'; [12:36]
assbot Logged on 05-03-2014 02:47:46; asciilifeform: friend denies [12:36]
assbot Logged on 05-03-2014 02:48:01; asciilifeform: next day, A calls again 'we found the spoons. but the stain on your reputation... it remains.' [12:36]
danielpbarron is it about 10k a day << more like 5k: 183012, 189051, 194563, 200106, 204520, 210431 [12:36]
mircea_popescu danielpbarron which setup is this again ? pogo and sata ? [12:37]
danielpbarron ya [12:37]
danielpbarron 5.3G .bitcoin/ vs 39.0G .bitcoin/ on my full node [12:37]
danielpbarron so about 1/8 of the way? [12:38]
mircea_popescu so like 15% done in a week or so ? [12:38]
danielpbarron yeh [12:38]
danielpbarron not too shabby [12:38]
danielpbarron should take 2 months in my estimation [12:38]
asciilifeform wai wat [12:38]
danielpbarron but this is on the systemd archlinux BS [12:38]
mircea_popescu depends how it behaves towards the end. [12:38]
danielpbarron maybe it speeds up with a cleaner install [12:38]
asciilifeform mine took <2wks on same [12:38]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform he's on an arch something [12:38]
asciilifeform so was i [12:38]
danielpbarron your pogo is fully synced? [12:38]
asciilifeform ah wait [12:39]
asciilifeform thinking of other box [12:39]
asciilifeform pogo was not. [12:39]
asciilifeform nm [12:39]
* asciilifeform still waking up... [12:39]
danielpbarron also this is with 2 gigs of swap killing the drive [12:39]
danielpbarron even with the swap, it occasionally crashes [12:40]
mircea_popescu heh. [12:40]
* gernika (~awt@unaffiliated/gernika) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:40]
danielpbarron also: yay WoT poker! [12:40]
* asciilifeform again states for the record that the notion of running a proggy with unbounded memory consumption is a laugh [12:40]
mircea_popescu hopefully this alleviates with better pogo density on the network. [12:41]
* Bagels7 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [12:41]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform at the time this was put in, the blockchain was mb not gb. [12:41]
danielpbarron it is totally possible to prevent collusion [12:41]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i know why it's there [12:41]
danielpbarron all the times i called into Micon's stupid podcast i was trying to get him to integrate the WoT [12:41]
asciilifeform but the notion of releasing such a thing now, is a laugh. [12:41]
mircea_popescu danielpbarron micon suffers from the dk problem. [12:41]
mircea_popescu he means well, but he doesn't have the tools to examine himself with. [12:41]
danielpbarron i sent him a tweet reminding him you tried offering him a job last year; maybe this mess has snapped him out of it [12:42]
* Bagels7 (~Bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:42]
BingoBoingo danielpbarron: The Seals release on the matter makes it seem he's clearly already decided on a course of action [12:42]
* asciilifeform dares to make the observation that more competent folks would turn out for these jobs if there was a possibility they might be able to live off such [12:43]
danielpbarron well he's saying that now; looks like face-saving [12:43]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i need that like i need more women that'd date me if i paid them a salary for it. [12:43]
danielpbarron a legit collusion free poker site would make a lot of money; seals wasn't dying for lack of players. they just all flocked to pokerstars play money where collusion was not profitable [12:44]
asciilifeform (obligatory naggum: ) [12:44]
assbot Re: realistic but short and simple LISP examples? - Naggum cll archive ... ( ) [12:44]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: you feed'em dontcha [12:45]
danielpbarron people have actually been BUYING play chips that they cannot cash out [12:45]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: or do your pets get sent out to work day jobs [12:45]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform dating != [12:45]
asciilifeform aha [12:45]
mircea_popescu early days of the republic are ALL ABOUT barriers to entry. [12:47]
mircea_popescu a decade later or w/e, the world can be as full of "i too could have been in" as it pleases, for all the good it'll do anyone. [12:47]
mircea_popescu "no you schmuck, you couldn't. as proven by ? didn't." [12:48]
mircea_popescu just like bitcoin works. [12:48]
pete_dushenski classic "i coulda been a contender" [12:48]
mircea_popescu classic. [12:48]
pete_dushenski danielpbarron: we'll get wot poker eventually [12:48]
pete_dushenski if it takes me 5 years to learn how to code, by golly i'll do it [12:49]
mircea_popescu not a very good first project in any case. [12:49]
pete_dushenski a better one would be ... ? [12:49]
danielpbarron a working scoopbot :p [12:49]
pete_dushenski lol! [12:49]
ben_vulpes noshit [12:49]
ben_vulpes pete_dushenski: not a bad plan [12:50]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform and then when we start hiring, we hire slaves, like anyone hiring. and then the slave-born cry and whine that "oh look, bitcoin's no better". [12:50]
mircea_popescu well... not for them. nor should it be. [12:50]
* ben_vulpes returns to the rocket blueprints [12:51]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski no but he has a point. making an irc bot excellent coding exercise. i agree, good 1st time thing for intelligent person. [12:52]
ben_vulpes first, use a bot in whatever language [12:53]
ben_vulpes then [12:53]
ben_vulpes write your own bot client [12:53]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: the idea had crossed my mind [12:53]
BingoBoingo [12:53]
assbot Financial aid director at North Idaho College arrested for offering scholarships for sex @insidehighered ... ( ) [12:53]
mircea_popescu hahaha [12:53]
ben_vulpes the curve is full of these oom steps up in complexity [12:53]
danielpbarron fwiw, i have actually coded things that worked before; I made my own minecraft plugin that used a database to keep track of credit/debt between players when they took items from chests / it broke when an update totally revamped the inventory control system and I abandoned it / also, it was java :/ [12:54]
mircea_popescu who the fuck wants to go to college in north idaho. [12:54]
mircea_popescu that guy was probably doing them a favour, whoever they were. [12:54]
BingoBoingo Seriously [12:54]
mircea_popescu "The financial aid director at North Idaho College was arrested this month and fired for offering to trade scholarships for sex with a student. However, the student wasn't real. [12:54]
mircea_popescu Joseph Bekken was arrested and jailed on charged of attempted misuse of public funds, attempted procurement of prostitution, burglary, using a computer in a scheme to defraud and bribery." [12:54]
BingoBoingo Place is almost Canada [12:54]
mircea_popescu law [12:54]
ben_vulpes danielpbarron: and you avoided letting it trap you [12:55]
ben_vulpes good job [12:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22651 @ 0.00040734 = 9.2267 BTC [-] [12:55]
danielpbarron i also coded a thing that would simulate players having to learn each other's language by speaking to each other to build up understanding; had the effect where a group of friends could talk in long sentences that strangers couldn't understand; strangers would have to talk in very short lines like "yes" "no" "here" in order to understand each other [12:56]
mircea_popescu wait. what ?! [12:56]
danielpbarron that part of it ended up being my favorite part; it worked very very well [12:56]
mircea_popescu "oh, i also built natural language ai" [12:56]
thestringpuller cazalla: yea. "jump starting game economy" [12:57]
danielpbarron it would scramble lines based on how many words you had already seen from that player [12:57]
mircea_popescu danielpbarron how did this work then ? [12:57]
mircea_popescu uhm. [12:57]
danielpbarron i think i still have the code lying around somewhere; i'll try to find it [12:57]
ben_vulpes is anyone familiar with these white "ceramic" "nonstick" pans? [12:58]
mircea_popescu silverstone or something else ? [12:58]
ben_vulpes yeeeah. [12:59]
ben_vulpes shit's going to nuke my testes somehow, right? [12:59]
mike_c collusion-free poker is nice, but I think bots are more the problem. [12:59]
mircea_popescu nah [12:59]
danielpbarron [12:59]
assbot ... ( ) [13:00]
mircea_popescu it's been a decent replacement for teflon for a while now. [13:00]
mike_c most collusion isn't as profitable as one might think (if at all) [13:00]
ben_vulpes i don't trust it [13:00]
mircea_popescu mike_c you jus' sayin' or you actually thought about this ? [13:00]
ben_vulpes technology gets worse over time not better [13:00]
danielpbarron mike_c, bots == collusion [13:01]
mike_c i have thought. i have played a lot of poker in my time. [13:01]
mike_c no, bots and collusion are entirely separate [13:01]
danielpbarron uh.. how so? [13:01]
mircea_popescu well so if you play 1k hands for an average of 1k a hand and come out 7k ahead is it a good game or a bad game ? [13:01]
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* bitspill has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:02]
mike_c uh, it's a wash. [13:02]
danielpbarron if the bots aren't colluding then it's not an issue [13:02]
mike_c 7k on $1mm wagered? [13:02]
mircea_popescu if that's a wash... [13:02]
mike_c statistically insignificat [13:02]
mircea_popescu dude get out, 0.7% is exactly what you live off. [13:02]
danielpbarron i'll gladly play against non-colluding bots any day; a bot can't out-bluff a real person; the whole point in having bots is that they share info with each other [13:02]
mike_c over 1k hands you have no idea what your return is [13:03]
mircea_popescu i guess we go at this the other way then : we play poker, you see five + two cards, i see five + twelve cards. [13:03]
mircea_popescu we're even ? [13:03]
mike_c you have to put up much more money though [13:03]
mike_c when i lose, i lose 1x. you lose, you lose 6x [13:03]
mircea_popescu yeah, but i lose it to myself. [13:04]
mike_c you are paying 6x the blinds I am [13:04]
mircea_popescu to myself. [13:04]
mike_c to the winner [13:04]
mike_c (and the house) [13:04]
mircea_popescu who is going to be... [13:04]
mircea_popescu yes, i pay more rake. that's there but not really significant. [13:05]
mike_c hehe [13:05]
mike_c untrue. rake is brutal [13:05]
mircea_popescu you've been playing poker in north idaho with college admins it seems. [13:05]
mike_c right [13:05]
mircea_popescu rake on 1k hands is what, 300 bux ? [13:06]
mike_c Online? What limit? [13:06]
mircea_popescu just generally. poker hand is a commodity, like pork bellies. [13:07]
mircea_popescu goes four about 30 cents these days, more or less. [13:07]
mike_c Live rake is much higher than online. [13:07]
* mircea_popescu shrugs [13:07]
mike_c Live rake is $5/hand. [13:07]
mircea_popescu you're arguing anecdote against principle here. [13:07]
mircea_popescu live rake is not going to have 6 man collusion either, is it! [13:08]
mike_c No, I'm not. the profit margins both live and online are significantly affected by rake [13:08]
mike_c ok, so we're discussing online. where the profit margins and the rake are smaller [13:08]
mircea_popescu unless they were looking at making an offline site o.O [13:08]
mike_c anyhoo. Let me see if I can dig up some real stats. [13:09]
BingoBoingo Poker over numbers station [13:09]
* nubbins` (~leel@unaffiliated/nubbins) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:09]
danielpbarron dignork, i don't see what the problem is with a bot that doesn't collude [13:09]
* assbot gives voice to nubbins` [13:10]
nubbins` re: cryptosporidium [13:10]
nubbins` this is one of the nicer pieces of kit i've picked up over years of outdoorsyness: [13:10]
nubbins` ;;google steripen [13:10]
gribble SteriPEN Water Purification | UV Water Purification: ; : SteriPEN Traveler Portable, Handheld UV Water ...: ; SteriPEN Adventurer Opti Water Purifier - [13:10]
* Guest46735 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:11]
mike_c Pokerstars has $3 cap at common no-limit games [13:11]
danielpbarron if someone's in the WoT and they want a bot to play for them, I say go for it [13:11]
mike_c figure 80 hands/hour, avg $1 cap, 6 players at table (5 colluding) [13:11]
mike_c ;;calc 80*5/6 [13:11]
gribble 66.6666666667 [13:11]
* teward- is now known as teward [13:12]
mike_c colluders are paying $66 an hour to play at a $1/$2 no-limit game [13:12]
mircea_popescu why "avg" ? you always fill the table. why "80" ? bot plays all the tables. all of them. [13:12]
mike_c average because max rake isn't every hand [13:12]
mike_c 80 because that's a common number of hands per hour at online [13:12]
mircea_popescu ... [13:13]
mike_c ... what? [13:13]
nubbins` alos, dat lenovo [13:13]
nubbins` *also [13:13]
mircea_popescu mike_c [13:13]
nubbins` i taught my roomie about CAs yesterday using them as an example [13:13]
mike_c then who the fuck is it making money off of? [13:13]
nubbins` guy likes to learn [13:13]
mircea_popescu if you have 500 human players, you're running 500 tables, with a total of 3k "players" [13:13]
BingoBoingo nubbins`: Don't worry Draper's been Indicted [13:13]
assbot The Superfish Funder List | ... ( ) [13:13]
nubbins` sweet [13:13]
mike_c Yeah, exactly. so we're talking about one table with me and 5 of your stupid bots colluding. [13:14]
mircea_popescu ok. [13:14]
mike_c to be clear, are you the site operator or just some other player running these bots? [13:14]
mircea_popescu this is like asking "who sent this bitcoin transaction" [13:15]
mike_c and also to be clear, i am talking about collusion, not bots. [13:15]
nubbins` i used to work for a national insurance company, every corporate machine was a lenovo [13:15]
nubbins` but they also didn't hash passwords, instead opting to store them in plain text [13:15]
nubbins` so... shrug. [13:15]
mike_c because my whole point was bots are the problem, not collusion. [13:15]
mircea_popescu mike_c collusion and bots are different topics. however, because collusion offers a small but systematic bonus, it's what makes bots always win. in the .5 to 1.5% range, depending. [13:15]
mike_c that is not what makes bots win. it simply gives bots a small bump over what their skill would be otherwise. [13:16]
mircea_popescu but if you want a statistical model, play with someone like this : three cards face up, two in the hole for you, two in the hole for them, a ten card window for them you can't see. [13:16]
mircea_popescu see if you ever win. [13:16]
mircea_popescu bots have no skill. [13:16]
mike_c for example, a bot will destroy you in headsup hold'em because it is now a solved problem. [13:16]
mircea_popescu hah. no it won't. [13:16]
mike_c yes, it will [13:16]
* mircea_popescu handgesture [13:17]
mike_c hand gesture my nuts. it's solved. [13:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12449 @ 0.00040734 = 5.071 BTC [-] [13:17]
mircea_popescu look, i saw the alerta thing [13:17]
mike_c i saw it 15 years ago [13:18]
danielpbarron if you realize you are heads up against a bot, couldn't you use its algorithm against it? [13:18]
mike_c what's the emoticon for sticking a tongue out? [13:18]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: gladly suck our cock if only we a) didn't bang hotties and b) validated their self-hottie delusions. << These are usually the girls who start false accusing despite being squelched. [13:18]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8801 @ 0.00040088 = 3.5281 BTC [-] [13:18]
mike_c danielpbarron: no. that's what solved means. [13:18]
mike_c you going to beat a bot at tic-tac-toe because you know its algorithm? [13:18]
danielpbarron solved as in a mathematical proof? [13:18]
danielpbarron tic-tac-toe isn't poker [13:18]
mike_c and heads-up poker isn't 6 person poker. [13:19]
mircea_popescu danielpbarron “We define a game to be essentially solved if a lifetime of play is unable to statistically differentiate it from being solved at 95% confidence,” [13:19]
mike_c you think you can beat it, there are machines in vegas where you can play against it for real money [13:19]
* Guest46735 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [13:19]
mircea_popescu why would i personally play against a machine ?! [13:19]
mike_c that was for danielpbarron [13:20]
danielpbarron for the sake of argument, say heads up is broken; no heads up! [13:20]
mike_c my point was collusion isn't what makes a bot win. [13:20]
mike_c a bot's winrate can be bumped up by collusion, but it is far from the biggest factor in its success or failure [13:20]
mircea_popescu mike_c a bot that knows the distribution tables really well has an edge. sure. [13:20]
* Panadol______ (sid17764@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:21]
mike_c but, this argument aside, the point of bringing it up - does your solution handle the bot problem? [13:22]
mike_c because that would be interesting. [13:22]
mike_c collusion is whatever [13:22]
danielpbarron all of this is a moot point anyway if the pre-requisite for playing is being in the WoT [13:22]
mircea_popescu mike_c also, they play limit headsup, which... nobody plays. [13:22]
mike_c no limit too [13:23]
mircea_popescu mike_c yes, it does. [13:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16500 @ 0.0004119 = 6.7964 BTC [+] {2} [13:23]
mike_c and why does nobody play no-limit headsup anymore? and limit? because of this. [13:23]
nubbins` if the pre-req for playing is being in the WoT, the games are gonna suck [13:23]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:23]
mike_c people love headsup, but nobody will play online anymore cuz bots. [13:23]
danielpbarron well now i feel like a dick for having recommended people play only heads up to prevent collusion [13:23]
mike_c obviously it's not b/c collusion [13:23]
danielpbarron nubbins`, uh.. what/? when I play face-to-face it's WoT poker [13:24]
danielpbarron i only play with people I know, or someone i trust knows [13:24]
BingoBoingo Anyways the problem with bots in poker is they don't respond appropriately when you are drinking and talking shit at the table [13:24]
mike_c hehe [13:24]
mike_c solvable problem. run 50 bots and pay somebody to sit and chat [13:25]
mircea_popescu also they don't have boobs. [13:25]
BingoBoingo ^ [13:25]
mike_c looks no different from the nuts who don't use bots and multi-table ridiculously [13:25]
danielpbarron "if the pre-req for chatting on irc is being in the WoT, the chat is gonna suck" [13:25]
mike_c i don't know that wot solves it all. so we start neg-rating on suspicion of bot use? [13:26]
BingoBoingo dignork: Mind blown [13:26]
danielpbarron if you suspect someone is cheating, do you want to play with them? [13:27]
mircea_popescu << there's no end to automation. [13:27]
assbot ... ( ) [13:27]
mike_c dignork: on what? suscpicions? [13:27]
* OneNomos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:27]
mike_c danielpbarron: but this problem is solved by weekly home game. online poker is different. [13:28]
* mats (sid23029@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:28]
mike_c you are more meant to play with strangers [13:28]
danielpbarron i don't see how it's any ddifferent; i wish i could play online with my weekly poker buddies [13:28]
mircea_popescu you are "meant" ? [13:28]
mike_c so i'm playing with stranger, he runs good or makes a couple good bluffs, and so i negrate him? [13:28]
danielpbarron in fact we figured out a way with pokerstars home game [13:28]
mike_c yeah "meant". otherwise it fails as business [13:28]
mircea_popescu i had no idea you were so teleological. [13:29]
mike_c dignork: over the long long long term only. [13:29]
BingoBoingo !up mats [13:29]
* assbot gives voice to mats [13:29]
nubbins` <+danielpbarron> "if the pre-req for chatting on irc is being in the WoT, the chat is gonna suck" <<< *cough* [13:29]
nubbins` 8) [13:29]
dignork mike_c: well, define "long". 100 hands? 200? [13:29]
mike_c no, that's the problem. more like 1mm. [13:29]
danielpbarron mike_c, you don't play with strangers, unless they are vouched for by someone you know [13:29]
mike_c idk, i am unconvinced. of course, we are assuming the solution here which mp hasn't specified. [13:30]
danielpbarron my recommendation to Micon wasn't even to bar access based on WoT, but to just give players option to link to WoT identity so that I can make the determination myself [13:31]
* bitspill (sid28048@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:31]
mircea_popescu !up bitspill [13:32]
-assbot- You voiced bitspill for 30 minutes. [13:32]
* assbot gives voice to bitspill [13:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56650 @ 0.00041367 = 23.4344 BTC [+] {2} [13:32]
danielpbarron and tournaments could have something like assbot to limit who can join [13:33]
mike_c mircea_popescu: not teleology, I just don't see how a poker site gets enough traffic if the only problem it solves is "we'll host your weekly poker game". [13:33]
* rdekley_ (sid32464@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:34]
danielpbarron weekly can be daily when we don't have to drive miles to get to the game [13:34]
mircea_popescu i also don't see how email will ever get enough interest if the only problem it solves ios "we'll save you the 9.95 a plastic maibox costs" [13:34]
mike_c the sites already solve that. i know my friend's nicks and i can play with them if i want. [13:34]
mircea_popescu the problem with teleologists is that they misstate both the problem and the solution. [13:34]
mike_c so restate it. [13:34]
mircea_popescu well i intend to, depending how this dignork thing works out. [13:34]
mike_c ok, i'll reserve comment until then. and you're a teleologist. [13:35]
* evian11_____ (sid37769@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:35]
* Takeshi (sid37825@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:35]
mike_c :P [13:36]
danielpbarron the reason the pokerstars homegame thing didn't work out so well is we could only do tournaments; there was no way to do cash games [13:36]
danielpbarron not that they don't have a cash game option, but it would let players rebuy without any accounting, which made linking to bitcoin impossible [13:37]
danielpbarron plus, if that ever took off i'm sure pokerstars would have killed it [13:38]
danielpbarron not a good idea to rely on someone else's thing [13:38]
nubbins` ^ [13:39]
nubbins` if there's one lesson bitcoin teaches people mercilessly... [13:39]
BingoBoingo !b 4 [13:39]
assbot Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) [13:39]
* CryptoGoon (uid44280@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:40]
BingoBoingo nubbins`: Any new lazerdude drama? [13:40]
nubbins` nah [13:40]
nubbins` now it's mostly me just antagonizing TECSHARE [13:41]
mats BingoBoingo: you ever get any of my PMs? [13:41]
BingoBoingo mats not recently [13:42]
mats [13:45]
assbot The New White Flight - WSJ [13:45]
* Pierre_Rochard (~Pierre@unaffiliated/pierre-rochard/x-3593157) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:45]
mircea_popescu if there's one lesson bitcoin teaches people mercilessly... << exactly. "if you don;t know the owner, the thing doesn;t exist". exactly contrary to how the us currently works, all impersonal and "it's our policy" and bs. [13:46]
mircea_popescu soo... if i want some laser handcarved items that were cut out of a log with an axe by adrunk sailor [13:47]
mircea_popescu where do i go now ? [13:47]
nubbins` prolly shoot him a PM [13:51]
nubbins` i doubt he stopped checking the forum ;p [13:52]
nubbins` also FWIW [13:52]
nubbins` oh fuck hold on [13:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14429 @ 0.00040088 = 5.7843 BTC [-] [13:52]
nubbins` ;;buy 1 "Collection of laser-cut wood items" @ 0 BTC PM for details [13:53]
gribble Order id 22024 created. [13:53]
* Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:54]
mircea_popescu should have bought it for 0 hands [13:54]
mircea_popescu hegre ftw. [13:55]
assbot ... ( ) [13:55]
* Namworld has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:57]
* punkman (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:57]
* Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:58]
* Xuthus (~x@unaffiliated/xuthus) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:58]
* assbot removes voice from mats [14:00]
* assbot removes voice from bitspill [14:03]
* Namworld has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:03]
* saifedean (92b92570@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:07]
mircea_popescu !up saifedean [14:08]
-assbot- You voiced saifedean for 30 minutes. [14:08]
* assbot gives voice to saifedean [14:08]
saifedean good evening, b/a [14:08]
saifedean it's february 2015 because i fixed it up just this week [14:09]
mircea_popescu aha. Preliminaiy version: do not quote without author permission. << ironically, only typo is in the warning [14:10]
* OneNomos (~OneNomos@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/onenomos) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:10]
mircea_popescu saifedean a particularly interesting metric, other than the 5.5bn eu / 6.5 bn us (which by now is more like 10 anyway), would be subsidy per joule. [14:11]
mircea_popescu that's one eyepopping statistic. [14:11]
* saifedean_ (92b92570@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:12]
mircea_popescu (in the case of ethanol in the us, include ALL agricultural subsidies, not just the direct for ethanol stuff) [14:12]
* saifedean has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [14:14]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: Quit) [14:14]
* saifedean (92b92570@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:15]
BingoBoingo !up saifedean [14:16]
* assbot gives voice to saifedean [14:16]
saifedean in fact, if you think about it, you can't really even calculate a subsidy per joule, since the moronic process probably consumes more energy than it produces, so the more subsidies, the more joules are wasted! [14:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23554 @ 0.00041519 = 9.7794 BTC [+] {2} [14:16]
* saifedean_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [14:16]
mircea_popescu just in an administrative sense. [14:16]
saifedean if the thing could produce more joules than it consumes, it wouldn't need so much bezzle to keep it running [14:16]
* diana_coman (~diana_com@unaffiliated/diana-coman/x-8319396) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:16]
* [Namworld] ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:18]
mircea_popescu meanwhile, [14:19]
assbot ... ( ) [14:19]
* [Namworld] has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:23]
Adlai << true pretty much in any context... they take our jobs! [14:23]
assbot Logged on 20-02-2015 16:07:02; dignork: danielpbarron: me either, but most players assume that bots are evil, hence all this bot-hunting madness [14:23]
* saifedean_ (5db9e0bb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:24]
* [Namworld] ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:24]
* saifedean has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [14:25]
thestringpuller scoopbot -fetch [14:27]
scoopbot New post on by thestringpuller: [14:27]
mircea_popescu scoopbot seems to be working fine neh ? [14:27]
danielpbarron " speculation of the dangers of trapping " << url broken [14:28]
* saifedean_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [14:28]
danielpbarron acutally it looks like all the urls are broken [14:29]
thestringpuller ah yes. danielpbarron it seems that way for the all the links [14:30]
thestringpuller BingoBoingo is fixing :D [14:30]
BingoBoingo SHould all be fxd nao [14:30]
* [Namworld] has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:31]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: scoopbot does seem to be working fine...for nao ;) [14:31]
* diana_coman has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [14:39]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: well, for some blogs... [14:46]
thestringpuller i thought it worked for conravex? [14:47]
* felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:47]
pete_dushenski nah [14:48]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: "The overbearing regulatory climate in the US for exchanging fiat for Bitcoin seems to have similar consequences as its War on Drugs." << curious how you get here logically [14:48]
danielpbarron b-a isn't a cult.. it's a cartel! [14:49]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: these brokers could have a physical shop [14:49]
pete_dushenski with sekoority cameras and door buzzers or whatever [14:49]
pete_dushenski like a gun/pawn shop [14:49]
pete_dushenski there are (were?) in fact a few such operations in canada [14:50]
pete_dushenski meeting people on the street to sell things will always bear this risk, regs or no regs [14:50]
pete_dushenski you could be selling an ipad and have the same thing happen [14:50]
* diana_coman (~diana_com@unaffiliated/diana-coman/x-8319396) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:51]
pete_dushenski danielpbarron: i like it! [14:51]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski solid point. [14:51]
pete_dushenski the cost of business is borne either way [14:53]
* ascii_field ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:53]
pete_dushenski cost of overhead to insure against gunpoint robberies [14:54]
pete_dushenski or cost of the odd gunpoint robbery [14:54]
pete_dushenski cost of insurance depends on locale [14:54]
mircea_popescu i dunno man. that 11k the guy reported lost would have paid 1year rent + hardening measures. [14:54]
BingoBoingo !up ascii_field [14:54]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [14:54]
ascii_field danke BingoBoingo [14:54]
pete_dushenski type of people, cost of rent, cost of cams, etc [14:54]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: perhaps not in nyc, or at least not manhattan [14:55]
danielpbarron << is this something i could be doing? [14:55]
assbot Logged on 17-02-2015 03:22:43; asciilifeform: nubbins`: what state's your beast in now << stuck on crafting the ramdisk (in-ram root fs) for netbsd. as of a week ago. haven't the time, presently, to do anything [14:55]
ascii_field danielpbarron: possibly [14:55]
danielpbarron is "in-ram" the eeprom thing? [14:56]
ascii_field danielpbarron: see if you are able to set up the cross-compile system (netbsd carries its own) on your box [14:56]
* diana_coman has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [14:56]
danielpbarron by my box, you mean my gentoo laptop? [14:56]
danielpbarron i'm downloading this right now -> [14:57]
ascii_field danielpbarron: at present time there is no support whatoever for the eeprom in netbsd. this means that it can be used, but only if the userland (yes, all of it) is baked into a ramdisk baked into the kernel (which in turn is loaded by uboot in one shot at powerup) [14:57]
ascii_field danielpbarron: the netbsd kernel and userland are sufficiently compact (vs linux) to make this a worthwhile exercise [14:58]
* DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:58]
danielpbarron is this something i should be able to teach myself in a reasonable amount of time? [14:59]
ascii_field danielpbarron: you could find the bug in the netbsd ramdisk build script as well as i could [15:00]
thestringpuller pete_dushenski: re: War on Drug << We can't buy Bitcoin without the help of Coinbase, or submitting to enemy's wishes, so alternative is to hit the streets. This is similar if not exact mentality of aspiring drug dealer wanting his own corner. [15:01]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and then when we start hiring, we hire slaves, like anyone hiring << simply wanted to point out that all of the #b-a projects (with possible exception of kakobrekla's work) are powered a hundred percent by the fiat economy's surplus - that is, free hours of various folks involved - and to some extent are at the mercy of their day job fortunes (see, e.g., the demise of moiety) [15:01]
* indiancandy1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:01]
ascii_field !up indiancandy1 [15:01]
danielpbarron !up indiancandy1 [15:01]
* assbot gives voice to indiancandy1 [15:01]
* ascii_field reflex [15:02]
* indiancandy1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:02]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: you can't use bitstamp ? or bitcoin-otc ? or one of those schmancy atms ? [15:03]
thestringpuller pete_dushenski: see the difference in mitigated risk between the overbearing nature of War on Drugs in state such a Virginia or Texas, vs say Colorado or Washington in regards to cannabis shops. Yes the risk involved in transit (large sums of money between shop and "bank", and transit of goods being guarded by ex military sekurity) [15:03]
thestringpuller but the difference in resulting violence is great [15:03]
danielpbarron well at least i'm in the fortunate position of getting my fiat stuff done in one heavy time period, leaving the rest of the year open [15:03]
danielpbarron i can see how draining this would be if my free time was limited to a couple hours nightly [15:04]
* ascii_field works under precisely this ^ constraint [15:05]
* joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [15:05]
danielpbarron a travesty! [15:05]
thestringpuller pete_dushenski: I personally use bitcoin-otc but that's only because I have trusted people to sell me coin. For someone on fringes of this footprint who needs local fulfillment this creates the risk of "trapping". [15:06]
danielpbarron people who aren't in the WoT should be concerned first with .. getting in the WoT [15:06]
thestringpuller i'm not saying people not in WoT danielpbarron [15:06]
thestringpuller i'm talking of people on fringes who aren't connected strong enough to make large trades at this point [15:07]
thestringpuller because the footprint is small [15:07]
danielpbarron they can't use escrow? [15:07]
danielpbarron idk how large of at trade you're talking about, but i did several deals worth several thousand dollars in otc through escrow agents [15:07]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: the cannabis example is irrelevant because of the precise physicality of the item [15:07]
pete_dushenski bitcoin suffers no such limitation [15:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51370 @ 0.00040029 = 20.5629 BTC [-] {2} [15:08]
pete_dushenski transport is simplified, storage idem [15:08]
pete_dushenski not zero risk of course, just different [15:08]
thestringpuller pete_dushenski: is this for digitized of physical fiat? i'm assuming former [15:08]
thestringpuller s/of/or [15:08]
pete_dushenski i'm talking about btc now [15:09]
fluffypony [15:09]
assbot Seals with Clubs, the first Bitcoin poker room, shuts down. Funds are still safe. : Bitcoin ... ( ) [15:09]
thestringpuller well how do you acquire btc with cash without phsyical presence? [15:09]
fluffypony oh [15:09]
fluffypony already covered [15:09]
fluffypony how did I miss that [15:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25530 @ 0.00039562 = 10.1002 BTC [-] {2} [15:10]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: i'm saying that a physical presence is simpler to manage for a digital asset than a physical one [15:10]
pete_dushenski so set up a shop [15:10]
pete_dushenski ape the gun sellers [15:10]
thestringpuller wait huh? [15:10]
thestringpuller yes the inventory for coin is simpler to manage but risk of gun in face is still apparent for anything valuable... [15:11]
thestringpuller setting up a shop is what cannabis shops have done and crime rate has gone down from relaxation of regulations [15:11]
thestringpuller i don't see how this point is irrelevant due to cannabis being a physical good and bitcoin being a digital good [15:12]
* PeterL (~peterl@unaffiliated/peterl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:12]
* assbot gives voice to PeterL [15:12]
pete_dushenski it's basically the transportation to and from the shop, requiring "ex-military sekurity" [15:13]
pete_dushenski that's the difference [15:13]
mircea_popescu motherfucker this guy totally beat me to the punch reviewing kerouac. [15:13]
* mircea_popescu signs off on [15:13]
assbot The Last Psychiatrist: Kerouac's On The Road: The 50th Anniversary Of A Book I Had Not Read ... ( ) [15:13]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: either way, it's not illegal to sell btc, no special id required [15:13]
thestringpuller not for floridian who is in jail [15:14]
danielpbarron i don't get who would actually type in his password at gunpoint -- or, yet another reason to not do bitcoin from a smart phone [15:14]
thestringpuller pete_dushenski: << d00d in jail for trapping bitcoin [15:14]
danielpbarron while the mugger is at it he should get the victim to sign over deed to house and car [15:15]
NewLiberty The cop should be in the cell next to him [15:15]
mircea_popescu ascii_field> mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and then << the general concept being that people will find themselves under so much pressure as the thing advances, that marginals (ie, people who depend on paychecks etc) are prolly in a very weak position to participate anyway. [15:15]
mircea_popescu how well this works in practice... well... nothing works well in practice. [15:15]
PeterL thestringpuller: first line of your article, s/a place where transactions/a place where transactions happen [15:15]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: ok, depends on the quantity and your ability to discern dood from secret agent man [15:15]
* ascii_field depends on paycheck [15:16]
thestringpuller BingoBoingo: see PeterL search and replace [15:16]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski> thestringpuller: you can't use bitstamp ? or bitcoin-otc ? or one of those schmancy atms ? << it's bs, all of it. people can trade ~infinity btc/usd without any problems PROVIDED THEYRE IN THE WOT [15:16]
mircea_popescu and the people who aren't don't exist anyway. [15:16]
ascii_field ^ i can see reverse direction (btc to usd) being problematic. but usd to btc ? [15:17]
thestringpuller pete_dushenski: yes so this is pretty much like drug dealing. or at least from my limited experience of "riding along" with drug dealers [15:17]
mircea_popescu neither's problematic really. [15:17]
danielpbarron in my extensive experience in that realm, WoT also applies [15:17]
mircea_popescu just, you know, "consumers have come to expect". and they will die with that "expectation". [15:17]
pete_dushenski least of all if you have a physical shop. [15:17]
mircea_popescu and pretend all along that "no alternatives exist" [15:17]
mircea_popescu because why bother, when you can just wail and wait for tit. [15:18]
thestringpuller danielpbarron: yes exactly! which goes to point mircea_popescu just brought up [15:18]
BingoBoingo fxd [15:18]
thestringpuller again I'm only talking about people on fringes of WoT [15:18]
ascii_field for folks who aren't subjects of us, try the mindfuck on for size: if a crate of benjamins were to drop from the sky into my yard, there is literally nothing game-changingly useful that i could do with them [15:18]
ascii_field they might as well be bricks of Pu [15:18]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: seems like this fringes thing is a fence-sitting [15:18]
pete_dushenski sort of shit or get off the pot [15:18]
thestringpuller pete_dushenski: as is the nature of "becoming known" to a plug so you can re-up in the future. [15:18]
danielpbarron ascii_field, need to launder? [15:18]
mircea_popescu ascii_field you're supposed to report it neh ? [15:18]
thestringpuller pete_dushenski: "you don't know me yet, but lemme build some trust somehow" [15:19]
danielpbarron open up a car wash! [15:19]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12884 @ 0.0003954 = 5.0943 BTC [-] [15:19]
ascii_field aha. the only thing the hypothetical crate would do is get me moved up a few spots in gassing queue if it got out [15:19]
ascii_field hence, no, definitely not equally problematic in both directions [15:19]
pete_dushenski thestringpuller: then you're dealing with smaller amounts ? [15:20]
pete_dushenski and the risk of getting jacked for 11k should be zero [15:20]
mircea_popescu ascii_field the guy's 11k are NOT a crate of dollars. barely one brick. [15:20]
ascii_field crate - rhetorical illustration [15:20]
mircea_popescu your argument reduces to "i can't make a bottling plant out of a gallon of juice". sure. [15:20]
mircea_popescu there exist people, and not just in florida, who can get you a pellet of usd 100 notes on a half day notice. [15:21]
mircea_popescu for limited values of "you" [15:21]
ascii_field at the risk of repeating myself, my rent, for example, is ~2k/mo, and not under any circumstances payable in cash [15:21]
ascii_field or through anything other than an american bank [15:21]
PeterL ascii_field: you can take cash into grocery store, exchange for food, neh? [15:21]
mircea_popescu he doesn't eat. [15:21]
mircea_popescu except rw40, which he gets free [15:21]
ascii_field mircea_popescu is approximately correct [15:21]
mircea_popescu called in a radio show once, got lifetime supply. [15:21]
mircea_popescu ascii_field you could buy gift certs. [15:22]
mircea_popescu that's what 99% of "otc businessmen" do anyway [15:22]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: yes. and this one of the very few reliable auto-tipoffs available to the gasenwagen [15:23]
ascii_field anyone who buys, say, $50k of gift cert cards in cash, is guaranteed to have some official scrutiny. [15:23]
mircea_popescu so pick up nomenklatura daughters, have them do it for you. [15:23]
mircea_popescu remember, any systematic weaponry can be turned around the operator. [15:24]
ascii_field now we have human flesh in the loop [15:24]
mircea_popescu their flesh. [15:24]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: aren't there still political factors involved calling up senator to deliver shipping container of benjies to you? [15:24]
ascii_field frail flesh. [15:24]
mircea_popescu thestringpuller not senator. [15:24]
thestringpuller not "jerome" either ;p [15:24]
danielpbarron oo speaking of which; if you want to knock someone offline for a spell, open up webchat to b-a from their ip :D [15:24]
* ascii_field 's spells don't work on flesh, only on iron [15:24]
mircea_popescu danielpbarron you don't say lol. [15:24]
mircea_popescu ascii_field see, this is how i distinguish a genius geek from a simple geek : the latter programs computer to interact with him. the former, to interact with the girls. [15:25]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [15:25]
mircea_popescu lol [15:25]
mircea_popescu !up ascii_field [15:25]
-assbot- You voiced ascii_field for 30 minutes. [15:25]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [15:25]
ascii_field ty mircea_popescu [15:25]
ascii_field interact with the girls ? [15:25]
ascii_field dildonics ? [15:25]
mircea_popescu no, like, get them to thing it's their bf. [15:26]
mircea_popescu as opposed to "get me to think it's my gf" [15:26]
ascii_field 'eliza' [15:26]
mircea_popescu sort-of. [15:26]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: seems only way to avoid gasenwagen in this sense is to become BTC version of pablo escobar... [15:26]
thestringpuller and even he really didn't avoid it... [15:26]
mircea_popescu well in that sense, clintron "didn't avoid it" [15:26]
mircea_popescu or that schmucky someting awful kid, whatever his name was. [15:27]
thestringpuller hahaha...ok fair 'nuff [15:27]
ascii_field humans-in-the-loop is what -every single person nailed by usg so far- had in common. [15:27]
mircea_popescu Sean Smith "didn't avoid it'. [15:27]
thestringpuller ascii_field: so create a gang of robots? [15:28]
ascii_field not a guarantee of defeat, sure, but machines are exactly as 'loyal' as their operator is clever and conscientious - men are not. [15:28]
mircea_popescu "Here's one that even The Onion would reject as too blatantly ridiculous: American right-wing radio and TV clown Glenn Beck believes that Sean Smith aka Vile Rat, the EVE Online diplomat who was killed earlier this month during the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, was actually a CIA agent, relaying communications to his fellow undercover agents at Something Awful." [15:29]
mircea_popescu the only thing that's blatantly ridiculous is that beck forgot to mention where he got it [15:29]
thestringpuller ascii_field: this very much reminds me of aku's mentality in Samurai Jack... [15:29]
mircea_popescu ascii_field the difference isn't there. [15:29]
mircea_popescu but in other news, [15:30]
assbot ... ( ) [15:30]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: which difference ? [15:30]
mircea_popescu " machines are exactly as 'loyal' as their operator is clever and conscientious - men are not." [15:30]
ascii_field a server doesn't have a family the enemy can take hostage [15:31]
ascii_field or unpaid debts [15:31]
ascii_field etc [15:31]
mircea_popescu but it does run thompson's code. [15:31]
ascii_field not if you hand-carved it. [15:31]
mircea_popescu there are people who don't give a shit about some woman's spawn. more women, mopre spawn. [15:31]
mircea_popescu there aren't computers that don't depend on their compilers etc. [15:31]
ascii_field cheaper to knit the transistors than to build organization from scratch out of orphan bachelors [15:32]
mircea_popescu nothing in principle wrong with either approach, which was the point. [15:33]
ascii_field not so many warrior monks on the ground in modern world, afaik [15:33]
ascii_field wonder why not [15:33]
mircea_popescu not so many clean stacks, either. [15:33]
mircea_popescu the difference however ? one's nonzero ; the other 0. [15:33]
mircea_popescu ya see ? [15:33]
mircea_popescu and again : sean's dead. your argument is therefore invalid. [15:34]
* ascii_field looks up reference [15:34]
thestringpuller ascii_field: out of orphan bachelors << an organization of Batmans? [15:36]
mircea_popescu i never followed that franchise, but did batman have a vallet / [15:36]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: where does the dead usg sysadmin come in? somehow missing it [15:37]
mircea_popescu dead usg agent was killed by someone. by whom ? [15:37]
ascii_field employer [15:37]
BingoBoingo i never followed that franchise, but did batman have a vallet / << He did indeed [15:37]
mircea_popescu eh get out. [15:37]
ascii_field who fed him to the locals [15:37]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo did he ever end up kidnapped by evil man ? [15:37]
BingoBoingo The thing's got like 8 decades of history. Prolly happened several times. [15:38]
mircea_popescu batman no good then. [15:38]
NewLiberty A server has a storage eeprom that the enemy may already have hostage. [15:39]
assbot ... ( ) [15:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7576 @ 0.00039555 = 2.9967 BTC [+] [15:39]
* ascii_field head-desks [15:39]
mircea_popescu lol [15:40]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Well, that's kind of the problem with literature by committee. At some point someone's going to make the thing suck. [15:40]
ascii_field NewLiberty: [15:41]
assbot Your Disk Controller and You | ... ( ) [15:41]
chetty [15:42]
assbot Bitcoin Crime Wave Breaks Out in NYC | | Observer ... ( ) [15:42]
NewLiberty Yes, the "equation group" are just the ones that have been caught doing it. [15:42]
ascii_field 'equation group' == nsa [15:42]
* NewLiberty nods [15:42]
NewLiberty I don't imagine that they are alone in that effort. [15:43]
* pete_dushenski annoyed that there's no cross-platform scrabble game that works between desktop and mobile w/o facefuck account [15:43]
ascii_field incidentally, one possible reason for k's use of the fictional name was to streamline the process of getting the c&c domains sinkholed [15:43]
NewLiberty They are not dumb. [15:43]
ascii_field picture this call to icann: them: 'who' k: 'nsa. please transfer domain to us' [15:43]
ascii_field constrained by dumb ~= dumb [15:44]
* SayWhaatNoow (567b1011@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:45]
BingoBoingo !up SayWhaatNoow [15:46]
* assbot gives voice to SayWhaatNoow [15:46]
ascii_field (previous thread) if mircea_popescu seriously applied his criteria re: who is 'marginal', #b-a would likely be the #mircea_popescu-kakobrekla-jurov channel instead [15:46]
ascii_field ^ did i miss any other folks who live on atomic dirigibles and don't 'depend on paycheck' [15:47]
NewLiberty Also, plausible deniability for them to avoid making specific enemies. Presumably they like selling things and doing business in jurisdictions where assets can be seized by libelous claims. [15:47]
ascii_field NewLiberty: nothing to do with libel suites. notice that not one av vendor on the planet has yet fingered usg in the open. regardless of how obvious (e.g., 'stuxnet') the smoking guns. [15:48]
ascii_field because 'av vendors can have problems too' [15:48]
ascii_field *suits [15:48]
NewLiberty libel is the least of the concerns, but one that alone would be sufficient deterrance [15:49]
ascii_field think kaspersky gives a flying fuck re: lawsuits in u.s. courts ? [15:49]
NewLiberty Only if they sell anything anywhere for dollars [15:49]
danielpbarron i could probably get to a non-fiat point; no kids no car no morgage no wives [15:50]
ascii_field danielpbarron: lucky fella, must be 100% theorist. i, for one, couldn't even get any of my experimental supplies without using electric fiat [15:51]
ascii_field go and buy so much as a spool of 0805 resistors with btc. [15:52]
ascii_field (not even speaking of pcb assembly service, etc) [15:53]
danielpbarron couldn't i just pay a guy a premium to buy it for me? [15:53]
ascii_field what guy. [15:53]
danielpbarron idk, i got a weed guy; shouldn't i also have a fiat guy? [15:55]
ascii_field danielpbarron: got one you'd trust to buy 100k-usd of factory time ? [15:55]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [15:55]
danielpbarron !up ascii_field [15:56]
* pete_dushenski has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [15:56]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [15:56]
BingoBoingo !up ascii_field [15:56]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [15:56]
ascii_field ty danielpbarron [15:56]
ascii_field danielpbarron: one you'd trust to have the goods physically protected in the necessary ways ? [15:56]
ascii_field etc [15:56]
danielpbarron that is.. not outside the realm of possibility for me... not that i've made such an inquiry [15:56]
ascii_field this is not an easy problem if you're talking about something necessarily high-value and non-parcellable [15:56]
ascii_field what if your 'weed' could -only- be purchased in 100k-usd chunks ? [15:56]
ascii_field not saying that this is an impossible problem to solve [15:57]
ascii_field but that the intersection of folks who -have- the problem, and those able to solve it, is thus far zero [15:57]
ascii_field suggesting that the combination is 'not thermodynamically favoured' to borrow the chemists' expression [15:58]
ascii_field danielpbarron: that is.. not outside the realm of possibility for me... not that i've made such an inquiry << the odds are that after you were to make two or three such inquiries, you will come across a usg stoolie [15:58]
ascii_field with all the usual sequelae. [15:59]
ascii_field -that- is what it means to 'go outside wot' [15:59]
danielpbarron yeh you're right; but i could pay for simple food/rent from a strictly bitcoin income [15:59]
NewLiberty If there were more with the problem ic could be 'worth it' to you to solve it for yourself and others. [15:59]
ascii_field NewLiberty: that's precisely the observation i was making: there is no one who has found it worth his while to solve the problem for others [16:00]
ascii_field suggesting that there is a substantial '2) ?????' in the path to '3) profit!!11!!!' [16:00]
BingoBoingo !b 4 [16:01]
assbot Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) [16:01]
ascii_field and yes there are many folks in usa who run on cash [16:02]
* joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:02]
ascii_field but i for one can more easily comprehend how to move to ar and learn to be a shoemaker or ocelot-walker or whatever, than turning into one of the above [16:02]
ascii_field ah and on the subject of gift cards, you can't buy them in usa without gov. id [16:03]
ascii_field can't pay rent with them, either [16:03]
danielpbarron well you can buy them but you can't activate them [16:03]
BingoBoingo I bough pnoHe and minutes cards for said without ID [16:03]
ascii_field BingoBoingo: try buying one for 100k [16:03]
ascii_field or even 10 [16:03]
NewLiberty I almost became 'unbanked' this week. I've had >10 accounts terminated by banks this year. It seems with the latest guidance from the Fed, banks categorize 'precious metal dealers' in the same bin as 'arms traders' and 'ponzi operators'. [16:04]
BingoBoingo Eventually [16:04]
ascii_field the cash register won't 'ding' without a passkey from stalin [16:04]
* assbot gives voice to joecool [16:05]
ascii_field BingoBoingo: once you turn said pNohe on from your home, it may as well be registered to your face [16:06]
ascii_field it's one of those faux loopholes that's really a honeypot [16:07]
BingoBoingo That is problem [16:07]
BingoBoingo Stallman was right about those [16:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39600 @ 0.00039555 = 15.6638 BTC [+] [16:10]
ascii_field BingoBoingo: simple triangulation [16:10]
ascii_field no boobie trap needed [16:10]
BingoBoingo Right Same principal as Loran [16:10]
* felipelalli (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/felipelalli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:12]
BingoBoingo !up felipelalli [16:12]
* assbot gives voice to felipelalli [16:12]
* nubbins` (~leel@unaffiliated/nubbins) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:15]
* assbot removes voice from SayWhaatNoow [16:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36424 @ 0.00039555 = 14.4075 BTC [+] [16:16]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: Quit) [16:25]
* PeterL has quit (Quit: PeterL) [16:26]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [16:26]
felipelalli hi BingoBoingo! [16:28]
felipelalli why only you online today? [16:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00039782 = 4.6943 BTC [+] [16:30]
felipelalli I have to back to work, have a nice end of day guys! [16:31]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53402 @ 0.00041442 = 22.1309 BTC [+] {2} [16:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55548 @ 0.00041943 = 23.2985 BTC [+] {3} [16:38]
* assbot removes voice from felipelalli [16:43]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:45]
* wolverine_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30550 @ 0.00042082 = 12.8561 BTC [+] {2} [16:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67440 @ 0.00039291 = 26.4979 BTC [-] {3} [16:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35951 @ 0.00039076 = 14.0482 BTC [-] [17:13]
* diana_coman (~diana_com@unaffiliated/diana-coman/x-8319396) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:14]
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [17:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34582 @ 0.00038215 = 13.2155 BTC [-] {3} [17:30]
Adlai "I have to get back to work, have a nice end of days!" - Jesus 2.0 [17:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15518 @ 0.0003804 = 5.903 BTC [-] [17:31]
* yhwh_ (~yhwh-@unaffiliated/yhwh/x-6819798) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:33]
* The20YearIRCloud (uid38883@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:34]
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* wawert1 (~wawert@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63224 @ 0.00037808 = 23.9037 BTC [-] {3} [17:46]
* yhwh__ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [17:49]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3315 @ 0.00039076 = 1.2954 BTC [+] [17:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100858 @ 0.00037728 = 38.0517 BTC [-] {4} [17:51]
* yhwh_ (~yhwh-@unaffiliated/yhwh/x-6819798) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:56]
* wawert1 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:57]
joecool ddos guy still hang around here? [17:58]
* wawert (~wawert@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:00]
Adlai "he who smelt it, dealt it" [18:02]
* TheNewDeal (~TheNewDea@unaffiliated/thenewdeal) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:08]
* assbot gives voice to TheNewDeal [18:11]
TheNewDeal ;;ticker [18:11]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 243.75, Best ask: 244.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.25000, Last trade: 244.0, 24 hour volume: 10233.82057294, 24 hour low: 239.13, 24 hour high: 249.32, 24 hour vwap: 244.603229345 [18:11]
* SayWhaatNoow has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [18:18]
thestringpuller ;;seen The20YearIRCloud [18:23]
gribble The20YearIRCloud was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 10 weeks, 3 days, 22 hours, 58 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: Big thing has been to have em look over all the financial documents as we're filing taxes for 2014 next month and I didn't want to submit till they had a good idea of it. [18:23]
mike_c he switched to slack. it's irc from silicon valley. [18:24]
mike_c !up The20YearIRCloud [18:31]
* assbot gives voice to The20YearIRCloud [18:31]
The20YearIRCloud I check in once in a while here and still idle on a few IRC chats, granted I guess slack does a IRC connection as well [18:31]
mike_c how's business? stock price seems to be rising. [18:32]
mike_c !t h rent [18:32]
assbot The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn from the crow. [18:32]
The20YearIRCloud Business is good, just have one vacancy on a house we just finished, other than that things seem to be doing well [18:32]
The20YearIRCloud Last price was .0117 or so [18:33]
mike_c about double from ipo. not too shabby. [18:33]
mike_c not quite as good as fiat, but what can you do :) [18:33]
The20YearIRCloud We're hovering around the $3/share area [18:33]
The20YearIRCloud The big thing was working through the bankrupt shareholder(s) that were forced to liquidate, it took seemingly forever to work through them [18:34]
mike_c hah, interesting. sounds like a pain. [18:34]
The20YearIRCloud It was, court gave one of our largest shareholders a few months to sell all his stock which led to the price being in a slump for quite some time, now it's all worked through and the price can at least have a chance to rise [18:35]
The20YearIRCloud Plus the banks are slowly catching on to our plans [18:35]
mike_c wait, were RENT shares actually mentioned in the court proceedings? or just a general order. [18:36]
The20YearIRCloud I was told they were [18:36]
mike_c heh. that must have been interesting for the court. "see, i have units in a fund of this panamaian company that has shares in this other company" [18:37]
mike_c have you given any further thought to unwinding from havelock? [18:37]
The20YearIRCloud Definately [18:37]
The20YearIRCloud especially with this new down time, the problem is what to do to give investors liquidity [18:38]
The20YearIRCloud Just about, granted I think what happens is they require personal financial statements from a person during the proceeding, and he declared ~$40k worth of stock [18:38]
Adlai A popular story is told about Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965) when he was running for president in 1952 (or in 1956). Someone heard Stevenson’s impressive speech and said, “Every thinking person in America will be voting for you.” Stevenson replied, “I’m afraid that won’t do—I need a majority.” [18:38]
Adlai fuck there are a lot of me: [18:41]
assbot Stevenson family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( ) [18:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75758 @ 0.00037347 = 28.2933 BTC [-] {2} [18:42]
* wawert has quit (Changing host) [18:49]
* wawert (~wawert@unaffiliated/wawert) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:49]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35800 @ 0.00037961 = 13.59 BTC [+] {2} [18:49]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:58]
* assbot removes voice from The20YearIRCloud [19:01]
* manamex (~ptr@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/manamex) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80700 @ 0.00038386 = 30.9775 BTC [+] [19:11]
* yhwh__ (~yhwh-@2607:5300:100:200::60f) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:17]
* yhwh_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [19:18]
mircea_popescu ascii_field howdja mean ? [19:32]
mircea_popescu ascii_field> what guy << guys! [19:33]
* assbot gives voice to wawert [19:33]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [19:34]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [19:34]
mircea_popescu o.O [19:34]
mircea_popescu ascii_field> but that the intersection of folks who -have- the problem, and those able to solve it, is thus far zero << this is merely an artefact of your own perspective, is my story an' im stickig to it. [19:35]
ascii_field point was trying to make was that mass economics (e.g. weed) are not applicable to ultra-niche affair where there are maybe three people in a continent who can even begin to attempt $task [19:36]
mircea_popescu it's one of those faux loopholes that's really a honeypot << so turn it on at obama's girlfriend's house. [19:37]
ascii_field lol, why not brezhnev's girlfriend's house [19:37]
mircea_popescu exactly. [19:37]
ascii_field quod licet iovi... etc [19:37]
mircea_popescu and srsly, 100mn is niche-y, 100k not so. [19:37]
mircea_popescu "Bitcoin, the technology that’s meant to revolutionize the way we think of money, is simultaneously revolutionizing the way we get mugged." [19:39]
mircea_popescu lol great story bro, except... "gimme your valuables". what's so revolutionary there ? [19:39]
* hdbuck (~hdbuck@unaffiliated/hdbuck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:54]
danielpbarron !up hdbuck [19:55]
* assbot gives voice to hdbuck [19:55]
mircea_popescu heya. [19:57]
mircea_popescu dignork ^ [19:57]
* assbot removes voice from wawert [20:03]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [20:04]
* Pierre_Rochard has quit (Quit: Pierre_Rochard) [20:06]
[]bot Bet placed: 2 BTC for No on "BTC to top $500 before 1st May" Odds: 22(Y):78(N) by coin, 23(Y):77(N) by weight. Total bet: 4.60099479 BTC. Current weight: 95,091. [20:14]
asciilifeform !up ascii_field [20:15]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [20:15]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform are you teh girl ? [20:15]
ascii_field lol no. pet does not touch the console [20:16]
ascii_field but there are some automatics. [20:16]
asciilifeform aha [20:17]
mircea_popescu lmao [20:17]
mircea_popescu alf has finally divided [20:17]
ascii_field l0l [20:17]
cazalla scoopbot -fetch [20:19]
* pierre_rochard (~pierre_ro@unaffiliated/pierre-rochard/x-3593157) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:19]
cazalla [20:19]
assbot Midlothian, IL Police Department Pays Bitcoin Ransom | ... ( ) [20:19]
mircea_popescu another one ? [20:19]
ascii_field re: earlier thread: somewhat reminiscent of the 'sling dope' thread on mircea_popescu's www [20:21]
cazalla mircea_popescu, i wonder just how much the cops would be willing to pay if ransomware maker crafted it specifically for gov depts and not at home users [20:22]
ascii_field in that yes, one skilled in meatspace 'humint' can safely do a 100k trade [20:22]
mircea_popescu people work as tellers in pond shops for minimum wage. there's no big deal humint involved. [20:26]
assbot Honey On Tap From Your Own Beehive - Flow™ Hive Home ... ( ) [20:26]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: gotta be born to it [20:26]
* assbot removes voice from hdbuck [20:26]
mircea_popescu bulletproof glass and steel rollers are 10s an 100s [20:26]
ascii_field pond shop ? [20:26]
mircea_popescu yes. and bookies and what have you. ever seen snatch ? [20:26]
ascii_field aha [20:27]
cazalla jurov, bad idea? [20:27]
ascii_field and picture what happens if someone who grew up with virtually no social skills were to attempt to find a way into world of 'snatch' (much less actually work there) [20:27]
ascii_field this is 99% of how usg collects its 'death ray plotters' [20:27]
ascii_field 'hey kid, wanna join the terroristz?' [20:28]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [20:28]
jurov cazalla not saying it's a bad idea. just "such a bezzle!" came to mind [20:28]
ascii_field 'sure, finally i found where to apply!' [20:28]
cazalla jurov, and i don't mean your use of it as a metaphor but the thing itself has me interested [20:28]
mircea_popescu ascii_field "apply" ?! [20:28]
mircea_popescu but i didn't mean "the world" per se. i just mean, idiots try to rob a bookie, goes nowhere. why not ? [20:29]
[]bot Bet placed: 3 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $100 before April" Odds: 10(Y):90(N) by coin, 13(Y):87(N) by weight. Total bet: 19.93457636 BTC. Current weight: 44,198. [20:29]
mircea_popescu fiddy bucks worth of countermeasures. [20:29]
cazalla ah shit, it's useless for using with australian bees [20:29]
ascii_field mircea_popescu: the countermeasures aren't usually something a clever person can learn from reading books [20:29]
ascii_field they involve being part of a social network (in the old meatspace sense) [20:29]
mircea_popescu ascii_field really ?! a sane person can learn them by... going there. [20:29]
ascii_field going where? [20:30]
jurov lmao "How do I stop the bees getting to the honey while it’s draining out of the Flow™ hive?" [20:30]
mircea_popescu to any functioning suchshop. "o wow, they have really thick glass and they make me put the stuff in that roller thing" [20:30]
* ascii_field looks for 'washington dc black market but not the usg stoolies' phone book [20:30]
mircea_popescu go to buy "really thick glass" , "you mean bulletproof ?" "yuah that's ti!" [20:30]
mircea_popescu learned. [20:30]
* felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [20:31]
ascii_field we don't have legal bookies here [20:31]
mircea_popescu pond shops / [20:31]
mircea_popescu ? [20:31]
ascii_field pawn ? [20:31]
mircea_popescu right [20:32]
ascii_field aha [20:32]
mircea_popescu why the fuck i keep saying pond jesus im tired. [20:32]
NewLiberty mor polycarbonite (lexan) than glass [20:32]
ascii_field yes they exist here. regulated as tightly as gun shops (in fact, the two are often combined into one establishment) [20:32]
mircea_popescu so does it consist of guy making incalls like a fucking hooker ?! [20:33]
ascii_field neh they look like normal junk stores [20:33]
ascii_field except that everything inside is priced to avoid ever selling [20:33]
ascii_field ($1000+ 'pentium 3', etc) [20:33]
ascii_field the idea, as i understand, is that price is slowly lowered (as debt carries on) until the thing is gone [20:34]
NewLiberty hookers and hockers are different, but you can get screwed with both [20:36]
ascii_field the pawn shops we have here are more or less the farthest thing from the actual healthy black market (which is, i'm told, vast, but a n00b has no way whatsoever to safely connect to it, which was my original point) [20:36]
ascii_field there is a reason why 'silk road' etc were fantastically popular [20:36]
NewLiberty They give secured loans with the arbitrary stuff of value as collateral. When the borrower doesn't pay the stuff is sold. [20:37]
ascii_field i can only speak for myself, but -no one in my meatspace wot- is any kind of route whatsoever into that world [20:37]
ascii_field so i couldn't go there for any amount of money [20:37]
NewLiberty I know folks that run some. [20:37]
ascii_field not without having the first or second marketeer i'd run into be a usg stooge set up for precisely this kind of harvesting [20:38]
* OneNomos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:38]
ascii_field fortunately i don't need it for anything [20:39]
jurov well...van you loan from pawn shop against bitcoins? [20:39]
ascii_field but if i did, i'd be fucked. [20:39]
jurov *can you [20:39]
ascii_field jurov: not in usa! [20:39]
ascii_field i mean, you could talk to some arbitrary pawn shop fella about it, but if he fucks you - you will have no recourse [20:39]
ascii_field you just dealt with a stranger outside of any wot. [20:39]
* assbot gives voice to mats [20:39]
jurov why? they can't get MSC-registered? [20:40]
jurov and how is he going to fuck you? [20:40]
NewLiberty [20:40]
assbot Car Title Loans and Auto Pawn at Car Cash Loans ... ( ) [20:40]
ascii_field jurov: very funny [20:40]
jurov bank can fuck you too, what's the diff? [20:40]
ascii_field bank follows well-understood rituals for fucking you [20:41]
mats jurov: dunno why the page is down. bright side, the content of those links are easily google-able [20:41]
ascii_field which you are generally familiar with when you walk in [20:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17900 @ 0.00038147 = 6.8283 BTC [-] [20:41]
ascii_field what's the diff << if you mention bitcoin in a pawn shop here, and aren't thrown out as a nut, you're dealing with -an individual- rather than an institution under any kind of legal constraint [20:42]
ascii_field and he isn't in your wot [20:42]
ascii_field (if you have someone appropriate in your meatspace wot, why would you be going to a pawn shop ?_ [20:42]
ascii_field ) [20:42]
NewLiberty It sounds like a good business idea though. Send your bitcoin to bitcoinpawn, get some fiat loan with it as collateral. Pay back the fiat with interest to reclaim your bitcoins. Miss a payment and you have to buy them back at the retail price. [20:42]
ascii_field NewLiberty: guaranteed jail if found [20:42]
mircea_popescu ascii_field the problem you espouse is entirely of your own imagination. [20:42]
mircea_popescu how do you suppose "those people" got dates ? [20:42]
NewLiberty Under what law is this offending? [20:43]
NewLiberty It is done with gold rings, etc [20:43]
ascii_field NewLiberty: under the book-length morass of regulations pertaining to pawn shops where i live [20:43]
NewLiberty Sure, the presumption is that you do it as a pawn shop. [20:43]
ascii_field but to be fair i thought we were still speaking of btc-for-100kusd-spent-elsewhere trick [20:43]
NewLiberty This is not hard [20:43]
danielpbarron i gave my bank manager a "paper wallet" one time; they think i'm some crazy, but mostly harmless, coin collector [20:44]
ascii_field the basic problem that remains unsolved is -what to do with the usd- [20:44]
ascii_field granted, i am possibly the only one here who understands why this can be an insurmountable problem [20:45]
* assbot removes voice from ascii_field [20:45]
* danielpbarron understands that most of the things worth buying are heavily watched and regulated in the USSA [20:45]
danielpbarron !up ascii_field [20:45]
* assbot gives voice to ascii_field [20:45]
ascii_field ty danielpbarron [20:45]
mircea_popescu this is getting to gnarled up to be approached. i'm out. [20:45]
ascii_field basic summary, for those remaining, [20:46]
jurov i was thinking you just need to prove where you got the dough [20:47]
ascii_field jurov: and pay extortionate tax [20:47]
ascii_field and risk being billed again and again for other imagined tax liabilities [20:47]
danielpbarron haven't mobsters been dealing with this problem since.. always? [20:47]
ascii_field and go on a list of folks with 'funny' income [20:47]
ascii_field danielpbarron: yes! they have. by being part of social networks that are empire-in-empire [20:48]
ascii_field danielpbarron: but a random person off the street cannot enter that world simply by asking. [20:48]
* ascii_field has quit (Quit: Leaving) [20:53]
* manamex has quit (Quit: leaving) [20:53]
NewLiberty ^^ yes, my friend that does this has household expenses >US$50K per month. Not your average person on the street. [20:54]
* Xuthus has quit (Quit: Xuthus) [20:54]
* shovel_boss has quit (Quit: Leaving) [20:55]
NewLiberty Also a lawyer, and owns law firms full of folks to keep him out of problems. [20:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10433 @ 0.00038147 = 3.9799 BTC [-] [20:56]
mod6 ;;ticker [21:01]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 245.58, Best ask: 245.9, Bid-ask spread: 0.32000, Last trade: 244.9, 24 hour volume: 9358.73386673, 24 hour low: 239.41, 24 hour high: 249.32, 24 hour vwap: 244.90114208 [21:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16952 @ 0.00038147 = 6.4667 BTC [-] [21:01]
mod6 !t m s.mpoe [21:02]
assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00037076 / 0.00040233 / 0.00042832 (3558254 shares, 1,431.63 BTC), 7D: 0.00035551 / 0.0004173 / 0.00047394 (16948394 shares, 7,072.69 BTC), 30D: 0.00030001 / 0.0004018 / 0.00053193 (83261553 shares, 33,454.75 BTC) [21:02]
* TWW ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:14]
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* bitponzi (~brenda@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:25]
thestringpuller [A[A[A[A[A[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B [21:26]
thestringpuller sorry about that ^^^ [21:26]
thestringpuller shity connection [21:26]
* bitponzi has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [21:30]
* hdbuck has quit (Quit: hdbuck) [21:31]
mike_c !t h rent [21:31]
assbot It's so strange that you don't remember any of your poetry. [21:31]
mike_c did i miss something? is havelock dead? [21:32]
* assbot gives voice to pierre_rochard [21:36]
mod6 website looks down (for me) [21:37]
mike_c seems they've been having a lot of trouble lately [21:37]
mike_c;u=64492;sa=showPosts [21:37]
assbot Latest posts of: havelock ... ( ) [21:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7915 @ 0.00038147 = 3.0193 BTC [-] [22:02]
* knotwork (~markm@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:03]
* knotwork has quit (Changing host) [22:03]
* knotwork (~markm@unaffiliated/knotwork) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 125185 @ 0.00038376 = 48.041 BTC [+] {2} [22:03]
* OneNomos (~OneNomos@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/onenomos) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:10]
mircea_popescu danielpbarron: but a random person off the street cannot enter that world simply by asking. << you know this is actually a great idea for a movie. [22:15]
mircea_popescu korean computer wiz kid gets into ny crime family. by asking. [22:15]
asciilifeform l0l [22:15]
mircea_popescu NOT one of the daughers in marriage tho., [22:15]
mircea_popescu ^^ yes, my friend that does this has household expenses >US$50K per month. << that's a decent dozen o' slavegirls. [22:16]
* Bagels7 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:16]
* asciilifeform does a bit of mental arithmetic [22:16]
asciilifeform slave gurlz suffer from inverse economy of scale ? [22:16]
mircea_popescu << check this out jurov [22:17]
assbot AMHash1: Cost-Effective Mining Contract ... ( ) [22:17]
mircea_popescu it's a fuckin disease. [22:17]
asciilifeform danielpbarron: you may be interested in learning that i've a bit of time just now and am experimenting with a port of linux nand driver for marvell to netbsd [22:18]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform depends. if you're the homebody sort, keep 2-3 girls, marked economy of scale. [22:18]
mircea_popescu if you're the roller type, keep numerous, market scaling of power. [22:19]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: but i'm not paying 4+k for 1... [22:19]
asciilifeform not even 400 [22:19]
mircea_popescu some women you don't care if they spend 10k a month, because they create 1mn of value or w/e. [22:19]
* knotwork has quit (Read error: Connection timed out) [22:19]
asciilifeform 10k << lol! on what?! [22:20]
asciilifeform spectrometer ? [22:20]
mircea_popescu entertaining ? [22:20]
mircea_popescu 10k in the hands of a judicious woman can readily beat 1mn in lobby funds. [22:21]
* knotwork (~markm@unaffiliated/knotwork) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:21]
asciilifeform aha so 10k industrial. [22:22]
mircea_popescu that's thje idea. if you're the sort that keeps 2-3 chicks off the street, micromanage their day, you save on the electricity bill. [22:22]
mircea_popescu if you're the sort that he was describing, you don't care so much what it costs, you care what it gets you. [22:22]
mircea_popescu "she's been going through 6-7k each month since autumn, but i get to go visit p diddy whenever i feel like it. it's a wash" [22:23]
mircea_popescu sorta thing. [22:23]
* asciilifeform does not live on that planet, has never visited, but believes the story [22:25]
mircea_popescu there's very little competent, dedicated woman can't achieve in loser society [22:26]
mircea_popescu (ie, the "civilised world") [22:26]
mircea_popescu there is that small inconvenience of how they're insistently trained not to, but nothing major. [22:27]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: gotta appreciate that this is about as real to me as a $500M synchrophasotron. i.e., i get the basic principle involved, but have never seen with own eyes nor know in person anyone who has [22:28]
mircea_popescu you did see with own eyes, yes. one sec [22:28]
* asciilifeform guesses where [22:28]
* bitponzi (~brenda@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:28]
mircea_popescu [22:29]
assbot ... ( ) [22:29]
mircea_popescu !up bitponzi [22:29]
-assbot- You voiced bitponzi for 30 minutes. [22:29]
* assbot gives voice to bitponzi [22:29]
asciilifeform lol! [22:29]
asciilifeform plastic woman ? [22:29]
mircea_popescu what do you think she does for a living ? [22:30]
asciilifeform or is that grease [22:30]
asciilifeform pr0n star ? [22:30]
mircea_popescu mnope. [22:30]
* assbot gives voice to punkman [22:30]
* asciilifeform looks up what k. was again [22:30]
mircea_popescu right. [22:30]
mircea_popescu when you find out let me know too lol. [22:30]
mircea_popescu same thing that dumb old bitch in florida was doing. the "nonorary assbassador" [22:31]
asciilifeform aha! [22:31]
* decimation (~decibot@unaffiliated/decimation) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:32]
mircea_popescu ancient story, this. what was zsa zsa gabor ? [22:32]
* OneNomos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:32]
mircea_popescu "famous star, never played in a film" [22:32]
* OneNomos (~OneNomos@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/onenomos) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:33]
mircea_popescu bitponzi you're from argentina then ? [22:34]
punkman oh she's still alive, 98 years old [22:34]
BingoBoingo Kim was in the one porno [22:34]
punkman "When asked, "How many husbands have you had?", she was quoted as responding, "You mean other than my own?"" [22:35]
mircea_popescu yeah, you gotta be in one. tits or gtfo is the rule. [22:35]
* assbot gives voice to decimation [22:36]
* Bagels7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:37]
decimation NewLiberty: Under what law is this [pawn btc trade] offending?<< specifically, finra has declared that anyone who would conduct such a transaction to be a 'money transmitter' and thus would need to register with finra and the local state authorities in charge of such matters [22:41]
* Bagels7 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:42]
* Bagels7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:42]
decimation I suspect most (all) pawn shops do not have such notes from stalin [22:42]
* Bagels7 is now known as redditersarefagg [22:42]
* redditersarefagg has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:42]
decimation heh was bagels giving the middle finger to mr. ddos? [22:43]
danielpbarron i think so [22:45]
danielpbarron i typed ./ -U -u -m evbarm build before i started making dinner; come back and it's still going [22:46]
mircea_popescu << this is kinda lulzy btw [22:47]
assbot PRINCEGERMANY.COM ... ( ) [22:47]
mircea_popescu (the guy fatass kim is trying to immitate, basically. paid $$ to be adopted by some ex german prince) [22:48]
mircea_popescu (gabor's last husband) [22:48]
* OneNomos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:50]
danielpbarron there is a book named "The Happiest People on Earth" that might help explain how something like kim kardashian came to be [22:50]
mircea_popescu as in, a really hawt turkic chick ? [22:51]
danielpbarron There's also some Old Testament flavour: a prophecy prompts Shakarian's grandfather to leave Armenia for the west coast of the USA, where his son Isaac becomes an exceptionally prosperous farmer. Overlaying this is a mysterious story which even the authors call a "romance" - a tale of an illiterate Armenian prophet who received a secret message which remains sealed in an envelope until the right person comes along to open it [22:52]
danielpbarron some cult members in texas showed me this book; not sure how true it actually is [22:52]
* fuddos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:54]
asciilifeform danielpbarron: the tools (gcc and binutils) take a while [22:55]
asciilifeform danielpbarron: but kernel doesn't [22:55]
decimation !up fuddos [22:55]
* assbot gives voice to fuddos [22:55]
fuddos there are a few ntp reflections [22:55]
mircea_popescu !up fuddos [22:56]
danielpbarron yeah i did the kernel already [22:56]
-assbot- You voiced fuddos for another 30 minutes. [22:56]
* assbot gives voice to fuddos [22:56]
danielpbarron asciilifeform, which step didn't work for you? [22:56]
asciilifeform danielpbarron: it isn't one of the steps at all [22:56]
asciilifeform danielpbarron: there is no built-in means of making small ramdisks [22:56]
asciilifeform and the method described in available literature doesn't work [22:56]
fuddos gonna try again [22:57]
* fuddos ( has left #bitcoin-assets [22:57]
asciilifeform [22:57]
assbot Logged on 10-02-2015 22:36:45; asciilifeform: let's do a 'trichotomy' on the netbsd thing. as far as i can see, there are three and only three possibilities in a case like this (i am deliberately not including the forth, of my being a muppet.) 1) whole orchestra -never- worked 2) once worked, but a sniveling shitgnome fucked with the docs 3) docs were once correct and described a working sys, but a sniveling shitgnome changed the [22:57]
* fuddos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:57]
* wawert has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [22:58]
* assbot removes voice from bitponzi [22:59]
* NewLiberty has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [23:00]
danielpbarron did anyone else notice that the .bitcoin datadir recently became too large to tar -czf ? or is it just me? [23:01]
decimation !up fuddos [23:01]
* assbot gives voice to fuddos [23:01]
punkman mircea_popescu: (the guy fatass kim is trying to immitate, basically. paid $$ to be adopted by some ex german prince) << lol! Prince Frederic (Gabor's current husband) paid some old lady to adopt him too, rest of family doesn't recognize him. [23:01]
fuddos It looks like amazon blocks at least some of the ntp udp spam [23:01]
mircea_popescu myep. [23:01]
fuddos and it appears to block nearly all of the upnp spam [23:02]
mircea_popescu it's really not hard to block. but domestic isps = blockheads. [23:02]
punkman this illegitimate princehood is gonna end up living longer than the real thing isn't it? every derp will adopt another derp and so on [23:03]
mircea_popescu punkman if i cared i'd point out that i went through the guy's chicks pics, nothing impressing in there. if asciilifeform were emotionally involved in the markus prince he'd say that's obviously because he's keeping the good photos secret. [23:03]
mircea_popescu you can't be a german prince anyway, their socialistoid government transformed them into names. [23:03]
mircea_popescu for 50 bucks you can go to vegas and change your name to Prince Pizda or w/e. [23:04]
* pierre_rochard has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:04]
decimation you might have a fancy name [23:04]
punkman "Prinz von Anhalt has adopted several men" oh he's made a business of it [23:05]
decimation it seems that if you claimed to be a german prince today you would have a mob of kids appear. They would loudly explain why they aren't going to have sex with you, play golf against you, and then exhibit hate for you in the form of a interpretive dance [23:06]
mircea_popescu lol pretty much [23:07]
fuddos it looks like the ddos bot spams on 1 minute intervals [23:07]
mircea_popescu << romanian version. [23:07]
assbot Fizz-daca nu fizz atunci cine? - YouTube ... ( ) [23:07]
fuddos sorry I had ntp running, disregard the earlier statement [23:11]
* badon has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:13]
mircea_popescu "On 25 July 2007, Prinz von Anhalt was allegedly approached by three women he described as attractive while sitting in his Rolls-Royce in Southern California. They asked him to pose for pictures with them, at which point one of the women robbed him at gunpoint, taking his car keys, jewelry, wallet, driver's license and all his clothes. According to Prinz von Anhalt, his assailants bound him and placed him in handcuffs, [23:17]
mircea_popescu yet he managed to call the authorities on a cellular phone. Los Angeles police found him completely naked approximately one hour later. No handcuffs were found at the scene. The culprits apparently drove away in a Chrysler convertible." [23:17]
mircea_popescu epic. [23:17]
mircea_popescu On 20 October 2010 von Anhalt was taken to the hospital after swallowing a bee, which then stung him in the throat. On 22 December 2010 von Anhalt was rushed to the hospital after gluing his eye shut with nail glue. [23:19]
mircea_popescu this guy should be in finance. [23:19]
danielpbarron neato, build finished [23:28]
danielpbarron the guide i'm using is not correct, but i got it anyway [23:29]
* assbot removes voice from fuddos [23:32]
asciilifeform build << of what ? [23:37]
danielpbarron the userland [23:39]
danielpbarron not the ramdisk [23:39]
asciilifeform aha [23:39]
asciilifeform userland - easy [23:39]
danielpbarron well it's still exciting for me when an hours long compile succeeds [23:40]
* fuddos has quit (Quit: leaving) [23:41]
* fuddos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:42]
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* fuddos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:44]
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* fuddos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:47]
decimation !up fuddos [23:47]
* assbot gives voice to fuddos [23:47]
fuddos sorry for the connect spam. It looks like the ddos bot is either inactive, amazon filters, or it filters amazon [23:48]
* fuddos ( has left #bitcoin-assets [23:50]
* arvicco ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:58]
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