What can occur during a meanwhile ?

Tuesday, 03 November, Year 12 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

October 26th bright an' early I sat myself down by the pool with a small pile of a coupla dozen pictures selected from among a few hundred. I was going to write one of those pieces with ample illustration and modest commentary that delight the light interest ; but events an' tighs things turned my tide of inki another way, and... well, here we are, fifty thousand words later, the Tuesday afterii that Monday a week apart.

It's been a meanwhile I would say, so let's inquire : what fits inside such space as a meanwhile hides within ? What ventures and adventures, what happenings and happenstances, what all's a meanwhile made up of ? One could readily be excused for thinking that penning a half-novel should be enough to fill a body's week to full fullfill, surfeit an' overkill ; but in my case this ain't so. One could similarily be excused for thinking handling a house full of women's enough to fill anyone's week in an' out an' back in an' out again, each week an' everyweek. But... well, I'm much too well organized for that, they serve me an' cater to my needs. A lot of them there may well be, but they're a lot of benefits an' gains an' pleasures an' enjoymenta an' relaxing loving warm supporting joy, like a bundle of kittens decked in fresh ribbons. At least most of the time ; certainly this time. Even with all the watching an' reviewing films an' all there's still plenty of room left. So then, without further ado, let's proceed to a non-exhaustive listing of what other things fit into this Hamiltonian Hotel that is my arbitrary week.


Above you can admire Hannah's world-famous tits dress. This thing will accidentally her nipples every step, it's a pleasure to take her for walks among the muzzled hordes wearing it.

Below you can admire one of my steaks. It's remarkable because it's a first time, generally chefs manage to cook me a decent steak I'm willing to eat after a back-an-forth or two ; but this crew of depatriated Ukrainians managed on the first pass. Well done!


Above : a thin lizard guy who wanted to say hello! I've never seen his exact ilk before, I don't think, and he is rather pretty, don't you think ?

Below : it's unclear to me what the fuck happened ; either this peacible people set fire to a car for no apparent reason in the middle of relative nowhere or else this Mitsubishi just spontaneously immolated itself with little provocation. I guess we'll never know.


Above & below : jungle ambulance service. See if you can find Waldo.


Different bare-those-tits dress, along with my catch of the day and trims. They cook a mean snapper, these people.


We went for a paraglide. At first I was going to take shots over the bay an' publish them right here ; it is indeed a very picturesque bay, pretty and foamy and just right like a little jewel made for the purpose of illustrating the concept of a bay. But then... once I was up there I was like "fuck all y'all, I'm enjoying this". I really couldn't be bothered to take the camera out and futz with it instead of looking around, so... you can just imagine what a bay looks like.


Above : more steak, just in case you were worried.

Below : car crash. Truth be told the locals can't drive to save their lives. They're extremely poor at judging distances, velocities, when it's a good idea to pass to the point of it being virtually mandatory and when it's more like a suicide than a pass in the first place etcetera. They're not pushy like most other terrible driver races, Mexicans, Romanians, what have you ; but they're still terrible in their own, laid back, pura vida way.


Above : captive colibri bird. They don't really comprehend glass and most of my place is encased in it, so they get trapped easily. Then they fucking panic and drive themselves to near exhaustion, and have to be daintily rescued. They're the cutest little desperate prisoners too, they'll climb on my rescuefinger and hold on for dear life with their (otherwise remarkably sharp) little claws but all carefully to not actually do any damage or god forbid pierce the skin ; and once they're out of the horrorbox of seethrough they fly off like a gunshot. I think this is the third or fourth rescued (they were all different species too, this being the largest, I also evacuated to safety a flying peanut earlier) but this time Hannah was handy with the camera so... I guess you get to see it.

Below : Yay chocolate cake (home-made) with things an' trims (including bimbo-approved greatest-icecream-in-three-cantons). It was delicious!


As you can see the water's back, somewhat ; which means it's marshy now, not quite the lake it used to be yet, but no longer arid either. Probably the prettiest known state of land.


A certain sheep guy whose name is too lengthy to be mentioned here. He's very talented and also best friends with all the other guys, of which there's numerous tribes an' herds.


This guy actually lives on my hill, among the spiders and the nude tweens of obscured origins chained to steel poles to ripen slowly in the moonlight. I think he's a quetzal but there are dissenting oppinions. Then again I also don't think I'm a vampire (but there are dissenting... well, not so much oppinions, really).

That'd be all for now. It is still a fragmentary exhibition, of course, but the thing of it is that absurdly precocious literary character's tempting me again with her absconsive lures. Or are they abrasive rather, what'd you say ? Hannah says I'm a menace, "Whatever he doesn't care for, he just sends in his imaginary twelve year old bearing very real sticks of dynamite. Kaboom!" ; but truth be told it's quite a pleasure to have them read her journal back to me. I even had to (temporarily!) lift any punishments as might from time to time and context to context attach to rolling one's eyes at me.

Fun, you know. The ultimate filler of all nooks and crannies comes all the way from France, in a jar labelled joie de vivre.

  1. I actually wrote a full dozen articles in the interval, 5`717 + 4`384 + 5`212 + 1`262 + 611 + 4`730 + 4`071 + 4`436 + 5`719 + 874 + 3`442 + 1`676 = 42`134 words that baker's week. A good half-novel really, and I am very happy with it. Honestly I think the Babydoll series is some of the best fiction I've ever done. []
  2. It's only really early Tuesday morning on this machine set on Euro time for business purposes ; otherwise it's Monday evening. []
Category: Zsilnic
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  1. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 4 November 2020

    Ps. Hurricane Etta says hi!

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