Kitty Freipurr von Meow and other tales of Bring Your Own Adventure to Tamarindo
Motto: Can you explain the differences between a formidonologist,
a formiphenomenologist and a formiphenomenophenologist ?
It will be your hopeless if thankless lot today to try and make sense of what's what and which puzzle piece goes where in this our latest installment of Trilema verbiage (and unlike all the other times). But don't worry too much about it : you have me on your side, and I promise to not help nearly as much as I hinder. So... are your spurs ready ? Is your spont-aneous gland in gear ? We begin!
First off, and to be immediately left aside, you'll have to identify whom the kitten is.
Then, of course, comes the self-serve bowl of factual matters and things such as they are, in the shapeshifting presentation of a bunch of truthful and correct statements bereft and well peeled of any context that'd permit them to also be meaningful. These'd be : 1. A kid who used to MongoDb ; 2. A kid who went to MIT ; 3. A kid who's gonna ride the wave of being a surfin' fool captive in the hot body of an ancient Greek god for as long as that lasts, and then... whatever ; 4. A kid who got out of the zone just in time ; 5. A kid who's gonna work hard and make shit work, enough of the bullshit already ; 6. The piece of land one of the kids bought, which has a well and some previous developmenti ; 6. The teenybopper homemaker-wannabe ; 7. The good Spanish girl, quite ready for the yoke ; 8. The girl who's not quite yet decided if she's gonna live or if she's gonna die ; 9. Teh girl who's quite made up her mind this'll be the last try ; 10. The girl from Texas ; 11. The girl who's happy. 12. The girl who's sad ; 13. The girl that's blonde ; 14. The girl that's shy ; 15. The girl that only now realises just how much mileage her boo-hoo joke's gonna get.
You realise, of course, all the girls wanna be good an' all the boys wanna make something, that much is a given. That much is always a given. Now : who's the kitten, why's she meow, and whence freipurrs ?!
While you let all that sink through the thick, let's go for a ride. It'll be fun, and besides, gotta respect dem quarantines, don't we ? So then, adelante, dark peshkesh horse of apocatastasis!
But first, let's have a bite to eat.
I find travel proceeds much better after having eaten, don't you ? There's a lot more patience for all the nooks and crannies of immediate experience, not to mention quite a lot more inclination towards the fair valuation of the fuller parts of existence. There's no such thing as fine wine in a hurry, hence fast foodii, and moreover there's an impedance mismatch in the complexity involved : everything insufferable is thus very grossly, whereas everything delightful is delightful in detail, and especially in the interplay of abundant detail precisely fitting. Some ugly broad is just some ugly broad, directly, but the best slut you've ever had is the best slut you ever head because of the exact moan she let out just as she was melting and also everything else, lots and lots of tiny, numerous, giddy somethings elses. The list of why a broken piece of software is broken satisfies if it's one element long, whereas the list of why perfect software's perfect tends to outlength the software itself. In all cases the unfurling of the story of why good is good takes a while, and if you've not eaten you'll miss out on it.
There's scarcely imaginable a place in creation blessed with less efficiency of capital good utilization. You think this is the first semi carrying a half-wheelbarrow's worth of bricks ? It wasn't even the first one that day!
Then again... that might be a good thing.
As I was explaining (and illustrating, again and again) a coupla years ago, Costa Rica doesn't exactly sit on stable terrain.
Admittedly the roadside decorations are a lot more interesting than commonly seen in Europe. I was about to write out "albeit unintentionally", but really there's no room for that albeit in there. Specifically because unintentionally, homo homini lupus est by intent and by nothing else. By the best of intentions, and only by the best of intentions, everything's always ruined.
And now we come to the eternal Taiwanese Friendship Bridge. Costa Rica being one of the ever-vanishingly fewer countries recognizing the white government of China (in opposition with the red government currently in power over most of the mainland), the grateful state of Taiwan donated this bridge (the policy was later reversed through the good offices of the ever-more generous donation of the Sabana stadium by the commies, yet the bridge still stands, epitome of that endless story of friendship, truth and human "arbitry of all creation").
And here we are, the destination of our pleasant little jaunt, three hundred kilometers that passed like nothing : billymg's Jardin de los Mangos (sadly the trees in question were not properly tended during the interregnum, and as a result there's no fruits this year ; but as Rosella O'Tree once aptly observed, "tomorrow is another year"). Whaack joined us later, because their car is that proportionally slower! And so in the time we drove twenty miles to the local Automercadoiii and back they managed twenty miles from the beach (in fairness though -- uphill. It matters, because por algo es Toyota).
Above : the little slut's room.
Below : the master bedroom / livingroom / kitchen / fuckery / etcetera. It's not a bad plan, there's a half dozen or so such units on the property, each comfortably housing a man with his travelling trim-down of a harem (logically since you're not going to take more than three girls to the car, therefore four beds roughly suffice ; if you take more cars take more units). It's almost as if the place was built by someone after my own taste (from what I hear, rumour has it some runaway / retired Nazi did it, which seems to check out). There's also a porch with hamock, lounge, armchairs and so on for all your public exposure needs.
Above : there was a bird hidden in this tree. I was certain I got a great shot of it, but now reviewing the pictures for publication... I can't fucking find it!
Below : the most recent model of wi-fi appliance (I have it on good authority).
Above : ministrations towards a coconut that fell right out of the tree as we were lounging about.
Below : iguana entertaining his own reflection. Maybe it's a friend ?
Time to hop in the pool! Guanacaste is pretty hot, which means the water is absolutely perfect.
One of the units has this large self-portrait of a toucan enthroned as if he had been you know, the master of the house, and had his face there so everyone coming in knows it's his housy. Goosy boy found the idea mindblowing, and sat there as you see him, in quiet contemplation of the wide horizon and vasts oceans of possibility suddenly open before birdkind. If this Mr. Toucan could make himself such a great house, what could a goose do ?
And not just any goose, mind you!
Endless stale bread granaries sprawled before his very eyes, goosy effigy made out of barley in wheat bread, what could the limit be ?!
The next day,
That's right, he even has convenient little girls rooms / jails scattered throughout the property. "How come you have so many of these", inquired the bimbo ; the host didn't quite know what was being asked, for never having encountered their proper use in regular practice before. But, there's a first time for everything, and after that first there's always lots of times -- just make sure you pick a good one for the punishment of insufficiently eager dishwashing (pro tip : store a few inches of nettle on the floor, for the educational needs of the barefooted wayward girls).
And with that, we're back on the road. Goodbye!
———- And is actualy surprisingly easy to reach : you just stick to the 1 forever -- past San Ramon, almost all the way to Nicaragua -- but turn off to the 16 towards Santa Cruz and then make a right at the Pipa Fyia stand towards Lagunilla. Your destination's beyond the small "Jardin de Mangos" ceramic sign propped on a wall on the right side of the road ; if you reach the Chinese restaurant on the left you've gone a hundred meters too far, so you turn like we did. Asphalt all the way. [↩]
- You think fast food's bad because governmental conspiracy ? Because fuck-age girlies of little brains personally hate you ? Because capitalism is intrinsically evil ?
No. None of that. Fast food's bad because there's nothing else it could be intempestively. Then the habit of insulting sense and sensibility forms, and the sin of gluttony's just around the corner -- if you've inhabituated yourself to not care about one thing that matters, what chance do all the other ones have ? [↩]
- Which by the way sucks balls when compared to my local version -- they even had the unmitigated audacity to "not sell alcohol", because who knows what bullshit "state regulations" or whatever nonsense.
Needless to say I fixed that in short order -- ever since yesterday the hapless inhabitants of Guanacaste can buy liquor in the store like normal people, and I bet you dunkens to donuts they don't even know whom they have to thank for it. [↩]
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Does the cat purr freely, then? How do the ants carry so many syllables? And where are the tamarinds!
Thursday, 16 April 2020
I do not know!
Friday, 17 April 2020
Hai MP, sa rida si gura ta aia mare. Sa se bucure si sufletul tau cel negru.
Friday, 17 April 2020
Friday, 17 April 2020
Funnily the free interest rate on those 2.5mil should come to just about 23k a year. A fucking leech will always reconstruct the swamp it came from, were you saying? You were right, of course. Like always.
Macar te-ai antrenat?
Daa... am stat si-am meditat.
Friday, 17 April 2020
Most fun we've had since moving here, that's for sure.
> ever since yesterday the hapless inhabitants of Guanacaste can buy liquor in the store like normal people
Heh, always funny the timing of these "coincidences".
Friday, 17 April 2020
Friday, 17 April 2020
Hey, here is 7 & 11. My contact details are on my site. It was a pleasure, we are ready for the next party ;) Sending love to all from the jungle!
Saturday, 18 April 2020
Ha! Well.. how about you come over to San Josy (ye fla'ar o' Costa Ricky) for a daytrip ? I'll feed ye, how's Indian sound ? Seeing how there's exactly one decent Indian restaurant in the whole country...
Alternatively I suppose I could also organize a group buy for an Arenal trip, put that bathing suit of yours to use. Seeing how teh billymgs were going to go anyways...
But what I really want to know is how exactly did you figure out what to do to have your avatar show up by your name.
Saturday, 18 April 2020
Soo much fun, can't wait until next time! The goose has locked himself away & is working on his blueprints for a 'bread palace'.
billymg - your cold brew coffee recipe is absolutely excellent. i shall never sleep again.
Sunday, 19 April 2020
In mostly unrelated lulz, there's a forum cartering to that lovely crowd (Black Hat World). One of the most popular moderators met probably the most heavily invested user last year, and it sparked!
Archived for pictures of the two fatsos (the socially gracious beauties & heads of state not depicted, for whatever reasons), and other comedic gold.
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Lol, well... what do you want from people?!
Saturday, 19 June 2021
> how exactly did you figure out what to do to have your avatar show up by your name.
Not anymore. Her site is stone dead now.
PS. is not enough, because of Kitty Foyle. Cwazy.
Saturday, 19 June 2021
Heh. Nothing lasts forever, and the "independent woman" least of all.