Forum logs for 26 Dec 2019
mp_en_viaje: | in other housekeeping, hey diana_coman lobbes wouldja mind taking alf's derpy alt-bitcoinwizards off the loggers header list ? | [09:52] |
mp_en_viaje: | little point playing fave with morons, gotta either have all or none (and ideally -- none). | [09:53] |
* mp_en_viaje | has fixed the long over-due logger links on trilema also. | [09:56] |
diana_coman: | mp_en_viaje: do you mean #asciilifeform or what? | [10:00] |
mp_en_viaje: | yeah | [10:00] |
diana_coman: | tbh I kept pondering what *should* be in there to start with on one hand it would make sense to have #trilema + deeded chans really onth dunno, I'd want #trinque for instance and he hasn't asked for a deed, so uhm. | [10:01] |
* mp_en_viaje | now has to come up with some manner of dealing with | [10:02] |
diana_coman: | and #eulora... | [10:02] |
mp_en_viaje: | because fucking obviously, the reason you do things is so you have to undo them two weeks later, such is the great benefit of dealing with people. | [10:02] |
mp_en_viaje: | diana_coman, imo all the rest can stay. also imo it is more important to be right than principled. the principles can be written in afterwards, for as long as you're right if you're wrong no writ will save you anyway. | [10:03] |
diana_coman: | in principle, yes :D | [10:04] |
mp_en_viaje: | :p | [10:04] |
mp_en_viaje: | honestly #eulora was a sorta proto-deed castle for chet. | [10:04] |
diana_coman: | makes sense I'll get to it later today. | [10:05] |
mp_en_viaje: | diana_coman, this is a great beautiful mirror to that "in theory, there's no difference between theory and craptice" ditty : "in principle, there's no difference between right and principled". | [10:05] |
diana_coman: | hah, craptice indeed | [10:05] |
mp_en_viaje: | you know ? | [10:05] |
mp_en_viaje: | meanwhile in prophetic 2009ia, | [14:22] |
mp_en_viaje: | "Sa nu observam diferenta intre practica si teorie, si sa incercam practic o aplicare teoretica a teoriei in practica.", apparently prennial. | [14:23] |
diana_coman: | !!v DC810768CF6BB492BF848A933D736A77B5476FB1C5B40031735ACCDD38DC1942 | [20:59] |
deedbot: | diana_coman updated rating of shrysr from 2 to -8 << fuck off granted, as he clearly prefers. | [20:59] |
lobbes: | << done | [21:04] |
ericbot: | Logged on 2019-12-26 09:52:57 mp_en_viaje: in other housekeeping, hey diana_coman lobbes wouldja mind taking alf's derpy alt-bitcoinwizards off the loggers header list ? | [21:04] |
* lobbes | will bbl attending meat matters for the holidays and will have sporadic terminal access until ~Jan 2 | [21:04] |
BingoBoingo: | !!rated diana_coman | [21:05] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo rated diana_coman 5 at 2018/03/19 15:39:55 << S.MG, Republic Tech development, Reliable | [21:05] |
BingoBoingo: | !!rate diana_coman 9 Master of the Serene Republic's University, S.MG, etc | [21:05] |
deedbot: | Get your OTP: | [21:05] |
BingoBoingo: | !!v E38DB114DE66D5775DE472FD62916ECD7A47C9BAC63FD029F111301E618371B9 | [21:06] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo updated rating of diana_coman from 5 to 9 << Master of the Serene Republic's University, S.MG, etc | [21:06] |
feedbot: | << Qntra -- Media Derps Blame "Russian Bots" Over "Film Franchise" Collapse | [21:11] |
BingoBoingo: | !!rated mircea_popescu | [21:20] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo rated mircea_popescu 10 at 2014/03/05 01:09:07 << Ongoing bsns | [21:20] |
BingoBoingo: | !!v C5687A8B8B8ED4BFB42CAFA8E599FB65706BB3B11DC5F225D754C4AEDE72D4DF | [21:20] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo updated rating of mircea_popescu from 10 to 9 << Lord of Lords | [21:20] |
BingoBoingo: | !!rated hanbot | [21:20] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo rated hanbot 3 at 2014/04/24 12:50:14 << Only Functional part of Bitcointalk | [21:20] |
BingoBoingo: | !!v 6C776BAF01793E771F3A260FC514C7BA461D902E2F559517A1115EE5E3EDD922 | [21:20] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo updated rating of hanbot from 3 to 9 << Manticore | [21:20] |
BingoBoingo: | !!rated asciilifeform | [21:20] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo rated asciilifeform 10 at 2018/04/20 15:53:16 << Met in person, Verified lover of cats, engineer | [21:20] |
BingoBoingo: | !!v 8342478D6CE3B9D3BACA176E757826ED5F89114D07EF6E929496845DF02000D3 | [21:21] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo updated rating of asciilifeform from 10 to 5 << Met in person, have a server in his rack, time insensitive when airplanes aren't involved | [21:21] |
BingoBoingo: | !!rated nicoleci | [21:21] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo rated nicoleci 2 at 2018/10/29 02:18:13 << Mircea's chattle, summarizer in training, Outside the Wire | [21:21] |
BingoBoingo: | !!v C1C9E0B6A0DB5CAF4CD2785BC00D5B251532DEF4B93D6058235BCF0FB8F9CDC1 | [21:21] |
deedbot: | BingoBoingo updated rating of nicoleci from 2 to 5 << Midwestern Escapee, blogs @ | [21:21] |
trinque: | speaking of updating ratings, in reflecting, I've been quite affected by the year's events as amply evidenced in recent logs. | [22:05] |
trinque: | I built up one hell of a suppression machine living where I do. | [22:05] |
trinque: | << I'll respect this, and stop trying to inject my own self-evaluations into the matter. | [22:06] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-12-26 06:08:34 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, imo all the rest can stay. also imo it is more important to be right than principled. the principles can be written in afterwards, for as long as you're right if you're wrong no writ will save you anyway. | [22:06] |
Category: Logs