Forum logs for 23 Feb 2020

Monday, 16 March, Year 12 d.Tr. | Author:
mp_en_viaje: lobbes, so did the archiving of links in chan die sometime around dec 24th ? [05:58]
mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, "All history is to be re-written political science and the whole scope of all moral truth have to be considered and illustrated in the light of the democratic principle. All old subjects of thought and all new questions arising, connected more or less directly with human existence, have to be taken up again and re-examined." [07:00]
mp_en_viaje: say BingoBoingo, did your discussion of the "young^H^H^H socialist hegelians" an' the broad programme of teh mid 1800s geared towards the systematic falsification of history to better support the socialist mindset ever arrive at any structured anything ? [07:05]
mp_en_viaje: i recall some passing mention here and there, maybe [07:05]
mp_en_viaje: yet the lulz of "young america" / lyceum & chautuqua movement is evidently related to that earlier euro attempt at cliffnote-everything. "how to be just like yurp on the cheap", ever the dream of the colonies. [07:13]
mp_en_viaje: (all this sprung up at the time out of a sort of "positive socialism", whereby some strand of the pulpit lobby came up with the idea of constructing some kind or manner of alternatives to hanging out in bars, as part and parcel of their dogged dedication to destroying their opposition as they perceived it. the end product was a sort of pompous and boring c [07:17]
mp_en_viaje: ircus, which was then recolonized by vaudeville) [07:17]
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Beyond the old, I've got some scribblings on William Torrwy Harris, Anna Bracket, the failure of "St. Louis Normal School/Harris-Stowe State College" that aren't very organized at present. Harris and Bracket have some essays on the intentionally severing children's connections to the real world to better shape them into [15:45]
BingoBoingo: Xtian/Social/Equals. [15:45]
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: This is a project I could start warming up again and structuring as I work on building my toolset and working towards some sort of actual rather than UStarded level of literacy. If I break these particular mid-19th century retards up into bite sized chunks and publish indictments/annotations on the blog in a structured way, I would be filling a gap in documenting how intentional the failure of US "education" was. [15:45]
mp_en_viaje: these are rather the next generation though, this is more an emerson & thoreau. [15:47]
mp_en_viaje: and of course the young obama of the period, a lanky printer's apprentice. [15:47]
BingoBoingo: I've got a little bit on Emerson. This next generation was roughly the first to get charged with implementing the idiocy. [15:50]
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, probably after you attend to the actually pressing breaches in own head [15:50]
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Alright [15:50]
lobbes: mp_en_viaje: my bad on the archive. The "submit links to and download" portion of the process is initialized manually (I just run a shell script and it does the rest). [19:22]
lobbes: I hadn't pulled the crank it some time but just did now it'll attempt snarf all links the bot has seen since dec 24th (probably will take about 2 hours to run I'd say) [19:22]
lobbes: This script was on a cron job initially, but ever since douchebag pooped in the input I moved to manual. The whole archive process is due for a recode but I deemed it low priority since.. well I read the logs and the logs are the only input so I reason this manual stop-gap approach is fine for now [19:26]
ericbot: Logged on 2018-04-03 14:09:54 mircea_popescu: !!rate douchebag 2 "your home machine's name is lobbes" [19:26]
mp_en_viaje: cool [20:08]
hanbot_abroad: << i don't know of many US-driven notions as major in their time or as utterly forgotten by now as this chautauqua thing --at least nominally ultralame "community"-ing still pushed as a thing by descendants of the same lamers, but the name's entirely absent. [21:53]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-23 03:22:44 mp_en_viaje: yet the lulz of "young america" / lyceum & chautuqua movement is evidently related to that earlier euro attempt at cliffnote-everything. "how to be just like yurp on the cheap", ever the dream of the colonies. [21:53]
feedbot: << Qntra -- Austria Ends Passenger Rail Service To And From Italy As Novel Coronavirus Panic Continues To Spread [23:01]
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