Forum logs for 19 Oct 2019
BingoBoingo: | Number of auditions has grown to 3. | [01:16] |
BingoBoingo: | !!up ascii_rack | [02:08] |
deedbot: | ascii_rack voiced for 30 minutes. | [02:08] |
ascii_rack: | ty BingoBoingo | [02:09] |
BingoBoingo: | ascii_rack: Good to see you have keys. | [02:09] |
ascii_rack: | reporting from cage. 3h of grrr later, switch, 2ndswitch, shelf, hoses, installed and nao: | [02:10] |
ascii_rack: | welcome diana_coman , 1st test pilot. | [02:10] |
ascii_rack: | diana_coman: your box is sitting on the ip given in #o earlier. pings, but no www, iirc you had manually-controlled www revvup on that rk. | [02:11] |
* ascii_rack | will lock up the chest and bbl, deadly tired. | [02:13] |
BingoBoingo: | ascii_rack: Safe travels | [02:13] |
ascii_rack: | ty BingoBoingo . | [02:13] |
lobbes: | << I see no issues with this as long as the bot will have permissions to write files to the 'mp-wp root directory'. I'm not very familiar with the old UY1 mp-wp setup and permissions setup so I couldn't say for sure (I used the rockchip for my bloggin' with piz) | [03:36] |
ericbot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 15:37:49 mp_en_viaje: lobbes i'm thinking of cloning the pizarro shared for sitting down your thing on but comments welcome. | [03:36] |
lobbes: | And in terms of delivery, the omelette is still on track to reach your table by November | [03:36] |
lobbes: | In other news, I'll be spending next week visiting old friends and family up north in Mass so I'll be less frequent in the forum (though reading logs). I'll make sure to take some pics to feed blog. | [03:37] |
* lobbes | still has yet to obtain the recommended dsc-rx100, so shots will be taken on battery chugging turd camera | [03:37] |
BingoBoingo: | lobbes: Who can write where is all users and permissions. Giving the bot such powers is possibile. | [03:47] |
lobbes: | BingoBoingo: ah perfect, ty. In that case it looks like we are solid | [03:48] |
BingoBoingo: | lobbes: I still gotta write a post for asciilifeform on what a shared hosting stack should look like. It may also be the case that the bot would be better with its own 'dulap' type server. I have not had time to sit down and catch up completely with the conversation surrounding this bot. | [03:52] |
lobbes: | in a nutshell, the primary domains of the bot are a) interfacing with IRC b) connecting to a running mp-wp mysql database c) writing (and deleting) files in a sub-directory of the mp-wp install directory | [03:57] |
lobbes: | oh, and also d) the sending of trackbacks, which right now looks like it'll involve using some curl-isms | [03:59] |
BingoBoingo: | I'm going to get some sleep, I suspect others here are better qualified to eyeball this. | [04:04] |
lobbes: | nn BingoBoingo | [04:04] |
* lobbes | also to sleep | [04:04] |
trinque: | BingoBoingo: make sure you actually file the report, per mp. name of the game is increasing the perceived cost of dealing with you vs settling sensibly | [04:08] |
trinque: | and let me remind you of something else mp said, that I've lived. | [04:08] |
trinque: | litigation is often vastly more expensive than w/e return you think you might achieve. | [04:09] |
trinque: | I've tossed 150k+ down this hole, hurt the other guy, great. I can't spend his hurt. | [04:09] |
trinque: | so, exert maximum pressure *now*, and then bend them to a settlement and be done. | [04:10] |
trinque: | in my case a chap stole from me, gave to an enemy. I was enraged. | [04:11] |
trinque: | all I did was piss my money away, and the idiot's still an idiot doing idiot things. | [04:11] |
trinque: | and you know, these are the things friends discuss rather than stotting before eachother playing at greatness. I should hope we are that, and I am disappointed when we aren't. | [04:12] |
trinque: | << no, worthwhile instead to start a party first, as you are in your own hall, and then build items for the party. | [04:14] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 16:30:57 diana_coman: trinque: are you saying that "I watched pizarro failing because they didn't bring people in the wot so not worth dev the wallet because not enough people in wot" ? | [04:14] |
trinque: | << eh, we're too polite of each other's egos. say, and I'll be glad someone said honestly. | [04:18] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 18:01:55 diana_coman: - mainly because it was mp_en_viaje & you conversation and you keep yourself quite private otherwise so I don't really know how much/where from you want any feedback. | [04:18] |
trinque: | oh and by the way, "making them sweat it" is not maximum pressure. it's avoidance behavior, the same as "tomorrow I'll be sober/file police report/make a 'conversion engine'" whatever the fuck. | [04:25] |
trinque: | let it be plain that I hate most of you. and you should hate me back. I don't want to hear another dipshit that can't find his way into a 50k/yr business call himself lord. | [04:26] |
trinque: | so now, you attack my flaws. I attack yours. and out of that, republic. or nothing, in which case who cares. | [04:28] |
trinque: | !!v 8E85DF82D4C0583A3001522D05A214B6403605B4EC556663F714AFA322BB47B5 | [04:48] |
deedbot: | trinque unrated asciilifeform. | [04:48] |
trinque: | !!v 52B71898375D2BF73D594BD6A86B869FEEB0934D01D6B7AC54F0F215437CE9F9 | [04:48] |
deedbot: | trinque updated rating of BingoBoingo from 3 to 1 << Loyal to the end. | [04:48] |
trinque: | !!v 6AA1430294A52BAA12EF4B7B4FBE6E50E8AB780368F5571A8EE901F48A545C6D | [04:48] |
deedbot: | trinque unrated veen. | [04:48] |
trinque: | !!v 0B08266B80A97404E9E4FBFDD1C8AE98B24EE6D5CDF903659537A7E52DEC70C7 | [04:48] |
deedbot: | trinque unrated lobbes. | [04:48] |
trinque: | !!v DAC25C1424D6FC2477869E1BE516FFE782ED6DEF2FF395A9992539D77D42AEDF | [04:48] |
deedbot: | trinque updated rating of mod6 from 2 to -1 << Makes sounds thought noble about nothing. | [04:48] |
trinque: | !!v 5D7221B9601479E2FCCCD5802BA01FC9CDF804697AD70789224184CDD8F59BC4 | [04:48] |
deedbot: | trinque unrated ben_vulpes. | [04:48] |
lobbes: | trinque: I invite you to attack my flaws, btw. (this is why I stuck around here in the first place to expose my own weaknesses and grow stronger). What prompts the unrate? | [05:10] |
lobbes: | and I do believe the general approach to this is sound the enemy will not give a shit about one's ego. Best to attack them here | [05:12] |
lobbes: | anyways I'll start it off: you could stand to be more explicit in your communication. As it stands now I'm stuck assuming what you consider my flaws. From my perch I'm *doing more* now than I was in 2017 when you rated me at 2, so it makes little sense to me. And since I truly hate assuming, instead I won't even bother wasting further cycles until I hear more. | [05:45] |
lobbes: | point being that if you were explicit from the get-go, then I'd have that much more time to *do something* about any identified flaw, instead of waiting until next week or whenever you decide to return | [05:45] |
lobbes: | speaking of wot cleanup, I may as well cull mine while quiet: | [05:56] |
lobbes: | !!v 7A939D3E1839E8B881C880542690B6D85C4BFAA15E033B4240C7951372EA456E | [05:56] |
deedbot: | lobbes unrated pankkake. | [05:56] |
lobbes: | !!v E7D0EC16176D8E09637FC96F12D04CD91E0E436D9F1094E58A1EA99753DCA7BF | [05:57] |
deedbot: | lobbes unrated douchebag. | [05:57] |
lobbes: | !!v 9F50A2A2EA94477C9E71D594720B62702DB5ED6658E91DD4B0E229B7AFA4930A | [05:57] |
deedbot: | lobbes unrated sturles. | [05:57] |
lobbes: | !!v 6EA15251850F05F186FC23FD5B3FD2032337F66F3E5E93A7E1FAB8B27120BC02 | [05:57] |
deedbot: | lobbes updated rating of danielpbarron from 2 to 1 | [05:57] |
lobbes: | !!v EB3D5AEF276775E9A45F85A2AB9979DE290B629AA989D0857C6BA3CEAFBC89A1 | [05:57] |
deedbot: | lobbes unrated esthlos. | [05:57] |
lobbes: | !!v 06ED193558213AEE7964841CD341151E6E77F9BDC706BF18CB73593F59D567F4 | [05:57] |
deedbot: | lobbes unrated Birdman. | [05:57] |
lobbes: | ~fin | [05:57] |
diana_coman: | - so what is the party you are making there in your hall? because so far the ~only visible part has been deedbot-related + unpublished code on it -> deedbot is the seed of trinque's party now you say it isn't and 1. why isn't it? 2. what exactly is then? | [06:39] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:16:00 trinque: << no, worthwhile instead to start a party first, as you are in your own hall, and then build items for the party. | [06:39] |
diana_coman: | - gladly. | [06:39] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:20:10 trinque: << eh, we're too polite of each other's egos. say, and I'll be glad someone said honestly. | [06:39] |
diana_coman: | trinque: you keep silent though, there's nothing concrete coming out of you for months neither here nor on the blog and then you explode with stuff like personally I don't mind it, have fun and all that but this sort of secretive-working-on-his-greatness is just as much avoidance as you note in others attack my flaws my foot y | [06:55] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:27:38 trinque: let it be plain that I hate most of you. and you should hate me back. I don't want to hear another dipshit that can't find his way into a 50k/yr business call himself lord. | [06:55] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:30:13 trinque: so now, you attack my flaws. I attack yours. and out of that, republic. or nothing, in which case who cares. | [06:55] |
diana_coman: | trinque: and no, I won't spend my time "hating back" the silence. | [06:59] |
diana_coman: | in more productive news: is back at new IP many thanks to asciilifeform for setting it up and to BingoBoingo for making the very smooth transfer possible! | [07:02] |
diana_coman: | and ugh how horrible that theme is. | [07:04] |
diana_coman: | - you also expect everyone else to hunt you in the dark and come all the way to texas just for the pleasure of finally seeing those delicious flaws, or what? | [07:22] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 03:56:17 diana_coman: trinque: you keep silent though, there's nothing concrete coming out of you for months neither here nor on the blog and then you explode with stuff like personally I don't mind it, have fun and all that but this sort of secretive-working-on-his-greatness is just as much avoidance as you note in others [ | [07:22] |
diana_coman: | (the above was the continuation that my shitty client here ate will have to fix this too) | [07:24] |
mp_en_viaje: | << not discussing here the software just the hw. | [07:31] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 00:37:48 lobbes: << I see no issues with this as long as the bot will have permissions to write files to the 'mp-wp root directory'. I'm not very familiar with the old UY1 mp-wp setup and permissions setup so I couldn't say for sure (I used the rockchip for my bloggin' with piz) | [07:31] |
ericbot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 15:37:49 mp_en_viaje: lobbes i'm thinking of cloning the pizarro shared for sitting down your thing on but comments welcome. | [07:31] |
mp_en_viaje: | diana_coman, irssi ? | [07:32] |
mp_en_viaje: | i keep going to sleep in these humongous beds, in these tomb-silent rooms behind half-inch thick blockout curtains, dead tired. and when i wake, it takes three, four passes to even reconceptualize where the fuck i am. | [07:33] |
mp_en_viaje: | << this is the fundamental problem with the whole damn thing, "oh, we want to be safe". "how the fuck are you going to LIVE then ?!" "no matter". | [07:39] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:12:41 trinque: all I did was piss my money away, and the idiot's still an idiot doing idiot things. | [07:39] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-16 11:02:58 mp_en_viaje: leave your mark in this world. kill some of the boys born the same as year as you. hurt some of the girls. make a dent. | [07:39] |
mp_en_viaje: | sounds easy enough at the entrance gate but once inside it becomes obvious that where can't live, can't live. my constant "either help me build something, help the idiots be idiots, or be sad in a corner -- there's no other option" is, similarily, insistently perceived as so much empty bravado at the gate. but, in reality, as time goes by... | [07:40] |
mp_en_viaje: | << one day, a fish read a story about a sheep learning the torah, so it decided to learn to walk on land. it waited patiently for the rabbi to show up by the shore with a line, and caught itself in the hook. the rabbi held his head, rolled his eyes, cursed in the winds but the fish practiced diligently and in a short time was able to take half hour walks around the shore, | [07:48] |
mp_en_viaje: | enjoying the light breeze. | [07:48] |
mp_en_viaje: | one day as the fish was resting by a rock, under a willow, a man went by, and saw it, and said to his mates "let's go away, what stench here, of rotting fish". yet how did the man smell the rotting of the living fish ? what was it that he smelled ? was it his memory ? was it his imagination ? if the fish isn't rotting on the shore, can a man smell the stench of rotting fish ? | [07:48] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:13:59 trinque: and you know, these are the things friends discuss rather than stotting before eachother playing at greatness. I should hope we are that, and I am disappointed when we aren't. | [07:48] |
mp_en_viaje: | << it's like this : she doesnt' want to talk over you, especially as you're usually shy, or at the least come off as shy, because she figures (correctly) that there'll be time enough for that, later. the way she conceptualizes it, if she says something now that blocks something you were gonna say, that's lost, as it'll probably never get said, but like wood splinters, will | [07:55] |
mp_en_viaje: | get skinned over, and rot there, to be revisited at best again in a painful supuration if at all. whereas if she lets you speak and says whatever later, exactly nothing's lost, not like she's about to forget her mind overnight. | [07:55] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:20:10 trinque: << eh, we're too polite of each other's egos. say, and I'll be glad someone said honestly. | [07:55] |
mp_en_viaje: | << let it be observed, since we're here, the INTRICATE way in which socialism perpetuates itself. by getting you to believe the whole "intelectual property" claptrap, it gets you to ~volunteer~ for tax in one of its principal tax halls. and it's not even the money tax that's interesting, all the personal service tax, where you pay homage and pay court upon a bunch of socia | [08:01] |
mp_en_viaje: | list tards & precious cuntlets... | [08:01] |
mp_en_viaje: | do you realise all the dumb cunts "working in the court" "having a career in law" etc would be at home confronting the suck cock or die starving dilemma, if it wasn't for your gullibility, buying into the socialist fiction enough to pay them what they ask for them to [ | [08:01] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:12:27 trinque: in my case a chap stole from me, gave to an enemy. I was enraged. | [08:01] |
mp_en_viaje: | e#select][do what they want] ? | [08:01] |
mp_en_viaje: | it's this intricate ball of self-supporting yearn and it's by no means trivial a job to identify which node supports which strand or how. | [08:02] |
mp_en_viaje: | why can't all those careerwomen go the way of lobbes 's girlfriend, exactly ? what's keeping them "busy" ? | [08:03] |
mp_en_viaje: | belief, rite. for as long as you believe... | [08:04] |
mp_en_viaje: | << how are the people coming to this party supposed to find it ? every other empty hall looks like any other, how are they to ~recognize~ the right one ? see ? | [08:06] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:16:00 trinque: << no, worthwhile instead to start a party first, as you are in your own hall, and then build items for the party. | [08:06] |
mp_en_viaje: | it's not so easy as all that, "turn this lever now there's light". | [08:06] |
mp_en_viaje: | yes, when the party was now in #trilema, something nobody had even heard of, everyone could recognize it, on the basis of "mp saying so", but that basis was built in turn, out of other things. it's a fully dynamic thing, you can't arbitrarily static-ize "JUST THIS ONE" node and then archimede all over the place, 'by this fixed point i therefore move earth and sky'. there's no fixed point, and no matter which one you choose there | [08:08] |
mp_en_viaje: | 's not gonna be one, this game of chasing "credibly defensible" "just this one, just this once" etc is doomed. | [08:08] |
mp_en_viaje: | in fact, that's precisely what "jwz" means an' refers to : the intuitively persuasive but utterly untenable belief that one could find the just-right-one static point to prop the lever against, and then instead of | [08:12] |
mp_en_viaje: | all that trouble with ratchets could use the incomparably cheaper and easier lever machine. it makes less noise, it needs no grease, it doesn't wear out nearly as much and etcetera. oh if only. | [08:12] |
mp_en_viaje: | dun fucking work, it'd be nice if we could fix cracked cylinders with MAOAM, but it dun work, and not because haven't found the right flavour. it'd be nice if you could cure stupidity with massages and syphilis with needless, but it dun work, and not because haven't found the exact spot yet. and so following. | [08:14] |
diana_coman: | - myeah, I keep forgetting to put that longlines script in autorun on new setups. | [08:14] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 04:33:16 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, irssi ? | [08:14] |
mp_en_viaje: | << this is so. | [08:17] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:26:47 trinque: oh and by the way, "making them sweat it" is not maximum pressure. it's avoidance behavior, the same as "tomorrow I'll be sober/file police report/make a 'conversion engine'" whatever the fuck. | [08:17] |
mp_en_viaje: | << i don't understand what this means, gramatically. is it "makes those sounds which he thinks noble, but without any actual real anything to go with them" ? | [08:19] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:49:25 deedbot: trinque updated rating of mod6 from 2 to -1 << Makes sounds thought noble about nothing. | [08:19] |
mp_en_viaje: | << bwahahah lmao | [08:20] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:27:38 trinque: let it be plain that I hate most of you. and you should hate me back. I don't want to hear another dipshit that can't find his way into a 50k/yr business call himself lord. | [08:20] |
diana_coman: | I hope it's 50k btc / yr at least . | [08:24] |
mp_en_viaje: | gotta start somewheres. | [08:24] |
* mp_en_viaje | also suspects trinque had the help of a whole regiment of little johny walkers to pierce through what he perceives, mostly of his own conception, the highly dangerous and difficult to cross dielectric insulation. | [08:26] |
mp_en_viaje: | not from a good life, this perception. but what can you do... | [08:26] |
mp_en_viaje: | so looking for where the fyuck i explain whence and wherefore i've seen more preteen cunt than ~anyone outside of maybe a few forensic gynecologists, which of course i can't fucking find, i instead found | [08:53] |
mp_en_viaje: | ie, YET ANOTHER trilema prophetic piece, the schmuck in question hit the nat'l stage a few years later and then... i dunno, i think he's being searched for by the interpol now, unless they found him ? i | [08:54] |
mp_en_viaje: | ve not been following. | [08:54] |
hanbot_abroad: | BingoBoingo : i'd like access on UY1 but via this travel key. | [09:21] |
lobbesbot: | hanbot_abroad: Sent 4 days, 6 hours, and 51 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> | [09:21] |
hanbot_abroad: | !!gettrust hanbot_abroad | [09:21] |
deedbot: | L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. | [09:21] |
hanbot_abroad: | hrm. | [09:23] |
feedbot: | << Trilema -- The three kinds and the two kinds. | [09:44] |
mp_en_viaje: | diana_coman: trinque: [...] this sort of secretive-working-on-his-greatness is just as much avoidance as you note in others attack my flaws my foot [...] << this is certainly so. | [09:55] |
mp_en_viaje: | oh hanbot_abroad such travel, so fast, hungary, austria | [10:04] |
mp_en_viaje: | lajos salutes you! | [10:05] |
diana_coman: | hanbot_abroad it's !!reputation hanbot_abroad you want there. | [11:01] |
diana_coman: | gettrust is for rep from deedbot itself. | [11:01] |
trinque: | << rating isn't a reward. I was using it improperly. and unrate isn't a punishment. | [13:21] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 02:46:47 lobbes: anyways I'll start it off: you could stand to be more explicit in your communication. As it stands now I'm stuck assuming what you consider my flaws. From my perch I'm *doing more* now than I was in 2017 when you rated me at 2, so it makes little sense to me. And since I truly hate assuming, instead I won't even bother wasting further cycles until I hear more. | [13:21] |
trinque: | << I shall be dedicating more of my time *here* to my hall, on your and mircea_popescu's example, and less time on monastisolipsism "for the archeologists" as asciilifeform puts it so often. I am loudly proclaiming my own stupidity to date, what's not to understand. | [13:23] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 03:40:32 diana_coman: - so what is the party you are making there in your hall? because so far the ~only visible part has been deedbot-related + unpublished code on it -> deedbot is the seed of trinque's party now you say it isn't and 1. why isn't it? 2. what exactly is then? | [13:23] |
trinque: | << there's nothing secret. asciilifeform bitches about being poor, I tell him I have a 100k or so on a prototype run of his (apparently not yet design-complete, so w/e) RSA item, this passes in silence. | [13:27] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 03:56:17 diana_coman: trinque: you keep silent though, there's nothing concrete coming out of you for months neither here nor on the blog and then you explode with stuff like personally I don't mind it, have fun and all that but this sort of secretive-working-on-his-greatness is just as much avoidance as you note in others [ | [13:27] |
trinque: | the mention of the money isn't even virtue signaling. all the steps on the ladder past the first involve *investment* and not *behold how many arms come out of my ass* | [13:28] |
trinque: | one can't just do all the work himself forever that isn't a house, and it isn't *because* it's not growing | [13:28] |
trinque: | << scared of a little fun in the dark or what. but no, I don't know why you're coming to the defense of the larpers here. if you count me among them, that's exactly what you should say. | [13:32] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 04:24:12 diana_coman: - you also expect everyone else to hunt you in the dark and come all the way to texas just for the pleasure of finally seeing those delicious flaws, or what? | [13:32] |
trinque: | << bahaha this is some master-level mockery I didn't even grok, so I'm-a just sit here and "yes this is dog" | [13:38] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 04:49:21 mp_en_viaje: one day as the fish was resting by a rock, under a willow, a man went by, and saw it, and said to his mates "let's go away, what stench here, of rotting fish". yet how did the man smell the rotting of the living fish ? what was it that he smelled ? was it his memory ? was it his imagination ? if the fish isn't rotting on the shore, can a man smell the stench of rotting fish ? | [13:38] |
trinque: | << indeed, and exactly what I was driving at. zombie pizarro and the uy-IT-bois are making coy noises that sound like the beginnings of a contract enforcement suit. I'm saying scare them now, head it off, and cut rope. | [13:40] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 05:02:46 mp_en_viaje: do you realise all the dumb cunts "working in the court" "having a career in law" etc would be at home confronting the suck cock or die starving dilemma, if it wasn't for your gullibility, buying into the socialist fiction enough to pay them what they ask for them to [ | [13:40] |
trinque: | or not, w/e | [13:40] |
diana_coman: | - now, that's clear (and it wasn't before, or at least not to me, no). | [13:43] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 10:25:09 trinque: << I shall be dedicating more of my time *here* to my hall, on your and mircea_popescu's example, and less time on monastisolipsism "for the archeologists" as asciilifeform puts it so often. I am loudly proclaiming my own stupidity to date, what's not to understand. | [13:43] |
trinque: | << gonna go fishing for artists around my fort a bit, see what I turn up, and will write about it soon as I put my blog back on old DC | [13:45] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 05:07:43 mp_en_viaje: << how are the people coming to this party supposed to find it ? every other empty hall looks like any other, how are they to ~recognize~ the right one ? see ? | [13:45] |
diana_coman: | - no, I'm not at all coming to their defense I am just noting that at least until now you've been practicing avoidance just as much as they did perhaps in a different flavour, sure. | [13:45] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 10:33:28 trinque: << scared of a little fun in the dark or what. but no, I don't know why you're coming to the defense of the larpers here. if you count me among them, that's exactly what you should say. | [13:45] |
trinque: | << I used the common denomination intentionally. | [13:46] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 05:25:24 diana_coman: I hope it's 50k btc / yr at least . | [13:46] |
trinque: | also lmao @ topic! | [13:46] |
trinque: | diana_coman: I don't dispute that. | [13:48] |
mp_en_viaje: | apparently if you remove power brick from laptop to have it cloned, the laptop left behind eventually loses power. who knew! | [13:51] |
mp_en_viaje: | trinque, wait, wait, so you're making artist castle ?! holy hell, please. | [13:52] |
diana_coman: | cool then looking forward to the more visible trinque. | [13:52] |
mp_en_viaje: | walk of deviantart or ? | [13:52] |
trinque: | that might be one ocean to filter. | [13:57] |
trinque: | there are also a few operating dens in austin corporeally yet | [13:57] |
trinque: | maybe somebody wants rent. I used to fuck nothing but tattooed punk chicks with canvases before I became a laptop creature for the money. this isn't such a stretch. | [13:59] |
mp_en_viaje: | trinque, i wish you punkspeed | [14:23] |
hanbot_abroad: | << lol, that asshat. | [14:46] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 07:06:20 mp_en_viaje: lajos salutes you! | [14:46] |
hanbot_abroad: | << this makes me sad, both 'cause i rather like mod6, and 'cause the comment rings rather true. i hope whatever's bogging him down, stops. | [14:46] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:49:25 deedbot: trinque updated rating of mod6 from 2 to -1 << Makes sounds thought noble about nothing. | [14:46] |
BingoBoingo: | hanbot_abroad: | [14:46] |
hanbot_abroad: | tyvm BingoBoingo. | [14:48] |
BingoBoingo: | hanbot_abroad: You are welcome. Apologies for the travel key confusion. | [14:48] |
hanbot_abroad: | no worries, i'd rather make odd requests specifically when i have 'em, than have 'em anticipated! | [14:50] |
BingoBoingo: | hanbot_abroad: Let me know if your use of the LAMP discovers any weird, hard corners, etc. .htaccess for classic mp-wp rules works. No more weird apache 2.4 require statements. Good old allow, deny works | [14:52] |
hanbot_abroad: | ah cool | [14:53] |
BingoBoingo: | << I'm going to find which of the local prefecturas is responsible for the scene of the crime, assemble supporting docs, etc, and try to have this done by opening of business hours Monday morning | [14:55] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:09:16 trinque: BingoBoingo: make sure you actually file the report, per mp. name of the game is increasing the perceived cost of dealing with you vs settling sensibly | [14:55] |
BingoBoingo: | After the last communication I will take a generous settlement and the copy I have been soliciting lawyers with includes that as the desired outcome. | [14:58] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 18:00:35 BingoBoingo: So in today news found a responsive lawyer interested in the case. As our conversation started hit my inbox | [14:58] |
BingoBoingo: | << The section of my solicitor solicitation concerning outcomes and my preferences for them. | [14:59] |
BingoBoingo: | << Weighing this some sort of stock warrant, percent of shared hosting revenue, or combination of the two will probably work. It depends on how active you want me to be in administering the shared server, but I don't want to burden you with a fixed commitment up front. Also, I'm not the one baby sitting the rack this time. | [15:23] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 13:42:06 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: and, and, what you want in exchange for your participation. given as this op is not a continuation of piz proper. | [15:23] |
* asciilifeform | finally ate entire log | [15:29] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: you could actually get 100% of the shared hosting revenues -- in exch for colo rate for the req'd machine, if you like. ( asciilifeform still baking the entire thing, as specced by mp_en_viaje , doing a 'measure 7 time, cut 1nce' but no one will be invoiced for anyffin until passes criticism. ) | [15:32] |
BingoBoingo: | asciilifeform: At this stage of the game I don't want to deny you the potential income on what could be your high margin offering. | [15:34] |
asciilifeform: | naturally in this variant, BingoBoingo would be responsible for 100% of the programmatics asciilifeform -- for physical/electrical maintenance. | [15:34] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: alternatively i'ma supply the machine and roll it into the operating expense, and BingoBoingo does same, for 1/2 of the sharedhosting rev. | [15:35] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: think about this today, i'ma need the answer for the calculation. | [15:36] |
asciilifeform: | re trinque's dialogues -- if trinque wants to unrate folx, it's b/w him and odin, as all ratings. and same re checking out to be an artist etc. was hoping to see e.g. this come outta him before he checks out, rather than leaving wot, deedbot, wallet, to be rewritten hastily, like phf left the logger, but what can do. at least he, unlike phf, gave advanced warning. | [15:40] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-09-22 00:12:52 trinque: I'll genesis the wotcode after this is complete. | [15:40] |
BingoBoingo: | asciilifeform: Will do | [15:40] |
feedbot: | << Trilema -- Praecipe epops | [15:46] |
* asciilifeform | brb,tea | [15:47] |
trinque: | it's weird, I check in, and you say it must mean I'm checking out. | [15:49] |
trinque: | and sure, shall publish. I have never held anyone hostage in my operations of the wallet, and this flows from fundamentals. | [15:50] |
trinque: | I agree that there shouldn't be a "the" wallet, too. | [15:51] |
BingoBoingo: | trinque: While the thread is still fresh, thank you for the well honed edge your criticism cuts with. | [15:57] |
lobbes: | << gotcha, and ty. this makes sense | [16:10] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 10:23:06 trinque: << rating isn't a reward. I was using it improperly. and unrate isn't a punishment. | [16:10] |
lobbes: | << got it. In that case I have nothing to add re: hw specs | [16:10] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 04:33:04 mp_en_viaje: << not discussing here the software just the hw. | [16:10] |
feedbot: | << The Whet -- A Black Forest | [16:15] |
hanbot_abroad: | in other indechipherable languages that shouldn't exist, liszt in hungarian = flour. but buzaretesliszt = grits! and incidentally i learned you can, in fact, make bread outta grits. it's...edible. | [16:25] |
BingoBoingo: | hanbot_abroad: AHA, kind how cornbread works applied to a different cereal | [16:27] |
BingoBoingo: | Except... with a lot more protein to work with | [16:29] |
hanbot_abroad: | a lot more protein and a lot more syllables lol | [16:33] |
BingoBoingo: | Holy shit! The local Codigo Penal is short. | [16:41] |
asciilifeform: | ftr asciilifeform was not able to locate this in the logs. where did it happen ? | [16:52] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 16:36:28 trinque: I even told alf I had the cash to do an experimental run of the RSA chip, and he ignored, because why have friends | [16:52] |
asciilifeform: | << it's presently impractical, but not for the reason stated here. in e.g. 35nm, ~could~ fit a fast 4096x4096 multer. but ~riotously~ expensive , very high risk (any given production run, even with simulations and 'measure 7777 times, cut 1nce' , can produce a dud) wholly unknown prospects for earning back the spent | [17:02] |
asciilifeform: | dough and , to make matters worse, req's several sets of (literate) hands . | [17:02] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 16:39:33 mp_en_viaje: if you're interested in my (allegedly clueless, as it periodically is) understanding of the matter, alf wasn't interested in baking you a rsa chip because the item is not currently feasible. it specifically requires an object not yet known to exist, the extremely long mult'er. | [17:02] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-09-06 22:52:32 asciilifeform: ( btw , for thread-completeness -- you need 4096 modexp in < 3.8 ~microsecond~ to eat GB at line-rate. ) | [17:02] |
asciilifeform: | << 100% of the req'd algos & proofs for same, published on asciilifeform's www. trinque in fact could attempt the item with own hands, if he wishes, w/out asking anyone's permission , if he thinks it can be done w/ his avail. resources. | [17:06] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 16:45:28 trinque: the particular item might not be possible yet, maybe there are experiments leading up, maybe not yet. | [17:06] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: dun let this wait. it'll take, what, coupla hr ? get it going, wtf | [17:08] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-18 18:03:38 mp_en_viaje: because that'd be the correct answer at this juncture, "here's my copy of police report" | [17:08] |
BingoBoingo: | asciilifeform: I'm eating the criminal code now to make sure I can offer all the potential aggrevating circumstances | [17:09] |
asciilifeform: | << afaik he's right | [17:10] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 01:11:32 trinque: so, exert maximum pressure *now*, and then bend them to a settlement and be done. | [17:10] |
asciilifeform: | << since apparently 'open season' -- fella had 2 posts in 2+y , 1 (imho quite interesting) about getting dr.mengele'd , the other, incomplete cuntoo draft | [17:17] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 03:56:17 diana_coman: trinque: you keep silent though, there's nothing concrete coming out of you for months neither here nor on the blog and then you explode with stuff like personally I don't mind it, have fun and all that but this sort of secretive-working-on-his-greatness is just as much avoidance as you note in others [ | [17:17] |
asciilifeform: | 'mote in his eye, log in my eye'(tm) or how did it go? 'these lamers can't run a biz' but how about run a blog ? | [17:19] |
asciilifeform: | << from asciilifeform's homeplanet, similar parable : j00 abramovich invites friend's family to dinner. next day calls him: 'our silver spoons, they are missing, how couldja!' friend:'dafuq yer talking about' a:'thief! i never want to see your face again'. next day, a calls him : 'we, uhm, found those spoons.' him : 'so, let's have dinner next week?' a: 'no! THE STAIN, IT REMAI | [17:23] |
asciilifeform: | NS!' | [17:23] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 04:49:21 mp_en_viaje: one day as the fish was resting by a rock, under a willow, a man went by, and saw it, and said to his mates "let's go away, what stench here, of rotting fish". yet how did the man smell the rotting of the living fish ? what was it that he smelled ? was it his memory ? was it his imagination ? if the fish isn't rotting on the shore, can a man smell the stench of rotting fish ? | [17:23] |
asciilifeform: | << if trinque thinks can produce useful ic of whatever variety for <=100k, oughta do it himself and make fabulous dough , and put entire current set of practitioners outta biz. | [17:26] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 10:28:27 trinque: << there's nothing secret. asciilifeform bitches about being poor, I tell him I have a 100k or so on a prototype run of his (apparently not yet design-complete, so w/e) RSA item, this passes in silence. | [17:26] |
asciilifeform: | doubly so if indeed trinque is the only genuine article besides mp, errybody else -- charlatans . wai involve charlatans ? do w/ own hands. | [17:30] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 10:33:28 trinque: << scared of a little fun in the dark or what. but no, I don't know why you're coming to the defense of the larpers here. if you count me among them, that's exactly what you should say. | [17:30] |
asciilifeform: | << mod6 does seem to have contracted some kinda passivity-inducing brain fungus. asciilifeform hopes that curable, but prognosis for these is generally poor. threatens to hamstring the piz windup, too, sadly. | [17:33] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 11:47:54 hanbot_abroad: << this makes me sad, both 'cause i rather like mod6, and 'cause the comment rings rather true. i hope whatever's bogging him down, stops. | [17:33] |
asciilifeform: | !o seen-anywhere mod6 | [17:34] |
ossabot: | mod6 last seen in #trilema on 2019-10-18 20:55:34: Thanks for the update BingoBoingo. I'm a couple of days behind on logz here I've been horribly ill for the last 3 days. I'll start catching up, bbl. | [17:34] |
mp_en_viaje: | << so then EXACTLY for the reasons stated. stop being retarded and read what's written | [17:40] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 14:04:14 asciilifeform: << it's presently impractical, but not for the reason stated here. in e.g. 35nm, ~could~ fit a fast 4096x4096 multer. but ~riotously~ expensive , very high risk (any given production run, even with simulations and 'measure 7777 times, cut 1nce' , can produce a dud) wholly unknown prospects for e | [17:40] |
* mp_en_viaje | didn't appreciate the butchery of his parable, either. | [17:40] |
asciilifeform: | mp_en_viaje: i like yours moar, actually, will refer to it henceforth | [17:40] |
mp_en_viaje: | it's different subject!!11 | [17:40] |
asciilifeform: | it is ? | [17:40] |
mp_en_viaje: | yes! | [17:41] |
asciilifeform: | mp_en_viaje: re ic , it aint clear that we disagree. mp: 'req'd component dun exist' a: 'here's why dun exist' but point taken | [17:42] |
mp_en_viaje: | it suggests he might be misinterpreting events on the basis of his experience with more common representatives of the genus. there's nothing like this in the orig jewish fable. | [17:42] |
asciilifeform: | hm. | [17:42] |
mp_en_viaje: | and no, i said "dun exist BECAUSE STRUCTURE TOO FINE FOR AVAIL MEDIA" | [17:42] |
mp_en_viaje: | << keks. it sticks. | [17:44] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 14:20:40 asciilifeform: 'mote in his eye, log in my eye'(tm) or how did it go? 'these lamers can't run a biz' but how about run a blog ? | [17:44] |
mp_en_viaje: | << i thought he was getting himself out of whatever swamp. | [17:47] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 14:34:48 asciilifeform: << mod6 does seem to have contracted some kinda passivity-inducing brain fungus. asciilifeform hopes that curable, but prognosis for these is generally poor. threatens to hamstring the piz windup, too, sadly. | [17:47] |
mp_en_viaje: | then again i've been thinking this for years+ for many others, and generally tend to think thus, so its not exactly a reliable explanation. more like my null hypothesis for some incomprehensible reason. | [17:48] |
asciilifeform: | mp_en_viaje: said, at least. | [17:48] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-09-30 14:06:42 mod6: Hai all, it's been a pretty intense month - lot going on here. I've left my 9-5 job! | [17:48] |
mp_en_viaje: | evidently they never do, thought same of phf, and so on | [17:48] |
asciilifeform: | << wb ossasepia ! btw. and yw diana_coman . service is phree until 1month after : cost sheet posted (i expect mon. 21 oct) and passes rigorous mp_en_viaje crit . | [17:51] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 04:03:16 diana_coman: in more productive news: is back at new IP many thanks to asciilifeform for setting it up and to BingoBoingo for making the very smooth transfer possible! | [17:51] |
asciilifeform: | diana_coman presently has 100m pipe all to own self. | [17:52] |
* mp_en_viaje | shall take the girls on the town, bbl / tomorro. | [17:53] |
asciilifeform: | enjoy mp_en_viaje | [17:53] |
* asciilifeform | back to work. | [17:53] |
mod6: | asciilifeform: what are you waiting on from me? | [17:58] |
asciilifeform: | mod6: formulated like this, the q has no answr. rather, q is , wai is it that it was asciilifeform who had to prod BingoBoingo each time he req'd a prod ? while mod6 logged in maybe 1/wk... | [18:00] |
mod6: | You guys have been running the ship for like, what, 14 months? Didn't think you needed my prods. | [18:01] |
mod6: | Anyway, as far as litigation and things, basically I'd like to see if we can save some money. How much money? Well, I'm trying to dig up the costs we spend on that thing per month... | [18:02] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: Last monthly statement before the closing one. | [18:03] |
mod6: | ok | [18:03] |
mod6: | Sum the amount of money we would still owe through the end of the contract, specified via the letter the idiots sent you yesterday please. | [18:04] |
mod6: | (in usd, plz) | [18:04] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: They've been evasive on that, expressed willingness to offer a "discount". They offered no exact sum. The range any sum they are capable of asking would fall into is enough to maybe or maybe not buy one of these | [18:06] |
mod6: | What, that's like: 2835+2835+2835+2835 for oct+nov+dec+jan = 11,340? | [18:07] |
BingoBoingo: | Shave off a month. Ceiling is around 8000 USD | [18:07] |
mod6: | Ok, so oct is paid already then? | [18:07] |
BingoBoingo: | By my accounting payment made for october is a floor on the damages to pursue. | [18:08] |
BingoBoingo: | Their only defenses to collect on the remainder of the contract are active ones that don't apply with the bad faith they have demonstrated. | [18:09] |
mod6: | I'd like to see pizarro save some money on the total $11,340 that would normally owe through the end of the contract, since yea, from what I've read in here, seems like they've screwed us over. | [18:11] |
BingoBoingo: | No lawyer that bit yesterday's pitch wants any money for the initial sit down to talk about the case. The water here is rich with blood the doesn't taste like mine. | [18:11] |
mod6: | And if we can get, apparently 3, different lawyers to look at our case (are we interviewing them for free, or is there a retainer for each? if so, how much?). please write down what they say, if they think we have a good case, etc. | [18:12] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: I am interviewing 3, none so far are asking for money. | [18:12] |
BingoBoingo: | The case as it is, as it has been pitched to them appears very clean under the local laws. | [18:13] |
BingoBoingo: | This is so because Maximiliano, the sale manager who Latecho has handling communications with me is a walking disaster for them. | [18:14] |
mod6: | Well, talk to each, take notes, let us know how it goes with each. Get their billing rates. | [18:14] |
mod6: | Maybe we can get them to the table and we can negociate something better for us. I guess, worst case, pizarro ends up paying the remaining money. | [18:15] |
mod6: | Please correct me if I'm wrong here. | [18:15] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: Paying the datacenter more money when they are in flagrant breach of contract is immoral, even with my scrotum stitched to broken as hell contract, I am ruling it out. | [18:16] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: Please read which is the outcomes I am telling the lawyers I want. | [18:17] |
mod6: | Well, it may be immoral, right. I don't want to pay them another cent, bit cent or otherwise. But, we'll see what happens, no? | [18:17] |
asciilifeform: | i thought mod6 already agreed re 'nomoar, basta' | [18:17] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-16 15:22:33 mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6 not yet spoken, but asciilifeform 100% opposes any further movement of any kinda moneys ~into~ latech from piggy , on any pretext whatsoever. << Yeah, no more money for them. | [18:17] |
mod6: | Here's what you should do, perhaps beforehand pay back the debt holders. Pay S.NSA, pay the foundation any others. | [18:19] |
mod6: | Or at least subtract it from the cash total we're sitting upon. Then we'll also have a better idea of what we're working with in case this thing goes to #2. | [18:20] |
asciilifeform: | mod6: the very idea of continuing to sell coin from piz piggy in order ton pay extortion to a scam latech, is batshit beyond contemplation. if BingoBoingo bungles lawsuit and we gotta evacuate him so he aint sold for organs -- then evacuate. but wtf already, nomoar to latech, can this q be settled definitively 1ce and for all time ? | [18:20] |
asciilifeform: | * to pay | [18:20] |
asciilifeform: | from prev. thread w/ mod6 , i thought ~this~, if nuffin else, is settled matter 100%. | [18:21] |
mod6: | We did settle this. Why are you saying I'm holding you back? | [18:21] |
asciilifeform: | mod6: am i parsing this incorrectly ? | [18:22] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 15:18:56 mod6: Well, it may be immoral, right. I don't want to pay them another cent, bit cent or otherwise. But, we'll see what happens, no? | [18:22] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: I'd like to get a plan of action up soon with a timeline. As a Roman law country this is a much clearer case than it would be in US court. I do however want estimates from the vampires I am assembling before doing anything definitive. | [18:22] |
mod6: | Alright, BingoBoingo. | [18:22] |
mod6: | asciilifeform: I do not want to pay them any more money, no. At the same time, I don't want BingoBoingo ending up in some sort of personal litigation down there, if they come after him personally. | [18:23] |
mod6: | I'm not going to hang him out to dry, especially since it seems like he wants to say there. | [18:24] |
mod6: | *stay | [18:24] |
BingoBoingo: | I have my doubts the case will be taken on a strictly contingency basis, but as continued communications from latecho have further opened their breaches.. it may be possible to get a lawyer who wants to do this on contingency. | [18:24] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: Staying or not staying is still up in the air. | [18:24] |
mod6: | So, look. Just proceed as you are. Find out what the options look like. We'll go from there. | [18:25] |
mod6: | That sound ok to you asciilifeform, BingoBoingo ? | [18:25] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: ty | [18:25] |
asciilifeform: | mod6: the prev. agreed-upon solution to 'savages come after BingoBoingo' is evacuation. not 'burn whole piggy'. (if he ends up besieged by pygmies, no amt of piggy will necessarily suffice) | [18:25] |
mod6: | asciilifeform: fair enough. | [18:26] |
asciilifeform: | then seems agree. | [18:26] |
mod6: | BingoBoingo: is that what you're ok with? | [18:26] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: In the absolute worse case I can hike to Argentina while developing further evacuation plans. This absolute worst case is very unlikely. | [18:27] |
mod6: | alright then. | [18:27] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: or even brazil, say. | [18:28] |
BingoBoingo: | asciilifeform: Nah, everyone there talks like faggots. | [18:28] |
BingoBoingo: | Also Brasil border is more malarial | [18:28] |
BingoBoingo: | And further | [18:28] |
* asciilifeform | worked w/ brazilians for yrs, buys. | [18:28] |
mod6: | <+asciilifeform> mod6: am i parsing this incorrectly ? << Just weighing all of the possible outcomes here, really. That's all. | [18:28] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-10-19 15:18:56 mod6: Well, it may be immoral, right. I don't want to pay them another cent, bit cent or otherwise. But, we'll see what happens, no? | [18:28] |
mod6: | asciilifeform: re: foundation box to your new rack yes. Thank you, I'll get that info together in the next two days and get back to you. That ok? | [18:31] |
asciilifeform: | mod6: also ok and if you want to pause until price sheet posted an' approved by mp_en_viaje , also ok. | [18:31] |
mod6: | Like I said, was horribly ill this week, a bit behind still. | [18:32] |
asciilifeform: | mod6: if you send it in nao, i'ma emplace it on same arrangement as w/ diana_coman . (if want it back later, costs -- postage strictly.) | [18:32] |
BingoBoingo: | mod6: Anyways, if there is anything clean up related you are not up to speed on please let me know. I know the logs do build up fast. I will try my best to offer you relevant lines. | [18:32] |
mod6: | Alright, well, let us know as soon as you know. | [18:32] |
mod6: | Thank you BingoBoingo. | [18:33] |
mod6: | Gents I need to run for a bit here. But should be around tomorrow and so following. | [18:33] |
BingoBoingo: | One thing I have learned this week is that when I let my inner MP simulator handle heathen interactions instead of the Rube that is myself, things tend to work better. | [18:33] |
mod6: | Nice :] | [18:34] |
mod6: | Keep with it then. | [18:34] |
asciilifeform: | BingoBoingo: currently asciilifeform suspects that BingoBoingo's 'mp simulator' is better than asciilifeform's if it were used moar, we'd have better results. mine still needs work. | [18:34] |
* asciilifeform | on that note, must genuinely bbl, megatonne of loose ends to tie. | [18:35] |
mod6: | BingoBoingo: if I think of any other questions or clairification points, I'll ask. | [18:35] |
BingoBoingo: | ty | [18:35] |
mod6: | ty | [18:35] |
* mod6 | bbl | [18:35] |
Category: Logs