Forum logs for 09 May 2017

Monday, 16 March, Year 12 d.Tr. | Author:
shinohai: !~later tell BingoBoingo [00:18]
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded. [00:18]
BingoBoingo: [00:36]
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: brought to you by the same 400 yr puritan blight as 'graham cracker' ( look it up, the original ~deliberately designed~ shitfood , for mortification-of-the-flesh ) [00:43]
asciilifeform: 'sub-dissociative' nonsense, yes, for you an' me opio-cocainiferous goodness by the gigatonne, until head explodes, if he wants, for lizardman. [00:45]
asciilifeform: << see also thread. [00:47]
a111: Logged on 2014-06-18 00:36 asciilifeform: interestingly, sometimes the pharma folks fail: they spent some years trying to cough up a dopamine reuptake inhibitor that doesn't reduce to a synthetic cocaine, and, afaik, gave up [00:47]
asciilifeform: anything, anything at all to keep idiots buying 100k$ plastic porsche. [00:49]
asciilifeform: mustn't permit cheap , satisfying pharmasuicide to compete on level market with expensive, frustrating, slow konsoomer-goodz-suicide. [00:50]
asciilifeform: if a civilization can't win against dope od in an ~even~ match, it belongs in /dev/null. [00:52]
ben_vulpes: what would winning against an od look like? [00:53]
BingoBoingo: Lizards are vulnerable to accidental dope OD too [00:53]
BingoBoingo: Anyways how would the CIA lizards have any money at all without their trafficking business [00:54]
mod6: asciilifeform: related, [00:56]
mod6: lol, "nuke this box 4 me!!1" [00:59]
mod6: "kthxbye" [00:59]
mod6: lmao [01:00]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform actually the premise for civilisation competing with dope od is finally here. prior to recently, the dorks were still needed for muscular power -- first, brute, then, finely controled by a cns, primitive as it was. [01:03]
mircea_popescu: but these days, even the fine motor control of hominid ain't worth jack. and so... [01:03]
mircea_popescu: but this promises to be yet another pandora box. obviously and of course. [01:05]
BingoBoingo: <mod6> asciilifeform: related, << TORTILLA!!! [01:06]
mircea_popescu: in any case, a civilisation is not a sort of supermarket leaflet, to be judged by how well and how thoroughly it satisfies your perceived needs. [01:06]
asciilifeform: << well noshit.jpg, it motors along whether the inmates like it or not [08:42]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-09 05:06 mircea_popescu: in any case, a civilisation is not a sort of supermarket leaflet, to be judged by how well and how thoroughly it satisfies your perceived needs. [08:42]
asciilifeform: but it is still possible to observe that it -- preoccupied with plugging whatever escape holes -- is in fact of 'gulag' type [08:42]
asciilifeform: whereas even in recent past, say 19th c britain, crown did not give half a fuck if you preferred opium to society. or whether you wanted to get on a boat and never be met with again, etc. [08:44]
asciilifeform: << it looks like self circa 1890s. when, e.g., opium, cocaine, were sold in corner shop, and most folx in fact had ~better things to do~ than to take'em [08:48]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-09 04:53 ben_vulpes: what would winning against an od look like? [08:48]
asciilifeform: *selfsame [08:49]
asciilifeform: << lizards are for practical purposes ~immortal , but they do sometimes die of ennui. sometimes this takes the form of dope od. [08:52]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-09 04:53 BingoBoingo: Lizards are vulnerable to accidental dope OD too [08:52]
asciilifeform: incidentally, happy apple-conclusively-failing-to-buy-russia-in-'45 day, folxx. [08:54]
mircea_popescu: << no, no. the sad fact of the matter is that what people want is without exception stupid and harmful. not even one, both. a functional civilisation provides people with a good story as to why they're getting something other than what they want. whether what they actually get happens to also be a) what they actually need, as opposed to $random b) actually competitive with the vario [08:56]
a111: Logged on 2017-05-09 12:42 asciilifeform: but it is still possible to observe that it -- preoccupied with plugging whatever escape holes -- is in fact of 'gulag' type [08:56]
mircea_popescu: us environment threats, such as you know, other civilisations, volcanoes and aliens landing is entirely up for grabs. these points make the good/bad adequate/inadequate distinction, not whether the "inmates" "like" it in their "hearts of hearts". for one thing they're not inmates, lacking the capacity of outmating for the other thing they can't like and for the third they've no heart of hearts. [08:56]
asciilifeform: how not inmates ? [08:57]
mircea_popescu: they can't be not-inmates. [08:57]
asciilifeform: every once in a while, somebody breaks out, neh [08:58]
mircea_popescu: yes. and every once in a while one gets hallucinations. [08:58]
mircea_popescu: pathology is no basis for anthropology. [08:58]
asciilifeform: prison is not part of man's physiology either, and escape is not pathology, wtf [08:59]
mircea_popescu: monkeys are social rather than solitary. this goes with "have two limbs and opposable thumbs". how exactly they make use of those limbs or invest that sociality is also up for grabs, but doesn't speak to the principle. [08:59]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform your definition of prison === human condition. [08:59]
asciilifeform: a stock monkey troupe is < 300. [08:59]
mircea_popescu: sure. we weren't discussing prison size. [09:00]
mircea_popescu: if your theory of man had any feet, solitary confinment weren't regarded as the mother of all torture. physiologically, people lose their minds. maybe you or i wouldn't care, or maybe we think so in our ridiculous, adolescentine misapprehension. but this anecdote doesn't do much. [09:02]
asciilifeform: can't say until i try it, lol [09:03]
asciilifeform: it is possible that solitary prisoners go mad from simple boredom. notice that nobody is ever imprisoned in a library. [09:04]
asciilifeform: to insist that it is from 'lack of company' always , is disingenuous. [09:05]
mircea_popescu: afaik they get a book a week or some shit, i dunno, haven't followed. [09:06]
mircea_popescu: it's not implemented by the batiscaphe, at least not usually. [09:06]
asciilifeform: in american supermax they, iirc, do not [09:06]
asciilifeform: stone oubliette-with-food. [09:07]
mircea_popescu: still, the boredom angle... let them prove all the theorems yes ? [09:07]
asciilifeform: hard without paper. [09:07]
mircea_popescu: i guess. [09:07]
asciilifeform: you get the scenario in 'chess novella' - madness. [09:07]
mircea_popescu: truth be told, the human brain isn't either intented or designed to exceed 30 years of continuous abuse. [09:08]
mircea_popescu: people go mad with age anyway. [09:08]
asciilifeform: follows 'bathtub curve', like every other wear part. [09:09]
mircea_popescu: apparently they can even make phone calls o.O [09:11]
mircea_popescu: can also get... television. gimme a break. [09:11]
asciilifeform: to usg lawyer, lol [09:11]
mircea_popescu: and no, definitely can get books. apparently no actual limit, either! mostly because... nobody ever fucking wants any. [09:12]
mircea_popescu: dude americans are weird. [09:12]
* asciilifeform skeptical of these supposed features [09:12]
asciilifeform: but kakzynsky did manage to get hold of paper, there's that. [09:13]
mircea_popescu: can get family visits! "o noes, it's through phone/plastic windows!!" [09:13]
phf`: the one dude who reads through chemistry textbook in solitary also probably doesn't make the headlines of "horrors of solitary" [09:13]
asciilifeform: supposedly. i must admit some disbelief. [09:13]
mircea_popescu: it seems rather certain at this point that us "SHU" ~= being locked in library. [09:14]
mircea_popescu: that nobody makes use of the library part seems rather a comment on the nobody. [09:14]
asciilifeform: or that the other subtle torments dissolve the man. e.g. what they feed him, or the light that never goes off, or guard waking up hourly at night. [09:15]
mircea_popescu: i dunno about the last point. they used to pay someone for just that, in the middle ages. [09:15]
mircea_popescu: but yes, i expect prison food is a shade below rather than a shade above what they feed the cattle normally at the mall food court. [09:16]
mircea_popescu: strangely enough, none of the people i knew in jail ever complained. [09:17]
mircea_popescu: nor, come to think of it, wanted books. [09:17]
phf`: !#s prison spread [09:17]
a111: 4 results for "prison spread", [09:17]
mircea_popescu: cigarettes, yes. [09:17]
mircea_popescu: whores, if at all possible, definitely. [09:17]
mircea_popescu: a steak ? can't recall. gardner's math amusements ? nope. [09:17]
asciilifeform: phun phakt: no cigs in usg fed prison [09:18]
mircea_popescu: well my experience is ancient and from outside the best korea [09:18]
mircea_popescu: phf` seems you have an interest in the item ? [09:18]
mircea_popescu: "cuizine" lol. promising start. [09:19]
mircea_popescu: "Quite frankly some of the tastiest food I have ever eaten was cooked in the microwave by inmates." o brother. [09:20]
phf`: i find it both fascinating and horrifying [09:21]
mircea_popescu: see, alfie ? social behaviour. the dude will gladly state a nonsense to the outgroup (us) to gratify the ingroup. he's not even a part of it notably, but he aspires to see himself and hopes to be seen by us as if he were. [09:21]
mircea_popescu: he'll oppress his own tastebuds gleefully for this purpose. [09:21]
asciilifeform: link? [09:22]
mircea_popescu: phf` discorsi da letto, no more. [09:22]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's in phf's search. [09:22]
* asciilifeform looks [09:22]
mircea_popescu: o look, squeeze cheese. ever more promising. [09:22]
mircea_popescu: wtf is with all the ramen anyway. they've no pasta where these people live ? [09:26]
mircea_popescu: speaking of this, here's something to piss alf off in so many ways : [09:31]
mircea_popescu: [09:31]
asciilifeform: this was famous [09:32]
mircea_popescu: ah ok then [09:32]
mircea_popescu: ahahaha. really, chicks in female jail pretend to be butch for money ? [09:35]
mircea_popescu: i dun see it. [09:35]
mircea_popescu: "Mix a can of Cherry Dr. Pepper with instant coffee, cocoa, cappuccino mix, a carton of milk, and some leftover sugar packets to make a drink that tastes as close to cognac as you will get in prison." [10:08]
mircea_popescu: bwhahaha. [10:08]
mircea_popescu: gimme a break, anyone who's someone can get a bottle or two of whatever they like. wtf. [10:08]
asciilifeform: most prisoners ain't 'somebodies' [10:12]
mircea_popescu: i suppose the keyword being "you". [10:13]
mircea_popescu: anyway. this phf` - enabled short survey through the us penitentiary culture leaves me unimpressed. not much of a culture, is it. [10:15]
mircea_popescu: then again fwih ru prisons also went to shit. all hope left is i guess brazil ? [10:16]
asciilifeform: hope for what? [10:55]
asciilifeform: << in other lulz. [11:30]
trinque: ever closer to the goo-tube life [12:03]
asciilifeform: in other lolmatics, >> 'As bitcoin rises, Mt Gox approaches solvency (vs. claims). Now Reddit users are asking @MagicalTux to reopen. They even new designed logos.' [13:09]
mircea_popescu: reddit users were rendered obsolete by "ai" back in the days of minsky. [14:28]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i've known gents who genuinely preferred living in prison you understand. [14:30]
asciilifeform: i believe ! [14:30]
mircea_popescu: all hope for noretard area. [14:30]
asciilifeform: i'm neither solzhenitsyn, nor even weev, but would seem to me that this'd depend ~entirely on the other jailbirds [14:31]
phf`: “One day Trurl decided to build a reddit user, but he was afraid that Minsky was going to built one before him. Meanwhile Minsky was building a reddit user of his own, and was trying to hide him from Trurl. etc. [14:32]
asciilifeform: lol!! [14:32]
asciilifeform: then klapaucius unplugged the lispm. [14:32]
mircea_popescu: lol kharm lives! [14:33]
asciilifeform: lem [14:33]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform thing is, loser jailbirds get killed in normal prison. [14:33]
mircea_popescu: so you can actually end up with selected space where, to quote in translation, "with any luck i can go an entire week without drinking after an idiot" [14:33]
asciilifeform: ideal [14:34]
asciilifeform: in practice you get, e.g., 'bitch wars' [14:34]
mircea_popescu: you only get bitch wars when there's a ww2. [14:34]
mircea_popescu: if the dorks outside don't slosh too hard, what're you gonna get. [14:35]
mircea_popescu: some fucking peace and quiet. [14:35]
mircea_popescu: and for the record i've not that much respect for solzhenitsyn. yes, very accomplished child, child nevertheless. so he famously went and told mommy things and mommy really cared. good for the fucking tuna meanwhile what the fuck is he to know about the point in discussion. [14:38]
mircea_popescu: alt-language orwell. [14:38]
asciilifeform: i have 0 respect. [14:38]
asciilifeform: but mega-classic of prison lit, forced to #include him. [14:38]
mircea_popescu: the item was not yet borne into being that'll force me to include anything. he's welcome to figure prominently in any she-anglotard "story of prison". [14:39]
mircea_popescu: doesn't really have much to do with either prison, or my book. [14:39]
asciilifeform: afaik d00d lied strictly re political, rather than mechanical, details. [14:40]
mircea_popescu: the contention is that he wasn't in any position to understand the working of the mechanical details, for all the shit between his eyes. [14:41]
mircea_popescu: orwell, technically, was physically present in india the dominion. similarly, failed to understand the working of the mechanical details, similarily for all the shit between the eyes : more committed to not admitting he's a shithead than to understanding anything. [14:41]
asciilifeform: is it given to anyone to properly grasp the mechanics of the selfsame woodchipper he is being ground in ? [14:42]
mircea_popescu: perhaps. [14:52]
mircea_popescu: sir thomas more may well be a sufficient example. [14:53]
deedbot: << Qntra - Nuclear Waste Storage Tunnel Collapses At Hanford Site [15:27]
mircea_popescu: did they catch the homeless dude responsible or still shopping around ? [15:50]
BingoBoingo: It's too be determined [15:56]
asciilifeform: meanwhile, moar sneakpreviewz, . [16:42]
asciilifeform: << 'os' [16:43]
mircea_popescu: and to continue the penitentiary discussion : i don't seem to see all the fuckwits insisting that black dudes being jailed constitutes some kind of racism etc notice that a) google will serve you the "37% non-hispanic blacks" figure on a search for "us inmate population by gender" front and center, because who cares what you're actually searching for, have some nigger figures in any case and b) there's only 12k women for 175k [16:45]
mircea_popescu: men in the federal system. [16:45]
asciilifeform: 12k women for 175k << lol noshit.jpg [16:46]
mircea_popescu: this DOESN'T constitute some sort of misandrism, and it's NOT time to change the laws to you know, punish more girly shit ? how about 5 years in jail for watching netflix without a partner, speaking in a shirll tone, being fat or being obnoxious ? and striking male crimes suck as you know, fucking, from the books ? [16:46]
asciilifeform: !~google glass cellar [16:46]
jhvh1: asciilifeform: What do feminists think about the ' glass cellar '? - Quora: <> Who cares if men are stuck in a glass cellar ? (They can change the ...: <> Glass cellar vs Glass ceiling (85% of the worst rated jobs are held by ...: (1 more message) [16:46]
asciilifeform: ^ the reddit folx had a word. [16:47]
mircea_popescu: i would say that in order to rectify historical injustices, there's strict need for about [16:47]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 175 * 175 / 12 [16:47]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 175 * 175 / 12 = 2552.083333333333 [16:47]
mircea_popescu: about 2.55mn women in jail by fall, to sit there two or three decades at the latest. [16:47]
mircea_popescu: start giving them six months for going around dressed and obnoxious shit like that, i say. [16:48]
mircea_popescu: and if anyone has any objections, hey! "don't do the crime if you can't do the time" or how did the bullshit go. [16:51]
* mircea_popescu enjoyed reading the sage faq. [18:58]
mod6: hai [19:05]
mod6: asciilifeform: thanks for sharin' [19:07]
shinohai: !~later tell BingoBoingo [19:43]
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded. [19:43]
mod6: Here's the results from the first entropy collection from FG #4: [19:48]
mod6: Here's the results from the second entropy collection from FG #4: [19:49]
mircea_popescu: nice [20:40]
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in pointless selfies trying to pretend like they're participation and message-y and whatnot, [20:41]
asciilifeform: mod6, mircea_popescu : no word from the dh d00d, eh [20:50]
asciilifeform: i dun expect he'll ever write back [20:50]
mircea_popescu: who ? [20:50]
asciilifeform: author of 'dieharder' [20:50]
mircea_popescu: no word. who knows. [20:51]
mircea_popescu: honestly, from the past few years of involvement with "software engineers", i can squarely say i have no fucking idea what goes on in their heads, but if it came to light they're just randomly squirming like froglegs on electric plating i wouldn't be much surprised. [20:52]
mircea_popescu: there doesn't seem to be more rhyme or reason behind their decisions / behaviours / choices / "engineering" generally speaking than behind movement of clouds. [20:52]
mircea_popescu: for all i know dood hasn't even found that clicking plate with square nubbins on it for the past eight months. [20:54]
asciilifeform: !~google sage smartprobe [20:55]
jhvh1: asciilifeform: Loper OS » A Complete Pill for the Sage SmartProbe .: <> Loper OS » Sage SmartProbe FAQ: <> Loper OS » The Care and Feeding of the Sage SmartProbe .: <> [20:55]
asciilifeform: hah. [20:55]
mircea_popescu: lol. nice. [20:55]
asciilifeform: took this long for ~all mention of the original to fade away... [20:55]
asciilifeform: in other lulz : [21:36]
shinohai: <<< Trumpgate! [22:02]
asciilifeform: 'President Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey on Tuesday, at the recommendation of senior Justice Department officials who said he had treated Hillary Clinton unfairly and in doing so damaged the credibility of the FBI and the Justice Department.' << lol! [22:02]
asciilifeform: from same rag, 'President Trump’s sudden removal of James B. Comey as director of the FBI sparked immediate fears among legislators and others that the bureau’s probe into possible collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign might be upended now that Trump himself can handpick its new supervisor.' [22:04]
mircea_popescu: heh [22:41]
mircea_popescu: it really sucks being old dunnit [22:42]
shinohai: Getting older means an increase in burbujas after midnite. [22:43]
mircea_popescu: and a decrease in burbujas between teh legs. [22:44]
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6, mircea_popescu : no word from the dh d00d, eh << tbh, I haven't even reached out myself yet. [22:44]
mod6: I was going to finish all the tests, compile some info, then if he still hadn't written to us or shown up here, I'd write him. [22:44]
mircea_popescu: go for it, what can it hurt [22:44]
mod6: exactly. [22:44]
asciilifeform: link him plox to . [22:45]
a111: Logged on 2017-04-26 01:39 asciilifeform: imho it ought to return an ~algo~ for attempting a better-than-chance prediction of nth bit, given n [22:45]
mod6: yah, I think it's a good conversation [22:49]
asciilifeform: soooo mod6 tried to post a pgp-signed comment in my www [23:00]
asciilifeform: and it gets 1) BAD SIG when verified from paste from www [23:00]
asciilifeform: 2) GOOD sig when verified from paste from COMMENT EDITOR [23:00]
asciilifeform: 3) NULL DIFF b/w the two pastes if pasted into emacs each !!! [23:00]
asciilifeform: NULL, motherfucker, diff. [23:01]
mod6: This is the actual pgp clearsigned data: [23:01]
mod6: I paste into comments section on loper, doesn't verify. [23:01]
asciilifeform: except of course not null, but EACH TIME RANDOM place has extra space. [23:02]
asciilifeform: because ??!!!. [23:02]
mod6: weird. [23:03]
mod6: I wrapped with <pre></pre> tags.. i feel like somewhere a \n got snarffed or something [23:04]
mod6: it's gotta be browser related. if you copied the PGP signed data out of the database comments field or what not, and it was ok, then ok. may not mangled. but perhaps the browser does some weird formatting hijinx and that's fuckin us up. [23:07]
mod6: i dunno, maybe not. [23:07]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform notice trilema doesn't suffer from same problem read mp-wp live happily ever after. [23:34]
mod6: <+asciilifeform> NULL, motherfucker, diff. << does vdiff give different output hashes? [23:56]
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