Forum logs for 09 Mar 2018
mircea_popescu: | !#s spotify dogfood | [00:40] |
a111: | 0 results for "spotify dogfood", | [00:40] |
mircea_popescu: | BingoBoingo very marginally maybe worth a lulz : github took down however many forks of project aiming at taking ads out of "spotify" which is some scamvalley "service" doing ~nothing in particular. | [00:41] |
mircea_popescu: | "open source" for as long as the idiots are willing to provide free work to usg.scamdept. | [00:41] |
mircea_popescu: | in almost related cvasi-news, | [00:56] |
deedbot: | << Trilema - And in today's lulz, the obnoxious cocksucker. | [01:29] |
mircea_popescu: | !~later tell danielpbarron ? | [03:55] |
jhvh1: | mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. | [03:55] |
deedbot: | << Trilema - #trilema poker bot spec | [04:12] |
BingoBoingo: | <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo very marginally maybe worth a lulz : github took down however many forks of project aiming at taking ads out of "spotify" which is some scamvalley "service" doing ~nothing in particular. << I will look into it, maybe try to find something to twofer it with | [06:23] |
deedbot: | << Qntra - Arrangements Being Made For Donald Trump To Meet Kim Jung Un | [12:04] |
deedbot: | << Trilema - Let's read together uncle Al Schwartz' Hexadecimal Dependency | [13:37] |
ave1: |, Thank you! | [13:51] |
a111: | Logged on 2018-03-08 20:25 mircea_popescu: << hey asciilifeform mind sending our last remaining FG to this fine fellow ? we'll book it on teh goodwill line. | [13:51] |
ave1: | asciilifeform, | [13:51] |
asciilifeform: | ave1: got it | [13:52] |
mircea_popescu: | yo ben_vulpes whatever happened to ! | [14:09] |
a111: | Logged on 2018-02-02 21:18 mircea_popescu: copa is cheap-ish and pretty good the rest are gringo airlines doing dumb shit like hubbing through us cities. which makes your voyage split 3/10 rather than 5-7 or so | [14:09] |
shinohai: | !~later tell jurov I wish to donate my Feb. Qntra shares to the Bitcoin Foundation, please to advise as to how to proceed. | [21:30] |
jhvh1: | shinohai: The operation succeeded. | [21:30] |
lobbes: | hm, seems to be down. (though, mebbe he's taking the server to oklahoma too) | [23:35] |
trinque: | << wager it's in a suitcase, aha | [23:54] |
a111: | Logged on 2016-03-17 16:30 danielpbarron: pogo really shouldn't be used for this purpose :< | [23:54] |
Category: Logs