Forum logs for 07 May 2016
BingoBoingo: | $bc,stats | [00:15] |
mircea_popescu: | BingoBoingo you can pm it. | [00:16] |
mircea_popescu: | alternatively i could revoice it. do you actually miss it ? | [00:16] |
BingoBoingo: | I'll pm it for the time being. If we don't replace stats and ticker though it will be a pain not being able to link them in the logs from qntra when a story calls for it. | [00:32] |
BingoBoingo: | I don't call ticker --market all because I'm interested in what it reports at that moment in that moment. Mostly do it in case if that moment/day becomes interesting in the months that come. | [00:33] |
BingoBoingo: | But for the bc,stats pming that is fine | [00:34] |
mircea_popescu: | alrighty, what. | [00:34] |
mircea_popescu: | google buttseks | [00:34] |
gribble: | Error: We broke The Google! | [00:35] |
mircea_popescu: | there. | [00:35] |
BingoBoingo: | ty | [00:35] |
BingoBoingo: | ticker --market all --currency rmb | [00:35] |
gribble: | BTCChina BTCRMB last: 2959.64, vol: 29315.59660000 | Volume-weighted last average: 2959.64 | [00:36] |
BingoBoingo: | ticker --market all | [00:36] |
gribble: | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 458.58, vol: 5192.97314437 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 452.5, vol: 6497.89365 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 460.01, vol: 26904.66921442 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 457.3, vol: 1.86 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 455.537844, vol: 29318.48630000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 459.05, vol: 1844.78973063 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 458.481, vol: 13.46272529 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) | [00:36] |
BingoBoingo: | more | [00:36] |
gribble: | 457.299273436 | [00:36] |
BingoBoingo: | ^ see up after boatoshi sank, may be intersting detail come july | [00:36] |
mircea_popescu: | eh. | [00:40] |
BingoBoingo: | Apparently a DHS officer broke today, writing up the story | [00:48] |
deedbot: | [Qntra] DHS Officer Breaks, Performs Allegedly Unsanctioned Killings - | [01:12] |
mircea_popescu: | BingoBoingo nice :D | [02:10] |
mircea_popescu: | asciilifeform on the other hand the braindamage list padded considerably. closing in on 3k by now | [02:11] |
ben_vulpes: | BingoBoingo: i lold | [03:09] |
shinohai: | later tell BingoBoingo <<< sed -i 's/being/bring/g' ? | [08:52] |
a111: | Logged on 2016-05-07 05:12 deedbot: [Qntra] DHS Officer Breaks, Performs Allegedly Unsanctioned Killings - | [08:52] |
gribble: | The operation succeeded. | [08:52] |
asciilifeform: | 23561/38479 1281531/1298527 | [09:45] |
mod6: | Ah, very cool, just noticed the /topic. | [11:15] |
mod6: | $up rain1 | [11:17] |
deedbot: | rain1 voiced for 30 minutes. | [11:17] |
mod6: | hi, how goes it? are you in the wot yet? might be a good place to start. | [11:18] |
rain1: | 30 mins lol | [11:18] |
rain1: | this is insane | [11:19] |
mod6: | heh, 1800 seconds to get it right | [11:19] |
rain1: | thanks mod6 | [11:19] |
mod6: | no prob. | [11:19] |
shinohai: | o/ mod6 | [11:19] |
mod6: | o7 shinohai | [11:19] |
mod6: | how goes it? | [11:19] |
shinohai: | Not bad, sitting outside with lappy, gorgeous day here. U? | [11:19] |
mod6: | Yeah, it's real nice here too. I've actually gotta do a bit of yard work here in just a few mins. | [11:20] |
mod6: | Thought I'd stop in here first tho. | [11:20] |
mod6: | I've been working on `t' cleanup this week. 'tis going alright. | [11:20] |
shinohai: | I'm lazy and pay MExicans to do mine. >.< | [11:20] |
mod6: | haha, i wish i had some people around here who wanted to do that kinda labor forme. | [11:21] |
shinohai: | Yeah I saw somewhere in the logs where you said t was almost ready for ml posting | [11:21] |
shinohai: | And I've been using same guy for 3 years now, the price is just right and saves me the hassle. | [11:21] |
mod6: | so might hvae a new version of `t' for ya to look at sometime this weekend. i've been cleaning up the graph. trying to get the sagas colorized (which is complete), but I wanna get all the disconnected graphs printing in a certain wa. | [11:22] |
mod6: | *way | [11:22] |
shinohai: | sweet! :D | [11:22] |
mod6: | <+shinohai> And I've been using same guy for 3 years now, the price is just right and saves me the hassle. << this is what i need. i like to do the gardening but the stuff like mowing raking etc, i hardly can make time for. | [11:22] |
mod6: | we need to add more tickets to the list too if we can round out some of that stuff. | [11:23] |
mod6: | tsp reminded me that we need to add one for rawtxs | [11:23] |
shinohai: | I'm the same, I love taking care of my flowers and veggies but mowing, etc is not my forte. | [11:23] |
shinohai: | Funny, I was looking at raw tx code the other day, since the key code has worked so well. | [11:24] |
mod6: | last year i had 22 tomato plants. this year im rotating the spot and probably will only do 10. but im gonna do a ton of cucumbers. | [11:24] |
mod6: | and im having this lady show me how to jar/can them. | [11:24] |
mod6: | <+shinohai> Funny, I was looking at raw tx code the other day, since the key code has worked so well.<< ya! | [11:24] |
mod6: | that'sactually something I'd like to do today if I can get the time: drop in that code into my test environment. | [11:24] |
shinohai: | Would be nice to be able to broadcast own tx's | [11:25] |
mod6: | then rebase everything if i need, which it probably will | [11:25] |
mod6: | halfreward | [11:25] |
gribble: | Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Mon Jul 11 09:45:11 2016 UTC | Time remaining: 9 weeks, 1 day, 18 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds. | [11:25] |
mod6: | holy smokes | [11:25] |
mod6: | was just looking for non b-a steps for rain to follow to get reg'd in deedbot | [11:27] |
mod6: | ran across this page looks like it needs at least a name change for #trilema: | [11:27] |
mod6: | is there some steps that rain1 can follow to get reg'd? | [11:28] |
shinohai: | Some of the foundation pages need tweaking too, I think I noticed old #b-a refs in them | [11:28] |
mod6: | oh good, thanks for reviewing those. there's a bunch of work in there we really need. | [11:29] |
mod6: | don't hesitate to drop me a line if you find something thatneeds an update. | [11:29] |
mod6: | $up mircea_popescu | [11:29] |
deedbot: | mircea_popescu voiced for 30 minutes. | [11:29] |
mircea_popescu: | ty | [11:30] |
shinohai: | I can put list of trusted nodes, etc on my site if we need them. Not sure who said they were going to make a new wiki page. :/ | [11:30] |
mircea_popescu: | why the fuck does deedbot not answer in pm tho | [11:30] |
mircea_popescu: | $up | [11:30] |
mod6: | my bad, saw you joined, didn't see that you didn't get voiced. | [11:30] |
deedbot: | Get your OTP: | [11:30] |
mircea_popescu: | this is fucking weird shit. | [11:30] |
mircea_popescu: | $v 5377F1A5DF1C57528DC101794400A2022593B5AA7C775789B94D2A6EF3307BBA | [11:30] |
deedbot: | You are now voiced in #trilema | [11:30] |
mod6: | pm worked for me yesterday when i got booted from 'sandstorm' or whatever. i have noticed from time to time though, it just takes a bit to respond. | [11:30] |
mircea_popescu: | ftr : **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 7 10:43:32 2016 May 07 10:43:33 <mircea_popescu> $up May 07 10:52:49 <mircea_popescu> $up May 07 11:38:57 <mircea_popescu> $up **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 7 12:26:05 2016 | [11:31] |
mod6: | oh wow. | [11:32] |
mod6: | > a bit | [11:32] |
mircea_popescu: | ikr. | [11:32] |
mircea_popescu: | << what's so insane about it ? | [11:33] |
a111: | Logged on 2016-05-07 15:19 rain1: this is insane | [11:33] |
rain1: | why all this trouble just to speak | [11:33] |
mircea_popescu: | because we don't generally wish to hear what $rando has to say. | [11:34] |
rain1: | cool | [11:34] |
mircea_popescu: | same reason you don't just go into aula magna at your local uni and start pouring words. | [11:35] |
shinohai: | kek | [11:35] |
mircea_popescu: | check out the outsized ego on this one. fucker thought he was like important or some shit ? | [11:35] |
mircea_popescu: | << word. | [11:35] |
a111: | Logged on 2016-05-07 15:27 mod6: ran across this page looks like it needs at least a name change for #trilema: | [11:35] |
mod6: | shinohai: how'd you like to be integral into helping us round out the newly built deedbot wiki? | [11:37] |
mod6: | (are you still looking for tmsr~ side project?) | [11:37] |
shinohai: | Sounds good to me. | [11:38] |
mod6: | my goal is to move the good things off of the ba wiki and start getting our own setup. | [11:38] |
mircea_popescu: | nice. | [11:38] |
mod6: | it's still in the ground breaking phase, with the wiki, but there's async work that could be done from time to time when you have it. | [11:39] |
mircea_popescu: | ah darn, it was my bad setup filtering out the wrong pms. sorry trinque false alamr, deedbot is fine indeed. | [11:39] |
mod6: | ah | [11:40] |
shinohai: | Just takes time to put together | [11:40] |
mod6: | yeah. maybe if we run into trinque this weekend we can all discuss what some next things are there. | [11:40] |
mod6: | heck, i'll even make tickets for it if we need to. | [11:41] |
mod6: | nothing that has to get all accomplished today, or next week. but it'd be great to have something workable there by say. 9 weeks from now. | [11:41] |
mod6: | then we can continue to round out that stuff as we go on. | [11:41] |
shinohai: | I need to make a damned coinbr account this weekend too if I'm gonna continue my Qntra experiment. | [11:41] |
mod6: | im sure j-dawg can get you setup | [11:42] |
* mod6 | laughs | [11:42] |
shinohai: | Not hard to setup, I just need a btc addy I can use for signing only. I tend not to reuse addys and misplace them >.< | [11:42] |
jurov: | shinohai, just fill this simple 5-page form, get an affidavits from doctor and IRS and we're done | [11:42] |
jurov: | easy peasy | [11:43] |
mod6: | hahaha | [11:43] |
shinohai: | No pic of sharpie-in-pooper required? | [11:43] |
trinque: | mircea_popescu: ah cool | [11:43] |
mod6: | alright Gentlemen, i gotta run to do this yard trimmings here for a bit. | [11:43] |
mod6: | i'll be back in a bit | [11:43] |
mod6: | shinohai: ha, that guy made a mint for that. | [11:43] |
trinque: | yep I'm out too, gonna gorge on crawfish in the sun | [11:44] |
mircea_popescu: | aaand eulora just got its first "we are the people" revolutionary movement. | [11:44] |
mircea_popescu: | it got trampled underfoot the same day. | [11:44] |
mircea_popescu: | god i love my top hat. | [11:44] |
mod6: | trinque: have fun. let's try to regroup later :] | [11:44] |
* mod6 | looks | [11:44] |
mod6: | ok :] | [11:49] |
mod6: | have fun, bbl. | [11:49] |
mircea_popescu: | << tools ARE the basic game mechanic. | [11:56] |
mircea_popescu: | there is no such thing as "boosters". if there were, people'd just buy the booster and then that would become the basic game mechanic. | [11:56] |
mircea_popescu: | economy is economy is economy. | [11:56] |
mircea_popescu: | o motherfucker. sorry bout that. | [12:01] |
mircea_popescu: | ever since mod6 's been talking in #eulora i've been mischanning like crazy lol. | [12:02] |
asciilifeform: | bbet moved?! | [12:39] |
BingoBoingo: | shinohai: fxd | [12:41] |
mircea_popescu: | lol | [12:41] |
BingoBoingo: | <mod6> haha, i wish i had some people around here who wanted to do that kinda labor forme. << You don't want to pay my "pout of service area" fee for visiting the tundra. | [12:42] |
mircea_popescu: | when's your next ablum out mr j-dawg ? | [12:42] |
j-dawg: | yo | [12:42] |
mircea_popescu: | is it true you had 23 pounds of panties thrown at you by rabid fans at last concert ? | [12:43] |
j-dawg: | yo dawg weighed them? dere fo' smellin' yo! | [12:43] |
mircea_popescu: | word | [12:44] |
BingoBoingo: | $b 5 | [12:47] |
BingoBoingo: | | [13:45] |
deedbot: | [Qntra] Abducted Liberty Reserve Founder Sentenced To 20 Years In Prison - | [13:54] |
mircea_popescu: | asciilifeform wtf is supposed to be at ? as in | [14:46] |
mircea_popescu: | YuuYDg&bvm=bv.121421273,d.d24 | [14:46] |
mircea_popescu: | google astra linux | [14:49] |
gribble: | Error: We broke The Google! | [14:49] |
mircea_popescu: | $google astra linux | [14:49] |
mircea_popescu: | somewhat lulzy. | [14:49] |
deedbot: | << Astra Linux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | << Astra Linux — Википедия | << Astra Linux Review - Russian Government/Military Debian-based ... | [14:49] |
mircea_popescu: | and in other news, | [15:04] |
BingoBoingo: | Is that Sasha and Maliah Bahamas? | [15:07] |
mircea_popescu: | no idea | [15:10] |
BingoBoingo: | | [15:11] |
mircea_popescu: | to click... or not to click. this is the BingoBoingolema. whether tis safer in silence to suffer the links and twinkles of outrageous rotundity, or to take a stand against a sea of blubber and, by refusing to click, forever disown them. | [15:14] |
danielpbarron: | this one is all text | [15:20] |
mircea_popescu: | motherfucker. what's with all this "blanking of names" bullshit. that's not how you do it. tits pic and home address. | [15:26] |
mircea_popescu: | meanwhile in the civilised world, | [15:27] |
asciilifeform: | << somebody's key? | [15:46] |
a111: | Logged on 2016-05-07 18:46 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform wtf is supposed to be at ? as in | [15:46] |
mircea_popescu: | i thought those were /gpgfp/ and /gpgkey/ | [15:49] |
mircea_popescu: | apparently there's a /download/ too but not linked from anywhere. | [15:50] |
deedbot: | [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The full in-house orchestra. - | [15:50] |
asciilifeform: | << button on every key page!!!! | [16:42] |
a111: | Logged on 2016-05-07 19:50 mircea_popescu: apparently there's a /download/ too but not linked from anywhere. | [16:42] |
asciilifeform: | bottom right hand side! | [16:43] |
asciilifeform: | srsly | [16:43] |
asciilifeform: | had it last june even iirc. | [16:43] |
mod6: | <+j-dawg> yo <<< hahahah yes! | [16:50] |
mod6: | later tell trinque so how can shinohai help build out is there some web-code he can write? or perhaps just preparing articles? | [16:56] |
gribble: | The operation succeeded. | [16:56] |
mod6: | later tell trinque your thoughts on this are much appreciated. hit me up when you get a chance to think on it. | [16:57] |
gribble: | The operation succeeded. | [16:57] |
deedbot: | [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Pete buys a minivan. - | [17:16] |
mircea_popescu: | asciilifeform oh i c. missed it. | [17:58] |
mod6: | so yeah, funks patch needs to be rebased. | [18:07] |
shinohai: | mod6: didja check the copy I sent? dunno if I did it right | [18:10] |
mod6: | im looking at | [18:11] |
mod6: | anyway, that's not the end of the world or anything. | [18:11] |
mod6: | you would have to have had all the latest pressed out, then patch the code in by hand | [18:12] |
mod6: | i'll do that. it's fine. | [18:12] |
mod6: | that'll get me a good review of the code changes anyway. | [18:12] |
shinohai: | Yeah I had to patch in by hand after press to get it working :/ | [18:13] |
mod6: | no worries. | [18:13] |
deedbot: | [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 53158319 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'n parks <> ' - | [18:34] |
phf: | mod6: hey, i checked the state of patches, and is identical to | [18:42] |
mircea_popescu: | o hey, new one. | [18:44] |
phf: | so i suspect that whatever differences in press are a result of press algo. also funken is in an experimental set, and that's all the patches that i saw floating around that are not in the official release and not have been explicitly deprecated | [18:45] |
phf: | experimental doesn't press cleanly half the time, because of rebasing issue. for example it has polarbeard's patches that link into graph, but are all over the place with their press dependency | [18:46] |
mod6: | | [18:47] |
mod6: | phf: lemme see here... | [18:47] |
mod6: | alright. so, a: i was looking at whatever was listed at | [18:50] |
mod6: | and that seems like it makes sense from where this funken_prikey_tools.vpatch was branched. | [18:51] |
mod6: | b: your link with patchset=stable looks correct at a glance. your chart is a bit different than mine | [18:51] |
mod6: | this is because i pin leafs to the top of the graph | [18:52] |
mod6: | but yah, otherwise that "stable" looks ok. tahnks for taking the time to check. | [18:52] |
phf: | mod6: yeah, my antecedent's list is actually cut down, but i can't recall by what metric :o | [18:53] |
mod6: | ? | [18:53] |
mod6: | you know what is cool though? that you have it so you can change graphs depending on the input -- "experimental" etc | [18:54] |
mod6: | is there a base link to this page? should be something like or something | [18:54] |
mod6: | or | [18:54] |
mod6: | instead of the ? = stuff | [18:54] |
phf: | | [18:55] |
phf: | takes you to stable | [18:55] |
mod6: | oh ok that works :] | [18:55] |
mod6: | thanks! | [18:55] |
mod6: | how or why did you 'cut down' the antecedents? | [18:56] |
mod6: | im not sure I follow. | [18:56] |
mod6: | shinohai: that dpaste above was for you, should be good to go, need to recompile the orchastra with this included and test a bit... | [18:56] |
mod6: | and then if that works, I'll hand it off to you to see if you can go through the same motions | [18:57] |
shinohai: | oh ok lemme fire up a VM | [18:57] |
mod6: | no worries, just demonstrating with that paste that I was able to rebase the patch, drop it into my 'patches' dir (notice the WILD annotation), and press cleanly. | [18:58] |
shinohai: | ah neat! | [18:58] |
mod6: | if I use the raw patch from the deal press pukes on an unmatched hash. (a new feature! lol) | [18:58] |
mod6: | nice to know v does stuff that works | [18:59] |
mircea_popescu: | phf shouldn't they not actually link then ? | [19:06] |
mircea_popescu: | i mean... graph's utility is mostly that it mirrors the press, no ? | [19:06] |
mod6: | shinohai: since we're talkin about it... looks like 'funken_prikey_tools.vpatch' had key.h based off genesis, instead of mod6_der_high_low_s.vpatch : | [19:13] |
mod6: | anyway, just as illustration | [19:14] |
shinohai: | werd | [19:14] |
mod6: | ok lemme see if i can build this thing | [19:18] |
mod6: | i think i'll take this chance to truncate this 22G log file too | [19:27] |
mod6: | haha | [19:28] |
shinohai: | 22G O.o | [19:39] |
mod6: | yeah my bitcoind logfile | [19:50] |
mod6: | (its been running for /a while/) | [19:59] |
* mod6 | builds trb with key tools | [19:59] |
mod6: | ok compiled just fine | [20:02] |
mod6: | start up | [20:03] |
deedbot: | [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] John the mulch man. - | [20:04] |
mod6: | 'tail: /mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin/debug.log: file truncated' :D | [20:04] |
shinohai: | lol mine built fine too on Gentoo, gonna test on Deb later | [20:06] |
mod6: | cool man | [20:06] |
mod6: | getting blocks... | [20:06] |
mod6: | alright, i'll try out some of this stuff. | [20:06] |
shinohai: | I haven't got to test send/receive yet ... still no place to buy coins for cash in this godforsaken country. | [20:11] |
mod6: | this friggin bogus account balance. | [20:12] |
mod6: | gotta fix that | [20:12] |
shinohai: | whats wrong with it? | [20:12] |
mod6: | u need some hacker tokens? | [20:12] |
* shinohai | wishes we still had testnet in a way. :/ | [20:13] |
mod6: | shinohai: oh its showing way more than i actually have in the wallet. it's re-adding the change to the overall balance. | [20:13] |
mod6: | gotta test with real numbers | [20:13] |
shinohai: | mine will show previous balances based on time it is synced on the blockchain | [20:13] |
mod6: | ok, truth be told, im not sure what its malfunction is. | [20:14] |
mod6: | it's a bug though. gotta dig into it. we have a ticket for it. | [20:15] |
mod6: | ticket id 1 | [20:15] |
mod6: | | [20:15] |
mod6: | anyway shoot me an addy, and i'll throw you some digits | [20:16] |
mod6: | ok so this thing dumped out a privkey just fine. | [20:20] |
mod6: | i tried to reimport that same key - it gave me an error, which, it probably should, but it's a bit non-descript. | [20:21] |
mod6: | not the end of the world. the whole thing needs a rewrite anyway. | [20:21] |
mod6: | private key dumped is valid | [20:24] |
mod6: | cool | [20:24] |
mod6: | :] | [20:24] |
shinohai: | back, yeah sometimes it acts a little weird when you import keys, like mine will hang a really long time. | [20:27] |
shinohai: | but it exports fine, which is really important too lol | [20:28] |
mod6: | oh. hm. we better test the shit out of importing priv keys | [20:28] |
phf: | mircea_popescu: that's what i was working on before the log issue became critical, and i might need to just write it up since i'm having hard time communicating the graph/press discrepancy | [20:28] |
shinohai: | I have done it at least 20-30 times with no major issues so far, mostly with vanitygen addys | [20:29] |
mod6: | does it work everytime as long as the privkey is valid? | [20:29] |
mod6: | what about invalid keys? | [20:29] |
phf: | there were suggestion "just do X" and i would try them and discover that they wouldn't actually solve the problem | [20:29] |
shinohai: | At least it didn't destroy my whole wallet like last time I used pybitcointools | [20:29] |
mod6: | does it error out properly? | [20:30] |
mod6: | heh, that's a good thing (tm) | [20:30] |
shinohai: | hmmm ... good question on the invalid key thing. That should be tested sure | [20:31] |
phf: | note that the graph edge can actually have multiple different meanings. on mod6 graph, an edge means "patches share a common hash". on my graph edge means "patch can be applied on top of other patch without conflict" | [20:31] |
mod6: | i just tested trying to dump a key from an address not in the wallet and it says: | [20:31] |
mod6: | "Private key for address 1ABitcoinAddyBlahBlah is not known" | [20:32] |
mod6: | so that works | [20:32] |
mod6: | some day im gonna have to write a boatload more cucumber tests for this shit | [20:33] |
mod6: | today is not that day | [20:33] |
shinohai: | lol | [20:33] |
mod6: | :D | [20:33] |
mod6: | Ok i just tried to import an invalid private key | [20:35] |
mod6: | it says: 'error: {"code":-5,"message":"Invalid private key"} | [20:35] |
mod6: | so that works. | [20:35] |
shinohai: | sweet. I kept getting that error when I first patched it because I forgot to decrypt my wallet like an idiot. | [20:37] |
mod6: | i just tried dumping a priv key from an invalid bitcoin address, error says: 'error {"code":-5,"message":"Invalid bitcoin address"}' | [20:37] |
mod6: | so thats good | [20:37] |
ben_vulpes: | phf: iirc that notion descends from stan's original V. | [20:37] |
phf: | ben_vulpes: which notion? | [20:37] |
ben_vulpes: | that edges mean patches share a common hash | [20:37] |
mod6: | shinohai: ok thats an interesting test case | [20:37] |
ben_vulpes: | although hang on let me think | [20:37] |
phf: | no, that's correct | [20:37] |
mod6: | thats not a bad test we wanna try to break this fucker | [20:38] |
phf: | in ascii's v graph edge means "share a common hash" | [20:38] |
shinohai: | That's what I'm here for to break it or fuck it up :D | [20:38] |
phf: | but that doesn't guarantee a clean press as a graph transition. it only guarantees clean press when you topo sort the graph | [20:38] |
ben_vulpes: | > press as a graph transition << would you elaborate? | [20:39] |
ben_vulpes: | phf ^^ | [20:42] |
phf: | say you have two files, a b. patch X takes a from null to hash 0 and b from null to hash 0 | [20:44] |
phf: | sorry scratch that | [20:44] |
phf: | patch X takes a from null to 1, b from null to 2 | [20:45] |
phf: | patch Y takes b from 2 to 3 | [20:45] |
phf: | patch Z takes a from 1 to 8, b from 3 to 4 | [20:45] |
phf: | the graph for that is X->Y->Z, X->Z | [20:46] |
phf: | because X and Z share a's hash, X and Y share b's hash, Y and Z share b's hash | [20:47] |
phf: | but you can't actually press from X->Z, even though they are "antecedents", because Z requires Y to be pressed first | [20:48] |
phf: | X and Z share a's hash, but they have conflicting b hashes | [20:48] |
ben_vulpes: | ah, transition. | [20:50] |
phf: | so you can do a single pass (and that's what my graph does) to eliminate all the edges that have conflicts | [20:51] |
phf: | but you then run into the issue is that the conflict might be introduced up the graph chain | [20:52] |
phf: | and that's where my thinking gets fuzzy, because i didn't really finish this whole exercise | [20:54] |
asciilifeform: | the lily needs no guilding. | [20:57] |
asciilifeform: | 'same hash' is the correct v. | [20:57] |
asciilifeform: | *gilding | [20:57] |
asciilifeform: | 'no conflict' is fuzzy and introduces potential of subtle breakage | [20:58] |
asciilifeform: | because gnudiff has no notion of semantics of the language, only dumb linear text | [20:58] |
asciilifeform: | the 'hash must match' is the only path to 'i meant what i said and i said what i meant, a walrus is certain one hundred percent' | [20:59] |
asciilifeform: | later tell mircea_popescu << BEHOLD! key circa 2011, UPDATED 2012!111111111111 bock can eat shit | [21:01] |
a111: | Logged on 2016-05-07 22:34 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 53158319 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'n parks <> ' - | [21:01] |
gribble: | The operation succeeded. | [21:01] |
asciilifeform: | Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux) << if the submitter is to be believed ! | [21:02] |
* asciilifeform | is back from mega-expo at, among other places, ar embassy. very lulzy. | [21:03] |
asciilifeform: | what was lulzier was that apparently 'top seeekrit' apparatchiks are not permitted to attend such shows, at least without special dispensation from company chekist | [21:03] |
asciilifeform: | because - potentially - 'what if goes in but never comes out' - or the like. | [21:04] |
ben_vulpes: | never comes out of /ar/ embassy? | [21:04] |
ben_vulpes: | heh. | [21:05] |
asciilifeform: | ask hitler, not me. | [21:05] |
ben_vulpes: | what they have secret combudder/aerospace engineering programs? | [21:05] |
asciilifeform: | ben_vulpes: concern is that embassy of 'neutral' country is a great place to betray the motherland to kgb. or the like. | [21:06] |
phf: | asciilifeform: no conflict doesn't have much to do with gnudiff. "conflict" in this case means that the patches contain at least TWO files one has shared hash, and the other one hash different hashes | [21:06] |
asciilifeform: | this is not without historic basis, but still lulzy. | [21:06] |
phf: | *has different | [21:06] |
asciilifeform: | phf: if anything conflicts -> no go. | [21:06] |
asciilifeform: | the fact that gnudiff will happily patch mismeshing file trees in certain circumstances is, from our pov, BRAINDAMAGE | [21:06] |
asciilifeform: | rather than a helpful feature. | [21:06] |
phf: | asciilifeform: that's not how v's ~graph~ operates | [21:07] |
phf: | i'm not talking about gnudiff and presses | [21:07] |
asciilifeform: | if it isn't, then it isn't complete. | [21:07] |
phf: | v's graph says "these two patches share a common hash", but that doesn't mean that one can be pressed on top of another in isolation | [21:07] |
phf: | i need to just write this stuff up, but at this point i'm leaning towards the idea that you can't really make a better graph than "shares a hash", and all that communicates is that "this guy uses content from this other guy" | [21:17] |
phf: | but if you want to talk about presses you have to look at the whole subgraph, hmm | [21:18] |
ben_vulpes: | it's only ever made sense to me in the context of pressing a specific patch. | [21:19] |
ben_vulpes: | as in, given this patchset, and this particular patch, apply all of the antecedents in the correct order. | [21:19] |
ben_vulpes: | (and then the given patch) | [21:19] |
ben_vulpes: | again, if i recall correctly, asciilifeform's v will press all of the same-leaf-level patches as the given patch, /up to the given patch (inclusive)/ in alphabetical order | [21:21] |
asciilifeform: | l0l! largest wasp i've ever seen. barely fit through the vac hose! | [21:57] |
asciilifeform: | about as thick, and long, as my thumb. | [21:57] |
asciilifeform: | unrelatedly, but interestingly, | [22:09] |
mod6: | fuck i hate those things. | [22:38] |
mod6: | that one sounded HUGE though | [22:38] |
mircea_popescu: | asciilifeform :p | [23:02] |
mircea_popescu: | phf i c. | [23:04] |
mircea_popescu: | phf i don't think polysemy is actually desirable in this context. edge should really mean one thing reliably. | [23:06] |
asciilifeform: | << yes! | [23:53] |
a111: | Logged on 2016-05-08 03:06 mircea_popescu: phf i don't think polysemy is actually desirable in this context. edge should really mean one thing reliably. | [23:53] |
asciilifeform: | and to the extent v can be coaxed into behaving outside of this envelope, it is incomplete | [23:54] |
asciilifeform: | like pre-otis lifts. | [23:54] |
asciilifeform: | in other nonnyooz, << lulzy vintage disinfo and its dissection | [23:58] |
BingoBoingo: | later tell pete_dushenski re: Exactly how fat are Lexus's typical customers that such a gulf is required between passenger car's curb weight and carrying capacity | [23:58] |
gribble: | The operation succeeded. | [23:58] |
Category: Logs