Forum logs for 04 Apr 2019
mp_en_viaje: | << quite exactly so hence | [00:01] |
a111: | Logged on 2019-04-03 23:55 asciilifeform: not esp. diff. from certain birds which pick up 'unique' combo of rubbish to glue into nest. | [00:01] |
mp_en_viaje: | meanwhile in unelated lulz : the p farnese, long time seat of french embassy in rome, was actually given to the french for 99 years. in 1936. "infinity" coming to an end soonish. | [00:20] |
danielpbarron: | << i don't have selection installed. I add custom id tags when i want to link to a specific thing in my articles | [02:23] |
a111: | Logged on 2019-04-04 03:57 mp_en_viaje: danielpbarron, why is your selection broken anyway ? | [02:23] |
spyked: | <-- tyvm trinque! | [05:12] |
a111: | Logged on 2019-04-04 01:03 trinque: << no need to redo. you can fire off as many of those as you like. | [05:12] |
spyked: | !!v 8B124F25CF6AE63691F0C5320210A99C8F22188A3788FD5808940B19ADD470EC | [05:15] |
deedbot: | spyked paid asciilifeform invoice 1 | [05:15] |
mp_en_viaje: | in other news, fermented milk fucking sucks here. | [07:30] |
* mp_en_viaje | bought like half dozen different things, buttermilk this, yogurt that, holy shit undrinkable swill all of it. | [07:31] |
mp_en_viaje: | i want my goat milk kefir / | [07:31] |
mp_en_viaje: | << this is actually quite excellent. | [07:34] |
a111: | Logged on 2019-04-04 00:32 asciilifeform: << asciilifeform's attempt at loose transl. | [07:34] |
mp_en_viaje: | alf shows promise as poet! | [07:34] |
diana_coman: | asciilifeform: why though not post it on your blog really? can be with title and half a page explanations as to how it's not-the-real-think-just-yet but still there | [08:02] |
diana_coman: | re relish or not I quite suspect many would be way happier if they didn't "have to unique" | [08:04] |
BingoBoingo: | Now, how well do the krauts ferment their relishes | [13:20] |
diana_coman: | BingoBoingo: ahahah, delish relish krauts ferment | [14:28] |
feedbot: | << Qntra -- 46 Pantsuitist Candidates Already Lined Up For Presidential Primary Showdown | [15:59] |
feedbot: | << Qntra -- Bezos Deals: 35 Billion USD In Amazon Stock To Wife For Splitting | [16:58] |
BingoBoingo: | !Xbuy 154mn 72 500 WFF, WU esta bien | [20:06] |
auctionbot: | Buy order # 1046 created by BingoBoingo: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Opening: 154mn ecu Ending: 2019-04-07 12:12:39.925433 UTC (71 hours) | [20:06] |
BingoBoingo: | ^ Pizarro Price Setting Auction Live. Starting price same as last month's. | [20:07] |
mp_en_viaje: | ahhh. | [20:16] |
BingoBoingo: | How's the bread situation? | [20:18] |
mp_en_viaje: | oh holy god, i have found the deli fucking mecca. | [20:19] |
mp_en_viaje: | there's this snoot or sloot or w/e stand right between the green/red line interconnect in hauptbanhof (central station). these people... | [20:20] |
mp_en_viaje: | i mean, their sandwiches use the same brie i use. they have pastrami with horseradish mustard i wouldn't be ashamed to offer to visiting lords at my own table. nothing's older than an hour maybe, the romaigne as crispy as if i just picked it myself | [20:20] |
mp_en_viaje: | and the bread... the bread... i mean, specialist slave, been making bread for years, this is better. FIRST TIME anything like this ever occured. | [20:21] |
mp_en_viaje: | obviously they do it italian style, with mother dough, stone ovens, it is definitive and unmitigated perfection. | [20:22] |
mp_en_viaje: | easily the best eats in all munchen are to be found at this humble deli stand in the subway and my remembered new york's delis would be pressed to compete. | [20:23] |
mp_en_viaje: | just a buncha lebanese (i think) doods, with the dedication, permitting mediterranean tradition to finally meet frankish iron. | [20:23] |
mp_en_viaje: | BingoBoingo, aren't you glad you asked ? | [20:24] |
BingoBoingo: | I am very glad indeed | [20:24] |
mp_en_viaje: | that stand is worth fucking driving here. | [20:24] |
BingoBoingo: | So far it sounds like the migrants are beating the Germans at the civilization thing to get that sorta praise | [20:25] |
mp_en_viaje: | like i said somewhere about films, some people were put on this earth to make cinmatographic equipment some people to use said equipment to actually make films. | [20:26] |
mp_en_viaje: | the two some peoples aren't necessarily the same. | [20:26] |
BingoBoingo: | Like the Uruguayos and their beef. The ones who raise beef are masters of Beef. The ones who don't can't cook in a way that does the beef justice outside of the asado tradition. | [20:27] |
mp_en_viaje: | quite so. | [20:27] |
mp_en_viaje: | but anyway, day 1, i'm walking through subway, buy a pretzel at random stand. i take one bite and recall girl off escalator. "taste this!" | [20:28] |
mp_en_viaje: | so we turn back and buy two more. buttered pretzels, wunderbar, i hand out a five they give out some coins change. | [20:28] |
mp_en_viaje: | the dood is al lproud, "you come back, because is good! yes ?" "yes, i say". "i know you, i see. you like, you come back" "precisely" | [20:28] |
mp_en_viaje: | day two, ~20 euro worth of fare | [20:28] |
mp_en_viaje: | day three, they're handing me cents in response to 50 euro bill. win is win-win for the win. | [20:29] |
BingoBoingo: | We've got restaurants serving Argentine feedlot beef (Granted they do have to label it as FEEDLOT lest the beef police beat them) | [20:36] |
mp_en_viaje: | such sadness, the decay of argentine beef production. | [20:37] |
BingoBoingo: | Unlike Argentina who killed their beef export market to feed the derps, Uruguay is still grass fed premium export market product because Uruguay knows they starve if they can't export | [20:37] |
mp_en_viaje: | << this is both persuasive in theory and observed in practice. | [20:37] |
a111: | Logged on 2019-04-04 12:04 diana_coman: re relish or not I quite suspect many would be way happier if they didn't "have to unique" | [20:37] |
mp_en_viaje: | BingoBoingo, thing is, not like the morons are using the pampas for anything else anyway. but no, why use bsas as a port and go inland. let's all move into "capital" and eat each other's farts. | [20:38] |
mp_en_viaje: | in retrospect, it's the bittersweet kind of irony typical of how the world actually works that the crowning opus of argentine govt fantasy was called vaca muerta | [20:39] |
mp_en_viaje: | the cow... it has died. | [20:39] |
mp_en_viaje: | in other news, the howling beauty of asciilifeform 's latest production haunts me. diana_coman has a point yo, absolutely should be an article on yer blog. not like it's not been done before. | [20:41] |
mp_en_viaje: | "and when he fell down without glamour or grace but a cry of 'attack!' frozen into his face all of Earth could not find slabs of marble so tall to carve him as high as he stood in his fall!" | [20:42] |
asciilifeform: | mp_en_viaje: orig was from r. rozhdestvensky , same dood who did intro to '17 moments of spring' | [20:44] |
mp_en_viaje: | supposedly "there's a lot of statues available all around, in the shape of marble chunks. all you have to do is get them out -- but careful to not hurt them trying". it's a great story, it's been making the rounds for more than a century, but... what do you do if there actually ISNT such a thing as a chunk large enough ? | [20:44] |
mp_en_viaje: | asciilifeform, yes, and it is fine russian. i daresay it is finer english. | [20:44] |
* asciilifeform | spent last 24hr in delerium fever in bed, soon to go back thar | [20:44] |
BingoBoingo: | Malaria? | [20:45] |
mp_en_viaje: | see what happens if you walk around fo rhours upon hours in the cutting wind clad in nothing but thin nearly see-through tropical bimbo outfits ? | [20:45] |
mp_en_viaje: | o wait, that's not you, that's someone else. | [20:45] |
mp_en_viaje: | asciilifeform, seriously though, paracetamol, water, whatever it takes, do not deliriumfever. it is a fine way to burn the last 5% of cns. | [20:46] |
mp_en_viaje: | a point of no consequence to most people, who do not have the last 5%. you probably want to keep yours though. | [20:46] |
asciilifeform: | if indeed how it worx, prolly burned it off long ago, spent good % of childhood contracting erry possible infect | [20:48] |
mp_en_viaje: | well, "spent childhood smoking" is no argument against "smoking is good way to cancer" | [20:48] |
asciilifeform: | tru | [20:49] |
mp_en_viaje: | fever is one thing, useful and all but it must not get as high as delirium. | [20:49] |
asciilifeform: | i think possibly my calibration is off, when measured was 38. but still feels like inside of head is swamp water | [20:50] |
mp_en_viaje: | well no, delirium is when there's horses coming out of the lamp and stuff like that. | [20:51] |
asciilifeform: | ah these not yet | [20:51] |
mp_en_viaje: | generally ~42ish | [20:51] |
mp_en_viaje: | anyway fever over 40 is medical emergency for very good reasons, so. keep measurin'. | [20:52] |
* asciilifeform | will bbl : back to horiz. pos. | [20:53] |
mp_en_viaje: | gotta keep the swampwater level. | [20:53] |
mp_en_viaje: | actually, its still imperfect. here, final : | [20:54] |
mp_en_viaje: | "and when he fell down without glamour or grace but a cry of 'attack!' frozen into his face all of Earth could not find slabs of marble so tall as to carve him as high as he stood in his fall!" | [20:54] |
mp_en_viaje: | << but could she buy russia is the question | [21:04] |
a111: | Logged on 2019-04-04 20:58 feedbot: << Qntra -- Bezos Deals: 35 Billion USD In Amazon Stock To Wife For Splitting | [21:04] |
mp_en_viaje: | BingoBoingo, << deliberate misspelling to suggest "putain" or accidental misspelling that suggests putain ? | [21:10] |
BingoBoingo: | fixed, vowel shift strikes again | [21:14] |
mp_en_viaje: | in other randoms, it occurs to me the future of aviation's gotta be ballistic. | [21:16] |
mp_en_viaje: | imagine this wonder : no more wings, airplane is a tube, 20 or 50 or w/e rings, with a dumbwaiter in the middle i guess, people seated around it. a rocket basically, it goes up and then down. | [21:16] |
mp_en_viaje: | current airplanes have a "flight altitude" because of the wings derpitude, and it's a value in tension between the needs for air friction to support the bucket and the disadvantage of air friction burning fuel. | [21:18] |
mp_en_viaje: | yet it is ~fundamenally geometrically incorrect~ to fly in this manner. the correct way to move from point a to point b is to go to a point c far enough so that A CHANGE OF ANGLE translates in the change of projected position on earth's surface from a to b. | [21:18] |
mp_en_viaje: | the cost to make point c 500 or so km as opposed to the current 10 isn't THAT significant, considering the air is rather thin past the first 5-6km anyway. yes it's expensive to defeat gravity, but not AS expensive, because it scales with square of distance anyway, by the time you've done 10 out of 500 you've done such a large chunk of the work already... | [21:21] |
mp_en_viaje: | wings are a quaint artefact of the propeller era as commercial airliner no longer actually uses propellers, there's no objective reason to stick to the wing design. | [21:23] |
mp_en_viaje: | now, this is certainly not worth doing if you're going from paris to berlin, and probably not even to go from milan to minsk. but there's approximately no other way to take me from san jose to munchen in less than 10 hours besides this. | [21:26] |
BingoBoingo: | ICBP is the future | [22:16] |
mp_en_viaje: | ikr! | [22:40] |
Category: Logs