- 3 Important Things About The New Wikileaks Controversy. Adnotated.
Last week, Frontline did a documentary on Wikileaks which blew my mind. In it I learned Bradley Manning is gay. And short. And nothing else. No wait, about ten minutes in I learned I hate Frontline.
I didn't think anything could make me an Assange supporteri, but it turns out that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That's right, I'm Alone.
Assange wanted to leak to the NYT, Der Spiegel, and the Guardian. However, he wanted the NYTto publish first to avoid the U.S. charge that he was leaking info to foreigners, i.e. take advantage of the 1st Amendment. But the NYT wanted Wikileaks to publish first, so then it could simply report on what was leaked, rather than be a leak.
These are probably legitimate concerns except for the fact that Wikileaks and the NYT are having this discussion explicitly. I'm not a lawyer but isn't that racketeering? It is like a bunch of mob guys discussing who should be the one to do the hit based on their parole status. Assange:
There was collaboration from beginning to end in terms of timetabling, researching stories, talking about how to understand data, etc., etc., embargo dates, the works. [NYT editor] Keller has tried to say we were just the source; they were a passive recipient... in order to protect themselves from the Espionage Act they needed to be completely passive, or be presented as completely passive.
One man's collaboration is another man's conspiracy. So any collaboration between a journalist and a source, between one media organization and another media organization, can be viewed, the Attorney General Justice [sic] [Eric] Holder says, as a conspiracy that flows through.
Assange is diabolically clever, I wouldn't expect anything less from the self-aggrandizing Cobra Commander. He's made this "collaboration" the point. Since they collaborated, the NYT can't pretend they were passive recipients, so they must therefore defend the legitimacy of such collaborations in general.
He's holding the press to task: your job is to keep the government accountable.
But they're terrible at it, as evidenced by the fact that while they were "collaborating," while they had all this juicy info sitting in front of them, the story the Times chose to run was one about... Bradley Manning.

The New York Times must stand up, and it must hold the line of the traditional form of journalism, because if it is not protected, it will be the end of holding the national security sector to account!!!
Remember Climategate? Sarah Palin had a public orgasm and 4092 commenters blew up like Scanners. Climategate was the set of leaked emails that appeared to show climate scientists hiding data against global warming to suppress the critics; a global warming conspiracy.
"Climategate is an interesting case [says the Frontline interviewer]. What's the intent that you had when you leaked the Climategate e-mails?"
The truth needs no policy position, so there does not need to be an intent. We have a framework, and the framework has an intent.
This is exchange is so powerful it takes days to understand it.
First, Assange didn't leak the Climategate emails, which makes one of these two people a fibber and the other a fool. Assange did, later, host the data after the initial leak; and since it doesn't affect the next point, let's just move on.
"Climategate is an interesting case [says the interviewer]. What's the intent that you had when you leaked the Climategate e-mails?"
The truth needs no policy position, so there does not need to be an intent. We have a framework, and the framework has an intent.
Assange believes that truth needs no intent, which is obviously false. Without a context, the truth can mislead. Excluding the context on purpose, when you know that it will be misunderstood, is often as good as lying. This has always been my/everyone's concern about Wikileaks.
But note the interviewer's question: "what's the intent you had?" That sentence is everything that's wrong with the press. Here are the assumptions the interviewer has made:
- He assumes Assange believes in "global warming." Why would he assume this? Because Assange is anti-U.S. government. So to the reporter, anti- U.S. government and belief in global warming go together.
- If Assange believes in global warming, the interviewer assumes Assange wouldn't want to release those documents because it would hurt the cause. Even though Assange has repeatedly said how he wants "everything" public, the reporter assumes that Assange would only want to release things which complement his own personal biases. In other words, he assumes Assange is going to be like him.
Which is why his incredulous follow-up question is
But if you believed that we had a climate problem, that man was contributing to rising greenhouse gases -- I don't know, do you believe that's a reality?
He's stumped, exasperated. Why would you hurt your own case? I mean.. you don't doubt global warming, do you??????
That's the difference between Wikileaks and the regular press. For the reporter, climate change is not a scientific question, or else it wouldn't matter what cables get released. It's a political one, in which competing narratives are bolstered by circumstantial evidence and appeals to authority and control of the debate.
Assange picks up on this and replies:
I do not think anyone working outside of climate science understands whether that is true or not, because people simply do not understand all the complexities. Rather, instead we look to see who is the most critical voice. What are the motivations behind those people?
Assange just dropped a truth bomb about science, evolution, psychiatry, energy policy, economics, etc: since most people have, at best, a college level understanding of the science but not nearly enough to appraise it themselves, the debate about science is really a political debate -- no, a religious debate -- adorned with the trappings of "measurements" and "data."
I would have preferred we try to "elevate the debate" and talk about primary sources; but he seems to think that won't work on the public.ii So Assange will use intent as a proxy for truth, the closest approximation in the absence of really understanding what's going on.
The reporter thinks that intent is the only thing that matters.
So you publish the truth regardless of what effect it's going to have on the debate? Fair?
Read that quote again. And again. And again. This man represents the Fourth Estate that decides what truth you're allowed to read.
How can an organization go about doing things it shouldn't do, but wants to?
...we got hold of Guantanamo Bay's main manuals, we discovered that there were sections outlining how to keep information from the Red Cross and how to falsify records in relation to Red Cross visits to detainees. And this really surprised me... who would be foolish enough to put in a military manual that that sort of deliberate fabrication...?
But I came to understand why: that if you have a center that is devising policy, the center of a military [or a] commercial organization, and it wants to have that policy widely implemented, including by grunts, then it needs to go down in writing, because otherwise you just have Chinese whispers occurring, and the grunts can't work out what it is precisely that they are meant to be implementing.
Instead, [the grunts will] conduct behavior that is purely in their own interests, and the central policy gets distorted.
That's what the Cobra Commander thought, too, which is why he structured it like a traditional military operation. Regardless of whether your orders are good or bad, the only way to have them reliably executed is to make them official.
So that's a rather interesting understanding of how organizations really only have two choices to deal with transparency. The first choice is they can simply stop doing things that embarrass the public, so instead of committing an unjust act, commit a just act.
Passiii. What else you got?
The other choice is that they can spend more on their security... they can take things off-record, speak orally and continue with this course of unjust action. But if they do that, they will become inefficient compared to other organizations, and they will shrink in their power and scale. And that's also great because unjust organizations are in economic and political equilibrium and competition with just organizations.iv
It is very easy, very easy, to decide whether what Wikileaks is doing is right or wrong. I don't mean you'll decide correctly, I just mean it only takes you a second to decide. Just like it took you with WMD and climate change.
The hard question to answer is what happens now that Wikileaks is a reality. The wholesale release of secret documents is now part of our cultural foundation, like porn, coffee, cohabitation, English, pants, driving, football. These things will be with us for generations. Assange thinks that this reality itself -- not the documents themselves, but the ability to access secrets, reduces the size and power of governments. Is he right?v
If online porn can be seen as the wholesale leaking of sexual secrets, then its effect on traditional sexuality -- good and badvi -- may serve as an analogy worth pondering.
———- One has to wonder : why not ? [↩]
- Which has always been my own wonderment on the topic : a man who clearly betrays a firm conviction that the public's not worth the price of a decent burial with every move nevertheless pins his longer term survival on some kind of mystical power of the public ? How is the same public incapable to form a meaningful notion of anything important in the general case going to form a meaningful notion of Assange, Assange's personal history, or Assange's life work sufficient to ensure his continued existence ? Is this a superheroes problem or something ? [↩]
- A stupid place to pass. [↩]
- This is so fucking stupid, only a postdoc drone could possibly have fucking come up with it. [↩]
- He is absolutely right -- it reduces the power and size of empires. The republic's doing fine with a very public log, the battlefield of the future reduces in power and size the shitballs of the past, not the dominant agents of the future. How could the very instrument of their dominance do anything else ?! [↩]
- Quite. [↩]
Monday, 15 July 2019
"...nevertheless pins his longer term survival on some kind of mystical power of the public"
Possibly I'm missing some implicit reference, but how pinned? What'd you have him do, dweeb it out in embassies by day, bazooka & mogslam by night? 'Cause that sounds moar like "superhero stories".
Tuesday, 16 July 2019
At some point this fellow conceivably contemplated the question of his own physical security, and (taking a reconstructive look through history) seems to have decided "the public" will protect him. At least, that's what I see.
Sunday, 6 December 2020
If Wikileaks had not occurred naturally, then some deepstate would've had to have invented both the organization and its guruesque leader.
So it did.
Wikileaks has so effectively succeeded in orienting socio-political thought and establishing today's ubiquitous panopticon atmosphere one might be forgiven for wondering if he weren't an engineered phenomenon.
-such as offering Mockingbird Frontline interviewers the opportunity to virtue signal what the politically correct way of thinking is to the masses (in case there was any doubt) while making Mr. "I-triggered-the-Arab-Spring" look like a impartial maverick.
Wonder why that high-profile interviewer made that easily preventable "mistake" of saying that Wikileaks broke Climategate? It was a classic number of the white clown and the Auguste. The foolish Frontline Auguste falling for the white-haired clown's fibs. The obvious circus in Bread and Circus.
Nobody retains that Assange is a climate skeptic afaik. The choreographed gag was only to prove that if there's a notable and polemic leak unleashed that Wikileaks is at the Frontline. And of course he knew practically no one of any visibility would call him out on that convenient and promotional fib. The sketch fuels Joe Sixpack's contempt for Assange as it's intended to, but the real target for Whistleblower superheros, the climate heretics and other varieties of truther-geek, swoon and subscribe unconditionally. And on we go with controlled opposition, divide and conquer Icons.
-such as the reason you, Mr Popescu, intimated: it comes from Wikileaks so it must be true. A windfall for lazy "intellectuals" who wouldn't be caught dead being politically incorrect. Here you have not only someone on whom to focus all your frenzied devotional needs but a detailed manual on how to react stylishly and "comme il faut" to any given geo-political event.
- and though Wikileaks' ostensible raison d'être is to compensate for the 4th Estate's failings, it paradoxically burnishes the image of these 5 left-wing national ahem cough news organs who were to be the first beneficiaries of the golden eggs obligingly and selectively laid by the collaborative Wikileaks goose.
And of course, amongst others, there's the fact of perpetuating the illusion that any kind of meaningful whistleblowing is even possible, while smoking out any dangerous wannabees for extermination;
And the other reason you hinted at; while shooting anabolic steroids into the profoundly destabilizing yet readily adopted trend of "secretly film and denounce your neighbor". And then try to denounce total surveillance.
Oh, Wikileaks will occasionally offer a few Panama papers to recall the Ellsbergian scent of the Pentagon variety, that are still mostly mistaken for the real deal, but on the whole "Where's the Beef?" Like the Snowjob who looks on as Greenwald pockets millions from selling Eddy's purported secrets to Sony without so much as a peep. But the interceptors of salaciously subversive and lucrative secrets gatekeeping at the Omidyar-financed Intercept are doing just fine.
You're absolutely right that the Arch-angel Ass-Ange is soma for the masses, keeping us complacent with our own impotence, rigorously channeling our need to slobber over some idol in veneration towards a pied-piper who will selectively and with no context "inform" and reveal, ultimately leaking its disarmed and passive disciples to their blissfully oblivious demise.
No witting ally could have done any better.
Sunday, 6 December 2020
Amusingly enough to me, I expect you're not exactly familiar with the intricate history of all that?
tl;dr: wikileaks became a public/online item because I broke what was originally intended as a "the Guardian(&friends) monopoly". Chalk it up as an inter-generational passing of the torch gone unexpectedly wrong ; and in the process suddenly come to understand all sort and manner of "unrelated" contemporary history tidbits.
The text stands under the authorship of a meanwhile disappeared Chicago-area doctor by the name of Christos Ballas (though until this was published on Trilema, everyone knew him as "TLP" after the initialism of his blog, or "Alone" after his own pen name). The adnotations (ie, footnotes) are Mr Popescu.
Ever since the dawn of Eve, exactly one kind of fucking around was possible : the kind where there's someone to fuck around with. Absent the beta to betray the alpha with, and especially should the beta be really just a beta and the alpha really the alpha...
Of course it's always been a perilous sort of activity. It's supposed to be.
Ironically, this is actually very stabilizing. Much like any other sclerotic process, the formation of the police state stabilizes, and in stabilizing dooms, both the prevailing social order and the ideological construction it incarnates.
The reason old men sound so ridiculous has everything to do with how stable their ideas are. The Titanic sunk for similar reasons.
Nobody can be kept complacent. The whole thing smacks of the pregnant teenager who "was seduced" (at least for as long as anyone's yelling/asking). There's no such thing, once the hussy has the seduction pore she's no longer a highschooler. She's a young mother already, on a deserted island as well and exactly as much as anywhere else.
But anyways: for most of its history, "America" (nowadays "the US") did not matter in any sense. For most of its (considerably longer) history, Europe did not matter in any sense either. Taking brief interludes in that general trend as some sort of cornerstone for "thought" ain't gonna produce thoughts.
Sunday, 6 December 2020
So does it feel as good 9 years later, in hindsight? (a perspective you particularly relish if I've understood correctly.)
Brings so many questions to mind.
What d'ya thing of John Young's comments concerning Wikileaks?
What d'ya think about this statement of Assange's:
“…On the 9/11 issue generally, ahhh,…,… yea, I don’t, I don’t think it is particularly important uh, in the sense that, uh, every day, or, or every few weeks Wikileaks and some other publishers have published proof of very serious Existing conspiracies that are happening right now or just a couple of years ago in order to start wars or steal billions of dollars, uh th, these things I think can have more of a change.
There’s a certain view in relation to 9/11 that it it’s some kind of holy grail that would shake the existing order of things. I don’t think it would even if it came out that there were some rogues, some rogue agents involved and that that’s how it would be positioned no matter who it was…”
Do you know anything of Assange's upbringing?
Have you seen any of Daniel Estulin's stuff?
He wrote a whole ambiguous book about Assange. Unfortunately I'm in one country and all of my stuff is another so I can't be more specific (as I don't recall the nitty gritty details). Something about hanging out with a German hacker working in the underworld of the internationally rogue secret services who was as wildly intelligent as he was erratically neurotic, finally meeting an early demise...with a funny name...
Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to fill me in on your extraordinary personal experience as a leaker. Sorry for misattributing ideas to you emitted by the lastpsychiatrist.
Life just seems to be getting stranger and stranger... or maybe it's just the effect of this excellent Spanish Rioja...?
What an intriguing website.
Monday, 7 December 2020
It's a continuum, nine years ago there was a different nine years ago, and then in turn a different nine years ago and so on. People aren't events, even if the bleaters all around aren't people.
Can't say as I have. My name acquisition processes aren't really open to the internet, because reasons.
This is an old story.
"As an untouchable asshole" more's the case.